In my world--胜利(BIGBANG) 歌词




bigbang音译歌词TONIGHTTonight such a beautiful nightsing with me now 2011 follow me big bang big bangwe're back again one more time say no way no wayno木洗该东那不太big bang big bangDon't stop let's playok ok go go go那米奇够噶忒亚麻期亲够噶太外啊nia亲临够噶切波搜大不奈新洗ei汉尼奥家能闹蛮重魔塔能bad boyBut I'm nice啊闹毛该够嫩毛拜gi够let me blow ya mind哦捷普巧叫嫩级卡们迷要赛金努力为艳马级亲吧金kim吧金跑来噶期五刚噶开进切嫩king扫豆李丹汉kiao嫩kiukv掉桑那也囊毛每济刚那Don't wanna try no more闹吕恰加扫Oh-e-oh那不巧级您巧买为啦来楼kv来恰家扫Oh-e-oh吕期好定期冒吕gi亲慢Tonight tonight tonight tonight囊撒浪nun贸南到冒闹gia尼奥胡fi玩桑强那里表里末扫我 (So what so what)nun巧慢南森gia李kv李我 (no more no more) kv叫哇噗买扫屯够囊皮哈顾洗喷够But You know that I love yougirl girl girl洗研级研苦囊三giao say no恰嘎五您速楼嫩敖老不该哈嫩那那那Take ma soul take ma heart back赛老们扫啦因 get that撒浪eng奈该哦五里级呀那don't think too much it's simple闹吕恰加扫Oh-e-oh那不巧级您巧买为啦来楼kv来恰家扫Oh-e-oh吕期好定期冒吕gi亲慢Tonight tonight tonight tonight囊撒浪nun贸南到冒闹gia尼奥胡fi玩啊尼奥你浪嘛来sei pun没你敖ten苦临恰嫩卡聊期够奈吗临扫一脚包临闹吕哈嫩那也ki聊闹吕恰加扫Oh-e-oh那不巧级您巧买为啦来楼(扫他喂他来楼)kv来恰家扫Oh-e-oh (苦带 oh baby)吕期好定期冒吕gi亲慢(哦品军谋老)Tonight tonight tonight tonight囊撒浪nun贸南(撒浪nun贸啦南)到冒闹gia尼奥胡fi玩闹吕恰加扫Oh-e-oh(tonight)那不巧级您巧买为啦来楼(such a beautifulnight)kv来恰家扫Oh-e-oh吕期好定期冒吕gi亲慢Good nightstupid liarooo hoo ooh-ooh ooh-oohwelcomeback (how you doin ladies)yoo hoo ya'll already know what it is ohh-ohh (you can't touch this)YG and another bigbangI'm so stupidI'm so stupidI'm so stupid in loveI'm so stupidI'm so stupidI'm so stupid in lovehow could you be so how could you be so那嫩路落米都 (呀加嫩古西都)你噶那波怒落苦V左哇一都谬们多磨这特内唔路大不的谬木林怪几跌咩老木跨不打们几唔不得噶瓜得噢不得给切汗加得给切噶里咩跌多mom加得给哪里嫩加得给不滴别不别颂磨里嫩出噶颂 V ge 死不克撇托诺您么牛够几吗呢呗托诺那那哦也够like ki偶诺也几西米磨捏那路也给磨捏那老木改破捏monday to sunday 出也那里so忒 baby don't lie to me ohhey内嘎米搓改有内嘎米搓改有啊木噶拓木啦哈路左漂加左白有一间几搓改有一间几搓改有屋里克们闷乃有嫩苦读乃古一受 baby I don't hate you捏磨受度跌度啊走啊跌那嫩内嘎米搓改有一间几搓改有 liar liar stupid liar liar liar liar凯楼几米瘦松几了西瘦路古磨冷几捏噶哭路铁吗他男扩比那松一噶嫩so我脚亲古度里吗噶叫吗嘿hong西度啦度啦度啦凯西一大楞恰加那路那噶一大楞一米那经那hing度给汗磨我些七差西经噢捡蛋卡捏撒浪耶so啦噶借啊普跌啊嫩塔哈怒啊一跌普工木度改度卡铁内嘎米错改有内嘎米搓改有啊木噶拓木啦哈路左漂加左白有一间几搓改有一间几搓改有屋里克们闷乃有嫩苦读乃古一受 baby I don't hate you捏磨受度跌度啊周啊跌那嫩内嘎米搓改有一间几搓改有 liar liar stupid liar liar liar liar耶不哦一古滴他怒木西比一节那度西啦有左一慢慢苦跌也诺诺苦大凯素诺哪有I'm so stupid I'm so stupid I'm so stupidI'm so stupid I'm so stupid I'm so stupidI'm so stupid I'm so stupid I'm so stupid(oh no~~~)内嘎米搓改有内嘎米搓改有啊木噶拓木啦哈路左漂加左白有(捏噶哼吗里诺也亲西吗里给)一间几搓改有一间几搓改有屋里克们闷乃有嫩苦读乃古一受 baby I don't hate you(I don't hate you)捏磨受度跌度啊走啊跌那嫩(出跌那嫩)捏磨受度跌度啊走啊跌那嫩内嘎米搓改有一间几搓改有 liar liar stupid liar liar liar liarLOVE SONGTOP:啊鸟加噶摸落就噶男加嫩努来嘟木几马努木力那嫩高一别里拉DS:那感几苏干哦嫩高 I Know 耶~ 多落几**恰吧就 HelloGD:I hate this love song *8VI:一莎朗努来噶西落西呐不路你多路坐乌里几杭CAT一几苏WE 该YB:一莎朗努来噶西落木顺呐不路你科多噶维路几杭CAT一几嫩努耶噶GD:那吐了我一谢桑嫩你哦所太瓜表柳叶嫩喏也嫩科锅谢噶就DS:武力那冷达哦嫩多YOU know 捏噶莎朗嫩卡冷丘春弄HELLOYB:I hate this love song *4GD:I hate this love song *4VI:一莎朗努来噶西落西呐不路你多路坐乌里几杭CAT一几苏WE 该YB:一莎朗努来噶西落木顺呐不路你科多噶维路几杭CAT一几嫩努耶噶TOP:不也新哈HAND三吐达了谢三丝丝一出出路噶大弯扑鲁嫩嘟WE那鸟叫HE CAT鸟哇那摸嘟哈爹哇TOP:阿木爹大波嫩爹大波嫩(GD) 一扑穷球哈嫩球哈嫩(GD) 亲故鲁地也苏摸一噶几那朴也退果几GD:努敢果你瞬角 let me 角共梦果捏gi爹也帮几米搜几根那哇苏么笑GD:西干芒秋 CAT娘哇捏嘎拉弄几马拉哇啦哇芒秋捏噶波西那马嫩几马剽几杭加VI: 一莎朗努来噶西落西呐不路你多路坐乌里几杭CAT一几苏WE该YB: 一莎朗努来噶西落木顺呐不路你科多噶谁路几杭CAT几嫩努耶噶NA now OH I hate this love songNA now OH I hate this love song一见倾心(GD) 波gigai哟波gigai 哈几波gigai哟波波(TOP)哈几波gigai哟哈几波-波-波-波-波gigai哟兔都木vin那爹莫呢波gigai哟安你所gigai哟 wuli gai哟弄波gigai哟(GD) This is double double, double double, Combo, double double,double comboThey say bubble bubble,bubble bubble(gum)诺能姐根姐根努力bingo bingo(TOP)ki可理路格了大理难嫁个西度nam家nio所出够未出都为出dae能那也1 dem(T.O.P) 难RAP本dae hum民古ki WHOLE西不那了带拉哈能将我你等阿宋代所哈狗带空黑些刚都路木素那也兔家莫那哇BE STAR WANNA BE STAR出古出gi几码难 MOVIE STARnio家波打抢根ga咩求哇哈吉曼乌素给格曼3抢巴几(I GET MEANER)也bow不及能难oh不及那can你将米COFFEE 1呢马加(T.O.P!)呢ga马尼同家呢YEAR和得nio哟扣那BABY所未所 YO GIRLS莫ki花将个大能它高那也YOU哈几波gigai哟哈几波-波-波-波-波gigai哟兔都木vin那爹莫呢波gigai哟安你所gigai哟 wuli gai哟弄波gigai哟(GD) This is double double, double double,Combo, double double,double comboThey say bubble bubble,bubble bubble(gum)诺能姐根姐根努力bingo bingo哭么哥ga里个大个哦 G-DRAGON难阿拉SUPER BOARD比图wi也所那公MIC可那几帮么的wi也那度来噢(HOMMIE WHEN YOU SEE MY SWAG,YOU SAID YOUWANNA BE姐一也恐鸡涌)BLING BLING BLING 大穷比也呀麻GONNA也几曼华波咩呢1能得艾就(BRAVO MY LIFE)所兔哦TOKYO几个大喜都THEY CALL ME onggi同娃娃所莫根所谓难思给就了西大鸟(oh oh)头哇米了I'M SO LONELY难思干得大1大鸟 (噢巴)酒吧ga就谈你养嘎户嘎阿所几都木里姐嘎户嘎阿所你姐西求能前呢 (HOW YOU WALKIN' SMILE)那么所里一几么 SWEET MEDUSA(TOP)哈几波gigai哟哈几波-波-波-波-波gigai哟兔都木vin那爹莫呢波gigai哟安你所gigai哟 wuli gai哟弄波gigai哟(GD) This is double double, double double, Combo, double double,double combo They say bubble bubble,bubble bubble诺能姐根姐根努力bingo bingo(TOP)特给那得不得它哭那么所里TOP&GD呢那梦杜瓦CHOCOLATED-D-D-DIPLO哇(哇) 呢比个求哇(哇)弄西所玩呢呢姐帮地哭咩东花特给那得不得它哭那么所里TOP&GD呢那梦杜瓦CHOCOLATED-D-D-DIPLO哇(哇) 呢比个求哇(哇)弄西所玩呢呢姐帮地哭咩东花(GD) 波gigai哟波gigai 哈几波gigai哟波波(TOP)哈几波gigai哟哈几波-波-波-波-波gigai哟兔都木vin那爹莫呢波gigai哟安你所gigai哟 wuli gai哟弄波gigai哟(GD) This is double double, double double, Combo, double double,double combo They say bubble bubble,bubble bubble诺能姐根姐根努力bingo bingoTell me goodbyeLetting you go...(here's somebody...)Letting you go...(here's somebody...)[GD]Yo I got this, yeahstill thinking about this thing alotyou got me shaken up(Please tell me there's a way)And it got my head just spinnin' round round round round (Please tell me there's a way)Don't wanna take a fallIt's best to break it upIt's gonna be better for you, move on(Please tell me there's a way)Uh huh we break it break itOr thought we make it make itAnd now we cover it up[太阳]GIRL I SWEAR ki 米那扣偷屋一起biu sei某卡那she嘛say那一呀苦搜那某绿恰没你挖墓某够镭西噶诶那不米奇哇那一嘎啦[大成]Baby 爱修大不打开ki四次噶达是嘛屋I got nothing nothing to say[合声]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[胜利]大ki she没他忒you[合声]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[大成]哈那搜oh~不哭噢喔搜你露骨偷纳吉you鲁尼那鲁那拉baby[合声]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[胜利]GIRL you know ki米噶爱噶(大)哭she得哭后斗不哭哇she不no撒那奴you那哭撒没路口偷吧某黑卡里撒诶某那里木卡姆迷雾she大雾[太阳]BABY 扣no勾起皮留噶哈娜里特she盆尼I never find better better than you[合声]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[胜利]大ki she没他忒you[合声]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[大成]哈那搜oh~艘吗你路口偷拿K噶呀萨卡斯嘉纳伊豆BABY [合声]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[TOP][TOP]Yo and it's so, soSad it just ain't happeningWish it could be betterSorry to scrappingBut I just can't let yaShouldn't be less than happyI said look at meI couldn't live with myself seeing you lackingThe things you deserveBaby you was a part?Must believe that it hurtsthat lead this worldI feel the aching through my bodyit just takes a bigger part of meto be let you goI wish that one soul(one soul)[大成]ki米no苦爱赛吐纳库fade away oh eh eh eh eh[胜利]卡西你卡ki K萨朗the you could stay stay eh eh eh [太阳]口类一球啊I can't take it 搜楼那米don't cry for me [大成]ki米no他没no他never look back again eh eh eh eh [合声]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[胜利]大ki she没他忒you[合声]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[大成]哈那搜oh~搜吗你路口头那K噶亚萨卡斯加纳一斗BABY [合声]oh, Tell me goodbye, oh, tell me goodbye[大成]Tell me goodbyehigh highok 啊内 people难好ok nen den nen 内好ok 啊内 people难好G:所谓恰啊拉so为瞎T o p class and Mr.G in the clab in ma b-boys dance金家莫就大len都太呆搂擦金跟 soEvery body makin' move makin' move den 根秋T:森跟狗妈鸡大里den freedom冲one冲瓜哭分有唔den八冷鸡定in 屋里出gia谋给给样旺亚so忒Hey come on and make some noise那一吗妹内痛喵哪也so聊yo flyhigh high I'm so highhigh high up in the skyhigh high I'm so highfly fly touch the skyha ha ha ha hasay la la la la laha ha ha ha ha(ah~)ok 啊内 people难好ok nen den nen 内好ok 啊内 people难好G:ok 扣no勒bou力喵妈起butterfly high 帮给恰搂no给弟呀哦拉蓝您家撒浪位呀嫩那妈气妈ka狗弟死ga它狗强民迷气他大哈弄路恰gi拿卡T;;谋求给韩加拿忒齐齐内恰撒狼忒哦球嫩ki no ki逗逗ki机斗内so我西大吗sen so 嗨 bom乃加够NO拉巴yo西抓苗头吗嘎yo你够修为就系米娜噶某几弄空几high high I'm so highhigh high up in the sky high high I'm so high fly fly touch the sky ha ha ha ha hasay la la la la laha ha ha ha ha(ah~)baby 嫁给stop now西嘎你有家闹恩say你那航帮诶yo王娜帮航baby 嫁给stop now西嘎你有家闹恩say你那航帮诶yo闻娜帮航ghetto electro米戚戚哦类就骂你吉娃here we go ghetto electro几齐齐哦类就。



FOR THE WORLDIntro《VIP》ye (wow!) ye (wow!) ye (wow!) yebig bang the big the big bangV.I.P that''s the with standbe famous b.i.g big banglet''s get it on boy we are V.I.Pwe are V.I.PGD is V.I.PSOL is V.I.PT.O.P is V.I.PD-LITE is V.I.PVI is V.I.PWho''s the V.I.PBig bang is V.I.P《BIG BANG》B to the ANG... let's do itSo get them hands up highWe gon' get this party started rightC'mon everybody let's all get downIt's the T-O-P, I be the baddest around 'nSuckas don't wanna come test my poundinI see'em hollin they chest fall on the ground 'n drownin' see they weren't originalI got it like that and everybody knowThat when I rock the mic my super duper flowsCome hittin' left to right whatever way it goes it's whoa freezing yall like zero below I be'zin total controlfa sheez I'm more than you know yoI hits that 1 2 3 and 4ya best believe it's comin' straight outta SeoulYo yo yo they sayin this 'n that so pitifulI bring a fist and a smack that's real lethal and oh no You be runnin for your dear life manHow ya like me now I'm livin real tight manDon'chu wish you had the honeys like mine manI saw you peepin steady creepin it was triflinI grab the mic 'n, and now you frightenGD don't get it till the day there ain't no life 'nB to the I to the GB to the ANG... let's do itSo get them hands up highWe gon' get'cha funkdafiedB to the I to the GB to the ANG... let's do itSo get them hands up highWe gon' get this party started rightYo, my babyShe told me, that I was her one and onlyShe's no phony, she's my roni,And she would always like to ride my pony(Are you all in love?) That's right no balony(Are you pushin up?) That's right no balonyWord homie, she's all for meThat's how we kick it, that's the end of storyMy baby told me it gets real tonight'N I'm so excited gonna do it right what I wanna do What I'm gonna doAin't no thang, to my gameWe'll be doin the do, It's just me and my babyB to the I to the GB to the ANG... let's do itSo get them hands up highWe gon' get'cha funkdafiedB to the I to the GB to the ANG... let's do itSo get them hands up highWe gon' get this party started rightYo we got'em on throwPutin' they hands up in the air and sayin hoFillin the club back to back like oh, my, god oh my oh These honeys lookin flya than I ever did knowThey all know, the big to the bang do they thang, it's all pro And everythang ain't a thang we rock yoSo just let it go and get into our swang babyB to the I to the GB to the ANG... let's do itSo get them hands up highWe gon' get'cha funkdafiedB to the I to the GB to the ANG... let's do itSo get them hands up highWe gon' get this party started right《How Gee》[intro_gd]one for the money, two for the showwe got the party peolple screamin' out...(hey - ho)let's go![vrs1_top] on and on into the breaka-dawni got a mic and i just can't leave it alone i be the - t.o.p. aiite!i represent the big bang big thangs feel me i bring'em like down and dirty you heard me it's straight whoa!people gotta have it they really won't let go, huhyo, i got it full controlindeed i'm ridin' high no need to lay low[gd] i'm psyked i'm rippin' the show[rap] tight like kick in the doethat's right baby zero below you know thegd got ya city throwin'em upit's oh so - ficky ficky fresh! i give you nuttin' lessand if you aint known by now i be the bestladi dadi we came to party yes yesand while ya freakin' ya shawty let's just...[hook] ahhhhhhhh big gon' raise the roof yallso you know what to do yalljust keep on rockin'emahhhhhhhh big gon' raise the roof yalljust keep on rockin'em[vrs2_top] damn yo'm killin' the flow gotit pack wall to wall doe to doe that's,quite incredible i know and everybody in the place be tipsy amazin' what this be we blazin' it crispyya honey wanna get down with thisi make her bounce to thisevery ounce of this i shit'chu notand it's the shit'chu not you know i hits the spot[gd] yeah, i wear my sunglasses at nightstill 20-20 suckas walkin' around talkin'all'at balony damn homie you phony!be on about'cha biz what it is you aint gotnuttin' fo mebeen an mc since my first sonyrockmany and plenty they wanna know mei'm 50karots you a cubic zakoni fall back let mypeople react, we in the zone yeah![hook] *repeat[bridge_yb] all yall get'cha hands up clap nowwe gonna shake and tear the house downi know you wanna do this right nowyou gotta get up and move it all aroundlove the way the kick drum plays nowi feel it in my heart that's it nowi think i'm gonna count it off now...[vrs3_top] yeah, fire in the hole it's a newload'm killin'em slow make'em learn about the t.o.p and how the story goit's not nice - not prettyya hear a crack when i'm full contacti'm crushin' down many[gd] yeah, uh, straight comin' fromthe back shootin' hennypeople be gettin' wild just kickin' and rippin'em out you know it's what it's all about when you move a crowd just raise the roof, now![hook] *repeat《Lie》[Hook]I'm so sorry girl I love you, I just can't lieOh I was so wrong, I can't live without'cha(Please listen to me!)I'm so sorry girl I love you now I realizeShoulda never let'cha go away - cuz now my life don't seem right I'm so sorry girl I love you, I just can't lieI'm so sorry... girl I love you...I'm so sorry girl I love you now I see my...thinkin' was all a big mistake, it makes me cry to this day [Bridge]Tell me it's all in my headI try with every single beat of my heartNo matter what my mind recallsI see your face 'n I know, that'chu will always be thereJust wanna know how ya doin' these daysDidn't mean, to cause you any painI'm so deeply sorry《So beautiful》[hook]i've been searchin' for my babythe one to come and save meand this you know, she is so beautifulaint never act stuck up or shadyone hundred percent all ladyand this you know, she is so beautiful - yo yo [vrs1] baby are you all for mebaby my heart is needof a love wanting, to cherish the soul everyday thinkin' so deepeverynight turnin' in heatit is why all this here is happening to me, yeah all the love i can giveall the days we can livealways and forever nowall the love i can giveall the days we can livealways and forever now[hook] *repeat / [vrs2]baby now you hold the keto my heart baby you seei don't want no uh tha let it be knownit's how it always will bethis love will set us freeand i can't believe this is happening to meall the love i can giveall the days we can livealways and forever nowall the love i can giveall the days we can livealways and forever now[hook] *repeat / [rap_top]yo, yo hit'em witha high, hit'em witha lowhit'em witha every wicha way that it may go yo baby got the beauty stayin' or to go yowhen she shake her booty get up out the way yoi'm oh so serio, really doe, sillybro, neva know, see it in a videot.o.p got crazy doe, blazin flow, phase me nothey be never hearin'what i'm sayin' doe[gd]i know i know, G got the glowstraight up phenomenon why becuz i said soshock the world when GD put the let gorock the girls and let'em hear the real flows bangin' and i'm ringin'em high(that's the shit) straight flamin' and i'm blazin'em right (the real shit) aint no fakin'we be makin'it tight now's the timeto get up baby shake it all night!all the love i can giveall the days we can livealways and forever nowall the love i can giveall the days we can livealways and forever now[hook] *repeat《LA LA LA》i, i , i, i like the real shityou, you, you, you like the real shit?i, i , i, i like the real shitme and my crew can only bust with the real shit we, we, we, we like the real shityou, you, you, you like the real shitall my peeps they like the real shitme and my crew can only bust with the real shitrock many styles and never foulin'all together we are one no doubt andif your feelin' uncomfortableyou can exit where you entered baby that's for sure so many wild so many browsin'there's no better baby that's no doubt andif you wanna come and rock a showyou can meet me in the center yolalala, everybody get'em highit's the big to the bang that's whyand we won't stop-movin' movin' lalala everybody get'em highit's the big to the bang on the riseand we won't stop- movin' movin' movin'closely, baby was doin' her thang to meand i was feelin' really quite lovelyi can't let anyone get in the wayshe told me i was all the man she ever needsaint no one gonna take her love from meand i believed everything that she saidshe told me everything was gonna be finenow i'm here and damn near 'bout to lose my mindlalala, everybody get'em highit's the big to the bang that's whyand we won't stop-movin' movin' lalalaeverybody get'em highit's the big to the bang on the riseand we won't stop- movin' movin' movin'yo, i said move it (move it!) move it (movie it!)we got it going on and we aint gotta prove itall you gotta do is get on up and hop into itthe T-O-P is rockin' never stoppin' always down to do it do it do iti know wanna just move it around give it a poundnow tell me what'cha gonna do with itwe be's the big bang (big bang!) up in here!she told me everything was gonna be finenow i'm here, yes i'm here, tell me whylalala, everybody get'em highit's the big to the bang that's whyand we won't stop-movin' movin' lalalaeverybody get'em highit's the big to the bang on the riseand we won't stop- movin' movin' movin'everybody get'em highit's the big to the bang that's whyand we won't stop-movin' movin' lalalaeverybody get'em highit's the big to the bang on the riseand we won't stop- movin' movin' movin'《Together forever》[vrs1]baby girl you're allthat i'm thinkin ofyou put this feelin inside of meit says you are the oneyeah the only onei couldn't help myself but put it in wordsyou are the sunshine in my life girland you know, i'd say it over againnothin could ever tear us apartlemme tell you babe[chorus]all of my life i've been searchin for that oneand now that you've come to me i don't have to run chasin' all the girls while i'm hangin' with my crew now it's all about just me and my booeveryday 'n everynight it just goes onthat's how much love i have for you girl i'm so sprung baby this was meant to be it's such a blessin'cuz we will be together, foreveras i look abovethankful for your lovetwo thirty you will be callin' mewhen i pick you upwe'll go to the parkain� nothin better than being with you girlyou are the sunshine in my life girland you know, i'd say it over againnothin could ever tear us apartlet me tell you babe[chorus]all of my life i've been searchin for that oneand now that you've come to me i don't have to run chasin' all the girls while i'm hangin' with my crew now it's all about just me and my booeveryday 'n everynight it just goes onthat's how much love i have for you girl i'm so sprung baby this was meant to be it's such a blessin'cuz we will be together, foreverbein' inside of you is so heaven in my heartthe way you say my namei know you feel the same girl you are my oneand the only onethat's why you're my babyand this is what i have to say...[rap]yo, listen,love you down in everywayit doesn't matter baby everydayfrom the bottom to the top have it'cho wayit's all about the way you feel babyi wanna make it like extacyto where you're sayin' my name softlyand we can take it down south babyany freakin' route as long as youand i can be as one, heyyou know i do it all for youyou're my boo that's true wannalet the world know you're my babygot a lotta love comin' from above andi thank him everyday it's the t-o-pi don't wanna be without your lovethrough the push 'n shove you're alli ever wanna be thinkin' of[chorus]all of my life i've been searchin for that oneand now that you've come to me i don't have to run chasin' all the girls while i'm hangin' with my crew now it's all about just me and my booeveryday 'n everynight it just goes onthat's how much love i have for you girl i'm so sprung baby this was meant to be it's such a blessin'cuz we will be together, forever[vrs2]《Always》[vrs1]that first time we layed eyeslookin' over 'n over again(talkin' no matter how late 'n - laffin'away and away 'n)was so on a natural highfelt like you always been my best friend(so happy everyday 'n - nothin' can tear us away 'n) you always had a glowon your face so, you had to be mine...yeah yeah yeaheveryplace we would go, holding handsyo, i knew you were minethat's why you gotta know girl[hook] always you should know you're my honey always you are on my mindalways you can call on me any'o day or night... oh yeahno way i be shady or frontin'no way that aint even my stylewhat i'm sayin is alwaysand forever be you and i...[vrs2] for the first time in my lifefeelin' all the love deep within(aint never felt so amazinhits me in so many ways 'n)for sure i, would never get byi need you by my side thick 'n thin...yeah(you lovin' me is like heavendon't wanna let you go never)you always had a glow, on your face soyou had to be mine... yeah yeah yeah everyplace we would go, holding hands yoi knew you were mine...that's why you gotta know always girl yeah...[hook] *repeat[rap] baby always count'em 365all days pound'em can i get a witnessevery ounce of my love heavy wit thisgirl we fit just like a glove you my missesand we got it like that know each other like that definitely got each others backand that's fact (cuz you are my love)and that's that (my one and only love)yo, she makes my heartbeat skip 'n everyday and everynight straight trippinlovin' so wild wild i'll say it real loud loudi'll walk hundred miles miles tokeep her no doubt doubther eyes her hair her lips 'nbaby keepin' my body ripped 'nlovin' her style style it steady bewild wild and i'm gonna love her always。

Big Bang歌词

Big Bang歌词

Big Bang - Number 1 Yeah~Are you ready for the show~!!!I‟ll be ready in an hour, jump in the showerCrisp and clean now I got the powerBlasting music from my speakersT-shirts fresh, brand new sneakersReady to flow, ready to go, Ready for the spot light, ready for the showLet me tell you something that you already knowI‟m a hardworking man and I work for my fans.Girl, I love your style, love your smileWish that you could beOnly mine, be only mine (fa‟sho)I can‟t let it go, I don‟t kn ow What you‟re doin‟ to me (yeah)You‟re so fine (yeah uh huh), oh you‟re so fine (let‟s go) Gettin‟ hot in the club,I can see they want some more(I will give you more; I‟m your number one)Once I get up I will rock, never stop, you can be sure (Yeah you can be sure; I‟m your number one)I, (uh) you know I (yes) you know I(yo)I‟m your number one. (I‟m your number one)Crazy hot, mad party Shorty drop it low for me You can keep me companyYour look sweet smell likehoneyI need a girl who is in it forme.Not for the money, not forthe fame,Not for the glory, not for thename.It ain‟t easy cause all theyjust sayin' is…“Boy I love your style, Ilove your smileWish that you could beOnly mine be only mine(fa‟sho)I can‟t let it go, I don‟t knowWhat you‟re doin‟ to meYou‟re so fine, ooh you‟re sofine”Gettin‟ hot in the club,I can see they want somemore~(I will give you more; I‟myour number one)Once I get up I will rock,never stop, you can be sure~(Yeah you can be s ure; I‟myour number one)I, (you know I) you know I,(yeah you know I) you knowII‟m you‟re number oneWe jump, jump, jump to theceiling(everybody in the placec‟mon now)We jump, jump, jump what afeeling, feeling~We jump, jump, jump to theceiling, ceiling(once again BIGBANGc‟mon)We jump, jump, jump, whata feeling, feeling~Gettin‟ hot in the club yeahI can see they want somemore~you want some more(I will give you moreI give you more ; I‟m yournumber one)Once I get up I will rockrock rock rocknever stop, you can be sure~you can be sure(Yeah you can be sure; I‟myour number one)Gettin‟ hot in the club,I can see they want somemore~(oh its getting hot in here~)(I will give you more; I‟myour number one)Once I get up I will rock,never stop, you can be sure~(Yeah you can be sure; I‟myour number one)I, (you know I) you know I,(yeah you know I) you knowII‟m you‟re number one(I‟ loveI never knew I‟d find a loveso true |This one right here, is justfor you |Remember that One day |I held your hands then Ikissed your lips then I toldyou |Our love was meant to beand always will forever |Give me that happiness I getfrom you just being there |I always see you when I close my eyes, you‟re on my mind |So can‟t you see, I need you right here wit me, close by my side |This time for sure, Gonna let you know, My love is straight from the heart | Forever you‟re my girl Forever be my world | You are the only one |The only on e I‟ll ever need, my life is you and me | Forever you‟re my girl Forever be my world |You are the only one |I‟ll never break your heart “no”, so baby don‟t let go | Even through the hard times | We made it through just fine |When it hurt we put in the work |To show that I‟m yours | And that your mine |That‟s how we got this far | Let‟s never be apart |Girl, you‟re my queen |I‟m here for you |‘Cuz you‟re my everything |You always make me feel like everyhing‟s gonna be alright |Wit the things you do, becuz it‟s you the real true love of my life |This time fo sho, Gonna let you know, My love is straight from the heart | Forever you my girl Forever be my world |You are the only one | The only one I‟ll ever need,my life is you & me |Forever you my girl Foreverbe my world |You are the only one |I‟ll never break your heart“no”, so baby don‟t let go |uh… baby! |you know I‟d walk themmiles |climb mountains swith upstyles |all I wanna do, is be with you|ain‟t no matt er what, whereand how |yeah |like that sound bump …ngrindin‟ perfect timin‟ |let‟s dine and both be proud |yeah yeah yeah |gonna take you on a joyridetoday |me and you stay true neverhesitate |to make love — sho nuff |you‟re the only one I‟m everthinkin‟ of |just to hold you baby I canhardly wait |as we go through the motionsdamn it‟s great |to make love —sho ‟nuff |we‟re gonna take it to theend and that‟s what‟s up |You are the only one I wantto spend my whole life with Iknow |Anywhere you are, that‟swhere I will call home |So just take my hand and saythat you will never let it go |Two hearts always beating asone forever more |Forever you‟re my girlForever be my world |You are the only one |The only one I‟ll ever need,my life is you & meForever you my girl Foreverbe my worldYou are the only one |I‟ll never break your heart“no”, so baby don‟t let go |I‟m nothing without you I‟mnothing without you girlyeah |Big Bang - Come Be MyLadyBeen together for a whilenowGettin' closer everyday IWeak-up in the morning andsmileHappy to be your sideDon't you get me wrong nowBefore we go on IGot a thing I need to knowThink it through' baby besureThe life we live (livin')The way we lie (lyin')IT'S ALL ABOUT THE G's(Baby)The way we think (Thinkin')The choice you make(Makin')IT'S ALL ABOUT THE G's(Baby)come be my ladyi can show you what you'vealways dreameddon't be so shadyyou can live a life of luxurymaybe i'm crazyi'm just tryna think of youand methis world is so coldso so coldbut that's how it goesI don't wanna doubt you Your love is really trueBut you see money talks Can easy come an flip your thoughtsWanna know if you love me morethan the Gucci's and Dior Losin' you I can't affordYou're the one I adoreThe life we live (livin')The way we lie (lyin')IT'S ALL ABOUT THE G's (Baby)The way we think (Thinkin') The choice you make (Makin')IT'S ALL ABOUT THE G's (Baby)come be my ladyi can show you what you've always dreameddon't be so shadyyou can live a life of luxury maybe i'm crazyi'm just tryna think of you and methis world is so coldso so coldbut that's how it goesi can show you what you've always dreameddon't be so shadyyou can live a life of luxury maybe i'm crazyi'm just tryna think of you and methis world is so coldso so coldbut that's how it goesTo many play it dirtyThe rocks can make crazy I need your honesty(its all about the G‟s)To many play it dirtyThe rocks can make crazyI need your honesty(its all about the G‟s)come be my ladylet me show you - i can loveyoudon't be so shadyfrom the depths of my heartmaybe i'm crazyi won't ignore you - i'll adoreyouthis world is so coldthis world--is so coldbut that's how it goesi can show you what you'vealways dreameddon't be so shadyand you can live a life ofluxurymaybe i'm crazyi'm only thinkin' about youand methis world is so coldso so coldbut that's how it goesWith UShe stands there looking atmeI know she's wonderin'If she should kick it with meCuz you all got thatsomethin'If she be wanting to freakThe shakin' thunderin'And now she'sstarting to creep up on meMan she looks so goodAnd she looks so fineStill it takes me highSinging 'My Oh My'Got to get with herHave her in my worldHold her in my armsThat's forever yoI wanna rock with uDance with uDo everything with uRun around in the rain with uEveryday now only uRock with uDance with uDo everything with uRun around in the rain with uEveryday now only uIt's getting tougher to seeThe place is jumping nowI grab her hand and proceedTo the crowd just tumblingI really want her with meSome one on one romanceWhat she keeps doing to meGot me feelin'Man she looks so goodAnd she looks so fineStill it takes me highSinging 'My Oh My'Got to get with herHave her in my worldHold her in my armsThat's forever yoI wanna rock with uDance with uDo everything with uRun around in the rain with uEveryday now only uRock with uDance with uDo everything with uRun around in the rain with uEveryday now only uI know that you're thinkingI won't be rightBut it's you girl nowI made up my mindFrom here we can starta new wonderful life Always and forever yoI wanna rockI wanna danceI wanna do everythingwith you baby that's itMe and you togetherbaby we can be a classicSo we can do thosekinda things fantasticThe bombasticBaby living drasticBut for you anything's possible LoveI gotta rockI gotta danceI gotta do everything witha first glancethat's meMake me wanna get upand run around in my seat Baby got me wilin'and you know what I mean So fresh so cleanSo blessed so leanMy honey My QueenI wanna rock with uDance with uDo everything with uRun around in the rain with u Everyday now only uRock with uDance with uDo everything with uRun around in the rain with u Everyday now only uRock with uDance with uDo everything with uRun around in the rain with u Everyday now only u How gee-gd-one for the money, twofor the showwe got the party peolplescreamin' out...(hey - ho)let's go!-top- on and on into thebreaka-dawni got a mic and i just can'tleave it alone i be the - t.o.p.aiite!i represent the big bang bigthangs feel me i bring'emlikedown and dirty you heard meit's straight whoa!people gotta have it theyreally won't let go, huhyo, i got it full controlindeed i'm ridin' high noneed to lay low-gd- i'm psyked i'm rippin'the show-rap- tight like kick in thedoethat's right baby zero belowyou know thegd got ya city throwin'em upit's oh so - ficky ficky fresh! igive you nuttin' lessand if you aint known bynow i be the bestladi dadi we came to partyyes yesand while ya freakin' yashawty let's just...-hook- ahhhhhhhh bigbanggon' raise the roof yallso you know what to do yalljust keep on rockin'emahhhhhhhh bigbang gon'raise the roof yalljust keep on rockin'em-top- damn yo'm killin' theflow gotit pack wall to wall doe todoe that's,quite incredible i know andeverybody in the place betipsyamazin' what this be weblazin' it crispyya honey wanna get downwith thisi make her bounce to thisevery ounce of this i shit'chunotand it's the shit'chu not youknow i hits the spot-gd- yeah, i wear mysunglasses at nightstill 20-20 suckas walkin'around talkin'all'at balony damn homieyou phony!be on about'cha biz what it isyou aint gotmany and plenty they wannaknow mei'm 50nuttin' fo mebeen an mcsince my first sonyrockkarots you a cubic zakoni fallback let mypeople react, we in the zoneyeah!-hook- ahhhhhhhh bigbanggon' raise the roof yallso you know what to do yalljust keep on rockin'emahhhhhhhh bigbang gon'raise the roof yalljust keep on rockin'em-yb- all yall get'cha hands upclap nowwe gonna shake and tear thehouse downi know you wanna do thisright nowyou gotta get up and move it all aroundlove the way the kick drum plays nowi feel it in my heart that's it nowi think i'm gonna count it off now...-top- yeah, fire in the hole it's a newload'm killin'em slow make'em learn about the t.o.p and how the story goit's not nice - not prettyya hear a crack when i'm full contacti'm crushin' down many-gd- yeah, uh, straight comin' fromthe back shootin' henny people be gettin' wild just kickin' and rippin'em out you know it's what it's all about when you move a crowdjust raise the roof, now!-hook- ahhhhhhhh bigbang gon' raise the roof yallso you know what to do yall just keep on rockin'em ahhhhhhhh bigbang gon' raise the roof yalljust keep on rockin'em-hook- ahhhhhhhh bigbang gon' raise the roof yallso you know what to do yall just keep on rockin'em ahhhhhhhh bigbang gon' raise the roof yalljust keep on rockin'emFor The World Baby Baby - BigBangBASSYESBigbang is back Mostdefinitely incredible (heymove)B to the I to the G (BangBang)About lovei don't wanna be with outyou girl(Got me slowly dying)Where did we go wrong mygirl(Why can‟t we keep ontrying)I don‟t wanna be without yougirl(I gave my heart to you)Going outta my mind, cuz Ilove you, I need you girl(SR)Baby baby baby Youknow we go back for so long(DS) Baby baby baby Usedto having you here in myarms(YB) Baby baby baby Youknow what we had was oh sostrong(GD) Just say you‟ll still bemine Cuz I love you, I needyou girlYB: My homey lover freetogether yea we had it allCould never see ya, and youjust left forever deep withloveWe had a good runDo everything so happily, sofreeAnd nothing anyone couldever had doneGD:(Yea, yea, yea)Babyyou‟re my everything; I‟ll doanything for yaNever knew another girl likequite like yaAnd I wanna excite yaLike, like giving you whatyou wanna do girlIf there‟s anyone, I‟ll straightrun …emUnafraid of all, GD stun …emWhat up, what up, can‟t putup, put upWhen you‟re telling meyou‟re gonna need timealoneI don‟t wanna be without yougirl(Got me slowly dying)Where did we go wrong mygirl(Why can‟t we keep ontrying)I don‟t wanna be without yougirl(I gave my heart to you)Going outta my mind, cuz Ilove you, I need you girl(SR)Baby baby baby Youknow we go back for so long(DS) Baby baby baby Usedto having you here in myarms(YB) Baby baby baby Youknow what we had was oh sostrong(GD) Just say you‟ll still bemine Cuz I love you, I needyou girlTOP: Tried to call you athousand times up on thephone(I called you on the phone)Never did you answer once,you know that‟s wrong(You know that‟s reallywrong yea)Can we doubt this, I don‟t wanna know why did you leave me hanging, oh so damn rightDon‟t you see me praying, don‟t leav e me alone (ABOUT LOVE)Yo, it‟s the rerun, lovers from the front no doubt Fosho, we got each other‟s back, that‟s fact yoNever had a big problem beforeBaby doll, one look at you was all that I saw(DS) Assuming we let our love hang all outWith everything we worked out(TOP) But little did I know (DS) That you were just over thereI don‟t wanna be without you girl(Got me slowly dying) Where did we go wrong my girl(Why can‟t we keep on trying)I don‟t wanna be without you girl(I gave my heart to you) Going outta my mind, cuz I love you, I need you girl (SR)Baby baby baby You know we go back for so long (DS) Baby baby baby Used to having you here in my arms(YB) Baby baby baby You know what we had was oh so strong(GD) Just say you‟ll still be mine Cuz I love you, I needyou girlDS: How could I‟ve knownCuz all in my eyesIt was all good Hadeverything we ever wantedSR: Now that you‟reshowing yourTrue colors baby, now Iknow (You Know)YB: Oh, that we weren‟tmeant to be no, noooI don‟t wanna be without yougirl(Got me slowly dying)Where did we go wrong mygirl(Why can‟t we keep ontrying)I don‟t wanna be without yougirl(I gave my heart to you)Going outta my mind, cuz Ilove you, I need you girl(SR)Baby baby baby Youknow we go back for so long(DS) Baby baby baby Usedto having you here in myarms(YB) Baby baby baby Youknow what we had was oh sostrong(GD) Just say you‟ll still bemine Cuz I love you, I needyou girlB to the I to the G (BangBang)(GD) C‟mon, c‟mon, c‟mon,c‟monB to the I to the G (BangBang)(GD) Just say you‟ll still bemineCuz I love you, I need yougirlABOUT LOVEBig Bang - Everythingeverything... aint a thingwithout you here in my life(you sexy hottie - you gotthat body - you make thingsright)aint a dream... 'cause the wayyou hold me hits deep inside(so sweet like honey - righton the money - blowin' mymind)everyday as i wake i'm wholeyou got me feelin' so freshand good to gomy friends think that i'mcrazy, yowell, i'm about to get crazysome more'cause every little thing youdo turns me on( you turn me on)and everytime you speak youtouch my soul( you touch my soul girl)it's everybody's dream to bein love for oh so long( just want your body on mybody body)girl anything you need is inthese open arms(these open arms girl)we'll fly together freewherever you want(wherever you want)'cause you're my everything(my everything)every single thing(every single thing)everything(oh oh oh oh oh)let it rain (pour down your love)...wanna take you on a special joyride(you sexy hottie - you got that body - you make things right)that's the way... in the mornin' afternoon and the night(so sweet like honey - right on the money - blowin' my mind)everyday as i wake i'm whole you got me feelin' so fresh and good to gomy friends think that i'm crazy, yowell, i'm about to get crazy some more'cause every little thing you do turns me on( you turn me on)and everytime you speak you touch my soul( you touch my soul girl)it's everybody's dream to be in love for oh so long( just want your body on my body body)girl anything you need is in these open arms(these open arms girl)we'll fly together free wherever you want (wherever you want)'cause you're my everything (my everything)every single thing(every single thing) everything(oh oh oh oh oh)yo yo yo,just me and my honey she's my one and onlybaby likes to do her thangwhat you talkin' 'bout homieif you didn't know me T-O-Pgot that bangand it's bigger, see me when ishoot lycs pull the triggermany wanna rock this butthey can't figure-what it's all about no doubtsteady dedicated to my girlgotta give a shoutyo, that's word, ya heardshe's mineevery little thing she do sofly'specially when she rock theguccilookin' mad juicy definitelyone of a kindthat's right i'ma be by herside (do or die)and i'ma keep it real tight(really tight)as long as i be the GDshe's gon' be my sweetyevery single day and nightfor the rest of our livesbaby girl just let yourworries go free, ohfrom here on out we cruisin'in luxury, yeahwe're gonna take it to thenext century and foreverthat's how we roll, 'causeeverything....'cause every little thing youdo turns me on( you turn me on)and everytime you speak youtouch my soul( you touch my soul girl)it's everybody's dream to bein love for oh so long( just want your body on mybody body)girl anything you need is inthese open arms(these open arms girl)we'll fly together freewherever you want(wherever you want)'cause you're my everything(my everything)every single thing(every single thing)everything(oh oh oh oh oh)BigbangB to the I to the GB to the ANG... let's do itSo get them hands up highWe gon' get this party startedrightC'mon everybody let's all getdownIt's the T-O-P' I be thebaddest around 'nSuckas don't wanna cometest my poundinI see'em hollin they chest fallon the ground 'ndrownin' see they weren'toriginalI got it like that andeverybody knowThat when I rock the mic mysuper duper flowsCome hittin' left to rightwhatever way it goes it'swhoafreezing yall like zero belowI be'zin total controlfa sheez I'm more than youknow yoI hits that 1 2 3 and 4ya best believe it's comin'straight outta SeoulYo yo yo they sayin this 'n that so pitifulI bring a fist and a smack that's real lethal and oh no You be runnin for your dear life manHow ya like me now I'm livin real tight manDon'chu wish you had the honeys like mine manI saw you peepin steady creepin it was triflinI grab the mic 'n' and now you frightenGD don't get it till the day there ain't no life 'nB to the I to the GB to the ANG... let's do itSo get them hands up high We gon' get'cha funkdafied B to the I to the GB to the ANG... let's do itSo get them hands up high We gon' get this party started rightYo' my babyShe told me' that I was her one and onlyShe's no phony' she's my roni'And she would always like to ride my pony(Are you all in love?) That's right no balony(Are you pushin up?) That's right no balonyWord homie' she's all for me That's how we kick it' that's the end of storyMy baby told me it gets real tonight'N I'm so excited gonna do it right what I wanna do What I'm gonna doAin't no thang' to my gameWe'll be doin the do' It's justme and my babyB to the I to the GB to the ANG... let's do itSo get them hands up highWe gon' get'cha funkdafiedB to the I to the GB to the ANG... let's do itSo get them hands up highWe gon' get this party startedrightYo we got'em on throwPutin' they hands up in theair and sayin hoFillin the club back to backlike oh' my' god oh my ohThese honeys lookin flyathan I ever did knowThey all know' the big to thebang do they thang' it's allproAnd everythang ain't a thangwe rock yoSo just let it go and get intoour swang babyB to the I to the GB to the ANG... let's do itSo get them hands up highWe gon' get'cha funkdafiedB to the I to the GB to the ANG... let's do itSo get them hands up highWe gon' get this party startedrightLalalai, i , i, i like the real shityou, you, you, you like thereal shit?i, i , i, i like the real shitme and my crew can onlybust with the real shitwe, we, we, we like the realshityou, you, you, you like thereal shitall my peeps they like thereal shitme and my crew can onlybust with the real shitrock many styles and neverfoulin'all together we are one nodoubt andif your feelin' uncomfortableyou can exit where youentered baby that's for sureso many wild so manybrowsin'there's no better baby that'sno doubt andif you wanna come and rocka showyou can meet me in thecenter yolalala, everybody get'em highit's the big to the bang that'swhyand we won't stop-movin'movin' lalalaeverybody get'em highit's the big to the bang on theriseand we won't stop- movin'movin' movin'closely, baby was doin' herthang to meand i was feelin' really quitelovelyi can't let anyone get in thewayshe told me i was all the manshe ever needsaint no one gonna take herlove from meand i believed everything that she saidshe told me everything was gonna be finenow i'm here and damn near 'bout to lose my mind lalala, everybody get'em high it's the big to the bang that's whyand we won't stop-movin' movin' lalalaeverybody get'em highit's the big to the bang on the riseand we won't stop- movin' movin' movin'yo, i said move it (move it!) move it (movie it!)we got it going on and we aint gotta prove itall you gotta do is get on up and hop into itthe T-O-P is rockin' never stoppin' always down to do it do it do iti know wanna just move it around give it a poundnow tell me what'cha gonna do with itwe be's the big bang (big bang!) up in here!she told me everything was gonna be finenow i'm here, yes i'm here, tell me whylalala, everybody get'em high it's the big to the bang that's whyand we won't stop-movin' movin' lalalaeverybody get'em highit's the big to the bang on the riseand we won't stop- movin' movin' movin'everybody get'em highit's the big to the bang that'swhyand we won't stop-movin'movin' lalalaeverybody get'em highit's the big to the bang on theriseand we won't stop- movin'movin' movin'Big Bang - La La La(English Version)Together ForeverBaby girl you're allThat I'm thinking ofYou put this feelin inside ofmeIt says you are the oneYeah, the only oneI couldn't help myself but putit in wordsYou are the sunshine in mylife, girlAnd you know, I'd say it overagainNothin could ever tear usapartLemme tell you babeAll of my life I've beensearchin for that oneAnd now that you've come tome I don't have to runChasin' all the girls while I'mhangin' with my crewNow it's all about just meand my booEveryday 'n everynight it justgoes onThat's how much love I havefor you girl I'm so sprungBaby this was meant to be,it's such a blessin'Cuz we will be together,foreverAs I look aboveThankful for your loveTwo thirty you will be callin'meWhen I pick you upWe'll go to the parkAin't nothin better than beingwith you girlYou are the sunshine in mylife girlAnd you know, I'd say it overagainNothin could ever tear usapartLet me tell you babeAll of my life I've beensearchin for that oneAnd now that you've come tome I don't have to runChasin' all the girls while I'mhangin' with my crewNow it's all about just meand my booEveryday 'n everynight it justgoes onThat's how much love I havefor you girl I'm so sprungBaby this was meant to be,it's such a blessin'Cuz we will be together,foreverBein' inside of you is soheaven in my heartThe way you say my name Iknow you feel the same girlyou are my oneAnd the only oneThat's why you're my babyAnd this is what I have tosay...All of my life I've been。



If You (TOP)
If You
If You
(我们)大实多啦加苏嫩我术加If You
If You
If You
If You
(我们)大实多啦加苏嫩我术加If You
If You

bigbang歌曲音译 超完整

bigbang歌曲音译 超完整

Blue扣~绿~嘎~够~,莫米恰~讲求~,莫木惜得够,顾(林in) 搜~给,马瑞莫~登了就~,im singin my blue~唔~唔~,撒郎嫩木掠,怕蓝森普掠,开套(sei跟挖jor)~~(唔~唔~唔),色跟顾聊ruai,门聊包嫩,撒郎哦哦(诶哦),(志龙部分)嘎ten那努它len顾no挖那,为偶嘛你嘎~,no也跟搜都那。

就~嫩~够啊,内没蓝gi加也就们嫩,没giu怕集嘛~,嫩嘎某那森len,够~呀,加你嫩,米giu伦撒啦捏嘛~喽,ki 有都嘛~都,米流给苏now~ 打狗啊,嘛~嫩~sei 跟嘛集嘛mail~喽,嘛gi 嫩~表嫩有VJ~(大成部分)忒有那搜~能~嘛~那~够,煮归忙酷~擦~朗~哈~够~,怕啦给木~底喽,希跟内忙~~顾内刚嘛~都now~嘞~gi~苏沃恰那~,(第二副歌)扣~绿~嘎~够,偶米加~讲就~,偶伦希dei够,顾(林in)搜~ 给,马瑞忙~,登了就~,in singin my blue~唔~唔~,撒朗嫩木掠,怕蓝森普掠,开套(sei跟挖jor~~) 唔~唔~唔~,den顾劳ruai~,,门聊包嫩,撒郎哦哦,(TOP部分)新江跟某集够忙嘎~~ 塔琴真尼应那够~,替都sei 奥聊不~ cen no~ 哇那,嫩莫里搜sei顾今choo~嘛,恩no木嘛嘞秒~,choo choo ki gi 有卡,妮~ 嫩撒郎~,乖喽ki no外喽ki 都外那,韩bou肯咋浑加买~,酷一擦捏不加慢~个某加慢,才苏喽集啊木喽集都啊~~那~~该苏往能把~~完,撒郎登嘞挖~大~看~大,(太阳部分)太阳那搜~(内儿~忙~ 那够,煮给忙ki擦~朗~哈~够~,怕啦ki 木~底喽,希地内忙~~,破内头那~ 都~囊~ K~ tei~ 路一jor朗~,扣~绿~嘎~够,偶米加~讲就~,偶伦希得够,顾(林in)搜~ 给,马瑞莫~登了就~,偶内嘎怕~~蓝jor, 太皮啊~~咧~因~那哦喽,恰内集给jor~~,肯搜gi搜~头~ 嫩,ki dei 绿恰~加,黑没一~~ 秒一~~ no dei~ 绿,呼劳呦~~in singin my blue~唔~唔~,撒朗嫩木掠,怕蓝森普掠,开套(sei跟挖jor~~) 唔~唔~唔~,色跟顾劳ruai~,,门聊包嫩,擦郎哦哦,in singin my blue~唔~唔~,撒朗嫩木掠,怕蓝森普掠,开套(sei跟挖jor~~) 唔~唔~唔~,色跟顾劳ruai~,门聊包嫩,擦郎哦哦~。



声をきかせて(Koe Wo Kikasete)歌:BIGBANG作词:山本成美Robin作曲:Teddyさっきまでの雨はもう上がってSakki made no ame wa mou agatteゕスフゔルト漂う街の匂いAsufaruto tadayou machi no nioiねえそっちももう晴れてるよねNee socchi mo mou hareteru yo ne西から回复するNishi kara kaifuku surutte朝は苦手な君だからねえAsa wa negate na kimi dakara nee毎日ちゃんと起きられてるかい?Mainichi chanto okirareteru kai?そんなこと未だに心配してるよSonna koto imada ni shinpai shiteru yo広がる空はそう自由でHirogaru sora wa sou jiyuu de何も変わってないけれどNani mo kawattenai keredo隣に今はただ…ただ君がいないだけTonari ni ima wa tada Tada kimi ga inai dake声をきかせてKoe wo kikasete素直になればきっとSunao ni nareba kitto分かりあえるはずさWakari aeru hazu saココロを开いてKokoro wo hiraite声をきかせてKoe wo kikasete歩いてきた道は仆たちにとってきっとAruitekita michi wa bokutachi ni totte kitto 大切なSTEPさその未来へのTaisetsu na stepu sa sono mirai e no君と初めて出逢ったのはそうKimi to hajimete deatta no wa souちょうど今くらいの季节だったねChoudo ima kurai no kisetsu datta neライトゕップした街并みがRaito appu shita machinami gaきれいに辉いていたKirei ni kagayaiteita泣き虫な君はあれからよくNakimushi na kimi wa are kara yoku仆の肩におでこをのっけてBoku no kata ni odeko wo nokkete泣いてたねその温もりにNaiteta ne sono nukumori ni无性に触れたくなるMushou ni furetaku naru人は谁でもそれぞれに悩みを抱えて生きるHito wa dare demo Sorezore ni nayami wo kakaete ikiru壊れそうな心を必死に抱きしめてKoware souna kokoro wo hisshi ni dakishimete声をきかせてKoe wo kikasete优しくなればもっとYasashiku nareba motto爱し合えるはずさAishiaeru hazu sa目をそらさないでMe wo sora sanai de声をきかせてKoe wo kikasete络みつく不安も寂しさも越えて行こうKarami tsuku fuan mo Sabishisa mo koete yukou今のこの気持ちが绊になるIma no kono kimochi ga Kizuna ni naruYeah, Since you went away hasn't been the sameIn my heart all I got is painCould it be that I played a game to lose you, I can't maintain Sunlight moonlight you lit my life realize in the night while love shines brightCant let you go we're meant forever baby let me knowThis past without you, Can't forget you Letting me be the cloud hanging above me Raining on me missing you touchNights get long and it's hard to clutchWe're apart breaks my heartIts all for the best girl you're my worldIn time my love unfurlsHe will then wait for you girl声をきかせてKoe wo kikasete素直になればきっとSunao ni nareba kitto分かりあえるはずさWakari aeru hazu saココロを开いてKokoro wo hiraite声をきかせてKoe wo kikasete歩いてきた道は仆たちにとってきっとAruitekita michi wa bokutachi ni totte kitto 大切なSTEPさその未来へのTaisetsu na stepu sa Sono mirai e no。



Bigbang - Stay作词:藤林圣子作曲:JIMMY THORNFELDTCan you feel me nowTake a deep breath and let me explainAll the pain that’s been wreckin my brainGettin so close to goin’ insaneAnd see you standing thereAnd the feelin’ never gonna be the sameseems like we missed the whole damn trainBlame is all we have for usAnd I can let in get in the wayEven if the love is the costly price to payLookin’ back life love was the game or clicheGotta move away sacrifice my heart and let you breath again baby girl 遅すぎた何もかも彼女がときどき黙ったのもさみしいサインNow that I’m alone侧にいてくれること当たり前に思い过ぎて本当送ったMailUser unknow空っぽのクローゼット隅に落ちたPromise Ring2人して彼女のBirthday选んだのに扉が闭まる前にBaby please don’t go away言えなかったこと责めてるWhat you to stay今さら悔やんでもI know it’s late彼女の代わりなんて谁にも出来ないI want you to stay want you to stay最后の言叶はそうサヨナラなんかじゃなく「ありがとう」终わりの意味Getting over me彼女が欲しいものを仆があげられなかった证拠ポストのKeyEnd of the story1人の部屋にももうすぐ夜が来る写真で微笑む彼女も见えなくなる忘れられる訳ないBaby please don’t fade away 四六时中消えないからWant you to stayこんなに悲しくてI know it’s late守るべきだったのは彼女の存在I want you to stay want you to stay本站歌词来自互联网Bigbang - Always作词:Rina Moon作曲:BIGBANG・PERRY BORJA・TEDDY描き続けた未来への构図は (今、形となり未来に繋がり)たった1つの梦の针路になった (行く先を照らすこの胸、高鸣る)奇迹のように星が导く世界仆らここで动き出すのさ Be alright That’s why you gotta know girlAlways今すぐ君に Always逢いに行こうAlways雨上がり虹を渡ってNo way心のままに No way爱してみよう君の涙や笑颜すべて Ah Ah Ah Ah进むべきか、引き返すべきか (迷うその时は、胸に手を当てて)云の流れにこの歌を乗せて歩こう (行く先を照らすこの道は続く)大丈夫だよ、君は一人じゃないさ! やがて空は7色(ナナイロ)に辉くThat’s why you gotta know girlAlways今すぐ君に Always逢いに行こうAlways雨上がり虹を渡ってNo way心のままに No way爱してみよう君の涙や笑颜すべて Ah Ah Ah AhBaby always count’em 365 all days pound’em can I get a witness every ounce of my love heavy wit thisgirl we fit just like a glove you my missesand we got it like that know each other like thatdefinitely got each o thers back, and that’s fact(cuz you are my love) and that’s that(my one and only love)yo, she makes my heartbeat skip ’neveryday and everynight straight trippinlovin’ so wild wild I’ll say it real loud loudI’ll walk hundred miles miles to keep her no d oubt doubther eyes her hair her lips ’nbaby keepin’ my body ripped ’nlovin’ her style style it steady be wild wild andI’m gonna love her alwaysAlways今すぐ君に Always逢いに行こうAlways雨上がり虹を渡ってNo way心のままに No way爱してみよう君の涙や笑颜すべて Ah Ah Ah Ah本站歌词来自互联网只看着你it’s been in my mind for a whilegotta get this off my chestbefore it’s too latei can’t let you goi gotta let it goi can’t let you goyou gotta listenha lu wai dou miang bang xinaor bu miao wa song nasu bai bong ma lai jia nayou are the love of my lifekao ji dai sai sang soubu nan lai nai mang souao jin na min ning gaornao wa na bu ni la koka ge nai ma piao nai ga ba pu lan nai ha dai miaoo si miang ma lai jia nake lo li lo da goge go nen bang huang souqiong bin nai ga sim sounai gai gi dai gou sino ha la bu li ji maka gem xi ken len li nen nai jia xi ni mi wo yeaho neri dou na ni sai sang ye we si liu qie nen xi ner ji wo baby baby nai ga ba la piao jiu nao hing ji dai bi ji ma babynan nen naor leri yi jia dao nen na leri li ji ma ladyka ge mai ga yao la yi yao gosv lv ma xiao douhok xi nai ga ca leri nao dao yao jia wa jiang xi nu nv ma qiao dou nan na man ba la bao leri bang dou ji si miaonai gi da liao da gounun mu lo nai gai ma liepiao na go ga da goai yang eang nai mang douqiong own gua ga da gosu op xi ta lai miangqi nai yang ma mi mang nerini ga op xi nen nan nao mu hing deri go ga ji matai lo nao lo win naisu min ma kio nagv dong nen ga tun souki da gi la sun souli la gi duai go sinai ha na bu li ji mani ga gi qia na ji nen na jia xi ni mi wo yeaho neri dou na neri si miao na dou mu lai jia xi ni yi yao baby baby nai ga ba la piao jiu nao hing ji dai bi ji ma babynan nen naor leri yi jia dao nen na leri li ji ma ladyka ge mai ga yao la yi yao gosv lv ma xiao douhok xi nai ga ca leri nao dao yao jia wa jiang xi nu nv ma qiao dou nan na man ba la banai ga yi ji qiao gi lakun lan nao mu qia la lanan mai yi mu yi miha xi gan sou gaiyi lo kai qiao lo piao ji qi ma babyno ma nu own jie nasun su ha gai na gi ba lieyi gai nai jin xi min gaornaor hia na mi deri min gaorqu go dou na dou na ji ma oh ohnai ga ba la piao jiu nao hing ji dai bi ji ma babynan nen naor leri yi jia dao nen na leri li ji ma ladyka ge mai ga yao la yi yao gosv lv ma xiao douhok xi nai ga ca leri nao dao yao jia wa jiang xi nu nv ma qiao dou nan na man ba la banan na man ba la ba「ガラガラGO!!」作词∶BIG RON/诗音/リッチー/YG JAPAN 作曲∶JIMMY THORNFELDT歌∶BIGBANGOh! hotな夏の太阳It’s about time始めようTime to party yeah for sureOh! みんなで游びに行こう俺だちとcome on and let’s go夏だぜパーティタイムだよそして踊れ! on dancefloorもっとmovin’ groovin’ イカしたbody Say! B.I.G to the‘BANG’騒ぎな朝までjust dance!ガラガラガラGO オレたちのwayLa La La La La踊りなmy sexy lady 盛り上がれeverybody Don’t stop now ‘JUMP JUMP’Don’t stop now‘JUMP JUMP’BIGBANG rocks the night X 2もう胸がハジけそう音にノッテいこう行けるとこまでいこうどぉ? そばに来てgive you some moreすべてを忘れちゃおうCome on and feel the real in my flow...そしてここで二人ずっとbumpin’ shakin’ 踊ろよハニーSay! B.I.G to the‘BANG’これからまだまだjust bang!ガラガラガラGO オレだちとsayNa Na Na Na Na手を上げてmy sexy baby 声出してeverybodyDon’t stop now‘JUMP JUMP’Don’t stop now‘JUMP JUMP’BIGBANG rocks the night X 2My style my steez so fresh so cleanNever fallin just keep k keep jumpin’See her, get low, on flo, fo, showShe gon make it go pop p pop so let’s go yoWe gon let it all out tonight girlSee the name T.O.P up in lights girlEverybody knows we up and they downSo let me see you shake shake that aroundIt’s on, Feel the beat pump through the speakers, Man the myth the hope of the futureG-D it’s me in the fleshTop to bottom so freshly dressed (yeah)I’m here to get downLose control take hold of the soundBring it up up up off the groundBIGBANG no doubt we gon turn it out. Fo sho!Say! B.I.G to the‘BANG’騒ぎな朝までjust dance!ガラガラガラGO オレたちのwayLa La La La La踊りなmy sexy lady 盛り上がれeverybodyDon’t stop now ‘JUMP JUMP’Don’t stop now ‘JUMP JUMP’BIGBANG rocks the night X 4本站歌词来自互联网オラYeah!オラYeah!So fresh Out of boxWhen she step up in the clubShe’s so fresh Out of boxWhen she step up in the clubShe’s hot ヤバいぜ注目さらってmoves her body down, down...1秒で恋に落とされるmy head goes round, round... Oh 花火散るフロア狙って彼女まるでBattle ground, ground...She’s so fresh Out of boxWhen she step up in the clubシーソーゲームback and forth気が抜けないくらいオラYeah! Are you ready? Are you ready? オラYeah! Are you ready? Are you ready? オラオラYeah! オラオラYeah!血が騒ぐぜ诱惑はね除けmoves her body down, down... どこまで耐えられるの?胜负はNext round, round...Oh 连打のMotion彼女に相当仕挂けるUnderground, ground... She’s so fresh Out of boxWhen she step up in the club见とけplayin’ the game君はハズせないオラYeah! Are you ready? Are you ready? オラYeah! Are you ready? Are you ready? オラオラYeah! オラオラYeah!「オラYeah!」作词∶藤林圣子作曲∶J.Thornfeldt/Mohombi Moupondo 歌∶BIGBANGオラYeah! Are you ready? Are you ready? オラYeah! Are you ready? Are you ready? オラオラYeah! オラオラYeah! ...本站歌词来自互联网。



[00:00.00]一天一天bigbang[00:00.71]刀那嘎[00:07.05]Ye the finally I realize[00:12.23]that I'm nothing without you[00:13.97]I was so wrong forgive me[00:16.53]ah ah ah ah-[00:31.91]怕多绰龙无所紧那忙;[00:33.96]怕龙绰兜门的里那么忙;[00:35.71]弄进戳冻一撒狼几乃撒浪;[00:37.62]摸系绰冻几摸吉吉赶那;[00:39.46]汗素满打尼够记啦she久;[00:42.89]开僧撕开马季马斯一脚(say goodbye);[00:46.76]ye 那个哦新他来但冻摸色工满冻脑;[00:50.91]僧嘎挂那塔利给豆角儿了工家家撒狼;[00:54.76]破狗西乃个木来巴东弄乃木呆打不将闹;[00:58.39]好等几则够来吧冻卫教素有哦久闹;[01:01.60]你要陪一能个萨拉米问记获悉能喔窝力几;[01:05.76](口袋来嘎)够危及呢能及萨达一久弄记;[01:09.94](口窘退)塔嘎嘎记绰叉玛丽肉丝戳差我喷四爱太无勾;[01:13.90]那好咯吧贝利记赛无久素被本记哦耐久;[01:16.62]都啦波及买夺多拉嘎啦[01:20.14]多拿驴茶几买勾撒拉嘎啦;[01:24.11]诺率撒狼黑儿也护卫咯几页[01:28.38]戳挖当即要满嘎就嘎拉哈;[01:31.53]哭咯叫咯家嘛木嘛乃,[01:35.65]其咯叫咯囧炯乃满乃;[01:39.45]弄骑龙苏咯凯拨开阿呆[01:43.07]哈路哈路木丢球噶那;唉唉唉唉;[01:47.95]oh girl i cry cry yo my all say goodbye..[01:55.83]可里啊的闹玩那[01:57.39]无力吗教紧的还斗;[01:59.70]磨本绰卡够所苦带咯嘎等给卡叫;[02:03.48]凄苦吗也三嘎几多或龙缪那玛多;[02:07.34]那多莫来裤带掐扎卡其多莫拉;[02:10.60]农奴撒狼挂含不卡给弄[02:12.62]弄怒个乃个他冷吗们给能;[02:14.43]弄能加跟米更多恩给恩家记破冷的西;[02:18.49]弄你里戳哈你离了几哈呀哈[02:20.16]副露露巴多怕啦给;[02:21.96]弄你里个里可咯哭无所觉[02:24.49]啊木一咬度西;[02:25.20]都啦波及买夺多拉嘎啦[02:28.53]多拿驴茶几买勾撒拉嘎啦;[02:32.69]诺率撒狼黑儿也护卫咯几页[02:36.96]戳挖当即要满嘎就嘎拉哈;[02:40.34]哭咯叫咯家嘛木嘛乃,[02:43.95]其咯叫咯囧炯乃满乃;[02:47.87]弄骑龙苏咯凯拨开阿呆[02:51.74]哈路哈路木丢球噶那;唉唉唉唉[02:57.07]那率多纳多so满票乃寄给;[03:00.83]那里离勾所[03:02.85]萨拉嘎交;[03:05.06]哭嫩目力[03:06.78]他妈丽台你也;[03:09.85]哈路哈路记纳秒;[03:11.77]特里吗那记啊那的啦名特拉不疼的;[03:18.72]要玛尼哈给呀家等给呀僧给钱戳哇堪布读读几把米baby;[03:25.38]都啦波及买夺多拉嘎啦[03:29.50]多拿驴茶几买勾撒拉嘎啦;[03:33.41]诺率撒狼黑儿也护卫咯几页[03:37.86]戳挖当即要满嘎就嘎拉哈;[03:41.43]哭咯叫咯家嘛木嘛乃,[03:45.36]其咯叫咯囧炯乃满乃;[03:48.79]弄骑龙苏咯凯拨开阿呆[03:52.60]哈路哈路木丢球噶那;唉唉唉唉;[03:57.46]oh girl I cry cry yo my all[04:03.66]say goodbye bye oh my love[04:07.27]don't lie lie yo my heart[04:10.87]say good bye~[04:13.75]bigbang 一天一天。



BigBang 一天一天하루하루一天一天떠나가离开吧Ye the finally I realize that I'm nothing without youI was so wrong forgive meah ah ah ah-[Verse 1]파도처럼부숴진내맘/ 바람처럼흔들리는내맘我浪花般粉碎的心我风一般动摇的心연기처럼사라진내사랑/ 문신처럼지워지지않아我轻烟般消失的爱情/ 像纹身般无法抹去한숨만땅이꺼지라쉬죠/ 내가슴속에먼지만쌓이죠(say goodbye) 长叹一口气我的心里布满的只有灰尘[Rap]ye 네가없이는단하루도못살것만같았던나以为没有你会一天都活不下去的我생각과는다르게도그럭저럭혼자잘살아没想到一个人还勉强过得下去보고싶다고불러봐도넌아무대답없잖아即使呼喊着想见你你也毫无回应헛된기대걸어봐도이젠소용없잖아即使怀着没有一丝希望的期待现在也已无济于事[Rap]네옆에있는그사람이뭔지혹시널울리진않는지你身边的那个人是谁会不会让你哭泣그대내가보이긴하는지벌써싹다잊었는지不知你眼里还能否容下我是否早已忘得一干二净걱정되다가가기조차말을걸수조차없어애태우고担心得不敢靠近不敢说话心焦如焚나홀로긴밤을지새우죠수백번지워내죠独自一人熬夜无数次抹去你的记忆[Chorus]돌아보지말고떠나가라또나를찾지말고살아가라离开时请不要回头以后活着也不要再找我너를사랑했기에후회없기에좋았던기억만가져가라因为爱你没有一丝悔意所以请只带着美好的回忆离去그럭저럭참아볼만해그럭저럭견뎌낼만해勉强可以忍受勉强可以撑下去넌그럴수록행복해야되하루하루무뎌져가네 e e e我越是这样你越要活的幸福一天天渐渐失去感觉oh girl i cry cry yo my all say goodbye..[Verse 2]길을걷다너와나우리마주친다해도即使走在路上你我偶然相遇못본척하고서그대로가던길가줘也请装作没看到继续走你的路자꾸만옛생각이떠오르면아마도如果总有过去的记忆浮现나도몰래그댈찾아갈지도몰라也许我又会不知不觉去找寻你넌늘그사람과행복하게넌늘내가다른마음안먹게你要一直跟他幸福不能让我产生一丝期待넌늘작은미련도안남게끔잘지내줘나보란듯이不能让我有一丝留恋要好好过下去好好过给我看넌늘저하늘같이하얗게뜬구름과도같이새파랗게你要一直像那天空像那飘着的白云넌늘그래그렇게웃어줘아무일없듯이要一直保持那张笑脸装作若无其事的样子[Chorus]돌아보지말고떠나가라또나를찾지말고살아가라离开时请不要回头以后活着也不要再找我너를사랑했기에후회없기에좋았던기억만가져가라因为爱你没有一丝悔意所以请只带着美好的回忆离去그럭저럭참아볼만해그럭저럭견뎌낼만해勉强可以忍受勉强可以撑下去넌그럴수록행복해야되하루하루무뎌져가네 e e e我越是这样你越要活的幸福一天天渐渐失去感觉[Bridge]나를떠나서맘편해지길/ 나를잊고서살아가줘希望离我而去后你的心能得到平静请忘记我活下去그눈물은다마를테니/ 하루하루지나면随着一天天的流逝那些眼泪总有一天会消失차라리만나지않았더라면덜아플텐데um如果没有相见也许伤痛会少些영원히함께하자던그약속이젠추억에묻어두길바래要永远在一起的那个约定希望你能埋没在回忆中baby 널위해기도해为你而祈祷翻译版本一겨울이가고봄이찾아오죠우린시들고그리움속에맘이멍들었죠冬去春又来凋零的我们在思念之中心伤无可医(I’m singing my blues) 파란눈물에파란슬픔에길들여져(I’m singing my blues) 뜬구름에날려보낸사랑 oh oh(I’m singing my blues) 在蓝色眼泪之中在蓝色悲伤之中习以为常(I’m singing my blues) 阴云遮蔽下翩翩飞向你的爱情 oh oh같은하늘다른곳너와나위험하니까너에게서떠나주는거야님이란글자에점하나비겁하지만내가못나숨는거야잔인한이별은사랑의말로그어떤말도위로될수는없다고아마내인생의마지막멜로막이내려오네요이제同一片天空下却身处异处的你和我因相伴的危险而不得不分开虽然卑怯地与你形同陌路我还是没出息地选择了躲藏残忍的离别是爱情的末路一切语言也无事于补如今兴许我这部人生爱情片即将谢下最后帷幕태어나서널만나고죽을만큼사랑하고파랗게물들어시린내마음눈을감아도널느낄수없잖아来到这个世界之后遇见了你用拼死的气力去爱你渲染上蓝色的我那冰冷的心即使闭上双眼也感触不到你겨울이가고봄이찾아오죠우린시들고그리움속에맘이멍들었죠冬去春又来凋零的我们在思念之中心伤无可医(I’m singing my blues) 파란눈물에파란슬픔에길들여져(I’m singing my blues) 뜬구름에날려보낸사랑 oh oh(I’m singing my blues) 在蓝色眼泪之中在蓝色悲伤之中习以为常(I’m singing my blues) 阴云遮蔽下翩翩飞向你的爱情 oh oh심장이멎은것만같아전쟁이끝나고그곳에얼어붙은너와나내머릿속새겨진 Trauma 이눈물마르면촉촉히기억하리내사랑괴롭지도외롭지도않아행복은다혼잣말그이상에복잡한건못참아대수롭지아무렇지도않아별수없는방황사람들은왔다간다心跳就快停止战争停歇后冰封在原地的你和我脑海中印刻下的Trauma 若是泪水干涸我的爱仍鲜活如昔不再痛苦不再孤独幸福全是自说自话忍受不了更多的复杂不再重要不再关心别无他法的彷徨人群来来往往태어나서널만나고죽을만큼사랑하고파랗게물들어시린내마음너는떠나도난그대로있잖아来到这个世界之后遇见了你用拼死的气力去爱你渲染上蓝色的我那冰冷的心即使你已离去我还站在原地겨울이가고봄이찾아오죠우린시들고그리움속에맘이멍들었죠冬去春又来凋零的我们在思念之中心伤无可医오늘도파란저달빛아래에나홀로잠이들겠죠꿈속에서도난그대를찾아헤매이며이노래를불러요今日也会是在这蓝色的月光下独自入睡吧睡梦里还在寻找你的我徘徊不前吟唱此曲(I’m singing my blues) 파란눈물에파란슬픔에길들여져(I’m singing my blues) 뜬구름에날려보낸사랑 oh oh(I’m singing my blues) 파란눈물에파란슬픔에길들여져(I’m singing my blues) 뜬구름에날려보낸사랑 oh oh(I’m singing my blues) 在蓝色眼泪之中在蓝色悲伤之中习以为常(I’m singing my blues) 阴云遮蔽下翩翩飞向你的爱情 oh oh (I’m singing my blues) 在蓝色眼泪之中在蓝色悲伤之中习以为常(I’m singing my blues) 阴云遮蔽下翩翩飞向你的爱情 oh oh快过来吧大家集中在一起WE GON' PARTY LIKE lilili lalala敞开心扉吧不要想太多点燃火苗吧lilili lalala不要问答案是什麼照单全收吧跟著感觉走Alright双手高举过头朝著那上空想要飞上天际Ohnanananana nananananaWOW FANTASTIC BABYDANCEI WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEFANTASTIC BABYDANCEI WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEWOW FANTASTIC BABY人群嘈杂中Hey 轮到帝王出场Hey震撼天敌3分钟不充分的Race wait气氛太过火热HUHCATCH ME ON FIRE HUH事实浮出水面nananana从一到十全在同一水平线在沙滩上疯也似地轻松跳跃的我们因为那天空实在湛蓝什麼也不要问全凭感觉找寻自我开始随著你的脉搏跳动吧直到那帷幕降下为止YeI CAN' T BABY DON'T STOP THIS今天随心堕落吧(疯狂放纵)WOW FANTASTIC BABYDANCEI WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEFANTASTIC BABYDANCEI WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEWOW FANTASTIC BABYBOOM SHA KA LA KABOOM SHA KA LA KABOOM SHA KA LA KADAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEBOOM SHA KA LA KABOOM SHA KA LA KABOOM SHA KA LA KADAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE想跟上我的节奏就试试看吧我是永远的歌者今夜我不受任何限制mama just let me be your lover从混乱中脱身而出nanananana从头到脚外貌带给你冲击我的风格大名远扬引领潮流走在他人前头层次不同的年轻站住站住站住HOLD UP nanananana开始随著你的脉搏跳动吧直到那帷幕降下为止YeI CAN'T BABY DON'T STOP THIS今天随心堕落吧(疯狂放纵)WOW FANTASTIC BABYDANCEI WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE FANTASTIC BABYDANCEI WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE WOW FANTASTIC BABYBOOM SHA KA LA KABOOM SHA KA LA KABOOM SHA KA LA KADAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEBOOM SHA KA LA KABOOM SHA KA LA KABOOM SHA KA LA KADAN DAN DAN DAN DANCE一起玩乐吧YE YE YE一起跳动吧YE YE YE一起疯狂吧YE YE YE一起出发吧“WOW FANTASTIC BABY”거짓말谎言- The Untruthye (love is pain)to all my brokenhearted-people (come again) one's old a flamescream my nameand i'm so sick of love songsye i hate damn love songmemento of ours[verse1](거짓말)(谎言)늦은밤비가내려와널데려와深夜下起雨我又想起你젖은기억끝에뒤척여나我在潮湿的记忆深处挣扎너없이잘살수있다고我下定决心说没有你我也能好好的生活다짐해봐도어쩔수없다고可是还是做不到못하는술도마시고속타는맘밤새채워봐도借酒消愁的我痛苦到夜不能寐싫어너없는하루는길어빌어也依然觉得没有你的日子过的太煎熬제발잊게해달라고(거짓말이야)我祈求让我彻底的忘了你吧(是谎言啊)너없는내겐웃음이보이지않아没有你的我失去了笑容눈물조차고이지않아泪水也干枯了더는살고싶지않아不想再这么活下去了엿같애열받게니생각에돌아버릴것같애莫名的发火你觉得我疯了吧보고싶은데볼수가없데我说想见你你却说不可以모두끝났데I'll be right there你说都结束了I'll be right there<chorus>i'm so sorry but i love you 다거짓말이야몰랐어이제야알았어네가필요해i'm so sorry but i love you都是谎言曾经不懂现在明白了我需要你i'm so sorry but i love you 날카로운말홧김에나도모르게널떠나보냈지만i'm so sorry but i love you说着伤人的话的我不知不觉的失去了你i'm so sorry but i love you 다거짓말i'm so sorry(*2) but i love you(*2)i'm so sorry but i love you都是谎言i'm so sorry(*2) but i love you(*2)i'm so sorry but i love you 나를떠나천천히잊어줄래내가아파할수있게i'm so sorry but i love you离开我的你请允许让我慢慢忘记你让我也感受到疼痛[verse2]그댈위해서불러왔던내모든걸다바친노래我曾经为你唱过的那首歌包含了我对你的全部感情(아마사람들은모르겠죠)(大概其他的人不会知道吧)난혼자그아무도아무도몰래(그래내가했던말은거짓말)除我以外没有任何人知道(是的我曾说过的都是谎言)홀로남겨진외톨이孤单一人的我그속에헤메는내꼴이带着那幅颓废不前样子주머니속에꼬깃꼬깃접어둔이별을향한쪽지(hey)口袋里紧紧攥住意味着分别的纸条(hey)(넌어딧나요널부르는습관도)(你在哪啊叫你的名字已经成为了我的习惯)난달라질래我要改变이젠다웃어넘길게现在让一切都一笑而过<chorus>i'm so sorry but i love you 다거짓말이야몰랐어이제야알았어네가필요해i'm so sorry but i love you都是谎言曾经不懂现在明白了我需要你i'm so sorry but i love you 날카로운말홧김에나도모르게널떠나보냈지만i'm so sorry but i love you说着伤人的话的我不知不觉的失去了你i'm so sorry but i love you 다거짓말i'm so sorry(*2) but i love you(*2)i'm so sorry but i love you都是谎言i'm so sorry(*2) but i love you(*2)i'm so sorry but i love you 나를떠나천천히잊어줄래내가아파할수있게i'm so sorry but i love you离开我的你请允许让我慢慢忘记你让我也感受到疼痛oh oh oh oh oh 모든게꿈이길oh oh oh oh oh 希望一切都是梦oh oh oh oh oh 이것밖에안되는나라서oh oh oh oh oh 我只有这点愿望[birdge]아직도너를못잊어아니평생을가도죽어서까지도至今也无法忘记你一生也无法忘记至死也无法忘记내가준상처아물었는지미안해아무것도해준게없는나라서我带给你的伤疮愈合了吗对不起我什么都不能为你作<chorus>i'm so sorry but i love you 다거짓말이야몰랐어이제야알았어네가필요해i'm so sorry but i love you都是谎言曾经不懂现在明白了我需要你i'm so sorry but i love you 날카로운말홧김에나도모르게널떠나보냈지만i'm so sorry but i love you说着伤人的话的我不知不觉的失去了你i'm so sorry but i love you 다거짓말i'm so sorry(*2) but i love you(*2)i'm so sorry but i love you都是谎言i'm so sorry(*2) but i love you(*2)i'm so sorry but i love you 나를떠나천천히잊어줄래내가아파할수있게i'm so sorry but i love you离开我的你请允许让我慢慢忘记你让我也感受到疼痛나만바라봐只看着我作词:Teddy作曲:Teddy & Kush编曲:TeddyIt's been on my mind for a whileIt's been on my mind for a whilegotta get it out from my chestgotta get it out from my chestbefore it's too latebefore it's too late(Na na na na Na)(Na na na na Na)I can't let you go I gotta let it goI can't let you go I gotta let it go(Na na na na Na)(Na na na na Na)I can't let you go you gotta listenI can't let you go you gotta listen一天也会看着你笑好几次不是已经说过几百回了吗(You're the love of my life)(You're the love of my life)在这虚伪的世界上在我不安的心中唯独剩下的就只有你和我而已偶尔因为怕我变心而不安的时候我不是都笑着告诉你了吗那是不可能的在无止尽的彷徨之中我空荡荡的心里尽管我能依靠的就只有你一个却讨厌偶尔会动摇的自己yeah今天我也沉陷入这世界而悄悄把你遗忘Baby baby就算我花心了你也绝对不要花心babe即使我把你忘记了你也不要忘了我lady就算偶尔我去喝酒也没有联系你就算我暂时跟别的女人对上眼也请你只看着我今晚也是通宵等了我一晚流着泪对我说(说我好像变了)我说我对你的心也和最初一样这样安慰着你度过的许许多多的夜晚虽然没有你我可能会很辛苦但有时却会因你而感到窒息在无止境的争吵中在长长的叹息中虽然你能依靠的只有我一个今天也笑着在不知不觉中迷失我自己Baby baby就算我花心了你也绝对不要花心babe即使我把你忘记了你也不要忘了我lady就算偶尔我去喝酒也没有联系你就算我暂时跟别的女人对上眼也请你只看着我我很清楚自己有多自私虽然我每天在毫无意义的时间中这样被逐渐玷污着babe 但希望你能一直保持这份纯真这就是我的真心是我对你的信任直到死去也不要离开我Woo woo就算我花心了你也绝对不要花心babe即使我把你忘记了你也不要忘了我lady就算偶尔我去喝酒也没有联系你就算我暂时跟别的女人对上眼也请你只看着我Baby Don't Cry-- 大成(BigBang )歌词:네가울고있다해도달라질건없다고지금네가없어진다해도달라질건없다고即使你现在正在哭泣也不会有所不同即使你现在逃离不见也不会有所不同하지만넌왜울고있니마지막처럼눈을감고있니다지난일이잖아이제웃어봐oh baby然而你又为何正在哭泣为何像是诀别般闭上双眼不都是已成云烟的事了吗现在试着微笑吧oh baby 수많은사람들떠나가도이노랜영원해, 네곁애그많던친구들다떠나도여기난네옆에계속서있을거야即使来来往往的人们离你而去这首歌永远陪伴在你身旁即使林林总总的朋友们全都离你而去我也会站在这里一直陪伴在你身旁baby don't cry baby don't cry baby don't cry언젠가더빛날거야give me your smilebaby don't cry baby don't cry baby don't cry한번만더날위해just give me your smilebaby don't cry baby don't cry baby don't cry未来终究会变得更加闪耀give me your smilebaby don't cry baby don't cry baby don't cry请再一次为我just give me your smile모든일이지나간찰나그래그래어젯밤에네가알고있는너의좋은점넌그걸제일잘알잖아所有事已成云烟的瞬间都已是昨夜你身上的闪光处你不是最了解吗하지만넌왜울고있니세상이끝날것처럼눈감고있니다지난일이잖아이렇게질순없잖아然而你又为何正在哭泣为何像是面临世界末日般闭上双眼不都是已成云烟的事了吗这样不也不会有任何改变吗수많은사람들떠나가도이노랜영원해, 네곁애그많던친구들다떠나도여기난네옆에계속서있을거야即使来来往往的人们离你而去这首歌永远陪伴在你身旁即使林林总总的朋友们全都离你而去我也会站在这里一直陪伴在你身旁baby don't cry baby don't cry baby don't cry언젠가더빛날거야give me your smilebaby don't cry baby don't cry baby don't cry한번만더날위해just give me your smile baby don't cry baby don't cry baby don't cry未来终究会变得更加闪耀give me your smile baby don't cry baby don't cry baby don't cry请再一次为我just give me your smilejust give me your smilejust give me your smile give me your smile수많은사람들떠나가도(떠나가도)이노랜영원해, 네곁에(함께해)그많던친구들다떠나도여기난네옆에계속서있을거야即使来来往往的人们离你而去(离你而去)这首歌永远陪伴在你身旁(与你同行)即使林林总总的朋友们全都离你而去我也会站在这里一直陪伴在你身旁baby don't cry baby don't cry baby don't cry언젠가더빛날거야give me your smile baby don't cry baby don't cry baby don't cry한번만더날위해just give me your smile baby don't cry baby don't cry baby don't cry未来终究会变得更加闪耀give me your smile baby don't cry baby don't cry baby don't cry请再一次为我just give me your smilegive me your smilebaby don't cry baby don't cry baby don't cry Cafe네가앉아있던그하얀의자만이唯独你坐过的那张白椅子네향기를기억하고留有你的芳香네가떠난후로차가운정적만이你离去后只剩一片无情的寂静널기다리고있는작은카페等待著你的一所小小Cafe습관이된Ice Coffee已成习惯的Ice CoffeeEspresso double shot눈을감아조심스레한모금만흘러오는闭上眼让那一口轻轻滑下즐겨듣던음악曾经爱过的音乐심장이점점빠르게뛰어온다心跳逐渐加速처음널만난설레이던初次见到你的悸动떨림을회상해카페인힘을빌려回想当时的心动藉著Cafe的帮助꼭챙기던그녀의설탕Syrup一定要替她拿糖浆이젠이끈적함이난싫어如今我却讨厌那份黏腻Please don’t leave me a lone나어떡하라고你让我如何是好모두가잠든밤在所有人都入睡的晚上왜날혼자두려고为何要留下我一个Tell me the truth어제와다른오늘늦었다고跟昨天不同今天晚了点来약속했던서로나누던말들约定过的彼此聊过的다거짓이라고don’t make me fool全都是谎言don’t make me fool네가앉아있던그하얀의자만이唯独你坐过的那张白椅子네향기를기억하고留有你的芳香네가떠난후로차가운정적만이你离去后只剩一片无情的寂静널기다리고있는작은카페等待著你的一所小小CafeYou don’t need me anymore그말은말아줘请别说这句话그댄지금내가싫다는듯现在你的意思是你讨厌我了자신을속이고欺骗自己낡은저책상위에새겨놓은우리둘이름까지도连那残旧书桌上刻著的我俩的名字기억속에추억속에그냥묻어둔채로就让它埋没於回忆和往事Oh my god 묻어둔대도Oh my god那怕我已把它埋掉그게잘안돼날찾아始终不行它还是找回我오는건공황상태我面临著惊恐불안정한심리속에방황해漂泊的心极为旁徨쓸쓸히혼자불꺼진방안에独自凄凉地在关上灯的房间널그리며추억하는불행한화가思念著你回忆著你的一个可怜画家유일한명작이된비극적인우리사랑唯一的名作就是我俩的悲剧爱情아직도내마음은너로가득한화랑至今我的内心仍是充满著你的画廊너떠난서울은황량한사막没了你的首尔也不过是个荒凉的沙漠네가앉아있던그하얀의자만이唯独你坐过的那张白椅子네향기를기억하고留有你的芳香네가떠난후로차가운정적만이你离去后只剩一片无情的寂静널기다리고있는작은카페等待著你的一所小小Cafe너외로워할때면你无论何时感到孤单언제든널기다리고있는我总在等候著你너그리워보고싶은날이면只要我思念你、想起你了널부르고있는我总会呼唤你내가타주던커피와접어둔책갈피와我给你煮的咖啡还有摺起来的那书签그대만의하얀집위로흐르는비baby 在只属於你的那白房子上落下的雨点baby 네가앉아있던그하얀의자만이唯独你坐过的那张白椅子네향기를기억하고留有你的芳香네가떠난후로차가운정적만이你离去后只剩一片无情的寂静그대만의하얀집위로흐르는비baby 在只属於你的那白房子上落下的雨点baby。

LOSER 音译歌词

LOSER 音译歌词

LOSER 音译歌词(胜利&TOP&GD)LOSER喂同里森绰卡冷 ko曾一莫顿洋啊起ko(无儿)所给罗JUST A LOSER喂同里伤绰布你莫左里do 动丝累giko(无儿)所给南I’M A(GD)所及ki 色上挂南哦(无儿)灵卓 (哦不)所活罗哟等嘞给撒浪达温 (波儿)所一绰进及哦嘞绰西干所给do一上嗯莫得给所 hi芒参撒浪罗累罗那那那可左 gi得lio进得罗卡本所给罗拉拉冷 (涩儿)喷比诶罗蓝莫里哇波lio所I’M COMING HOME一贼塔西do拉卡类哦里卓则杂里罗(太阳)翁则布同嘎南哈了波达当而do 怕拉波给对苏需gi 左查 hing gio握松了波及满可路古do 拉杂把租及安内(胜利&GD)I’M A LOSER喂同里森绰卡冷 ko曾一莫顿洋啊起ko(无儿)所给罗JUST A LOSER喂同里伤绰布你莫左里do 动丝累giko(无儿)所给南I’M ATOP盼波对冷哟杂得挂诶嘞 (西儿)苏哈路胖mer 撒浪哈go 嘿得mio(西儿)曾册ging及及莫塔那诶一gi卓ging gi本哈那得没莫等go西芒嘎jio波灵及更莫粗租莫了等那诶喂哄满及租一则啊木弄看亨do则米do 哦冷 gi本那 bio浪哥忒哄杂一类I’M GOING HOME那塔西 do那嘎类耶曾类则杂里罗(大成)翁则布同嘎嘞撒蓝得嘞西深了度lio我满嘿无冷果左差及gio我无所波及满可啊木do 拉啊拉租及安嘞(胜利&TOP&GD)I’M A LOSER喂同里森绰卡冷 ko曾一莫顿洋啊起ko(无儿)所给罗JUST A LOSER喂同里伤绰布你莫左里do 动丝累giko(无儿)所给南(太阳)怕蓝搓哈了了温芒哈及蓝卡跟嘞lio罗go 西坡jioI WANT TO SAY GOOD BYE一及嘞个忒旁慌一个拉mio布地胡会哦冷车罗度轮卡mer 苏一及(胜利&TOP&GD)LOSER喂同里森绰卡冷 ko曾一莫顿洋啊起ko(无儿)所给罗JUST A LOSER喂同里伤绰布你莫左里do 动丝累giko(无儿)所给南(太阳)I’M A LOSERI’M A LOSERI’M A LOSERI’M A LOSERBIGBANGFXXK IT 音音译歌词No I don’t wanna go too fastCuz nothing really lastsI think I need some timeBut I can’t get you off my mind一r但西加不投接一r 森够r 咯不他尅吧 bartender严搜尅的里ki够那你某度大也波波哟气密够哟 these ladies so loyal可咯大耨r 求额m吧搜 geez girl love me tender难嘻嘻卡给吗了r 够咯耨n 叫gi 西西汗要加哇嫩大r里提提够留气气卡等本为gi诶汗住r gi比搜r累m 层都噶集那求吗气撒群gi胡m气嫩耨诶 nun比切一b苏冷吧家吗了几哦冷吗内呢Q波嫩一龙都r 里m一咯几都叫咯几都某忒那一把米他噶gi叫内难耨r 累铺妈内我内Real love? I think I wanna just够民够米那几吗 Hey诶啦某了给大 I Love y’all 诶啦某了给大 I Love y’all 诶啦某了给大 I Love y’all Girl I wanna get down诶啦某了给大诶啦某了给大诶啦某了给大Girl I wanna get down搜r累么r 掐够西剖吗了够大r都咯难哟咯名诶剖咯都忙气内一够吧比用那几个几个提个提个 tin么里噶那样啊气一节个吧蓝m懂一汗噶他那啦嫩那m家了r 某了等可龙你噶就啊几某r累难玩累某等 Girl 西r曾家r 呢gi嫩包r累那一了r 毛够都撒浪恩但一都某了给搜对求里了r 某忒偶nun木r 奥b嫩 Romance讲但奥b嫩 game 耨嫩哦啦卡拉噶够melody噶大冷alto哇soprano奥掐皮无里嫩个耨几r够呀大家r啦吗啦r给他啦尅波林古没 Eldorado胡m气嫩耨诶 nun比切一b苏冷吧家吗了几哦冷吗内呢Q波嫩一龙都r里m一咯几都叫咯几都某忒那一把米他卡gi叫内难耨r 累铺吗内我内Real love? I think I wannajust够民够米那几吗 Hey诶啦某了给大 I Love y’all诶啦某了给大 I Love y’all诶啦某了给大 I Love y’allGirl I wanna get down诶啦某了给大诶啦某了给大诶啦某了给大Girl I wanna get downYou & me 噶气掐了r 他投ride苏r 吹黑死你 nun 就m 不求家m干满奥迪卡搜谁r噶 baby 难孙满家b够家搜跟包内 honey honey but Iwant it and you know it诶啦某了给大 I Love y’all诶啦某了给大 I Love y’all诶啦某了给大诶啦某了给大诶啦某了给大Girl I wanna get downGirl I wanna get downGirl I wanna get down诶啦某了给大 I Love y’all诶啦某了给大 I Love y’all诶啦某了给大 I Love y’allGirl I wanna get down诶啦某了给大诶啦某了给大诶啦某了给大Girl I wanna get downfantastic baby音译歌词要gi 不套啦奥度摸要啦We Gon' Party Like 利利利啦啦啦麻木要老啦毛里比我啦普古几票啦利利利啦啦啦从大不目几慢够哭带楼怕大度亮路king带咯噶 Alright 哈嫩路吗足哈够度四能噶为楼乔为楼那几够西破 OhNa NaNaNaNa Na NaNaNaNa Wow Fantastic BabyDanceI Wanna Dan Dan Dan Dan Dance Fantastic BabyDanceI Wanna Dan Dan Dan Dan Dance Wow Fantasitc Baby你啦讲花内 Hey 各旁那恰内Hey当个能等够桑不呢楼不出不浪Race(Wait)五里给冷乖儿 HuhCatch Me On Fire Huh金恰噶那他那打NaNaNaNa汗那不逃要噶几摸疼该他汗苏we摸来吧喷为类米亲得西底要把的吧疼汗后力汗的冷充蹦 hi闹木那普路你噶啊木高度木器吗啦吗俩内gi 噶吗娘内噶努攻洁你新讲所你爱吗改地理西加开吗gi跟那带噶几YeI Can't Baby Don't Stop This ong内能他那开(米抽怕啦开)卡能够呀Wow Fantastic BabyDanceI Wanna Dan Dan Dan Dan DanceFantastic BabyDanceI Wanna Dan Dan Dan Dan DanceWow Fantasitc BabyBoom Sha Ka La KaBoom Sha Ka La KaBoom Sha Ka La KaDan Dan Dan Dan DanceBoom Sha Ka La KaBoom Sha Ka La KaBoom Sha Ka La KaDan Dan Dan Dan Dance来打啦恰八不疼秒挖吧难有往能的大大噢能帮更gi 冷买给闹~搜Mama Just Let Me Be Your Lover一红啦搜跟闹毛OOO ONaNaNaNaNa摸里个葡萄摆个噶气比句我冷shock奶刚噶跟苏木难困啊搜噶能乔难等波打能把能噶等才忘你打冷恰们奥冷木奥冷木奥冷木HOLD UPNa NaNaNaNa你新讲所你爱吗改地理西加开吗gi跟那带噶几YeI Can't Baby Don't Stop Thisong内能他那开(米抽怕啦开)卡能够呀Wow Fantastic BabyDanceI Wanna Dan Dan Dan Dan DanceFantastic BabyDanceI Wanna Dan Dan Dan Dan DanceWow Fantasitc BabyBoom Sha Ka La KaBoom Sha Ka La KaBoom Sha Ka La KaDan Dan Dan Dan DanceBoom Sha Ka La KaBoom Sha Ka La Ka Boom Sha KaLa KaDan Dan Dan Dan Dance他卡气楼加Ye Ye Ye他卡气比加 Ye Ye Ye他卡气都加 Ye Ye Ye他卡气噶加“Wow FantasticBaby”。

Bigbang 音译歌词

Bigbang   音译歌词

Bigbang 音译歌词Blue:(第一副歌)扣~绿~嘎~够~,莫米恰~讲求~莫木惜得够,顾(林in) 搜~顾,马瑞某~登了就~,I'm singing my blues~唔~唔~,撒郎嫩木掠,怕蓝森普掠,开套(sei跟挖jor)I'm singing my blues~~(唔~唔~唔),色跟顾聊ruai,门聊包嫩,撒郎哦哦(诶哦),(志龙部分)嘎ten 那努它len 顾no 挖那,为偶嘛你嘎~,no 也跟搜都那。

就~ 嫩~ 够啊,内没蓝gi 加也球们嫩,笔giu 怕集嘛~,嫩嘎某那森len, 够~呀,加你嫩,米giu 伦撒啦捏嘛~喽,ki 有都嘛~都,米流给苏now~ 打giu 啊,嘛~嫩~sei 跟嘛集嘛mail~喽,嘛gi 嫩~表嫩有V J~(大成部分)忒有那搜~能~嘛~那~够,煮归忙酷~擦~朗~哈~够~,怕啦给木~底喽,希跟内忙~~,顾内刚嘛~都now~嘞~gi~苏沃恰那~,(第二副歌)扣~绿~嘎~够,偶米加~讲就~,偶伦希dei 够,顾(林in)搜~ 给,马瑞忙~,登了就~,I'm singing my blues~唔~唔~,撒朗嫩木掠,怕蓝森普掠,开套(sei跟挖jor~~)I'm singing my blues唔~唔~唔~,色跟顾劳ruai~,,门聊包嫩,撒郎哦哦,(TOP部分)新江跟某集够忙嘎~~ 塔琴真尼应那够~,替都sei 奥聊不~ cen no~ 哇那,嫩莫里搜sei 顾今choo~嘛,恩no 木嘛嘞秒~,choo choo ki gi 有卡,妮~ 嫩撒郎~,乖喽ki no 外喽ki 都外那,韩bou 肯咋浑加买~,酷一擦捏不加慢~ 个某加慢,才苏喽集啊木喽集都啊~~那~~ 该苏往能把~~完,撒郎登嘞挖~大~康~大,(太阳部分)太阳那搜~(内儿)~忙~ 那够,煮给忙ki 擦~朗~哈~够~,怕啦ki 木~底喽,希根内忙~~,破内头那~ 都~ 囊~ K~ tei~ 路~ 一~ jor 朗~,(第三副歌)扣~绿~嘎~够,偶米加~讲就~,偶伦希dei 够,顾(林in)搜~ 给,马瑞忙~,登了就~,(太阳胜利部分)偶内嘎怕~~蓝jor,太皮啊~~咧~因~那哦喽,恰内集给jor~~, 肯搜gi 搜~头~ 嫩,ki dei 绿恰~加,黑没一~~ 秒一~~ no dei~ 绿,呼劳呦~~(第四副歌)I'm singing my blues~唔~唔~,撒朗嫩木掠,怕蓝森普掠,开套(sei跟挖jor~~)I'm singing my blues唔~唔~唔~,色跟顾劳ruai~,,门聊包嫩,擦郎哦哦,I'm singing my blues~唔~唔~,撒朗嫩木掠,怕蓝森普掠,开套(sei跟挖jor~~)I'm singing my blues唔~唔~唔~,色跟顾劳ruai~,,门聊包嫩,擦郎哦哦~。

Blue 歌词 bigbang

Blue 歌词 bigbang

歌词:冬天过去了春天到来我们之间的思念内心都有了淤青I'm singing my blues在蓝色的眼泪中蓝色的忧伤被发现I'm singing my blues随着云朵飞散的我的爱情同一片天空不同地方的你和我是那么危险所以你离开了那里称呼为“先生”开始的初次见面卑微的我不该出现的吧残忍的离别是爱情的末路那样的话也无法成为安慰大概我人生最后的末路现在正要走下来到这世上之后遇到你豁出性命一般的爱了一场我冰冷的心闭上眼睛也无法感受到冬天过去了春天到来我们之间的思念内心都有了淤青I'm singing my blues在蓝色的眼泪中蓝色的忧伤被发现I'm singing my blues随着云朵飞散的我的爱情心脏像是要停止跳动像是战争结束了被冰冻的你和我我脑海的外伤这泪水风干后湿润着依旧清晰可见的我的爱有没有困扰的地图寂寞的地图一个人独自幸福充满着异常我无法忍受没什么大不了的装作什么都没有发生过无法辨明的彷徨人们依旧来来往往来到这世上遇到你豁出性命一般的爱了一场我冰冷的心你的离别还是在那里一动不动冬天过去了春天到来我们之间的思念内心都有了淤青今晚在蓝色的月光下我一个人应该睡的着吧我在睡梦中寻找着你徘徊着唱着这首歌I'm singing my blues在蓝色的眼泪中蓝色的忧伤被发现I'm singing my blues随着云朵飞散的我的爱情韩文歌词:GD겨울이가고봄이찾아오죠우린시들고그리움속에맘이멍들었죠I'm singing my blues승리파란눈물에파란슬픔에길들여져GDI'm singing my blues승리뜬구름을날려보낸사랑oh ohGDah oh 같은하늘다른꿈너와나위험하니까너에게서떠나주는거야님이란글자에점하나비겁하지만내가못나숨는거야잔인한이별은사랑의말로그어떤말도위로될순없다고나만의인생의마지막멜로(수정!) 막이내려오네요이제대성태어나서널만나고죽을만큼사랑하고파랗게물들어지는내마음눈을감아도널느낄수없잖아빅뱅겨울이가고봄이찾아오죠우린시들고그리움속에맘이멍들었죠GDI'm singing my blues승리파란눈물에파란슬픔에길들여져GDI'm singing my blues승리뜬구름을날려보낸사랑oh ohTOP심장이멎은것만같아전쟁은끝났고그곳에얼어붙은너와나내머리속새겨진트라우마(수정!)이눈물마르면촉촉히이어가는내사랑괴롭기도외롭기도한나행복은다혼자만그이상의복잡한건못참아대수롭지아무렇지도않아별수없는방황사람들은왔다간다태양태어나서널만나고죽을만큼사랑하고파랗게물들어지는내마음너는떠나도난그대로있잖아빅뱅겨울이가고봄이찾아오죠우린시들고그리움속에맘이멍들었죠태양오늘도파란저달빛아래에나홀로잠이들겠죠꿈속에서떠난그대를찾아헤메이며이노래를불러요GDI'm singing my blues승리파란눈물에파란슬픔에길들여져(第一副歌)扣~绿~嘎~够~,莫米恰~讲求~,莫木惜得够,顾(林in) 搜~顾,马瑞某~登了就~,im singin my blue~唔~唔~,撒郎嫩木掠,怕蓝森普掠,开套(sei跟挖jor)~~(唔~唔~唔),色跟顾聊ruai,门聊包嫩,撒郎哦哦(诶哦),(志龙部分)嘎ten 那努它len 顾no 挖那,为偶嘛你嘎~,no 也跟搜都那。




8月19日,Bigbang在YG Family世界巡回演唱会首尔站上正式出道,并于同年12月22日发行首张正规专辑《BIGBANGVOL.1 SINCE》。


,BigBang 成为历史上第一个获得MTV 欧洲音乐大奖“Worldwide Act”的亚洲组合,并于上半年登上美国格莱美官方网页,成为首个被格莱美介绍的韩国歌手。

歌手资料:到那噶ye finally i realize that im nuttin without youi was so wrong frogive meah ah ah ah -怕都桥老普扫进奈吗怕拉桥老很的里嫩奈吗要gi桥老萨拉进奈撒浪们心桥老及我及及噶啊那汗素慢当一高及拉需就奈卡丝扫该毛及慢撒一就(say good bye)腻噶奥心但哈鲁都莫撒高慢卡他到那赛噶挂嫩他了该都可老桥老红加恰撒拉破过系大过普老bua都闹那木泰达包加那好对 ki带靠老bua都一节扫用奥加那腻要拍因嫩可撒拉米莫及Ho系闹无力进那嫩及可带奈噶破一gin 那嫩及跑扫撒他一角嫩及空囧duai 他噶噶gi就恰吗了靠素就恰奥扫爱泰无过那 ho漏 kin 怕么及赛无就素吧包及我奈就头拉波及吗过到那噶拉都那了恰吉吗过撒拉噶拉闹了撒浪还gi爱胡会奥gi爱求奥到 ki奥慢卡叫卡拉可老桥老恰吗破吗奈可老桥老 kiao掉奈吗奈闹可老素漏还波开呀duaioh girl cry cry yo my all (say good bye)Ki了靠大闹哇那无力吗句亲大还都莫破桥哈过扫可带漏卡到gir 卡juo恰古慢也赛噶gi 到哦了秒那吗都那都莫来可带恰加噶及都莫拉闹呢可撒拉呱还波卡该闹呢奈噶他len 吗慢毛该闹呢恰跟米料都按那该个恰及奈juo 那破蓝的系闹呢桥哈呢噶去哈呀开Den 酷了挂都卡其赛怕拉开闹呢可老开无扫juo 啊木一老的'系头拉波及吗过到那噶拉都那了恰吉吗过撒拉噶拉闹了撒浪还gi爱胡会奥gi爱求奥到 ki奥慢卡叫卡拉可老桥老恰吗破吗奈可老桥老 kiao掉奈吗奈闹可老素漏还波开呀duai那了到呢扫吗票奈及gir(那了里过扫撒拉噶juo)可 nun木len 他吗了泰腻ye(哈鲁哈鲁及那秒)恰拉里慢那几啊那道拉秒套拉per泰带用我腻哈改哈加到可呀扫一节去奥该木到读gir 怕来 baby 闹为还 ki都还头拉波及吗过到那噶拉都那了恰吉吗过撒拉噶拉闹了撒浪还gi爱胡会奥gi爱求奥到 ki奥慢卡叫卡拉可老桥老恰吗破吗奈可老桥老 kiao掉奈吗奈闹可老素漏还波开呀duai哈鲁哈鲁木掉叫噶奈oh girl i cry cry yo my all say good bye bye oh my love dont lie lie yo my heart(say good bye)。



Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,宇宙一度又烫又稠密Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait...140亿年前终于爆了炸等着瞧...The Earth began to cool,地球开始降温The autotrophs began to drool,自养生物来起哄Neanderthals developed tools,穴居人发明工具We built a wall (we built the pyramids),我们建长城(我们建金字塔)Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,数学自然科学历史揭开神秘That all started with the big bang!一切由大爆炸开始生活大爆炸主题曲歌词"Since the dawn of man" is really not that long,其实人类历史没有多久As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song.星系形成时间比唱完这支歌还要短A fraction of a second and the elements were made. 元素在微秒间便形成了The bipeds stood up straight,两足动物直立行走The dinosaurs all met their fate,恐龙都得认命了They tried to leap but they were late想要突变没来得及And they all died (they froze their asses off)就死光光了(pp都冻成了化石)生活大爆炸主题曲歌词The oceans and pangea大洋和泛古陆See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya拜拜才不想学你Set in motion by the same big bang!都是爆炸惹的祸It all started with the big BANG!一切从大爆炸开始It's expanding ever outward but one day宇宙向外膨胀但有一天It will cause the stars to go the other way,星球会反方向运动Collapsing ever inward, we won't be here, it wont be hurt向内坍塌反正我们不在了不会觉得疼Our best and brightest figure that it'll make an even bigger bang!我们美好光辉的形象将引发一场更大的爆炸生活大爆炸主题曲歌词Australopithecus would really have been sick of us南方古猿肯定不爽我们Debating out while here they're catching deer (we're catching viruses) 在他们捉鹿时唧唧歪歪(我们现在捉电脑病毒了)Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy宗教天文e百科旧约申命记It all started with the big bang!一切从大爆炸开始生活大爆炸主题曲歌词Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology音乐神化爱因斯坦占星术It all started with the big bang!一切从大爆炸开始It all started with the big BANG!一切从大爆炸开始《简爱》是一本具有多年历史的文学着作。



• 2009年5月,BigBang将平时在舞台上穿的 演出服进行义卖,并将义卖所得全部捐献 给韩国青少年基金会。
• ▪2013 澳洲Australia PopAsia Awards - 最佳男子团体 奖 (获奖) • ▪2013 澳洲Australia PopAsia Awards - 最佳粉丝团 奖 (获奖) • ▪2013 第27届日本金唱片大奖- 亚洲区三大专辑奖 (获 奖) • ▪2013 第27届韩国金唱片大赏 - CeCi人气赏 (获奖) • ▪2013 MTV日本音乐录像带大奖 - 最佳舞蹈MV奖 (获 奖) • ▪2013 第27届韩国金唱片大赏 - 音源本赏 (获奖) • ▪2013 第27届韩国金唱片大赏 - MSN国际赏 (获奖) • ▪2012 首届欧洲K-pop大奖So-Loved Awards - 最佳男 子乐奖(获奖) • ▪2012 首届欧洲K-pop大奖So-Loved Awards -最佳迷 你专辑奖 Alive (获奖) • ▪2012 首届欧洲K-pop大奖So-Loved Awards -最佳歌 曲奖 (获奖) • 等等
• Bigbang五位成员G-Dragon、 TaeYang、SeungRi、 DaeSung和TOP在小学六年 级时便加入YG,然后一直接 受严格训练。之后,Bigbang 被选中作为Se7en的伴舞, 接受Se7en的训练 。
• 2006年8月19日,在韩国首尔奥林匹克竞技场举行的YG Family世界巡回演唱会首尔站上,Bigbang正式出道[3] 。 之后跟TONY AN的校服公司SKOOLOOKS正式签下了为 期6个月的广告代言合同。8月30日,MBC的音乐银行, 给了他们长达8分钟的舞台,五个人的介绍DANSE和两首 歌的完整现场表演。第一张同名单曲《BIG BANG》发行 的第12天,9月10日,他们举办了首次的歌迷见面会,5 天后又迎来了首次showcase,之后开始了正式的宣传。9 月23日,Bigbang在MBC MusicCore正式以新人身份登上 舞台。9月28日,Bigbang发行第二张单曲《BigBangis VIP》。二单发行后不到一个月,Bigbang与FILA签订3 个月的代言合同,并在11月获得CY World选定“10月的 新人”,11月22日,Bigbang发行第三张单曲 《Bigbang03》。11月25日,Bigbang入围2006 Mnet KM Music Festival最佳新组合赏。12月22日,Bigbang 发行首张正规专辑《BIGBANGVOL.1 SINCE2007》。 12月30日,Bigbang在首尔蚕室体操竞技场举办第一次单 独演唱会“THE REAL”,由此,官方歌迷会“VIP”成立。 在2006年底MBC的歌谣大对决的现场,Bigbang作为开场 的表演嘉宾,演唱了《BIGBANG》,《LA LALA》, 《V I P》的串烧版。


baby baby baby即使会不安
即使已经看到了尽头但是我还是only you girl
b to the i to the g (bang bang)
即使已经看到了尽头但是我还是only you girl (aboout love) the fool who is only a tearyo我觉得如此空虚
baby only one
the fool who is only a tear
(that's why you gotta know girl)

《high high》歌词-bigbang

《high high》歌词-bigbang

《high high》歌词 - Bigbang [Verse 1]Yo, this is a story of when I did everythingLiving like a king, on top of the world, babyI can do anything, everything from A to ZSuperman, Batman, Spider-Man, see I'm on a spree [Chorus]I'm flying high, high up in the skyFeeling like I can touch the stars, don't ask me whyI'm feeling so free, so alive, so proudI'm on top of the world, screaming high, high now [Verse 2]I'm breaking all the boundaries, no limits hold me back I'm reaching for the sky, there's nothing that I lackI'm soaring up above, leaving all my troubles behindI'm leaving all my worries, I'm leaving them all confined [Bridge]I'm feeling high, high, like I'm never gonna come downI'm feeling high, high, I'm wearing a crownI'm feeling high, high, like I'm living in a dreamI'm feeling high, high, everything's not what it seems [Chorus]I'm flying high, high up in the skyFeeling like I can touch the stars, don't ask me whyI'm feeling so free, so alive, so proudI'm on top of the world, screaming high, high now [Verse 3]They say the sky's the limit, but I'm breaking throughI'm making my own path, can't tell me what to doI'm living life on my own terms, I'm living life my way I'm shining bright like a diamond, every single day [Bridge]I'm feeling high, high, like I'm never gonna come downI'm feeling high, high, I'm wearing a crownI'm feeling high, high, like I'm living in a dreamI'm feeling high, high, everything's not what it seems [Chorus]I'm flying high, high up in the skyFeeling like I can touch the stars, don't ask me whyI'm feeling so free, so alive, so proudI'm on top of the world, screaming high, high now[Outro]So reach for the sky, and don't ever look backKeep climbing higher, don't let anything distractYou can be high, high, just like I am nowBelieve in yourself, and take your dreams to the clouds这是由Bigbang演唱的《high high》歌曲的歌词。

G-Dragon、bigbang 歌词

G-Dragon、bigbang 歌词





喜欢你,不是因为相貌,不是因为哈韩,是因为你的坚持,你的努力,你对时尚的敏锐和你的音乐,而且是你的原创音乐,他让以前只喜欢抒情歌的我,去了解了一个非常陌生的词HIP-POP,并且喜欢上了这种音乐,你音乐的独一无二,让我感叹,让我敬佩,工作中的你是严格的,私下的你是活泼可爱的,你的智慧,对事物的见解,都让我佩服,年纪轻轻的你就已经这样成功,同时也说明了,你身上背负着很沉的重担,从小就出到的你是怎样在这个混乱的圈子里走过来的呢!Loser歌手:BigBang作词:Teddy,Top,G-Dragon作曲:Teddy,太阳编曲:Teddy收录专辑:M发行日期:2015.05.01(韩国时间00:00) —————————————————2015.04.30—————————————————LOSER V头力sei n 草卡嫩高b曾一某对n 样阿七靠无r 搜给闹nJUST A LOSERV头力桑草不您毛造力到老wun 丝类gi靠无r 搜给男I’M A搜r几gi sei桑瓜男后r喽要到n 内给n撒狼大V n 包r扫一叫斤几欧类造西干搜给到一桑恩某的给扫会忙参撒狼耨类闹那那那可造gi r的俩斤得喽嘎bou n 搜给耨拉那嫩丝r喷比诶喽男毛r力沃包俩扫I’M COMING HOME一贼大西斗拉嘎r类奥力r 造贼杂力喽奥n贼不逃n嘎男哈呢r bou大当尔逃巴拉bou给对苏m水gi走擦hi m giao沃搜呢r 包几慢可努古斗那r 咋巴组几r 安内I’M ALOSER V头力sei n 草卡嫩高b曾一某对n 样阿七靠无r 搜给闹nJUST A LOSERV头力桑草不您毛造力到老wun 丝类gi靠无r 搜给男I’M A要咋的r瓜也内西r苏哈路巴么r 撒狼哈够黑的秒n 西曾cei gi m几几某他r 那也一gi造gin gi be m 哈那得没某den 高西忙嘎叫包林几个m 毛m粗r 组r 某了到n那也V好慢几r组一贼n 阿木老n 嘎萌斗贼米斗奥b嫩ki pun那表狼个忒后n咋一内I’M GOING HOME那大西斗拉嘎r类也造内贼杂力喽奥n贼不逃n嘎男撒拉m的类西扫呢r度聊沃慢黑无嫩高走擦几kiao沃无扫bou几慢可阿木头那r阿拉组几r 安内I’M ALOSER V头力sei n 草卡嫩高b曾一某对n 样阿七靠无r 搜给闹nJUST A LOSERV头力桑草不您毛造力到老wun 丝类gi怕兰造哈呢了r沃n忙哈几男卡个m 内聊耨扣西泡叫I WANT TO SAY GOOD BYE一gi类个忒帮黄一个那秒n不低胡会奥b嫩cei喽度nun 卡么r 苏一gi rLOSER V头力sei n 草卡嫩高b曾一某对n 样阿七靠无r 搜给闹nJUST A LOSERV头力桑草不您毛造力到老wun 丝类gi靠无r 搜给男I’M ALOSERI’M A LOSERI’M A LOSERI’M A LOSERLOSER (二)LOSER喂同里森绰卡冷ko曾一莫顿洋啊起ko(无儿)所给罗JUST A LOSER喂同里伤绰布你莫左里do 动丝累giko(无儿)所给南I’M A所及ki 色上挂南哦(无儿)灵卓(哦不)所一绰进及哦嘞绰西干所给do一上嗯莫得给所hi芒参撒浪罗累罗那那那可左gi得lio进得罗卡本所给罗拉拉冷(涩儿)喷比诶罗蓝莫里哇波lio所I’M COMING HOME一贼塔西do拉卡类哦里卓则杂里罗翁则布同嘎南哈了波达当而do 怕拉波给对苏需gi 左查hing gio握松了波及满可路古do 拉杂把租及安内I’M A LOSER喂同里森绰卡冷ko曾一莫顿洋啊起ko(无儿)所给罗JUST A LOSER喂同里伤绰布你莫左里do 动丝累giko(无儿)所给南I’M A盼波对冷哟杂得挂诶嘞(西儿)苏哈路胖mer 撒浪哈go 嘿得mio (西儿)曾哈那得没莫等go西芒嘎jio波灵及更莫粗租莫了等那诶喂哄满及租一则啊木弄看亨do则米do 哦冷gi本那bio浪哥忒哄杂一类I’M GOING HOME那塔西do那嘎类耶曾类则杂里罗翁则布同嘎嘞撒蓝得嘞西深了度lio我满嘿无冷果左差及gio我无所波及满可啊木do 拉啊拉租及安嘞I’M A LOSER喂同里森绰卡冷ko曾一莫顿洋啊起ko(无儿)所给罗JUST A LOSER喂同里伤绰布你莫左里do 动丝累giko(无儿)所给南怕蓝搓哈了了温芒哈及蓝卡跟嘞lio罗go 西坡jioI WANT TO SAY GOOD BYE一及嘞个忒旁慌一个拉mio布地胡会哦冷车罗度轮卡mer 苏一及喂同里森绰卡冷ko曾一莫顿洋啊起ko(无儿)所给罗JUST A LOSER喂同里伤绰布你莫左里do 动丝累giko(无儿)所给南I’M A LOSERI’M A LOSERI’M A LOSERI’M A LOSERBig Bang - Bad Boy你噶进咋罗的那噶组len莫拉瑟内噶米呀内衣吗汗吗迪呀聊我瑟无林格噶及噶乃僧给gi的了我瑟吗多按对你你罗大图gi了哈路外多俗西本呢怒面瑟对才拿噶但组wi了度里本大喜多啦喔该机乃衣里面本面门则眼呀gi喔该机阿亲米面BABY难莫太呢木嫩莫对瑟度咋海组过细喷带咋兰对Everyday & night I’m so mean Cuz I’m so real I’m sorry (But I can’t change) 你噶撒浪哈嫩那嫩Sorry I’m a bad boy个来擦拉里德那咋噶有You’re a good girl西噶你噶苏罗纳拉面嫩那苏罗西芒慢男吗该机慢Baby don’t leave me I know you still love me 为个来所及gi 那吗来你噶皮有海My lay lay lay lay ladyMy lay lay lay lay lady布同男咋哇大拉呢木很的大够呢那及多所年噶其呢木有刘没衣噶其无瑟组嫩乃给腾乃噶呢木额刘把普大嫩平该罗有所个米罗波了米安汗那所桑汗吗嗯股gi多了be刘乃棍所个心不已在各娘亲故海额进米呀苏木无力多的亲木BABY难莫太呢木嫩莫对瑟的咋海组过细喷带跟给按对Cuz I’m so real I’m sorry (But I can’t change) 你噶撒浪哈嫩那嫩Sorry I’m a bad boy个来擦拉里德那咋噶有You’re a good girl西噶你噶苏罗纳安面那嫩苏罗西芒慢男那该机慢Baby don’t leave me I know you still love me 为个来所及gi 那吗来你噶皮有海My lay lay lay lay ladyMy lay lay lay lay lady安大木汗及慢哭你管汗册改及慢所跟大拉大be里及吗该嫩呢慢肯纳里也海组撒兰们额当个嫩啊过衣咱那有babyOh 个带Come back to me ye ye ye你噶撒浪哈嫩那嫩Sorry I’m a bad boy个来擦拉里德那咋噶有You’re a good girl西噶你噶苏罗纳拉面嫩那苏罗西芒慢男吗该机慢Baby don’t leave me I know you still love me 为个来所及gi 那吗来你噶皮有海My lay lay lay lay ladyMy lay lay lay lay lady你噶撒浪哈嫩那嫩Sorry I’m a bad boySorry I’m a bad boy Sorry I’m a bad boy个来擦拉里德那咋噶有You’re a good girlYou’re a good girl You’re a good girl你噶撒浪哈嫩那嫩Sorry I’m a bad boySorry I’m a bad boy Sorry I’m a bad boy个来擦拉里德那咋噶有You’re a good girlYou’re a good girl You’re a good girlG-Dragon-Crooked用我喊工就得偶b搜gio古给弄不用黑几依又都偶b搜金洗米偶b搜撒狼噶疼搜里他win几波抽哦怒吧们皮他卡给内波lio多哦差皮男红佳有几啊木多哦b搜哒也米哦搜撒党吧林we咯他win几波抽哦怒吧们皮他卡给波咯波咯搜里抽那嫩hiong依囧内新心路力话铺力桑得嫩哒冷用您度鬼hi洗比够咯懂内样噶期抽龙噶肯男皮他卡给哒里路依不咯就lio依塞桑依兰用话搜就依工跟耨哇那噶够速依口黑梅嫩诶咯就送哈那痛痛斌gi够力路噶度差恩gi咯gi度内蛮挂哒里那洗嫩产都咯尅都就哈耨哈那米够蛮样狠波黑搜等内噶无速给男gio就搜塞ki送噶拉够够们塞黑搜懂内噶gio古恩用我喊工就得偶b搜gio古给弄不用黑几依又都偶b搜金洗米偶b搜撒狼噶疼搜里他win几波抽哦怒吧们皮他卡给内波lio多哦差皮男红佳有几啊木多哦b搜哒也米哦搜撒党吧林we咯他win几波抽哦嫩帮恩比吧哈给几疼啊依拉in古够速铺类喊痛打速够噶就吧几噶就佳尅够期够in桑速够啊铺木森gin切啊铺咯都比图咯几类内噶米按黑几给哈怒诶哒期木卡图吧尅金内吗图哇够期咯金怒比起木搜我内哦洗冷那一几度lio我就都拉噶够喷得噶的哦b够撒狼哈够喷的桑的偶b够模哦就拉够都力ki速偶b都拉够耨哈那米够蛮样狠波黑搜等内噶无速给男gio就搜塞ki送噶拉够够们塞黑搜懂内噶gio古恩用我喊工就得偶b搜gio古给弄不用黑几依又都偶b搜金洗米偶b搜撒狼噶疼搜里他win几波抽哦怒吧们皮他卡给内波lio多哦差皮男红佳有几啊木多哦b搜哒也米哦搜撒党吧林we咯他win几波抽哦嫩帮恩比吧哈给哦差皮男红几阿尤几啊木都偶b搜哒也米偶b搜撒糖吧林we咯他win几bouquet抽哦怒吧们皮他卡给哦怒吧们那路为黑啊木嘛嘛拉就累哟红佳in给那一咯尅him度就模拉嫩得古得噶波够洗破哦怒版蛮那路we黑亲故噶都诶哦就累哟依就很那啊冷等那内噶故里问那哦怒吧们皮他卡给G-Dragon - 你算什么Baby I love you 一咯尅马(拉)几慢(内) 马额门问及哈那都就几安那I want you I need you No勒不勒几慢I don’t know why I feel bad你噶mong得粗卡黑各涩他冷南夹(日)都慢那掐得思米阿吉囧米得打慢南尼噶就哇哈mion 各不你拉够but 恰古话噶那baby得且你噶mong得Du du du du du du du du duBaby I miss you 为恰古no慢森噶那他冷撒朗莫慢那完哈吉安那noe 撒狼哈嫩寄斗米我哈嫩寄斗古不你安噶没一r 黑噶流阿吉都I don’t know why I feel bad你噶mong得奴n 阿配阿江够流克mon瓜怕江扣r mion 一共kiong无噶阿你吉强南求怒股mo流哦莫恩噶你囧没啦诶啦以够里诶搜品喊散诶都流恩给那里内给no也给mo 撒囧比散配给古度得信撒bo林奴n木就进配给为non 痕bo卡够难噗痕gi呀(哈)嫩共得得策你噶mong得Du du du du du du du du duBaby I just want you backI want you back I want you backBaby I know it’s too late itjust too late it just too lateBaby I just want you backI want you back I want you backBaby I know it’s too late itjust too late it just too late撒窝啦比咯黑哟就啦比咯内给咯他洗头啦哇大啦够奴比咯东内马打够里马打诶搜跳叫大你没给嫩哟进马就疼得啦够一咯(古)恰哈够几吉黑那won勒吉吉黑木啦搜no都慢恰噶吉呀那本ki几北内噶都恰啦给喊本慢那就勒困恰ki 暗那给且白头啦哇就勒Baby I hate you Baby I loved youMa baby hate youBaby love you du du du du du你噶mong得G-DRAGON-你算什么baby I love you 伤心的说着这样的话我的心为什么却无法高兴起来i want you ineed you 虽然唱着这样的歌但是i dont know why i feel bad 你算什么祝贺你啊!成为他的她!祝你们幸福!说出这样的话虽然尚早了些我只要你喜欢就好喜欢就好但是为什么我却这么的不爽baby你算什么?Du du du du du du du du dubaby i miss you 为什么总是想起你不想你见别的男人爱你恨你不知道到底怎么回事每天缠绕着我i dont know why i feel bad你算什么不要在我的眼前晃来晃去挽着那个小子的手并不是这个样子的吧!你开玩笑嘛!谁玩谁呀!Du du du du du du du du duBaby I just want you backI want you back I want you backBaby I know it’s too late itjust too late it just too lateBaby I just want you backI want you back I want you backBaby I know it’s too late itjust too late it just too late哎!差不多可以了!哎!街边放着早已凋谢的杜鹃花!是的我没有能够给你买奢侈的爱马仕没有能给你买昂贵的LV却给自己买来满是泪痕的睡枕为什么你是幸福的而我是痛苦的你到底算什么?吵吵闹闹分分合合求你回来!求你再次回来吧!每个角落寻觅着你的倩影像是要告诉别人你和他现在很不好低端寒酸我本来就这个样子难道你不知道吗?你也一样的!坏丫头我会对你更好的你不能再次回头一次吗我不会再次纠缠着你了我只求你能再次回到我身边Baby I hate you Baby I loved youMa baby hate youBaby love you du du du du du你到底算什么?太阳&GD - Stay With Me坑忒头那哇卡疼僧砰piu炅eng 哈口一搜加那Won't you stay with meA-YO what's up baby girl坑桶昂加几内搜塞康基坑木里透坑酿I just wonder一摸疼尅那搜咯内卡噗飘那几昂尅姑狼炅尅马扣咯哎kio搜gi酱那内ong拉卡能噗nui ki忒龙静几黑透内尅卡票尅忙疼里几eng/ki鸡哦能塞他萍Wine&Tea坑搜尅卡疼截ong能gingThere's something(was so lonely)内妈门哝那加那(哈录炅一)ki它聊我那加那一噗咯那米咯内内聊康杭炅卡扣一集忙怒哭破它透要领那eng一Darling Darling坑忒透那哇卡疼僧砰pio炅eng哈扣一搜加那Won't you stay with me 内尅咯哇一砰那你啦黑透怒能那网杭它扣嘛嘞加那Won't you stay with me 内尅咯哇也炅夸卡提胖扣里冷兔里搜盲扣咯怒卡pua透我累它炅黑透洋宁疼炅龙撒浪疼马能更龙(兔里噗皮噗皮)Hey did you maybe flirt with (me a little bit)弄哝能苏累就黑那能哝一怒够一摸没就黑内亏哎送仨ki能内送搜里哎嘛皮推加一姐Baby I will take you home马几马能咯哝浪破盲透塞尅昂扣(坑怕够你)一冷那几miong家那(ki/ong那你)搜能哼疼咯家那坑那里午里摸僧砰哝木那网票尅几盲透啦搜那红家到他西Falling Falling坑忒透那哇卡疼僧砰pio炅eng哈扣一搜加那Won't you stay with me 内尅咯哇一砰那你啦黑透怒能那网杭它扣嘛嘞加那Won't you stay with me 内尅咯哇啊木龙马透哦(噗)洗哝李孙卡卡内摸木尅黑炅能怕米几啦miong塞咯午那里西酱推内尅能哝不nia内撒浪eng哝哈那布niaHey~盲搜里几马扣坑炅一忒咯stay with meFor worse or for better just stay with me foreverFor worse or for better just stay with me forever坑忒透那哇卡疼僧砰pio炅eng哈扣一搜加那Won't you stay with me 内尅咯哇一砰那你啦黑透怒能那网杭它扣嘛嘞加那Won't you stay with me 内尅咯哇2NE1 -- Falling in loveTouch me over hereTouch me touch me over thereTouch me over hereTouch me over thereTouch me Touch me over thereTouch touch touchYeah yeahOh my 内马迷为一力扫r累嫩几木r啦一了都某了嫩可得啊陪扫南哦草固噶特闹也努比cei 仓吗rAlright Alright Alright AlrightTonight I drop it lowKey不嫩咋哩忒心脏嗯套叫Blow闹内Johnny Depp一p苏丽马拉维内表搜个噶几交料哇怒不信闹r 桥大不苏奥普扫Boy I’m so blind七呢搜亲组难闹也心不闹r 内高r楼慢读给搜That’swhat a queen doYeah in the clubit’s getting uglyI don’t careCan’t nobody stop thefirelet them haters sit in stareI keep falling in love falling in love闹慢bou秒内妈额米oh oh oh ohFalling in love falling in love闹r 卡沟系泡那熬到尅BoyFalling in love falling in love闹慢bou秒内妈额米oh oh oh ohFalling in love falling in loveTouch me over hereTouch me touch me over thereTouch me over hereTouch me over thereTouch me over hereTouch me Touch me over thereTouch touch touchYeah yeahOh my 内噶一类都对那西炮lost my mind内给怕黑脏系呢r nua表聊那bua你搜个体内某没大嫩一笋干Alright Alright Alright Alright杜根杜根得南擦走系么r 一r记撒朗搜给扫南Key乐r 一乐Key其No七级安给扫帮啊sei了r 擦怕你心脏额r hiang黑sua blakah blakah You mine boy 内给闹给矛哇Boy gimme gimme 度踢米r当哈给大庙闹silly silly各套嫩没料尅那撒沟七给扫噶踢航给哈给扫闹哇立苗南yes sirI keep falling in love falling in love闹慢bou秒内妈额米oh oh oh ohFalling in love falling in love闹r 卡沟系泡那熬到尅BoyFalling in love falling in love闹慢bou秒内妈额米oh oh oh ohFalling in love falling in love南闹吧给奥普扫内噶Key大力够Key大料到个somebody闹roller coaster内吗额么r 度料大nua大熬到卡你闹嫩熬到r级慢nia 闹斗那哇嘎大喵麻类tell meYeah yeah I just keepfalling in love againI keep falling in love falling in love闹慢bou秒内妈额米oh oh oh ohFalling in love falling in love闹r 卡沟系泡那熬到尅BoyFalling in love falling in love闹慢bou秒内妈额米oh oh oh ohFalling in love falling in love闹r 卡沟系泡那熬到尅BoyTouch me over hereTouch me touch me over thereTouch me over hereTouch me over thereTouch me over hereTouch me Touch me over thereTouch touch touchYeah yeah2NE1-善良的女人莫度那本那加啦嘿都搜几看你卡就啊所It felt rightBut they were right无里巧额慢难孙干不拖闹诶木关西没的料就所And it's so wrongIt's been so long几个你nun比切大m gio一嫩可鸟诶给n所类么呢gir 素一你啊了m大wun 可鸟诶给n闹了we汗nun目大win哦b丝过呀一龙ki那gin ki大里m都掐看哟赞那本那m加就啊黑外那本那m赞那本哟加就啊黑外可类所难闹了一咯尅撒浪嘿跟得闹嫩一龙内吗么莫啦外Cuz I’m so good to you yeahYou love her but her kiss is a lieCuz I’m so good to you yeahyou kiss her but your love is a lieCuz I’m so good to you yeahYou love her but her kiss is a lieCuz I’m so good to you yeah几个m 你努那配无够一嫩可鸟诶给内给巧额m 够被尅东可吗了嘿句素一你闹了噶进可鸟诶给哦里所肯nun目大win哦b丝过呀一龙闹hiang汗可里无m都掐看哟赞那本那m加就啊黑外那本那m赞那本哟加就啊黑外可类所难闹了一咯尅撒浪嘿跟得闹嫩一龙内吗么莫啦外Cuz I’m so good to you yeahYou love her but her kiss is a lieCuz I’m so good to you yeahyou kiss her but your love is a lieCuz I’m so good to you yeahYou love her but her kiss is a lieCuz I’m so good to you yeah奈撒浪汗但马了米多所大冷那m加哇大了过啦米d够西破所哦里所给都怕波噶气内吗m句够闹得没难gi喷丝普没加m gio后咯nun木了撒m kio够那哟呀慢黑你都得切外可类你闹撒浪汗给最你带口马给奈耨ki够噶表b给都奈搜ki够的过b给奈就系够恰噶b给奈波里够cuz I was good to you内给n 闹加了素一嫩可龙哪里哦b所maybe I was too good for you近系么咯掐卡给撒拉bua呀大皮料哦b所FTIslan-疯了一样起用嘎特那噗米那l 卡都go 哦~no啊m呢撒浪er 都黑呀ge起慢掐跟m加里就掐都哦嫩得诶~摸个咯哇呜咯都特l几摸他咯几慢哦呢都你一了慢噗咯把米奇都咯m no慢啵狗西m大却都咯no慢啵狗西m大米巧内聊诶绿搜都only u那嫩no慢啵狗西m大却都咯no慢啵狗西m大一叫大狗妈绿奶都only u掐古你噶破狗妈西m大你噶破狗妈西m大~可慢那加够那了他类啵几慢魔力咯把给门诺l 以及莫太内西m讲erl阿几豆ki 有卡狗一soso爱l狗的跟巧把都都哦拉米奇都咯m no慢啵狗西m大却都咯no慢啵狗西m大米巧内聊诶绿搜都only u那嫩no慢啵狗西m大却都咯no慢啵狗新m大一叫大狗妈绿奶都only u掐古你噶破狗妈西m大他噶几掐哦绿可力u难妈弟哦诺r撒浪耶~米奇都咯no慢撒浪安大(却都咯no慢撒浪安大)那嫩no慢撒浪安大却都咯no慢撒浪安大怕啵噶特撒浪硬大only u那嫩no慢撒浪阿你噶no慢撒浪阿你噶Winner-Empty 宋闵浩:勾送den乃某四不从宾勾求娄工噢诶红加gi力勾娄八度层宾个力那木工噢诶Baby don*t worry有len古蛮苏ginhiang西呢呀七工噢诶阿七妹马几哈没so 大西加噶key乃给我句呢gone内噶你勾内浪biu比斗么米七den嫩为你no久key后后播pe噶ten马门hi力八门蛮不类宋闵浩&金振宇:那Len bingo 得gin no心勾加gi句一洒浪的了斗井也奴比七宋闵浩:那Len去gi蛮的娄No! What a day 哈路西加卡给久内某西个bow姜胜允:勾送den乃某四不从宾勾求娄工噢诶(宋闵浩:内so噶噢so piu井也)姜胜允:红加gi力勾娄八度层宾个力那木工噢诶(宋闵浩:内蛮求龙求应黑)李胜勋:Da ra dat dat dat dat dat datBaby don*t worry宋闵浩:Da ra dat dat dat dat dat dat姜胜允:no len古蛮苏ginhiang西呢呀七工噢诶(宋闵浩:内八木闹木工噢黑)金振宇:个七那内又那也给tei又噢地一那又(姜胜允:一节五力)南泰贤:去噢gi推久hing不key so又一几马拉又(姜胜允:度它西蛮那又)李胜勋:区瓦度乃的瓜四pou度乃的hing的娄斗乃的瓜hing不key斗乃的一节几那卡bou力西噶so gie 去我gi对瓜勾诶毛某娄印呢个得为那嫩overshiang西娄土拉Wong 勾噶tei洒没一又噶洒拉久某力噶bou加陪呀七没奴呢miu噶四米同宾勾噶七工阿么刘个闹了蛮那gi求瓜度噶tei姜胜允:勾送den乃某四不从宾勾求娄工噢诶(宋闵浩:内so噶噢so piu井也)姜胜允:红加gi力勾娄八度层宾个力那木工噢诶(宋闵浩:内蛮求龙求应黑)李胜勋:Da ra dat dat dat dat dat datBaby don*t worry姜胜允:Da ra dat dat dat dat dat dat宋闵浩:no len古蛮苏ginhiang西呢呀七工噢诶(姜胜允:内八木闹木工噢黑)金振宇:个七那内又那也给tei又噢地一那又(姜胜允:一节五力)南泰贤:去噢gi推久hing不key so又一几马拉又(姜胜允:度它西蛮那又)姜胜允:阿几阿Len勾刘又奴呢卡么苗青青五吊几给青西噶你七那明乎为阿几你那那又青马西额不你久扑么西几呢那那又可得噶可力额不你久宋闵浩:为井噶七内木死比井井度刘我(南泰贤:内so噶噢so piu井也)宋闵浩:牙kie井蛮噶内nia加西呢不gi噶木so我(姜胜允:内蛮求龙求应黑)李胜勋:no噶噢呢内斤we娄工米久恰木勾我的no兰扑没so给休息得gia七米金振宇:个七那内又(姜胜允:个七那内又)那也给tei又噢地一那又(姜胜允:噢地一那又一节五力)南泰贤:去噢gi推久hing不key so又(姜胜允:hing不key so又)一几马拉又(姜胜允:噢一几马拉又度它西蛮那又)Winner - Color ring哈你冷怕辣给啊乐m打ki慢汗dae 内莫斯pe wae wi咯kaeqo辣嘿qio慢噶waedae打破嫩穷花ki慢铺恰goum....和咯那哦嫩no累n卡米咯ki慢汗dae 内kuy诶嫩wae 一咯kae啊pe给慢德lio waeno 里咯破林内吗mae 皮mion qo咯m no hio汗内可里吴m no莫咯德lio哦嫩no累嫩一龙那r 比吴嫩ko噶ka疼恰(里)慢破搜mio bon切那嫩wae 一切搜呀那do那波林wae 一切搜呀一咯kae 一no累也斯喷吗齐麻可德go 一搜wae 一切搜呀内gio忒哦嫩wae 一切搜呀一咯kae 一no累也斯喷no累吗累吴go 一搜那r 打冷ko咯ring ring ring ring ring那r 打冷ko咯ring ring ring ring ringRing wi 齐m dae 哟呸搜吴里go 一斯穷花切怕qo 怕打pua 那噶齐吴里齐嫩吗(一bo你吗齐麻吗齐麻卡mion搜打西do ko咯bon打)吴里卡体ko洞可ki wi乐打西ko咯pon打啊齐do kuy诶没do辣no也吴斯搜里sae pio 穷那ki no莫搜搜ki洞撒拉no里一切德乐苏do 哦p给铺恰pe 苏do 哦p给那吗嫩图mae咯第卡呀搜kae do 大西do qo那乐go你no 俩汗内个里吴m no莫咯德lio哦嫩no累噶那也dae汗打拼go噶卡疼恰里慢破r搜mio bon 切那嫩wae 一切搜呀那r do那破林wae 一切搜呀一咯kae 一no累也斯喷吗齐麻可德go 一搜wae 一切搜呀内kio忒哦p嫩wae 一切搜呀一咯kae 一no累也斯pe no累吗累吴ko 一搜可dae 你宋恰怕do辣mionduy do辣宋no 噗恰打mion齐可m qe 米no累dae信可里吴no也莫搜里r 德go 一给齐内噶qo do 恰累do辣mionno也给内噶qo do 恰累do辣mion齐个n qe 米斯喷no累dae信打德安no也莫k搜里r(那r 打冷ko咯里)no累噶个那噶r 苏咯k 内吗们木no齐go(那r 打冷ko咯里)no累噶潘破duy 苏咯怒木冷bon qio噶go(那r 打冷ko咯里)西干你噶苏咯内哦k搜林ki哦k齐安那(那r 打冷ko咯里)汗吗第辣do qo和你PLEASE,SAY GOOD BYE伯贤-beautiful安娘内噶他卡瓦素求本hiang ki 了r 安kiao qu头no黑米韩古m搜给搜怒你扑系头楼k 盘恰kiao搜搜r累衣没那都某了给韩爸r图爸r 内给它噶卡No诶kiao忒那马No诶米搜诶内马恩米no噶内聊怒你吗qu求丝r ten图肯扣聊Oh~no诶卡丝没内米搜了r ki偶尅求哈路诶都秒剖n系k森卡尅求Oh~no诶尅哈狗系盆可马rYou’re beautiful扣马喔那r 满那艘韩kiao 卡他都n 你某丝比剖有那了r ki它聊哇都nNo诶气ten hiang ki ki本屋r里m啊r 素偶b嫩抗韩衣个里mNo了r hiang韩那诶图那r给票求qu狗西剖No诶米搜诶内马恩米no噶内聊怒你吗qu求丝r ten图肯扣聊Oh~no诶剖m那累内no累了r 特r聊qu给哈路诶都秒剖n系k森卡尅求Oh~衣楼给no诶森噶尅You’re beautiful那了r 盘kiao求嘟嘟嘟噜噜噜搜r累有哭了米了r 扣嫩特扣气马r卡踢男内给他嘎卡韩爸r 都塔西恰恰偶n no哇那诶尅求累Ki要卡r 素衣给你嘟噜噜噜噜嘟嘟嘟ohyeh all rightNo了r 蛮难扣r 很五你啦森噶尅屋里塔西满那秒马累qu累Fiy to you 内kiao忒易搜求You’re beautiful你好向我走来包裹着羞涩香气的你在朦胧的梦中闪耀让人睁不开眼的光芒在心动中我不知不觉向你一步步走去留在你身边我的心在你的微笑里融化视线相遇便是心跳加速把我的微笑留在你的心间每天想我几遍想对你说的那句话You're beautiful谢谢你与我相遇让我看到你始终如一的样子等待着我的是你浓郁的香气和深远的回音无从得知的强烈吸引力我的双翼想向着你展开我的心在你的微笑里融化视线相遇便是心跳加速在你的春日里听听我的歌每天想我几遍如此想你You're beautiful迎接我吧心动哟仿若行走在云端如同谎言般我更靠近你一步再次到来的你与我的季节你能记住吗Oh Yeah All Right遇见你真是我的幸运如果我们再次相见我会这么告诉你Fly to you 请留在我身边You're beautiful我不一样(I'm Different)HI SUHYUN(feat. Bobby)Come on baby掐古忙扫里几吗r够奥扫的老哇奶给我lua 苏某个m 头一r 剖要句给心C gie你马m搜nun目了r 毛m cho句r给Don't play me奶噶我n哈嫩告n 可叫闹一r bun奶噶皮留汗告n 闹唉撒r卖一r不那哇卡r 带噶几卡嫩告呀Me and uSo listen up可搜n 毛m cho 怕啦满bua 巧r带告n的里r 苏奥b扫哎扫啊目老气安嫩巧k度够bua 闹n 恰m西都某t 白gir 告r那噶ten 要加和那几啊那那嫩大啦那嫩那嫩那m大啦。

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