
Models:LIVS09HP115V1B LIVS12HP115V1B LIVS09HP230V1B LIVS12HP230V1B LIVS18HP230V1B LIVS24HP230V1B LIVS30HP230V1B LIVS36HP230V1BHIGH-WALL DUCTLESSAIR CONDITIONING &HEATING SYSTEM OWNER’S MANUALTable of ContentsIntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2Safety Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-4Installation Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5System Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-8Operation of Wireless Remote Contoller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-16Care and Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-19Energy Saving Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BackThank you for choosing aLivo Heat Pump System!You can feel confident in your selection because the same pride in craftsmanship and engineering knowledge that goes into millions of other Gree installed products worldwide has gone into your unit.Please read this owner’s manual carefully before operation and retain it for future reference.INTRODUCTIONSuperior Design for Superior PerformanceGree’s Livo Inverter-driven, Mini Split Heat Pumps are beautifully designed to deliver effective cooling or heating, while fitting unobtrusively into any decor. The indoor unit’s aesthetically pleasing, minimalist design blends nicely in any home or office.Your Livo unit offers quiet, energy-efficient comfort, powered by Gree’s famous G10 Inverter technology. To speed the process of bringing conditioned air exactly where you want it, the unit features both horizontal and vertical air flow control. Customizable mode controls allow you to adjust fan speeds, select sleep-time settings and more, all through the easy-to-use wireless remote controller, or an optional Wired Tether Controller.There’s even a Turbo, Power Failure Memory and other advanced features to make the Livo system even more versatile, for year-round comfort and energy savings. NOMENCLATUREPlease read the following before operation.symbol on the unit and in instructions or manuals, be alert to the potential for personal injury. Understand these signal words: DANGER, WARNING, and CAUTION. These words are used with the safety-alert symbol.DANGER identifies the most serious hazards which will result in severe personal injury or death.WARNING signifies hazards which could result in personal injury or death. CAUTION is used to identify unsafe practices which may result in minor personal injury or product and property damage.NOTE is used to highlight suggestions which will result in enhanced installation, reliability, or operation.NOTE:Your actual air conditioning & heating system and related devices may differ from the images shown in this manual.Please read the following before operation.:::::Front Panel DisplayThe front panel on the Livo indoor unit contains system status lights and easy-to-read LED display. NOTE:The indoor unit display panel can be turned ON or OFF via the LIGHT buttonon the remote controller. See "LIGHT" button description for more detail.INSTALLATION SCHEMATIC1. 2.3.Air Filter4. 5.6.8. 9.34WHISPER QUIETNot only are the Gree systems energy efficient but they are quiet too. Livo High-Wall units operate with sound pressure levels starting as low as 28 dB(A).MULTI FAN SPEEDSWhether operating in either Cooling or Heating mode, the indoor fan can be set to your choice of four different speeds (Low, Medium, High or Turbo) to achieve maximum comfort. INTELLIGENT PRE-HEATINGThe Livo system guards against the annoying cool air blown into the room in heating mode. The system constantly monitors the discharge air temperature. It will delay the indoor fan until the indoor coil has warmed up to prevent blowing uncomfortable cool air into the room.I FEEL MODEThe unit will sense room temperature at the remote controller instead of at the indoor unit during cooling mode. It then adjusts airflow and temperature accordingly for the ultimate in personal comfort control and energy savings.ADJUSTABLE AIRFLOWThe Livo system has a bi-directional airflow control for maximum comfort. The indoor unit has adjustable vertical swing louvers and can be set in multiple discharge directions from the wireless remote controller.TURBO MODEUse Turbo Mode for situations where you wish to achieve the desired room temperature in the shortest possible time. This mode runs the unit at ultra high speeds for quickest results. FREEZE GUARDRoom Freeze Guard protection will automatically keep the room temperature from getting too cold, where water pipes might freezeTIMER MODEThe unit can be programmed to turn ON or OFF after a specific amount of time. The time period is adjustable between one half and 24 hours.MODE BUTTONThe unit can be set to five different operating modes: HEAT, COOL, DRY, FAN ONLY and AUTO. NOTE:AUTO MODE has fixed setpoints of 68° F heating and 77° F cooling, whichare not adjustable. The system will automatically select heating or cooling to maintain room temperature within this band.SLEEP MODEThe Livo offers a Sleep Mode function for your comfort. The unit will automatically adjust room temperature during your sleep time. This slight change in temperature will not affect your comfort level due to the natural effects that sleeping has on the body, but it will save on energy consumption and will lower electric bills.ENERGY SAVINGS MODEThis feature will automatically select the optimal compressor and fan speeds to allow for energy savings while operating in Cooling or Heating modes. The compressor and fan will automatically slow down as the room temperature reaches the set point.SELF-DIAGNOSISLivo has a built-in computer which uses real-time diagnostics which help prolong the unit’s life. The automatic diagnosis feature continuously scans for errors or malfunctions and fault codes are shown on the unit display to facilitate troubleshooting and repair.POWER FAILURE MODEPower interruptions are no problem for the Livo system. User selections and system parameters are stored in non-volatile memory. These parameters are retained during a power failure. When power is returned, the Livo system will automatically return to the last operating mode. INTELLIGENT DEFROSTThe Livo Intelligent Defrost function increases room comfort and saves energy by eliminating unnecessary defrost cycles. In heating mode, the unit will monitor the outdoor coil for frost build up. Once frost buildup has been detected, the system will switch into a defrost mode to remove the frost.POLYMERIC AIR FILTERThe polymeric mesh filters save energy by preventing the indoor coils from being plugged with dirt and lint. This economical and sturdy filter may be washed, vacuumed and reused. FAHRENHEIT °F/CELSIUS °CThe remote controller and indoor wall unit front panel can be set to display in either °F or °C. PRIVACY LOCK MODEThe wireless remote controller has a Lock feature. The Lock averts unauthorized access or tampering with system settings.AGENCY LISTINGSAll systems are listed with AHRI (Air conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute) and are ETL certified per UL Standards.Remote ControllerINTRODUCTION FOR ICONS ON DISPLAY SCREENOPERATION OF WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROLLERPart Name1. ON/OFF Button2. Fan Button3. Mode Button4. Up Button5. Swing Button6. Turbo Button7. Down Button8. Temp Button9. Sleep Button 10. I Feel Button 11. Clock Button 12. Light Button13. Timer On/Off Button13579112468101213Auto ModeCool Mode Dry Mode Fan Mode Heat Mode ClockSleep Mode I Feel Function LightSend Signal Turbo Mode Set Fan SpeedOperation ModeTemp.Display TypeSet Temperature Set Time Timer On/Off Privacy Lock Up &Down SwingSet Temp.IndoorAmbient Temp.OutdoorAmbient Temp.Temp. Display TypeFreeze GuardDISPLAYING SETPOINT OR INDOOR TEMPERATUREON FRONT PANEL:The setpoint temperature or room temperature can be displayed onthe front panel. Only setpoint temperature is displayed on the remotecontroller.When the “TEMP” button is pushed once, the temperatureindicator is displayed. This indicates that the setpoint temperatureis displayed on the front panel.” button is pushed a second time, the display willThe room temperature will be displayed for only 5 seconds beforereverting back to displaying room setpoint.REMOTE CONTROLLER OPERATIONSThe wireless remote controller is sleek, versatile and allows you to change room temperatures and functions on your Vireo system from the palm of your hand. The large LCD display and buttons make it easy-to-understand and easy-to-use.The remote controller is set from factory to display temperatures in °F . If °C is desired, turn the remote controller OFF with the ON/OFF button and then press “MODE “ and “” buttons on the remote simultaneously for 5 seconds.ON/OFF BUTTONWhen the system is in OFF mode, the remote controller will displaythe time and last room setpoint. When you press the ON/OFFbutton, this indicator will be displayed and the unit will start inthe last operating mode and room setpoint.NOTE: If the ON/OFF button is pressed too soon after astop, the compressor will not start for 1 to 5 min. due to theinherent protection against frequent compressor cycling.ON Mode Display Room Temperature DisplayPRIVACY LOCKThe Privacy Lock prevents unauthorized access to the unit controls and prevents tampering with system settings. The remote controller can be locked by pushing the""and " " buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds. The Privacy Lock icon will be displayed on the remotecontroller. Repeat the process to unlock the remote controller.UPrivacy Lock DisplayVERTICAL SWING LOUVERS•Press the Vertical Swing Louver button to select five differentvertical (up & down) air discharge directions including ContinuousSweep. The Swing Louver icon will be displayed. Press thisbutton to set swing angle, which changes in direction as below:Indicates louver swings up and down in the five directions, as shown.102345Swing Louver Display I Feel ModeI FEEL MODEremote controller instead of at the indoor unit during coolingmode. It then adjusts airflow and temperature accordingly forthe ultimate in personal comfort control and energy savings.Press the button again to exit this function. For best performance,keep remote controller away from heat or cold temperaturesources while using this function.MODE BUTTONUse the “MODE ” button to select one of the available modes.The selected mode will be displayed on the remote controller andthe appropriate light will illuminate on the front display panel.AUTO –Unit will automatically select heating or cooling tomaintain room temperature between 68°F and 77°F .The remote controller will display the Auto Mode icon withno setpoint. COOL –To cool to selected setpoint and remove moisture. Press or to adjust set temperature. System varies compressor speed to maintain desired temperature. HEAT –To heat to selected room setpoint. Press or to adjust set temperature. System varies compressor speed to maintain desired room temperature.FAN ONLY –To circulate air without heating or cooling. Use Fan Speed button to select speed from low to high.DRY –SelectDRY MODE to increase moisture removal during warm humid conditions. In this mode, fan speed cannot be adjusted.1. If the Room Temperature is more than 4°F above the set temperature, thesystem will be operating in cooling mode with low fan speed.2. If the Room Temperature is between 4°F higher than, and 4°F less than, the set temperature, the system will cycle 6 minutes ON and 4 minutes OFF in cooling mode. The indoor fan will be at low speed.3. If the Room Temperature is more than 4°F below the set temperature, the system will be OFF and the indoor fan will be at low speed.:::::Icons Displayed FREEZE GUARDIn Heat mode, press"TEMP"and "CLOCK" buttons simultaneouslyto start up 46°F heating function. When this function is started up,"($)"and "46°F" will be displayed on the remote controller, andthe unit will maintain room temperature above 46°F . Press"TEMP"and "CLOCK" buttons simultaneously again to cancel FreezeGuard protection.Freeze Guard DisplayTIMER SETTINGTimer-ON /Timer-OFF BUTTONTo set when you want the unit to turn On at the end of a selectedtime period, use the button labeled “Timer-ON /Timer-OFF”on theremote controller. Press this button to make the clock icon disappear,replaced with the word “ON” (blinking). Press or buttons toadjust timer setting 1 minute at a time. Press and hold or button to set timer more quickly. Press“Timer-ON/Timer-OFF”button again to confirm setting, and the word “ON” will stopblinking. To cancel, press“Timer-ON /Timer-OFF” button again.To set when you want the unit to turn Off at the end of a selected time period, use the same button. Press this button to make the clock icon disappear, replaced with the word “OFF” (blinking).Adjust settings the same as with “Timer-ON /Timer-OFF”settings.NOTE: Under Timer On and Off status, you can set“Timer-ON /Timer-OFF”simultaneously. Before setting timer, be sure to set clock to correct time.TURBO MODEThe desired room setpoint can be achieved faster in TURBOmode. After selecting the“HEAT ”or“COOL ” mode button,push the“TURBO ”button. The TURBO icon will bedisplayed on the remote controller and the unit will run at anultra-high speed. To deactivate the feature, push the“TURBO ”button again. The unit will return to normal operation.Timer Setting ON/OFF Turbo Mode DisplayFAN BUTTONPress the FAN button to adjust the indoor fan speed: Low ( ), Medium ( ), High ( ), Turbo and Auto.NOTE: Turbo function is not available in Dry and Auto Modes.The Livo unit will select proper fan speed automatically according to ambient temperature.CLOCK SETTINGPress this button to set clock time.“ ” icon on remote controllerwill blink. Within 5 seconds, press orbutton to set clock time. With each pressing of or buttons, clock time will increaseor decrease 1 minute. To quickly adjust time setting, press andhold or button for 2 seconds. Release button when youhave reached the desired time setting. Press “CLOCK” button toconfirm the time, and “ ” icon will stop blinking.NOTE: Clock time adopts 24-hour mode. A 12-hour timeformat is not available.•Turbo function is not available in Dry and Auto mode.•The fan operates at low speed in Dry and Auto modes, and thespeed cannot be adjusted.•When Auto is selected, the unit will select the proper fan speedautomatically, according to the ambient temperature.Fan Display Clock Setting DisplayLIGHT BUTTONPress this button to turn off display light on indoor unit.Press again to turn it back on.Light DisplayENERGY-SAVINGIn Cool mode, press"TEMP"and"CLOCK" buttons simultaneouslyto start the energy-saving function."SE" will be shown on remotecontroller, and the unit will adjust the set temperature automaticallyto reach to the best energy-saving effect. Press"TEMP"and"CLOCK"buttons simultaneously again to cancel energy-saving mode.Energy Saving DisplaySLEEP MODEThe Livo system will automatically adjust room temperature during your sleep time. This slight change in temperature will not affect your comfort level due to the natural effects that sleeping has on the body, but it will save on energy consumption and will lower your electric bill. Press the SLEEP button to select Sleep Mode or Cancel. The SLEEP icon will appear.In Sleep Mode the unit will slowly relax the room set temperature by up to 4° F until Sleep Mode is cancelled.Sleep Mode DisplayCooling Mode Heating ModeUse insulated object to press the Aux. button.CHANGING BATTERIES AND ADDITIONAL NOTESTo change batteries, slide cover off battery compartment on back of remote controller. Remove and safely discard old batteries. Insert two new AAA 1.5V dry batteries, using correct polarity. Reattach back cover.NOTE:•If the remote controller will not be used for a long time, remove batteries to prevent leakage damage.•Be sure to aim the remote controller at the receiver of the main unit when operating.•When remote emits a signal, icon will flicker; a tone will be heard when unit receives that signal.DAMAGED OR LOST REMOTE CONTROLLERIf remote controller is lost or damaged, the Livo system can be turned off directly from the in-door unit. Lift the front panel of the indoor wall unit, then press the AUX button to turn on or turn off.When the unit is on, it will operate in AUTO Mode.Removeold batteries Installnew batteriesCHANGING BATTERIESAux. ButtonPanelAIR FILTER CLEANINGChanging your air filter on a regular basis prevents many problems. Dirty air filters will affect the performance and the longevity of your unit. It is recommended that air filters be cleaned every three (3) months. To access and clean the filter:CARE AND CLEANINGFRONT PANEL CLEANINGWash the front panel using warm water and mild detergent with a soft cloth or soft brush.NOTE:Do not use bleach,abrasives or water above 110°F (45°C) as it may cause discoloration or damage to the surface of the unit.1.Open Front PanelFirmly grasp both sides of the front panel and pull upwardto about 60 degree angle. (NOTE:do not force panel open).2.Remove FilterRemove the filter as indicated in the figure at right.3. Clean FilterUse vacuum to clean the filter.When the filter is very dirty, use warm water (below 110°F )to clean it, and then dry filter before replacing.4.Reinstall FilterReinstall the filter and then close the panel cover tightly.ENERGY SAVING TIPS1. Reduce room setpoint at night:During the nighttime hours you don't require thesame level of conscious cooling or heating. Try using Sleep Mode to gradually relaxroom temperature and allow the unit to run less and save energy.2. Curtains and shades:In the summer, it is recommended to block the effects of thesun. Close window curtains and shades on the south and west side of your home tohelp block solar heat. In winter, the sun is your friend. Open curtains and shades toallow solar heat into your room.3. Close doors:If you don’t need to heat and cool your whole home, confine the heat-ing and cooling to one room by closing doors.4. Service the unit:Some basic maintenance might be all you need. The outdoor unitwill greatly benefit from a good hosing off, especially in treed areas where seeds andother debris can stick to coil fins and make the unit work up to 15% harder!5. Rearrange the room:Furniture that obstructs airflow means you could be heatingand cooling the back of a chair instead of the actual living space. Remove or rearrangeobstacles blocking airflow.6. Try 75 degrees:75°F is a good point for an air conditioner to run at its optimalperformance level. Even a 5-degree change in temperature can make your unit useup to 40% more energy.7. Lighting:Turning lights off can help reduce your heat. Each light bulb is a tiny heater.Your air conditioner must waste energy overcoming the heat from your lights to reachand hold your desired room temperature.8. Is anyone home?If possible, while you're away turn your unit to Auto mode andmake sure windows and curtains are closed. Although room temperature may be lessthan optimal for a few minutes when you return, the unit will soon have the roomback to your desired temperature.9. Don't forget the fan:The fan is much like a car. The faster it runs, the more energy ituses. Sometimes we need the car to go fast, but slow is good enough most of the time.Try saving money by using the comfortable quiet low fan speed as much as possible.201.2. 3.4.5. 6. 7. 8. 9.。
Serria Flame 壁挂式和内置式壁暖器操作说明书

INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR WALL-MOUNTAND BUILT-IN UNITSWM-FML-26-3223-STLWM-FML-34-4023-STLWM-FML-48-5523-STLWM-FML-60-6623-STLWM-FML-72-7823-STLWM-FML-88-9623-STLINSTALLER: LEAVE THIS MANUAL WITH THE APPLIANCE.CONSUMER: RETAIN THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCE.TABLE OF CONTENTSPlease read and carefully follow all of the instruction found in this manual. Please pay special attention to the safety instructions provided in this manual. The instructions included here will assure that you have many years of dependable and enjoyable service from your Serria Flame product.IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS (3)UNPACKING AND TESTING APPLIANCE (5)GROUNDING APPLIANCE (5)LOCATING THE FIREPLACE (5)WM-FML-26-3223-STL (6)WM-FML-34-4023-STL (7)WM-FML-48-5523-STL (8)WM-FML-60-6623-STL (9)WM-FML-72-7823-STL (10)WM-FML-88-9623-STL (11)REMOVING FRONT PANEL (12)INSTALLATION-WALL MOUNT (13)INSTALLATION- BUILT-IN (14)HARD- WIRE INSTALLATION (15)MEDIA OPTIONS (16)DECORATIVE MEDIA INSTALLATION (16)OPERATION (17)OPERATING WITH TOUCH PANEL (17)REMOTE CONTROL OPERATION (18)INSTALLING W ALL THERMOSTAT (19)REPLACEMENT PARTS (20)EXPLODED VIEW (21)TRUBLE SHOOTING (22)SERVICE HISTORY (23)WARRANTY (24)IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS1. Read all instructions before installing or using this heater.2. Keep combustible materials, such as furniture, pillows, bedding, papers, clothes and curtains at least 3 feet from the front of the heater; keep them away from sides and rear as well.3. Always unplug heater when it ’s not in use.4. Do not operate the fireplace if it has a damaged cord or plug, after it has malfunctioned, or if theunit has been dropped or damaged in any way.5. Never place the heater where it may fall into a bathtub or other water containers.6. Do not run the cord under carpeting. Do not cover the cord with throw rugs, runners or anythingelse. Arrange the cord away from traffic areas where it could not be tripped over.7. To disconnect the heater, turn the controls to "OFF" before removing the plug from the outlet. 8. Do not insert or allow foreign objects to enter any ventilation or exhaust opening, as this maycause an electric shock, fire or damage to the heater.9. To prevent a possible fire, do not block air intakes in any manner.10. A heater has hot and arcing or sparking parts inside. Do not use it in areas where gasoline, paint or flammable liquids are used or stored.11. Use this heater only as described in this manual. Any other use not recommended by themanufacturer may cause fire, electric shock or injury to persons.12. Avoid the use of an extension cord because the extension cord may overheat and cause a fire. 13. Always use properly grounded fused and polarized outlets.14. Always use ground fault protection where it is required by electrical codes.15. Always disconnect the power before performing any cleaning, maintenance or relocation of theheater.16. To prevent a possible fire, do not burn wood or other materials in this heater.17. To prevent electric shock or fire, always use a certified electrician, should new circuits or outlets be required.18. When transporting or storing the heater, keep it in a dry place, free from excessive vibration. 19. This appliance should not be modified under any circumstances.Packaging material should be kept away from children and be disposed of in a safe manner.Plastic bags are not toys and should be kept away from children and infants.Do not use this heater in small rooms when they are occupied by persons not capable of leavingthe room on their own, unless constant supervision is provided.If the glass is damaged, do not use the heater in order to avoid a hazard.Children of less than 3 years should be kept away from unless continuously supervised.CAUTION Some parts of this product can become very hot and cause burns. Particular attention has to be given where children and vulnerable people are present.’s ·Always install the heater in accordance with this guide. If in doubt obtain expert advice.·Always make sure the electrical socket is accessible and located adjacent to, but not above the heater.·Always disconnect the heater from the electrical supply before moving it, or carrying out cleaning, maintenance.·Always make sure the heater is firmly secured to prevent it from being tipped over.·Always use a fireguard when young children and infirm persons can come into contact with the heater.Don’ts ·Never leave children unsupervised in a room where the heater is ON and unguarded.·Never obstruct or cover the fan outlet or force items into heater openings.·Never use aerosols or steam cleaners on or around the heater. ·Never route the mains supply cable under carpet etc.·Never install the heater close to curtains or combustible materials.·Never use the heater to dry clothes etc.·Never sit or stand on the heater.·Never use with a timer or any other device that switches the fire on automatically.UNPACKING AND TESTING APPLIANCECarefully remove the appliance from the box. Prior to installing the appliance, test to make sure the appliance operates properly by plugging the power supply cord into a conveniently located 120 Volt grounded outlet.GROUNDING APPLIANCEThis appliance is for use on 120 Volts. The cord has a plug as shown in (A). An adapter as shown in (C) is available for connecting three-blade grounding type plugs to two-slot receptacles. The green grounding lug extending from the adapter must be connected to a permanent ground such as a properly grounded outlet box. The adapter should not be used if a three-slot grounded receptacle is available.To disconnect appliance, turn controls to off, then remove plug from outlet.LOCATING THE FIREPLACEPlan where to locate and frame the fireplace. This will save time and money later when you install the fireplace. Before installation consider the following:1. Where the fireplace is located must allow for wall and ceiling clearances (seeINSTALLATION-WALL MOUNT )2. Consider a location where the fireplace screen will not be exposed to direct sunlight fromwindows or doors.3. A 15 ampere, 120 Volt, 60 Hz branch circuit with proper ground must be available at thelocation. Preferably a dedicated branch circuit should be provided to avoid circuit breakers to trip or fuses to blow.Screw There are two screws on each side to fix the front panel.Please see the figure right side.TAKE OUT THIS SCREW ON EACH SIDE before you take off the front panel.NOTE: There may be trace of odor during the first few minutes of initial use. This is harmless, normal and will never occur again.Description Built-in or Wall Mount Appliance Voltage 120V AC 60HzWatts 1500W MaxNO HEATER 25WMOTOR HEATER 19WAppliance Width 25 1/2” or 64.9 cm Appliance Height 19 7/8” or 50.6 cm Appliance Depth 6 1/8” or 15.5 cmGross Weight 52.8 lbs or 24 kgPlug Location Left sideCord Length 70 7/8” or 180 cmRough Wall Opening Size 27”×20 1/2“ or 68.60 cm×52 cmBTU 4800 This appliance has been tested in accordance with the UL Standard 2021 for fixed and location dedicated electric room appliances in the United States and Canada. If you need assistance during installation, please contact your local dealer.NOTE: This appliance must be electrically wired and grounded in accordance with local codes. In the absence of local codes, use the current CSA C22.1 Canadian Electrical Code in Canada or the ANSI/NFPA 70 National Electrical Code in the United States.Description Built-in or Wall Mount ApplianceVoltage 120V AC 60Hz Watts1500W Max NO HEATER 25W MOTOR HEATER 19WAppliance Width 33 1/2” or 85.2 cm Appliance Height 19 7/8” or 50.6 cm Appliance Depth 6 1/8” or 15.5 cm Gross Weight 63.1 lbs or 28.7 kg Plug Location Left sideCord Length70 7/8” or 180 cm Rough Wall Opening Size 35”× 20 1/2“ or 88.9 cm ×52 cm BTU 4800This appliance has been tested in accordance with the UL Standard 2021 for fixed and location dedicated electric room appliances in the United States and Canada. If you need assistance during installation, please contact your local dealer.NOTE:This appliance must be electrically wired and grounded in accordance with local codes. In the absence of local codes, use the current CSA C22.1 Canadian Electrical Code in Canada or the ANSI/NFPA 70 NationalElectrical Code in the United States.WM-FML-48-5523-STLDescription Built-in or Wall Mount Appliance Voltage 120V AC 60HzWatts 1500W MaxNO HEATER 25WMOTOR HEATER 19WAppliance Width 47 1/2” or 120.6 cm Appliance Height 19 7/8” or 50.6 cm Appliance Depth 6 1/8” or 15.5 cmGross Weight 81 lbs or 36.7 kgPlug Location Left sideCord Length 70 7/8” or 180 cmRough Wall Opening Size 49”×20 1/2“ or 124.5 cm×52 cmBTU 4800This appliance has been tested in accordance with the UL Standard 2021 for fixed and location dedicated electric room appliances in the United States and Canada. If you need assistance during installation, please contact your local dealer. NOTE: This appliance must be electrically wired and grounded in accordance with local codes. In the absence of local codes, use the current CSA C22.1 Canadian Electrical Code in Canada or the ANSI/NFPA 70 National Electrical Code in the United States.WM-FML-60-6623-STLDescription Built-in or Wall Mount Appliance Voltage 120V AC 60HzWatts 1500W MaxNO HEATER 25WMOTOR HEATER 19WAppliance Width 59 1/4” or 150.6 cm Appliance Height 19 7/8” or 50.6 cm Appliance Depth 6 1/8” or 15.5 cmGross Weight 97.2lbs or 44.2kgPlug Location Left sideCord Length 70 7/8” or 180 cmRough Wall Opening Size 60 5/8”×20 1/2“ or 154 cm×52cmBTU 4800This appliance has been tested in accordance with the UL Standard 2021 for fixed and location dedicated electric room appliances in the United States and Canada. If you need assistance during installation, please contact your local dealer. NOTE: This appliance must be electrically wired and grounded in accordance with local codes. In the absence of local codes, use the current CSA C22.1 Canadian Electrical Code in Canada or the ANSI/NFPA 70 National Electrical Code in the United States.WM-FML-72-7823-STLDescription Built-in or Wall Mount Appliance Voltage 120V AC 60HzWatts 1500W MaxNO HEATER 25WMOTOR HEATER 19WAppliance Width 71” or 180.4 cm Appliance Height 19 7/8” or 50.6 cm Appliance Depth 6 1/8” or 15.5 cmGross Weight 113.3lbs or 51.5kgPlug Location Left sideCord Length 70 7/8” or 180 cmRough Wall Opening Size 72 1/2”×20 1/2“ or 184 cm×52 cmBTU 4800 This appliance has been tested in accordance with the UL Standard 2021 for fixed and location dedicated electric room appliances in the United States and Canada. If you need assistance during installation, please contact your local dealer.NOTE: This appliance must be electrically wired and grounded in accordance with local codes. In the absence of local codes, use the current CSA C22.1 Canadian Electrical Code in Canada or the ANSI/NFPA 70 National Electrical Code in the United States.WM-FML-88-9623-STLDescription Built-in or Wall Mount Appliance Voltage 120V AC 60HzWatts 1500W MaxNO HEATER 25WMOTOR HEATER 19WAppliance Width 88” or 223.6 cm Appliance Height 19 7/8” or 50.6 cm Appliance Depth 6 1/8” or 15.5 cmGross Weight 138.6lbs or 63kgPlug Location Left sideCord Length 70 7/8” or 180 cmRough Wall Opening Size 89 1/2”×20 1/2“ or 227.3 cm×52 cmBTU 4800This appliance has been tested in accordance with the UL Standard 2021 for fixed and location dedicated electric room appliances in the United States and Canada. If you need assistance during installation, please contact your local dealer. NOTE: This appliance must be electrically wired and grounded in accordance with local codes. In the absence of local codes, use the current CSA C22.1 Canadian Electrical Code in Canada or the ANSI/NFPA 70 National Electrical Code in the United States.REMOVING FRONT PANELModels WM-FML-26-3223-STL, WM-FML-34-4023-STL, WM-FML-48-5523-STL, WM--FML-60-6623-STL each have 2 screws that secure the front panel in place. Models WM-FML--72-7823-STL and WM-FML-88-9623-STL have four screws that secure the front panel inTwo people are required for the installation process.1. The back-lighting LED is located on the back of the front panel. Before removing the front panel you must unplug the back-lighting from the unit. This plug is located at the bottom left hand side behind the front panel.2. The screws are located on the sides of the unit. Once located, unscrew the two or four screws. You can then lift the front panel from the 4 shoulder posts on the sides of the unit and remove the front panel.3. To replace the front panel, lift onto the 4 shoulder posts. For a Wall Mount installation replace the two or four screws to secure the glass. For Flush Mount installs it is not possible to replace the screws.Location of the back-lighting plug Unplug the back-lightingScrew locations on uintLift the front panel from shoulderplace.posts.INSTALLATION-WALL MOUNT1. Select a location that is not prone tomoisture and is located at least 0.91 m or 3 feet away from combustible materials such as curtains or drapes, furniture, bedding, paper, etc.2. Referring to Fig. 1 below select a suitableposition in which to mount the heater horizontally – use a spirit level to achieve this.3. Check the wall to ensure there is no wiring,pipe wires etc in the area to be drilled. Drill 8 or more holes (8mm diameter & 40mm depth) using a suitable size drill and put the wall plugs into the holes. 4. Remove mounting plate from the back of the appliance by removing the two scews as shown in Fig. 2.5. Referring to Fig. 3, secure the mounting plate to the wall. 6. Secure the fireplace to the wall using a screw. Fig. 4.Warning!Be sure that the bolts have been fixed firmly enough to withstand the weight !Fig. 1Fig. 2Fig.3Fig. 4NOTE: Due to the many different materials used on different walls, it is highly recommended that you consult your local builder before you install this appliance.INSTALLATION- BUILT-IN1. Select a location that is not prone tomoisture and is located at least 0.91m or 3 feet away from combustible materials such as curtains or drapes, furniture, bedding, paper, etc.2. Mark the desired location on the floor andstore appliance in a safe, dry and dust free location.3. Prepare a wall with a framed opening toaccommodate the size of your unit. Leave at least 1/4” (6 mm) around the edge of the appliance. Any new wiring must be done in compliance with local and national codes and other applicable regulations.Note : Fireplace must stick out of the wall a minimum of 1/2” or 1.5 cm.Prior to installing the appliance, test to make sure the appliance operates properly by plugging the power supply cord into a conveniently located 120 Volt grounded outlet.The rough wall opening size of the fireplace: W(“) D(“) H(“) WM-FML-26-3223-STL 27 6 1/2 20 1/2 WM-FML-34-4023-STL 35 6 1/2 20 1/2 WM-FML-48-5523-STL 49 6 1/2 20 1/2 WM-FML-60-6623-STL 60 5/8 6 1/2 20 1/2 WM-FML-72-7823-STL 72 1/2 6 1/2 20 1/2 WM-FML-88-9623-STL 89 1/2 6 1/2 20 1/21. Take the front panel off from the unit. Put the brackets on the both sides and top of the fireplace as shown blew.2. Lift fireplace and insert into opening.3. Make sure that the power supply port is notbehind the wall. 4. Level the fireplace.5. Drive mounting screws into the mountingbrackets on the unit and the wall studs.6 Replace the front panel and plug in back-.-lighting LED. See page 11.NOTE: Due to the many different materials used on different walls, it is highly recommended that you consult your local builder before you install this appliance.HARD- WIRE INSTALLATIONTurn off the appliance completely and let cool before servicing. Only a qualified service person should service and repair this electric appliance.If it is necessary to hard wire this appliance, a qualified electrician must remove the cord connection, and wire the appliance directly to the household wiring.This appliance must be electrically connected and grounded in accordance with local codes, if hard wired. In the absence of local codes, use the current CSA C22.1 CANADIAN ELECTRICAL CODE in Canada or the current ANSI/NFPA 70 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE in the United States.1.Remove the cover plate from the left side of the appliance by removing the two screws, asshown below. Unscrew and remove power cord.2.Attach the wiring to the junction block. Please make sure the live wire goes into the “L”, theneutral wire into “N” and the ground wire into “G”.3.Put the plate back and screw back.MEDIA OPTIONSClearDECORATIVE MEDIA INSTALLATIONInstalling the decorative mediaPour the fire glass media into the tray. Feel free to use any combination of fire glass media that you find most appealing. Put back the front panel after you finish installing the decorative media.The only media that comes with this version is ‘Clear decorative media’. Consumers may purchase optional decorative media if they choose. See dealer for more details.Removing the front panel NOTE:Please unplug the power cord before you install the decorative media.Remove the screws from both sides of the unit to take off the surround. It is recommended that two people lift the surround away from the unit.Operating with Touch PanelThe unit can be controlled by either the touch panel controls which are located on the left side of the front panel or the remote control.1.” to turn on and off the appliance.2. ” multiple times to adjust between mid, low, on/off, or high brightness options3.” multiple times to set operating duration to 30 min, 1h, 2h, 3h, 4h, 5h, 6h, 7h, 8h, or off.4.” multiple times to set ambient temperatures at When setting the temperature, the number will flash.Note: The touch panel buttons will glow when pressed. The light fades in 5 seconds after pressing.18℃(64.4℉), 19℃(66.2℉), 20℃(68℉), 21℃(69.8℉), 22℃(71.6℉), 23℃(73.4℉), 24℃(75.2℉), 25℃(77℉), 26℃(78.8℉), 27℃(80.6℉), 28℃(82.4℉), ON or OFF.NOTE:Please unplug the power cord if you will not use the fireplace for a long time.REMOTE CONTROL OPERATIONFor remote to function make sure the heater is plugged in and main power switch located on the bottom left hand side is at position I.When operating the remote make sure you point the remote to the centre of the fireplace and make sure each time you press the button the buzzer inside the unit will beep once. It takes some time for the receiver to respond to the transmitter. Do not PRESS the buttons more than once within two seconds for correct operation.Power on button: The power-on button at top left corner of the remote is the main ON/OFF power button. This will turn off all the functions and the fireplace will be in standby mode.DISPLAY ON/OFF button : Switching the fireplace flame and tray light ON/OFF. It has functions of setting memory.DISPLAY BLUE button : Adjust the blue color brightness of flame and tray. DISPLAY YELLOW button : Adjust the yellow color brightness of flame and tray. DISPLAY ORANGE button : Adjust the orange color brightness of flame and tray. MOOD LIGHT ON/OFF button : Switching the mood light ON/OFF. ADJUST button : Switching the color of the mood light.FLASH button : Switches the mood light into flash mode, this cycles through all mood light colors. HEATER ON/OFF button : Switching the heater ON/OFF. It has functions of setting memory. HIGHT button : Press the high button to switch the heater to high heat setting 1500W. LOW button : Press the low button to switch the heater to low heat setting 750W.TEMP. button : Press the TEMP . button multiple times to set ambient temperature at When setting the temperature, the number will flash.18℃(64.4℉),19℃(66.2℉), 20℃(68℉), 21℃(69.8℉), 22℃(71.6℉), 23℃(73.4℉), 24℃(75.2℉), 25℃(77℉), 26℃(78.8℉), 27℃(80.6℉), 28℃(82.4℉).INSTALLING WALL THERMOSTATREFER TO THE MANUAL CONTROL AND THE REMOTE CONTROL.Wire the wall thermostat prior to installing the fireplace.WALL THERMOSTAT WIRING(24 VAC)Install Wall Thermostat per instructions provided with kit and per the following information:1.Turn off circuit breaker.2.Remove cover plate located on the left side of appliance.3.Pull the wire out and cut the inside thermostat. Connect the wires to the wall thermostat asshown below. Follow instructions provided with wall switch kit.REPLACEMENT PARTSPART NUMBERNOWM-FML-26-3223-STLWM-FML-34-4023-STL -WM-FML-48-5523-STLWM-FML-60-6623-STLWM-FML-72-7823-STLWM-FML-88-9623-STLDESCRIPTION QTY.1FIREPLACE BOX 1 2 301506 REMOTE RECEIVER 1 3 601095D CIRCUIT BOARD 1 4 5601300CTOUCH PANEL 1 6TOP PANEL1 7 602082BLOWER AND HEATERASSEMBLY18 3117003311800331190033121003 BACK BLACK PLASTIC BOARD1 9 3117505BLOWER MOUNT 1 10 GLASS BRACKET 2 11LED BRACKET 1 12 107021431070214410702145107021641070214610702165BOTTOM GLASS 1 13 10101225FLAME MOTOR1 14 3093502 3094502 3095502 3120502 3096502 3122502FLICKER ASSEMBLY 1 151 1610103007POWER CORD 1 17BOTTOM PANEL 1 18 601136B601136B+601137B 601136B601136B+601137B601137B601136B+601137B FLAME LED STRIP19601136B601137B601136B601136B+601137B601137B601136B+601137BTRAY LED STRIP312750131285013129501313050131315013132501FRONT PANEL 10105063REMOTE31200033122003EXPLODED VIEWTRUBLE SHOOTINGPROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTIONDim or no flame Flame LED’s are burnt out Inspect the LED’s and replace them ifnecessary.Ember bed is not glowing or dimming Ember LED’s are burnt out Inspect the ember bed LED’s andreplace them if necessary. Appliance has overheated andsafety device has caused thethermal switch to disconnectTurn off the main switch, allowappliance to cool for 10 minutes, thenturn it on.House circuit breaker hastrippedReset house circuit breaker.Appliance turns off andwill not turn onAppliance’s fuse has blown Replace the fuse.Appliance is not plugged into anelectrical outletCheck plug and plug in.Appliance has overheated and safety device has caused the thermal switch to disconnect Turn off the main switch, allow appliance to cool for 10 minutes, then turn it on.Appliance will not comeon when switch isflipped to ONCircuit board is burnt out Inspect the circuit board and replaceit if necessary.No warm air coming out of appliance Heater is burnt out Inspect the burner and heaterassembly and replace it if necessary.Flame sputters Flame motor is defective. Call a qualified service technician andreplace flame motor.Remote Control does not work. Low batteries.Unit switch in “O” position.Replace AAA batteries in remotecontrol.Turn the switch in “I” position.Flame is fixed. Wiring may be loose or theflame motor may be defective.SERVICE HISTORYThis heater must be serviced annually depending on usage.Date DealerName Service technicianNameService Performed Special ConcernsNOTES:23。

Outdoor Patio HeaterMod e l # LIP-10A-TGG-LPG-SP Item # 60786ATTACH YOUR RECEIPT HERESerial Number ___________ Purchase Date ______Questions, problems, missing parts? Before returning to your retailer, call our customer service hotline at 1-866-985-7877, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., EST, Monday – Friday or email at *************************.SAFETY INFORMATIONSAFETY INFORMATIONPlease read and understand this entire manual before attempting to assemble, operate or install this appliance. If you have any questions regarding the product, please call customer service 1-866-985-7877, 9 a.m. –6 p.m., EST, Monday – Friday.This manual contains important information about the assembly, operation and maintenance of this patio heater. General safety information is presented in the first few pages and is also located throughout this manual. Keep this manual for future reference and to educate new users of this appliance. This manual should be read in conjunction with the labeling on the appliance. Safety precautions are essential when any mechanical or propane fueled equipment is involved. These precautions are necessary when using, storing, and servicing. Using this appliance with the respect and caution demanded will reduce the possibilities of personal injury or property damage. The following symbols shown below are used extensively throughout this manual. Always heed these precautions, as they are essential when using any mechanical or propane fueled equipment.PREPARATIONBefore beginning assembly of this appliance, make sure all parts are present. Compare all parts with package contents list and hardware contents as listed on pages 2 and 3 of this manual. If any part is missing or damaged, do not attempt to assemble this product. Contact customer service for replacement parts.ESTIMATED ASSEMBLY TIME: 60 minutesTools Required for Assembly (NOT included):Phillips screwdriver w/medium bladeLeak Detection SolutionAdjustable wrench (2) (Note: 10mm wrench or socket should fit M6 bolt; 13mm wrench or socket should fit M8 bolt.)ASSEMBLY1. Attach Wheel Assembly (K) to Base (J). Align holes in Wheel Assembly with corresponding holes in Base, and insert 2 M8x16 (AA) bolts through holesand finger tighten. Tighten with wrench once both bolts have been inserted. Hardware Used: 2 x AA, Bolt M8x162. Attach the Post Supports (I) to the Base (J). Align the holes in thebottom of each Post Support with the holes on the Base.Insert 1 M8x16 (AA) bolt through the hole in the support and into theBase and hand tighten. Repeat with the other 2 Post Supports andthen tighten all bolts with a wrench.Hardware Used: 3 x AA, Bolt M8x163.Attach the Lower Post (H) to the Post Supports (I). Once youhave tightened the bolts holding the Post Supports (I) to the Base (J),align the holes in the Lower Post (H) with the holes on the topsof the Post Supports (I) and insert a M6x35 (BB) bolt through a M6 (GG)washer and then through the hole in the Post Support. Affix anotherM6 (GG) washer onto the bottom of the M6x35 (BB) bolt and secure with aM6 (CC) nut. Repeat this in the 5 remaining holes (6 holes total—2 foreach Post Support piece). Hand tighten initially then tighten with awrench when all bolts have been inserted.Hardware Used: 6 x BB, Bolt M6x3512 x GG, Washer M66 x CC, Nut M61234. Attach Upper Post (F) to Lower Post (H) by screwing the two pieces of the posttogether.5. Place Tank Housing (D) onto Base (J). Slide Tank Housing (D) over the assembled Upper/Lower Post and down over the Post Supports. Rest Tank Housing on Base.6. Attach Head Assembly (C) to Upper Post (F).Note: There is a small piece of protective foam located in the neck of the Head Assembly that MUST be removed prior to attaching Head Assembly to the Upper Post.Route Gas Hose (E) down into Upper/Lower post assembly and align 4 small holes on Head Assembly with 4 Small holes in Upper Post(F).[HINT: Control knob should be above decal on post.]Insert 4 M6x10 (EE) bolts through 4 M6 lock washers into holes and tighten.Hardware Used : 4 x EE, Bolt M6x10 and Lock Washer M64 567. Panels (A) come packaged in two brown boxes with two panels in each box. Hardware for assembly is already affixed to each panel. Place two panels side by side and remove the two cap nuts and washers that are affixed to one panel. Insert the affixed bolts into the open holes on the adjacent panel. Place the washer over the bolt and screw on cap nut. Repeat these steps until all four panels are assembled. Then locate the Reflector Center Cap (B). You will need to remove the cap nuts and washers located at the top of each Reflector Panel to allow assembly of the Center Cap on each panel. Align the holes in the Center Cap with the bolts on each panel and affix washer and cap nut to complete assembly.8.assembled Hardware Used : 3 x DD, Wing Nut M89. Tank Housing.NOTE7 98A minimum supply pressure of .5 psi is required for the purpose of input adjustment of propane gas. Storage of an appliance indoors is permissible only if the cylinder is disconnected and removed from the appliance. A cylinder must be stored outdoors in a well-ventilated area out of the reach of children. A disconnected cylinder must have dust caps tightly installed and must not be stored in a building, garage, or any other enclosed area. The minimum permissible gas supply pressure of 11 W.C. is required for purpose of hose adjustment. The minimum hourly of 17,500 BTU is required input rating for a heater for automatic operation rating less than full input rating.The pressure regulator and hose assembly supplied with the appliance must be used.The installation must conform with local codes, or in the absence of local codes, with national fuel gas code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA54, natural gas and propane Installation Code, CSA B149.1, or propane storage and handling code, B149.2A dented rusted or damaged propane cylinder may be hazardous and should be checked by your local cylinder supplier. Never use a propane cylinder with a damaged valve connection.The propane cylinder must be constructed and marked in accordance with the specifications for LP gas cylinders of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) or the standard for cylinders, spheres and tubes for transportation of dangerous goods and commission, CAN/CSA-B339.The cylinder must have a listed overfilling prevention device.The cylinder must have a connection device compatible with the connection for the appliance.The cylinder used must include a collar to protect the cylinder valve.Never connect an unregulated propane cylinder to the heater.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSLeak Check1. Make 2-3 oz. of leak check solution (one part liquid dishwashing detergent and three parts water).2. Apply several drops of solution where hose attaches to regulator.3. Apply several drops of solution where regulator connects to cylinder.4. Make sure all patio heater valves are OFF.5. Turn cylinder valve ON.IF BUBBLES APPEAR AT ANY CONNECTION, THERE IS A LEAK.1. Turn cylinder valve OFF.2. If leak is detected at hose/regulator connection, tighten connection and perform another leak test. If bubbles continue to appear, call our customer service hotline at 1-866-985-7877, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., EST, Monday – Friday.check. If you continue to see bubbles after several attempts, cylinder valve is defective. Call our customer service hotline at 1-866-985-7877, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m., EST, Monday – FridayIF NO BUBBLES APPEAR AT ANY CONNECTION, THE CONNECTIONS ARE SECURE.Note: Whenever gas connections are loosened or removed, you must perform a complete leak check.Caution: Do not attempt to operate this appliance until you have read and understand all Safety Information in this manual and all assembly is complete and leak checks have been performed.Before Turning Gas Supply ON :1. Your heater was designed and approved for OUTDOOR use only. Do NOT use it inside a building, garage, or any other enclosed area.2. Make sure surrounding areas are free of combustible materials, gasoline, and other flammable vapors or liquids.3. Ensure that there is no obstruction to air ventilation. Be sure all gas connections are tight and there are no leaks.4. Be sure the cylinder cover is clear of debris. Be sure any component removed during assembly or servicing is replaced and fastened prior to starting.Before Lighting :1. Heater should be thoroughly inspected before each use, and by a qualified service person at least annually. If re-lighting a hot heater, always wait at least 5 minutes.2. Inspect the hose assembly for evidence of excessive abrasion, cuts, or wear. Suspected areas should be leak tested. If the hose leaks, it must be replaced prior to operation. Only use the replacement hose assembly specified by the manufacturer.Lighting :NOTE : For initial start or after any cylinder change, hold the control knob in for 2 minutes to purge air from all gas lines before proceeding.1. Turn the control knob to the “OFF” position.2. Fully open the LP cylinder valve.3. Turn the control knob half way between the small flame and the large flame symbols.4. Push control knob in and then push the RED igniter button to ignite the main burner. Repeat until the burner ignites. Keep the control knob fully pushed in for an additional 30 seconds after the burner ignites, then release the control knob.5. To increase the flame, turn the control knob clockwise toward the large flame symbol. To decrease the flame, turn the control know counter clockwise towards the small flame symbol.6. To turn the appliance OFF, push down the Control knob and turn clockwise to the OFF position.7. Wait at least 5 minutes before attempting to re-light the heater.8. Turn the gas cylinder valve to OFF or closed.If you experience any ignition problems, please consult “Troubleshooting” on page 13.Caution : Avoid inhaling fumes emitted from the heater’s first use. Smoke and odor from the burning of oils used in the manufacturing will appear. Both smoke and odor will dissipate after approximately 30 minutes. The heater should NOT produce thick black smoke.When Heater is ON:Emitter screen will become bright red due to intense heat. The color is more visible at night. Burner will display tongues of blue and yellow flame. These flames should not be yellow or produce thick black smoke, indicating an obstruction of airflow through the burners. The flame should be blue with straight yellow tops. If excessive yellow flame is detected, turn off heater and consult “Troubleshooting” on p age 13.Re-Lighting:Note: For your safety, control knob cannot be turned OFF without first depressing the control knob and then rotating to OFF.1. Turn control knob to OFF.2. Wait at least 5 minutes to allow gas to dissipate before re-lighting.3. Repe at the “Lighting” steps listed on page 10.Shut Down:1. Turn control knob clockwise to OFF while depressing the knob.(Normally, burner will make a slight popping noise when extinguished).2. Turn cylinder valve clockwise to OFF and disconnect regulator when heater is not in use.NOTE: After use, some discoloration of the emitter screen is normal.Operation Checklist:For a safe and pleasurable heating experience, perform this check before each use:Before Operating:1. I am familiar with entire ow ner’s manual and understand all precautions noted.2. All components are properly assembled, intact and operable.3. No alterations have been made.4. All gas connections are secure and do not leak.5. Wind velocity is below 10 mph.6. Unit will operate at reduced efficiency below 40 degrees F.7. Heater is for use outdoors (outside any enclosure).8. There is adequate fresh air ventilation.9. Heater is away from gasoline or other flammable liquids or vapors.10. Heater is away from windows, air intake openings, sprinklers and other water sources.11. Heater is at least 36 in. on top and at least 24 in. on sides from combustible materials.12. Heater is on a hard and level surface.13. There are no signs of spider or insect nests in heater orifices.14. All burner passages are clear.15. All air circulation passages are clear.16. Children and adults should be alerted to the hazards of high surface temperatures and should stay away to avoid burns or clothing ignition.17. Young children should be carefully supervised when they are in the area of the heater.18. Clothing or other protective material should not be hung from the heater, or placed on or near the heater.19. Any guard or other protective device removed for servicing the heater must be replaced prior to operating the heater.20. Installation and repair should be done by a qualified service person. The heater should be inspected before each use and at least annually by a qualified service person.21. More frequent cleaning may be required as necessary. It is imperative that control compartment burner and circulating air passageways of the heater be kept clean and free of debris and/or spider or insect nests.After Operation :1. Gas control knob is in OFF position.2. Gas tank valve is OFF.3. Disconnect gas line.To enjoy years of outstanding performance from your heater, make sure you perform the following maintenance activities on a regular basis:Keep exterior surfaces clean .1. Use soapy water for cleaning. Never use flammable or corrosive cleaning agents.2. While cleaning your unit, be sure to keep the area around the burner and control compartment dry at all times. Do not submerge the control valve assembly. If the gas control is submerged in water, do NOT use it. It must be replaced.3. Air flow must be unobstructed. Keep controls, burner, and circulating air passageways clean. Signs of possible blockage include:∙ Gas odor with extreme yellow tipping of flame. ∙ Heater does NOT reach the desired temperature. ∙ Heater glow is excessively uneven. ∙ Heater makes popping noise.∙ Spiders and insects can nest in burner or orifices. This dangerous condition can damage heater andrender it unsafe for use. Clean burner holes by using a heavy-duty pipe cleaner. Compressed air may help clear away smaller particles.∙ Carbon deposits may create a fire hazard. Clean dome and burner screen with warm soapy water if anycarbon deposits develop.Note : In a salt-air environment (such as near an ocean), corrosion occurs more quickly than normal. Frequently check for corroded areas and repair them promptly.TIP (FOR STAINLESS STEEL MODELS):Use high-quality automobile wax to help maintain the appearance of your heater. Apply to exterior surfaces from the post down. DO NOT apply to emitter screen or domes.Storage :Between uses:∙ Turn Control Knob OFF. ∙ Disconnect LP source.∙ Store heater upright in an area sheltered from direct contact with inclement weather (such as rain, sleet,hail, snow, dust and debris).∙ If desired, cover heater to protect exterior surfaces and to help prevent build-up in air passages. Neverleave LP cylinder exposed to direct sunlight or excessive heat.Note : Wait until heater is cool before covering .Service :Only a qualified service person should repair gas passages and associated components.Caution : Always allow heater to cool before attempting service.CARE AND MAINTENANCEIf you have any questions regarding this product, please call our customer service hotline at 1-866-985-7877, 9a.m. – 6 p.m. (EST), Monday – Friday, or email us at *************************.1 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY – Customers in the Continental USAll components are warranted for a period of 1 year after date of purchase by the original owner against defects in materials and workmanship under normal use. This warranty does NOT cover normal wear and weathering, assembly and/or maintenance OR use in a commercial application if model is not designat ed as a commercial model. At Well Traveled Living’s sole discretion, products under warranty will be repaired and/or replaced at no charge to the customer. Any returns sent back to Well Traveled Living must be sent via prepaid freight and in the original retail packaging.For warranty service contact Well Traveled Living at the address, phone numbers or internet site and email listed in this owner’s manual. Be sure to have your sales receipt, date of purchase and catalogue/model numbers available when cal ling. All warranty service will be coordinated by the Well Traveled Living’s, Amelia Island, Florida service center.This warranty is extended only to the original purchaser. Proof of purchase will be required before warranty service is rendered. The sales receipt is the only valid proof of purchase. This warranty only covers failures due to defects in materials or workmanship which occur during normal use. Failures and/or damage which result from accident, negligence, misuse, abuse, neglect, mishandling, alteration or modification, failure to maintain, improper assembly or maintenance, service by unauthorized agency or use of unauthorized components or damage that is attributable to acts of God are NOT covered.***THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES EXCEPT AS LISTED ABOVE******PURCHASER ASSUMES ALL RISKS IN THE ASSEMBLY AND OPERATION OF THIS UNIT*** ***FAILURE TO FOLLOW WARNINGS AND OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED IN THIS MANUAL CAN RESULT IN SEVERE PROPERTY DAMAGE AND/OR PERSONAL INJURY***IN NO EVENT WILL WELL TRAVELED LIVING, OR ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS OR AGENTS BE LIABLE TO THE PURCHASER OR ANY THIRD PARTY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, IN TORT, OR ON ANY OTHER BASIS, FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL LOSS, COST, OR DAMAGE ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE, MAINTENANCE, USE, OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, EVEN IF WELL TRAVELED LIVING OR ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS OR AGENTS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSSES, COSTS OR DAMAGES, OR IF SUCH LOSSES, COSTS, OR DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. IN NO EVENT WILL WELL TRAVELED LIVING, OR ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, OR AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT LOSSES, COSTS OR DAMAGES THAT EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT.SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO THE PURCHASER.This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. The provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the Sales of Goods shall not apply to this limited warranty or the sale of products covered by this limited warranty.***IMPORTANT NOTICE***-Do NOT r eturn to place of purchase-For customer service and warranty issuescontact our Customer Service Center at:(866)-985-7877 OREmail: *************************Customer Service Hours: Mon. – Fri. 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.(EST)Fire Sense®, Mojave Sun ®, and Well Traveled Living® are registered trademarks of Well Traveled Imports, Inc®. All assembly instruction presentations are the property of Well Traveled Imports, Inc.® and are protected by U.S. copyrightsand trademarks. All rights reserved.。

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智能•双控 环保•节能 养生•保健
东灿碳晶地暖系统由四大系统构成:发热系统,保温系统,控温系 统、电路系统。
(1) 发热系统:主要核心发热部件为碳晶发热板。 (2) 保温系统:主要材料为聚氨酯。保温系统的作用是杜绝碳晶板所 产生的热量向地坪方向的流失,并强制热量向室内传递。 (3) 控温系统:主要部件为电采暖温控器。温控器通过感应采暖室内 环境温度的变化,来控制碳晶板所提供的热量。合理的采暖温度的设定可 大大提高系统的有效工作效率,并减少能耗。 (4) 电路系统:由电源管线等安装辅材组成。
安装简便,盘线+温 控器。但必须做5公 分以上的水泥找平。 100m2需4人,2天安 装。
面状发热,预热时间 30~40分钟以内,同 时达到地面均热,冷 热点温差5℃左右。

Installation and operating manual ENCLOSURE HEATER TEF 9207 TUM7139 __________________________________________________________________________________Installlation ManualENCLOSURE HEATER TEF 9207Zone 1, Zone 2 & Safe AreaDocument properties (TUM7139)Revision Comment Revision date Approved- First issue - AKAA Removed EAC-certification 06.04.2022 CKRB Updated with new certificate and UKCA 01.04.2023 CKRInstallation and operating manualContentsDocument properties (TUM7139) (1)Warnings and risk levels (3)General information (3)Marking and intended use (4)Special conditions for safe use (5)Technical data (5)Product description (6)Transport and storage (6)Mounting and installation (7)Mounting (7)Electrical connections (8)Commissioning (9)Operation (9)Maintenance and cleaning (9)Disposal (10)Compliance/Conformity (10)R. Stahl Tranberg declaration of Conformity: (11)Warnings and risk levelsDANGERNon-compliance with the instruction results in risk of severe or fatal injuries to personsWARNINGNon-compliance with the instruction may result in risk of severe or fatal injuries to personsCAUTIONNon-compliance with the instruction may result in risk of injuries or damage to equipmentNOTICENon-compliance with the instruction may result in reduced lifetime of equipment, malfunctions etc.General informationBefore installation, make sure to read and understand this installation and operating manual.Observe national assembly and installation regulations.Always contact the manufacturer if anything is unclear, or if you notice any faults on the product or in this document.This installation and operating manual shall be available to anyone operating, installing, inspecting, modifying or repairing the equipment.For further information, see the referenced certificates.Marking and intended useDANGERNot for use in Zone 0 or Class I division 1.CAUTIONThe enclosure heater shall not be exposed to direct sunlight, dust, water or similar. The enclosure heater should be protected from contamination and shall not be cleaned with running water.•CE•ATEX / IECEx/ UKEx: II 2G Ex 60079-30-1 IIC T3 GbI 2G Ex 60079-30-1 eb mb IIC T3 GbFor use in hazardous areas Zone 1 or Zone 2For use in onshore/offshore areas protected from exposure.Special conditions for safe useDANGERSpecial conditions for safe use are critical conditions to maintain the explosion protection of the equipment. These shall be adhered to in all cases and under all circumstances.•When the heater is not installed inside a certified hazardous area enclosure (for example Ex p, Ex e, Exd etc.) the flying lead cable shall be protected from mechanical damage.•The heaters with thermostat shall be connected to a circuit breaker with rated current max. 16A and a breaking capacity of min. 1500A.•The supply circuit shall include an electrical protection device in conformity with EN 60079-30-1 (For version 2015/2017 clause 4.3).•Follow the instructions given in this IOMTechnical dataProperty Value ValueExplosion protection* Note:”mb” only with thermostat II 2G Ex 60079-30-1 IIC T3 Gb II 2G Ex 60079-30-1 eb mb IICT3 Gb *Input voltage and frequency 220-240V AC (model dependant) 50/60HzInput current Model specific Start-up: >6x nominal current Rated power 100-1000W (model dependent)Ingress protection IP66Ambient temperature -50°C …+50°C (+80°C if thermostat is used or power is disconnected) For use in zone Zone 1 or 2Communication N/AWeight Model specific, see datasheetSize Model specific, see datasheet Mounting: 4x M6 Screw Terminals Screw terminals, 6(10)mm²Entries/Cable glands If installed, M25 (CMP A2F 25) Ø11.1-20.0mmHousing material Stainless steelOther materials Polymer, Silicone, BrassProduct descriptionThe TEF 9207 Enclosure heater consists of a self-limiting heat tracing cable arranged in stainless steel housing. Different versions come with a flying lead silicone cable, integrated junction box or integrated junction box with thermostat. The product series is designed to maintain a minimum temperature inside an enclosure (distribution board, storage cabinet or similar). The self-limiting characteristic of the heating element prevents severe over-heating, but a thermostat is always recommended, especially for sensitive equipment.Transport and storage•Transport and store the equipment only in the original packaging•Store the equipment in a dry and vibration free place•Do not drop!•Protect the flying lead cable during transport and storageMounting and installationDANGERIncorrect mounting and installation may lead to ignition of an explosive atmosphere, risk of falling objects, risk for electric shock and risk for equipment malfunction. In turn, this can lead to severe damage and/or injuries. The integrated silicone cable is susceptible to mechanical damage and shall be protected in all phases (transport, storage, installation and operation). Observe “Special conditions for safe use”.MountingThe TEF 9207 enclosure heater shall be mounted on a flat and sturdy surface. Mounting is done with 4x M6 screws. The mounting shall be done to ensure that any foreseen load, vibrations, shock or similar do not impose a risk of mechanical failure or loosening of screws.For detailed mounting dimensions, see the respective datasheet for each model and type. Mounting dimensionsBody size E FA 190 160B 440 200C 590 240D 760 320 Sandwich heaters D 760 397Installation and operating manual ENCLOSURE HEATER TEF 9207 TUM7139 __________________________________________________________________________________ Electrical connectionsNOTICESee “Special conditions for safe use”Electrical connections shall only be performed by trained personnel according to the relevant regulations. Special care shall be taken to ensure proper connection of the wires. The insulation shall reach all the way to the connection point, and no strands shall be loose. Ferrules are recommended.The supply circuit shall be protected according to EN/IEC 60079-30-1. The flying lead cable shall be terminated in a manner suitable for the hazardous area classification (e.g. in an Ex e junction box).Power terminals are 6mm², and the PE terminal is 10mm² max. Min. 2,5mm² cables are recommended. Enclosure heaters with a junction box are delivered with 1 pc. cable gland for cables Ø11.1-20mm.CommissioningDuring commissioning, an insulation resistance test of max 2550V DC is recommended. For critical applications, a thermostat function test is recommended. Verification of temperatures inside enclosures is strongly recommended.OperationTo save energy, ensure a long lifetime of the enclosure heaters, and to prevent over-heating of enclosures and components, the heater should be switched off when heating is not needed. This could be done with a thermostat, manually or based on seasonal variations.Regular visual inspections, earth-fault- or insulation resistance measurements shall be performed. Inspections shall be carried out according to IEC/EN 60079-17 or other relevant standards.Maintenance and cleaningAs stated above, regular inspections and maintenance shall be performed according to IEC/EN 60079-17 or equivalent.Clean only with a damp cloth, and mild detergents. Do not use running water. Avoid chemicals with high or low pH, abrasives, high pressure washer, strong detergents, solvents, petroleum- or alcohol based cleaning agents and similar. Avoid any corrosive media.DisposalCAUTIONThis equipment or part of this equipment is considered EE-Waste, and shall be handled accordingly •Observe national and local regulations and statutory regulations regarding disposal•Separate materials when sending it for recycling•Ensure environmentally friendly disposal of all components•No component or packaging shall end up in the ocean during any stage of the product’s lifetimeCompliance/Conformity•ATEX: CML 22 ATEX 3623X•UKEX: CML 22 UKEX 3624X•IECEx: IECEx CML 22.0096XThe certificates are issued in based on the following standards:ATEX / UKEX: IECEx:EN IEC 60079-0:2018 IEC 60079-0:2017 Ed. 7.0EN IEC 60079-7:2015/A1:2018 IEC 60079-7:2017 Ed. 5.1EN 60079-18:2015/A1:2017 IEC 60079-18:2017 Ed. 4.1EN 60079-30-1:2017 IEC/IEEE 60079-30-1:2015 Ed. 1.0Installation and operating manual ENCLOSURE HEATER TEF 9207 TUM7139 __________________________________________________________________________________R. Stahl Tranberg declaration of Conformity:EU DoC: Document no. TDC3359Installation and operating manual ENCLOSURE HEATER TEF 9207 TUM7139 __________________________________________________________________________________UK DoC: Document no. TDC7382。

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND USER GUIDEPH PlusSMART PANEL CONVECTOR HEATERPH-075 PlusPH-125 PlusPH-150 PlusPH-200 Plus Please read these instructions before installing or using this appliance for the first time. These instructions must be followed for the safe installation of the radiator. Any1.- WARNING Please read these instructions before installing or using this appliance for the first time.•The warranty of the heater will not cover any damage caused by non-observance of any of these instructions.•The instructions should be retained for future reference. This guide must be kept and given to any new owner.•This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning the use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children must not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance must not be made by children withoutsupervision.•Children aged from 3 years and less than 8 years shall only switch on/off the appliance provided that it has been placed or installed in its intended normal operating position and they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children aged from 3 years and less than 8 years shall not plug in, regulate and clean the appliance or perform usermaintenance.•Children of less than 3 years should be kept away unless continuously supervised.•Please check that the voltage in the rating label fits the power supply.•The use of panel heaters is forbidden in any area where there is a presence of gases, explosives or inflammable objects.•Do not use this heater to dry clothes. Do not cover this heater or put objects in contact with it.•Neither the connecting cable nor any other object must come into contact with the hot unit.•Do not cover this heater at any time.•The air outlet at the top of the thermal radiator and the air inlet at the bottom are provided to ensure the most efficient operation of the appliance. They also protect the heater from overheating; therefore, it isessential that at no time are they covered.•This heater should be switched off at the isolating switch before any repair work is carried out.•The installation must be carried out in accordance with the current electrical regulations.•Should the heater be moved and reinstalled it is essential that the work is carried out by a fully qualified technician.•The heater should not be installed just below an electrical socket.•The appliance must be installed in such a way that it is impossible for anyone using a bath or shower, to touch the controls.•The heater is fitted with a flexible cable size 3 x 1.00 mm² for electrical connection. It may be used to connect the heater to the fixed wiring of the premised through a suitable connection box positionedadjacent to the heater.•This appliance must be connected to the supply by fixed wiring. The supply circuit to the heater must incorporate a double pole isolating switch having a contact separation of at least 3 mm.•If the flexible power cable for this unit is damaged, it may only be replaced by a repair workshop recognised by the manufacturer, as special tools are necessary.•This appliance must be earthed.•All models are supplied with an electrical interrupt cut-out. This will switch off the heater if, for any reason, it overheats. Should the cut-out operate, turn the heater off and remove the cause for the overheating. The cut-out will be reset automatically.•Please, if included, complete the enclosed warranty card and return it to the manufacturer to enable registration to take place.•The presence of air particles of smoke, dust and other pollutants could, in time, discolour the walls and surfaces around the heater.•CAUTION — Some parts of this product can become very hot and cause burns. Particular attention must be given when children and vulnerable people are present.••WARNING: In order to avoid overheating do not cover the heater.•41.0 cm ( 750W)56.0 cm (1250W)63.5 cm (1500W)78.5 cm (2000W)min 15cm min 15cmm i n 20c mm i n 20c m41.0 c m8cm 10cm2.- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS- Open the package and check that it is the correct model and it is in good condition.- To obtain optimum performances it is necessary to maintain a minimum clearance of 50 cm between the panel heater and any inflammable material as furniture, curtains etc.- The studs and screws to attach the supports are in the accessories bag.- Fix the two square brackets to the back of the heater by using the two smalls screws. (see Fig.1)- Position and fix the top bracket at the correct distance from the floor (see Fig.2) and hang the unit on the hooks of the top bracket.- Mark the fixing points on the wall using a pencil. Use the heater fixing holes as a template and mark the wall through the two fixing holes in the square brackets. Fix the heater to the wall.3.- USING THE PANEL HEATERDIGITAL CONTROL WITH DAILY AND WEEKLY PROGRAMMINGMain switch :All models are equipped with one switch on the right surface allowing the panelheater disconnection.Ph Plus panel heaters have built in an electronic thermostat with a sensibility of 0.1 ºC. It is possible to set temperatures with an accuracy of 0.5ºC.The daily or weekly programmer (selectable) allows you to allocate three different temperature levels to any of the 48 intervals of 30 minutes of the day.Digital DISPLAY:It shows the time, temperature and other messages.Frost protection key:If the display shows the time the heater is in frost protection mode. Press this key to shift from frost protection mode to standard mode and vice versa.Heating indicator:This small dot will be lit when the heater is consuming energy. SUN indicator Press this key for more than two seconds to set the time or day of the week. PRG key:Allows you to create check or modify programs.Move forward with + or – keys and allocate the SUN, MOON, or temperature to any of the 48 intervals of 30 minutes of the day by means of the relevant key.Key “+”:It increases the values. SUN key: Press once to see the SUN temperature value. Press + or – keys to modify the value. MOON key: Press once to see the MOON temperature value. Press + or – keys to modify the value. MOON indicator Key “-”:It decreases the values.SWITCHING ON THE PANEL HEATEROnce the heater is connected to a main supply, switch on the heater by setting the switch marked I-O positioned at the rigth side of the panel heater to “I”. The off position is marked “O”.SETTING THE TIMEPress the key more than two seconds. The display will show the time intermittently. Set the hours by pressing + and -keys and press the . Set the minutes the same way. Press once more the key to store the time. If at any time it is necessary to set the time press the key and repeat the above steps.FROST PROTECTION MODE ❆With this mode on, if the room temperature drops below 3ºC the heater will connect itself automatically.If the display shows the time the panel heater is in frost protection mode. Press the ❆ key to shift from frost protection mode (time is shown in the display) to standard mode (temperature is shown in the display) and vice versa.PROGRAMMING THE PANEL HEATERThe panel heater operates in programming mode maintaining the SUN, MOON or ❆temperatures as per the introduced program. If the display shows the time, the panel heater is in frost protection mode.SUN, MOON AND ❆ TEMPERATURESThe electronic programmer is able to handle three temperature levels during the 24h of the day.Press the key to set the SUN temperature. The display will show the SUN temperature value blinking.Set the SUN temperature value by means of the + o –keys and press the key to store the value. If the display shows the time the heater is in frost protection mode. Press the ❆key to shift from frost protection mode (time is shown in the display) to standard mode (temperature is shown in the display) and vice versa.Repeat the above steps with the key to set the MOON temperature.The ❆ temperature level is 3ºC and it is a fix value. This temperature level can be used as off selection when setting the temperatures during curtain times of the day.SUN, MOON, or ❆ temperatures can be allocated to any of the 48 intervals of 30 minutes of the day.DAILY PROGRAMMESIt is basic to visualize the day split into 48 intervals of 30 minutes each; SUN, MOON, or ❆ temperatures can be allocated to any of them.The default settings include daily mode so that the heater will repeat the program every day. If different programmes are required along a week, please see the next step WEEKLY PROGRAMMES. To check a programme or to make a new one, follow these steps:Press the PRG00:00 intermittently. Press one of the three keys ❆ to allocate SUN, indicator will be lit. If OFF temperature ❆is selected both luminous indicators will be off.Press the + key to go to the next interval. The display will show 00:30 intermittently and, again, press one of the three keys ❆ to allocate SUN, MOON or OFF (frost protection) from 00:30h to 01:00h or press + key directly if the existing temperature level is ok.Repeat these steps allocating the desired temperatures levels over the 24 hours of the day. Press the – key at any time to modify a previous period. By reaching the 23:30 in the display and pressing + key, the controller will store the program and will return to the previous mode.At any time PRG key can be used also to store the program and return the previous mode.1 - Press PRG 00:002 - Press ❆ Off3 - Press + key00:304 - Repeat steps 2 and 3 until display shows: 07:305 - PressOn6 - Press + key 08:007 - Press8 - Press + key 08:309 - Press10 - Press + key 09:0011 - Press12 - Press + key09:30 13 - Repeat steps 11 and 12 until display shows: 13:0014 - Press15 - Press + key13:30 16 - Repeat steps 14 and 15 until display shows: 15:0017 - Press18 - Press + key15:30 19 - Repeat steps 17 and 18 until display shows: 19:3020 - Press21 - Press + key20:00 22 - Repeat steps 20 and 21 until display shows: 23:3023 - Press24 - Press + keyGRAB00:0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0007:0008:0009:0010:0011:0012:0013:0014:0015:0016:0017:0018:0019:0020:0021:0022:0023:0024:00❆SUNMOONOFFEXAMPLELet’s see an example of how to introduce a program with the above distribution of temperatures.OFF from 24:00h to 7:30h in the morning. The heater will be on only if the temperature drops to 3ºC.SUN temperature from 7:30h to 9:00h.MOON temperature from 9:00h to 13:00h.SUN temperature from 13:00h to 15:00h.MOON temperature from 15:00h to 19:30h.SUN temperature from 19:30h to 24:00h.WEEKLY PROGRAMMESIt is possible to allocate different programs to different days of the week. To do this, the controller has to be upgrade from 24hr mode (factory default) to 24hr/7days mode as follows:Switch off the panel heater by turning off the main switch at the right side of the heater, the display will be Off. Press the key and at the same time turn on the main switch maintaining the key at least five seconds. The display will show P-SE which means that weekly mode has been set.SETTING THE DAY: Press the key more than two seconds and the display will show the number of the day. Set the correct number, if required, by pressing + or – keys. Press the key and the display will show now the time. Press again the key and new values will be stored.To check a programme or to make a new one press PRG key: The display will show dia1. Press again PRG key and the display will show 00:00intermittently. Follow now the steps from DAILY PROGRAMMES section until the display shows again dia1. Repeat this process with the 7 days of the week. When the display shows dia7 the weekly program will be stored by pressing + key.If the display shows dia1 then, pressing + key more than three seconds will copy the day 1 program to day 2 and so on.It is possible to allocate any of the three temperature levels to all the intervals of any day maintaining the relevant ❆ key until an audible signal is heard.To turn back a controller from 24hr/7days to a single 24hr press PRG key more than six seconds. This will restore the factory default settings.KEYBOARD LOCKPress the ❆will keep on working internally. To unlock the keyboard, press again the ❆ key more than six seconds.SUN MANUAL OVERRIDEMaintain the SUN Key pressed for 4 seconds to set the Sun Manual Override. The heater will maintain the sun temperature set point and will ignore the pre-set program until the next change in programming temperature level.Both luminous indicators SUN and MOON will be lit. This function could be useful when SUN temperature is required and we do not want to modify the program.By pressing the SUN key for 4 seconds with Sun Manual Override activated, the function will be removed and the heater will follow the programme again.4.- ADVANCED FUNCTIONOPEN WINDOW DETECTIONWith open window detection activated, the heating element will be disconnected automatically when a sharp decrease in temperature in the room is detected avoiding energy wastage. After this period of time, the panel heater returns to the prior operation mode.When Open Window Detection is working, the word Open will be displayed alternating with the status of the current mode. Note: To activate the open window detection please refer to ADVANCED FUNCTION ACTIVATION section.ADAPTIVE START CONTROLPH Plus electronic control analyses the heating requirements of the room where the panel heater is installed using this information to turn on the heating element in advance in order to reach the set point temperature at the desired time.When Adaptive Start Control is working, the word AdAP will be displayed alternating with the status of the current mode. Note: To activate the adaptive start control please refer to ADVANCED FUNCTION ACTIVATION section.ADVANCED FUNCTION ACTIVATIONAdvanced functions Open Windows Detection and Adaptive Start Control are disabled by default. To enable / disable these functions, the following steps must be followed:Switch off the panel heater by turning off the main switch at the right side of the heater, the display will be Off. Press the ❆ key and at the same time turn on the main switch maintaining the ❆ key at least five seconds.alternating with the status of the function (On or OFF). Use the navigation keys + or – to enable /Confirm the new value for the function by pressing the PRG key. The next function (AdAP) is shown alternating with its status (On or OFF). Use the navigation keys + or – to enable / disable Adaptive Start Control function. Confirm the new value for the function by pressing the PRG key.5.- UNIT RESETThe panel heater reset establishes the factory configuration of the heater removing the programming, establishing the dailyPRG key for 4 seconds, the display will show6.- CLEANING AND MAINTENANCEThe panel heaters do not precise any special maintenance providing thermal comfort during large periods. Clean dust with a dry, soft cloth only when the unit is disconnected and cold.Do not use solvents or abrasive products for cleaning.This panel heater has been manufactured under an assured quality system using environment friendly processes.Please take the panel heaters to a clean point once their useful life is finished, in order to recycle their materials in the right way.7.- TROUBLESHOOTING8.- SPECIFICATIONS9.- MAIN COMPONENTS LISTMain PCB ref. 30100084 750 W Heating Element ref. 40491755 Keyboard ref. 40491702 1250 W Heating Element ref. 40491757 85ºC thermal limiter ref. 30100040 1500 W Heating Element ref. 40491759 Main Switch ref. 46100530 2000 W Heating Element ref. 40491761EN10.- WIRING11.- PRODUCT FICHEErPCommission Regulation (UE) 2015/1188 of 28 April 2015. Ecodesign requirements for electric fixed local space heater.10Supplier:ELNUR UK Ltd.Unit I, Brown Street North Leigh, Lancashire. WN7 1 BU Telephone +44(0)1942 670119 *************.ukManufactured by:ELNUR S.A.Travesía de Villa Esther, 11 28110 Algete - Madrid Telephone +34 91 628 1440As a part of the policy of continuous product improvement, Elnur s.a. reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.40491700 R1The symbol on the product or in its packaging indicates that this product may not be treated as household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact your local city office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product. These instructions are only valid in the EU member states.。


目录第一章工程概况 (2)1.1建筑概况 (2)1.2设计依据 (2)1.3设计内容 (2)1.4气象条件 (3)1.5围护结构特点 (3)第二章供暖热负荷的计算 (4)2.1房间围护结构传热耗热量的计算 (4)2.1.1 围护结构耗热量计算公式 (4)2.2围护结构的附加耗热量的计算 (4)2.2.1 朝向修正 ................................................................................................... ..42.2.2 风力附加 (4)2.2.3 高度附加 (4)2.3门窗缝隙渗入冷空气的耗热量 (5)2.3.1 渗入冷空气耗热量计算公式 (5)2.4其他楼层房间的采暖热负荷集总 (5)第三章散热器的选择计算 (9)3.1散热器的相关参数 (9)3.1.1 散热器选型及安装形式 (9)3.1.2 注意事项 (9)3.2散热器的选择计算 (9)3.2.1 散热器面积计算公式 (9)3.2.2 散热器传热系数计算公式 (10)3.3其他楼层各房间内部散热器的选择 (10)第四章水力计算 (10)4.1相关参数的设置 (11)4.2水力计算 (11)4.2.1 水力计算公式 (12)4.3各管段的水力计算 (12)4.4各立管的水力计算 (12)总结及致谢 (13)参考文献 (13)第一章工程概况1.1建筑概况此次设计为沈阳市实验附小综合楼,建筑面积4574.2㎡,建筑高度21.55m,五层建筑,全为地上建筑。
1.2设计依据(1)《民用建筑供暖通风与空气调节设计规范》GB50736——2012(2)《实用供热空调设计手册》(3)设计任务书(4)建筑设计方提供的建筑平面图1.3设计内容1.3.1 设计项目的要求在达到采暖要求的同时,设计图也要达到施工图要求,方案合理,系统清楚,画面清晰。

采暖设计说明书一、负荷计算:1.围护结构的基本耗热量按稳态传热计算:q′=F×K×(t n−t w′)×α (W) (1-1)式中:α——温差修正系数,F——计算传热面积(m2);K——计算传热系数[w/(m2·℃)];t n——冬季室内计算温度(℃);t w′——供暖室外计算温度(℃)。
整个建筑物或房间的基本耗热量Q1.j′等于它的围护结构各部分(门、窗、墙、地板、屋顶等)基本耗热量q′的总和:Q1.j′=q′=KF(t n−t w′)α W (1-2)1.1室内计算温度:1)室内计算温度是指距地面2m以内人们活动地区的平均温度,对于一般民用建筑可以用其他房间无冷热源影响的几何中心处的温度来代表。
1.3 围护结构面积的丈量:1)围墙面积的丈量,高度从本层地面算到上层地面(底层除外)。

1. 电暖器的结构(图1)1) 控制器2) 出风口 3) 外壳 4) 散热元件 5) 电源线6) 温感器 图12. 电暖器的安装2.1安装位置1) 电暖器应根据现场情况安装在水平固定的墙上。
3) 该电暖器不得直接置于电源插座的下面,建议将电暖器安装于插座的左面或右面。
4) 电暖器与周围物体保持最小距离如下:前:500mm 侧:100mm 下:150mm 上:500mm 2.2电暖器的固定1) 随机提供的塑料涨拴和螺钉。
2) 螺丝刀向下压连接件(图3)图2图32.3电源线的连接确定电源为~220V 50Hz500——1500W 用A05VVF 3×1.5mm2电线1750——2000W 用3×2mm2电线2500——3000W 用3×2.5mm2电线必须使用符合国家标准的,地线接地良好的单相三极电源插座。
3.电暖器的使用:3.1 将电源插头插入插座3.2 将电源开关打开(“1”为打开“0”为关闭)。
3.3 将温控器旋纽调至合适的档位。
4.电暖器的维护:4.1 电暖器清洁时可用干净的软布擦拭。
4.2 严禁用烈性清洗剂或有腐蚀性或研磨材料清洁,以免破坏电暖 器涂层。
4.3 定期清洁出风口栅叶上灰尘。
4.4 长期不用时将电暖器用防护罩罩住。
5.关于安全5.1 机内有高压电,非专业人员不得打开电暖器后盖。

目录第一章设计概况 (1)1。
1设计资料 (1)1.2设计任务 (1)第二章供暖系统设计热负荷 (2)2.1热负荷计算依据 (2)2.1。
1围护结构的耗热量 (2)2。
2冷风渗透耗热量 (3)2。
3冷风侵入耗热量 (4)2。
2热负荷计算结果 (4)2.2。
1典型办公室设计热负荷 (5)2。
2餐厅设计热负荷 (6)2。
3特别区域热负荷 (6)2。
2.4各层标准房间负荷 (7)2。
2.5采暖热负荷指标分析 (7)2.2。
5采暖热负荷汇总 (8)第三章热水供热系统是确定 (9)3。
1循环动力 (9)3.2供回水方式 (9)3.3本工程方案确定 (9)第四章散热器的选择与计算 (11)4.1散热器的选择 (11)4.2散热器的布置与安装 (12)4。
1散热器布置 (12)4.2.2散热器安装 (12)4.3散热器的计算 (12)4.3.1散热器面积计算 (12)4。
3.2散热器片数确定 (13)4.3.3散热器计算汇总 (13)第五章供暖系统水力计算 (15)5。
1水力计算方法 (15)5.2一二区水力计算 (15)5。
2.1一二区水力计算简图 (15)5.2。
2水力计算表 (15)5.3三区水力计算 (20)5。
3.1三区水力计算简图 (20)5.3.2水力计算表 (20)5.4系统水力计算综合 (22)5.5管路压力平衡分析图 (22)参考文献 (24)致谢。
15,室外供暖计算干球温度:—26℃,室外平均风速:3.8m/s;②热源:城市热网;热媒:热水参数=95℃,=70℃;外接管网DN50;引入口处供回水压差P=20000Pa.③维护结构资料:墙体均选用加气砼砌块,厚度为350mm,外墙外保温采用50mm厚挤塑聚苯乙烯板,对应的材料厚度可得:K=0.71 W/(m·℃);内墙厚度为200mm,对应的材料厚度可得: K=0.998 W/(m·℃);屋面由概况中对应的材料布置,对应的材料和厚度可得: K=0.414 W/(m·℃);外窗为双层塑钢窗,窗高2000mm,传热系数为:K=2.78W/(m·℃);一层东侧为玻璃幕墙,K=0。

T hank you for purchasing the Runtal Electric Wall Panel. We are very proud of our workmanship and quality, and we are certain that you will be thoroughly satisfied with your new Runtal Electric Wall Panel. We urge you to contact your local Runtal representative if you have comments or questions. This manual is intended to show installation and care for your Runtal Electric Wall Panel. The electrical wiring connections must be made by a qualified professional electrician. Wiring procedures and connections must be in accordance with the National Electric Code (NEC) and local codes. Owner’s Manual & Installation Instructions1.R untal Electric Wall Panel must be properly installed before it is used.2.R untal Electric Wall Panel must be connected to a switching device,thermostat / relay switch, etc.3.T he heating element and high-limit thermostat should not be tampered with.4.I ndividual thermostats used in conjunction with the EWP will determine operational use.C ontents:1 Electric Wall Panel (EWP)1 Mounting Hardware Package1 Owner’s Manualt ools R equiRed:Screw DriversElectric DrillCorrect Orientation Incorrect Orientationso peRating i nstRuCtionsElectric W all PanelProper installation requires theRuntal Electric Wall Panel to be in thehorizontal position as shown. No otherorientations are acceptable.The Electric Wall Panel must be installed in a horizontal orientation as shown below.L8 Element Wall Panel Front ViewEWP 8EWP 6T opBottom8 & 6 Element Wall Panel Side View 6 Element Wall Panel Back View23⁄8”23⁄8”L171⁄4”231⁄8”L = 24”, 36”, 48”Mounting & InstallationOverview: The EWP is designed for a very quick and easy wall mounting installation.Simply choose an appropriate location, attach wall brackets to the wall, make the electrical connection, hang the unit on the wall and screw in the lockdowns. Please note that all installations of the Runtal EWP should be in accordance with local building and electrical codes and performed by a licensed installer.Locating the EWP: The Runtal Electric Wall Panel (EWP) is intended to be permanently wall mounted in a horizontal position (please see the drawing for correct orientation).It is recommended that the EWP be mounted no less than 2” above the finished floor.Inspect the desired location for the EWP and insure that there is sufficient room for the unit and that there are no obstacles that might hinder wall mounting.The EWP is designed so that the wall brackets K12 may be placed on the wall at stud locations. It is recommended that the wall hangers be installed roughly 4” to 6” from either end of the radiator.Determine how much clearance between the floor and the bottom of the EWP is desired (to give you the height you need to place the wall brackets). Mark this location.For Model EWP6: The top of the wall brackets should be 14” plus the floor clearance distance.Example: If you would like to have 2” clearance from the floor, the top of the K12 mounting bracket should be on the wall 16” above the floor (14” for the unit and 2” for clearance).For Model EWP8: The top of the wall brackets should be 19½” plus the floor clearance distance.Example: If you would like to have 2” clearance from the floor, the top of the K12 mounting bracket should be on the wall 21½” above the floor (19½” for the unit and 2” for clearance). Determine how far apart to hang the (K12) mounting brackets. This measurement depends upon the width of the radiator to be installed as noted above. Mark this location.Example: A 24” wide EWP should have the mounting brackets a minimum of 12” apart and a maximum of 16” apart (4” to 6” in from either side) Using the appropriate fastener(s), firmly attach the K12 mounting brackets to the Wall in the desired locations.Hang the EWP on the Wall brackets to insure the location is acceptable and that the wall brackets are solidly installed. If the location is acceptable remove the radiator and set aside on the wrapping foam to protect the finish.m o u n t i n g eWP s tep 117½”FloorExampleModel EWP6 (back view)14”K12K122” Minimum Clearance4” to 6”4” to 6”24”T op Bottom2Please be sure to follow all applicable building and electrical codes. It is recommended that the installation be performed by a licensed electrician. The electrical supply must be from the wall at the rear of the radiator. For ease of installation it is recommended that the supply wire coming from the wall be long enough and flexible enough to allow the electrification of the unit while placed face down on the floor (protected to insure the finish on the front of the unit is not damaged) near its wall hung location.Mark a vertical line where the center of the radiator will be located.Measure down from the top of the wall bracket 12½” for a EWP-6 to determine the point to drill a 2” hole in the wall for the electrical supply wires.Measure down from the top of the wall bracket 183/8” for a EWP-8 to determine the point to drill a 2” hole in the wall for the electrical supply wires.4 R un S uPPly W iReS3 P RePaRe the eWP foR W all h anging and e lectRificationThermostat: A line voltage thermostat or a low voltage thermostat with a relay is recommended for room temperature regulation, and for switching off the Electric Wall Panel when not in use. Thermostat and /or relay are by others, and is not supplied with the Runtal Electric Wall Panel.Note: Thermostat location recommendations Locate the thermostat away from the heater and other appliances that give off heat. Locate the thermostat where it will not be in direct sunlight. Locate the thermostat on an inside wall away from drafts. Do not exceed the electrical rating of the thermostat ,relay or other switching device. Most thermostats are mounted about 5 feet off the floor. Check with your local code officer, as ADA regulations may apply.Location: For best results locate the Electric Wall Panel on a outside wall, under a window or near an entry door.Voltage: It is important that you verify the electrical supply voltage is the same as the Electric Wall Panel. Connecting a 240 volt Electric Wall Panel to a 120 volt supply will decrease the heaters output:connecting a Electric Wall Panel to a higher voltage may damage the heater and void the warranty.Warning: Do not install heaters against combustible low density cellulose fiberboard surfaces.Keep drapes 2 inches away from the Electric Wall Panel. Do not install Electric Wall Panel heater below an electrical convenience receptacle. To reduce the risk of fire, do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of the heater. Only install as illustrated in this Plate Location: (UL Label) The name plate is located on the right side of the radiator.Factory Wiring DiagramCentral SupplyL2L1Temperature High Limits tep 6 h ang the e lectRified u nit on the WallFloorW a l lWall Mounting Bracket K12Mounting ScrewMounting Screw and CapAdd Decorative Screw Cap Before Attaching Bracket Lockdown Bracket1” Hub Fitting A Lift the EWP onto the Wall Brackets while inserting the wiring into the wall.Locate the Lockdown Brackets on the bottom of the radiator and put a mounting screw (with screw cap) through each one into the wall.Note: The Runtal EWP is equipped with a manual reset High-Limit Thermostat to insure against overheating. Should the radiator stop working for any reason, Runtal recommends that the power to the unit be shut off at the source (circuit breaker) and a licensed electri-cian be contacted for service.Locking Down Wall Panels tep 5 a ttach the e lectRical S uPPly to the u nitRemove the flat square cover from the junction box and discard. Remove the junction box Cover B and install the 1” hub Fitting A to the junction box. Next install the Romex clamp adapter to the 1” hub fitting.Locate the supply wire coming out of the wall and feed it through the restraint into the junction box. Allow as much wire as needed to make the connection to the radiator heater wires.Secure the supply wire by tightening the screws on the wire restraint.Use wire nuts to connect the green supply wire to the green grounding wire in the junction box and one of the heater wires to each of the supply wires. Make sure that all wiring connections are secure inside the junction box and replace the bottom junction box cover.The unit is now ready for wall hangingCover BGreenHub Fitting ABlackWhiteL i n e i nThermostatR o me x / Ar mo r e d Cab le W i r em ounting i nStRuctionS foR R igid c onduit , WheRe R equiRed .Secure the Rigid Conduit Wall Plate (illustration A) and connections in selected wall location, allow six (6”) inches of supply wire (illustration B) to estab-lish a connection to the radiators junction box. The radiator must be centered with the Rigid Conduit Wall Plate and the wall plate aligned with the back portion of the radiator’s electrical junction box, this will allow for access of the supply wires. Lift the EWP onto the Wall Brackets to hang while ensuring the rigid conduit from the mounted wall plate is inserted into the back of the radiator’s junction box, the wires are then fed through the bottom of the junction box and connected to the appropriate connections locat-ed in the junction box. Use wire nuts to connect the green wire to the green grounding wire in the junc-tion box and one of the heater wires to each of the supply wires. Make sure all wiring connections are secure inside the junction box, replace the bottom cover and affix the bottom cover with the provided screws. The electrified radiator unit is now ready to be securely mounted for wall hanging. The radiator must be secured to the wall at the bottom portion of the radiator with provided Lockdown Brackets.Illustration AConduit Nipple Locknut PVC ConnectorWall PlateAssembled Rigid Conduit Wall PlateG re e n W h i t eB l a ck Illustration BOperation & MaintenanceYour Runtal Electric Wall Panel (EWP) has been designed to require the absolute minimum maintenance andcare under normal use. However, care should be taken when cleaning the surface of the panel. Periodicallyvacuum across the top of the grille to remove dust from the grille. A slight odor may be noticeable duringinitial operation and will dissipate within a few hours.The EWP’s powder coated finish provides an elegant yet durable finish to a welded steel product.Occasional cleaning of this finish is best done with a water dampened cloth. Under no circumstances shouldabrasive cleaner be used. Before cleaning make sure the power has been turned off at the circuit breakerpanel, and the heating element is cool. Be sure to restore power when cleaning and maintenance is complete.All other servicing should be performed by qualified service personnel.For installation of multiple electric wall panel radiators, the following chart should be used.The chart indicates supply voltage, circuit breaker rating, minimum wire size, and maximum totalwattage of electric radiators on the circuit.Voltage A.C. Circuit Breaker Size Maximum Wattage MinimumWire Size 120 15 Amp 1440 14/2 with Ground120 20 Amp 1920 12/2 with Ground120 30 Amp 2880 10/2 with Ground208 15 Amp 2496 14/2 with Ground208 20 Amp 3328 12/2 with Ground208 30 Amp 4992 10/2 with Ground240 15 Amp 2880 14/2 with Ground240 20 Amp 3840 12/2 with Ground240 30 Amp 5760 10/2 with GroundWhen using electrical appliances, basic precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and injury to persons, including the following:1. R ead all instructions before using this heater.2. A heater has hot and arcing or sparking parts inside. Do not use it in areas wheregasoline, paint, or flammable liquids are used or stored.3. T his heater is hot when in use. To avoid burns, do not let bare skin touch hotsurfaces. Keep combustible materials, such as furniture, pillows, bedding, papers, clothes, and curtains away from heater. 4. T o prevent a possible fire, do not block air intakes or exhaust in any manner. Donot use on soft surfaces, like a bed, where openings may become clogged.5. D o not insert or allow foreign objects to enter any ventilation or exhaust openingas this may cause an electrical shock or fire, or damage the heater. Never tamper with the EWP or any of its components.6. U se heater only as described in this manual. Any other use not recommended bythe manufacturer may cause fire, electric shock, or injury to persons.7.E xtreme caution is necessary when any heater is used by or near children orpersons which may require supervision and whenever the heater is left operating and unattended 8. D o not operate any heater after it malfunctions. Disconnect power at servicepanel and have the heater inspected by a reputable electrician before reusing.9. D o not use outdoors.10.T he EWP should not be in direct contact with water.11. T o disconnect heater, turn controls to off, and turn off power to the heater circuitat main disconnect panel ( or operate internal disconnect switch if provided).12. T he Runtal EWP is equipped with a manual reset High-Limit Thermostat to insureagainst overheating. Should the radiator stop working for any reason, Runtal recommends that the power to the unit be shut off at the source (circuit breaker) and a licensed electrician be contacted for service.13.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSImportant InstructionsR untal n oRth a meRiCa , i nC .PO Box 8278, Ward Hill, MA 01835 (Haverhill) Tel: 800-526-2621 s In Canada: 888 829-4901 。

第三部分:安装方法1. 准备工作:确定墙暖的具体安装位置,确保墙面平整,并清理好墙面,确保无尘、无污渍。
2. 安装位置确定:根据需要进行墙暖的位置布置,通常墙暖的安装位置在室内离地面约30-40厘米处。
3. 安装支架:根据墙暖的尺寸和数量,安装墙暖的支架。
4. 安装墙暖:将墙暖放置在安装好的支架上,确保墙暖与墙面充分接触,无晃动。
5. 接通电源和管道:将墙暖连接到电源和供水管道上,确保电源和供水正常接通。
6. 调试和检查:接通电源和供水后,进行墙暖的调试和检查工作,确保墙暖的工作正常。
第四部分:使用注意事项1. 使用环境:墙暖适用于室内供热,不适用于室外环境。
2. 温度控制:墙暖使用时,请合理设置温控器的温度,以避免浪费能源和超温造成的问题。
3. 定期清洁:墙暖使用一段时间后,可能会有灰尘等杂物堆积在散热面上,请定期进行清洁,以保持墙暖的散热效果。
4. 安全使用:使用墙暖时,请注意电源和供水管道的安全,避免人为破坏或损坏导致安全事故。
5. 禁止孩童接触:墙暖表面温度较高,请注意禁止孩童接触,避免烫伤。

满足国家50%-65% 的节能要求。
三、NHT 墙体保温隔热材料的性能特点1、保温隔热节能效果好 ——房屋冬暖夏凉NHT 墙体保温隔热绿色节能材料,导热系数小,蓄热系数大,粘结强度高,用于建筑隔热保温,既节能环保又安全适用。
2、安全、防火、使用寿命长 ——A 级不燃材料NHT 墙体保温隔热绿色节能材料属A 级不燃保温材料,安全性能非常高。
NHT 保温层与基层墙面粘结牢固,抗开裂、抗空鼓、抗脱落,抗风压、抗冲击、耐候性能佳。
FVN P-400 无直接燃烧空间暖气器操作指南说明书

OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL(Please retain for future reference)ForFVN/P-400 INDIRECT FIRED SPACE HEATERSCERTIFIED FOR USE IN CANADA AND U.S.A.As per Standard ANSI Z83.7/CSA 21.4 2000 Gas Fired Construction Heaters / Unattended Type.Issue date October 1, 2008FLAGRO INDUSTRIES LIMITEDST. CATHARINES, ONTARIOCANADAGENERAL HAZARD WARNING:FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE PRECAUTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED WITH THIS HEATER, CAN RESULT IN DEATH, SERIOUS BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY LOSS OR DAMAGE FROM HAZARDS OF FIRE, EXPLOSION, BURN, ASPHYXIATION, CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING, AND/OR ELECTRICAL SHOCK.ONLY PERSONS WHO CAN UNDERSTAND AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD USE OR SERVICE THIS HEATER.IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE OR HEATER INFORMATION SUCH AS AN INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL, LABELS, ETC. CONTACT THE MANUFACTURER.WARNING:FIRE, BURN, INHALATION, AND EXPLOSION HAZARD. KEEP SOLID COMBUSTIBLES, SUCH AS BUILDING MATERIALS, PAPER OR CARDBOARD, A SAFE DISTANCE AWAY FROM THE HEATER AS RECOMMENDED BY THE INSTRUCTIONS. NEVER USE THE HEATER IN SPACES WHICH DO OR MAY CONTAIN VOLATILE OR AIRBORNE COMBUSTIBLES, OR PRODUCTS SUCH AS GASOLINE, SOLVENTS, PAINT THINNER, DUST PARTICLES OR UNKNOWN CHEMICALS.WARNING:NOT FOR HOME OR RECREATIONAL VEHICLE USE.WARNING:INTENDED USE IS PRIMARILY THE TEMPORARY HEATING OF BUILDINGS UNDER CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIR OR EMERGENCIES ONLY.ALWAYS PROVIDE ADEQUATE VENTILATION. 1 SQ. IN. OF FRESH AIR MUST BE SUPPLIED FOR EVERY 1000 BTUH OF HEAT.THIS HEATER SHALL BE INSTALLED SUCH THAT IT IS NOT DIRECTLY EXPOSED TO WATER SPRAY, AND/OR DRIPPING WATER.This heater is designed and approved for use as aconstruction heater under Standard ANSI Z83.7/CGA 2.14. 2000.We cannot anticipate every use which may be madeof our heaters. CHECK WITH YOU LOCAL FIRESAFETY AUTHORITY IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONSABOUT APPLICATIONS.Other standards govern the use of fuel gases and heatproducing products in specific applications. Your localauthority can advise you about these.SPECIFICATIONSModel …………………………………………………….…. FVP-400 PropaneFVN-400 Natural Gas Input …………………………………………………….…... 390,000 btuhFuel …………………………………………………………. FVP-400 PropaneFVN-400 Natural Gas Manifold Pressure …………………………………………. 3.2” W.C. Propane2.0” W.C. NG Maximum Inlet Pressure ………………………………… 13.0” W.C. Propane10.0” W.C. NG Ignition ……………………………………………………… Direct Spark Ignition …….……………………………………………...… Thermostat Control Air Circulation ………………………………………………. 2500 cfmFuel Consumption ………………………………………..... 18.5 lbs/hr PropaneNG 380cfh Approved …………………………………………………..... cETLus listedINSTALLATION:The installation of this heater for use with natural gas shall conform with local codes or, in the absence of codes, with the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z233.1/NFPA 54 and the Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code, CSA B149.1-00. This heater must be installed by a qualified gas technician, following local codes published by the authority having jurisdiction. All installations performed in the state of Massachusetts must be completed by a qualified plumber and gas fitter of the State of Massachusetts.The installation of this heater for use with propane tank or cylinder shall conform with Local codes or, in the absence of local codes, with the Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases, ANSI Z233/NFPA 54 and the Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code, CSA B149.This heater must be located at least 10ft (3m) from any propane gas cylinder. This heater shall not be directed toward any propane gas container within 20ft (6m).CONNECTING THE CYLINDER (LP Models only):If cylinders are used to supply the heater, no cylinders smaller than 100lb capacity shall be used. These cylinders must supply a vapor withdrawal only.1. All cylinder connections must be made using a wrench to tighten the POLfitting.2. Be sure that the cylinder valve is in the closed position when connection ordisconnecting the cylinder.3. A soap and water solution must be applied to all connections in order toleak check the system.The gas must be turned off at the propane supply cylinder(s) when the heater is not in use. When the heater is to be stored indoors, the connection between the propane supply cylinder(s) and the heater must be disconnected and the cylinders removed from the heater and stored in accordance with Standard for the Storage and Handling or Liquefied Petroleum Gases, ANSI/NFPA 58 and CSA B149.1, Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code.PIPING:This heater must be installed by a qualified gas technician following local codes published by the authority having jurisdiction. Sizing ofsupply piping must be determined using the length of pipe run aswell as total btuh rating of the appliance(s). Appropriate pipingtables must be used to determine size of supply piping dependanton the length of run from source.PRESSURES:MAXIMUM INLET PRESSURES: LP: 13.0 IN. WC.IN.WC.10.0NG:MINIMUM INLET PRESSURES: LP: 8.0 IN. WC.IN.WC.4.0NG:This heater must be supplied by pressures indicated on theapproval label. Over pressure may cause controls to fail.DONOT supply this unit with more than ½ psig (14.0 in.W.C.)Note: A second stage regulator must be installed if thesupply pressure exceeds ½ psig.FUEL:This heater will operate on propane OR natural gas – NOTBOTH. The manifold pressures are listed on the approvallabel. To determine which fuel to use see rating plate. DONOT attempt to use the heater without consulting the ratingplate.Note: The proper main burner orifice must be installed andrating plate must reflect the fuel the heater burning. DONOT operate the heater with out consulting the rating plate.Heater conversion must be done by a qualified technicianand rating plate must reflect any change.HOSES:All hoses used to connect this heater of fuel supply must beType 1 approved propane / natural gas hose assemblies.ELECTRICAL:WARNINGInstructionsGroundingElectricalThis appliance is equipped with a three-prong (grounding)plug for your protection against shock hazard and should beplugged directly into a properly grounded three-prongreceptacle.115v supply must be available. Please note that the heaterrequires 15 amps for proper operation. Ensure appropriategauge extension cord is used.• 12/3 AWG at 50 Feet• 10/3 AWG at 100 FeetCLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES:PIPE TOP FRONT SIDES REAR FLUE3 ft 10 ft 3 ft 3 ft 3 ftDUCTING: Canvas heater duct with a minimum temperature handling of300 deg F. including wire reinforcement to preventcollapsing. Heater is designed for use with 2 x 12” diameterducts equipped with pin lock couplings (FV-D12).Install ducting to outlet on the heater using pin-locksprovided on collar of ducting. Ducting should be inspectedperiodically for tearing and/or wear marks. Ducting should bestored in a dry area when not in useFLUE PIPE: Flue pipe connection must terminate with a vertical run atleast 2ft long.The vent outlet on the heater is 6” diameter. Certified ventingmust be used at all times. Vent cap should be installed insituations where downdrafts occur. All venting mustcorrespond with the CSA B149 standard or in its absence,local codes.FV SERIES CONSTRUCTION HEATER – VENTING REQUIREMENTS1. VERTICAL FLUE TERMINATIONSFLUE OUTLET OF HEATER2. HORIZONTAL FLUE TERMINATIONSFLUE OUTLET OF HEATERA - VENT TERMINATION MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 2FT HIGHER THAN ANY POINTWITHIN 10FT.B - MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL RUN IS 30FT.NOTE: 90deg ELBOW = 10ft HORIZONTAL VENT ALLOWANCE45deg ELBOW = 5ft HORIZONTAL VENT ALLOWANCEC - VENT TERMINATION IN HORIZONTAL POSITION MUST BE MINIMUM 4ft FROM ANYCOMBUSTABLE SURFACED - EXTERIOR VERTICAL VENT TERMINATION MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 2ft.NOTE: ALL VENT TERMINATIONS MUST HAVE A RAIN CAP INSTALLED AS PER LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENTS.MAINTENANCE:1. Every construction heater should be inspected before each use, and atleast annually by a qualified service person. Incorrect maintenance my result in improper operation of the heater and serious injury could occur.2. Service and maintenance should only be done by a qualified service person.3. The hose assemblies shall be visually inspected prior to each use of theheater. If it is evident there is excessive abrasion or wear, or the hose is cut, it must be replaced prior to the heater being put into operation. The replacement hose assembly shall be that specified by the manufacturer.4. The appliance must be kept clear and free from combustible materials,gasoline and other flammable vapors and liquids.5. The flow of combustion and ventilation air must not be obstructed. Be sure tocheck the fan assembly and ensure that the motor and blade are operating properly.6. Compressed air should be used to keep components free of dust and dirtbuild up. Note: Do not use the compressed air inside any piping or regulator components.7. Fan Limit Switch (Part# FV-407A) should be replaced if the fan motor doesnot shut off after the heat exchanger has cooled down.8. High Limit Switches (Part# FV-406 and FV-437) should be checked eachseason. These limit switches will ensure the burner shuts down if the temperature exceeds 150°F degrees at rear of unit and 290°F at the outlet. 9. Heat Exchanger should be cleaned if smokey conditions continue even afterthe air adjustments on the burner are made.START UP INSTRUCTIONS:1. Be sure the switch is in the “OFF” position.2. Ensure electrical cord is grounded and heater is on a level surface.3. Plug in supply cord to 115v, 15amp outlet.4. Move switch to “MANUAL” position for manual control.5. Move switch to “THERMOSTAT” position for thermostatic control. Please Note:1. If using Thermostat on unit, unit must be started in Thermostat position.2. When changing between manual and thermostat operation, the heatermust be left in the “OFF” position for 30 seconds to prevent the burner from locking out.3. When using a generator for electrical supply, make sure the generator isproperly grounded and generator is at a 60Hz frequency.4. In the event that a generator is being used and the generator runs out offuel, make sure the heater switch is in the “OFF” position before restarting generator, failure to do so may damage heater.TO SHUT DOWN:1. Close main gas supply valve while heater is operating.2. Move switch to “OFF” position.3. Disconnect heater from gas supply.NOTE: Fan will continue to operate after the burner shuts down. Once the unit cools down, the fan will stop.IF HEATER FAILS TO START:1. Press manual reset button at rear of burner.2. Check gas pressure supply. Supply and manifold pressure mustfollow those on rating plate.3. Ensure proper power supply and extension cord is being used.4. If heater fails to ignite after 3 attempts, call your supplier for service.SAFE OPERATION PRECAUTIONS:1. For use with propane or natural gas only. See approval label.2. Use switch to shut down the heater. Do not try to shut down the heaterby unplugging the electrical cord.3. Do not plug anything other that the thermostat into the “Thermostat”plug.4. Follow electrical requirements shown on rating plate and/or Electricalrequirements section of this manual.5. Before removing any guards or performing any maintenance, be surethat the main power supply is disconnected.COMBUSTION AIR ADJUSTMENTS:NOTE:Proper combustion air adjustment must be achieved using a certified combustion analyzer to ensure complete combustion.The air adjustment should be made to achieve 10% CO2 on naturalgas and 12% CO2 on propane.SETTING THE AIR ADJUSTMENT PLATEA) Regulation of the combustion air flow is made by adjustment of the manual AIR ADJUSTMENT PLATE (1) after loosening the FIXING SCREWS (2 and 3). The initial setting of the air adjustment plate should be made according toColumn 5 in the Burner Set-up Chart.B) The proper number on the manual AIR ADJUSTMENT PLATE (1) should line up with the SETTING INDICATOR (4) on the fan housing cover. Once set, the air ad-justment plate should be secured in place by tightening SCREWS 2 and 3.C) The final position of the air adjustment plate will vary on each installation. Use in-struments to establish the proper settings for maximum CO 2.NOTE: Variations in flue gas, CO 2 and temperature readings may beexperienced when the burner cover is put in place. Therefore, the burner cover must be in place when making the final combustion instrument readings, to ensure proper test results.BURNER SET-UP CHART12345FIRING RATE (BTUH) ORIFICE-LP ORIFICE-NG HEAD SETTINGAIR DAMPER SETTING390,000PART # FVP-425PART # FVN-42654.8TEMPERATURE FEELER GAUGE ADJUSTMENT(ATTACHED TO FAN SWITCH)The temperature feeler gauge is required to be always touching the heater exchanger.The temperature feeler gauge controls the air flow over the fan switch, which eliminates any unnecessary fan cycling. The temperature feeler gauge can be adjusted for different outside temperatures, by rotating the location of the temperature feeler gauge holes. This will provide maximum performance of the unit in different applications.If supply air is warm (-5° C, indoor application):Turn the temperature feeler gauge so that the holes are parallel with the heat exchanger. This will help the fan switch to remain cool and not overheat. See following:If supply air is cold (under -5° C):Turn the temperature feeler gauge so that the holes are closed off as the air goes over the heat exchanger. This will reduce fan cycling and the unit from shutting down.See following:In extreme cold conditions, cover the holes on the temperature feeler gauge using foil tape. Ensure that the temperature feeler gauge is readjusted for warmer weather conditions. Failure to do so may result in burning out fan switches – not covered under warranty.PRINCIPAL BURNER COMPONENTS1. Air Damper (Optional Delete)2. Air Gate Lock-screws3. Wiring Terminal Block4. Air Pressure Switch5. Motor6. Lockout Lamps and ResetButton7. Cover Screw8. Rubber Grommet9. CapacitorBURNER DIMENSIONSModel 400 A B C F G *G1 H inches 10 5/16 12 1 3/8 13 11/16 3 3/4 10 4 1/8 mm 2262 305 35 347 95 255 61 *G1 is for LBT version - Gasket thickness is 4 millimetersELECTRODE AND FLAME PROBE ADJUSTMENTSIMPORTANT: Do not turn the ignition electrode. Leave it as shown in the drawing. If the ignition electrode is put near the ionization probe, the amplifier of the control box may be damaged.TYPICAL GAS TRAIN LAYOUTFIELD SUPPLIED RIELLO SUPPLIEDGAS TRAIN LEGENDn GAS SUPPLY & FLOW DIRECTIONOF GASrGAS APPLIANCE PRESSURE REGULATORo AS SUPPLY MAIN SHUTOFF MANUAL VALVE (FIELD SUPPLIEDsSAFETY SHUTOFF GAS VALVE (VS) 24V OR 120V SUPPLIED) OPERATEDp GAS SUPPLY PRESSURE TESTPOINT (FIELD SUPPLIED)tMAIN GAS VALVE (V1) 24V OR 120V OPERATED SINGLE STAGEq GAS TRAIN PIPE DIAMETER SIZE(S): BURNER G120 1/2" NPT (REDUCED AT COMBUSTION HEAD TO 3/8") BURNER(S) G200 & G400 3/4" NPTuGAS BURNER MANIFOLD TEST POINTGAS SUPPLY PRESSURE RANGES:NATURAL GAS PRESSURE: MIN. = 4.0″WC MAX. 10.5″ WCL.P. PROPANE GAS PRESSURE MIN. = 8.0″ WC MAX. 13.0″ WCFIELD WIRING DIAGRAMFACTORY WIRING DIAGRAMNOTE:1. This burner is approved for use without the motorized air damper. In theseinstances optional wiring is used2. The SAFETY SWITCH on the 525 SE CONTROL BOX is equipped with acontact allowing remote sensing of burner lockout. The electrical connection is located on the CONTROL BOX terminal 4 as indicated. Should burner lockout occur, the 525 SE CONTROL BOX will supply a power source of 120 Vac to the connection terminal. The maximum allowable current draw on this terminal is 1 A.PARTS PRICE LIST 2008/2009FVN-400 & FVP-400 INDIRECT FIRED HEATERSPART NUMBER DESCRIPTION LIST PRICEFV-401 Primary Fan Motor 488.40FV-402 16” Fan Blade 169.80FV-403 16” Wheel 195.00FV-404 18” Power Cord 36.00FV-405 SS Heat Exchanger 2140.00FV-406 High Limit Switch (Outlet) 37.80FV-407A Fan Limit Switch (Adjustable) 39.80FV-408 Fan Motor Canopy 90.00FV-409 Toggle Switch (on control box) 39.50FV-410 Green Light (on control box) 18.40FV-411 Red Light (on control box) 18.40Contactor 52.50 FV-412 RelayFV-414 Thermostat Plug (on control box) 11.25FV-414A Thermostat Plug (on control box) 2008> 11.25FVNP-424 Riello Burner (FVN-400 & FVP-400) 3287.00FVP-425 LP Burner Orifice for FVP-400 56.20FVN-426 NG Burner Orifice for FVN-400 56.20AssemblyHose 30.20S6012-12 Valve349-12E Steel Elbow (3/4”MP X 3/4”F.JIC) 14.8340-100-12 Sch 40 Elbow (3/4”) 1.47FVNP-427 Maxitrol Regulator (RV52) 115.60FVNP-428 Mag Type 200 Solenoid Valve 380.25FVNP-429 Asco Solenoid Valve 235.40FVNP-430 Valve Assembly Mounting Brackets (2) 18.00FV-431 Burner Gasket 32.50Gauge 13.60 FV-433 FeelerGauge-Solid 13.60 FV-433B FeelerFV-434 Front Face Plate (2 x 12”) 182.00FV-434A Front Face Plate (1 x 16”) 182.00FV-437 High Limit (Rear) 37.80Harness 129.20 FV-438 LiftingFV-439 Circuit Breaker 15 Amps 16.80FV-446 Sight Glass c/w Fiber gasket 11.10FV-447 Sightwasher 11.10GlassFVNP-300162 Ignition Module (LP/NG) 701.90FVNP-3005447 Gas Pressure Test Point Adapter 16.95FVNP-3006688 Chassis Mounting Collar 61.00FVNP-3006699 Distributor Head & Mixing Plate 190.50Assembly 156.48 FVNP-3007276 ElectrodeAssembly 88.92 FVNP-3007277 FlameRodLead 10.10 FVNP-3007310 IonizationFVNP-3007448 Ground Lead & Connector For G400 Burner 11.00 FVNP-3020321 Air pressure Switch for G400 Burner 352.00ACCESSORIESFV-D12 12” X 12ft Canvas Ducting 212.00 FV-D16 16” X 16ft Canvas Ducting 530.00 FV-TH Thermostat c/w 25FT Cord 236.00 FVN-427 LP to NG Conversion Kit for FVP-400 56.20 FVP-428 NG to LP Conversion Kit for FVN-400 56.20FV-VK 6” x 3FT C-Vent c/w Rain Cap 74.20。

1. Install two“AAA” batteries into remote control shown in
Page 2 (inside)
This product is intended for indoor residential and office use only, not for industrial or other commercial application. Use only with electrical wiring that is in good working order and that meets applicable codes and ordinances. This heater must be plugged in to a 120V AC,15 Amp(or larger) circuit. Do not plug anything additional into the same circuit. lf you have any questions whether your wiring is adequate,consult a qualified electrician. Risk of fire, overheating, malfunction, property damage, injury or even death may result if not adhered to.
• Modern stylish two-tone design
• 120V A.C., 60Hz, 12.5A, 5120 BTU
Save These Instructions

碳晶墙暖技术规范书第1章概述1.1 本规范书适用于碳晶墙暖及温控器系统材料采购技术规范。
1.2 本规范书提出的是最低限度的技术要求,并未对一切技术细节做出规定,也未充分引述有关标准和规范的条文。
1.3 供货方提供的产品应完全满足规范书的要求。
1.4 在合同签定后,采购方有权因规范、标准、规程发生变化而提出一些补充要求,具体内容双方共同商定。
1.5 本规范书所使用的标准如与供货方所执行的标准发生矛盾时,按要求较高的标准执行。
1.6 本规范书经双方签字认可后作为订货合同的附件,与合同正文具同等效力。
2.2供货范围2.2.1主要供货范围:A)碳晶墙暖B) 温控器C)室内电气线路改造2.2.2技术资料及文件A)样本、样品,检验报告B)使用说明、安装说明第3章一般技术条款3.1一般规定本技术规范适用于按规定供应的碳晶墙暖产品及温控器。

HEAVY-DUTY FAN-FORCEDCEILING-MOUNT HEATERINSTRUCTION MANUALMODEL: EH-4604PLEASE READ AND SAVE THESE IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSPET OWNERS WARNING: Health warning for some small pets, including birds,as they are extremely sensitive to the fumes produced during the first-time useof many appliances. These fumes are not harmful to humans but werecommend that you do not use your heater around birds and small petsduring its initial use until the manufacturing corrosion (anti-corrosion)coatings burn off.Technical Support: 1-866-206-0888Serviceemail:*****************TABLE OF CONTENTS Important Instructions (3)Description and Specifications (4)General Safety Information (4)Locating the heater (5)Installation........................................................6-8 Connecting the power........................................8-10 Operating Instructions.......................................11-12 Maintenance Instructions (12)IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONSWHEN USING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES, BASIC PRECAUTIONS SHOULD ALWAYSBE FOLLOWED TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE, ELECTRIC SHOCK, AND INJURY TO PERSONS, INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING:1. Read all instructions before installing or using this heater.2. This heater is hot when in use. To avoid burns, do not let bare skin touch hot surfaces.Keep combustible materials, such as furniture, pillows, bedding, papers, clothes andcurtains at least 3 feet (0.9 m) from the front of the heater and keep them away from the sides and rear.3. Extreme caution is necessary when any heater is used by or near children or invalids. Donot leave the heater operating if unattended.4. Always turn the heater off when not in use.5. Do not operate any heater after it malfunctions, had been dropped or damaged in anymanner. Disconnect power at the service panel and have heater inspected by areputable electrician before reusing.6. Do not use outdoors.7. This heater is not intended for use in bathrooms, laundry areas and similar indoorlocations. Never locate heater where it may fall into a bathtub or other water container.8. To disconnect heater, turn controls to off, and turn off power to heater circuit at maindisconnect panel.9. Do not insert or allow any foreign objects to enter any ventilation or exhaust opening asthis may cause an electric shock or fire or damage the heater.10. To prevent a possible fire, do not block air intakes or exhaust in any manner. Do not useon soft surfaces, like a bed, where openings may be blocked.11. A heater has hot and arcing or sparking parts inside. Do not use it in areas wheregasoline, paint, or flammable liquids are used or stored.12. All wiring must be carried out by a certified electrician and must be in accordance withnational and local electrical codes in Canada.13. Use this heater only as described in this manual. Any other use not recommended by themanufacturer may cause fire, electric shock, or personal injury.14. This heater may include a visual alarm to warn that parts of the heater are gettingexcessively hot. If the alarm illuminates, immediately turn the heater off and inspect for any objects on or adjacent to the heater that may have blocked the airflow or otherwise cause high temperatures. DO NOT OPERATE THE HEATER WITH THE ALARMILLUMINATING.15. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reducedphysical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unlessthey have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by aperson responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS:DESCRIPTIONThe heavy-duty electric heater is designed for garages, workshops and similar locations. It features three heat settings, for a maximum heat production of 17,065 BTU per hour. It includes horizontal and vertical air flow and a built-in thermostat with overheating safety thermal cut-out.SPECIFICATIONSRatingVOLTAGE AMPS BTU/hour5000W III 240V 20.9A 17,0654000W II 240V 16.7A 14,105 3000W I 240V12.5A11,285GENERAL SAFETY INFORMATION : This heater requires hardwire installation (no plug). The installation of this product must be carried out by a certified electrician and in accordance with all local and national electrical codes.NOTE: Compatible with a 240V line voltage double pole wall thermostat. This heater must be installed by a certified electrician.: Read and understand all installation and operation instructions prior tooperating this unit. Observe all safety instructions. 1. Use only copper wires rated for at least 75ºC.2. Heater airflow must be directed parallel to or away from adjacent wall.3. Observe wall, floor and ceiling clearance requirements.4. All wiring must be done according to national and local electrical codes in Canada. The heater must be grounded as a precaution against possible electrical shock. Heater circuit must be protected with proper fuses.5. The mounting structure and the anchoring hardware must be capable of supporting the weight of the heater and the mounting bracket (if used).6. All electrical power must be disconnected and the main service box, which must be locked before connecting, inspecting, cleaning or servicing the heater. This is a precaution to prevent serious electric shock.7. This heater is not suitable for use in hazardous locations as defined by the national fire protection association (NFPA) in Canada. This heater has hot and arcing sparking parts inside. Do not use it in areas where gasoline paint or flammable liquids are used or stored.8. This heater is not suitable for use in corrosive atmospheres such as marine greenhouses or chemical storage areas.9. The heater must be mounted at least 8 feet above the floor.Improper installation or failure to follow the procedures outlined in thisinstruction manual can result in serious electrical shock.LOCATING THE HEATERInstall heater out of traffic areas, maintaining clearances stated in figure 1. The direction of airflow should not be restricted by columns or machinery and the airflow should wipeexposed walls rather than blowing directly on them. When more than one heater is used in an area, the heaters should be installed so that the air discharge of each heater supports the air flow of the others, to provide best circulation of warm air as indicated in figure 2.14in.1 224 in.73 8in.13 4MINIMUM DISTANCE FROMDISCHARGE TO ANY OBJECTNote: M in. clearance t o ceiling when not using mounting brackets3 4in.DISTANCE TO FLOOR At least 8 ft.is 158 in.FRONT VIEWMAXIMUM MOUNTING HEIGHT:Vertical air delivery unit = 11 ft.SIDE VIEWFigure 2Figure 1INSTALLATIONHardware neededYou will also need the following hardware, which can be purchased from your local hardware store or electrical supply store:●Electric wire in the adequate gauge and length for your application;●Proper size fuse or breaker for your heater’s amperage;●Proper wire connectors for your application;●Fasteners appropriate for your application that are strong enough to hold the unit. Mounting the bracketRefer to Figures 3a and 3b.1. Locate a wood stud in the wood ceiling joist. If you cannot locate a wood stud, you have to install a wood piece on the ceiling as this heater must be securely fastened.2. Remove the mounting bracket from the heating unit by loosening bracket screws with a wrench and slipping the handle off over the screw heads.3. Place a washer on screws before inserting through the holes in the mounting bracket and screw them securely into a ceiling joist.NOTE: If you want to swivel the heater either to the right or left adding a washer to both sides of the bracket is recommended. A longer lag bolt may be required to properly secure the unit. See Figure 3a.HANGING THE HEATER1) Lift the heater up and into the mounting bracket.2) Align the bracket screws with the keyhole slots in the mounting bracket.3) If the heater is to be tilted, it must be positioned in the keyhole slots. (see figure 4). 4) Tighten the bracket screws with a wrench so the unit is securely suspended athorizontal or vertical level.USE BOTTOMKEYHOLE SLOTS IF HEATER IS TO BE TILTED DOWNBRACKET SCREWSFigure 4REMOVE SCREW TO OPEN COVERADJUSTING AIRFLOW DIRECTION1. To turn the unit horizontally when it has been installed with a single lag bolt (as shown infigure 3a), simply turn the entire heater as needed. (as shown in figure 5 – rotate). The unit cannot be turned horizontally if it has been installed with 2 lag bolts.2. To tilt the unit vertically, loosen the bracket screws (see figure 4) and see figure 6 to viewmultiple vertical angles.3. Adjust louvers to the desired position.NOTE: The louvers are designed so they cannot be completely closed. Do not attempt to defeat this feature; damage to the unit can result.NOTE: To prevent possible overheating, please maintain adequate clearance as shown in figure. 1.Figure 5MULTIPLE VERTICAL ANGLESFigure 6CONNECTING THE POWERHEATER RATING&VOLTAGE HEATER AMPS FUSE SIZEMIN.WIRE SIZE 75°C COPPER5000W@240V20.930#10Circuit diagram Figure 7Warning: This appliance must be grounded!Warning: The appliance must be connected to a current protection circuit or 30 Amp device before being connected to power supply!1. Remove the screw from the front of the unit to connect the power to the heater.2. Attach the cable connectors to the unit (See Figure 8) and slide the 10-gauge wire through the cable connector.3. Connect the wire to the power block located in the base of the heater - See Figure 9.4. Turn on the power at the main service.NOTE: All wiring must be carried out by a certified electrician and must be in accordance to national and local electrical codes in C anada. For certain applications, conduit may be required (as shown in figure 8). Check local electrical codes. If you run the wiring in conduit and wish to be able to turn the heater make sure to purchase enough flexible conduits to allow the heater to be turned.Figure 8Figure 9If you will use an external temperature control (external thermostat) to control the heater to be operated or not, please follow below attention points:1. Make sure that the heater's temperature control knob (thermostat knob) is turned fully clockwise.2. Connect the wire according to below wiring diagram.Circuit diagram Figure 103. The external temperature control (external thermostat) must be in accordance with the requirement of UL or ETL standard.4. The current carrying capacity of external temperature control cannot be less than 26.5A.5. The lead wire of external temperature control (external thermostat) cannot be less than 10 AWG.OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSFigure 11WARNING: the heater must be properly installed before it is used.SETTING THE THERMOSTAT1) Rotate thermostat knob clockwise to high position, the amber POWER INDICATOR light will turn on.2) After room reaches desired comfort level, rotate thermostat knob counterclockwise until a click is heard, then rotate it slightly higher (toward Max).NOTE: Heater will cycle on and off to maintain room temperature.POWER SELECTION SWITCHUsing the POWER SELECTION SWITCH, select the heating output: I for 3000W, II for 4000W, III for 5000W.POWER SELECTION SWITCHTHERMAL CUT-OUTThe heater will automatically turn off should it overheat. When this happens, the red indicator will turn on. After the unit has cooled back down to a normal level, the heater will turn ON again and the red indicator will turn off, but the reason of the overheating must be determined and corrective action must be taken before further operation.THE HEATER MUST BE TURNED OFF IMMEDIATELY WHEN THE CAUTION INDICATOR IS GLOWING RED.NOTE: When the thermal cut-out is activated, the caution indicator will turn red.In this case, immediately turn the heater OFF and inspect for any objects on or adjacent to the heater that may cause high temperatures.MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS1. Before cleaning, make sure the power has been turned off at the circuit breaker panel and the heating element of the heater is completely cool.2. To maintain the heater’s appearance, it needs only to be wiped over occasionally with a dry duster. During the summer months, or at other times when the appliance is not in use and is completely cold, wipe over with a damp cloth. Never allow water to drip into the heater.3. Do not use abrasive cleaning powders or furniture polish. Do not use chemical or abrasive products, metallic scourers and so on, which may deteriorate the surface, to clean the appliance.4. During the summer months, or at other times when the appliance will not be used for extended periods of time, disconnect the power supply and cover the whole appliance with a dust cloth. Store the heater in a dry and cool place.5. All other servicing should be performed by qualified service personnel. Do not try to repair the heater yourself.。

Product DimensionsISLAND WALL CUT-OUT FOR RUBY3B IS27-1/2" WIDTH BY 10" HEIGHT BY 22" DEPTHkkkGRILL IS SUPPORTED BY COUNTER TOP EDGEDO NOT BUILD ANY ENCLOSURE OR SHELF BELOW OR AROUND GRILL HEADMAKE CUT-OUT INTO ISLAND AS SHOWN, DO NOT BUILD ANY SHELF OR ENCLOSURE UNDER OR AROUND CUT-OUT. GRILL IS DESIGNED TO BE SELF-RIMMING AND FREE-HANGS FROM EDGE OF TOP COUNTER SURFACE.33-1/2" WIDTH22" DEPTH10" HEIGHT1.Make Cut-Out in island according to diagram A. dimensions. Don't worry id Cut-Out edge is not perfect - since grill is Self-Rimming it will hide any imperfections.2.Install the supplied either LP-Regulator or NG-hose and regulator to grill right side gas connector.3.Plug the supplied Electrical Two-Prong Plug into make left side of grill connector.4.Toss the loose Electrical Plug and hanging Regulator hose in behind grill cut-out hole as you Lift Grill and place the back under side edge into island cut-out so that is supported by left and right counter edge.5.Carefully slide grill into island cut-out, make sure grill is centered between both left and right sides till grill is tight against your finished island wall. (SeeDiagram B)ABSee SUNSTONE manufacture website for additional product support and product tutorials: Step by Step Install InstructionsProduct DimensionsGrill Cut-OutYour grill is SELF-RIMMING, meaning the lip of grill restson top of the counter edge around the cut-out with thefront of grill which is Free-Hanging from counter top.Because of this, there is No Need for any Trim-Kit likewith many other grill in the market.1.Maintain 24” Clearance from any CombustibleMaterials in ANY direction of Grill.2.If any combustible materials within 24” distance,must have Heat Barrier like Grill Jacket, or otherNon-Combustible type like Bricks, Hardy Board,Metal.3.Orient the grill so the Prevailing winds are notblowing into the rear or side of grill.Windy ConditionsYour grill is specially designed to draw fresh air inthrough the front, and in direct to the bottom burners.When grilling the hot gases are then released throughthe back of grill through a venting system. Using yourgrill in windy conditions may disrupt the front-to-backair flow.1.For breezy days, be careful not to leave the fronthood down for more than 15 minutes, when theburners are on. (Never leave grill unattendedwhen in operation)2.If you suspect the grill is overheating, using anoven mitt, open the front hood. Then adjust theburner control knob to off position.3.Orient the grill so the Prevailing winds are notblowing into the rear or side of grill.Windy AreaPositioning your grill in your backyard is more often thought of how it is pleasing to the eye, but more important than this is how that it functions correctly. Unlike an indoor appliance, your grill has to combat many outside weather influences in an all manner of weather related instances, most severely is Wind.1.Maintain proper Prevailing wind, grill direction – with the front of grill facing in to the wind, and the back of grill in the direct wind is blowing.2.If direction of wind is unclear, or difficult to combat even with preventative measures, then always grill with the hood open, and when hood is closed – always be within close proximity to grill and monitor it that it does not overheat.3.If wind or breeze is in the direction of back of grill, you must erect partition wall of 14” height so that the top of grill hood is covered by several inches. If this is not done, you must grill with hood open and or when hood is closedstand in close area to grill and monitor if the grill overheats.Locating Grill - Installing into Enclosed Area。

现有的EPS、XPS 系统多采用贴板法施工,由于高层建筑物背风面的巨大风吸力作用,经常导致保温板被吸落。
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5、 本品与温控器配套使用,可有效控制室内温度,打到节能目的。
额定工作电压:220V AC
功率1000W 300w、400w、500w
规格1000*600 500*900 750*600
高度mm 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65
额定电压~ 220V、50Hz
漏电电流≤0.24mA 表面工作温度35℃±5