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具有坚实的理论基础和优秀的学术素质,学术造诣高深, 具有坚实的理论基础和优秀的学术素质,学术造诣高深, 在科学研究方面取得了国内同行专家公认的重大成就; Having solid theoretical basis and good academic making ; being of high scientific attainments with well-recognized wellachievement in the relevant scientific research. 具有发展潜力,在学科建设、教学改革和学术研究方面 有创新性构想,具有带领本学科达到国内领先水平、 赶超国际先进水平的能力; Having development potentials; being innovative in discipline construction, teaching reform and academic research and capable of developing the discipline of our Institute to the leading domestic level, even to the international advanced level
武汉工程大学“楚天学者” 武汉工程大学“楚天学者”计划特 聘教授招聘启事 聘教授招聘启事
Special Professor Wanted for “Chu Tian Scholar Project” Project” Wuhan Institute of Chemical Technology is recruiting special-term professors as “Chu Tian specialScholar” Scholar”
视情况一次性提供购房补贴15万元或者安家 视情况一次性提供购房补贴15万元或者安家 费5万元; Institute offers RMB 150,000 yuan for the housing or RMB 50,000 yuan for residence subjecting to specific situation. 4、解决配偶工作,协助解决子女入学、入托。 、解决配偶工作, Institute helps with the job of the spouse and the schooling of the children of the professor.
Functional Use of language
The intended function affect the writing. So does it affect the translation. When we translate some practical writing, we have to think about its addresser, addressee, subject matter, mode of communication, intended function. function.
三、工作和生活待遇 Ⅲ. Work and life treatment Ⅲ. Salary and Other Benefits
1、除正常享受在校职工的工资福利外,聘期 、除正常享受在校职工的工资福利 工资福利外,聘期 内享受湖北省“楚天学者计划” 内享受湖北省“楚天学者计划”专项资金 支付的特聘教授岗位津贴,标准为每人每 年10万元(人民币,下同); 10万元(人民币,下同); An allowance of RMB 100,000 per annum 100, provided by “the Project Chutian Scholars” of Scholars” Hubei province in addition to the salary and welfare as the ordinary staff of W.I.T.
1、热心为我校服务,科学道德高尚,学风严谨, 为人正派,富于合作精神; Be able to dedicate to the work of our institute and having respectable qualities in science study, i.e. being rigorous, upright and cooperative. 2、有强烈的事业心和良好的身体素质,能全身心 地投入教学科研一线工作,年龄一般在45周岁 地投入教学科研一线工作,年龄一般在45周岁 以下,应具有博士学位。国内应聘者原则上应 担任教授或相应职位3 担任教授或相应职位3年以上; Being healthy and willing to engage in the frontline work of teaching and research; under 45, with a doctorial degree. Domestic applicants should have worked as a professor or the corresponding position for more than 3 years.
一、招聘岗位 I. Post available : I. Academic fields for the expected professors 二、任职条件: 任职条件: II. Conditions for the Post II. Qualifications The applicant should meet the following requirements:
个人基本情况:内容包括个人简历、博士期间学习成绩和博士 论文题目、自我评价、奖惩情况、本科毕业证及学位证复 印件、硕士(博士)毕业证及硕士(博士)学位证书复印 件(应届毕业生提供可以获得学位的证明)、任职资格证 书复印件等证明材料等,重要内容不详的,不予受理。
The following references of the applicants should be provided: Basic personal information: vita, academic records of doctoral study, title of doctoral dissertation, selfselfevaluation, awards and punishment, photocopies of all the certificates (from Bachelor’s Degree to PhD) Bachelor’ and professional qualifications. Admissibility will not be granted to the application with important information unknown or unclear.
Register and Translation
Register 语域
linguistic term,refers to the study of the language term, varieties in the specific context in which the language is used. language variety Style: frozen, formal, informal, casual regional: different dialects, Social: standard or locally acceptable, gender-related genderFunctional: literary, documentary, news, etc.
2、学校提供科研配套经费20万元(工科)或10万元 学校提供科研配套经费 万元(工科)或10万元 配套经费20
(其他学科),实验室建设费(限购固定资产) 100万元(工科)或50万元(其他学科),并根据 100万元(工科)或50万元(其他学科),并根据 需要配备工作助手;
W.I.T provides RMB 200,000 yuan ( for engineering courses ) or 100,000 yuan (for the other subjects) on the scientific research and 1 million yuan (for engineering courses ) for the laboratory equipment (only for the purchase of fixed assets ), and assistants may also be sent if needed.
四、应聘要求及联系方式 Ⅳ. Reference for Application and Contact 1、申请人可通过互联网或邮寄、传真向我校 申请人可通过互联网或邮寄、 人事处提出应聘申请, 人事处提出应聘申请,亦可由同行专家或亲友 代为推荐; 代为推荐; Candidates may submit their applications to the Personnel Office of the Institute via e-mail, epostal mail or fax. Recommendations from the peer experts, friends or relatives are also welcome.
1、化工工艺(石油化工方向、绿色化学工艺 方向或磷化工方向)Chemical 方向或磷化工方向)Chemical Technology ( Oil Chemical Technology, Green Chemical Technology, Phosphorus Chemical Technology) 2、应用化学学科 Applied Chemistry 3、化工过程与机械学科 Chemical Process and Mechanism 4、材料学学科 Material Subject 5、工业催化学科 (Industrial catalytic discipline) 6、计算机应用技术学科 Computer Application Technology
主要学术成就:近五年发表的学术论文和 科研成果目录一份;获奖情况; 应聘后的工作打算; 配偶及子女情况。 Main academic achievement: a list of academic papers published within recent five years and scientific research achievement, prizes received. Work Plan Information of Spouse and Children
5、具有较强的拼搏奉献精神和相应的组织、管理、 领导能力,善于培养青年人才,注重学术梯 队建设,能带领一支创新团队协同攻关; Having the spirit of hard work and devotion with organizing, administrative skills and leadership; being capable of cultivating young talents to make disciplinary echelon construction, and leading the team in tackling technical difficulties; 6、保证聘期内每年在我校工作9个月以上。 、保证聘期内每年在我校工作9 Being able to work full-time at our Institute at least fullnine months annually.