Caribbean cruise技术攻略
Cruise系列电动舷外机操作指南Cruise 2.0 R/TCruise 4.0 R/T请阅读完整版操作手册以获得完整信息目录安全及注意事项 3 –4铭牌及技术参数 5 –8安装9 –14连接Torqeedo锂电池15 –19连接其他电池20 –25操作26 –34维护及保养35 –37故障代码38 –40特别注意41 -43安全事项•每次使用前检查舷外机、电池、及连接线状态。
•Power 26-104锂电池长期不用,请按住电源键5秒以上,使电池处于关闭状态。
Power 26-104存放前请确认电池处于关闭状态(按住电源键5秒以上至出现“OFF”符号)。
•经常检查阳极牺牲锌块,如有需要请立即更换(仅针对2015年5月份以后生产机型)铭牌舷外机铭牌电池铭牌序列号检测日期识别号技术参数–舷外机型号 2.0 TS/TL 4.0 TS/TL 2.0 RS/RL 4.0 RS/RL输入功率watts2000400020004000推进功率watts1120224011202240等效汽油舷外机功率 5 HP8 HP 5 HP8 HP等效汽油舷外机推力 6 HP9.9 HP 6 HP9.9 HP舷外机功率%56565656静态推力ibs115189115189名义电压V24482448总重kg17.5(S)/ 18.4(L)18.3(S)/ 19.2(L)16.0(S)/ 16.9(L)16.8(S)/ 17.7(L)轴长cm62.5(S)/ 75.5(L)62.5(S)/ 75.5(L)62.5(S)/ 75.5(L)62.5(S)/75.5(L)标配螺旋桨(v=速度km/hp=功率watts)v19/p4000v19/p4000v19/p4000v19/p4000可选螺旋桨v8/p350v30/p4000v8/p350v30/p4000v8/p350v30/p4000v8/p350v30/p4000最高螺旋桨转速rpm1300130013001300油门控制手柄手柄遥控油门遥控油门方向系统360°控制,可锁定360°控制,可锁定可连接标准方向系统;可锁定可连接标准方向系统;可锁定起翘手动,带碰撞保护手动,带碰撞保护手动,带碰撞保护手动,带碰撞保护技术参数–锂电池电池Power 26-104锂电池容量2685Wh名义电压25.9V完全充电后电压29V完全放电后电压21V最大放电电流180A重量24.3KG循环寿命800次后容量损失25%(25度室温下100%完全充放电)包装箱内容项目备注 2.0 TS/TL 4.0 TS/TL 2.0 RS/RL 4.0 RS/RL 舷外机总成,包括螺旋桨√√√√遥控油门油门线4.5米√√后操手柄√√方向系统安装套件√√安全钥匙√√√√电池线(3米)含有主开关、保险丝√√√√电池串/并联线1313M8螺栓用来锁住方向√√√√操作手册√√√√保修卡√√√√Cruise R/T 外观手柄遥控油门安装夹板推进器螺旋桨保护挡板Cruise 安装在艉板上1.安装前,请确保如右图起翘开关置于“Lock ”锁住位置;2.将Cruise 舷外机放置于艉板上,将安装夹板锁紧;3.也可以在艉板支架的四个螺栓孔位置用四颗8mm螺栓锁紧;123Cruise 升降角度调整1.将起翘开关置于“Tilt/Auto Kick-up ”位置;2.拉动顶部手柄,将舷外机翘起;3.取出升降调整杆的固定环,取出升降调整杆,并插入合适高度的孔内,并将固定环装回;1234连接方向系统(仅适用于Cruise R)•Cruise R可以连接标准方向系统•Cruise R供货范围不包含方向系统•Cruise R供货范围包含连接方向系统所必须的附件。
通过递归地划分数据集,构建一棵树状结构, 每个内部节点表示一个特征属性上的判断条 件,每个叶节点表示一个类别。
基于决策树模型的集成学习算法,通过构建 多个决策树并结合它们的预测结果来提高模 型的泛化能力。
包括学习率、正则化系数、树的深度 等,这些参数对模型性能有重要影响, 需要通过交叉验证等方法进行调整。
包括数据清洗、特征提取、数据转换 等步骤,为后续建模提供高质量的数 据输入。
根据问题的特点和数据的性质,选择 合适的机器学习模型,如逻辑回归、 随机森林、神经网络等。
利用预处理后的数据进行模型训练, 调整模型参数,优化模型性能。
对于缺失值,可以采用删除、填 充、插值等方法进行处理,以保
通过统计分析、箱线图等方法识 别异常值,并进行相应的处理, 如删除、替换等。
根据需要对数据进行转换,如数 据类型转换、数据标准化、归一 化等。
02 03
随着计算机技术的进步和数值模拟方法的不断完善,CRUISE软件逐渐 增加了多体动力学、控制系统建模、热管理等模块,形成了一套完整的 车辆性能模拟解决方案。
件•CRUISE系统概述•CRUISE基本操作与界面介绍•航线设计与规划•船舶性能参数设置与调整目录•航行监控与报警处理•数据输出、保存与打印功能•总结回顾与课程评估01CATALOGUE CRUISE系统概述CRUISE系统定义与功能定义CRUISE系统是一种先进的智能驾驶辅助系统,旨在提供全方位的驾驶支持和安全保障。
030201CRUISE 系统应用领域02CATALOGUE CRUISE基本操作与界面介绍登录与退出操作登录操作输入正确的用户名和密码,点击登录按钮即可进入CRUISE系统。
菜单栏包含文件、编辑、视图、工具、窗口和帮助等菜单项,提供对CRUISE 系统的基本操作和设置。
支持多种数据源接入,如关系型数据库、 NoSQL数据库、文件系统等,实现数据的 统一管理和集成。
提供标准的数据传输协议,支持数据的实时传输和 批量传输,确保数据传输的稳定性和可靠性。
提供丰富的数据转换和处理功能,如数据清 洗、格式转换、聚合计算等,满足数据分析 和挖掘需求。
根据安装指南,将Cruise的可执行文件路径添加到系统的环境变量中,以便在终端中直接运 行Cruise命令。
根据需要,修改Cruise的配置文件,如设置地图路径、传感器参数等。这些配置文件通常位 于Cruise的安装目录下的`config`文件夹中。
如果使用ROS与Cruise进行集成,还需要配置ROS的相关环境变量和参数,确保ROS能够正 确找到和使用Cruise。
通过深度学习、计算机视觉等技术,实现车辆自主导 航、障碍物识别和避让等功能。
运用自然语言处理技术,实现用户与车辆的语音交互 ,提高用户体验。
基于用户历史数据和机器学习算法,为用户提供个性 化的行程建议和服务。
利用云计算技术,实现计算资源的动态调度和分配,满足Cruise 大规模数据处理需求。
网络故障 检查网络连接状态,确保网络畅通。 排查网络配置错误或网络设备故障。
程序错误 查看程序日志,定位错误信息。 使用调试工具逐步跟踪程序执行过程,找出问题所在。
日志分析工具 使用日志分析工具(如ELK、Graylog 等)对系统日志进行集中管理和分析
二、预订邮轮1. 选择目的地皇家加勒比海邮轮提供全球各大洲的航线选择,包括加勒比海、地中海、北欧等。
2. 选择船只皇家加勒比海邮轮有多款豪华船只可供选择。
3. 预订方式您可以通过皇家加勒比海邮轮的官方网站或与旅行社联系来预订邮轮。
1. 餐饮邮轮上设有多个餐厅和酒吧,供应各种美食和饮品。
2. 娱乐设施邮轮上有各种娱乐设施,如游泳池、水上滑道、健身房、篮球场等。
3. 儿童设施皇家加勒比海邮轮非常适合家庭旅行,提供特别设计的儿童设施和活动。
四、行程安排1. 上船手续在邮轮出发前,您需要完成上船手续。
2. 海上活动在船上的海上天地,您可以选择参加各种活动。
(完整word版)游轮行业研究之:皇家加勒比游轮(Royal Caribbean Cruises)
游轮行业研究之:皇家加勒比游轮(Royal Caribbean Cruises)一、公司简介Royal Caribbean($皇家加勒比海游轮(RCL)$)是一家挪威和美国合资的游轮公司,总部设在美国迈阿密。
Royal Caribbean (RCL)是世界第二大游轮公司,规模仅次于庞大的Carnival (CCL)公司. 目前RCL公司拥有五个游轮品牌,总计将近30艘巨型游轮.旗下全职员工有60,300人。
公司总值(Enterprise Value) 137.3亿.市场价值(Market Cap)为$53.6亿。
1969年三家挪威航运公司的合并促成了Royal Caribbean公司的成立。
1970年该公司进行了首航.1988年公司收购了刚成立的希腊游轮公司 Celebrity Cruises,从此将市场定位在高层次的游客。
游轮上的菜谱由著名的米其林三星指南中的主厨 Michel Roux 精心设计。
2000年Royal Caribbean创建了其第三个品牌Island Cruises,并在之后的几年中继续收购和成立新的品牌,被收购的公司中包括著名的西班牙Pullmantur Cruises。
经济危机以及原油价格上涨使公司业绩受到了严重的打击.本文将首先介绍RCL的商业模式,然后将Royal Caribbean和Carnival 进行对比,从而探索游轮行业潜在的投资机会。
查看原图二、商业模式游轮公司是如何盈利的呢?我们将从价值链、收入、支出以及投资四个方面来解释Royal Caribbean的商业模式.价值链(Value Chain)下图简述了游轮公司从原料进口到供给服务的全过程。
查看原图收入(Revenues)Royal Caribbean的收入主要通过船票收入和船上其他收入两大类组成。
A VL crui se理论基础本文档由整理发布。
1 V ehi cle 整车参数1.1汽车瞬时质量的确定汽车的质量是与汽车装载状态有关的。
不同装载情况下,汽车的质量是不同的,可表示为:)(,,load V V act v Z m m =ﻩﻩﻩ ﻩﻩ ﻩ (1-1)其中, 空载时min ,,)0(0V V load V m m Z =⇒=半载时2)1(1,min ,,zulV V V load V m m m Z +=⇒=满载时zul V V load V m m Z ,,)2(2=⇒=如果不是上面这三种状态,则可以按式(1-2)计算汽车的瞬时质量:zul V V act v m m m ,,)0(+=ﻩﻩ ﻩﻩﻩﻩﻩﻩ ﻩ ﻩ(1-2)式中, m V ,ac t:整车的瞬时实际质量,kg;ZV ,loa d:汽车的载荷状态; m V ,mi n:是汽车的整备质量,kg ; mV ,zul :是汽车的满载质量,kg 。
1.2车轮的数量的确定汽车各个位置的车轮的数量(N W,f,r,N W,f,l,N W,r ,r ,和N W ,r,l )是在考虑了车轮的定位(L w,i )情况后由车轮的总数量来确-定的。
(1)在路上行驶在这种情况下,质心高度和与前轴的距离是与三种负载状态有关的,其计算方法如下:)(,,,,load V cog V act cog V Z h h = ﻩﻩﻩ ﻩﻩﻩﻩﻩﻩ(1-3))(,,,,load V cog V act cog V Z l l =ﻩ ﻩﻩﻩ ﻩﻩﻩﻩ(1-4)式中, h V ,c og,act :汽车质心的实际高度,m m;l V,cog,act :汽车质心距前轴的距离,mm ;h V ,cog (Z V ,lo ad ):依据载荷状态的质心高度,mm ;lV ,c og (Z V,loa d):依据载荷状态的质心距离前轴的距离,mm 。
当对水速度小于 4 n时 , k 不借助外界力量很难把定 航 向。施舵 时舵 效 又 来 得 慢 , 而 船 舶一 旦开 始 转 然
头 , 需要 以更 大 的舵角 来抑 制 , 以在 需要用舵 改 则 所 变航 向时 , 须要 早 施舵 、 回舵 、 大 舵 角。但 是 必 早 用
在 另一 方面 , 船体 肥 大 的超 大 型 船舶 的旋 回性 一 般 相 对较 好 。但是 , 港 内操 作 而言 , 就 与其旋 回性好远
2 1 年第 1 01 期
满载 C P A E型船 舶 驶入 天津 港 操 纵 要 领
( 津港 引航 中心 天 天津 305 ) 0 46
要 : 文 章 简述 了满载 C P A E型船 舶 的操 纵 特 点 , 结合 天津 港 潮 汐潮 流 特 点 , 对 并 针
不 如航 向稳定 性 和应 舵性 好 。 13 受 风流 影 响大 .
空 载的 C P A E船 舶 , 上 面积大 、 风影 响特别 水 受 是 横风 或接 近于横 风 时 易产 生 较 大 的飘 移 ; 载 时 满 受 流 的影 响 大 。在 操 纵 C P A E型船 舶 进 港 的 时候 , 低 速航行 阶段 流水 的作 用 对 船 舶 的 影 响较 大 , 泊 靠 应选 择在 平潮 或者 落潮 的时候 。天津 港 曾发 生在涨 潮靠 泊 时 , 4艘 365 W 的 Z型拖 轮协 助 的情 况下 7 k
说天 津港 已经建设 成为 世界 上等 级最 高 的人工深 水
港之一。与此 同时, 天津港 的年货物吞吐量一直表 现出逐年大 幅上扬 的强 劲态势 ,0 0年 突破 4亿 21 吨。大型 C P A E型船 舶 进 出天 津 港 日趋 频 繁 , 旦 一
随身携带文件:护照、Check-In Signature Form、儿童俱乐部注册表、许可旅行表照相机摄像机眼镜望远镜药物防晒用品打包行李:电线插头充电器电脑存储卡个人卫生用品:牙刷牙膏棉花棒牙线化妆品浴球穿着:女晚宴鞋3休闲鞋1 拖鞋1 套装3 内衣7套袜子7双上衣5件绒裤1 裤子1 牛仔裤1 薄外套1 滑雪衣1 手套围巾1游泳衣男皮鞋2 休闲鞋1拖鞋1内衣7套袜子7双领带2 西装1 衬衫3 毛衣2裤子2 牛仔裤1薄外套1 滑雪衣1 帽子手套围巾1游泳衣其它:小手袋背包一个雨伞小衣架洗衣皂登船地点:Port of Vancouver Canada Place Ship Terminal 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC, CANADA迪士尼邮轮Disney Cruise Line迪士尼奇迹号Disney Wonder载客量: 2500 总吨位: 83000 邮轮全长: 964英尺乘务人员:950客舱楼层: 6 客房数: 875 首航: 1999年8月装修:2006年,一流航线,黑色镶金船身,熟悉的米老鼠耳朵象征着迪斯尼。
顶楼三座游泳池、四个SPA、三个简餐店(无限供应披萨、汉堡、三明治和冰淇淋、饮料等);另有四家高级餐厅:意大利菜(PALO)、加勒比海菜(PARROT CAY)、美式餐厅(ARTIST PALATE)、海产(TUTIONS),除了意大利餐仅限成人,并要另外付费外,其他都有供应早午晚餐,无限免费享用。
在Animator's Palate,周围开始是黑白的,但随着上菜,会充斥彩色。
Tips:船上有专门的影像文件存储光盘付费服务中午12点钟就可以办理登船手续,领Sea Pass,上船后就可以享受船上一切美食及娱乐设施了。
ECE 城市循环 ( ECE R15):
Extra Urban Driving Cycle ( EUDC ):
美国城市循环( FTP 72 without break ) ( FTP 75 with break )
美国高速公路循环( HDC ) 日本10 / 15模式:
Project Data - 任务文件夹 计算任务 – SAM (System Analyze Mode)系统分析模式
不需要设置诸如Cockpit, Vehicle等组件和任务设置中Driver, Course和
Cruise Support Team, 12.2010
Project Data - 任务文件夹 计算任务文件夹 – 多项激活--项目数据
按住 <ctrl> 键点击鼠标左键激活多个任务
右键点击选中的 某一个任务,弹 出的菜单中显示 所选任务的数目
运行 不运行 只运行该项 运行全部
Cruise Support Team, 12.2010
Project Data - 任务文件夹 计算任务文件夹 – 系统开发任务
激活和屏蔽任务文件夹和任务只跟当前选择 的系统相关 对于选择的系统,激活和屏蔽状态可以在工 具条的任务列表里查看 如果任务文件夹是屏蔽的,即使激活该文件 夹下的任务,整个文件夹还是不参与本次计 算 注意: 请不要在此激活或屏蔽任务和任务文 件夹!
UDC, NEDC, FTP72, …).
屏蔽 自动 详细
Cruise Trip扫盲技术
1、什么样的人适合Cruise Trip?个人觉得Cruise这种旅行方式还是基本老少咸宜,尤其适合以下几类人:1. 懒得自己安排全部行程和食宿,但又不希望完全和旅行社走的旅行者;2.向往加勒比海风光但因持有天朝护照无法自己签入部分中美洲国家的旅行者;3. Family 出行或者大批人的毕业旅行。
个人觉得不适合Cruise的有以下几类人:1. 喜欢自己出行安排行程、具有探险精神的驴友;2. 希望游历中美洲国家城市和人文的驴友;3、希望通过旅行减肥的人。
总的来说,Cruise比较适合度假者放松身心,而非抱着探索发现和历险目的的discovering traveller.2、为什么要参加Cruise Trip?1. 价格。
以我们这次Cruise为例,如果不计算我因为各种打游戏和上网的花费,其实700~800美元就可以囊括全部的花销,包括在床上的住宿、几乎无限量供应的免费自助和正宗西餐、每天不落的Broadway Show以及三个国家、四个不同地方的各项岸上活动,all-inclusive。
而且这还不包括每次购买Cruise Trip而返还的100美元左右的Credit,并且我们所去的时间段还算是旺季。
FREESTYLE2007QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE2007FREESTYLE *7F9J-19G217-AA*7F9J-19G217-AAFEBRUARY 2006FIRST PRINTINGQUICK REFERENCE GUIDE624848121LOCATION OF SPARE TIRE AND TOOLSYour vehicle is equipped with a temporary spare tire,which is smaller than a regular tire,and designed for emergency use only.The jack,spare tire,jack handle,and lug nut wrench are under the carpeted floor panel in the rear of the vehicle.If the 3rd row seat is stowed in the floor,you will need to unstow it to access the spare tire and jack.FUSESIf your electrical components aren't working properly,a fuse may have blown.Please consult your Owner's Guide.FUEL PUMP SHUT-OFF SWITCHThis device stops the electric fuel pump from sending fuel to the engine when your vehicle has had a substantial jolt.After an accident,if the engine cranks but does not start,this switch may have been activated.The fuel pump shut-off switch is located in the front passenger footwell area in the right upper corner.For switch reset instructions,please consult your Owner's Guide.UNLEADED FUEL RECOMMENDATIONSFor optimum performance,use “Regular”unleaded fuel with a pump (R+M)/2octane rating of at least 87.We do not recommend the use of gasolines labeled “Regular”with octane ratings of 86or lower that are sold in high altitude areas.TIRE PRESSURESafe operation of your Freestyle requires that your tires be properly inflated.The Ford recommended inflation pressure is found on the Tire Label or the Certification Label located near the front door latch on the driver's side.At least once a month and before long trips,inspect each tire and check the air pressure with a digital or dial-type tire gauge.Don't forget the spare.Air pressure should be checked when the tires are cold.Inflate all tires to the inflation pressure recommended by Ford Motor Company.ROADSIDE ASSISTANCEIn addition to your New Vehicle Limited Warranty,Ford provides new vehicle owners with a complimentary roadside assistance program.This service is available 24hours a day,seven days a week,for three years or 36,000miles (60,000km).It covers changing a flat tire,jump starts,limited fuel delivery,lock-out assistance,winch out,and towing of your vehicle.United States (800)241-3673Canada (800)665-2006UNDERSTANDING THE CVTThe Continuously Variable Transaxle (CVT)is a fully automatic transmission that electronically monitors vehicle system inputs/outputs and driver demands to select the desired drive ratio.Unlike traditional automatic transmissions,the CVT continually adjusts the optimum overall drive ratio between engine and drive wheels for all operating conditions.As traditional automatic transmissions shift up or down in gears,the shifting in gear ratios is noticeable by increasing and decreasing engine RPM,which causes a slight energy loss as the gears change.The gear changes can be felt by the driver.With the CVT,there is no energy transfer loss from shifting because there is no gear shifting up or down.Accelerating up to vehicle operating speed is smooth and continuous,uninterrupted by gear shifting.The same holds true for coasting down to idle:smooth and continuous.Unlike traditional automatic transmissions,the CVT offers more responsive performance and increased fuel economy.The use of fluids other than the recommended fluid could seriously damage internal transmission components.Please consult your Owner’s Guide.REAR WINDOW BUFFETINGWhen one or both of your rear windows are fully open,you may experience a wind throb or buffeting noise.This is common among all vehicles and can be eliminated simply by lowering a front window two to three inches.POWER SIDE MIRRORSRotate the control clockwise to adjust theright mirrorand counterclockwise toadjust the leftmirror.Move the controlin thedirection you wish totilt themirror.Rotate thecontrol to thecenter position to lock the mirrors in place.REMOTE ENTRY SYSTEMYour vehicle is equipped with a remote entry system which allows you to lock or unlock the doors.It also allows you to activate a panic alarm with thekey in the 1(LOCK)or 2(ACC)position.The remote entry system can also control the memory seat/power mirrors/adjustable pedals feature (if equipped).Please consult your Owner's Guide.KEYLESS ENTRY KEYPADThe keyless entry keypad can be used to lock or unlock the doors without using a key.It can also control the memory seat,power mirrors,and adjustable pedals (if equipped).Please consult your Owner’s Guide.MEMORY FEATURE(IF EQUIPPED)This feature will allow you to set two positions for the driver's seat,power mirrors,and adjustable pedals (if equipped).Please consult your Owner's Guide.ADJUSTABLE PEDALS(IF EQUIPPED)The accelerator and brake pedal should only be adjusted when the vehicle is stopped and the gearshift is in the P (Park)position.Press thetop of the control to adjust thepedals away from you,or press the bottom of the control to adjust the pedals toward you.HOMELINK ®(IF EQUIPPED)The HomeLink Wireless Control System on the driver's visor provides a convenient way to replace up to three handheld transmitters with a single device.This feature willoperate most garage doors,entry gate operators,security systems,and home or office lighting.For programming,please consult your Owner's Guide.HEATED SEATS(IF EQUIPPED)Press the heated seat button to cycle through available settings of high heat (2lights),low heat (1light),and off (no lights).REVERSE SENSING SYSTEM(IF EQUIPPED)The Reverse Sensing System (RSS)sounds a tone to warn the driver of obstacles near the rear bumper when R (Reverse)is selected and the vehicle is moving at speeds less than 3mph (5km/h).The system is not effective at speeds above 3mph (5km/h)and may not detect certain angular or moving objects.CLIMATE CONTROLDual Zone Automatic Temperature Control (IF EQUIPPED)Driver and Passenger Side TemperatureSet desired cabin temperature with the blue and red buttons.Press to increase or decrease the temperature on the driver or passenger side of the cabin.Dual Control (IF EQUIPPED)Press DUAL to engage/disengage separate passenger side temperature control.For controls without a DUAL button,press and hold AUTO to engage/disengage separate passenger side temperature control.Automatic OperationSet desired cabin temperature.Then press AUTO for full automatic operation.The system will automatically adjust airflow temperature,front fan speed,airflow direction,A/C,and recirculated air based on the selected temperature to heat or cool the vehicle to the desired temperature as soon as possible.Defogging/DemistingPress Defrost to distribute outside air through the windshield defroster vents and demister vents.To reduce humidity build-up in the vehicle,do not drive with the climate control turned off.Also,do not drive with recirculated air selected unless the A/C is operating.Air Flow Direction Control (IF EQUIPPED)Press repeatedly to select desired airflow direction.Heated Seats (IF EQUIPPED)Press to cycle through available settings of high heat (2lights),low heat (1light),and off (no lights).Rear (IF EQUIPPED)Press to give rear passenger control of the auxiliary climate system.Press again to turn system off.Rear Temperature Control (IF EQUIPPED)Press to increase or decrease temperature to the rear of the vehicle.Rear Fan Speed Control (IF EQUIPPED)Press to increase or decrease the rear fan speed.18222120191416131517On/Off/Volume ControlPush to turn ON or OFF .Turn to increase or decrease volume.If the volume is set above a certain level and the ignition is turned off,the volume will come back on at a “nominal”level when the ignition switch is turned back on.Tune/Disc SelectorPress to go up or down the radio frequency band or to select a desired disc.Also use in MENU mode to select various settings.Bass/TreblePress MENU until Bass/Treble settings are displayed.Adjust using the SEEK control.Balance/FadePress MENU until Balance is displayed.Press to adjust the audio between the left and right speakers using the SEEK control.Press MENU again to display Fade.Press to adjust audio between the front and rear speakers using the SEEK control.MP3Track/Folder ModeIn Track mode,pressing SEEK will scroll through all tracks on the disc.In Folder mode,pressing SEEK will scroll only through tracks within a selected folder.CDPress to enter CD mode.If a CD is already loaded into the system,the CD will begin playing where it last ended.LOADPress LOAD to begin the CD load sequence.When the display prompts to select a slot,use the desired slot to load the CD.Press and hold LOAD to autoload up to 6CDs,one at a time,when the display prompts to load a CD.AM/FMPress to select AM or FM frequency bands.Setting Memory Presets To set a station:Select AM/FM frequency band,tune to a station,then press and hold a preset button until the sound returns.SCAN controlPress for a brief sampling of radio stations or CD tracks.Press again to stop.SEEK controlPress to access the next/previous strong station or track.Setting the ClockPress MENU until SELECT HOUR or SELECT MINS is e the up/down arrows and SEEK control to adjust the hours/minutes.Dual Play/Single PlayIf the vehicle has a DVD system,simultaneously press preset buttons 2and 4to switch between Dual Play and Single Play.Please consult your Owner's Guide for DVD system operation.117121098654321SEATINGFront Passenger Fold Flat Seat Back The front passenger seat back can be folded down to a horizontal position to allow room for a long load.Ensure that the seat is in the rearmost position and the headrestraint is fully down,prior to pulling the strap located on the back of the seat back.Adjusting 2nd Row Bucket and Bench Seats Lift the side handle to adjust the seat ing the same control will fold the seat back flat.Lifting the control (if equipped)located underneath the seat cushion will adjust the seat forward or backward.Accessing the 3rd Row Seats Ensure that the 2nd row seat adjustable head restraints (if equipped)are in the full down position and no objects such as books,purses,or briefcases are onthe floor in front of the 2nd row seats before folding them down.Place the front row seat in a forward position to allow the 2nd row seat to be fully ”tumbled.”Lift the handle once to fold the seat back flat.Lift the same handle a second time to “tumble”the seat forward to allow access to the 3rd row seat.Stowing the 3rd Row Bench or Split Bench Seat in TubMove the adjustable head restraint (if equipped)fully down.Ensure that the stowage tub is clear of objects prior to cycling.From the rear of the vehicle,foldthe seat back by pulling and holding the number 1strap while pushing the seat back forward.Release the strap after the seat back starts rotating forward.Release the cushion latches by pulling the number 2strap while pulling on the long strap located on the seat back,to rotate the seat all the way into the tub in the floor.ESSENTIALINFORMATION ADDITIONALFEATURESAUDIO SYSTEMPremium/Audiophile In-Dash 6-CD/MP3Sound System (IF EQUIPPED)1234567891011121719191820212213141615Max A/C OperationAutomatic Operation:Press AUTO for full automatic operation.Do not override A/C or recirculated air.Set the temperature to 60°F (16°C).Override Operation:Select air distribution.Select A/C and recirculated e recirculated air with A/C to provide colder airflow.Set temperature to 60°F (16°C).Set to highest front fan speed initially,then adjust to maintain comfort.Manual Override OperationSet desired cabin temperature.Adjust any of the following for personal comfort preferences:front fan speed,airflow direction,A/C,and recirculated air.Front fan speed,A/C,and recirculated air overrides will not turn off the AUTO indicator light.Airflow direction overrides will turn off the AUTO indicator light.ONE |HEADLAMP CONTROLTurning the headlamp control clockwise to the first position turns on the parkinglamps,instrument panellamps,license platelamps,and thetail lamps.Continuingto turn theheadlamp control tothe second positionturns on theheadlamps.To use theautolamp light-sensitive,automatic on-off control for the headlamps,turn the headlamp control counterclockwise.To turn autolamps off,turn the control clockwise to the O (OFF)position.To activate the high beams,simply pull the turn signal lever towards you to the second detent.Pull the lever towards you again to deactivate e the same lever to activate the “Flash to Pass”feature.Pull the lever towards you to the first detent to activate and release it to deactivate.TWO |FOGLAMP CONTROL (IF EQUIPPED)With the ignition on,the foglamps can be turned on when the headlamp control is in the parking lamp,headlamp,or autolamp position,and the high beams are not on.Simply pull the headlamp control towards you to turn on the foglamps.The foglamp indicator light will illuminate.The foglamps will not operate when the high beams are activated.THREE |PANEL DIMMERUse this control to adjust the brightness of the instrument panel and all applicable switches in the vehicle during headlamp and parking lamp operation.Move the control to the full upright position,past the detent,to turn on the interior lamps.FOUR |HOOD RELEASETo open the hood,pull the hood release handle under the bottom of the instrument panel,near the steering column.Go to the front of the vehicle and release the auxiliary latch located under the front center of the e the prop rod to support the raised hood.FIVE |SPEED CONTROLFor your speed control to work,you must press and release the ON button.Pressing and releasing the OFF button,disengages the system and turns it off.To set a desired speed,accelerate to the desiredspeed,press and release the SET+button,then take your foot off the accelerator pedal.You can increase speed using speed control by pressing and releasing the SET+button until you reach the desired speed,increasing speed by 1mph (1.6km/h)with each tap.You can decrease speed in the same way using the SET-button.Pressing the RSM(resume)button will automatically return the vehicle to the previously set speed.The RSM control will not work if the vehicle speed is below 30mph (48km/h)or if the OFF button was pressed.To disengage the speed control,press the OFF or CNCL button or press the brake.SIX |TIL T STEERING COLUMNTo adjust the steering wheel,push the adjustment lever down to unlock the steering column.While the lever is down,tilt the steering column to your desired position.While holding the steering column in place,pull the lever up to its original position to lock the steering column.Do not adjust while driving.SEVEN |STEERING WHEEL AUDIO CONTROLS (IF EQUIPPED)These controls allow you to adjust the radio and CD features from the steering wheel.Press MEDIA to select AM,FM1,FM2or CD.Press SEEK to access the next/previous strong station or track on a CD.Press VOL+/-to adjust volume and MUTE to mute the volume.EIGHT |WINDSHIELD WIPER /WASHERThe multifunction lever controls the windshield wiper modes,speeds,and the windshield washer.For intermittent operation,move the control up one position.You can then adjust the rotary control to the desired interval speed.For normal or low wiper speed,move the control up two positions from OFF.For high speed operation,move the control up three positions from OFF.For windshield washer control,pull the end of the lever toward you.Abrief pull causes a single swipe of the wipers without washer fluid.With a quick pull and hold,the wipers will swipe three times with washer fluid.A long pull and hold will activate the wipers and washer fluid for up to ten seconds.NINE |TRACTION CONTROL ™(IF EQUIPPED)This system helps you maintain the stability and steerability of your vehicle on slippery road surfaces such as snow,ice,or gravel.The system works closely with many of the elements already present in the Anti-lock Braking System.The system defaults to ON.However,should you become stuck,try switching the Traction Control™off.ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT NINETEN |THROTTLE CONTROL /TRANSMISSION LAMPThe throttle control /transmission lamp illuminates when a powertrain fault or an AWD fault (if equipped)has been detected.Contact your dealer as soon as possible.ELEVEN |ENGINE COOLANT LAMPThe engine coolant lamp Illuminates when the engine coolant is low.Stop the vehicle as soon as safely possible and let the engine cool.TWEL VE |ABS WARNING LAMPIn an emergency,apply continuous force to the brake pedal.Do not pump the brakes.Any pulsation or mechanical noise you may feel or hear is normal.If the lamp stays on or continues to flash,have your vehicle serviced.Normal braking is still functional unless the brake warning lamp is also illuminated.THIRTEEN |MESSAGE CENTER (IF EQUIPPED)With the ignition in the RUN position,the message center displays important vehicle information by constantly monitoring vehicle systems.You may select display features on the message center for a display of status,preceded by a brief indicator chime.The system will also notify you of potential vehicle problems with a display of system warnings.For more detailed information,please consult your Owner's Guide.FOURTEEN |CHECK ENGINE LAMPThe check engine indicator lamp illuminates when the ignition is first turned to the RUN position to check the bulb.If the lamp stays on or blinks,the On Board Diagnostics System has detected a malfunction.Drive in a moderate fashion (avoid heavy acceleration or deceleration)and have your vehicle serviced immediately.As the owner of this very capable,very versatile and most refined new Ford Freestyle,you really are…ready to go.And wherever you're going,you'll get there with confidence and style.Pack it for work,pack it for play...your new Ford Freestyle is ready to take you…well…just about anywhere.From tight city streets to snow-covered country roads,your adventures are about to begin.So,what are you waiting for?Let's go.This Quick Reference Guide was designed to help you quickly get to know your new Freestyle and its features.For the most detailed information,please consult your Owner's Guide.So,let's get started.The sooner you know more about your new Freestyle…the sooner you can get packing.ADVENTURES FREESTYLE2007QUICK REFERENCE GUIDEINSTRUMENT PANEL ANDINTERIORFEATURES。
07 总结与展望
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Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)*1Helps maintain a constant vehicle speed and a set following-interval behind a vehicle detected ahead of yours, without you having to keep your foot on the brake or the accelerator.Improper use of ACC can lead to a crash.Use ACC only when traveling on open highways in good weather.ACC has limited braking capability.When your vehicle speed drops below 25 mph (40 km/h), ACC will automatically cancel and no longer will apply your vehicle’s brakes.*1 - If equippedn Activating and Setting the Vehicle Speed1.Press the MAIN button. The ACC(green) indicator appears.2.Take your foot off the pedal andpress down the SET/– button whenyou reach the desired speed. Themoment you release the button, theset speed is fixed, and ACC begins.Note: When you completely disableVSA®, you cannot use ACC.n Adjusting the Vehicle SpeedIncrease or decrease the vehicle speed using the RES/+ or SET/– button on the steering wheel.1.Each time you press the RES/+ or–/SET button, the vehicle speed isincreased or decreased by about 1mph or 1 km/h accordingly.2.If you keep pressing the RES/+ or–/SET button, the vehicle speedincreases or decreases by about 5mph or 5 km/h accordingly.n Adjusting the Vehicle DistancePress the Interval button to change theACC following-interval. Each time youpress the button, the following-intervalsetting cycles through extra long, long,middle, and short following-intervals.n During OperationACC monitors if a vehicle ahead of youenters the ACC range. If a vehicle isdetected doing so, the ACC systemmaintains or decelerates your vehicle’sset speed in order to keep the vehicle’sset following-interval from the vehicleahead.When a vehicle whose speed is slowerthan your set speed is detected in frontof you, your vehicle starts to slowdown.If a vehicle detected ahead of you slows down abruptly or if another vehicle cuts in front of you, the beeper sounds and a message appears on the driver information interface.n Canceling ACCTo cancel ACC, do any of the following:•Press the CANCEL button.•Press the MAIN button.The ACC indicator (green) goes off.•Depress the brake pedal.•Depress the clutch pedal*1 for fiveseconds or more.Note: When you completely disableVSA® while ACC is activated, ACC willautomatically be canceled.*1 - If equippedn Switching to Standard Cruise ControlPress and hold the Interval button forone second.Cruise Mode Selected appears in thedriver information interface for twoseconds, and then the mode switchesto Cruise.To switch back to ACC, press and holdthe interval button again for onesecond.n Important Safety ReminderAs with any system, there are limits to ACC. Use the brake pedal whenever necessary, and always keep a safe interval between your vehicle and other vehicles.LimitationsYou may need to use the brake to maintain a safe interval when using ACC.Additionally, ACC may not work properly under certain conditions.Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with Low Speed Follow*1Helps maintain a constant vehicle speed and a set following interval behind a vehicle detected ahead of yours and, if the detected vehicle comes to a stop, can decelerate and stop your vehicle, without you having to keep your foot on the brake or the accelerator. When ACC with Low Speed Follow slows your vehicle by applying the brakes, your vehicle's brake lights will illuminate.n Activating and Setting the Vehicle Speed1.Press the MAIN button. The ACC(green) indicator appears.*1 - If equipped2.Accelerate to the desired speed.When driving at about 25 mph (40km/h) or above: Take your foot offthe pedal and press the SET/–button when you reach the desiredspeed. The moment you release thebutton, the set speed is fixed, andACC with Low Speed Follow begins.When driving slower than about 25mph (40 km/h): If the vehicle ismoving and the brake pedal is notdepressed, pressing the button fixesthe set speed to about 25 mph (40 km/h) regardless of current vehicle speed. If the vehicle is stationary, you can set the vehicle speed even with the brake pedal depressed.n Adjusting the Vehicle SpeedPress the RES button to increase speed or the SET button to decrease speed.Each time you press the switch up ordown, the vehicle speed is increased ordecreased by about 1 mph (1 km/h). Ifyou keep the switch pressed up ordown, the vehicle speed increases ordecreases by 5 mph or 5 km/h until yourelease it.n Adjusting the Vehicle DistancePress the Interval button to change theACC with Low Speed Follow following-interval. Each time you press thebutton, the following-interval settingcycles through extra long, long, middle,and short following-intervals.n During OperationACC with Low Speed Follow monitors ifa vehicle ahead of you enters the ACCwith Low Speed Follow range. If avehicle is detected doing so, the ACCwith Low Speed Follow systemmaintains or decelerates your vehicle’sset speed in order to keep the vehicle’sset following-interval from the vehicleahead. When a vehicle whose speed isslower than your set speed is detectedin front of you, your vehicle starts to slow down.You can temporarily increase the vehicle speed when you press theaccelerator pedal. ACC stays on unless you cancel it. When you release the accelerator pedal, the system resumes the set speed or a sufficient speed to maintain the following interval.If a vehicle detected ahead of you slows down abruptly or if another vehicle cuts in front of you, the beeper sounds and BRAKE appears on the driver information interface, and the head-up warning lights*1flash.You may need to use the brake to maintain a safe interval when using ACC with Low Speed Follow.Additionally, ACC with Low Speed Follow may not work properly undercertain conditions.n Canceling ACC with Low Speed FollowTo cancel ACC with Low Speed Follow, do any of the following:•Press the CANCEL button.•Press the MAIN button.The ACC with Low Speed Follow indicator (green) goes off.•Depress the brake pedal.When the Low Speed Follow function has stopped the vehicle, you cannot cancel ACC with Low Speed Follow by depressing the brake pedal.*1 - If equippedAfter you have canceled ACC with LowSpeed Follow, you can resume the priorset speed while it is still displayed.Press the RES/+ button. The set speedcannot be set or resumed when ACCwith Low Speed Follow has been turnedoff using the MAIN button. Press theMAIN button to activate the system,then set the desired speed.Exiting a vehicle that has been stopped while the ACC with Low Speed Follow system is operating can result in the vehicle moving withoutImproper use of ACC with Low Speed Follow can lead to a crash.Use ACC only when driving on expressways or freeways and in goodACC with Low Speed Follow has limited braking capability and may not stop your vehicle in time to avoid a collision with a vehicle that quicklyn Switching to Standard Cruise ControlPress and hold the Interval button for one second.Cruise Mode Selected appears on theDriver Information Interface for twoseconds, and then the mode switchesto Cruise.To switch back to ACC with Low SpeedFollow, press and hold the intervalbutton again for one second.Always be aware which mode you are in. When you are driving in Cruise mode, the system will not assist you to maintain a following interval from a vehicle ahead of you.n Important Safety ReminderAs with any system, there are limits to ACC with Low Speed Follow. Use the brake pedal whenever necessary, and always keep a safe interval between your vehicle and other vehicles.LimitationsYou may need to use the brake to maintain a safe interval when using ACC with Low Speed Follow. Additionally, ACC with Low Speed Follow may not work properly under certain conditions.。
难怪好多人都称cruise为get away, escape了。
大家其实很难想象美国人对cruise的热衷程度,在我常上的 两大cruise论坛中,cruise次数超过20次的比比皆是,很多人竟然超过了50次!好多老cruiser对他们常乘的船的熟悉程度估计都超过了船长。
我对门的邻居是一个21岁的本科生mm,但是已经乘坐了18次cruise 了。
很多人甚至选择背靠背的线路,就是连搭两次同样的线路,只是相错一个r ound trip周期而已。
Schindler MarineWhen reaching the heights means experiencing the extraordinary.Welcome to Schindler Marine.全新的高度,卓越的体验迅达船用电梯欢迎您The journey to the top Providing safe, reliable and eco-friendly mobilitySchindler Marine is the mobility provider of choice on board luxury cruise ships, mega yachts and ferries worldwide.提供安全、可靠、环保的移动服务迅达 船用电梯是为豪华邮轮、巨型游艇和渡轮提供卓越移动解决方案的全球首选供应商。
A worldwide group. Close to you.Schindler Marine is one of the global leaders in providing elevators, escalators and related services to the cruise industry. The company has been an expert con-sultant and close partner to shipbuilders and naval architects since the 1980s and currently has installations on over 100 ships. At its headquarters in Milan, Italy, Schindler Marine specializes in developing customized solutions that fulfill the special requirements of marine installations, as well as the aesthetic demands of the luxury cruise market. The service is available globally and managed from Italy.Schindler Marine is part of Schindler Group, the largest supplier of escalators and the second-largest manufacturer of elevators worldwide. The company was founded in 1874 in Lucerne, Switzerland, has around 56,000 employees and op-erations in more than 100 countries. Globally, Schindler equipment moves over one billion people every day.全球化集团,伴您左右迅达船用电梯是为邮轮产业提供电梯、自动扶梯和相关服务的全球领先供应商之一。
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难怪好多人都称cruise为get away, escape了。
大家其实很难想象美国人对cruise的热衷程度,在我常上的 两大cruise论坛中,cruise次数超过20次的比比皆是,很多人竟然超过了50次!好多老cruiser对他们常乘的船的熟悉程度估计都超过了船长。
我对门的邻居是一个21岁的本科生mm,但是已经乘坐了18次cruise 了。
很多人甚至选择背靠背的线路,就是连搭两次同样的线路,只是相错一个r ound trip周期而已。
本文中对各大Cruise公司的评论力求精准客观,评判标准主要基于 两大cruise论坛中的专家r eview及各资深cruise玩家(cruise次数20次以上)的review,请各位读者尽可放心本文提供信息的真实性及可信度。
本人曾经在11年冬天的圣诞前乘坐过Carni val公司的低端bahamas线路Carnival Ecstasy,回来后对梦境般的美景以及环境奢华的cruise ship流连忘返,再加上本工科男从小对大工业机械的热爱,而庞大的cruise ship简直就是这种情结的一个上好的宣泄体,遂成为了一个cru ise的死忠粉丝,这一年来对整个邮轮行业颇为关注。
父母大人的到来更是触发了我cruise mania的又一个小高潮,最近选线选船一阵疯狂,现在基本敲定了寒假行程,12月15号劳德代尔堡出发的Ruby Princess号,东加勒比7天。
感谢mm的建议,让我把这段时间以来疯狂的cruise research结果记录下来,就算给自己的一个纪念品,也希望也能服务到大家。
看到有同学提到签证问题,在此澄清,以下摘自mitbbs travel版FAQ/article_t2/Travel/31225480.html============这里是引用的分割线===================一般情况下,美国签证过期的游客(常见的包括H/B类签证)可以从加拿大和墨西哥的邮轮使用失效签证回美;此外F/J类签证还可以从adjacent islands(包括了大部分的加勒比海路线)的邮轮使用失效签证回美。
/article/Travel/31204357_3.html适用的加勒比海岛国adjacent islands的定义见/article_t/Travel/31204357.html●注意:邮轮路线分类以停靠港口为准。
●强调:各地邮轮公司工作人员以及cbp工作人员水平参差不齐,偶尔会出现旅客完全符合规定却仍然遭到无理对待拒绝等船的情况(包括事后跟信用卡dispute的经验):/article_t/Travel/31440113.html大家务必打印、通读、带齐这些法律文件/article/Travel/31313371_3.html/article/Travel/31204357_3.html在现场遇到困难可以当场翻出法律文件来为自己辩护如果仍然遭无理拒绝,尽量保留书面/电子证据,以备日后算账用========================================================这里更新一下价格信息,每年的10月份会出现全cruise行业的一个全年最大s ales week,有意购票的同学请在十月份密切关注各订票网站日期在本人看来,在cruise的选择问题中,最重要的约束条件无疑是日期,当然这是针对广大苦逼PhD同学来说的;MS同学有着漫长的暑假以及春假等福利,甚至短短的一个感恩节假期都能抓紧时间走一个短线,在日期选择上要灵活得多。
这里提到cruise中的一个概念叫做holiday cruise,一般指跨圣诞节或其后一周的船期。
holiday cruise在全年的船期中算是最黄金的时间,价格也最贵,以Royal Caribbean International(RCI)公司的Freedom of the Seas的阳台房为例,它在12 Dec的9,16,23,30的单人价格分别为919, 1049, 1699,1 759,差价之大可见一斑,这源自holiday cruise的主要客源是放了寒假的kid s们,能成功的避开他们可以节省你荷包里的好多银子。
选择这几天出行基本就能搭上holiday cruise大军来临之前的末班船,几乎是诸位同学的最好选择。
所以建议诸位有意高质量游览加勒比的同学尽量选择佛州的港口出发,其中尤以Miami 和uderdale(Port Everglades)为佳,各大公司的精品线路主要由这两个港口出发,面向东,南,西加勒比方向。
7天(或6天)cruise,通常为东西加勒比(东至san juan, st marteen),一些是南加勒比线路(最远可到格林纳达,多数为sa n juan始发,也有些是ft lauderdale始发,比如princess的一艘船,不过就剩疯狂赶路了)。
一般是加勒比cruise的主力,各大公司基本都拼上了自己的主力船,最新,最大,相对高端:皇家加勒比的oasis,allure,2009下水freedom,liberty; 2007下水发张她俩对比的:Celebrity的最新旗舰Reflection;2012下水Carnival的新旗舰Breeze 2012下水,同级姐妹船Dream;Princess的Ruby,Grand;2008下水NCL的巨舰Epic;2010下水Disney Fantasy, Dream荷美(HAL)的Eurodam等。
2008下水可以说7day cruise基本代表了加勒比cruise的高端线路,船大,活动内容丰富,线路更有吸引力,让人一次尽兴。
当然,开销较高,一个inside cabin的双人价平均在千元左右了。