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(一)、Read, tick or cross. 判断下列单词与图片是否相符,相符的打“√”,不符的打“×”。

1. picture ()

2. driver

() 3. soup () 4. long hair

(二)、Read and choose. 选出下列单词中不同类的一项。

() 1. A. teacher B. uncle C. cousin

() 2. A. spoon B. bowl C. noodles

() 3. A. table B. bedroom C. sofa

() 4. A. shoe B. strong C. quiet

() 5. A. maths book B. English book

C. notebook

() 6. A. fan B. computer C. window

() 7. A. milk B. chicken C. juice

() 8. A. farmer B. nurse C. boy

() 9. A. fridge B. study C. kitchen

() 10. A. teacher’s desk B. chair


(三)、Read, choose and write. 读一读,选择正确的单词补全句子。

1. Let __________ (me/my) clean the classroom.

2. My friend is a girl. __________ (His/Her) name is Lucy.

3. Mr Jones __________ (have/has) black glasses.

4. The candies __________ (is/are) in the box.

5. I’d like some chicken and __________ (noodles/noodle) for dinner.

6. We __________ (have/has) a new classroom. Let’s go and see.

7. How many __________ (peoples/people) are there in your family?

8. What’s your __________ (uncle’s/uncle) job?

(四)、Read, choose and write. 看图,选择正确的单词补全句子或对话。

1. A: What’s your father’s job?

B: He’s a __________.

2. A: Where are the books?

B: They’re on the _____________________.

3. A: What’s in your schoolbag?

B: Three keys, two toys and an __________________.

4.My friend has blue __________. I have a green bag.

5.A: Is Jenny in the __________?

B: Yes, she is.





(一) 、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(每小题1分,共5分) ( ) 1. A. cousin B. chicken C. kitchen

( ) 2. A. phone B. spoon C. people

( ) 3. A. soup B. shoe C. strong

( ) 4. A. quiet B. light C. right

( ) 5. A. here B. hair C. hat

(二)、读一读,判断下列各组中单词画线部分发音是(T)否(F)一致。( ) 1. A. face B. make

( ) 2. A. big B. five

( ) 3. A. nose B. hot

( ) 4. A. milk B. big

( ) 5. A. duck B. up

( ) 6. A. bed B. she


1. school A. book

2. story B. bag

3. bed C. board

4. black D. ball

5. basket E. room


( ) 1. turn on the light A. B.

( ) 2. beef A. B.

( ) 3. strong A. B. ( ) 4. go to the bathroom A. B.

( ) 5. noodles A. B.

(五) 、根据图片及首字母提示,写词语补全句子。

1. There is a p________ on the wall.

2. I have a C________ b________.

3. The girl is my friend. She has long h________.

4. There is a TV in the l________ r________.

5. —What would you like?

—I'd like some v________, please.

6. He's a f________.

