

Boson NetSim模拟器

Boson NetSim模拟器

Boson NetSim模拟器发表时间:2007/10/26由于交换机和路由器的价格昂贵,型号繁多,我们不可能为了学习它而自己购置设备。


以下我们介绍一种基于Cisco公司的Catalyst系列交换机和Cisco系列路由器的模拟器软件Boson Netsim的使用。

一、Boson模拟器的安装下载地址:Boson Netsim 5.31。

下载后运行其中的boson netsim 5.31.exe把Boson安装在本机中。

软件注册:运行boson netsim,然后选择菜单上的Ordering,选择修复KE Y,将出现的序列号复制。

运行注册机BosonKeyGen.exe,把序列号粘贴至“PAS T HERE”,下面就会出现你想要的KEY。

再把这个KEY添回boson netsim中,就可完成注册。

需要注意的是如果本机没有安装Microsoft forms2.0(大部分Windows 2000以上的操作系统都有该组件)和Adobe Acrobat程序(查看PDF文件的程序),Bos on是不能启动的。

Boson有三部分构成:Boson netsim、Boson Network Designer和Lab Navi gator。

二、Boson netsimBoson netsim就是模拟器,所有的实验都是在Boson netsim中完成的。

双击桌面上的“Boson netsim”图标就可以启动Boson netsim,其界面如图1所示。

图1在Boson netsim的主界面中是当前设备的命令行界面,它可以用工具栏中的按钮进行切换:eRouters工具用来选择路由器;eSwitches工具用来选择交换机;eStations工具用来选择客户机。




Network-Emulator-Toolkit模拟各种⽹络环境windows1. 背景、⽬标、⽬的(1) 背景:我们在使⽤⽹络时,时常遇到在正常⽹络环境下的代码运⾏⼀切正常,可以复杂的⽹络环境下的各种问题⽆法复现,必须搭建模拟各种⽹络环境,去复现问题,定位问题。

不管是移动平台,还是pc 端; ios XCode已经具备此功能, Android设备,及 windows 平台还是需要我们⾃⼰搭建。

(2) ⽬的:通过Network-Emulator-Toolkit 配置控制⽹络条件,满⾜包括下⾏速度、下⾏丢包率、下⾏延迟、上⾏速度、上⾏丢包率、上⾏延迟、DNS 延迟的设置、以及可抓包。

(3) ⽬标:模拟复杂可复⽤的⽹络环境,复现,定位问题2. ⽅案⽅案可以是1 wireshark、Fiddler、Charles等抓包⼯具提供代理、2.模拟器、3. Network Link Conditioner + 共享 wifi。

本⽂肯定是采⽤ 3,要不标题就错了;介绍⼀款windows下的⽹络模拟器,可以模拟各种丢包或延迟的⽹络(Network Emulator for Windows Toolkit)这⾥简单介绍⼀下使⽤⽅法:软件界⾯:No Loss:默认,不模拟丢包。

Periodic loss: 模拟周期性的丢包。

按填写数量(设为x个),每x个包,就丢⼀个包(one packet is dropped per given number of packets)。

Random loss: 模拟随机丢包,按给定丢包的概率,随机丢包。

Burst loss: 模拟根据给定的可能性进⾏丢包。


G-E loss: 模拟发⽣数据包丢失遵循Gilbert-Elliot模型,由两个状态组成:好的状态和坏的状态。

可分别为这2个状态指定数据包丢失率,同时可设置⽹络传输在这两种状态的概率(And the network transit between the two states is at given transition probabilities)Error说明:真实世界中,当数据包经过⽹络传输时,包中的⼀到多个字节(bit)数据可能发⽣错误。



推荐12个虚拟器模拟机,可以重温童年游戏了2021-12-10 10:27·电脑百事通今天推荐有点多,大家可以先收藏,以备不时之需(。

-ω-)zzz Parallels DesktopParallels 是一款Mac 上的虚拟机软件。

使用它你可以在Mac 上安装Windows 操作系统。

特别是Windows 上的很多东西Mac 上没有,比如很多网络游戏,办公工具等等。

有了它就可以完成了,使用它还可以选择Mac 和Windows 系统双系统存在。


它还有无缝整合功能,同时运行Mac 和Windows 软件,可以在Dock 上启动Windows 软件。

VirtualBoxVirtualBox 是一个免费的虚拟机软件。



你可以DIV 各种属性,就像在组装电脑一样,很好玩。


类似的有VMWare 和Parallels。






VMWare PlayerVMWare 是一个老牌的虚拟机软件。

它的功能也是最强大的,VMWare Player 是它的免费版本。

VMPlayer 是一个专门为个人准备的,安装起来极其方便。

使用它可以安装Windows 和Linux 各个版本的虚拟机,各种Linux 发行版也支持,它的版本齐全,而且网络教程也比较多,所以大家不用担心解决不了问题。



网路设备模拟器Packet Tracer教程第一章认识Packet Tracer软件 (1)第二章交换机的基本配置与管理 (2)第三章交换机的端口配置与管理 (3)第四章交换机的Telnet远程登陆配置 (5)第五章交换机的端口聚合配置 (7)第六章交换机划分Vlan配置 (9)第七章三层交换机基本配置 (12)第八章利用三层交换机实现VLAN间路由 (13)第九章快速生成树配置 (16)第十章路由器的基本配置 (19)第十一章路由器单臂路由配置 (21)第十二章路由器静态路由配置 (23)第十三章路由器RIP动态路由配置 (25)第十四章路由器OSPF动态路由配置 (29)第十五章路由器综合路由配置 (32)第十六章标准IP访问控制列表配置 (35)第十七章扩展IP访问控制列表配置 (37)第十八章网络地址转换NA T配置 (40)第十九章网络端口地址转换NAPT配置 (42)第一章认识Packet Tracer软件Packet Tracer介绍●Packet Tracer是Cisco公司针对CCNA认证开发的一个用来设计、配置和故障排除网络的模拟软件。

●Packer Tracer模拟器软件比Boson功能强大,比Dynamips操作简单,非常适合网络设备初学者使用。

学习任务1、安装Packer Tracer;2、利用一台型号为2960的交换机将2pc机互连组建一个小型局域网;3、分别设置pc机的ip地址;4、验证pc机间可以互通。

实验设备Switch_2960 1台;PC 2台;直连线PC1IP: ping PC2 ReplyPC2 ping PC1 ReplyPC2 ping Gateway Timeout第二章交换机的基本配置与管理实验目标●掌握交换机基本信息的配置管理。


Visual BASIC 可视化BASIC语言
Database 数据库
ESC Escape 退出键
Tab Table 制表键
Shift 上档键(用于输入双字符键上面部分的字符和在大(小)写字符状态输入小(大)写字符)
Ctrl Control 控制键
NDS Domain Name System 域名服务系统
e-mail Electronic Mail 电子邮件
.com Commerce 商业部门的域名
.edu education 教育部门的域名
.net 网络服务部门的域名
.org Organization 非商业组织的域名
Keyboard 键盘
CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管(常指显示屏)
LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示屏
VGA Video Graphics Array 视频图形阵列(一种显示卡)
Resolution 分辨率
Client 客户(指使用计算机的用户)
C/S client/sever 客户机/服务器
B/S browser/sever 浏览器/服务器(指客户通过浏览器访问服务器的信息)
Workstation 工作站(连到服务器的单个计算机)
WWW World Wide Web 万维网,全球范围的节点
floppy disk 软磁盘
floppy disk drive 软磁盘机
flow chart 流程图
frame 帧
hardware 硬件
identifier 标识符
index 索引
information 信息

hp network automation 软件安装和升级指南说明书

hp network automation 软件安装和升级指南说明书

HP Network Automation软件适用于Windows®和Linux操作系统软件版本:10.00安装和升级指南文档发布日期:2014年7月软件发布日期:2014年5月法律声明担保HP产品和服务的唯一担保已在此类产品和服务随附的明示担保声明中提出。







版权声明©Copyright2001-2014Hewlett-Packard Development Company,L.P.商标声明Adobe®是Adobe Systems Incorporated的商标。

AMD是Advanced Micro Devices,Inc的商标。

Intel和Intel Itanium是Intel Corporation在美国及其他国家/地区的商标。

Microsoft®和Windows®是Microsoft Corporation在美国的注册商标。


Red Hat®是Red Hat,Inc.在美国和其他国家/地区的注册商标。

UNIX®是The Open Group的注册商标。

Oracle技术—有限权利声明根据《国防部联邦采购条例补充条款》(DOD FAR Supplement),所提供的程序被视为“商业计算机软件”,对这些程序(包括文档)的使用、复制和披露均应受适用Oracle 许可协议中规定的许可限制的制约。

此外,根据《联邦采购法规》(Federal Acquisition Regulations),所提供的程序被视为“受限制的计算机软件”,对这些程序(包括文档)的使用、复制和披露均应受FAR52.227-19“商业计算机软件受限权利”(Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights,1987年6月版)中规定的制约。


Virus 计算机病毒(计算机中自我复制传播的程序)
Backup 备份
Multimedia 多媒体(指计算机能综合处理声音、图像、影像、动画、文字等多种媒体)
CDR Compact Disk Recordable 可刻录光盘
VCD Video CD 视频CD
Audio 音频
NDS Domain Name System 域名服务系统
e-mail Electronic Mail 电子邮件
.com Commerce 商业部门的域名
.edu education 教育部门的域名
.net 网络服务部门的域名
.org Organization 非商业组织的域名
.gov Government 政府部门的域名
@ 电子邮件中用户名与域名的分隔符(读音为at)
Optics 光的
Fiber Optics 光纤
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 综合服务数字网
DDN Defense Data Service 数字数据服务
Bandwidth 带宽(网络线路的传输速度)
Tab Table 制表键
Shift 上档键(用于输入双字符键上面部分的字符和在大(小)写字符状态输入小(大)写字符)
Ctrl Control 控制键
Alt Alter 转换键
Insert, Delete 插入,删除
Home, End 编辑文书时用于回到文书开头、结尾的键
Page Up, Page Down 向前、后翻页键
latency time 等待时间
library 库,程序库


access arm 磁头臂,存取臂
access time 存取时间
adder 加法器
address 地址
alphanumeric 字母数字的
analog computer 模拟计算机
analyst 分析员
area 区域
array 数组,阵列
.edu education 教育部门的域名
.net 网络服务部门的域名
.org Organization 非商业组织的域名
.gov Government 政府部门的域名
@ 电子邮件中用户名与域名的分隔符(读音为at)
Optics 光的
Fiber Optics 光纤
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 综合服务数字网
VCD Video CD 视频CD
Audio 音频
Video 视频
MPEG Moving Picture Expert Group 运动图像专家组(一种压缩比率较大的活动图像和声音的压缩标准)
BMP Bitmap 位图(一种图像格式)
Image 图像
Pixel 像素(图像的一个点)
Debug 程序排错(bug意为小虫子,比喻隐藏在程序中的小错误)
Virus 计算机病毒(计算机中自我复制传播的程序)
Backup 备份
Multimedia 多媒体(指计算机能综合处理声音、图像、影像、动画、文字等多种媒体)
CDR Compact Disk Recordable 可刻录光盘
computer language 计算机语言
console 控制台



PS 模拟器使用说明使用ePSXe 1.52 中文版该版是一个修正版,修复了以前版本中存在的一些错误,并去掉了一些没用的功能选项。

中文版做了比较全面的汉化,比前两个版本做得都要好,DOS 窗口的运行信息也汉化了,模拟器运行出问题时,你不妨从这里找一下提示。




4的ps模拟器2.玩游戏时,请先将游戏rom解压缩到硬盘,解完后应为bin文件或iso文件3.用deamontool虚拟bin或iso (选择虚拟文件时,请把查找文件类型改为all files,不然将无法找到bin)4.用vgs开始游戏PS游戏运行说明1.文件解压缩后为,执行*.EXE文件,会产生一个*.iso文件。






ZIP文件解压缩后为一.exe可执行文件,执行此.exe文件可生成一.iso文件或.bin文件(可将.bin扩展名直接重命名为.iso),可直接用ePSXe读取进行游戏,或是用虚拟光驱DAEMON 读取再用VGS1.4中文版/VGS1.41(尽量使用此版本,有些版本无法读取)进行游戏。



实验四NetSim网络模拟器的使用Boson netsim for ccnp是Boson公司推出的一款路由器、交换机模拟软件。


有两个组件:一个是拓扑设计软件(Network designer),一个是实验环境模拟器(Boson netsim)。

进入主界面后同时运行了Boson netsim和Boson lab navigator,Lab navigator是软件内置的一些实验拓扑图,部分正确的配置文件。



Boson netsim运行的界面如图:工具栏的前三个按钮用于快速切换要配置的设备(路由,交换,PC机),第四个按钮用于打开lab navigator,第五个用于查看当前使用的拓扑图,第六个用于打开远程控制面版,等于是使用Telnet登录远程远程的设备来调试。


其中文件菜单包括:✓新建:调用拓扑图设计软件重新绘制一个新拓扑✓装入拓扑图:加载一个之前做好的拓扑图文件✓粘贴配置文件:粘贴一个来自真实路由器或者交换机的配置文件✓装入单个设备配置文件(合并):将以前保存的单个设备配置文件装入到当前实验环境中,以合并方式进行✓装入单个设备配置文件(覆盖):将以前保存的单个设备配置文件装入到当前实验环境中,以覆盖方式进行✓装入多个设备文件配置文件:将以前保存的所有设备配置文件装入到当前实验环境中✓保存单设备配置文件:将当前设备的配置文件存盘(保存在硬盘上备下次需要时使用,扩展名是rtr)✓保存所有设备配置文件:将当前拓扑图中所有设备的配置存盘✓打印:打印当前拓扑图✓退出:退出Boson netsim for ccnp模式菜单包括:初级模式:以默认方式使用配置界面高级模式:以Telnet方式访问设备进行配置工具条:显示/隐藏“远程控制面版”设备菜单:选择使用哪个设备,作用相当于工具栏上的快速切换设备图标。



网络仿真软件的分析探讨范红艳,周彩根,樊昀北京邮电大学计算机科学与技术学院,北京 (100876)E-mail:fanicy@摘要:网络仿真是进行网络研究的重要方法,随着网络的发展,目前有多种网络仿真软件,不同的仿真软件适用于网络不同方面的研究,本文主要介绍了OPNET和NS2两种目前比较流行的仿真软件的特点及主要技术,然后针对一个实例比较了两种仿真软件的仿真效果。

关键词:网络仿真,仿真软件,OPNET,NS2中图分类号:TP 391.091.引言随着网络的快速发展,对于网络性能和新技术的研究也越来越重要,但是如果在现实网络中进行性能研究和新技术的设计开发,是不太现实的。






2.网络仿真软件2.1 OPNET介绍OPNET是一种优秀的网络仿真和建模的工具,支持面向对象的建模方式,并提供图形化的编辑界面,更便于用户使用。





OPNET的 Modeler是专门用于可视化原型设计的软件,它的使用既方便了网络模型的建立,又减少了编程的工作量。

在 VMware Workstation 配置UNetLab模拟器环境

在 VMware Workstation 配置UNetLab模拟器环境

在VMware Workstation 配置UNetLab模拟器环境必要条件:1.VMware Workstation要安装在系统中,版本至少是102.物理机器必须是支持虚拟设备的,否则无法安装unetlab,有的机器会在vmware部署中提示在bios下开启虚拟功能,详细操作请咨询机器厂家技术支持。



启动VMware Workstation 10点击打开一个虚拟机,将下载好的Unified Networking Lab-1.0.0-8.ova的文件导入到Vmware中,以后叫什么根据官网,下载地址/download/#main点击import和accept基本算是初始工作好了编辑虚拟机的设置,修改一下内存4G(2G也行吧,不行再改,别超过物理内存,不然你一定疯了),4个CPU,网卡根据需要配置吧,默认的没改,下图是个参考,机器牛逼就配置成人家这样似的,不行也别太勉强了Virtualize IntelVT-x/EPT or AMD-V/RVI这个是必须的,物理机对虚拟化的支持必须的必,没有就先换个机器吧开动Unetlab 在vmware上,以后什么样不知道,现在是这样的配置unetlab开始,千万注意别瞎改,不然要重新来过,登录名root,密码unl进来后第一步就是改root密码,也别改的太简单可能过不去,我改的复杂一次就过了,两遍密码这是国际准则改主机名,这个就别改了,后面还要解IOU/IOL license,改了肯定会有影响接下来默认配置网络dhcp或者static都可以,我用的dhcp,实验的时候登录地址会变而已接下来默认配置继续默认配置基本完成了,自动重启系统重启后root登录输入apt-get updateapt-get -y upgrade#更新apt源保险起见,输入下面的命令安装一下更新的unetlab,上面的命令应该可以安装好,为了确认以及肯定再输一遍没坏处apt-get updateapt-get -y install unetlab到这的配置,unetlab的网页可以打开了,地址在登录root时有显示,打开浏览器访问试一下,没有问题,继续下面的部署,以下是官方支持的IOS或者虚拟设备可以大概看一下Dynamips (Cisco IOS emulation)c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.152-4.S6 (supported cards: PA-FE-TX,PA-4E, PA-8E)c3725-adventerprisek9-mz.124-15.T14 (supported cards: NM-1FE-TX, NM-16ESW)c1710-bk9no3r2sy-mz.124-23Other images from the above series should work tooIOL (IOS on Linux also known as IOU)L2-ADVENTERPRISE-M-15.1-20131216.binL2-ADVENTERPRISE-M-15.1-20140814.binL2-IPBASEK9-M-15.1-20130726.binL3-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M-15.4-1T.binL3-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M-15.4-2T.binL3-ADVIPSERVICES-M-15.1-2.9S.binAnd othersQemuCisco ASA 8.0.2 (Singe and Multi Context)Cisco ASA 8.4.2 (Support Multi Context)Cisco ASA 9.1.15 (Support Multi Context)Cisco ASAv (ver; 9.4.1; 9.5.1)Cisco ACS (ver 5.7)Cisco CDA (ver IPS - cips (ver 7.0-8)Cisco ISE (ver 1.2)Cisco vWAAS (ver 5.5.3)Cisco WSA virtual appliance - coeus (ver 8-6-0-025-S000V)Cisco CSR - csr1000v (ver; NX-OSv - titanium (ver 7.1.0.ZD.363; 7.2.0.ZD.0.120)Cisco vIOS - vios-adventerprisek9 (ver 15.4.3M L3; 15.5.2 L3) Cisco vIOS L2 - viosl2-adventerprisek9 (ver 15.2.411)Cisco vNAM (ver 6.2.1)Cisco Sourcefire - sourcefire (ver Wireless controller - vwlc (ver K9-8-0-100-0)Cisco XRv - xrv-k9 (ver 5.2.2 - 5.3.2)A10 Networks vThunder Virtual Appliance - a10-vthunder (ver 2.7.1-P3-b76)Alcatel 7750 virtual service router - timos (ver 12.0.R6)Arista networks switches (ver 4.14.2F; 4.14.5F; 4.15.0F)Aruba Networks security - clearpass (ver Virtual ADX - brocadevadx (ver 03.1.01)Citrix Netscaler VPX virtual - nsvpx (ver Firewall - cpsg (ver R77-20)Cumulus VXExtreme Networks virtual - extremexos (ver 15.3.2)F5 BIG-IP LM - bigip (ver 11.6.0)Fortinet virtual FW - fortinet (ver 5.2.2; 5.2.3_build670)HP virtual router - hpvsr (ver 7.1.049P1; 7.10.R0204P01)Juniper Networks M series router - olive (ver 12.3R8.7)Juniper Networks vMX router - vmx (ver 14.1R1.10-domestic;14.1R4.8-domestic)Juniper Networks vSRX FW - vsrx (ver 12.1X46-D25.7-domestic) Mikrotik (ver 6.30.2)Ostinato Traffic GeneratorPalo Alto virtual Firewall - paloalto (ver 6.1.0)S-Terra FirewallVyOS - vyos (ver vyos-1.1.6-amd64)MS Windows 7MS Windows XPMS Windows Server 2008R2MS Windows Server 2003 and 2003 R2Various liveCD Linux images (eg. tinycore, damnsmalllinux, slax)支持的Cisco IOU/IOL 镜像TypeUNetLab Image Name Version vRAML2 L2-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M-15.1-20130726.binI86BI_LINUXL2-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M15.1(20130726:213425)192L2 L2-ADVENTERPRISE-M-15.1-20131216.binI86BI_LINUXL2-ADVENTERPRISE-M15.1(20131216:211730)256L2 L2-IPBASEK9-M-15.1-20121123.binI86BI_LINUXL2-IPBASEK9-M15.1(20121123:074833)256L2 L2-IPBASEK9-M-15.1-20130124.binI86BI_LINUXL2-IPBASEK9-M15.1(20130124:233217)256L2 L2-IPBASEK9-M-15.1-20130426.binI86BI_LINUXL2-IPBASEK9-M15.1(20130426:181134)245L2 L2-IPBASEK9-M-15.1-20130509.binI86BI_LINUXL2-IPBASEK9-M15.1(20130509:024903)256L2 L2-IPBASEK9-M-15.1-20130617.binI86BI_LINUXL2-IPBASEK9-M15.1(20130617:213916)256L2 L2-IPBASEK9-M-15.1-20130726.binI86BI_LINUXL2-IPBASEK9-M15.1(20130726:213425)256L2 L2-UPK9-M-15.0-20120621.bin I86BI_LINUX_L2-UPK9-M15.0(20120621:060510)256eUNetLab Image Name Version vRAML2 L2-UPK9-M-15.0-20121031.bin I86BI_LINUX_L2-UPK9-M15.0(20121031:162848)256L3 L3-ADVENTERPRISEK9_IVS-M-15.3-0.9T.binI86BI_LINUX-ADVENTERPRISEK9_IVS-M 15.3(0.9)T128L3 L3-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M-12.4-20090407.binI86BI_LINUX-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M12.4(20090407:185408)48L3 L3-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M-15.3-1.3T.binI86BI_LINUX-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M15.3(1.3)T128L3 L3-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M-15.2-2.15T.binI86BI_LINUX-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M15.2(2.15)T128L3 L3-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M-15.2-2.3T.binI86BI_LINUX-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M15.2(2.3)T128L3 L3-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M-15.2-4M1.binI86BI_LINUX-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M15.2(4)M1128L3 L3-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M-15.3-0.9T.binI86BI_LINUX-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M15.3(0.9)T128L3 L3-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M-15.4-1T.binI86BI_LINUX-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M15.4(1)T128L3 L3-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M-15.4I86BI_LINUX-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M 128eUNetLab Image Name Version vRAM -2T.bin 15.4(2)TL3 L3-ADVENTERPRISE-M-15.1-20130617.binI86BI_LINUX-ADVENTERPRISE-M15.1(20130617:213916)256L3 L3-ADVENTERPRISE-M-15.1-20130726.binI86BI_LINUX-ADVENTERPRISE-M15.1(20130726:213425)256L3 L3-ADVENTERPRISE-M-15.2-4-M3-12.binI86BI_LINUX-ADVENTERPRISE-M15.2(4)M3.12128L3 L3-ADVIPSERVICES-M-15.1-2.9S.binI86BI_LINUX-ADVIPSERVICES-M15.1(2.9)S64L3 L3-IPBASEK9-M-15.1-20130124.binI86BI_LINUX-IPBASEK9-M15.1(20130124:233217)64L3 L3-IPBASEK9-M-15.1-20130426.binI86BI_LINUX-IPBASEK9-M15.1(20130426:181134)256L3 L3-IPBASEK9-M-15.1-20130509.binI86BI_LINUX-IPBASEK9-M15.1(20130509:024903)256L3 L3-IPBASEK9-M-15.1-20130617.binI86BI_LINUX-IPBASEK9-M15.1(20130617:213916)256L3 L3-IPBASEK9-M-15.1-20130726.binI86BI_LINUX-IPBASEK9-M15.1(20130726:213425)256eUNetLab Image Name Version vRAML3 L3-IPBASE-M-12.4-20090407.binI86BI_LINUX-IPBASE-M12.4(20090407:185408)96L3 L3-IPVOICE_IVS-M-15.3-0.9T.binI86BI_LINUX-IPVOICE_IVS-M 15.3(0.9)T 192L3 L3-JK9S-M-15.0-1-XJR111.bin I86BI_LINUX-JK9S-M15.0(1)XJR111.358256L3 L3-P-M-15.0-20120621.bin I86BI_LINUX-P-M15.0(20120621:202753)256L3 L3-P-M-15.0-20121031.bin I86BI_LINUX-P-M15.0(20121031:154527)256L3 L3-TPGEN+ADVENTERPRISEK9-M-12.4-20090714.binI86BI_LINUX-TPGEN+ADVENTERPRISEK9-M 12.4(20090714:160619)48L3 L3-TPGEN+IPBASE-M-12.4-20090714.binI86BI_LINUX-TPGEN+IPBASE-M12.4(20090714:160619)80导入Cisco IOU/IOL 镜像这时候用到的软件WinSCP(在windows下使用),通过这个软件将文件上传到Unetlab的iol的bin目录中先做iol的导入再进行license的破解先进入到/opt/unetlab/addons/iol/bin这个目录下上传文件到/opt/unetlab/addons/iol/bin这个目录下需要文件的可以与我邮件联系mr_gyeong@索取在回到Unetlab 虚拟机中执行/opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions不用过多管是干嘛的执行就可以了,不然后面会有问题我通过putty的ssh登录到主机接下来破解license用winscp创建一个iourc文件/opt/unetlab/addons/iol/bin/iourc将[license]unl01 = 8e9612bfeb93d1a1;测试Cisco IOU/IOL 镜像touch NETMAPLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/unetlab/addons/iol/lib/opt/unetlab/addons/iol/bin/L3-ADVENTERPRISEK9_IVS-M-15.3-0.9T.bin 1如果成功会显示下图多敲几次回车会出现路由器启动命令行,代表配置成功了配置到这就算全部完成了,接下来就是使用Unetlab实验了。



Win10安卓模拟器使用教程visual studio emulator for android是微软重点针对Win10操作系统而发布独立版本的安卓模拟器,这个程序虽然叫做Visual Studio Emulator for Android,但并不需要安装Visual Studio,visual studio emulator for android,因为已经是个Win10系统专用的安卓模拟器独立程序,但是需要hyper-v 的支持,初次接触visual studio emulator for android的人可能入门可能有点难度,现在为大家带来详细的Win10安卓模拟器使用教程,让大家知道怎么使用visual studio emulator for android这个强大的工具。

第一步:必须首先开启Hyper-V 虚拟化技术(已经开启的直接看下一步);① 依次选中控制面板->卸载程序->启动或关闭Windows功能->Hyper-V->确定下载完后是一个40M左右的vs_emulatorsetup.exe 文件,不包含安卓模拟器的镜像文件,安装的时候会默认在线下载API 19(Andorid 4.4)的x86镜像,后续你也可以单独再下载其他的API xx版本,另外说明一下,Visual Studio Emulator for Android是不依赖Visual Studio的,也就是说可以单独安装使用,Android Studio是使用adb作为桥梁来连接Visual Studio Emulator for Android 。

安装步骤就不罗列出来了,基本都是下一步,Next,记得安装后重启(它需要把自己加入Hyper-V Administrators的管理员组里面)。

安装重启后打开Visual Studio Emulator for Android ,如下所示:如果你启动了模拟器,则会在Hyper-V里面自动创建出对应的x86的Android虚拟机来,爱学府软件园的如下:第二步:设置Andorid Studio使其可以使用这些模拟器打开Android Studio> Run > Edit Configurations > Defaults / Android Application /General 选项卡的Target Device 节点,勾选Show chooser dialog 和Use same device for future launches ,在这里提醒大家不要忘记点Apply 和OK。



bModem and Networking compaq notebook seriesDocument Part Number: 316749-002February 2003This guide explains how to connect a modem cable and a network cable to your notebook. The guide also provides instructions for using the modem when traveling internationally.© 2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. The information in this document is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, and is subject to change without notice. The warranties for HP products are set forth in the express limited warranty statements accompanying such products. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.Modem and NetworkingFirst Edition February 2003Document Part Number: 316749-002Contents1Using an Internal ModemConnecting the Modem Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–1 Using the RJ-11 Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–1Using a Country-Specific Modem Cable Adapter. . . 1–3Viewing the Current Country Selection . . . . . . . . . . 1–4Adding New Locations When Traveling. . . . . . . . . . 1–4Solving Travel Connection Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–5 Accessing Preinstalled Communication Software. . . . . . 1–8 2Connecting to a NetworkConnecting a Network Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–21 Using an Internal ModemYour notebook has an internal modem, an RJ-11 telephone jack,preinstalled modem drivers, and a modem cable. Connecting the Modem CableUsing the RJ-11 CableThe modem cable may have noise suppression circuitry thatprevents interference with TV and radio reception. The modemcable must be connected to an analog telephone line.ÄCAUTION: Jacks for digital PBX systems may resemble analog telephone jacks, but are not compatible with the modem.Using an Internal Modem1.If the modem cable has noise suppression circuitry 1, orientthe circuitry end of the cable toward the notebook.2.Plug the cable into the RJ-11 telephone jack 2 on thenotebook.ÅWARNING: To reduce the risk of electrical shock, fire, or damage to the equipment, do not plug a telephone cable into the RJ-45 jack.3.Plug the modem cable into the RJ-11 telephone jack 3.Connecting the modem using an RJ-11 jackÅWARNING: To reduce the risk of electrical shock, always ensure that the modem cable is disconnected from the telephone network whenopening the notebook’s enclosure.Using an Internal Modem Using a Country-Specific Modem Cable AdapterSoftware for the internal modem supports multiple countries, buttelephone jacks vary by country. To use the modem and the RJ-11cable outside the country in which you purchased the notebook,you must obtain a country-specific modem adapter and defineyour location in Dialing Properties.To connect the modem to an analog telephone line that does nothave an RJ-11 telephone jack:1.If the modem cable has noise suppression circuitry 1, orientthe circuitry end of the cable toward the notebook.2.Plug the modem cable into the RJ-11 telephone jack 2 on thenotebook.3.Plug the modem cable 3 into the country-specific modemadapter.4.Plug the country-specific modem adapter 4 into thetelephone jack.Connecting the modem using a country-specific modem adapterUsing an Internal ModemViewing the Current Country Selection To see the current country setting for your modem, followthese steps:Windows 2000 Professional:1.Select Start > Settings > Control Panel.2.Select the Regional Options icon.3.Under Settings for the Current User, view the country that isdisplayed under Your Locale.Windows XP Home and XP Professional:1.Select Start > Control Panel.2.Select the Regional & Language Options icon.3.Under Location, view your present location.Adding New Locations When Traveling The internal modem is configured to meet only the operatingstandards in the country where you purchased the notebook.When traveling internationally, you can add new locationconfigurations that comply with standards in other countries.ÄCAUTION: Do not delete your current modem country settings. To enable modem use in other countries while preserving your homecountry configuration, add a new configuration for each location inwhich you will use the modem.The drop-down lists described below may include countries notsupported by the modem. Unless you select a supported country,the country selection will default to USA or UK.ÄCAUTION: Selecting a country other than the one in which it is located may cause your modem to be configured in a way that violates thetelecommunications regulations/laws of that country. In addition, yourmodem may not function properly if the correct country selection is notmade.Using an Internal ModemTo add a new country location, follow these steps:Windows 2000 Professional:1.Select Start > Settings > Control Panel.2.Select the Phone and Modem Options icon > Select New.3.Assign the New Location Name (home, work, etc.).4.Select the Country/Region from the drop-down list.5.Select OK > OK.Windows XP Home and XP Professional:1.Select Start > Control Panel.2.Select the Network and Internet Connections icon.3.Select Phone and Modem Properties (menu in the leftcolumn) > Dialing Rules tab.4.Select the New button and assign it a name (home,work,etc.).5.Select the Country/Region from the drop-down list.6.Select OK > OK.Solving Travel Connection ProblemsIf you experience connection problems while using the modemoutside your home country, the following suggestions may help:■Check the telephone line typeThe modem requires an analog, not a digital, telephone line.A line described as a PBX line is usually a digital line. Atelephone line described as a data line, fax machine line,modem line, or standard telephone line is probably ananalog line.Using an Internal Modem■Check for pulse or tone dialingDial a few digits on the telephone and listen for clicks(pulses) or tones. Then select:Windows 2000 Professional:1.Select Start > Settings > Control panel.2.Select the Phone and Modem Options icon.3.Select your location > Edit > Tone or Pulse Dialing.4.Select OK > OK.Windows XP Home and XP Professional:1.Select Start > Control Panel.2.Select the Network and Internet Connections icon>Phone and Modem Properties (menu in the left column).3.Select the Dialing Rules tab.4.Select your location.5.Select Edit > Tone or Pulse Dialing.6.Select OK > OK.■Check the telephone number you are dialing and the response of the remote modemDial the telephone number on the telephone, wait for theremote modem to answer, then hang up.■Set the modem to ignore dial tonesIf the modem receives a dial tone it does not recognize, it willnot dial and will display a No Dial Tone error message. Usethe following procedures to set the modem to ignore all dialtones before dialing:Windows 2000 Professional:1.Select Start > Settings > Control Panel.2.Select the Phone and Modem Options icon > Modem tab.3.Select your modem.Using an Internal Modem4.Select Properties > General tab.5.Clear the Wait for Dial Tone Before Dialing check box.6.If you continue to receive the No Dial Tone errormessage after clearing the check box:a.Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Phone andModems Options icon.b.Select the Dialing Rules tab.c.In the Locations list, select the location from whichyou are dialing.d.Select Edit.e.Select your location from the drop-down list in theCountry/Region box.f.Select Apply > OK.g.Select the Modem tab.h.Select your modem.i.Select Properties > General tab.j.Clear the Wait for Dial Tone Before Dialingcheck box.Windows XP Home and XP Professional:1.Select Start > Control Panel > Network and InternetConnections icon.2.Select Phone and Modem Properties (menu in the leftcolumn) > Modem Tab.3.Select your modem > Properties > Modem tab.4.Clear the Wait for Dial Tone Before Dialing check box.5.If you continue to receive the No Dial Tone errormessage after clearing the check box:a.Select Start > Control Panel > Network and InternetConnections icon.Using an Internal Modemb.Select Phone and Modem Properties (menu in theleft column).c.Select the Dialing Rules tab.d.Select your location > Edit.e.Select your location from the drop-down list in theCountry/Region box.f.Select Apply > OK.g.Select the Modem tab.h.Select your modem > Properties.i.Clear the Wait for Dial Tone Before Dialingcheck box.Accessing Preinstalled Communication SoftwareTo use preinstalled modem software for terminal emulation anddata transfer, follow these steps:Windows 2000 Professional:1.Select Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications.2.Select the appropriate terminal emulation program or Internetconnection wizard.Windows XP Home or Windows XP Professional:1.Select Start > All Programs > Accessories >Communications.2.Select the appropriate fax or terminal emulation program orInternet connection wizard.1–8Modem and Networking2 Connecting to a NetworkYour notebook has an RJ-45 network jack, an internal NIC(network interface card), preinstalled network drivers, and mayhave a network cable.✎Because networking requires connection to domains, networking is not supported in Windows XP Home Edition.✎If your notebook is connected to a network, confer with your network administrator before changing network settings.Modem and Networking2–1Connecting to a NetworkConnecting a Network CableA network cable has an 8-pin RJ-45 network connector at eachend and may contain noise suppression circuitry, which preventsinterference with TV and radio reception.1.Orient the end of a network cable with noise suppressioncircuitry 1 toward the RJ-45 network jack on the notebook.2.Plug the network cable into the RJ-45 network jack 2 on thenotebook.3.Plug the other end of the cable into an RJ-45 network jack 3.4.Start or restart the notebook.Connecting a network cable2–2Modem and Networking。



文档说明:eNSP可以模拟各种网络设备,但是在模拟PC和服务器就不行了,华为实验中有关于Agile Controller的实验就需要PC与eNSP配合实现一个真实网络仿真环境,本人健忘,此文档算是备忘,写的笼统,见谅。




虚拟机ping eNSP的交换机
eNSP里的交换机ping 虚拟机。

HP OpenView Network Node Manager 接口管理状态自动化指南说明书

HP OpenView Network Node Manager 接口管理状态自动化指南说明书

Interface Managed-State Automation1. What is “Interface Managed-State Automation”?HP OpenView Network Node Manager (NNM) allows its users to control which objects in its database will be managed by NNM. You can select a network interface object belonging to a node and then use menu commands to tell NNM to either“manage”or“unmanage”that interface. If the interface is managed,NNM will poll that interface at a pre-configured interval to determine its current operational status. If the interface is unmanaged, NNM will not poll it.“Interface Managed-State Automation” lets you control the managed state for large numbers of interface objects in an automated manner. The feature is implemented by the ovautoifmgr command, which reads a configuration file containing your desired rules. These rules define the following conditions:•which nodes in the database should have their interfaces examined for their managed state.•which interfaces on these nodes should be managed or unmanaged, based upon the characteristics of the interface.•which interfaces on these nodes should be managed or unmanaged,based upon what type of node the interface is connected to.The rules make use of the NNM topologyfilter capability,which gives them significantflexibility. This allows the rules to be as simple or as complex as you need. Once the rules are set up, ovautoifmgr can apply them regularly to the managment environment, keeping it up to date as devices are added,deleted,or changed.It can help keep NNM running optimally with a minimum of your attention.The ovautoifmgr command runs through the configured rules, making any managed state adjustments as needed, and then terminates. It does not run continuously. This allows the command to be scheduled to run on a periodic basis using the NNM system’s scheduling capabilities (cron on Unix systems and the windows scheduler on Windows systems).It is also important to note that “Interface Managed-State Automation” is not a means for controlling the managed state of nodes.It only deals with interfaces contained within the nodes. Also, it is not a means for limiting the range of discovery. It will only operate upon interface objects which already exist within NNM’s database. For limiting discovery, NNM has alternate features such as discovery filters and the netmon.noDiscover file.By default, NNM maintains a managed state for all interfaces belonging to managed nodes. Therefore,in a large managed environment,NNM will spend a significant amount of time polling these interfaces to see if they are up or down. This can sap the resources of the management station, generate significant network traffic, and possibly overburden the managed devices. Depending upon your goals, there may be many network interfaces that do not need to be monitored with status polls.For example,a large network switch may have most of its interfaces connected to individual desktop computers, and these interfaces will go down whenever the desktop computer is turned off. If you are primarily concerned about whether the switch is up, and less concerned about the status of these interfaces to desktop systems, it would be helpful to unmanage most of the switch interfaces. The only ones that should remain managed would be those connected to the remainder of the network, possibly interfaces connected to important servers, and the interface that bears the IP address for the switch. Maintaining the managed state of all of these interfaces manually would be laborious,error prone,and tedious.The ovautoifmgr command can easily be configured once to apply this rule to all the switches in the managed environment, and can be rerun as often as you like.This offers several benefits:•you will only see status changes on important switch interfaces.•the NNM station will spend fewer CPU cycles checking status on unimportant interfaces.•a larger network environment can thus be managed than would otherwise be possible with the same NNM station hardware.•network management traffic will use less network bandwidth.There are some other reasons why you might consider unmanaging an interface.Perhaps there is a device where a status poll directed at one of its interfaces will interfere with its normal operation. It might be desirable to only allow status polling of the main interface for this device and prevent it on all of its other interfaces.Another case is in environments where not all IP addresses are reachable from the NNM station. If there is a router in this case where only one of its IP addresses is reachable by the NNM station, there are a couple of options to consider. If it is critical that status be maintained on all of its interfaces, then the netmon.snmpStatus file should be used. This would allow status to be maintained on all interfaces,but would cost more in CPU time(for both NNM station and router) and network bandwidth utilization. However, if you do not need status for all interfaces on this router, then it would be better to have all but one interface unmanaged. This can be done very easily with ovautoifmgr.The primary references for how to use ovautoifmgr are found in the following NNM references. On Unix systems, the following man pages should be consulted: ovautoifmgr(1m), ovautoifmgr.conf(4),and OVfilterIntro(5).On Windows systems,see the ovautoifmgr page in the Administrator’s Reference section, the ovautoifmgr.conf page in the File Formats section, and OVfilterIntro in the Concepts Reference section.In particular,the ovautoifmgr.conf page containsa number of examples that can be used as a starting point.4. Other factors to considerThis feature is intended to be used in environments where decisions about which interfaces to manage do not need to be made in real time.That is,if new interfaces get discovered and added to the database, that it should be acceptable to have them managed until the next time that ovautoifmgr is run.Likewise,if an unmanaged interface has its characteristics changed such that it now needs to be managed,it should be acceptable to wait until the next scheduled run of the tool for the change to happen.If there are nodes where interfaces are dynamically created and deleted (for example, with the making and breaking of dialup phone line connections), such interfaces will only be unmanaged by ovautoifmgr if they happen to exist at the time the tool is run. If that interface is later deleted and then re-added, it will again be in the managed state.The following types of interfaces never have their managed state adjusted by ovautoifmgr:•any interfaces contained within an unmanaged node.•interfaces created by NNM itself for the purpose of network layout. Such interfaces are not associated with real interfaces on the device, do not have an IP address, and are notstatus-polled by NNM.•interfaces which are discovered by a remote NNM Collection Station (CS). Only locally-discovered interfaces can be managed or unmanaged by ovautoifmgr. However, you can run it on the CS if you wish.The adjustment of the managed state of interfaces will only affect NNM’s polling of that node, and will not affect how NNM/Extended Topology handles such nodes. Extended Topology is only affected by the managed state of a node object, and not the state of its interface objects. You should not use ovautoifmgr to unmanage all IP interfaces on a node. This could prevent NNM from successfully using SNMP to learn of changes to the node that would otherwise cause interfaces to become managed again. For network switch or repeater devices, which normally only have one IP interface associated with them,you should only use the tool to adjust the non-IP interfaces,and leave the IP address alone(and managed).For routers,which normally have many IP addresses, you should leave at least one reliably accessible IP address managed. Unmanaging an interface will not affect the ability of NNM to accomplish network layout tasks. Even though ovautoifmgr may choose to unmanage an interface associated with a switch port,forinstance,NNM will still be able to detect changes in what is connected to that switch port and will show such changes on the map.When first implementing the ovautoifmgr feature within a management environment, it is likely that there will be many interfaces which need to have their managed state changed, while subsequent runs of the tool will probably only find a few changes to be made. When a large number of status changes need to be made, this can cause a large number of NNM events to be generated in a very short amount of time.Be aware that such aflood of events can cause NNM to become temporarily unresponsive, as these events will keep it very busy. As a result, you should plan a time when NNM responsiveness is not as important to perform this task for the first time. To reduce the load on the system during this operation, you could temporarily disable any Event Correlation System circuits, and close any open ovw maps.If NNM is being used in a distributed management environment where multiple NNM systems are communicating with each other, you should use the ovautoifmgr tool on each remote collection station(CS)to control that station’s polling behavior.The status of each interface is propagated to the central Management Station (MS) as determined by its managing CS. If multiple CSs are managing the same interface, then whichever CS is considered the primary CS for that object is the one whose status is displayed on the MS.If ovautoifmgr is also being used on the MS,it only affects the status of interfaces that are directly polled from the MS. It does not affect how interfaces on a remote CS are managed. See “Guide to Scalability and Distribution” for more details on distributed management, and the meaning of primary collection stations.It is possible to have more than one configuration file for ovautoifmgr. While a single invocation of the command uses only one configuration file, the command can be run at different times with different configurationfiles.Below are some cases that illustrate how you could use this approach.Suppose you want to adjust the managed state of router interfaces only on one day of the week, and network switches on a different day. You can achieve this by having one configuration file that details the rules related to routers,and another one detailing rules related to the switches.The scheduling tool, then, would start ovautoifmgr with a different -f option on different days.Or suppose you want to have certain interfaces managed during the day, but unmanaged during the night.Two configurationfiles could be set up such that one manages these interfaces,and the other unmanages them. The two invocations of ovautoifmgr would then specify the appropriate configuration file with the -f option. Note, however, that this type of configuration will generate large floods of events on each run. See the comments above related to event floods.Finally, you could use multiple configuration files to partition a large number of interfaces into smaller groups, so that their adjustment could be spread out over time. This is one way to avoid large event floods that interfere with NNM operation for long periods of time.5. TroubleshootingWhen setting up ovautoifmgr to run regularly, you should do a trial run with the proposedconfiguration directly from the command line, and then observe its behavior. The -v options can be turned on, so that the log file will contain information that can be studied to determine correct operation.When the ovautoifmgr command detects an error condition,it reports this error both in the logfile and on the stderr output from the program. However, it is very possible for the command to not detect any errors and yet not perform as you intended. This is why you should use the verbose options while diagnosing its behavior.There are three levels of verbosity of logging, in addition to the default (which is “errors only”). They are controlled by how many times the v flag appears on the command line.-v program phases are noted, along with final statistics. No node or interface information.-vv same as -v, plus logging of each node that is processed.-vvv same as -vv, plus logging of each interface that is processed.When very detailed logging is needed, and the managed environment is large, the amount of log output can get very large. Since the log file size is limited, older information may be lost. Therefore, for debugging purposes, it is good to set the size of the log file to be very large, and perhaps put the log file on a disk volume that has sufficient space to hold all the data. See the ovautoifmgr man page (or reference page) for more information on how to do this.In the log output,specific nodes and interfaces are identified by numbers.These numbers are the NNM object identifiers. More details on these objects can be found from the NNM databases by using the ovtopodump or ovobjprint commands giving them the object identifier.If a certain node or interface appears to have not been properly processed, use ovtopodump with the node name to find the node and interface object identfiers. Then you can see where these numbers are referenced in the log file and see what decisions were made.There are some cases in the log file and in ovtopodump output where a UUID is used rather than the NNM object ID. The UUID is a long, multi-character string that looks like this:90553e90-27e6-71d7-184c-010*********You can use the UUID as a parameter to ovtopodump to see what object it refers to,including name and NNM id number.Also bear in mind that the log file is cumulative. It may contain output from several runs of ovautoifmgr. When debugging, it is good to use a new log file for each run.。

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集中式设备连接参数的语法 分布式设备连接参数的语法 与虚拟计算机连接参数的语法
每个设备独 立运行一台 虚拟机
指定设备ID 指定设备类型(box集中式设备) 指定设备板卡类型和内存
在同一台设 备上有主控 板和接口的 板的分别运 行在不同的 虚拟机里 面,但是调 试还是只调 试一台虚拟 机里面的设 备,以主控 板为主
主讲人: 协助人: 张洋 谌玺
HP_Network_Simulator:惠普网络模拟器,基于X86的架构在, Windows和Ubuntu两种常用桌面操作系统上运行。 2010年4月12日,惠普收购了H3C(全线路由器和以太网交换 机产品)。原有配置指令不变,实际上HP_Network_Simulator 就是H3C模拟器。该模拟器是基于基于VirtualBox运行。搭建环 境是通过特定的语法去配置,包括设备参数和连接参数。
两个组件的安装路径必须在同一个盘符的同 一个文件夹下,这里为C:\ProgramFiles(默 认的。可以手动更改)
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启动的时候不需要两个组件一起点击启动,只需要启动H3C模拟器,用 语法添加设备后,设备会自动启动,是通过VirtualBox进行加载的