
(5分)( )1. A. Once a year. B. For a long time. C. Next year.( )2. A. That’s right. B. Good idea. C. No, I don’t.( )3. A. In his office. B. Very funny. C. He’s a teacher.( )4. A. No. don’t say so. B. Thank you. C. We’d love to.( )5. A. No, not at all. B. Yes, please open it. C. No, don’t open it, please.二、听对话。
(5分)( )1. How will the woman get to the railway station?A. By bike.B. By car.C. On foot.( )2. How old is the man now?A. 22 years old.B. 24 years old.C. 26 years old.( )3. Where are they talking?A. In the classroom.B. At the girl’s home.C. On the phone.( )4. When is it now?A. In the evening.B. In the afternoon.C. In the morning.( )5. When did Mike go back home last night? A. At 8:45. B. At 9:15. C. At 9:45.三、听第3段材料,选出最佳选项。
(10分)( )1.Wen did Mr. Smith’s friend give him a cat?A. two months agoB. one month agoC. two weeks agoD. one week ago( )2. Mr. Smith asked his cook to give to his cat every day.A. a piece of cakeB. a pound of fishC. a pound of meetD. a bowl of rice( )3. Mr. Smith didn’t believe his cook because .A. the cat was becoming thinner and thinner.B. the cat wanted to run away.C. he didn’t like him.D. he wanted to prove.( )4. Mr. Smith got the cat from .A. his friendB. the marketC. the streetD. the house( )5. From the story, we know ate the meat.A. Mr. SmithB. the eatC. the cookD. Nobody听下面的短文。

一、选择题1.________ weather! We can't go shopping. Let's stay at home.A.What good B.How bad C.How good D.What bad D解析:D【解析】【详解】句意:多么糟糕的天气啊!我们不能去购物了,让我们待在家里吧。
What good多么好的…;How bad多么糟糕啊!How good多么好啊!What bad多么糟糕的…。
根据句意We can’t go shopping可知,天气是糟糕的,排除A和C。
【点睛】感叹句常用What和How引导,句型是:1. What a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语动词;2. What+形容词+可数名词复数或不可数名词+主语+谓语动词。
3. How+形容词+a/an+可数名词单数+主语+谓语动词;4. How+形容词或副词+主语+谓语动词。
2.—Which book is ______, this one or that one?—I think this one.A.interesting B.more interestingC.most interesting D.the most interesting B解析:B【解析】【详解】句意:——哪一本书更有趣,这本还是那本?——我认为是这本。
根据this one or that one,可知此处应用形容词的比较级,interesting“有趣的”,其比较级为more interesting,结合选项可知B选项符合题意,故答案选B。
3.My sister ______ her bike to school every day. It’s good for her health.A.ride B.will ride C.is riding D.rides D解析:D【解析】【详解】句意:我妹妹每天骑自行车去上学,这对她的健康有好处。

一、选择题1.- Where is Jenny?- She is ________ the library.A.in B.on C.to D.of A解析:A【解析】【详解】句意:——珍妮在哪里?——她在图书馆里。
根据题干中“She is____the library”可知“她在图书馆里面”。
2.— Grandpa, what were you doing at seven last night?— I ______ my dog in the park.A.will walk B.walk C.have walked D.was walking D解析:D【解析】【详解】句意:——爷爷,昨晚七点你在干什么?——我正在公园遛狗。
A. will walk一般将来时;B. walk动词原形;C. have walked现在完成时;D. was walking过去进行时。
根据问句what were you doing at se ven last night?“,昨晚七点你在干什么?”可知,表示“过去正在进行的事情”使用过去进行时,其结构为:be+动词现在分词,主语是I,be动词用was,walk的现在分词是walking;结合选项可知D选项符合题意,故答案选D。
3.John and his family ______ in China for fifteen years already.A.live B.have lived C.are living D.will live B解析:B【详解】句意:约翰和他的家人已经在中国住了十五年了。
A. live居住,动词原形;B. have lived现在完成时;C. are living现在进行时;D. will live一般将来时。

人教版九年级英语期末考试题(含答案)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)( )1.It’s timesincewemetlast.A.oneandhalfmonth’sB.oneandahalfmonthsC.in;outof;underD.with;in;on( )5.NotonlyIbutalsoTomandJack_____interestedinEnglishbecauseit _____useful.A.is,isB.is,areC.are,isD.are,are( )6.Ifoundthebaby assoonashehadheardhismother.A.angrilyB.happilyC.sadlyD.pleased( )7.Theyoungmanwashitbyatruck. hewasnot hurt.A.Lucky;badB.Luckily;terribleC.Luckily;badlyD.Lucky;badly( )12.“Mr.Zhu,you’dbetter toomuchmeat.You’realreadyov erweight.”saidthedoctor.A.nottoeatB.toeatC.eatD.noteat( )13.Idon’tknow .A.whatthepopulationofTianjinisB.whatisthepopulationofTianjinC.howmuchthepopulationinTianjinisD.howmuchisthepopulationinTianjinhonedfromtheairporttotellmethathehadarrived.Iwasstillatthe 1 atthatti me,butIhadgoteverythingreadyforhisarrival.Afterlettinghimknowwhere myhousewas,ItoldhimthatIhadleftthe 2 underthedoor--mat(门垫). 3 Iwaslikelytobehomeratherlate,Itoldhimtogointothe4 andhelphimselftofoodanddrink.Twohourslatermyfriend 5 mefromthehouse.Atthemoment,hesaid,h ewaslisteningtosomeofmyrecordsafterhavingjusthadatrulywonderful 6 . Hehadfoundacookerand 7 twoeggsandhadhelpedhimselftosomecol dchickenfromtheicebox.Now,hesaid,hewasdrinkingaglassoforangejuic( )5.A.invited B.asked C.answered D.telephoned ( )6.A.meal B.rest C.time D.picnic( )7.A.got B.broke C.fried D.bought( )8.A.visit B.join C.thank D.remember ( )9.A.but B.so C.or D.and( )10.A.interest B.anger C.surprise D.excitement三、阅读理解(共10小题每小题2分共20分)TheBritishgovernmentbecameveryworriedwhentheyheardnothingfr omFramklin.Theysentexpeditionsto1ookforhim,buttheexpeditionsallretur nedwithoutanynews.Thegovernmentoffered£20,000toanybodywhocouldhelpFranklinoranybodywhohadinformation aboutFrailklin.Nobodycamewithinformation.Then,inAugust1850somesailorsfoundthefirstsignsoftheFranklinExpediti onwhile theyweresearchingonDevonIsland:someoldfoodtins,somepape rs,and,somethingvery strange,thegravesofthreemen.ThemenalldiedinJa nuary1846whileFranklinwaswaitinginBaffinBayfortheicetomelt.Butwhydid theydie?ThethreemenwereallyoungandthreedeathsinthefirstmonthsofthB.inJanuary1846nearBaffinBayC.onMay19th,1845nearBaffinBayD.inJanuary1846onDevonBay()3.Theword“melt”inthelastparagraphmeans .A.goawayB.passC.breakintopiecesD.turnintowater()4.WhichofthefollowingstatementsisNOTright?A.FranklinwasaBritishsailor.B.Accordingtothepassage,peopledon’tknowwhytheydieda ndwh.Yearsago,Ilivedinabuildinginalargecity.Thebuildingnextdoorwaso nlyafewfeetawayfrommine.Therewasawomanwholivedthere,whomIha dnevermet,yetIcouldseeherseatedbyherwindoweachafternoon,sewing orreading.Afterseveralmonthshadgoneby,Ibegantonoticethatherwindowwasdirty. Everythingwasunclearthroughthedirtywindow.Iwouldsaytomyself,"Iwond erwhythatwomandoesn'twashherwindow.Itreallylooksterrible."zedothersthroughthedirtywindowofmyheart,throughmyownshortcomin gs?Sincethen,wheneverIwantedtojudge(评判)someone,Iaskedmyselffirst,"AmIlookingathimthroughmyowndirtywind ow?"ThenItrytocleanthewindowofmyownworldsothatImayseetheworldabout memoreclearly.()6.Thewritercouldn'tseeeverythingclearlythroughthewindowbecause___A.IbegantounderstanditB.itcheeredmeupC.IknewitgrewlightD.itbegantogetdark()9.It'sclearthat_____.A.thewriterhadnevermetthewomanbeforeB.thewriteroftenwashedthewindowC.theybothworkedascleanersD.theylivedinasmalltown()10.Fromthepassage,wecanlearn______.nted.Itiscommonbutnotnecessarilyexpectedthatoneknowssomeoneinag roupbeforetalkingwithhimorh erinaconversation.Infact,ataparty,“MayIj oinyou?”andaself-introductionisusefulenoughtogetawelcomefromagr oupandtojoininaconversation.Insomeplaces,suchasaconcerthalloratheatre,awaitingroomoraclassroom,it’scommonforstrangerstostartaconve rsationevenwithoutanintroduction.PeopleintheStatesexpectthosewhomtheyspeaktostopwhateverthe yaredoingandlistening.Asarule,theconversationdistance(距离)betweentwopeopleisatleasttwoorthreefeet.Standingveryclosewillmakenversation?_____________________________________________________________5.Doyouthinkseriousdiscussioniswantedbetweenstrangersinsocialsitu ationsintheUSA?Whyor whynot?____________________________________________________________五、词汇(25分)(一)首字母填空(10分)1.Thewoman’swordsweresoe_________thatthegirl’sfaceturnedred .veryhappy.4 wentwrongatthestation.Peoplewerelateandtheywerepanicking (惊恐)!BythetimeIgotonthetrain,Iwasfeelingupsetandsorryformyself.ThenIsawthisman.Therewassomethingabouthim—hehadsuchafamiliar 5 .Afe wminuteslater,IrealizedthathewasJack,afriendfrommyschooldaysinScotl and.Atthesametimehe 6 realizedwhoIwas.Thenwe 7 talkingaboutscho oldaysandthepeoplewe 8 usedtoknow.Iwasevenmoresurprisedwhenth etraincameintomystationandhestartedtogetofftoo!Iaskedhimw 9 hew右的信,鼓励他们发愤图强。

一、单项填空(每题0.5分,共6分)1. A2. C3. D4. D5. B6. D7. C8. A9. B 10. C 11. B 12. A二、完形填空(每题1分, 共8分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
13. A 14. B 15. C 16. D 17. D 18. C 19. B 20. A三、阅读理解(每题2分,共26分)21. D 22. B 23. A 24. A 25. C 26. C 27. B 28. B 29. C30. A 31. B 32.D 33.D第二部分本部分共5题,共20分。
(34-36题每题各2分, 37题4分, 共10分)34.Ochs received her bachelor’s degree in general studies and history in May, 2007.35. After the death of her husband, she started taking classes sometimes but not often in 1972 atDodge City Community College.36. Her words meant that people should take advantage of life’s opportunities and not wait untiltomorrow.37. Yes, I’d like to be a person like Nola Ochs. Because she loves to learn. Keeping learning canmake our life rich and colorful. And I can be a role model for my family members to encourage them to keep learning.五、文段表达(10分)38. Possible version:How is everything going? I’m inviting you to take part in our reading sharing activity. It will be held in our school library next Monday. It’ll start at 4 pm and remember not to be late.Students can get knowledge and pleasure by reading books. Some students love reading but they don’t have a place to exchange ideas on books, so we organize this activity to let students share their books and ideas. Besides, we hope that more students can enjoy reading books and they can find some good books to read.I advise you to bring your favorite book. You can introduce your book and share ideas with other students. You’d better take a pen and a notebook to write down some ideas you will get in the activity.Hope to hear from you soon.Yours,Li HuaFirstly, I put the waste into correct bins. So something like bottles can be recycled in our school. By doing so, I make our school cleaner and greener.Secondly, I turn off the lights when I leave the classroom. In this way, I can help our school to save electricity.Thirdly, when I drink water, I always use my own cup instead of paper cups.I am happy and feel proud of myself because I can help to make our school greener.书面表达评分标准。

九年级英语期末考试试题及(Ji)答案一、单项填(Tian)空1.—It’s a secret between us. Don’t tell any body else. —Sure, .A. I doB. d don’tC. I willD. I won’t2. They have no problems out the maths problem.3.—My car has broken down. Can I borrow .—Sorry, they are all out.A. anyone’sB. someone’sC. anyone else’sD. someone else4. Everyone knows that paper is made wood and books are made paper.A. of; ofB. from; ofC. from; fromD. of; from.5. He can’t help _____ the answers when he can’t work out the problems.A. turn toB. to turnC. turning toD. turned to6.— Our holiday cost a lot of money. —Did it? Well, it doesn’t matter _ ____ we enjoyed ourselves.A. unlessB. soC. as long asD. so that7. A : Does he have any money?B: No, he has _________money to buy the old bike.A. ran out ofB. run out ofC. run outD. ran out8. A: What do the childen usually do on Sundays?B: They ___ to stay at home and read a book rather than go sightseeing.A. would likeB. would ratherC. prefer9 I suggest ____to the zoo together.A. goB. to goC. goingD. to going10 We can’t put off ____a plan. CA. makeB. to makeC. makingD. to making11. This is the place ____can make us relax. A. where B.which C. what D. /12 I like places ______ the weather is always warm. A. / B which C. that D. where13.When was John married Mary? Oh, they have for 10 years.A. by; marriedB. in; been marriedC. /; marriedD. to; been married14. A large number of students in our school boys, and the number of boys 530.A. are; isB. was; wasC. were; wereD. was; were15. At the meeting, they said nothing but quiet.took B. made C .remained D. got16. Please put the book you took it. A. when B. where C. as D. because17. If the weather good, our sports meeting wouldn’t .A. is; put downB. were; be put upC. was; be put offD. were; be put off18. I met Tom yesterday. I him since we left school.A. have not seenB. sawC. didn’t seeD. hadn’t seen19. I heard Tom to Boston(波(Bo)士顿>. A. has gone B. had gone C. has been to D. had been to20 ----Mom , may I go out and play soccer this afternoon?----You can if your homework______A. is doneB. will doC. has doneD. will be done21. Only then that he had lost a chance of achieving his dream.he realized B. did he realized C. did he realized D. he did realize22. His bike is broken. It needs soon.be repaired B. to be repair C. repairing D. be mended23 Sally told us that she __ her new bicycle for only a weekA.has boughtB. will buyC. had boughtD.had had24. “Mr. Zhu, you’d better too much meat . You’re already over weight .” said the doctor .A. not to eatB. to eatC. eatD. not eat25. I don’t know .A. what the population of Tianjin isB. what is the population of TianjinC. how much the population in Tianjin isD. how much is the population in Tianjin26.—Our country _____ progress in science and culture in recent years.A.made suchB.has made suchC.made soD.has made so27.Trees can stop the sand _____ towards the rich farmland in the south.A.movingB.to moveC.from movingD.moves28.There are five people in the room, but I know _____.A.both of themB.none of themC.all of themD.neither of them29A cellphone _____ a camera by most young people in China.A.is used byed forC.is used asD.is used to30.—Wow. What a beautiful coat!—I bought it in Suzhou last year. It’s _____ silk. It’s dear.A.made ofB.made fromC.made inD.made by31.The reason _________ he was late is that he missed the buses.A. whyB. becauseC. whichD. who32 ---- Will you go shopping tonight? ---- If you go, ___.A. so do IB. so will IC. so I willD. neither will33. You have make ____ possible for me to have a dog.A. thatB. itC. this34. Being _____, Kate’s grandmother can’t hear anything.A. blindB. deafC. excited.35. The boy is sad. Let’s _______________.A. cheer him upB. cheer up himC. cheer on him36. Mary put up some signs ____ for old bikes, _____ she?A. asking, doesn’tB. asked, doesn’tC. asking, didn’t37. I believe I can achieve my dream ____ working hard.A. inB. byC. with二(Er)、词(Ci)汇<A)根据汉语或首字母提示填写单(Dan)词。

人教版九年级英语期末试卷及答案人教版九年级英语期末试卷二、对话理解,请听对话,根据其内容选择最佳答案,每组对话读两次(5分)( )6.A、In a shop. B、At home. C. On the street.( )7.A、A cup of coffee. B、A cup of tea. C、A glass of water.( )8.A、Summer B、Autumn C、Winter( )9.A、It is interesting. B、It is too hard. C、It is boring.( )10.A、Sometimes. B、Never. C、Every day.三、语篇理解,根据所听内容,选出最佳答案。
短文读两次(5分)( )11.He went to the seaside ___________.A、to spend his holidayB、to study the sea fish C 、to get on a train( )12.It took him ______ to go to the seasho re by train.A、a morningB、a few minutesC、an hour( )13.Which of the following is not right?A、The owner of the hotel asked for fifteen dollars.B、Joe couldn’t pay so much money for one night.C、Joe can make the bed with a hammer(铁锤)and some nails(钉子).( )14.The owner of the hotel wanted ______.A、to help Joe to make a bedB、Joe to build a bed for himselfC、Joe to do all the cleaning himself( )15.When Joe saw the hammer and nails, how did he feel?A、HappyB、SurprisedC、SadⅡ、单项选择(15分)( )16.Lily said there a heavy rain the next day.A、will haveB、would haveC、would be( )17.What if ____________back?A、he comeB、he comesC、does he come( )18.I would rather_________the chance than_________her.A、not to take, to hurtB、not take, hurtC、not taking, hurt ing( )19.Tom, your hair is too long. Would you please get your h air ?A、cutB、to cutC、be cut( )20.He pretends _______this thing.A、not knowB、not knowingC、not to know( )21.Study hard, _____you will get better grade.A、orB、andC、because( )22.He also _________ some signs asking for old bikes.A、put downB、put upC、put off( )23.He doesn’t know _________.A、to do whatB、how to doC、what to do( )24.Do you know where _________ some maps?A、can I buyB、can buyC、I can buy( )25.Was a car invented_____March 4, 1876?A、onB、inC、at( )26.He took my English-Chinese dictionary_____mistake.A、toB、byC、about( )27.Can you provide us _________ some information _______ the computer?A、for, wi thB、with, aboutC、about, with( )28.I think the_____invention is a mobile phone. What about you?A、most helpfulB、more helpfulC、helpfulest( )29.I really didn’t know anything happened to Jim yesterday.A、whichB、thatC、who( )30.I often volunteer my time _____ others.A、helpB、to helpC、helpingⅢ、完形填空(15分)At half 31 five, Mrs. Black heard her husband park the car 32 the house and went out to speak to him right away. “Whats wrong with you?” he asked. “You look worried.”“I have 33 a terrible mistake, dear,” she said. “Mrs. Smith called me half 34 hour ago. We got talking and then 35 thinking, I asked her and her husband to come to have dinner 36 us this evening.”“Well, thats 37 to be worried about,” Mr. Black said. “We will havea pleasant 38 . We havent seen the 39 for a long time.”“Id like them40 ,” Mrs. Black answered. “But Ive just 41 there is almost not any food at home. You didnt remember 42 some. I asked you to get some 43 your way home from work three days ago.”“Some food?” Mr. Black said. “Oh, my dear, yes, I 44 now. I did buy some. Its in the car. Its been there for the 45 three days.”()31.A、past B、passed C、to()32.A、in B、inside C、outside()33.A、had B、made C、got()34.A、past B、to C、an()35.A、without B、out of C、for()36.A、with B、for C、without()37.A、nothing B、everything C、anything()38.A、hour B、day C、evening()39.A、wife B、husband C、Smiths()40.A、came B、to come C、come()41.A、finded B、founded C、found()42.A、to buy B、bought C、buying()43.A、in B、on C、to()44.A、remembered B、forget C、remember()45.A、past B、/ C、passⅣ、阅读理解(一)(30分)ATom’s birthday is on March 15th.Two wee ks before his birthday he was writing a letter to his Aunt Rose when his mother came into the room.“What are you doing, Tom?” she asked.“I’m writing to Aunt Rose,”Tom answered.Tom’s mother was very surprised because Tom never wrote letters to anyone.“Are you inviting her to your birthday party?” his mother asked.“No, I’m not,” Tom said.“Aunt Rose never comes to my birthday parties.”“What have you written, then?” his mother asked.“Will you read me the letter?”“All right. But I’ve written only two lines(行).I’ll read them to you.Listen.”Tom went on.“Dear Aunt Rose,thank you very much for your birthday present,I hope...”His mother stopped him and said,“But Tom,Aunt Rose hasn’t sent you a birthday present,has she?”“I see,”Tom answered.“I’m not thanking her for this year’s present.I’m thanking her for last year’s!”根据短文内容,选择正确答案(10分)()46.When did Tom write a letter to his aunt?A、On March 29th.B、At the beginnin g of March.C、At the end of March.()47.Why was Tom’s mother surprised? Because_________.A、Tom had never written to his auntB、Tom couldn’t write lettersC、Tom wrote a letter to his aunt again()48.Why wasn’t Tom inviting his aunt to his birthday party?A、Because Tom did not like his aunt.B、Because his aunt Rose didn’t like Tom.C、Because his aunt had never taken part in his parties.()49.Why did Tom thank his aunt? Because _________.A、his aunt sent him a birthday present last yearB、his aunt would comeC、his aunt wrote a letter to him on his birthday()50.When did Tom’s aunt send him a birthday present?A、This year.B、Last year.C、On March 13th.BDick lived in England. One day in January he said to his wife, "Im going to fly to New York next week because Ive got some work there." "Where are you going to st ay there?" his wife asked. "I dont know yet." Dick answered. "Please send me your address from there in a telegram(电报)," his wife said. "All right," Dick answered.He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the city. He put his things in his room and then he sent his wife a telegram. He put the address of his hotel in it.In the evening he didnt have any work, so he went to a cinema. He came out at nine oclock and said, "Now Im goin g back to my hotel and have a nice dinner."He found a taxi and the driver said, "Where do you want to go?" But Dick didnt remember the name and address of his hotel."Which hotel are my things in?" he said, "And what am I going to do tonight?" But the driver of the taxi did not know. So Dick got out and went into a post office. There he sent his wife another telegram, and in it he wrote, "Please send me my address at this post office."根据短文内容,选择正确答案(10分)()51.Dick flew to New York because .A、he went there for a holidayB、he had work thereC、he went there for sightseeing()52.Why did his wife want a telegram from him?A、Because she didnt know his address yetB、Because she wanted to go to New York, tooC、Because she might send him another telegram()53.Where did Dick stay in New York?A、In the center of the city.B、In a hotel.C、In a restaurant.()54.Who would send him the name and address of his hotel?A、The manager of his hotel.B、The police office.C、His wife.()55.Which of the following is not true?A、Dick stayed at a nice hotel in the center of the city.B、Dick didnt work on the first night of his arrival.C、Dick forgot to send his wife a telegram.CArrivingThere are three airports in New York. When you arrive at one of them, you can take a bus or taxi to any place in New York.Public transportIn New York there’s a good bus and subway service. If you are planning to take the subway a lot, you’d better buy a subway ticket for ten journeysbecause it’s cheaper. The New York taxis are a part of the city experience, so you should take a taxi at least one time during your visit.HotelsThere are lots of good hotels in New York. The best is The Plaza on 5th Avenue, but you don’t have to pay a lot to live in the city. There are lots of smaller hotels.ShoppingShopping in New York is fun. There are many big shops on 5th Avenue. They are open seven days a week. When you go shopping, you should take more money because you have to pay a special 8% tax(税) for everything you buy in New York.根据短文内容,选择正确答案(10分)( )56.How many kinds of public transport are mentioned in the passage?A、Two.B、Three.C、Four.( )57.How can visitors save money on transport in New York?A、By taking taxis instead of subways.B、By buying a subway ticket for ten journeys.C、By taking buses to places where they want to go.( )58.The Plaza here is the name of .A、an airportB、a hotelC、a shop( )59.How much do you have to pay if you buy a book of $10 in New York?A、$10.80.B、$8.00.C、$10.00.( )60.What’s the best title for the passage?A、Shopping in New York.B、Living in New York.C、Traveling in New York.Ⅱ(主观卷)(45分)Ⅴ、听短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词,短文读两次(5分)Floor of the 2 rooms On the.61 floor, 62 the Red seaPrice for each room 63 per nightFree meal 64Things to bring ID cardTime to arrive On 65 16thⅥ、补全对话(5分)从方框中选出适当的句子,完成对话,有两项为多余选项。

一、选择题1.It is said that the football match may be __________ because of the bad weather.A.put up B.put down C.put away D.put off D解析:D【详解】句意:据说这场足球比赛因为天气不好可能要被推迟。
put up张贴,搭建;put down写下,镇压;put away放好,收好;put off推迟。
根据句意because of the bad weather可知,因为天气不好,比赛会被推迟,故应选D。
2.Helen is not good at maths, ______she never gives it up.A.and B.so C.but D.because C解析:C【详解】句意:海伦数学不好,但她从不放弃。
根据Helen is not good at maths,“海伦数学不好”,以及she never gives it up.“她从不放弃”,可知前后句表示转折关系,所以应用连词but连接,故答案选C。
A. and意为“和;而且;于是,就”,表示并列、顺承关系;B. so意为“所以,因此”,表示因果关系,引出结果;C. but意为“但是”,表示转折关系;D. because 意为“因为”,表示因果关系,引出原因。
本题根据Helen is not good at maths, ____she never gives it up.可知前后句的意思是转折关系,所以应用but连接,故答案选C。
3.A flower show ______ in the city next year.A.will hold B.is held C.was held D.will be held D解析:D【解析】【详解】句意:明年这个城市将举行一场花展。

专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. English is a language that belongs to which language family?A. GermanicB. RomanceC. SlavicD. UralAltaic2. Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?A. The cat chased the mouse.B. The mouse was chased the cat.C. The cat is chasing the mouse.D. The mouse chased the cat.3. What is the past participle of the verb "go"?A. wentB. goneC. goedD. goedA. nessB. lyC. fulD. ing5. In English, which word is often used to introduce a contrasting idea?A. howeverB. becauseC. althoughD. if二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)6. The past tense of "do" is "did". ( )7. All adverbs end in "ly". ( )9. An adjective describes a verb. ( )10. "They're" and "there" can be used interchangeably. ( )三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)11. The opposite of "expensive" is ________.12. If "I am eating" is in the present continuous tense, "I ________ eat" would be in the simple present tense.13. A sentence with two or more independent clauses is called a(n) ________ sentence.14. The plural form of "child" is ________.15. The third person singular pronoun for "he" is________.四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)16. What is the difference between "affect" and "effect"?19. What are the two main types of prepositions?20. Explain the difference between "its" and "it's".五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)21. Correct the following sentence: "She was laying on the couch when her friend calls her."22. Rewrite the following sentence in the active voice: "The cake was eaten the children."23. Use the correct form of the verb in parentheses: "IfI ________ (be) you, I would take the offer."24. Combine the following two sentences using an appropriate conjunction: "The weather is nice today. We should go for a walk."25. Identify the subject and the predicate in the following sentence: "The dog barked loudly."六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)26. Analyze the following poem Robert Frost and explain the use of personification:"The woods are lovely, dark and deep,But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep,And miles to go before I sleep."27. Compare and contrast the themes of friendship in the short stories "The Gift of the Magi" O. Henry and "The Kite Runner" Khaled Hosseini.七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)28. Write a short dialogue between two friends planning a vacation together.八、专业设计题(每题2分,共10分)30. Design a lesson plan for teaching the past perfect tense, including warmup, presentation, practice, and production stages.31. Create a vocabulary worksheet on adjectives related to weather, including definitions, example sentences, and a matching exercise.33. Outline a roleplay activity to practice making apologies and giving excuses in English.34. Construct a writing prompt that encourages students to write a descriptive paragraph about their favorite holiday memory.九、概念解释题(每题2分,共10分)35. Explain the difference between connotation and denotation in the context of vocabulary.36. Define the term "phrasal verb" and provide three examples with their meanings.37. What is a gerund and how does it function in a sentence?38. Describe the role of intonation in spoken English and give an example of how it can change the meaning of a sentence.39. Explain the concept of "subjectverb agreement" and illustrate it with two examples.十、思考题(每题2分,共10分)40. How can teachers encourage students to use English outside of the classroom?41. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in English language teaching.42. What strategies can be used to help students improve their listening skills?43. How does cultural awareness impact language learning?44. Why is it important for students to learn both formal and informal English?十一、社会扩展题(每题3分,共15分)45. Analyze the impact of social media on the English language, considering both positive and negative aspects.46. Discuss the role of English as a global lingua franca and its implications for language diversity.48. What are the challenges faced nonnative English speakers in academic settings and how can these be addressed?49. Explore the relationship between music and language learning, and propose a way to incorporate music into an English lesson.一、选择题答案1. A. Germanic2. B. The mouse was chased the cat.3. B. gone4. C. ful5. A. however二、判断题答案6. √7. ×8. √9. ×10. ×三、填空题答案11. cheap12. do14. children15. he四、简答题答案17. Comparative: add er or more, Superlative: add est or most. For irregular adjectives, memorize the forms.19. Spatial prepositions (e.g., in, on, under) and temporal prepositions (e.g., before, after, during).20. "Its" is the possessive form of "it," while "it's" isa contraction of "it is."五、应用题答案21. She was lying on the couch when her friend called her.22. The children ate the cake.23. If I were you, I would take the offer.24. The weather is nice today, so we should go for a walk.25. Subject: The dog, Predicate: barked loudly.六、分析题答案26. Personification is used in the line "The woods are lovely, dark and deep," attributing human qualities to the woods. This creates a sense of serenity and contemplation.27. Both stories explore themes of sacrifice and the depth of friendship. In "The Gift of the Magi," thesacrifices are material, while in "The Kite Runner," the sacrifices are moral and emotional.七、实践操作题答案28. [Answer omitted for brevity]29. [Answer omitted for brevity]1. Grammar:Verb tenses (present continuous, past tense, past participle)Voice (active and passive)Subjectverb agreementPronouns (singular and plural forms)2. Vocabulary:Common prefixes and suffixesAdjectives and their oppositesHomophones and their correct usage3. Punctuation and Style:Capitalization rules4. Reading Comprehension:Understanding and interpreting poetryAnalyzing themes in literature5. Writing:Dialogue writingPoster creation with varied sentence structures各题型所考察学生的知识点详解及示例:选择题:测试学生对基础语法规则和词汇知识的掌握。

初三英语期末考试试题及答案初三英语期末试题2第Ⅰ卷(共95分)Ⅰ. 听力测试。
1. A. Thank you. B. I hope so. C. Nice to meet you, too.2. A. Its blue. B. They are black. C. Its beautiful.3. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, you do. C. No, we have.4. A. Not at all. B. My pleasure. C. Sorry, you may.5. A. Come on! B. Of course not. C. Have a nice trip!6. A. Im well. B. I have a cold. C. It doesnt matter.第二节(每小题1.5分,共9分)听一遍。
7. A. 12. B. 20. C. 21.8. A. Working. B. Sleeping. C. Playing.9. A. Today. B. Tomorrow. C. Next Friday.10. A. Lauras. B. Jasons. C. Mikes.11. A. In New York. B. In China. C. In Canada.12. A. By subway. B. By bus. C. By taxi.第三节(每小题1.5分,共6分)听两遍。
回答 13和14小题14. Which team will the school set up?A. A soccer team.B. A swim team.C. a basketball team.13. How many students will be chosen from each class?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.听下面一段材料。

2024年全新初三英语上册期末试卷及答案(人教版)一、听力部分1. 请听对话,回答问题。
A. What is the weather like today?B. How do you go to school every day?C. What did you do last weekend?D. Can you help me with my English homework?2. 请听短文,回答问题。
A. What is the main idea of the passage?B. What does the author think of the city?C. What did the author do during the trip?D. What is the author's advice to the readers?二、阅读理解部分1. 阅读下列短文,回答问题。
A. What is the author's purpose in writing the article?B. What is the main problem mentioned in the article?C. What is the author's solution to the problem?D. What is the author's conclusion?2. 阅读下列图表,回答问题。
A. What is the main trend shown in the chart?B. What is the reason for the change?C. What is the author's prediction for the future?D. What is the author's advice based on the chart?三、写作部分1. 请根据所给材料,写一篇英语短文。

2024-2025学年人教版英语初三上学期期末复习试题及解答参考一、听力部分(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1、listen to the dialogues and choose the best answer to each question.A. Excuse me, what time is the next bus to the park?B. You’re welcome, will there be any traffic jam on the way?C. I think the traffic is always heavier during rush hour.D. Sure, I can give you a ride there.Answer: AExplanation: The first dialogue involves a person asking about the bus schedule to the park, guessing how to Reply is the most suitable.2、listen to the short passage and answer the question.Question: What is the speaker’s opinion about studying at night?A. It’s a good idea for everyone.B. It can be effective for some but not for others.C. It’s not recommended because it’s not healthy.D. It depend s on the individual’s work capacity.Answer: CExplanation: The speaker emphasizes the importance of getting enough sleep andmentions that studying at night can be harmful to one’s health. Thus, the option that aligns with the speaker’sViews is C.3、 Listen to the following sentence and choose the correct response.A. Yes, I can.B. Yes, I do.C. No, I can’t.D. No, I don’t.Answer: B解析:Sentence: Do you often read books?Context: 询问对方是否经常读书。


(考试时间:90分钟,满分:100分)一、选择题(每题2分,共30分)1. Which word has the same sound as "weather"?A. WhetherB. WearC. WhereD. Wire2. Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets.He ______ (go) to the library every weekend.A. goB. goesC. goingD. gone15. What is the plural form of "child"?A. ChildsB. ChildrenC. ChildesD. Childs'二、判断题(每题1分,共20分)1. "Cook" and "book" have the same pronunciation. ( )2. "She don't like apples" is a correct sentence. ( )20. "The cat is playing with its toy" is an example of a passive sentence. ( )三、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. I ______ (to be) a teacher when I grow up.2. They ______ (to watch) a movie last night.10. There ______ (to be) a lot of traffic in the city center.四、简答题(每题10分,共10分)1. What is the past participle of "go"?2. Write a sentence using the future perfect tense.五、综合题(1和2两题7分,3和4两题8分,共30分)1. Translate the following sentences into English:我昨天买了一本书。

九年级第一学期期末考试(英语)(考试总分:120 分)一、听力(本题共计2小题,总分20分)1.(15分)听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分;其中有5 小题为非选择题,计分5分)I.听对话选出正确的图片。
(共5 小题,每小题1分)()1.A. B. C.()2.A. B. C.()3.A. B. C.()4.A. B. C.()5.A. B. C.II听对话及对话后的问题,然后选择正确答案。
(共5小题,每题1分)( ) 6. A. Snakes. B. Dogs. C. Cats.( )7. A. By making word cards. B. By speaking to himself.C. By practicing with others.( )8. A. Paper. B. Silver. C. Gold.( )9. A. The Spring Festival. B. Mid-Autumn Day.C. Christmas Day.( )10. A. The bank. B. The school. C. The restaurant.Ⅲ.听对话选择正确答案。
( ) 11. Where does the woman want to go ?A. To the hotel .B. To the hospital .C. To the station .( )12. Which bus can take the woman there ?A. No.4 bus.B. No.45 bus.C. No.5 bus.听下面一段对话,回答第13-15小题。
( )13. What are they getting ready for ?A. Teachers’ Day.B. Children’s Day.C. Women’s Day .( )14. Where will the party be held ?A. In the office .B. In the library .C. In the classroom .( )15.. When the party will start?A. At 12 o’clock.B. At 2 o’clock p.m.C. At 12 o’clock in the evening.2.(5分)四.听短文,然后根据所听内容和表格中所给的提示词语完成各小题。

一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. What is the meaning of the word "environment"?A. NatureB. The place where we liveC. The weatherD. The animals2. What is the past tense of the verb "eat"?A. AteB. EatenC. EatD. Eating3. Which of the following is a question word?A. ButB. WhyC. AndD. Because4. What is the meaning of the phrase "in order to"?A. ForB. ToC. InD. Order5. Which of the following is a correct sentence?A. I like eat apples.B. I like to eat apples.C. I like eating apple.D. I like eating apples.二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. The word "library" means a place where you can borrow books. ( )2. The past tense of the verb "do" is "did". ( )3. The question word "how" is used to ask about quantity. ( )4. The phrase "tooto" means "sothat". ( )5. The correct sentence is "She is go to the store." ( )三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. The word "_____" means "a place where you can borrow books".2. The past tense of the verb "_____" is "went".3. The question word "_____" is used to ask about place.4. The phrase "_____" means "because of".5. The correct sentence is "She ______ to the store."四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. What is the meaning of the word "travel"?2. What is the past tense of the verb "read"?3. Which question word is used to ask about time?4. What is the meaning of the phrase "in order that"?5. Correct the sentence: "He can play football very good."五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. Use the word "environment" in a sentence.2. Change the sentence "I am eating an apple." into the past tense.3. Ask a question using the question word "where".4. Complete the sentence: "I came here ______ see you."5. Correct the sentence: "She is go to the store."六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. Analyze the sentence "The library is a place where you can borrow books." and explain the meaning of each word.2. Analyze the sentence "I went to the store yesterday." and explain the meaning of each word.七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. Write a short paragraph about your favorite place.2. Write a short story about a day in your life.八、专业设计题(每题2分,共10分)1. 设计一个英语课程的教学计划,包括课程目标、教学内容、教学方法、教学评价等方面。
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As the saying goes, “A hero is known in the time of misfortune (不幸).” Zhong Nanshan is a hero like this. He is a doctor in Guangdong, who 11 many people’s lives in 2003.
In 2003, SARS 12 in Guangdong. Later, it spread across China and other parts of the world.
Patients coughed a lot and got fevers. Hundreds of 13 even died from the disease. Even many doctors and nurses got SARS when they treated patients. So everyone was afraid of it. But Zhong was 14 enough to fight the disease. Zhong spent days and nights to find the cause 15 the disease. And with his way of treating, many patients began to get better. Zhong finally won people’s trust.
In early 2020, a disease called Novel coronavirus pneumonia (新型冠状病毒肺炎) hit Wuhan. It spread 16 around tens of thousands of Chinese people were infected(感染). Zhong, 84, led 17 team to Wuhan to fight the illness. Zhong’s team took many measures to cure the patients with Novel coronavirus pneumonia. He advised people to wear masks, 18 hands frequently(频繁地), stay at home and not to go to crowded places.
Zhong likes sports very much. 19 he was 67, he could still play basketball. Now at the age of 84, Zhong still treats patients in the hospital and 20 young doctors. “I am just a doctor.” Zhong says. But we think he is a hero and a fighter.
()11.A.helped B.saved C.liked
()12.A.took out B.found out C.broke out
()13.A.patients B.adults C.animals
()14.A.kind B.poor C.brave
()15.A.with B.to C.of
()16.A.quickly B.slowly C.safely
()17.A.my B.his C.her
()18.A.weigh B.pollute C.wash
()19.A.When B.Although C.Unless
()20.A.thinks B.trusts C.teaches
9.our 10. it
11-15 BCACC 16-20 ABCAC。