
Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
周期:4 期/年
2008 年影响因子:暂无
SPRINGER“中国在线科学图书馆”项目 SCI、EI 收录刊投稿指南
数学 1 Science in China Series A – Mathematics 中国科学 A 辑:数学 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica 数学学报 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 应用数学学报 2 Applied Mathematics - A Journal of Chinese Universities 高校应用数学学报 2 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 应用数学和力学 2 Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering 系统科学与系统工程学报 2 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 系统科学与复杂性学报
周期:12 期/年
2008 年影响因子:0.495
网址: /engineering/journal/11431

环境类外文期刊(SCI\EI)投稿指南一.《SCI》收录的外文科技期刊1. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 1970. 4/yr. (环境科学与技术评论)ED: Terry J. Logan, Department of Agronomy, Ohio state University, Columbus, OH, USA. /715B0006 ISSN 1064-33892. Journal of the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology. 1958. 6/ry. (环境科学与技术学会志) *ED: Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology, 940 E. Northwest Highway, Mt. Prospect , IL 60056-3422, USA.Tel: 847 255 1561Fax: 847 255 1699E-mail: InstEnvSci@/715B0007 ISSN 1098-43213. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety; Environmental Research Section B. 1977. 9/yr. (生态毒物学与环境安全)ED:International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.Professor Dr.Miki Goto, Institute of Ecotoxicology, GakushuinUniversity, 5-1 Mejiro 1 chome, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171, JapanE-mail: apcs@/715B0010 ISSN 0147-65134.Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 1962. 4/yrSpringer-verlag,175 Fifth Ave, New York, NY,10010 (环境污染与毒物学评论)715B0013 ISSN 0179-59535.Environmental Progress. 1982. 4/yr. American Institute of ChemicalEngineers, 34E.47th St. New York, NY 10017-2395. USA. (环境进展) *Tel: 212 705 8100Fax: 212 705 8400/publications/package.htm/715B0014 ISSN 0278-44916. Water Environmental Research. 1989. 7/yr. Water Environmental Federation, 601WytheST., Alexandria, VA 22314-1994, USA. (水环境研究) *Fax: 703 684 2492E-mail: Kroy@//Periodicals/WatEnvResearch/index.htm715B0084-2 ISSN 1061-43037. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association. 1907.12/yr. Air and Waste Management Association, Po Box 2861, Pittsburgh, PA 15230, USA.(空气与废物管理协会会志)*715B0085 ISSN 1096-22478. Environmental Science and Technology. 1967. 24/yr. American Chemical Society,Member and Subscriber Service Dept L-0011 Columbus, Oh 43268-0011, USA.(环境科学与技术)*ED: American Chemical Society, Member and Subscriber Services, Dept. L-0011, Columbus, OH 43268-0011, USA.Tel: 614 447 3776Fax: 614 447 3671E-mail: service@/715B0086 ISSN 0013-936X9. Noise Control Engineering Journal. 1973. 6/yr. (噪声控制工程杂志) *ED: Institute of Noise Control Engineering, Po Box 3206, Arlington Branch, POUGHKEEPSIE, NY 12603,USA>715B0105 ISSN 0736-250110. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic-Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. 1965. 8/yr.(环境科学与保健杂志A B C) *ED: Shahamat U. Khan, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA.E-mail: journals@/715B0109-1 ISSN 1093-425911. Environmental Health Perspectives. 1972. 12/yr (环境卫生展望)ED:National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, US Dept. Of Healthand Human Services . Gibert S. Omenn, University of Michigan, AnnArbor, MichiganE-mail: gomenn@715B0130 ISSN 0091-676512. Environmental Engineering Science. 1984. 6/yr.(环境工程科学)ED:Domenico Grasso, Rosemary Bradford Hewlett Professor and Chair, PickerEngineering Program, Smith College, Northampyon, MA 01063E-mail: dgrasso@E-mail: liebert@/ees/default.htm715B0179 ISSN 1092-875813. Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment. 1972. 8/yr. Allen Press Inc., 1041 Ner Hampshire Street. Po Box 368, Lawrence, KS 66044-8897, USA.(人类环境杂志)ED: Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.Tel: 785 843 1234Fax: 785 843 1244/715B0232 ISSN 0044-744714.Environment. 1959. 10/yr。

《环境科学研究》投稿格式及要求来稿请务必做到清稿、定稿,研究论文所报道的必须是原创性研究成果,并具有开拓性和创新性,属于国内或国际环境科学与工程研究及应用领域的前沿课题;具有重要的科学意义或工程开发应用价值,实验方法/技术路线合理,数据可靠,推理严谨,结论明确;无政治思想及国界、国名等错误,不涉及保密问题(请参考《环境科学研究》征稿简则).为保证本刊的权威性,坚决杜绝任何形式的抄袭稿.研究类稿件以8 000字左右为宜(包括图、表、参考文献).有关理论或技术的综述/评述/进展类稿件本刊不予受理(特别约稿除外).网上投稿请直接登录本刊网站();投稿排版格式为单栏(一栏)A4纸,页面的边距均为2 cm;中文题目为小二号黑体,作者姓名为小四号仿宋体,作者单位为小五号宋体;英文题目为四号新罗马字体加黑,作者姓名为小四号,作者单位为小五号.正文为五号宋体;单位符号使用加“/”的形式(如mg/L),行距为1.5倍;图、表标题为小五号黑体,图、表中字为六号宋体,单位使用“∙”乘的形式(如质量浓度/(mg/L)).☆选题:针对国内外相关领域前沿或热点研究,应从研究对象的实际应用和研究区域的实际污染现象出发,具有开拓性和创新性.研究成果能引起同行的广泛关注.☆题目:是文章的点睛之处,要紧扣主题,简明扼要,但要有足够的信息,能引起读者的兴趣,亦方便检索;应避免使用大而空的题目,最好不用“…的研究”、“...的初探”等,不建议使用副标题,字数一般不超过20个汉字,并附英文题目,英文题目实词首字母应大写.☆作者及单位:一般不超过7人,仅限直接参与者或具体指导者,并能就论文内容进行答辩者.凡署名有院士或外籍学者的稿件,必须有他(她)们的签字或签署意见.作者署名顺序在投稿后不得随意更改.为论文提供帮助的其他人可写在致谢项下.作者工作单位须使用全称,并标明所在省、市名称及邮政编码(需中、英文对照).来稿作者不止1位且第一作者非责任作者或为研究生时,须指定责任作者(研究生稿件的责任作者应为其导师),并在其姓名的右上角加*号.需提供第一作者和责任作者的简要情况[姓名(出生年–),性别(民族——汉族可省略),籍贯,职称,学位,研究方向(仅限责任作者填写),E-mail.],另需提供责任作者固定通信地址、电话、手机及E-mail.☆中文摘要:采用报道式文体,应反映论文的主要创新内容,给出重要结果和数据,并有自明性,包含目的、方法、结果、结论等要素,能够脱离全文阅读而不影响理解.尽量避免使用过于专业化的词汇、特殊符号和公式.在写作上要精心构思,文字表述需规范准确,随意从结论中摘出几句的做法是不可取的;不能出现参考文献序号,字数应控制在300~400字.☆英文摘要:必须确保英文摘要的可读性,应符合国际英文表达习惯,避免中国式的英文,要求作者重视对英文摘要的润色,英文无语言文字错误,更需请本专业英语好的专家协助撰写,详见本刊《摘要的写法》.[特别提示:通知修改后返回稿件中的英文摘要必须是经过严格润色过的.为确保和督促这一过程的实施,请作者提供已经润色的依据:①润色者的亲笔签名或作者与润色者往返的E-mail等通讯过程(打印稿);②润色过程稿(显示修改的痕迹)(打印稿);③润色者的背景材料(打印稿);④润色者以英文在本专业国际期刊上发表的文章的题录,包括作者、文题、刊名、出版年、卷、期、页(英语母语专家不需要提供该项)].☆关键词:列出3~8个,中、英文关键词须一一对应.关键词尽量用《汉语主题词表》等提供的规范词,文中题目提到地名时须将其列为关键词.英文关键词全部用小写(人名、地名、缩写等例外),关键词之间用分号相隔,结束处不使用标点.☆正文:稿件请按《科学技术报告、学位论文和学术论文的编写格式》(GB7713—87)的规定撰写.格式按引言/前言(不列出该标题)、方法、结果、讨论、结论、参考文献的格式书写;标题按层次分别编号(如一级标题1,二级标题1.1,三级标题1.1.1,四级标题1.1.1.1).0 引言:是文章的重要组成部分,关系到文章对读者的吸引力.在引言中应简要回顾文章所涉及到的科学问题的研究历史,简要介绍相关理论或研究背景.需列举相关的参考文献,尤其是近2~3年国内外核心期刊上发表的研究成果.应非常明确地给出研究目的、所采用的方法和技术手段,以及与以往研究的不同,并在此基础上提出作者要解决的问题[引言部分不加小标题,不必介绍文章的结构].1 试验研究:试验设计应针对研究问题或从实际应用出发,工程类的应针对工业化操作参数选取实验参数,不能与实际出入较大;技术路线要有针对性,相关设计方案的可行性不应存在疑问;处理方法在实际中应具有可操作性;各试验系列的筛选应科学、严谨;文中数据的有效数字位数均应正确使用并统一,全文(如中、英文摘要、图、表、讨论、结论等)引用的数据应确保一致.1.1材料和方法:主要是说明试验所用的材料、方法和研究的基本过程,应描述清楚,引用相关文献,使读者了解研究的可靠性,也使同行可以根据文章内容验证有关实验.实验设计合理,有新意,对照设计科学,技术方法有改进,在常用方法的基础上有创新,数据真实可靠,统计方法正确,统计学符号书写规范,样本充足.1.2样品采集及分析方法:①对样品的采集、分析和解释应采用由相关部门批准或国际上认可的整套的技术方法和规范,以可比于其他研究结果;②保证样品采集时间和样品量,使主要污染物能顺利检出,准确掌握实际污染状况.1.3 结果与分析:对相关原因进行合理、深入的解释;对机理能进行深入、系统地分析;对多种方式或方法的研究应提炼共性;与相关研究结果进行对比、分析.1.4 讨论与结论:要有新发现、新见解;观点明确、论据充分;讨论和结论应该由观测和实验结果引申得出,并注意与其他相关的研究结果进行比较,切忌简单地再罗列一遍试验结果.2 模型应用与模拟研究:①模型推导应严谨、细致,不应存在漏洞,并有大量数据支持;②模型应用时应注重其参数和边界条件的适用性,应根据实地污染状况选择合理参数,使研究结果可与其他研究对比;③对于管理类论文,应注重环境管理的实际应用,不应偏于理论化或仅提供方向性或定性的指标体系和概念框架,应注重实例研究;④模拟时应保证与研究区域或研究对象的实际状况相符.3 物理量、单位及符号:须符合中华人民共和国国家标准,不得使用已废弃的物理量和单位符号. 如:wt%,vot%,mol%等属不规范的符号,它们的规范符号分别为质量分数(w),体积分数(φ),摩尔分数(n);已经废除的克分子浓度(M)、当量浓度(N)、达因(dyn)、千克力(kgf)、毫米汞柱(mmHg)、标准大气压(atm)、卡(cal)等单位,不得继续使用. 不能用ppm,ppb等缩写词作单位,ppm用10-6,ppb用10-9表示. 物理量符号必须用斜体(pH例外,用正体)表示,对于矢量和张量,还应使用黑斜体;图的坐标和表的栏目采用物理量符号和单位符号的比值表示,如:t/min,c/(mol/L). 单位一律使用单位符号,不得写汉语名称. 对于“升”和“毫升”统一写为“L”和“mL”. 各种外文字母必须用印刷体书写,单位符号与数值之间要留空格. 西文符号及文种、大小写和上下角标须规范并层次分明.☆表格:应有中、英文对应的表题,内容需简练.表格只能用在比文字表达更精炼的地方,用阿拉伯数字依次标号,并置于文中提出的段落处,务必使用三线表.表格应尽量满足本刊要求(单栏80 mm,双栏170 mm,页面170 mm×245 mm).通常应放在文中一页内.层次应尽量简单,避免内容太多的大表和在表中使用化学结构式.☆插图:应有中、英文图题且相对应.可根据图的复杂程度和大小分为单栏和通栏图,单栏图宽为70~75 mm,通栏图宽为130~160 mm.函数图务必注明纵、横坐标轴的名称和单位,标值短线(刻度线)应指向图内.图例应采用易区分的标识,如“•×◦◊”等,避免采用粗、细线条加以区分.地图须标出经、纬度和指北向.(特别提示:对于文中出现的彩图,均将按照作者同意按彩色出版处理,并将加收因出四色胶片及四色印刷等另外支出的费用)☆基金项目:论文应有国家、省部级政府部门或各级基金类课题支持,非基金/项目资助的也需给出研究经费来源.☆参考文献:文献引用采用顺序编码制.作者应在文中对国内外同行发表的相关论文,特别是近期的研究成果给予充分地反映.引用文献应来源于国内核心期刊和国际知名出版物,文献总量应不少于18篇,并须有近年发表的外文文献.鼓励作者引用与论文相关的本刊近2年发表的文章.对文中所引参考文献,作者均应认真阅读过,并对文献的作者、题目、刊物名称、出版年、卷、期和起止页码等核实无误,电子版文献须注明“引用日期/发表日期”,切忌发生转引二手文献的不负责任的做法.所有参考文献均应在正文中有出处(以“[序号]”或“[序号-序号]”的形式标注在文内),且按在文内被提及的先后次序顺序编码.待发表文献请勿引用.文献有多个作者的需列出前3位作者姓名,之后加“等”.外文著者应姓前名后,并删去名的缩写点.具体格式请参考《文后参考文献著录规则》(GB/T7714—2005),以下为部分摘录:专著:[序号] 主要责任者. 题名:其他题名信息[M]. 其他责任者. 版本项(第1版不写). 出版地:出版者,出版年:起-止页码.(对于电子文献,文献类型标志项改为[M/OL],后续还应提供:[引用日期].获取和访问路径.)期刊:[序号] 主要责任者. 题名[J].刊名,年,卷(期):起-止页码.(对于电子出版物,后续还应提供:[引用日期]. 获取和访问路径.)报告:[序号] 主要责任者. 题名[R]. 所在地:机构名,出版年:起-止页码.文集:[序号] 析出文献主要责任者. 析出文献题名[M或C]. 析出文献其他责任者//专著主要责任者. 专著题名:其他题名信息. 版本项(第1版不写). 出版地:出版者,出版年: 析出文献起-止页码.(对于电子文献,文献类型标志项改为[M/OL或C/OL],后续还应提供:[引用日期]. 获取和访问路径.)报纸:[序号] 主要责任者. 文献题名[N]. 报纸名,出版日期(版次).(对于网络版报纸,文献类型标志项改为[N/OL],后续还应提供:[引用日期]. 获取和访问路径.)标准:[序号] 主要责任者. 标准编号标准名称[S]. 出版地:出版者,年.专利:[序号] 专利申请者或所有者. 专利题名:专利国别,专利号[P]. 公告日期或公开日期.(对于电子专利,文献类型标志项改为[P/OL],后续还应提供:[引用日期].获取和访问路径.)学位论文:[序号] 主要责任者. 论文题目[D]. 保存地:保存单位,年:起-止页码.电子文献:[序号] 主要责任者. 电子文献题名:其他题名信息[EB/OL]. 出版地:出版者,出版年(更新或修改日期)[引用日期].获取和访问路径.。

一.《SCI》收录的外文科技期刊1. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 1970. 4/yr. (环境科学与技术评论)ED: Terry J. Logan, Department of Agronomy, Ohio state University, Columbus, OH, USA..crcpress./715B0006 ISSN 1064-33892. Journal of the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology. 1958. 6/ry. (环境科学与技术学会志) *ED: Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology, 940 E. Northwest Highway, Mt. Prospect , IL 60056-3422, USA.Tel: 847 255 1561Fax: 847 255 1699: InstEnvSciaol./715B0007 ISSN 1098-43213. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety; Environmental Research Section B. 1977. 9/yr. (生态毒物学与环境安全)ED:International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. Professor Dr.Miki Goto, Institute of Ecotoxicology, Gakushuin University, 5-1 Mejiro 1 chome, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171, Japan: apcsacad..apnet./715B0010 ISSN 0147-65134. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 1962. 4/yr Springer-verlag,175 Fifth Ave, New York, NY,10010 (环境污染与毒物学评论) 715B0013 ISSN 0179-59535.Environmental Progress. 1982. 4/yr. American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 34E.47th St. New York, NY 10017-2395. USA. (环境进展) *Tel: 212 705 8100Fax: 212 705 8400/publications/package.htm/715B0014 ISSN 0278-44916. Water Environmental Research. 1989. 7/yr. Water Environmental Federation, 601WytheST., Alexandria, VA 22314-1994, USA. (水环境研究) *Fax: 703 684 2492: //Periodicals/WatEnvResearch/index.htm715B0084-2 ISSN 1061-43037. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association. 1907.12/yr. Air and WasteManagement Association, Po Box 2861, Pittsburgh, PA 15230, USA.(空气与废物管理协会会志)*715B0085 ISSN 1096-22478. Environmental Science and Technology. 1967. 24/yr. American Chemical Society,Member and Subscriber Service Dept L-0011 Columbus, Oh 43268-0011,USA.(环境科学与技术)*ED: American Chemical Society, Member and Subscriber Services, Dept. L-0011,Columbus, OH43268-0011, USA.Tel: 614 447 3776Fax: 614 447 3671: /715B0086 ISSN 0013-936X9. Noise Control Engineering Journal. 1973. 6/yr. (噪声控制工程杂志) * ED: Institute of Noise Control Engineering, Po Box 3206, Arlington Branch, POUGHKEEPSIE, NY12603,USA>715B0105 ISSN 0736-250110. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic-Hazardous Substances andEnvironmental Engineering. 1965. 8/yr.(环境科学与保健杂志A B C) * ED: ShahamatU. Khan, GeorgeMasonUniversity, Fairfax, Virginia, USA.: journalsdekker..dekker./715B0109-1 ISSN 1093-425911. Environmental Health Perspectives. 1972. 12/yr (环境卫生展望)ED: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, US Dept. Of Health and Human Services . Gibert S. Omenn, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan: 715B0130 ISSN 0091-676512. Environmental Engineering Science. 1984. 6/yr.(环境工程科学)ED:Domenico Grasso, Rosemary Bradford Hewlett Professor and Chair, Picker Engineering Program, Smith College, Northampyon, MA 01063: : liebertpipeline..liebertpub./ees/default.htm715B0179 ISSN 1092-875813. Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment. 1972. 8/yr. Allen Press Inc., 1041 NerHampshire Street. Po Box 368, Lawrence, KS 66044-8897, USA.(人类环境杂志) ED: RoyalSwedishAcademy of Sciences.Tel: 785 843 1234Fax: 785 843 1244.allenpress./715B0232 ISSN 0044-744714.Environment. 1959. 10/yr。

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ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTIONAUTHOR INFORMATION PACK TABLE OF CONTENTS• Description• Audience• Impact Factor• Abstracting and Indexing • Editorial Board• Guide for Authors p.1p.1p.1p.2p.2p.4ISSN: 0269-7491DESCRIPTIONEnvironmental Pollution is an international journal that focuses on papers that report results from original research on the distribution and ecological effects of pollutants in air, water and soil environments and new techniques for their study and measurement. Findings from re-examination and interpretation of existing data are also included.The editors are focusing on papers that provide new insights into environmental processes and or the effects of pollutants.The editors discourage papers which describe results from routine surveys or routine monitoring programs, which are more local in interest than regional or global. Descriptions of a particular chemical in yet another situation are discouraged.A subscription to Environmental Pollution gives you wide–ranging information on all topics of current interest and importance. You will benefit from:• original and timely discussions of the ecological implications of pollution problems from a variety of viewpoints.• Results of new research into all aspects of pollution. Papers focus particularly on the distribution and ecological effects of environmental pollutants, and on new techniques for their study and measurement• review articles by international authorities giving up–to–date critical reviews of particular pollution problems• occasional themed issues on topics of particular interest• the expertise of an active international Editorial Board• a bibliography surveying current available literature compiled with the assistance of Excerpta Medica.AUDIENCEPollution research workers including chemists, toxicologists, environmentalists, conservationists, botanists, marine scientists, ecologists, biologists.IMPACT FACTOR2010: 3.395 © Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2011ABSTRACTING AND INDEXINGAGRICOLAAir Pollution Control Association JournalBiological and Agricultural IndexCurrent Contents/Agriculture, Biology & Environmental SciencesEMBASEEnergy Information AbstractsEnvironmental Periodicals BibliographyGeoSciTechMEDLINE®SCISEARCHScience Citation IndexScopusEDITORIAL BOARDEditor-in-Chief:W. Manning, Dept. of Plant, Soil and Insect Sciences, University of Massachusetts, Fernald Hall, 270 Stockbridge Road, Amherst, MA 01003-9320, USA, Fax: +1 413 545 2532, Email: environmentalpollution@ Associate Editors:K.C. Jones, Dept. of Environmental Science, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YQ, UK, Email: k.c.jones@B. Nowack, , Email: Bernd.Nowack@empa.chC. Wiegand, Inst. of Biology, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M, Denmark, Email: wiegand-ep@biology.sdu.dkY-G. Zhu, Research Ctr. for Eco-environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), 18 Shuangqing RD, 100085 Beijing, China, Email: ygzhu@Emeritus Editor:J.P. Dempster, The Limes, Hilton, Huntingdon, UKEditorial Board:M. Agrawal, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, Email: madhoo@bhu.ac.inR. Altenburger, Umweltforschungszentrum (UFZ) Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig, Germany, Email: rolf.altenburger@ufz.deD. Amarasiriwardena, Hampshire College, Amherst, MA, USA, Email: dula@W. Arnold, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA, Email: arnol032@A.J. Baker, Felixstowe, Suffolk, England, UK, Email: ajmb@.auA.V. Barker, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA, Email: barker@J.N.B. Bell, Imperial College London, Kensington, London, UK, Email: n.bell@J. Bender, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, Email: juergen.bender@fal.deB. Braune, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada, Email: birgit.braune@ec.gc.caM. Bredemeier, Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany, Email: mbredem@gwdg.deK. Breivik, Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Kjeller, Norway, Email: Knut.Breivik@niku.noA. Bytnerowicz, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service, Riverside, CA, USA, Email: abytnerowicz@A. Chappelka, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA, Email: chappah@P. Christie, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, UK, Email: p.christie@T.W. Custer, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Lacrosse, WI, USA, Email: tom_w_custer@J. Duyzer, TNO Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, Apeldoorn, Netherlands, Email: j.h.duyzer@mep.tno.nlJ.W. Erisman, Energy research Centre of the Netherlands ECN, Petten, Netherlands, Email: erisman@ecn.nl M. Fenn, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service, Riverside, CA, USA, Email: mefenn@J. Fuhrer, Agroscope Reckenholz-Taenikon ART, Zürich, Switzerland, Email: juerg.fuhrer@art.admin.chD. Graham, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA, USA, Email: dionne.graham@L. Grapentine, National Water Research Institute (NWRI), Burlington, ON, Canada, Email: Lee.Grapentine@ec.gc.caJ. Hao, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Email: hjm-den@M. Hauck, Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany, Email: mhauck@gwdg.deK.E. Havens, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Email: khavens@B. Hitzfeld, Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, Bern, Switzerland, Email: bettina.hitzfeld@bafu.admin.chM. Hodson, University of Reading, Reading, England, UK, Email: m.e.hodson@S. Huttunen, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, Email: satu.huttunen@oulu.fiH. Kankaanpaa, Finnish Institute of Marine Research, Helsinki, Finland, Email: harri.kankaanpaa@fimr.fiJ. Lead, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK, Email: j.r.lead@A.H. Legge, Biosphere Solutions, Calgary, AB, Canada, Email: allan.legge@shaw.caN.W. Lepp, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK, Email: besnlepp@S. Loppi, Università degli Studi di Siena, Siena, Italy, Email: loppi@unisi.itM. MacLeod, , Email: Macleod@chem.ethz.chB. Markert, Haren-Erika, Germany, Email: markert@schlundmail.deM. McLaughlin, CSIRO (The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization), Glen Osmond, Australia, Email: mike.mclaughlin@csiro.auSt. McNulty, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA, Email: sgmcnult@J. Mertens, Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium, Email: jan.mertens@hogent.beE. Paoletti, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Firenze, Italy, Email: e.paoletti@r.itW. Peijnenburg, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM), Bilthoven, Netherlands, Email: wjgm.peijnenburg@rivm.nlK. Percy, Canadian Forest Service, Fredericton, NB, Canada, Email: kpercy@nrcan.gc.caS. Pflugmacher, Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology, Berlin, Germany, Email: pflugmacher@IGB-Berlin.de S. Pirintsos, University of Crete, Iraklion, Crete, Greece, Email: pirintsos@biology.uoc.grM. Puschenreiter, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU), Vienna, Austria, Email: markus.puschenreiter@boku.ac.atF. Páez-Osuna, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mazatlan Sinaloa, Mexico, Email: paezos@servidor.unam.mxP.S. Rainbow, Natural History Museum, London, UK, Email: p.rainbow@B. Reid, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, Email: b.reid@D. Sarkar, Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ, USA, Email: sarkard@M. Schaub, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow, Birmensdorf, Switzerland, Email: marcus.schaub@wsl.ch K. Schirmer, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (EAWAG), Dübendorf, Switzerland, Email: kristin.schirmer@eawag.chH. Segner, Universität Bern, Bern, Switzerland, Email: helmut.segner@itpa.unibe.chW. Shin-Ichiro, Kyushu University, Fukoka, Japan, Email: wadasi@agr.kyushu-u.ac.jpR.F. Shore, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon, UK, Email: rfs@ P.N. Smith, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA, Email: phil.smith@L. Sonesten, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, Email: lars.sonesten@ma.slu.se F.M. Tack, Universiteit Gent, Gent, Belgium, Email: filip.tack@rug.ac.beS. Tao, Peking University, Beijing, China, Email: taos@E. Tipping, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), Bailrigg, Lancaster, UK, Email: et@H.F. van Dobben, IBN-DLO, Wageningen, Netherlands, Email: Han.vandobben@wur.nlC.A.M. van Gestel, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Email: kees.van.gestel@falw.vu.nl J.A.C. Verkleij, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Email: verkleij@bio.vu.nlD. Vetterlein, Umweltforschungszentrum (UFZ) Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Halle/Saale, Germany, Email: doris.vetterlein@ufz.deP. Vikesland, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA, Email: pvikes@ W.-X. Wang, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Email: wwang@ust.hkJ.C. White, Connecticut Agricultural Experimental Station, New Haven, CT, USA, Email: jason.white@P.N. Williams, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China, Email: p.n.williams@H.Th. Wolterbeek, Technische Universiteit Delft, Delft, Netherlands, Email: H.T.Wolterbeek@tudelft.nlF. Wu, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Guiyang/Guizhou, China, Email: wufengchang@D.A. Wunderlin, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba (Argentina), Cordoba, Argentina, Email: dwunder@.arB. Xing, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA, Email: bx@J. Xu, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, Email: jmxu@S.D. Young, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, Email: scott.young@S. Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China, Email: szzhang@F. Zhao, IACR-Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, UK, Email: Fangjie.Zhao@GUIDE FOR AUTHORSTypes of paper•Full Research Papers: Full Research Papers should not exceed 5000 words (including abstract but excluding references). If this is not possible, please contact the Editor in Chief. To facilitate the review process line numbers should be inserted into the text of the manuscript.•Short Communications:These follow the same format as full papers, except that Results and Discussion sections should be combined. Manuscripts should not exceed 2000 words.• Rapid Communications: These are Short Communication papers that are submitted for consideration for publication on an accelerated schedule. These papers report highly significant new findings and indicate new directions for research. Authors should fax or E-mail the abstract of their manuscript to the Editor-in-Chief, or appropriate Associate Editor before submitting a Rapid Communication manuscript.•Special Issues: Proposals for Special Issues of Full Research Papers that focus on a specific topic or theme will also be considered.• New Initiatives: Intended as very brief reports of significant new findings indicating new directions in research. Manuscripts should be no more than 6-8 double spaced manuscript pages, including no more than 10 references and 1-3 short tables and/or small figures. An abstract is not required. Include a very brief Introduction, Materials and Methods, and Discussion of Results, including speculation about their meaning and implications. Please submit the name and complete mailing address (including e-mail address) of one appropriate referee who has agreed to review the manuscript. Authors should contact the Editor-in-Chief, or appropriate Associate Editor by e-mail before submitting a New Initiatives manuscript.•Review Papers: Authors may submit manuscripts that provide in-depth critical review of a special subject. These reviews must provide a Synthesis and Critical Evaluation of the state of the knowledge of the subject and indicate research directions. The Editors also periodically invite review articles.•Commentary: Commentary papers may be submitted that express opinions and concerns, suggest research priorities and question conventional methodologies and conclusions. Manuscripts should include an Abstract, Introduction, Presentation of the Concerns or Analysis and Conclusions. References, Tables and Illustrations should be used sparingly. The manuscript should not exceed 12 double-spaced pages. The Editors will evaluate all manuscripts, for suitability of publication.•Letters to Editor: Readers are encouraged to write to any of the Editors and raise issues and concerns about papers published in the journal. 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人文科学文体指南 [MLA]Gibaldi J. MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing. 2nd ed. New York:The Modern Language Association of America, 1998 ISBN: 0-87352-699-6 MLA文体手册和学术出版指南(第二版)美国现代语 言学会编辑、出版。全书包括8章和4个附录,其中对 版权问题、文献注释和学位论文的准备介绍得比较详 细。该体例的中译本已经出版。 MLA文体手册和学术 出版指南(第二版),北京大学出版社,2002年 相关的指南还有伦敦现代人类学研究协会(MHRA)编 辑的MHRA 文体指南,Modern Humanities Research Association. MHRA Style Book:Notes for Authors, Editors and Writers of Theses.5th ed. Leeds:W.S. Maney & Son Ltd,1996
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环境类外文期刊(SCI\EI)投稿指南一.《SCI》收录的外文科技期刊1. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 1970. 4/yr. (环境科学与技术评论)ED: Terry J. Logan, Department of Agronomy, Ohio state University, Columbus, OH, USA. /715B0006 ISSN 1064-33892. Journal of the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology. 1958. 6/ry. (环境科学与技术学会志) *ED: Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology, 940 E. Northwest Highway, Mt. Prospect , IL 60056-3422, USA.Tel: 847 255 1561Fax: 847 255 1699E-mail: InstEnvSci@/715B0007 ISSN 1098-43213. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety; Environmental Research Section B. 1977. 9/yr. (生态毒物学与环境安全)ED:International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.Professor Dr.Miki Goto, Institute of Ecotoxicology, GakushuinUniversity, 5-1 Mejiro 1 chome, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171, JapanE-mail: apcs@/715B0010 ISSN 0147-65134.Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 1962. 4/yrSpringer-verlag,175 Fifth Ave, New York, NY,10010 (环境污染与毒物学评论)715B0013 ISSN 0179-59535.Environmental Progress. 1982. 4/yr. American Institute of ChemicalEngineers, 34E.47th St. New York, NY 10017-2395. USA. (环境进展) *Tel: 212 705 8100Fax: 212 705 8400/publications/package.htm/715B0014 ISSN 0278-44916. Water Environmental Research. 1989. 7/yr. Water Environmental Federation, 601WytheST., Alexandria, VA 22314-1994, USA. (水环境研究) *Fax: 703 684 2492E-mail: Kroy@//Periodicals/WatEnvResearch/index.htm715B0084-2 ISSN 1061-43037. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association. 1907.12/yr. Air and Waste Management Association, Po Box 2861, Pittsburgh, PA 15230, USA.(空气与废物管理协会会志)*715B0085 ISSN 1096-22478. Environmental Science and Technology. 1967. 24/yr. American Chemical Society,Member and Subscriber Service Dept L-0011 Columbus, Oh 43268-0011, USA.(环境科学与技术)*ED: American Chemical Society, Member and Subscriber Services, Dept. L-0011, Columbus, OH 43268-0011, USA.Tel: 614 447 3776Fax: 614 447 3671E-mail: service@/715B0086 ISSN 0013-936X9. Noise Control Engineering Journal. 1973. 6/yr. (噪声控制工程杂志) *ED: Institute of Noise Control Engineering, Po Box 3206, Arlington Branch, POUGHKEEPSIE, NY 12603,USA>715B0105 ISSN 0736-250110. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic-Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. 1965. 8/yr.(环境科学与保健杂志A B C) *ED: Shahamat U. Khan, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA.E-mail: journals@/715B0109-1 ISSN 1093-425911. Environmental Health Perspectives. 1972. 12/yr (环境卫生展望)ED:National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, US Dept. Of Healthand Human Services . Gibert S. Omenn, University of Michigan, AnnArbor, MichiganE-mail: gomenn@715B0130 ISSN 0091-676512. Environmental Engineering Science. 1984. 6/yr.(环境工程科学)ED:Domenico Grasso, Rosemary Bradford Hewlett Professor and Chair, PickerEngineering Program, Smith College, Northampyon, MA 01063E-mail: dgrasso@E-mail: liebert@/ees/default.htm715B0179 ISSN 1092-875813. Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment. 1972. 8/yr. Allen Press Inc., 1041 Ner Hampshire Street. Po Box 368, Lawrence, KS 66044-8897, USA.(人类环境杂志)ED: Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.Tel: 785 843 1234Fax: 785 843 1244/715B0232 ISSN 0044-744714.Environment. 1959. 10/yr。
(环境)Ed: Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation.E-mail: env@/html/body–715B0251 ISSN 0013-915715.Journal of Great Lakes Research. 1975. 4/yr. International Associationfor Great Lakes Research, 2200 Bonistell Blvd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105,USA.(大湖区研究杂志)Tel: 734 665 5303Fax: 734 741 2055715B0254 ISSN 0380-1330/iaglr16. Ground Water Monitor. 1985. 26/yr. Business Publishers Inc., 8737 Colesville Road, Suite 1100. Silver Spring, MD 20910-3925, USA. (地下水导报)Fax: 301 587 1081/715B0261 ISSN 0882-618817. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 1982. 12/yr. (环境毒物学与化学)ED: Society of Environmental and Toxicology and Chemistry, 1010 North 12th Street, Pensacola, PL 32501-3307,USA./715B0277 ISSN 0730-726818. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 1972. 16.yr. STBSLtd., Order Department, Po Box 90, Reading, Berkshire RG1 8JL,UK。
(国际环境分析化学杂志)715C0001 ISSN 0306-731919.Atmospheric Environment. 1967. 30/yr. (大气环境) *ED:Prof. P. Brimblecombe, School of Environmental Sciences, University of EastAnglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ,UK.Fax:44(0) 1603 507719E-mail: atmos-env@uea. /~e044/ac.htmE-mail: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nlhttp://www.elsevier.nl/715C0003 ISSN 1352-231020. Environmental Pollution. 1970.12/yr(环境污染)ED: W.J. Manning, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, USA.Fax: 413 253 8076E-mail: Anmanning@E-mail: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nlhttp://www.elsevier.nl/715C0010 ISSN 0269-749121. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 1970. 24/yr(海洋污染通报)ED: Charles Sheppard, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Waraick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UKE-mail: nlinfo0f@@elsevier.nlhttp://www.elsevier.nl/715C0062 ISSN 0025-326X22. Chemosphere. 1972.30/yr.(臭氧层) *ED: O. Hutzinger, University of Bayreuth, D-95440 Bayreuth, Germany.Fax: (49) 921 54626E-mail: Otto.Hutzinger@uni-bayreuth.deE-mail: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nlhttp://www.elsevier.nl/715C0066 ISSN 0045-653623.Journal of Environment Management. 1973. 12/yr. Harcourt Brace and Co.Ltd., Foots Cary High Street, Sidcup, Kent DA14 5HP,UL. (环境管理杂志)Tel: (0181) 308 5700Fax: (0181) 309 0807E-mail: journals@/ap/journals/ev/715C0068 ISSN 0301-479724. Water Research. 1967.18.yr. (水研究) *ED: International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control. F. G. Poland, Department of Civil and Environmental engineering, Uinversity of Pittsburgy, 1140 Benedum Hall, Pittsburgh, PA12561-2294, USA.Fax: 1 412 624 0135E-mail: pohland@E-mail: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nlhttp://www.elsevier.nl/715C0007 ISSN 0043-135425. Environment International. 1978.8/yr. (国际环境) *Ed: R. E. Alcock, Department of Environment al Sciences, IENS, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YQ,UK.E-mail: envint@E-mail: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nlhttp://www.elsevier.nl/715C0079 ISSN 0160-412026. Bioresource Technology. 1979.12/yr. Dr. P. Hobson,4 North Deeside Road, AberdeenAB1 7PL, UK, S.C. Ricke, Department of Poultry Sciences, Texas A&M University,College Station, TX77483-2472, USA.(生物资源技术) *E-mail: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nlhttp://www.elsevier.nl/inca715C0080 ISSN 0960-852426. Bioresource Technology. 1979.12/yr. Dr. P. Hobson,4 North Deeside Road, AberdeenAB1 7PL, UK, S.C. Ricke, Department of Poultry Sciences, Texas A&M University,College Station, TX77483-2472, USA.(生物资源技术) *E-mail: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nlhttp://www.elsevier.nl/inca715C0080 ISSN 0960-852427. Marine Environmental Research. 1978. 10/yr. (海洋环境研究)ED:Dr. S. N. Luoma, US Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, 345 Middlefield Road, Mail Stop 465, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA.Fax: 1 415 329 4463E-mail: snluoma@E-mail: nlifo-f@elsevier.nlhttp://www.elsevier.nl/715C0081 ISSN 0141-113627. Water Science and Technology. 1968. 24/yr. (水科学与技术)ED: International ASSOCIATION ON Water Pollution Research and Control. PaulNagle, IAWQ, Duchess House,20 Masons Yard, Duke Street, London SW1Y 6BU,UK,E-mail: Nlino-f@elsevier.nlhttp://www.elsevier.nl/715C0102 ISSN 0273-122328. Environmental Technology. 1980.12/yr. Science and Technology Letters 12 Clarence.Road ,Kew,Surrey Tw9 3nl,UK. (环境技术) *ED: Selper Ltd., Unit 66, 2 Old Brompton Road, London SW7 3DQ, UK>Fax: (0181)995 4160/715C0098 ISSN 0959-333029.Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 1984.15/yr. (环境辐射杂志)*ED:M.S. Baxter, Ampfield House, Clachan Seil, Argyll, Scotland Pa34 4TL,UK.Tel: 44 1852 300351Fax 44 1852 300351E-mail: baxter@j-e-r. E-mail: nlinfo-f@elsevier.nl715C0104 ISSN 026931X30.Global Environmental Change. 1990. 4/yr. (地球环境变化)ED: Martin Parry, Jackson Environment Institute, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UKhttp://www.elsevier.nl/715C0116 ISSN 0959-378031. Environmetrics. 1990. 6/yr. (环境计量学)ED: Journals Administration Department, John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., 1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, West Sussex, PO22 9SA, England.Tel: 44(0) 1243 779 777Fax: 44(0)1243 843 232E-mail: cs-journala@E-mail: csjournals@/715C0128 ISSN 1180-400932. Environmental Conservation. 1974. 4/yr. Cambridge University Press, TheEdinbrugh, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK. (环境保护)Fax: (0223) 315 052E-mail: Jorunals-subscriptions@715C0141 ISSN 0376-892933. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. (Text in English). 1973.8/yr. (环境污染与毒物学文献)ED: Daniel R. 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