(共页、第页)课程名称:内科学课程内容:急慢性肾小球肾炎教师姓名:韩鸿玲职称:主任医师授课日期:20XX年2 月28 日10 时—12 时授课对象:医疗系年级留学生本科教材版本:留学生教材授课方式:大课学时数: 2 听课人数:80 本单元或章节的教学目的与要求:1.掌握肾小球疾病的分类2.掌握急性肾炎、慢性肾炎、急进肾炎的概念3。
掌握急慢性肾炎的临床表现和诊断方法治疗原则4.了解急慢性肾炎的病理改变和发病机理授课主要内容及学时分配:肾小球疾病的分类和急性肾小球肾炎1学时急进性肾炎慢性肾炎1学时重点、难点及对学生要求(包括掌握、熟悉、了解、自学)重点:1.肾小球疾病的分类依据和临床的应用 2.各种肾炎的临床特点,难点:理解各种肾炎的发病机制不同,尽管临床表现类似,在临床中只能称为综合征掌握:各种肾小球综合征的临床表现特点和诊断依据及治疗原则了解:各种肾小球炎症的病理改变,但要相对重点了解RPGN的病理改变外语词汇:辅助教学情况:幻灯片加上生动的实际病例复习思考题:Clinical features of PSGNWhat is RPGN?Clinical features of IgA nephropathy参考资料:留学生教材肾脏病学主任签字:教务处制(共5 页、第 1 页)AGNGross or microscopic hematuria is most common, and is often described by the patients as smoky- coffee- or cola-colored urine. The erythrocytes in the urinary sediment are small, distored, fragmented and hypochromic which is called dysmorphic hematuria. In general, gross hematuria may last a few days to 1 or 2 weeks and then disappear.B. ProteinuriaThe degree of proteinuria varies according to the nature and severity of the underlying glomerular lesion. Rarely, protein excretion rates are within the normal range, but generally they are between 0.2 and 3g/d and nonselective. If proteinuria is marked and sustained, the NS may appear.C. EdemaThe edema appears in areas of low tissue pressure, such as periorbital areas, especially in the morning. This is called nephritic faces. Severe edema may progress to dependent portion of the body and lead to ascites and/or pleural effusions.D.HypertensionAlmost 80% of cases have a mild to moderate degree of hypertension, especially in old patients.E. OliguriaOliguria may be present when nephritis occurs. Usually less than 500ml/d, which leads to azotemia. Two weeks later the amount of urine may gradually increase.F. Renal function lesionGlomerular inflammation can lead to reduced glomerular filtration that could lead to azotemia. Usually after a diuretic, azotemia may gradually disappear, if not, acute renal failure occurs.G. OthersOther symptoms of PSGN may be vomiting, nausea, sleeping, loin pain etc. ComplicationsThe complications of PSGN are heart failure, encephalopathy and uremia.Laboratory findingsRBC s and RBC casts, leukocyte casts, WBCs, FDP, Cз, non-selective proteinuria (non-nephrotic range) can be detected in urine. In most children and adults, proteinuria will become negative after 4 to 6 months of onset of nephritis.Other laboratory features include positive tests for circulating immune complexes, an elevated antistreptolysis O titer, a low serum complement (usually returning to normal at 6 to 12 weeks), azotemia, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and mild anemia.Diagnosis and differential diagnosisThe diagnosis of PSGN can be based on the typical renal presentation following streptococcal infection, hypocomplementemia, and serologic evidence.The differential diagnosis is that of AGN with hypocomplementemia and includes other forms of postinfectious GN, e. g. bacterial endocarditis, shunt nephritis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and membranoproliferative GN.Because the diagnosis is most often straightforward, a renal biopsy is indicated only of the disease follows an atypical course in children. Most adults with acute nephritic syndrome require a kidney biopsy to establish the diagnosis.Course and treatmentComplete recovery occurs in at least 85 to 90% of all patients. However, minor urinary sediment abnormalities may continue for several years in some patients (<2%), but progression to chronic renal failure is rare, typically occurring only in older adults. Fewer than 5% of patients have oliguria for more than 7 to 9 days, and the prognosis in these patients is less favorable.There is no specific therapy for PSGN. The treatment is supportive and symptoma tic until all acute signs have abated. It’s reasonable to recommended bed rest until the signs of glomerular inflammation subside. Mild protein restriction is desirable for azotemic patients. Seven to 10 days of penicillin or other suitable antimicrobials should be given with evidence of streptococcal infection. Salt restriction and, in some cases, diuretics and antihypertensive agents may be required to manage sodium retention (manifested by hypertension, edema, congestive heart failure, and other signs). Steroids and cytotoxic drugs are not of value.Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN)RPGN is characterized clinically by the rapid deterioration of renal function that reaches end stage within a period of days or weeks, and histologically by extensivecrescents. It can be an idiopathic primary glomerular disease or can be superimposed on other glomerular diseases, either primary or secondary.Classification and pathologyThe classification of RPGN is based on immunofluorescence microscopic findings. The categories are as follows (shown in table -2):Table -2 Types of RPGN·Glomerulon ephriti s due to antibo dies directe d towardglomer ular basem ent membr ane antige ns(anti-GBM). It accounts for 20% of all cases of RPGN.·Glomerulonephritis due to the deposition or formation of immune complexes in the glomeruli. It accounts for 40% of all cases of RPGN.·Glomerulonephritis in which no immunoglobulins are found in the glomeruli (so-called nonimmune). It accounts for 40% of cases of RPGN.By light microscopy, extracapillary proliferation (i.e. crescents) can be detected which is a feature of RPGN. Usually more than 70% of glomeruli are involved with crescents (so called crescentic glomerulonephritis Figure-4). Endocapillary proliferation, if prominent, suggests the presence of infection. Segmental or diffuse endocapillary necrosis suggests underlying systemic necrotizing vasculitis.Types Anti-GBM antibody Immune-complex es Non-immu ne-complex es Light microscopy Crescents Necrosis Crescents Proliferation Crescent s NecrosisImmunofluorenscence Microscopy Linear-IgG Fibrinogen Granular IgG complement fibrinogenNegative Possible Pathogenesis Anti-GBM Immune- complexesANC AAssociation Pulmonary hemorrhage Bacterial infections Systemic symptom s rash,feve rNonstreptococcal acute postinfectious glomerulonephritisNonstreptococcal acute postinfectious glomerulonephritis includes a wide variety bacterial states and various viral and parasitic diseases e.g. infective endocarditis, sepsis of other types, visceral abscess, typhoid fever, infectious mononucleosis, acute viral hepatitis B, falciparum malaria, and toxoplasmosis etc. Circulating immune complexes play an important role in the pathogenesis of AGN in these diseases. The clinical and histologic manifestation may vary somewhat, still, most have features similar to the PSGN. If the underlying infection is eradicated, the prognosis is good.Systemic lupus erythematous, Henoch-Schönlein purpura, and mixed essential cryoglobulinemia may present as an acute GN, but they are usually associated with other glomerular syndromes.Asymptomatic urinary abnormalitiesThis group of patients has proteinuria in the nonnephrotic range and /or hematuria, unaccompanied by edema, reduced GFR, and hypertension. Abnormalities are often discovered incidentally and may be persistent or recurrent. In some, this syndrome is a phase in the natural history of other glomerulopathic syndromes, especially NS or chronic glomerulonephritis.Asymptomatic hematuriaA variety of renal lesion may present as asymptomatic hematuria.IgA nephropathyIgA nephropathy or Berger’s disease is the most common cause of recurrent hematuria of glomerular origin. It accounts for 50% of cases with asymptomatic hematuria and 26 to 34% in primary glomerulopathy.Light microscopic changes are variable, but diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis or focal and segmental proliferative glomerulonephritis is found most often. In some cases, glomerular morphology may be normal; uncommonly, crescents may be found. The diagnosis depends on the finding of prominent IgA deposits in the mesangium by immunofluorescence microscopy.The typical presentation is gross hematuria following a viral illness or vigorous exercise, with men affected two to three times more frequently than women. Most other patients present with asymptomatic hematuria discovered on an incidental examination, accompanied by mild to moderate proteinuria. Most patients arebetween the ages of 15 and 35. Microscopic hematuria usually remains after gross hematuria resolves. Mild proteinuria of less than 1g/d is common, but the NS develops occasionally. Serum complement is normal. Serum IgA levels are increased in about 50% of cases.At present, there is no evidence that therapy will influence the natural history, although intermittent steroid therapy may reduce the frequency of episodes of gross of hematuria. Steroids may also result in remissions of proteinuria in those patients with NS.The prognosis is variable, but the disease tends to progress slowly. Approximately 50% of patients develop end stage renal failure within 25 years of the time if diagnosis. Poor prognostic indicators include nephrotic range proteinuria, hypertension, and azotemia. IgA nephropathy recurs in the transplanted kidney in approximately 30 to 40% of cases, but with minimal long-term effects on renal function.Chronic glomerulonephritis(CGN)The syndrome of chronic glomerulonephritis is characterized by persistent urinary abnormalities (proteinuria and/or hematuria), by hypertension and the progressive loss of functioning nephrons. Except for the minimal change, all the disorders described in this chapter can lead to chronic glomerulonephritis.At the earliest time points, only mild proteinuria with a slight decrease in GFR and minimal hypertension may be seen. Inevitably, these patients generally progress to ESRD.Treatment is supportive and symptomatic. Hypertension and infections should be treated vigorously. Nephrotoxic agents should be avoided. Anticoagulants and ACEI may be beneficial.The prognosis of CGN depends upon the nature of the underlying disease and presence or absence of complications, especially hypertension. Ten, twenty, or more years may elapse from the first discovery of CGN until the development of ESRD. Renal biopsy is necessary to define the precise nature of the glomerular lesion.教务处制。
(共页、第 1 页)课程名称:家庭护理课程内容:家庭护理程序教师姓名:曹晓娜职称:助教教学日期:2011 年3月9日8 时—10 时授课对象:护理学院08年级社区班(本)教材版本:自编教材授课方式:讲授学时数: 2 听课人数:25人本单元或章节的教学目的与要求:1.掌握家庭护理程序的概念2.熟悉家庭护理评估的内容3.了解与家庭有关的主要护理诊断4.掌握制定家庭护理计划的原则5.熟悉家庭咨询的内容授课主要内容及学时分配:1.家庭护理评估20分钟2.家庭护理诊断25分钟3.家庭护理计划25分钟4.家庭护理实施15分钟5.家庭护理评价15分钟重点、难点及对学生要求(包括掌握、熟悉、了解、自学)重点是掌握护理程序在家庭中的应用与在临床当中的区别外语词汇:家庭护理评估family nursing assessmentAPGAR问卷A:适应度(adaptation)P: 合作度(partnership)G: 成熟度(growing)A:情感度(affection)R:亲密度(resolve)辅助教学情况:多媒体辅助教学复习思考题:1.根据所学内容,对自己的家庭进行护理评价,做出护理诊断,并制定出护理计划参考资料:主任签字:年月日教务处制(共页、第页)导入:通过对护理学导论中护理程序的回顾,引出护理程序在临床中与家庭护理中的不同,引入本节内容。
本节重点概念:家庭护理程序(family nursing process)是以家庭为单位的整体护理模式,是护士与家庭一起解决问题的过程,是帮助家庭确认卫生保健需要和帮助家庭成功的适应家庭情况变化的过程。
一、家庭护理评估(family nursing assessment)家庭护理评估的重要意义评估是完成家庭护理的重要组成部分,是社区护士通过各种方式收集有关家庭健康问题的资料,其目的是了解家庭的结构和功能,分析家庭与个人健康状况,掌握健康问题的真正来源。
家庭护理评估内容1. 家庭基本资料(1)家庭基本资料评估包括家庭名称、地址、电话、家庭类型、宗教信仰、社会阶层、家庭娱乐及休闲活动等。
授课主要内容及学时分配:第32章心肺脑复苏(3学时)1、心跳骤停的原因、类型和诊断(15min)2、心肺复苏的基础生命支持(20min)3、心肺复苏的高级生命支持(30min)4、心肺复苏的长期生命支持(30min)5、脑复苏(30min)7、•总结(lOmin)重点、难点及对学生要求(包括掌握、熟悉、了解、自学)重点:1、心跳骤停的原因、类型和诊断2、心肺复苏基础牛•命支持,脑复苏难点:1、后期复苏处理的主要环节和方法2、脑缺血的病理生理、脑复苏外语词汇:心跳骤停(cardial arrest)心肺复苏(cardiopu 1 monary resusci tat ion, CPR)心月市脑复苏(cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation, CPCR)辅助教学情况: 媒体:多媒体课件教学教具:模拟人板书复习思考题:1、心脏骤停概念及临床表现?2、心跳骤停的原因、类型和诊断?参考资料:命重病庚学(第三版天津医科大学授课教案(共5页、第3页)第三十章心肺脑复苏心跳骤停(cardial arrest)指因急性原因导致心脏突然丧失有效排血能力的病理牛.理状态, 也意味着临床死亡的开始。
心肺复苏(cardiopulmonary resuscitation, CPR)针对心跳骤停所采取的一-切抢救描施。
心肺脑复苏(cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation, CPCR)由于心肺复苏的最终目的是恢复病人的社会行为能力,因此心肺复苏又发展为心肺脑复苏。
教学对象:医学专业学生教学目标:1. 让学生了解天津医科大学的历史沿革,增强学生的学校荣誉感和自豪感。
2. 使学生熟悉天津医科大学的办学理念、特色和优势,激发学生的学习兴趣。
3. 培养学生的爱国主义精神和社会责任感,引导学生为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦贡献力量。
教学重点:1. 天津医科大学的历史沿革2. 天津医科大学的办学理念、特色和优势教学难点:1. 如何将校史与校情教育融入日常教学中2. 如何激发学生的学习兴趣和参与度教学准备:1. 教学课件2. 校史资料3. 相关视频资料教学过程:一、导入1. 教师简要介绍天津医科大学的基本情况,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 提问:同学们,你们知道天津医科大学的历史吗?二、讲解天津医科大学的历史沿革1. 1951年,天津医学院成立,成为我国成立后第一所高等医学院校。
2. 1958年,天津医学院更名为天津医科大学。
3. 1993年,天津医学院与天津第二医学院合并组建天津医科大学。
4. 1996年,天津医科大学被确定为国家211工程重点建设高校。
三、讲解天津医科大学的办学理念、特色和优势1. 办学理念:知行和一,德高医粹2. 特色:a. 以医学为核心,以生命科学为主要依托的多科性医科大学。
b. 国家最早批准试办八年制的2所医学院校之一,首批试办七年制的15所医学院校之一。
c. 国家双一流建设高校、国家211工程重点建设院校。
3. 优势:a. 国家重点学科5个。
b. 一级学科博士学位授权点10个,博士专业学位授权点2个。
c. 一级学科硕士学位授权点11个,硕士专业学位授权点6个。
d. 国家临床重点专科13个。
四、互动环节1. 教师组织学生分组讨论,分享对天津医科大学办学理念、特色和优势的理解。
2. 各组派代表发言,教师点评并总结。
五、总结1. 教师总结本次课程内容,强调校史与校情教育的重要性。
2. 鼓励学生珍惜学习机会,为实现学校和国家的发展目标贡献力量。
天津医科大学授课教案(共页、第页)课程名称:眼科学课程内容:视网膜病教师姓名:颜华职称:教授教学日期:2009年5月8 日10 时-12 时授课对象:七年制系年级十八班(硕√本专科)教材版本:眼科学(七年制临床医学等专业用)授课方式:讲课学时数:2 听课人数:120人本单元或章节的教学目的与要求了解黄斑病和视网膜脱离的诊断和治疗授课主要内容及学时分配:中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变0.2学时老年性黄斑变性0.4学时近视性黄斑变性0.2学时黄斑囊样水肿0.2学时黄斑裂孔0.2学时Stargardt 病0.2学时黄斑部视网膜前膜0.2学时视网膜脱离0.4学时重点、难点及对学生要求(包括掌握、熟悉、了解、自学)重点:老年性黄斑变性和视网膜脱离难点:老年性黄斑变性和视网膜脱离的分类及临床诊断和治疗外语词汇:中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变Central serous choroidoretinopathy年龄相关性黄斑变性或老年性黄斑变性Age related macular degeneration(ARMD)or sinnile macular degeneration近视性黄斑变性Myopic macular degeneration黄斑囊样水肿Cystoid macular edema CME黄斑裂孔Macular hole视网膜脱离Retinal detachment辅助教学情况:多媒体复习思考题:1. 老年性黄斑变性的分类及临床治疗方法2. 孔源性视网膜脱离的诊断及治疗参考资料:Ophthalmology主任签字:2009 年月日教务处印制天津医科大学授课教案(共页、第页)课程名称:眼科学课程内容:视网膜病教师姓名:颜华职称:教授教学日期:2009年5月15日10 时-12 时授课对象:七年制系年级十八班(硕√本专科)教材版本:眼科学(七年制临床医学等专业用)授课方式:讲课学时数:2 听课人数:120人本单元或章节的教学目的与要求了解视网膜的生理解剖及视网膜血管性疾病授课主要内容及学时分配:视网膜动脉阻塞:中央动脉或分支动脉cintral retinal arteral occlusion CRAO or branch retinal arteral occlusion BRAO 0.4 学时视网膜静脉阻塞Retinal vein occlusion 0.4 学时视网膜静脉周围炎Eales Disease 、retinal periphlebitisCoats disease外层渗出性视网膜病变0.2 学时external exudative retinopathy或视网膜毛细血管扩张症retinal telangiectasis糖尿病视网膜病变Diabetic retinopathy 0.6 学时重点、难点及对学生要求(包括掌握、熟悉、了解、自学)重点:视网膜动脉、静脉阻塞疾病及糖尿病视网膜病变难点:糖尿病视网膜病变新的国际分型及对各型不同的临床处理方法。
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天津医科大学授课教案T EAC HING PL AN OF T IANJIN MED ICAL UNIVERSITY总页Total Pages: 3 页Pages课程名称:Course Internal Medicine课程内容:Topic of CourseInfective Endocarditis教师姓名:Teacher,s Name Xin Du职称:LecturerTeacher,s ProfessionalPosition教学日期:18/04/2013Date of Teaching授课对象:Tape of students ForeignStudents教材版本Teaching TextbookInternal Medicine授课方式:Teaching Manner Lecture(Face-to-Face)学时数:Teaching Hours1听课人数:Number ofStudents50本单元或章节的教学目的与要求:Purpose & Requirement of Teaching in the Chapter To master the risk factors, signs, and symptoms of infective endocarditis.To understand the many approaches to diagnosing infective endocarditis.To be familiar with possible complications.To learn treatment and antibiotic prophylaxi.授课主要内容及学时分配:Teaching Subject and Teaching Arrangement1. Definition and Classification(5 minutes)Definition: infective endocarditis (IE) is an infection caused by bacteria that enter the bloodstream and settle in the heart lining, a heart valve or a blood vessel.Classification: Native Valve IE, Prosthetic Valve IE, Intravenous drug abuse (IVDA) IE, Nosocomial IE.Further Classification: Acute, Subacute.2. Epidemiology and Pathophysiology(5 minutes)3. Etiology (4 minutes)4. Clinical manifestations (11minutes)Symptoms and signsLaboratory tests:ECG and Chest X-ray5. Prosthetic Heart Valve (2 minutes)6. IV Drug Use (3 minutes)7. Diagnosis Criteria (5 minutes)The “gold standard” for the diagnosis of IE is culture of a pathologic organism from a valve or other endocardial surface. The most widely accepted of which are known as the Duke criteria.Duke criteria: Major criteria and Minor criteriaCommon causes of aortic stenosis and pathological changes.8. Treatment (10 minutes)重点、难点及对学生的要求(包括掌握、熟悉、了解、自学):Emphasis, Difficult Points and Requirements for StudentsEmphasis:The risk factors, signs, and symptoms of infective endocarditis.Difficult Points:Diagnosis of infective endocarditis.Treatment and antibiotic prophylaxi of infective endocarditis.Requirements for StudentsTo master risk factors, signs, and symptoms of infective endocarditis.To be familiar with ith possible complications, treatment and antibiotic prophylaxi.外语词汇:n/a辅助教学情况:Assistance of TeachingPowerPoint and Multimedia.复习思考题:Questions1.What are the major differences between Acute and Subacute Infective Endocarditis?2.What is the classification of Infective Endocarditis?参考资料:Reference MaterialsBraunwald's Heart Disease, 7th EditionHurst's the Heart, 12th Edition主任签字:日期:。
供本科运动康复专业使用《肌肉骨骼康复学》_实验教学大纲_天津医科大学编号实验名称实验类型课时1 上肢骨折病例讨论综合型32 手外伤病例讨论综合型33 下肢骨折康复病例讨论综合型34 骨盆骨折康复病例讨论综合型35 肌腱损伤康复病例讨论综合型36 骨关节炎康复病例讨论综合型37 颈椎病康复病例讨论综合型38 下背痛康复病例讨论综合型39 脊柱侧凸康复病例讨论综合型3课程名称:肌肉骨骼康复学实验名称:上肢骨折病例讨论教师姓名:杨晓龙职称:教学日期:年月日时—时授课对象:康复与运动医学系系年级班(硕本)实验人数:实验类型(综合型):实验分组:学时数:3教材版本:实验目的与要求:掌握1.上肢各部位骨折的不同临床特点和康复评定的具体方法。
(1学时)3.案例分析(1学时)主要仪器和实验材料:使用仪器设备:电脑、投影仪、直立床、PT床、沙袋等实验重点、难点及解决策略:上肢各部位骨折的不同临床特点和康复评定的具体方法?思考题:上肢多发性骨折的康复时机?参考资料:参考资料:《肌肉骨骼康复学 》 张长杰人民卫生出版社 2008年《中国骨科康复学》张光铂人民军医出版社出版2011年《骨科康复学》于长隆人民卫生出版社; 第1版2010年主任签字:年月日教务处制名称:肌肉骨骼康复学实验名称:手外伤病例讨论教师姓名:杨晓龙职称:教学日期:年月日时—时授课对象:康复与运动医学系系年级班(硕本)实验人数:实验类型(综合型):实验分组:学时数:3教材版本:实验目的与要求:掌握手部外伤后不同时期的康复方法和治疗原则。
实验内容及学时分配:1、指总主动活动范围评定方法1学时2、指伸肌腱修复术后康复2学时主要仪器和实验材料:使用仪器设备:电脑、投影仪、直立床、PT床、沙袋等实验重点、难点及解决策略:手部外伤后的不同时期临床特点和康复评定的具体方法?思考题:手外伤的康复时机?参考资料:参考资料:《肌肉骨骼康复学 》 张长杰人民卫生出版社 2008年《中国骨科康复学》张光铂人民军医出版社出版2011年《骨科康复学》于长隆人民卫生出版社; 第1版2010年主任签字:年月日教务处制教师姓名:杨晓龙职称:讲师教学日期:年月日时—时授课对象:系年级班(硕本)实验人数:实验类型(综合型):实验分组:学时数:3教材版本:实验目的与要求:掌握1.膝、胫腓骨、踝、足骨折的康复评定2.下肢各部位(髋、股骨干、膝、胫腓骨、踝、足)骨折不同时期的康复方法和治疗原则。
天津医科大学教案篇一:天津医科大学授课教案-第22章急性肺损伤和急性呼吸窘迫综合征(共8 页、第 1 页)课程名称:危重病医学课程内容:第二十二章急性肺损伤和急性呼吸窘迫综合征教师姓名:杨勇职称:主任医师教学日期:2014年4月28 日14 时— 17 时授课对象:医疗系2010年级麻醉班(硕本专科)教材版本:危重病医学第三版授课方式:讲课学时数:3 听课人数:30 本单元或章节的教学目的与要求:1.掌握急性肺损伤和急性呼吸窘迫综合征的临床表现、诊断标准;2.掌握机械通气支持疗法的策略;3.熟悉急性肺损伤和急性呼吸窘迫综合征的基本病理生理改变;4.了解急性肺损伤和急性呼吸窘迫综合征的病因、发病机制及基本病理改变。
授课主要内容及学时分配:第二十章急性肺损伤和急性呼吸窘迫综合征(3学时)1.急性肺损伤和急性呼吸窘迫综合征的病因(20min)2.急性肺损伤和急性呼吸窘迫综合征的病理生理(25min)3.急性肺损伤和急性呼吸窘迫综合征的发病机制(30min)4.急性肺损伤和急性呼吸窘迫综合征的临床表现与分期(30min)5.急性肺损伤和急性呼吸窘迫综合征的诊断(20min)6.急性肺损伤和急性呼吸窘迫综合征的治疗(10min)7.总结(5min)重点、难点及对学生要求(包括掌握、熟悉、了解、自学)重点:第二十章急性肺损伤和急性呼吸窘迫综合征麻醉手术后急性肺损伤和急性呼吸窘迫综合征的诊断和救治难点:第二十章急性肺损伤和急性呼吸窘迫综合征急性肺损伤及急性呼吸窘迫综合征的临床区分外语词汇:急性肺损伤(acute lung injury, ALI)急性呼吸窘迫综合征(acute respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS)全身性炎症反应综合征(systemic inflammatory response syndrome, SIRS)辅助教学情况:媒体:多媒体课件教学教具板书复习思考题:1、急性肺损伤和急性呼吸窘迫综合征的概念及临床表现?(共8 页、第 2 页)参考资料:教材:危重病医学(第三版)参考书:1、现代麻醉学(第三版)2、Miller麻醉学(第五版)3、中华麻醉学杂志(2012)主任签字:年月日教务处制(共8 页、第 3 页)第二十二章急性肺损伤和急性呼吸窘迫综合征在病理解剖学上广泛的肺急性损伤表现为:肺泡的弥漫性损害,临床上表现为急性呼吸衰竭。
(共3页、第1 页)课程名称:医学影像诊断学课程内容:正常影像学表现教师姓名:蔡跃增职称:主任医师教学日期:年月日时—时授课对象:影像系年级班(硕本专科)教材版本:医学影像诊断学授课方式:理论讲授学时数:3 听课人数:本单元或章节的教学目的与要求:(一)掌握正常成人和儿童骨关节的X线表现(二)熟悉骨关节正常CT及MR的影像学表现(三)熟悉不同部位软组织的影像学表现(四)了解骨关节正常声像图表现授课主要内容及学时分配:(一)正常成人和儿童四肢及脊椎的影像学表现(1.5学时)(二)正常成人和儿童骨关节及软组织的影像学表现(1.3学时)(三)骨关节正常声像图表现(0.2学时)重点、难点及对学生要求(包括掌握、熟悉、了解、自学)1.儿童与成人长管状骨解剖及影像学表现2.正常脊椎及椎间盘在MRI不同序列上的表现外语词汇:long tubular bone;short tubular bone;flat bone;irregular bone;bone lamella;bone cortex;compact bone;spongy bone;periosteum;medullary space;synovial joint;articular cartilage;joint capsule;joint cavity;bony articular surface;joint space;intervertebral space辅助教学情况:多媒体复习思考题:儿童长骨、脊椎及关节与成人有哪些不同?参考资料:影像诊断基本功天津科学技术出版社骨关节影像学科技出版社主任签字:年月日教务处制(共3 页、第2 页)一、骨的解剖(一)骨的形态人体内约有骨200多块,按其形态的不同可以分为四类:1.长管状骨(long tubular bone)2.短管状骨(short tubular bone)3.扁骨(flat bone)4.异形骨(irregular bone)(二)骨的组织学结构(三)骨的大体结构1.密质骨(compact bone)和松质骨(spongy bone)2.骨膜(periosteum)和骨内膜(internal periosteum)3.骨髓腔(medullary space)(四)骨的血供骨的血液供应有四个来源(图9-1-2):1.滋养动脉2.骨骺动脉3.干骺动脉4.骨膜动脉二、关节的解剖(一)间接连接间接连接即滑膜关节(synovial joint),其基本结构包括关节面、关节囊和关节腔三部分:1.关节面2.关节囊(joint capsule)3.关节腔(joint cavity)(二)直接连接三、肌肉的解剖运动系统的肌肉属于骨骼肌,又称随意肌。
儿科教案天津医科大学理论课教案首页(共14 页、第1 页)课程名称:儿科护理学课程内容/章节:儿童医院的设置教师姓名:职称:教学日期:2015年04 月09 日13 时时授课方式:讲授学时数:10分钟教材版本:《儿科护理学》第5版教学目的与要求(分掌握、熟悉、了解、自学四个层次):掌握:儿童医院的基本设置及相对位置布局儿童医疗机构设置预诊处的目的熟悉:儿科手术室与各科室的相对位置了解:儿童医院病房的科室设置授课内容及学时分配:概述1mins儿科急诊的设置3mins儿科门诊的设置4mins儿科病房及科室的设置3mins课堂练习及总结1min教学重点、难点及解决策略:重点:儿童医院的基本设置及相对位置布局儿童医疗机构设置预诊处的目的儿科手术室与各科室的相对位置难点:儿童医疗机构设置预诊处的目的解决策略:提前预习、深入讲解。
辅助教学情况:多媒体课件复习思考题:预诊处收治传染病患儿后应如何管理?参考资料:《儿科护理学》第5版天津市儿童医院主任签字:2015年04 月09 日教务处制天津医科大学理论课教案续页(共14 页、第2 页)一、教学设计教学背景分析学生背景:学生已学习过儿童生长发育及医院设置相关知识,有一定的理解基础,同时已做好课前预习。
教务处制天津医科大学理论课教案续页(共14 页、第3 页)2.首先是课堂目标,同学们需要掌握儿童医院的基本设置及相对位置布局(儿童医院的基本设置包括急诊、门诊、病房),儿童医疗机构设置预诊处的目的。
(共6 页、第 1 页)课程名称:危重病医学课程内容:第二十章急性肺水肿教师姓名:李清职称:副主任医师教学日期:20XX年4月21日14时—17时授课对象:医疗系20XX年级麻醉班(硕本专科)教材版本:危重病医学第三版授课方式:讲课学时数:3听课人数:30本单元或章节的教学目的与要求:1.掌握肺水肿的临床表现、诊断及治疗方法。
难点:第二十章急性肺水肿急性肺水肿的病理生理外语词汇:复张性肺水肿re expansion pulmonary edema持续正压通气CPAP间歇正压通气IPPV呼气末正压通气PEEP辅助教学情况:媒体:多媒体课件教学教具板书复习思考题:1、急性肺水肿的概念及临床表现?2、血流动力性肺水肿包括哪些方面?(共 6 页、第2 页)参考资料:教材:危重病医学(第三版)参考书:1、现代麻醉学(第三版)2、Miller麻醉学(第五版)3、中华麻醉学杂志(2012)主任签字:年月日教务处制(共 6 页、第3 页)第二十章急性肺水肿概念:是指多种病因引起肺组织血管外肺水增多,肺泡充满液体,严重影响气体交换的综合征。
Qf=Kf[(Pmv—Ppmv)一δf (πm v一πpmv)]Qf 为单位时间内液体通过单位面积毛细血管壁的净滤过率;Kf 为液体滤过系数,每单位压力变化时通过毛细血管膜液体量δf为反射系数(0.8),表明肺毛细血管膜对蛋白的障碍作用;Pmv 肺毛细血管静水压,正常值5mmHg。
(共5页、第1 页)课程名称:骨科学课程内容:下腰痛和颈椎病教师姓名:刘涛职称:副主任医师教学日期:2013年5月7日8时—9:30时授课对象:留学生教材版本:授课方式:理论讲授学时数:2 听课人数:本单元或章节的教学目的与要求:(一)下腰痛概念、病因;腰椎间盘突出症的诊断和治疗(二)颈椎病的分类、诊断和治疗授课主要内容及学时分配:(一)下腰痛概念以及病因---10min(二)腰椎解剖---5min(三)腰椎间盘突出症的诊断和治疗---30min(四)颈椎解剖---5min(五)颈椎病的分类、诊断和治疗---30min(六)讨论---10min重点、难点及对学生要求(包括掌握、熟悉、了解、自学)重点:腰椎间盘突出症典型症状;颈椎病典型症状难点:腰椎间盘突出症、颈椎病的神经定位体征要求: 1. 掌握腰椎间盘突出症典型症状;颈椎病典型症状2. 熟悉腰椎间盘突出症、颈椎病的神经定位体征外语词汇:Sciatica;Lumbar disc herniation (LDH);Straight-leg raising test;femoral stretch test;Cervical spondylosis; Spinal stenosis辅助教学情况:幻灯片、板书复习思考题:名词解释:Sciatica;Lumbar disc herniation (LDH);Straight-leg raising test;femoral stretch test简答:腰椎间盘突出症典型症状思考:腰椎间盘突出症、颈椎病的神经定位体征参考资料:《留学生讲义》主任签字:2013 年 3 月20 日教务处制(共5页、第2 页)第一节LBP-----15min一、Definition and causes 5minLBP : pain of low back, lumbosacral region and buttocks and so on, may accompanied with the pain of one or both legs, or/and with nerve dysfunction.Causes of LBP:Injury;Inflammation;Degeneration;Maldevelopment; Tumour (table)二、Anatamy,motion,function 5minStructure of intervertebral disc(IVD):Functions of the spine: Protection;Flexibility of motion in six degrees of freedomSpinal physiological curves :Articulation and connection of the Spinal column : 8 structures (Intervertebral disc, facet joint, anterior longitudinal lig, posterior longitudinal lig, ligamenta flava , interspinal lig, supraspinal lig, intertransverse lig)第二节Lumbar disc herniation (LDH) ----30minLumbar disc herniation (LDH): the most common cause一DefinitionLDH:The condition occurs when the outer cover of a disc is torn and the soft inner tissue extrudes. The extrusion often puts pressure on the spinal nerves, causing back and leg pain which can be severe.LDH is probably the most common cause of LBP in clinical work.It usually occurs in the L4/5 or L5/S1 intervertebral disc regions (90%--96%)and is most often seen on only one side but may be bilateral.二:EPIDEMIOLOGY-risk factorsSmoking, pro-longed daily driving of motor vehicles, jobs requiring frequent repetitive lifting of heavy objects and twisting, the use of jackhammers and machine tools, and the operation of motor vehicles episodes of anxiety and depression.1.degeneration: age – loss of water content– loss of elasticity– rupture of IVD – nucleus pulposus herniates2. Injury : chronic strain, related to occupation; rotational and torsional activities3. Hereditary factors: age<20 may have positive family history4. Pregnancy : relaxation of tissues, more stressClasscification:1.Protrusion;2.Extrusion;3.Prolapsed: sequsetered ;4.Schmorl node:Clinical manifestation:Usually seen in patients from 20 to 50 yrs;Male:female;Always have history of repetitive bending or static position.Clinical manifestation-symptom:1. Low back pain2. Sciatica3. Cauda equina sydromePhysical ExaminationThe posture: Often there is a functional scoliosisRange of motion of the lumbar spine may be limited due to paravertebral muscle spasm or guarding. Forward flexion may increase the symptoms of sciatica.Palpation may show tenderness in the sciatic notch due to irritation of the nerve.Straight-leg raising is performed by gently elevating the outstretched leg from the horizontal with the patient lying supine. The degree of movement is recorded.The most specific sign for lumbar disc herniation is a contralaterally positive straight leg raising examination, also called cross-leg test.A femoral stretch test usually indicates a disc herniation at the L3--L4 level or above.The most common levels - L4--L5 and L5--Sl.For this reason, radicular symptoms almost always refer to symptoms below the level of the knee, in the L5 or S1 dermatome.The herniation of the L4--L5 disc can compress the L5The lumbosacral disc causes compression of the S1 nerve rootManifestation of different level(different diagnose of different level)Treatment-nonsurgical1. Bedrest2. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Ibuprofen , diclofenac sodium3. Others: brace,traction , steroid, heat, massage, acupunctureTreatment-surgicalIndications:1. No obvious effect after nonsurgical treatment, repetitive attack, makes great trouble in life and work.2. With obvious nerve dysfunction3. Cauda equina syndromeLumbar laminectomy or laminotomyMicroEndoscopic Discectomy(MED)LUMBAR DISCECTOMY教务处制天津医科大学授课教案(共5页、第4页)第一节Definition:15min一、Definition 5minCervical spondylosis is a general term encompassing a number of degenerative conditions Degenerative disc disease (DDD)Spinal stenosisWith or without degenerative facet jointsWith or without the formation of osteophytesWith or without a herniated disc二、Anatamy 10minBone and ligament ;Spinal cord and nerve rootAge onset 40-50;Men > women;Prevalence;C5-6 > C6-7 > C4-5 levels;risk factors第二节Cervical spondylosis:30minEtiology:(1). Degenerated cervical disc: disc degenerates—IVD space decrease—facet joints and Luska joints degenerate—ligaments proliferate or calcify—spinal canal narrows—spinal cord/nerve root/vessels compressed;(2). Injury : chronic strain;(3). MaldevelopmentClassification:Herniated Nucleus Pulposus(herniated disc)Spinal StenosisCervical Spondylotic Myelopathy1 Herniated Nucleus PulposusThe progressive degeneration of a disc, or traumatic event, can lead to a failure of the annulus to adequately contain the nucleus pulposusThis is known as herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP) or a herniated discSymptoms:Neck pain ;Shoulder pain;Arm pain;Dysthesias ;AnesthesiasDiagnosis:Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)/patient examinationMotor deficit is an indication of spinal cord compression and requires urgentsurgeryNot all HNPs are symptomatic2 Spinal StenosisSymptoms:Neck pain;Pain, dysthesias, anesthesias in arms and hands;Bilateral Diagnosis:MRI/computerized tomography (CT)scan/patientexamination3Cervical Spondylotic MyelopathySymptoms:Pain in the neck, subscapular area, or shoulderAnesthesias or paresthesias in the upper extremitiesSensory changes in the lower extremitiesMotor weakness in the upper or lower extremitiesGait difficulties―Upper motor neuron‖ findings; ―lower motor neuron‖ findingsNeurologic exam:Evaluation of upper and lower extremity sensationMotor strengthReflexes : hyperreflexicPathological signs:Hoffmann’s sign (r eflex contraction of the thumb and finger interphalangeal joints with flicking of the distal interphalangeal joint of the long finger in extension)Babinski sign and other pathological sign (the extensor withdrawal of the great toe and flaring of the little toes with plantar stimulation)Treatment-nonoperativeTractionNeck supportPhysiotherapy, exercisePostureNSAIDsTreatment-operativeAnterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF)Anterior Cervical Corpectomy (and Fusion)Posterior Cervical FusionLaminoplastyA&Q---5min教务处制。
天津医科大学教案教案标题:探索人体解剖学——头颅骨骼结构与功能教案目标:1. 了解头颅骨骼的基本结构和主要功能;2. 掌握头颅骨骼的命名和分类方法;3. 能够描述头颅骨骼的位置和相互关系;4. 理解头颅骨骼在保护脑部和支持面部结构方面的重要作用;5. 培养学生的观察能力和团队合作精神。
教学准备:1. PowerPoint演示文稿;2. 头颅骨骼模型或图示;3. 讲义和练习题。
教学过程:引入:1. 利用一张展示头颅骨骼的图片或模型,引起学生的兴趣;2. 向学生提问:“你们知道头颅骨骼的作用是什么吗?为什么我们的头部需要骨骼支撑?”鼓励学生积极参与讨论。
知识讲解:1. 使用PowerPoint演示文稿,介绍头颅骨骼的基本结构和主要功能;2. 解释头颅骨骼的分类方法,并展示各类骨骼的示意图;3. 通过讲解和示范,教授头颅骨骼的命名方法和位置。
团队合作活动:1. 将学生分成小组,每个小组分配一张头颅骨骼的图片或模型;2. 要求学生在小组内合作,用英语描述头颅骨骼的位置和相互关系;3. 每个小组派一名代表向其他小组展示他们的描述,并互相提问和回答问题。
练习和巩固:1. 发放讲义和练习题,要求学生独立完成;2. 检查学生的答案,并进行讲解和解释。
展示和总结:1. 邀请学生展示他们在团队合作活动中的成果;2. 对学生的表现给予肯定和鼓励;3. 总结本节课的内容,并提出下节课的预习任务。
教学延伸:1. 鼓励学生通过观察和研究其他骨骼结构,拓展对人体解剖学的理解;2. 组织学生参观医学博物馆或实验室,亲身体验和了解更多相关知识。
教学评估:1. 观察学生在团队合作活动中的表现和参与程度;2. 检查学生在练习中的答案和理解程度;3. 收集学生的反馈意见,以改进教学方法和内容。
教学资源:1. 头颅骨骼的图片或模型;2. PowerPoint演示文稿;3. 讲义和练习题;4. 医学博物馆或实验室的参观安排。
教师姓名:李健职称:讲师教学日期:2006 年9 月18/25 日8 时—12 时
授课对象:影像系2006年级 1 班(本)教材版本:医学细胞生物学(高文和主编)授课方式:讲授学时数:0.5+1.0 听课人数:
外语词汇:mitochondria cellular oxidation
oxidative phosphorylation
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甲状腺相关性免疫眼眶病 1.0学时
眼眶血管性病变 1.0学时
外语词汇:甲状腺相关性免疫眼眶病thyroid ophthalmopathy
复习思考题:1.甲状腺相关性免疫眼眶病定义? 2.甲状腺相关性免疫眼眶病的临床表现及影像学表现
主任签字:2009 年月日教务处印制
眼眶病概述 1.0学时
外语词汇:眼球突出: exophthalmos ;眼球内陷:enophthalmos; 眶蜂窝织炎:orbital cellulitis ;炎性假瘤:in flammatory pseudotumor
复习思考题:1.眼眶病的影像学检查包括? 2.诊断眼眶病变和肿瘤的最可靠的方法是? 3.眶蜂窝织炎并发症? 4.眼眶特发性炎性假瘤定义? 5.眼眶特发性炎性假瘤组织学和影像学分型?
主任签字: 2009 年教务处印制。