二、委托方和承包方的基本信息委托方(以下简称“甲方”):- 公司名称:- 地址:- 联系人:- 联系承包方(以下简称“乙方”):- 公司名称:- 地址:- 联系人:- 联系三、委托范围甲方委托乙方负责以下人力资源管理服务:- 招聘和招聘流程管理;- 员工合同管理;- 薪酬和福利管理;- 培训和发展管理;- 绩效评估和激励管理;- 劳动纠纷处理;- 其他相关人力资源管理活动。
(以下为中英文对照,仅作参考)Human Resources Outsourcing Agreement Template - English-Chinese Version1. PurposeThis agreement is intended to establish a human resources outsourcing partnership between the client and the contractor, and to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties.2. Basic Information of the Client and ContractorClient (referred to as "Party A" below):- Address:- Contact Person:- Contact Number:Contractor (referred to as "Party B" below):- Address:- Contact Person:- Contact Number:3. Scope of OutsourcingParty A entrusts Party B with the following human resources management services:- Recruitment and recruitment process management;- Employee contract management;- Training and development management;- Performance evaluation and incentive management;- Labor dispute resolution;- Other related human resources management activities.4. Service Fee and Payment MethodParty B's service fee is (specific amount or billing method).The payment method is (payment cycle and method).5. Confidentiality ClauseBoth parties agree to keep confidential the trade secrets and confidential information of the other party obtained from the performance of this agreement, and shall continue to bear the confidentiality obligation after the termination of the agreement.6. Term and Termination of AgreementEither party may terminate this agreement upon (specific notice period) written notice to the other party.7. Breach of Contract LiabilityEither party that violates the terms of this agreement shall bear corresponding liability for breach of contract.8. Applicable Law and Dispute ResolutionThis agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.9. Other Provisions(Add other provisions as applicable)10. Effectiveness of the Agreement(Below is the English-Chinese version for reference only)。
人力资源服务协议(中英文)人力资源服务协议(中英文)1. 背景该服务协议(以下简称“协议”)是由以下参与方(以下称为“委托方”和“服务提供方”)共同制定的,用于规定委托方雇佣服务提供方提供人力资源服务的相关事项。
委托方:[委托方全称]服务提供方:[服务提供方全称]2. 服务内容服务提供方将根据委托方的需求和协议约定,提供以下人力资源服务(具体服务内容根据实际情况进行调整):招聘:根据委托方的需求,进行岗位分析、发布招聘广告、筛选简历、面试候选人等招聘工作。
3. 服务期限本协议的服务期限为起始日至终止日,总计为 [服务期限] 个月。
4. 服务费用委托方应根据服务提供方提供的服务费用清单支付相应的费用,具体费用金额和支付方式如下:服务费用:[费用金额]支付方式:[支付方式]委托方应按约定时间和金额支付服务费用,如未按时支付或未支付完全,服务提供方有权停止提供服务直至费用结清。
5. 保密条款双方同意在协议期限内和协议终止后继续保守对方提供的商业秘密和机密信息,不得泄露给第三方。
6. 违约责任若一方违反协议约定,给对方造成损失的,应向对方赔偿相应的损失。
7. 协议终止本协议在以下情况下终止:服务期限届满并未续签协议;双方协商一致解除协议;一方严重违约需要终止协议。
8. 争议解决本协议的解释、执行和争议解决均适用中华人民共和国法律法规。
HR Outsourcing人力资源外包-外文文献
HR OutsourcingOutsourcing is the practice of contracting with vendors to perform. HR services and activities. There are three types of HR outsourcing are: discrete, multi-process, and total process HR outsourcing.Firstly, discrete outsourcing means organization only outsourcing a particular function. (e.g. Recruitment). Discrete HRO can reduce company hiring requirement for highly specialized HR professionals or HRIS expertise associated with such infrequent function, in addition, it can reduce HR administration costs associated with frequent, high volume transactions (such as payroll). Although HRO has existed for many years, it remains a popular HR administration approach for achieving strategic goal.Further, HR managers may also pursue multi-process HR outsourcing. This approach involves outsourcing all of one or more related HR functions (e.g., recruitment and selection; learning& development) to niche third-party providers. It also known as comprehensive or blended services outsourcing, this approach has become more popular with the increase in the number of specialized vendors providing such services and the spread of enabling Internet portal capabilities. Such an HR administration approach can provide significant cost-reduction, while maintaining or enhancing service levels.Finally, Total HR outsourcing is the third type of outsourcing approach and involves having all, or nearly all, HR functions handled by one or more external vendors. All of the traditional HR administrative and functional activities (e.g., recruitment, selection, compensation and benefits, training) would be managed through third-party vendors.Advantages of HR OutsourcingThe advantages of HR administration outsourcing can be both financial and strategic. For example, organizations seeking to increase financial profitability and enhance shareowner value might reduce ongoing expenses (e.g., employees, software) and forestall capital expenditures (e.g., new buildings, equipment) through HR outsourcing. This would entail a careful “make-buy” assessment of the total costs and benefits of continuing internal operations versus contracting for them in the external market. Benefits of such an approach might include redesigned processes, improved quality, centralized or consolidated operations, access to technology, and enhanced employee satisfaction.Strategic advantages to HR outsourcing might include the ability to better focus on a firm’s core business through HR transformation, moving from an historical administrative activities focus to a strategic business partner perspective.Organizations recognize that, more than ever, effective talent management may be the source of sustainable strategic advantage in a knowledge-based, global economy. However, many HR professionals are mired in day-to-day administrative tasks that preclude the value-added consulting, planning, and visioning activities required from them to achieve strategic goals. HR outsourcing could free HR professionals to focus on strategic issues (e.g., talent management, merger and acquisition due-diligence) while providing the firm with skilled professionals services in HR functional (e.g., recruitment, compensation) and administrative (e.g., government compliance and regulations) areas, powered by up-to-date technology (e.g., hardware, software). Disadvantages of HR Outsourcing.Although there are a number of financial and strategic reasons for considering HR administration outsourcing, there are also serious potential problems for firms who use the approach without fully understanding how to manage it to achieve desired goals. For example, firms who used HRO to achieve HR transformation and cost savings rated their success an average of 3 on a 5-point (1 = benefits not at all achieved and 5 = benefits fully achieved) scale. Thus, one big disadvantage of HRO is the likelihood that the organization will not achieve its strategic goals. Such a failure could have significant, negative impact on the organization’s ability to survive. Steps to minimize such a failure include realistic cost-benefit analyses, successful project planning and implementation, unambiguous goals and measures of HR outsourcing success, rigorous vendor assessment and selection processes, and skilled vendor contract negotiation, management, and auditing. Indeed, one of the primary responsibilities of HR administration managers in an outsourcing environment is to ensure that the contract terms and fulfilled on a daily basis and that corrective actions are immediately taken when failures occur.Another disadvantage of HR outsourcing includes the loss of institutional expertise in the outsourced functions, making an HR outsourcing decision reversal difficult or impossible. Frequently, when outsourcing is undertaken, subject matter experts (e.g., selection) are reassigned or released. This can be a serious strategic error if the vendor is unable to fulfill its contractual obligations. As noted above, an organization would be unwise to outsource core or strategic HR planning functions because of the possibility that competitors may learn its plans from vendors. In addition, loss of internal strategic HR expertise may be devastating to an organization over time. Moreover, HR organizations may lack the contract management expertise to oversee the vendor and hold it accountable for contract terms, compounding its problems. Other potential problems include security risks in multi-vendor outsourcing, internal employee and manager resistance, compliance failures (e.g., Sarbanes-Oxley), and cultural clashes between the organization and its vendors.In summary, HR outsourcing is another approach to HR administration that offers potential for cost reduction, process improvement, and employee satisfaction. However, managers of HR administrative functions must be highly skilled at usingHRO strategically to achieve organizational goals.出师表两汉:诸葛亮先帝创业未半而中道崩殂,今天下三分,益州疲弊,此诚危急存亡之秋也。
文献出处:Caruth G D. Critical Factors in Human Resource Outsourcing [J]. Journal of Management Research, 2013, 13(4): 187-195.原文Critical Factors in Human Resource OutsourcingDonald L. Caruth, Stephanie S. Pane Haden and Gail D. CaruthAbstractOutsourcing has infiltrated the world of human resource management in a major way. Over time the number of organizations skilled in performing specific human resource activities has grown to the point where there is now a general provider or a specialist provider organization that can perform almost any human resource management task or activity. This article aims to identify some of the key elements necessary for successful outsourcing. For outsourcing of human resource management activities to be truly effective, companies must understand what can be outsourced as well as what cannot be outsourced. This article presents a hierarchy that identifies the kinds of activities that lend themselves to outsourcing and then it identifies the characteristics that preclude certain functions from being outsourced. Successful outsourcing of human resource activities also demands that organizations know and understand the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing. Another prerequisite for successful outsourcing is to understand what actions are necessary to create a successful ongoing relationship between the company doing the outsourcing and the subcontractor or outsourcing firm.Keywords: Human Resources Outsourcing, HR Outsourcing, Outsourcing Activities, Outsourcing Advantages, Outsourcing Disadvantages, Outsourcing RelationshipsOutsourcing has become a common practice in human resource management. A simple definition of outsourcing identifies the process as contracting with an outside party to perform functions that could be in-house (Potkany, 2008; Shen, 2005). Anoutside party hired to perform one human resource function or several firms hired to perform one or more functions are examples of single-source and multi-source outsourcing, respectively (Caruth &Caruth, 2010).Outsourcing has infiltrated the world of human resource management in a major way and is a growing trend today (Choudrie, Grey, &Selamat, 2009; Galanaki &Papalexandris, 2007). In a recent study, Ketter (2007) determined that 91 percent of U.S. companies have begun to prepare for opportunities to outsource by standardizing many of their HR functions. As outsourcing has emerged, the role of human resource management has evolved. What are the future trends for outsourcing human resource activities? According to the SHRM 2004-2005 Workplace Forecast: A Strategic Outlook, 550 human resource professionals are predicting more human resource outsourcing in the future due to technology and the sluggish US economy.According to Klaas (2008), 78% of large American firms outsource functions. In 2002, it was estimated that the outsourcing of just US employee benefits administration alone was a $27-billion industry (Shen, 2005) and two-thirds of companies world-wide outsource, at a minimum, one business function (Elmuti, 2003). "The potential exists for continued growth in outsourcing among North American firms" (Klaas, 2008, 1512).The current trend, according to Cooke, Shen, and McBride (2005), is for businesses to outsource only part of their human resource function instead of turning over the entire department of human resources to a third-party provider. The HR functions that are most apt to be fully outsourced are employee assistance and counseling programs, flexible spending account administration, and background and criminal checks (e.g., Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, &Wright, 2010). Human resource management outsourcing organizations can now perform practically any human resource management activity (Caruth &Caruth, 2010). Organizations are expecting to reduce costs and are looking to the outsourcing of some of human resource management functions as a way of reducing those costs. "HR's most frequently outsourced functions now are background checks, payroll, and health and pension plan administration" ("What Lies Ahead," 2004, p. 14).The starting point in outsourcing human resource activities effectively is to understand what can and cannot be outsourced (Handley &Benton, 2009). There are certain HR activities that, depending on the company, should generally never be outsourced. Activities related to the strategic decision making and requiring specific management knowledge and activities that require confidentiality should rarely be outsourced. Serious problems may occur if the determination between what should and should not be outsourced is not made. Examples of such serious problems include poor decisions being made, confidentiality potentially being breeched, work may possibly not get done correctly or not get completed in a timely fashion, money being spent unnecessarily, as well as a host of other problems.A second requirement for successful outsourcing of human resource activities is to understand the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing (Caruth &Caruth, 2010). A third prerequisite for prosperous outsourcing ventures is to create an effective relationship between the outsourcer and the subcontractor performing the work (Handley &Benton, 2009). These three critical factors are examined in this article.ACTIVITIES THAT SHOULD AND SHOULD NOT BE OUTSOURCED It is helpful to think about specific HR activities and their potential for outsourcing in more broad and general terms. Nearly all HR activities can be grouped into one of seven categories and arranged in a hierarchy that illustrates each category's potential for successful outsourcing (e.g., Caruth &Caruth, 2010).Human Resource Activities: The Outsourcing Hierarchy. There can be little doubt that outsourcing human resource activities is a growing trend offering substantial benefits to the organizations using it. The literature is rife with piece-meal cases of specific examples of activities that can be successfully outsourced. What appears to be missing from all that has been written about outsourcing is a general scheme or framework of all human resource activities, differentiating those activities that have a greater potential for outsourcing from those that do not and providing a rationale for the difference in outsourcing potential. This article seeks to rectify this omission by first identifying seven distinct levels of human resource activities andthen arranging them in a hierarchy ranging from activities with the greatest outsourcing potential to those activities with the lowest potential for outsourcing. It is hoped that this framework will provide general guidance to organizations considering the outsourcing of human resource activities.For purposes of this article, all human resource activities are divided deductively into seven hierarchical categories, arranged in ascending order of the importance of the activities to the strategy, competitiveness, and success of the organization, as follows: (1) ancillary activities, (2) routine activities, (3) activities containing the potential for achieving economies of scale, (4) activities requiring specialized knowledge, (5) activities requiring broad organizational knowledge, (6) activities requiring high confidentiality, and (7) activities requiring specific management decisions (Caruth &Caruth, 2010). Each of these activities is described below.Level 1: Ancillary Activities (AA)Ancillary activities are those tasks assigned to the human resource department that are not necessarily human resource tasks. They are activities that must be performed by the organization but not necessarily by the human resource department. Typical ancillary activities are food service, campus maintenance, and janitorial services. While the performance of these activities is important to the organization, the activities are not specifically related to human resource management (Caruth &Caruth, 2010).Level 2: Routine Activities (RA)Routine activities are often important to the human resource department but their nature is such that they can be handled through standardized procedures because there is little or no variance from transaction to transaction or case to case. Benefits administration is an example of a routine activity. Once the procedures are established, processing changes occur infrequently (Caruth &Caruth, 2010).Level 3: Economies of Scale (EOS)Economies of scale are operations wherein economies can be achieved by processing larger quantities of items (i.e., the higher the volume processed, the less the unit cost per item or transaction). Processing health care claims, conductingscreening interviews, and administering personnel tests are examples of activities having the potential for achieving some degree of scale economy (Caruth &Caruth, 2010)Level 4: Specialized Knowledge (SK)Some functions within a human resource department require specialized knowledge for their performance. This knowledge may be gained through specific educational requirements, experience, or a combination of the two. The required specialized knowledge may not be needed or required on a full-time basis within a human resource department; it maybe required only as needs arise. To keep such knowledge on the payroll for only occasional use can often be an unnecessary expense. Preparing personnel policy manuals, conducting human resource management research, and presenting training and development programs are examples of activities requiring specialized knowledge (Caruth &Caruth, 2010).Level 5: Specific Organizational Knowledge (SOK)Lack of knowledge of an organization's personnel, operational peculiarities, folkways, traditions, and culture can be a factor that limits the outsourcing potential of certain types of human resource activities. Specific organizational knowledge is required to make effective decisions. Human resource planning and succession planning are areas where such organizational knowledge is required, and are therefore less conducive to successful outsourcing efforts. Outplacement, on the other hand, is an activity at this level that is frequently outsourced successfully (Caruth &Caruth, 2010).Level 6: Highly Confidential Activities (HCA)Secrecy is required in the performance of some human resource management activities. Layoffs, plant closings, and restructuring are examples of activities that must be kept confidential. These kinds of activities, obviously, have a much lower potential for being outsourced than those that do not have a need for secrecy or confidentiality (Caruth &Caruth, 2010).Level 7: Management Decision Activities (MDA)Some human resource management activities require the direct and specificinvolvement from top management. The structure of the human resource department or the direction the human resource function must take are examples of activities that require direction from top management. There is little opportunity for outsourcing decisions that must be made by the executive level of management in an organization (Caruth &Caruth, 2010).Figure 1, The Hierarchy of HR Outsourcing, depicts a graphic representation of the seven levels of human resource department arranged in ascending order of importance. As the hierarchy suggests, the lower the level of human resource activity, the greater the possibility of outsourcing it; the higher the level of activity, the less likely the possibility of outsourcing it. Examples of specific HR activities are provided in correspondence with their representative level in the hierarchy.If outsourcing is to be effective, it is important for organizations to determine what can be outsourced as well as what cannot be outsourced (Boguslauskas &Kvedaraviciene, 2009; Caruth &Caruth, 2010). Some method such as the classification proposed in this article must be used to identify or to distinguish those activities with the greatest outsourcing potential from those activities that should not be outsourced. In other words, outsourcing must be done systematically in order to be done effectively (Caruth &Caruth, 2010; Shen, 2005).THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF OUTSOURCING Another precursor to the successful implementation of HR outsourcing is the thorough understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing (Caruth &Caruth, 2010). While the potential value of outsourcing might entice any organizational leader to utilize the strategy, outsourcing often inevitably poses some detrimental side effects. In order to accurately weigh the benefits against the drawbacks of outsourcing, both variables must be fully considered.译文人力资源外包的关键因素唐纳德.卡鲁斯, 斯蒂芬妮.潘恩哈登, 盖尔.卡鲁思摘要外包已经作为一种主要方式渗透到世界人力资源管理中。
人力资源外包外文翻译外文文献及翻译材料Human Resource OutsourcingThe innovation of technology and economic globalization change the economic environment of enterprises. To conquer the uncertainty in the environment and keep the competitive advantage,human resource outsourcing,one of HR service delivery models,hasbecome more and more enterprises choice,which can reduce cost,improve efficiency and gaincompetitive advantage.Human resources outsourcing means that the enterprise in order to better carry out human resources management activities,part of the business of outsourcing,using outside outstandingprofessional skills to be integrated in order to achieve lower costs,improving the quality ofservice and more focus on human resources to the core business objectives。
The domestic humanresources outsourcing are relatively concentrated in the cause、advantages、select、a risk model、enterprises from the angle of view of human resources outsourcing more,and the choice ofoutsourcing service providers research is relatively small。
HR Outsourcing Services Contract[Company Name], a company established and existing with its registered address at________________________________ Tel at____________ ____(hereinafter referred to as the “Party A”)and人力资源有限公司 [Company Name], a company established and existing with its registered address at Tel at(herein after referred to as the “Party B”)In accordance with stipulation of the " Contract Law of the People''s Republic of China ", the " Labor Law of the People's Republic of China ", the " Labor Contract Law of People's Republic of China Labor Contract Law" and other relevant laws and regulations, through friendly negotiation, have signed this Co ntract (hereinafter referred to as This Contract) on a basis of equal and mutua l benefit and agreed to the terms and conditions stipulated below for HR Out sourcing Services.ARTICLE 1 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS1. Either party shall provide the other party legitimate and effective copi es of documents for registration and approval of government authorities that ca n show it is a company duly organized and existing under the laws of Chines e government. Unless otherwise provided herein, "Party B" includes B Compan y and its affiliates or authorized companies. The obligations concerning its perf ormance of the Contract shall be at Party B’s side. “Affiliate” means any com pany directly or indirectly controlled by, controlling by Party B, including com pany under direct or indirect common control by Company or natural individua l. “Control” means either the ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the ordinary share of capital of the company carrying the right to vote at general meetings.2. Scope of ServicesParty B be entrusted as agent of Party A and shall have obligation to provide the services listed hereinafter(Choose by mark √)□ 2.1 Social insurance enrollment and payment2.1.1 to exercise Social Insurance, such as Endowment Insurance, Medical Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, Employment Injury Insurance and Maternity Ins urance (hereinafter referred to as “FSI”), enrollment in Social Insurance Manag ement System (hereinafter referred to as “SIMS”).2.1.2 to remove insured staff from SIMS and exercise transfer procedures in accordance with state regulations.2.1.3 to make change to salary base of social insurance2.1.4 to reimburse medical expenses2.1.5 to claim for maternity allowance2.1.6 to claim for work injury compensation2.1.7 to provide social insurance policy consultation2.1.8 to handle disputes, unusual circumstances related to social insurance2.1.9 to deal with other matters related to social insurance□2.2 Housing fund services2.2.1 to conduct enrollment procedures concerning housing fund (hereinafter referred to as “HF”)2.2.2 to remove staff from the Housing fund Management System and exercisetransfer procedures2.2.3 to help to draw Housing fund2.2.4 to assist housing fund loans2.2.5 to handle disputes, unusual circumstances related to housing fund2.2.6 Other matters related to housing fund□2.3 Payroll agency services2.3.1 to handle and pay employee’s salary2.3.2 to apply for bank cards for salary payment2.3.3 to exercise individual income tax declaration and payment2.3.4 to provide private and confidential payslip2.3.5 to handle with other services in connection with payroll services□2.4 Welfare services2.4.1 to provide commercial insurance, medical insurance and employer liability ins urance services2.4.2 to claim for commercial insurance, medical insurance and employer liability insurance services2.4.3 The price shall be set forth as hereunder:RMB YUAN (SAY: ONLY).The reimbursement shall be.□2.5 Labor Policy Consultation2.5.1 to exchange and answer questions on labor policies.2.5.2 to provide consultation on laws and policies on human resource, labor and social security.2.5.3 to provide legal assistance for resolving labor disputes in a basis of fairnes s and justice.ARTICLE 2 TERMS3. This Contract come into effect upon duly signed by both parties and the duration is years from _ to .4. The renewal of this Contract should be negotiated by both parties thirty (30)days before its expiry. Both parties’ signatures are needed if they agree to re new the Contract. Should the parties fail to confirm the renewal of this Contra ct by signature, the Contract shall extend one year automatically, but in no case the extension exceeds three times.ARTICLE 3 RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS5. Rights and obligations of Party B5.1 Party A may decide the employees submitted to Party B for service at itssole decision.5.2 Party A shall decide the means of insurance payment according to policiesof contribution places through negotiation with Party A.5.3 Party A shall confirm the information on employee addition or deduction from the Social Insurance Management System without any delay.5.4 Party A shall be obligated to pay the payment to Party A’s designated bank account via bank transfer. “Payment” unless otherwise provided herein, shall means the total expenses Party A pay to Party B, and it shall include but not limited to social insurance fee and housing funds fees the company born, social insurance fee and housing funds fees individual born, salaries, welfare fees a nd management expenses.5.5 Party A shall guarantee the labor contract signing with its employees, and shall undertake the due obligations prescribed by law to the employee covered by the Services agreed herein5.6 Should employees covered by the Services injured in the duration of work or fall in serious illness, Party A shall undertake the due obligations prescribed by law.5.7 Retirement progress for employees covered by the Service shall be executed by Party A and expenses arising from therefrom shall be born by Party A while Party B has obligations to provide necessary assistance.6. Rights and obligations of Party B6.1 Party B shall have obligations to provide services agreed herein timely and accurately.6.2 Party B shall have obligations to provide Party B advises and coordination services on relevant policies and regulations in connection with the Services ag reed herein. Any trouble arising from the performance of this Agreement may acquire assistance from Party B.ARTICLE 4 PRICE7. Service fees shall be set forth according to the actual number of employees and months covered by the Services.The price shall be:1-5 person : RMB Yuan (SAY ONLY) /person/month;5-20 person: RMB Yuan (SAY ONLY) /person/month;20-300 person: RMB Yuan (SAY ONLY) ()/person/month; Above 300 person: RMB Yuan (SAY ONLY) ()/person/month.8. Party A shall alter the contribution base following the annual alteration of minimum average social salary. The expenses arising therefrom shall be paid w ithin one month. In the case of the invoice value exceeds two (2) times the a ctual social insurance expenses, party A shall pay 6% the amount by which the invoice value exceeds that of the actual expenses.9. The expenses of disability insurance or worker union fee shall be collected according to relevant government regulations. Party A may pay the amount to Party B while Party B provide invoice indicating the real expenses.10. Means of Payment10.1 Party A shall provide Party B information of employees to be added or d educted from The Social Insurance Management System by mail prior to th e day of each month. Any delay shall be considered as no alteration to the System.10.2 Party B shall submit Expense Sheet to Party A for confirmation prior to the day of each month after receipt of the employee alteration information. “Expense Sheet” shall include all payment in connection with the Services stip ulated herein.10.3 Party A shall pay to Party B all the payment to the designated bank acc ount of Party B prior to the day of each month after confirmation of the Ex pense Sheet. Party B shall exercise the execution of the Service in connection with social insurance upon payment received and provide Party A invoice withi n seven (7) business days.10.4 Should the employee number of Party A covered by the Service herein n o less than five (5) people, payment shall be paid monthly otherwise quarterly. Bank account information of Party B:Depositary bank: 中国农业银行东营区支行Bank accounts: 15312001040005887Company Name: 东营邦芒人力资源有限公司ARTICLE 5 MISCEELLANEOUS PROVISIONS11. Party A shall provide Party B documents and information such as copy of ID card, photo and bank account etc. of employees covered by the Services w hich shall be filed by Party B. Any trouble arising from service delay or data deviation caused by any faulty in the information Party A provided shall be b orn by Party A..12. Party B shall complete the Service Stipulated herein without any delay and shall assume corresponding responsibility in case of its sole failure.13. Party B shall submit Employee added/deducted Sheet to Party A for backu p and service progress notice.ARTICLE 6 DEFAULT AND DISPUTE14. Should either party fails to implement the terms and conditions herein or make any changes and amendments to this Contract without prior consent of t he other party, the loss resulting therefrom shall be born by the party in breac h.15. In case of late payment of any amount payable thereunder, Party A will p ay Party B penalty equal to 2‰ of the amount payable for every delayed day. Party B’s contractual obligations shall be suspended, without penalty or liabilit y.16. All disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract or any execut ion documents signed in accordance with this Contract shall be settled through amicable consultation. Upon failure of negotiation, disputes shall be submitted t o local court having jurisdiction. Notwithstanding any reference to arbitration, b oth parties hereto shall continue to exercise their remaining respective rights and fulfill their remaining respective obligations under the Contract unless otherw ise agreed.ARTICLE 7 APPENDIX17. All notices and other communications issued pursuant to this contract shall be in writing and shall be deemed equally authentic。
Avoid the large investment in people brought about by the uncertain risks, can reduce business risk.
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With INTERNET characterized by globalization and new economy era, the product life cycle to shorten the ever-changing and, enterprises are facing more intense competition. In order to more quickly adapt to the technological revolution to meet the challenges of the knowledge economy, participate in world competition, many enterprises are actively way to organize and manage change and innovation, "human resources outsourcing" It is in this society came into being in the context of help companies improve efficiency, gain competitive advantage of a new management model.
劳务外包合同英文模版English: The Labor Outsourcing Contract is a legal agreement between the hiring company and the outsourcing service provider, outlining the terms and conditions of the outsourcing arrangement. This contract typically includes details such as the scope of work to be performed, the service fees to be paid, the duration of the contract, and any confidentiality or non-compete clauses. It also specifies the responsibilities and obligations of both parties, including the quality standards to be met and the remedies for breach of contract. Additionally, the contract may address issues such as insurance coverage, intellectual property rights, and dispute resolution mechanisms to prevent any potential conflicts. By clearly defining the rights and responsibilities of each party, the Labor Outsourcing Contract helps ensure a smooth and mutually beneficial working relationship between the hiring company and the outsourcing service provider.中文翻译: 劳务外包合同是雇佣公司和外包服务提供商之间的法律协议,概述了外包安排的条款和条件。
人力资源业务外包趋势探讨(英文版)1. Increased Focus on Strategic HRTraditionally, HR departments were responsible for administrative tasks such as payroll processing, benefits administration, and compliance. However, as organizations recognize that strategic HR plays a critical role in achieving business objectives, there has been a shift towards outsourcing these administrative tasks. This allows HR professionals to focus on strategic initiatives such as talent acquisition, workforce planning, and employee development, which directly contribute to organizational success.2. Technology-Driven SolutionsWith the rapid advancement of technology, HR processes are becoming more automated and streamlined. HR outsourcing vendors leverage technology to provide efficient and cost-effective solutions. This includes cloud-based HR platforms that offer self-service functionalities, enabling employees to access and update their information anytime, anywhere. Additionally, vendors use analytics tools to provide organizations with valuable insights into workforce trends, enabling data-driven decision-making.3. Specialized HR FunctionsAs organizations become more complex, they require specialized HR expertise in areas such as talent management, performance management, and employee engagement. HR outsourcing allows organizations to tap into this expertise without the need to hire additional in-house HR professionals. By partnering with specialized vendors, organizations can benefit from their industry knowledge and best practices, ultimately improving HR outcomes.4. Global OperationsIn an increasingly globalized business landscape, organizations with international operations face unique HR challenges, such as managing different labor laws, cultural differences, and language barriers. HR outsourcing providers with global capabilities can help organizations navigate these complexities. They have a deep understanding of local labor regulations and can assist with payroll processing, compliance, and expatriate management. This allows organizations to maintain HR consistency across borders and focus on their core business.5. Enhanced Employee ExperienceEmployee experience is vital for attracting, engaging, and retaining top talent. HR outsourcing vendors recognize the importance of creating a positive employee experience and offer solutions that enhance engagement and satisfaction. For example, they may provide employee self-service portals that offer personalized dashboards, online training modules, and performance feedback tools. By outsourcing HR functions that directly impactthe employee experience, organizations can ensure a seamless and hassle-free environment for their workforce.ConclusionAs organizations strive to optimize their operations and reduce costs, HR business outsourcing continues to be a popular trend. By outsourcing administrative tasks, organizations can focus on strategic HR initiatives, leverage technology-driven solutions, tap into specialized HR expertise, manage global operations, and enhance the employee experience. As the business landscape continues to evolve, it is likely that HR outsourcing will become even more prevalent, enabling organizations to stay competitive in an ever-changing world.6. Cost SavingsOne of the primary reasons organizations opt for HR business outsourcing is cost reduction. By outsourcing HR functions, organizations can avoid the costs associated with hiring and training in-house HR staff. They also eliminate the need for investing in HR software and infrastructure. Additionally, outsourcing allows organizations to scale their HR operations based on their needs, reducing unnecessary expenses during slower periods. Overall, HR outsourcing offers a cost-effective solution that provides organizations with access to expert HR services at a fraction of the cost.7. Flexibility and ScalabilityOrganizations often experience fluctuations in their HR needs, especially during periods of growth or downsizing. HR outsourcing provides the flexibility and scalability to align HR services with the organization's changing requirements. For example, when an organization is expanding, outsourcing HR functions like recruitment and onboarding allows for a faster and more efficient hiring process. On the other hand, during a downsizing phase, outsourcing functions like termination and outplacement services ensures a smooth and compliant transition for affected employees.8. Risk Mitigation and ComplianceCompliance with labor laws and regulations is a critical aspect of HR management. However, keeping up with changing laws and regulations can be challenging, especially for organizations operating in multiple jurisdictions. HR outsourcing vendors have the expertise and knowledge to ensure compliance with local labor regulations. They stay updated on changes in laws and help organizations navigate complex and evolving compliance requirements. By outsourcing HR functions, organizations can reduce the risk of non-compliance and associated fines and penalties.9. Improved Efficiency and AccuracyHR processes can be time-consuming and prone to errors if not properly managed. HR outsourcing vendors specialize in delivering efficient and accurate HR services. They have robust systems and processes in place to handle HR tasks effectively. By outsourcing taskslike payroll processing, benefits administration, and employee data management, organizations can reduce the likelihood of errors and improve overall HR process efficiency. This enables HR teams to allocate their time and resources to more strategic initiatives that drive business growth.10. Data Security and ConfidentialityHR departments handle sensitive employee information, including personal data, payroll information, and performance evaluations. Maintaining data security and confidentiality is crucial to protect employee privacy and ensure compliance with data protection regulations. HR outsourcing vendors invest in state-of-the-art security measures and technologies to safeguard data. They follow strict data protection protocols and adhere to industry best practices, mitigating the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.11. Strategic PartnershipHR outsourcing is not merely a transactional relationship; it is a strategic partnership between an organization and an outsourcing vendor. Successful outsourcing engagements involve close collaboration, transparent communication, and shared goals. Outsourcing vendors act as trusted advisors, bringing their expertise and industry knowledge to assist organizations in achieving their strategic HR objectives. Through regular performance evaluations, feedback sessions, and strategic planning, organizations can maximize the value they receive from their outsourcing partnership.12. Improved HR Service LevelsBy outsourcing HR functions, organizations gain access to a dedicated team of HR professionals who specialize in specific areas of HR management. This allows for a higher level of HR service delivery compared to managing all HR functions in-house. HR outsourcing vendors often have service level agreements (SLAs) in place to ensure timely response and resolution of HR issues. This results in improved service levels, reduced employee complaints, and enhanced overall HR performance.ConclusionThe trends in HR business outsourcing outlined in this article demonstrate the growing importance of leveraging external expertise to optimize HR operations. Organizations are increasingly recognizing the benefits of outsourcing administrative tasks, focusing on strategic HR initiatives, and leveraging technology-driven solutions. By partnering with specialized HR outsourcing vendors, organizations can achieve cost savings, flexibility, risk mitigation, improved efficiency, data security, and a higher level of HR service delivery. As the business landscape continues to evolve, organizations that embrace HR outsourcing are well-positioned to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing environment.。
劳务用工外包管理方案英语Labor Outsourcing Management Plan.Purpose.The purpose of this plan is to provide a framework for managing the outsourcing of labor services. This plan will help to ensure that outsourced labor services are managed in a way that is consistent with the organization's goals and objectives.Scope.This plan applies to all outsourced labor services, including:Temporary staffing.Contract labor.Independent contractors.Definitions.Labor outsourcing: The procurement of labor services from an external provider.Vendor: An external provider of labor services.Service level agreement (SLA): A contract between the organization and the vendor that defines the specific services to be provided, the performance standards, and the payment terms.Roles and Responsibilities.The following roles and responsibilities are involved in managing outsourced labor services:Organization: The organization is responsible for developing and implementing this plan. The organization should also appoint a project manager to oversee theoutsourcing process.Vendor: The vendor is responsible for providing the labor services in accordance with the SLA. The vendor should also have a project manager to work with the organization's project manager.Project manager: The project manager is responsiblefor overseeing the outsourcing process and ensuring that the SLA is met. The project manager should also work with the organization's project manager and the vendor's project manager to ensure that all parties are working together effectively.Outsourcing Process.The outsourcing process typically involves thefollowing steps:1. Develop a sourcing strategy. The organization should develop a sourcing strategy that outlines the goals and objectives of the outsourcing initiative. The sourcingstrategy should also identify potential vendors and evaluate their capabilities.2. Create a service level agreement (SLA). The organization should create an SLA that defines the specific services to be provided, the performance standards, and the payment terms. The SLA should be negotiated between the organization and the vendor.3. Select a vendor. The organization should select a vendor that has the capabilities to meet the organization's needs. The organization should also consider the vendor's experience, reputation, and financial stability.4. Implement the outsourcing initiative. The organization should implement the outsourcing initiative in accordance with the SLA. The organization should also monitor the performance of the vendor and make adjustments as needed.Management.The management of outsourced labor services should include the following activities:Performance monitoring. The organization should monitor the performance of the vendor against the SLA. The organization should also conduct regular audits to ensure that the vendor is meeting the SLA.Risk management. The organization should identify and mitigate the risks associated with outsourcing labor services. The organization should also develop a contingency plan in case the vendor is unable to meet the SLA.Communication. The organization should maintain open communication with the vendor. The organization should also provide regular feedback to the vendor on its performance.Benefits of Labor Outsourcing.There are a number of benefits to labor outsourcing, including:Cost savings. Labor outsourcing can help organizations to save money on labor costs.Flexibility. Labor outsourcing can provide organizations with the flexibility to scale up or downtheir workforce as needed.Access to skilled labor. Labor outsourcing can give organizations access to skilled labor that may not be available in the local market.Improved efficiency. Labor outsourcing can help organizations to improve their efficiency by freeing up internal resources to focus on other tasks.Challenges of Labor Outsourcing.There are also a number of challenges associated with labor outsourcing, including:Quality control. Organizations need to be careful toensure that the quality of the services provided by the vendor meets their expectations.Vendor management. Organizations need to be able to manage the vendor effectively to ensure that the SLA is met.Compliance. Organizations need to ensure that the vendor is compliant with all applicable laws and regulations.Conclusion.Labor outsourcing can be a valuable tool for organizations that need to reduce costs, gain flexibility, and access skilled labor. However, it is important to carefully consider the challenges associated with labor outsourcing before making a decision to.。
Contract for Labor OutsourcingThis Contract for Labor Outsourcing (the "Contract") is entered into as of [Date], by and between [Company Name], a [jurisdiction] corporation ("Company"), and [Contractor Name], an individual ("Contractor").1. Services1.1 The Contractor agrees to provide the following services to the Company: [list of services to be provided].1.2 The services shall be performed in accordance with the specifications and requirements provided by the Company from time to time.2. Term2.1 The term of this Contract shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue until [End Date], unless earlier terminated in accordance with the terms of this Contract.3. Payment3.1 In consideration for the services provided under this Contract, the Company shall pay the Contractor the following compensation: [fee structure, including hourly rate, fixed rate, or milestone payments].3.2 Payment shall be made within [number of days] after the Company receives an invoice from the Contractor, accompanied by supporting documentation, as required by the Company.4. Confidentiality4.1 The Contractor agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all confidential information disclosed by the Company to the Contractor, whether before or after the date of this Contract, except to the extent such information is or becomes publicly known through no fault of the Contractor.4.2 The Contractor shall not use the confidential information for any purpose other than the performance of the services under this Contract.5. Indemnification5.1 The Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising out of or in connection with the performance of the services under this Contract.6. Termination6.1 This Contract may be terminated by either party upon written notice to the other party if the other party breaches any material term or condition of this Contract and fails to cure such breach within [numberof days] after receipt of written notice thereof.6.2 This Contract may also be terminated by either party upon written notice to the other party if the other party files for bankruptcy or becomes the subject of a receivership, liquidation, or similar proceeding.7. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution7.1 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the [jurisdiction] without regard to its conflict of laws principles.7.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the [arbitration institution], and the decision of the arbitrator(s) shall be final and binding upon the parties.8. Entire Agreement8.1 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations, and discussions, whether oral or written, of the parties.8.2 This Contract may be amended or modified only by a written instrument executed by both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.[Company Name] By: _____________________________Name: [Authorized Signature] Title: [Authorized Title][Contractor Name] By: _____________________________Name: [Authorized Signature] Title: [Authorized Title]这是小编精心编写的合同文档,其中清晰明确的阐述了合同的各项重要内容与条款,请基于您自己的需求,在此基础上再修改以得到最终合同版本,谢谢!。
第二条服务内容1. 乙方将根据甲方的需求,提供以下人力资源outsourcing服务:a) 招聘和选拔:乙方将负责根据甲方提供的招聘需求,进行候选人的筛选、面试和选拔工作,并向甲方推荐合适的人选。
b) 培训和发展:乙方将为甲方员工提供培训和发展计划,包括但不限于入职培训、职业发展规划等。
c) 薪酬和福利管理:乙方将协助甲方进行薪酬和福利管理工作,包括薪资核算、社会保险和福利待遇的管理等。
d) 绩效评估:乙方将协助甲方进行员工绩效评估工作,包括绩效指标的制定、绩效考核和绩效奖励的管理等。
e) 劳动关系管理:乙方将协助甲方处理劳动关系问题,包括劳动合同的签订、劳动争议的解决等。
2. 乙方在提供上述服务时,应遵守相关法律法规和职业道德,确保服务的质量和效果。
第四条服务费用1. 甲方应按照合同约定的服务内容和服务期限,向乙方支付相应的服务费用。
2. 服务费用的支付方式和时间由双方协商确定,并在合同中明确约定。
第五条保密条款1. 双方应对因履行本合同而获得的对方机密信息予以保密,不得向任何第三方披露或使用。
2. 保密期限为合同终止后的[具体保密期限],保密期限届满后,双方可以继续保持保密义务或根据协商解除保密义务。
专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER20XXP ERSONAL甲方:XXX乙方:XXX(2024版)跨国人力资源服务外包协议本合同目录一览第一条合同主体1.1 甲方名称及地址1.2 乙方名称及地址第二条服务内容2.1 服务范围2.2 服务地点2.3 服务时间第三条服务费用3.1 费用计算3.2 费用支付3.3 费用调整第四条人员派遣4.1 派遣人数4.2 派遣人员要求4.3 派遣人员管理第五条培训与支持5.1 培训内容5.2 培训时间5.3 技术支持第六条保密条款6.1 保密内容6.2 保密期限6.3 违约责任第七条违约责任7.1 甲方违约7.2 乙方违约第八条争议解决8.1 争议解决方式8.2 争议解决地点8.3 适用法律第九条合同的生效、变更和终止9.1 合同生效条件9.2 合同变更9.3 合同终止第十条一般条款10.1 通知10.2 合同的完整性和独立性10.3 不可抗力第十一条法律适用与争议解决11.1 适用法律11.2 争议解决方式第十二条合同的签订与生效12.1 签订日期12.2 生效日期第十三条其他约定13.1 双方的其他约定第十四条附件14.1 附件列表第一部分:合同如下:第一条合同主体甲方地址:市区路号乙方地址:市区路号第二条服务内容2.1 服务范围:乙方根据甲方的要求,提供包括但不限于人力资源管理、员工培训、薪酬福利管理等服务。
2.2 服务地点:服务将在甲方指定的地点进行,具体地点由双方另行商定。
2.3 服务时间:本合同自双方签订之日起生效,有效期为三年,除非一方提前终止本合同。
第三条服务费用3.1 费用计算:乙方向甲方提供的服务费用为元整(大写:人民币元整),详细费用明细见附件。
3.2 费用支付:甲方应按照双方约定的付款周期和付款方式,向乙方支付服务费用。
3.3 费用调整:如因市场行情变化、政策调整等原因导致乙方服务成本发生较大变化,双方可协商调整服务费用。
第四条人员派遣4.1 派遣人数:乙方应按照甲方的要求,派遣适量的人员到甲方提供服务。
一、定义1. 人力资源服务:指委托方通过服务商提供的各种人力资源服务,包括但不限于员工招聘、薪资管理、员工培训等。
二、服务内容1. 委托方将向服务商提供所需的人力资源服务需求,并提供相关材料和信息。
2. 服务商将根据委托方提供的需求,提供相应的人力资源服务,包括但不限于员工招聘、人事管理、薪酬福利管理等。
3. 服务商应根据委托方的要求提供人力资源服务,并保证服务的及时性和准确性。
三、服务费用1. 委托方应按照双方协商的费用标准向服务商支付相应的服务费用。
2. 服务费用应在每月的指定日期前支付至服务商指定的账户。
四、保密条款1. 服务商应对委托方提供的所有商业机密和敏感信息保密,未经委托方书面同意,不得向任何第三方透露或使用该信息。
2. 本条款的保密义务终止后,服务商应立即停止使用和保密委托方的商业机密和敏感信息。
五、违约责任1. 若任一方违反本协议的约定,对方有权要求违约方承担相应的违约责任,并有权终止本协议。
2. 违约方应承担因违约行为给对方造成的损失,并赔偿因此产生的其他费用。
六、争议解决1. 本协议的解释和执行均受中国法律的管辖。
2. 双方如因履行本协议发生争议,应首先通过友好协商解决;如协商不成,双方均同意提交中国法院裁决。
七、其他1. 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,并持续有效直至服务完成。
2. 本协议的任何修改或补充需经双方协商一致,并以书面形式达成。
3. 本协议一式两份,委托方和服务商各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
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With INTERNET characterized by globalization and new economy era, the product life cycle to shorten the ever-changing and, enterprises are facing more intense competition. In order to more quickly adapt to the technological revolution to meet the challenges of the knowledge economy, participate in world competition, many enterprises are actively way to organize and manage change and innovation, "human resources outsourcing" It is in this society came into being in the context of help companies improve efficiency, gain competitive advantage of a new management model.