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英语词汇提高(拓展课) 补充词汇汇总组(chapter1-chapter 15)

alter alternate accumulate affinity assimilate controvert convert congregate impel propel

repel imply expel incise precise


The evening dress Mar was wearing had been altered to fit her. 玛丽穿的那件晚礼服已经该得很合身了。

I alternated between running and riding in my spare time. 闲暇时,我时而跑步,时而骑马。Huge snowdrifts had accumulated on the airport’s runways. 巨大的雪堆聚集在机场跑道上。Children have a natural affinity for mountain biking, because they have no fear. 孩子们对骑山地自行车有着天生的喜爱,因为他们天不怕地不怕。

The government is trying to expel all foreign journalists. 政府正试图驱逐所有的外国记者。Children feel impelled to fit in at school. 孩子们强烈感到需要融入学校的生活。

The pelican’s strong legs and webbed feet propel it in water. 鹈鹕强有力的腿和足蹼推动着它在水里前进。

The soldiers repelled the enemy in three hours. 战士们在三个小时内就击退了敌人。

The look of guilt on John’s face implied that he committed the crime. 约翰脸上内疚的表情表明他犯罪了。

Insects tend to congregate on the underside of leaves. 昆虫往往聚集在叶子的背面。Someone had incised their initials in the tree. 有人在树上刻上了自己的名字首字母

The witness gave a precise account of the murder. 目击者对这起谋杀案作了准确的描述。

colloquial monologue loquacious diagnosis dialect distended diversify modify illustrate sole

desolate fugacious lucifugous suburban urbane


The normally loquacious Simpson had nothing to say. 平时喋喋不休的辛普森无话可说。Dr. Pool was unable to make a diagnosis. 普尔医生不能做出诊断。

The children speak only in the local dialect. 孩子们只会讲当地方言。

One child had a distended belly, like the stomachs of famine victims. 一个孩子腹部肿胀,就像遭遇饥荒的人的腹部一样。

As a singer, she began to diversify, performing songs in many languages. 作为一名歌手,她开始用多种语言唱歌,使自己的表现多样化。

I modified the handlebars on my bike to make it more comfortable. 为了其起来更舒服,我把我自行车的车把改了一下。

This story illustrates how important the family is in Latin American culture. 这个故事说明了家庭在拉美文化中是多么重要。

The sole purpose of his trip was to attend a concert at Carnegie Hall. 他此行的唯一目的是要参加在卡内基音乐厅举行的音乐会。

illegible illiterate immaculate immature impunity inaccessible inflexible insoluble irrelevant irreconcilable moral underdeveloped underpayment understatement understudy


I could read most of the signatures, but a few were illegible.

The new nation undertook to teach its illiterate citizens to read and write.

Before dinner, the tablecloth was immaculate.

The sophomore was defeated possibly because some of the students may have thought her too immature for the post of president of the Student Council.

As a result of stricter enforcement, speeders are no longer able to break the law with impunity. For most of the year, the Eskimo settlements in northern Quebec are inaccessible, except by air. No compromise is possible when both sides remain inflexible.

Scientists are finding solutions to many problems that formerly seemed insoluble.

Stick to the topic; don’t make irrelevant remarks.

After Romeo and Juliet died, their families, who had been irreconcilable enemies, became friends. The UN feels that it has the moral authority to send troops to the area. 联合国认为它在道义上有权向该地区派遣部队。

The United States has spent billions of dollars to help the underdeveloped nations improve their standard of living.

If too little is deducted from your weekly wages for income tax, it results in an underpayment at the end of the year.

Frank's remark that he was "slightly bruised" in the accident is an understatement; he suffered two fractured ribs.

While Madeline is recuperating from her illness, her role will be played by an understudy.

antisocial proclaim profess prohibit project prolong prominent promote provoke spectacle aspect circumspect expect inspect suspect


Smoking cigarettes in public is increasingly considered antisocial. 在公共场所吸烟越来越被看作是妨碍公共利益的。

A national holiday was proclaimed. 一个全国假日被宣布确定下来。

Rodin always professed his admiration for Greek and Gothic sculpture. 罗丹总是公开表示他对希腊和哥特式雕塑的赞美。

Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the factory. 该工厂内禁止吸烟。

A computer image of an eyeball was projected onto a screen on stage. 一张眼球的电脑图像投射


I was trying to think of some way to prolong the conversation. 我正在努力想一些延长交谈时间
