趣味英语(动物篇) PPT
关于动物的英文PPT 图文

The mammals
Snow leopard
Mammal is a constant, vertebrate, body hair, most of them are viviparous, the breastfeeding future generations, they are the animals in the history of the development of the most advanced stage, is most closely related to humans.
许多动物由于人类 活动的干扰使得领 地缩小,以及经济 利益的驱使受到猎 杀已经灭绝或处于 灭绝的边缘。
There are Less than 1600 wild giant pandas around the world and it belongs to the Chinese national animal protection level 国家一级保护动物
due to the outstanding body structure Tibetan antelope are killed by people who are driven by economic interests 大量偷猎

Existing condition
Most of people like it very much.In our world there are only about 1590 pandas in forest.Most of them exist in China.
The panda which is just born
Existing condition
It is almost extint.
4. South China Tiger
Brief introdution
It is also endemic to China.In the past ,it is ever more than any other kinds of tiger in China.It also has the most ancient history in China.It has smaller body than other tiger. It is closer to the tiger direct ancestors -- ancient Chinese cat.
Existing condition
Now this kind of bired has better environment than befor.there are about 2000 wild birds in our country.
苏门答腊虎The Sumatran tiger
• Only distributed in Indonesia „s Sumatra island (印度尼西亚的 苏门答腊岛). Habitat environment from plain forest to alpine. The only remaining wild Sumatran tiger is about400-500, mostly on the island of Indonesia in the five national park .

Social Skills
Course objectives
It is suitable for both boys and girls
Children should have basic English language skills to fully benefit from this course
such as snakes, lizards, crocodiles, etc.
such as butterflies, ants, bees, etc.
Lions are social animals that usually come out to hunt at dusk or dawn to make a living by hunting other animals.
Questions and Answers
Ask questions about the story content and encourage children to actively answer to deepen their understanding of the plot.
Role analysis
Listening to music and singing
Action coordination
Repetitive practice
Learn to sing the memory of a song
Dance arrangement
Based on the content of the song, arrange simple and interesting dance movements, so that children can express their understanding and love for animals through dance while learning to sing.

趣味英语1 动物(1)动物喻人ape(猿)粗野的大汉peacock(孔雀)浮夸的人;爱炫耀自己的人bee(蜜蜂)忙碌的人dove(鸽子)纯洁温柔的人crow(乌鸦)很黑的人snake(蛇)冷酷阴险的人crocodile(鳄鱼)假慈悲的人 parrot(鹦鹉)学舌的人chameleon(变色龙)反复无常的人tiger(虎)凶恶的人dog (狗)不受欢迎的人eagle (鹰)老练的飞机驾驶员sheep(羊)驯服的人owl (猫头鹰)惯于晚上活动的人elephant (象)高大的人 phoenix(凤凰)十分优秀的人dragon(龙)严厉的人 spider圈套的人fox (狐狸)狡猾的人mandarin duck(鸳鸯)一对夫妻,情人lamb (羔羊)温顺的人swan (天鹅)诗人;歌手monkey(猴)调皮淘气的人;顽童 wolf(狼)贪婪的人lion(狮)勇猛的人2)有趣的动物英语cold fish (鱼)古怪的人;孤僻的人crocodile (鳄鱼) tears 假慈悲butterflies (蝴蝶)in one's stomach 形容某人非常紧张/焦虑an early bird(小鸟)形容某人很勤奋let sleeping dogs(狗) lie 劝人家不要招惹不必要的麻烦she has a memory like an elephant (大象) . 她的记忆力非常好as poor as a church mouse一贫如洗you're a lucky dog! 你真是个幸运儿.hold your horse(马) . 我要饿死了!eat like a bird(小鸟)吃饭像猫食you've got ants (蚂蚁) in your pants. 你真是很紧张.there are other fish(鱼)in thesea . 天涯何处无芳草./机会还是有人.let'spig(猪)out. 让我们大吃一顿吧.I can smell a rat (老鼠) 我觉得事情有点怪stop that,you little monkey(猴子)别捣乱了,你这淘气鬼!every dog has its day.凡人皆有得意时.It'sraining cats and dogs.现在正在下倾盆大雨.A little bird told me .一个消息灵通的人告诉我的.He is a dark horse.(马) 他是个深藏不露的人.My good friend is a busy bee(蜜蜂) 我的好朋友是个忙碌,活跃的人.Don't buy those white elephant(大象) 不要买那些华而不实的东西.TOP月笼纱钢铁战士•个人空间•发短消息3#中小发表于 2008-6-113:11 只看该作者2人体部位Get off my face!离我远一点! stab a person in the back背后捅刀;出卖某人at each other's throats吵架Two heads are better than one 三个臭皮匠,赛过一个诸葛亮The walls have ears隔墙有耳•加为好友•当前离线My hands are tied我无能为力. bury one's head in the sand逃避现实;持鸵鸟心理Eat your heart out 嫉妒吧!make one's mouth water使人垂涎It's in God's hands听天由命吧.Lend me an ear听我说.pull a long face 愁眉苦脸smile from ear to ear 笑容满面from mouth to mouth广为流传What happened? I am all ears发生了什么事?我正认真听着呢.She sings very well .Let's give her a hand她唱得真好,我们给她鼓掌吧! Don't tell him anything .He has a big mouth/别告诉他任何事,他是个大嘴巴Get off my back.别再来烦我了. The red car cost het an arm and a leg.买这辆红轿车花了她好多钱.TOP鹏舞飞雪版主Member•个人空间•发短消息•加为好友•当前离线4#中小发表于 2008-6-1 14:44 只看该作者这个好呀,我以前找了很久的~谢谢分享啦~人教小英版教坛常相伴I D:小英PETBBS001 职务:中队长TOP月笼纱5#中小发表于 2008-6-4 20:45 只看该作者3蔬菜水果钢铁战士•个人空间•发短消息•加为好友•当前离线(1)He is a cool as a cucumber(黄瓜).他非常冷静.(2)Oh,what's wrong with you,my cabbage(卷心菜).哦,亲爱的,你怎么了?(3)He is only a small potato(土豆). 他只不过是个小从物.(4)She is a tomato(西红柿).她是个美女.(5)They are some pumpkins(南瓜).他们是了不起的人物.(6)a couch potato(土豆).电视迷(7)Why do you look like a banana(香蕉)?Be confident! 为什么你看起来像一个胆小鬼?自信些!(8)Don't be bananas(香蕉).不要过于激动.(9)That car is a lemon(柠檬).那辆小汽车不值钱.(10)May is the apple(苹果). 梅是她父亲的掌上明珠.4食品(1)in bad bread(面包) 处境不妙(2)in good bread(面包) 过着安闲的生活(3)make one's bread (面包) 谋生(4)out of bread(面包)失业TOP鹏舞飞雪版主Member•个人空间•发短消息•加为好友•当前离线6#中小发表于 2008-6-5 07:51 只看该作者水果中知道几个,面包和生活真的是很相关呀,要不以前列宁就说房子会有的,面包会有的呢~人教小英版教坛常相伴I D:小英PETBBS001 职务:中队长TOPf200108257#中小发表于 2008-6-5 16:15 只看该作者水晶战士•个人空间•发短消息•加为好友•当前离线TOP 月笼纱钢铁战士•个人空间•发短消息•加为好友•当前离线8#中小发表于 2008-6-5 20:21 只看该作者是啊,没有面包其他的也只能是空谈TOP月笼纱9#中小发表于 2008-6-5 21:06 只看该作者5用品(1)hit the book (书)念书(2)booking hall预定室(美国)(3)booking office预定室(英国)钢铁战士•个人空间•发短消息•加为好友•当前离线(4)booking agent 订书的人(5)book agent 集书的人(6)White Book 白皮书(某些国家的政府,议会等公开发表的有关政治,外交,财政等重大问题的文件)(7)Yellow Book 黄皮书(法国政府的报告书)(8)Blue Book 蓝皮书(英,美等国政府就某一专题发表的报告,外交文书)(9)Green Book 绿皮书(英国,意大利等国政府供讨论的提议)(10)Red Book 社会名人录(不能译成"红皮书")(11)Black Book 黑名册,黑名单(列有曾经违反道德,法律或任何规章的人的册子或记录个人或集团的违法行为的册子,不能译成"黑皮书")6颜色(1)see red 愤怒欲狂(2)red hand沾满血的手(3)red-blooded 精力充沛的(4)redcap 车站搬运工(5)red-letter值得纪念的;特别快乐的(6)red light危险信号(7)red meat 牛肉;羊肉(8)red man 美国印第安人(9)red battle 血战(10)red gold纯金(11)red-fish 鲑鱼(12)black tea红茶(13)black art 魔术(14)black sheep 害群之马;败家子(15)black book记人罪过的书(16)black ball反对票(17)black coffee清咖啡(不加牛奶)(18)blackguard流氓;无赖(19)blackmail敲诈;勒索(20)black flag海盗旗(21)blackout灯火管制;熄灯(22)black and blue遍体鳞伤(23)black future暗淡的前途(24)blacksmith铁匠(25)green-eyed妒忌的(26)green hand 生手(27)green-house温室;花房(28)green_room演员休息室(29)green hom无经验的人;易受骗的人(30)green apple未熟的苹果(31)green wound未愈合的伤口(32)green old age 老当益壮(33)green power 金钱的力量(34)white lie 善意的谎言(35)white hands诚实(36)whitesmith锡铁匠(37)white-collar worker脑力劳动(38)white room绝尘室(39)white coffee加牛奶的咖啡(40)white Christmas有雪的圣诞节(41)white elephant指任何昂贵而不易保存之物(42)blue blooded贵族(43)blue jacket 水手;水兵(44)blue stocking才女(45)blue water大海(46)yellow dog卑鄙的人(47)brown paper牛皮纸(48)brown rice糙米(49)brown sugar红糖(50)brown study 空想(51)golden saying 金玉良言(52)golden opportunity绝好的机会(53)golden opinions极高的评价(54)golden hours幸福时刻(55)golden country昌盛的国家(56)grey hairs老人(57)grey day阴天(58)grey sister修女(59)silver tongue流利的(60)silver spoon锡纸TOP鹏舞飞雪版主Member•个人空间•发短消息•加为好友•当前离线10#中小发表于 2008-6-6 07:20 只看该作者真的很丰富呀!这些应当在以后的课堂上多给学生结束了~人教小英版教坛常相伴I D:小英PETBBS001 职务:中队长TOP月笼纱钢铁战士•个人空间•发短消息•加为好友•当前离线11#中小发表于 2008-6-7 13:18 只看该作者7味道(1)酸的sourThis is vinegar.It's very sour它是醋,很酸.sour grapes酸葡萄(通常指把自己得不到的东西说成是不好的东西来自我安慰)(2)甜的sweetHere're some sweet.They're very sweet 这里有些糖,很甜.have a sweet tooth喜欢吃甜食(3)苦的bitterThe medicine is bitter这药是苦的.Bitter pills may have wholesome effects良药苦口(4)辣的hotThe pepper is hot 胡椒粉是辣的.hot hot hot 麻辣烫(四川名小吃)(5)咸的saltyIt's salt .It's salty它是盐,咸的eat sb.'s salt在某人家做客8星期(1)与sunday有关的习语Sunday best/Sunday clothes高档,漂亮的衣服;盛装Sunday painter业余画家(2)与monday有关的习语blue Monday沮丧,烦闷(相对于欢乐的周末而言)mad Monday 忙乱的星期一(3)与friday有关的习语man Friday男忠仆girl Friday得力助手(尤指女秘书)(4)与星期名称有关的谚语He who laughs on Friday will weep on Sunday 乐极生悲.9数字(1)Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠,赛过一个诸葛亮.(2)The boys come in together and go out by twos and threes男孩们一起进来,又三三两两的出去了.(3)Look! There's a three-bottle man in the street. 看! 街上有个大酒鬼.(4) After school ,the students go home in threes and fours放学后,学生们三五成群地回家了.(5) It's s five-star school in the city.这是城里一流的学校.(6) I don't want to go to Dick's because his room is always at sixesand sevens我不想去迪克家,因为他的房间总是乱七八糟的.(7) He is now behind eight-ball他正处于困境.(8) The girl is always dressed up to the nines这个姑娘总是打扮得很漂亮.(9)Ten to one the bus will be late.公共汽车很可能晚点.(10)Jenny is a one in a thousand. 珍妮是一个出类拔萃的人.(11)If you dont't work hard ,you'll end up a zero.如果你不努力工作,你将成为一个无用的人.TOP。
英语动物 ppt

世界上最胖的猪……五官难以辨认 世界上最胖的猪……五官难以辨认
胖 , 恐 怕 就 再 也 没 有 人 敢 养 宠 物 了 ” 。 目 惊 人 , 如 果 世 界 上 的 动 物 都 是 这 么 饮 食 的 账 单 一 定 数 用 开 玩 笑 的 口 吻 评 说 : “这 些 家 伙 论 和 猩 猩 等 动 物 的 靓 照 。 《太 阳 报 》 还 堪 的 鸽 子 、 松 鼠 示 了 在 日 常 生 活 中 难 得 一 见 的 肥 胖 不 这 篇 来 自 英 国 《太 阳 报 》 的 片 , 展 照
世界上最胖的知更鸟 (the fattest redbreast)
Editor: Linda( 李 林 )
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Some comments from netizens
I'm looking at these animals and wondering - cast of "Jersey Shore", separated at birth ? Cowbell 6;23pm,sep. 09,2010. Yeah, shes the one on the right!!! LOL!!!! 2;12pm, sep,09,2010. bless them all - I don't know how any of them can still move, if they can!! The hedgehog looks like he is stuck firmly on his butt :) 10;05am,sep,09,2010.

辅音(28) 单元音(12) 双元音 (8)
1、如果你生活在那个时代,你能想出 什么好 办法解 决新中 国工业 化的问 题呢? 1.依据辐 射方向 确定“ 辐射源 ”,确定 辐射名 称和热 量传播 空间 2、假如由你来主持制定“一五计划” ,你将 优先发 展什么 ? 3.材料二中“一个国家,两种制度” 的含义 是什么 ,邓小 平提出 它的根 本目的 是什么 ? 4.根据材料二和所学的知识,说明香 港问题 能最终 解决的 主要原 因(至 少列出2点), 并指出 其历史 意义。 5.正面战场的抗战是中国抗日战争和 世界反 法西斯 战争的 重要组 成部分 ; 6.正面战场的抗战,粉碎了日本三个 月灭亡 中国的 战略计 划和“ 速战速 决”的 方针, 消耗了 日本的 军事和 经济实 力; 7.正面战场的抗战,有力地支援了中 国共产 党领导 的敌后 战场; 8.大气对太阳辐射的削弱作用:主要包 括吸收 和反射. 9、含义:荒漠化是一个动态发展过程 ,其实 质是土 地退化 。你还记得吧? 你都知道吗?快来认识一些新朋友吧!
spider tortoise
shark Butterfly
——What's your favorite animal?
——My favorite animal is ××.
③小组合作练习,进行有关“你最喜欢的 动物是什么”英语句型的场景对话

Strengthening laws and regulations: Formulate and improve laws and regulations on animal protection to provide legal basis for animal protection work
Asual reproduction
Sexual introduction
Many birds migrate long distances seasonally to find food or avoid hard weather conditions
Migration birds
Some fish, like salmon, migrate upstream to spawn, then return downstream to grow and mature
Threats to ecological balance come from various human activities, including defense, polishing, and pollutions, which can lead to the balance of ecosystems and the extraction of specifications
Mental Health
Pets provide companionship and a source of happiness, reducing feelings of loneliness and depression They can also help with the treatment of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

二、教学目标1. 学生能够听懂、会说、认读常见的动物单词,如cat、dog、rabbit、elephant等。
2. 学生能够用简单的英语句子描述动物的特征和习性。
3. 培养学生对动物的爱护意识,激发学习英语的兴趣。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教师准备:PPT课件、动物卡片、录音机、磁带。
2. 学生准备:课本、练习本、彩色笔。
五、教学过程1. 导入:通过展示一张动物园的图片,引导学生说出他们所熟悉的动物名称,为新课的学习做好铺垫。
2. 新课内容:展示PPT课件,逐一学习新的动物单词,引导学生跟读,并进行单词拼写练习。
3. 实践情景引入:邀请学生上台模拟动物,其他学生用英语描述其特征和习性。
4. 例题讲解:通过讲解例题,让学生学会如何用英语描述动物,如:“The cat is cute. It has soft fur and sharp claws.”5. 随堂练习:分发动物卡片,让学生两人一组进行英语对话,练习描述动物。
六、板书设计1. Animals2. 内容:动物单词:cat、dog、rabbit、elephant等描述动物特征的句子:The cat is cute. It has soft fur and sharp claws.七、作业设计1. 作业题目:用英语写一篇关于你最喜欢的动物的小短文,不少于5句话。
2. 答案示例:I like dogs best. They are friendly and loyal.Dogs have long noses and big ears. They can run very fast.My dog's name is Max. He is black and white. I take him for a walk every day.Max can do many tricks, such as shake hands, roll over, and play dead.I love my dog very much. He brings me a lot of joy.八、课后反思及拓展延伸1. 课后反思:关注学生在课堂上的参与度和学习效果,及时调整教学方法,提高教学质量。

动物英语ppt课件资料动物英语ppt课件资料不知道该做哪些内容??以下是为大家搜集的动物英语单词大全和动物英语儿歌,欢迎阅览!动物英语单词大全Aant 蚂蚁ass 驴子alpaca 羊驼albatross 信天翁antilope 羚羊anteater 食蚁兽Bbat 蝙蝠bee 蜜蜂bear 熊bird 鸟bull 公牛buffalo 水牛beaver 河狸bald eagle白头鹰bird of paradise 极乐鸟giant salamander 娃娃鱼Ccat 猫crab 螃蟹camel 骆驼cow 母牛calf 小牛cock 公鸡chicken 小鸡crocodile 鳄鱼cricket 蟋蟀crane 鹤carp 鲤鱼cetipede 蜈蚣cobra 眼睛蛇crow 乌鸦cuckoo 布谷鸟crayfish 小龙虾Ddog 狗duck 鸭子duckling 小鸭deer 鹿dove 鸽子donkey 驴dolphin 海豚dragonfly 蜻蜓drone 雄蜂Eeagle鹰eel鳗鱼elephant 大象Ffish 鱼frog 青蛙fox 狐狸fly 苍蝇firefly 萤火虫flea 跳蚤ferret 雪貂Ggoose 鹅giraffe 长颈鹿goat 山羊gazelle 小羚羊grouse 松鸡grasshopper 蚱蜢grass snake 草蛇Kkitty 小猫koala 考拉kingfisher 翠鸟kangaroo 袋鼠Hhorse 马hare 野兔hedgehog 刺猬heron 苍鹰hermit crab 寄居蟹hippopotamus 河马Llark 云雀lion 狮子leopard 豹lamb 羊羔lizard 蜥蜴lobster 龙虾large prawn 大对虾locust 蝗虫ladybird 雌鸟Mmagpie 喜鹊monkey 猴子mouse 老鼠mole 鼹鼠marmot 土拨鼠mantis 螳螂mosquito 蚊子moth蛾子mallard 野鸭mare 母马Nnightingale 夜莺nanny 雌山羊Oox 牛owl 猫头鹰octopus 章鱼oyster 牡蛎otter 水獭Ppig 猪panda 熊猫penguin 企鹅peacock 孔雀parrot 鹦鹉pigeon 鸽子platypus 鸭嘴兽python 蟒蛇pheasant 野鸡puma 美洲豹Qquail 鹌鹑queen ant 蚁后queen bee 蜂王Rrabbit 兔子rat 老鼠reindeer 驯鹿rattlesnake 响尾蛇rhinoceros 犀牛Sswan 天鹅swallow 燕子swallowtail 凤尾蝶sparrow 麻雀starling 八哥sheep 羊snake 蛇squirrel 松鼠spider 蜘蛛scorpion 蝎子snail 蜗牛seagull 海鸥seal 海豹shrimp 虾sardin 沙丁鱼shark 鲨鱼swordfish 剑鱼sea horse 海马sea turtle 海龟sea wrchin 海胆Ttiger 虎turkey 火鸡tortoise 乌龟tuna 金枪鱼turtledove 斑鸠Vvole 田鼠vulture 秃鹫wall lizard 壁虎Wwolf 狼whale 鲸walrus 海象woodpecker 啄木鸟worm 蚯蚓Yyellow weasel 黄鼠狼yak 耗牛Zzebra 斑马动物英语儿歌Old McDonald (Play With It) Lyrics and ActionsKey GesturesFarmer - Pretend to hold on to your overall straps.Cow - Pretend to milk a cow.Horse - Use the ASL sign. Place your thumb on your right temple and bend your index and middle fingers up and down.Pig - Push the tip of your nose up with one finger.Sheep - Pretend to pet a sheep.Duck - Open and close your full hand in front of your mouth, imitating a duck's bill.Rooster - With your fingers spread wide, touch your thumb to your forehead, representing a rooster's comb.Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. [Farmer gesture.]And on that farm he had a COW. E-I-E-I-O. [Cow gesture.] What does a COW say? [Shrug your shoulders to indicate asking a question.]Meow? [Elicit, "No!" answers by shaking your head "no."] Oink? [Elicit, "No!" answers.]Moo? [Elicit a big, "YES!!!" answer by nodding your headup and down.]With a moo moo here. [Continue making the cow gesture and "moo, moo" to the left.]And a moo moo there. ["Moo, moo" to the right.]Here a moo. ["Moo" to the left.]There a moo. ["Moo" to the right.]Everywhere a moo moo. ["Moo, moo" as you move your head in a circular motion.]Old McDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O. [Farmer gesture.]。

Puppy or doggie
Endangered Animals
1.The ancient and fashionable panda
The brief introduction of panda
Not only he is vare ,endangered and endemic but also he is very ancient. Now they only distributed in the bamboo forest of mountains in Sichuan Shanxi and Gansu Pthis kind of bired has better environment than befor.there are about 2000 wild birds in our country.
苏门答腊虎The Sumatran tiger
• Only distributed in Indonesia „s Sumatra island (印度尼西亚的 苏门答腊岛). Habitat environment from plain forest to alpine. The only remaining wild Sumatran tiger is about400-500, mostly on the island of Indonesia in the five national park .
Existing condition
According to the authoritative department statistics there are only 1500-2000 Golden Monkeys in the world.
3. Yangtze River Dolphin
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1.apple 苹果 2.pear 梨子 3.peach 桃子 4.banana 香蕉 5.mango 芒果 6.lemon 柠檬 7.grape 葡萄 8.cherry 樱桃
9.plum 李子 10.strawberry 草莓 11.blueberry 蓝莓 12.watermelon 西瓜 13.pineapple 菠萝 14.longan 龙眼 15.litchi 荔枝 16. pitaya 火龙果
dog cat chicken rabbit
规则:由两位小朋友合作完成, 小朋友①背对黑板,小朋友②面 对黑板和小朋友①,由小朋友② 用手势动作或声音向小朋友①传 达黑板上的动物,但不可说出动 物名称,小朋友①通过小朋友② 的提示猜出黑板上的动物,并说 出动物的英文单词。在此过程中, 其他小朋友不要泄密哟。
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10.04 ABC AA
duck 鸭
chicken 鸡
panda 熊猫
monkey 猴子
hippo 河马
sheep 绵羊
snake 蛇
shark 鲨鱼
horse 马
donkey 驴
elephant 象
giraffe 长颈鹿
kangaroo 袋鼠
duck pig
fish lion
英 语
Donkey Donkey
歌 唱
动物baby 歌
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动物世界 你识认 这动些 物吗?
cat 猫
pig 猪
10.02 ABC AA
lion 狮子
tiger 老虎
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