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Unit 8 British Foreign Relations (英国的外交关系)


1. Active in setting up the United Nations (积极推进联合国的成立)

2. Foreign policy influenced by its history and geopolitical traits


3. Long-term physical separation from the European continent (长期与欧洲大陆隔绝)

4. The involvement of the Foreign and Common wealth Office (英国外交与联邦事务部的参与)

5. The Treasury (财政部)

6. The permanent member of the UN Security Council [(英国)是联合国常任理事国之一]

7. The member of the European Union (欧盟成员国之一)

8. The member of the Commonwealth (英联邦的成员国)

9. The special relationship with the United States (与美国的特殊关系)

10. The presence of superpower bases in Britain (在英国存在超级大国的军事基地)

11. Its participation in NATO [积极参与北约(北大西洋公约组织)的活动]


1. the British empire and its end

The Britain used to rule 1/3 of the globe and thus became a great empire in the world. After the WWII, the British empire began to decline as more and more former colonies declared their political independence. Throughout the next few decades, the process of decolonization continued, though sometimes the process was full of violence. The end of the great British empire was inevitable. Today the age of British imperialism is gone. But the British foreign policy is still influenc ed by Britain’s imperial past. An d because it had a strong military power and prestige, it had a big influence on the postwar international order. (*Some former colonies—Australia and Canada— still looked to Britain as the center of their political and cultural world.)

2. the foundations of British foreign policy

The contemporary foreign policy of the UK is greatly influenced by its imperial history and also by its geopolitical traits(地缘政治特点). 1)As Britain lost its empire so recently, British policy-makers frequently forget that Britain is not as influential as it used to be in world affairs. 2)Another decisive influence upon the way Britain handles its external affairs is geopolitical. As Britain is an island, it has created a sense of isolation in its subjects, which results in Britain’s schizophrenic(精神分裂的,反复无常的) attitude to Europe. (But Britain’s physical isolation has long been reduced by the development of airlines and more recently by the opening of the Channel Tunnel, which links Britain to continental Europe) 当代英国的外交政策很大程度上受其帝国主义历史和地缘政治特点的影响。由于英国失去其帝权的时间还不长,英国的决策者们经常会忘记英国在世界事务中已经不如从前那样有影响力了这一事实。影响英国处理外事的的另一决定性因素是其地缘政治特点。英国岛国的地理位置使那里的居民产生了一种心理上的孤独感,这导致英国对于欧洲的态度反复无常。


3. the making of Britain’s foreign policy 英国外交政策的制定

The general direction of Britain’s foreign policy is mainly decided by the Prime Minister and Cabinet. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)(英国联邦与国际事务部), the main government department, plays a significant role in the
