

















杨译:Two lovers have I,From both I’m loath to part,For while I think of one,The other’s in my heart,……霍译: Two lovely boysAre both in love with meAnd I can’t get either from my mind……这首词曲是由锦香院的妓女云儿弹唱的,语言风格活泼大胆,虽然格调并不高,却在短短的几句里道出了完整的故事情节,还有人物心理的描写,与云儿这个人物的身份地位很契合。



据说陆游 l 2岁时就开始写诗,0岁时与其表妹 2 唐婉结婚。不料 , 陆母却对儿媳极不满意 , 于是 , 一对 陆游的《 钗头凤》 脍炙人 口, 这首词 写的是陆游 自 己的爱 隋悲剧: 红酥 手 , 藤酒 。 黄
满城春 色宫墙柳 。
原本 隋意相投 的恩爱 夫妻却不 得不在 婚 后三年被 追离 异 。后来 , 唐再嫁 赵 士程 , 与 陆游音 讯隔绝 。几 年 此后 后 的一个春 日, 陆游 在家 乡山 阴 ( 绍兴 市 ) 南 附 近 今 城
se l o t h i o e g b u Yo i te fl B s e b: e蜘 u ls f mPmB , el g it a so x rs i i er C a T u F n yL u n h o l a p y  ̄ gr p c t e h h e so  ̄ gt h i u s c w y f e p eso n i n a d ̄ yh . n h tm Ke w y : U Y ; i o ̄ : a s t n L o c G u p  ̄-t n l i r ao
m a adf m o e g l u a ot ebat i su d T ippr nl e etoE gi ros f hns l 。 en n r t i l tl t euy n on . s ae a sat nlhv s n iee a o fh 【 b soh a h a y h美 , 卫要 忠实于原文的音 美。通过对 陆肄词《 头风) 彀 两种译 文的对 比, 分析 它们在 内容意 叉 的信 买方 面和语言形式、 节奏 、 表达 方面的长短 , 再现 了汉语诗词英译 中意 美、 音美和彤 美。 关键词 : 陆肄 ; 诗词 ; 翻译
中圉分类 号: 35 9 H 1 . 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 :09— 37 20 ) 1 0 8 3 lD 55 (02 0 —05 —0



钗头凤 — 陆游 红酥手, 黄縢酒, 满城春色宫墙柳。 东风恶, 欢情薄。 一怀愁绪, 几年离索。 错,错,错! 春如旧, 人空瘦。 泪痕红浥绞绡透。 桃花落, 闲池阁。 商盟虽在, 锦书难托。 莫,莫,莫!
摘要: 本文以我国著名翻译家许渊冲的“三美”理论为指导,
从“意”、“形”、“美”三个方面来赏析陆游《钗头凤》的 两种英译版本,并对两个英译版本进行了尝试性的比较。从而 证明,只有尽量再现原诗意美、音美和形美的译文,才能使读 者感受中国诗词的艺术美。 Abstract: This paper aims at appreciating two English versions of Lu You’s “Chaitoufeng” from three aspects——“conception”, “form” and “sound”, guided by the “Three beauties” theory of Chinese famous translator Xu Yuanchong. It also attempts to make a comparison between the two versions to show that only the translation versions of beauty in concept, form and sound can present readers the beauty of Chinese poems.
East wind unfair. Happy times rare.
释入背景意义,专制的母亲拆散 他们的美满婚姻,突出中国文化
名词形容一一与原文 对应,简洁易懂
错,错,错! 莫,莫,莫! 错,错,错! 莫,莫,莫!




”任何一部文学作品都有“情趣”(temperament and interest)和“意象”(image)两个要素。






译文只有在成功地再现了原作的风格(style)、意象(image)、情趣(temperament and int erest)的基础上,才能达到与原作基本相同的意境。







意象的叠加产生了意境(artistic conception),意境等于诗中意象的总和,即全诗所创造的艺术形象。






L.Cranmer-Byng的译文如下: Now loudly with the crash of falling rain,Now soft as the leaf whispering of words,Now loud and soft together as the long,Patter of pearls and seed-pearls on a dish.译文虽打破了原文的格律,但使用排比,读起来十分流畅。



Lecture note 21、直译(literal translation)VS意译(free translation)直译:是既保持原文内容、又保持原文形式的翻译方法或翻译文字。



Eg:1.dark horse(黑马)brandy(白兰地)rifle(来福枪)carnation(康乃馨)litchi(荔枝)salon(沙龙)engine(引擎)gentlemen’s agreement(君子协议)one country,two systems(一国两制)2.to show one’s cards摊牌3.Soon got, soon gone.来得容易,去得快。

4.Speech is silver, silence is golden.雄辩是银,沉默是金。

5.There is no smoke without fire.无火不生烟6.The worst wheel of a cart creaks most.最坏的车轮最会嘎嘎响。

7.Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心不念。


Easy come, easy go.9.同一个世界,同一个梦想。

One world, one dream.10.She has many hot potatoes to handle every day.她每天都要处理很多棘手的问题。

11.Partly as a result of the recently increasing demand, whole sale tea prices havealmost doubled.部分由于日益增长的需求,批发茶的价格几乎翻了一番。








莫,莫,莫![译文] 满园的桃花已经凋落,幽雅的池塘也已干阁,永远相爱的誓言虽在,可是锦文书信靠谁投托。

深思熟虑一下,只有莫,莫,莫![出自] 南宋陆游《钗头凤》钗头凤(陆游)红酥手,黄縢酒,满城春色宫墙柳。


























钗头凤 陆游 陆游唐婉《钗头凤》赏析

钗头凤 陆游 陆游唐婉《钗头凤》赏析

















































鲛绡(jiāo xiāo):神话传说鲛人所织的绡,极薄,后用以泛指薄纱,这里指手帕。




















(惜春判词)杨译: She sees through the transience of spring,Dark Buddhist robes replace her garments fine;Pity this child of a wealthy noble house,Who know sleeps alone by the dimly lit old shrine.霍译: When you see thro ugh the spring scene’s transient state,A nun’s black habit shall replace your own.Alas, that daughter of so great a house,By Buddha’s altar lamp should sleep alone.解析:1)判词中,“三春”指的是惜春的三个姐姐:元春、迎春、探春。


在给定的语境中,译文读者能够较为容易地判断出隐含的意思,所以不论是杨译的“she sees through the transience of spring”还是霍译的“the spring scene’s transient state”都没有对“三春”进行明确解析,而是保留了原文的修辞。

























鲛绡(jiāo xiāo):神话传说鲛人所织的绡,极薄,后用以泛指薄纱,这里指手帕。














《钗头凤》英译中“隐”、“秀”美学风格的传译蔡爱春;申丹【摘要】The aesthetic value implied in the concept of Yin (the latent) . and Xiu (the outstanding) in Wen xin diao long by Liu Xie not only plays a great part in Chinese classical poetry creation and appreciation, but also presents a new perspective on aesthetic analysis of Chinese classical poetry translation. Through analyzing the aesthetic features of a famous poem Chai Tou Feng by Lu You in Song dynasty and discussing the accomplishment effect of its original outstanding words and latent connotation in English versions, this paper directs the way to reappear the original stylistic beauty of the poem in the process of translation by adjusting the latent and the outstanding, and combining emptiness and reality.%刘勰《文心雕龙》中“隐秀”所蕴含的美学价值对中国古典诗词创作和鉴赏发挥了重要的作用,对古诗翻译的审美分析也提供了新的研究视角。




个 片断 的描写 : 床前 一片 皎洁月 光 , 仿佛 地上铺 了 层 白霜 。抬头 仰 望夜 空 的 明月 , 头 思念 远 方 的 低

故乡 。唐诗 的朦 胧 之处 是 : 诗从 头 到 尾 没有 一 个 全
主语 。谁 的床前 ?谁在 望月 ?谁 在思故 乡 ?对 比英
(95 、 元明清诗一百五十首》 19 ) 《 19 ) 《 ( 97 、 唐诗三
L o i g u Ifn e mo n brg t o k n p, d t o ih ; i h
Bo n i o sc ne sI m r wn d wi g,n h me i k s ’ d o e .
( 渊 冲译 ) 许
汉 诗整齐 、 简练 , 虚词 很 少 , 续 几个 词 造 成 的 连

2 0 赵甄 陶 :9 6 。以 中外 名 家 的英 译作 为 分 析 0 0; 18 ) 对象 , 形式 和内容两个方 面着手 , 从 来考察 这些译例
个 最 终 说 法 : 同一 作 品 , 者见 仁 , 者 见 智 。 对 仁 智
在意境传 达方 面的得与失 。我们来 比较两 种不 同的
百首 》 20 ) , 长期 的 翻译 实 践 和 翻译 研 究 基 (0 0 等 在
础上 形成 了 自己独 到 的 翻译 见 解 和 理 论 。他 认 为
[ 收稿 日期 ]0 0— 7—1 21 0 6
语, 英语 的句 子 中主语是 不可 以省略 的 , 英译 时必 须
补出主语 , 这就构成 了翻译 的困难 。要想把文章的 意境表 达 出来 , 要求 译 者 对诗 中的 情感 有 深 刻 了 就
[ 作者简介 ] 马铁威 (9 2一) 女 , 17 , 齐齐哈 尔大学外国语 学院副教授 , 士, 硕 主要 从事英语 语言与文化研 究。

































收稿日期:2001-03-05作者简介:朱娥(1975— ),女,云南彝良县人,昭通师专英语系教师,学士。

风格再创造中的形美、音美与意美——评陆游《钗头凤》的两首英译文朱 娥(昭通师范高等专科学校, 云南 昭通 657000)[摘 要] 从形式、音韵、意境和风格四个方面比较分析陆游《钗头凤》的两首英译文。


[关键词] 诗歌; 翻译; 风格[中图分类号]I 04 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1008-9322(2001)02-0023-08Beauty in Form ,Sound and Sense in Reproduction of the Style——C omments on two English Versions of Phoenix Hairpin by Lu YouZHU EAbstract :Fr om fo ur aspects of form ,r hy me,conception and style,this essay m akes aco mparative analysis on tw o Eng lish versions of Phoenix H airp in by Lu You .It holds thatthe main point of verse translatio n depends on versions to transmit the beauty in form ,soundand sense and also reproduce the style of the or ig inal.Key words :poetry ;translation;styleVerse translation is an ar t of turning o ne language into ano ther .It is the combination o f the po et p s idea and the translator p s lang uag e.For many y ears,opinions vary about w hat is the better w ay to translate verses.Xu Yuancho ng say s::T he translators in the o ld edition of T he English T ranslations A gainst Or iginal ChinesePoems m ay be ro ug hly divided into three schools .T he first school consists of the translator sin the ear ly per io d,w ho translated poems in the form o f classical poetr y.T he schoo l may becalled classical schoo l,w ho se representative w as Giles.T he second schoo l consist of thetranslators in the late period ,w ho translated po em s in the form of fr ee verse .The scho olmay be called free scho ol,w ho se r epresentative w as Arthur Dav id Waley.The third scho olco nsists of the tr anslato rs w ho cr eatively adapted the original into English.T he scho ol may ・23・第23卷 第2期Vol.23No.2昭通师范高等专科学校学报J ou rnal of Zhaotong T eacher p s College 2001年6月Jun.2001第23卷昭通师范高等专科学校学报2001年(总第77期)be called creative schoo l,w hose repr esentative w as Ella Lo omis Pound.T he translator s abr oad added in the new edition of the above m entioned book ar e in the main the successor s to the three schools._And the translator s at home also belong to these scho ols and have their respective r epresentatives.F[1](P.139)We hold that a verse should be tr anslated to be a verse.The reaso n is that v erse translation can co nvey the musical beauty of the o riginal w hile pr eser ving the artistic conception and the meaning of the original.A tr anslator should no t be satisfied with the mere conveying o f the ideas in the original, but m ust strive for the reproduction of the or ig inal beauty.In a w ord,verse tr anslator s should pr eser ve the beauty of the o riginal in sound,fo rm,sense and reproduce the style o f the original to the gr eat ex tent.In order to further illustrate the point about the preserv ation of the beauty in sound,form,sense and r eproductio n of the sty le of the orig inal,in this essay,w e w ill com pare and analy ze tw o Eng lish versions of a Chinese lyr ic w ritten by Lu You.Ⅰ.The backgrounds of the poet and the lyricLu You w as a fam ous Chinese poet in South-Song Dy nasty.Edified by the idea of patriotism fro m his childhood,the po et insisted in fig hting against Jin tripe outside and advocated reform inside.He w as ever a regional officer and served in the army and retired hom e at elder ag e.Lu Yo u produced many poems in his life and the them es of them are various.Som e express the patrio tic feeling of uniting the Centr al Plains;so me reflect the w eal and w oe of the masses;some disclose the capitulating po licies of the ruling class.M ost of his poems are full o f pow er and grandeur.He also wr ote some po em s w hich are sentimental and touching,such as the ly ric w hich w e w ill discuss,T une::Phoenix Hairpin F.This lyric w ill be o ffer ed in Pin-Yin sy stem in the fo llow ing.Ch i T u F ngL Y uH ng sh sh u,Hu ng t ng ji ,M n ch ng ch n s g ng q ang li .D ng f ng ,Hu n q ng b ,Y hu i ch u x ,J ni n l su .Cu ,cu ,cu !Ch n r ji ,R n k ng sh u,L i h n h ng y ji o x i o t u.T o hu lu ,Xi n ch g ,Sh n m ng su z i,J n sh n n tu .M ,m ,m !This lyric is said to have been w ritten in1150A.D.w hen the poet w as about30years o ld.It ・・24朱娥风格再创造中的形美、音美与意美——评陆游=钗头凤I的两首英译文第2期tells a tragedy of lo ve according to the book Pop ular R ep ort w ritten by Zhou M i.Lu You m ar ried his cousin Tang W an w hen he w as tw enty.But the poet p s mother w as unpleased to his w ife and co mpelled them to div orce three y ears after their marr iag e.They both remarried separ ately after their divorce.Sev eral year s later,the po et w ent to visit the Shen fam ily g ar den in Shao-Xing.There he chanced to meet his first w ife w ho offered him the g ood wine.The poet w ro te the lyric on the garden w all with full of sad feelings.On reading it,Tang also w rote one to the same tune.It w as said she did no t survive her lyric.The ly ric has been eulogized for hundreds of years and has been tr anslated into several lang uag es. In the lyric,the poet ex pr esses his feelings of suffering,w or rying,indignatio n and having no w ay o ut fully,and criticized the feudalism w hich interfer ed the love betw een man and w oman flagrantly.Ⅱ.Comparing and analyzing two English versions of the lyricVERSION1 Ch p ai T p ou FengCrisp pink sho rt-bread,A flask of yellow w ine,The city bright w ith spring,on palace w alls a w illow.An east w ind,a fierce w ind,Has w orn the rapture fine,M y heart is bo und w ith sorr ow ro und,Parted,the many y ears too long.How w r ong it w as,how wr ong!Spring p s the same as ever,Vain longings w aste and w ear,M y silk handkerchief is soaked,there p s blood in every tear.Peach blosso m scatter s round,The lake and building bare,The solemn oath still binds us both,It p s har d to trust a messag e,soIt p s No!Fo r ever No!VERSION2 Tune::Pho enix Hairpin FPink hands so fine,Go ld-branded wine,Spring paints g reen w illow s palace w alls cannot confine.East w ind unfair,Happy tim es rare,In my heart sad tho ug ht thro ng,We p ve sever ed for years long.Wrong,w rong,w rong!・・25第23卷昭通师范高等专科学校学报2001年(总第77期)Spring is as g reen,In vain she p s lean,Her silk scarf so ak p d w ith tear s and red w ith stain unclean.Peach blosso ms fall,Never desert p d hall,Our oath is still there,lo!No wo rd to her can go,No,no,no!Different versions reflect different under standing,and at the same tim e show different way s of verse tr anslation.Version1is a literal tr anslation to a hig h degr ee.It is nearly a w ord-by-w ord and line-by-line versio n.Versio n2uses the method of liberal translation to preserv e the beauty in sense and of:imitatio n F or adaptatio n to preserve the beauty in so und,also o f literal translatio n to preserve the beauty in form.Each ver sion is literal or liberal translation to a certain degr ee,and each has its go od po ints and w eak points.In the follow ing w e w ill co mpare the tw o versio ns in details from their fo rm,r hy thm and r hy me and sense to discuss the preservation o f the beauty in sound,form,sense and the repr oduction of the sty le.A.FORMZhu Guangqian,an aesthete ever said in The T heory of P oetry,:Form is the so ul of po etry.F Po etry is the g em of literature.It is a unity w hich co mbines sound,form and sense perfectly.:By fo rm,w e include line leng th,verse pattern,repetition o f w ords,parallelism in structure,etc.If the orig inal line is lone,the tr anslato r should not shorten it in his versio n,nor lengthen it if the original is shor t.F[2]If the v ersion is not close to the orig inal in form,it may seem not as beautiful as the orig inal.Since Chinese classical poetr y is strict w ith form,it is better for a verse translator to pr eser ve the beauty of the orig inal in form.The or ig inal consists o f tw o stanzas and eig ht lines in each stanza and sixty w or ds in all.It is very co ncise.The last line o f each stanza contains three repeated mo no syllabic w ords.T he first stanza is antithetical w ith the second stanza in for m.Version1and Versio n2both hav e the same stanzas and lines as those o f the o riginal.But it seems that Version2basically bears a form m ore corresponding to the orig inal than Version1.First of all,the last line of each stanza in Version2has three repeated m onosy llabic w or ds as the orig inal w hich is the excellent point of the w ho le translation.Ho w ever,Version1is far fro m the original in this point.Secondly,Versio n2is alm ost as concise as the original.For example,the4th line o f the orig inal contains just three w ords.T his of Version2also contains only3w o rds and4syllables.But the one of Versio n1,6wo rds and6syllables.T hirdly,the first stanza and the second stanza of Version2are antithetical as those of the original.It is clear that Versio n2seems mor e close to the orig inal in form and it preserv es the beauty in form of the orig inal.B.SOUNDPo etry,especially the Chinese classical poetry,calls for the beauty not o nly in form,but also in so und,so does v erse tr anslation.:A ver se translator,o ug ht to,first of all,r etain the orig inal meaning and artistic conception and seco ndly,do his best to make his translation bear a certain rhythm and rhyme when necessary.F[1](P.129)・・26朱娥风格再创造中的形美、音美与意美——评陆游=钗头凤I的两首英译文第2期:M usic,of course,is concerned no t w ith beauty of so und but w ith or ganization of so und,and beauty has to do w ith the fo rm of the or ganization_The sound-patterns of po etry are_very co mplex_T he study o f the co mplex sound-patterns of poetry has greatly lagg ed behind the study o f the complex pattern p s of meaning.F[3](P.23):M odulation in pitch,F ex plains Jaines J.Y.Liu,:plays a ro le in chinese verse co mparable to that o f variation of stress in English verse.F[3](P.24)By sound,w e include rhym e,rhythm,alliteratio n,assonance,etc.As all Chinese classical po em s are wr itten in rhym e,no Eng lish versions could repr oduce an effect sim ilar to the o riginal if no rhyme were used.A translatio n bearing r hy thm and r hy me w ill help to reproduce the musical beauty of the orig inal and at the same time,help to br ing out the beauty in sense.In Eng lish,poetry has also som e r equirements on its rhy thm.T he r hy thm is o ften related to the stanza and line and fo ot.It consists of the sounds like stressed syllables and unstr essed sy llables and pr oduces:ti-don-ti-don-ti-don F.In Chinese,the falling-r ising to ne and the falling to ne ar e regarded as o blique tone.In classical po etry,the o blique tones are usually used alternativ ely to form the rhythm.In the ly ric,the nam e of the T une is said to com e fro m the sentence:I am pitiable just like a phoenix hair pin.F in X ie Fang Ver se.:The Tune has tw o accents and requir es seven oblique tones and changes its rhyme fro m the4th line in each stanza,and adapts three w ords w ith the same vow el fo rmation in the last line of each stanza.F[4](P.859)The rules of rhym ing in the original is aaa bbbbb aaa bbbbb.At the same tim e,the poet adapts assonance and conso nance to add to the beauty of rhythm. Fo r instance,in:Hu ng t ng ji ,M n ch ng ch n s g ng q ang li .F:Huang F,:teng F,:cheng F, :g ong F and:qiang F are conso nance.:Ch n r ji .F:chun F and:r u F ar e assonance.Its rhythm is tw o rhymes in the ev en tone before an oblig ate to ne.It is obvious that Version1is inferior to V ersion2in r hy me.Version1is in rhym e.But it is liberal.In the first stanza,Line2,Line3and Line5ar e in rhym e w ith/ai/.Line7and Line8are in rhyme w ith/ /.In the second stanza,Line2and Line5are in rhym e w ith/ /,and Line6,Line7 and Line8ar e in rhym e w ith/ u/.Its rhythm is also alternative w hich makes us fell flat and insipid. It reduces the effectiveness of visio n and hear ing to som e ex tent and lacks the lingering charm.Version2observ es the rules and fo rms of classical poetic com po sitio n and r eproduces the beauty in so und of the original.First,its rhy me is close to the original,adapting the masculine rhyme.Its rules of rhym ing is aaa bb ccc aaa bb ccc.Secondly,the o riginal ver se ends w ith the sound/o/to show the poet p s bitter g rief and blind desperatio n.Versio n2ends w ith the sound/ u/,w hich resembles the orig inal.T he resemblance in so und may not only convey to a hig h deg ree the m usical beauty o f the orig inal,but also helps to r eveal the poet p s feeling.T hir dly,the translator of Version2 uses various w ays to r eproduce the beauty in sound,such as alliter ation in:canno t confine F, :thoughts throng F,:silk scarf soak p d F,assonance in:sev ered/si q vi d/F and:years/ji z/F,:w ord/ w d/F and:her/h /F,:No/n u/F and:go/g u/F consonance in:go ld F and:branded F,:w illow s F and:w alls F,:is F and:as F,:in F and:vain F.Finally,the translato r adapts tr ochee in Ver sion2to reach the musical beauty.T herefo re,Ver sion2repro duces the musical beauty of the or ig inal in sound as w ell as the beauty in sense.C.SENSEThe sense is an essential com po nent of a poem.T he translator has only the obligatio n to retain・27・第23卷昭通师范高等专科学校学报2001年(总第77期)them,but no right to make any alteration.:If a tr anslation cannot retain the sense and spirit of the orig inal,it can never be regarded as w ell-do ne.F[1](P.111)Cheng Fangw u po inted out long ag o,:T he translatio n of a poem must r em ain to be a poem.T hat is the first thing we should never forg et.And seco ndly,it should be faithful to the original.F[1](P.140)Now,let p s have a look at the sense of the or ig inal and the preservation o f the sense of the tw o versions.:T he lyric has tw o stanzas w ith tw o accents.The first stanza is in a man p s to ne.It depicts that the poet recalls the past and compares the past w ith the present.T he second stanza imitates a w oman p s tone to com plain amid tears the feeling o f missing.F[4](P.860)Line1—3describe the difference between the past and the present which r eflects the po et p s co mplicated feeling.Line1depicts Tang p s hands to show her beauty and Line2the g ood w ine to hint at her love for the poet.Versio n1her e do es not pass the meaning of the o riginal because of mistakening the w ord:sh F for a kind of desert,and:hu ng t ng ji F for an o rdinar y yellow w ine. As to Version2,the tr anslation o f the first line is r ather successful.T he tr anslato r uses the metho d of literal translation to point out the beauty of the hand bluntly,preserving the artistic conception of the original.Line3denotes the time when and the place w her e they met.T he slender w illow br anch may sy mbolize the emaciated div orced w ife and the palace w alls the co nfinement.But that of each version bears the m eaning that:the palace walls cannot co nfine the beautiful spring F w hich is not in accordance w ith that of the o riginal.Here,the o riginal implication is mo re co mplicated for it implies that T ang has marr ied the other,so she is now inaccessible just like the w illo ws in palace w ithin sig ht but beyond reach.Line6—7denote the time when they parted and the gloomy moo d of the poet these years.Echoed to the3rd line,it co ntinues to emphasize the meaning:g ood tim es don p t last long.F Those of Version1sim plify the meaning w hile those of Ver sion2ex press the m eaning appr opriately w ith the best cho ice of the w ord:severed F.At the end of the first stanza,the poet bursts out three sam e w ords to express his bitter g rief and indignation fully.Version1adapts repetitio n but the pow er of indig nation is no t enough.At the same time,it reduces its beauty in sense.T hat o f Versio n2uses thr ee same w ords co ncisely which resembles the orig inal not only in form,but also in spirit.In the second stanza,the accent now is an imitation of a w om an p s.Line1—2may be considered as an echo to Line3in the first stanza.It is still in spring.But the affair is ov er and ev er ything has changed.T ho se of Versio n1are w ord-fo r-w ord translation and also tw ist the meaning of the original. Those of Version2adapts a w ord:gr een F w ith associative m eaning w hich urg es us the imagination of the spring.Line3po rtrays the m isery life of Tang after they parted.Red scar f and rough tear s describe the g rief o f the divorced w ife.Here,the translato r o f Ver sion1uses the method o f over translatio n,cho osing the w ords:bloo d tear F to ex pressing the feeling o f Tang fully.How ever,in Version2,the wo rd:unclean F is im pro per.The wo rd is a derog ato ry ter m w hich m eans lacking spiritual purity o r unchaste in Eng lish.It is o ffensiv e and destroys the im age.Peach blossom p s fall is the result of div esting east w ind,and the desertion of the hall,that of the petal p s fall,sy mbol of the end o f their happy past.At last,the poet contrasts the past o ath w ith the pr esent silence and sig hs and sighs in despair.Those of v ersion1are alm ost a loo se translation.The w ords fail to convey the idea such as:building F for:ch g F and the sentence is illog ical,and w hat p s mor e,the feeling is unfit fo r the scene.Especially the last line m akes us com pletely confused.Versio n2deals w ith these lines successfully.T he w o rd:go F w ith its figurativ e meaning and three same w o rd:no F help to em phasize ・28・朱娥风格再创造中的形美、音美与意美——评陆游=钗头凤I的两首英译文第2期the sad and despairing feeling of the poet.It not only conv ey s the meaning o f the orig inal,but also retrains the spir it of the original.D.STYLEPo etry is an art of lang uag e and translation of verse is a r ecreation of the art of lang uag e.If a translatio n persisted in expressing him self in his translation w ithout taking the style o f the orig inal into consideratio n,no doubt,he could hardly achieve goo d results.As far as sty le is concerned,w e must take the w ho le piece of wr iting into consideration instead of som e particular wo rds or expressio ns.As w e know,different liter ar y w or ks have different styles.The style o f a tr anslation also should correspond or at least close to the original.The orig inal is inex tr icable and com miserative and also full of feelings.T he poet refuses upon w ording and phrasing and uses few verbs but m ore adjectives w hich are full o f emo tion.T he language of the lyric is plain and simple but meaningful and thoug ht pr ovoking.The poet also uses various fig ur es of speech to ex press his feeling,such as metaphor in line1,symbolism in Line3,inversion in line6—7of the first stanza,and repetitio n in the last line of each stanza,simile in Line1o f the seco nd stanza and sy mbolism in Line5.at the same time,the fir st stanza echo es to the second and is antithetical w ith the second.We can say,the ly ric is concise,neat.As far as the reproduction of the style is concerned,Version2is ev idently superior to Version1. fr om the language point,Versio n1is redundant,slig htly frank and straight like stagnant w ater w ith no climax.Versio n2uses a lot of adjectives as the orig inal does w hich arouse our imaginatio n such as :pink,g reen,unfair,deserted,etc.F Secondly,from the po int of fig ures o f speech,Version1just uses personification and repetitio n.While Ver sion2uses a lot.Fo r ex ample,personification is used in Line3and Line4o f the first stanza;simile in Line1of the second stanza;repetition in the last line of each stanza;echo in the second stanza to the first.T he w hole translation is also concise and lucid. The antithesis is neat and the choice of w ords is succinct.Both po ints help the translatio n to repro duce the sty le of the orig inal.Ⅲ.General CommentJust as w hat Bem ad Shaw said::Sty le can be repro duced w ith co nv ey ing the meaning o f the orig inal.F[5]Versio n1is a lo ose translatio n as a w hole.Fro m the level of thinking,the translator does not ex amine the lyric so clo sely that he m ade a blunder that he do es not realize the title is a tune. Fr om the level of sem antic,the translator misinterprets many things such as:sh sh u F,:hu ng t ng ji F,and creates so me illog ical sentence such as:It p s No,For ever No!F From the level of appreciatio n,Version1do es no t preserve the beauty in form,sound,sense and r eproduce the style of the o riginal.At the sam e time,:the key w ords of the ly ric F ar e interpreted no t v er y w ell,such as the w ord:k ng F.T he Version1do es not seize the billow s of the feeling of the ly ric and therefo re does not interpret the true feelings of the poet.In a w ord,it is a loose translatio n.Version2is successful and comes up to the standard of beauty in fo rm,sound,sense and the repro duction o f the sty le because firstly it retain the meaning and ar tistic conception of the original, seco ndly it basically bears a for m corr esponding to the original and thir dly its lang uag e is also fluent and co ncise,its rhythm and national and rime scheme similar to the original.In addition,the plain and lively sty le of the orig inal is satisfacto ry reproduced.Tr anslations o f verse are par t o f a procers of reading continuity.Different r eaders w ill pr oduce・・29第23卷昭通师范高等专科学校学报2001年(总第77期)different r eadings.Different translators will alw ays pro duce different translatio ns.What m aters in the translatio n of verse is that the translato r should be so draw n into the v er se and strive to preserv e the beauty in sound,fo rm and sense and reproduce the style of the orig inal.Quote the w ords of Dillon Wentcoorth::T hen seek a Poet w ho y our w ay does bend.And choose an Author as you cho ose it a Friend:United by this sy mpathetic bond,You gr ow familiar,intimate and fond;Your T houg ht,yo ur Words,yo ur Styles,your Souls ag ree.No longer his Interpr eter,but he.F[3](P.74)Bibliography:[1]L iu Z ho ngde.T he L ectures on L iterar y T ranslat ion[M].Beijing:Chinese Fo reig n T ranslatio n Pr ess Co mpany, 2000.[2]X u Y uancho ng.On Chinese V er se in Eng lish Rhyme[M].Beijing:Beijing U niv ersity P ress,1997.23.[3]Susan Bassett&Andre L efev ere.Co nst ructing Cultures Essays o n L iterar y T r anslatio n-clev edo n.M ultiling ual M att ers,1998.[4]L i Wenlu&Song Xulian.Chinese classical Lo ve Po etr y A mericat ion dict ionar y[M].Liaoning U niver sity Pr ess, 1990.[5]Y ang Z ijian&L iu Xueyun.A series o f T ransla tio n studies in China[M].Wuhan:Hubei Educat ion pr ess,1996. 112.[6]Chen Xin.A G uide to English-Chinese T r anslation of St ylistic V ar ieties,1992.[7]Hua Xianfa.A N ew Pr actr ical T ex tboo k of English-Chinese T r anslat ion[M].W uhan:Hubei Education Pr ess, 2000.[8]L iu Zho par ison betw een Eng lish and Chinese and T r anslatio n[M].Q indao:Q indao Pr ess,1998.[9]N ida Eugene A.L ang uag e Cultur e and T r anslat ing[M].N ei M engg u U niv ersity Pr ess,1998.[10]T ang Guizhang T he A ppreciatio n dictr onar y of T ang&Song Dynasty V erses[M].N anjing:Jia ng shu A ncient Bo oks Pr ess,1989.[11]Xu Y uanchong.T he A r t of T ranslatio n[M].Beijing:Chinese Fo r eign T ranslat ion P ress,1997.[12]Y ang posit ion and Rhetor ic[M].Hefei:A nhui Educatio n Pr ess,1984.[13]Yao Y ongfang.O n Str uctur al Differ ences in Expr ession betw een Chinese and English in T r anslating classical Chinese P oetr y in Eng lish[J],Chinese T r anslat ion,2000,4.・・30。















































































欢迎阅读参考!陆游古诗词《钗头凤·红酥⼿》注⾳版翻译赏析 hóng sū shǒu,huáng téng jiǔ,mǎn chéng chūn sè gōng qiáng liǔ。

dōng fēng è,huān qíng báo。

yī huái chóu xù,jǐnián lí suǒ。






chūn rú jiù,rén kōng shòu,lèi hén hóng yì jiāo xiāo tòu。

táo huā luò,xián chí gé。

shān méng suī zài,jǐn shū nán tuō。

mòmòmò! 春如旧,⼈空瘦,泪痕红浥鲛绡透。



莫、莫、莫! 翻译 你红润酥腻的⼿⾥,捧着盛上黄縢酒的杯⼦。




遥想当初,只能感叹:错,错,错! 美丽的春景依然如旧,只是⼈却⽩⽩相思地消瘦。





































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许渊冲先生的译文基本保留了词的形式, 分 为上、下两阙, 结构与意义均能与原词统一, 基本 达到了/ 意美0、/ 音美0、/ 形美0。
2 意美在诗词牌翻泽中的韵味
词是依照一定的曲调格式制作的, 这种曲调 格式就是词牌。这是汉语语言所特有的, 英语中 不存在, 造成了语义缺失现象。这是社会文化差 异造成的, 无法避免, 译文需用补偿法填补空缺。 译者增加了词名/ T he Garden of Shen0( 沈园) , 更符合译 入语的 表达习 惯, 同时加 以补充 说明 / Phoenix H airpin0( 钗头凤) 是一种曲调/ T une0。
4 形美在诗词翻泽中形式上的写意
在形式上, 译文句式几乎和原文一样, 字数相 当, 句数相同, 长短错落有致, 结构简短, 讲究遣词 炼字, 很少用完整的长句, 采用了汉语的意合法 ( parat axis) , 很好地展现了宋词的形式美, 透出汉 语独有的典雅气息。
相比较而言, 徐忠杰先生的译作更像一首英语 叙事诗, 跳出了原作的框架, 发扬了格律体英诗的 优势, 采用抑扬格押尾韵。讲究衔接与连贯, 增加 了连词 as、since、but, 副词 only, 代词 our, 介词 w ith 等。多使用长句、复合句、分词短语、介词结构等, 体现了句子结构的完整严谨, 是典型的形合造句法 ( hypotaxis) , 符合译入语读者的阅读习惯。
A drenched handkerchief , w ith red st ains, bespeaks- Pr ofuse tears, running w it h rouge dow n t he cheeks, Our married lif e w as closed by a f orce supreme, As peach f low er s, int o pet als, lef t in a str eam. T hough f or m e, our vow o f love
旧, 人空瘦, 泪痕红浥鲛绡透。桃花落, 闲池阁山 盟虽在, 锦书难托。莫, 莫, 莫!
T he Garden of Shen T une: " Phoenix H airpin" Pink hands so f ine, Gold- br anded wine, Spring paint s t he w illow s g reenpalace w alls can't nfine. East w ind unfair, H appy t im es r are. In my heart sad thought s t hr ong ;
武汉船舶职业技术学院学报 2009 年第 1 期
意美、音美、形美 ) ) ) 陆游5钗头凤6英译赏析
吴天慧 ( 武汉软件工程职业学院, 湖北武汉 430205)
摘 要 本文通过从/ 意0 、/ 音0 、/ 形0 三个方面赏析陆游5 钗头凤6 的两种英 译版本, 分析不同 译者的翻 译特点 以及创 造 性, 探讨中国诗歌的翻译艺术。 关键词 诗歌翻译; 意; 音; 形 中图分类号 H315. 9 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1671- 8100( 2009) 01- 0139- 03
fo r e'er st ill hold, H ow co uld I w rit e y ou loverlet t ers as of old?
No! No! No! Such t hings cannot be do ne! ( 徐忠杰译) [ 3]
这首词是南宋作家陆游所写, 相传是为怀念 其前妻唐婉所作。陆游年轻时与表妹唐婉结婚, 二人相亲相爱, 伉俪情深, 后遭陆母反对, 被迫离 异。十几年后, 二人在沈园偶遇, 陆游/ 触景生情, 怅然感伤, 在园 壁上题写了这 首饱含血泪的词0 ½ 。全篇通过离异和重逢的叙写, 表达了对前妻 的深切爱恋, / 反映了封建社会婚姻不自由, 爱情 遭摧残的悲剧0[ 4] 。
原词中有佳人, 有美景, 有真情, 有深意, 这些 在译文中都很好地体现出来了。在汉语中/ 红0不 仅指红色, 还指/ 红颜0、/ 红粉0, 有/ 美人0的含义, 英语中/ r ed0则无此意。/ 红酥手0此处的/ 红0若 翻译成/ r ed0, 则意为/ 鲜红的0, 会使人联想到暴 力、血腥, 毫无美感, 那就完全歪曲了原词的本意。 译为/ pink0则表现出手的红润、粉嫩。/ f ine0 词义 很广, 包 含 soft 、fair、delicat e 等意, 很 好地 对应 / 酥0, 表现了手的软滑、柔美, 用词 简练, 意义深
下阙中, / green0与上阙 照应, / as0 恰如其分 地表达出/ 如旧0 之意。/ in vain0 意为/ w it h no result; f ruit less0, 对应/ 空0, 悲叹春色依旧, 人事 已非的残酷现实, 透出几许哀怨, 几许茫然, 几许 无奈。/ 鲛绡0是传说鲛人织的绡, 极薄, 后以泛指 薄纱, 被译为/ kerchief0简单明了。/ soaked wit h t ears0, / red w ith stains0形象地展现了伊人容颜 憔悴, 泪染胭脂, 浸透丝帕的情态, 令人痛心愧疚。 / f al l0对应/ 落0, 音近、意似。/ desert ed0 空无一 人, 还有被遗弃之意, 道尽/ 闲0字背后的凄凉与落 寞。译者增加了/ lo0这一感叹词, 是原词中没有 的, 是译者自己的情感体验, 把词中人的满腔悔恨 推向极至, 引出后文如火山喷薄的情感高潮, 使读 者如临 其境, 感同 身 受, 产 生 共 鸣。最 后 / No, no, no! 0重叠式的感叹前后呼应, 表达出欲爱不 能, 欲罢难休的哀痛, 令人潸然泪下。
We'v e severed for years long. Wrong, w rong, w rong! Spring is as g reen, In vain she 's lean, H er kerchief so aked w it h t ears and red w it h st ains un clean. Peach blossom s fall, Near desert ed hall. Our oat h is st ill t her e. L o! No w o rd to her can go. N o, no, no!
3 音美在诗词尾韵翻泽中的凸现
原词押尾韵/ u0和/ o0, / o u0、/ uo0、/ iu0音调
意美、音美、形美 ) ) ) 陆游5钗头凤6英译赏析 吴天慧
深沉浑厚, 在全词中反复出现, 有力地烘托出词人 的/ 一怀愁绪0。译文用多个辅音﹝ n ﹞、﹝ r ﹞、 ﹝ g ﹞结尾, 虽然没有与原词的音韵达到高度契 合, 但也准确地传达了原词的指称意义和言内意 义。汉语和英语是两种不同的语言体系, 前者属 于声调语言, 而后者属于语调语言。原词多采用 平平仄的声调, 每句结尾都是降调, 这种音调的沉 郁正好吻合词人心情的沉郁, 读起来使人感觉匀 称、整齐、平稳。在译文中则使用了有规律的轻重 抑扬变化连同韵式的变化, 符合英语诗歌的韵律 规则, 同样也构成了诗的节奏美。
翻译是一门科学, 也是一门艺术。译者的创 作, 是一种二度创作, 需要发挥想象力和创造力, / 不是拜倒在原作前, 无所作为, 也不是甩开原作, 随意挥洒, 而是在两种语言交汇的有限空间里自 由驰骋0[ 1] 。
1 意美、音美、形美在诗歌泽中的 匠心独运
诗歌是一种高度浓缩精炼的文学体裁。语言 凝练、情感丰富、意境悠远, 加上大量声色词、修辞 格的运用, 富于韵律感和节奏感, 给人无限的想象 空间, 令人回味, 惹人遐思。对译者来说, 要完美 地传达这种神韵不是一件容易的事。理想的诗歌 翻译应力求做到/ 意美0、/ 音美0、/ 形美0 º 。这是 我国著名翻译家许渊冲先生提出的/ 三美0标准。 其中/ 意美0是首要的, 是诗歌翻译的根本, 不仅包 括字面意思, 还包括内在情感和意境。/ 音美0也 就是诗歌的音乐性, 主要体现在押韵上。译文的 韵律手段并不强求要与原作完全一致, 而是要发 挥译语的音韵特点, 再现原作的/ 音美0。/ 形美0 指诗歌的体裁、句式结构以及用词特点。
武汉船舶职业技术学院学报 2009 年第 1 期
But equal ly lo ng did prof ound sorro w last . Wrong! Wrong! Wro ng! is t he course I 've let run. As heret ofo re unalt ered, spring remain. Only w e hav e t urned thinner but in vain.
( 许渊冲译) [ 2] Chait ouf eng What sof t , r uddy hands w ith a beaut y of line, As t hey pour f or m e ex quisite vint ag e wine! All o ver t ow n ar e signs and colours of spring : Willow s along t he w al ls f orm a f est ooned st ring. T he dow ag er lo rded o'er our marriage lif e; She killed our happiness as husband and w if e. Since w e par ted, a go od m any years have pass ed.
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远。/ 黄滕酒0, 宋时官酒上以黄纸封口, 又称黄封 酒。此处 采用直 译和 意译 相结 合 的方 法, 译为 / Gold- branded w ine0。/ 满城春色宫墙柳0译为 / Spring paint s ,can. t confine0, 原词的名词短 语 变 为 现 在 的 动 词 短 语, 用 / spring 0 作 主 语 / paint0作谓 语, 化静为动, 用拟人的手法表现春 天绘出的颜色, 绘出了一片生机, 一片绿意盎然。 / can. t confine0有/ 满园春 色关不住0 之意, 没有 完全忠实于原文, 但不影响总体效果, 体现了译者 的创造力。译者和词人采用了同样的白描手法, 用简洁生动的笔墨描绘了一幅美人美景图, 为下 面的悲情作了衬托, 形成了对比美。/ 东风0实指 自然现象, 暗指长辈的权威, 用了暗喻的修辞手 法, 这里用了直译/ east w ind0, 没有意译为/ parent s. aut horit y0, 更能保留原词隽永含蓄的修辞 特点和婉约典雅的 语言风格。/ 恶0 意译为/ unfair0, 表现命运不公的人 生际遇。/ rare0 用词准 确, 且与/ unfair0压韵, 结构工整。/ t hrong0意为 / mo ve or pr ess in a cro w d0, 如人潮涌动, 蜂拥而 至, 愁绪满 怀, 纠结 缠绕。/ sever0 很有 力度, 有 / 断绝, 隔离0之意, 透出寂寥和凄苦, 结句三个单 音节词/ w rong0 与原词 中的/ 错0 对应, 形似、意 似。这是词人痛快淋漓的宣泄, 是对封建礼教的 控诉, 是渴望自由心灵的呼喊。