研究生英语综合教程下第三单元课文中英文对照 熊海虹

UNIT 31. Most Americans would have a difficult time telling you, specifically, what the values are that Americans live by. They have never given the matter much thought.2. Even if Americans had considered this question, they would probably, in the end, decide not to answer in terms of a definitive list of values. The reason for this decision is itself one very American value —their belief that every individual is so unique that the same list of values could never be applied to all, or even most, of their fellow citizens.3. Although Americans may think of themselves as being more varied and unpredictable than they actually are, it is significant that they think they are. Americans tend to think they have been only slightly influenced by family, church or schools. In the end, each believes, “I personally chose which values I want to live my own life by.”4. The different behaviors of a people or a culture make sense only when seen through the basic beliefs, assumptions and values of that particular group. When you encounter an action, or hear a statement in the United States that surprises you, try to see it as an expression of one or more of the values listed here.5. Before proceeding to the list itself, we should also point out that Americans see all of these values as very positive ones. They are not aware, for example, that the people in many Third World countries view some of these values as negative or threatening.In fact, all of these American values are judged by many of the world’s citizens as negative and undesirable. Therefore, it is not enough simply to familiarize yourself with these values. You must also, so far as possible, consider them without the negative or derogatory connotation that they might have for you, based on your own experience and cultural identity.Personal Control over the Environment6. Americans no longer believe in the power of Fate, and they have come to look at people who do as being backward, primitive, or hopelessly naive. To be called “fatalistic” is one of the worst criticisms one can receive in the American context; to an American, it means one is superstitious and lazy, unwilling to take any initiative in bringing about improvement.7. In the United States, people consider it normal and right that Man should control Nature, rather than the other way around. More specifically, people believe every single individual should have control over whatever in the environment might potentially affect him or her. 1.大多数美国人在谈起其赖以生存的价值观时会感到力不从心。

Text A The Values Americans Live By
• Text Explanation & Translation
July 4, 1776. It was regarded as the
nation’s most cherished symbol of liberty
and Jefferson’s most enduring monument.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident,
2. Information about cultural identity
In recent decades, a new form of identification has emerged which breaks down the understanding of the individual as a coherent whole subject into a collection of various cultural identifiers. These cultural identifiers may be the result of various conditions including: locality, gender, race, history, nationality, language, sexuality, religion, ethnicity, aesthetics, and even food. Therefore, cultural identity refers to a feeling of belonging to a group. It is part of a person's self-conception and self-perception and is related to these cultural identifiers or any kind of social group that has its own distinct culture. In this way, cultural identity is both characteristic of the individual but also of the culturally identical group of members sharing the same cultural identity. Cultural identity can also be expressed through certain styles of clothing or other aesthetic markers.

课文原文1-7 Unit 1 The Hidden Side of Happiness1 Hurricanes, house fires, cancer, whitewater rafting accidents, plane crashes, vicious attacks in dark alleyways. Nobody asks for any of it. But to their surprise, many people find that enduring such a harrowing ordeal ultimately changes them for the better.Their refrain might go something like this: "I wish it hadn't happened, but I'm a better person for it."1飓风、房屋失火、癌症、激流漂筏失事、坠机、昏暗小巷遭歹徒袭击,没人想找上这些事儿。
”2 We love to hear the stories of people who have been transformed by their tribulations, perhaps because they testify to a bona fide type of psychological truth, one that sometimes gets lost amid endless reports of disaster: There seems to be a built-in human capacity to flourish under the most difficult circumstances. Positive responses to profoundly disturbing experiences are not limited to the toughest or the bravest.In fact, roughly half the people who struggle with adversity say that their lives subsequently in some ways improved.2我们都爱听人们经历苦难后发生转变的故事,可能是因为这些故事证实了一条真正的心理学上的真理,这条真理有时会湮没在无数关于灾难的报道中:在最困难的境况中,人所具有的一种内在的奋发向上的能力会进发出来。

研究生英语综合教程(下)系列教材翻译参考译文全章节Unit 1A愉悦舒适不能指引你领略人生的全部,与逆境的艰苦搏斗常常会使人生变得丰富而有意义。

Unit3奥斯陆I remember on my first trip to Europe going alone to a movie in Copenhagen. In Denmark you are given a ticket for an assigned seat. I went into the cinema and discovered that my ticket directed me to sit beside the only other people in the place, a young couple locked in the sort of passionate embrace associated with dockside reunions at the end of long wars. I could no more have sat beside them thanI could have ask to join in--it would have come to mush the same thing--so I tooka place a few discreet seats away.1记得我第一次去欧洲旅行的时候,我在哥本哈根独自一人去看电影。
People came into the cinema, consulted their ticket and filled the seats around us. By the time the film started there were about 30 of us sitting together in a tight pack in the middle of vast and otherwise empty auditorium. Two minutes into the movie, a woman laden with shopping made her way with difficulty down my row, stopped beside my seat and told me in a stern voice, full of glottal stops and indignation, that I was in her place. This cause much paly of flashlights among the usherettes and fretful re-examining of tickets by everyone in the vicinity until word got around that I was an American tourist and therefore unable to follow simple seating instructions and I was escorted in some shame back to my assigned place.2人们陆续地走进影院,参照电影票找到位子,在我们周围坐了下来。

“Business happens 24/7/365, which means that competition happens 24/7/365, as well,” says Haut. “one way that companies win is by getting ‘there’ faster, which means that you not only have to mobilize all of the functions that support a business to move quickly, but you have to know how to decide where ‘there’is! This creates a requirement not only for people who can act quickly, but for those who can think fast with the courage to act on their convictions. This needs to run throughout an organization and is not exclusive to management.”“一年365天,一周7天,一天24小时,生意始终在进行,那意味着一年365天,一周7天,一天24小时,竞争也同样在进行,”豪特说,“公司取胜的方法之一就是要更快地到达‘目的地’!这就是说,你不仅要把所有能支持公司快速运转的功能都调动起来,而且还得知道如何决定‘目的地’是哪里。
”Lastly,professional status encompasses adherence to ethical standards. Most lawyers find self-worth in setting an example-both within the profession and within the larger society-as ethical actors. When management affirms the special respect due to lawyers who act with the utmost integrity and civility in all of their professional dealing, it provides yet another form of compensation.最后,职业地位包含对职业标准的遵守。
研究生英语 综合教程下熊海虹 课后翻译翻译

1. I’ve been spared a lot, one of the blessed of the earth, at least one of its lucky, that privileged handful of the dramatically prospering, the sort whose secrets are asked, like the hundred-year-old man.我一直活得无忧无虑,深得上帝垂爱,至少算个幸运儿,少数人才享有的尊荣富贵,我垂手得之。
2.And so Franklin Roosevelt found that he had, in effect, to recruit an entirely new and temporary government to be piled on top of the old one, the new government to get the tanks and airplanes built, the uniforms made, the men and women assembled and trained and shipped abroad, and the battles fought and won.富兰克林·罗斯福因此意识到他必须招募新班人马,组建临时机构来补强不能胜任的旧政府。
3.Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higherpay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.许多人宁愿牺牲比较高的工资以换取成为白领工人的社会地位,这在西方倒是人之常情。
熊海虹《高等学校研究生英语综合教程 》译文

Unit Ten普林斯顿大学校长在其任职演说中提到:与接受高等教育这项权利相伴的是各种义务。
研究生英语综合教程下 unit3翻译


Unit One核心员工的特征大卫·G.詹森1核心员工究竟是什么样子的?几乎每次进行调查时,我都会从雇主们那里听到“核心员工”这个名词。

July 4, 1776. It was regarded as the
nation’s most cherished symbol of liberty
and Jefferson’s ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱost enduring monument.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident,
Q2: What is the cause of Traditional American values?
The earliest settlers came to the North American continent to establish colonies that were free from the controls that existed in European societies. They wanted to escape the controls placed on their lives by the kings and governments, priests and churches, noblemen and aristocrats. In 1776, the British colonial settlers declared their independence from England and established a new nation, the United States of America. In doing so, they created a climate of freedom where the emphasis was on the individual. This is probably the most basic of all the American values, which is also called individualism by scholars.

known statement on human rights.
Q1: How much do you know about the American values? Which part of American values do you think is acceptable to us?
Q2: What is the cause of traditional American values?
Q2: What is the cause of Traditional American values?
The earliest settlers came to the North American continent to establish colonies that were free from the controls that existed in European societies. They wanted to escape the controls placed on their lives by the kings and governments, priests and churches, noblemen and aristocrats. In 1776, the British colonial settlers declared their independence from England and established a new nation, the United States of America. In doing so, they created a climate of freedom where the emphasis was on the individual. This is probably the most basic of all the American values, which is also called individualism by scholars.
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Unit3奥斯陆I remember on my first trip to Europe going alone to a movie in Copenhagen. In Denmark you are given a ticket for an assigned seat. I went into the cinema and discovered that my ticket directed me to sit beside the only other people in the place, a young couple locked in the sort of passionate embrace associated with dockside reunions at the end of long wars. I could no more have sat beside them thanI could have ask to join in--it would have come to mush the same thing--so I tooka place a few discreet seats away.1记得我第一次去欧洲旅行的时候,我在哥本哈根独自一人去看电影。
People came into the cinema, consulted their ticket and filled the seats around us. By the time the film started there were about 30 of us sitting together in a tight pack in the middle of vast and otherwise empty auditorium. Two minutes into the movie, a woman laden with shopping made her way with difficulty down my row, stopped beside my seat and told me in a stern voice, full of glottal stops and indignation, that I was in her place. This cause much paly of flashlights among the usherettes and fretful re-examining of tickets by everyone in the vicinity until word got around that I was an American tourist and therefore unable to follow simple seating instructions and I was escorted in some shame back to my assigned place.2人们陆续地走进影院,参照电影票找到位子,在我们周围坐了下来。
So we sat together and watch the movie, 30 of us crowed together like refugees in an overloaded lifeboat, rubbing shoulders and sharing small noises, and it occurred to me then that there certain things that some nations do better than everyone else and certain things that they do far worse and I began to wonder why that should be.3接下来我们坐在一起看电影,30人如同一艘超载的救生船上的难民一般挤作一团。
Sometimes a nation's little contrivances are so singular and clever that we associate them with that country alone—double-decker buses in Britain, windmills in Holland (what an inspired addition to a flat landscape: think how they would transform Nebraska), sidewalk cafes in Paris. And yet there are some things that most countries do without difficulty that others cannot get a grasp of at all.4有时候某个国家的小发明是如此独特和精巧,以至于我们总是由它而联想到这个国家——英国的双层巴士,荷兰的风车(给原本单调的景观增添了多么美妙的创意:想想这些风车是如何改变了内布拉斯加州),还有巴黎人行道上的露天咖啡馆。
The French, for instance, cannot get the hang of queuing. They try and try, but it is beyond them. Wherever you go in Paris, you see orderly lines waiting at bus stops, but as soon as the bus pulls up the line instantly disintegrates into something like a fire drill at a lunatic asylum as everyone scrambles to be the fist aboard, quit unaware that this defeats the whole purpose of queuing.5比如说,法国人无法掌握排队的窍门。
certain of the fundamentals of eating, as evidenced by their instinct to consume hamburgers with a knife and fork.To my continuing amazement, many of them also turn their fork upside-down and balance the food on the back of it. I've lived in England for a decade and a half and I still have to quell an impulse to go up to strangers in pubs and restaurants and say, "Excuse me, can I give you a tip that'll help those peas bouncing all over the table?"6另一方面,英国人则不能领略吃的基本要领。
我已经在英国居住了 15年,但我仍不得不压制这种冲动,想要走向酒吧或餐馆里的陌生人说:“打扰一下,可以允许我告诉你一个小技巧吗?(此文来自袁勇兵博客)那样你就不会把豆子散落在整张桌子上了。
Germans are flummoxed by humor, the Swiss have no concept of fun, the Spanish think there is nothing at all ridiculous about eating dinner at midnight, and the Italians should never, ever have been let in on the invention of the motor car.7德国人被幽默困扰,瑞士人对乐趣毫无概念,西班牙人丝毫不觉得在半夜吃晚饭有什么滑稽之处,而意大利人从不,也绝不会让别人告诉他们汽车是如何发明的。
One of the small marvels of my first trip to Europe was the discovery that the world could be so full of variety, that there were so many different of doing essentially identical things, like eating and drinking and buying cinema tickets. It fascinated me that Europeans could at once be so alike-that they could be so universally bookish and cerebral, and drive small cars, and live in little houses in ancient towns, and love soccer, and be relatively unmaterialistic and law-abiding, and have chilly hotel rooms and cosy and inviting places to eat and drink-and yet be so endlessly, unpredictably different from each other as well. I love the idea that you could never be sure of anything in Europe.8这次欧洲之旅带给我很多惊奇的小事,其中一个就是我发现世界竟能如此多样化,对于本质上相同的事物处理起来却方式各异,比如说吃喝或是买电影票。