
识记1. Shaw’s reform ideas:He regarded the establishment of socialism by the emancipation of land and industrial capital from individual and class ownership as the final goal. But on how to achieve it,he differed greatly from the Marxists. He was against the means of violent revolution or armed struggle in achieving the goal of socialism; he also had a distrust of the uneducated working class in fighting against capitalists. This reformist view of his caused him a painful,often conscious,inner conflict between his sincere desire for the new world and his inability to break out of the snobbish intellectual isolation throughout his life and work.2. His major works:Shaw wrote five novels in all the best of which is Cashel Byron’s Profession (1886),which is about a world-famous prize fighter marrying a priggishly refined lady of property. His criticism is entitled Our Theaters in the Nineties (1931)。

IV. Francis Bacon 1. ⼀般识记Brief Introduction English Renaissance philosopher, essayist, statesman, born in London, England, Jan 22,1561 and died in London, April 9 1626. One of the outstanding figures of the Renaissance, Bacon made important contributions to several fields. His chief interest were science philosophy, but he was also a distinguished man of letters & held several high governmental positions during the reign of king JamesⅠ。
He was one of the earliest & most eloquent spokesmen for experimental science. He lays the foundation for modern science with his insistence on scientific way of thinking & fresh observation rather than authority as a basis for obtaining knowledge. 2. 识记His works As an author, Bacon is most famous for his Essays, which deal with such subjects as honor, friendship, love, & riches. Written in a terse, polished style, with many learned allusions & metaphors, the essays rank with the finest in English literature. Bacon’s other important literary works include The New Atlantis, an account of an ideal society & an imaginary voyage, & The History of the Reign of King Henry Ⅶ, a perceptive psychological study of Henry’s mind & characters. His works can be divided into three groups: First group: The Advancement of Learning (1605) Novum Organum (1620)(Latin version) Second group: Essays Apophthagmes New & Old (1605) The History of the Reign of Henry Ⅶ(1622) The New Atlantis (unfinished) Third group: Maxims of Law The Learned Reading upon the Stature of Uses (1642) 3. 领会 His Major Works Essays The term "essay" was borrowed from Montaigne’s Essais, which appeared from 1580 to 1588. Bacon learned from Montaigne, the first great modern essayist, the economic & flexible way of writing. However, as a practical & prudential man, he intends to write for the ambitious Elizabethan & Jacobean youth of his class & tell them how to be efficient & make their way in public life. Bacon’s essays are famous for their brevity, compactness & powerfulness. The essays are well arranged & enriched by Biblical allusions, Metaphors & cadence. 4. 领会His achievements As a literary man, Bacon is the first English essayist, whose Essays won him a high place in the history of English literature. As a philosopher, he is the founder of English materialistic philosophy. He advocates the inductive method of reasoning. In his famous plea for progress, Bacon demands three things: 1) the free investigation of nature, 2) the discovery of facts instead of the blind belief in theories 3) the verification of results by experiment rather than by argument. In our day, these are the ABC of science, but in Bacon’s time they were revolutionary, Marx called him "the real father of English materialism & experimental science of modern times in general." 5. 应⽤ Of Studies Of Studies is the most popular of Bacon’s 58 essays. It analyzes what studies chiefly serve for, the different ways adopted by different people to pursue studies, & how studies exert influence over human character. Forceful & persuasive, compact & precise, Of Studies reveals to us Bacon’s mature attitude towards learning. Bacon’s language isneat, priest, & weighty. It is some what affected, like the water in the reservoir, restricted & confined. V. John Donne 1.⼀般识记 Donne & the Metaphysical Poetry John Donne: English poet & Clergyman, born in London, England, 1572, and died in London, Mar. 31 1631. Donne is the leading figure of the 17th-century "metaphysical school." His poems give a more inherently theatrical impression by exhibiting a seemingly unfocused diversity of experiences & attitudes, & a free range of feelings & attitudes, & a free range of feelings & moods. The mode is dynamic rather than static, with ingenuity of speech,vividness of imagery & vitality of rhythms, which show a notable contrast to the other Elizabethan lyric poems, which are pure, serene, tuneful, & smooth running. The most striking feature of Donne’s poetry is precisely its tang of reality, in the sense that it seems to reflect life in a real rather than a poetical world. "Metaphysical Poetry" is commonly used to name the work of the 17th-century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne. With a rebellions spirit, the metaphysical poets tried to break away from the conventional fashion of the Elizabethan Love poetry. The diction is simple as compared with echoes the words & cadences of common speech. The imagery is drawn from the actual life. The form is frequently that of an argument with the poet’s beloved, with God, or with himself. George Herbert, Andrew Marvell, Richard Crashaw, Henry Vaughan, Abraham Cowley, & Thomas Traherne are also considered to be metaphysical poets. They wrote on a variety of religious & secular themes, & to express their ideas, they used startling, highly imaginative comparisons known as conceits. A conceit is a combination of thoughts or images that are not usually associated with one another. The finest works of the metaphysical poets combine intellectual subtlety with great emotional power. The poems reflect a broad knowledge of science, art, & other branches of learning. At the same time, metaphysical poems express an intense awareness of common human feelings & experiences, such as jealousy, the loss of religious faith, the complexities of love & the fear of death. Although the imagery of metaphysical poetry is frequently strained, the language is often as natural & direct as ordinary speech. 2.识记His major works In his life, Donne wrote a large number of poems & prose works, His poems are especially admired for their unique combination of passionate feeling & intellectual wit. Many of his poems rank with the finest in the English language. Among his most famous works are the poems Death Be Not Proud, "Go & Catch a Falling Star," The Ecstacy, & A Valediction Forbidding Mourning. Most of The Elegies & Satires & a good many of The Songs & Sonnets were written in the early period. He wrote prose works mainly in the later period. His sermons, which are very famous, reveal his spiritual devotion to God as a passionate preacher. His works are classified as songs & sonnets, epistles, elegies, & satires. When read in chronological order, the poems reveal his development from "Gay Jack Donne," a reckless & cynical youth, to Dean John Donne, a man devoted to God. Donne’s great prose works are his sermons, which are both rich & imaginative, exhibiting the same kind of physical vigor & scholastic complexity as his poetry. For example, the well-known Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions (1623-1624)。

Part one: English LiteratureChapter1 The Renaissance period(14世纪至十七世纪中叶)文艺复兴1. Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.人文主义是文艺复兴的核心。
2. the Greek and Roman civilization was based on such a conception that man is the measure of all things.人文主义作为文艺复兴的起源是因为古希腊罗马文明的基础是以“人”为中心,人是万物之灵。
3. Renaissance humanists found in then classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see that human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfection, and that the world they inhabited was theirs not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy.人文主义者们却从古代文化遗产中找到充足的论据,来赞美人性,并开始注意到人类是崇高的生命,人可以不断发展完善自己,而且世界是属于他们的,供他们怀疑,探索以及享受。
4. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English humanists.托马斯.摩尔,克利斯朵夫.马洛和威廉.莎士比亚是英国人文主义的代表。

应用:1. What is Modernism?Modernism was a complex and diverse international movement in all creative arts,originating about the end of the 19th century. It provided the greatest renaissance of the 20th century. After the First World War,all kinds of literary trends of modernism appeared:symbolism,expressionism,surrealism,cubism,futurism,Dadaism,imagism and stream of consciousness. Towards the 1920s,these trends converged into a mighty torrent of modernist movement,which swept across the whole Europe and America. It has also been called “the tradition of the new”-a conscious rejection of established rules,traditions and conventions,and “the dehumanization of art”-pushing into the background traditional notions of the individual and society. The major figures that were associated with Modernism were Kafka,Picasso,Pound,Webern,Eliot,Joyce and Virginia Woolf. Modernism was somewhat curbed in the 1930s. But after the Second World War,a variety of modernism,or post-modernism,like existentialist literature,theater of the absurd,new novels and black humor,rose with the spur of the existentialist idea that “the world was absurd,and the human life was an agony.”Modernism takes the irrational philosophy and the theory of psycho-analysis as its theoretical base. The major themes of the modernist literature are the distorted,alienated and ill relationships between man and nature,man and society,man and man,and man and himself. The modernist writers concentrate more on the private than on the public,more on the subjective than on the objective. They are mainly concerned with the inner being of an individual. By advocating a free experimentation on new forms and new techniques in literary creation,Modernism casts away almost all the traditional elements in literature such as story,plot,character,chronological narration,etc.,which are essential to realism. As a result,the works created by the modernist writers are often labeled as anti-novel,anti-poetry and anti-drama.2. The basic philosophy or characteristics of Modernism in literature:Modernism takes the irrational philosophy and the theory of psycho-analysis as its theoretical base. One characteristic of English Modernism is “the dehumanization of art”. The major themes of the modernist literature are the distorted,alienated and ill relationships between man and nature,man and society,man and man,and man and himself. The modernist writers concentrate more on the private than on the public,more on the subjective than on the objective. They are mainly concerned with the inner being of an individual. Therefore,they pay more attention to the psychic time than the chronological one. In their writings,the past,the present and the future are mingled together and exist at the same time in the consciousness of an individual.Modernism is,in many aspects,a reaction against realism. It rejects rationalism,which is the theoretical base of realism; it excludes from its major concern the external,objective,material world,which is the only creative source of realism; by advocating a free experimentation on new forms and new techniques in literary creation,it casts away almost all the traditional elements in literature such as story,plot,character,chronological narration,etc.,which are essential to realism. As a result,the works created by the modernist writers are often labeled as anti-novel,anti-poetry and anti-drama.I. George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)一。

2021年自考《英美文学选读》(英)新古典主义时期:Alexander pope

2021年自考《英美文学选读》(英)新古典主义时期:Alexander popeII. Alexander pope1. 一般识记His life & careerEnglish poet & satirist,born in London,England,May 21,1688,died in Twickenham,England May 30,1744.Pope is one of the fore-most satirists in world literature as well as a great poet. He wrote witty & polished verses ridiculing the behavior of his day. Pope’s mock-heroic poem The Rape of the Lock is one of the finest examples of English comic verse. He made his name as a great poet with the publication of An Essay on Criticism in 1711. His Dunciad is a scathing attack on dullness & pedantry in literature. He also composed verse essays on philosophy,literature,& criticism. In An Essay on Man,he brilliantly expressed the philosophical trends & concepts of his age.2. 识记Pope’s literally outlookAs a representative of the Enlightenment,Pope was one of the first to introduce rationalism to England. He was the greatest poet of his time. He strongly advocated neoclassicism,emphasizing that literary works should be judged by classical rules of order,reason,logic,restrained emotion,good taste & decorum. According to Pope,almost every genre of literature should have some fixed laws & rules. Prose should be precise,direct,smooth & flexible,Poetry should be lyrical,epical,didactic,satiric or dramatic,& drama should be written in the Heroic Couplets (iambic pentameter rhymed in two lines); the three unities of time,space & action should be strictly observed; regularity in construction should be adhered to,& type characters rather than individuals should be represented.3. 识记His major works1) The Rape of the LockA delightful burlesque of epic poetry,it ridicules the manners of the English nobility. The poem is based on an actual incident in which a young nobleman stole a lock of a lady’s hair.2) An Essay on CriticismHis first important work,An Essay on Criticism was a long didactic poem in heroic couplets. In this work,he reflected the neo-classical spirit of the times by advocating good taste,common sense & the adherence to classical rules in writing & criticism. The whole poem is written in a plain style,hardly containing any imagery or eloquence &therefore makes easy reading.3) The DunciadGenerally conside red Pope’s best satiric work,The Dunciad goes deep in meaning & works at many levels. Its satire is directed at Dullness in general,& in the course of it all the literary men of the age. Poets mainly who had made Pope’s enemies,are held up to ridicule. But the poem is not confined to personal attack.Dullness as reflected in the corruptness of government,social morals,education & even religion,is expertly exposed & satirized.4. 领会His language stylePope’s works are still enjoyed for their sp arkling wit,good sense & charm of expression. After Shakespeare,he is the most widely quoted poet in English literature. He workedpainstakingly on his poems,developed a satiric,concise,smooth,graceful &well-balanced style.5. 应用Selected ReadingsAn Excerpt from Part 2 of An Essay on Criticism.An Essay on Criticism is a didactic poem written in heroic couplets. It consists of 744 lines &is divided into three parts. It sums up the art of poetry as up held & practiced by the ancients like Aristotle,Horace,Boileau,etc. & the eighteenth century European classicists.In Part 2,Pope advises the critics not to stress too much the artificial use of conceit or the external beauty of language but to pay special attention to True wit which is best set in a plain style.。

⼆该时期的重要作家 I. William Blake 1.⼀般识记: His life English poet, artist, & philosopher, born in London England, Nov 28, 1757, and died in London, Aug12,1827. Blake made distinguished contributions to both Literature & art. He ranks with great poets in the English language & may be considered the earliest of the major English Romantic poets. His poems range from lyrics of childlike simplicity to mystical or prophetic works of great complexity. As an artist he is best known for his engravings, which are among the masterpieces of graphic art. 2. 识记 His political, religious & literary views Blake never tried to fit into the world; he was a rebel innocently & completely all his life. He was politically of the permanent left & mixed a good deal with the radicals like Thomas Paine& William Godwin. Like Shelley, Blake strongly criticized the capitalists'' cruel exploitation, saying that the "dark satanic mills left men unemployed, killed children & forced prostitution." Meanwhile he cherished great expectations & enthusiasm for the French Revolution, & regarded it as a necessary stage leading to the millennium predicted by the biblical prophets. Literarily Blake was the first important Romantic poet, showing contempt for the rule of reason, opposing the classical tradition of the 18th century & treasuring the individual''s imagination. 3. 领会 His poems (1) Early works The Songs of Innocence (1809) is a lovely volume of poems, presenting a happy & innocent world, though not without its evils & sufferings. For instance, " Holy Thursday" with its vision of charity children lit " with a radiance all their own" reminds us terribly of a world of loss & institutional cruelty. The wretched child described in " The Chimney Sweeper," orphaned, exploited, yet touched by visionary rapture, evokes unbearable poignancy when he finally puts his trust in the order of the universe as he knows it. His Songs of Experience (1794) paints a different world, a world of misery,poverty, disease, war & repression with a melancholy tone. The benighted England becomes the world of the dark wood & of the weeping prophet. The orphans of " Holy Thursday" are now "fed with cold & usurious hand." The little chimneysweeper sings "notes of woe" while his parents go to church & praise "God & his Priest & King"——the very instruments of their repression. In "London", the city is no longer a paradise, but becomes the seat of poverty & despair,of man alienated from his true self. Blake''s Marriageof Heaven & Hell (1790) marks his entry into maturity. The poem was composed during the climax of the French Revolution & it plays the double role both as a satire & a revolutionary prophecy. In this poem, Blake explores the relationship of the contraries. Attraction & repulsion, reason & energy, love & hate,are necessary to human existence. Life is a continual conflict of give & take, a pairing of opposites, of good & evil, of innocence & experience, of body & soul. "Without contraries," Blake states, "there is no progression." The "marriage," to Blake, means the reconciliation of the contraries, not the subordination of the one to the other. (2) Later works In his later period, Blake wrote quite a few prophetic books, which reveal him as the prophet of universal political & spiritual freedom and show the poet himself as the spokesman of revolt. The major ones are: The Book ofUrizen(1794),The Book of Los(1795)。

领会:1.Modern English poetry:It is,in some sense,a revolution against the conventional ideas and forms of the Victorian poetry. The modernist poets fought against the romantic fuzziness and self-indulged emotionalism,advocating new ideas in poetry- writing such as to use the language of common speech,to create new rhythms as the expression of a new mood,to allow absolute freedom in choosing subjects,and to use hard,clear and precise images in poems.2. Modern English novels:The first three decades of 20th century were golden years of the modernist novel. In stimulating the technical innovations of novel creation,the theory of the Freudian and Jungian psycho-analysis played a particularly important role. With the notion that multiple levels of consciousness existed simultaneously in the human mind,that one’s present was the sum of his past,present and future,and that the whole truth about human beings existed in the unique,isolated,and private world of each individual,writers like Dorothy Richardson,James Joyce and Virginia Woolf concentrated all their efforts on digging into the human consciousness. They had created unprecedented stream-of-consciousness novels such as Pilgrimage by Richardson,Ulysses (1922) by Joyce,and Mrs. Dalloway (1925) by Woolf. One of the remarkable features of their writings was their continuous experimentation on new and sophisticated techniques in novel writing,which made tremendous impacts on the creation of both realistic and modernist novels in this century.James Joyce is the most outstanding stream-of-consciousness novelist; in Ulysses,his encyclopedia-like masterpiece,Joyce presents a fantastic picture of the disjointed,illogical,illusory,and mental- emotional life of Leopold Bloom,who becomes the symbol of everyman in the post-World-War-ⅠEurope.In the works of E. M. Forster and D. H. Lawrence,old traditions are still there,but their subject matter about human relationships and their symbolic or psychological presentations of the novel are entirely modern. Forster’s masterpiece,A Passage to India (1924),is a novel of decidedly symbolist aspirations,in which the author set up,within a realistic story,a fable of moral significance that implies a highly mystical,symbolic view of life,death,human relationship,and the relationship of man with the infinite universe. D. H. Lawrence is regarded as revolutionary as Joyce in novel writing; but unlike Joyce,he was not concerned with technical innovations; his interest lay in the tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature. He believed that life impulse was the primacy of man’s instinct,and that any conscious repression of such an impulse would cause distortion or perversion of the individual’s personality. In his best novels like The Rainbow (1915) and Women in Love (1920),Lawrence made a bold psychological exploration of various human relationships,especially those between men and women,with a great frankness Lawrence claimed that the alienation of the human relationships and the perversion of human nature in the modern society were caused by the desires for power and money,by the shams and frauds of middle-class life,and,above all,by the whole capitalist mechanical civilization,which turned men into inhuman machines.After the Second World War,modernism had another upsurge with the rise ofexistentialism which was reflected mainly in drama.[Nextpage]3. The development of 20th century English drama:The most celebrated dramatists in the last decade of the 19th century were Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw,who,in a sense,pioneered the modern drama,though they did not make so many innovations in techniques and forms as modernist poets or novelists. Wilde expressed a satirical and bitter attitude towards the upper-class people by revealing their corruption,their snobbery,and their hypocrisy in his plays,especially in his masterpiece,The Importance-of Being Earnest (1895)。

自考《英美文学选读》(英)文艺复兴时期(3)-24. 领会His Major Works1) DramaA. The Merchant of Venice Theme:to praise the friendship between Antonio & Bassanio,to idealize Portia as a heroine of great beauty,wit & loyalty,& to expose the insatiable greed & brutality of the Jew. Plot:The play has a double plot (P39)B. HamletHamlet is generally regarded as Shakespeare’s most popular play on the stage,for it has the qualities of a “blood-and-thunder” thriller & a philosophical exploration of life & dea th. And the timeless appeal of this mighty drama lies in its combination of intrigue,emotional conflict & searching philosophic melancholy.The play opens with Hamlet,Prince of Denmark,appearing in a mood of world-weariness occasioned by his father’s recent death & by his mother’s hasty remarriage with Claudius,his father’s brother. While encountering his father’s ghost,Hamlet is informed that Claudius has murdered his father & then taken over both his father’s throne & widow. This,Hamlet,is urged by the ghost to seek revenge for his father’s “foul & most unnatural murder.” Trapped in a nightmare world of spying,testing & plotting,& apparently bearing the intolerable burden of the duty to revenge his father’s death,Hamlet is obliged to inhabit a shadow world,to live suspended between fact & fiction,language & action. His life is one of constant role-playing,examining the nature of action only to deny its possibility,for he is too sophisticated to degrade his nature to the conventional role of a stage revenger. By characterizing Hamlet,Shakespeare successfully makes a philosophical exploration of life & death.C. The TempestThe Tempest,an elaborate & fantastic story,is known as the best of his final romances. The characters are rather allegorical & the subject full of suggestion. The humanly impossible events can be seen occurring everywhere,in the play. The play wright resorts to the supernatural atmosphere & to the dreams to solve the conflict. To Shakespeare,the whole life is no more than a dream. Thus,The Tempest is a typical example of his pessimistic view towards human life & society in his late years.2) PoemsA. SonnetsThe first 126 sonnets are apparently addressed to a handsome young nobleman,presumably the author’s patron. The poems express the writer’s selfless but not entirely uncritical devotion to the young man.Twenty of the sonnets are about a young woman characterized as a “ dark lady,” whom the poet distrust but cannot resist. The poems addressed directly to her are perhaps the most remarkable in the sequence because their unsentimental tone is unlike that of traditional love sonnets.A philosophical theme that appears in many of the sonnets is that of time as the destroyer of all mortal things. Also expressed in the poems is the author’s disillusionment with the false ness of earthly life.The form of the poems is the English Variation of the traditional Italian,or Petrarchan,sonnet,Shakespeare’s sonnets have three quatrains,or groups of four lines,& a final couplet. Their rhyme scheme is abab,cdcd,efef,gg. A theme is developed & elaborated in the quatrains,& a concluding thought is presented in the couplet.B. Other poemsV enus & Adonis,in which Shakespeare made his first bid for literary patronage & fame,is a conventional Elizabethan narrative poem. Its mythological story,taken from Ovids Metamorphoses,tells of the passionate love goddess who woos the reluctant youth Adonis. The Rape of Lucrece,another narrative of passion,is based on the semi historical story of the rape of a chaste Roman matron by Tarquin,son of the king of Rome.。

英美文学选读中文翻译及重点习题答案英国文学(AMERICAN LITERATURE)第一章文艺复兴时期(The Renaissance Period)二、背景知识(Background knowledge)1、历史文化背景(Historical and cultural background)(1)文艺复兴是从中世纪向近代过渡时期发生在欧洲许多国家的一场思想文化运动。
2、英国文艺复兴时期文学的特点(Features of English Renaissance literature)(1) 诗歌(Poetry)开创文艺复兴时期一代新的华丽诗风的两个最重要的人物是菲利普·悉尼爵士和埃德蒙·斯宾塞。

John Galsworthy (1867-1933)一。
一般识记His life:John Galsworthy was born into an upper-middle class family. He was educated first at Harrow and then at Oxford. After practising the law for a short time,he turned to literature.二。
识记His major works:He published his first book,From the Four Winds (a volume of short stories),in 1897 under the pseudonym of John Sinjohn. The experiences of his wife’s unhappy life of the first marriage were reflected in The Man of Property (1906),which,together with his first p1ay,The Silver Box (1906),established him as a prominent novelist and playwright in the public mind. After the First Wor1d War he completed The Forsyte Saga,his first trilogy:The Man of Property,In Chancery (1920) and To Let (1921)。
His second Forsyte trilogy,A Modern Comedy,appeared in 1929,and the third,End of the Chapter,posthumous1y in 1934.三。

英国浪漫主义与古典主义的区别(重点):(1)The Romantic Movement expressed negative attitude toward the existing social and political condition, the Romantics saw the corruption and injustice of the inhumanity of capitalism;(2)The Neo saw man as a social; while Rom saw him as an individual in the solitary state;(3)Neo stressed the common features of men; but the Rom stressed the special qualities of each individual’s mind;(4)Neo celebrated rationality, equality and science of the outside world; while Rom changed to the inner world of the human spirit, whose theory saw the individual as the center of all experience;(5)The literature of Neo was heavily didactic and moralizing. There were fixed laws for each type of literature; Rom expressed his feeling, valued accuracy in portraying, they thought literature should be free from all rules.(6)The most important form in Neo was prose; while Rom was an age of poetry. (书上160-161)thoughts and event influenced the period of Romanticism影响浪漫主义时期的思想和事件(1) Rousseau (a French philosopher) explored new ideas about nature, society and education, which provided guiding priding principles for the French Revolution and Romanticism;法国哲学家卢梭探索出自然、社会与教育的新思想。

自考《英美文学选读》(英)浪漫主义时期(2)-32) The PreludeWordsworth is a poet in memory of the past. To him,life is a cyclical journey. Its beginning finally turns out to be its end. His philosophy of life is presented in his masterpiece The Prelude. It opens with a literal journey whose goal is to return to the vale of Grasmere. The journey goes through the poet’’s personal history,carrying the metaphorical meaning of his interior journey & questing for his lost early self & the proper spiritual home. The poem charts this growth from infancy to manhood. We are shown the development of human consciousness under the sway of an imagination united to the grandeur go nature. Later books of The Prelude describe Wordsworth’’s experiences in France,his republicanism,his affair with Annette Vallon,his “substantial dread” during the Terror & his continuing support of the ideals underlying the Revolution. The concluding description of the ascent of Snowdon becomes a symbol of the poet’’s climb to the height of his inspired po wers & to that state of vision in which,dedicating himself to humanity,he becomes one of the “ Prophets of Nature.”4.领会Characteristics of Wordsworth Poems & His Achievements.William Wordsworth is the leading figure of the English romantic poetry,the focal poetic voice of the period. His is a voice of searchingly comprehensive humanity & one that inspires his audience to see the world freshly,sympathetically & naturally. The most important contribution he has made is that he has not only started the modern poetry,the poetry of the growing inner self,but also changed the course of English poetry by using ordinary speech of the language & by advocating a return to nature.5. 应用:Selected Readings1) I Wandered Lonely as a CloudWordsworth is regarded as a “worshipper of nature.” He can penetrate to the heart of things & give the reader the very life of nature. “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” is perhaps the most anthologized poem in English literature,& one that takes us to the core of Word sworth’’s poetic beliefs. Wordsworth wrote this beautiful poem of nature after he came across a long belt of gold daffodils tossing & reeling & dancing along the waterside. There is a vivid picture of the daffodils here,mixed with the poet’’s philosophica l & somewhat mystical thoughts.The poem consists of four 6-lined stanzas of iambic tetrameter with a rhyme scheme of ababcc in each stanza. The last stanza describes the poet’’s recollection in tranquility f rom which this poem arose. The poet thinks that it is a bliss to recollect the beauty of nature in his mind while he is in solitude2) Composed upon Westminster Bridge,September 3,1802This sonnet,written on the roof of a coach as Wordsworth was on his way to France,was published in Poems in Two V olumes,1807. The poem presents the speaker’’s view of London in the early morning. The speaker is not only profoundly touched by its beauty & tranquility of the morning,but even surprised to realize that London is part of Nature just as much as is his own beloved Lake Country.Wordsworth is regarded as a “ worshipper of nature.” Even in this poem,though he is looking at London,he is thinking of home where the sun steeps in his first splendor,valley,rock,or hill.”The poem is written after the pattern of the Italian sonnet. The octave recreates theexperience of London at morning,and the sestet enlarges on his reaction to the scene. The rhyme scheme of the poem is abbaabba,cdcdcd.3) She Dwelt Among the Untrodden WaysThis is one of the “Lucy poems,” written in 1799. The “Lucy Poems” describe with rare elusive beauty of simple lyricism & haunting rhythm a young country girl living a simple life in a remote village far from the civilized world. They are verses of love & loss which hold within their delicate simplicity a meditation on time & death which rises to universal stature.4) The Solitary ReaperWordsworth thinks that common life is the only subject of literary interest. The joys & sorrows of the common people are his themes.”The Solitary Reaper” is an example of his literary views. It describes vividly a young peasant girl working alone in the fields & singing as she works. The plot of the little incident is told straightforwardly in stanzas 1,3,& 4. Stanza 2,with its comparison of the girl’’s song to the cuckoo & the nightingale cannot be dismissed as vaguely ornamental comparisons. They are much more than that,& the impression of the girl’’s singing on the traveler is heightened through these comparisons.This poem is an iambic verse. Most of the lines in the poem are octosyllabics. The rhyme-scheme for each stanza is ababccdd.。

自考《英美文学选读》(英)现代文学时期(4)-33. The brief outline,artistic features and social significance of Ulysses:(1) The brief outline:Broadly speaking,Ulysses gives an account of man’s life during one day (16 June,1904) in Dublin. The three major characters are:Leopold Bloom,an Irish Jew,his wife,Marion Tweedy Bloom,and Stephen Dedalus,the protagonist in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. The whole novel is divided into 18 episodes in correspondence with the 18 hours of the day. The first three episodes are mainly concerned with Stephen Dedalus:he gets up at 8 o’clock on this specific day; he teaches a history class at a boy’s school; and then he walks along the strand to town with random thoughts in mind. The next 14 episodes are largely about Leopold Bloom,who,after breakfast,goes about Dublin on his day’s routine activities. In the morning,Bloom takes a Turkish bath,calls in at the National Library,attends the funeral of a friend,and shows up at the newspaper office where he sells advertising. After lunch,Bloom wanders about in the city,meeting people in streets,at pubs and in shops,worrying about his wife,his money,his daughter and his digestion,pursuing persistently his own ruminations over his past,the death of his father and his baby son,but at the same time cocking an alert ear for what is going on around him. Then he roams along a beach at twilight,sitting at a place to watch an unknown girl and having a daydream. In the evening he visits a maternity hospital to inquire about the birth of a friend’s baby. During the course of the day,Stephen also wanders aimlessly in the town,propounding his theory on Shakespeare’s Hamlet at the National Library,drinking at the students’ common room of the hospital,visiting a brothel in the “Nighttown” where he is rescued in a drunken affray by Bloom. Subsequently Bloom invites Stephen back to his home for a late drink. Stephen leaves in the early hours of the morning and Bloom goes to bed. The novel ends with the famous monologue by Molly,who is musing in a half-awake state over her past experiences as a woman.(2) The artistic features:Ulysses has become a prime example of modernism in literature. It is such an uncommon novel that there arises the question whether it can be termed as a “novel” all; for it seems to lack almost all the essential qualities of the novel in a traditional sense:there is virtually no story,no plot,almost no action,and little characterization in the usual sense. The events of the day seem to be trivial,insignificant,or even banal. But below the surface of the events,the natural flow of mental reflections,the shifting moods and impulses in the characters’ inner world are richly presented in an unprecedentedly frank and penetrating way.(3) The social significance of the novel:In Ulysses,Joyce intends to present a microcosm of the whole human life by providing an instance of how a single event contains all the events of its kind,and how history is recapitulated in the happenings of one day. With complete objectivity and minute details of man’s everyday routines and his psychic processes,Joyce illustrates a symbolic picture of all human history,which is simultaneously tragic and comic,heroic and cowardly,magnificent and dreary. Like Eliot’s masterp iece,The Waste Land,Joyce’s Ulysses presents a realistic picture of the modern wasteland in which modern men are portrayed as vulgar and trivial creatures with splitting personalities,disillusioned ideals,sordid minds and broken families,who are searching in vain for harmonious human relationships and spiritual sustenance in a decaying world.4. The characteristics of Finnegans Wake:Joyce spent 17 years working on his last important book,Finnegans Wake (1939)。
自考 英美文学选读-英国文学部分内容

英国文学一上古及中世纪时期文学1. 上古时期450—1066年诺曼底征服那一年诗歌:分宗教诗和世俗诗,宗教主体大多来源于圣经,伟大的盎格鲁-萨克森民族史诗:Beowulf,是世俗诗中的佼佼者,讲述了斯堪的纳维亚的英雄beowulf战胜巨妖和他复仇心切的妖母和一条喷火龙的故事,展现了一幅原始部落人民在智勇双全的领袖指挥下战天斗地不向艰苦自然环境低头的画卷。
2. 中世纪1066-14C主要有民间通俗文学(准确而生动地展示了当时人们的各种生活)和骑士文学(遭遇巨妖,救出美人)重要作品:Chaucer:The Canterbury Tales: 一幅当时英国社会的现实画卷。
Wife of Bath<巴斯夫人>Gawain 约翰高厄创做了当时最精美的骑士文学《高文爵士和他的绿衣骑士》William Langland:Piers Plowman如果说史诗反映了英雄时代,那么骑士文学反映了骑士时代If the epic reflects a heroic age, the romance reflects a chivalric one.二、The Renaissance Period 文艺复兴时期14C-17C中叶文艺复兴是一个过渡时期,标志着中世纪的结束和现代社会的开始。
Wyatt 将意大利皮特拉克的十四行诗引进英国,Surrey引进了无韵体诗同时开创了英国式的十四行诗,后来被莎士比亚广泛使用。
诗歌与诗剧poem and drama(Elizabethan drama) 是文艺复兴时期最杰出的艺术形式。
文艺复兴时期重要的剧作家:马洛,莎士比亚,本.琼生1.Edmund Spenser: the poets’poet “诗人中的诗人”The Faerie Queene《仙后》英国第一部资产阶级的民族史诗。
自考英美文学选读 第三章 浪漫主义时期(英国)(课文翻译)


V. D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930) ⼀。
⼀般识记 His life and writing: David Herbert Lawrence was born at a mining village in Nottinghamshire. His father was a coal-miner with little education; but his mother, once a school teacher, was from a somewhat higher class, who came to think that she had married beneath her and desired to have her sons well educated so as to help them escape from the life of coal miners. The conflict between the earthy, coarse, energetic but often drunken father and the refined, strong-willed and up-climbing mother is vividly presented in his autobiographical novel, Sons and Lovers (1913)。
识记 wrence's major works: During his life-long literary career, he had written more than ten novels, several volumes of short stories and a large number of poems. Lawrence began his novel writing in his early twenties. His first novel, The White Peacock (1911), is a remarkable work of a talented young man, acutely observant of nature and delighting in story. His second novel is The Trespasser (1912), which is about the failure of human contact and the lack of warmth between people, which are to be further explored in his later novels. Lawrence was recognized as a prominent novelist only after Sons and Lovers was published. The Rainbow (1915) and Women in Love (1920) are generally regarded as his masterpieces in which symbolism and complex narrative are employed more richly. 2.The Rainbow (1) The story: The Rainbow is a story about the three generations of the Brangwen family on the Marsh farm. The first part is about the marriage and life of Tom Brangwen and Lydia Lensky, a Polish widow. They have a deep and loving understanding of each other in spite of the utter foreignness between them. They can also communicate with the mysterious natural world. Their relationship is presented as the model one in the novel. The second part of the novel is about Anna Lensky, Lydia's daughter by her first husband, and Will, Tom's nephew. They have physical passion for each other;but, in Lawrence's words, "their souls remain separate." Their relationship is fraught with conflicts, and their marriage fails to achieve the final fulfillment of the older generation. The last part of the novel deals with Ursula, the eldest daughter of Will and Anna, who carries the story on into the third generation. This part of the novel traces Ursula's life from childhood through adolescence up to adulthood. At the end of the novel; Ursula is left with much experience behind her, but still "uncreated" in face of the unknown future. (2) The social significance of The Rainbow: In this novel, Lawrence illustrates a terrible social corruption that accompanies the progress of human civilization. In Lawrence's opinion, the mechanical civilization is responsible for the unhealthy development of human personalities, the perversion of love and the failure of human fulfillment in marital relationships. In reading the novel, the reader often feels the threatening shadows of the disintegration and destructiveness of the whole civilized world which loom behind the emotional conflicts and psychological tensions of the characters. As a matter of fact, it is the first time for Lawrence to make a conscious attempt to combine social criticism with psychological exploration in his novel writing. 3.Women in Love: (1) The story: As its title implies, Women in Love is a novel about two pairs of lovers, around whom a series of episodes are dramatically presented. The two heroines are Ursula Brangwen and her younger sister Gudrun; and the two chief male characters are Gerald Crich, a young coalmine owner, and Rupert Birkin, a school inspector. At the opening of the story, Ursula and Birkin strike an immediate kin ship with each other, while Gudrun is attracted by Gerald's physical energy. The rest of the novel is a working out of the relationships of these four through interrelating events and conflicts of personalities. After a series of ups and downs, Birkin and Ursula have reached a fruitful relationship by maintaining their integrity and independence as individuals and decided to get married in the end. But the passionate love between Gudrun and Gerald experiences a process of tension and deterioration. As both of them have let their "will-power" and "ideals" interfere with their proper relations, their love turns out to be a disastrous tragedy. (2) The symbolic meanings in this novel: Women in Love is rich in its symbolic meanings. Gerald Crich, an efficient but ruthless coalmine owner, who makes the machine his god and establishes the inhuman mechanical system in his mining kingdom, is a symbolic figure of spiritual death, representing the whole set of bourgeois ethics. Whereas Birkin, a self-portrait of Lawrence, who fights against the cramping pressures of mechanized industrialism and the domination of any kind of dead formulas, is presented as a symbolic figure of human warmth, standing for the spontaneous Life Force. Women in Love is a remarkable novel in which the individual consciousness is subtly revealed and strands of themes are intricately wound up. The structural pattern of the book derives from the contrast between the destinies of the two pairs of lovers and the subordinate masculine relationship between Birkin and Gerald. The two sisters, the two male friends, and the two couples are closely paralleled in ideas, actions and relations so that each is corresponding to and contrasting with the other. Thus, Women in Love is regarded to be a more profoundly ordered novel than any otherwritten by Lawrence. 4.His later novels, which deal more extensively with themes of power, dominance, and leadership; the relationships that men form with one another, are also under exploration. These works include Aaron's Rod (1922),Kangaroo (1923), The Plumed Serpent (1926), and Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928)。

自考英语本科《英美文学选读》英国古典主义一天全掌握Neoclassical period:The Neoclassical period is about 1660-1798,also known as "the Age of Enlightenment" or "the age of Reason".新古典主义英国1688年的“光荣革命”推翻复辟王朝,确定了君主立宪制,建立起资产阶级和新贵族领导的政权,英国从此进入一个相对安定的发展时期。
“哥特”被用于文学流派主要因为这种流派的主题探讨这种极端感情及一些黑色话题,并且哥特小说的背景通常是哥特式的:废弃的摇摇欲坠的城堡, 修道院。
他们关注哥特式的相关建筑,艺术,诗歌 (见墓园诗人)甚至园艺.Gothic novels – mostly stories of mystery and horror which take place in some haunted闹鬼的or dilapidated摇摇欲坠的 Middle Age castles – were turned out profusely by both male and female writers.背景:It was an age full of conflicts and difference of values;It was an age of fast development for English to become the first powerful capitalist country in the world; It was an age of economic development, in which bourgeois/middle class grew rapidly.特点:In essence, the Neoclassical Period was a progressive intellectual movement. a revival of interest in the old classical workskeep to order,logic,restrained emotion,accuracya furderance of the renaissencethe enlightenment movement,advocated the universal educationhad specificrules for almost every gener of literatureliterature should be judged in terms of its service to humanity启蒙运动:he enlightenment movementin 18th-century of england is know as the age of enlightenment or the age of reason was a progressive intellectual movement which florished in french and swept through the whole western europe at the timethe moevment was a furderance of renaissance of the 15th and16th-centuryits purpose was to enlighten the word with the light of morden philosophical and artistic ideasthe enlighteners celebrated reason for reasonlity,equality and sciencethey called for a reference of order,reason,rules,advocated universal education 代表:john dryden alexander pope班扬天路历程 The Pilgrim's Progress蒲伯论批评 An Essay on Criticism笛福鲁宾逊漂流记 Robinson Crusoe斯威夫特格列佛游记 Gulliver's Travels菲尔丁汤姆·琼斯 Tom Jones约翰逊英语大词典 A Dictionary of the English Language谢里丹造谣学校 The School for Scandal格雷墓园挽歌 Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard班阳 John Bunyan语言具体生动,情节鲜明现实,通俗易懂让没受过教育的人也能得到阅读他作品的乐趣其它作品:罪人头目的赦免败德门先生生死录圣战天路历程2 as a stout puritan ,he had made a conscientiosuly study of the bible and firmly believed in salvation through spirtual struggle语言特色:concrete and living language,carefully observed,vividly presented detail选读作品: from the pilgrim's progress a religious aellgory pursue the turththe most sucessful religious allegory in the history of english literaturethe theme is to urge people to abide by christian doctrinesand seak salvation through constant struggles with their own weakness and all kinds ofsocial evil应用:The allegorical meaning of “The Vanity Fair”名利场的寓言意义 The Vanity Fair refers to the real world where people have become so degeneratedthat all they are concerned is to buy and sell everything they can. It allegorically represents vanity both in the society and in people‟s heart, so people are spiritually lost.However, the pilgrims refuse to buy any of the things in the Vanity Fair. Its purpose is to urge people to abide by Christian doctrines and seek salvation through constant struggle with their own weakness and social evils. Christians' refusal shows that they are one step nearer the Celestial City.蒲柏Alexander Pope是个很敏感sensitive的人,当然要用笔墨来反击,发展了犀利biting的讽刺文体satire。
英美文学选读 英国篇

Anthology of English and American Literature☐What is literature? Is it necessary or important in modern society?☐什么是文学?今天我们还需要文学吗?主讲内容一、考试主要题型、特点和应考策略;二、以讲解关键词的方法作全书梳理,包括各个时期重要的文学理念,核心观点;三、结合真题对重点作家做总结和预测第一讲一、考试题型分析1.选择题(40/25)40,22(英国),18(美国),主要考查:基本知识点、理解(10)趋势:选择题难度上升,主观题难度下降。
09年真题41. Wherefore feed and clothe and saveFrom the cradle to the graveThose ungrateful drones who wouldDrain your sweat- nay, drink your blood?Questions:A. Identify the poet and the title of the poem from which the stanza is taken.B. What figure of speech is used in Line 2?C. Whom does “drones” refer to?3.简答(6×4)内容的跨越比较大,既有阅读理解部分的延伸,也有某一时期的文学思潮,还有对某一断代史的简论,答对率非常低。
4.讨论(2×10)考查:文学流派与作家解析,作品主题、人物、情节、叙事方法等分析二、应试技巧(主观题)基本方法:核心观点+实际问题答题时最好用A,B,C或123等符号将答案分割成几点;英文的书写与拼写语法做简答题或论述题的答题要点☐A. 关于历史时期的介绍1> 时间+来源(0.5分---1分)2> 历史背景(不需要扩充) (1---2分)3> 该时期中最重要的创作思想以及影响该时期的大背景.(2---3分)4> 代表作家以及代表作品简介.(1分)5> 影响(0.5—1分)☐B. 论述题中人物性格分析的答题要点:1> 利用题目发挥(0.5--1分)2> 该任务的代表时期,属于哪个阶层(1—2分)3> 作品中人物经历的有关情节(2—3分)4> 该人物的直接性格分析(1—2分)5> 该人物的文学性格分析(3—4分)6> 作用/影响/语言风格等(0.5—1分)☐C. 论述题中关于作家的分析1> 利用题目发挥(0.5—1分)2> 该作家所处的历史背景(1—2 分)3> 该作家的语言风格(1—2分)4> 该作家说写的典型作品及创作主题(2—3分)5> 关于典型作品的有关情节(1—2分)6> 影响(0.5—1 分)英美文学选读答题套语☐Sb. launches possibly the sharpest and the fiercest attack upon the very foundations of the corrupt feudalism/capitalist world.☐The penetrating hit at the very heart of capitalism is driven home.☐no other than=nothing more than☐…is discernible.☐Lengthy accounts are given to…☐Sb. perceptively states that…☐Sth. bears some resemblance with…☐…draws influence from…☐in essence☐prolific☐play a pivotal role in…☐The significance of …lies rather in the portrayal of…☐It affords the readers a whole gallery of vivid portraits of the people of all stratum.☐…gives an encyclopedic creation of…☐…shows a genuine sympathy for…☐every character one’s creative finger touched came alive☐…leaves unforgettable impressions on the readers’ mind.☐The great humorists of the world are few in number, and Mark Twain is of that choice company.☐评分标准:1)答出参考答案多数要点且某些要点有较好发挥,可给满分;2)考生答非所问不给分;3)内容和语言综合考虑,语言表达不好的要适当扣分,原则如下:a)语言通顺,表达清楚,语法错误和拼写错误很少,基本根据内容评分;b)语言基本通顺,有少数语法错误和拼写错误,扣该题分值的20%;c)语言不通顺,表达不连贯,有较多语法错误和拼写错误,扣该题分值的40%;d)语言很不通顺,无法表达连贯的意思,扣该题分值的60%。
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The Renaissance Period 文艺复兴时期Beowulf 《贝奥武夫》:第一部最古老、最长的较完整的文学作品The Canterbury Tales 《坎特伯雷故事集》小说集,描写了各行各业中的人物形象Italy 三方面:painting+sculputre+literature主要作家:William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚The Merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》(1)手法:pun 双关(“Not on thy sole,but on thy soul,harsh Jew /Thou mak ’st thy knife keen.”“狠心的犹太人,你不是在鞋口上磨刀,而是在你的心口上磨刀”)(2)主人公名字:安东尼奥Antonio 巴萨尼奥Bassanio 鲍西亚Portia 犹太人Jews 夏洛克Shylock 生平2long poems 154sonnets38playsVenus and Adonis 《维纳斯与安东尼斯》The Rape of Lucrece 《鲁克丽丝受辱记》四大喜剧A Midsummer Night’s Dream 《仲夏夜之梦》As You Like It 《皆大欢喜》Twelfth Night 《第十二夜》The Merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》(1)手法:soliloquy 独白(“To be,or not to be —that is the question ”)(2)The first and the most popular play of Shakespeare十四行诗(18)(1)起源Italy引入英国的人Wyatt 华埃特(2)经典名句:“Shall I compare thee to a summer ’s day?”我可能把你和夏天相比拟?(3)修辞:Personification 拟人手法(4)主题:美好夏日通常短暂,但诗歌之美却能永存。
A nice summer's day is usually transient,but the beauty in poetry can last forever 四大悲剧哈罗李白Macbeth 《麦克白》King Lear 《李尔王》Othello 《奥赛罗》Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》四个时期学徒期:5部历史剧、4部戏剧个性期巅峰期:悲剧、悲喜剧(黑色喜剧)晚年期5部历史、6部喜剧剧2部悲剧:Romeo and Juliet 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》表达乐观情绪:optimistic 运用反讽刺手法:irony 浪漫悲喜剧:The Tempest 《暴风雨》最后两部剧:《亨利八世》、《两位贵族亲戚》✓John Milton 约翰·弥尔顿失乐园Paradise Lost(1)关键人物:Santan(撒旦)Adam(亚当)Eve(夏娃)(2)灵感来源:the Old Testament 旧约(3)主题:“人类的沉沦”——Fall of ManChristian humanism 基督教人文主义Samson Agonistes 力士参孙灵感来源:古希腊悲剧Greek其他作家●斯宾塞Edmund Spenser(1)作品:仙后(The Faerie Queene )(2)情节:chivalry 骑士精神(骑士公主打恶龙)(3)选段提问:骑士胸前有血十字,代表垂死的主dying lord ——耶稣Jesus●马洛Christopher Marlowe(1)作品:The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus 浮士德博士的悲剧(2)情节:浮士德博士用灵魂从魔鬼手中换取24年时间。
——Time(3)作品:The Passionate shepherd to His Love 激情的牧人致心爱的姑娘(4)关键词:shepherd 牧羊人Samson Agonistes 《力士参孙》晚期:写巨作(写神明)great poems 生平Paradise regained 《复乐园》早期:要写诗(没故事)Lycidas 《利西达斯》中期:写册子(搞革命)Areopagitica 《论出版自由》Paradise Lost 《失乐园》●培根Francis Bacon(1)作品:Novum Organum新工具(2)特点:拉丁文书写Latin讲述方法论Methodology(3)作品:Of Studies论学习(4)选段关键词:Reading Books●邓恩John Donne(1)玄学派诗歌Metaphysical Poetry(2)作品:Death,Be Not Proud死神,你休要得意The Neoclassical Period新古典时期1.The Neoclassical Period新古典主义时期18th Century——Reason从英王查理二世复辟开始到浪漫主义时期为止。
英国中产阶级笃信self-reliance自力更生self-restraint自我克制hard work努力工作。
2.启蒙运动the enlightenmentFrance→the whole Europereason equality and science3.新古典主义规定散文要精确,直接,灵活和流畅。
being precisebeing directbeing flexible4.新古典主义时期末期出现的新小说形式:Gothic Novels哥特式小说(内容恐怖、暴力)主要作家:✓Daniel Defoe丹尼尔·笛福(1)写了很多政治小册子《成为异教徒的捷径》The Shortest Way with the Dissenters(身陷囹吾)《地地道道的英国人》The True-born Englishman(成为国王的好朋友friendship with the king)鲁滨逊漂流记Robinson Crusoe national spirit---adventure story(1)特点:第一人称(2)主人公形象:typical English middle -class man+prototype of the empire builder or the pioneer colonist.典型的十八世纪英国中产阶级人士,也是帝国建造者或先驱殖民者的原型故事简介:(1)出海:on sail(2)遇到海难帆船:perils of the sea(3)漂至一片孤岛:floating to an islet(4)从此在岛上挣扎生存了24年:since then,he has struggled for 24years on the islet(5)救了星期五:saved Friday(6)最后获救返回英国:finally rescused and returned to England(7)种植园发家致富:plantations grow richJonathan Swift 乔纳森·斯威夫特特点:讽刺satire 爱尔兰民族英雄——抵制copper coin 写作特点:a good style as proper words in proper places 在恰当的地方使用恰当的语言作品Robinson Crusoe 《鲁滨逊漂流记》描写大瘟疫的作品:A Journal of the Plague Year 《大疫年日记》底层人士故事Lover class people作品The Battle of the Books 《书籍的战斗》A Tale of a Tub 《桶的故事》小说Colonel Jack 《杰克上校》Moll Flanders 《摩尔·弗兰》Roxana 《罗克查娜》讽刺巨作a perfect model :A Modest Proposal 《一个温和的建议》针对腐败的两片讽刺文章讽刺宗教和学术界Drapier (假名)——copper coin 1724✓Henry Fielding 亨利·菲尔丁aristocratic 旧贵族家庭1.生平the father of English Novels 英国小说之父(1)26plays(2)他对文学的最大贡献是他创作的现实主义小说modern novel(3)为现代小说确立了结构与风格the first to give the modernnovel its structure and style 散文喜剧史诗comic epic in prose(4)第三人称叙述方式Tom Jones 《汤姆·琼斯》(1)每一卷第一章是一篇独立散文,大都是文论性质,阐述作者对现实主义文学的见解(2)菲尔丁被誉为“散文荷马”Prose Homer其他作家●班扬John Bunyan天路历程The Pilgrim's ProgressChristian,Faithful and Pliable are the literary figures in it●蒲伯Alexander Pope rationalism 理性主义第一个传入英国The Dunciad 愚人志An Essay On Man 《说教师》运用Heroic couplet 英雄双韵体Pasquin 《巴斯昆》Houyhnhnms 慧烟国Flying Island 飞岛国Brobdingnag 大人国Lilliput 小人国The History of Amelia 《阿米亚的故事》:unfortunate life of an idealized womanGulliver's Travels 格列佛游记greatest satiricThe Tragedy of Tragedies 《悲剧的悲剧》Tom Jones 《汤姆·琼斯》作品The Coffee-House Politician 《咖啡馆的政客》The Romantic Period 浪漫时期(1)开始于1798华兹华斯和柯勒律治《抒情歌谣集》。
(2)In the Romantic period,poetry is the most prosperous literary form.浪漫主义时期,诗歌是最繁荣的文学形式。
(3)A rebellion against the neoclassical literature,which was later regarded as the poetic revolution 反对新古典主义的运动被称为诗界革命。