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Unit 3 I can run fast.

※Contents: this is the first period of unit 3---I can run fast.

※Analysis of the students: the pupils have learned some words from unit 2,and they can communicate with the classmates by using the words and the sentence pattern “I can …“

※Teaching aims:

nguage knowledge:

(1) Learn some new words: run, skip, and swim.

(2) Learn two sentence patterns: What can you do? / I can …

2. Language skills:

(1) Learn the new words and use them in communication.

(2) Learn the sentence patterns and use them in communication.

3. Sentiment:

Enjoy talking with friends by using the new words.

※Main points:

Use the language knowledge in communication.

※Difficult points:

Understanding and using sentence patterns: “What can you do? / I can …“

※Teaching aids:

Multimedia, pictures, candies.

※Teaching procedures:

Step1: Warming up

Do “Simon says “game to activate the students.

Step2: Leading in

Do a listen, draw and speak activity to review the words we learned in unit 2.

T: Now, let us review the words we learned in unit 2.

Please take out your paper, and then draw a picture on your paper.

(Two minutes later)

Ask students what they used to draw the picture; and then review the words during the dialogue.

Step 3: Presentation

T: Do anyone like Xiyangyang?

Ss: yes. I like it very much.

T: Today he comes to our classroom. (展示图片,读图片上的内容。)

Look, I can play basketball. Can you play basketball?

Ss: yes. I can. /No, I cannot.

T: ok! Now, what is she doing? (展示图片)

Ss: 她在跑。

T:yes, she is running. OK, now, read after me. R-U-N, run. Ss: R-U-N, run.

T: Next, what is he doing? (展示图片)

Ss: 他在游泳。

T: Good! He is swimming. Follow me. S-W-I-M, swim.

Ss: S-W-I-M, swim.

T: Wonderful! Let us continue(让我们继续。展示图片)

What is she doing?


T: Right! She is skipping. Let us read it, S-K-I-P, skip. Ss: S-K-I-P, skip.

T: ok, please read each word twice together. Are you ready? Ss: Ready go!

(1 minute later)

T: Now, pay attention, what am I doing? (做跑步状)

Ss: You are running.

T: Yes. I am running. I can run fast. (同时加快跑的速度) Now,who can tell me what does “fast” mean?


T: Wow, you are so clever! “fast”的意思是“快的”.

“I can run fast”意思是“我能跑得快”。

Now,What can she do? (展示跳绳图片)

Ss: (Silence)

T: This is the new sentence pattern in this unit. It means “她/你能做什么?”

Ask some students by using “What can you /she do?”

Now, work in pairs. One asks, “What can you do?”

The other answers, “I can…”

Step4: Activity and consolidation

Activity1:Ask three groups to act and answer the new words. Activity2: Ask one students to match the pictures with the words.


1. Play a guess game:

Ask S1 to act, and S2 to close his /her eyes. Others play as the judges.

Then S2 guess what S1 acted just now. (Three groups)

2. Listen to the recorder, and then ask students to write the contents down, make dialogues.

Step5: Homework

1.Make your own dialogue with the new words.
