
Unit 3 Life in the future 学科:English 授课班级:Senior Two 授课时间:Ⅰ. 单元教学目标Ⅱ。
目标语言旁注Ⅲ. 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本单元以“Life in the future”为中心话题,旨在通过本单元的学习,让学生大胆发挥想象,对人类今后的生活环境,生活方式进行猜测,并在此基础上,对人类的种种活动进行反思,提倡环保生活意识.同时让学生学会过去分词作定语和作状语的不同用法。
1 Warming Up 部分利用一个关于“住”和“行"的对比研究表格引导学生回顾过去,认识现在和展望未来。
1.2 Pre-reading 部分让学生充分运用发散思维,先列举当今世界人类面临的一些突出问题,然后要求学生思考为什么会产生这些问题,这些问题中哪些在未来社会仍然可能存在,哪些将会被克服,哪些将会恶化。
1.3 Reading 部分通过一封发自未来的电子邮件,讲述了作者Li Qiang怎样安全到达“未来世界",他对“未来世界”的印象,以及“未来世界”的日常生活方式和交通工具情况.阅读时要把重点放在“未来世界”生活与当今生活的不同点上。
4 Comprehending 部分设计了三个教学活动来加深学生对Reading部分的理解。
第二个活动要求学生通过阅读来判断Li Qiang对“未来世界”的态度是乐观的还是悲观的。
第三个活动让学生想象一下Li Qiang将会去参加哪些活动。
人教版英语必修五Unit 3单元整体教学教案

一、教学材料授课年级、教材(名称、版次和页码)、单元名称、主题授课年级:高二上第一学期教材名称:Module 5 Unit 1 Great Scientists版次:人教版页码:page 1-8单元标题:Great Scientists二、单元教学内容分析1. 描述性分析:教材的主题线索、单元结构、各部分的关系、内容、语言特征、活动等;本单元中心话题是“科学家如何以探索、钻研、无畏的科研精神验证未知的科学真理”。
单元中有warming-up, pre-reading, reading, comprehending, learning about language, using language, summing up, learning tip, reading for fun几个部分组成。
“热身”(Warming Up)部分要求学生完成问卷回答。
第一篇阅读(Reading)部分介绍英国著名医生John Snow是如何通过考察、分析、探究的科学方法,发现并控制“霍乱”这种传染病的。
“理解” (Comprehending)部分的练习一让学生按文章的主要信息排序以达到对文章的初步分析以及理解。

Unit 3 Life in the futureA teaching design for oral practiceTeaching Contents:Oral practice based on the reading passage on page17 to page18.1. Orally, answer several questions according to the text.2. Practise two topics:1) What do you suppose the future transportation will be like?2) Imagine where the house will be built in the future ?3. Listening and retelling.Teaching aims:1. Inspire the students to imagine the future life.2. Inspire the students to say something about the future transportation and housing.3. To improve the students’ oral ability.Teaching Important & difficult point::1. Inspire the students to imagine the future life and use the proper expressions.2. Enable the students to understand the meaning of the text, and say somethingaccording to the text.3. To improve the students’ oral ability.Teaching methods:reading; asking and answering activity; pair or group work.Teaching Aids: A computer, multmedia.Teaching procedures:Step1: Lead-in .Enjoy a short video, cut from a science fiction film I, robot, to lead the students to imagine the future world.Step2: Fast ReadingAsk the students to read the text quickly, then find out the main idea of the text, and answer several questions according to each paragraph.purpose: These questionts are simple questions, just to help the students get a brief acquaintance to the future world described in the text.Step3: Listening and retelling according to paragraph 4. Show some tips to help the students retell the sentences.Purpose: This exercise is a practice for oral test part C in NCEE.Step4: Design two topics while talking about the hovering carriage and Wang Ping’s house. Practise the dialogues of making predictions.Topic 1: What do you suppose the future transportation will be like?Topic 2: Imagine where the house will be built in the future ?The students may use these structures :I suppose the transportation will be something like a ….I suppose , in the future, the house will be built in…..I imagine that ….Purpose: To practise the structure orally I suppose that… , I imagine that.. . Step5: Summary of the text orally.This passage mainly tells us about a boy named Li Qiang”s trip to the future. It tells us how he got to the future, how he felt and what he had seen.Step6: Discussion.“What’s the writer’s attitude towards the future, optimistic or pessimistic?”“How do you know? “The students may begin like these :•In my opinion, the writer’s attitude towards the future is _________ .•As far as I am concerned, the writer feels _________ to the future.•I think the writer has an _________ view of the future.Purpose: To learn to analyze the writer’s attitude and express your conclusion. Step7 Homework1. To talk with your chairmate on the topic: Imagine, what the future world will be?2. Review the reading passage and find out the difficult language points to you.3. Finish exercises 1,2&4 on page 19.4. Review the words and phrases of this unit. A dictation tomorrow.Display on the blackboardUnit 3 Life in the Futurewh- do you suppose ….?I suppose …..I imagine that….And some words, perhaps they will be: science fiction film, high-tech, time tunnelPs: Display on the screenStep 1. Skimming:Skim through the passage and get its general idea.The passage is mainly about.A.how Li Qiang was transported to the future.B.how Li Qiang got to the future and his first impression of it.C.what the life was like in the future.D.the introduction of the “Future Tours ”company.1. What is a “time lag ”?“Time lag ’’is similar to the “jet lag ”. It means a person gets flashbacks from his previous time period.2.Who guides my trip?3. And who transported us to the future?Wang Ping ’s parents ’company transported us to the future.My friend Wang Ping is my guide to the future.1.How did I feel as soon as I wastransported to the future?I thought it was difficult to tolerate. I was hit by the lack of fresh air. 2. How did Wang Ping solve this problem?Wang Ping gave a mask to me and hurried me through to a small room nearby to have a rest.C. he felt a bit homesick.D. he was hit by a lack of fresh air.Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached.1. What did Wang Ping ’s house look like?large, bright and cleanHis house is a large bright, clean room.It had a green wall, a brown floor and soft lighting.Discussionpessimistic1.To talk with your chairmate on the topic:Imagine, what the future world will be?2.Review the reading passage and find outthe difficult language points to you.3.Finish exercises 1&2on page 19.4.Review the words and phrases of thisunit. A dictation tomorrow.Ten wordsfrom “lack”to “safety belt”.HomeworkThe Fifth Element.。

教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期]任教学科:_____________ 任教年级:_____________ 任教老师:_____________xx市实验学校英语学科教师辅导教案Unit 3重点句子讲与练1. [课文原句]Worried abou t the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.[名师点拨]Worried about 是过去分词短语作状语,表示原因。
其含义即As/Because/Since I was worried about the journey, ….过去分词或过去分词短语作状语除了可以表示原因外,还可以表示时间、条件、让步、方式或伴随等含义。
(1)Exhausted by the journey, we soon fell asleep.(表示原因)= Because /As/Since we are exhausted by the journey, we soon fell asleep.由于旅途很疲劳,我们很快睡着了。
(2)Compared with what he used to be, Mrs John’ son has made great progress. ( 表示条件)=If he is compared with he used to be, Mrs John’ sonhas made great progress. 如果约翰夫人的儿子与他过去相比的话,已经取得很大的进步了。
(3)Mary sat smiling, surrounded by beautiful flowers.(表示伴随)= Mary sat smiling, and she was surrounded by many beautiful flowers.玛丽微笑地坐着,被许多美丽的花簇拥着。
(4)Seen from the top of the building, the city looks very beautiful. (表示时间)= When the city is seen from the top of the building, the city looks very beautiful.当从建筑物的顶部看这座城市的时候,这座城市显得非常美丽。

Unit 3 Life in the futureA teaching design for oral practiceTeaching Contents:Oral practice based on the reading passage on page17 to page18.1. Orally, answer several questions according to the text.2. Practise two topics:1) What do you suppose the future transportation will be like?2) Imagine where the house will be built in the future ?3. Listening and retelling.Teaching aims:1. Inspire the students to imagine the future life.2. Inspire the students to say something about the future transportation and housing.3. To improve the students’ oral ability.Teaching Important & difficult point::1. Inspire the students to imagine the future life and use the proper expressions.2. Enable the students to understand the meaning of the text, and say somethingaccording to the text.3. To improve the students’ oral ability.Teaching methods:reading; asking and answering activity; pair or group work.Teaching Aids: A computer, multmedia.Teaching procedures:Step1: Lead-in .Enjoy a short video, cut from a science fiction film I, robot, to lead the students to imagine the future world.Step2: Fast ReadingAsk the students to read the text quickly, then find out the main idea of the text, and answer several questions according to each paragraph.purpose: These questionts are simple questions, just to help the students get a brief acquaintance to the future world described in the text.Step3: Listening and retelling according to paragraph 4. Show some tips to help the students retell the sentences.Purpose: This exercise is a practice for oral test part C in NCEE.Step4: Design two topics while talking about the hovering carriage and Wang Ping’s house. Practise the dialogues of making predictions.Topic 1: What do you suppose the future transportation will be like?Topic 2: Imagine where the house will be built in the future ?The students may use these structures :I suppose the transportation will be something like a ….I suppose , in the future, the house will be built in…..I imagine that ….Purpose: To practise the structure orally I suppose that… , I imagine that.. . Step5: Summary of the text orally.This passage mainly tells us about a boy named Li Qiang”s trip to the future. It tells us how he got to the future, how he felt and what he had seen.Step6: Discussion.“What’s the writer’s attitude towards the future, optimistic or pessimistic?”“How do you know? “The students may begin like these :•In my opinion, the writer’s attitude towards the future is _________ .•As far as I am concerned, the writer feels _________ to the future.•I think the writer has an _________ view of the future.Purpose: To learn to analyze the writer’s attitude and express your conclusion. Step7 Homework1. To talk with your chairmate on the topic: Imagine, what the future world will be?2. Review the reading passage and find out the difficult language points to you.3. Finish exercises 1,2&4 on page 19.4. Review the words and phrases of this unit. A dictation tomorrow.Display on the blackboardUnit 3 Life in the Futurewh- do you suppose ….?I suppose …..I imagine that….And some words, perhaps they will be: science fiction film, high-tech, time tunnelPs: Display on the screenStep 1. Skimming:Skim through the passage and get its general idea.The passage is mainly about.A.how Li Qiang was transported to the future.B.how Li Qiang got to the future and his first impression of it.C.what the life was like in the future.D.the introduction of the “Future Tours ”company.1. What is a “time lag ”?“Time lag ’’is similar to the “jet lag ”. It means a person gets flashbacks from his previous time period.2.Who guides my trip?3. And who transported us to the future?Wang Ping ’s parents ’company transported us to the future.My friend Wang Ping is my guide to the future.1.How did I feel as soon as I wastransported to the future?I thought it was difficult to tolerate. I was hit by the lack of fresh air. 2. How did Wang Ping solve this problem?Wang Ping gave a mask to me and hurried me through to a small room nearby to have a rest.C. he felt a bit homesick.D. he was hit by a lack of fresh air.Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached.1. What did Wang Ping ’s house look like?large, bright and cleanHis house is a large bright, clean room.It had a green wall, a brown floor and soft lighting.Discussionpessimistic1.To talk with your chairmate on the topic:Imagine, what the future world will be?2.Review the reading passage and find outthe difficult language points to you.3.Finish exercises 1&2on page 19.4.Review the words and phrases of thisunit. A dictation tomorrow.Ten wordsfrom “lack”to “safety belt”.HomeworkThe Fifth Element.。

2、幸福幸福是“临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归”的牵挂;幸福是“春种一粒粟,秋收千颗子”的收获. 幸福是“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的闲适;幸福是“奇闻共欣赏,疑义相与析”的愉悦。

人教版必修5英语Unit3写作课公开课教学设计Unit3写作课公开课教学设计必修五Unit 3 Using language II想象类作文教学设计1. 教材分析本单元以“Life in the future”为中心话题,旨在通过本单元的学习,让学生大胆发挥想象,对人类今后的生活环境,生活方式进行猜测,并在此基础上,对人类的种种活动进行反思,提倡环保生活意识。
II. 教学目标知识目标:1、明确高考书面表达的要求,学会在规定时间内完成审题、确定文体、抓住要点、组织语言、书写修改等一系列工作。
III. 教学辅助:多媒体IV. 教学过程:(一)lead-in 讲评导入引入情境Compare the following two compositions and tell us which one is better? Why? (5ms) 导入的任务是唤起注意,酝酿情绪,带入特定的语言交际场。
(2011年高考作文全国II卷) 一家英语报社向中学生征文,主题是“十年后的我”。
Correct the mistakes:重点词汇:想象~ think about that…; an engineer;重点短语:与…不同~ be different with; 结婚~ get married with;投身于~ be devoted into; 进行定期的锻炼~ take regular exercises;在假期~ in my holiday; 更富有~ more richer重点句子:1. I often imagine that what is the life like in the future?2. I hope I can work in a computer company where is famous in the world.3. I’m going to take my family travel around the world.(二)presentation 温故知新合作探究Discuss with your partner and find out different ways to improve your sentences.(10ms) 句子升华---(把两个简单句合并为一个高级句式)1. 用定语从句I often imagine what my life will be like in the future. I think it must be different from the life now.I will work in a computer company as an engineer.I will enjoy my work and get along well with my partners.2. 用非谓语动词作状语I will be a 28-year-old young man in ten years.I have married and have a lovely kid.3. 用so…that连接两个句子I will love my job very much.I will devote myself to the job.(三)writing 迁移运用巩固提高假如你是李明,学校领导和教师因为担心同学们览不健康的网站,关闭了教室内电脑的网络浏览能,你们感到很难过。

Unit 3 Life in the future教案教学设计Teaching Contents:Oral practice based on the reading passage on page17 to page18.1. Orally, answer several questions according to the text.2.Practise two topics:1) What do you suppose the future transportation will be like?2) Imagine where the house will be built in the future ?3. Listening and retelling.Teaching aims:1.Inspire the students to imagine the future life.2.Inspire the students to say something about the future transportation and housing.3.To improve the students’ oral ability.Teaching Important & difficult point::1.Inspire the students to imagine the future life and use the proper expressions.2.Enable the students to understand the meaning of the text, and say something according tothe text.3.To improve the students’ oral ability.Teaching methods:reading; asking and answering activity; pair or group work.Teaching Aids: A computer, multmedia.Teaching procedures:Step1: Lead-in .Enjoy a short video, cut from a science fiction film I, robot, to lead the students to imagine the future world. Step2: Fast ReadingAsk the students to read the text quickly, then find out the main idea of the text,and answer several questions according to each paragraph.purpose: These questionts are simple questions, just to help the students get a briefacquaintance to the future world described in the text.Step3: Listening and retelling according to paragraph 4. Show some tips to help the students retell the sentences.Purpose: This exercise is a practice for oral test part C in NCEE.Step4: Design two topics while talking about the hovering carriage and Wang Ping’s house.Practise the dialogues of making predictions.Topic 1: What do you suppose the future transportation will be like?Topic 2: Imagine where the house will be built in the future ?The students may use these structures :I suppose the transportation will be something like a ….I suppose , in the future, the house will be built in…..I imagine that ….Purpose: To practise the structure orally I suppose that… , I imagine that.. .Step5: Summary of the text orally.This passage mainly tells us about a boy named Li Qiang”s trip to the future. It tells us how he got to the future, how he felt and what he had seen.Step6: Discussion.“What’s the writer’s attitude towards the future, optimistic or pessimistic?”“How do you know? “The students may begin like these :•In my opinion, the writer’s attitude towards the future is _________ .•As far as I am concerned, the writer feels _________ to the future.•I think the writer has an _________ view of the future.Purpose: To learn to analyze the writer’s attitude and express your conclusion.Step7 Homework1. To talk with your chairmate on the topic:Imagine, what the future world will be?2. Review the reading passage and find out the difficult language points to you.3. Finish exercises 1,2&4 on page 19.4. Review the words and phrases of this unit. A dictation tomorrow.Display on the blackboardUnit 3 Life in the Futurewh- do you supp ose ….?I suppose …..I imagine that….And some words, perhaps they will be: science fiction film, high-tech, time tunnelPs: Display on the screen。

Unit 3 Life in the future教案教学设计Teaching Contents:Oral practice based on the reading passage on page17 to page18.1. Orally, answer several questions according to the text.2.Practise two topics:1) What do you suppose the future transportation will be like?2) Imagine where the house will be built in the future ?3. Listening and retelling.Teaching aims:1.Inspire the students to imagine the future life.2.Inspire the students to say something about the future transportation and housing.3.To improve the students’ oral ability.Teaching Important & difficult point::1.Inspire the students to imagine the future life and use the proper expressions.2.Enable the students to understand the meaning of the text, and say something according tothe text.3.To improve the students’ oral ability.Teaching methods:reading; asking and answering activity; pair or group work.Teaching Aids: A computer, multmedia.Teaching procedures:Step1: Lead-in .Enjoy a short video, cut from a science fiction film I, robot, to lead the students to imagine the future world.Step2: Fast ReadingAsk the students to read the text quickly, then find out the main idea of the text,and answer several questions according to each paragraph.purpose: These questionts are simple questions, just to help the students get a briefacquaintance to the future world described in the text.Step3: Listening and retelling according to paragraph 4. Show some tips to help the students retell the sentences.Purpose: This exercise is a practice for oral test part C in NCEE.Step4: Design two topics while talking about the hovering carriage and Wang Ping’s house.Practise the dialogues of making predictions.Topic 1: What do you suppose the future transportation will be like?Topic 2: Imagine where the house will be built in the future ?The students may use these structures :I suppose the transportation will be something like a ….I suppose , in the future, the house will be built in…..I imagine that ….Purpose: To practise the structure orally I suppose that… , I imagine that.. .Step5: Summary of the text orally.This passage mainly tells us about a boy named Li Qiang”s trip to the future. It tells us how he got to the future, how he felt and what he had seen.Step6: Discussion.“What’s the writer’s attitude towards the future, optimistic or pessimistic?”“How do you know? “The students may begin like these :•In my opinion, the writer’s attitude towards the future is _________ .•As far as I am concerned, the writer feels _________ to the future.•I think the writer has an _________ view of the future.Purpose: To learn to analyze the writer’s attitude and express your conclusion.Step7 Homework1. To talk with your chairmate on the topic: Imagine, what the future world will be?2. Review the reading passage and find out the difficult language points to you.3. Finish exercises 1,2&4 on page 19.4. Review the words and phrases of this unit. A dictation tomorrow.Display on the blackboardUnit 3 Life in the Futurewh- d o you suppose ….?I suppose …..I imagine that….And some words, perhaps they will be: science fiction film, high-tech, time tunnelPs: Display on the screenStep 1. Skimming:Skim through the passage and get its general idea.The passage is mainly about.A.how Li Qiang was transported to the future.B.how Li Qiang got to the future and his first impression of it.C.what the life was like in the future.D.the introduction of the “Future Tours ”company.1. What is a “time lag ”?“Time lag ’’is similar to the “jet lag ”. It means a person gets flashbacks from his previous time period.2.Who guides my trip?3. And who transported us to the future?Wang Ping ’s parents ’company transported us to the future.My friend Wang Ping is my guide to the future.1.How did I feel as soon as I wastransported to the future?I thought it was difficult to tolerate. I was hit by the lack of fresh air. 2. How did Wang Ping solve this problem?Wang Ping gave a mask to me and hurried me through to a small room nearby to have a rest.C. he felt a bit homesick.D. he was hit by a lack of fresh air.Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached.1. What did Wang Ping ’s house look like?large, bright and cleanHis house is a large bright, clean room.It had a green wall, a brown floor and soft lighting.Discussionpessimistic1.To talk with your chairmate on the topic:Imagine, what the future world will be?2.Review the reading passage and find outthe difficult language points to you.3.Finish exercises 1&2on page 19.4.Review the words and phrases of thisunit. A dictation tomorrow.Ten wordsfrom “lack”to “safety belt”.HomeworkThe Fifth Element.。

个人收集整理仅供参考学习人教版高中英语必修5教案Unit 3 Life in the FuturePeriod 1 Warming up and readingLearning aims:1. Learn some new words and expressions.2. Help the students to talk about life in the past, at present and in the future.3. Enable the students to describe the life in the past, at present and in the future. Important Points:To help students learn to read a narration about John Snow Difficult Points:To help students learn to describe peopleTeaching Procedures:Step 1 warming upShow the students some pictures or videos of the past and present life, and ask them their first impressions of the pictures.lead-in: Talk about how many changes there have been in the past and in the present.Step 2: pre-reading1. Can you tell what problems people are facing today?2. What problems do you think people in the future will have overcome? Which ones will still be there or even worse in AD3005?Key: 1. The problem of population will be solved, have begun to Control the birth rate.2. The problems will be still there, and will even worse.3. I don't think so. Now scientists are trying their best to develop new resourcesthat human beings can make use of ,such as solar energy. In my opinion…Step 3:fast reading1. Read the text for the first time and tell what the text is about?It's an e-mail written by a man Who has taken up a trip to the future.2. Look at the following sentence, there are in wrong order, tell me the correct order for these sentenceA. We were transported into the future by a comfortable time capsule.B. I arrived a t Wang Ping's home and everything in his house made me surprised.C.I won a travel to the year AD3005D. I have my first try to master a hovering carriage.Step 4 careful readingTask1. Questions & answers:1. Why did I have the chance to travel to the year AD3005?2. What is a “time lag”?3. How did I feel when I was in the capsule?4. Who guides my trip?- 1 - / 9个人收集整理仅供参考学习5. Why did my guide give me some tables?6. Who transported us to the future?Key 1. I took up the prize I won the year before.2. “Time lag”means a person gets flashbacks from his previous time period.3. The seats in the capsule are very comfortable.4. My friend Wang Ping is my guide to the future.5. The tablets could help me feel less nervous and uncertain6. Wang Ping's parents' company transported us to the future.Task 2. Fill in the Chart:Good changesBad changesTime travelCan travel toDifferent times After-effects of travelas you wishtransport.can move swiftlyDisorganized, difficult tofind waysave living spacehousesShort of spaceBusy, look likeTowns Easy to get lostMarketsOwn family Air qualityPoor quality in public placesoxygen supplyTask 4:Making a chain of events from the text First Impressions- 2 - / 9个人收集整理仅供参考学习Step 5: Discussion: Sample answers Ex.2 讨论总结I think the writer has an optimistic view of the future. He was very excited when he traveled to the year AD 3005 an d couldn't believe if was true. From this, we can see he is eager to go to the future. Though she was hit by the lack of fresh air.Period 2&3 Language focusLearning aims: To help students learn to use some important words and expressionsImportant Points:To help students learn to remember some important words andexpressionsDifficult Points:To help students learn to use some important words and expressionsTeaching Procedures:Step I RevisionHave a dictationStep II. Check the answers1)Check the answers of yesterday's homework (ing Words and Expressions) Warming up1. aspect n. 方面,外观You've only considered one aspect of the problem.The fierce aspect of the salesman frightened the customer off.Pre-reading2. overcome vt. 克服,战胜,找到处理问题地办法; 表示“压倒,受不了”时, 常用被动语态;be overcome with…“…之极, 极为…”He overcame the bad habit of smoking.We'll overcome the difficulty when we got to it.The child was overcome by weariness and slept.My mother was overcome with grief.Reading1. I still can't believe that I am taking up my prize that was won last year.Take up 开始从事,选修, 占用, 吸收When does the manager take up his job?he took up art in collegeHe decided to take up photography as his career.This table takes up too much room.Plants take up water.拓展:take 地词组take off 脱下, 起飞take over接管take to 喜欢上,对…产生好感Helen always helps her mother even though going to school ____ most of her dayA. takes upB. makes upC. saves upD. puts up- 3 - / 9个人收集整理仅供参考学习2.I have to constantly rub my eyes to remind myself that I have traveled to the year AD3005我得不断擦拭自己地眼睛来提醒自己,我已到了公元3005年remind: to make someone remember something that they must do这部影片使他回想起在中国所看到地一切.remind sb of sth 提醒某人…, 使某人想起…In case I forget, please remind me ofit.The film reminded him of what he had seen in China.remind sb to do sth Please remind me to write to my Mum. remind sb that/ where/how May I remind you that we agreed to start at 10:00?constantly adv. 经常地,不断地The area was constantly hit by drought.3. As a result, I suffered from ‘time lag”As a result: because of something that has happened结果,由于…地结果e.g He worked hard, and as a result, he got promoted quickly.V.S. as a result of…He was late as a result of snow.result from His failure resulted from not working hard enough.result in The accident resulted in his death.Suffer from: to experience 患有…为…所苦.he suffer from headache.发散思维:suffering n. 痛苦,劳苦sufferance n.容忍,忍耐4. This is similar to the “Jet lag”you get from flying. Bit instead it means you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period.这种病有些像乘喷气式飞机高速飞行时所引起地时差反应那样,所不同是是,它意味着你地脑海里不停地从以前地时间断地直往回闪去a. similar / be similar to: 与…相似A cat is similar to a tiger in many respects.发散思维:similarity n. 类似,相似similarly: adv 相似地,同样地b. Keep doing something: 继续做某事It kept raining for a weekc. flashback : 闪回,倒叙The event in his happy family life are shown in flashback.d. previous adj. 先前地, 以前地He was there on the previous day.He has had no previous experience of this kind of job.5. Well-known for their expertise, his parents' company, called “Future Tours”…a. 过去分词known 作原因状语,相当于一个由as引导地原因状语从句As it waswell-known for…b. be known for…因…出名be known to…为…所熟知be known as…作为…- 4 - / 9个人收集整理仅供参考学习出名6. At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.a. surroundings n.(常用pl.形式,谓语用复数) 周围事物,环境This hospital is in beautiful surroundings.The surroundings are very satisfactory.V.S. surrounding adj. 周围地His death made top news in the surrounding countryside.b. tolerate vt. 宽容, 忍受Our teacher won't tolerate any cheat in the exams.7. Hit by a lack of fresh air…lack vt.& vi. 缺乏;缺少;没有.例如:You lack courage/ strength/ability / experience.你缺乏勇气/力气/能力/经验.We didn't lack for money. 我们并不缺钱.(lack用作不及物动词时,常与for连用.一般用于否定句中.)n.缺乏;短缺地东西.(常与介词of连用).例如:She showed a lack of humor.她表现出缺乏幽默感.I can't buy the bike because of my lack of money.我因为缺钱而不能买那架自行车. for lack of 因为缺少.例如:We can't discuss the details now for lack of time.因时间有限,我们现在无法讨论细节.lacking a. 欠缺地,不够地be lacking in =be short of.例如:He seemed to be lacking both in intelligence and ability.他似乎在智力和哪里上都有缺欠.8. on one's feet 战立, 恢复, 自立Ford Motor Company is finally back on its feet after years of low sales.I can't stay on my feet any longer.9. press vi & vt.1)压;按;推.例如:She pressed the key / button / doorbell. 她摁按键/按纽/门铃.He pressed a handkerchief to his nose.他用手帕捂着鼻子.2)熨;熨平.例如:I've pressed your trousers with the iron. 我用熨斗熨了你地裤子.3)紧迫.例如:Time presses. 时间紧迫The problem of fuel presses for solution.这个燃料地问题急待解决.We'll let you know if anything presses. 如有紧急情况,我们会通知你地.n. 按;压.出版业;新闻界;例如:Flatten the dough with a press of the hand. 用手把生面团压平.the University Press 大学出版社- 5 - / 9个人收集整理仅供参考学习The power of the press is very great. 新闻界地力量非常.10. Just as I tried to make the necessary adjustment to this new situation , …adjustment: The act of adjusting or the state of being adjusted.He made adjustment to the machine.11. sight n. 视力;视野;情景,景象.例如:He has good/ poor (eye)sight 他视力好/差.She lost her sight.她眼睛瞎了.Keep out of my sight.不要让我看到你.I watched him until he disappeared from sight in the distance.我望着他直到他消失在远方.The sunset is a beautiful sight. 落日是很美地景象.常见地短语:be in sight 看得见;come in sight进入视线;out of sight不被看到;lose sight of…看不见...了;catch/ get/ have (a) sight of…发现, 看出;at first sight 乍一看.12.he was swept up into the center of them and my link with him was broken as I was carried up to top of a high building nearby.Sweep up:本意是打扫,清扫,经常引申为“横扫,掠过”等意思The leaves were swept up into the air by the wind13. as if /though 好象,仿佛,似乎;一般引导表语从句和状语从句.从句中地动词有时要用虚拟语气.例如:It looks as if it is going to rain. 看起来天要下雨了.You look as if you didn't care. 你看来一点也不介意似地.She walked as though she was/were floating on air. 她走路地样子像是在空中漂浮. Tom stared at h his father as though he had never seen him before. 汤姆盯着他父亲仿佛从来都没见过他似地.as if 常可引导省略地状语从句.例如:He glanced about as if (he was)in search of something. 他扫视着四周,像是在找什么东西似地.The lad started, as if (he was) awakened from some dream. 那小伙惊跳了起来,仿佛从梦中惊醒过来.14. Wang Ping's mother appeared, flashed a switch on a computer screen, and a table and chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.王平地妈妈出现了,电脑荧屏上地开头闪了一下,于是一个桌子和几把椅子就像变魔术般地从地板下面升了起来switch : n. 开关where is the light switch?vi. 转换,改变:he got tired of teaching and switched to writing stories- 6 - / 9个人收集整理仅供参考学习开放思维:switch off 把…关掉,不听,不理睬switch on: 接通,把开关打开Switch out: 关上As if by magic= like magicHe jumped so high as if by magicmagical: adj 魔力地,不可思议地Magically adv 迷人地,不可思议地magician n:魔术师15. You may find it difficult as this is your first time travel trip当你第一次做这样地时间旅行时,可能会感到有些困难Find it difficult: 结构为“find+宾语+宾补”宾补可以是形容词,不定式,动名词,从句I found him to be much younger than I expectedDo you find him very bright?I find it hard to talk with himI find it very easy to learn English well.16. slide into “不知不觉地陷入”The car slid into the ditch.Period 4 Learning about languageTeaching aims: The Past Participle as the adverbial and attributeImportant Points:1.过去分词作定语(The past participle as the attribute)I followed him to collect a hovering carriage driven by computer.Tomorrow you will be ready for some visits organized by computer.Difficult Points:2.过去分词作状语(The past participle as the adverbial)Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.Confused by the new surroundings, I was hit by the lack of fresh air.Teaching Methods:1.Inductive Method2.Group workTeaching Procedures:Step I DictationLet the students have a dictation.Step II. Grammar和现在分词及短语一样,过去分词(past participles)或过去分词短语(past participial phrases)也可以充当副词,修饰谓语动词.过去分词短语可以表达下列四种意思:(1)方法或活动方式,如:●He walked up and down, lost in thought.●I sat before the desk until after mid-night, absorbed in writing.- 7 - / 9个人收集整理仅供参考学习●Surrounded by a host of fans, the film star left the airport excitedly.(2)原因,如:●Greatly disappointed, some staff decided to leave the place.●Taken by surprise, the enemy surrendered.(3)时间,如:●Born and bred in a turbulent age, the older generation of people experienced all sorts of hardships.●Thrown to the floor, the boy regained his footing a few minutes later.(4)条件,如:●Given more time, the slow learners would have done better.●Criticized by someone else, Tony would not have flared up like that.除了直接修饰动词之外,过去分词或短语也可以和连词合组成短语,表示下列四种意思:(1)由when, whenever, while, until 等连词引导,表示“时间”,如:●When asked about his previous job, Bill said he had been a motor mechanic.●Susan seldom speaks in class until spoken to.(2)由where, wherever 连词引导,表示“地点”,如:●Mosquitoes should be completely exterminated where found.●Retirees in good health should be invited to return to work wherever needed. (3)由if, unless 引导,表示“条件”,如:●If kept for too long, some medicines will lose their effectiveness.●We have made a point of not attacking unless attacked.(4)由though, although, even though 连词引导,表示“让步”,如:●Though warned of the danger, they still went mountaineering.●Even though defeated for a second time, our team did not give up hope for the ultimate victory.此外,过去分词短语还可以和介词“with”或“without”连用,具副词作用.如:●With the water pipe choked, there wasn't any more water for use.●Without anything left in the kitchen, the Wangs decided to eat out.最后,过去分词短语,在适当情况下,可以有自己地主语而变成独立结构(the absolute construction),如:●The old man listened, his head inclined to one side4. Studying the past participle as the attribute过去分词作定语,在语态上,表被动;在时间上,表示动作已经发生或完成,与它所修饰地名词有逻辑上地动宾关系.过去分词作定语时,所修饰地名词在逻辑上相当于被动句中地主语,过去分词相当于谓语.过去分词作定语表示动作在谓语动作之前发生,已经完成并具有被动意义.有时也不表示时间性.作定语地过去分词一般由及物动词变来,因为只有及物动词才有被动意义.例如:He is a teacher loved by his students. 他是个很受学生爱戴地老师.也有用不及物动词地过去分词作定语地情况,一般作前置定语,它不表示被动意义,只表示主动意义,强调动作完成.不能像及物动词地过去分词那样放在名词后面作定语.例如:fallen leaves 落叶, retired workers 退休工人, the risen sun 升起地太阳- 8 - / 9个人收集整理仅供参考学习注意下面过去分词作定语地几种情况:A. 单个地过去分词作定语一般放在被修饰地名词之前.例如:We needed much more qualified workers. 我们需要更多地合格地工人.My friend is a returned student. 我地朋友是个归国地留学生.单个分词也可以作后置定语,用以强调动作.例如:They decided to change the material used. 他们决定更换使用地材料.B. 过去分词短语作定语要放在被修饰地名词后面,作后置定语,其作用相当于一个定语从句.例如:The student dressed in white is my daughter.(=The student who is dressed inwhite is my daughter.)C. 如果被修饰地词是由every/some/any/no+thing/body/one所构成地复合代词或指示代词those等时,即使一个单一地分词作形容词用,也要放在被修饰词地后面.例如:Is there anything unsolved?There is noting changed here since I left this town.D. 单个过去分词前加一名词或副词,常用连字符将它们连接起来构成一个复合形容词,放在其修饰地名词前,作前置定语.分词前加地名词表示分词地动作或行为主体,所加地副词表示方式、时间、程度、性质等意义.例如:This is a state-owned factory.This is our school-run factory.E. 作前置定语地某些动词地过去分词地形式与作谓语或表语地过去分词地形式往往不一样.例如:原形用作定语地过去分词用作表语或谓语地过去分词drink drunken drunklight lighted lit litmelt melten meltedsink Sunken SunkWe lit the candle and the candle lit up the room. 我们点着蜡烛,蜡烛照亮房间. There is a lighted candle on the table. 桌上有一支点着地蜡烛.5.Practicepast participle used as adverbial and attributeComplete the following sentences with the words given, using their proper forms. 1, I like reading the novels______ (write) by him2. The girl ________(write) a letter is my cousin3. There is something wrong with my bike and I have to get it __________(repair).4.He spoke loudly in order to make himself ____ (hear)- 9 - / 9。
人教版新课标高中英语 必修五 第三单元 B5U3 Life in the Future 教案教学设计

Book5 Unt3 life in the futureReadingLearning aims:Knowledge AimsHave a good understanding of the text through the exercises. Ability AimsImprove some reading skills.Develop the ability to describe what to see and hear. Emotional AimsStir the imagination for the future life to encourage ourselves to work hard for the bright future.Step 1 Lead inFree talkingWhat changes have happened in our life from the past to the present in the following aspects?Step 2 Fast readingLook at the pictures and title and predict the main idea of the passage.1 .What’s the text about?A.Li Qiang was surprised at the Wang ping’s home.B.How Li Qiang was transported to the future.C.How Li Qiang got to the future and his first impressions ofit.D.The introduction of the “Future Tours” company.Please choose the right answers to complete the chartF i r s t i m p r e s s i o n sP a r t1___P a r2P a r t3___P a r t4A.Some details of the tourB. Boarding and taking offC. A brief introduction of the tourD. What happened to Li Qiang during the tourE. What the future home looks likeStep 3 Careful readingPara. I---______________________•Reason: •Feeling:•Problem: soPara.2 ---____________________climbed in through the ________seatsa ______drink swing gently sideways _________the journey 1000 years laterPara. 3 ----_____________________1.How did I feel as soon as I was transported to the future?2. How did Wang Ping solve this problem?3.When and why did he get separated from Wang ping?4.What do you think has caused this kind of problem that li Qiang’shead achedA. he got a bad cold when traveling.B. there was no air at all.C. he felt a bit homesick.D. he was hit by a lack of fresh air.③ Para.4---__________Describe the new house:S tep 4 SummaryNow try to find out what happened to Li Qiang before duringand after the journey.Step 5 DiscussionShare your dreams with your classmates1)discuss in groups.2)each group chooses one volunteer to speak out your life purpose and your planDo you ever think of your own life in the future?what is your life purpose?what do you want ?what do you want to create for your life in the future? Homeworkwrite a short passage about your your life purpose(about 100 words)。

Period 7 AssessmentA.Self-assessment1.I have finished learning this unit and now I feel I am __________of most of the contents learned in this unit.A.slightly confidentB.confidentC.quite confidentD.very confident2.In this unit I have learned the followingverbs: ____________________________________________________________nouns: ____________________________________________________________adjectives: ____________________________________________________________adverbs: ____________________________________________________________expressions: ____________________________________________________________patterns:3.I can make sentences with some of the words and expressions and patterns that I like very much.__________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________...B.Test一、单项选择1.Rather than __________ on a crowded bus, he always prefers __________ a bicycle.A.ride; rideB.riding; rideC.ride; to rideD.to ride; riding2.The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him __________.A.not toB.not to doC.not do itD.do not to3.I’ve worked with children before, so I know what __________in my new job.A.expectedB.to expectC.to be expectingD.expects4.The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see __________ the next year.A.carry outB.carrying outC.carried outD.to carry out5.I borrowed a book __________ by Mark Twain from the library last week.I like it verymuch.A.writtenB.writingC.to writeD.write6.He was seated in the corner of the room, __________ in thought.A.losingB.lostC.having lostD.to lose7.__________ he said at the meeting astonished everyone present.A.WhatB.ThatC.The factD.The matter8.__________ is no possibility __________ Bob can win the first prize in the match.A.There; thatB.It; thatC.There; whetherD.It; which9.He looks as if he __________ a shy girl.A.isB.wasC.wereD.are10.__________ more time, he would do it much better.A.Having givenB.To giveC.GivingD.Given答案:1~5 CABCA 6~10 BAACD二、用下列方框内的词填空, 每词只能用一次, 必要时词形须变化remind constantly agency impression switch view optimistic extraordinary11.Our company has__________ all over the world.12.The entrance is in__________ use; do not block it.13.Her talents are quite__________.14.His first speech as president made a strong__________ on his audience.15.What he said__________ me of my childhood.16.I am not __________ about the result of this examination.17.A cloud hid the sun from__________.18.Try not to do anything that is against her minds, f or she is __________ to anger.答案:11.agencies 12.constant 13.extraordinary 14.impression 15.reminded16.optimistic 17.view 18.switch三、完形填空A land free from destruction, plus wealth, natural resources, and labor supply—all these were important19in helping England to become the center for the Industrial Revolution. 20 they were not enough.Something 21 was needed to start the industrial process.That“something special”was men—22 individuals who could invent machines, find new 23 of power, and establish business organizations to reshape society.The men who 24 the machines of the Industrial Revolution 25 from many backgrounds and many occupations.Many of them were 26 inventors than scientists.A man who is a 27 scientist is primarily interested in doing his research 28 .He is not necessarily working 29 that his findings can be used.An inventor or one interested in applied science is 30 trying to make something that has a concrete use.He may try to solve a problem by 31 the theories 32 science or by experimenting through trial and error.Regardless of his method, he is workin g to obtain a 33 result: the construction of a harvesting machine, the burning of a light bulb, or one of 34 other objectives.Most of the people who 35 the machines of the Industrial Revolution were inventors, not trained scientists.A few were both scientists and inventors.Even those who had 36 or no training in science might not have made their inventions 37 a groundwork had not been laid by scientists years 38 .19.A.cases B.reasons C.factors D.situations20.A.But B.And C.Besides D.Even21.A.else B.near C.extra D.similar22.A.generating B.effective C.motivating D.creative23.A.origins B.sources C.bases D.discoveries24.A.employed B.created C.operated D.controlled25.A.came B.arrived C.stemmed D.appeared26.A.less B.better C.more D.worse27.A.genuine B.practical C.pure D.clever28.A.happily B.occasionally C.reluctantly D.accurately29.A.now B.and C.all D.so30.A.seldom B.sometimes C.all D.never31.A.planning ing C.idea D.means32.A.of B.with C.to D.as33.A.single B.sole C.specialized D.specific34.A.few B.those C.many D.all35.A.proposed B.developed C.supplied D.offered36.A.little B.much C.some D.any37.A.as B.if C.because D.while38.A.ago B.past C.ahead D.before答案:19~23 CAADB 24~28 BACCD 29~33 DCBAD 34~38 CBABD四、阅读理解AAs a teenager in 1972, Bill Gates boasted that he would be a millionaire by the time he was 20.While he did not quite achieve that goal, only 15 years later he was a billionaire.And by 1992, as head of the Microsoft Corporation, he became the richest man in America with US$6.3 billion.Born in Seattle, Washington on 28 October 1956, Gates was named William Henry after his father and grandfather.From the beginning, he was an extremely intelligent child.He had read the whole World Book Encyclopedia by the age of nine.His favorite subjects at school were science and maths and his favorite pastime was“thinking”.He was a year younger thanmost of his classmates and small for his age.The skinny, left-handed boy was often the object of jokes and found himself treated as an outsider by his peers.If being teased (戏弄) bothered young Bill, however, he didn’t show it.While other children were outside playing games and enjoying sports, Bill spent all of his spare time reading his books and doing his papers.When asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, 11-year-old Bill said, “A scientist.”Gates first started to play with computers at the age of 13.At that time, computers were large.Operators were required to learn complex computer languages before the machines could be used.Before long, Gates was an expert at working the school’s computer.Along with a group of older students, he set about learning every computer language and function there was.After his graduation from secondary school, Gates was accepted by the three top universities in the USA.He chose Harvard and began classes there the next autumn, majoring in moths.But he was still interested in computers and spent as much time in the computer labs as he did in the lecture halls.By 1975, Gates and a partner, Paul had developed a software program called BASIC.This was not the first program created, but its inventors were the first to decide that people who wanted to use it should pay for it.Until the n, the computer hardware—the machines themselves—had been the expensive part of computing.BASIC was a success because until it came along there had been no efficient way of getting computers to carry out instructions.Although he had not yet completed his degree, Gates left university and went to work full time for the new company he had formed called “Microsoft.”His next project was the software program that made him famous and very rich.It was called DOS, and IBM purchased it in 1980.It was the operating system used in more than 14 million personal computers around the world before WINDOWS came into being.39.In Paragraph 3, it is implied (暗示) that Gates __________.A.was in poor healthB.was not interested in sportsC.was a very neat and tidy personD.did not mind being teased40.When Gates went to Harvard he __________.A.spend most of his time in computer labsB.developed the first comp uter software programC.divided his time between his maths studies and the computer labsD.was not doing well in maths41.Before the development of BASIC, __________.A.software programs were not considered commercial(商业) projectsB.software programs were very expensiv eC.no one wanted to pay for computer softwareD.software was more expensive than hardware42.Gates formed the new company Microsoft __________.A.and began to develop WINDOWSB.because he was already working on DOSC.because he could not work on DOS while he was at universityD.and left university to work there full time答案:39~42 BCADBMichael, an American, stays home on workdays.He plug into his personal computer terminal in order to connect with the office.After work, he puts on his headphones, watches a movie on his home video recorder, or plays baseball on the computer.On many days, Michael doesn’t talk to any other human beings, and he doesn’t see any people expect the ones on television.Michael is imaginary, but his lifestyle is ver y possible.The inventions of modern technology seem to be cutting us off from contact with our fellow human beings.The world of business is one area in which technology is isolating us.Experts say, for example, that many people will soon be able to work at home.With access to a large central computer, employees such as office clerks, insurance agents, and accountants could do their jobs at display terminals in their own homes.They would never have to actually see the people they’re dealing with.In addition, the way employees are paid will change. Workers’salaries will be automatically paid into their bank accounts(账户), making paper checks(支票)unnecessary.No workers will stand in line to receive their pay or cash their checks.Personal banking will change, too.Customers will deal with machines to put in or take out money from their accounts.Another area technology is changing is entertainment.Music, for instance, was once a group experience.People listened to music at concert halls or in small social gatherings.For many people now, however, music is an individual experience.Walking along the street or sitting in their living rooms, they wear headphones to build a wall of music around them.Movie entertainment is changing, too.Movies used to be social events.Now, fewer people are going out to see a movie.Many more are choosing to wait for a film to appear on television or are borrowing videotapes to watch at home.Instead of laughing with others, viewers watch movies in their own living rooms.43.After work, Michael likes to __________.A.listen to music at the concert hallB.watch a movie in his living roomC.run a program on his computer in his officeD.play baseball with his workmates44.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A.Clerks will be able to work at home.B.One can play baseball on the computer.C.One can listen to music without disturbing others.D.One can borrow books from libraries at home.45.The sentence“Michael is imaginary, but...”means __________.A.he is a person full of imagination and he can make his dreams come trueB.he is not a real person but the lifestyle does existC.he has ambitions but he can’t make his dreams come trueD.he is a person full of imagination and his lifestyle is common nowadays46.What will the author most probably discuss after the last paragraph?A.Games and sports.B.Personal banking.C.Music and films.D.International business.47.What is the main idea of the passage?A.We may no longer need to communicate with other human beings.B.Modern technology seems to be separating human beings.C.We may no longer need to work in the office.D.Modern technology makes it possible for us to work and entertain ourselves at home.答案:43~47 BDBABCScientists made a great breakthrough this year in England when the first“test-tube”baby was born.The birth was the result of many years of research by doctors.The doctors did the research in groups to help the women who cannot conceive a baby in the normal way.What happened when the baby was born “from a test tube”?Well, the baby did not literally grow in a test tube.The first stage of the process was that the egg from the woman and the sperm from the man were put together in the test tube.After all, the embryo was put into the womb of a woman.This process was difficult.But it was successful, so the baby was eventually born, like any other, from a woman, only the woman wasn’t the baby’s real mother, but a sort of“carrier”of a baby produced by another couple.Obviously, this method is help to couples who can’t have children because of physical problems in the woman.But very difficult moral problems arise in the kind of situation.Take, for instance, a case that happened this year.A couple who wanted a baby advertised for a woman to have a child by the father of the couple.They offered the woman a lot of money.The woman was made pregnant by artificial insemination; in this case, the woman “employed”to bear the child was its real mother.When the baby was born, the woman refused to give it back to the couple.But, in the eyes of the law, the woman had a right to keep the children because she was its biological mother.You could argue that we should change the law to deal with this kind of situation.In earlier times, there were always healthy babies needing adoption, because family planning methods were not so effective as they are now.These days, however, most of the children who can be adopted are over six years old, often handicapped in some way.So a couple who want a young healthy baby cannot always adopt one, thi s is why the“test-tube”baby is in demand.But is it normally right to use this method?Should we temper with nature in this way?Even if we change the law, would this be the right step to take?48.The birth of the first“test-tube”baby is a great advance __________.A.in birth controlB.on medical scienceC.on the research for babiesD.in the lives of married women49.When we say a baby was born“from a test-tube”, we mean__________.A.the embryo was formed in the test tubeB.the baby grew in the test-tube before it was bornC.the baby didn’t develop in the womb of a womanD.the baby has no biological parents50.According to the law, who has right to keep the baby produced by the artificial method?A.The couple who want a baby.B.The person who pays the money to the real mother.C.The biological mother of the child.D.The father who advertises for a biological mother.51.According to the passage, people need“test-tube baby”because__________.A.family planning methods are not effect iveB.there are so many babies needing adoptionC.they are unwilling to adopt a childD.they can’t always adopt a young healthy baby52.What is the author’s attitude towards the artificial method of shavings babies?A.Positive(肯定的).B.Enthusiastic(热心的).C.Doubtful.D.Natural.答案:48~52 BACDCDCan you imagine travelling to work in a one man submarine?Some scientists believe that some day one man submarines will be as many as automobiles are today.A famous French driver says, “One day soon, men will walk on the ocean floor as they do on the street!”Perhaps during your lifetime people will travel, work, and live in the sea.If human beings want to live in the ocean, many human problems will need to be studied first.Some of these problems, similar to those of living in outer space, are pressure, lack of oxygen and weightlessness.Many questions are still unanswered.For example, can our blood make itself fit for underwater surroundings?What will happen to our muscle if we live in the water very long?Scientists are looking for answers.Perhaps in the future man will live in the sea, away from the crowded and noisy citieson land.Then sea has plenty of space, not only for floating living buildings and parks, but also for storing supplies and for underwater travel.Some scientists believe that ocean living will benefit man in more than physical ways.In the freedom and beauty of the deep sea, man may find new sources of joy.53.What can we do if we live in the ocean?A.We can have plenty of oxygen.B.We can be fit to live in the water very well.C.We needn’t worry about things like weightlessness.D.We can travel and work in the sea.54.Why do some people hope to leave cities to live in the sea?Because__________.A.people think they can live crowdedly in the seaB.people wish to go the quiet seafloor to travel for several daysC.people want to break away from the crowded and noisy cities where’s they live nowD.only in this way can people get rid of noise pollution55.In what ways could ocean living be helpful for man?A.People can swim freely as much as possible.B.People can be interested in the new pleasure there isn’t anywhere else.C.The sea can supply people with enough foods and other things, so people needn’t work.D.People can go boating and go to the park as often as possible.56.Which of the following is the similar problem as that of living in outer space?A.We are short of oxygen.B.We are not familiar with the underwater surrounding.C.We ma y die of weightlessness.D.We can finds new joys.57.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A.The scientists have not solved the problem of weightlessness underwater.B.The scientists hav e solved the problem of weightlessness when man live in space.C.Some scientists believe that ocean living will benefit man in no more than physical ways.D.Sea has plenty of space only for floating living buildings and parks.答案:53~57 DCBAA五、写作下面是你与旅馆接待员(receptionist)的对话, 以第一人称写出一篇根据对话内容改编的短文。
高中英语 Unit 3 Life in the future 语法课时教案 新人教版必修5

高中英语Unit 3 Life in the future 语法课时教案新人教版必修5present participle.Knowledge Ai mTo learn about the the past participleAbility AimTo use the past participle as the object complement freely and properly in speaking and writing.Emotional AimsEncourage the st udents learn more about the grammar.Help the students to form the good habit in learning.Encourage the students to do more exercises to consolidate their knowledge.At the beginning of this period, the teacher should give the一、过去分词作定语1.单个的过去分词或由过去分词构成的复合形容词作定语时,通常放在被修饰词的名词前面,代词后面。
frozen food 冷冻食品fallen leaves 落叶well educated man 有教养的人anyone caught 任何被捕的人2.过去分词短语作定语时要放在名词后面。
The fish caught yesterday is/are still alive.昨天捉来的鱼还活着。
The trees planted by the foreign visitors are growing well.外国游客种的那些树长势良好。
3. 有些不及物动词必须和副词搭配才能作定语。
well behaved children行为端庄的孩子newly come visitors 新来的观光客4.表示情感的动词的过去分词。
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Unit 3 Life In the Future学情分析:________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 教材分析本单元的中心话题是“谈未来”,内容主要涉及人类对今后生活环境的想象、猜测和思考。
通过本单元的学习,要让学生大胆发挥想象,对人类今后的生活环境,集宁一中2011年高二上学期第 1 页共9 页编制人:于素丽建议:高中阶段的英语教学,主要是阅读理解技能和读写技能,因此每个单元的教学设计中,要十分明确阅读微技能和读写微技能的教学目标,具体阅读微技能的描述,请参见《高中英语阅读技能》给出的表格和高考考试大纲中的阅读技能。
教案一Warming Up, Pre-reading and comprehending Teaching Goals:1.To illustrate Ss’ imagination of future life.2.To arouse Ss to pay more attention to the problems that probably appeared in thefuture life.3. Enable the students to describe the life in the past, at present and in the future. Step 1 Lead-in(多媒体展示)Show some pictures about life in the past and life at present.(or let students enjoy a short movie about life in the future.)Let students discuss the question :What do you think future life will be like?建议:呈现的图片或者视频,最好有个范围,比如:交通、通讯、学校生活等等,这些范围的内容最好和后面的阅读内容有较强的关联,以便更好的导入课文预测和阅读理解。
Step 2. Warming UpGroup workWhat changes do you expect to see in your life in 50 years’ time? In groups, choose tw o of them to have a discussion, then make notes in the table.(可选其中几项进行讨论)集宁一中2011年高二上学期第 2 页共9 页编制人:于素丽建议:这个活动很好,但是很考验教师的想象力和对最新科技的关注,而且要注意这个活动没有正确答案的,要充分肯定学生的想象。
Step 3. Pre-readinga sk Ss to discuss the following questions in pairs.(1)Make a list of the problems human beings are facing today.(2) Which problems do you think people will have overcome in one thousand years? Which ones do you think will still exist in AD 3008?Suggested Answers:global warming; acid rain; growing areas of desert; overlarge world population,lack of enough drinking water,建议:Warming-up不要占用过多的时间,而且,如此遥远的想象活动设计,实际上起不到打开学生想象空间的作用的,因为实在是太遥远了!因此,建议上述活动占用半节课的时间完成即可,然后就进入文章阅读活动。
Step 4 homework: 做双语报第4期b1版的主题阅读ReadingTeaching aims:1.To train the students’ reading ability2.Grasp some important phrases and sentences3.Stimulate the s tudents’ interest and love for learning life in the future.Step 1: PredictionLook at the pictures on page18 and the title of the passage and predict the content.What do you think the passage will tell us?Step 2:skimming1. What’s the text about?集宁一中2011年高二上学期第 3 页共9 页编制人:于素丽A.An e-mail written by a man who has taken up a trip to the futureB. The man has his first try to master a hovering carriage.C. The man is surprised at the Wang ping’s home.D. The preparation of the trip.Suggested Answers: A2. match the main idea of each paragragh.Paragragh 1 The journey.Paragragh 2 Staying in Wang Ping’s home.Paragragh 3 How I came to take a time travel journey.Paragragh 4 My impressions of life one thousand years into the future. Step 3:scanning1. Do exercise1. on page 192. True or False1. During his journey he suffered from “jet lag”.( )2. Wang Ping was his friend as well as his guide. ( )3. The writer gave Wang Ping some green tablets, which helped a lot. ( )4. Wang Ping owns a company named “Future Tours”.( )5. Before the trip, we had a calming drink which made us sleepy. ( )6. I lost sight of Wang Ping because there were too many carriages. ( )7. In the year AD 3008, the air in private houses was poor quality. ( )8. Hovering carriages were a fast means of transport, and people could fly in them in every direction.Suggested Answers: TTFFTTFTStep 4.Homework: Read the text loudly and find some difficult sentences.教案二Language points1. First impressions.impression: n. [c] 印象; 印记; 感想eg. She gives the impression of being very busy.她给人的印象是特别忙。
I had a very good impression on him.集宁一中2011年高二上学期第 4 页共9 页编制人:于素丽The new teacher made a good impression on the students.His trip to India left a strong impression on him.常用结构:make/ leave a…impression on sb .给某人留下….印象impress vt. 给……留下深刻的印象;使铭记The teacher impressed us with his sense of humour.He impressed on us the need for immediate action.常用结构:impress sb. with sth 给某人留下....印象impress sth on sb.是某人铭记/意识到…..做一做:1)______ was favourable.他给我的第一印象不错。
2) His speech made _______.这演说给我们留下了深刻的印3) He ______________his sincerity.2. I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year.从不同句子中猜测take up 的不同含义:1) Writing the paper took up most of the weekend. 占据(时间或空间)2)He took up his book and hurried out.拿起、举起3)He took up challenge with courage.接受4)He decided to take up photography as his career.开始从事……,5)He is going to take up the story where he left off yesterday. 继续即时演练:1. After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane ___ her job as a doctor in thecountryside. A. set out B. took over C. took up D. set up (C)2. We tried to find a table for seven, but they were all_____.A. given awayB. kept awayC. taken upD. set up (C)建议:上面的两个练习题,起不到“活学活用”的目的的,因为两道试题的答案都是选用刚刚学习的短语,学生一旦知道规律,不用思考和读题,都可以选对答案的。