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一、单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1. — What are you going to do this weekend?

— ______, I’m going to visit the Nature Museum.

A. If anything

B. If ever

C. If possible

D. If busy

2. We all believe that ______ 2010 Shanghai World Expo will be ______ success.

A. a; a

B. the; /

C. the; a

D. /; a

3. The box ______ a lot of coins, ______ an old Chinese one.

A. is containing; including

B. contains; includes

C. is containing; included

D. contains; including

4. After the actor told a funny story about his childhood, all the people burst into ______.

A. laugh

B. laughter

C. laughing

D. laughters

5. It was hunger that his great-grandfather and grandfather ______.

A. died of

B. died out

C. died down

D. died away

6. I’m sorry, sir. Your recorder isn’t ready yet. It ______ in the factory.

A. is being repaired

B. is repaired

C. has been repaired

D. hasn’t repaired

7. This important lesson by Professor Wang teaches primary students how to ______ themselves from danger.

A. permit

B. prevent

C. prove

D. protect

8. I would appreciate ______ if you could give me a reply as soon as possible.

A. you

B. it

C. that

D. them

9. She decided to go to Shenzhen to ______ a better job.

A. hunt for

B. look after

C. search of

D. watch over

10. Li Ming studied very hard. As a result, he succeeded ______ the entrance examination to college.

A. passing

B. in passing

C. having passed

D. to pass

11. So far 80% of the new English dictionaries ______.

A. have been sold out

B. are being sold out

C. was sold out

D. had been sold out

12. You must keep away from the man, who is ______. If you are ______, please call the number 110.

A. dangerous; dangerous

B. dangerous; in danger

C. in danger; dangerous

D. in danger; in danger

13. Special attention should be paid ______ your words while you’re writing.

A. picking

B. to picking

C. pick

D. to pick

14. We are often warned that smoking ______ great harm to our health.

A. does

B. leaves

C. makes

D. gives

15. — Did you have a good journey?

— Yes, but the bus was so full that I could hardly ______.

A. turn off

B. turn over

C. turn up

D. turn around

二、完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

A businessman, with a large amount of money, was walking through a remote (偏远的) area. Upon 16 this, a thief followed him, planning to

17 his money at a certain time. The businessman noticed something was

18 , and he started to pay much more 19 to the thief.

The businessman soon asked the thief if he 20 help find some water nearby, and when the thief went to 21 the water, the businessman put all of his 22 into the thief’s bag. Then the thief returned and told the businessman 23 the water was. 24 the businessman left to get some water, the thief quickly 25 the businessman’s bag. Certainly, there was nothing that the thief 26 .

The thief was 27 , but he still did not give up hope. After some time, the businessman returned and they both 28 for a long time. Then the businessman got tired and 29 under a big tree. The thief again checked the businessman’s bag and still did not find any money. So the thief 30 that the businessman did not actually have any money with him.

Finally, they arrived at a city. When the thief went after a job and left his own bag behind, the businessman 31 in and took back all of his own money he had put there 32 . When the thief came back, he was surprised to see that the businessman was 33 some jewels with the money in his bag. The thief couldn’t 34 asking the question, “I didn’t know you had money on the 35 .” The businessman smiled to him, “Of course you didn’t, because it is not yours.”

16. A. talking B. learning C. thinking D. speaking

17. A. keep B. borrow C. steal D. put

18. A. new B. common C. strange D. dangerous

19. A. care B. mercy C. need D. attention
