2022年1月19日雅思写作大作文媒体类纸媒和互联网媒体的角逐大作文题目为:Although more and more people read news on the Internet, newspapers will remain the most important source of news. Do you agree or disagree?本期范文来自网络,本题争论当代社会,纸媒和互联网媒体哪一个才是主角。
TASK 2话题分类双边争论,媒体类题目Although more and more people read news on the Internet, newspapers will remain the most important source of news. Do you agree or disagree?参考范文For some people newspapers will remain the most important source of information while for others, it does not.对一些人来说,报纸仍旧是最重要的信息来源,而对另一些人来说,它不是。
Old people rely on newspapers. Firstly, old people like the actual print in newspapers better than the pulsating fonts on a screen. Easier to read, especially if you need to adjust the distance to your failing eyes. Secondly, old people like to read newspapers with a cup of coffee, not a keyboard, in hand. Old people also like to exchange sections with their husband/wife/lover and say, “Hey, Martha/Fred/Whoever, look at this.” Handing over a computer screen drains the freshly caffeinated moment of its magic. Thirdly, old people are a lot less interested in video and snappy graphics, online editions’ strong point, than youngsters with the attention span of gnats in heat. If old people want to viscerally experience a major news event, they turn on the TV.老年人依靠报纸。
雅思大作文范文3篇媒体类雅思写作的提高不仅需要自己勤加练习,还要多读多看,下面是店铺网小编为您整理的雅思大作文范文,仅供参考,希望考生能从中受到启发,提高自己的雅思写作成绩!雅思大作文范文:广告对人的影响Some people claim that widespread advertisingin the modern society has a harmful effect on youngpeople. Therefore, advertisements should be strictlylimited on TV, radio, the internet and in publicplaces.To what extent do you agree or disagree withthis statement?Although advertising has existed for thousandsof years and is certainly not a recent invention, it isonly in our modern society that the great influence and importance of widespread advertisingis full play. However, in my opinion, many advertisements are harmful to young people’s mentaldevelopment and, therefore, should be banned in the mass media.To begin with, various factors have given rise to the thriving of advertising industry, themost significant one being the proliferation of new products, services and technologies. In orderto give their new inventions the utmost publicity, many businesses choose to promote themby broadcasting attractive advertisements through mass media, such as television, radio andinternet. In addition, the increasingly fierce competition in the commercial world hascompelled a lot of companies to resort to exaggerated and even deceitful advertisements togain an edge over their business rivals.As many social critics have pointed out, the current trend in advertising exerts acorrupting influence on young people’sminds because there are always a lot of unwholesomeand indecent contents in modern advertisements. For example, products such as wines, lingerieand cosmetics tend to use the female body and amorous scenes as the main attraction of theiradvertisements. What is even worse, a subculture of sexual suggestiveness andpermissiveness seems to permeate the entire advertising industry. Young people, especiallythose adolescents, are often lured away from their studies and indulge themselves in eroticfantasiesTherefore, the authorities should take serious steps to counteract the negative effects ofimmoral advertising. One effective approach is to establish and impose a strict censorshipon all mass media, expunging any sexual explicit and implicit pictures and words from theadvertisements they tend to show. Also, rules and regulations should be laid down to banadvertisements from certain public places, discouraging its rampant omnipresence andcreating a cleaner and healthier social environment. Furthermore, all local governments canincrease the costs of all kinds of advertisements to be shown or published through massmedia, thus reducing their currently enormous quantities.In summary, the prevalence of advertising in our modern society and its inimical effects onthe youth of today must be curbed, otherwise public morality and traditional cultures andvalues and even the future of the world will be caught in a precarious situation.雅思大作文范文:限制广告的内容No one can avoid being influenced byadvertisements and advertising exerts a tremendousinfluence on us. Recently, there are people who areof the opinion that public has the right toknow thecorrect information of the advertisements andgovernment also should restrict the contents of these advertisements. Personally I agree withthis opinion for the following reasons.In the first instance, consumers have the right to know the correct information beforedeciding on whether to buy them. Advertisements are highly information that helps people tomake choice before they go to buy what they need. If the advertisement exaggerates theproducts it also will persuade people into buying things, which they don’t really want.Secondly, any misleading advertisements will lead to the marketing tricks, causing chaos inthe market. Too many misleading advertisements are barrio to distinguishing between decentproducts or products of bad quality. His bread in truth is made with soy flour, while headvertises it as white bread. These misleading information causes illegal competition.[More:]Last but not least, government should stipulate laws in consumers’ interests. According tothe laws, advertisements must be truthful. If the advertisements mislead consumers,government can impose great fine on them to set a lesson.In general, the role of advertisements is inevitable and undeniable. A good advertisementcan be a bridge between business and consumers and helps keep business moving. So we needcorrect information and government also needs to restrict the contents of advertisements. Letmisinformation of advertisements be far away from us.雅思大作文范文:观看电视的时间Some people think children’s spending time onTV andvideo is good, while others think it is bad.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.It is true that a lot of children, from below 3 tohigh school, would like to spend time in watching arange of TV programs and videos. One of the mostobvious reasons for this is that these are soattractive, vivid and touching our lives that thechildren who are curious cannot resist theirtemptation at all.Some people, especially the parents, argue thatthis is very damaging. They probably begin bypointing out that their children who are limited in self-control and self-principle will easily taketoo much time in watching instead of being back to study after doing for a short while. Inaddition to this, it is well aware that the amount of violence and unhealthy pictures are filledwith videos for some reasons. When children who are still simple watch too much amountwithout any correct guidance, some of them will easily break the laws in the realistic world byimitating the details of crimes.However, others who disbelieve watching TV or video is bad claim that TV programs andthe amount of videos can fully help children understand outside world or relax their stressfulbrains after intense study. Obviously, those who often watch TV have a wider range ofknowledge and better understandings to our society than those who do not. All of this isbeneficial to children’s growth and their future social life.Overall, I would like to say that watching TV or videos are necessary for children who needknowledge and information, but the point is that parents must ensure their children not towatch too much or too long, and at the same time the Government should give a harshwarning to media with overuse of unhealthy contents.。
雅思大作文新闻媒体类话题范文--广告是否让人们变得一样Advertisements discourage us from being different individuals and make us become what they want us to be and look the same. Do you agree or disagree?广告阻止我们成为不同的个体,使我们成为他们想要我们成为的样子,看起来都一样。
你同意或不同意吗?思路解析:1. 广告让人们变得个性化。
2. 但是,广告的基本功能却是帮助大公司垄断市场。
3. 广告的另外一个作用是制造流行趋势,这刺激了人们对同一个时尚进行盲目的购买。
参考范文:Nowadays, the overwhelming influence of advertisements on media has made too many controversial social issues. Some people argue that advertisements make the audience have the similar look by driving them to buy products of the same brand. Personally, I fundamentally agree with this assertion, and my reasons will be explored as below. Admittedly, the literal intention of advertisements is to sharpen the concept of individualism. For the purpose of distinguishing brand names, slogans and testimonials in advertisement are always full of very personalized words, including "new", "innovation", "uniqueness", "revolution", "the best", "the only", "the first". It is clear that corevalues of these words bring people a motivation to change, and a desire to try something distinctive. Consequently, the gap between people can be broadened, because any individual is stimulated by advertisements to express their personalities by buy different items, instead of following common tastes.However, when considering practical effects of advertisements on the society, I strongly believe they play a role of depersonalizing the audience, and the first reason is that commercials are the key tool for big companies to monopolize the market. One hand, many big companies invest billions of dollars annually in making fascinating and prepossessing advertisements to attract the public, which consistently maintains the loyalty of patrons, and cultivate good impressions of potential customers on their brands. On the other hand, small companies have too limited financial ability to afford these costly publicity campaigns, so that their names and influences continue to fade and lose consumer groups. That is to say, advertisements, an expensive privilege only for rich and big companies, help these companies exclusively occupy the market, as well as reducing the diversity of brands. In this situation, people definitely look the same, because they have no other options but buy the same-brand food, clothes and devices produced by a dominating company.Another reason supporting this assertion lies on the fact that exposure to advertisements standardizes thoughts and tastes among audiences, especially in terms of their appearance. A typical example comes from fashion, cosmetic and shampoo commercials which highlight the close-up of images of certain model or celebrity. This is a strong brainwash by implying that images of these actors are common standards of human beauty, and then triggering massive public imitation shows round by round. In too many cases, large groups of hypnotized people, regardless of ages, careers and races, blindly follow and chase so-called iconic figures in an advertisement, mainly through buying and using the same lipstick and perfume, wearing same clothes, watch, ornaments and bag, even copying the same hair style.In conclusion, I believe the main social influence of advertisements is to make people have the similar images apparently. Although slogans of advertisements tend to individualize the audience, the truth is that advertisements not only let big companies rule the market solely, but also manipulate the public’s minds to buy the same things.。
Advertising discourages people from being different individuals by making us all want to do the same and look the same. To what extent do you agree or disagree?立场:不完全同意正方:消费者选择很多;大部分消费者觉得适合自己就好,不会在意是否与众不同反方:因为一个明星或一个广告而消费,使得很多人买的东西一样Some people maintain that people's individuality is disappearing because of advertising. Although this is true to some extent, it is still up to each of us to maintain our individuality.On behalf of advertising, it is important to note that most advertising is targeted at large groups of consumers. Although that advertising encourages us all to wear the same brand of clothes, to drink the same brand of soft drink, or to shop at the same retail store, the advertisers are well aware that people have multiple choices and will make buying decisions based on their individual preferences.Although some people will succumb to the conformity encouraged by advertisers, most of people still will buy a product or service mostly because it fits who they are and who they want to be. For example, a person might see a television commercial promoting a specific brand of athletic shoes that is being promoted by a popular professional basketball player. The person viewing the advertisement might buy that brand of shoes because they like the image of that brand or because they aspire to be like the professional athlete in the commercial. Nevertheless, it can be argued that the consumer still has the free will to determine whether he will buy or not buy those shoes.Although advertising seems to encourage conformity and discourage individuality, people still have the free will to determine whether they will conform or not and whether they will buy a product or not. If a person wants to maintain their individuality in regards to using a specific product, they can certainly choose to use an alternative product.We can get knowledge from news, but some people think we cannot trust the journalist. What do you think? What qualities do you think a successful journalist should have?立场:大多数记者是值得信任的1. 他们的职责是把事件的真相准确客观的还原,这也是他们必备的职业素养2. 但他们也会有犯错的时候或者因为政府的压力不能报道真相Some people question whether we can trust the journalists who bring us the news. With this in mind, it is good to outline the qualities and characteristics of a successful journalist.It is the responsibility of any journalist to supply readers, viewers, or listeners with an accurate and unbiased account of the news story he is covering. Journalists are taught to be accurate and objective. They are instructed to check and double-check their sources for any story on which they are reporting. A journalist who fabricates the facts of a story or plays loose with thedetails of a story may be risking his reputation and possibly his career.That being said, journalists are human, and they sometimes make mistakes or have personal opinions or feelings regarding the news stories they are reporting. So it is possible that a journalist may slant the story that he is covering, providing a subjective voice to the story instead of an objective voice. In other cases, news agencies are not allowed to reveal the truth to the public for political reasons, so it is not fair to blame journalists. Readers, listeners, and viewers of the news should consider this and should check multiple accounts of a news story, if multiple accounts are available, to make sure that the facts from those different accounts coincide.Most journalists are trustworthy, but it is also good to remember that they are human and they may occasionally make errors in reporting the facts of a story or in providing an objective account of a story.其他观点It is increasingly difficult for modern-day journalists to write impartially, so people tend to be suspicious about the content in the news. There are now so many competing sources for news within the media today, so it is quite difficult to discern which ones are reliable and which ones are not.Journalists often in the spotlight, and people look up to them for offering unbiased and truthful reporting. Sometimes the truth can be uncomfortable or does not sell the message that governments want to hear, so there is pressure on news organizations to limit their questions and criticism. This is why people may only know some parts of truth about an incident or even distorted facts.In order to be successful in the news industry, the journalists must show that they have integrity and courage to stand up. It has always been the journalists' ability to distinguish fact from fiction which has been one of their most important qualities. Other characteristics that are of great importance are tenacity, objectivity in presenting both sides of the argument, and to have courage and not to be afraid of being unpopular with the authorities.The printed words have such power, which can influence and inform the minds of millions of readers in seconds. Due to the pressure of governmental policies, news can be distorted. Overall, successful journalists are those who are brave, objective and trying to give news which can be trusted, despite and difficulty that truth may hurt some authorities' benefits.News media are important in modern society. Why are they so important? Are their influences generally positive or negative?媒体重要的原因1. 让人们不和社会脱节2. 及时提示人们对灾情或者其他紧急情况做好准备。
雅思写作媒体类话题范文题目:Some people think news have no connection to people’s lives, so then it is a wasteof time to read the news in the newspaper and watch television news programs.To what extent do you agree or disagree?解题思路:1. 完全不同意嘛!首先,报纸怎么可能和日常生活无关?事实正好倒过来,报纸的新闻反映出的就是我们每天生活的点滴改变。
2. 通过观看那些电视上的新闻更新,如天气预报,以及关于流行病和地震的警报,人们能及时地做出反应来避免灾害。
3. 这些媒体能提供很多日常生活知识。
4. 看报纸是一种娱乐。
高分范文:Nowadays,there is an argument that reading mass media is a waste of time, because theyhave nothing to do with daily life. In my view, this assertion is ridiculous,because it fails to find out practical values of mass media in our lives. Myreasons will be explored as below.Firstly,the assertion of “no connection between news and people’s lives” isproblematic, because it is opposite to thetruth. Today, the majority ofnewspapers and TV channels are regional media, and all they reflect and respondare closely related to day-to-day life among people. They typical example is akind of newspaper named City daily, which features focusing on every detail ofa certain urban area, such as the implementation of new social rules, therebuilding of transportation infrastructures, the discount time of malls, theschedule of exhibitions in museums and theatres, and even the price fluctuationof local food market. By reading the news happening around, urbanites can gainuseful suggestions and instructions for making proper decisions about theiroutdoor travelling, shopping, and leisure activities every day. Moreover,forecasts and social-crime reports from these media play a key role as areminder, which keeps audiences from the uncertainty and dangers. What is more,common knowledge and tips of life presented in newspaper, from cooking togardening, from children caring to money planning, teach readers with practicalexperience and skills, which helps to keep their lives in good trim.Another problem of this assertion is that it underestimates the contributions thesemedia make to the mental health of the public. Generally speaking, in an agefull of fierce competition and stress, reading newspaper is an ideal way bywhich the audience can relax their minds, no matter whether the contents innewspaper are useful or not. For example, by taking a glance at the words onnewspaper that has no practicality at all, such as stories of historic eventsand people, tidbits about movie and sports stars, as well as introductions ofacademic knowledge about science and arts, readers can lift themselves up fromthe pressure, worries and anxiety. Therefore, mass media well servesa positivepurpose of entertainment which improves emotional stability and well-being ofthe public.Over all,I believe this assertion of denying the importance of mass media makes nosense. The truth is, newspaper and TV programs have been proven greatlymeaningful and valuable in the public’s convenience, safety and entertainment.雅思写作话题范文控制媒体暴力题目:The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society. T o what extent do you agree or disagree with this issue?政府应该控制电影电视上暴力镜头的数量,为了减少社会暴力犯罪。
雅思考试大作文范文3篇媒体类下面是店铺整理的雅思大作文范文,欢迎大家阅读!雅思大作文题目:The government should control the amountof violence in films and on television in order todecrease the violent crimes in society. To whatextent do you agree or disagree with this issue?雅思大作文范文:Violence appears more and more often in filmsand on television. Requests are made that thegovernment should take action because it leads tothe rise of violent crimes in society. However, somepeople think differently.They say that instead of inducing people tocommit a crime, violence onTV helps people to release the stress put on them by the fast pace of the modern societyand thus reduces the chance for them to break the law. The employee who was severelycriticized by the boss at work may feel relieved when he returns home and sees a strong manbeing punched in his face on TV.Admittedly, that may be one little good effect of violence on screen, but the side effect ofit is much serious and should not be ignored. As was mentioned in the beginning of the essay,violence on screen does result in more crimes in real life. For one thing, teenagers are good atintimating and they have a strong desire to release their extra energy. One good example ofthis is the notorious campus gun shot case in the US. The criminal, a university student, whoshot several of his teachers and fellow students, confessed that a violent movie inspired stly, violence in films and television fills people’s mind with evil and hatred. We certainlyshould be shown the better side of oursociety if we want to decrease the violent crimes.To sum up, in order to have fewer violent crimes in society, violence on screen should becontrolled.雅思大作文范文:24-hour TV TransmissionTelevision knows no night, but people should control their screen time. As enjoyable asare a variety of programs from dramatic series to news cycles, too much television viewingtime may have adverse consequences that rival those of lack of physical activity, obesity andsmoking. Despite the advantages of television programs being transmitted around the clock, apublic health case may be made that adults as well as children need to reduce the time spent infront of the 'box'.If used wisely, television benefits people daily. It has proved to be the most important andcherished medium for entertainment and information. For example, the 24-hour television ishelping to relieve feelings of depression during a hard day, and of loneliness during asleepless night. It is not only a powerful and effective learning tool for children but also isuseful for adults to understand the complex social aspects of communication. In a certainsense, any time wasted in enjoying TV is not actually wasted because it is exactly what is rightabout it. To tell the truth, what can be a better way to digest free time than watchingtelevision?Sitting too long is a ubiquitous sedentary behavior, which doctors say may lead to healthrisks. According to a medical report, every hour viewed may shorten life by as much as 20 to25 minutes. If the report is reliable, anyone who spends six hours a day watching television isat risk of dying five years sooner than those who enjoy more active pastimes. The message isclear: children should limit viewing time to two hours, and adults tofour hours, in order toavoid possible negative effects. That is to say, going beyond these limits is said to be harmfulto health. Even though the relationship between viewing time and life expectance is hard to becalculated, there are reasons to believe that addiction to the 24-hour television programs isanything but positive.Those television programs, being both entertaining and informative, do not mean toaffect adults as well as adults, of course. The 24-hour television transmission is a positivedevelopment as long as people can be aware of possible health problems. In some countries, TVnetworks never sleep, but people need to rest and do physical exercises for good health.雅思大作文范文:看电视影响孩子的创造力Is watching TV harmful or beneficial forchildren’s creativity?TV is an essential part of leisure activities inmost families. However, some parents decide not tohave a TV set in their homes, in order that theirchildren will devote enough time to invention andcreation.Do you agree or disagree with this attitude?The invention of television, one of the productsof modern civilization, has made an enormouschange in the lifestyle of human beings. TV has beenplaying more and more important role in most families after work. Yet, as to whether it is ablessing or a curse, parents often hold widely different opinions and take totally differentattitudes.There is suspicion in some parents’ minds that TV might retard their children’s creativeability or restrain kids’ imagination because TV viewers tend to receive information in a passiveway instead of discovering things by themselves. Although people working in the TV industryhave made lots ofefforts to produce various programs, the outcome is usuallyunsatisfactory: either the program is too profound to be understood or the topic is notinteresting enough to attract TV audiences. Thus, watching TV is hardly a good way to inspirechildren’s creativity. In many cases, it can draw attention away from their studies and spoiltheir school education.Despite the negative effects that TV produces, many parents still think that TV programsare quite helpful to their children’s mental development because these programs can broadentheir horizons and enrich their life experiences. Admittedly, some scientific, detective anddocumental programs like Discovery and National Geographic are so enlightening andfascinating that even little kids can be absorbed in. Furthermore, some well-chosen programscan motivate young children to diligent studies and in-depth researches. Hence, if parents canselect TV programs carefully, the advantages brought about by watching TV definitely outweighits disadvantages.In summary, TV is like a double-edged sword that can be used in a positive or negativeway. Parents can make their own decisions about whether to have TV at their houses. It is theirresponsibility to make sure that their children’s creativity is enhanced through watching TV.。
雅思大作文范文:广告误导消费者The consuming behaviors are influenced bydiversified factors, such as impulse, self-satisfaction, curiosity, and so on. But the mostinfluential factor is the promotion of products onTV commercials and advertisements. Advertisementsare changing our consuming ideas and behaviors.It is hard to date back to the exact date whenadvertisements started. The emerge ofadvertisements is beneficial for both the purchasers and manufacturers, for the former can beinformed of the latest products, together with their novel functions and usages, which meetthe needs of consumers, and the latter, undoubtedly, can make larger margins and gainreputation through the publicity of products. In a word, advertising is like a go-betweener,who helps the manufacturers to find the best buyers.Advertisements change our consuming behaviors, according to the recent surveys carriedout by some institutes. The colors, music and slogans of advertisements are likely to stimulateaudiences’ desire to buy regardless of their real needs. Housewives often complain that theyalways buy the things useless at all, and that their purchasing decisions are made on impulse.Some advertisements often exaggerate the effects and functions of products, which inducesconsumers to make wrong decisions. What’s more, some people, especially youngsters like topursue fashion. In their eyes, advertisements represent vogue and the trend of socialdevelopment.In brief, we cannot do without advertisements, which are themain means of promotion.Nonetheless, we should be more rational when facing the allure of advertisements. Ifmanipulated by advertisements, we will act like a puppet, without any creativity.雅思大作文范文:媒体中的暴力对犯罪的影响Nowadays there is a large amount of violence in films and on television. I agree that thegovernment should take some effective measures to control the amount of the violence inorder to decrease the violent crimes in society.Although we cannot establish a simple, direct, cause-and-effect relationship between mediaviolence and violence in our society, there has been extensive research indicating that thosewho as children are exposed to violent TV shows or films are much more likely to later beconvicted of crime. Because as the main mass media, TV and films can be a powerful influence indeveloping value systems and shaping behavior, especially to the young people. A case in pointis that the study shows girls who watch more than an average amount of violence tend tothrow things at their husbands, and boys who grow up watching violent TV shows are morelikely to be violent with their wives.Another reason is that too much media violence makes people become "immune" to thehorror of violence and gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems. They may thinksociety justice cannot be realized in reasonable and fair ways. Violence worship becomes moreand more popular among some young people, which will pose a potential danger to thesecurity of society.The government should be aware that TV or film violence would not disappear even if theharms can be realized widely.Violence is being used as a superficial way to attract and holdaudience. In order to decrease the violent crimes in society the government should establishstrict laws to control or even prohibit the violence on TV and in films.雅思大作文范文:广告的利弊These days it is easy to find faults with advertising, and yet none can deny entirely that this artof persuasion is good for economy. By circulating information mixing half truth with half lying,advertising can nevertheless penetrate the public mind with desires even for somethingworthless. All told, however, advertising is doing more good than evil.To think that advertising is bad is understandable, and indeed there seems to be a commonperception growing increasingly negative. Perhaps history will see advertising as one of thereal evil factors of modern time because it is stimulating people to constantly want things;want this and want that. It is true that many consumers are convinced to spend money theydo not have for things they really do not need. It is also true that the high sales of popularconsumer goods is a reflection of the power of advertising rather than the real needs of thesociety in which they are sold. That kind of "impulsive buying" as consumer behavior can easilyturn need into greed. Apart from misleading people to desire something not necessary orcompletely useless, advertising is surrounding them nearly everywhere and anytime on the pointof boring them to death.The good news is that advertising serves market economy well, thanks in part to the mediaoutlets like television, radio, newspapers, magazines and the Internet. Through the media,particularly television, advertising gives people a chance as consumers. People are told aboutnew products and servicesthat improve their lives. In fact, economy is at its best when theadvertising industry is booming, imagining that when people are starving and freezing thereshould be no advertising whatever to sell food and fuel. Advertising holds a mirror to anaffluent society in a virtuous cycle benefitting many sectors. More advertisements mean moremoney to all media outlets, which in turn boosts more sales, which in turn pushes moreproduction and creates more jobs and therefore more buying power.Those who think that advertising is bad must think again about the value of a market systemwhich thrives on economic prosperity. Contrary to popular belief, it seems that mostconsumers do not hate advertising because of their own foolish desires. They are aware thatprobably half the money they spend on advertising is wasted, without knowing clearly whichhalf.。
下面是店铺分享的关于媒体的雅思作文,欢迎大家阅读!雅思媒体类范文【1】Many people believe that television programs are of no value for children.Do you agree? Why or why not?Model Answer:Televisual media has become a pervasive force in the lives of families around the world today. Yet, a central question remains regarding whether watching television is harmful or beneficial for children. An analysis of this question reveals that television programs present three major concerns in the case of children, including depictions of violence, the use of profane language, and the representation of poor moral role models.Television programs that portray violence are a paramount concern for parents nowadays. Recent research has shown that children may commit acts of violence because they wish to emulate the behavior that they see on television. This is especially true when violent acts are committed by well-known action “heroes.” In addition, television programs show cartoon figures, as well as actors, committing violent acts. Using comic situations to depict violent themes causes further problems with the way in which young people view violence.Television programs that contain profane or disrespectfullanguage also worry parents with young children. Because censorship laws have relaxed over the past few decades, it has become very common for television programs of each and every kind to show characters expressing impolite, rude, and insulting utterances to one another. Bearing resemblance to the case of portrayals of violence, children unfortunately often try to imitate these actions they watch on their television screens.Finally, some parents are upset about the moral behavior depicted on television. As they struggle to teach their children moral and ethical values, parents might despair about the lack of morals and ethics represented in some of the so-called role models on television. For instance, certain characters not only have no remorse for their immoral actions, but also frequently go unpunished by larger society.Because of these factors, many parents believe that television programs send their youth the wrong kinds of messages. The emulation of this poor behavior by their children is something they wish to avoid at all costs, and they have accordingly decided to ban television in their households for these reasons.雅思媒体类范文【2】Advertising can tell you a lot about a country.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Model Answer:Every country has its own culture and traditions. There is no doubt that an advertising campaign conducted in Russia will not have the same affect here in the United States. Let us take for example advertisement of food and restaurants.A huge amount of fast food stands suggest their services for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper here in Houston. The competition is very strong. Every week you get in your mail-boxan envelope with different types of discounts in exchange for visiting them or ordering pizza. Watching TV you are also from time to time invited to visit a restaurant in order to taste some delicious food. It is not because it is easy to make money cooking but because the demand for such service is high. First of all, people like to go out sometimes to have dinner with friends. Second of all, it is often impossible to drive home for lunch. It can be time consuming.As for Russia, it is a great tradition to have dinner at home with the family and go to the restaurant for big holidays. Additionally fast food is not popular in Russia. So you will see advertisements of yogurts, coffee, dairy products and juice instead of restaurants and fast food stands.In conclusion I would like to add that in order to succeed in advertising campaign especially on the international market company must know traditions, language and history of the country.下载全文。
社交媒体英文作文雅思Social media has become a prominent aspect of our daily lives, providing individuals with a platform to connect, share, and interact with others on a global scale. Despite its many benefits, such as instant communication, networking opportunities, and access to a vast array of information, social media also comes with its drawbacks. The constant exposure to curated and often unrealistic portrayals of others can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem among users. Additionally, the spread of misinformation and fake news on social media platforms can have detrimental effects on society, influencing public opinion and perpetuating false narratives. Furthermore, the addictive nature of social media and the excessive time spent scrolling through feeds can result in decreased productivity, sleep disturbances, and overall negative impacts on mental health. It is crucial for individuals to strike a balance in their usage of social media, being mindful of the content they consume and the impact it may have on their well-being.社交媒体已经成为我们日常生活中一个显著的方面,为个人提供了一个平台,使他们在全球范围内连接、分享和互动。
雅思大作文新闻媒体类话题范文--媒体是否该报道犯罪细节Some people think that media should not report detail of crimes to the public. To what extent do you agree or disagree?有人认为媒体不应该向公众报告犯罪的细节。
你在多大程度上同意或不同意?思路解析:应该报道:1. 这是有用的反犯罪经验,提高大众的安全意识和预防犯罪的能力。
2. 对于那些正在侦破的案件,播放犯罪细节能引起大众关注,进而从大众那里获得线索,有助于案件侦破。
3. 犯罪细节包括了犯罪动机,这能反映某些某些深层次的,鲜为人知的社会问题,比如说儿童由于受不了被虐待而怒杀父母。
4. 对于某些和公共资源相关的,或是和政府相关的犯罪,大众有权力获知全部的真相,不然某些官僚可能运用权力来掩盖事实。
不应该报道:1. 这是天然的犯罪教学片,完全给大众灌输如何犯罪以及犯罪的可行性,这是对于潜在犯罪者的一种鼓励和启发,刺激他们模仿犯罪。
2. 很多犯罪现场过于血腥,它会对大众,尤其是小孩,产生强烈的震撼和刺激,这会导致一些不必要的负面情绪,甚至引发大规模的大众恐慌。
3. 对某些犯罪细节进行保护其实是对于受害者及其家人的保护。
参考范文:What are the responsibilities and limits of the media for reporting the truth of social crimes? This question arouses a big controversy in society. Some people suggest reports of crime details should be forbidden. Personally, I fundamentally agree with this assertion, and my reasons will be presented as below.The primary reason of approving of this argument is that disclosing crimes details would place a whole society in risks. Surely, when reporting crime details, there are knowledge and skills necessary for committing crimes.In other words, by watching such reports, these would-be criminals, especially the young ones, can be taught how to plan and carry out illegal activities. For example, if the details about cyber crimes are publicized, then the young audience will know the technology of hacking, as well as the flaws of fire walls of computers. As a result, many of them would breed an idea of imitating this process of offence in a real world by themselves, and a higher rate of such crimes would be expected in the future. Besides, to some extent, reporting crime details is improper, because it contains some sensitive private information. For example, in cases of rape, names and pictures of female victims must not be published in newspaper or TV news cycle. Otherwise, the basic rights of human privacy would be challenged and disrespected ruthlessly, and these victims would be hurt again by the media.Lastly, I have to concede that detail reporting is reasonable on certain level. For one thing, the revealing of crime details are good lessons which provide useful anti-crime knowledge and experience to the public. For example, after watching and understanding the whole process of how an offender commits a crime, the viewers can realize by what ways and strategies they can defend themselves well, or prevent these unwanted situations.。
雅思高分范文 媒体类
useful purpose, and can even be damaging. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?广告没用处,甚至是有害的。
所以如果广告被禁止,整个社会都会得益吗2 It is said that the amount of violence on the TV programs has negative effect on our socialdevelopment and therefore should be reduced. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?电视节目的暴力对社会发展有消极影响所以应该被减少吗3 In present age society, advertisements have been being increasingly rampant in our life. Consequently, some people doubt that it is advertisements that lead to the high sake of products rather than the real needs of consumers. To distinguish which factor can outweigh the other, the only problem is, I think, to define, the necessary and the decorative.是广告的作用而不是消费者本身的需求导致了某些产品的高销售量吗4 Nowadays, a lot of media, including newspapers, magazine, television, radio, and even theinternet, are publishing stores of people’s private lives. Should this practice be banned?媒体报道个人隐私该被禁止吗5 Advertisements play a major role on TV in market economies. Despite the benefits of such information, many people criticize the role of TV advertising. To what extent do you agree ordisagree with their view?广告的害处大于益处吗6 Some people think the media should stop reporting details of crimes to the public. What is in your opinion?媒体应该停止报道犯罪细节吗7 Some movies increase the amount of bad driving. What can be done to encourage young people to drive more safely?含有飙车的电影造成了坏的影响。
媒体类1.We can get knowledge from news, but some people think we cannot trust the journalist. What do you think? What qualities do you think a successful journalist should have?The advent of the information age has bombarded the public with numerous news and many people spend a great deal of time going through news every day. Some people are suspicious of these news because they do not trust the journalists, while I am convinced that a successful journalist with certain qualities could provide true news reports.Admittedly, so much news on social media is fake and wrong, which has become one of the most concerning aspects of the media environment. According to a recent survey, only about two-in-ten Americans trust the information they get from local news organizations a lot, whether online or offline. The reason behind the low trust rate is that some sites are created with pre-existing views, and more than that, others present facts that are actually false or biased. However, in the fast growing information age, we as readers must develop skills and strategies to distinguish between real journalism and wrong ones. We cannot believe those so-called facts simply because they match up to our own preconceptions.Given that loss of public trust could be journalism’s greatest challenge, journalists worldwide should equip themselves with a number of good qualities. Firstly, they should have a strong desire to unearth the truth. In other word, a very passionate person is enthusiastic to get information, uncover scandals and inform people. Secondly, a good journalist must be an extremely disciplined person to be able to work strict deadlines. Staying punctual is significant or else people will not be able to trust the information reported. Thirdly, a journalist must be objective and accurate, no matter what the situation is. The reported story must be free of any prejudice and be reported as it is. Journalists may have their own choices with regards to political parties and leaders. However, it is important to keep them aside when covering a story. Moreover, journalists should be open to new ideas and views and should not cover stories with any preconceived notions. In addition to the above mentioned qualities, it is always better if a journalist has expert knowledge of the beat he intends to cover.In conclusion, the fact is the media is distrusted by lot of people all over theworld. If the journalism industry wants to regain its reputation, journalists must do their job honestly and honorably.2.News media are important in modern society. Why are they so important? Are their influences generally positive or negative?In present-day society, modern people are interacting with all kinds of news media including print media, broadcast news, and more recently online newspaper as well as news blogs. These media are important and could cause both positive and negative effects to the society.It is undeniably that news media have played an indispensable role in modern society. Obviously, news media timely provide the public with vast amount of information. Communities and individuals are bombarded constantly with messages from a multitude of sources including TV, billboards, and magazines, to name a few. These messages promote not only products, but moods, attitudes, and a sense of what is and is not important. Given the popularity and importance of news media, people start to realize the associated positive impact. The media are credited with considerable power to shape opinion and belief, to change habits of life and to mould behavior actively. For instance, some finance news could influence the way people invest their savings. As fitness magazines increasingly highlight the risk of a sedentary lifestyle and obesity, more and more people set out to make their weigh-loss plans, develop healthier eating habits, and exercise on a regular schedule.Despite of the positive influence, news media may cause detrimental effect to the society. With the arise of new media through social media, there has been an increase in fake news. For example, the use of Twitter and Facebook has made it easier for false or misleading articles to be seen. Coco-Cola, as an example, funds a front group by the name of The Global Energy Balance Network to confuse consumers about soda science and divert attention away from the mounting evidence showing that sweet beverages are a major contributor to disease associated with insulin resistance, such as diabetes. Given the erosion of trust in the media and the rampant spread of hoaxes via social media, it will become even more important for news organizations to scrutinize content that looks and sounds like the real deal.In conclusion, news media not only offer people information and knowledge but also exert good and bad effects on the society. In my opinion, those good effects could outweigh bad ones if the media could be used in a wise and appropriate way.3.Some people claim that newspaper is the best way to get the latest information because it has more influence than other forms of media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Newspaper has been a part of our daily life for several centuries. Some people argue that newspaper is the best access to latest information, while I would like to say that other forms of media are also important ways for the public to be informed of important events that are occurring around the world.Newspaper is still a major source of the general public for a variety of reasons. Firstly, general newspapers cover all topics, including politics, economy, celebrity news, and a collection of the latest events. Moreover, some might have good coverage of international events of importance, and others might concentrate more on national or local entertainment or sports. Therefore, readers have a wide range of choices. Secondly, in recent years, newspaper has adapted to the changing technology by starting to offer online edition to cater the needs of the public. As of 2007, virtually all major printed newspapers have online editions distributed over the Internet, which allows readers to search for their most interested topics conveniently. However, the availability of news via 24-hour television channels and then the availability of online social media posed an ongoing challenge to the business model of most newspapers. To begin with, reading at no cost is highly valued by a majority of readers. Television channels and a number of online news websites, such as Google news, are free to access, which is a comparative advantage over some charged newspapers. In addition, nowadays, the public, especially the younger generation, prefer to get news from social network. By just opening an app, such as Facebook and Twitter, they can learn about all the people who are signed into the same network. Moreover, they could make their personal comments and thoughts instantly and globally public, and then communicate with others.In conclusion, as more forms of news media become available, newspaper outlets face an increasingly serious challenge. Given that individuals have different areas of interest, it is better to have freedom to choose their favorite ways of getting the newest information.4.Advertising discourages people from different individuals by making us all want to do the same and look the same. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Advertising is an essential factor in modern business methods, and it is also an industry that knows how to influence and change behaviour. Some people argue that advertising prevents people from pursuing their individuality and identity because it encourages consumers to blindly buy the same products. However, I am not convinced by this view.Admittedly, massive promotion campaigns are able to deliberately influence customers’purchasing decision towards several specific brands. Once increasing numbers of customers make the purchase of these commercial goods and products, it marks the success of advertisements in monopolizing the market and creating so called trends and fashions. To a large extent, advertisements impose a notion that the advertised subjects are famous. The reason why some people prefer to purchase these goods is that they pursue a style of being popular. Young people, especially those who still strive to find out who they are, would probably lose their individuality since they buy the same goods advertised constantly in media or they buy whatever their idols try out. For instance, if a star is invited to advertise for an article,some people will impulsively buy the goods which might be far more expensive than the same kind products under other brands.However, it is by no means to claim that commercials would force the public to such an extent that they all expect to do the same and look the same. After all, buying behaviour is a phenomenon that varies depending on a wide range of factors, such as demographics, income, social and cultural factors. The majority make their purchase decision based on personal preferences and affordability. As the financial crisis and economic downturn seriously dampens people’s purchasing power, many global companies face a major challenge in terms of the profitability and even survival. No matter how heavily some luxurious brands are willing to spend on their commercials, they can only attract those living in upper class rather than the common people who earn average incomes. The general public would not buy products only with stylish shapes since they prefer goods with practical functions as well as reasonable prices.In conclusion, advertisements could exert influence on our purchasing behaviors to some extent, but are not powerful enough to make all of us the same. Competitions among prestigious companies worldwide, on the contrary, will promote increasingly diversified tastes.5.People are surrounded by many kinds of advertising which can influence their life. Do the positive effects of this trend outweigh negative effects?Business owners know a smart marketing plan is essential to brand development and to the conversion of viewers into clients and customers. One aspect of a marketing plan is advertising. Yet there is a controversial debate over the effects of advertisements.It is undeniable that advertising do have its merits. Firstly, they help the consumers by giving them information about various products available on the market. Many readers appreciate advertising because it allows them to know the properties, functions, and prices of the products they want to buy at home. Secondly, given that numerous companies promote their goods and services on the same media, be it newspapers, magazines, TV, and the Internet, customers could compare thoroughly before they make their purchasing decisions.However, many advertisements make misleading claims and promise instant solutions to people’s problems in order to gain profits. For example, an advertisement may depict a pimply boy being surrounded by pretty girls as soon as he applies a particular brand of pimple cream. Though many know that this is an exaggeration, they may still cling to the hope that it may be true and rush out to buy the cream and try it out. When the claims are not matched in real life, it can cause a lot of disappointment and frustration. Another harm that advertisements could bring about is that they nurture superficial values in people. People lust for products they cannot afford and some even resort to illegal ways of getting money in order to obtain them. This in turn breeds a class of snobbish people who only respect others for the material things they possess.In conclusion, people in the modern society enjoy and value the conveniences and competitive prices brought by commercials. Therefore, although commercials designed by businesses sometimes could be misleading and pass materialism values, I am convinced that the positive effects outweigh the negative ones.6.Nowadays, there are many television advertisement aimed at children. What are the effects of these advertisements on children? Should TV advertisements be controlled?Children are important targets of advertising campaigns. However, children have been found to be particularly vulnerable to negative effects of advertising, and protecting children from these effects is an important task of consumer policy.It is undeniable that commercials familiarize kids with the latest products in the market and inculcate some good habits in them like the ones related to dental hygiene. In addition, advertising could impart a set of good values and a sense of responsibility to children. For example, some public service advertising is designed to inform children of the importance of education, safety, and filial piety. However, some advertisements do have negative impact on children that cannot be ignored. Advertisers use all sorts of gimmicks to promote their own product. For example, fast-food restaurants promise attractive toys and prizes in scratch and win competitions. As a result, children badger their parents to take them to that particular fast-food restaurant, which in turn contributes to the problem of obesity. Moreover, a lot of advertisements difficult to understand for kids because the misleading tactics that advertisers employ is centered on the use of exaggeration. Claims such as "the best' or “better than" can be subjective and misleading; even adults may be unsure as to their meaning. They represent the advertiser's opinions about the qualities of their products or brand and, as a consequence, are difficult to verify.As children continually assume larger roles in their homes and are becoming more involved in the shopping habits of the household, TV advertisements should be controlled to some extent. Studies have shown that the impact on children of cigarette advertising is greater than one would imagine it to be. Because present advertising of cigarettes, already limited to non-TV media, has such a great impact on children, all advertising likely to influence children, even if not aimed at them directly, should be more carefully scrutinized.In conclusion, the influence of advertising has permeated much of what children do and see. Due to the fact that children do not have the same critical thinking and judgement as adults, TV advertisements, especiallythose associated with unhealthy food and lifestyle choices, should be controlled or even banned.7.Research shows that over-eating is as harmful as smoking. Therefore, advertising for certain food products should be banned, in the same way as cigarette advertising is banned in many countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Nowadays, as competition in the food industry becomes increasing fierce, food manufactures spend heavily on advertising their food products. Given more and more people suffer from obesity, some argue that food advertisements should be banned.Opponents of food advertising claim that for the sake of public health those advertisements should be prohibited. Certain food advertisements designed by manufactures shift people’s food choice towards junk food and exert bad influence on health condition and eating behavior. Consumers could have a higher levels of obesity and blood cholesterol when they eat food with excessive fat, sugar and salt. In addition, some advertisements employ exaggeration tactics to attract consumers and boost sales. Claims made in advertising can be subjective and misleading since they only represent the advertiser’s opinions. The case gets more completed when advertisers use a disclaimer to offset or counterbalance an exaggerated claim. For example, the claim that breakfast cereal has a health benefit may be accompanied by the disclaimer - when part of a nutritionally balanced breakfast. Readers, especially children, might have difficulty understanding these disclaimers. Instead, it may cause disappointment and frustration.However, advertising for food products do have its advantages. Firstly, it provides customers with information about a variety of foods and drinks available on the market. People can know about the nutrition content, the price, and the taste of their interested products at home, which saves a lot of time. By making comparison between various brands, individuals could ensure a balanced nutrition for their family members. Secondly, health concern is no longer a problem since more and more advertisements focus on nutritive value and disclose the way food and drinks are manufactured and the way they are prepared for the table to customers.I n conclusion, although certain food advertisements are harmful and misleading, it is by no means to claim that all food commercials should be banned.。
雅思大作文新闻媒体类话题范文--记者的品格We can get knowledge from news, but some people think we can't trust the journalist, what do u think? And what do you think are the important qualities that a journalist should have?我们能从新闻中学到知识,但有人认为我们不能相信记者,你的看法呢?你认为记者应该有哪些重要的品格?思路解析:问题1:过于依赖网络,不出去挖掘和发现新闻,总是拷贝和转发别人的文章,缺乏原创性。
参考范文:Nowadays, the journalists are losing the prestige in the public because fewer people trust them. In my opinion, this trend is caused by some ill behaviors of them. The reasons and the good qualities of a journalist will be presents as below.I have to concede that a large proportion of journalists are under the standards of journalism ethics, which leads to the public concerns of the qualities of news in media. Firstly, with the great convenience provided by the Internet, journalists can have an easy access to acquiring all kinds of information. Some of them then begin to repetitively copy or reproduce the news report from certain websites only by clicking the mouse in the office, instead of going outside for practical research. That is to say,these journalists are too lazy to write the original and in-depth news reports.In addition, the lack of responsibility among journalists also contributes to the news crisis. For example, some of them write and report news by depending on unreliable information sources, so that newspapers and TVs are full of data mistakes and lies. Moreover, influential media are viewed as rumormongers, because they spread false news of natural disasters, social epidemics or terrorist attacks, incurring unnecessary panics in the public. The most worrying aspect is news objectiveness. In many cases of news crimes, bribed news editors cover and twist the truth of social issues, which misleads the public judgment, as well as damages the equity and democracy of social media.In order to recover the faith and confidence of audience for news media, many good standards of journalist should be built up and tested. Firstly, journalists should have the professional dedication, which means a strong willing to go into the frontline of events, and make efforts of exploring and collecting the firsthand news materials. By this way, the high values of news reports can be ensured. Secondly, high-level work moralities are a must, including honesty, integrity, and law-abiding awareness. These traits can improve the immunity of news practicers from the lure of money. Besides, journalists should learn to give the priority to the social benefits, over the individual media benefits. In other words, what they report on media should be accurate, objective and accountable, rather than publishing untrue news only for attracting more audience.In conclusion, there are many reasons why massive news media become more untrustful in the public, mainly including the loss of work passion and obligation. For the purpose of curing these ill journalists, some good qualities should be cultivated and encouraged, like the dedication, righteousness and carefulness.。
雅思大作文新闻媒体类话题--控制媒体暴力第一篇:雅思大作文新闻媒体类话题--控制媒体暴力雅思大作文新闻媒体类话题范文--控制媒体暴力The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society.T o what extent do you agree or disagree with this issue? 政府应该控制电影电视上暴力镜头的数量,为了减少社会暴力犯罪。
参考范文:Nowadays, many people argue that the government should control the amount of violence in films and on television, in order to reduce social crimes.In my view, this assertion is partially wise, and my reasons would be explored as below.Admittedly, there are many good reasons for controlling the amount of violence in films and on television.First, violent films and television are mental poisons for the audience It is because they contains numerous of erotic, corrupt and provoking episode, with long exposure to which, viewers might become aggressive and eccentric.In addition, violence contents set negative role models for young viewers, especially the youth.Activities like fighting, shooting or killing done by movie stars send teenagers a wrong message that violence is an effective or even essential solutionto all troubles.Therefore, these youngsters with immature minds begin to admire violence and disrespect social rules, which leads to the increasing of the juvenile delinquents.According to the analysis above,it is clear that the measure of limiting violent information on media should be encouraged, for the reason that it can directly cut off the access to those illegal and evil behaviors and thoughts, thus keeping people from imitating them.Advocates claim that the practice of controlling the amount of violence in mass media is a brazen violation of the people's basic right to know the truth of the world.For example, some films contain some violence, but they reflect the things happened around us.Rather than producing negative effects on audience, to some extent, these films educate them.Furthermore, violence in films or on television programs cultivates people's senses of crisis and responsibility, which makes ordinary people and police work better for public security.Consequently, it is irresponsible and foolish to blame the media for violence in our society.As far as I am concern, I strongly believe that the amount of violence in films and TV should be controlled.At the same time, we cannot deny the advantages brought by them.And the best policy is to develop the merits of the violent films and television, while grading and filtering them.第二篇:雅思大作文新闻媒体类话题--新闻媒体的好坏雅思大作文新闻媒体类话题范文--新闻媒体的好坏News media have become influential to our lives, and some people think that is a negative development.T o what extent do you agree or disagree? 新闻媒体对我们的生活产生影响,有人认为这是一种消极的发展。
媒体类1.We can get knowledge from news, but some people think we cannot trust the journalist. What do you think? What qualities do you think a successful journalist should have?The advent of the information age has bombarded the public with numerous news and many people spend a great deal of time going through news every day. Some people are suspicious of these news because they do not trust the journalists, while I am convinced that a successful journalist with certain qualities could provide true news reports.Admittedly, so much news on social media is fake and wrong, which has become one of the most concerning aspects of the media environment. According to a recent survey, only about two-in-ten Americans trust the information they get from local news organizations a lot, whether online or offline. The reason behind the low trust rate is that some sites are created with pre-existing views, and more than that, others present facts that are actually false or biased. However, in the fast growing information age, we as readers must develop skills and strategies to distinguish between real journalism and wrong ones. We cannot believe those so-called facts simply because they match up to our own preconceptions.Given that loss of public trust could be journalism’s greatest challenge, journalists worldwide should equip themselves with a number of good qualities. Firstly, they should have a strong desire to unearth the truth. In other word, a very passionate person is enthusiastic to get information, uncover scandals and inform people. Secondly, a good journalist must be an extremely disciplined person to be able to work strict deadlines. Staying punctual is significant or else people will not be able to trust the information reported. Thirdly, a journalist must be objective and accurate, no matter what the situation is. The reported story must be free of any prejudice and be reported as it is. Journalists may have their own choices with regards to political parties and leaders. However, it is important to keep them aside when covering a story. Moreover, journalists should be open to new ideas and views and should not cover stories with any preconceived notions. In addition to the above mentioned qualities, it is always better if a journalist has expert knowledge of the beat he intends to cover.In conclusion, the fact is the media is distrusted by lot of people all over theworld. If the journalism industry wants to regain its reputation, journalists must do their job honestly and honorably.2.News media are important in modern society. Why are they so important? Are their influences generally positive or negative?In present-day society, modern people are interacting with all kinds of news media including print media, broadcast news, and more recently online newspaper as well as news blogs. These media are important and could cause both positive and negative effects to the society.It is undeniably that news media have played an indispensable role in modern society. Obviously, news media timely provide the public with vast amount of information. Communities and individuals are bombarded constantly with messages from a multitude of sources including TV, billboards, and magazines, to name a few. These messages promote not only products, but moods, attitudes, and a sense of what is and is not important.Given the popularity and importance of news media, people start to realize the associated positive impact. The media are credited with considerable power to shape opinion and belief, to change habits of life and to mould behavior actively. For instance, some finance news could influence the way people invest their savings. As fitness magazines increasingly highlight the risk of a sedentary lifestyle and obesity, more and more people set out to make their weigh-loss plans, develop healthier eating habits, and exercise on a regular schedule.Despite of the positive influence, news media may cause detrimental effect to the society. With the arise of new media through social media, there has been an increase in fake news. For example, the use of Twitter and Facebook has made it easier for false or misleading articles to be seen. Coco-Cola, as an example, funds a front group by the name of The Global Energy Balance Network to confuse consumers about soda science and divert attention away from the mounting evidence showing that sweet beverages are a major contributor to disease associated with insulin resistance, such as diabetes. Given the erosion of trust in the media and the rampant spread of hoaxes via social media, it will become even more important for news organizations to scrutinize content that looks and sounds like the real deal.In conclusion, news media not only offer people information and knowledge but also exert good and bad effects on the society. In my opinion, those good effects could outweigh bad ones if the media could be used in a wise and appropriate way.3.Some people claim that newspaper is the best way to get the latest information because it has more influence than other forms of media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Newspaper has been a part of our daily life for several centuries. Some people argue that newspaper is the best access to latest information, while I would like to say that other forms of media are also important ways for the public to be informed of important events that are occurring around the world. Newspaper is still a major source of the general public for a variety of reasons. Firstly, general newspapers cover all topics, including politics, economy, celebrity news, and a collection of the latest events. Moreover, some might have good coverage of international events of importance, and others might concentrate more on national or local entertainment or sports. Therefore, readers have a wide range of choices. Secondly, in recent years, newspaper has adapted to the changing technology by starting to offer online edition to cater the needs of the public. As of 2007, virtually all major printed newspapers have online editions distributed over the Internet, which allows readers to search for their most interested topics conveniently.However, the availability of news via 24-hour television channels and then the availability of online social media posed an ongoing challenge to the business model of most newspapers. To begin with, reading at no cost is highly valued by a majority of readers. Television channels and a number of online news websites, such as Google news, are free to access, which is a comparative advantage over some charged newspapers. In addition, nowadays, the public, especially the younger generation, prefer to get news from social network. By just opening an app, such as Facebook and Twitter, they can learn about all the people who are signed into the same network. Moreover, they could make their personal comments and thoughts instantly and globally public, and then communicate with others.In conclusion, as more forms of news media become available, newspaper outlets face an increasingly serious challenge. Given that individuals have different areas of interest, it is better to have freedom to choose their favorite ways of getting the newest information.4.Advertising discourages people from different individuals by making us all want to do the same and look the same. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Advertising is an essential factor in modern business methods, and it is also an industry that knows how to influence and change behaviour. Some people argue that advertising prevents people from pursuing their individuality and identity because it encourages consumers to blindly buy the same products. However, I am not convinced by this view.Admittedly, massive promotion campaigns are able to deliberately influence customers’purchasing decision towards several specific brands. Once increasing numbers of customers make the purchase of these commercial goods and products, it marks the success of advertisements in monopolizing the market and creating so called trends and fashions. To a large extent, advertisements impose a notion that the advertised subjects are famous. The reason why some people prefer to purchase these goods is that they pursue a style of being popular. Young people, especially those who still strive to find out who they are, would probably lose their individuality since they buy the same goods advertised constantly in media or they buy whatever their idols try out. For instance, if a star is invited to advertise for an article,some people will impulsively buy the goods which might be far more expensive than the same kind products under other brands.However, it is by no means to claim that commercials would force the public to such an extent that they all expect to do the same and look the same. After all, buying behaviour is a phenomenon that varies depending on a wide range of factors, such as demographics, income, social and cultural factors. The majority make their purchase decision based on personal preferences and affordability. As the financial crisis and economic downturn seriously dampens people’s purchasing power, many global companies face a major challenge in terms of the profitability and even survival. No matter how heavily some luxurious brands are willing to spend on their commercials, they can only attract those living in upper class rather than the common people who earn average incomes. The general public would not buy products only with stylish shapes since they prefer goods with practical functions as well as reasonable prices.In conclusion, advertisements could exert influence on our purchasing behaviors to some extent, but are not powerful enough to make all of us the same. Competitions among prestigious companies worldwide, on the contrary, will promote increasingly diversified tastes.5.People are surrounded by many kinds of advertising which can influence their life. Do the positive effects of this trend outweigh negative effects? Business owners know a smart marketing plan is essential to brand development and to the conversion of viewers into clients and customers. Oneaspect of a marketing plan is advertising. Yet there is a controversial debate over the effects of advertisements.It is undeniable that advertising do have its merits. Firstly, they help the consumers by giving them information about various products available on the market. Many readers appreciate advertising because it allows them to know the properties, functions, and prices of the products they want to buy at home. Secondly, given that numerous companies promote their goods and services on the same media, be it newspapers, magazines, TV, and the Internet, customers could compare thoroughly before they make their purchasing decisions.However, many advertisements make misleading claims and promise instant solutions to people’s problems in order to gain profits. For example, an advertisement may depict a pimply boy being surrounded by pretty girls as soon as he applies a particular brand of pimple cream. Though many know that this is an exaggeration, they may still cling to the hope that it may be true and rush out to buy the cream and try it out. When the claims are not matched in real life, it can cause a lot of disappointment and frustration. Another harm that advertisements could bring about is that they nurture superficial values in people. People lust for products they cannot afford and some even resort to illegal ways of getting money in order to obtain them. This in turn breeds a class of snobbish people who only respect others for the material things they possess.In conclusion, people in the modern society enjoy and value the conveniences and competitive prices brought by commercials. Therefore, although commercials designed by businesses sometimes could be misleading and pass materialism values, I am convinced that the positive effects outweigh the negative ones.6.Nowadays, there are many television advertisement aimed at children. What are the effects of these advertisements on children? Should TV advertisements be controlled?Children are important targets of advertising campaigns. However, children have been found to be particularly vulnerable to negative effects of advertising,and protecting children from these effects is an important task of consumer policy.It is undeniable that commercials familiarize kids with the latest products in the market and inculcate some good habits in them like the ones related to dental hygiene. In addition, advertising could impart a set of good values and a sense of responsibility to children. For example, some public service advertising is designed to inform children of the importance of education, safety, and filial piety. However, some advertisements do have negative impact on children that cannot be ignored. Advertisers use all sorts of gimmicks to promote their own product. For example, fast-food restaurants promise attractive toys and prizes in scratch and win competitions. As a result, children badger their parents to take them to that particular fast-food restaurant, which in turn contributes to the problem of obesity. Moreover, a lot of advertisements difficult to understand for kids because the misleading tactics that advertisers employ is centered on the use of exaggeration. Claims such as "the best' or “better than" can be subjective and misleading; even adults may be unsure as to their meaning. They represent the advertiser's opinions about the qualities of their products or brand and, as a consequence, are difficult to verify.As children continually assume larger roles in their homes and are becoming more involved in the shopping habits of the household, TV advertisements should be controlled to some extent. Studies have shown that the impact on children of cigarette advertising is greater than one would imagine it to be. Because present advertising of cigarettes, already limited to non-TV media, has such a great impact on children, all advertising likely to influence children, even if not aimed at them directly, should be more carefully scrutinized.In conclusion, the influence of advertising has permeated much of what children do and see. Due to the fact that children do not have the same critical thinking and judgement as adults, TV advertisements, especially those associated with unhealthy food and lifestyle choices, should be controlled or even banned.7.Research shows that over-eating is as harmful as smoking. Therefore, advertising for certain food products should be banned, in the same way as cigarette advertising is banned in many countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Nowadays, as competition in the food industry becomes increasing fierce, food manufactures spend heavily on advertising their food products. Given more and more people suffer from obesity, some argue that foodadvertisements should be banned.Opponents of food advertising claim that for the sake of public health those advertisements should be prohibited. Certain food advertisements designed by manufactures shift people’s food choice towards junk food and exert bad influence on health condition and eating behavior. Consumers could have a higher levels of obesity and blood cholesterol when they eat food with excessive fat, sugar and salt. In addition, some advertisements employ exaggeration tactics to attract consumers and boost sales. Claims made in advertising can be subjective and misleading since they only represent the advertiser’s opinions. The case gets more completed when advertisers use a disclaimer to offset or counterbalance an exaggerated claim. For example, the claim that breakfast cereal has a health benefit may be accompanied by the disclaimer - when part of a nutritionally balanced breakfast. Readers, especially children, might have difficulty understanding these disclaimers. Instead, it may cause disappointment and frustration.However, advertising for food products do have its advantages. Firstly, it provides customers with information about a variety of foods and drinks available on the market. People can know about the nutrition content, the price, and the taste of their interested products at home, which saves a lot of time. By making comparison between various brands, individuals could ensure a balanced nutrition for their family members. Secondly, health concern is no longer a problem since more and more advertisements focus on nutritive value and disclose the way food and drinks are manufactured and the way they are prepared for the table to customers.In conclusion, although certain food advertisements are harmful and misleading, it is by no means to claim that all food commercials should be banned.。
雅思大作文范文3篇 媒体类
小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语提供:雅思大作文范文3篇媒体类雅思大作文范文:广告对人的影响Some people claim that widespread advertisingin the modern society has a harmful effect on youngpeople. Therefore, advertisements should be strictlylimited on TV, radio, the internet and in publicplaces.To what extent do you agree or disagree withthis statement?Although advertising has existed for thousandsof years and is certainly not a recent invention, it isonly in our modern society that the great influence and importance of widespread advertisingis full play. However, in my opinion, many advertisements are harmful to young people’s mentaldevelopment and, therefore, should be banned in the mass media.To begin with, various factors have given rise to the thriving of advertising industry, themost significant one being the proliferation of new products, services and technologies. In orderto give their new inventions the utmost publicity, many businesses choose to promote themby broadcasting attractive advertisements through mass media, such as television, radio andinternet. In addition, the increasingly fierce competition in the commercial world hascompelled a lot of companies to resort to exaggerated and even deceitful advertisements togain an edge over their business rivals.As many social critics have pointed out, the current trend in advertising exerts acorrupting influence on young people’s minds because there are always a lot of unwholesomeand indecent contents in modern advertisements. For example, products such as wines, lingerieand cosmetics tend to use the female body and amorous scenes as the main attraction of theiradvertisements. What is even worse, a subculture of sexual suggestiveness andpermissiveness seems to permeate the entire advertising industry. Young people, especiallythose adolescents, are often lured away from their studies and indulge themselves in eroticfantasiesTherefore, the authorities should take serious steps to counteract the negative effects ofimmoral advertising. One effective approach is to establish and impose a strict censorshipon all mass media, expunging any sexual explicit and implicit pictures and words from theadvertisements they tend to show. Also, rules and regulations should be laid down to banadvertisements from certain public places, discouraging its rampant omnipresence andcreating a cleaner and healthier social environment. Furthermore, all local governments canincrease the costs of all kinds of advertisements to be shown or published through massmedia, thus reducing their currently enormous quantities.In summary, the prevalence of advertising in our modern society and its inimical effects onthe youth of today must be curbed, otherwise public morality and traditional cultures andvalues and even the future of the world will be caught in a precarious situation.雅思大作文范文:限制广告的内容No one can avoid being influenced byadvertisements and advertising exerts a tremendousinfluence on us. Recently, there are people who areof the opinion that public has the right to know thecorrect information of the advertisements andgovernment also should restrict the contents of these advertisements. Personally I agree withthis opinion for the following reasons.In the first instance, consumers have the right to know the correct information beforedeciding on whether to buy them. Advertisements are highly information that helps people tomake choice before they go to buy what they need. If the advertisement exaggerates theproducts it also will persuade people into buying things, which they don’t really want.Secondly, any misleading advertisements will lead to the marketing tricks, causing chaos inthe market. Too many misleading advertisements are barrio to distinguishing between decentproducts or products of bad quality. His bread intruth is made with soy flour, while headvertises it as white bread. These misleading information causes illegal competition.[More:] Last but not least, government should stipulate laws in consumers’interests. According tothe laws, advertisements must be truthful. If the advertisements mislead consumers,government can impose great fine on them to set a lesson.In general, the role of advertisements is inevitable and undeniable. A good advertisementcan be a bridge between business and consumers and helps keep business moving. So we needcorrect information and government also needs to restrict the contents of advertisements. Letmisinformation of advertisements be far away from us.雅思大作文范文:观看电视的时间Some people think children’s spending time onTV and video is good, while others think it is bad.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.It is true that a lot of children, from below 3 tohigh school, would like to spend time in watching arange of TV programs and videos. One of the mostobvious reasons for this is that these are soattractive, vivid and touching our lives that thechildren who are curious cannot resist theirtemptation at all.Some people, especially the parents, argue thatthis is very damaging. They probably begin bypointing out that their children who are limited in self-control and self-principle will easily taketoo much time in watching instead of being back to study after doing for a short while. Inaddition to this, it is well aware thatthe amount of violence and unhealthy pictures are filledwith videos for some reasons. When children who are still simple watch too much amountwithout any correct guidance, some of them will easily break the laws in the realistic world byimitating the details of crimes.However, others who disbelieve watching TV or video is bad claim that TV programs andthe amount of videos can fully help children understand outside world or relax their stressfulbrains after intense study. Obviously, those who often watch TV have a wider range ofknowledge and better understandings to our society than those who do not. All of this isbeneficial to children’s growth and their future social life.Overall, I would like to say that watching TV or videos are necessary for children who needknowledge and information, but the point is that parents must ensure their children not towatch too much or too long, and at the same time the Government should give a harshwarning to media with overuse of unhealthy contents.小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0。
雅思大作文新闻媒体类话题范文--媒体是否该报道犯罪细节Some people think that media should not report detail of crimes to the public. To what extent do you agree or disagree?有人认为媒体不应该向公众报告犯罪的细节。
你在多大程度上同意或不同意?思路解析:应该报道:1. 这是有用的反犯罪经验,提高大众的安全意识和预防犯罪的能力。
2. 对于那些正在侦破的案件,播放犯罪细节能引起大众关注,进而从大众那里获得线索,有助于案件侦破。
3. 犯罪细节包括了犯罪动机,这能反映某些某些深层次的,鲜为人知的社会问题,比如说儿童由于受不了被虐待而怒杀父母。
4. 对于某些和公共资源相关的,或是和政府相关的犯罪,大众有权力获知全部的真相,不然某些官僚可能运用权力来掩盖事实。
不应该报道:1. 这是天然的犯罪教学片,完全给大众灌输如何犯罪以及犯罪的可行性,这是对于潜在犯罪者的一种鼓励和启发,刺激他们模仿犯罪。
2. 很多犯罪现场过于血腥,它会对大众,尤其是小孩,产生强烈的震撼和刺激,这会导致一些不必要的负面情绪,甚至引发大规模的大众恐慌。
3. 对某些犯罪细节进行保护其实是对于受害者及其家人的保护。
参考范文:What are the responsibilities and limits of the media for reporting the truth of social crimes? This question arouses a big controversy in society. Some people suggest reports of crime details should be forbidden. Personally, I fundamentally agree with this assertion, and my reasons will be presented as below.The primary reason of approving of this argument is that disclosing crimes details would place a whole society in risks. Surely, when reporting crime details, there are knowledge and skills necessary for committing crimes.In other words, by watching such reports, these would-be criminals, especially the young ones, can be taught how to plan and carry out illegal activities. For example, if the details about cyber crimes are publicized, then the young audience will know the technology of hacking, as well as the flaws of fire walls of computers. As a result, many of them would breed an idea of imitating this process of offence in a real world by themselves, and a higher rate of such crimes would be expected in the future. Besides, to some extent, reporting crime details is improper, because it contains some sensitive private information. For example, in cases of rape, names and pictures of female victims must not be published in newspaper or TV news cycle. Otherwise, the basic rights of human privacy would be challenged and disrespected ruthlessly, and these victims would be hurt again by the media.Lastly, I have to concede that detail reporting is reasonable on certain level. For one thing, the revealing of crime details are good lessons which provide useful anti-crime knowledge and experience to the public. For example, after watching and understanding the whole process of how an offender commits a crime, the viewers can realize by what ways and strategies they can defend themselves well, or prevent these unwanted situations.。
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The mass media, including television, radio and newspapers, have great influence in shaping people's ideas.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Model Answer:
The mass media have a powerful influence in shaping our lives. We have come to depend on them for information and entertainment, and in doing so we let them affect important aspects of our lives.
The undeniable usefulness of the media in almost instantly providing information about events around the world is largely taken for granted. But in our dependence on the media we have allowed them to mould our notions and opinions of events, places and people. Though few of us probably think about it, our conceptions of, say, our elected officials spring from television images and newspaper stories. Most of us will never meet prime ministers or presidents, but anyone who is regularly exposed to the media will have an opinion of them. When it is time to cast our vote, we will make our decision based on how the media portray the candidates. We are similarly swayed by coverage of wars. The media, representing the values of their owners, societies and governments, tend to report wars with a bias; which is the 'good' side and which the 'bad' is determined for us by reporters, editors and commentators, and sure enough the public begins to form opinions that reflect the coverage they see, hear and read in the major media.
The media are also influential in the way they facilitate the spread of culture and lifestyle. The so-called 'global youth culture', in which one finds young people around the world displaying a common interest in music, clothing styles and films, is an example of the media's enormous sway in this regard. A popular figure such as Michael Jackson would never be so well known were it not for the media's extensive reach into every society on the globe.
Thus I would argue that the mass media's influence is certainly great. Indeed, with technological advancements such as the Internet bringing even more forms of electronic media to our homes and workplaces, it is likely the media's influence will grow even stronger.。