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The moment was not only recorded by the camera but also carved into our hearts.
IV. Polishing --Content which one is better?
Sample 1. In the beginning, Zhang made a farewell speech in which he expressed his love for our class and the sadness for departure. Hearing his words, we were moved into tears.
Constant modification makes a good article
I. Assessment Criteria
高考评分标准: 第一档
• 覆盖了所有内容要点; • 运用了多样的句式和丰富的词汇; • 语法或用词方面有个别错误,但为尽可能表达丰富
的内容所致;体现较强的语言运用能力; • 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,所写内容连贯、
Sample2. Tears rolling down the cheeks, both Zhang and the class were filled with sorrow. On the blackboard wrote “long lives our friendship”. Zhang couldn’t help crying.
signed names
express wishes
wrote encouraging words
took a photo
record the precious moment smile with tears held the flowers
III. Polishing ---Language(shining point)
1)Long distance will not hhiinnddeerrour friendship. I really hope he can have a nice future abroad. --田意歆 2)Having received the gift, Zhang couldn’t help smiling. ---孔维伟 3)Tears welled up in her eyes. No words can describe that touching moment.
Structur e
A good compositi
Conten t
II.Task analysis---审文字
• 假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的学生李华。你班同学张强即将 去国外读书,下面四幅图描述了同学们为他送行的过程,请根据 图片的先后顺序用英语写一篇日记。
Sample 3. First, Qiang made a speech. At that moment, all the eyes were on him. We couldn’t help crying. We gave him a bunch of flowers.
out of order

gave him a gift
a heart-shaped board moments flashed into our mind
signed names wrote encouraging words express wishes
要点: took a photo
细节 : record the precious moment smile with tears held the flowers
III. Language--- Practice
1.We took photos together. .
The photos can remind him of the happy moments.
The photos that we took together can remind him of the happy moments.
---周欣洋 4)We stuck the pictures on a board which bear the weight of our memory. ---李星瑶 5)At first, Zhang Qiang gave an oration too eexxpprreesssshhoowwunwilling to leave. ----杨博涵 6) Next came the thrilling moment. ---孙玥 7)Sadness filled my heart .Tears slippedd ddoowwnnmy face.---高林翾 8)We signed our names on his T-shirt to convey our best wishes . ----朱一苇 9)To Zhang Qiang’’sssurprise, we created a heart-shaped board which decorated with cherished photos. ----张显 10) He would head for a foreign country to continue his study. –吴宪晖 11) We took a photo together wwiitthh ZZhhaanngg Qiang holding thee fflloowweerrss.–吴宪晖
Group work
Polish the essay
Show Time
Polish your own works
注意:1. 日记的开头已为你写好。 2. 词数不少于60。
This afternoon,
话题: 送行 文体: 叙事 (日记) 时态: 一般过去时 人称: 第一人称 第三人称
要点:上台讲话 细节:黑板上的“友谊地久 天长”,同学流泪,气氛悲 伤,表达不舍
1.Give a brief speech
2.Moved to tears 3. express his unwillingness to leave 4. Long Live Friendship
2. After we heard his touching speech,
we sank into silence.
Having heard his touching speech, we sank into silence.
3. The moment was recorded by the camera. The moment was carved into our hearts. (not only , but also)
V. Polishing --Structure
Beginning Ending Linking words
Beginning: 日记的开头已为你写好
This afternoon, we heard Zhang Qiang would go abroad, so we held a class meeting for him.
Sample 3. First, Qiang made a speech. At that moment, all the eyes were on him. We couldn’t help crying. We gave him a bunch of flowers.
Sample 1. In the beginning, Zhang made a farewell speech in which he expressed his love for our class and the sadness for departure. Hearing his words, we were moved into tears.
key point(action) – details(reaction)
Sample 2. Tears rolling down the cheeks, both Zhang and the class were filled with sorrow. On the blackboard wrote “long lives our friendship”. Zhang couldn’t help crying.
moved to tears
give a brief speech express his unwillingness to leave
Long Live Friendship
gave him a gift
a heart-shaped board with pictures moments flashed into our mind