食品专业英语Lesson2 Carbohydrate汇编
重组DNA技术在食品和食品配料的生产应用的20年的时间 里,已经从基础研究的水平发展成商业化的地步。
Part 2 食品科技英语的阅读
Lesson 1 WHO Strategy on Food Safety
From the very beginning, development and use of genetic engineering have been accompanied by strict regulations. These regulatory requirements cover the contained use of genetically modified organisms (GMO), their deliberate release into the environment as well as the placing on the market of products containing or consisting of GMO.
B. Most developing countries are willing to be responsible for the consequence of using the new technology.
C. Most developed countries are not willing to be responsible for the consequence of using the new technology.
到目前为止,还没有关于由人们消费转基因食品所产生的 译文 负面影响的报道。然而,转基因食品的本质(伦理问题)
Par Strategy on Food Safety
食品专业英语Lesson2 Carbohydrate
![食品专业英语Lesson2 Carbohydrate](
These carbohydrates are relatively inert chmeically although they bind water and develop significant viscosity and/or form gels.
While some molecular aspects are in common to both groups, the sugars and polysaccharides have vastly different functional properties.
尽管这两类物质在分子层面上有某些相似之处,但糖 和多糖的功能性质差异却很大。
The hydrolysis of disaccharides to monosaccharides occurs with heat and acid and enzyme . Why do a reducing sugar have reactivity?
hint:ketone or aldehyde group
Gelatinization is temperature dependent starting as low as 50℃ and not being totally completed until temperatures reach 120℃。
译文 糊化作用与温度有关,始于50℃,直到120℃才完全结束。
Saccharide 糖类; monosaccharide 单糖; disaccharide二糖;polysaccharide多糖; Reducing sugar还原糖;nonreducing sugar非还原糖 Covalent(ly)共价的(地);co-,co-worker; ooperation
第3章第2节 碳水化合物 (carbohydrate)
![第3章第2节 碳水化合物 (carbohydrate)](
1.2 双糖(disaccharide):
①蔗糖(sucrose) ,由一分子葡萄糖和一分子果糖以α糖苷 键连接而成。存在于甘蔗、甜菜及有甜味的果实之中, 在许多水果和蔬菜中含有。 ②麦芽糖(maltose) ,由两分子葡萄糖以α糖苷键连接而成。 是淀粉的分解产物,大量存在于发芽的谷粒,特别是麦 芽中。 ③乳糖(1actose) ,有一分子葡萄糖与一分子半乳糖以β糖 苷键连接而成。是唯一没有在植物中发现过的糖,存在 于乳中。
• ①.提供热能 • 碳水化物是机体主要的能量营养素,是 人类从膳食中取得热能的最经济最主要的来 源。 • 当碳水化物提供能量充足时,可发挥对蛋 白质的节约作用和对脂肪的抗生酮作用。
中枢神经、红细胞只能靠葡萄糖提供能 量,故碳水化物对维持神经组织和红细胞功 能有重要意义。 • 糖原是肌肉和肝脏中碳水化物的贮存形 式,其中肝脏中糖原在机体需要时,分解为 葡萄糖进入血循环,提供机体对能量的需要; 肌肉中的糖原只供自身的能量需要。
第1节 碳水化合物的分类
• 1. FAO/WH0 1998按照碳水化合物 的聚合度 (DP)将其分为3类: (1)糖类:单糖(monosaccharide)
双糖(disaccharide) 糖醇(sugar alcohol) (2)寡糖(oligosaccharide):异麦芽低聚寡糖、其 他异麦芽低聚寡糖 (3)多糖(polysaccharide):淀粉、非淀粉多糖
• ③.半乳糖(galactose) ,是乳糖的组成成分,半乳 糖在人体中先转变成葡萄糖后被利用,母乳中的半 乳糖是在体内重新合成的,而不是食物中直接获得 的。 • ④.其它单糖: • 戊糖类,如核糖(ribose) 、脱氧核糖(deoxyribose) 、阿拉伯糖(arabinose)、木糖(xylose)等; • 甘露糖,主存在于水果和根、茎 类蔬菜中; • 糖醇类,如山梨醇(sorbitol) 、甘露醇(mannitol) 、 木糖醇(xylitol)、麦芽糖醇(maltitol)、肌醇 (inositol) 等。
前言Chapter 1 Nutrition and HealthUnit 1 Carbohydrate1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Unit 2 Lipids1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Unit 3 Vitamins and Minerals1专业词汇分析2课文前言Chapter 1 Nutrition and HealthUnit 1 Carbohydrate1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Unit 2 Lipids1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Unit 3 Vitamins and Minerals1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Chapter 2 Food ChemistryUnit 1 Fhod Additives1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Unit 2 Enzymes in food1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Unit 3 Food Fermentation1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Chapter 3 Food‘technologyUnit 1 Food Processing1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Unit 2 Food Preservation1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Unit 3 Food Products Making1专业词汇分析2课文3 阅读链接4课后作业Chaptee 4 Food Safety and Management Unit 1 Transgenic Food1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Unit 2 GMP and SSOP1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Unit 3 HACCP1专业词汇分析2课文3阅读链接4课后作业Claapter 5 WritingUnit 1 Food Science and Technology English Papers Translation Methods and Techniques 1专业词汇分析2课文3课后作业Unit 2 Introduction to Research Paper Writing in Food science and technology1课文2The PaperUnit 3 The Writhing of Title.Abstract and Chart Title in Food Science and Techwology English Papers1英文标题的写作2英文摘要的写作3英文图表标题的写作主要参考文献。
《食品专业英语》课程教学大纲一.课程代号:03072204二.课程名称:食品专业英语三.学分:3学分学时:52 理论学时:52 实验学时:0四.课程性质:食品科学与工程专业(本科)的公共限选课五.先修课程:食品微生物学、食品生物化学、酶学、食品工艺学、营养与卫生学、烹饪、食品分析六.教学目标、教学要求:通过本课程教学,应使学生掌握专业英语的专业词汇,掌握专业英语的翻译方法,掌握专业英语科技文献阅读的基本技能,以胜任学生未来工作和继续发展的要求。
七.教学内容:1.Lesson 1 Nutrition (4学时)Nutrition and Food: Definition;The Nutrients;Recommended Dietry Allowances;Margin of Safety Allows for Individual Differences;Differences in Nutrient Utilization Considered.基本要求:(1)句子结构分析;(2)连词and的译法;(3)翻译要点的运用:增译和减译、词类转译、后置定语和后置定语从句的译法等。
2.Lesson 2 Carbohydrates (6学时)Sources, Types, and Terminology;Carbohydrate Composition of Food.基本要求:(1)掌握关于碳水化合物方面专业词汇的构词法,如后缀-ose, -ulose, -an和前缀-glyc等;(2)运用翻译要点翻译句子。
(大学专业英语2)Lesson2 Nutrition
![(大学专业英语2)Lesson2 Nutrition](
Unit2 NutritionWhat we eat as well as how much we eat determine our nutrition status to an important extent,and influenced by a diversity of external and internal factors.The person who wants to find the answer to the question" what should I eat for good nutrition?“,might easily become lost in the maze of informational corridors,confused by the wealth of technical information provided by scientists or mislead by simplistic answers provided by those with products to sell.Somewhere in between is some reasonable,commonsense information that we can use to guide us our quest for sound nutrition knowledge.To begin,we need to learn some definitions of commonly used nutrition terms and find out what sorts of guidelines are available to help us measure the quality of our diets and to develop healthful eating patterns.NUTRITION AND FOOD:DEFINITIONSThe word nutrition is often paired with the word food because the two go together. They are interdependent,but not interchangeable.Food might be defined as any edible substance that provides nourishment when consumed. It is made up of many natural ingredients all chemicals that have different functions such as providing odor,flavor,color,and nourishment. The ingredients that give us nourishment are called nutrients.These nutrients are categorized as fats,proteins carbohydrates (sugars and starches),minerals,vitamins,and water. They are called essential nutrients because we cannot get along without them. We need them for energy,for building and maintaining body tissue;and for regulating body processes ,these are the three essential functions of foods in the body.Nutrition might be defined as the process whereby we obtain the essential nutrients and use them to make many other substances our bodies need,this process would include eating and digesting food and absorbing and using,or metabolizing,the nutrients it contains.We can obtain all of the essential nutrients from food. However,it is possible to obtain nourishment without eating and digesting food-if,for example,the nutrients are injected directly to our veins as in intravenous feeding.Thus,it is the nutrients that are essential and the food that normally provides them. Since food is vital,we need to know the nutritive content of foods,whichones are the best sources of the various nutrients and how to combine them into a healthful diet.The term good nutrition implies that we are obtaining from our food all of the essential nutrients in the amounts needed to keep our bodies functioning and to maintain optimum health. A very simplified definition of good nutrition might be" eating the right foods in the right amounts.“The work of nutrition scientists involves finding the answer to questions about nutrients-their function in the body,the amount of each that we need,what happenings when we receive too much or too little and about food and diet-what foods we should eat and in what amount.Yet nutrition science in its broadest sense has many more facets:the influence of sensory factors of flavor,color,and texture of food on eating behavior;the psychological,cultural,emotional,and social aspects of food intake;and even the economics of food availability and consumer behavior in the purchase of food.THE NUTRIENTSTo date,nutrition scientists have identified some 40 to 45 substances as essential nutrients. But the list is growing as new nutrients continue to be identified;the history of nutrition science contains fascinating stories about the ways food substances have been identified as essential nutrients. In some instances,medical researchers seeking the cause of a particular disease found that problem was due to a single substance,and that when this substance was added to the diet,the symptoms of the disease disappeared. A number of vitamins were discovered in this way.Nutrients might be divided into two general categories based on the amount that we need. These are the macronutrients (carbohydrates,fats,proteins,and water),which we need in relatively large amounts and the micronutrients (mineral elements and vitamins),which we need in relatively small amounts. All of the nutrients except for mineral elements and water are classified as organic chemicals because they contain the element carbon. Mineral elements and water are inorganic chemicals because they do not contain carbon.The vitamins are divided into two general categorizes based on their solubility in either water or fat .the fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A,D,E,and K;the water-soluble vitamins include vitamins C (ascorbic acid),niacin,thiamin,riboflavin,flacon (also called folic acid)antithetic acid,pyridoxine,vitamin B12 and biotin.The mineral elements are divided into two categories based on the quantity of them that we need. Macroelements are those needed in relatively large amounts,while microelements are those needed in very small amounts,some example ofmacroelements are sodium,calcium,and phosphorus. Some example of microelements is iron,iodine,manganese,zinc,and fluorine.RECOMMENDED DIETARY ALLOWANCESOnce a nutrient is identified,one of the principal research efforts of nutrition scientist is to determine how much of it is needed by people at various ages and stages of life. Initial studies usually are conducted with laboratory animals,but the information developed in these studies cannot be applied directly to humans since people's needs often are quite different from animals' needs. Human nutrition studies on the other hand,are time-consuming,costly,and difficult to conduct,especially because of the problems of controlling variables and possibly causing harm to the individuals involved. Because of the obstacles to collecting accurate data,our present knowledge of nutrient needs is incomplete,and the requirements of humans for many nutrients have not been established.However,the data on human and animal needs currently available are used by nutrition scientists to establish estimates of the amounts of essential nutrients per day that will meet the needs of most health persons. In the United States,the most widely used nutrient guidelines are the recommended dietary allowance (RDA),which are issued by the national academy of sciences,national research council,and food and nutrition board.The RDA serves as dietary of nutritional standards for a wide range ofage-weight-sex groups such as infants,children,adolescents,pregnant and lactating women,and younger and older adults. They are recommendations,not average requirements,for satisfactory levels of intake of essential nutrients of population groups of average,healthy people. They do not take account of special needs certain individuals may have due to genetic make up,metabolic disorders,chronic infections,and other abnormalities,which may result in their needing different levels of nutrients.MARGIN of SAFETY ALLOWS for INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCESTo allow for individual difference,the usually are set with a generous margin of safety. Thus,they are thought to meet the needs of 95 to 97 percent of the people within each age-sex group. In other words,the RDA exceed the requirements of most individuals to ensure that the needs of nearly all are meet. For this reason,a person who consumes a diet that provides less than the RDA for one or more essential nutrients is not necessarily getting a diet that is nutritionally inadequate. What can be concluded,however,is that the farther the intake of an essential nutrient falls below the RDA,the greater the probability of nutritional inadequacy,on the other hand,if an individual is getting all the essential nutrients at or above the RDA level of his or her age,chances are good that diet is nationally adequate.An exception is the RDA for energy or calories,which are not designed,as guides for individual caloric needs. Other variables not included in the RDA,such as body size and physical activity,are involved in an individual's caloric requirements.DIFFERENCES IN NUTRIENT UTILIZATION CONSIDEREDAnother factor considered when the RDA are established is the availability of the nutrient and factors that affect how efficiently it is used in the body. For some nutrients,such as iron,absorption or use in the body may be incomplete;so the RDA needs to be set high enough to allow for this. And because in the case of certain other nutrients,substance in food ,called precursors,may be converted into the nutrient in the body ,the RDA needs to allow for this .An example is carotene, the orange-colored substance found in carrots and other vegetables and fruits,which our bodies convert to vitamin A.On the other side of the coin,receiving too much of certain nutrients,amounts significantly above the RDA,can be just harmful as not obtaining enough. Certain vitamins (such as A and D)and minerals can be highly toxic if high doses are used over a period of time.Thus,the RDA can serve as guidelines for optimal nutrient intake from the standpoint of both maximum and minimum levels.Vocabulary:maze n. ①迷宫,迷津,曲径;②混乱,迷惑vt.①使如入迷津②使困惑,使为难‖~d a.迷惘的,困惑的corridor n. ①走廊,回廊,通路②走廊地带③空中走廊diversity n.①差异,不同②多样性,变化in between 在中间,每间隔,在…期间commonsense 有常识的,明明白白的,一望而知的commonsensible (符合)常识的guideline n.①指导路线,方针,准则,指标②指路绳;样张,样行,标线interchangeable ①可交换的,可交替的②可互换的interdependent 互相依赖的,互相依存nourishment ①食物,滋养品②营养情况nutrient ①营养的,滋养的②营养素,营养物consume vt.①消费,消耗,浪费,吃光,喝光②消灭,毁灭vi.消灭,毁灭,消磨,(花,叶等)枯萎(away)be ~d with 被…所吞噬;因(忧愁,妒嫉)而变的憔悴nutrition 营养nutritional 营养的nutritive 营养的,滋养的,食品的,食物的odor气味odorant ①有香气的,有气味的②任何有气味的物体flavor ①味,香味,风味,滋味②食用香料③食用香精④调料category n.①种类,部属,类目②范畴,类型③范畴carbohydrate 碳水化合物,糖类mineral 矿物质,食品中的痕量物质vitamin 维生素,维他命get along 过活,生存essential a.①本质的,实质的,基本的②必需的,必不可少的③提炼的,精华的n.①本质,实质②要素,要点,必需品whereby ad.①(疑问副词)靠什么②(关系副词)靠那个A device ~to get warmth取暖的设备metabolism 新陈代谢,代谢(作用)intravenous feeding 静脉进食vein n.①静脉,血管②性情,气质,才干,语调,风格,意向③纹理,木纹vital 生命的;生机的;维持生命所必需的optimum n.(生长繁殖的)最适条件;最适度 a.最适的facet n. ①(多面体的)面,(宝石等的)刻面,小(平)面②(题目,性格,思想等的)某一方面vt. 在…上刻面intake n. ①吸入,纳入,收纳②纳入(数)量③(水、气体流入沟、管的)入口④被收纳的东西⑤摄取~of food食物摄取availability n.①可用性,有效性,效力②可得性,可得到的东西(或人员)identify vt.①使等同于,认为…一致(with)②认出;识别,鉴定,验明③确定…在分类学上的位置vi.一致,成为一致fascinate vt.①迷住,使神魂颠倒,强烈地吸引住②使呆住,蛊惑vi.迷人,极度吸引人fascinator n.①迷人者②网眼毛披巾macronutrient 主要营养micronutrient 微量营养micro- ①小,微,微量,百万分之一②放大,扩大microphone,microscopeascorbic acid 抗坏血酸niacin 烟酸,尼克酸thiamine 硫胺素riboflavim 核黄素VB2folacin 叶酸(=folic acid)pantothenic acid 泛酸pyridoxine 吡哆醇,吡哆素,维生素B6 biotin 生物素macroelement 主要成分microelement 微量成分sodium 钠potassium 钾phosphorus 磷phosphorous 磷的,亚磷的,含磷的costly a.①昂贵的,代价高的②价值高的,豪华的obstacle n.障碍(物),妨碍pregnant a.①怀孕的,怀胎的,孕育着的,充满的,富有的②意义深长的,含蓄的③富于想象力的,有创造力的④富于成果的,多产的lactate vi.①分泌乳汁②喂奶,授乳n.乳酸盐(或酯)calcium ~乳酸钙lactation n.genetic a. ①创始的,发生的②遗传学的gene n. 基因chronic infection n.①传染,侵染②传染病③影响,感染chronic a.①长期的,慢性的②惯常的,经常的③剧烈的,顽固的n.患慢性病的人abnomality n.①反常,变态,不规则②反常的事物,畸形council n.①政务会,理事会,委员会②商讨会,讨论会议chance n.①机会②可能性,或然性③偶然性,运气a.偶然的vi.碰巧;偶然发生vt.冒…险precursor n.①先驱者,先锋②前辈,前任③预兆,先兆carotene n.胡萝卜素;叶红素carrot n.①胡萝卜②红头发(的人)③政治诱骗,不能兑现的允诺carroty a.①胡萝卜色的②红发的standpoint n.主场,观点。
电子出版物数据中心中国轻工业出版社出品京新出音[2010]419号ISBN 978-7-89991-109-9高等学校专业教材食品专业英语文选(第二版)许学勤主编目录•Lesson 1 Food Industry •Lesson 2 Water•Lesson 3 Carbohydrates •Lesson 4 Proteins•Lesson 5 Lipids•Lesson 6 Vitamins and Minerals •Lesson 7 Food Additive •Lesson 8 Food Microbiology •Lesson 9 Fermentation Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary•Lesson 10 Physical Properties of Foods•Lesson 11 Food Dispersions•Lesson 12 Food Preservation•Lesson 13 Food Processing•Lesson 14 Unit Operations in Food Processing •Lesson 15 Food Packaging•Lesson 16 Thermal Treatment and Thermal Processing •Lesson 17 Food Concentration•Lesson 18 Food Dehydration and Drying Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary•Lesson 19 Food Freezing•Lesson 20 Extrusion Cooking•Lesson 21 Membrane Separation•Lesson 22 Meat and Meat Products•Lesson 23 Milk and Milk Products•Lesson 24 Poultry and Eggs•Lesson 25 Principles of Baking•Lesson 26 Confectionery and Chocolate Products •Lesson 27 Fruit Juices Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary•Lesson 28 Beverages•Lesson 29 Food Safety•Lesson 30 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points •Lesson 31 Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)•Lesson 32 Sanitation in Food Plant•Lesson 33 Food Quality•Lesson 34 Shelf-life of Food Products Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary Glossary。
旗开得胜1nutrition 营养nourishment 食物,滋养品,营养情况 nutrient 营养素,营养物 odor 气味flavor 味,香味,风味,滋味;食用香料;食用香精;调料carbohydrate 碳水化合物,糖类 metabolism 新陈代谢,代谢(作用) intravenous feeding 静脉进食 vein 静脉,血管vital 生命的;生机的;维持生命所必需的 optimum .最适的macronutrient 主要营养素,常量营养素 micronutrient 微量营养ascorbic acid 抗坏血酸thiamine 硫胺素folacin 叶酸pyridoxine 吡哆醇,吡哆素,维生素B6 niacin 烟酸,尼克酸riboflavin 维生素B2,核黄素 pantothenic acid 泛酸 biotin 生物素维生素Hsodium 钠potassium 钾 phosphorus 磷lactate 分泌乳汁,喂奶,授乳.乳酸 ,乳酸盐[酯, 根]genetic 遗传学的,遗传上的,遗传基因的 infection.传染,侵染 ;传染病 ;影响,感染 chronic 长期的,慢性的 biotin.维生素H, 生物素 oxidation.氧化氧化[作用]conalbumin 伴清蛋白, 伴白蛋白 avidin 抗生物素蛋白 thiaminase. 硫胺酶 blanch 漂白, 使变白sterilization 灭菌, 消毒; 绝育消毒 asparagus 芦笋 retention 保持力 dehydrated 脱水的 snap bean 四季豆; 豆荚thaw.解冻fluorescent.荧光的 sulfur dioxide 二氧化硫amylase 淀粉酶; 液化酶; 淀粉糖化酶 carbohydrate 碳水化合物,糖类 cellulose 纤维素 fructose 果糖,左旋糖 galactose 半乳糖 glucose 葡萄糖, 右旋糖 hydrolysis 水解(作用) hemiacetal半缩醛isomers 同分异构体 lactose 乳糖 maltose 麦芽糖polymers 聚合物,多聚物 starch 淀粉 stereochemistry 立体化学 sucrose 蔗糖emulsion .乳浊液,乳胶,乳剂 fatty acid 脂肪酸triacylglycerol 甘油三酸酯三酰〔基〕甘油triglyceride 即甘油三酯 glycerol 甘油,丙三醇 phospholipid 磷脂 glyceride 甘油酯 tallow (炼制牛,羊)油脂linoleic acid 亚油酸,十八(碳)二烯-9,12-酸linolenic acid 亚麻酸,十八(碳)三烯-9.12.15-酸stearic acid 硬脂酸,十八(碳)(烷)酸 safflower 红花cholesterol 胆甾醇,胆固醇 diglyceride 甘油二酸酯 hydrogenate 氢化 pepper 胡椒; 辣椒; 花椒tactile 触觉的, 有触觉的, 能触知的 olfactory 嗅觉的neuron 神经细胞, 神经元 aldehyde 醛, 乙醛 ketone 酮 amine 胺heterocyclic 杂环的, 不同环式的 aromatic 芬芳的,芳香的 pyrazine 吡嗪, 对二氮杂苯, 胡椒嗪 threshold 阈; 阈值 chromatograph 色谱仪 isomerization 异构化(作用) lipolysis 脂解(作用)doughnut 油炸圈饼,.圆环图 hydroperoxide 氢过氧化物,过氧化氢物pentylfuran 戊基呋喃cottage scale bakery 作坊式规模的面包房plain flour 普通面粉 prove 使(面团)发起来cookery 烹任方法;烹调技术;烹调场所 bicarbonate of soda 碳酸氢钠 cream of tartar 酒石酸氢钾 baking powder 焙烤粉;发粉 feed on 以……为食;取……为养料 city water 城市给水;自来水air sifter with pneumatic conveyor 带气力输送系统的风筛机 jot 添加剂rounder 面团揉圆机;面团成圆机 the straight dough system 直接发酵面团制面包法bread improver 面包改良剂ferment in bulk 整块发酵;大容量发酵 knocked —back (发面过头后)揉紧回缩。
动物性食品 food of animal origin (animal food)植物性食品 vegetable food (plant food)传统食品 traditional food干制食品 dehydrated food糖制食品 confectionery腌制品 curing food烘焙食品 bakery熏制食品 smoking food膨化食品 puffed food (extruded food)速冻食品 quick-frozen food罐藏食品 canned food方便食品 convenient food(fast food, prepared food, instant food) 特殊营养食品 food of special nutrients婴幼儿食品 infant or baby food强化食品 nutrient fortified food天然食品 natural food摸拟食品 imitation food预包装食品 prepackaged food食品制造 food manufacturing食品加工 food processing食品工业 food industry食品资源 food resource食品新资源 new resource for food原料 raw material配料 ingredient主料 major ingredient (major material)辅料 minor ingredient食品添加剂 food additive食品营养强化剂 food enrichment加工助剂 processing aid配料表 list of ingredients配方 formula食品包装材料 packaging material for food食品包装容器 food container软包装 flexible package硬包装 rigid package食品标签 food labelling保质期 date of minimum durability食品质量管理 food quality control食品质量监督 food quality supervision食品质量检验 food quality inspection食品卫生 food hygiene (food safety)食品营养 food nutrition食品成分 food composition食品分析 food analysis食品工业标准化 food industry standardization食品标准 food standard食品产品标准 food product standard食品卫生标准 food hygienic standard食品厂卫生规范 hygienic code of food factory食品分析方法标准 food analysing standard methed良好加工规范 good manufacturing practice (GMP)危害分析关键控制点 hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) 食品生产许可证 food production licence食品产品合格证 food product qualification食品卫生许可证 food hygiene licence食品卫生合格证 food hygiene qualification食品工业副产品 by-product of food industry粮食 grain粮食制品 cereal product肉制品 meat product食用油脂 edible oil and fat乳制品 dairy product水产品 sea food水果制品 fruit product蔬菜制品 vegetable product植物蛋白食品 vegetable protein food淀粉制品 starch-based product蛋制品 egg product糕点 pastry糖果 candy调味品 condiment (seasoning)食用盐 edible salt (food grade salt)饮料酒 alcoholic drink无酒精饮料 non-alcoholic drink ( soft drink )2.食品工艺原料清理 raw material handling (raw material cleaning) 原料预处理 pretreatment of raw material酸处理 acid treatment硫处理 sulphuring treatment碱处理 alkali treatment粉碎 grinding破碎 cracking (crushing)打浆 mashing搅拌 mixing分离 separation离心分离 centrifugal separation过滤 filtration膜分离 membrane separation筛分 screening (sifting)沉降 precipitation浓缩 concentration蒸馏 distillation精馏 rectification (distilling)蒸发 evaporation闪蒸 flash evaporation离子交换 ion exchange吸附 adsorption吸收 absorption解吸 deabsorption干燥 drying脱水 dehydration复水 rehydration浸取 extraction压榨 pressing乳化 emusifying均质 homogenizing发酵 fermentation酿造 brewing糊化 gelatinization凝沉 retrogradation液化 liquifying (liquefaction)糖化 saccharification (conversion) 氢化 hydrogenation嫩化 tenderization软化 softening营养强化 fortification (enrichment) 膨化 extrusion (puffing)精制 refining烘焙 baking熏制 smoking保鲜 refreshment (refreshing)冷藏 cold storage , frozen storage速冻 quick-freezing气调贮藏 storage in controlled atmosphere干制保藏 drying preservation (preserved by dehydration ; drying process) 腌制保藏 curing preservation (preserved by curing process)盐渍 salting酱渍 saucing糖渍 sugaring酸渍 pickling糟渍 cured or pickled with germented grains辐照保藏 irradiation preservation化学保藏 chemical preservation成熟 ripening后熟 maturation灭菌 sterilization超高温瞬时灭菌 ultra high temperature short time sterilization商业无菌 commercial sterilization消毒 disinfection巴氏消毒 pasteurization接种 inoculation培菌 cultivation染菌 microbiological contamination ( contamination )3.食品指标营养素 nutrient蛋白质 protein粗蛋白质 crude protein植物蛋白 vegetable protein动物蛋白 animal protein蛋白质营养学评价 nutritional evaluation蛋白质变性 protein denaturation蛋白质互补 complementary action of protein氨基酸 amino acid必需氨基酸 essential amino acid脂肪 fat (oil and fat)粗脂肪 crude fat脂肪酸 fatty acid饱和脂肪酸 saturated fatty acid不饱和脂肪酸 unsaturated fatty acid碳水化合物 carbohydrate有效碳水化合物 effective carbohydrate粗纤维 crude fiber膳食纤维 dietary fiber矿物质 mineral matter微量元素 trace element维生素 vitamin脂溶性维生素 liposoluble vitamin (fat soluble vitamin)水溶性维生素 water soluble vitamin每日推荐的营养素供给量 (RDA) recommended daily nutrient allowance 水分 moisture content水分活度 water activity热量 calorie固形物 solid content可溶性固形物 soluble solid不溶性固形物 insoluble solid食品污染 food contamination生物性污染 biologic contamination化学性污染 chemical contamination放射性污染 radioactive contamination重金属 heavy metal微生物毒素 microbial toxin农药残留 residue of pesticide兽药残留 residue of veterinary drug食物中毒 food poisoning酸败 rancidity腐败 spoilage霉变 mould褐变 browning食物安全毒理学评价 toxicological evaluation for food safety 人体每日允许摄入量 (ADI) acceptable daily intake (ADI)食品感官检验 sensory analysis ( sensory evaluation)感官特性 organoleptic attribute食品理化检验 food physical and chemical analysis总糖 total reducing sugar还原糖 reducing sugar酸度 acidity总酸 total acid碘价 iodine value酸价 acid value过氧化值 peroxide value食品微生物学检验 food microbiological analysis菌落总数 total plate count大肠菌群 coliform致病菌 pathogenic bacterium抗生素 antibiotic4.粮食、油料及其加工产品的名词术语粮食 grain原粮 raw grain稻谷 "paddy,rough rice " "籼稻谷 long-grain nonglutinous rice早籼稻谷 early long-grain nonglutinous rice晚籼稻谷 late long-grain nonglutinous rice粳稻谷 medium to short-grain nonglutinous rice早粳稻谷 early round-grain nonglutinous rice晚粳稻谷 late medium to short-grain nonglutinous rice糯稻谷 glutinous rice "籼糯稻谷 long-grain glutinous rice粳糯稻谷 round-grain glutinous rice中熟稻谷 middle-season rice陆稻谷(旱稻谷) upland rice小麦 wheat "冬小麦 winter wheat春小麦 spring wheat "白色硬质小麦 hard white wheat白色软质小麦 soft white wheat红色硬质小麦 hard red wheat红色软质小麦 soft red wheat混合硬质小麦 hard mixed wheat混合软质小麦 soft mixed wheat黑麦 rye黑小麦 triticale高梁 "sorghum,kaoliang,milo " "玉米 "maize,corn(美) ""黄玉米 yellow corn白玉米 white corn糯玉米 glutinous corn杂玉米 mixed corn燕麦 common oats "莜麦 "hulless oats,naked oats "大麦 barley。
营养与食品卫生专业词汇 2
![营养与食品卫生专业词汇 2](
营养与食品卫生专业词汇2 Ccachexia 恶病质cadaverine 尸胺cadmium 镉cadmium carbonate 碳酸镉cadmium chlorate 氯酸镉cadmium hydroxide 氢氧化镉cadmium nitrate 硝酸镉cadmium sulfide 硫化镉caffeine 咖啡碱calciferol 钙化醇calcitonin,CT 降钙素calcium 钙caloric quotient 热能系数calorie 卡(路里)calorifacient 生热的,产热的calorimeter 测热计,热量计calorimetry 测热法Camplobacter fetus subsp.jejuni 胎儿弯曲菌空肠亚种Camplobacterjejuni 空肠弯曲菌Candida 假丝酵母,念珠菌属cannabidiol 大麻二酚cannabinol 大麻酚cannabis seed oil poisining 大麻子油中毒canned food 罐头食品capsanthin 辣椒红caramel 酱色,焦糖carbamate 氨基甲酸酯carbohydrate 碳水化物carbonic anhydrase 碳酸酐酶carcinogen 致癌物carcinogenicity test 致癌试验carithamine 红花黄色素carnitine 肉毒碱casein 酪蛋白cassava 木薯catabolism 分解代谢cation exchange resins 阳离子交换树脂cell transformation test 细胞转化试验cellulose 纤维素ceramics 陶瓷ceruloplasmin 血浆铜蓝蛋白cesium 铯chemical expansion 化学性膨胀(罐头) chemical engineering ,chemical industry,chemical technolog 化工chemical pollution 化学污染chemical prevention 化学防治Chlorella 小球藻属chlorinated hydrocarbon,organochlorine 氯化烃,有机氯chlorogenic acid 绿原酸cholesterol 胆固醇cholecal ciferol 维生素D3,胆钙化醇choline esterase 胆碱酯酶chromium 铬chromosome 染色体chromosome abberation 染色体畸变chromosome aberration assay test 染色体畸变分析试齄chronic mercury poisoning 慢性汞中毒chronic toxicity test 慢性毒性试验chylomicron 乳糜微粒cigarette 香烟Citreoviridin 黄绿青霉素citrinin 桔青霉素Cladosporium 枝孢属clam 蛤Clavus secalinus 麦角Claviceps purpurea Tulasne 麦角菌cleaner 洗涤剂cleaning 净化cleavage of phosphide ester linkage 磷酯键裂解cleft palate 腭裂Clitocybe 杯伞属Clostridium 芽胞杆菌属Clostridium botulinum 内毒杆菌Clostridium butylicum 丁酸杆菌Clostridium perfringens 产气荚膜杆菌coagulant 凝固剂coagulase 凝固酶cobalt 钴cobalt chloride 氯化钻coffee 咖啡colchicine 秋水仙碱cold frozen 冷冻cold press 冷榨cold sterilization 冷灭菌cold storage 冷藏coliform group 大肠菌群colitap 大肠菌快速检验纸片coli test 大肠杆菌试验colliod 胶体colloid system 胶体系统colonization factor antigen,CFA 定居因子抗原complementary action 互补作用concentrated milk 浓缩奶concentration factor 浓集系数condensed milk 炼乳congenital mercury poisoning 先天性汞中毒conglycinin 伴大豆球蛋白conjunctival dryness 结膜干燥contaminants in food 食品污染物contaminants of biological origin 生物性污染物contaminants of chemical origin 化学性污染物contaminants of radioactive origin 放射性污染物contamination 污染control organ of food hygiene 食品卫生监督机构control system of food hygiene 食品卫生监督制copper 铜corn cockle seed 麦仙翁籽corn soybean milk (CSM) 玉米大豆乳coronary heart disease 冠心病cowmilk 牛乳Coxsackie virus 柯沙奇病毒crayfish 蝲蛄critical porion 敏感期cumulative coefficient 蓄积系数cumulative toxicity index 蓄积毒性系数cumulative toxicity test 蓄积毒性试验Curcuma longa 姜黄curcumin 姜黄素β-cyanoalanine β-氰丙氨酸cyanogenetic glycoside plant poisoning 含氰甙植物中毒cyanogenetic glycoside 含氰甙cyanomethemoglobin 氰化正铁血红蛋白cycasin 苏铁素cyclamate 环己氨基磺酸盐cyclic N-nitroso compound 环状N-亚硝基化台钧cyclochlorotine 环氯素cysteine 半胱氨酸cystine 胱氨酸cytochrome 细胞色素cytochrome oxidase 细胞色素氧化酶Ddaily dietary allowance 每日膳食供给量Datura stramonium L. 蔓陀萝day blindness 昼盲(症)daylily 黄花莱,金针莱21-day survival index 21天哺育成活率2,4-D;2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 2,4-D; 2,4-二氯苯氧醋酸DDVP;dichlorvos;dichlorphos 敌敌畏dealkylation 脱烷基化作用deamination 脱氨基作用Debaryomyces 德巴利氏酵母属decimal reduction time (DRT) 90%递减时间diarrhea 腹泻difference between individuals 个体差异delayed neurotoxicity 迟发性神经毒作用delayed neurotoxicity test 迟发神经毒性试验delta-BHC δ-六六六Demeton,systox 内吸磷Density of energy 热能密度Density of nutrient 营养素密度dental plaque 斑牙deoxyadenosylcobalamin 腺苷钴胺酸Deoxynivalenol (DON) 脱氧雪腐镰刀菌醇descendant 子系体,后代Deuteromycetes (Imperfect fungi) 半知茵纲(不完全菌纲) dhurrin 蜀黍氰甙diabetes mellitus,DM 糖尿病diabetic ketoacidosis 糖尿病酮症酸中毒diacetoxyscirpenol 二醋酸熏草镰刀菌烯醇dialycerides 甘油二脂Diazinon 二嗪农dibenz(a,h)anthracene,DBA 二苯并(a,h)蒽dichloro-diphenyltrichloroethane;1,1,1-trichloro-2, 2-bis(P-chlorophenyl)ethan 滴滴涕(DDT) dientamoeba fragilis 脆双核阿米巴diet 膳食,饮食dietary 食谱,饮食的dietary history 饮食习惯dietary fiber 膳食纤维dietary guidelines 膳食指南dietary recall 膳食回顾dietary reference values,DRVs 膳食参考量difference between species 种间差异digestibility 消化率digestion 消化dihydrochalcone 二氢查耳酮dihydronivalenone 二氢雪腐烯酮dihydrosafrole 二氢黄樟素1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol 1,25-二羟维生素D37,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene;7,12-DMBA 7,12-二甲基苯并(a)蒽dioxin 二噁英direct calorimetry 直接测热法discrimination factor 差异系数diterpene 双萜dithion 畜虫磷diverticulosis 憩室病DNA repair synthesis test DNA修复合成试验domestic animal 家畜dominant lethal test 显性致死试验dopamine-β-hydroxylase 多巴胺-β-羟化酶dose-effect(dose-response) relationship 剂量效应(反应)关系drogs 废渣dried bean curd 豆腐干Drosophila melanogaster recessive lethal test 果蝇隐性致死试验Drosophila recessive lethal assay 果蝇隐性致死试验duodenum 十二指肠dwarfism 矮小,侏儒症dystrophic hyperkeratosis 营养不良性角化过度。
第一部分:营养学1. Nutrition(营养学)- the study of nutrients in food and how the body uses them for growth and health.2. Nutrients(营养素)- substances in food that the body needs to function properly, including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.3. Carbohydrates(碳水化合物)- the body's main source of energy, found in foods like bread, rice, and pasta.4. Proteins(蛋白质)- essential for building and repairing tissues in the body, found in foods like meat, fish, and beans.5. Fats(脂肪)- provide energy and help with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, found in foods like butter, oil, and nuts.6. Vitamins(维生素)- organic compounds that are necessary for normal growth, development, and maintenance of health, found in foods like fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.7. Minerals(矿物质)- inorganic substances that the body needs in small amounts for various functions, found in foods like salt, milk, and meat.8. Fiber(纤维素)- a type of carbohydrate that is not digested by the body but is important for maintaining a healthy digestive system, found in foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.第二部分:食品科学1. Food Science(食品科学)- the study of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of food and the ways in which food is processed.2. Food Safety(食品安全)- the practice of handling, preparing, and storing food in ways that prevent foodborne illnesses.3. Foodborne Illness(食物中毒)- an illness caused by consuming contaminated food or drink, often resulting in symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.4. Food Additives(食品添加剂)- substances added to food to enhance flavor, texture, appearance, or shelf life, such as preservatives, flavor enhancers, and colorings.5. Food Processing(食品加工)- the transformation of raw ingredients into food products, often involving techniques like cutting, grinding, cooking, and preserving.6. Food Labeling(食品标签)- the information provided on food packaging that includes ingredients, nutritional content, and allergy warnings.7. Organic Food(有机食品)- food that is grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs).8. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)(转基因生物)- organisms whose genetic material has been altered in a way that is not naturally occurring, often used in agriculture to improve crop yield or resistance to pests.通过学习以上词汇,学生可以更好地了解与营养学和食品科学相关的概念。
chapter is an introduction of food raw material with emphasis on food raw material ingredient
and nutrition.
1. Meat
1.1 Meat and meat products
Meat is an increasingly important source of high-value animal protein worldwide. Meat and
1.2 Meat and nutrition Skeletal muscle of meat consists of several tissues, such as muscle fibers and connective and adipose tissues. Muscle fibers, intramuscular connective tissue, and intramuscular fat play key roles in the determination of meat and fish flesh quality. Generally speaking, skeletal muscle consists of approximately 90 % muscle fibers and 10 % of connective and fat tissues. As a result, a meat that is rich in proteins with a high proportion of essential amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids is considered to exhibit good nutritional quality.
Lesson 2 Carbohydrates
![Lesson 2 Carbohydrates](
Lesson 2 CarbohydratesThe food scientist has a many-sided interest in carbohydrates. He is concerned with their amounts in various foods, availability (nutritional and economic), methods of extraction and analysis, commercial forms and purity, nutritional value, physiological effects, and functional properties in foods. Understanding their functional properties in processed foods requires not only knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of isolated carbohydrates, but also knowledge of the reactions and interactions that occur in situs between carbohydrates and other food constituents and the effects of these changes upon food quality and acceptance. This is a tall order for knowledge. Because processing affects both nutritional and esthetic values of food, knowledge of the changes that carbohydrates undergo during milling, cooking, dehydration, freezing, and storage is especially important.Students are advised to study the fundamental chemistry underlying useful carbohydrates properties. Of service will be an understanding of the association of polar molecules through hydrogen bonding, ionic effects, substituent effects, chelation with inorganic ions, complexing with lipids and proteins, and decomposition reaction. This background will provide an understanding of properties that affect the texture and acceptance of processed foods (e.g., solubility, hygroscopicity, diffusion, osmosis, viscosity, plasticity, and flavor production), properties that enable the formation or high quality pastries, gels, coatings, confections, and reconstitutable dehydrated and frozen foods.Ability to predict what changes in functional properties are likely to ensue from incorporating various types of carbohydrates into processed foods is a practical goal of the food scientist. Such forecasting requires either a wealth of experience with trial-and-error methods or a deep knowledge of carbohydrate properties as related to structure—perhaps both. However, scientific knowledge of cause and effect is highly respected when it shortens industrial development time.Source, Types, and TerminologyThe layman‟s conception of carbohydrates generally involves only the sugars and starches of foods—those that generate calories and fat. The food chemist knows many other types that are ingested.Because most people enjoy the sweetness of sugars and the mouth feel of cooked starches, they become familiar by association with table sugar (sucrose), invert sugar(hydrolyzed sucrose), corn syrup sugars (D-glucose and maltose), milk sugar (lactose), and the more starchy foods. These carbohydrates are nutritionally available; i .e., they are digested (hydrolyzed to component monosaccharides) and utilized by the human body. Carbohydrates of dietary fiber (cellulose, hemicelluse, pentosans, and pectic substances), in contrast, tend to be overlooked because they are largely unavailable. Digestive enzymes do not hydrolyze them significantly; nevertheless, they may be quite important for human health.The carbohydrates of natural and processed foods are divided into available and unavailable types. The available carbohydrates vary in degrees of absorption and utilization depending upon quantities ingested, accompanying food types, and human differences in complements of defective enzymes and intestinal transport mechanisms. Malabsorption difficulties and adverse physiological effects are known for all the available carbohydrates but gelatinized starches give little or no trouble.It is important to realize that in ruminants the unavailable and most abundant polysaccharide cellulose is partially hydrolyzed to the same highly available sugar that starch provides upon digestion; i.e. D-glucose. Grazing animals do it through the cellulases generated by the microorganisms of their rumen. Cellulose is, therefore, a contributing source of valuble animal protein. T he efficiency and economics of the ruminant‟s conversion of cellulose to nutrients probably can improve upon by food chemists. Development of cellulases that are stable outside the cells of microorganisms enables the culturing of fungi and with yeasts on cellulose hydrolyzates. Fungi (e.g., mushrooms) can produce protein with the biological value of animal protein. The conversion of cellulose wastes to animal feed and human food is an intriguing prospect for limiting environmental pollution and for feeding the world‟s expending population.Carbohydrates were first named according to their natural sources; e.g., beet sugar, cane sugar, grape sugar, malt sugar, milk sugar, cornstarch, liver glycogen, and sweet corn glycogen. Trivial names were then formed, in English terminology, often from a prefix related to the source followed by the suffix “-ose” to denote carbohydrate. Names arising in this way, for example, are fructose, maltose, lactose, xylose, and cellulose. These short, well-established names are stillcommonly used. They furnish no information on the chemical structures, however, so a definitive carbohydrate nomenclature has been developed. From the definitive names, structural formulas can be written. Some of the terms involved in the definitive nomenclature are explained in the following paragraphs.The simple sugars (monosaccharides) are basically aliphatic polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones: HOCH2- (CHOH) n-CHO and HOCH2- (CHOOH) n-1-C-O-Ch2OH, called “aldoses” and “ketoses,” respectively. However, it must be understood that cyclic hemiacetals of those open-chain forms prevail in solids and at equilibrium in solutions. In the definitive nomenclature, the suffix “ose” is appended to prefixes denoting the number of carbon atoms in the monosaccaride; e.g. trioses (n=1), tetroses (n=2), pentoses (n=3), hexoses (n=4) to distinguish aldoses from ketoses, ketoses are designated as”-uloses.” Thus, the simplest ketose, HOCH2-C:O-CH2OH, is a triulose; the most common ketose, D-fructose (levulose), is a hexulose. To designate the configurations of hydroxyl groups on the asymmetric carbon atoms of monosaccharides, the prefixes D and L are used together with prefixes derived from the trivial sugar names (e.g., D-glycero-, L-arabino-, D-xylo-) followed by pentose, hexose, hexulose, etc.As open-chain hydroxy aldehydes and hydroxyl ketones, the monosaccharides are very reactive. They readily enolize in alkaline solutions to reduce ions such as Cu2+and Fe(CN)63-. Therefore, they are called “reducing sugars”. Plants protect the reactive monosaccharides for transport and storage by condensing them with loss of water, into less reactive sugars, e.g., D-glucose and D-fructose, are condensing in such a way that their reactive functions are lost to form the disaccharide no reducing sugar, sucrose. The less reactive sucrose is then transported to all parts of the plant for enzymin syntheses of oligo-and polysaccharides. From thousands or more D-glucose moieties of sucrose the glucans, starch and cellulose, are built. From the D-fructose moiety of sucrose, fructans such as inulin are assembled. Other polysaccharides are formed from other sugar, which rose by enzymic transformations of phosphorylated hexoses and sugar nucleotides.The prefix “glyc,” is used in a generic sense to designate sugars and their derivatives; e.g., glycoses, glycosides, glycosans, glyconic, glyceric, and glycuronic acids. The generic name for polysaccharides is “glycan s”. Homoglycans are composed of single monosaccharide; for example,the D-glucans, cellulose and starch, release only D-glucose by hydrolysis. Other homoglycans (e.g., the hexosans, D-galactan and D-mannan, and the pentosans, L-arabinan and D-xylan) are uncommon in nature. Heteroglycans, composed of two or more different monosaccharides, are widely distributed than the homoglycans that are not glucans. Galactomnnans, glucomammans, arabinogalactans, and arabinoxylans are common diheteroglycans(composed of two sugars).the glycans prevail over free glycoses in natural foods.The reducing sugars are readily oxidized. Mild oxidation of aldoses yields aldonic acids, HOCH2-(CHOH)n-COOH; e.g., gluconic acid(n=4). Oxidation of both ends of the aldose molecule yields aldaric acids, HOOC-(CHOH)n-COOH; e.g., tartaric acid(n=2). Oxidation of the terminal CH2OH group of hexoses without oxidation of the reducing function (protected) produces hexuronic acids, HOOC-(CHOH)-CHO. The hexuronic acids are common monosaccharide constituents of many heteroglycans. For example, they are found in acidic hemicelluloses, pectic substances, algin and exudate gums, and the mucopolysaccharides of mammalian tissues. Penturonic acids have not been found in nature.Reduction of aldoses or ketoses yield sugar alcohols, properly called …alditols,” HOCH2-(CHOH)n-CH2OH. T he suffix “-itol “ is applied to the trivial prefixes to denote different alditols; e.g., D-glucitol, D-mannitol, xylitol. The triitol, glyceritol (by common usage, glycerol, n=1), is the alditol moiety of fats. Glycerol and D-glucitol(sorbitol) are acceptable and useful food additives because they are glucogenic and keep foods moist by virtue of their strong affinity for water. Pentitols(n=3) and hexitols(n=4) are found in small amount in many fruits, vegetables and mushrooms. The heptitol, perseitol (n=5), and an octitol have been isolated from avocados. Some aditols are nutritionally available; others are not.Other types of carbohydrates found in food are the condensed N-acetylated amino sugars of mucopolysaccharides, glycoproteins, and chitin; the condense deoxy sugars of gum, mucilages, and nucleotides; glcosides (sugars condensed with nonsugars); glucosinolates (toxic thioglycosides); cyclitols (myoinositol, phytic acid); and reductone, L-ascorbic acid.Complex carbohydrates, such as cellulose and hemicellulose, are largely indigestible, as are a number of oligosaccharides, certain other carbohydrates, gums, and fibrous matter found in foods of plant origins.Carbohydrate Composition of FoodsDieticians need more exact information on the carbohydrate compassion of foods. Food pressers also make practical use of carbohydrate composition data. For example, the reducing sugar content of fruits and vegetables that are to be dehydrated or processed with heat is frequently an indicator of the extent of nonenzymic browing that can expected during processing and storage. The possible hydrolysis of sucrose to reducing sugars during processing also is to be considered .the natural changes in carbohydrate composition that occur during maturation and post harvest ripening of plant foods is therefore of particular interest to food chemists.Citrus fruits, which normally ripen on the tree and contain no starch, undergo little change in carbohydrate composition following harvest. However, in fruit that are picked before complete ripening (e.g., apples, bananas, pears), much of the stored starch is converted to sugars as ripening process. The reducing sugar content of potatoes also increases during cold storage. According to the activity of endogenous invertase during the sun drying of grapes and dates, sucrose is converted to D-glucose and D-fructose; accordingly, the color of the dried products is deepened by nonenzymic browning reactions.Green peas, green beans, and sweet corn are picked before maturity to obtain succulent textures and sweetness. Later the sugars would be converted to polysaccharides, water would be lost, and tough textures would develop. In soybean, which is allowed to mature completely before harvest, the starch reserve is depleted as sucrose and galactosyl sucroses (raffinose, stachyose, verbascose, etc.) are form in the malting of cereal grains, rapid conversions of reserve carbohydrate to sugars occur as enzymes are strongly activated.In foods of animal origin, postmortem activity of enzymes must be considered when carbohydrate composition data is obtained. The glycogen of animal tissues, especially liver is rapidly depolymerized to D-glucose after slaughter, and immediate deep freezing is required to preserve the glycogen. Mammalian internal organs, such as liver, kidney, and brains also eggs and shellfish, provide small amount of D-glucose in the diet .Red fresh meats contain only traces of available carbohydrate (D-glucose, D-fructose, and D-ribose) and these are extracted into bouillons and broths. Dairy products provide the main source of mammalian carbohydrate. Whole cow‟s milk contains about 4.9% carbohydrates an d dried skim milk contains over 50% lactose.Examination of food composition tables shows that in general, cereals are highest in starch content and lowest in sugars. Fruit are highest in free sugars and lowest in starch .On a dry basis, the edible portions of fruit usually contain 80-90% carbohydrate. Legumes occupy intermediate portion with regard to starch and are high in unavailable carbohydrate.Glycosides of many types are widely distributed in plants. Certain biologically active thioglucosides, pr operly called “glucosinolates”, are found in significant amount in crucifers. Mustard oils, nitriles, and goitrins are released by enzymic hydrolysis. Their suspected goitrogenic in humans have been investigated, but the amount of glucosnolates normally consumed in food such as fresh cabbage (300-1000ppm), cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, turning, rutabagas, and radishes are not now believed to cause adverse physiological effects. Cyanogenetic glycosides, which release hydrogen cyanide by enzymic hydrolysis under certain condition of vegetable maceration, are known to be sources of acute toxicity in certain animal feeds; however they are not active in the customary foods of developed countries. Certain foreign varieties of lima beans and manioc root (cassava) may yield up to 0.3% hydrogen cyanide by weight, but lima beans distributed in the United States yield less than 0.02%. Saponins, the surface-active glycosides of steroids and triterpenoids, are found in low concentrations in tealeaves, spinach, asparagus, beets sugar beet (0.3%), yams, soybeans (0.5%), alfalfa (2-3%), and peanuts and other legumes.。
食品专业英语课件lesson 2
![食品专业英语课件lesson 2](
Lesson 2The translation of Food Sci-Technological thesis: English →Chinese食品科技论文的翻译一、Basic Translation Techniques1.Accurate comprehension of the original, be faithful to the original.2. Adequate representation is crucial译事三难信达雅严复fidelity, accuracy, elegance信,指要忠实于原文,不能添枝加叶;达,指要完全表达出原文的意思,不能有遗漏;1. First of all, accurate comprehension is always the foremost(首先)concern in translation. Without an accurate comprehension of the original(原著), there can be no translation faithful to the original. Whatever the difficulties, they have to be carefully analysed and properly solved.In a word, the translator must understand (the original) in order to be understood (by his readers).2. Secondly, adequate representation is crucial, too.We must bear in mind that Chinese and English are two entirely different languages. A word-for-word approach(方法途径)in translation will get us nowhere. We have to know that words become alive only when they are used in the right context(上下文).(1)Equivalent translationa drop in the ocean 沧海一粟within a stone‘s throw 一箭之遥kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit 吃一堑,长一智(2)Unequivalent translationat sixes and sevens 乱七八糟Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮Can you come down a little? --Sorry, it's one price for all.你能便宜一点卖吗?对不起,不二价.It takes two to tango(探戈).一个巴掌拍不响。
Text A CarbohydratesMany carbohydrate s(碳水化合物)can be expressed in the form [C x(H2O)y], but this is not an accurate description of their structure. Carbohydrates are infact polyhydroxy(多羟基)aldehyde s(醛)or ketone s (酮)and the term also includes any compounds that can be hydrolyzed to form carbohydrates. The simplest carbohydrates are called sugars (or monosaccharide s(单糖)) and these may link together to form more complex carbohydrates, starches (or polysaccharide s(多糖)).The diversity of dietary carbohydrates necessitates discussion of several classes of these molecules, ranging from simple sugars to huge, branched polymers.1.MonosaccharidesMonosaccharides or simple sugars are either hexose s (6-carbon) (六碳糖)like glucose(葡萄糖), galactose(半乳糖)and fructose(果糖), or pentose s (5-carbon) (五碳糖)like ribose (核糖). These are the breakdown products of more complex carbohydrates and can be efficiently absorbed across the wall of the digestive tube(消化道)and transported into blood. Simple sugars are monosaccharides.These are characterised by hydroxyl(羟基), aldehyde and ketone group s(功能团). Monosaccharides are either aldose s(醛糖)or ketose s(酮糖). The aldo- and keto- prefix(前缀)identifies the nature of the carbonyl(羰基,羰酰)group, and the –ose suffix(后缀)designates a carbohydrate.In Fischer projection s(费歇尔投影式), if the hydroxyl group at the lowest stereogenic centre(手相中心), C5in this case, points to the right, it may be labelled a D-sugar, if it points to the left, it is an L-sugar.The number of carbon atoms is also indicated, so for example, aldohexose is the six-carbon aldehyde sugar, more commonly referred to as glucose. Intramolecular(分子内), nucleophilic addition(亲核加成)can take place between a hydroxyl and a carbonyl group of the same molecule, resulting in the formation of a cyclic hemiacetal(半缩醛).Simple monosaccharides consist of aldehyde or ketone groups and both primary and secondary hydroxyl groups, all of which are available for reaction.An alkaline(碱的,强碱的)solution of copper(铜)(Fehling's solution (斐林试剂)) oxidise s(氧化)an aldose to an aldonate(醛糖盐), and is itself reduced to copper, precipitating (沉淀)as red Cu2O.Hydrogenation(氢化作用)of fructose, and carbohydrates in general, involves addition of hydrogen(氢)to the double bond(双键)of the carbonyl group. The resulting products have an –itol suffix to denote that they are sugar alcohols.Carbohydrate hydroxyl groups form esters on reactions with acid(酸,酸的)chloride s(氯化物)or anhydride s(酐)in the presence of base(碱). All of the hydroxyl groups react.Ether s(醚,醚类)may be formed by treatment of carbohydrates with alkylhalide s(烷基卤化物)in the presence of base.2.Disaccharides(二糖)Disaccharides are simply two monosaccharides linked together by a glycosidic bond(糖苷键). The disaccharides most important in nutrition and digestion are:∙lactose(乳糖)or "milk sugar": glucose + galactose∙sucrose(蔗糖)or "table sugar": glucose + fructose∙maltose(麦芽糖): glucose + glucoseOligosaccharides are relatively short chains of monosaccharides which typically are intermediate s(中间体)in the breakdown of polysaccharides to monosaccharides.3.PolysaccharidesPolysaccharides are the most abundant dietary carbohydrate for all except very young animals. You should be familiar with three important polysaccharides, each of which is a large polymer of glucose:∙Starch(淀粉)is a major plant storage form of glucose. It occurs in two forms: alpha-amylose(α-直链淀粉), in which the glucoses are linked together in straight chains, and amylopectin, in which the glucose chains are highly branched. Except for the branch points of amylopectin, the glucose monomer s(单体)in starch are linked via(通过)alpha(1->4) glycosidic bond s(α-1,4-糖苷键), which, in the digestive tract of mammal s(哺乳动物), are hydrolyzed by amylase s(淀粉酶).∙Cellulose(纤维素)is the other major plant carbohydrate. It is the major constituent of plant cell walls, and more than half of the organic carbon on earth is found in cellulose. Cellulose is composed on unbranched, linear chains of D-glucose molecules, linked to one another by beta(1->4) glycosidic bond s(β-1,4-糖苷键), which no vertebrate has the capacity to enzymatically digest. Herbivore s(食草动物) subsist largely on cellulose, not because they can digest it themselves, but because their digestive tracts teem with microbes that produce cellulases that hydrolyze cellulose.∙Glycogen(糖原)is the third large polymer of glucose and is the major animal storage carbohydrate. Like starch, the glucose molecules in glycogen are linked together by alpha(1->4) glycosidic bonds.Text B LipidsLipids are a family of naturally occurring compounds grouped together on the basis of their relative insolubility in water and solubility in nonpolar solvents. These are naturally occurring molecules that can be isolated from cells and tissues by extraction using nonpolar organic solvents.There are two classes of lipids:i) those with ester linkages that can be hydrolyzed, for example, fats and waxesii) those without ester linkages and so cannot be hydrolyzed, for example, cholesterol and steroids.Fats and oils are triacylglycerols. They are triesters of glycerol (propane-1,2,3-triol) with three long chain carboxylic acids. Reaction with aqueous sodium hydroxide yields glycerol and the three fatty acids.Fatty acids are usually unbranched and contain an even number of carbon atoms, usually from 12 to 20. If there are any double bonds, they tend to have cis geometry. Fats containing one double bond are monounsaturated and those with more than one double bond are polyunsaturated. Saturated fats have a uniform shape that allows them to pack together in a crystal lattice. Unsaturated fats have double bonds that introduce kinks into the hydrocarbon chain making crystal formation more difficult. This is why saturated fats have higher melting points and are solids at room temperature compared to unsaturated fats that tend to be liquids (oils).The most abundant lipid in olive oil is glyceryl trioleate, a triester formed from glycerol and oleic acid, a mono-unsaturated fatty acid with a cis double bond in the middle of the C18 chain.Waxes are mixtures of esters of long chain carboxylic acids and long chain alcohols. The carboxylic acids usually have an even number of carbon atoms, ranging from 16 to 36, and the long chain alcohols also have an even number of carbon atoms, ranging from 24-36.脂质脂质是一类不溶于水,但溶于非极性溶剂的天然化合物。
Food(p7)Vegetables are a second type of plant matter that is commonly eaten as food.蔬菜作为第二类植物类型,是常吃的食物。
These include root vegetables (such as potatoes and carrots),leaf vegetables (such as spinach and lettuce),stem vegetables(such as bamboo shoots and asparagus),and inflorescence vegetables(such as globe artichokes and broccoli).包括根菜类(例如马铃薯和胡萝卜),叶菜类(例如菠菜和生菜),茎秆蔬菜(例如竹子的嫩枝和芦笋),和花序蔬菜(例如朝鲜蓟和花木耶菜)Many herbs and spices are highly-flavorful vegetables.许多草本植物和香料都是味很浓的蔬菜。
Food sources from Animals---Animals can be used as food either directly or indirectly by the products they produce.来源于动物的食物:动物能被直接或者间接的通过他们生产出产品。
Meat is an example of a direct product taken from an animal,which comes from either muscle systems or from organs.肉类食材是直接从动物提取的一个例子,肉来源于动物的肌肉系统或者器官。
Food products produced by animals include milk produced by mammals,which in many cultures is drunk or processed into dairy products such as cheese or butter由动物生产的食品包括哺乳动物的奶,在许多国家这些奶被直接饮用或者加工成奶制品,例如奶酪、黄油。
食品专业英语化学品/农药残留物检测系统- Chemical/pesticide residue testing;外界污染源勘测仪器- Detection of foreign contaminating objects;实验室设备和传感器- Laboratory equipment and sensors;射线杀菌和巴氏杀菌消毒技术- Irradiation sterilization and pasteurization technology; 超高温杀菌设备- Over-temperature sterilization equipment;冷冻速冻设备- Freezing and deep freezing equipment;超临界萃取设备- Over-critical extraction equipment;膜分离设备- Velum seperation equipment;分子蒸馏设备- Molecule distillation equipment;无菌(真空)包装设备- Vacuum packaging equipment;化学品分析仪器- Chemical analyzers;食品成分分析仪器- Constituent analyzers;过滤设备- Filtration equipment;食品预处理设备- Food preparation equipment;湿度控制仪器- Humidity control equipment;食品配料分析仪器- Ingredient analyzers;污染控制设备- Pollution control equipment;离析器- Separators;饮业清洁设备- Catering sanitizers;温度纪录仪器- Temperature recording equipment;检测设备- Testing equipment;废物处理设备- Waste disposal equipment;水质量分析和控制设备- Water quality analysis and control equipment;气相/液相色谱仪- Gas/Liquid chromatogram apparatus.溶剂- Solvents;餐饮业厨房用地板- Kitchen flooring for catering;手套- Gloves;清洁剂- Cleanser;试纸、试剂- Test paper and reagent.审核和认证服务- Auditing and certification;数据库和软件服务- Databanks and software on regulatory issues;实验室食品分析服务- Food analysis laboratory services;咨询服务- Consulting services;食品质量控制管理服务- Food quality control management services;食品安全管理服务- Food safety management services;食品卫生管理服务- Food hygiene management services;HACCP和BRC培训服务- HACCP & BRC training services;微生物检测和认证服务- Microbiology testing and identification services;专家咨询服务- Regulatory experts services;食品安全保障技术- Food safety guarantee technology;生物工程技术- Biology engineering technology食品安全Food Safety食品防御安全Food SecurityEEC serial No.欧共体(食品添加剂)顺序号EFEMA(European Food Emulsifer Manufacturers Association) 欧洲食品乳化剂制造者协会encapsulating agent for food additives and vitamins 食品添加剂和维生素用包囊剂engineering food 工程食品enrich (食品)增补(营养素),强化;富集,浓缩;加料enriched food 强化(营养素)食品Expert Committee on Food Additive 食品添加剂专家委员会extruded food 挤压食品Fabricated food 合成食品,组合食品FAC(Food Advisory Committee) (英国)食品咨询委员会fad food 应时食品FAO/WHO Joint Committee of Alimentary Codex(CA-C) FAO/WHO食品卫生法规联合委员会FAP(Food Additive Petition)(U.S.) 食品添加剂申请书FAS(Food Additives Seriser)食品添加剂丛书FASS(Food Additives and Comtaminants Committee) (英国)食品添加剂及污染物委员会FCC(Food Chemicals Codex) 食品用化学品法规,食品用化学品法典FD&C (Food,Drug and Cosmetic Act) 食品、药物及化妆品条例(法)FDA 美国食品与药物管理局;美国FDAFDA(U.S.Food and Drug Adinistration) 美国食品与药物管理局FDD(Food and Drug Directorate) 食品和药物理事会fecala [由葛根、木薯等植物淀粉制成的食品]Federal Food Drugs and Cosmetic Act 联邦食品药品化妆品法(美国)Federal food standards (美国)联邦食品标准Federal Food,Drug,and Cosmetic Act(FFDCA) 联邦食品、药物和化妆品条例(法)fermentating food 发酵食品,酿造食品fermented goods 发酵制品,发酵食品FFDCA(Federal Food , Drug ,and Cosmetic Act) 联邦食品、药物和化妆品条例(法)FG(food grade) 食品级FIA(Food Ingredients Asia) 亚洲食品配料展览会FIC(Food Ingredients China) 中国食品配料展览会FIE(Food Ingredients Europe) 欧洲食品配料展览会finished food 制成的食品FISA(Food Ingradients of South American) 南美食品配料展览会flavology (食品)风味学flavor food 风味食品flavor industry 食品香料工业,调味料工业flavor-dependent food 依赖香精的食品;与香味有关的食品flavor-independent food 不依赖香精的食品;与香味无关的食品flavorings 食品香精[表示多数]flavour aditive 香味添加剂,食品香精添加剂flavour adjunct 食品香精辅助物flavouring foods 调味食品flavouring industry 食品香料香精工业flavouring matter 食品香料FMF(Food Manufacturer’s Federation(London)) (伦敦)食品制造商联合会FNP(Food and Nutrition Paper) (联合国粮农组织)食品与营养文集FNS(Food and Nutrition Serise) (联合国粮农组织)食品与营养丛书fold flavor 浓缩过的食品香精(香料)food 食品,食物,粮食,养料food additive 食品添加剂Food Additive Petition (U.S.) (FAP) 食品添加剂申请书food additives 食品添加剂Food Additives Amendment 食品添加剂修正案Food Additives Series(FAS) 食品添加剂丛书food adjunct 食品助剂food adulteration 食品掺假Food Advisory Committee(FAC) 食品咨询委员会food allergy 食品过敏food analysis 食品分析Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of U.S. 美国食品与药物管理局Food and Drug Administration(U.S.)(FDA) 美国食品与药物管理局Food and Nutrition Board(FNB) 食品与营养委员会Food and Nutrition Paper(FNP) (联合国粮农组织)食品与营养文集Food and Nutrition Series(FNS) (联合国粮农组织)食品与营养丛书food antiseptics 食品防腐剂food chemicals 食品用化学品Food Chemicals Codex Committee 食品用化学品法典(规)委员会Food Chemicals Codex(FCC) 售用化学品法典;食品用化学品法规food chemistry 食品化学food color 食品(用)色素food constituent 食品成分food contamination 食品污染food control 食品质量控制,食品质量检查food distribution center (美)食品分销中心,批发站food dye 食品(用)色素food engineer 食品工程师food engineering 食品工程(学)food enricher 食品强化剂food factory 食品厂food fermentation 食品发酵food flavour 食品香味;食品香精,食品香料;食品调味料food flavouring 食用调味料,调味品,食品香精food fortification 食品强化food fortifier 食品强化剂food grade mineral oil 食品级矿物油food grade(FG) 食品级food green S 食品绿Sfood handling 食品加工food hygiene 食品卫生学food hygiene law 食品卫生法food hygienic quality detection 食品卫生质量鉴定food industry 食品工业food infection 食品(带菌)传染food ingredient 食品成分,食品配料Food Ingredients Asia(FIA) 亚洲食品配料展览会Food Ingredients China(FIC) 中国食品配料展览会Food Ingredients Europe(FIE) 欧洲食品配料展览会Food Ingredients of South American(FISA) 南美食品配料展览会food inspection 食品检验food inspection rules 食品卫生检验规则food irrdiation 食物照射,食品辐照food labelling 食品标志food laws 食品法规food legislation 食品立法food microbiology 食品微生物学food nutrition 食品营养food of animal origin 动物性食品food of plant orgin 植物性食品food packaged 食品包装food packing 食品包装food preservation 食品保藏food preservative 食品保存剂,食品防腐剂food processing 食品加工;食品热杀菌food processing aide 食品加工助剂food processing industry 食品加工工业food processing plant 食品加工厂food product 食物产品,食品food products regulations 食品法规food regulation 食品法规food requirements 对食品的需要food safety 食品安全性Food Safety and Quality Service(FSQS) 食品安全与质量管理处Food Safety Council of U.S. 美国食品安全性协会Food Safey and Inspeciton Service (FSIS) 食品安全检验处food sanitation law 食品卫生法规food science 食品科学food spoilage 食物腐败,食品败坏food stability 食品稳定性,食品耐贮性food stamp 食品券food standard 食品标准food standard committee 食品标准委员会food starch, modified 食品用改性淀粉food starch, unmodified 食品用未改性淀粉food sterilization equipment 食品杀菌设备food storage 食品贮存food substance 食品food supervisions 食品卫生监督food supplement 食品增补剂food supplementation 食品增补food surveillance 食品监督gelled foodstuff 凝胶食品generally recognized as safe(GRAS) (食品添加剂的)公认安全,一般认为安全genetically modified food,GMF 转基因食品geriatric food 老年食品GM food (genetically modified food) 转基因食品gourmet food 鲜美食品,珍贵食品grading food quality 食品质量分级GRAS(generally recognized as safe) (食品添加剂的)公认安全,一般认为安全green food 绿色食品grocery 食品杂货;食品杂货店;小酒馆Health food 健康食品,保健食品Health Ingredients Europe(HIE) 欧洲健康(保健)食品配料展览会health-care food 保健食品heat-and-eat food pack 加热即食的包装食品,快速食品heat-and-eat frozen food 加热即食的冷冻食品,速冻快速食品HIE(Health Ingredients Europe) 欧洲健康(保健)食品配料展览会hyposite 低热量食品ICMSF 国际食品微生物标准鉴定委员会;ICMSFIFAC(International Food Additives Council) 国际食品添加剂委员会IFIS(Iternational Food Information Service) 国际食品咨询服务处IFMA(International Food Manufacture Association) 国际食品制造者协会IFST(Institute of Food Science and Technology) 食品科学与工艺学学会IFT(Institute of Food Technologists) 食品工艺学家学会[美]indicator of food hygiene quality 食品卫生质量指标indirect food additive 间接食品添加剂infant food 婴儿食品infant formula 婴儿配制食品INFD(International Network of Food Data) 国际食品数据网inflight meal 航空食品,飞机内用的便餐,机内客饭INS(International Numbering System) 国际编码系统[联合国食品法典委员会] inspector of food hygiene 食品卫生监督员instant food 即食品instantizer 速溶剂;速溶机;速溶食品生产设备Institute of Food Technologists(IFT) 食品工艺学家学会[美]intentional food additive 有意食品添加剂,故意(加入的)食品添加剂intermediate-moisture foods 中等水分食品International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods of IAMS 国际食品微生物标准鉴定委员会;ICMSFInternational Food Additives Council (IFAC) 国际食品添加剂委员会International Food Information Service(IFIS) 国际食品咨询服务处International Food Manufacture Association(IFMA) 国际食品制造者协会International Network of Food Data (INFD) 国际食品数据网International Uion of Food Science and Technology(IUFOST) 国际食品科学技术协会International Union of Food Science andTechnology 国际食品工艺学联合会;IUFOST International Union of Food Workers (IUF)International Union of 国际食品工作者联合会invalid food 疗效食品,病人食品irradiated food 照射食品,辐照食品irradiated product 照射(杀菌)食品irradiation 辐射,照射;食品照射保藏法isolate flavor 单离食品香料IUF(International Union of Food Workers ) 国际食品工作者联合会IUFOST 国际食品工艺学联合会;IUFOSTIUFOST(International Uion of Food Workers) 国际食品科学技术协会Japan Food Additives Associatiion(JFAA) 日本食品添加剂协会Japanese Standard of Food Additives(JSFA) 日本食品添加剂标准JECFA FAO/WHO 食品添加剂专家联合委员会;JECFAJECFA(Jonint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives) FAO/WHO 食品添加剂联合专家委员会jecorize (食品的)鱼肝油(增补)化,外加鱼肝油JFAA(Japan Food Additives Associtatioin) 日本食品添加剂协会JFCMP(Jonit FAO/WHO Food Contamination Monitoring Programme) FAO/WHO联合食品污染监控计划Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives FAO/WHO 食品添加剂专家联合委员会;JECFAJoint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives(JECFA) FWO/WHO食品添加剂联合专家委员会Joint FAO/WHO Food Contamination Monitoring Programme(JFCMP) FAO/WHO联合食品污染监控计划JSFA(Japanese Standard of Food Additives) 日本食品添加剂标准junior food 幼儿食品junket 凝乳食品Junket dessert 乳酪食品kasher 犹太食品lacquers 漆;(食品容器的)涂料;罐头涂料lasting food 防腐食品,耐入存的食品leavened food 发酵食品,膨发食品low acid foods 低酸性食品[pH在4.6以上的食品]low calorie food 低热量(能量)食品low-fat food 低脂(肪)食品low-fat spread 低脂(肪)涂抹食品lubricating oil for food machine 食品工业用机械润滑油management of food hygiene 食品卫生管理marine food 海产食品,海味marine food 海产食品,海味microwaveable food 微波食品milk substitute 代乳食品minimally processed foods 最少加工食品modified food starch 改性食品用淀粉National Canners Association (NCA) (美国)罐头食品协会National Nutritonal Foods Association(NNFA) (美国)全国营养食品协会NCA(national Canners Association) (美国)罐头食品协会negative list (食品添加剂)禁止使用的一览表;否决单neutraceutical [具有预防疾病性质的一类食品添加剂,如β-胡萝卜素] niacytin 结合烟酸,烟酸与糖的络合物[由烟酸与食品中的某些成分结合而成] NNFA(National Nutritional Foods Association) (美国)全国营养食品协会novel food 新颖食品nutritive 营养的,滋养的,食品的,食物的objectionable constituent (食品中)有害成分olderly food 老年人食品pabulum 食粮,食品,饲料packing 充填物;食品加工业;填充;填料parkelp 褐藻类(制)食品pastry 焙烤(面制)食品,发面点心,面制糕点perishable 易腐的,易坏的;易腐食品;易腐货载perishable food 易腐食品pet food 宠物食品,玩赏动物食品phenylalanine-free food 无苯丙氨酸食品physical hazards, food-related 与食品有关的物理危害pickle 腌菜,泡菜;腌制食品pickled food 腌渍食品picnic 野餐,各人自带食品的聚餐;猪前腿(肉)PL(positive list) (食品添加剂的)准许使用名单positive list(PL) (食品添加剂的)准话使用名单pouch food (小)袋装食品prepared food 预制食品,速煮食品,方便食品,预加工食品preserved food 罐头食品processed cheese food 加工干酪食品;加工干酪制品processed food 加工食品protection food 合格食品,符合质量要求的食品protective food 保健食品puffed food 膨化食品quick-cooking good 速煮食品quick-frozen food 速冻食品quick-serve meal 快餐食品radiated food 辐射食品radicidation 辐射杀菌,辐射灭菌,针对性的杀菌;食品的低剂量射线处理ready-to-eat 方便食品,即食食品,速煮食品ready-to-eat product 方便食品ready-to-eat-meal 快餐食品,方便食品,现成食品ready-to-serve food 速煮食品recombined food 调制食品,重组食品recommended program of food safety evaluation 食品安全性评价程序建议reconstitution 复原,还原,冲调,复水;浓缩食品稀释至初始浓度Red book 红皮书[指美国FDA1982年出版的食品添加剂安全评价的毒物学原则一书] reformed food 改制食品regulatory status 食品法规管理restructured food 重组食品retorted foods 杀菌(袋装)食品,(高压)蒸煮袋食品SAA(The Soyfoods Association of America) 美国大豆食品协会satchel 纸袋,袋装食品[主要指糖果]SCF(European Scientific Committee on Food) (欧洲)食品员会Scientific Committee for Food (欧洲)食品科学委员会semimoist foods 半(湿)食品set milk 凝乳食品sitology 食品学,营养学smoke foods 烟熏食品snack food 小吃食品;休闲食品;零食;快餐食品snack foods 小食品sorption curve 吸收曲线[食品中水分和活性水分之相关曲线]soyfoods 大豆食品space dood 航天食品special used food 特殊用途食品special-purpose food 专用食品specific foods 特种食品standard of food hygiene 食品卫生标准standardized foods 标准化食品sterilized food 灭菌食品synergist and solubilizer for antioxidants and flavours 抗氧化剂和食品香味料的增效剂和增溶剂tannins(food grade) 食品级单宁technical rule of food hygiene 食品卫生技术规范textureizing agent (食品)增稠剂;质地形成剂texturometer (食品)稠度测定仪The Soyfoods Association of America(SAA) 美国大豆食品协会therapeutical food 疗效(性)食品ticbit 珍品,美味食品traditional food 传统食品U.S.Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 美国食品和药品管理局U.S.RDA(U.S.Recommended Daily Allowances) (美国食品和药品管理局)推荐的每日营养素供给量(标准)U.S.Recommended Daily Allowances(U.S.RDA) (美国食品和药品管理局)推荐的每日营养素供给量(标准)unintentional food additive 无意食品添加剂,非故意(加入的)食品添加剂,意外的食品添加剂United States Food and Drug Administration 美国食品与药物管理局;美国FDA untraceuticals 保健食品victual 食品,食物,粮食,饮食vitvers 食品,食物weaning food 断奶食品,离乳食品WFC(World Food Council) 世界食品署WFC(World Food Council) 世界食品署WFP(World Food Programme) 世界食品规划white oil for food-machinery 食品机械用白油wholesome 卫生的,有益健康的(食品)World Food Programme (WFP) 世界食品规划Oysters 牡蜊Mussels 蚌类、黑色、椭圆形、没壳的是淡菜Crab 螃蟹Prawn 虾clams 蛤蚌scallops扇贝(小)Crab stick 蟹肉条Peeled Prawns 虾仁King Prawns 大虾Tiger Prawns 虎虾Whelks Tops 小螺肉Shrimps 基围虾Cockles 小贝肉Lobster 龙虾花椒粉Paprika powder孜然粉Cumin powder姜粉Ginger powder麻椒粉Spicy hot powder去皮姜块Peeled Ginger Pieces月桂粉Cassia powder香味粉Bay Leaves powder胡萝卜粉Carrot granules丁香粉Ground Cloves powder葱片Shallot flakes蒜粉Garlic powder甜椒粉Sweet chilli powder黑胡椒粉Black Pepper Powder甜青椒sweet green chilli powder白胡椒粉White pepper powder香葱粉Shallot powder洋葱粉Onion Powder菠菜粉Spinach powder辣椒粉Chilli powder芹菜粉Celery powder五香粉Five Spices Powder芥茉粉Mustard powder咖喱粉Curry powder百里香粉Herbs powder八角粉(大料) Star Aniseed powder当归Angelic香菇粉Fungus powder芹菜粒Celery granules桂皮粉Cinnamon Powder牛肉粒Beef granules茴香粉Fennel powder南瓜粒Squash powder甘草粉Licorice powder人参粉Panax powder砂仁粉Amomum Powder黑胡椒碎Black pepper broken三奈粉Couidium officinale复合芥茉粉Mixed mustard power沙姜粉Sand ginger powder肉寇(玉果粉) Cardemon姜黄粉Turmeric powder白豆蔻粉White nutmeg powde红豆蔻粉Red nutmeg powder草莓粉Strawberry powder肉不同部位的英文翻译一、腰腹部分(质嫩):适合炒肉片,火锅——Tenderloin (Short loin) 里脊............. (脊骨内侧(腹侧)条肉) Porterhouse(Short loin) 里脊,外脊........ (臀腰部脊骨背侧肉) T Bone ... (Short loin) 里脊,外脊........ (胸腰部脊骨背侧肉) Strip loin (Short loin) 嫩腰(诈称里脊) ... (二侧腰肉)Rib eye ......... (Rib) 上脑,外脊(诈称里脊)(胸部背脊肉,略肥) Top Sirloin . (Sirloin) 米龙(诈称里脊) ... (盆骨后肌,近腰臀肉) Tir-tip ..... (Sirloin) 三岔肉 ........... (盆骨前肌,近腹腿肉) Hanger ........ (Flank) 牛腩............. (胸腹隔肌)Flank, Skirt .. (Flank) 牛腩,腰窝........ (下腹肌)二、后腿部分(较老,瘦):适合:烤,酱,卤——Rump ......... (Round) 后腿,仔盖,臀尖... (近腿臀肉)Sirloin tip .. (Round) 后腿,粗和尚头.... (大腿前伸肌)Eye round .... (Round) 后腿,榔头肉...... (大腿肚内芯)Top Round .... (Round) 后腿,底板肉...... (大腿肚)Bottom Round . (Round) 后腿,黄瓜肉,腱子肉(大腿肚近膝) 三、肩胸(前腿) 部分(质老,略肥):适合:炖,红烧,酱,卤——Blade .... (Chuck eye) 上脑,前烧. (近頸脊背肉,质较嫩)7 Bone ....... (Chuck) 前烧,牛肩肉(肩背肉)Shouder ...... (Chuck) 前烧,牛肩肉(肩臂肉)四、肘子, 胸口(质极老) :适合:炖,红烧,酱,卤——Shank ... 肘子,蹄胖,牛腱子. (前后小腿,瘦)Plate ... 弓扣,牛筋肉,牛腩 . (上腹肌,瘦)Brisket . 胸口,奶脯,牛筋肉. (胸脯肉,肥)品质、生产名称类词汇QC quality control||品质管理人员FQC final quality control||终点品质管制人员IPQC in process quality control||制程中的品质管制人员OQC output quality control||最终出货品质管制人员IQC incoming quality control||进料品质管制人员TQC total quality control||全面质量管理POC passage quality control||段检人员QA quality assurance||质量保证人员OQA output quality assurance||出货质量保证人员QE quality engineering||品质工程人员品质保证类:FAI first article inspection||新品首件检查FAA first article assurance||首件确认TVR tool verification report||模具确认报告3B 3B||模具正式投产前确认CP capability index||能力指数CPK capability index of process||模具制程能力参数SSQA standardized supplier quality||合格供应商品质评估OOBA out of box audit||开箱检查QFD quality function deployment||品质机能展开FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis||失效模式分析8 disciplines 8||项回复内容FA final audit||最后一次稽核CAR corrective action request||改正行动要求corrective action report||改正行动报告常用仪器的英语YAMATO科学仪器-Scientific-Instruments恒温·干燥器/恒温恒湿器Drying Ovens/Humidity Chambers送风定温恒温器Forced Convection Constant Temperature Ovens 惰性气体恒温器Inert Gas Ovens精密恒温器Precision Constant Temperature Ovens洁净烘箱(洁净干燥箱)Clean Ovens送风定温干燥器Forced Convection Constant Temperature Drying Ovens 空气幕送风定温恒温器Forced Convection Ovens With Air Curtain定温干燥箱Constant Temperature Drying Ovens角形真空定温干燥器Vacuum Drying Ovens恒温恒湿器Constant Temperature and Humidity Chambers流水线设备In-Line System for Underfill Adhesive and Encapsulation干燥架drying rack恒温培养器Constant Temperature Incubators可程式低温培养器Low Temperature Program Type Incubators低温培养器Low Temperature Incubators低温稳定性培养器Low Temperature Stability Incubators培养器IncubatorsCO2培养器CO2 Incubators振荡培养器Shaking Incubators冻结干燥器Freeze Dryers---冻结干燥器Freeze Dryers离心形冻结干燥器Centrifugal Freeze Dryers灭菌器Sterilizers---干热灭菌器Drying Sterilizers高压灭菌器Autoclaves Sterilizers低温等离子灭菌器Low Temperature Plasma Sterilizers环形燃烧管灭菌器Loop Cinerator纯水制造装置Water Purifiers---纯水制造装置Water Stills超纯水制造装置Ultra-pure Water Purifiers简易纯水制造装置Water Purifiers超纯水制造装置系统Ultra-pure Water Purifier System大容量纯水制造装置Water Purifiers System洗净器Washers---实验室玻璃器皿清洗机Laboratory Glassware Washers超声波清洗机Ultrasonic Cleaners大型超声波清洗机Aqueous Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems超声波试管清洗机Ultrasonic Pipet Washers超声波清洗机Ultrasonic Cleaners恒温液槽Constant Temperature Baths---投入式恒温装置Constant Temperature Devices油槽Oil Baths振荡式低温水槽Low Constant Temperature Shaking Baths深槽形恒温水槽Constant Temperature Water Baths粘度测定槽Kinematic Viscosity Baths液压式恒温水槽Constant Temperature Water Baths精密低温恒温水槽Precision Low Constant Temperature Water Baths低温恒温水槽Low Constant Temperature Water Baths试验管加热板Heating Blocks冷却液体循环器Cooling Liquid Circulators冷却水循环器Cooling Water Circulators便携式冷却器Immersion Cooler寒流捕获器Cooling Trap冷却水外部循环器Cooling Water Circulators试验槽Thoughs高温炉High Temperature Furnaces Heating Apparatus---马弗炉Muffle Furnaces超高温电气炉Ultra-High Temperature Electric Furnaces高温电气炉High Temperature Electric Furnaces真空气体置换炉Gas Replacement Vacuum Furnaces造粒干燥装置Granulating and Drying Apparatus for Wet Powder Body and Liquid--- 喷雾干燥器Spray Dryer有机溶剂喷雾干燥器Spray Dryer生产线喷雾干燥器Spray Dryer for Product Line浓缩器Evaporators---旋转蒸发仪Rotary Evaporators溶媒回收装置Solvent Recovery Unit乳化·搅拌·振荡器Homogenizers, Stirrers, Shakers---磁力搅拌器Magnetic Stirrers加热板Hot Plates漩涡振荡器Shakers分液漏斗振荡器送液·减压·加压装置Aspirators, Pumps, Compressors搅拌器Stirrers实验室自动乳钵Laboratory Mill/Universal Ball Mill粉碎器Cutting MillsYAMATO电子厂关连仪器Electronics Facilities Related Devices等离子装置Low Temperature Ashers, Cleaners, Etchers---气体等离子蚀刻机Gas Plasma Etcher “Plasma Reactor”气体等离子清洗机Gas Plasma Dry Cleaner气体等离子灰化机Gas Plasma Asher半导体基板自动机器Automatic Machine电子半导体/材料关连仪器Electronics Facilities Related Devices---桌上小型探测显微镜Desk-Top Small Probe Microscope “Nanopics”半导体制造用检查装置Yield Management for Semiconductor Ptoducts非破坏评价解析装置Nondestructive Testing System紫外线洗净·改质装置Ultra-Violet Curing System尘埃计数器Particle Counters风速计Anemometers去静电风机、风幕及静电测定计Auto Balanced Over Head Ion Blower环境试验设备Temperature,Humidity Testing Chamber防湿保管库Moisture-proof StorageNanotechnology半导体用设备ANELV A日本电子制品Jeol振动试验装置Vibration Test Systems冲击试验装置Shock Testing SystemsLCD高压脱泡机YAMATO生命科学关连仪器Life-Science Related Instruments生物技术关连仪器·食品分析仪器Bio-Technology Related Instruments, Food Analysises Instruments—形态观察分析系统Mapping Analyzer生物分子间相互作用分析系统Biomioleculer Interaction Analysis System高速液相色谱仪LC-CE/CEC System血管壁细胞混合培养系统Dynamic Coculture System动植物破碎机基因检查仪器Genopattern AnalyzerATP测定器ATP Measuring Instrument分光光度计Microplate Spectrophotometer细胞培养·发酵用自动分析系统Automated Chemistry Analyzer for Monitoring Cell Culture and Fermentation Processes细胞生死判别系统Cell Vital Analyzer细胞计数分析装置Cell Scaler/Analyzer2元电泳仪荧光Spot Cutter高速冷却离心机High Speed Refrigerated,Centrifuges微量高速离心机High Speed micro-Centrifuges液体中微生物简单测试仪Simple Germ Test Kit “simple Tester”试料混合器Blender防爆冷藏柜Explosion proof Freezer and Refrigerator杀菌水生成系统Sterilization Water Production Device膜式脱气装置Filter-type Air Extractor抗酸化机能水制造装置Acid-Resistant Water Purifier高性能净水器反渗透式高性能净水器分析仪器Analytical Instruments---分光光度计Spectrophotometer元素分析装置Atomic Absorption SpectrophotometerICP发光分光分析ICP Atomic Emission SpectrophotometerX线光分析计X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis气体分析计Gas Analyzers回折/散乱式粒度分布测定装置Analyzer,Particle Size Distribution Laser Diffraction Device低真空走查电子显微镜Scanning Probe Micro Scope高速液相色谱仪Liquid Chromatograph滴定装置Automatic Titration大塚电子制品电位计膜厚计散乱光光度计LCD测定·评价装置热量计天平Balances物性试验·测定器Physical Properties Measuring Apparatus, Testing, and Measuring Apparatus---近红外分析装置Fourier Transform Near Infrared Spectrometer融点测定仪Melting Point Measuring Instrument热分析系统Thermo System自动反应装置Automatic Reactor水分计Moisture Analyzer引张压缩试验机Tester,Tension and Compression数字粘度计Digital Viscometer振动式粘度计Vibro Viscometer浸透压测定装置Osmotic Pressure Meters超临界水酸化系统Small SCWO Systems重金属排液处理装置Heavy Metal Eliminator简易水质检查试验纸Water Quality Tester StripsPH计Phmeter导电率计Conductivity Meters湿度计Hygrothermometers过滤器FilterYAMATO试验研究设施Laboratory Design and Engineering---通风柜Fume Hoods排风机Blowers实验台Laboratory Furniture保管柜Storage Cabinets实验台用附属器具Carts and Laboratory Table Attachments环境制御设施Research Facilities, Product Lines, Environment control Devices---生物安全柜Biohazard Safety Equipment废水处理系统Waste Water Treatment试验动物饲养室Bio Clean Room for Animal experiment环境实验设施Research Facilities, Product Lines, Environment Experiment Facilities---电磁波室隔音室恒温室/恒温恒湿室Constant Temperature and Humidity Facilities低温室Constant Low Temperature Facilities人工气候室Artificial Atmospheric Phenomena Simulator动物研究用高压蒸汽灭菌装置Sterilization Systems, for Animal Research化学品/农药残留物检测系统- Chemical/pesticide residue testing;外界污染源勘测仪器- Detection of foreign contaminating objects;实验室设备和传感器- Laboratory equipment and sensors;射线杀菌和巴氏杀菌消毒技术- Irradiation sterilization and pasteurization technology;超高温杀菌设备- Over-temperature sterilization equipment;冷冻速冻设备- Freezing and deep freezing equipment;超临界萃取设备- Over-critical extraction equipment;膜分离设备- Velum seperation equipment;分子蒸馏设备- Molecule distillation equipment;无菌(真空)包装设备- Vacuum packaging equipment;化学品分析仪器- Chemical analyzers;食品成分分析仪器- Constituent analyzers;过滤设备- Filtration equipment;食品预处理设备- Food preparation equipment;湿度控制仪器- Humidity control equipment;食品配料分析仪器- Ingredient analyzers;污染控制设备- Pollution control equipment;离析器- Separators;饮业清洁设备- Catering sanitizers;温度纪录仪器- Temperature recording equipment;检测设备- Testing equipment;废物处理设备- Waste disposal equipment;水质量分析和控制设备- Water quality analysis and control equipment; 气相/液相色谱仪- Gas/Liquid chromatogram apparatus.溶剂- Solvents;餐饮业厨房用地板- Kitchen flooring for catering;手套- Gloves;清洁剂- Cleanser;试纸、试剂- Test paper and reagent.审核和认证服务- Auditing and certification;数据库和软件服务- Databanks and software on regulatory issues;实验室食品分析服务- Food analysis laboratory services;咨询服务- Consulting services;食品质量控制管理服务- Food quality control management services;食品安全管理服务- Food safety management services;食品卫生管理服务- Food hygiene management services;HACCP和BRC培训服务- HACCP & BRC training services;微生物检测和认证服务- Microbiology testing and identification services; 专家咨询服务- Regulatory experts services;食品安全保障技术- Food safety guarantee technology;生物工程技术- Biology engineering technology.营养与食品卫生学英汉互译词汇Aacceptable daily intake (ADI)每日允许摄入量acclimatization 气候适应accumulate 蓄积acetylandromedol 乙酰柽木醇毒acceptable risk level 可接受的危险水平acid-forming food 成酸性食品acid value 酸价Achromobacterium 无色菌属Act for preventing the adulteration of articles ex food and drink 防止饮食品掺假法activator 激活剂,活化剂activity coefficient,AC 活性系数actomyosin 肌凝蛋白acute toxicity test 急性毒性试验additive action 相加作用adipose tissue 脂肪组织administrative rule 行政规范adrenal cortical hormone 肾上腺皮质激素adsorption 吸附,吸附作用aerobic repiration 有氧呼吸aflatoxin 黄曲霉毒素after-ripeness 后熟Agaricus 伞草属Agrostemma githago L. 麦仙翁Adequate intake,AI 适宜摄入量alamine 丙氨酸albumin 白蛋白albuminuria 蛋白尿alcohol 酒精alimentary codex 食品法规Alkaligenes 产碱杆菌属allowance 供给量alpha-BHC a-六六六alpha hemolytic streptococcus甲型溶血性链球菌Alternaria 交链孢霉aluminum hydroxide 氢氧化铝aluminum sulfate 硫酸铝Alzheimer's dementia早老性痴呆(阿耳茨海默痴呆) Amanita muscaria 毒蝇伞Amanita pantherina 豹斑毒伞Amanita phalloides 毒伞Amanita verna 白毒伞Amanita virosa 鳞柄白毒伞amaranth 苋莱红amatoxins 毒伞八肽类Ames test Ames 试验,艾姆斯试验amino acid pattern 氨基酸模式ammonia 氨Amoeba 阿米巴属,阿米巴原虫,变形虫属amphetamin chloride 冰毒amygdalin 苦杏仁甙amyl nitrite 亚硝基异戊酯amylose 直链淀粉amylopectin 支链淀粉anabolism 合成代谢anaerobic respiration 厌氧呼吸Andersen`s disease 安德森病angular stomatitis 口角炎anion exchange resins 阴离子交换树脂anisatin 毒八角亭antagonistic action 拮抗作用anthraquinone 蒽醌anti-cancer drugs 抗癌药物antiketogenesis 抗生酮作用antioxidant 抗氧化剂antitrypsin 抗胰蛋白酶anthropometry 人体测量学apatite 磷灰石apparent digestibility 表现消化率appetite 食欲apoferritin 脱铁铁蛋白apolipoprotein 载脂蛋白applied nutrition 应用营养aquatic organism 水生生物aquatic product 水产品arachidonic acid 花生四烯酸arcus senilis 老年环arginine 精氨酸arsenic 砷Arthrinium 节菱孢属Ascaris lumbricoides 蛔虫Ascaris vermicularis 蛲虫Ascomycetes 子囊菌纲ascorbate 抗坏血酸盐scorbic acid 抗坏血酸Aspergillus 曲霉属Aspergillus albicans 白曲霉Aspergillus candidus 亮白曲霉Aspergillus flavus 黄曲霉Aspergillus fumigatus 烟曲霉Aspergillus glaucus 灰绿曲霉Aspergillus nidulans 构巢曲霉Aspergillus niger 黑曲霉Aspergillus niveus 霉白曲霉Aspergillus ochraceus 赭曲霉Aspergillus parasiticus 寄生曲霉Aspergillus restrictus 局限曲霉Aspergillus terreus 土曲霉Aspergillus ustus 焦曲霉Aspergillus versicolor 采色曲霉Aspergillus wentti 温特曲霉atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化autophagy 自吞噬availability 可利用率avidin 抗生物素蛋白azide 重氮化合物BBacillus anthracis 炭疽杆菌Bacillus cereous 蜡样芽胞杆菌Bacillus erysipelatos-suis 猪丹毒杆菌Bacillus subtilis 枯草杆菌Bacillus tuberculosis bovis 牛型结核杆菌bacon 咸猪肉bacterial mutation test 细菌诱变试验bacteriocidal substance 杀菌物质bacteriophage 噬菌体balanced diet 平衡膳食balance test 平衡实验Balantidium coli 结肠小袋绦虫B.alcaligenes metalcaligenes 粪产碱杆菌barley 大麦basal metabolic rate,BMR 基础代谢率basal metabolism,BM 基础代谢basic energy exenditure,BEE 基础能量消耗base-forming food 成碱性食品Basidiomycetes 担子菌纲bean curd 豆腐bean curd blade 百叶bean sprout 豆芽beet 甜菜beetle 甲虫类benefit-risk analysis 利害分析benzimidazole 苯骈咪唑benz(a)anthracene (BA) 苯并(a)蒽benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P) 苯并(a)芘benzylamine oxidase 苄胺氧化酶beriberi 脚气病beta-BHC β-六六六β-carotene β-胡萝卜素beta hemolytic streptococcus乙型溶血性链球菌betanin 甜菜苷BHC;1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane六六六bilirubin 胆红素biliverdin 胆绿素bilobol 白果(二)酚bioconcentration 生物富集,生物浓集biodeterioration 生物危害bioenergetics 生物能量学biofeedback 生物反馈biohazard 生物危害biological concentration生物富集,生物浓集biological expansion 生物性膨胀(罐头) biological half-time 生物半减期biological prevention 生物防治biological value 生物价(生理价值) biosynthesis 生物合成biotin 生物素biotransformation 生物转化biotransport 生物转运bis(P-chlorophenyl)acetic acid pp'-滴滴埃1,l'-bis(P-chlorophenyl)-2,2--dichloroethane pp′-滴滴滴1,l'-bis(P-chlorophenyl)-2,2-dichloroethylene pp′-滴滴伊。
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Micro-前缀,意为极微小的 microwave微波炉,microorganism微生物 microbiology 微生物学, microbiological微生物学 的, microbiologist 微生物学家 Macro-表示“大的,长的”之义
grade等级;upgrade升级;gradation,渐变,等级; degradation降级;retrogradation老化; undergraduate大学生;graduate大学毕业生; postgraduate 研究生
While some molecular aspects are in common to both groups, the sugars and polysaccharides have vastly different functional properties.
尽管这两类物质在分子层面上有某些相似之处,但糖 译文 和多糖的功能性质差异却很大。
这种葡萄糖单元之间具有特殊链接的多聚物,不受加热、 译文 中强度酸、碱影响,也不受食品加工和人类消化道常用 酶的作用。
CelluloseFra bibliotek 食品专业英语
amylopectin 直链淀粉
Lesson 2 Carbohydrates
一.词汇讲解 二.课文阅读 三.课后作业
carbo-碳:,carbochain碳链 Carbon碳;Carbonyl 羰基 Hydrogen氢 ;Hydro-水、氢的;hydrate水合物; hydrogenation氢化,hydrocarbon碳氢化合物; carbohydrate碳水化合物 Hydrolyze/hydrolyse水解 Aldehyde醛,乙醛 Starch淀粉 Mailard browning美拉德褐变
Concentrated sugar solutions are viscous and provide some body to sweetened soft drinks compared to water or soft drinks sweetened with high intensity sweeteners.
Another class of carbohydrates are the polymers made up of various monosaccharide subunits linked in various ways that are not degraded by the human digestive process.
Sugar alcohols are sugar derivatives that are found naturally but are more commonly manufactured from sugars and added as pure ingredients.
麦芽糖由两个葡萄糖单位构成,存在于发生过淀粉降解 译文 的产品中。
Saccharide 糖类; monosaccharide 单糖; disaccharide二糖;polysaccharide多糖; Reducing sugar还原糖;nonreducing sugar非还原糖 Covalent(ly)共价的(地);co-,co-worker; ooperation
-ose糖的后缀 单糖有:glucose 葡萄糖 ;dextrose 葡萄糖; fructose 果糖;galactose半乳糖 双糖有:lactose 乳糖,;maltose 麦芽糖;sucrose 蔗糖
-ol后缀,意为该物质为醇或酚 sorbitol 山梨醇;xylitol木糖醇;mannitol甘露醇
The specific linkage between glucose units creates a polymer that is not affected by heat, moderate acid, alkali, or enzymes normally used in food processing and the human digestive tract.
另一类碳水化合物由各种单糖元以各种方式联接而成的 译文 聚合物,它们不能被人类消化降解。
These carbohydrates are relatively inert chmeically although they bind water and develop significant viscosity and/or form gels.
Gelatinization is temperature dependent starting as low as 50℃ and not being totally completed until temperatures reach 120℃。
译文 糊化作用与温度有关,始于50℃,直到120℃才完全结束。
浓缩糖液具有黏性,为甜味软饮料提供有别于水或高强度 译文 甜味剂软饮料的质感。
Maltose, composed of two glucose units, is found in products where there has been starch degradation.
麦芽糖由两个葡萄糖单位构成,存在于发生过淀粉降解 译文 的产品中。
Sugar alcohols are sugar derivatives that are found naturally but are more commonly manufactured from sugars and added as pure ingredients.
糖醇是天然存在的,但通常由糖类制造而形成 并以纯配料 译文 形式添加使用糖的衍生物。 糖醇是天然存在的糖的衍生物,但通常由糖类制造而形成 并以纯配料 形式添加使用。