



研究生英语翻译试题一、用正反译法翻译下列句子1、leave my papers alone2、I hear everything3、She refrained from laughing4、The pursuit of science withdraws interest from external things5、In the grave the rich and the poor lie equal6、The beauty of the scenery passes all power of description7、Thousands of people have taken to the streets in defiance of the curfew8、They are aware that china is one of the few markets in the world that are growing strongly9、As a result of the rapid progress in science and technology,great changes have taken place in the world before we can realize them.10、Failure to fix the signs and symbols peculiar to mathematics in mind and to learn the definitions and technical terms keeps you from mastering the mathematical subjects二、用正反译法翻译下列句子1、他们不许小孩入内2、海拔高的地方,冰雪常年不化3、我到处找她,就是宿舍没有去4、工作没有经验,出点差错,在所难免5、太阳放出的太阳能,人类用不完6、没有他的帮助,我早就失败了7、中国还有3000万人没有解决温饱问题8、要对物理学进行一番观察,就不能只看到它的历史背景9、他很清楚不能独自去解决这类问题10、俗话说“男儿有泪不轻弹,皆因未到伤心处。



武汉理工大学研招办经济学院西方经济学(含微观、宏观经济学)2007——2009经济学(含微观、宏观经济学)1997——2000,2002——2006(2002——2004,2006有答案)宏观经济学2004——2006(2004有答案)货币银行学2004——2007(2004有答案)国际贸易概论1998——2000,2002——2009(2002——2004有答案)国际金融学2002,2004——2009(2002,2004有答案)国际市场营销2002财政学2007产业经济学2002,2006——2009(2002有答案)电子商务概论2008——2009运输经济学2002——2009区域经济学2007人力资源管理2007管理学概论2004——2007(2004有答案)管理学原理1997——2000,2002——2009(2002——2004有答案)微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007概率论与数理统计2001——2009复试科目:国际贸易学2003加试科目:国际金融学2003;国际市场营销学2003复试科目:产业经济学2003复试科目:数量经济学专业复试2003文法学院伦理学基础综合2007——2009伦理学原理2007——2009伦理学2002——2005民法学2007民商法学2008——2009民商法学综合2007——2009经济法学2002,2004——2009经济法综合2007——2009法学综合2002——2006知识产权2007知识产权法2002——2005法理学与知识产权法2004——2005社会心理学2002心理学2002思想政治教育学原理与方法2002——2009中国化的马克思主义2007——2009马克思主义基本原理及其发展2007——2009马克思主义基本原理2007马克思主义哲学原理2002——2009新闻传播专业综合考试(含广告学、编辑出版学)2004——2005出版发行综合2006——2009广告学综合2006——2009传播学原理2004——2009专业综合(教育学、运动训练学)2007体育教育综合(运动生理学、运动训练学)2008——2009运动生理学2007复试科目:综合复试2003;复试(科技法方向)2003加试科目:专业加试2003;加试(科技法方向)2003高等教育研究所教育学2002——2006,2008——2009教育管理学2002——2006,2008——2009复试科目:综合复试2003加试科目:教育学2003;教育心理学2003外国语学院二外日语2002——2009二外法语2002——2009二外德语2002——2009二外俄语2003——2009基础英语2001——2009(注:其中2002,2003,2005年的试卷名称为“综合英语”)英语语言学2001——2003,2006——2009(2001有答案)语言学及英美文学2004——2005英美文学2007——2009英语写作2002复试科目:外国语言学及应用语言学专业复试2003艺术与设计学院设计艺术学专业综合(含设计艺术史论、工业设计及其理论、环境艺术设计及其理论、视觉传播艺术设计、动画艺术设计及其理论、数字艺术设计及其理论)2008——2009美术学专业综合2008——2009艺术学专业综合2008——2009设计艺术学专业史论2003——2006,2008——2009 美术学专业史论2008——2009艺术学专业史论2008——2009音乐艺术研究专业综合(报考艺术管理方向)2009 视觉传播艺术设计基础2007速写与焦墨山水画2005速写与花卉白描2005——2006速写与人物写生画2005——2006速写与色彩人物写生2005,2007速写与泥塑人物写生2007速写与素描人物写生2005速写与水彩或水粉画创作2005速写与装饰画创作2005——2006中外美术史2002,2005,2007中国美术史专题2006中国画创作基础2007艺术美术专业基础2007美术史论2005——2007美术理论2004艺术学概论2007艺术设计史基础2004——2005,2007艺术史论基础2007艺术设计史论基础2003,2006艺术设计理论2002艺术设计史2002专业史论2007艺术设计学“专业设计基础”2002专业设计2002信息设计基础2004——2005动画创作基础2004——2006艺术管理专业基础2004——2005,2007艺术教育专业基础2007民艺专业基础2004 ——2005民间美术2007民间艺术设计及其原理2006设计基础理论与设计基础表达2002环境艺术设计基础2006——2007环境艺术设计与公共艺术创作专业基础2002动画与数字化设计艺术基础2007动画设计与数码设计基础2002系统设计及传播艺术基础2002系统设计及传播艺术理论2002工业设计理论2002工业设计基础2004——2007数码设计理论2002数码艺术设计基础2003中外建筑史2002动画创作理论2002动画创作基础2003环境艺术设计2002环境艺术设计基础2004——2005公共艺术创作与设计2002公共艺术设计基础2006卡通画创作2002专业设计(计算机艺术设计)2002专业设计(系统设计及传播艺术设计)2002环境艺术设计专业方向(环境艺术设计基础)2003设计艺术学专业工业设计方向设计基础2003平面设计基础2003——2005平面艺术设计基础2006现代美术与公共艺术设计基础2003设计管理2006设计基础(展示设计及理论方向)2006信息设计基础2006影视艺术设计基础2006音乐艺术研究2007复试科目:艺术与设计学院复试2003加试科目:艺术与设计学院加试2003理工学院材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009弹性力学2002——2004,2007理论力学2002——2009工程力学2004微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007微机原理(即:微型计算机原理)1997——2000,2002——2004 岩石力学1997——2000,2002岩体力学2003——2007(注:2003年有两种)结构力学2002——2009量子力学2004——2009物理光学2002,2004——2009电磁场与电磁波2004电磁场理论2005——2009概率论与数理统计2001——2009数值分析2002,2004——2007高等代数2001——2009数学分析2002——2009常微分方程2002——2007线性代数2002普通物理2002——2009运筹学2002——2008(注:2002年试卷有两种)物理化学2002——2009有机化学2002——2007无机化学2002——2009化学原理2008——2009基础无机化学2007物理化学原理2007高等数学2007,2009高等数学(工)2002——2006,2008高等数学(二)2004高等数学(文)2003——2005复试科目:应用化学专业复试2003复试科目:应用数学专业复试2003复试科目:固体力学专业复试2003资源与环境工程学院物理化学2002——2009材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009岩石力学1997——2000,2002岩体力学2003——2007(注:2003年有两种)岩石力学与工程2004——2009矿山岩石力学2002无机化学2002——2009浮选2002固体废物处理工程2002水污染控制工程2002大气污染控制工程2002化工基础2002——2007化工原理2002——2009(注:2002年称“环境化工原理”)采矿学2002安全工程学2007——2009爆破工程2002——2009(注:2003年称“凿岩爆破”)流体力学2002——2004胶体化学2003——2009结晶矿物学2003——2006环境学概论2004——2009环境化学2004——2007环境流体力学2002,2005——2007环境工程微生物学2005——2006环境生物学2005——2007矿物加工工程专业复试科目:综合复试2003采矿工程专业复试科目:专业复试2003环境工程专业复试科目:环境工程专业复试2003;加试科目:环境工程专业加试2003材料科学与工程学院材料科学基础2002——2009普通物理2002——2009材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009医学综合一(含生物化学、无机化学)2008——2009医学综合二(含生物化学、高分子化学)2008医学综合三(含生物化学、组织学)2008——2009医学综合2002,2004细胞生物学2002——2007组织学2002——2007物理光学2002,2004——2009计算机在材料科学中的应用2007计算机在材料中的应用2004——2005工程材料2002——2007生物化学2002——2007物理化学2002——2009有机化学2002——2007无机化学2002——2009陶瓷工艺原理2002玻璃工艺原理2002复合材料工艺2002铸造合金及其熔炼2002塑性成型原理2002材料成型原理2003——2009焊接冶金2002金属热处理2002金属材料学2007固体物理2002——2009聚合物加工原理与工艺2002胶凝材料学2002无机非金属材料工学2002,2004——2009金属学及热处理2002硅酸盐物理化学2002高分子化学及物理2002高分子化学2003——2009金属学原理2002——2007材料物理与化学专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:物理化学2003;材料学院同等学历加试2003材料学专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:物理化学2003;材料学院同等学历加试2003材料加工工程专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:物理化学2003;材料学院同等学历加试2003生物医学工程专业复试科目:生物医学工程专业复试2003;加试科目:生物化学2003;组织学2003机电工程学院材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009机械原理1997——2000,2002——2009机械设计1997——2000,2002——2009控制工程基础2002——2009统计质量管理2005——2009传感器原理2003——2009传感检测技术2002——2003传感技术1997——2000传感与检测技术2002电子技术基础2002——2009微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007人机工程学2002——2006机电工程学院2003年同等学历考研加试题(测试技术)机电工程学院2003年同等学历考研加试题(机械原理)机电工程学院2003年同等学力考研加试题(机械设计)机电工程学院2003级硕士研究生复试试题汽车工程学院材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009理论力学2002——2009汽车理论基础2002——2009发动机原理2002——2009摩托车理论与结构设计2002汽车运用工程2002——2009汽车运输工程2002——2003工程热力学2002——2008汽车运输学2003——2005,2007交通运输学2006汽车营销与策划2009汽车市场学2004——2008动力机械及工程专业复试科目:动力机械及工程复试2003;加试科目:发动机构造2003;发动机原理2003车辆工程专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:汽车构造2003;汽车理论2003载运工具运用工程专业复试科目:综合复试2003自动化学院电路1997——2000,2002——2009电工技术基础2002电工原理2003——2006控制理论基础2002自动控制原理1997——2000,2002——2009信号处理技术2002——2005(注:2002——2003年称“信号分析与处理”)传感技术1997——2000传感与检测技术2002传感检测技术2002——2003传感器原理2003——2009电机及拖动基础2001电力电子技术(一)2007电力电子技术2002——2006,2008——2009微机原理及接口技术2002——2009数字电路2003——2009逻辑设计2004——2006电力电子与电力传动专业复试科目:电力电子与电力传动专业复试2003检测技术与自动化装置专业复试科目:检测技术与自动化装置专业复试2003 控制理论与控制工程专业复试科目:控制理论与控制工程专业复试2003;加试科目:自动控制原理2003;微机原理及接口技术2003计算机科学与技术学院数据结构1997——2000,2002——2008操作系统1998——2000,2002——2008计算机组成原理2002——2007微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007C语言2007微机原理(即:微型计算机原理)1997——2000,2002——2004离散数学2002——2006计算机网络1999——2000,2002软件工程2002——2006数据库原理2002编译原理2002计算机原理2002计算方法2003——2005复试科目:计算机应用技术、计算机软件与理论专业2003加试科目:微机原理及应用2003;数据库应用2003信息工程学院数据结构1997——2000,2002——2008信号与系统1999——2000,2002——2009信号与线性系统2002——2006物理光学2002,2004——2008光纤光学2007现代光学2006高频电路2002微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007微机原理(即:微型计算机原理)1997——2000,2002——2004 脉冲与数字电路1999——2000,2002电子技术基础2002——2009高频电子线路1999——2000,2002微机原理及其通信接口2003——2009信号分析与处理2002——2008传感技术1997——2000电路1997——2000,2002——2009数字信号处理1999——2000,2002,2009土木工程与建筑学院材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009传热学2002——2007中外建筑史2002——2009建筑历史2004——2007建筑设计2002——2004,2008——2009建筑设计(1)2005——2007建筑设计(2)2005——2007规划设计2007——2008城市规划原理2003——2009建筑结构抗震设计2007抗震结构设计2004结构力学2002——2009工程项目管理2008——2009建筑施工与工程项目管理2003——2007建筑施工技术2002建筑工程经济与企业管理2002工程热力学2002——2009土质学与土力学2002——2007水分析化学2002——2005水分析与物理化学2006——2007水力学与水泵2002——2007水力学与水分析化学2008——2009土力学2002——2009建筑构造2002岩石力学1997——2000,2002岩体力学2003——2007(注:其中2003年有两种)钢筋混凝土结构2002,2006——2009混凝土结构原理2003钢筋砼结构2005土力学与基础工程2002结构动力学2002结构设计原理2002(第1种),2002(第2种),2005——2007桥梁工程2002给水工程2002排水工程2002路基路面工程2002,2005——2007工程地质学2004——2006美学2004建筑设计及其理论专业复试科目:建筑设计2003;建筑设计知识2003;加试科目:中外建筑史2003结构工程专业复试科目:结构工程2003;综合复试(建筑工程施工技术、建设工程项目管理方向)2003;加试科目:施工组织学2003;建筑经济与企业管理2003;结构力学2003;混凝土结构2003桥梁与隧道工程专业复试科目:桥梁与隧道工程专业复试2003;加试科目:桥梁与隧道工程专业加试Ⅰ2003;桥梁与隧道工程专业加试Ⅱ2003岩土工程专业复试科目:综合复试2003市政工程专业复试科目:专业复试2003交通学院高等数学2007,2009高等数学(工)2002——2006,2008高等数学(二)2004交通运输装备2005——2007桥梁设计与施工2005,2007第三方物流理论与实践2007现代物流与运输2005——2006物流学2006现代物流学2002,2007——2009运输经济学2002——2009路基路面工程2002,2005——2007工程热力学2002——2009结构分析2008——2009理论力学2002——2009土质学与土力学2002——2006材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009施工组织及概预算2004土工原理与计算2008——2009公路工程施工组织及概预算2003信号与系统1999——2000,2002——2009微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007运筹学2002——2009(注:2002年试卷有两种)船舶结构力学2002,2004——2009船舶原理2002——2009船舶设计原理2002——2009流体力学2002——2004,2006——2008环境学导论2002国际航运经济与政策2002——2004计算机辅助船体建造2002船舶技术经济学2002传热学2002——2007国际集装箱运输与多式联运2002——2004港口管理(运输企业管理学)2002——2005港口企业管理学2007运输企业管理学2006道路勘测设计2002船舶强度与结构设计2002——2007环境质量评价2002交通环境工程地质与应用2002声学基础2002,2006航运管理2002——2006(注:2002年有两种)结构设计原理2002(第1种),2002(第2种),2005——2007计算机辅助船舶设计2002船舶营运管理2007船舶建造工艺学2003——2007船机制造工艺学2002结构力学计算2008——2009结构力学与结构电算2003——2007运动生物力学2004划船运动概论2004船体振动学2006液压原理与控制2002机械制造工艺学2002流体力学专业复试科目:流体力学2003;加试科目:流体力学2003,工程热力学和传热学、水力学2003工程力学专业复试科目:理论力学2003道路与铁道工程专业复试科目:道路与铁道工程2003,桥梁工程2003;加试科目:土力学2003交通运输规划与管理专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:交通运输设备概论2003船舶与海洋结构物设计制造专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:船舶与海洋工程学2003结构工程专业复试科目:结构综合2003;加试科目:钢结构2003航运学院船舶管理2002——2009航运管理2002——2006(注:2002年有两种)航海学2002船舶操纵与避碰2002——2006航海气象学与海洋学2004,2006——2007(注:2007年试卷共3页,缺第2页)物理海洋数字计算2008信号与系统1999——2000,2002——2009能源与动力学院电力电子技术2008——2009电力电子技术(二)2006——2007测试技术2007A卷,2007B卷工程热力学与传热学2006——2009机械振动学2006热能与动力机械制造工艺学2006——2007轮机自动化2007——2009智能运输系统概论2006——2009专业综合(含工程热力学、传热学、内燃机原理)2005专业综合(含工程热力学、传热学、机械设计)2005专业综合(含自动控制理论、测试技术、计算机技术)2005专业综合(含自动控制理论、电工电子技术、计算机控制技术)2005专业综合(含机械设计、测试技术、自动控制理论)2005工程热力学2002——2009机械设计1997——2000,2002——2009船舶柴油机2009内燃机原理2007A卷,2007B卷内燃机原理2002——2004,2006传热学2002——2007自动控制理论2003——2004,2006——2007自动控制原理1997——2000,2002——2009动力机械制造与维修2009船舶动力装置原理与设计2002船舶建造工艺学2003——2007船机制造工艺学2002船舶机械制造与修理2003——2004船舶管理2002——2009机械制造工艺学2002轮机工程专业复试科目:轮机工程2003;加试科目:内燃机学2003;轮机概论2003;工程热力学和传热学2003载运工具运用工程专业复试科目:载运工具运用工程2003管理学院管理学原理1997——2000,2002——2009(2002——2004有答案)管理经济学基础2005——2007管理信息系统2002——2007(2002——2004部分有答案)概率论与数理统计2001——2009线性代数2002线性代数与概率统计2003——2009会计学原理1997——2000,2002——2009(2002——2004有答案)(注:1998年共3页,缺P3)技术经济学2002——2009(2002——2004部分有答案)运筹学2002——2009(注:2002年试卷有两种)现代工业管理2003——2004(2003——2004部分有答案)公司理财原理2002——2009(2002——2004有答案)(注:2002年称“财务管理学”,2003——2004称“公司财务管理”)项目管理2005——2007企业管理学2002(2002有答案)生产管理学2002(2002部分有答案)市场营销学2001(2001有答案)技术创新管理2003(2003部分有答案)工商管理硕士(MBA)专业复试科目:MBA专业综合课2003;加试科目:市场学2003;投资学2003会计学专业复试科目:财务会计与管理会计2003;加试科目:财务管理2003;会计学2003管理科学与工程专业复试科目:企业管理概论2003;加试科目:管理经济学2003;企业管理学2003技术经济及管理专业复试科目:投资分析2003;加试科目:产业经济学2003;投资学2003企业管理专业复试科目:市场营销与生产管理2003;加试科目:市场学2003;管理学原理2003系统工程专业复试科目:系统工程概论与线性规划2003;加试科目:概率统计2003;线性代数2003政治与行政学院邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想2007——2009邓小平理论2002——2006马克思主义哲学原理2002——2009政治学原理2007——2009西方哲学史2007——2009西方政治思想史2008——2009中外政治思想2007高等数学(文)2003——2004思想政治教育理论与方法2002——2005,2007科学技术史2002——2007中共党史2002——2009自然辩证法2002——2009中国近代史2002科学技术哲学专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:马克思主义哲学原理2003;现代科技导论2003中共党史专业复试科目:综合复试2003;加试科目:政治学原理2003;中国近代史2003物流工程学院机械设计基础2005——2009机械工程基础2004机械CAD基础2006起重运输机械2005——2009起重机械2002物流信息技术2005——2009物流学2006现代物流学2002,2007管理学基础2005——2009画法几何2002——2003,2005——2007材料力学1997——2000,2002——2009理论力学2002——2009机械原理1997——2000,2002——2009机械设计1997——2000,2002——2009电子技术基础2002——2009微机原理及应用1997——2000,2002——2007工程材料2002——2007工程力学2004运筹学2002——2009(注:2002年试卷有两种)运筹学与系统工程2004计算机应用基础与计算机技术基础2004仓储技术与设备2006——2007自动识别技术2007CAD/CAM技术2002液压原理与控制2002机械制造工艺学2002机电一体化技术2002液压技术2002机械制造及自动化专业复试科目:机械制造及自动化专业复试2003;面试科目:机械制造专业2003机械电子工程专业复试科目:机械电子工程专业复试2003;面试科目:机械一体化技术(机电专业)2003机械设计及理论专业复试科目:机械设计及理论专业复试2003化学工程学院制药化学2005——2009化工原理2005——2009药物分析2005——2007物理化学2006——2007。



研究生英语试题及答案一、词汇与语法(共20分)1. The new policy will come into _______ on the first day of next month.A. effectB. effortC. affectD. afford答案:A2. Despite the heavy rain, the construction work is still_______.A. in progressB. in processC. in prospectD. in prospect答案:A3. She _______ the letter without reading it and threw it into the dustbin.A. glanced atB. looked overC. glanced throughD. looked up答案:C4. The professor gave a lecture on the _______ of the novel.A. significanceB. similarityC. similarityD. simplicity答案:A5. The company has _______ its employees to work from home due to the pandemic.A. enforcedB. encouragedC. requiredD. prohibited答案:B二、阅读理解(共30分)阅读下列短文,然后回答后面的问题。

Passage 1In recent years, the concept of a "smart city" has gained popularity. A smart city is one that uses information and communication technology to enhance the quality and performance of urban services, to reduce costs, resource consumption, and to improve the competitiveness of the city. The implementation of smart city technology can lead to a more efficient use of resources, better traffic management, and improved public safety.6. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The definition of a smart city.B. The benefits of smart city technology.C. The popularity of smart city technology.D. The implementation of smart city technology.答案:A7. According to the passage, what are the outcomes of implementing smart city technology?A. Reduced costs and resource consumption.B. Improved public safety.C. Enhanced quality of urban services.D. All of the above.答案:DPassage 2The traditional classroom is being transformed by the use of technology. Interactive whiteboards, tablets, and laptops are now common in classrooms, allowing for a more dynamic and engaging learning experience. Teachers can use these tools to present information in various formats, such as text, images, and videos, and students can interact with the content inreal time.8. What is the passage mainly about?A. The transformation of traditional classrooms.B. The use of technology in classrooms.C. The benefits of interactive whiteboards.D. The presentation of information in various formats.答案:B9. What can teachers do with the use of technology in classrooms?A. Present information in various formats.B. Make the classroom more dynamic.C. Engage students in real time.D. Both A and C.答案:D三、完形填空(共20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



Unit 111. Many traditional Chinese believe that high forehead is of great mental power.A. objectiveB. indicativeC. directiveD. decisive2. Our country is in great danger; we must the whole nation to prepare themselves to fight.A. mechanizeB. paralyzeC. monopolizeD. mobilize3. the bad weather has delayed the flight, so it would be several hours before they could arrive.A. PresumablyB. RespectivelyC. ImaginablyD. Plausibly4. A speech could inspire the audience and achieve the goal the speaker desired.A. productiveB. provocativeC. instructiveD. ingenious5. he is a very serious and strict scholar, but actually he is not that kind of person at all.A. VirtuallyB. SeeminglyC. DecisivelyD. Likely6. It’s difficult to someone politely, but we should try to learn to do so.A. remarkB. flatterC. conflictD. contradict7. A newspaper reader can select what he is interested in and what he thinks is boring or irrelevant.A. scanB. skipC. scrutinizeD. dashA. accumulated C. attended D. participated9. An experienced politician who knew better than to launch a campaign in troubled political waters, she intended to wait for a more occasion before she announced her plans.A. propitiousB. provocativeC. questionableD. theoretical10. No matter how the revelations of the coming years may be, they will be hard put to match those of the past decade, which have transformed our view of the emergence of Mayan civilization.A. minor…dramaticallyB. profound…negligiblyC. striking…radicallyD. bizarre…nominallyUnit 121. He is innocent of the crime and we will him anyway.A. stand up toB. stand up forC. stand in forD. stand out for2. A good education is an you can fall back on for the rest of your life.A. indoctrinationB. inventoryC. obligationD. asset3. This poem a vision of a future world where human being and animals live in peace and harmony.A. conjures upB. impartsC. nurturesD. disdains4. Two rakish-but-sweet men in pursuit of her feel .A. repellentB. palatableC. insidiousD. ambivalent5. Building a new socialist countryside has become a thing for China in the new era.A. prophylacticB. paramountC. permanentD. persistent6. Don’t worry about the stain, it will if you use this brand of washing powder.A. brush offB. flush offC. break upD. lay off7. He is not trustworthy. His behavior is no for his words.A. contradictionB. compromiseC. matchD. paradoxsince we last met. You were a clerk then, and now you own your own factory.B. come roundC. come throughD. come over9. He is a basketball player, and leads all rookies in points, assists, steals and minutes in the playoffs.A. talentB. agileC. versatileD. budding10. He is a versatile actor, one who is able to himself in all roles and is able to bring the audience into a world of fantasy, filled with dreams, laughter and sadness.A. immerseB. soakC. plungeD. empowerUnit 131. Statistics indicate that, children in the United States are exposed to many influences those of their families.A. other thanB. rather thanC. better thanD. more than2. Air and the sun’s rays create much distortion, and whateve r tends to influence is useful to the astronomer.A. excludeB. eliminateC. extinguishD. impose3. The young painter had the example of Picasso to and guide him.A. respireB. inspireC. expireD. induce4. Economic development has grave on unemployment.A. relationB. connectionC. implicationsD. associate5. Casey founded a company to the mineral resource in the area.A. cultivateB. employC. capitalizeD. exploit6. The manager said that they had an plan if what they had submitted was not accepted.A. alternateB. alternativeC. absoluteD. appreciable7. As is generally believed, young people nowadays ideals that are far superior to their parents.A. summonB. overtakeC. cherishD. overhaul8. I can’t what has happened to the vegetables, for they were freshly picked this morning.A. figure outB. draw outC. look outD. work out9. There are some disadvantages in living in the country, but, we like it.A. by any chanceB. by choiceC. by designD. by and large10. John wanted to make his kite go higher, but his father told him to because it was too windy.A. leave the fieldB. leave it in the coldC. leave well enough aloneD. leave overUnit 141. The prince hoped to the crown with the help of a foreign army.A. claimB. proclaimC. exclaimD. assert2. Your excuses for not studying during the holidays may be many and but I still have to keep you busy.A. variationB. varietyC. variantD. variousthe passengers that there was no danger.A. insured C. ensured D. secured4. The wild life in Africa is extremely and therefore two wildlife research institutes have been established there.A. colorfulB. complicatedC. diverseD. abundant, but his words seemed to make no sense.A. distinguished C. distinctive D. distinguishable6. Rumors are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputations, and turning calm situations intoones.A. tragicB. versatileC. turbulentD. suspicious7. He couldn’tA. retain C. restrict D. represent8. Not having a good command of English can be a serious preventing you from achieving your goals.A. barrierB. faultC. offenseD. distress9. No one really knows who composed this piece of music, but it has beenA. referredB. associatedC. identified10. These classroom activities are intended toA. fosterB. evolve D. inspireUnit 15it , but I think she has won a lottery of 500,000 Yuan.B. spread…outC. lay…outD. disseminate…out2. He the man to disobey orders from the central government.A. inspiredB. instigatedC. instilledD. instructed3. The new car has many added such as a radio, a video, a phone and so on.A. referentsB. refinersC. refinementD. refillments4. Statistics show one of the principal problems which exists in food processing is the worry about its .A. hygienicB. hymnalC. cleannessD. hygiene5. The of the colored lights along the Yangtze River banks forms splendid scenery of Wuhan city.A. interplayB. interpalyingC. interactD. interacting6. More rioting in France among college students has the government’s lack of control.A. underlinedB. shownC. underscoredD. emphasize7. Instead of making people more equal, the British education system the differences between rich and poor.A. points upB. accentuatesC. stressD. shows8. You me! I didn’t hear you come in.A. startlingB. surprisedC. startledD. starved9. The company launched a publicity campaign toA. accelerateB. urge D. put up10. In view to the present situation, the of the opinions among senators is certainlyimpossible to reach a consensus.A. divergenceB. differenceC. distractionD. diversification。






一、选择题1、The train _____ in an hour. A. leaves B. left C. is leavingD. will leave 答案:A 解析:根据时间状语“in an hour”可知,本题应使用一般将来时。

2、--- Shall we go for a walk? --- _____. A. It's a good ideaB. That's all rightC. You're welcomeD. Not at all 答案:A 解析:根据问句“shall we...”可知,本题应回答肯定回答,即“It'sa good idea”是正确答案。

3、--- How was your trip to Beijing? --- _____. A. It was greatB. It was terribleC. Yes, it was greatD. No, it was terrible 答案:A 解析:根据问句“How was your trip to Beijing?”可知,本题应回答“It was great”。

二、阅读理解4、The passage mainly discusses the relationship between language and culture. 答案:TRUE 解析:本文主要讨论语言和文化之间的关系,说明语言反映文化,文化影响语言。

41、The word "etiquette" in the passage refers to good manners. 答案:TRUE 解析:根据文章第二段中的句子“etiquette is a code of behavior that is based on rules of good manners”可知,“etiquette”指的是良好的礼仪。



研究生英语考试试题及答案-参考研究生英语考试试题及答案-参考Part BDirections:The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 41-45,you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent text by choosing from the list A-G and filling them into the numbered boxes. Paragraphs A and E have been correctly placed Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (10 points)Some Old Truths to Help You Overcome Tough TimesUnfortunately,life is not a bed of roses. We are going through life facing sad experiences. Moreover, we are grieving various kinds of loss: a friendship, a romantic relationship or a house. Hard times may hold you down at what usually seems like the most inopportune time, but you should remember that they won‘t last forever.When our time of mourning is over,we press forward,stronger with a greater understanding and respect for life. Furthermore, these losses make us mature and eventually move us toward future opportunities for growth and happiness. I want to share these ten old truths I‘ve learned along the way.41.______Fear is both useful and harmful. This normal human reaction is used to protect us by signaling danger and preparing us to deal with it. Unfortunately, people create inner barriers with a help of exaggerating fears. My favorite actor Will Smith once said,Fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me. Danger is very real. But fear is a choice. I docompletely agree that fears are just the product of our luxuriant imagination.42.______If you are surrounded by problems and cannot stop thinking about the past, try to focus on the present moment. Many of us are weighed down by the past or anxious about the future. You may feel guilt over your past, but you are poisoning the present with the things and circumstances you cannot change. Value the present moment and remember how fortunate you are to be alive. Enjoy the beauty of the world around and keep the eyes open to see the possibilities before you. Happiness is not a point of future and not a moment from the past, but a mindset that can be designed into the present.43.______Sometimes it is easy to feel bad because you are going through tough times. You can be easily caught up by life problems that you forget to pause and appreciate the things you have. Only strong people prefer to smile and value their life instead of crying and complaining about something.44.______No matter how isolated you might feel and how serious the situation is, you should always remember that you are not alone. Try to keep in mind that almost everyone respects and wants to help you if you are trying to make a good change in your life,especially your dearest and nearest people. You may have a circle of friends who provide constant good humor,help and companionship. If you have no friends or relatives,try to participate in several online communities,full of people who are always willing to share advice and encouragement.45.______Today many people find it difficult to trust their own opinion and seek balance by gaining objectivity from external sources. This way you devalue your opinion and show that you are incapable of managing your own life. When you are struggling to achieve something important you should believe in yourself and be sure that your decision is the best. You live in your skin, think your own thoughts, have your own values and make your own choices.41. → 42. → 43. → 44. →45.【参考答案】41.D 42.E 43.G 44.A 45.C【试题点评】新题型要求考生从整体上把握文章的逻辑结构和内容上的联系,理解句子之间、段落之间的关系,对诸如连贯性、一致性等语段特征有较强的意识和熟练的把握,并具备运用语法知识分析理解长难句的`能力。



研究生试题及答案英语一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The word "phenomenon" is most closely related to which of the following?A. AppearanceB. EventC. FactD. Factoid2. In the sentence "She is adept at playing the piano," the word "adept" means:A. SkilledB. ClumsyC. IndifferentD. Inexperienced3. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a narrative?A. Chronological orderB. Subjective interpretationC. Detailed descriptionD. Linear progression4. The phrase "to break the ice" is used to describe:A. Initiating a conversationB. Cooling a drinkC. Freezing a lakeD. Shattering a mirror5. The term "symbiosis" refers to a relationship between two organisms that is:A. Mutually beneficialB. CompetitiveC. ParasiticD. Predation6. The word "altruism" is associated with:A. SelfishnessB. GenerosityC. GreedD. Envy7. In the context of literature, "allegory" is a figure of speech that:A. Compares two things directlyB. Uses symbolism to represent abstract ideasC. Describes a real eventD. Provides a literal translation8. The phrase "to go the extra mile" means to:A. Travel an additional distanceB. Exceed expectationsC. Take a breakD. Avoid a task9. The word "pragmatic" is often used to describe someone who is:A. IdealisticB. Practical and realisticC. EmotionalD. Dogmatic10. In the sentence "The company is going to scale back its operations," the term "scale back" means:A. ExpandB. ReduceC. RelocateD. Reorganize二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The opposite of "optimistic" is __________.12. "Ecology" is the branch of biology concerned with the relationships between __________ and their environments.13. The word "paradox" refers to a statement that despite sounding reasonable leads to a conclusion that seems__________.14. "Democracy" is a system of government where __________ have the authority to choose their governing legislation. 15. "Empathy" is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, which is the opposite of __________. 16. "Eloquence" is the quality of expressing oneself fluently and __________.17. "Hypocrisy" is the practice of claiming to have__________ or moral standards that one does not actually possess.18. "Inertia" in physics refers to the property of matter by which it remains at rest or in __________ motion unless acted upon by an external force.19. "Juxtaposition" is the act of placing two or more elements, subjects, or __________ close together or side byside.20. "Kaleidoscope" is an optical instrument that produces symmetrical patterns of __________ colors.三、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.Passage:In recent years, the concept of a "green economy" has gained traction globally. It is an economic system aimed at reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. The green economy seeks to improve human well-being and social equity while significantly reducing the environmental pressures of cities, industry, and agriculture. It is not simply about planting more trees or recycling; it encompasses a fundamental shift in the way we produce and consume goods and services.Questions:21. What is the primary goal of a green economy?A. Reducing environmental risksB. Improving social equityC. Enhancing human well-beingD. All of the above22. According to the passage, what is NOT a characteristic ofa green economy?A. Planting more treesB. Reducing ecological scarcitiesC. Fundamental shift in production and consumptionD. Recycling23. The term "green economy" is associated with which of the following?A. Economic growth at any costB. Environmental sustainabilityC. Ignoring social equityD. Unregulated industrial expansion24. What does the passage suggest about the scope of a green economy?A. It is limited to urban areasB. It applies to cities, industry, and agricultureC. It is only concerned with individual consumer choices。



来源:文都教育Sect ion I Use of En glishDirectio ns:Read the follow ing text. Choose the best word (s) for each nu mbered bla nk and mark A, B, C or Don the ANSWER SHEET. (10 poi nts)Trust is a tricky bus in ess. On the one han d, it's a n ecessary con diti on 1ma ny worthwhile thin gs: childcare, friendships, etc. On the other hand, putting your 2_, in the wrong place often carries a high 3._4, why do we trust at all? Well, because it feels good. 5 people place their trust in an in dividual or aninstitution, their brains release oxytocin, a hormone that 6 pleasurable feelings and triggers the herdingin struct that prompts huma ns to 7with one ano ther. Scien tists have found that exposure 8_this horm one putsus in a trust ing 9;_ln a Swiss study, researchers sprayed oxytoci n into the no ses of half the subjects; those subjects were ready to lend significantly higher amounts of money to strangers than were their 10 who in haled someth ing else.11 for us, we also have a sixth sense for dishonesty that may 12 us. A Canadian study found thatchildre n as young as 14 mon ths can differe ntiate 13_a credible pers on and a disho nest one. Sixty toddlerswere each 14 to an adult tester holding a plastic container. The tester would ask, “ What' s ilook ing into the container, smili ng, and exclaimi ng, “ Wow!” Each subject was_the n in vited to look 15. Hof them found a toy; the other half 16_the container was empty -and realized the tester had _17 them.Among the childre n who had not bee n tricked, the majority were 18 to cooperate with the tester inlearning a new skill, dem on strat ing that they trusted his leadership. 19,_only five of the 30 childre n paired with the _ “ 20 ”tester participated in a foipoactivity.1. [A] on [B] like [C] for [D] from2. [A] faith [B] concern [C] atte ntion [D] in terest3. [A] ben efit [B] debt [C] hope [D] price4. [A] Therefore [B] Then [C] In stead [D] Agai n5. [A]U ntil [B] Un less [C] Although [D] When6. [A] selects [B]produces [C] applies [D] mai ntains7. [A] con sult [B] compete [C] connect [D] compare8. [A] at [B] by [C]of [D]toSection II Readi ng Comprehe nsionPart A Directio ns:Read the follow ing four texts. An swer the questio ns below each text by choos ing A, B, C or D. Mark your an swerson the ANSWER SHEET. (40 poi nts)Text 1Among the annoying challe nges facing the middle class is one that will probably go unmen ti oned in the n ext preside ntial campaig n: What happe ns whe n the robots come for their jobs?Don't dismiss that possibility entirely. About half of . jobs are at high risk of being automated, according to a University of Oxford study, with the middle class disproportionately squeezed. Lower - in come jobs like garde ning or day care don't appeal to robots. But many middle-class occupatio ns-truck ing, finan cial advice, software engin eeri ng — have aroused their in terest, or soon will.The rich own the robots, so they will be fine.This isn't to be alarmist. Optimists point out that tech no logical upheaval has ben efited workers in the past. The In dustrial Revoluti on did n't go so well for Luddites whose jobs were displaced by mecha ni zed looms, but it eventually raised living standards and created more jobs than it destroyed. Likewise, automati on should even tually boost productivity, stimulate dema nd by drivi ng dow n prices, and free10.[A] cou nterparts [B] substitutes 11.[A] Funny [B] Lucky 12.[A] mon itor [B] protect 13.[A] betwee n _| [B] within 14.[A] tra nsferred[B]added15.[A] out [B] back 16.[A] discovered [B] proved 17.[A] betrayed [B]wro nged 18.[A] forced [B] willi ng 19.[A] In con trast[B] As a result 20.[A] in flexible [B] in capable[C] period [D] circle [C] colleagues [D]supporters [C] Odd [D] Ironic [C] surprise [D] delight [C] toward [D] over [C] in troduced[D] en trusted[C] arou nd[D] in side[C] in sisted [D] .remembered [C] fooled [D] mocked [C] hesita nt [D] en titled [C] On the whole [D] For in sta nee[C] unreliable |[D] un suitable9. [A] con text [B] moodworkers from hard, boring work. But in the medium term, middle -class workers may need a lot of help adjusti ng.The first step, as Erik Brynjolfss on and An drew McAfee argue in The Second Mach ine Age, should be rethinking education and job training. Curriculums —from grammar school to college- should evolve to focus less on memorizing facts and more on creativity and complex communication. Vocational schools should do a better job of fostering problem -solving skills and helping students work alongside robots. Online education can supplement the traditional kind. It could make extra training and instruction affordable. Professi on als trying to acquire new skills will be able to do so without going into debt.The challe nge of cop ing with automati on un derl ines the n eed for the . to revive its fadi ng bus in ess dyn amism: Starti ng new compa nies must be made easier. I n previous eras of drastic tech no logical cha nge, en trepre neurs smoothed the tran siti on by dream ing up ways to comb ine labor and mach in es. The best uses of 3D prin ters and virtual reality have n't bee n inven ted yet. The . n eeds the new compa nies that will invent them.Fin ally, because automati on threate ns to wide n the gap betwee n capital in come and labor in come, taxes and the safety net will have to be rethought. Taxes on low-wage labor need to be cut, and wage subsidies such as the earned in come tax credit should be expa nded: This would boost i ncomes, en courage work, reward compa nies for job creati on, and reduce in equality.Tech no logy will improve society in ways big and small over the n ext few years, yet this will be little comfort to those who find their lives and careers upended by automation.Destro ying the mach ines that are coming for our jobs would be nu ts. But policies to help workers adapt will be in dispe nsable.will be most threate ned by automati on?[A] Leadi ng politicia ns.[B] Low -wage laborers.[C] Robot ow ners.[D] Middle -class workers.22 .Which of the following best represent the authors view?[A] Worries about automati on are in fact groun dless.[B] Optimists' opinions on new tech find little support.[C] lssues aris ing from automati on n eed to be tackled[D] Negative con seque nces of new tech can be avoidedin the age of automati on should put more emphasis on[A] creative pote ntial.[B] job -hunting skills.[C] i ndividual n eeds.[D] cooperative spirit.author suggests that tax policies be aimed at[A] en couragi ng the developme nt of automati on.[B] i ncreas ing the retur n on capital in vestme nt.[C] easing the hostility between rich and poor.[D] preve nti ng the in come gap from wide ning.this text, the author prese nts a problem with[A] oppos ing views on it.[B] possible soluti ons to it.[C] its alarmi ng impacts.[D] its major variati ons.Text 2A new survey by Harvard Un iversity finds more tha n two -thirds of young America ns disapprove ofPreside nt Trump ' s use of Twitter. The implicati on is that Mille nni als prefer n ews from the White House to be filtered through other source, Not a preside nt ' s social media platform.Most America ns rely on social media to check daily headli nes. Yet as distrust has rise n toward all media, people may be start ing to beef up their media literacy skills. Such a trend is badly n eeded. During the 2016 presidential campaign, nearly a quarter of web content shared by Twitter users in the politically critical state of Michiga n was fake n ews, accord ing to the Un iversity of Oxford. And a survey con ducted for BuzzFeed News found 44 perce nt of Facebook users rarely or n ever trust n ews from the media gia nt.Young people who are digital n atives are in deed beco ming more skillful at separati ng fact from fictio nin cyberspace. A Knight Foundation focus -group survey of young people between ages 14and24 found they use “ distributed trust 'to verify stories. They cross-check sources and prefer news from different perspectives —especially those that are open about any bias. “ Many young people assume a great deal pers onal resp on sibility for educati ng themselves and actively seek ing out oppos ing viewpo in ts, con cluded.Such active research can have ano ther effect. A 2014 survey con ducted in Australia, Britai n, and theUn ited States by the Uni versity of Wisc onsin -Madis on found that young people s relia nee on social medialed to greater political en gageme nt.Social media allows users to experienee news events more intimately and immediately while also permitting them to re -share news as a projection of their values and interests. This forces users to be more con scious of their role in pass ing along in formatio n. A survey by Barna research group found the top reas on give n by America ns for the fake n ews phe nomenon is “ readeerror, more so tha n made-up stories or factual mistakes in reporting. About a third say the problem of fake news lies in “ misinterpretationor exaggeration of actual news ” via social media. In other words, the choice to share news on social mediamay be the heart of the issue. “ This in dicates there is a real pers onal resp on sibility in coun teract ing this problem, ” says Roxanne Stone, editor in chief at Barna Group.So when young people are critical of an over-tweeti ng preside nt, they reveal a men tal discipli ne in thinking skills - and in their choices on when to share on social media.26. Accord ing to the Paragraphs 1 and 2, many young America ns cast doubts on[A] the justification of the news -filtering practice.[B] people ' s preferenee for social media platforms.[C] the adm ini strati ons ability to han dle in formati on.[D] social media was a reliable source of n ews.27. The phrase “ beer up ”(Line 2, Para. 2) is closest in meaning to[A] sharpe n[B] defi ne[C] boast[D] share28. Accord ing to the kni ght foun dati on survey, young people[A] te nd to voice their opinions in cyberspace.[B] verify n ews by referri ng to diverse resources.[C] have s strong sense of resp on sibility.[D] like to excha nge views on “ distributed trust ”29. The Barna survey found that a main cause for the fake news problem is[A] readers outdated values.[B] jo urn alists biased report ing[C] readers ' misin terpretati on[D] journalists '-umatteies.30. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?[A] A Rise in Critical Skills for Sharing News Online[B] A Counteraction Against the Over -tweeting Trend[C] The Accumulation of Mutual Trust on Social Media.[D] The Platforms for Projectio n of Personal In terests.Text 3Any fair- min ded assessme ntof the dan gers of the deal betwee n Brita in's Nati onal Health Service(NHS) and DeepM ind must start by ack no wledgi ng that both sides mean well. DeepM ind is one of the leading artificial intelligenee (AI) companies in the world. The potential of this work applied to healthcare is very great, but it could also lead to further concen trati on of power in the tech gia nts. It Is aga inst that backgro und that the in formati on commissi oner, Elizabeth Den ham, has issued her damning verdict aga inst the Royal Free hospital trust under the NHS, which handed over to DeepMind the records of million patients In 2015 on the basis of a vague agreement which took far too little account of the patients' rights and their expectatio ns of privacy.DeepMind has almost apologized. The NHS trust has mended its ways. Further arrangement& and there may be many-between the NHS and DeepMind will be carefully scrutinised to ensure that all n ecessary permissi ons have bee n asked of patie nts and all unn ecessary data has bee n clea ned. There are less ons about in formed patie nt consent to learn. But privacy is not the only an gle in this case and not even the most importa nt. Ms Den ham chose to concen trate the blame on the NHS trust, since un der exist ing law it “ con trolled ” the data and DeepM ind merely “ processed" it. But this disti nction misses the point that it isprocess ing and aggregatio n, not the mere possessi on of bits, that gives the data value.The great questi on is who should ben efit from the an alysis of all the data that our lives now gen erate.Privacy law builds on the con cept of damage to an in dividual from ide ntifiable kno wledge about them. That misses the way the surveilla nce economy works. The data of an in dividual there gains its value only whe n it is compared with the data of coun tless milli ons more.The use of privacy law to curb the tech giants in this instance feels slightly maladapted. This practice does not address the real worry. It is not eno ugh to say that the algorithms DeepM ind develops will ben efit patie nts and save lives. What matters is that they will bel ong to a private mono poly which developed them using public resources. If software promises to save lives on the scale that dugs now can, big data may be expected to behave as a big pharm has done. We are still at the beginning of this revolution and small choices now may turn out to have gigantic consequences later. A long struggle will be needed to avoid a future of digital feudalism. Ms Den ham's report is a welcome start.is true of the agreement between the NHS and DeepMind ?[A] It caused con flicts among tech gia nts.[B] It failed to pay due attention to patient s rights.[C] It fell short of the latter's expectatio ns[D] It put both sides into a dangerous situation.32. The NHS trust respo nded to Den ham's verdict with[A] empty promises.[B] tough resista nee.[C] n ecessary adjustme nts.[D] sin cere apologies.author argues in Paragraph 2 that[A] privacy protect ion must be secured at all costs.[B] leak ing patie nts' data is worse tha n selli ng it.[C] making profits from patients' data is illegal.[D] the value of data comes from the processing of it |to the last paragraph, the real worry arising from this deal is[A] the vicious rivalry among big pharmas.[B] the in effective en forceme nt of privacy law.[C] the uncon trolled use of new software.[D] the mon opoly of big data by tech gia nts.author's attitude toward the applicati on of AI to healthcare is[A] ambiguous.[B] cautious.[C] appreciative.[D] con temptuous.Text 4The . Postal Service (USPS) continues to bleed red ink. It reported a net loss of $ billion for fiscal 2016, the 10th straight year its expe nses have exceeded revenue. Mean while, it has more tha n $120 billi on in unfunded liabilities, mostly for employee health and retirement costs. There are many bankruptcies. Fun dame ntally, the USPS is in a historic squeeze betwee n tech no logical cha nge that has perma nen tly decreased dema nd for its bread -an d-butter product, first -class mail, and a regulatory structure that denies management the flexibility to adjust its operations to the new realityAnd interest groups ranging from postal unions to greeting -card makers exert self -interested pressure on the USPS sultimate overseer-Congress-insisting that whatever else happens to the Postal Service, aspects of the status quo they depe nd on get protected. This is why repeated attempts at reform legislati on have failed in recent years, leaving the Postal Service unable to pay its bills except by deferring vital moder ni zati on.Now comes word that every one in volved ---Democrats, Republica ns, the Postal Service, the unions and the system's heaviest users —hasnally agreed on a plan to fix the system. Legislation is moving through the House that would save USPS an estimated $ billion over five years, which could help pay for new vehicles, among other survival measures. Most of the money would come from a penny-per-letter perma nent rate in crease and from shift ing postal retirees into Medicare. The latter step would largely offset the financial burden of annually pre -funding retiree health care, thus addressing a long -standing complaint by the USPS and its union.If it clears the House, this measure would still have to get through the Sen ate —wheresome one is bound to point out that it amounts to the bare, bare minimum n ecessary to keep the Postal Service afloat, not comprehensive reform. There ' no change to collective bargaining at the USPS, a major omission considering that personnel accounts for 80 percent of the agency ' s costs. Also missing is any discussioelim in at ing Saturday letter delivery. That com mon-sense cha nge enjoys wide public support and would save the USPS $2 billion per year. But postal special -interest groups seem to have killed it, at least in the House. The emerging consensus around the bill is a sign that legislators are getting frightened about a politically embarrassing short-term collapse at the USPS. It is not, however, a sign that they ' getting serious about tran sform ing the postal system for the 21st cen tury.finan cial problem with the USPS is caused partly by[A] . its un bala need budget.[B] .its rigid man ageme nt.[C] .the cost for tech nical upgradi ng.[D] . the withdrawal of bank support.37. Accord ing to Paragraph 2, the USPS fails to moder nize itself due to[A] . the in terfere nee from in terest groups.[B] .the in adequate funding from Con gress.[C] .the shri nking dema nd for postal service.[D] .the in compete nee of postal unions.Ion g-sta nding eompla int by the USPS and its unions can be addressed by[A] .removi ng its burde n of retiree health care.[B] .making more investment in new vehicles.[C] .adopting a new rate -increase mechanism.[D] . attracting more first -class mail users.the last paragraph, the author seems to view legislators with[A] respect.[B] tolera nee.[C] disconten1.1[D] gratitude.of the following would be the best title for the text?[A] The USPS Starts to Miss Its Good Old Days[B] The Postal Service: Keep Away from My Cheese[C] The USPS: Chro nic Ill ness Requires a Quick Cure[D] The Postal Service Needs More than a Band -AidPart BDirectio ns:The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 41-45, you are required to reorga nize these paragraphs into a cohere nt article by choos ing from the list A -G and filli ng them into the nu mbered boxes. Paragraphs C and F have bee n correctly placed. Mark your an swers on ANSWER SHEET. (10 poi nts)A. In December of 1869, Con gress appo in ted a commissi on to select a site and prepare pla ns and cost estimates for a new State Departme nt Buildi ng. The commissi on was also to con sider possible arran geme nts for the War and Navy Departme nts. To the horror of some who expected a Greek Revival twin of the Treasury Building to be erected on the other side of the White House, the elaborate French Second Empire style design by Alfred Mullett was selected, and construction of a building to house all three departme nts bega n in June of 1871.B. Completed in 1875, the State Departme nt's south wing was the first to be occupied, with its elega nt four-story library (completed in 1876), Diplomatic Recepti on Room, and Secretary's office decorated with carved wood, Orie ntal rugs, and ste nciled wall patter ns. The Navy Departme nt moved into the east wing in 1879, where elaborate wall and ceiling stenciling and marquetry floors decorated the office of the Secretary.C. The State, War, and Navy Buildi ng, as it was orig in ally known, housed the three Executive Branch Departme nts most in timately associated with formulati ng and con duct ing the n ati on's foreig n policy in thelast quarter of the nineteenth century and the first quarter of the twentieth century-the period when the United States emerged as an international power. The building has housed some of the nation's most sig ni fica nt diplomats and politicia ns and has bee n the scene of many historic even ts.D. Many of the most celebrated n ati onal figures have participated in historical eve nts that have take n place within the EEOB's gra nite walls. Theodore and Fran kli n D. Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Dwight D. Eise nhower, Lyndon B. Johnson, Gerald Ford, and George H. W. Bush all had offices in this buildi ng before beco ming preside nt. It has housed 16 Secretaries of the Navy, 21 Secretaries of War, and 24 Secretaries of State. Winston Churchill once walked its corridors and Japa nese emissaries met here with Secretary of State Cordell Hull after the bomb ing of Pearl Harbor.E. The Eise nhower Executive Office Buildi ng (EEOB) comma nds a unique positi on in both the n atio nal history and the architectural heritage of the Un ited States. Desig ned by Supervis ing Architect ofthe Treasury, Alfred B. Mullett, it was built from 1871 to 1888 to house the grow ing staffs of the State, War, and Navy Departme nts, and is con sidered one of the best examples of French Second Empire architecture in the coun try.F. Con struct ion took 17 years as the buildi ng slowly rose wing by wing. When the EEOB was fini shed,it was the largest office building in Washington, with nearly 2 miles of black and white tiled corridors. Almost all of the in terior detail is of cast iron or plaster; the use of wood was mini mized to in sure fire safety. Eight monumen tal curvi ng staircases of gra nite with over 4,000 in dividually cast bronze balusters are capped by four skylight domes and two sta ined glass rot un das.G. The history of the EEOB bega n long before its foun dati ons were laid. The first executive offices were con structed betwee n 1799 and 1820. A series of fires (in cludi ng those set by the British in 1814) and overcrowded con diti ons led to the con struct ion of the exist ing Treasury Buildi ng. In 1866, the con struct ion of the North Wing of the Treasury Buildi ng n ecessitated the demoliti on of the State Departme nt buildi ng.【答案】41. (E) T C T 42. (G) T 43. (A) 44. (B) 45. (D)Part CDirectio ns:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your tran slation should be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 poi nts)Shakespeare ' s life time was coincident with a period of extraordinary activity and achievement in the drama.(46) By the date of his birth Europe was witnessing the passing of the religious drama, and the creation of new forms under the incentive of classical tragedy and comedy. These new forms were at first mainly written by scholars and performed by amateurs, but in England, as everywhere else in western Europe, the growth of a class of professional actors was threatening to make the drama popular, whether it should be new or old, classical or medieval, literary or farcical. Court, school organizations of amateurs, and the traveling actors were all rivals in supplying a widespread desire for dramatic entertainment; and (47) no boy who went a grammar school could be ignorant that the drama was a form of literature which gave glory to Greece and Rome and might yet bring honor to England.When Shakespeare was twelve years old, the first public playhouse was built in London. For a time literature showed no interest in this public stage. Plays aiming at literary distinction were written for school or court, or for the choir boys of St. Paul' s and the royal chapel, who, however, gave plays in public as wel as at court.(48) but the professi onal compa nies prospered in their perma nent theaters, and uni versity men with literatureambiti ons were quick to turn to these theaters as offeri ng a means of livelihood. By the time Shakespeare was twen ty-five, Lyly, Peele, and Gree ne had made comedies that were at once popular and literary; Kyd had written a tragedy that crowded the pit; and Marlowe had brought poetry and genius to triumph on the com mon stage - where they had played no part since the death of Euripides. (49) A native literary drama had bee n created, its allia nee with the public playhouses established, and at least some of its great traditi ons had bee n beg un.The developme nt of the Elizabetha n drama for the n ext twenty -five years is of excepti onal in terest tostudents of literary history, for in this brief period we may trace the beginning, growth, blossoming, and decay of many kinds of plays, and of many great careers. We are amazed today at the mere nu mber of plays produced, as well as by the number of dramatists writing at the same time for this London of two hundred thousa nd in habita nts. (50)To realize how great was the dramatic activity, we must remember further that hosts of plays have bee n lost, and that probably there is no author of note whose en tire work has survived.【参考译文】46. 到莎士比亚出生的年代,欧洲经历了宗教戏剧的消亡,以及在古典悲剧和喜剧的影响下新的戏剧形式的产生。



研究生英语学位课统考真题(GET2011—2012)听力模拟题1part1Section A (1 point each)Directions: in this section. you will hear nine short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, there will be a question. The conversation and the question will be read only once. you are asked to write down you answers on the answer sheet.1.A To be brush up her English at home.B To be praised by her peers.C. To become her teacher's favorite student.D. To care more for other subjects.2.A. Have a picnic.B. Play with her pets.C. See a movie.D. See at home.3.A. It's a piece of cake.B. She has no ideaC. She already knows the answer.D. It's beyond her expectation.4.A.Write a short mail to him.B. Chat with him onlineD. Text him soon.5.A. The poster looks better without the frame.B. The poster is not worth the money.C. The poster costs very little.D. The poster is very eye-catching.6.A.14B.10C.65D.247.A .She is too busy.B. She can pass the exam next time.C. She doesn't work very hard.D. She should be better prepared.8.A. Exercise more frequently.B. Take less medicine each day.C. Try a new type of pain-killer.D. Have her back examined.9.A. George was not playing well.B. George always loses temper easilyC. George should have won the match.D. George is no match for his opponent.Section B (1 point each)Directions: in this section you will hear two Mini-talks. At the end of each talk, there will be some questions. Both the talks and the questions will be read to you only once.. After each question, there will be a pause. you are asked to write down you answers on the answer sheet.Mini-talk one10.A.18-21B.22-25C.30-50D.70-8011.A. Because older people become more thankful for what they have.B Because older people spend less time in deep thinking.C. Because older people forget things more frequently.D. Because older people tend to be more reliable.12.A .Middle aged women had increased sleep problems.B. Stress levels dropped sharply after people reached their fifties.C .Being single affected the levels of happiness.D. Sleep quality declined as people got older.Mini—talk two13.A.High temperatures.B. Too much weight on the roof.C. The lack of rich soil.D. Sufficient watering system.14.A.They are normally painted green.B. They shorten the life of houses.C. They reduce energy consumption.D. They are used as water tanks.15.A.They need little water.B. They normally grow faster.C. They are less costly to grow.D. They could absorb more water.Section c (1 point each)Directions: in this section you will hear a short lecture. Listen to the recording and complete the notes about the lecture. You will hear the recording twice. After the recording you are asked to write down you answers on the answer sheet. You now have 25 seconds to read the notes below.16. Compliments are so good that they can heal you__.17. Unless you seem sincere when you give compliments during a conversation, you're not going to get __from that person.18. After giving specific compliment, you should follow that__.19. Adding compliments in front of people respected and feel __20. Last,avoid __with envy.模拟题2part1Section A (1 point each)Directions: in this section. you will hear nine short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, there will be a question. The conversation and the question will be read only once. you are asked to write down you answers on the answer sheet.1.A.Eat a little bit potato chips.B. Stay with his decision.C. Change his goal.D. Throw away the trash.2.A. Amy misses lectures from time to time.B. Amy doesn’t pay much attention in class.C. Amy probably knows how to answer the question.D. Amy is stuck with the same question.3.A.A pet psychologist.B.A school teacher.C.A fitness trainer.D.A furniture designer.4.A.She cant give him any good ideas.B. she is very familiar with the city.C. she is new to new York.D. she wont lend a hand to him.5.A.someone famous is reading in the car.B. she has a nice collection of car photos.C. the car is in front of something interesting.D. the design of the car is really impressive.6.A.the train to the market square is cancelled.B. the man has missed the train to the market square.C. the next train will leave in ten minutes.D. the man has come to a wrong station.7.A. he doesn’t believe her story.B. he is not surprised to hear that.C. he also wants to lose weight .D. he cares little about his size.8 A. Mary will show up on time .B. Mary is always late .C. Mary has a good excuse for her absence.D. Mary was kept busy with work.9. A. he is a clumsy person.B. he is a good waiter.C. he is a careful guy.D. he is a tough man.Section B (1 point each)Directions: in this section you will hear two Mini-talks. At the end of each talk, there will be some questions. Both the talks and the questions will be read to you only once.. After each question, there will be a pause. you are asked to write down you answers on the answer sheet.Mini-talk one10.A. oneB. twoC. three.D. four11.A.because they learning a different writing structure.B. because they don’t appreciate this type of formula.C because they used to write long academic papers.D because they have different problem-solving strategies.12.A. placing the thesis at the beginning .B. writing shorter sentences.C. stating the main idea at the end of paper.D. using fewer descriptive words.Mini—talk two13A. organic farming can reduce soil erosion.B. organic crops produce lower yields.C. organically grown food taste strange.D organic farming is better for the environment.14.A. it will grow 70%.B. it tends to be relatively stable.C. it is expected to decline.D. it could double .15 A. organic farming on large scale.B. a combination of organic and conventional methods.C. conventional farming without any use of fertilizers.D. genetic farming used with caution.Section c (1 point each)Directions: in this section you will hear a short lecture. Listen to the recording and complete the notes about the lecture. You will hear the recording twice. After the recording you are asked to write down you answers on the answer sheet. You now have 25 seconds to read the notes below.16.whether i t’s your friend’s term paper or words of a well-known author, plagiarism is ___(3 words).17.first, when Cassie quotes an author directly, she uses ___(2 words) around the words.18. second, she is careful to use ____(4 words) when she’snot quoting directly.19. third, she can use ideas like drawings, speeches, music, structural models and statistics as long as ____(3words).20. and lastly, she is aware that some ideas are __(2 words) and don’t need a source.2011年1月Part 1Section A (1 point each)Directions: in this section. you will hear nine short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, there will be a question. The conversation and the question will be read only once. you are asked to write down you answers on the answer sheet.1.A.He was beaten by a fellow worker.B. He was laughed at by a fellow worker.C. He was fired from his work.D. He was replaced by his co-worker.2.A. He did it like everyone else.B. He was not speeding basically.C. He would like to pay the fine.D. The policeman was unfair to him.3.A. Talk about their fishing experiences.B. Drive the woman’s dad to the station together.C. Put off their fishing plan for the next weekend.D. Go fishing after the woman sees her dad off.4.A. She thought the man’s project had been finished.B. She didn’t know the man’s project was urgent.C. She thinks the man shouldn’t be so stressed.D. She thinks the man has exaggerated about his project.5.A. He knows psychology very well.B. Psychology is beyond his comprehension.C. Psychology is his major.D. He has forgotten the theory of psychology.6.A. It’s pleasant surprise.B. It’s really unexpected.C. It’s very sad.D. It’s a pity.7.A. He was disappointed with the service.B. He was satisfied with the service.C. He finally got what he wanted.D. He would like to try it again.8.A. He didn’t finish his finals week.B. He failed most of his examinations.C. He couldn’t remember what he had prepared in the exams.D. He couldn’t concentrate during the exams.9. A. Not enjoyable.B. Just so so.C. It’s his favorite.D. He likes it.Section B (1 point each)Directions: in this section you will hear two Mini-talks. At the end of each talk, there will be some questions. Both the talks and the questions will be read to you only once.. After each question, there will be a pause. you are asked to write down you answers on the answer sheet.Mini-talk one10.A. To start up her own business.B. To gain experience.C. To save for her tuition.D. To help her family.11.A. Because he could have more spare credits.B. Because the 15-credit-plan was more cost-efficient.C Because he had to make up 15 credits.D Because the 15-credit-plan was easier.12.A. To become an intern.B. To challenge traditions.C. To start up her own business.D. To get a full-time job.Mini—talk two13.A. The united states has declares its independence.B. Lady liberty is a gift from the people of France.C. The American people have shaken off oppression.D. The United States has broken off its relations with UK.14.A. Lady liberty.B. Liberty lady .C. The statue of liberty.D. Liberty enlightening the world.15.A. By bus.B. By boat.C. By car.D. By subway.Section c (1 point each)Directions: in this section you will hear a short lecture. Listen to the recording and complete the notes about the lecture. You will hear the recording twice. After the recording you are asked to write down you answers on the answer sheet. You now have 25 seconds to read the notes below.16. Mental health experts also include other disorders like___ that affect millions of people.17. Mental health problems are most severe in poor countries that ___ to deal with them.18. About half of all mental health problems first appear before ______.19. According to the WTO, how many people suffered from depression in 2009?20. The disability caused by mental disorders can also be a big impact on ______.2011年6月Part 1Section A (1 point each)Directions: in this section. you will hear nine short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, there will be a question. The conversation and the question will be read only once. you are asked to write down you answers on the answer sheet.1.A. Go shopping.B. Go car racing.C. Go to work.D. Go on a trip.B . Because she has too much work to do.C. Because she is on vacation.D. Because she has been busy typing.3.A.Go to an emergency exit.B. Enjoy herself in the park.C. Move her van right away.D. try to find the road sign.4.A. A secretary.B.A salesperson.C. A tennis player.D. A receptionist.5.A. She deserves the promotion.B. She has to transfer to another job site.C. She’ll pay for the dinner this time.D. She’ll invite her parents over for a celebration.6.A. She should drop the biochemistry class.B She should try harder.C. He prefers to learn rocket science.D. He can’t understand it either.7.A. She totally dislikes it.B. She prefers the old one.C. It may lake practical value.D. It is much better than expected.8.A. 7:00 amB. 7:30 am.C. 9:00 amD. 9:30 am.9.A. She was told about the trip beforehand.B. She was helped to pick up the beans.C. She was so excited that she revealed the news.D. She was not enthusiastic about the trip.Section B (1 point each)Directions: in this section you will hear two Mini-talks. At the end of each talk, there will be some questions. Both the talks and the questions will be read to you only once.. After each question, there will be a pause. you are asked to write down you answers on the answer sheet.Mini-talk one10.A. High expectations.B. Excellent and value.C. Terror and violence.D. Strength and power.11.A. Attend a sleepover.B. Play a piece of music.C. Watch TV.D. Be in a school play.12.A. Her parenting methods are limited to Chinese families.B. She brought up her daughters with an extreme parenting method.C. Her daughters were given enough time to follow their own interests.D. She had low expectations of children’s abilities.Mini—talk two13.A. 650 million dollars.B 560 million dollars.C 40 million dollars.D. 50 million dollars.14.A. Saint Paul.B. The Chapel of Love.C. The Nickelodeon Universe.D. The Underwater Adventures Aquarium.15.A. Tasting delicious food.B. Getting married.C. Visiting a campus.D. Seeing ocean animals.Section c (1 point each)Directions: in this section you will hear a short lecture. Listen to the recording and complete the notes about the lecture. You will hear the recording twice. After the recording you are asked to write down you answers on the answer sheet. You now have25 seconds to read the notes below.16. The first tip on how to reduce your test stress is to use a little stress_____.17. Good study ____ are important to learning effectively and doing well on tests.18.If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, replace them with _____.19. Everyone makes mistakes. Learning to tolerate small _____ is a valuable skill.20. Taking care of your health can help keep your mind ___.2011年12月Part 1Section A (1 point each)Directions: in this section. you will hear nine short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, there will be a question. The conversation and the question will be read only once. you are asked to write down you answers on the answer sheet.1.A. He’ll get promoted.B. He’ll get another job.C He’ll be disappointed.D He’ll give a talk.2.A. $3.78B. $4.25C. $3.87D. $4.153.A. It was just so-so.B. It was really special.C. It was quite good.D. It was awful.4.A. The woman should divorce her husband.B. The woman is thinking negatively.C. The woman is ignoring her husband.D. The woman is not imaginative.5.A. It seems too hard to most students.B. It is the most boring class.C. What is taught comes directly from the book.D. It is quite popular among students.6. A.Jennifer was a real stand-out.B. Jennifer had an impractical wish.C Jennifer used to like eating pies.D Jennifer realized her dreams.7.A. It’s hard to explain.B. It’s an unforgettable history.C. He cherishes their friendship.D. He is pretty busy.8.A. He is a gardener.B. He is an electrician.C. He is a plumber.D. He is a cleaner.9.A. Visit his doctor.B. Get a massage.C. Leave for a trip.D. Cancel an appointment.Section B (1 point each)Directions: in this section you will hear two Mini-talks. At the end of each talk, there will be some questions. Both the talks and the questions will be read to you only once.. After each question, there will be a pause. you are asked to write down you answerson the answer sheet.Mini-talk one10.A. Columbia university.B. Princeton university.C. The university of Pennsylvania.D. Cornell university.11.A. It is settled.B. It is not controversial.C. It is uncertain.D. It has never been studied.12.A.2%B7%C12%D17%Mini—talk two13.A. John Fitzgerald Kennedy.B. Jacqueline Kennedy.C. Dwight Eisenhower.D. Edward Durrell Stone.14.A.The opera house.B. The concert hall.C. The family theater.D. The states gallery.15.A. The performing arts.B. Creation of new works.C. Methods of competition.D. The history of western music.Section c (1 point each)Directions: in this section you will hear a short lecture. Listen to the recording and complete the notes about the lecture. Youwill hear the recording twice. After the recording you are asked to write down you answers on the answer sheet. You now have 25 seconds to read the notes below.16. Dyna TAC 8000X was a ___ often called “the brick”.17.The second generation or 2G network, allowed talking and___.18.3G Users could keep ____ on their phones, and send them to their friends.19. Modern cell phones can show movies and ______.20. Many electronics stores in the united states even ____ the newest cell phones if customers agree to use the network.。



单选Unit11. I had a teacher once who called his students " idiots"' when they screwed up.A. mess upB. clean up c. put up D. stay up2. He corrected our wayward hands and arms by poking at us with a pencil.A. stirB. stabC. pickD. point3. I was among them, toting my long-neglected viola.A. holdB. carryC. dragD. tackle4. Now I'm no calling for abuse; I'd be the first to complain if a teacher called my kids names.A. insult kidsB. check kids' namesC. praise kidsD. scolding kids5. Grit is a better predictor of success than SAT scores.A. factorB. indicatorC. elementD. component6 And the following eight principles-a manifesto if you will, a battle cry inspired by my old teacher and buttressed by new research-explain why.A. declarationB. displayC. interplayD. presentation7. In a 2012 study, 111 French sixth-grades were given anagram problems that were toodifficult for them to solve.A. word playB. homonymyC. polysemyD. synonym8. The fear, of course is that failure will traumatize our kids, sapping them of self-esteem.A. upsetB. shockC. distressD. hurt9. The researchers had assumed that the most effective teachers would lead students to knowledge through collaborative learning and discussion.A. captiveB. motiveC. communicativeD. cooperative10. Instead, they found disciplinarians who relied on traditional methods of explicit instruction, like lectures.A. sectarianB. humanitarianC. authoritarianD. librarianUnit21 The president is attempting to dispel the notion that he has neglected the economy.A. illustrateB. eliminateC. disposeD. display2 The task won't feel so overwhelming if you break it down into small, easy-to-accomplish steps.A. strongB. intenseC. powerfulD. tough3 Extrinsic motivation is a motivation that comes from outside, like when you're paid to achieve something specific.A. exteriorB. extraC. extraordinaryD. extroverted4 In 1950, the infamous husband and wife were accused by the FBI of passing nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union.A. inferiorB. notoriousC. deceitfulD. criminal5 Our football fan club began to recruit new members last week.A. trainB. uniteC. selectD. change6 In language learning it is attitude, not aptitude, that determines success.A. adaptabilityB. skillC. mannerD. talent7 The American language owes much to its writers for its enrichment.A. abundanceB. enhancementC. entertainmentD. enforcement8 In recent years the Austrian economy has outperformed most other industrial economies.A. outputB. outdoneC. outflowedD. outraged9 He could never replicate his brilliant performance of the magic trick.A. representB. reportC. repelD. repeat10 Rituals, celebrations, and festivals form an integral part of every human society.A. interiorB. internalC. entireD. externalUnit31 Chinese government has taken measures to clean up any signs of “Chinglish,” the trend of English fused with Chinese.A. mixedB. mergedC. combinedD. infringed2 Indo-European groups encompass half of the world's dialects, including Hindi, Persian, Norwegian, and English.A. compassB. encloseC. compriseD. embrace3 The globalization of conquest, trade, religion created an overlapping of languages, but it also fortified linguistic divisions in the world.A. strengthenedB. forceC. enhanceD. improved4 Interestingly English (considered a Germanic language), is a fusion of this segregation, a product of both Germanic and romance origins.A. isolationB. segmentationC. insulationD. separation5 English is often used in foreign countries due to mounting tension within countries to choose one local language over another.A. buildingB. maintainingC. increasingD. climbing6 English is thus seen as an ethnically neutral choice to avoid the conquest of one Indian culture over another.A. epicallyB. morallyC. raciallyD. empirically7 English thus helps to muffle fears of cultural and political hegemony in both Indian and IraqA. depressB. concealC. repressD. marvel8 The standardization of a few languages is responsible for wiping out smaller, indigenous languages.A. clearing upB. clearing outC. putting outD. putting off9 Many of the indigenous people have different ties and perspective on nature that science has not tapped into thus far.A. digged intoB. marched onC. touched uponD. trapped in10 The transformations could potentially lead to new languages in the future, leading to trend counter to the one seen with native languages.A. close toB. oppose toC. contrary toD. compared toUnit 41 Steve Jobs had been in conflict with some other members of his crew.A. different fromB. in opposition toC. indifferent toD. unfriendly to2 An entrepreneur is more than just a risk taker. He is visionary.A. visual artistB. hard workerC. fortune-tellerD. foreseer3 The Prime Minister's fragile government was on the brink of collapse.A. blinkB. edgeC. basisD. process4 She loved to ride; on horseback, she was reckless and utterly without fear.A. flawlessB. tirelessC. boldD. restless5 Writers of history books often attempt to integrate the past with the present.A. put togeth erB. put up withC. put asideD. put on6 A language teacher should initiate students into the elements of grammar.A. startB. leadC. ensureD. install7 Signature must be consistent with that in you policy record.A. be clear aboutB. be nice toC. be concerned aboutD. be the same as8 Cultivating and training college students setback-resistance should be an important part in quality education.A. feedbackB. flashbackC. discouragementD. retreat9 If you can't dazzle people with brilliance, dazzle them with your smile.A. impressB. terrifyC. helpD. get along with10 As far as quality is concerned, we must not make do with what we have, but must constantly strive for excellence.A. look forB. serve forC. try hard fo rD. praiseUnit51 However, nothing has ever equaled the magnitude and speed with which the human species is altering the physical and chemical world and demolishing the environment.A. concernB. determinationC. extensionD. extent2 Throughout the wilderness, post bands provided entertainment and boosted morale.A. influencedB. establishedC. raisedD. maintained3 Proponents of these reforms argued that public ownership and regulation would ensure wide spread access to these utilities and guarantee a fair price.A. expansionB. extensionC. opportunity to useD. excitement4 Except for Boston, whose population stabilized at about 16000 in 1760, cities grew by exponential leaps through the eighteenth century.A. long warsB. rapid increasesC. new lawsD. exciting changes5 One of the best-known examples of mass extinction occurred 65 million years ago with the demise of dinosaurs and many other forms of life.A. changeB. deathC. transformationD. recovery6 I admire your foresight and sagacity.A. integrityB. quick-witC. insightD. acquaintance7 Regularity ought to be observed, as regularity is very conducive to health.A. beneficialB. constructiveC. exclusiveD. classical8 It was courageous enough for Galileo to defy the falling object theory developed by Aristotle, the authoritative Greek scientist.A. advanceB. refuteC. justifyD. translate9 Free medical service is available to near all the college students in China.A. obtainableB. appealingC. convenientD. average10 No one can supersede the position of Irish poet William Butler Yeats in the circle of Englishpoem in the 20th century.A. changeB. surpassC. ImproveD. replaceUnit61 Now where, once the great pile had been gathered and assembled, to put it all?A. constructedB. collectedC. fabricatedD. accumulated2 The Sunnyside back garden, it turned out, was large enough to accommodate one of the large models.A. adaptB. provide forC. assistD. supply3 They had succumbed to an understandable temptation to send in slips for interesting words, but not for the prosaic ones.A. ordinaryB. poeticC. prosaismD. unusual4 Take special note of passages which show or imply that a word is either new and tentative.A. temporaryB. cautiousC. preliminaryD. tempting5 One has to assume, if unkindly, that those living under the heel of firmly prescriptive linguistic authorities were a little unsure how prudent it might be to read for a book that would be so wildly different in its constitution form those they were used to.A. prudishB. hare-heartedC. carefulD. crude6 Murray and his tiny band of workers were kept furiously busy sifting, sorting, and deciding, day after day after day.A. scrutinizingB. sievingC. separatingD. choosing7 And all the words used in the definition must appear elsewhere in the dictionary, so that any reader’s puzzlement can be rectified by his simply looking those up as well.A. rectitudeB. testifiedC. verifiedD. corrected8 In his definition of the word elephant, for example, he writes of the animal’s pudicity.A. bashfulnessB. purityC. obesityD. good nature9 Queries of all kinds are asked and answered in an instant.A. inquiriesB. questsC. questionsD. surveys10 “The circle of the English language has a well-defined centre ,” James Murray wrote in his famous Introduction, “but no discernible circumference.”A. discerningB. perceptiveC. noticeableD. discriminativeUnit71 The labor union and the company’s management, despite their long history of unfailingly acerbic disagreement on nearly every issue, have nevertheless reached an unexpectedly ( ), albeit still tentative, agreement on next year’s contact.A. conclusiveB. onerousC. hesitantD. swift2 Human reaction to the realm of thought is often as strong as that to sensible presences; our higher moral life is based on the fact that ( ) sensations actually present may have a weaker influence on our action than do ideas of ( ) facts.A. familiar symbolicB. material remoteC. emotional impersonalD. definitive controversial3 In response to the follies of today’s parliaments, the councilor dose not ( ) inflamed indignation, but rather ( ) the detachment and smooth aphoristic prose of an eighteenth-century wit.A. resort to, spurnsB. rely on, avoidsC. suppress, clingsD. express, affects4 As is often the case with collection of lectures by ( ) authors, the book as a whole is ( ) , although the individual contributions are outstanding in themselves.A. different, disconnectedB. incompetent, abysmalC. famous, systematicD. mediocre, unexciting5 The essence of belief is the establishment of ( ) ; different beliefs are distinguishable by the different modes of action to which they give rise.A. allegiancesB. practiceC. trustD. commitments6 The results of the experiments performed by English Hazen and Rachel Brown were ( ) not only because these results challenged old assumptions but also because they called the ( ) methodology into question.A. specious, originalB. predictable, contemporaryC. provocative, prevailing C. inconclusive, traditional7 As early as the seventeenth century, philosophers called attention to the ( ) character of the issue, and their twentieth-century counterparts still approach it with ( )A. problematical, antipathyB. unusual, composureC. complex, antipathyD. auspicious, caution8 The ( ) with which the French aristocracy greeted the middle-class Rousseau was all the more ( ) because he showed so little respect for them.A. appreciation, deservedB. suspicion, uncannyC. reserve, unexpectedD. deference, remarkable9 Congress is having great difficultly developing a consensus on energy policy, primarily because the policy objectives of various members of Congress rest on such ( ) assumptions.A. fundamentalB. trivialC. divergentD. commonplace10 Hydrogen is the ( ) element of the universe in that it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are producedA. expendableB. fundamentalC. lightestD. steadies翻译Unit1:SchoolingPassage One1.Marva was a striking woman with high cheekbones and strong angular features.在人群中,马文老师总是会显得很醒目,她有着高高的颧骨,瘦而强健。



2010年武汉理工大学815英语语言学考研真 题
2009年武汉理工大学815英语语言学考研真 题
2008年武汉理工大学815英语语言学考研真 题
2007年武汉理工大学455英语语言学考研真 题
2006年武汉理工大学55语言学及英美文学 考研真题(语言学部分)
2004年武汉理工大学455语言学及英美文学 考研真题(语言学部分)
目 录
2010年武汉理工大学815英语语言学考研真题 2009年武汉理工大学815英语语言学考研真题 2008年武汉理工大学815英语语言学考研真题 2007年武汉理工大学455英语语言学考研真题 2006年武汉理工大学455英语语言学考研真题 2005年武汉理工大学455语言学及英美文学考研真题(语言学部分) 2004年武汉理工大学455语言学及英美文学考研真题(语言学部分) 2003年武汉理工大学语言学考研真题 2002年武汉理工大学语言学考研真题



Topics for Discussion1.Does “moving up the economic ladder” mean success? Why or why not? What other things do you thinkcan mean success?No, Many people believe that a large income means success. But in my opinion, that success is more than money, and there are more gauges of success, such as fame, respect, and knowledge.Most people assume that famous people are rich, but that isn’t always true. For example, many scientists are not rich by today’s standards, but they are successful in their fields. Addit ionally, there are many famous statesmen who are not rich. The late premier Zhou En Lai was one. Certainly, no one would say he was not successful.I also believe that being respected by others indicates success. Without the respect, money means little. Fo r example, I once worked in a restaurant. The boss made a very good income, but he wasn’t a nice man. No one ever did work for him willingly. He ordered everyone around, but we didn’t respect him. In contrast, I had an English teacher in high school. He had to take extra jobs to make enough money to support his family. However, we had great respect for him and always listened to what he said. As a result, we were a top class in English. In my opinion, my English teacher was more successful than my boss at the restaurant.Finally, I think one of the most important indicators of success is knowledge. For example, Qian Zhong-Shu, one of the world’s best-known writers, had a broad horizon and profound knowledge. He wrote the best-selling novel A surrounded City, which has been translated into 80 languages and published in almost all parts of the world. In my opinion, he was extremely successful.When we look back in history, there are few people that we remember them because of their rich. Overall, we remember people who did something with their lives. They were influential in their own lives or contributed to society. If history is the ultimate judge of success, then money surely isn’t everything.2.What is your attitude toward the spread of surveillance technology?The surveillance technology is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can bring us the safety and convenience. For example,in the supermarket, the camera can tak e videos to record the people’s behavior. It ensure the safety of the goods and allows people carrying their own bags to go shopping. And the radioes can be an evidence if some cases occur. On the other hand, the abuse of surveillance technology will be a threat to privacy of people. Just like in the ATM, the thief install a microcamera to record the code of credit card, and stole money. And if there are lots of cameras on the street or in a room, it will make people in fear of security and even cause to a panic.In my opinion, the use of the surveillance technology should be under the control of the country and the law. The surveillance of surveillance technology is most important.3.To make the earth a better place to live on, what responsibility should be taken by every one of us?We should live a low-carbon life.The Earth left our so rich energy ,but because of the development of the world industrial economy, the fast increase of population, our living environment is become more and more worse, for example, the resources reduce, water pollution becomes worse.The environment is seriously under threat and it is our responsibility to live a low-carbon lifestyle to protect our planet. Firstly, we should recognize that low-carbon life is not only a kind of life style but also life attitude. Each of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases we emit in our daily actions.Low-carbon life needs everyone’s participation. Secondly, we should develop good habits in our daily lives. For example ,we can ride bicycles instead of driving cars. Also, we should turn off lights when we are not using them. Students should use both sides of the paper in their notebooks. These are just some of the things we can do to live a low-carbon lifestyle.We only have one planet and we must do all act now to save it from further pollution●Reducing the pollution and saving the resources,●Dealing with the rubbish, especially some electronic products like used batteries,mobilephone,computer and so on. There are some harmful metals in them, which will damage to the soil and water.●Another way to reduce the pollution is selecting a green way to travel,in order to decrease the car’snumber on the road and reduce the air pollution.Saving the resources require us to use recyclable things, do not waste energy and papers.4.What might be the benefits and risks of plastic surgeries in modern society? Would you try on any ofthem? Why or why not? [医]double-fold eyelids●The first benenfit of plastic surgeries is to improve someone’s appearance and mental outlook. A goodlook will make someone brave and confident to face the difficulties and challenges. Another benefit is that the surgeries can heal the damage of disfigured people suffering a fire or car accident. The surgeries can help them to recover their appearance, and send them to the normal life.●But all the surgeries have their risks, and having the plastics surgeries doesn’t mean that you canbecome beautiful. Sometimes it will make an unnatural and sick appearance. What’s worse, sometimesthe failure of the surgeries cause the complications, leaving a scar in the skin or even leading to death.●In my opinion, ordinary people don’t need the plastic surgeries. The power and beauty are from what webelieve in, not what we look like. The benefit from beauty of appearance will not last forever, only the beauty of soul can be accepted by other people.5.Do you think manners are important in our daily life? Why or why not? Can you give some examples ofgood manners in the modern society?●It’s no doubt that the manners are important. Good manners make someone polite and friendly, and hewill be accepted easily. The good manners can make other people feel comfortable and let people become closer to each other. Sometimes the rude behaviors from others will make you unhappy or even angry. Sometimes the rude means to selfish because the rude people don’t consider to others’ feelings.●There are many examples of good manners. Such as in the subway or bus station, let the passenger getoff first, and offer your seat to the old people; open the door for other people especially women; get someone’s help and give a smile and thanks in return.6.Do you think you can increase happiness by learning some happiness skills? And how?●Yes of course. In my opinion, happiness is just like air, they’re always around us, but usually wedon’t notice them. But if we have learnt some skills,we will find the existense of happines with no doubt .what we need is to discover it.●First , find out the aim of the future. Trying to get it and become closer to it. The way to the successis filled up with happiness.●Secondly , we need friends. The good friends can share you with happiness and sadness, discusswith each other, teach each other, friends can help us to do sth we can’t do by ourselves. It’s important to have friends. When we give our friends a hand, or get some helps from them, the happiness is increased.●At last ,we should realise that happiness don’t only mean some happy memories. sth sad, exciting, orjust normal can increase the happiness. Just like the exam, the preparation before the examination always left a deeper impression than the entertainment after the exam.。







1. What does the man want to do?A. Go to a movie.B. Go shopping.C. Go dancing.2. How does the woman feel about her trip?A. Excited.B. Nervous.C. Disappointed.3. What does the man mean?A. He can solve the problem.B. He doesn't know how to help.C. He agrees with the woman's idea.4. What is the woman going to do?A. Call the police.B. Help the man.C. Fix the faucet.5. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Ask her neighbor for help.B. Call a repairman.C. Watch a video online.请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。

6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Colleagues.C. Friends.7. How will the woman spend her summer vacation?A. Traveling to Europe.B. Working at a hotel.C. Studying for an exam.8. What is the man's opinion?A. He is impressed by the music.B. He is not interested in the music.C. He thinks the music is boring.9. What do we learn about the woman's husband?A. He's been busy with work.B. He enjoys cooking.C. He recently became a manager.10. What is the woman's problem?A. She can't access the website.B. She can't find her password.C. She needs to update her software.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,每节5小题,每题2分,满分20分)第一节请阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。



英语练习答案一、单选(共计100分,每题2.5分)1、She tried to make ____ clear that she had nothing to do with what happened in the school, but in vain.A. thatB. itC. thisD. /错误:【B】2、Equipped with modern facilities, today’s libraries differ greatly from ______.A. those of the pastB. the pastC. which of the pastD. these past错误:【A】3、The traditional Eastern education system emphasizes building a solid foundation, and then _____ the basic knowledge step by step.A. puts upB. sets upC. brings upD. builds up错误:【D】4、They will give Miss Salina these mushrooms ____she comes back.A. untilB. as soon asC. beforeD. since错误:【B】5、It was a very long day _____Tom. He didn't get home from school ___six o'clock.A. for, untilB. for, byC. to, sinceD. to, at错误:【A】6、I was very sad when he made it clear that he ______the company soon.A. leavesB. leftC. would leave错误:【C】7、When we speak to people, we should be_______.A. as polite as possibleB. as polite as possiblyC. as politely as possibleD. as politely as possibly错误:【A】8、for a long time, but he tried his best to catch up with his classmates.A. Having been illB. Being illC. Tough he was illD. He was ill错误:【D】9、─Do you know the woman over there? ─Yes, She's_______ aunt?A. Tim and TomB. Tim's and TomC. Tim's and TomD. Tim and Tom 's错误:【D】10、Since my first book was published last month, my telephone hasn’t stopped ringing. Many friends of mine _____ to express their congratulations to me.A. phoneB. will phoneC. were phoneD. are phoning错误:【D】11、The boy is just stupid; I can’t ______ to him at all, even when I explain things in words of one syllable.A. see throughB. look throughC. go throughD. get through错误:【D】12、To ______ the child’s quick recovery, five doctors took turns looking after him day and night.A. ensureB. undertakeC. promise错误:【A】13、Mrs. King has visited the art museum. I am going to ____her somewhere else this afternoon.A. takeB. bringC. pushD. carry错误:【A】14、—What day is it today, Saturday or Sunday? —____.It's Monday.A. EitherB. BothC. NoneD. Neither错误:【D】15、--If he _____that the mushroom was poisonous, he _____ it. --Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately.A. was warned, would not eatB. had been warned, would not have eatenC. would be warned, had not eatenD. would have been warned, had not eaten错误:【B】16、____the best way to travel on Bastille Day?A. When doesB. Which'sC. What'sD. Where is错误:【C】17、If you can live with the people suffering from cancer or AIDS for some time, you will have ____ better understanding of _____ life.A. a, theB. the, aC. /, theD. a, /错误:【D】18、Chinese is one of the official languages ____at the UN meetingsA. useB. is usedC. using错误:【D】19、It is over_______ from Shijiazhuang to Beijing.A. three hours' driveB. three hour's driveC. three hours' drivesD. three hours drive错误:【A】20、--Mike suggests a camping trip this weekend. I think it is a good idea. -- __________A. Perhaps, but what about sightseeing along the seashore?B. I usually spend my weekends with my grandparents.C. I’ll talk about it with Mike later.D. Why, are you usually free on weekends?错误:【A】21、My chest _______ when I make a deep breath, doctor.A. harmsB. woundsC. injuresD. hurts错误:【D】22、-Would you like to order now?-----_________________________A. I am full now.B. But the price is so high.C. Yes. I’d like fish and rice.D. Thanks. It is very kind of you.错误:【C】23、---What a surprise! You changed your hair style. ---Yes,and another surprise. I’m going to get married next Saturday.A. Oh, sorry, I nearly forgot that.B. Really? Congratulations!C. How about time? I’ll be busy then.D. That’s OK. Saturday is the most suitable day for any marriage.错误:【B】24、The old man looked at me with his mouth wide open _____ to say something to me.A. what ifB. even ifC. only ifD. as if错误:【D】25、He is ____a new coat today.A. dressingB. putting onC. trying onD. wearing错误:【D】26、The People's Republic of China ____on October1,1949A. foundedB. was foundedC. is foundedD. was found错误:【B】27、They couldn’t get along well with each other because they have nothing _______.A. in allB. in commonC. in storeD. in trouble错误:【B】28、—Could you ask him to call me, please?______! What's your name,please?A. SureB. OhC. YesD. Well错误:【A】29、Having taken our seats,.A. the professor began the lectureB. the lecture began in no timeC. we were attracted by the lecturer immediatelyD. the bell announced the beginning of the lecture错误:【C】30、—I wonder what the weather is going to be like tomorrow?_______That'sa good idea.A. Let's look through the paperB. Let's listen to the weather report on the radioC. Better be care of the radioD. Pay attention to the radio错误:【B】31、- Can you come down a bit?- _____________.They are on sale today.A. It’s a real buy at that price.B. Oh, come on!C. No, it is impossible.D. Please, help me.错误:【A】32、—Nancy, don't always _____that old jacket. It looks terrible. —But I think it's cool, Mom.A. wearB. dressC. put onD. take off错误:【A】33、You are late. If you ____ a few minutes earlier, you _____ him here.A. came, would meetB. had come, would have metC. come, will meetD. had come, would meet错误:【B】34、—Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning? —Oh, _____is OK. I'm free today and tomorrow.A. eitherB. noneC. neitherD. both错误:【A】35、Which is bigger, the sun _____the moon?A. orB. andC. butD. so错误:【A】36、--Shall we go out for a picnic tomorrow? --__________.A. Go aheadB. Help yourselfC. Good ideaD. Me, too错误:【C】37、When she was young, she___ at ten in the evening and she soon____.A. fell asleep; went to bedB. slept; went to bedC. went to bed; fell asleepD. fell asleep; slept错误:【C】38、You looked for it twice, but you haven 't found it Why not try______?A. three timesB. a third timeC. third timeD. once错误:【B】39、English ____in CanadaA. speaksB. are spokenC. is speakingD. is spoken错误:【D】40、In November, shipments of the popular toy Aqua Dots were found to have been polluted witha poisonous chemical, causing some children who ate the craft toys vomit and lose ____.A. moodB. heartC. pressureD. consciousness错误:【D】1、—I'm afraid his radio is too noisy. Will you please _____ him to turn it down? —Sure.A. makeB. letC. askD. keep错误:【C】2、----Let’s go to a movie after work, OK?-----________________________A. Not at all.B. Why not?C. Never mind.D. What is it?错误:【B】3、Quite a lot of people watch TV only to _______ time.A. killC. spendD. pass错误:【A】4、Back in the 17th century, intellectual property rights were primarily ____ to protect newly-developed manufacturing processes against stealing.A. brought outB. carried outC. turned outD. set out错误:【B】5、How close parents are to their children a strong influence on the development of the children's character.A. haveB. hasC. havingD. had错误:【B】6、Mr. Yang is very busy. He _____twelve hours a day. He will call you as soon as he ___ back.A. works; getsB. is working; getC. works; is gettingD. is working; will get错误:【A】7、Which is ________,an elephant or a tiger?A. strongB. strongerC. strongestD. the strongest错误:【B】9、I ___light blue ____dark blue.A. like; thanB. prefer; toC. prefer; thanD. like; to错误:【B】13、In the modern technological world the sea offers many ______ to help mankind survive.A. resourcesC. aidsD. resourcefulness错误:【A】14、He didn't stop ____in the heavy rain. That is why he caught a bad cold.A. to workB. workingC. workD. worked错误:【B】15、_____ fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect.A. WhatB. ThatC. ThisD. Which错误:【B】16、—What do people here do on weekends? —Well, some people like to stay at home, but ____ like to go outside.A. otherB. other oneC. othersD. another错误:【C】17、—You can see Mr. Smith if there is a sign“_____”on the door of his shop. —Thanks.A. ENTRANCEB. BUSINESS HOURSC. THIS SIDE UPD. NO SMOKING错误:【B】20、Do be careful! The man is hard ________.A. dealing withB. to be dealt withC. to deal withD. for dealing with错误:【C】21、Currently, Yueyang Hospital is not the only organization _____ promoting Yi jingjing.A. used toC. devoted toD. turned to错误:【C】22、—We never know _____the old man is. —They say he is a teacher.A. whatB. whoC. whichD. where错误:【A】24、--Do you think the football players played very well last night? -- __________.A. They were not nervous at allB. They were still youngC. They played naturallyD. They couldn’t have done better错误:【D】25、--What do you suppose made the mother so worried? --__________.A. As her son failed to pass the examB. Her son’s failing to pass the examC. Because of her son’s failing to pass the examD. Her son failed to pass the exam错误:【B】28、—How are you going to meet your aunt at the airport ______Thursday morning? —I'm going there ______my car.A. on; inB. on; byC. in; byD. in; in错误:【A】31、Tom regards Nanjing as his second ______because he has been there for over ten years.A. familyB. roomC. houseD. home错误:【D】32、If I had _______, I’d visit Europe, stopping at all the small interesting places.A. a long enough holidayB. an enough long holidayC. a holiday enough longD. a long holiday enough错误:【A】33、There ____ a lot of traffic at this time of day, so you'd better ____more careful.A. has; beB. have; beenC. is; beD. are; are错误:【C】35、Jack likes to _____others but never writes to them.A. hear ofB. hear aboutC. hear fromD. hear错误:【C】36、Cotton_____in the southeast of China.A. is grownB. are grownC. growsD. grow错误:【A】36、Cotton_____in the southeast of China.A. is grownB. are grownC. growsD. grow错误:【A】40、As for the influence of computerization, _____ have we seen the results more clearly than in the United States.A. anywhereB. nowhereC. somewhereD. everywhere错误:【B】4、The destructive earthquake in Sichuan Province on May 12 rocked and _______ the whole world.A. shockedB. movedC. surprisedD. affected错误:【A】6、—When shall we meet again? —Make it _____day you like. It's all the same to me.A. thisB. thatC. otherD. any错误:【D】8、Hardly _____ when the bus suddenly pulled awayA. they had got to the bus stopB. they got to the bus stopC. did they get to the stopD. had they got to the stop错误:【D】9、---I’m engaged! ---__________ on your engagement!A. CongratulationsB. PleasureC. WelcomeD. Cheers错误:【A】10、Jack told Mary he ____some snacks to her house if he _____to see her on Friday night.A. would bring; would goB. brought; would goC. would bring; wentD. brought; went错误:【C】11、Hello, may I speak to Mr. Brown?—_______________________.A. No, you can’tB. Sorry, he isn’t in.C. Who are you?D. Why do you want to speak to him?错误:【B】12、--I will be away from home for some time. Could you do me a favor and look after my baby? --Not at all. _______.A. I’ve no timeB. I’d rather notC. I’d like itD. I’d be happy to错误:【D】13、Before2003, there was no direct airline _______Taiwan and the mainland.A. alongB. inC. betweenD. at错误:【C】18、Darling, why are you so excited today?-___________________________________.A. I happened to meet a frienD.B. I am so happy.C. Do you know who I met today?D. The book is really interesting.错误:【C】20、I, ____your good friend, will try my best to help you out.A. who isB. who amC. that isD. what is错误:【B】23、--I told you that he would come to see you. --Actually I had little doubt _____ his story was true.A. whetherB. thatC. sinceD. if错误:【B】24、David, nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you.-______________________________________.A. What have you heard about me?B. What do you know me about?C. Tell me about yourself.D. Nice to meet you.错误:【D】28、In recent years many football clubs as business to make a profit.A. have runB. have been runC. had been runD. will run错误:【B】31、The man has a special talent for art and is of a musician.A. anybodyB. anythingC. somebodyD. something错误:【D】32、_____he read the book, _____he got in it.A. The more; the more interestingB. The less; the more interestingC. The more; the more interestedD. More; more interested错误:【C】37、—Do you speak English or French in Canada? —______,but, I prefer French.A. NeitherB. BothC. EitherD. All错误:【B】38、There is a small hole ____the wall. Please put up a picture _____the wall.A. on, onB. in; onC. in, overD. on, over错误:【B】40、It's raining heavily. We have to ______the sports meet.A. put offB. join inC. hold onD. take part in错误:【A】40、The engineer is not happy with the project, and is her boss.A. neitherB. soC. WitherD. as错误:【A】2、I can't understand this passage _______there are no new words in it.A. ifB. becauseC. thoughD. and错误:【C】9、—Will Chinese people have any problems talking with the foreigners in 2008? —I don't think so. Now_____ the young _____ the old can speak some EnglishA. either; orB. not only; but alsoC. neither; norD. neither; or错误:【B】11、The teacher asked the students to stop _____and _____to her.A. to talk; listenedB. talking; listenC. talking; listeningD. to talk; listen错误:【B】12、--What makes you think that we will give up our goal? -- _______.A. Because you are alone doing your jobB. I think things are different from what used to beC. Your behavior seems to indicate thatD. The comment on your recent speech at Rains Fords University错误:【D】15、--I think you are lost in the city, _____? --Yes, I am wondering where the Great Wall Hotel is.A. what forB. if soC. need helpD. why not错误:【C】20、I was ______the drawing and bought it _____300 yuan.A. good at, withB. bad at, onC. interested, forD. terrified of ,at错误:【C】25、Little children are always _____ about things around them and often ask why.A. cautiousB. curiousC. obviousD. precious错误:【B】34、It is well known that teaching is a job,enough patience.A. calling onB. calling offC. calling forD. calling in错误:【C】35、An accident _____ on this road last week.A. has been happenedB. was happenedC. is happenedD. happened错误:【D】40、The engineer is not happy with the project, and is her boss.A. neitherB. soC. WitherD. as错误:【A】3、We won' t go to the cinema next Saturday. They won't_____.A. tooB. alsoC. neitherD. either错误:【D】14、The radio says ____a cold day in North China tomorrow.A. will beB. there will beC. will haveD. will get错误:【B】24、This English song _____by the girls after class.A. often singsB. often sangC. is often sangD. is often sung错误:【D】25、He ____the blackboard carefully but couldn't_ _____the words clearly.A. looked at; seeB. saw; lookC. looked; seeD. saw; look at错误:【A】26、You don’t know about the difficulty I had ______ the work then at all.A. doneB. to doC. for doingD. in doing错误:【D】29、Today Tom goes to school earlier than_______.A. as usualB. usualC. usuallyD. ago错误:【B】37、—Excuse me, do you mind if I smoke?—_______________________.A. Yes, of course.B. Yes, pleaseC. Not at all.D. No, please don’t.错误:【C】2、---Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother this morning? --I don’t know, ______.A. nor don’t I careB. nor do I careC. I don’t care neitherD. I don’t care also错误:【B】7、My father thinks that I should listen to him whatever he says, and this is ____ I don’t quite agree.A. whyB. whereC. whatD. How错误:【B】9、---Marry Christmas!---___________.A. Oh, thanks to you!B. Happy New Year!C. The same to you!D. I never celebrate it!错误:【C】19、The law requires that all the car owners ____ their cars tested twice a year.A. hasB. haveC. hadD. will have错误:【B】31、The plan finally ____ just because many people in the area were unwilling to cooperate with the government.A. broke downB. pulled downC. turned downD. put down错误:【A】34、Before2003, there was no direct airline _______Taiwan and the mainland.A. alongB. inC. betweenD. At错误:【C】28、The girl is warm-hearted. She _____ others.A. always helpB. was always helpingC. helpsD. is always helping错误:【D】31、Where are the students? Are they in ______?A. the Room 406B. Room 406C. the 406 RoomD. 406 Room错误:【B】32、Mr Black gave us______ on how to learn English well.A. some advicesB. many advicesC. some adviceD. an advice错误:【C】36、–That’s a beautiful song they are playing, isn’t it?-________.A. I know what you mean.B. Yeah, it’s great!C. What about you?D. Me too.错误:【B】30、The little girl _____ but her family was too poor at that time.A. could go to schoolB. could have gone to schoolC. could have gone to schoolD. could have gone to schoolD. Me too.错误:【B】24、If you want to improve your English, you'd better practice ______it every day.A. speakB. to speakC. speakingD. spoken错误:【C】。



1.Itis outrageous thatthesebuildingsremainemptywhilethousandsofpeoplehavenohomes.Outrageous:粗暴的;可恶的;离谱的Sentence:成千上万的百姓都没有家而这些建筑物却仍然空着,这真是太离谱了。

2.Mybrotherwas expelled fromschoolforbadbehavior.expel:驱逐;除名;开除Sentence:我的弟弟因为行为恶劣而被学校开除了。

3.Severeirondeficiencycancausedevelopmentaldelayandgrowth retardation. retardation:阻滞,延迟Sentence:严重缺铁可引起发育迟缓和生长阻滞。

4.Agoaljustbeforehalf-timerescuedthematchfrom mediocrity.mediocrity:平庸之材Sentence:半场结束前的一个进球,让比赛变得精彩起来。

5.Shehascampaigned relentlessly forherhusband’sreleasefromprison.relentless:无情的;残酷的;持续地Sentence:为了能让她丈夫出狱,她一直坚持不懈地而奔走。

6.Therewasashort skirmish betweenthepoliticalpartyleaderswhenthegovernmentannounceditwastoraisetaxes.skirmish:小争议Sentence:当政府宣布提高税收,政党领导人之间产生了短时间的小冲突。

7.Ourfootballcoachhasworkedhardto inculcate ateamspiritin/intotheplayers. inculcate:教育,教授,反覆灌输Sentence:我们的足球教练努力反复给球员灌输球队灵魂的概念。





















研究生学位英语考试真题+答案(2013.1)2013年1月研究生英语学位课统考真题AGENERAL ENGLISH QUALIFYING TEST FOR NON-ENGLISH MAJORGRADUATE STUDENTS(GETJUN2710)PAPER ONEPART ⅠLISTENING COMPREHENSIONSection ADirections: In this section, you will hear nine short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be read only once. Choose the best answer from the four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.1. A. He has better hearing than others.B. He doesn't care what the woman may say.C. He is eager to know the news.D. He doesn't believe what the woman said.2. A. She thinks the camera is the latest style.B. She thinks the camera is multi-functional.C. She thinks the camera is small and fashionable.D. She doesn't think there's anything new with the camera.3. A. She asks the man to postpone the invitation.B. She tells the man to take a raincoat with him.C. She refuses the invitation because it is raining hard.D. She wants the man to pay the dinner check.4. A. The manager will report to the company.B. The manager will make trouble for the man.C. The manager will get into trouble.D. The manager will fire the man.5. A. She's not courageous enough.B. She didn't have enough time.C. She was afraid of the monster.D. She didn't like the game.6. A. He's broke. B. He's sick.C. He's very tired.D. He has something to do at home.7. A. Stock trading is not profitable.B. The stock market is always unstable.C. Stock trading is easier than the man said.D. Stock trading is not as easy as the man thinks.8. A. James is warm-hearted.B. James is a car technician.C. James knows the woman's car very well.D. James is very skillful in car repairing.9. A. Jake would do stupid things like this.B. The man's conclusion is not based on facts.C. The man shouldn't be on a date with another girl.D. Jake didn't tell the man's girlfriend about his date.Section BDirections: In this section you will hear two mini-talks. At the end of each talk, there will be some questions. Both the talks and the questions will be read to you only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must choose the best answer from the four choices given by marking thecorresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.Mini-talk One10. A. In 1984. B. In 1986. C. In 1992. D. In 1996.11. A. Almost 25 billion dollars. B. Almost 2.5 billion dollars.C. Almost 25 million dollars.D. Almost 2.5 million dollars.12. A. Her family. B. Her mother. C. Her father. D. Herself.Mini-talk Two13. A. It covers an area of more than 430 hectares.B. It took more than 16 years to complete.C. The lakes and woodlands were all built by human labor.D. The two designers of the park were from Britain.14. A. 7 kilometers. B. 9 kilometers.C. 39 kilometers.D. 93 kilometers.15. A. Baseball, football and volleyball.B. Basketball, baseball and football.C. Basketball, football and hockey.D. Chess, baseball and table tennis.Section CDirections: In this section you will bear a short lecture. Listen to the recording and complete the notes about the lecture. You will hear the recording twice. After the recording you are asked to write down your answers on the Answer Sheet. You now have 25 seconds to read the notes below.16. The new exhibit is called " ______ ."17. The Family of Man show was designed to express the connections that ______.18. The new exhibit was held at ______.19. The new exhibit is divided into several parts:"Children of Man,""Family of Man,""Cities of Man,""Faith of Man", and"______"20. The theme that comes out is really the unity of mankind that ______.PART ⅡVOCABULARYSection ADirections: There are ten questions in this section. Each question is a sentence with one word or phrase underlined. Below the sentence are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.21. If a country turned inward and insulated itself, the result would be a diminished standard of living.A. worshipedB. splitC. innovatedD. isolated22. The values and beliefs will dictate the direction of your pursuit as well as your life.A. ruleB. shapeC. alterD. complicate23. Studies have proved that smart people tend to be smart across different kinds of realms.A. realitiesB. fieldsC. occupationsD. courses24. Humans are beginning to realize that raising food animals contributes substantially to climate change.A. physicallyB. materiallyC. considerablyD. favorably25. This peer-reviewed journal has a specific emphasis on effective treatment of acute pain.A. urgentB. severeC. sternD. sensitive26. One way to maintain social stability is to crack down on crime while creating more jobs.A. clamp down onB. settle down toC. look down uponD. boil down to27. The city council decided to set up a school devoted exclusively to the needs of problem children.A. forcefullyB. externallyC. reluctantlyD. entirely28. City residents have a hard time trying to avoid contact with hazardous chemicals in daily life.A. dangerousB. prevalentC. novelD. invasive29. The most important aspect of maintaining a healthy diet is whether you can stick to it.A. insist onB. dwell onC. coincide withD. adhere to30. I tried to talk my daughter into dining out in a nearby restaurant that evening, but in vain.A. to my surpriseB. on her ownC. to no effectD. to some extentSection BDirections: There are ten questions in this section. Each question is a sentence with something missing. Below each sentence are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.31. We won't have safe neighborhoods unless we're always ______ on drug criminals.A. toughB. roughC. thoroughD. enough32. The challenge for us is to ______ these new states in building a more prosperous future.A. participateB. engageC. commitD. contribute33. Forty-five years of conflict and ______ between East and West are now a thing of the past.A. convictionB. compatibilityC. collaborationD. confrontation34. Few people know the shape of the next century, for the genius of a free people______ prediction.A. deniesB. defiesC. repliesD. relies35. These countries are ______ concluding a free trade agreement to propel regional development.A. on the verge ofB. in the interest ofC. on the side ofD. at the expense of36. We'll continue along the road ______ by our presidents more than seventy years ago.A. given outB. made outC. wiped outD. mapped out37. When you win, your errors are ______; when you lose, your errors are magnified.A. expandedB. obscuredC. cultivatedD. exaggerated38. Although in her teens, the eldest daughter had to quit school to help ______ the family.A. provide forB. head forC. fall forD. go for39. Carbon ______ refers to the total set of greenhouse gases emissions caused by an organization.A. fingerprintB. footstepC. footprintD. blueprint40. There is no question that ours is a just cause and that good will ______.A. vanishB. wanderC. witherD. prevailPART ⅢCLOZE TESTDirections: There are 10 questions in this part of the test. Read the passage through. Then, go back and choose onesuitable word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D for each blank in the passage. Mark the corresponding letter of the word or phrase you have chosen with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.When people search online, they leave a trail that remains stored on the central computers of firms such as Google, Yahoo and Microsoft. Analyzing what we're looking for on the Web can offer a remarkable (41) into our anxieties and enthusiasms. UK writer and Internet expert John Battelle wrote on his blog, "This can tell us (42) things about who we are and what we want as a (43) ." Google's experimental service Google Trends, for example, compares the numbers of people searching for different words and phrases from 2004 to the present. According to these graphs, sometimes people's interests are obviously (44) the news agenda: when the Spice Girls announce a reunion, there's an immediate (45) to find out more about them. Other results are strikingly seasonal: people go shopping online for coats in winter and short pants in summer.The most fascinating possibility is that search data might help (46) people's behavior. When we search online for a certain brand of stereo system, we are surely indicating we're more (47) to buy that brand.Perhaps we search for a political candidate's name when we are thinking about (48) him or her. Maybe we even search for "stock market crash" or "recession" just before we start (49) our investments. This information could clearly be useful to a smart marketer--it's already how Google decides which (50) to show on its search results pages--or to a political campaign manager.41. A. investigation B. insight C. consideration D. prospect42. A. extraordinary B. obvious C. mysterious D. sensitive43. A. culture B. nation C. person D. mass44. A. reduced to B. resulting in C. backed up by D. driven by45. A. rush B. push C. charge D. dash46. A. presume B. preoccupy C. predict D. preserve47. A. liking B. alike C. like D. likely48. A. fighting against B. voting forC. believing inD. running for49. A. withdrawing from B. depositing inC. turning downD. adding to50. A. notices B. papersC. advertisementsD. statementsPART ⅣREADING COMPREHENSIONDirections: In this part of the test, there are five short passages. Read each passage carefully, and then do the questions that follow. Choose the best answer from the four choices given and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet.Passage OneNew York's WCBS puts it in a way that just can't be better expressed: "It was an accident waiting to happen."15-year-old Alexa Longueira was wandering along the street in Staten Island, obliviously tapping text messages into her phone as she walked. Distracted by her phone, she failed to notice the open manhole (下水道窨井) in her path, and plunged into it, taking an unprepared bath of raw sewage along with receiving moderate injuries. Longueira called the dive "reallygross, shocking and scary."It's not all Longueira's fault. The manhole shouldn't have been left uncovered and unattended, and no warning signs or hazard cones had been set up near the work site.A worker with New York's Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), who was preparing to flush the sewage, helped her out, and the department later issued a formal apology for the incident.Nonetheless, observers are harshly divided over who is to blame here. The DEP is certainly at fault for failing to secure the manhole, but to what extent should the girl be held accountable for failure to be aware of her surroundings? If she had stepped into traffic and been hit by a car, would her reaction (that is: anger and a potential lawsuit) be any different?Detachment from one's environment due to electronic gadgets is a growing problem--and a hazardous one. The government is even trying to get involved, with multiple laws on the books across the country outlawing cell phone use and text messaging while operating a motor vehicle in the wake of serious accidents involving distracted drivers. New York Senator Kruger even tried to criminalize the use of handheld devices (including phones, music players, and game players) by pedestrians while they are crossing streets in major New York cities, due to concerns over the number of auto vs. pedestrian accidents.Following a substantial outcry, that legislation appears never to have been formally introduced. But did Kruger have a point?What interested me, at least, is the end of the stow above that Longueira lost a shoe in the sewage. But since other things are not reported as lost, I'm guessing she appears to have managed to keep her grip on her phone during the accident.51. By "It was an accident waiting to happen" , New York's WCBS meant that______.A. the accident should have been avoidableB. this kind of accidents happen frequentlyC. somebody was glad to see what would happenD. an open manhole is sure a trap for careless pedestrians52. When the girl fell into the open manhole, she ______.A. was seriously hurtB. was frightenedC. took a bath in the raw sewageD. cried help to the DEP worker53. According to the author, who was to blame for the accident?A. The girl herself.B. The DEP worker.C. Both of them.D. Nobody.54. According to the passage, which of the following is illegal in the U.S.?A. Talking on a cell phone while driving.B. Text messaging while walking across a street.C. Operating music players while driving.D. Operating game players while walking across a street.55. The phrase "in the wake of"(Para.5) is closest in meaning to "______".A. in view ofB. on condition ofC. as far asD. with regard to56. The author found it funny that the girl had ______.A. lost a shoe in the sewage in the accidentB. reported nothing lost after the accidentC. got a firm hold of her phone during the accidentD. managed to keep herself upright in the manholePassage TwoAccording to a study, intellectual activities make people eat more than when just resting. This has shed new light on brain food. This finding might also help explain the obesity epidemic of a society in which people often sit.Researchers split 14 university student volunteers into three groups for a 45-minute session of either relaxing in a sitting position, reading and summarizing a text, or completing a series of memory, attention, and alert tests on the computer. After the sessions, the participants were invited to eat as much as they pleased.Though the study involved a very small number of participants, the results were stark. The students who had done the computer tests downed 253 more calories or 29.4 percent more than the couch potatoes. Those who had summarized a text consumed 203 more calories than the resting group.Blood samples taken before, during, and after revealed that intellectual work causes much bigger fluctuations in glucose(葡萄糖) levels than rest periods, perhaps owing to the stress of thinking.The researchers figure the body reacts to these fluctuations by demanding food to restore glucose--the brain's fuel. Glucose is converted by the body from carbohydrates (碳水化合物) and is supplied to the brain via the bloodstream. The brain cannot make glucose and so needs a constant supply. Brain cells need twice asmuch energy as other cells in the body.Without exercise to balance the added intake, however, such "brain food" is probably not smart. Various studies in animals have shown that consuming fewer calories overall leads to sharper brains and longer life, and most researchers agree that the findings apply, in general, to humans.And, of course, eating more can make you fat."Caloric overcompensation following intellectual work, combined with the fact that we are less physically active when doing intellectual tasks, could contribute to the obesity epidemic currently observed in industrialized countries," said lead researcher Jean-Philippe Chaput at Laval University in Quebec City, Canada. "This is a factor that should not be ignored, considering that more and more people hold jobs of an intellectual nature," the researcher concluded.57. The passage mainly tells us that ______.A. consuming fewer calories can lead to sharper brainsB. thinking consumed more calories than restingC. resting more can make people fatD. brain cells need more energy than other cells in the body58. It is implied that to avoid obesity, people who have to sit long should ______.A. think more and eat lessB. increase the intake of vitaminsC. skip some mealsD. eat less potatoes59. The word "stark" in the 3rd paragraph is closest in meaning to "______".A. negativeB. obscureC. absoluteD. ambiguous60. According to the research, which of the following activities consumed the most calories?A. Relaxing in a sitting position.B. Reading professional books.C. Summarizing a text.D. Completing tests on the computer.61. According to the passage, eating less may make people ______.A. smarterB. less intelligentC. more emotionalD. live a shorter life62. One of the reasons for the obesity epidemic currently observed in industrialized countries is that in these countries ______.A. people take different exercisesB. fewer people watch their weightC. fewer people hold physical jobsD. foods are much cheaperPassage ThreeOne of the simple pleasures of a lazy summer day is to be able to enjoy a refreshing slice of watermelon either at the beach, at a picnic, or fresh from the farmer's market. Delicious and nutritious, watermelon is one of those guilt-free foods we can all enjoy: one cup of watermelon packs only about 50 calories! Watermelons are not only cooling treats for when the mercury starts to rise; they are also loaded with healthy nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, lycopene (番茄红素 ), and etc. Vitamins Aand C and lycopene are antioxidants, which are substances that work to help get rid of the harmful effects of substances.Research has suggested that a diet high in fruits and vegetables that have plenty of antioxidants can reduce the risk of heart disease, some cancers, and some other dangerous diseases.A cup of watermelon provides 25% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C and 6% of the recommended daily value of vitamin A. Additionally, researchers have found that lycopene, a nutrient most traditionally associated with tomatoes, is found in equal or greater quantities in watermelon. Watermelons also provide significant amounts of vitamin B6 and vitamin B1, both of which are necessary for energy production. In combination with the minerals and vitamins already described, theseB vitamins add to the high nutrient richness of watermelon. Due to its high water content (watermelon is 92% water by weight) and low calorie count, watermelon is a good choice to satisfy your hunger while you try to eat a healthy diet. Think of them as nature's answer to the heavily marketed "vitamin water" craze.Besides the textured, watery flesh of the fruit, watermelon seeds are also widely eaten as a snack. They are rich in iron and protein and are often pressed for oil or roasted and seasoned.So if you are planning on dining outdoor this summer, or simply looking for a quick and convenient refreshment to serve to unexpected company or reckless children, reach for watermelon. The kids will enjoy its crisp taste and messy juices, the adults will enjoy its refreshing flavors, and everyone will benefit from its nutritious value.63. We don't feel guilt even if we eat more watermelon because ______.A. it is deliciousB. it is nutritiousC. it contains low caloriesD. it contains antioxidants64. The phrase "when the mercury starts to rise" (Para. 1) probably means "______".A. in summer eveningsB. on sunny daysC. when people are thirstyD. when it is getting hot65. How many cups of watermelon can satisfy the daily need for vitamin C?A. 1.B. 2.C. 3.D. 4.66. By saying "Think of them as nature's answer to the heavily marketed" vitamin water "craze", the author means ______.A. watermelon can take the place of vitaminsB. with watermelon, people don't have to buy vitamin waterC. natural foods are much better than the manufactured onesD. the vitamin water has been over-advertised67. Watermelon seeds are often ______.A. fried in oilB. stored for seasonsC. prepared with spiceD. pressed before being cooked68. The best title of the passage is ______.A. Watermelon--the Most Enjoyable RefreshmentB. The Wonders of WatermelonC. The Nutrients in WatermelonD. Watermelon--the Best Summer Food for ChildrenPassage FourInitial voyages into space introduced questions scientists had never before considered. Could an astronaut swallow food in zero gravity? T o keep things simple, astronauts on the Project Mercury ate foods squeezed out of tubes. It was like serving them baby food in a toothpaste container.But these early tube meals were flavorless, and astronauts dropped too many pounds. "We know that astronauts have lost weight in every American and Russian manned flight," wrote NASA scientists Malcolm Smith in 1969. "We don't know why." Feeding people in space was not as easy as it looked.Floating around in space isn't as relaxing as it might sound. Astronauts expend a lot of energy and endure extreme stresses on their bodies. Their dietary requirements are therefore different from those of their gravity-bound counterparts on Earth. For example, they need extra calcium to compensate for bone loss. 'A low-salt diet helps slow the process, but there are no refrigerators in space, and salt is often used to help preserve foods," says Vickie Kloeris of NASA. "We have to be very careful of that." By the Apollo missions, NASA had developed a nutritionally balanced menu with a wide variety of options. Of course, all the items were freeze-dried or heat- treated to kill bacteria, and they didn't look like regular food.Today, the most elaborate outer-space meals are consumed in the International Space Station (ISS), where astronauts enjoy everything from steak to chocolate cake. The ISS is a joint venture between the U.S. and Russia, and diplomatic guidelines dictate the percentage of food an astronaut must eat from each country. NASA's food laboratory has 185 different menu items, Russiaoffers around 100, and when Japan sent up its first crew member in 2008, about 30 dishes came with him. Due to dietary restrictions and storage issues, astronauts still can't eat whatever they want whenever they feel like it.In 2008, NASA astronaut and ISS crew member Sandra Magnus became the first person to try to cook a meal in space. It took her over an hour to cook onions and garlic in the space station's food warmer, but she managed to create a truly delicious dish: grilled tuna (金枪鱼) in a lemon-garlic-ginger sauce---eaten from a bag, of course.69. Which of the following is true about the early space meals?A. They had to be eaten from a bag.B. They tasted better than they looked.C. They could not make eating as easy as possible.D. They were not nutritious enough for astronauts.70. It seems that astronauts' weight loss ______.A. was an unusual problem among astronautsB. was what puzzled the early scientistsC. caused new problems in space flightsD. drew the attention of the general public71. According to Vickie Kloeris, serving a low-salt diet in space ______.A. is easier said than doneB. is not absolutely necessaryC. has worked as expectedD. will be the future trend72. In the International Space Station,______.A. there is enough space to store enough foods for astronautsB. there is a selection of flavored foods from a dozencountriesC. astronauts in general prefer foods from their own countriesD. astronauts' need to eat their favorite foods can't always be met73. It can be learned that Sandra Magnus' cooking in space ______.A. left much to be desiredB. wasn't worth the effortC. was quite satisfactoryD. has inspired the others74. The passage mainly introduces ______.A. the variety of food options in spaceB. the dietary need of astronauts in spaceC. the problems of living in the space stationD. the improvement of food offered in spacePassage FiveIs it possible to be both fat and fit--not just fit enough to exercise, but fit enough to live as long as someone a lot lighter? Not according to a 2004 study from the Harvard School of Public Health which looked at 115,000 nurses aged between 30 and 55. Compared with women who were both thin and active, obese (overweight) but active women had a mortality rate that was 91% higher. Though far better than the inactive obese (142% higher), they were still worse off than the inactive lean (5% higher). A similar picture emerged in 2008 after researchers examined 39,000 women with an average age of 54. Compared with active women of normal weight, the active but overweight were 54% more likely to develop heart disease.That's settled, then. Or is it? Steven Blair, a professor ofexercise science at the University of South Carolina, describes the official focus on obesity as an "obsession ... and it's not grounded in solid data".Blair's most fascinating study, in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2007, took 2,600 people aged 60 and above, of various degrees of fatness, and tested their fitness on the exercise device, rather than asking them to quantify it themselves. This is an unusually rigorous approach, he claims, since many rival surveys ask participants to assess their own fitness, or ignore it as a factor altogether."There is an 'association' between obesity and fitness," he agrees, "but it is not perfect. As you progress towards overweight, the percentage of individuals who are fit does go down. But h ere's a shock: among class Ⅱ obese individuals [with a body mass index between 35 and 39.9], about 40% or 45% are still fit. You simply cannot tell by looking whether someone is fit or not. When we look at these mortality rates in fatpeople who are fit, we see that the harmful effect of fat just disappears: their death rate during the next decade is half that of the normal weight people who are unfit." One day--probably about a hundred years from now--this fat-but-fit question will be answered without the shadow of a doubt. In the meantime, is there anything that all the experts agree on? Oh yes: however much your body weighs, you'll live longer if you move it arounda bit.75. It can be learned that the 2008 research ______.A. posed a challenge to the 2004 studyB. confirmed the findings of the 2004 studyC. solved the problems left behind by the 2004 studyD. had a different way of thinking from the 2004 study。



2023年武汉理工大学学位英语考试真题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12023 Wuhan University of Technology English Degree ExaminationPart I: Reading Comprehension (40 points)Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question:The History of Artificial IntelligenceArtificial intelligence (AI) can be traced back to ancient myths and legends, but the field we know today began to truly take shape in the 1940s. It was during this time that mathematician and logician Alan Turing proposed the idea of a machine capable of imitating any human skill. His concept laid the groundwork for future developments in AI.In the 1950s, a group of researchers at Dartmouth College coined the term "artificial intelligence" and organized a workshop to explore the possibilities of creating machines that could reason like humans. The field gained momentumthroughout the 1960s and 1970s, with advancements in areas such as natural language processing and expert systems.The 1980s saw a period of decline in AI research, known as the "AI winter." Funding dried up, and interest waned as early promises failed to materialize. However, the field experienced a resurgence in the 1990s with the popularity of neural networks and machine learning. Today, AI is widely used in a variety of applications, from virtual assistants to self-driving cars.1. What event marked the beginning of AI as a field of study?A. Alan Turing's proposal of a machine capable of imitating human skillsB. The coining of the term "artificial intelligence" at Dartmouth CollegeC. The resurgence of AI research in the 1990sD. The decline of AI research in the 1980s2. What term did a group of researchers at Dartmouth College coin in the 1950s?A. Expert systemsB. Artificial intelligenceC. Neural networksD. Machine learning3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an application of AI today?A. Virtual assistantsB. Self-driving carsC. Natural language processingD. Early promises in AI materializing4. Why did interest in AI research decline in the 1980s?A. Early promises in AI materializingB. The popularity of neural networksC. The decline of AI researchD. Funding drying upPart II: Writing (60 points)Choose ONE of the following topics and write an essay of 500 words or more:1. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Society2. The Future of Education in the Age of AI3. Ethical Considerations in the Development of AI TechnologyRemember to support your arguments with examples and evidence.Good luck with your exam!篇22023 Wuhan University of Technology Degree English ExamSection 1: Reading ComprehensionText 1According to a recent study, the number of people living in urban areas is expected to increase significantly in the coming years. This has led to various challenges such as overcrowding, pollution, and limited access to resources in these cities. To combat these issues, urban planners need to come up with innovative solutions to create sustainable and livable urban environments.1. What is the main challenge mentioned in the text?2. What do urban planners need to do to address these challenges?Text 2The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared that mental health is as important as physical health and should be given the same level of attention. We need to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues and promote open discussions about mental well-being.3. What is the WHO's stance on mental health?4. How can we promote mental well-being in our society?Section 2: WritingChoose one of the following topics to write an essay (200-300 words):1. The impact of technology on modern society2. The importance of environmental conservation3. The role of education in shaping future generationsSection 3: Listening ComprehensionListen to the following audio clips and answer the questions:Clip 1: A weather report5. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?6. What precautions should people take?Clip 2: An interview with a scientist7. What is the focus of the scientist's research?8. What are the potential applications of the research?Good luck with your exam!篇32023 Wuhan University of Technology Degree English Exam Part I: Reading Comprehension (25 points)Read the following passage and answer the questions below:Colleges and universities around the world have seen significant growth in the number of international students in recent years. This trend has brought about a variety of benefits as well as challenges for both institutions and students.For institutions, international students contribute to diversity on campus, providing opportunities for cultural exchange and global perspectives. These students also bring in additional revenue through tuition fees and contribute to a positive reputation on the international stage.On the other hand, there are also challenges that come with this increase in international students. Universities need to provide support services such as language classes and counseling to help these students adapt to a new cultural and academic environment. Discrimination and issues related to visa regulations can also create hurdles for international students.For students, studying abroad can be a life-changing experience that opens up new opportunities for personal and professional growth. They have the chance to immerse themselves in a different culture, improve their language skills, and build a network of contacts that can benefit them in the future.However, there are also difficulties that international students face, such as homesickness, language barriers, and difficulty in adjusting to a new educational system. It is important for universities to address these challenges and provide the necessary support to ensure that international students have a positive experience.Questions:1. What are some benefits of having international students on campus?2. What challenges do universities face in supporting international students?3. How can studying abroad benefit students?4. What difficulties do international students often encounter?5. How can universities support international students to ensure a positive experience?Part II: Writing (25 points)Write an essay of 300-350 words on the following topic:"Discuss the impact of international students on higher education institutions. What are some benefits and challenges that come with having a diverse student population on campus? How can universities create a welcoming and supportive environment for international students?"Part III: Listening (25 points)Listen to the recording and answer the questions below:1. What is the main topic of the recording?2. What are some ways in which universities can support international students?3. What are the benefits of studying abroad?4. What challenges do international students face in a new country?5. How can international students improve their language skills while studying abroad?Part IV: Speaking (25 points)Answer the following questions in full sentences:1. What motivated you to study abroad?2. What do you hope to gain from studying at Wuhan University of Technology?3. How do you plan to overcome any challenges you may encounter as an international student?4. What are your long-term goals after completing your degree?5. How do you think universities can improve the experience for international students?。



1、As for the influence of computerization, _____ have we seen the results more clearly than in the United States.A. anywhereB. nowhereC. somewhereD. Everywhere2、Scientists around the world are working hard to ______a cure for Aids.A. inventB. discoverC. lookD. Search3、After 15 years in the United States, he has finally decided to American citizenship.A. concentrate onB. apply forC. look out forD. appeal on4、Back in the 17th century, intellectual property rights were primarily ____ to protect newly-developed manufacturing processes against stealing.A. brought outB. carried outC. turned outD. set out5、---What a surprise! You changed your hair style. ---Yes,and another surprise. I’m going to get married next Saturday.A. Oh, sorry, I nearly forgot that.B. Really? Congratulations!C. How about time? I’ll be busy then.D. That’s OK. Saturday is the most suitable day for any marriage.6、At first they worried about the situation but things _______ quite satisfactory.A. went onB. carried onC. turned outD. tried out7、Jack told Mary he ____some snacks to her house if he _____to see her on Friday night.A. would bring; would goB. brought; would goC. would bring; wentD. brought; went8、—Who knows the way to the airport? —_____of them knows the way to the airport.A. AllB. BothC. NeitherD. Every9、I was very busy yesterday; otherwise, I _____ to your birthday party.A. would comeB. cameC. would have comeD. should come10、Why not look up the new word in a dictionary ______you don't know it?A. ifB. thatC. thoughD. Whether11、Your failure, in my opinion, lies in the _____ of self-confidence.A. lackB. senseC. regretD. Prevention12、It's raining heavily. We have to ______the sports meet.A. put offB. join inC. hold onD. take part in13、 My father will come back from Beijing ____a week.A. forB. inC. afterD. Since14、When she was young, she___ at ten in the evening and she soon____.A. fell asleep; went to bedB. slept; went to bedC. went to bed; fell asleepD. fell asleep; slept15、Having taken our seats, .A. the professor began the lectureB. the lecture began in no timeC. we were attracted by the lecturer immediatelyD. the bell announced the beginning of the lecture16、The law requires that all the car owners ____ their cars tested twice a year.A. hasB. haveC. hadD. will have17、We have bought two ________ for the coming party.A. box of appleB. boxes of applesC. box of applesD. boxes of apple18、I haven't seen him ____he left the small town.A. asB. sinceC. whenD. Before19、 I enjoy the movie very much. I wish I _____ the book from which it was made.A. have readB. had readC. should have readD. am reading20、—_______________________.—I have toweigh your letter first. That’s one dollar fifteen cents.A. What’s the postage?B. How much is the letter?C. What do you do?D. How are you?21、—What do you think of the _____The Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven? —It sounds really wonderful.A. subjectB. musicC. bookD. Animals22、--Did your father go to America? --No, his doctor suggested that he _____ there.A. is goingB. not goC. did not goD. to be going23、─Where have you been, Tim? ─I've been to_________.A. the Henry houseB. the Henry roomC. the Henry's homeD. Henry's24、—I'm going to Hangzhou for a holiday this weekend. —_________you are there, can you buy me some green tea?A. BecauseB. WhileC. IfD. Though25、To ______ the child’s quick recovery, five doctors took turns looking after him day and night.A. ensureB. undertakeC. promiseD. Indicate26、—What’s your brother doing? —He ___ science fiction.A. readsB. readC. is readingD. was reading27、______he was out of the room, he turned back and knocked at the teacher's door again.A. BeforeB. SinceC. As soon asD. Until28、 No sooner _____ themselves in their seats in the theater_____ the curtain went up.A. they have seated, beforeB. they had seated, thanC. had they seated, whenD. had they seated, than29、Do be careful! The man is hard ________.A. dealing withB. to be dealt withC. to deal withD. for dealing with30、He could _____ neither French nor German. So I _____with him in English.A. speak; talkedB. talk; toldC. say; spokeD. tell; talked31、- Any development about your job-hunting?-__________________________________.A. I haven't found one yet.B. I am satisfied with my job.C. My old job suits me better.D. I like to find a highly-paid job.32、I was very sad when he made it clear that he ______the company soon.A. leavesB. leftC. would leaveD. had left33、—Who made a phone call to me just now ,David? —I don't know, but is was a girl's_____.A. soundB. singingC. noiseD. Voice34、When she came several days later, she found that all things were still _________ where she had ____ themA. lay; laidB. laying; laidC. lay; lainD. lying; laid35、—I'm going camping this weekend.________A. Can you fish?B. Have a good timeC. No, I'm too busyD. Don't give up now36、He didn't stop ____in the heavy rain. That is why he caught a bad cold.A. to workB. workingC. workD. Worked37、My grandpa can' t hear clearly. There's something wrong with his______.A. mouthB. eyesC. earsD. Nose38、The night was very _____, so he had to take off his shoes______.A. quiet; quietlyB. quite; quicklyC. late; quickD. quite; quietly39、There ____ a lot of traffic at this time of day, so you'd better ____more careful.A. has; beB. have; beenC. is; beD. are; are40、Of all the students, Linda draws _____ carefully.A. veryB. muchC. moreD. Most1、—When shall we start? —Let's _____it 8:30.Is that all right?A. takeB. makeC. haveD. Meet2、—Will you please write a short passage on Meteor Garden and____ it to me this evening? —What about tomorrow? My computer doesn't work. I can't send it to you.A. bringB. giveC. takeD. e-mail3、—When shall we meet again? —Make it _____day you like. It's all the same to me.A. thisB. thatC. otherD. Any4、You looked for it twice, but you haven 't found it Why not try______?A. three timesB. a third timeC. third timeD. Once5、_____ from the tenth floor when they policeman pointed his pistol at him.A. Jumped down the burglarB. Down the burglar jumpedC. The burglar jumps downD. Down jumped the burglar6、--Can I speak to Mr. Wang, please?---- ____________A. Who are you?B. I’m WangC. SpeakingD. Are you John?7、____the best way to travel on Bastille Day?A. When doesB. Which'sC. What'sD. Where is8、 Books are a ______ provider of knowledge and pleasure and some types of books sould be in every home, such as a good dictionary, a good encyclopedia and so on.A. meaningfulB. perfectC. replaceableD. wonderful9、As for the influence of computerization, _____ have we seen the results more clearly than in the United States.A. anywhereB. nowhereC. somewhereD. Everywhere11、I'm looking for a babysitter, She must be _____too old _____too young.A. neither; norB. both; andC. either; orD. not only; but also13、--Have you been to New Zealand? --No, I’d like to , ______.A. tooB. thoughC. yetD. either14、- The dishwasher looks nice. How much do you charge for it?- $1498.-It’s rather expensive.________________?- If you really want it, we can give youa ten percent discount off.A. I don’t take it.B. Can you sell it?C. Can’t you make it cheaper?D. Can you pack it?15、Which is ________,an elephant or a tiger?A. strongB. strongerC. strongestD. the strongest17、The teacher asked the students to stop _____and _____to her.A. to talk; listenedB. talking; listenC. talking; listeningD. to talk; listen18、The piano in the other shop will be _____, but______.A. cheaper; not as betterB. more cheap; not as betterC. cheaper; not as goodD. more cheap; not as good19、Back in the 17th century, intellectual property rights were primarily ____ to protect newly-developed manufacturing processes against stealing.A. brought outB. carried outC. turned outD. set out21、--Where is my dictionary? --I remember ______ it back to you. Perhaps you left it somewhere else.A. to giveB. givingC. to have been givenD. Gave23、If you want to improve your English, you'd better practice ______it every day.A. speakB. to speakC. speakingD. Spoken24、Every student has free _______ to the library.A. accessB. chanceC. useD. Right25、Scientists around the world are working hard to ______a cure for Aids.A. inventB. discoverC. lookD. Search26、____all the passengers are here , why don't we start at once?A. As soon asB. AfterC. Now thatD. When27、--Mike suggests a camping trip this weekend. I think it is a good idea. -- __________A. Perhaps, but what about sightseeing along the seashore?B. I usually spend my weekends with my grandparents.C. I’ll talk about it with Mike later.D. Why, are you usually free on weekends?28、The waiter or the waitress usually gives us a _____before we order dishes in a restaurant.A. menuB. billC. listD. Form29、I can't understand this passage _______there are no new words in it.A. ifB. becauseC. thoughD. And31、----Do you know where I can repair myrecorder?----_______________________A. I have bought a new one.B. It is not expensive to repair it.C. You use it too much.D. Just around the street corner.32、Come on , children. Help yourselves to some ____if you like.A. fish and chickenB. ducks and chickenC. fish and chickensD. duck and chickens34、With everything she needed ,she went out of the shop,with her hands full of shopping bags.A. boughtB. to buyC. buyingD. Buy35、The accident happened ____the morning of May 2nd.A. inB. onC. atD. For36、—Could you ask him to call me, please?______! What's your name,please?A. SureB. OhC. YesD. Well38、It was a very long day _____Tom. He didn't get home from school ___six o'clock.A. for, untilB. for, byC. to, sinceD. to, at40、An accident _____ on this road last week.A. has been happenedB. was happenedC. is happenedD. happened16、—What would you do _______the lost library book? —I would try to find it or pay _____it.A. about; forB. for; toC. with; toD. with; for2、---Oh dear! I’ve just broken a window.---- ___.It can’t behelped.A. Never mindB. All rightC. That’s fineD. Not at all5、Only when he had handed in his exam paper _____ he had made several grammatical mistakes.A. he has realized thatB. he realized thatC. has he realizedD. did he realize6、Hurry up, ______we will miss the train.A. butB. andC. orD. So7、We don’t ______ our customers to be mere consumers.A. supposeB. regardC. thinkD. consider8、I ___light blue ____dark blue.A. like; thanB. prefer; toC. prefer; thanD. like; to9、We all think it no good _____ computer games all the time; you will fall behind in your study.A. to playB. playingC. being playedD. to playing13、—Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning? —Oh, _____is OK. I'm free today and tomorrow.A. eitherB. noneC. neitherD. Both16、My uncle ____in London. I'll _____with him for a few days.A. lives; stayB. stays; liveC. stays; stayD. lives; live24、You are late. If you ____ a few minutes earlier, you _____ him here.A. came, would meetB. had come, would have metC. come, will meetD. had come, would meet25、--Is it necessary that he ____ to Qingdao but to Weihai? --I agree, but the problem is _____ he has refused to.A. will not be sent, thatB. not be sent, thatC. should not be sent, whatD. should not send, what28、Equipped with modern facilities, today’s libraries differ greatly from ______.A. those of the pastB. the pastC. which of the pastD. these past30、--I told you that he would come to see you. --ActuallyI had little doubt _____ his story was true.A. whetherB. thatC. sinceD. If33、There_____a new bed and two old tables in the room.A. areB. isC. haveD. Has35、Good timing is ______ to our plans.A. especialB. essentialC. completeD. Equivalent36、It is well known that teaching is a job, enough patience.A. calling onB. calling offC. calling fo rD. calling in3、My parents will go there by taxi because it is raining________.A. badlyB. hardlyC. probablyD. Heavily8、Chinese is one of the official languages ____at the UN meetingsA. useB. is usedC. usingD. Used11、----Let’s go to a movie after work, OK?-----________________________A. Not at all.B. Why not?C. Never mind.D. What is it?20、—My pencil sharpener is lost and I can't find it anywhere. —So, you'll have to buy a new______.A. itB. otherC. oneD. Any30、--Do you think the football players played very well last night? -- __________.A. They were not nervous at allB. They were still youngC. They played naturallyD. They couldn’t have done better36、He changed his name, that nobody would find out what he had done before.A. having thoughtB. to thinkC. thinksD. thinking39、The destructive earthquake in Sichuan Province on May12 rocked and _______ the whole world.A. shockedB. movedC. surprisedD. affected。

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