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1.He________(visit) his grandpa last Sunday.

2.Did you go_________(somewhere) quiet?

3.They went to the___________(mountain) last weekend.

4.They took quite a few________(photo) in the park last Sunday.

5.Let’s go to the restaurant, everything________(taste) really good.

6.Why didn’t you buy anything for___________(you)?

7.They walked up the mountain, but no one seemed_________(be) tired.

8.I ________(buy) many things for my parents last week.

9. The book isn’t interesting at all, I feel__________(bore) to read it. 10.I have to get everything read for________(I). 11.He bought a lot of things for his_______(good) friend, but nothing for himself. 12.There are many______________(different) between the two pictures. 13.Now the Chinese _______(trade) work hard around the world. 14.They decided________(go) to Hangzhou on vacation.

15.I really enjoyed__________(walk) around the town. 16.He feels like _________(have) a rest because he is very tired. 17.My teacher told me to keep_______(read),so I __________(go) on.

18.When we got to the top, everyone jumped up and down in__________(excite). 19.There are a lot of tall ___________(build) in our town now.


1.Did you meet_________ on vacation?

A. someone interesting

B. anyone interesting

C. interesting someone

D. interesting anyone

2.He stayed at home and read ________books last vacation.A. little B. few C. a little D. a few

3.---Did you see anything interesting on your vacation?---No,_______ was interesting.

A. something



D. everything

4.He didn’t buy__________ because he didn’t like it.

A. something



D. everything.

5.-----Did_________ have a good time?-----Yes, everything was excellent.

A. someone

B. anyone

C. everyone

D. no one

6.We all wet__________ the bad weather. A.because B.because of C.because so D.because to

7.It started raining_________,so we wanted to take the bus.A. little B. few C. a little D. a few

8.He didn’t bring enough money ,so he_________.

A.could buy something

B. couldn’t buy something

C. could buy anything

D. couldn’t buy anything

9.I liked the place because I can lean_______.

A. important something

B. something important

C. important thing

D. thing important


1.上个月你做什么特殊的事情了吗?Did you do __________ _________ last month?

2.你去某个有趣的地方了吗?Did you go ___________ __________?

3.我们在那里买了相当多的东西。We bought_________ ______ ________ things there.

4.问题是晚上没什么事情可做除了读书。The problem is that there is_________ _________ to do in the evening but read.


1.I want to know what their life was like in the past.(同义句)

I_______ what their life was like in the past.

2.I was too tired to keep walking up the hill. (同义句)

I was_______ tired ______I __________ keep walking up the hill.

3.I went to Beijing Hongtong on vacation.(划线提问)

________ _______ you_______ on vacation.

4.They did something special on vacation.(改为一般疑问句)

_______ they________ ________ special on vacation.?

5.He knew nothing about the news.(同义句)

He______ ______ _______ about the news.
