Unit 6 Going Offline


高三英语教案 Unit 6 Going west (知识点讲解)

高三英语教案 Unit 6 Going west (知识点讲解)

高三英语教案Unit 6 Going west (知识点讲解)●知识记忆§21知识网络1quit vt 放弃,停止,离开I’ve quit b我辞职了。

I’ve quit ring我已经停止工作。

I’d had enugh,s I quit我受够了,所以辞职不干了。

2burden(1)n 负担,责任She bre the burden f aring fr her si ther她母亲生病,她担负起照料的重任。

The b as a burden t/n his fail那个男孩是他家里的一个负担。

(2)vt 负担,给……加负担I dn’t ant t burden her ith truble我不想以我的苦恼加重她的负担。

3relief n (痛苦、困苦、忧虑等)减轻或解除;援助ill this ediine give iediate relief fr pain?吃了这药能马上止痛吗?The ften send relief t refugees他们经常送救济物品给难民。

4deliver v 递送,传送,发言,接生uld u deliver essage t ur ther?你可以帮我传口信给你母亲吗?The ailan delivers the ail tie a da in this area 这个地区的邮差每天送两次信。

He delivered a lng speeh他发表了一场很长的演说。

The dtr anaged t deliver the triplets safel医生总算平安顺利地接生了那三胞胎。

prperl adv 恰当地,正确地The hild an’t use hpstis prperl那小孩不能正确使用筷子。

prperl speaing=t spea prperl6appl()t运用,应用The nurse applied a bandage t the und护士将伤口包上绷带。

Unit 6 Going West 同步讲解(人教版高三英语下册教案教学设计)

Unit 6 Going West 同步讲解(人教版高三英语下册教案教学设计)

点击词汇表1.apply sth to sth 运用,应用某事物The results of this research can be applied to new developments in technology.这项研究成果能应用于新的技术开发方面。

I’d never apply the word “readable” to any of his books.我决不会把他的任何一本书称为是“可以一读的”。

apply (to sb) (for sth) 申请,请求We’ve applie d to a charitable organization for a grant for the project.我们已向一个慈善机构提出申请,要求其为这个项目提供资助。

apply to sb/sth 与某人/某物有关;有效;适用What I have said applies only to some of you.我所说的仅仅适用于你们中的部分人。

apply oneself/sth to sth/doing sth 集中精力(做事);专心You will only pass your exams if you really apply yourself to your work/studying.你只有真正专心致志学习,考试才能及格。

2.adapt (sth/oneself) to sth 适应新环境等Many software companies have adapted popular programs to the new operating system. 许多软件公司改编通用程序以适应新的操作系统。

The good thing about children is that they adapt very easily to new environment.儿童的好处在于他们可以很容易地适应新环境。

高三英语上课学习上课学习教案 Unit 6 Going west (详细教案)

高三英语上课学习上课学习教案 Unit 6 Going west (详细教案)

高三英语教案 Unit 6 Going west (详细教案)www.5y Unit6GoingwestPeriod1NewwordsandexpressionsTeachingaims:)Readthenewwordsandexpressions.2)Learnsomeoftheimportantnewwordsandexpressions.quit[]vt.过去时,过去分词quit或quitted,现在分词quitting).离开;退出HequittedParisafteraweek.他一周后离开了巴黎。








【学习实践】高三英语教案 Unit 6 Going west (课文理解与知识点讲解)

【学习实践】高三英语教案 Unit 6 Going west (课文理解与知识点讲解)

高三英语教案 Unit 6 Going west (课文理解与知识点讲解)Unit6GoingwestcomprehendthetextPre-readingAsweallknow,therearemanypeoplewhoarefromotherplaces inourcity.Theycomeherefordifferentreasons,somebecau seofthewar,somebecauseofthepoorsoilandsomebecauseof thebadweatherintheirplaces.Therearemanydifficulties forthemgoingfromoneplacetoanother.canyouimaginewhat difficultiesdidtheygothrough?Atthattime,therearenoc arsandtrains.Andthetransportisnotsoconvenient.Now,readthetestinyourbooks,youwilllearnaboutsomethi ngaboutthesettlersfromotherplaces.ReadingReadthetextthenanswersomequestions.whendidwedecidetomovetoanotherplace?845,102Howlongdidthejourneylast?Aboutayear3whatisourfirstdestination?IndiaGreekinkansas4Isthejourneyhard?canyoumakesomeexamplesaboutit?yes,itishard.youcanmakemanyexamples.Post—readingTrueorFalse1wetraveledalone.withmanyotherfamilies2wetraveleddayandnight.byday3Duringwalkingthroughthedesert,wecouldn’tridethewagons.4Formanyweekswehadsufferedfromheat,thirstandstarvat ion.5Duringthelongjourney,wecouldhelpeachother.Thesituationwassodesperatethat,inmostcases,noonecou ldhelpanother.Eachhadallhecoulddotosavehimselfandhi sanimals.6whenayoungmaninourgroupsuggestedthatIstaybehindwiththechildrenandwaitforhelp,Iagreed.Ididn’tagree.7whentheanimalssmeltthewater,theyallran.Exercise2choosethebestanswers.Thereasonwhymyfatherwantedtogotocaliforniaisth at.答案:cA.californiawasindesertB.californiawasfarawayc.californiawasawonderfullanddescribedinabookD.californiawasthelargeststateintheUSA2.Peoplemovingtothewestwouldmeetin.答案:AA.kansasB.californiac.SaltLakeValleyD.SaltLakeDeser t3.onwhichdaydidtheauthorentertheSaltLakeDesert?答案:BA.April12.B.November4.c.october15.D.December25.4.whydidthetravelerscalltheirninety-miledrivethroug htheSaltLakeDesertthe“LongDrive”?答案:D ABecausethelandscapewasdryandbarren.B.Becausewaterwassaltyandnotdrinkable.c.Becausetheirwatersupplywassolow.D.Alloftheabove.5.Afterthetravelersburnttheirwagons,theyhadtogoonth eirfeetwithanothermilestogo.BA.2500B.500c.90D.456.whatdoestheauthormeanbysaying“No,Iwon’tgiveup.Iknewthatgivingupmeantashallowgraveinthesan d.”?AA.Hewasdeterminedtogoonwiththejourney,forhewassuret odiethroughSaltLakeDesertunlesshestruggledagainstth ehardship.B.Hewassuretocontinuethejourney,forhewoulddiebecaus eofthesand.c.Heintendedtogoonwiththejourney,fordeathwouldwaitf orhimunlesshepausedinthedesert.D.Hewasgoingonwiththejourney,fornobodywouldescapefr omthedesertifhegaveintothebadfate.7.Theanimalsalmostranwhenthetravelersreachedtheedge ofthedesert,why?答案:cA.Becausetheyweretiredandweak.B.Becausetheyhadnoburden.c.Becausetheymusthavesmeltthewater.D.Becausetheywentbacktotheirhome.8.Howlongdidtheauthorspendfinishingthejourney?答案:cA.morethan40months.B.About2months.c.Aboutayear.D.Aboutayearandamonth.9.whichofthefollowingdescriptioncanindicatethatthew agonswerenotthemostsuitablemeansoftransport?cA.Thecattlebecametiredandweak.Theanimalsdraggedthei rlegs,tooweaktopulltheirburden.B.Astheanimalscouldnolongerpullthewagons,weburntthe mandpackedtheoxenwithoursupplies.c.Thejourneythroughthemountainsanddesertsinthecentralpartofthecontinentwasthemosttryingpart.sometimest hewagonshadtobeliftedandpulledupwhentherewerenoroad s.D.Formilesbothsidesoftheroadwerelinedwithdeadanimal sandstarvation.0.Fromthetext,wecaninfer.答案:DA.theauthorandthetravelershadtogoalldayandallnightl ongB.therewasnooxenleftwhenthetravelersreachedcaliforn iac.manytravelersdiedwhentheirdaysofhardshipcametoane ndD.it’salongwaytotravelfromtheauthor’shometowntocalifornia1.Thebesttitleofthetextis.答案:BA.AjourneyTocaliforniaB.LongDrivec.TheSaltLakeDesertD.EnjoyyourLife2.whatcanwelearnfromtheendingofthestory“Goingwest”?DA.Peopleshouldn’tsetfootonawildlandbecauseofhardship.B.Travelersshouldtravellightc.Travelersshouldarrangefortheirjourneybeforesettin gofffortheirdestination.D.Perseverancecangohandinhandwithsurvivalorsuccessi ntimeofdangerordifficulty.课程标准要求掌握的项目话题:Talkingaboutperseveranceandsuccess词汇:quit,circumstance,assessment,survival,biscuit,alcoh ol,goat,flour,nail,razor,bedding,beyond,ox,frontier ,salty,pond,burden,desperate,beast,accustomed,thirs t,starvation,anxiety,shallow,tax,anniversary,grandd aughter,flu,throat,catastrophe,relief,deliver,Arcti c,tough,quilt,packet,ray,bark,sculpture,memorial,re tell功能:ExpressingperseveranceandsuccessIbelieveinmyselfandknow...Iammoreof...Iknowexactly...IstandforwhatIsay...Iamhonestwithmyselfand...IalwaysfinishwhatIhavestarted.Iamneverdisappointedforverylong.Icanquicklyadaptmyselfto...Iamstrongandreadyforanychallenge.Idon’tloseheartwhenIfailtodosomething.)IbelieveinmyselfandknowIcanachievemygoals.Icanquicklyadaptmyselftonewcircumstances.Theyarestrongenoughtofaceanychallenge.词组:.believein信任;信耐2.standfor代表;代替3.adaptto适应4.loseheart灰心;泄气5.becastaway抛弃6.giveup放弃7.lessthan少于;不足8.setofffor开始;出发9.moveon继续前进0.taketheway出发;首途1.loseone’sway迷路2.hangout伸出3.indesperateneedof在极度需要的4.onourfeet=onfoot步行5.beaccustomedtodoingsth.习惯于6.sufferfrom患病;遭受……之苦7.hurryonto赶紧办理;急急忙忙地去做某事8.stoptodosth.停下来去做某事9.startdoingsth.开始做某事20.goonallfours用四肢21.theedgeofof……边缘22.atstake在危险中;关系重大23.riskone’slifeto冒险去做某事24.apply…to…运用;应用25.addup加起来26.takeiteasy别紧张;放松点27.keepup维持;保持;使某事处于高水平monsense常识;情理29.leavebehind忘带;留下30.livethroughsth.经历某事物而幸存31.tieup系;拴;捆32.gofor为……去;努力获取33.bemoreofaleaderthanafollower34.behonestwith35.keepup36.leavebehind37.byday/bynight38.passthrough39.inanxietyof40.reachthepromisedlandetoanend结束;终止42.araceagainsttime与时间赛跑重点句型.ThisaccountofthewonderfullandbeyondtheRockymou ntainsgavehimtheideatomovethere.2.Thejourneythroughthemountainsanddesertinthecentra lpartofthecontinentwasthemosttryingpart.3.welefttravelingwithagroupof45wagons.4.April12,1846,waschosenasthedaywhenallshouldberead ytostart.5.waterthatwasshownonthemapprovedtobesaltyandnotdri nkable.6.Sometimesthewagonshadtobeliftedanpulledupwherethe rewerenoroads.7.Passingthroughthedesert,wecameoutintotheSaltLakeV alley,whichlookedbeautifultous.8.IwassoweakandtiredthatIgotontomykneesandstartedmo vingacrossthesandsonallfours.9.Theanimalsdraggedtheirlegs,tooweaktopulltheirburd en,…0.Lyingaroundthemwerechains,guns,tools,bedding,clot hingandmany…1.Ifuntreated,itwouldproduceapowerfulpoisonthatwoul dkillthepatient.2.Nopains,nogains!Don’tstepawayfromchallenges,butgoforit.3.Everyminutecounted.14.Therewaswidespreadreliefwhenitwasdiscoveredthatah ospitalhadagoodsupplyof300,00units.部分知识点讲解quitvt.,vi.quitted或quit,quitting(1)停止;辞职I'vequitmyjob.我已辞职。



Key to ExercisesOpener1. In the first picture, a man and a woman are sitting on the couch with their eyes fixed on their smartphones. Instead of talking face-to-face, they are texting each other. In the second picture, a man is sleeping with his cell phone next to his bed. When the phone buzzes, he just can’t help checking it lest he should miss something exciting.2. I would go back home and fetch it, no matter the distance. Otherwise I would panic (惊慌) or feel incomplete.3. No, I don’t. Some information seems to indicate that cell phones may have an adverse (不利的) effect on the brain. If my phone beeped, I probably wouldn’t be able to repress (抑制) the desire to get up and check it.4. Nowadays it’s not considered weird (古怪的) at all to check your cell phone when you are having a meal with friends. But I would feel awkward and uncomfortable if anyone is doing that at dinner.Reading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text OrganizationMotivation (Why?)Paras. 1-3: Paul Miller’s personal experiment of going offline one full year and his discoveries prompted the author to try a digital detox himself.Paras. 5-6: As CEO of a social media company whose life has been spent mostly online, he wanted to step back and get some perspective.Experience (What happened?)Paras. 4&7: The author spent two weeks in digital detox on his winter vacation to Mexico.Discoveries (What had he learned?)Paras. 8-9: The author didn’t find that technology is evil. Rather, he felt that he liked it even more.Paras. 10-12: He realized that addictive bits of online content should not replace thoughtful articles and good books and it’s reading that nourishes the mind.2. Comprehension Check2.1 Focusing on the main ideas2.2 Digging into detailler discovered that actually technology had very little to do with his life’s problems, and that without the net he had started becoming more out of touch with life.2.Because for the last decade, the writer has been online all day long, and he wanted to free himself from the digital reality for a while.3.He ate a lot of seafood, surfed and fixed up his hut on the beach.4.It refers to the world that is digitally connected.5.He longed for thoughtful articles and good books, reading that nourishes his mind.2.3 Understanding difficult sentences•1) A•2) B•3) B•4) A•5) AII. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1.11.Betty has been on a diet for a long time, but she looks a bit heavier, if anything.2.Keeping your laptop plugged in all the time will kill its battery faster.3.Talking, dancing, playing a game — all of these activities allow you to interact with otherpeople.4.Much to my annoyance, whenever I criticize her, she always comes up with an excuse.5.While Facebook remains the most popular social media site, its growth has gradually sloweddown.6.Order all your camping stuff online today, everything you need to make a camping trip easierand more enjoyable!7.One of the first flight training lessons taught to student pilots is how to performan emergency landing in a small airplane.8.When you read the newspaper, you’re probably not reading it word-by-word, insteadyou’re scanning the text.9.In one of my first articles published on LinkedIn, I wrote about the importance of publicspeaking to every leader.10.For a while that story book was indeed very popular, but it was not long before the demanddeclined.11.Movie ticket prices have reached an all-time high. No wonder some people choose instead towatch movies at home.12.In the absence of anyone to spend New Year’s Eve with, I went to watch a show alone and Itruly enjoyed it.13.In a recent study, more than 20% of drivers said they cannot resist the urge to send or checkmessages while driving.14.There is no doubt that human activity has something to do with climate change, and climatewill continue to change unless we reduce our carbon emissions.1.2•1) Unlike•2) unique•3) made waves•4) turn out•5) detailing1.31.A study has found that the vast majority of college graduates work in jobs that aren’tstrictly related to their majors/interests.2.No matter how busy you are, you should remember to stay in touch with people/those youlove and care about.3.Make sure you don’t fall into the habit of eating unhealthy foods for breakfast; instead, startyour day with a simple, balanced meal.4.I always believe that hard work pays off in one way or another, though not necessarily inmoney.5.Is it worth the time and money to fix up an old car? It’s a question for a lot of old car ownersthese days.2. Double Negative3.Happiness is not an unrealistic goal. It is a matter of choice. You can choose to be happy.4.Internet is not such an unusual word as it used to be. It has changed the way we live, work and play.5.Believe it or not, most women do not look unattractive in business suits, although their movement seems a little bit restricted.3. Sentence Patterns4. Comprehensive PracticeReading & ComprehendingReading 11. Comprehension Check for Reading 1•1) F•2) F•3) F•4) T•5) T•6) T•7) F•8) T•9) F•10) F2. Translation1.不过,话又说回来,在我写下这些抱怨的话语时,我正呆在山里,坐在一安乐椅上,看着萤火虫在眼前飞舞,狗在脚边打着呼噜。

英一 Unit 6 text structure

英一 Unit 6 text structure

Paragraph 1 -3 Paragraph 5 -6
Paragraph 4,7
Why he dicided to go offline?
Paragraph 8-12
4 Last month, I went on my own digital detox. It was only two weeks, but it
was the longest I’ve gone offline in 13 years.
7 So on my winter vacation to Mexico, I took a break from being active on
the internet for the entire trip. For a whole 14 days, I ate a lot of delicious seafood, surfed and fixed up my hut on the beach. I didn’t go online except to check my email periodically - just to make sure an emergency wasn’t unfolding while I was away.
9 The irony is that by stepping away from all things digital for a while, I
actually felt even more appreciative of it. After all, technology is a part of me now and it’s also made me who I am both professionally and personally.

进阶英语综合教程1 U6 Going Offline课后答案

进阶英语综合教程1 U6 Going Offline课后答案

Key to ExercisesOpener1. In the first picture, a man and a woman are sitting on the couch with their eyes fixed on their smartphones. Instead of talking face-to-face, they are texting each other. In the second picture, a man is sleeping with his cell phone next to his bed. When the phone buzzes, he just can’t help checking it lest he should miss something exciting.2. I would go back home and fetch it, no matter the distance. Otherwise I would panic (惊慌) or feel incomplete.3. No, I don’t. Some information seems to indicate that cell phones may have an adverse (不利的) effect on the brain. If my phone beeped, I probably wouldn’t be able to repress (抑制) the desire to get up and check it.4. Nowadays it’s not considered weird (古怪的) at all to check your cell phone when you are having a meal with friends. But I would feel awkward and uncomfortable if anyone is doing that at dinner.Reading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text OrganizationMotivation (Why?)Paras. 1-3: Paul Miller’s personal experiment of going offline one full year and his discoveries prompted the author to try a digital detox himself.Paras. 5-6: As CEO of a social media company whose life has been spent mostly online, he wanted to step back and get some perspective.Experience (What happened?)Paras. 4&7: The author spent two weeks in digital detox on his winter vacation to Mexico.Discoveries (What had he learned?)Paras. 8-9: The author didn’t find that technology is evil. Rather, he felt that he liked it even more.Paras. 10-12: He realized that addictive bits of online content should not replace thoughtful articles and good books and it’s reading that nourishes the mind.2. Comprehension Check2.1 Focusing on the main ideas2.2 Digging into detailler discovered that actual ly technology had very little to do with his life’s problems, and that without the net he had started becoming more out of touch with life.2.Because for the last decade, the writer has been online all day long, and he wanted to free himself from the digital reality for a while.3.He ate a lot of seafood, surfed and fixed up his hut on the beach.4.It refers to the world that is digitally connected.5.He longed for thoughtful articles and good books, reading that nourishes his mind.2.3 Understanding difficult sentences∙1) A∙2) B∙3) B∙4) A∙5) AII. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1.11.Betty has been on a diet for a long time, but she looks a bit heavier, if anything.2.Keeping your laptop plugged in all the time will kill its battery faster.3.Talking, dancing, playing a game — all of these activities allow you to interact with otherpeople.4.Much to my annoyance, whenever I criticize her, she always comes up with an excuse.5.While Facebook remains the most popular social media site, its growth has gradually sloweddown.6.Order all your camping stuff online today, everything you need to make a camping trip easierand more enjoyable!7.One of the first flight training lessons taught to student pilots is how to performan emergency landing in a small airplane.8.When you read the newspaper, you’re probably not reading it word-by-word, insteadyou’re scanning the text.9.In one of my first articles published on LinkedIn, I wrote about the importance of publicspeaking to every leader.10.For a while that story book was indeed very popular, but it was not long before the demanddeclined.11.Movie ticket prices have reached an all-time high. No wonder some people choose instead towatch movies at home.12.In the absence of anyone to spend New Year’s Eve with, I went to watch a show alone and Itruly enjoyed it.13.In a recent study, more than 20% of drivers said they cannot resist the urge to send or checkmessages while driving.14.There is no doubt that human activity has something to do with climate change, and climatewill continue to change unless we reduce our carbon emissions.1.2∙1) Unlike∙2) unique∙3) made waves∙4) turn out∙5) detailing1.31.A study has found that the vast majority of college graduates work in jobs that aren’tstrictly related to their majors/interests.2.No matter how busy you are, you should remember to stay in touch with people/those youlove and care about.3.Make sure you don’t fall into the habit of eating unhealthy foods for breakfast; instead, startyour day with a simple, balanced meal.4.I always believe that hard work pays off in one way or another, though not necessarily inmoney.5.Is it worth the time and money to fix up an old car? It’s a question for a lot of old car ownersthese days.2. Double Negative3.Happiness is not an unrealistic goal. It is a matter of choice. You can choose to be happy.4.Internet is not such an unusual word as it used to be. It has changed the way we live, work and play.5.Believe it or not, most women do not look unattractive in business suits, although their movement seems a little bit restricted.3. Sentence Patterns4. Comprehensive PracticeReading & ComprehendingReading 11. Comprehension Check for Reading 1∙1) F∙2) F∙3) F∙4) T∙5) T∙6) T∙7) F∙8) T∙9) F∙10) F2. Translation1.不过,话又说回来,在我写下这些抱怨的话语时,我正呆在山里,坐在一张安乐椅上,看着萤火虫在眼前飞舞,狗在脚边打着呼噜。

Book I Unit 6 Going Offline

Book I  Unit 6 Going Offline

根据14世纪英国土地法, 土地属于皇室所有, 财产所有人拥
有的不动产对皇室负有义务, 根据这个义务进行限定)继承,
The agreement then goes on to detail a number of expenses. 之后该协议又详述了一些费用方面的细节。
16 Going Offline
Task 1 Language Focus
1. interact vi. communicate with each other 交往
词根75.ag-, act-: 驱动; 行动; 做事; 作用; 表演 = inter- [在之间,相互] + -act [作用]→相互作用 同源词:
⑤nutritious a.有营养的
South American women use this fruit to nourish their
hair. 南美洲的女性用这种水果来滋养她们的头发。
4. detail vt. to describe fully 详述 n.细节
5. unique a. being the only one of its type 独特的
词根 un-,uni- : one =un- [one] + -ique[=ic,形容词后缀] → 唯一的 同源词:
①union n.联盟,协会
②unit n.单位,单元
We cannot publish all the articles we have received. 我们无法刊登所有收到的文章。



POA 理论在大学英语智慧教学创新模式中的应用课程思政理念下POA 理论在大学英语智慧教学创新模式中的应用雷盛燕摘要:随着高校全面推进课程思政建设,大学英语课程思政教育改革也全面展开。

为了探索思政元素与英语教学有机融合的方式方法,根据文秋芳的产出导向法(POA )理论,参照BOPPPS 教学模型,提出课程思政理念下基于语言情境的学用一体化智慧教学创新模式。





关键词:产出导向法;思政理念;学用一体化;语言情境;智慧教学创新模式中图分类号:H319文献标志码:A文章编号:1008-7974(2021)05-0127-07DOI :10.13877/22-1284.2021.05.021收稿日期:2021-02-08基金项目:吉林省教育科学“十三五”规划项目“‘互联网+’背景下基于思政理念的大学英语教学创新模式的构建与应用研究”(GH20307);通化师范学院高等教育教学改革研究项目“OBE 理念下应用型高校大学英语课程思政教学体系的构建与实践”(JY2020005);通化师范学院“课程思政”示范项目“大学英语‘课程思政’示范项目”(2020KCSZ001)。



Unit 6 Going West 全单元教案学案一体化讲义(学生版)(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设

Unit 6 Going West 全单元教案学案一体化讲义(学生版)(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设

高三英语备课组:俞霞I. 单元教学目标技能目标Skill Goals▲ Talk about perseverance and success ▲ Practise talking about ability▲ Review the Attribute ▲ Write a storyII. 目标语言功能句式 Expressing perseverance and successI believe in myself and know ... I am more of ...I know exactly ... I stand for what I say ...I am honest with myself and ... I always finish what I have started.I am never disappointed for very long. I can quickly adapt myself to ...I am strong and ready for any challenge. I don’t lose heart when I fail to do something.词汇 1. 四会词汇quit, circumstance, assessment, survival, biscuit, alcohol, goat, flour, nail, razor, bedding, beyond, frontier, salty, pond, burden, desperate, beast, accustomed, thirst, starvation, anxiety, shallow, legendary, tax, anniversary, granddaughter, flu, throat, catastrophe, relief, deliver, Arctic, tough, quilt, packet, ray, bark, sculpture, memorial, retell2. 认读词汇perseverance, axe, the Rocky Mountains, wagon, , barren, patch,front-page, diphtheria, vaccine, , wrap, stake, at stake3. 词组apply(...)to ..., add up, lose heart, take it easy, keep up, common sense, leave behind, lose one’s way, come to an end, go for4. 重点词汇quit, apply(...)to ..., add up, circumstance, lose heart, assessment, take it easy, keep up, common sense, sur vival, leave behind, lose one’sway, come to an end, go for, burden, desperate, accustomed, starvation, anxiety, shallow, flu, relief, deliver, retell重点句子 1. When we saw the valley with fat cattle and horses, we thought we had reached the promised land. P502. If untreated, it would produce a powerful poison that would kill the patient. P533. No pains, no gains! Don’t step away from challenges, but go for it. P54Period I Word Study1. quit (quit, quit, quitting)1) vt 放弃,停止,离开; 辞职 quit (doing) sthI had to quit the gathering in order to be home by midnight._____________________________I've quit my job. ____________________________He has not quit smoking, but is holding down to three cigarettes a day.______________________2) vi 离开,迁出____________________________________________ 如果他不付房租,他将被通知搬出去。

人教版高中英语第三册Unit6 Going West(1)

人教版高中英语第三册Unit6 Going West(1)

Unit 6 Going WestTeaching aims:1.Goals:◆Talk about perseverance and success◆Practise talking about ability◆Review the Attribute◆Write a story2.Special focus:Improve reading skills and Enlarge vocabulary.a.Direct Ss to read the 3 passages on the text book;b.Guide Ss to learn to use the following words andexpressions:Pond, burden, desperate, starvation, anxiety, ox,come to an end, come to a complete stop, come to abetter understanding, come to an agreement,assessment, anniversary, thirst, relief, frontier,circumstance, catastrophe, deliver, quit, bark Period 1 ReadingGoing West (on P49)Step 1. Warming upTask 1. Check how much the Ss know about the background:Who were the Native Americans? Where did they live and what do you know about their life?History counts many cases in which settlers moved into areas that belonged to other people. Can you give some examples? What happened?The new settlements in America soon became known as the Wild West. Why?If necessary give them some backgrounds:Westward Movement is a movement of people from the settled regions of the United States to lands further west. Between the early 17th and late 19th centuries, Anglo-American peoples and their societies expanded from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific Coast. This westward movement, across what was often called the American frontier, was of enormous significance. By expanding the nation’s borders to include more than three million square miles, the United States became one of the most powerful nations of the 20th century. However, this expansion also resulted in great suffering, destruction, and cultural loss for the Native Americans of North America. This expansion alsomeant that much of North America was dominated byEnglish institutions and ways of life, instead ofSpanish or French ones. The Spanish and French werealso exploring and settling North America in thesixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries.For good or ill, the Westward Movement of theseAnglo-American settlers was one of the mostinfluential forces to shape North America history. Step 2. ReadingTask 2. Read the passage and try to get more knowledge about Westward Movement.Step 3. Post-readingTask 3: Answering the questions on P50.Step 4. Passage Analysis:What are the writing techniques of this text?Use of the chronological order to narrate a story.What id the writing style of the passage?The passage is a narrative writing, which related a story that the hero’s family and other families moves to the west. They ran into many difficulties on the way to the west. Finally they got to the West and started a new life. Thepassage, which uses the first person to relate the hero’s true experience, gives us a vivid description.Who can summarize the main idea of the text?The text related a story that the hero’s family and other many families moving to the West.What’s the purpose of the writer?The writer wanted to tell us “When one comes across the problems, one shouldn’t escape them. However, he should learn to face reality and solve the problems. As long as he overcomes the difficulties and never gives up, he will achieve his goals and succeed.” Moreover, he has dreams in his heart. As long as he insists on and makes unremitting efforts, I believe he will make his dreams come true some day. In fact, life itself is a battle. Natural environment and nature are your enemies. If you defeat them, you can live in the world, or it is death that is waiting for you.What can we learn from the text?From this text, I learn that during our lifetime, we may run into many difficulties. When we come across the problems, we shouldn’t try to escape. Instead, we should learn to face reality and solve the problems.Step 5 HomeworkFinish all the exercises on Word Study and Grammar on p50--52.Period 2.Integrating Reading SkillsHeroes of the North (p52-53)Step 1. Revision1.Check how further the Ss understand Perseverance2.Check the homework. If necessary, give some examples toreview the Attribute.Exercise 1-3 on p188-189 is specially designed to check the Ss if they are familiar with the Grammar.Step 2. Read the passage and finish the exercises attached to the passage.Step 3. Extensive Reading:The First American West: The Ohio River Valley, 1750-1820 consists of 15,000 pages of original historical material documenting the land, peoples, exploration, and transformation of the trans-Appalachian West from the mid-eighteenth to the early nineteenth century. The collection is drawn from the holdings of the University of Chicago Library and the Filson Historical Society ofLouisville, Kentucky. Among the sources included are books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, scientific publications, broadsides, letters, journals, legal documents, ledgers and other financial records, maps, physical artifacts, and pictorial images. The collection documents the travels of the first Europeans to enter the trans-Appalachian West, the maps tracing their explorations, their relations with Native Americans, and their theories about the region's mounds and other ancient earthworks. Naturalists and other scientists describe Western bird life and bones of prehistoric animals. Books and letters document the new settlers' migration and acquisition of land, navigation down the Ohio River, planting of crops, and trade in tobacco, horses, and whiskey. Leaders from Thomas Jefferson and James Madison to Isaac Shelby, William Henry Harrison, Aaron Burr, and James Wilkinson comment on politics and regional conspiracies. Documents also reveal the lives of trans-Appalachian African Americans, nearly all of them slaves; the position of women; and the roles of churches, schools, and other institutions.Period 3. Integrating Reading and Writing SkillsEscape from doubting castle (p189-190)Step 1. Warmming-upTask 1 :Do the oral pratice on p48Step 2. ReadingTask 2: Read the allegory and finish the exercises.Task 3: Guided WritingFirst, i n pairs discuss the passage on P191.Then give Ss 20 minutes to write a passage.Then ask Ss to score their work according to thefollowing chart.3 pluses & 1 wishNote: How to use this chart effectively?Ask the student to read his/her deskmate’s writing carefully, and then find 3 valuable things (structure, passage arrangement, sentence, diction, etc) and give 1 suggestion. And then feed the message back. Next, ask the Ss to correct their work according to the chart.Period 4: deal with some language points and difficult pointsif necessary.。

高三英语 Unit 6《Going West》课件 人教版

高三英语 Unit 6《Going West》课件 人教版
D.It’s a long way to travel from the author’s hometown to California.
• 9.From the last paragraph we can
infer the author’s feeling was_D__ .
• 5.The animals almost ran when the travellers reached the edge of the
A.Because they were tired and weak.B.Because t来自ey had no burden.
C.Because they must have smelt the water.
• 1 Find the places. • 2 Where in the US are the
states called Kansas and California? Where are the Rocky Mountains?
• Read the passage carefully then try to answer the following questions:
C.Because their water supply was so low.
D.All of above.
• 4. Why didn’t the author stay behind with
the children and wait for hAelp?
A.Because that meant he would die.


adv.- n. 官方
5.介词副词 转为动词
增词法(增加dive into)+分译 So instead of funny cat pictures, dive into some of the
great “long reads” that show up on your screen.
adv.- v. 不要
因此,别去一味浏览那些有趣的猫的图片了,而是要潜 心阅读屏幕上那些好的“长篇文章”。
3.Still, I'd forgotten one key lesson along the way:moderation. 一路走来
4.I found myself reflecting on how living and breathing tech
I told him that because of the last condition, I'd have to turn it down. 我告诉他,由于那最后一个条件,我只得谢绝。
用it作形式宾语的句子,在翻译的时候,that所引导的宾语 从句一般可按原文顺序翻译,it有时候可以不用翻译。
1.In fact, Miller realized that without the net he had started becoming even more “out of touch with life”.
As a matter of fact, Miller realized that without the internet he had started becoming even more disconnected from life.
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  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

6Going Offline 1全新版大学进阶英语:综合教程1NEW PROGRESSIVE COLLEGE ENGLISH 1Unit GoalsContentsPart One OpenerPair WorkPart Two Reading & Interacting Getting PreparedText StudyFocusing on Language in ContextPart Three Integrated Skills Practicing ListeningSpeakingWritingPair Work: Describe the two cartoons below. Then work with your partner and answer the questions that follow.1 Can you say a few words about the people in the pictures above?2 If you forgot to bring your smartphone with you or you had noWi‐Fi service, how would you feel?3 Do you sleep with your smartphone under your pillow or next to your bed? If your phone beeps, will you get up and check it?Watch the video clip about “Phubbing (低头族现象)” and discuss the following questions with your classmates.1. At the beginning of the video clip, why does the man say that that he has so many friends but he’s still lonely?2. According to the man, how does the Internet do harm to our kids?3. What does the man want to express by telling a different imaginary life story without phubbing?4. What are we suggested to do to “live life in a real way”?A popular free online social networking service headquartered in Menlo Park, California. It allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and videos, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues.脸书,一家总部位于美国加州门洛帕克的社交服务网站。

FacebookA business‐ and employment‐oriented social networking service and the world’s largest professional network. LinkedIn is st r i c t l y u s e d fo r exc h a n g i n g k n o w l e d ge , i d e a s , a n d opportunities and has increasingly become a leader in helping individuals find groups of interest as well as jobs in their field. 领英,一家面向职场和就业的社交服务网站,也是全球最大的职业社交网站。

LinkedInThe VergeFormed in 2011, The Verge is an American technology news and media network operated by Vox Media. Its offices are located in Manhattan, New York City. It publishes news items, product reviews, long‐form feature stories, podcasts, and entertainment shows.The Verge成立于2011年,是一家美国科技媒体网站,属于新媒体公司Vox Media,办公地点位于纽约曼哈顿。


TEXT How long could you survive without the Internet? Days, weeks, months? Ryan Holmes tried it for a fortnight (两周) and came up with some interesting conclusions.Ryan Holmes14 Days with (Almost)No Internet: Did MyDigital Detox Pay Off?1 Last year, Paul Miller made waves online when The Verge published his article detailing a unique personal experiment:going one full year with absolutely no internet.2 Of course, at the time, what we all wanted to know was what amazing discoveries Miller had made from his 365 days offline.3 As it turns out , despite a promising first few months of theexperiment (during which he lost weight, took time to smell theflowersand wrote a lot of stuff ), what Miller discovered in the end was that the very technology he’d begun to criticizeactually had very little , if anything , to do with his life’s problems. In fact,Miller realized that without the net he had started becoming even more “out of touch with life.”4 Last month, I went on my own digital detox. It was only two weeks, but it was the longest I’ve gone offline in 13 years.5 Why did I do it? Throughout the last decade, I’ve been plugged in 24‐7, living in a world where the line between digital and real gets a bit blurred at times . For a while I’d feltthe urge to free myself from it all, and wanted to see what would happen then.6 I haven’t of course forgotten that I’m CEO of a socialmediacompany. My life’s work is built around the belief that being connected makes our lives richer and more rewarding. Still, I’d forgotten one key lesson along the way: moderation. As more and more of my life was spent scanning social feeds, I realized that I needed to step back and get some perspective.7 So on my winter vacation to Mexico, I took a break from being active on the internet for the entire trip. For a whole 14days, I ate a lot of delicious seafood, surfedand fixed up my hut on the beach. I didn’t go online except to check my email periodically — just to make sure an emergency wasn’t unfolding while I was away.8 What I learned from my short experiment was actually not too unlike what Miller learned. I didn’t end up discovering thattechnology is evil. In fact, I found myself reflecting on how living and breathing tech has let me experience some of the most rewarding moments of my life: I’ve seen world events unfold before my eyes over social networks; I’ve seen peopleusing new technologies to stay in touch with their loved ones.I’ve also seen businesses finding new and innovative methods to connect with their clients through channels like Facebook or LinkedIn.9 The irony is that by stepping away from all things digital for a while, I actually felt even more appreciative of it. Afterall, technology is a part of me now and it’s how I interactwith many of the most important people in my life; it’s also made me who I am both professionally and personally.sure to remember:11 Snacking is fun, but it shouldn’t replace full meals. With the digital explosion has come an excess of cheap, easy, andaddictive pieces of online content for us to readily snack on.No wonder it’s so easy to fall into the habit of spending hours online mindlessly moving from one tasty snack to another.The funny thing is that I found I didn’t miss this kind of onlinesnacking at all during my 14 days offline. In fact, what I startedto crave in the absence of snacky content was longer, thoughtfularticles and good books, reading that nourishes my mind.12 Numerous studies have proven that such reading can improve brain function; some have even suggested it can make you a better person. So instead of funny cat pictures, dive into some of the great “long reads” that show up on your screen — stuff that actually changes how you look at the world. Better yet, pick up a novel or read a book about a topic that can benefit you in some way, whether it’s related to your jobor your passions.Pair work: Centering on the author’s digital detox experience, the text consists of three parts — why,what happened, and what has been learned. Now write down the main idea in each part and comparenotes with your partner.1. Text OrganizationHe realized that addictive bits of online content should not replace thoughtful articles and good books and it’s reading that nourishesthe mind.Paul Miller’s personalexperiment of going offlineone full year and his discoveriesprompted the author to trya digital detox himself.As CEO of a social media company whose life hasbeen spent mostly online, hewanted to step back and getsome perspective. The author didn’t find that technology is evil. Rather, he felt that he liked it even more.The author’s digital detox experienceMotivation (Why?)Experience (What happened?)Discoveries (What has he learned?)Paras.10‐12: The author spent two weeks in digital detox on his winter vacation to Mexico.Paras.1‐3:Paras.5‐6:Paras.4&7:Paras.8‐9:(Para. 3)of going offline one full year? (Para. 5)(Para. 7)on the Internet during the vacation? (Para. 10)(Para. 11)The writer of this blog post reflects on his digital detox experience and learns his lesson. It is a well‐crafted article as far as writing techniques are concerned.Three of the techniques the writer uses are the same ones discussed in previous units. The first is the use of an anecdotal introduction. The first three paragraphs about tech writer Paul Miller’s story serve as a point of departure for rolling out the writer’s discussion about digital life and aim to engage his readers for that matter. The second technique is the use of first‐person and second‐person pronouns (I, we, you) for making the writing less formal and more interactive.The third technique is the use of comparing and contrasting for developing an argument and helping readers to think. From paras.1‐9, the writer compares and contrasts Paul Miller’s digital detox experience with his own. Despite the differences, both show the important role staying connected online plays in one’s life. In paras. 11‐12, the writer uses this technique again to compare and contrast online snacky content, online long reads and a novel or a good book. Such an analysis enables readers to understand what mind‐nourishing reading truly is.A close look at the rhetorical devices the writer uses can further help to enrich one’s reading experience. These devices breathe life into this text, making it more interesting, humorous, lively and ultimately, more effective in conveying the message to readers.Metaphor A metaphor makes a comparison for similarities between two unlike things without using “like” or “as”. Examples are: detox (in the title); smell the flowers (para. 3); live and breathe tech (para. 8); digital explosion (para. 11); nourish my mind (para. 11).HyperboleA hyperbole is based on exaggeration and not intended to be taken literally. Examples are:have been plugged in 24‐7 (para. 5); live and breathe tech (para. 8).1.2.1. High tech is a double‐edged sword. One man’s meat is another man’s poison. (甲之蜜糖,乙之砒霜。
