








7、国防生和定向生(降分最多不能超过统招生调档线20 分以下)








清华考研详解与指导 、以下哪一个是系统性风险 A、木材价格剧烈下降 B、航空公司飞行员罢工 C、人行调整基准利率 D、人们抵制去快餐厅 2、你持有9个月后到期的国债期货,如果利率期限结构上的所有利率在这9个月中整体下降,那么你持有的国债期货价格将在到期时 A、下降 B、升高 C、不变 D、由于国债到期日不同而不确定 3、一个公司预期本公司的股票价格讲下跌,该公司在股票价格下跌之前发行哪种证券为最优选择 A、可转债 B、可转优先股 C、普通债 D、以上三者无区别 4、一个固定收益基金经理希望持有价格波动率最大的债权,其应该持有 A、短期高息票债券 B、长期低息票债券 C、长期零息票债券 D、短期低息票债券

5、某公司负债2000万元,股权账面价值4000万元,股权市场价值8000万元,年运营收入为400万元,公司资产负债率为: A、50% B、40% C、33.33% D、25% 6、下面哪些不属于公司的资本预算活动: A、举债进行股票回购 B、向竞争对手购买其用户信息 C、为研发部门雇佣一名工程师 D、在中央商务区开一家餐馆 7、一家银行每季度支付的年利率(APR)为8%,其有效年利率(EAR)是多少? A、8% B、8.24% C、8.35% D、8.54% 8、某公司2014年有一笔100万元的经营支出,公司税率为30%,该支出使得: A、应纳税收入减少了30万元 B、应纳税收入减少了70万元 C、税后收益减少70万元 D、纳税减少70万元 9、下面哪种行为属于直接融资行为?

A、你向朋友借了10万元 B、你购买了10万元余额宝 C、你向建设银行申请了10万元汽车贷款 D、以上都是 10、通常,向商业银行申请贷款的会比银行掌握更多关于自身投资项目的信息。这种信息上的差异称为(),它会产生()问题。 A、逆向选择风险分担 B、不对称信息风险分担 C、逆向选择道德风险 D、不对称信息逆向选择 11、下面哪一项不属于中央银行的负债: A、政府在央行的存款 B、储备货币 C、外汇储备 D、金融性公司在央行的存款 12、扩张性货币政策通常会导致: A、产出增加和利率下降 B、产出不变和利率下降 C、通货膨胀和利率上升 D、通货紧缩和利率上升 13、如果资本可自由流动,下面哪个说法较为确切 A、在固定汇率制和浮动汇率制下,财政政策对产出的影响是一样的


第一章1-1: 已知:V=72cm3 m=129.1g m s =121.5g G s =2.70 则: 129.1121.5 6.3% 121.5 s s m m w m -- === 3 3 3 3 129.1 *1017.9/ 72 121.5 45 2.7 724527 1.0*27121.5 *1020.6/ 72 s s s V s sat w V s sat sat m g g KN m v m V cm V V V cm m V m g g g KN m V V γρ ρ ρ γρ ==== === =-=-= ++ ===== 3 3 20.61010.6/ 121.5 *1016.9/ 72 sat w s d sat d KN m m g KN m V γγγ γ γγγγ '=-=-= === ' >>> 则 1-2: 已知:G s =2.72 设V s =1cm3 则 3 3 3 3 2.72/ 2.72 2.72 *1016/ 1.7 2.720.7*1 *1020.1/ 1.7 20.11010.1/ 75% 1.0*0.7*75%0.525 0.525 19.3% 2.72 0.525 2.72 1. s s s d d s V w w r w w V r w s w s g cm m g m g g KN m V m V g g KN m V KN m m V S g m w m m m g g V ρ γρ ρ γρ γγγ ρ γρ = = ==== ++ ==== '=-=-= = === === ++ === 当S时, 3 *1019.1/ 7 KN m =


清华大学留学生入学考试英语第一次模拟考试 一、单项填空(20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1. Japan says its prime minister promised to provide the world with "maximum transparency" about ____ accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant during _____ telephone call. A. the; a B. the; the C. an; the D. an; a 2.It is thought that Henan Shuanghui Industry Group Co., Ltd. ____take responsibility for its consumers. A. can B. may C. must D. need 3. The civil war in Libya that ______on March 12 _______ for a week until now. A broke out; has lasted B breaking out ; was lasted C was broken out; has lasted D broke out; lasting 4. It was not until the subprime loan crisis(次贷危机) had caused great damage to the American financial system ____ Americans realized the severity(严重性)of the situation. A. which B. that C. what D. when 5. In order to make people to _____ money to the sick baby, he suggested the mother kneel down every few meters in the street. A. distribute B. provide C. afford D. donate 6.A serious forest fire broke out in Shandong, _______ the authority had to take immediate steps to protect the forest in Tai’an. A. why B. which C. as D. for which 7.- Nowadays children have to take arts, music and sports classes in their free time ____ busy schoolwork. - No wonder they have more and more pressure. A. rather than B. owing to C. apart from D. expect for 8.The biggest full moon of 2011 occurred on a Saturday night, ______ Chinese observers to gather outside to record the splendor. A. to lead B. led C. leading D. having led 9.I heard the alarm ringing all the morning. ____ something very urgent happened. A. Really B. Obviously C. Especially D. Terribly 10.The figures are further evidence ______ children are more likely to become near-sighted. A. that B. what C. why D. which 11.The radiation from the nuclear power in Japan urged all the nations around to ______ their people to make preparations for possible disasters. A. fight for B. apply for C. call on D. wait on 12. ______young people were making efforts to take more exercise and eat healthily, they are still putting on weight. A. Because B. Now that C. When D. While 13.He gets up at six o'clock, runs for half an hour and then has a meal; that is his morning __________. A.policy B.behaviour C.tendency D.routine 14.There happened earthquakes in many places recently, one of ____ was in Japan. A. the others B. them C. it D. which 15.—It is so hot today! Do you mind if I drink this last bottle of beer, Susan? —________. I’ll go and get some more this afternoon. A. I’m very sorry B. Yes, please C. I don’t care D. Go ahead 16. It takes a lot of______ to become a good swimmer. A. train B. exercise C. practice D. performance 17. Every classroom in this modern school is_______ with a new computer.


【温馨提示】现在很多小机构虚假宣传,育明教育咨询部建议考生一定要实地考察,并一定要查看其营业执照,或者登录工商局网站查看企业信息。 目前,众多小机构经常会非常不负责任的给考生推荐北大、清华、北外等名校,希望广大考生在选择院校和专业的时候,一定要慎重、最好是咨询有丰富经验的考研咨询师. 2014年清华大学828信号与系统考研真题 今年一共10道大题,由于部分题目过长,说说题目的大概。 1.(10分)3问,考察的是求周期矩形波截其中3/4周期后的傅氏级数,然后求周期延拓后的傅氏变换,以及求这2个周期信号的关系 2.(10分)证明系统为因果稳定系统的充要条件是其冲激响应绝对可积,这个是课本上的 3.(15分)信号反馈做差后的等式,求拉氏变换后取极限,此题应该是整张试卷最简单的一题 4.(15分)给出一个离散输入和五个很难看出零极点的离散系统函数,分别在六个输出图选出各系统函数对应的响应。 5.(15分)3问,给了一个IIR滤波器图,1问求该滤波器的状态方程,2问求1问中推出来的系统方程,3问:若一个系统列写的状态方程不一样,最后的系统方程是否一样。 6.(15分)3问,画了两个波形图,1问求波形1和波形2相互表示,2问求,波形1表示波形2的系统,然后问该系统是否可实现,

3问求,波形2表示波形1的系统,然后问该系统是否可实现。 7.(15分)一个信号处理流程(4步处理),3问,1问画图,2-3都问是否存在一个低通滤波器使系统为LTI系统 8.(15分)针对零阶抽样保持,分别证明两个等式 9.(20分)给定离散,求信号离散匹配滤波器的h(n),画出输入,系统函数,输出的图,求信号过系统的最小乘(加)法次数,离散匹配滤波器概念比较生疏 10.(20分)给出一个信号处理流程图(5步处理)然后求处理的各个问题,相当复杂,共三问,每问大概求两个东西


高等土力学 第一章土的物质构成及分类 1蒙脱石和伊利石晶胞结构相同,但蒙脱石具有较大的胀缩性,为什么? 2用土的结构说明为什么软粘土具有较大流变特性,原生黄土具湿陷性? 3试述非饱和土中水的迁移特征及控制迁移速率的主要因素? 4非饱和土中水的运移规律与饱和土中水的渗透规律有什么不同? 试述非饱和土和饱和土中孔隙水迁移规律的异同点? 5X射线衍射法是怎样分析粘土矿物成份的? 6粘土表面电荷来源有哪几方面?利用粘粒表面带电性解释吸着水(结合水)形成机理? 7非饱和土中土水势以哪种为主?如何测定非饱和土的土水势大小? 8非饱和土中的土水势主要由哪个几个部分组成?非饱和土中水的迁移速率主要与哪几种因素有关? 9请用粘性土的结构解释粘性土具有可塑性而砂土没有可塑性的机理。 10试简明解说土水势的各分量? 11土的结构有哪些基本类型?各有何特征? 12分散土的主要特征是什么?为什么有些粘性土具有分散性? 13粘性土主要有哪些性质,它们是如何影响土的力学性质的? 14为什么粘土颗粒具有可塑性、凝聚性等性质,而砂土颗粒却没有这些性质? 15非饱和粘性土和饱和的同种粘性土(初始孔隙比相同)在相同的法向应力作用下压缩,达到稳定的压缩量和需要的时间哪个大,哪个小,为什么? 16粘土的典型结构有哪几种,它们与沉积环境有什么联系,工程性质方面各有何特点?

17粘性土的结构与砂土的结构有什么不同? 18为什么粘性土在外力作用下具有较大流变特性? 19粘土矿物颗粒形状为什么大都为片状或针状,试以蒙脱石的晶体结构为例解释之。 第二章土的本构关系及土工有限元分析 1中主应力对土体强度和变形有什么影响?分别在普通三轴仪上和平面应变仪上做 试验,保持σ3为常量,增加σ1-σ3所得应力应变关系曲线有何不同?所得强度指标是否相同? 2屈服面和硬化规律有何关系? 3弹塑性柔度矩阵[C]中的元素应有哪三点特征? 4剑桥弹塑性模型应用了哪些假定?欲得到模型参数应做哪些试验? 5广义的“硬化”概念是什么?什么叫硬化参数? 6什么是流动规则?什么叫塑性势?流动规则有哪两种假定? 7弹塑性模型中,为什么要假定某种型式的流动法则,它在确定塑性应变中有何作用? 8根据相适应的流动规则,屈服面和塑性应变增量的方向有何特征? 9试解释为什么球应力影响塑性剪应变? 10什么叫土的变形“交叉效应”?“交叉效应”对土的刚度矩阵[D]或柔度矩阵[C]有何影响? 11什么叫应力路径?什么叫应力历史?试结合图示说明它们对土的变形的影响? 12什么叫土的“各向异性”?考虑“各向异性”对土的刚度矩阵[D]或柔度矩阵[C]有何影响? 13哪些因素影响土的变形?或土体变形有哪些特征? 14什么叫剪缩?什么叫剪胀?什么样的土表现为剪胀,怎样的土表现为剪缩?邓肯双曲线模型能否反映剪胀,剪缩?为什么?修正剑桥模型能否反映?


()()()()()()()()()312124 2 422010; 122, ,()109k , Z f x x F j F j d f t f t dt F f t X δωωωπ πωωωω+∞+∞**-∞-∞==++??信号与系统回忆版 一、共十小题,每题6分 1、求、试证(频率用f 的话应该没有系数1/2)并举一个具体的例子;3、离散数据的降抽样会出现的主要问题,如何解决; 4、求可能情况,尽可能多; 5、已知一个输出信号的傅氏变换,问输入信号的特征,具体忘了; 6、已知傅氏系数求变()()()()()()222t ;7FFT 8ms e ,F ;9,10A (),(), X z F F e k s t x t dt j j σσωωω--∞ -∞????=?????????? =Φ?+换系数、画出用求自相关函数的框图;d 、,已知求dt 、问y t 是否线性变换; 、拉氏变换的充分条件。 二、连续情况,二阶微分方程的求解,算常规题, 具体忘了; 三、已知幅度(相位)就是一个频域抽样重构的题目,一些具体问题只要清楚时域和频域抽样就没问题啦;四、离散情况,差分N N N 22N=9,jn t jm t jn t jm t n n m N m N n m N A e e A e e A ωωωω>>>+∑∑∑∑∑∑n n -N -N 2n -N 方程的求解,也算常规题,但是比较难算,具体忘了; 五、信号被升余弦窗函数,矩形窗函数作用后频谱的特征; 六、已知f (t )=B ,对,B 问他们是否正交并证明,等式f (t )=+B 是否成立并证明; 七、一个FI R 的图,看起来非常烦,如果熟悉FI R 结构就很简单,应该是问到了能否实现高通,后面的 问题也很简单。


中学生标准学术能力诊断性测试2020年11月测试 英语试卷 本试卷共150分,考试时间100分钟。 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分60分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Autumn is great for European walking: paths are mud-free, temperatures are mild, crowds are few and beautiful colors abound. The following are four European adventures to walk your way through autumn. The unknown Cilento South of Italy’s Amalfi Coast hides a much less discovered wonderland. Af ter stopping to view the marvelous Greek temple remains at Paestum, Sherpa’s next destination concentrates on the Cilento National Park —first following its rugged seashore past the occasional myrtle grove (小树林), and sandy beach, then leaving modernity behind and venturing inland to medieval (中世纪的) hilltop towns. Home-cooked dinners conclude exciting days of goat tracks and ghost villages before a scenic path leads back to the seaside. Four nights £630 half board, including transport, luggage transfers and walking notes. Last departure October 31. Turkish delights Follow an impressive section of Turkey’s expansive Lycian Way, gradually moving from cliffs to coastline. You’ll begin in pine-filled peaks, typically on shaded paths to sea views, and stop at both a pool-boasting upscale hotel and one of the Yanartas region’s ever-burning flames —possibly fueled by a monster below. A fine fish restaurant comes next, then a mile-long sandy beach ahead of two days on lonely Cape Gelidonya, finishing by its lighthouse. Six nights £790, including ten other meals, transport, luggage transfers and walking notes. Last departure in early November. Carpathian clambers Poland and Slovakia are separated by the Carpathian Mountains and their large forest-filled valleys.Starting and ending in Krakow, this trip covers both countries. Some days include the option of climbing to snowy peaks or taking easier, lower-altitude options, and you’ll likely meet the Gorals —a culturally-distinct group known as “highlanders”. Most memor able activity will be walking along the 300m-high Dunajec River to spa town Szczawnica. Seven nights £630, including transport, luggage transfers and walking notes. Last departure October 24. Flowers and feta Greece’s Pelion Peninsula is a place known as the “Land of the Centaurs (人首马身的怪物)” for its association with the mythological horse-human hybrids. Between villages of whitewashed, flower-decorated stone houses, walkers can follow old paths onto mountainsides, and wander through olive groves or beside the glittering Aegean Sea. Some days yield swimming opportunities, and others the chance to recharge in a local pub of some bean soup and feta-cheese bread. Seven nights £535, including transport, luggage transfers and walking notes. Last departure October 23. 1.What can you do when you are in the unknown Cilento? A.Swim in a pool. B.Have a spa. C.Explore medieval towns. D.Walk through olive groves. 2.Which destination is your best choice if you intend to travel to Europe after October? A.Turkey. B.Cilento. C.Greece. D.Krakow.


清华大学06信号与系统考研真题 一、问答题: 1.f1(t)=Wc/pai*Sa(Wct),f2(t)=f1(t)-f1(t-2τ),f1(t)和f2(t)频谱有何异同点, f2(t)有何优点? 2.写出全通系统零极点分布特点和相频变化特性 3.“能量信号的能谱密度都是大于等于零的”,这个命题是正确的,请问为什么? 4.“傅立叶变换满足内积不变性和范数不变性”,这个命题成立是有条件的,请: 1指出成立条件2用公式表示出来 5.f(t)的傅立叶变换F(jw),LALACE变换F(s),请问f(t)满足什么条件时F(jw)=F(s)|s=jw 6.“真有理函数H(s)是最小相位系统,则lnH(s)在右半平面解析。”请问命题正确吗? 为什么?逆命题成立吗? 7.FIR数字滤波器一定是稳定的,请说明。 8.X(k)=DFT(x(n)),X(z)=Z(x(n)),用X(z)表示X(k) 9.要使两个有限长序列的圆卷积等于线卷积,请问如何操作。 10.X'=AX,A=[λ,1:0,λ],计算exp(At) 二、 |H(jw)|={2(w^2+9)/[(w^2+1)(w^2+100)]}^(1/2),求最小相位函数H(s) 三、稳定信号f(t)通过冲击响应为h(t)的稳定系统,则零状态响应y(t)是稳定的。请证明之。 四、一个串联型数字滤波器,框图给出,很简单,系数我都记得,不过不好画图,算了。 1计算H(z),(要求有过程) 2指出串联型数字滤波器有何优缺点。 五、 f(t)=exp(-αt)U(t),g(t)=exp(-βt)U(t) 1求相关系数ρ 2求互相关函数Rfg() 六、数字理想低通滤波器Hd(e^jw)周期为2π Hd1(e^jw)=exp(-jwα),|w|≤Wc;0,Wc<|w|<π 1把Hd(e^jw)在频域展开成复指数形式,并求傅立叶系数hd(n) 2选择h(k)(k=-N,....0....N),使Hd(e^jw)'=∑h(k)exp(jwkn)(k=-N,....0....N) 证明Hd(e^jw)'是Hd(e^jw)的最小均方误差逼近 31,2是FIR设计的实质,说明这种方法的缺点如何改进? 七、 f(t)=f(t)U(t),F(jw)实部R(w)=α/(α^2+w^2),求f(t) (缺过程扣分,提示:积分公式


中学生标准学术能力诊断性测试2020 年 5 月测 试 英语试卷 本试卷共150 分,考试时间100 分钟。 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分60 分) 第一节(共15 小题;每小题3 分,满分45 分) A Summer is that time of this year 2019 when everyone looks to escape from the boring activities of life. So bring your kids to join us to have fun in the summer camp. Outdoor Word Game: All you need to do is setting up many huge letters that can be easily moved. These letters will help kids spell out certain words. Teenagers would also love something like this as it gives them the opportunity to invest their time in learning new words. Spray Painting: To bring out the creativity in a person, an activity centered on spray painting is the perfect way to get those creative juices flowing. All you need to do is providing plain white T-shirts and some cans of colored spray paint. It will be quite surprising to see some of the original ideas that will flow from individuals. Outdoor Twister: A person will be in charge of monitoring the game and will call out colors which can be placed outdoors. Participants have the task of placing either their hands or legs on the same color. A fun and exciting game focuses on hand-eye coordination(协调). The Maze(迷宫): One of the funniest games is the hallway maze game where a maze is constructed from either toilet paper or strings of paper. The chosen participant is then asked to make his way through the maze within a limited time without touching paper. This is one of the best and entertaining summer camp ideas for kids and adults also. 1.Which activity most probably needs some imagination? A.Outdoor Word Game. B.Spray Painting. C.Outdoor Twister. D.The Maze. 2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.The maze is made of toilet paper in The Maze. B.You have to spray juice on your T-shirt in Spray Painting. C.Outdoors Twister tests whether you are good at controlling your body movement. D.You have to bring some huge letters to play in Outdoor Word Games. 3.Who is the article intended for? A.Parents. B.Children. C.Teachers. D.Teenagers. B What makes a person sexy? Looks, talent, public image and how we accordingly view their personality all play into why we find ourselves attracted to certain celebrities and public figures. Every year, People put it all together when they name their “Sexies t Man Alive”. This year, the magazine decided that United States musician John Roger Stephens, better known as John Legend, has the full package. The title comes following some impressive achievements for the 40-year-old. He is among the youngest people to win an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony award, and the first African-American man to win all four of them. With numerous awards and nominations, an Ivy-League degree, and a handsome face, Legend has gained huge popularity worldwide. However, his dedication to family life maybe what wins over many. After getting married to US model Chrissy Teigen in 2013, Legend is the father of one son and one daughter. He’s not shy about telling the world their love is permanent. On the inside of Legend’s arm, there is a tattoo that says “Chrissy Luna Miles”, the names of his wife and children. In fact, Legend has gained strength from his family since childhood. He still remembers the days when his family would gather around his grandmother’s piano to sing Christmas songs. This inspired his passion for music. His best-known single, All of Me, is a love song to his wife. When he performed it at the 2014 Grammy Awards, many were touched by his delicate voice and the deep love beneath. “The more you know someone, the more you’re inspired by your relationship,” Legend told LA Confidential Magazine. “You have to grow enough to be able to write that song with sincerity and authenticit y.” Despite his onstage confidence, Legend had to work to become a legend. As a teenager, he was the smallest kid in class. “I was always less mature, less at ease socially. I had plenty of awkward times,” he told People. “Most of your teenage years, into your twenties, you’re still figuring out who you are, how you present yourself to the world ... Eventually, I think you get more at ease with yourself.” Indeed, knowing who you are and be yourself could be the real key to attractiveness. 4.What plays the biggest part in making Legend popular worldwide? A.High-level education. B.Handsome look. C.Efforts put in family. D.Talent in music. 5.What does the third paragraph mainly talk about? A.Legend’s hobby as a boy. B.Legend’s family members.


清华大学版土力学课后 答案修订版 IBMT standardization office【IBMT5AB-IBMT08-IBMT2C-ZZT18】

第一章1-1: 已知:V=72cm3 m=129.1g m s =121.5g G s =2.70 则: 129.1121.5 6.3% 121.5 s s m m w m -- === 1-2: 已知:G s =2.72 设V s =1cm3 则 3 3 3 3 2.72/ 2.72 2.72 *1016/ 1.7 2.720.7*1 *1020.1/ 1.7 20.11010.1/ 75% 1.0*0.7*75%0.525 0.525 19.3% 2.72 0.525 2.72 1. s s s d d s V w w r w w V r w s w s g cm m g m g g KN m V m V g g KN m V KN m m V S g m w m m m g g V ρ γρ ρ γρ γγγ ρ γρ = = ==== ++ ==== '=-=-= = === === ++ === 当S时, 3 *1019.1/ 7 KN m = 1-3:1-4:甲:乙:

则(1)、(4)正确 1-5: 1s w d G e ρρ= + 则 所以该料场的土料不适合筑坝,建议翻晒,使其含水率降低。 1-6: 式中D r =0.7 3max 1.96/d g cm ρ= 3min 1.46/d g cm ρ= 则可得:31.78/d g cm ρ= 1-7: 设 S=1, 则s V Sh h == 则压缩后: 2.7s s s m V G h == 2.7*28%w s m m w h == 则 2.7*28%w w w m V h ρ= = 2.7*28% 1.95s w V V h h +=+= 则 1.11h cm = 1-8: 甲:4525 1.334025 p L L p w w I w w --= = =-- 流塑状态 乙:2025 0.334025 p L L p w w I w w --= = =--- 坚硬(半固态)


综合练习(历次水平II试题精选) Part One Listening Comprehension Section I Directions: In this section you will hear two students, Frank and Theresa, disc ussing a survey they have to write as an assignment. Listen to the conversation and complete the notes below which what you hear. Notes about Frank’s survey: Topic: ________________________________ Typical examples of violent programs: _________________________________________ _____ People’s suggestions: ________________________________________________________ ____ Pe ople’s reactions to violence on news broadcast: ____________________________ __________ ______________________________________________________________________ A possible problem with this survey: __________________________________________ ______ The advantage of the survey: __________________________________________________ _____ Section Two Directions: In this section you will listen to some news program. Below are the summaries of the news items. Listen to the recording and fill in the missing w ords to complete the new summaries. 1.An orangutan stopped the traffic outside _________ . It took a keep from the zo o ________ minutes to get downtown because of the traffic. The animal showed no interest in ________ but responded when the keeper ________ to it. It held the keeper’s _______ as they got into the car.


书上18页表1——5的公式的推导过程(对后面的章节的知识补充): 1、土的密度:即表示单位土体的质量,单位:g/cm 3或kg/m 3 ρ= m V = m s +m w V a +V w +V s 2、土的容重:即表示单位土体的重量,单位:N/cm 3或KN/m 3 γ=ρg 3、土的比重:土粒质量与同体积纯水在4摄氏度下的质量之比(无量纲) G s = m s V s .ρw = ρs ρw 4、土壤含水量:土中水的质量与土的质量的比值 ω % = m w m s = m ?m s m s 5、干密度:单位体积土的质量,单位:g/cm 3或kg/m 3 基本公式:ρd =m s V (1) 又∵G s =m s V s .ρw →m s =V s .ρw .G s ;∴ρd =m s V = V s .ρw .G s V 又∵ V s V = V s V s +V v = 11+e (或者1+e=1+ V v V s = V V s , ∴ V s V = 1 1+e ) ∴ρd =ρw ×G s (1+e) (2) ρd = m s V = m s V .m m =m V .m s m = ρ1+ω (1+ω=1+ m w m s = m m s ,∴ m s m = 11+ω ) (3) 6、孔隙比:孔隙体积与固体颗粒实体体积之比 基本公式:e=V v V s (1) 又∵e= V v V s = V ?V s V s =V V s ?1, 又∵V =m s ρd ,V s = m s ρs ∴e= V V s ?1= m s ρd / m s ρs ?1=ρs ρd ?1 (2) ∵ρd = ρ1+ω ∴e= ρs ρd ?1= ρs 1+ω ρ?1 (3) 又因为n= V v V , e= V v V s =V v V ?V v , 1e = V ?V v V v = V V v ?1=1 n ?1 ∴e= n 1?n (4) 7、孔隙率:孔隙体积与土样总体积之比 基本公式:n= V v V (1)
