SCI论文引言部分Introduction的写作第一篇:SCI论文引言部分Introduction的写作SCI论文引言部分Introduction的写作引言Introduction 是SCI论文最难写的部分之一,很多文章的缺陷就在于Introduction没有内涵,过于简单,没有真正体现论文的研究起初和创新要素,然而,一篇好的SCI论文对于Introduction的要求是非常高的,一个好的引言相当于文章成功了一半。
所以大家应该在 Introduction的撰写上下功夫。
要写好 Introduction,最重要的是要保持鲜明的层次感和极强的逻辑性,这两点是紧密结的,即在符合逻辑性的基础上建立层层递进的关系。
SCI论文引言部分Introduction 主要包括如下四个方面的内容:1、阐述自己研究领域的基本内容。
科技论文 Introduction部分句式
一.典型句式1.… be used to … , such as …2.… refer to … in which …3.One distinct feature of … is …4.In a broader sense, … can be regarded as … that can …5.This paper is most concerned with …6.Emphasis is placed on the design of …7.With the ubiquity of new information technology and media, more effective and friendly methods for … are being developed which do not rely on traditional devices such as …8.Furthermore, the ever decreasing price/performance ratio of ... coupled with recent decreases in... imply that ... can be ...9. The rapidly expanding research in ... is based on ...10. In the last ... years, ... have attracted much attention though they have been studied for more than ... years by ...11. Many research demonstrations and commercial applications have been developed from these efforts.12. A first step of any ... is ... . However, ...13. We now give a definition of ... : ...14. The challenges associated with ... can be attributed to the following factors:15. There are many closely related problems of ...16. ... aims to ...17. The goal of ... is to... , such as ...18. The purpose of ... is to ... , while ...19. It is worth mentioning that many papers use the term “... ,” but the methods and the experimental results only show that ... Is...20. In this paper, we differentiate ... from ... since the latter is a simplified problem of the former. Meanwhile, we focus on ... methods rather than ...21. While numerous methods have been proposed to ... in ..., we areunaware of any surveys on this particular topic. A survey of early ... methods before ... was written by...21.... wrote a more recent survey on ...22.Among ... methods, the ones based on ... have attracted much attention recently and have demonstrated excellent results. Since these ... methods rely heavily on the training sets, we also discuss several ... for this task. 22. A related and important problem is how to evaluate the performanceof the proposed ... methods.23.Many recent ... papers compare the performance of several methods, usually in terms of ...24.It is also worth noticing that many ... have been adopted to evaluate ..., such as ...25.Evaluation becomes more difficult when researchers use different definitions for ...26. In this paper, ... is defined as ... between... and ...27. Consequently, ... is one of the few attempts to ...28. It is also one of the few classes of objects for which ... and, so, some of the ... may be applicable to a much broader class of ... problems.29. To be effective, either ...must ... or ...30. With an aim to give a comprehensive and critical survey of ... methods, this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we give a detailed review of techniques to ...31. ... are discussed in Section 3.32. We conclude this paper with a discussion of several promising directions for... in Section 4.133. The basic ideas of ... theory and its extensions as well as many interesting applications can be found in ... ,issues of the Transactions on ... , special issues of other journals (see, e.g. ... ), proceedings of international conferences... , tutorials (see, e.g., [110]).34. For more information one can also visit web pages ... and ...34.The basic notions of ... and ... were introduced during ...35.In this paper, the basic concepts of ... theory are presented. We also point out some research directions and applications based on ...36. In articles [...,...], we discuss in more detail two selected topics, namely, extensions of ... approach and the combination of ... and ...二、常用连接词However, also, in addition, consequently, afterwards, moreover, Furthermore, further, although, unlike, in contrast, Similarly, Unfortunately, alternatively, parallel results, In order to, despite, For example, Compared with, other results, thus, therefore...。
引言 有人说引言是最难写的。几乎所有的科技论文都 有引言部分,只是有的论文有专门的一节,有的 论文(比如通讯,快报等)仅仅是论文的第一段。 引言包含四个元素,或者说四个组成部分。 1,研究领域。 ,研究领域。 是与本研究工作的有关的背景介绍。正确地估计 研究课题的意义。应用背景。 也就是为什么要做这项工作。例如在基础研究方 面有何新意,有何应用前景。课题的意义估计不 足,说明作者的知识水平不高,估计过分则显得 不够严谨。
(4)解释或定义专门术语或缩写词 以帮助编辑、 )解释或定义专门术语或缩写词, 以帮助编辑、 审稿人和读者阅读与理解; 审稿人和读者阅读与理解; (5)叙述前人工作的欠缺以强调自己研究的创新时, )叙述前人工作的欠缺以强调自己研究的创新时 应慎重且留有余地, 应慎重且留有余地,可以采用类似于以下的表达 ——To the author’s knowledge… ; There is little information available in literature about…;等等 (6)适当地使用“I”,“We”或“Our”, “This )适当地使用“ , 或 paper”等词 以明确地指示作者本人的工作 如最好 等词, 等词 以明确地指示作者本人的工作; 使用 we conducted this study to determine whether …;
Introduction:写作内容 (2)在背景介绍和问题提出中,应引用“最相关” )在背景介绍和问题提出中,应引用“最相关” 的文献以指引读者.优先选择引用的文献包括相关 的文献以指引读者 优先选择引用的文献包括相关 研究中的经典、重要和最具说服力的文献, 研究中的经典、重要和最具说服力的文献, 力戒 刻意回避引用最重要的相关文献(甚至是对作者研 刻意回避引用最重要的相关文献 甚至是对作者研 究具有某种“启示”性意义的文献); 究具有某种“启示”性意义的文献 ;避免不恰当 地大量引用作者本人的文献; 地大量引用作者本人的文献; (3)采取适当的方式强调作者在本次研究中最重 ) 要的发现或贡献, 要的发现或贡献 , 让读者顺序逻辑的演进阅读论 文。
大多数英文科技学术论文都可以使用一种所谓 Introduction-Methods-Results and Discussion (IMRAD) 的形式,如下图的沙漏所示,先由普遍到具体问题,再由具体到普遍结论。
The flow of foams is seen in many process, and its use in major industries means that an understan ding of foam rheology is of paramount importance.第二波:强调有必要解决存在的问题指出该研究目前存在的问题,可以通过提问的方式或者通过某种方式扩展此领域已有知识和结论。
… however, the relationship between emergence and soil temperature has not been investigated p reviously…In contrast to the extensive literature describing ….., little attention has been paid to…第三波:介绍作者自己的研究内容介绍作者的研究目的和大致的研究内容。
你也可以将Introduction看作是指出本领域内的gap的部分(你的result和discussion需要填补这个gap); Introduction也可以用来在广泛的研究领域中定义和主张自己的领域(立“山头”)。
四步法写Introduction1. 提供背景资料,设置背景Introduction的这一初始部分为读者准备了后面更详细、更具体的信息。
科技论文 Introduction部分句式
朱嵘良, S121074一.典型句式1.… be used to … , such as …2.… refer to … in which …3.One distinct feature of … is …4.In a broader sense, … can be regarded as … that can …5.This paper is most concerned with …6.Emphasis is placed on the design of …7.With the ubiquity of new information technology and media, more effective and friendly methods for … are being developed which do not rely on traditional devices such as …8.Furthermore, the ever decreasing price/performance ratio of ... coupled with recent decreases in... imply that ... can be ...9. The rapidly expanding research in ... is based on ...10. In the last ... years, ... have attracted much attention though they have been studied for more than ... years by ...11. Many research demonstrations and commercial applications have been developed from these efforts.12. A first step of any ... is ... . However, ...13. We now give a definition of ... : ...14. The challenges associated with ... can be attributed to the following factors:15. There are many closely related problems of ...16. ... aims to ...17. The goal of ... is to... , such as ...18. The purpose of ... is to ... , while ...19. It is worth mentioning that many papers use the term “... ,” but the methods and the experimental results only show that ... Is...20. In this paper, we differentiate ... from ... since the latter is a simplified problem of the former. Meanwhile, we focus on ... methods rather than ...21. While numerous methods have been proposed to ... in ..., we are unaware of any surveys on this particular topic. A survey of early ... methods before ... was written by...21.... wrote a more recent survey on ...22.Among ... methods, the ones based on ... have attracted much attention recently and have demonstrated excellent results. Since these ... methods rely heavily on the training sets, we also discuss several ... for this task. 22. A related and important problem is how to evaluate the performanceof the proposed ... methods.23.Many recent ... papers compare the performance of several methods, usually in terms of ...24.It is also worth noticing that many ... have been adopted to evaluate ..., such as ...25.Evaluation becomes more difficult when researchers use different definitions for ...26. In this paper, ... is defined as ... between... and ...27. Consequently, ... is one of the few attempts to ...28. It is also one of the few classes of objects for which ... and, so, some of the ... may be applicable to a much broader class of ... problems.29. To be effective, either ...must ... or ...30. With an aim to give a comprehensive and critical survey of ... methods, this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we give a detailed review of techniques to ...31. ... are discussed in Section 3.32. We conclude this paper with a discussion of several promising directions for... in Section 4.133. The basic ideas of ... theory and its extensions as well as many interesting applications can be found in ... ,issues of the Transactions on ... , special issues of other journals (see, e.g. ... ), proceedings of international conferences... , tutorials (see, e.g., [110]).34. For more information one can also visit web pages ... and ...34.The basic notions of ... and ... were introduced during ...35.In this paper, the basic concepts of ... theory are presented. We also point out some research directions and applications based on ...36. In articles [...,...], we discuss in more detail two selected topics, namely, extensions of ... approach and the combination of ... and ...二、常用连接词However, also, in addition, consequently, afterwards, moreover, Furthermore, further, although, unlike, in contrast, Similarly, Unfortunately, alternatively, parallel results, In order to, despite, For example, Compared with, other results, thus, therefore...。
1)实词大写虚词小写。如:Body Language and Human Communication
2)位于首位或末尾的虚词也大写。 如:On the Principles of Tourism
句型3:提出问题或假设。如: a. However, it remains unclear whether… b. It would thus be of interest to learn how… c. If these results could be confirmed, they
引言开头(即第一层)最主要目的是告诉读者论 文所涉及的研究领域及其意义是什么,研究要 解决什么问题,目前状况或水平如何。也就是 说,开头要回答如下问题:
What is the subject of the research?
How is the research going at present?
句型1:用表示否定意义的词例little,few,no 或none of+名词作主语。如:
a.Little information/attention/work/ research…
b.Few studies/investigations/researchers /attempts…
题名的字数。题名不应过长。国外科技期刊一 般对题名字数有所限制。总的原则是,题名应 确切、简练、醒目,在能准确反映论文特定内 容的前提下,题名词数越少越好.
中英文题名的一致性。同一篇论文,其英文题 名与中文题名内容上应一致,但不等于说词语 要一一对应。在许多情况下,个别非实质性的 词可以省略或变动。例如:工业湿蒸汽的直接 热量计算,the direct measurement of heat transmitted wet steam。英文题名的直译中译 文是“由湿蒸汽所传热量的直接计量”,与中 文题名相比较,二者用词虽有差别,但内容上 是一致的。
1-2• What is the problem?Describe the problem you investigated• Why is it important?What conflict or unanswered question does your experiment address? What findings of others are you challenging or extending?• What did we know about it before doing the study?Summarize relevant research to provide background knowledge• How will this study advance our knowledge?• Starting with a clear statement of the purpose and reasons of the study, then giving a concise and appropriate background discussion of the problem, ending witha mention of the study’s signifi cance and its relevance to the field as a whole• Be selective: not exhaustive in choosing studies to cite and amount of detail to include• The more relevant an article is to your study, the more space it deserves and the later in the Introduction it appears1-3• Briefly review the literature that is relevant for your manuscript (use your Discussion as a guideline)• Do not just write this Introduction for half a dozen colleagues working in exactly the same field, but…• write for a range of interested scientists• Finish with the aims of your work and present a clear hypothesis• Briefly review the literature• Address a wider audience than those working in exactly the same field• Give the aims of your research and a good hypothesis• A goo d hypothesis is one that can be tested, but it does not need to be ―correct‖• Explain why you did your research• The fact that nobody has done it before is not a good reason• Your study may follow logically from previous work• Your project may have been inspired by a practical problem1-4工作目的对工作目的的评价:该工作为什么很重要?工作背景:谁做了什么工作?做得怎么样?以前我们做了哪些工作?导读:读者应该注意该文章的哪些方面?有意义的要点有哪些?结论:读者期望什么样的结论呢?在提纲的前几个版本中,你应该包括实验过程中涉及到的所有内容(在这一点上,就像是段落的副标题)1-5引言在内容上应包括:为什么要进行这项研究?立题的理论或实践依据是什么?拟创新点何在?理论与(或)实践意义是什么?告诉读者你为什么要进行这项研究是引言的主要内容和目的,这其中也包括说明这项研究的理论和(或)实践意义。
科研类型英语作文模板英文回答:1. Introduction。
In the realm of academic research, the articulation of a compelling research question is paramount to the pursuit of knowledge and the advancement of scientific endeavors. A well-crafted research question serves as the cornerstone of any research project, providing a clear and concise framework for inquiry and guiding the subsequent steps of the research process. To formulate an effective research question, it is essential to delve into the existing body of knowledge, identify gaps or inconsistencies, and formulate a specific and testable question that addresses these shortcomings.2. Literature Review。
A thorough literature review is indispensable forsituating your research within the broader context of the field and establishing the significance of your inquiry. Critically examining existing research enables you to identify areas where knowledge is lacking, refine your research question, and develop a sound theoretical foundation for your study. By synthesizing the findings of previous studies, you can pinpoint areas where further investigation is warranted and contribute to the cumulative body of knowledge in your field.3. Research Design。
introduction 科技英语写作
Emphasize your principal contribution
What Is the Introduction ?
— Introduction vs Abstract
Supply sufficient background to readers. 8%≤length≤10% No standard (1~4paragraphs) Present tense
Alert readers' interest The introduction is put at the beginning of a writing, which indicates the scope Supply sufficient Introduction and direction of the paper, and act as a background information navigation guide to its reading.
3.Citations and abbreviations
4.Grammar 5.Summary
Three different citation methods
1. Information prominent citation 2.author prominent citation 3. weak author prominent citation
Statements giving the purpose/objectives of the writer’s study or outlining its main activity or findings.
first:提出研究现状和此研究的重要性second:强调有必要解决存在的问题third:介绍作者自己的研究内容、提出创新性逻辑的连贯内容的创新词汇简洁时态1. What is an introduction?The introduction section shows the questions that should be answered for the readers once they finish reading the “Introduction”.2. What’s the purpose of the introduction?The introduction comes at the start of a piece of writing. Without this part, the reader cannot easily understand the more detailed information about the research that comes later in the thesis.It introduces:(1).the research by situating it (by giving background),(2).presenting the research problem , and saying how and why this problem will be solved , (3).explaining why the research is being done. (ratio'nale) which is crucial for the reader to understand the significance of the study.3. How should I start?You may want to start your introduction by describing the problem you are trying to solve, or the aim of your work4. How to build a model of introduction?Read the following introduction and decide what the author tells us in each sentence.5. The model of introduction.(1) establishes the importance of this research topic确立研究主题的重要性(2) provides general background information for the reader.为读者提供总体的背景信息(3) in a more specific/detailed way, using research references to support both the background facts and the claim for significance.与第1、2句的做法一样,但是更具体(4) describes the general problem area or the current research focus of the field.描述了所研究领域的一般性问题或当前的研究焦点(5) provides a transition between the general problem area and the literature review提供了总体问题领域到文献综述之间的一个过渡(6) provides a brief overview of key research projects in this area.概述了此研究领域重要的研究项目(7) describes a gap in the research描述了已有研究的空白(8) describes the paper itself描述了论文本身的工作(9) gives details about the methodology详细描述了论文中所用的方法(10) announces the findings公布了论文的结论6. Four components of a model.(1)Establish the importance of your fieldProvide background/ facts/information (possibly from research)Define the terminology in the title/key wordsPresent the problem area/current research focus确立研究领域的重要性提供背景事实或信息(有可能来自现有文献)定义题目或关键词中的术语给出所研究问题的范畴或目前的研究重点(2)Previous and/or current research and contributions前期的研究或目前的研究及其贡献(3)Locate a gap in the researchDescribe the problem you will addressPresent a prediction to be tested确定已有研究工作的空白;描述你要解决的问题呈现要验证的预测(4)Describe the present paper描述现在的论文7.Grammar and writing skills.语法时态写作技巧8. V ocabulary词汇的简洁举例三篇文章:1.Gene expression profiling and pathway analysis of hepatotoxicity induced by triptolide in Wistar rats在Wistar大鼠中,通过基因表达谱和通路分析由雷公藤甲素诱导的肝毒性引言的主要内容是交代此项研究的来龙去脉,例如本文中,简要说明课题的缘起与背景,TP的性质Triptolide (diterpenoid triepoxide, TP), purified from the shrublike vine Tripterygium wilfondii Hook F (TWHF)与药理学意义possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-fertility, anti-neoplastic and immunosuppressive activities 实验的动机However, clinical use of TWHF or TP has been limited due to severe adverse reactions, such as gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea, reproductive toxicity and problems associated with circulatory systems目的we hypothesized that liver is a major toxic target of TP treatment. Thus, it is essential to elucidate the mechanism of TP-induced hepatotoxicity from a safety point of view.the aim of our study was to identify candidate genes associated with TP treatment and to provide novel insights to better elucidate the mechanisms of toxic effects of TP.主要理论根据及其基本原理Considering that microarray technology is recognized as a reliable toxicologica method to determine mechanisms of drug-induced toxicity, identify biomarkers and to predict chemical toxicity.Therefore, the aim of our study was to identify candidate genes associated with TP treatment and to provide novel insights to better elucidate the mechanisms of toxic effects of TP.同时指出相关领域内前任的研究成果possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-fertility, anti-neoplastic and immunosuppressive activities (Chen, 2001; Huynh et al., 2000; Panichakul et al., 2006).have emerged as treatments of rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, nephritis, leprosy and asthma (Lipsky and Tao, 1997; Liu et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2010).clinical use of TWHF or TP has been limited due to severe adverse reactions, such as gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea, reproductive toxicity and problems associated with circulatory systems (Hikim et al., 2000; Ni et al., 2008; Yang et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2011).Recently, hepatotoxicity induced by various extracts of TWHF in animals and humans has been reported by many researches (He et al., 2006; Mei et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2007) To date, only mitochondrial respiratory chain inhibition, lipid peroxidation, DNA damage and hepatocyte apoptosis were proposed to be involved in TP-induced liver injury (Fu et al., 2011; Mei et al., 2005; Yao et al., 2008).等存在问题和知识空白Hepatic differential gene expression was analyzed using oligonucleotide microarray analysis for over-represented functions and phenotypically anchored to complementary histopathologic, biochemical, and dosimetry data in the liver. The results indicate that TP affects diverse cellular pathways, including insulin signaling pathway, glucose metabolism, cell cycling, oxidative stress and apoptosis. These data provide a clearer understanding of the molecular mechanisms of TP-induced hepatotoxicity, as well as useful information for predicting drug hepatotoxicity.以表明本项研究的连续性和需要性,叙述有关本课题的历史沿革是为了温故而知新,Triptolide (diterpenoid triepoxide, TP), purified from the shrublike vine Tripterygium wilfondii Hook F (TWHF), possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-fertility, anti-neoplastic and immunosuppressive activities (Chen, 2001; Huynh et al., 2000; Panichakul et al., 2006). Recently, the methanol/chloroform (T2) and ethyl acetate (EA) extracts of TWHF, in which TP was identified as the principal active compound, have emerged as treatments of rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, nephritis, leprosy and asthma (Lipsky and Tao, 1997; Liu et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2010). However, clinical use of TWHF or TP has been limited due to severe adverse reactions, such as gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea, reproductive toxicity and problems associated with circulatory systems (Hikim et al., 2000; Ni et al., 2008; Yang et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2011).Recently, hepatotoxicity induced by various extracts of TWHF in animals and humans has been reported by many researches (He et al., 2006; Mei et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2007). Besides, Liu et al., (2010) found that potential hepatotoxicity in rats treated with TP for 28 days was associated with increasing levels of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (Liu et al., 2010). Moreover, it was reported that oral administration of TP to rats could lead to liver injury or even death (Fu et al., 2011). In addition to this, our previous investigation showed that the concentration of TP found in liver exceeds those observed in other tissues, such as spleen, lung, heart, and kidney (unpublished data). On account of this, we hypothesized that liver is a major toxic target of TP treatment. Thus, it is essential to elucidate the mechanism of TP-induced hepatotoxicity from a safety point of view.Unfortunately, its underling mechanisms are still insufficiently recognized. To date, only mitochondrial respiratory chain inhibition, lipid peroxidation, DNA damage and hepatocyte apoptosis were proposed to be involved in TP-induced liver injury (Fu et al., 2011; Mei et al.,2005; Yao et al., 2008). Considering that microarray technology is recognized as a reliable toxicologica method to determine mechanisms of drug-induced toxicity, identify biomarkers and to predict chemical toxicity (Lee et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2011). Therefore, the aim of our study was to identify candidate genes associated with TP treatment and to provide novel insights to better elucidate the mechanisms of toxic effects of TP.Here, we describe genome-wide gene expression in the TP-exposed Wistar female rat liver. Differential gene expression was evaluated in 6-week-old female Wistar rat livers following 14 days of continuous exposure to large doses of TP. Hepatic differential gene expression was analyzed using oligonucleotide microarray analysis for over-represented functions and phenotypically anchored to complementary histopathologic, biochemical, and dosimetry data in the liver. The results indicate that TP affects diverse cellular pathways, including insulin signaling pathway, glucose metabolism, cell cycling, oxidative stress and apoptosis. These data provide a clearer understanding of the molecular mechanisms of TP-induced hepatotoxicity, as well as useful information for predicting drug hepatotoxicity.2.综述Blood vessels, a potential therapeutic target in rheumatoid arthritis?血管,类风湿性关节炎潜在的治疗靶标?IntroductionRheumatoid arthritis (RA) can be defined as a disease of the blood vessels, both micro- and macro-vessels. The formation of new micro-vessels is in fact necessary to afford the nutritional supply to proliferating synovial pannus, while macro-vessels are the site where accelerated atherosclerosis driven by disease’s systemic inflammation develops. New vessels formation on one side, and atherosclerotic plaque progression on the other, might seem two different biological phenomena, the first related to the articular involvement of the disease, the second to its main systemic complication. In this context, targeting blood vessels in RA might mean either attempting to reduce synovial vascular supply starving the synovial pannus limiting its proliferation or, in the other case, trying to limit macro-vessels’damage outside the joint. In this review we will analyse the possibility of targeting synovial microvessels to treat rheumatoid arthritis, but we will discuss as well the evidence supporting a link between micro- and macro-vascular involvements in RA.综述的介绍,介绍所提到物质的基本概念,简要说明课题的缘起与背景,RA与血管生成相关,与血管生成的必要性,在这里,说明该文章立题的主要依据与主要原理,并提出在此综述中接下来会说到的内容,如:作者将分析滑膜微血管治疗类风湿关节炎的可能性,且讨论,血管与RA微观和宏观之间联系的证据。
Further studies are still necessary... essential...
为了强调自己研究的重要性,一般还要在However 之前介绍自己研究问题的反方面,比如:
(1) 时间问题 如果你研究的问题时间上比较新,你就可以大量提及对
时间较老的问题的பைடு நூலகம்究及重要性,然后说(However),对时间
We preliminarily focus on the older (younger)... 或者有两种时间尺度的问题 (long-term and short
(2) 研究区域的问题 和时间问题一样,明确提出你只关心这一地区。
(2) 研究手段问题
如果你要应用一种新手段或者研究方向,你可以提出当 前比较流行的方法以及物质性质,然后说对你所研究的方向 和方法,研究甚少;
(3) 研究区域问题
(4) 不确定性
如果叙述有时间顺序的事件或者文献,最早的文献可用: AA advocated it for the first time. 接下来:Then BB further demonstrated that. 再接下来:Afterwards, CC. 如果还有:More recent studies by DD.. 如果叙述两种观点,要把它们截然分开 AA put forward that...
好的论⽂Introduction,应该这样写!超实⽤⼲货分享!(附下载)SCI论⽂写作特辑- 第⼆期 -论⽂写作猛如虎,Introduction就是开门见⼭的⼤⽼虎...Introduction引⾔部分是论⽂写作第⼀关,通过呈现研究课题所折射的研究理论来说服⽬标读者。
值得收藏!(⽂末附PDF下载⽅式)⼀般来说,Introduction的常规写作顺序:1. 确⽴研究领域的重要性2. 早前、当前的研究贡献3. 差距/疑问/难题/评论4. 当前的研究⼯作确⽴研究领域的重要性01 A major current focus in __ is how to ensure sustainability of…__ 当前的⼀个主要重点是如何确保...的可持续性02 Much research in recent years has focused on __近年来的许多研究都集中在 __03 Analysis of change in __ is vital for two important reasons: …__ 变化分析⾄关重要,有两个重要原因:...04 It is of interest to know whether __still hold true.知道__是否仍然正确是很重要的。
05 The past decade has seen the rapid development of X in many ...在过去的⼗年⾥,__见证了许多...的快速发展。
06 The issue of__has received considerable critical attention.__的问题受到了相当多的批判性关注。
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大多数英文科技学术论文都可以使用一种所谓Introduction-Methods-Results and Discussion (IMRAD) 的形式,如下图的沙漏所示,先由普遍到具体问题,再由具体到普遍结论。
The flow of foams is seen in many process, and its use in major industries means that an understanding of foam rheology is of paramount importance.
… ; however, the relationship between emergence and soil temperature has not been investigated previously…
In contrast to the extensive literature describing ….., little attention has been paid to…第三波:介绍作者自己的研究内容
This paper presents the results of an extensive experimental program…
关于此处的时态,比如是presents还是presented? 即是一般过去时还是一般现在时?一般而言:
•如果主语是paper, article, thesis, report等指代文章本身的抽象词汇,使用一般现在时;
•如果主语是实验调查本身,比如study, experiment, investigation等具体词汇,使用一般过去时或一般现在时都可以。