
国际贸易专业英语课程教学大纲课程名称:国际贸易专业英语课程名称:English of International Trade课程类型:专业基础课学时:72适用专业:国际贸易先修课程:英语、国际贸易实务一、课程的性质、目的与任务《国际贸易专业英语》是一门理论与实践相结合的综合性专业课。

Outline of International Trade Practice(English)Course Code: 030243ACourse Mode:required coursePeriods: 48 lecturing: 32 Experiment: 16 Credits: 3Preparatory Courses:International Trade (English)Majors: International Trade一、Objectives of LecturingInternational Trade Practices (English) is a main course for students majoring in international trade. This course focuses on the basic procedures involved in international trade. This course should help the students have a general idea of the basic procedures involved in international trade and grasp the basic operating techniques concerned.二、Basic Requirement of Lecturing and its relationship with graduationThe contents involve international trade terms, terms of commodities, international cargo transport, cargo insurance, terms of price, international payment and settlement, claims, force majeure and arbitration, business negotiation and establishment of contract, etc. Among these, we should emphasize on international trade terms, terms of commodities, international cargo transport, cargo insurance.The lecturing methods of this course are the com bination of the teacher’s lecturing and the students’ imitative practices, based on the multi-medias. The students can learn the difficulties and the major parts through the lecturing and the practice.The students should analyze the cases based on the knowledge they have grasped. They should improve their abilities through imitative practices. Meanwhile they should practice trade forms by themselves.三、The allocation of periods for the contentsAllocation四、Contents of LecturingChapter 1 International Trade Terms1.1Generalization1.2 A Guide to Incoterms 2000 and 20101.3Incoterms and ContractsThe difficulties and the major parts: the definition of trade terms, the responsibilities and obligations born by the buyer and the seller in each trade terms.Learning criterion: After learning the chapter, the students should have a general idea of the function of the trade terms, understand the implication and features of each trade terms and grasp the differences among certain trade terms.Exercises: Case studyChapter 2 Terms of Commodity2.1 Name of Commodity2.2 Quality of Commodity2.3 Quantity of Commodity2.4 Packing of Commodity2.5 Commodity Inspection and Customs FormalitiesThe difficulties and the major parts: the methods to stipulate the name of the commodity and the quality, calculation of weight, neutral packing.Learning criterion: After learning the chapter, the students should have a general idea of the name of commodity, the quality, the quantity and the packing, understand the methods to describe the name of commodities and the quality, and grasp the techniques to describe the name of commodities the quality, the quantity and the packing in the international contract.Exercise: Case studyChapter 3 International Cargo Transport3.1 Modes of Transport3.2 Clause of Shipment3.3 Major Shipping DocumentsThe difficulties and the major parts: ocean transport, clause of shipment, the function and the type of the bill of ladingLearning criterion: After learning the chapter, the students should have a general idea of the mode of transport and its features, understand the clause of shipment and grasp the function and the type of the B/L.Exercise: Case studyChapter 4 Cargo Insurance4.1 Parties to the Insurance4.2 Marine Insurance4.3 Insurance of Land, Air and Postal Transportation4.4 Fundamental Principles of Cargo InsuranceThe difficulties and the major parts: types of risks, losses and expenses covered, scope of insurance coverageLearning criterion: After learning the chapter, the students should have a general idea of the scope of insurance coverage, understand the implication of basic coverage and additional coverage and their respective scope of insurance coverage, and grasp the methods to cover insurance in international trade.Exercise: Case studyChapter 5 Terms of Price5.1 Conversion of Major Trade Terms5.2 Exchange Cost5.3 Money of Account and Avoidance of Foreign Exchange Risk5.4 Use of Commission and Discount5.5 Clause of PriceThe difficulties and the major parts: conversion of major trade terms, exchange cost, use of commission and discountLearning criterion: After learning the chapter, the students should have a general idea of the pricing strategies, understand the implication and use of commission and discount, and grasp the conversion of major trade term, exchange cost and clause of price.Exercise: Case studyChapter 6 International Payment and Settlement6.1 Payment Currency6.2 Credit Instruments6.3 Payment Methods6.4 Risk Level Assessment of PaymentsThe difficulties and the major parts: collection and letter of creditLearning criterion: After learning the chapter, the students should have a general idea of the flow of a documentary credit and a collection, understand the implication and features of remittance, collection and L/C, and grasp the chief contents and the varieties of the L/C.Exercise: Case studyChapter 7 Claims, Force Majeure and Arbitration7.1 Claims7.2 Force Majeure7.3 ArbitrationThe difficulties and the major parts: claims, force majeure and arbitrationLearning criterion: After learning the chapter, the students should have a general idea of the definition of the terms such as claims, force majeure and arbitration, understand the function of the clause of force majeure, and grasp the force majeure clause in the contract.Exercise: Case studyChapter 8 Business Negotiation and Establishment of Contract8.1 Enquiry8.2 Offer8.3 Counter-offer8.4 Acceptance8.5 Conclusion of ContractThe difficulties and the major parts: offer with engagement, conclusion of contractLearning criterion: After learning the chapter, the students should have a general idea of the stages in the business negotiation, understand the two required factors, and grasp the meaning of acceptance and conclusion of contract.Exercise: Case study五、ExaminationThis subject adopts a written examination, with the final score accounting for 70% and imitative practices accounting for 30%.六、Bibliography[1] William G. Nickels, James M. McHugh, Susan M. McHugh. Understanding Business. 6th ed. McGraw-Hill. 2002[2] Paul R. Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld. International Economics---theory and Policy. 5th ed. Addison Wesley Longman & 清华大学出版社,2002[3] Lillian H. Channey and Jeanette S. Martin. Intercultural Business Communication. 2nd ed. Pearson Education. 2002[4] 帅建林.International Trade Practices (Second Edition). Beijing: University of International Business and Economics Press. 2012[5]帅建林.International Trade Practices (Third Edition). Beijing: University of International Business and Economics Press. 2015执笔人:于晓云教研室主任:系教学主任审核签名:。

《国际贸易理论》课程教学大纲一、课程目的和任务:通过本课程的学习,学生能够对包括国际贸易基本概念、原理及总体框架有一个较好的理解,能够掌握国际贸易的理论与政策、国际贸易与全球化、国际贸易法律与惯例等基本原理和基本知识,能够较深刻认识国际贸易不仅仅是国际经济问题,也是复杂的国际政治和国际经济的交织,掌握掌握国际贸易主要政策与措施,具备利用所学知识理解和分析世界经济的能力和解决中国对外贸易实际问题的能力二、课程教学的主要内容及学时分配Chapter 1 Introduction to International Trade Main Contents :1. Definition of International trade and its classifications2. The brief history of International trade and its process3.The role and status of International trade.3.1International trade and Country3.2International trade and corporate3.3International trade and peopleObjectives:After finish learning this chapter,the students are able to1.have a general idea about International trade;2.Know the brief history of international trade;3.Know the main issues concerning international trade. Important and Difficult points:Definition of international trade; why international tradeChapter 2 GlobalizationMain contents:1.The definition of globalization and its genre;1.1The globalization of markets;1.2The globalization of production;2.The emergence of global institutions2.1WTO2.2IMF and WB2.3UN3.Drivers of globalization4.The changing demographics of the global economy5.The changing world order;6.The debate on GlobalizationObjectives:After finish learning this chapter,the students are able to1.Understand what is meant by the term globalization;2.Recognize the main drivers of globalization;3.Describe the changing nature of the global economy;4.Explain the main arguments in the debates over the impact of globalization;5.Understand how the process of the globalization is creating opportunities and challenges for business managersImportant and Difficult points:Definition of globalization; drivers of globalization; the changing world economy and order. Chapter 3 International Trade TheoryMain contents:1.An overview of trade theory1.1The benefits of trade;1.2The pattern of international trade;1.3Trade theory and government policy;1.4Mercantilism Absolute advantage1.5Comparative advantage;1.6The gains from trade1.7Qualifications and assumptions1.8Extensions of he Ricardian Model;1.9Heckscher-ohlin theory;1.10The Leontief paradox;1.11The product Life-cycle theory;2.New trade theory2.1Increase product variety and reducing costs;2.2Economies of Scale, first-mover advantages,and the pattern of trade;2.3Implication of new trade theory;2.4National competitive advantage: Poter’s Diamond;3.Implications for managers.Objectives:After finish learning this chapter,the students are able to1.Understand why nations trade with each other;2.Summarize the different theories explaining trade flows between nations;3.Recognize why many economists believe that unrestricted free trade between nations will raisethe economic welfare of countries that participate in a free trade system;4.Explain the arguments of those who maintain that government can play a proactive role inpromoting national competitive advantage in certain industries;5.Understand the implications that international trade theory holds for business practice.Important and Difficult points:the international trade theory, the new trade theory.Chapter 4 The Political Economy of International TradeMain contents:1.Instruments of Trade Policy1.1Tariffs1.2Subsidies1.3Import quotas and voluntary export restraints1.4Local content requirements1.5Administrative Policies1.6Anti-dumping policies2.The case for Government intervention2.1Political arguments for intervention2.2Economic arguments for intervention3.The revised case for free trade3.1retaliation and trade war3.2Domestic policies4.Development of the world trade system4.1GATT, Trade liberalization, and economic growth: 1947-1979;4.2Protectionist trends: 1980-1993;4.3The Uruguay round and the WTO;4.4Experience to date: WTO4.5The Future of the WTO: Unsolved Issues and the Doha round5.Implications for managers5.1trade barriers and firm strategy5.2Policy implicationsObjectives:After finish learning this chapter,the students are able to1.Identify the policy instruments used by governments to influence international trade flows;2.Understand why governments sometimes intervene in international trade;3.Summarize and explain the arguments against strategic trade policy;4.Describe the development of the world trading system and the current trade issues;5.Explain the implications for managers of developments in the world trading system.Important and Difficult points:the policy instruments used by governments to influence international trade flows; the world trading system and its development三、课程实施建议本课程建议采用CBL、PBL等多种教学方法和手段。

经贸英语教学大纲、、课程信息开课单位经济与贸易学院课程编号21035课程名称经贸英语英文名称Business English课程性质专业任选课学分3总学时48先修课程国际贸易学开课学期第6学期适应专业国贸专业二、课程内容(一)课程教学目标通过对该课程的学习,全面提高学生专业英语的听说读写译的能力,熟练掌握并正确运用国际贸易中常用的英语词汇、搭配和句型,看懂经贸类原版书籍、报刊、杂志等,能用英文口语和写作表达经济贸易领域的基本原理、观点、知识、方法和热点问题。
(二)基本教学内容Unit one: international businessFocus points:1. what is business?2. What is international business?3. The scope of international business activities.4. International risk.5. on international business law.6. Commercial credit.7. on management of international business.8. Brief introduction to WTO.Unit two: business organizationsFocus points:1.Introduction2.sole proprietorship3.general partnership.4.limited partnership5.joint stock company6.corporations.Unit three ways of businessFocus points:1.introduction2.wholesaling3.retailing4.franchising5.agency6.electronic commerceunit four a guide to economicsFocus points:1.what is economics?2.what is macroeconomics?3.monetary and fiscal policy4.what is microeconomics?5.the demand curve6.the supply curve7.the equilibrium price8.changes in demand versus changes in quantity demanded9.changes in supply versus changes in quantity supplies.Unit five the market economyFocus points:1.market and market economy2.price3.supply and demand4.the market priceunit six what it marketingFocus points:1.what is marketing2.the marketing concept3.marketing and utility4.the target market5.the industrial marketernment and institutional markets7.the consumer market8.classes of consumer goods9.unit 7 the marketing mix and product promotionFocus points:1.the marketing mix2.product planning3.product pricing4.selecting the market5.product promotion6.advertising7.product packaging8.breaking the language barriersunit eight international payments and settlementsFocus points:1.introduction2.credit instruments3.bill of exchange4.promissory note and cheque5.remittance6.terms and methods of payment in international trade- payment in advance, openaccount business, collection.7.terms and methods of payment in international trade- letters of credit8.guarantee9.documentsunit nine language patterns and writing ways of international business contracts. Focus points:1.the basic definition of a contract2.classification of international business contractsnguage features and writing ways of international business contract4.the structure of an international business contract5.how to draft international business contracts and agreements6.the example of a business contractunit ten international trade termsFocus points:1.introduction2.definition of the trade terms in <<incoterms 2000>>3.how to determine the price for imports and exports?4.selection of money accountmission and discount6.other non-price commercial technical terms.Unit eleven introductions to international business practiceFocus points:1.introduction2.business preparatory work3.boniness negotiation4.the signing of a contract5.the performance of export contract6.the performance of import contractunit twelve negotiation strategies on international businessFocus points:1.introduction2.the preparations for business negotiation3.the notable problem during the process of negotiation.(三)实践环节要求课堂组织观看经贸英语会话的教学光盘,组织主题英语讨论和会话和翻译联系,课后布置英文原版经济贸易领域报刊文章的阅读。

教案课程名称国际贸易实务(英)授课学期 2016-2017第二学期授课教师YLL教学单位外国语系教务处制《国际贸易实务》教案To get to know the terms .Master the terms of International trade.To know general basic theoriesKnow reasons,benefits and problems of the international trade.I.Reasons For International Trade1. Resource reasons2. Economic reasons3. Political reasonsII.Benefit of International Trade1. Cheaper goods2. Greater variety when goods come from more countries3. Wider market with increasing number of trading partners4. Growth of economyIII.Problems in International Trade1. Trade restrictions2. Cultural Problems3. Monetary conversion1.Trade restrictionsdiversified economyprotect their vital industriesinfant industryunfair competitiondomestic jobsmaintain balance of trade and balance of paymentpure political reason2) Kinds of restrictions(1)Tariffs (tariff barriers)Import duty and Export dutyImport surtax : Countervailing duty ,anti-dumping duty, variable levySpecific dutyAd valorem dutyMixed or compound dutyAlternative duty(2) Non-tariff barriersQuotaImport licenseForeign exchange controlForeign exchange controlState monopoly of import and exportGovernment procurement policyAdvanced depositTechnical standardsHealth & sanitary regulationsPackaging and labeling regulationMinimum price《国际贸易实务》教案To acquire the basic knowledge of termsTo know how to use the termsMaster the definition of 13 trade terms.Know the difference and same among them(各种贸易术语的含义及使用中注意的问题,在装运港交货的三种常用术语的变形,相邻或相似术语之间的异同对比)FGroup F: FCA FAS FOBFGroup C: CFR CIF CPT CIPFGroup D: DAS DES DEQ DDU DDP各组贸易术语总结E组术语(启运术语,Departure)F组术语(主运费未付术语,Main Carriage Unpaid)C组术语(主运费已付术语,Main Carriage Paid)D组术语(到达术语,Arrival)注:C组术语的风险划分界限和费用划分界限相分离注:以F组和C组术语成交的合同都属于装运合同。

二、课程内容1. 经贸英语基础知识:包括经济学、国际贸易、国际金融等基础知识的学习,为学生理解和阅读相关文本提供必要的背景知识。
2. 经贸英语阅读技巧:培养学生的阅读技巧,如快速浏览、扫读、精读等,使他们能够高效地获取信息并理解文章的主旨和细节。
3. 经贸英语实践能力:通过阅读真实的经贸文本,培养学生的实践能力,包括商务谈判、报告撰写、合同起草等方面的能力。
三、教学方法1. 多媒体教学:利用多媒体技术,给学生呈现丰富的经贸英语文本,如新闻报道、商业杂志等,以提高学生的兴趣和学习效果。
2. 小组合作学习:组织学生进行小组讨论和合作学习,培养他们的团队合作能力和跨文化交际能力。
3. 实践案例分析:通过分析真实的经贸案例,引导学生运用所学知识解决实际问题,提高他们的实践能力和创新思维。
四、评估方式1. 课堂表现:考察学生在课堂上的积极参与程度、合作能力和表达能力。
2. 作业和考试:布置相关的作业和考试,以检验学生对经贸英语知识和阅读技巧的掌握程度。
3. 项目实践:组织学生进行实际的经贸项目实践,评估他们的实践能力和综合素质。
五、教学资源1. 教材:选择经济学、国际贸易、商务英语等方面的教材,结合实际情况进行适当调整,以满足学生的学习需求。
2. 电子资源:利用互联网和电子数据库等资源,提供大量的经贸英语文本和资料,供学生进行阅读和研究。
六、教学效果评估1. 学生满意度:通过问卷调查等方式,了解学生对经贸英语选读课程的满意度和反馈意见,以不断改进教学质量。

二教学要求(一) 熟悉国际贸易学的研究对象是什么?(二) 熟悉国际贸易与国内贸易相比有何特点?(三) 掌握国际贸易的各种基本概念。
(四) 了解国际贸易与经济发展的相互关系。
三教学内容(一) 国际贸易的基本概念。
(二) 国际贸易的分类与特点。
(三) 国际贸易与经济发展的关系。
二教学要求(一) 掌握国际分工的概念、当代国际分工的新特征、水平型分工的概念。
(二) 熟悉国际分工的发展历程、影响其发展的因素、国际贸易的动态利益。
(三) 了解国际产业转移新趋势、国际分工与国际贸易的关系、静态利益、国际贸易利益怎么实现。

(二)、课程定位本课程为310英语专业学生在第四学期学习的职业拓展模块课程,属于B 类。
三、先修及后续课程(一)先修课程:英语泛读(二)后续课程:无四、教学内容与要求Unit 1 国际经济组织本章教学目标:(1).掌握TextA和TextB中的单词短语.(2).通过阅读能把握文章的主要大意。
本章教学难点:在规定的时间内能较准确地完成所给习题.Unit 2国际金融本章教学目标:(1).掌握TextA和TextB中的单词短语.(2).通过阅读能把握文章的主要大意。

国际经济与贸易专业(全英文授课)Syllabus of Calculus for Business and Economics Course Code: MATH1001Total Teaching Hours:64Total Credits: 4Pre-required Courses: Basic knowledge of MathematicsCourse DescriptionThis course is a required mathematical course for the Business-studying students. Calculus is the fundamental of the following course, such as statistics. In this course, students will learn to use the advanced mathematical knowledge to solve the applied problems in Business and Economics. Also the purpose of this course is to prepare the students for the following special course.Required Texts & MaterialsRaymond A.Barnett,Micheal R. Ziegler, Karl E. Byleen. Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Science, and Social Science(Ninth Edition),Higher Education Press,2005GradingHomework Assignments and Class Participation, etc. 30%Final Exam 70%The grades will be assigned as follows:90-100 A80-89 B70-79 C60-69 D0-59 FAssessmentsHomework Assignments - There will be homework assignments every weeks. You may discuss homework questions with your classmates; however, it has to be your individual work. You have to submit your solution file for each assignment immediately after you are notified. The due date for each assignment will be announced when the homework are assigned. Late submission will cause penalty on the grade.Final Exam - The written final exam will be given at end of the semester. The exam duration is 2 hours. The final exams will focus on the text, lectures and homework assignments. It will consist of 7 multiple-choice questions, 7 short answers, 4 calculation problems and 3 application questions. A sample of the final exam will be posted for your reference before the exam.Class AttendanceSchool policy dictates that attendance is mandatory. You should come to every class on time, stay for the entire class, and be attentive during the class unless you have a family or health related emergency. If you do miss a class it is your responsibility to get lecture notes and assignments from another student. If you miss more than three classes the Instructor reserves the right to drop you from the course.Class PreparationAs a guideline, you should expect to spend at least 3 hours per week preparing for class. I will let you know what we will study next week. Do not get behind. You need to spend significant time on class preparation before every class rather than letting work pile up.。

三、本课程的内容第一课接待来访代表团及个人1(对话范例11(替换练习111(翻译练习IV (情景对话通过学习,掌握在接待客人和代表团时的常用句式,熟悉在这些情景中经常会谈论的问题,了解初次交往过程中的一些相关礼仪,培养学生接待外宾的能力。
第二课询价1(对话范例11(替换练习111(翻译练习IV (情景对话通过学习,掌握询价时常用的句式,熟悉询价时常询问的问题,了解询盘的常见问题。
第三课磋商价格1国际经济与贸易专业课程教学大纲1(对话范例11(替换练习111(翻译练习IV (情景对话通过学习,熟悉并掌握在磋商价格时常用的句式,了解在价格谈判时常用的技巧。
第四课订购1(对话范例11(替换练习111(翻译练习IV (情景对话通过学习,熟悉并掌握定购时对于数量、交货期、品牌的规定等,了解在定购时需要确定的问题。
经贸专业英语 II-教学大纲

《经贸专业英语》(Ⅱ)教学大纲课程编号:031352B课程类型:专业选修课总学时:32 讲课学时:32 实验(上机)学时:0学分:2适用对象:经济学、国际经济与贸易、贸易经济等先修课程:大学英语/国际贸易/国际贸易实务一、教学目标随着企业和个人面对面对外商进行商务交际活动的机会的增加,对商务英语听说能力的培养已显得日趋重要。
三、各教学环节学时分配教学课时分配四、教学内容Chapter 1 Job Interview教学重点和难点:how to talk about personal details, how to talk about educational background, how to talk about work experience, how to talk about qualifications and special skills, how to talk about remuneration and fringe benefits 考核要求:通过学习,学生应了解如何介绍个人信息,理解教育背景的含义,掌握工作经历的说明方法,并运用所学知识模拟面试过程。
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Unit 1 Overview of International Trade
(1)Text study:Concept of International Trade; Reasons for International trade
(2)Listening:Methods of going International
Unit 2 Commodity
(1)Text study:Two Qs of Commodity; Packaging of Commodities
(2)Listening:Commodity inspection and customs control
Unit 3 Exporting Process
(1)Text study:Inquiry and Offer; Counter Offer
Unit 4 International Trade Negotiation
(1)Text study:Steps of Business Negotiation;Effective Negotiation
(2)Listening:Tactics of Negotiation
3、作业: 课后习题
Unit 5 Signing a Contract
(1)Text study:Contract; Legal Elements of a Contract
(2)Listening:Drafting a Contract
3、作业: 课后习题
Unit 6 Insurance
(1)Text study:Hull Insurance Clauses; Ocean Marine Cargo Clause(I)
(2)Listening: Ocean Marine Cargo Clause(II)
作业: 课后习题
Unite 7 Delivery of Goods
(1)Text study:INCOTERMS 2010; Delivery
(2)Listening:ICC (International Chamber of Commerce)
Unit 8 International Cargo Transportation
(1)Text study:Transportation in Logistics; International Air Transport
(2)Listening:International Road Transport and Rail Transport
Unit 9 Bill of Lading
(1)Text study: Concept and Functions of Bill of Lading; Classifications of Bill of Lading
(2)Listening: International Conventions Governing Bill of Lading
Unit 10 International multi-modalism (国际多式联运)
(1)Text study: Multi-Modalism; Intermodal Transportation Advantage
(2)Listening Development of Inter-modal Transportation
Unit 11 International Payment
(1)Text Study: Method of Payment in International Trade; Bill of Exchange;
(2)Listening: Cheque and Promissory Note
Unit 12 Arbitration, Force Majeure and claims
(1)Text Study: Arbitration; Force Majeure
(2)Listening: Claims
Unit 13 Modes of International Trade
(1)Text Study: Agency, Distribution and Consignment; Joint Ventures
(2)Listening: Licensing and Franchising
(1)Trade Protectionism(贸易保护主义)
(2)World Trade Organization(世贸组织)
(3)The European Union(欧盟)
(4)The International Monetary Fund(国际货币基金组织)
(5)The impact of RMB appreciation (人民币升值)
(6)Trade surplus & trade deficit (贸易顺差与贸易逆差)
(7)Trade barrier(贸易壁垒)
(8)Transnational Corporations(跨国公司)
(9)International Technological Transfer(技术转让)
(10)C ommodity Futures(商品期货)
(11)I nvitation for and Submission of Bids(招标与投标)
(12)F inancial Crisis (金融危机)
(13)F inancial Sector(金融监管)