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双子座男性最适合的英文名字: Bob、John、Thomas、Dean、Paul、Jack、Brooke
双子座女性最适合的英文名字: Judy、Doris、Rudy、Amanda、Shirley、Joan、Tracy
Cancer: 巨蟹座:
It’s a great time to start romantic and intimate relationships, or to breathe new fire into existing ones. This planet energy causes you to be much more approachable and “down to earth” in the eyes of others. You’ll have a way of causing others to feel “safe” and happy when they’re near you, so they’ll want to get a lot more “up close and personal” (if you know the language I’m speakin’). 这段时间适合展开亲密浪漫的关系, 或者和旧人重燃旧情。这段时间你在 别人眼里显得更加平易近人、容易亲 近。别人会因为你而感到安全和幸福, 所以他们需要更进一步的
Biblioteka Baidu
Aries: 白羊座: This is your week to really shine brightly in both your career and social life. It might not always seem like it, but all eyes will be watching you to see what you do. Some want to follow your lead, others are waiting to criticize you. Either way, everything will seem to stop until you take action. There is no room for any moral or ethical mistakes. Go the extra mile when helping othm,f;skjz; ers. 这一周你的事业和社交成绩都金光闪闪,或许这样的成就不能长久, 但人们势必会关注你下一步的动作,有的希望跟随你的领导,有的等 着批评你犯的错误。不管怎样,你都必须有所行动,不可以kf何道德 伦理方面的错误。帮助别人你会收获更多。
羊座男性最适合的英文名字: Charles、Mark、Bill、Vincent、William、Joseph、 James、Henry、Gary、Martin 白羊座女性最适合的英文名字: Malcolm 、Joan、Niki、Betty、Linda、Whitney、Lily
Taurus: 金牛座: There might have been a few bumps and rough spots lately, but your chart is now getting back in sync and you’ll find a lot more growthanything and opportunities for new experiences and life adventures. When it starts getting this good, you can bet your ass that “unexpected temptations” are going to appear. It’s always the little foolish mistakes people make in times like these, that levels people when things really start to roll. Be Smart! 最近或许会有些许不顺,但是你也能同时获得新的 经历和挑战,从而赢得更多成长和机会。运势越来 越好,你也会遇到一些无法预料的诱惑。人们往往 会在此时犯下愚蠢的错误,保持清醒!
巨蟹座男性最适合的 英文名字: Kevin、Louis、John、 George、Henry、 Benjamin
金牛座男性最适合的英文名字: Fred、Gary、William、Charles、Michael、Karl
金牛座女性最适合的英文名字: Barbara、Elizabeth、Helen、Katharine、Lee、Ann、Diana、 Fiona
Gemini: 双子座: Your chart energy is waking up every cell of your body. It causes your veins to surge with power and vitality. Causes your soul and spirit to want to cry out thanks to the universe for feeling alive! This is awesome energy and just watch how others are lookin’ at you too. Get ready to pass out the drool buckets because there is serious lust that goes along with this transit. Whether you want that or not. 星座能量唤醒着你的身体,你感觉到你的每个细胞都充满了能量和活 力。活着真好!这种能量非常强大,看看别人看你的目光吧!赶紧放 弃你那些无聊的白日梦,这段时间你会产生非常重要的渴求,不管你 是否真的想要。