carel 温控器说明书
I R33F0E000控制器使用说明I R33F控制器是集压缩机控制、冷风机控制、温度控制、融霜控制于一体的多功能控制器。
温度设定显示或设定温度,参照以下流程:1)按“S e t”超过一秒,显示设定温度2)按“或“减小或增大设定值。
3)按“S e t”确认。
手动融霜按” 5秒以上,进入自动融霜关键点分析和临界点控制(下简称H A C C P)本控制器具有关键点分析和临界点控制功能,它能够监视食品温度,“H A”报警:超高温报警;”H F”报警:断电超时一分钟报警。
显示报警参数:按“S e t”和“或“可进行查看。
H A C C P报警删除:按“S e t”超5秒,屏幕出现”r e s”表明已删除。
取消已存报警:按“S e t”和“、“超5秒,即可。
设置默认参数当H d n=0时:1.关闭设备2.打开设备3.持续按“”,直到出现”s t d”注:只可为可视值(C或F类)参数设置默认值。
当H d n〈〉0时:1.关闭设备2.打开设备3.持续按“”,直到出现”0”4.利用“、“,在0和”H d n”间选择默认参数。
5.持续按“”,直到出现”s t d”访问C类参数1.同时按“”“S e t”5秒钟以上,显示屏出现00。
3.按“S e t”进行确认。
修改参数步骤参照以下修改参数一节访问F类参数1.按“” 5秒钟以上(如果报警被激活,先关掉蜂鸣器),显示屏将显示第一个可修改的F型参数代码。
Carel 293电子膨胀阀-驱动器-阀门说明书
293VALVES - CarelWhy use an Electronic Expansion Valve?Limitations of Mechanical Valves:• Narrow Capacity• Slow movement / reaction • Refrigerant specific • R equires periodical maintenance as the behaviour is unsurveyed.• Requires a solenoid valve on the the liquid line • R equires specific liquid refrigerant temperature / pressure to operateBenefits of an Electronic Expansion Valve:• I ncomparably more precise control, bettersuperheat control = better performance = higher efficiency• Wide capacity range• Quickly adapts to system demand• Non refrigerant specific (Excluding R717)• T he ideal solution when used with variable speed compressors • P ermits floating condensing temperature management • Energy savingWhere is the energy saved?• The energy is primarily saved at the compressor.• H igher efficiency components ensure the system is working at it’s optimal design. This results in longer compressor off periods, or longer periods with the compressor at minimum capacity • E nergy is saved by reducing the operating head pressure, as the high head pressure that would be required for mechanical valves is no longer needed. Operating at Lower head pressures = improved Co-efficient Of Performance of the compressorWhy use a Carel Electronic Expansion Valve?• H igh quality construction = higher efficiency and reliability • T ight shut off guaranteed by unique T eflon seal, seat and blocking spring • Removable stator• Internal gearless, stainless steel mechanism • Bi directional flow capability • E qual percentage flow characteristic ensures accurate control at all valve opening positions294mf .au sales@mf .auCarel - VALVES With capacity ranging from 0.1 kW to2000 kW, there would be a Valve suitable to your application.Valve SizingDue to the vast range of applications and variables to consider when selecting an Expansion valve, it isHIGHL Y suggested the valve is sized correctly by a Refrigeration Engineer.Carel have developed an online sizing tool. It isfreely accessibly but will require a login registration.Go to: /group/exv-sistema/home The virtual sizing console is called ‘Exv Lab’The Application295VALVES- CarelAccessories for EV Series296mf .au sales@mf .auCarel - VALVES EVD Evolution DriversAccessories for EVD DriversEVD Evolution KitsmponentsT o use an electronic valve, the valve will require a valve driver. The Carel range is ever expanding, the primary control to manage an Electronic valve is the EVD Evolution Driver.Other controllers include Ultracella and MPXPRO.Features of the EVD EVO Driver• Superheat management with auxiliary high pressure, low pressure and low superheat protection • Simple start up with just 4 parameters (Refrigerant, application, valve type and sensors)• Ultracap back up integration • Twin version option• Adaptive control algorithms • Digital Scroll suitable• Visual help visible on displayEVD drivers require a pressure transducer and cable, and a strap-on NTC sensorThe kits include a driver, ratiometric pressuretransducer and cable, valve cable and temperature sensor. The display is to be purchased separately.297VALVES - CarelDisplay ModePlease NotePlease read these instructions in conjunction with the parameter list and the installationmanual. It is recommended that the controllers be programmed before connecting or activating the plant to be controlled.An automatic setup procedure appears on the EVD Evo display at startup. The 4 main parameters need to be configured and confirmed to start the driver operation.Installation manual:+0302205EN EVD Evolution+0302206EN EVD Evolution TwinT echnical leaflets:+050004150 EVD Evolution and graphic display +050004155 USB-tLan converter for EVD Evo+050004165 Battery charge and battery for EVD Evo +050004170 EVD Evolution Twin and graphic displayLiterature AvailableMeaning of the LEDsService Parameters (A)Manufacturer Parameters (C)A) PRESS Esc one or more times to switch to the standarvd display PRESS ARROW 'UP' or 'DOWN' to display a graph, the wiring diagram and the main valuesPRESS 'ESC' to exit the display modeA) PRESS Esc one or more times to switch to the standard display B) PRESS 'Prg' to display the password screenC) PRESS 'ENTER' and enter the password '22' then PRESS 'ENTER'D) PRESS ARROW 'UP' or 'DOWN' until reaching the parameter to be modifiedE) PRESS 'ENTER' to access the value. Then PRESS ARROW 'UP' or 'DOWN' to increase or decrease the valueG) PRESS 'ENTER' to save the value Repeat the operations D to G to set other parametersH) PRESS 'Esc' to permanently save the new valuesI) Follow the points A) to C) from the service parameters access with password '66' then PRESS 'ENTER'J) PRESS ARROW 'UP' or 'DOWN' until reaching the category wanted K) PRESS 'ENTER' to access the first parameter in the category. Then PRESS ARROW 'UP' or 'DOWN' until reaching the parameter to be modifiedL) PRESS 'ENTER' to access the value. Then PRESS ARROW 'UP' or 'DOWN' to increase or decrease the valueM) PRESS 'ENTER' to save the value Repeat the operations K to M to set other parametersN) PRESS 'Esc' to permanently savethe new values298mf .au sales@mf .auCarel - VALVESEVD Summary of Operating Parameters299VALVES- CarelKey for Diagram (Electronic Expansion Valves & Drivers)Wiring with Ultracap module EVD0000UC01,3,2,4aa*The transformer size depends on the driver used:For CAREL valves driver use a 20VA transformer.For universal valves driver use a 40VA transformer.Notes on earthingThe shield of the valve cable MUST be earthed.We recommend the use of 1 transformer per driver.Respect the polarity G – G0: If earthing thesecondary of the transformer (24V), only earth G0.Due to the tight shut off of the Carel Electronic Valve, there is no need for a solenoid when an Ultracap power backup module is installed.This device provides enough power to drive the valve shut in the event there is power loss.*The order of the valve connection cable is 1 3 2 4300mf .au sales@mf .auCarel - VALVES。
彻底地阅读了本手册后 我们保证您正确地安装和安全地使用本设备
在安装和运行本设备前 请仔细地阅读用户手册和随机的技术手册 并遵 守手册中所述的安装事项
Cod.+030220420-preliminary version-15/07/03
1. 简介-----------------------------------------------------------------------------4 1 1 概述----------------------------------------------------------------------------4 1 2 用户界面------------------------------------------------------------------------4 2 连接图----------------------------------------------------------------------------6 2 1 总图----------------------------------------------------------------------------6 2 2 网络布局图----------------------------------------------------------------------7 3 应用------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 3 1 风/风机组 单回路-----------------------------------------------------------------8 3 2 风/风机组 双回路-----------------------------------------------------------------8 3 3 风/风机组 双回路 1 个冷凝风机----------------------------------------------------9 3 4 风/风机组 热泵 双回路------------------------------------------------------------9 3 5 风/风机组 热泵 双回路-----------------------------------------------------------10 3 6 风/风机组 热泵 双回路 1 个冷凝风机----------------------------------------------10 3 7 风/水 冷水机组 单回路-----------------------------------------------------------11 3 8 风/水 冷水机组 -----------------------------------------------------------------11 3 9 风/水 冷水机组 双回路 2 个冷凝风机回路 和 2 个蒸发器------------------------------12 3 10 风水 冷水机组 双回路 1 个冷凝风机回路------------------------------------------12 3 11 风/水 热泵机组 单回路----------------------------------------------------------13 3 12 空气/水 热泵机组 双回路--------------------------------------------------------13 3 13 风/水 热泵机组 双回路 1 个冷凝风机回路-----------------------------------------14 3 14 水/水 冷水机组 单回路----------------------------------------------------------14 3 15 水/水 冷水机组 双回路----------------------------------------------------------15 3 16 水/水 冷水机组 双回路 1 个蒸发器-----------------------------------------------15 3 17 水/水 热泵机组 制冷剂换向阀 单回路---------------------------------------------16 3 18 水/水 热泵机组 制冷剂换向阀 双回路---------------------------------------------16 3 19 水/水 热泵机组 制冷剂换向阀 双回路 1 个蒸发器----------------------------------17 3 20 水/水 热泵机组 水路换向阀 单回路-----------------------------------------------17 3 21 水/水 热泵机组 水路换向阀 双回路-----------------------------------------------18 3 22 水/水 热泵机组 水路换向阀 双回路 1 个蒸发器------------------------------------18
Carel 冰箱控制器手册说明书
Carel fridge controller manual
Carel fridge controller symbols. Carel refrigeration controller instructions. Carel controller instructions. Carel fridge controller reset.
CarelFridgeControllerManual. Electronic controllers use technology that acquires a complete set of information from the units or the system as a whole (temperature, pressure, power consumption, occupancy, etc.), then process such based on system rather than single-unit logic so as to ensure optimum control of all the components. They thus save considerable amounts of energy. To give some examples relating to refrigeration, automatic recognition of low load conditions (e.g. operation at night) means bottle coolers can save up to 30% energy by adjusting operating temperature or automatically switching off the lights or fans. Serial communication between controllers on different units, such multiplexed showcases, compressor racks and air-conditioning units in a supermarket, helps reduce peaks in consumption by preventing high power electrical loads from being activated simultaneously, and reduce energy consumption by producing only the “cooling” that’s strictly required at any given time. To give some examples relating to air-conditioning, the possibility to coordinate activation of a series of refrigeration units serving the same space avoids inefficient use of these at part load, i.e. when just one or two units need to work at full load. Integration of all the refrigerant circuit components under the same control logic can increase efficiency by up to 10-15%, allowing units to operate outside of design conditions for limited, controlled periods without reliability problems and without interruptions. The reliability ensured by using electronics to measure all temperature and pressure values, unit operating status or anomalies extends operation both as regards range and life. Related products Do you need more informations?KNOWLEDGE CENTER
CAREL DP系列温湿度传感器说明书
Temperature and humidity sensorsDP series temperature & humidity sensors room, industrial and ductCAREL proposes the new DP series range of activetemperature and humidity sensors, available for rooms,industrial applications and ducts, designed for theup to 32 sensors RS485Field-Bus Field-Bus RS485up to 32 sensors RS485up to 32 sensors20°C70°C0...10 V RS485IP55White plastic to better suit the installation environment.protective cover by removing the screws.Protection of the electronic board.Only the connection terminals can be accessed.Fastening screws sed by simply twisting.30127808322224040Dimensions (mm)Room sensorSensor for industrial applications+302239511 - 1.0 - 07.02.2008© C A R E L S .p .A . 2008 a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d C A R E L r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t t o m o d i f y o r c h a n g e i t s p r o d u c t s w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i c e .Codes and comparison to the AS* seriesROOM VERSION CodeRoom version, 0 to 1 V / -0.5 to 1 Vdc/4 to 20 mA output Corresponding code in AS version DPWT010000Temperature (-10T60 °C)ASWT030000DPWT011000Temperature (-10T60 °C) (output: CAREL NTC only)ASWT011000DPWC111000Temperature (-10T60 °C) (output: CAREL NTC only) and humidity (10 to 90% rH) ASWC111000 ASWH100000** (**humidity only)DPWC110000Temperature (-10T60 °C) and humidity (10 to 90% rH) ASWC110000Room version, 0 to 10 Vdc outputDPWC115000Temperature (-10T60 °C) (output: CAREL NTC only) and humidity (10 to 90% rH) ASWC115000DPWC112000Temperature (-10T60 °C) and humidity (10 to 90% rH) ASWC112000Room version, optically-isolated RS485 serial output DPWC114000Temperature (-10T60 °C) and humidity (10 to 90% rH) -DPWT014000Temperature (-10T60 °C)-INDUSTRIAL VERSION CodeIndustrial version, 0 to 1 V / -0.5 to 1 Vdc/4 to 20 mA output Corresponding code in AS version DPPT010000Temperature (-20T70 °C)-DPPT011000Temperature (-20T70 °C) (output: CAREL NTC only)ASPT011000DPPC111000Temperature (-10T60 °C) (output: CAREL NTC only) and humidity (10 to 90% rH) -DPPC110000Temperature (-10T60 °C) and humidity (10 to 90% rH) ASPC110000DPPC210000Temperature (-20T70 °C) and humidity (0 to 100% rH)ASPC230000/ASPC2300I0Industrial version, 0 to 10 Vdc outputDPPC112000Temperature (-10T60 °C) and humidity (10 to 90% rH) -DPPC212000Temperature (-20T70 °C) and humidity (0 to 100% rH)-Industrial version, optically-isolated RS485 serial output DPPT014000Temperature (-20T70 °C)-DPPC114000Temperature (-10T60 °C) and humidity (10 to 90% rH) -DPPC214000Temperature (-20T70 °C) and humidity (0 to 100% rH)-DUCT VERSION CodeDuct version 0 to 1 V / -0.5 to 1 Vdc/4 to 20 mA output) Corresponding code in AS version DPDT010000Temperature (-20T70 °C)ASDT030000DPDT011000Temperature (-20T70 °C) (output: CAREL NTC only)ASDT011000DPDC111000Temperature (-10T60 °C) (output: CAREL NTC only) and humidity (10 to 90% rH) ASDC111000DPDC110000Temperature (-10T60 °C) and humidity (10 to 90% rH)ASDC110000 ASDH100000** (**humidity only)DPDC210000Temperature (-20T70 °C) and humidity (0 to 100% rH)ASDC230000 ASDH20000** (**humidity only)Duct version 0 to 10 Vdc outputDPDC112000Temperature (-10T60 °C) and humidity (10 to 90% rH)-DPDC212000Temperature (-20T70 °C) and humidity (0 to 100% rH)-Duct version optically-isolated RS485 serial output DPDT014000Temperature (-20T70 °C)-DPDC114000Temperature (-10T60 °C) and humidity (10 to 90% rH)-DPDC214000Temperature (-20T70 °C) and humidity (0 to 100% rH)-Note: 1. Neutral versions available upon request (CAREL codes DP*******N); 2. Custom front logo available upon specific requestDuct sensor72724417045mounting holes98105PG9CH19Ø 1627233620Ø 1661120°120°254298105PG9CH19No.3 holes Ø 2,75 (non-threaded)Ø 174437,543,3==。
• 本产品的安装必须做接地处理,在加湿器上使用专用的黄色-绿色接 线端。
• 产品使用环境和电源条件必须遵照产品标签上描述的条件。 • 本产品是专门为直接或通过分配系统(风道)加湿室内而设计的。 • 设备操作必须是由熟悉产品必要的预防措施的,并且能完成正确安
装、运行或对产品进行技术服务的有资质的人员进行。 • 蒸汽生产只能使用具备本手册中指示的特征的水。 • 所有的工作都必须按照手册中和产品标签上指示的规范进行。任何
1、电击危险 加湿器包含了带电的电子部件。在打开内部结构或维护和安装前请先 断开电源。 2、漏水危险 加湿器自动地和持续的灌入/排出一定数量的水。连接的故障或加湿器 故障都可能导致漏水。 3、燃烧危险 加湿器包含了高温部件,并且传送100°C/212°F的蒸汽。
其是否由于疏忽引起的),或对于由于安装、使用或无法使用产品引 起的任何其他责任,CAREL及其雇员或其子公司概不承担责任,即使 CAREL或其子公司已被告知存在此等损害之可能。
4. 电气连接
4.1 准备布线 ........................................................................................................ 14 4.2 电源线连接 ................................................................................................... 14 4.3 蒸汽生产控制信号 (M2.1 - M2.7) ........................................................ 14 4.4 报警触点 (M5.1 - M5.2).............................................................................. 16 4.5 辅助触点:生产请求,外置风扇控制 (M14.1 - M14.3).......... 16
卡乐carel宽面板型电子控制器说明书 上海菱馥
技术规格 / Technical characteristics 电源/power supply 型号/Model 电压/Voltage 功率/Power PBEVxxExxxx 230 V~ (+10...-15%), 50/60 Hz 230 V~ (+10...-10%), 50/60 Hz (vers. 16 A, 8 A, 8 A)3 VA, 25 mA~ max.PBEVxxAxxxx 115 V~ (+10...-15%), 50/60 Hz 115 V~ (+10...-10%), 50/60 Hz (vers. 16 A, 8 A, 8 A)3 VA, 50 mA~ max.PBEVxxHxxxx 115...230 V~ (switching) (+10...-15%), 50/60 Hz 6 VA, 50 mA~ max.12 V~ (+10...-15%), 50/60 Hz 3 VA, 300 mA~ /mAdc max.PBEVxx0xxxx 12 Vdc, 12...18 Vdc仅使用SELV 电源/Use only SELV power supply 由电源保证的绝缘/ Insulation guaranteed by the power supply PBEVxxExxxx PBEVxxxAxxxx PBEVxxHxxxx 与超低压部件的绝缘/insulation in reference to very low voltage parts 加强的,6 mm 间隙,8mm 爬电距离,3750 V 绝缘/reinforced, 6 mm clearance, 8 mm creepage, 3750 V insulation与继电器输出点的绝缘/insulation from relay outputs 基础的,3 mm 间隙,4mm 爬电距离,1250 V 绝缘/basic, 3 mm clearance, 4 mm creepage, 1250 V insulation PBEVxx0xxxx与超低压部件的绝缘/insulation in reference to very low voltage parts 由安全变压器从外部确保(SELV)/externally guaranteed by safety transformer (SELV power supply)与继电器输出点的绝缘/insulation from relay outputs 基础的,3 mm 间隙,4mm 爬电距离,1250 V 绝缘 /reinforced, 3 mm clearance, 4 mm creepage, 1250 V insulation输入点 /Inputs S1 (传感器1) / S1 (probe 1)NTC 或PTC ,取决于控制器型号 / NTC or PTC according to the model S2 (传感器2) / S2 (probe 2)NTC 或PTC ,取决于控制器型号 / NTC or PTC according to the modelDI1S3 (传感器3) / S3 (probe 3)无源触点,触点阻抗 < 10 Ω, 闭合电流6 mA / free contact, contact resistance < 10 Ω, closing current 6 mA NTC 或PTC ,取决于控制器型号 / NTC or PTC according to the modelDI2S4 (传感器4) / S4 (probe 4)无源触点,触点阻抗 < 10 Ω, 闭合电流6 mA / free contact, contact resistance < 10 Ω, closing current 6 mA NTC 或PTC ,取决于控制器型号 / NTC or PTC according to the model传感器和数字输入点之间的最长距离小于10 m / Maximum distance of probes and digital inputs less than 10 m注意:在安装时,请将电源、负载连接与传感器线缆、数字输入点、显示屏和监控系统分开。
Cod.+030220420-preliminary version-15/07/03
1. 介简
1.1 总体说明
C² 是卡乐一种紧凑型的电子控制器 和普通的温度调节器尺寸相同 完全可以管理冷水机组和 热泵机组 它能控制 风/风 风/水 水/水 和冷凝机组
彻底地阅读了本手册后 我们保证您正确地安装和安全地使用本设备
在安装和运行本设备前 请仔细地阅读用户手册和随机的技术手册 并遵 守手册中所述的安装事项
Cod.+030220420-preliminary version-15/07/03
1. 简介-----------------------------------------------------------------------------4 1 1 概述----------------------------------------------------------------------------4 1 2 用户界面------------------------------------------------------------------------4 2 连接图----------------------------------------------------------------------------6 2 1 总图----------------------------------------------------------------------------6 2 2 网络布局图----------------------------------------------------------------------7 3 应用------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 3 1 风/风机组 单回路-----------------------------------------------------------------8 3 2 风/风机组 双回路-----------------------------------------------------------------8 3 3 风/风机组 双回路 1 个冷凝风机----------------------------------------------------9 3 4 风/风机组 热泵 双回路------------------------------------------------------------9 3 5 风/风机组 热泵 双回路-----------------------------------------------------------10 3 6 风/风机组 热泵 双回路 1 个冷凝风机----------------------------------------------10 3 7 风/水 冷水机组 单回路-----------------------------------------------------------11 3 8 风/水 冷水机组 -----------------------------------------------------------------11 3 9 风/水 冷水机组 双回路 2 个冷凝风机回路 和 2 个蒸发器------------------------------12 3 10 风水 冷水机组 双回路 1 个冷凝风机回路------------------------------------------12 3 11 风/水 热泵机组 单回路----------------------------------------------------------13 3 12 空气/水 热泵机组 双回路--------------------------------------------------------13 3 13 风/水 热泵机组 双回路 1 个冷凝风机回路-----------------------------------------14 3 14 水/水 冷水机组 单回路----------------------------------------------------------14 3 15 水/水 冷水机组 双回路----------------------------------------------------------15 3 16 水/水 冷水机组 双回路 1 个蒸发器-----------------------------------------------15 3 17 水/水 热泵机组 制冷剂换向阀 单回路---------------------------------------------16 3 18 水/水 热泵机组 制冷剂换向阀 双回路---------------------------------------------16 3 19 水/水 热泵机组 制冷剂换向阀 双回路 1 个蒸发器----------------------------------17 3 20 水/水 热泵机组 水路换向阀 单回路-----------------------------------------------17 3 21 水/水 热泵机组 水路换向阀 双回路-----------------------------------------------18 3 22 水/水 热泵机组 水路换向阀 双回路 1 个蒸发器------------------------------------18
carel-温控器说明书I R33F0E000控制器使用说明I R33F控制器是集压缩机控制、冷风机控制、温度控制、融霜控制于一体的多功能控制器。
温度设定显示或设定温度,参照以下流程:1)按“S e t”超过一秒,显示设定温度2)按“或“减小或增大设定值。
3)按“S e t”确认。
手动融霜按”5秒以上,进入自动融霜关键点分析和临界点控制(下简称H A C C P)本控制器具有关键点分析和临界点控制功能,它能够监视食品温度,“H A”报警:超高温报警;”H F”报警:断电超时一分钟报警。
显示报警参数:按“S e t”和“或“可进行查看。
H A C C P报警删除:按“和“S e t”超5秒,屏幕出现”r e s”表明已删除。
取消已存报警:按“S e t”和“、“超5秒,即可。
设置默认参数当H d n=0时:1.关闭设备2.打开设备3.持续按“”,直到出现”s t d”注:只可为可视值(C或F类)参数设置默认值。
当H d n〈〉0时:1.关闭设备2.打开设备3.持续按“”,直到出现”0”4.利用“、“,在0和”H d n”间选择默认参数。
5.持续按“”,直到出现”s t d”访问C类参数1.同时按“”“S e t” 5秒钟以上,显示屏出现00。
3.按“S e t”进行确认。
修改参数步骤参照以下修改参数一节访问F类参数1.按“” 5秒钟以上(如果报警被激活,先关掉蜂鸣器),显示屏将显示第一个可修改的F型参数代码。
CAREL ir33 快速参考手册说明书
CAREL ir33 Quick reference HandbookMAIN FEATURES OF THE INSTRUMENTUSER INTERFACE1. ON/OFF switch button – UP button to increase temperature values2. DOWN button to decrease values - Activates/deactivates the manual defrost3. SET temperature button4. Prg/mute button5. Malfunctioning or failure warning icon6. High/Low temperature alarm icon7. icon is ON when defrost process starts8. icon is ON when compressor starts9. icon is ON when evaporator fans starts10. icon is ON when an auxiliary output is activePOWER OFFWhen the instruments is switched off the display shows the label OFF andall internal relays are disabled (not energized)POWER ONWhen the controller is switched on a special procedure tests the display and the keypad. The display is completely ON for 2 secondsThree segments “---“ on the display are visualized for 2 seconds and thenthe controller becomes operativeCompressor icons flashes and the compressor activation is delayed by safety timesSET CAVITY TEMPERATURETo display or to set the temperature, proceeds as follows:Keep SET button pressed for more than 1 second. The instruments displays the temperature valueIncrease or decrease the set point using UP/DOWN buttons, until reaching the desired valuePress SETbutton again to confirm the new value FREQUENT USE PARAMETER(TYPE F)Press Prg/mute button more than 5 seconds the instruments shows the code of the first adjustable parameter (type “F”) – if an alarm is active,pressing this button, the buzzer is muted first.FREQUENTLY USE PARAMETER LIST : St, rd, rt, rH, rL, dI, dt1, dt2, dP1, dP2, dd, d8, d/1, d/2, AL, AH, Ad, F1, Fd CONFIGURATION PARAMETER (TYPE C)Access to the configuration parameters is protected by password that avoid unwanted modifications or access by unauthorized personel. Proceeds as follows:1. Press Prg/Mute and Set buttons together for more than 3seconds; display shows a flashing numerical code “0” that indicates the password prompt 2. Press UP button to set the password – CAREL thermoregulators are provided with password set to 11 (the code of the password allows access to the configuration parameters) 3. Confirm by pressing the Set button to enter in the programming mode and scroll up/down the operating parameters list4. Display shows the code of the first adjustable type “C” parameter/2MANUALDEFROSTManual defrost is activated or deactivated ifDEF/DOWNbutton is keep pressed more than 5 seconds.When defrost starts display shows dFb (defrost begining)Defrost’s warning icon is ON when defrost is activeDefrost can be interrupted simply by pressing again the DEF/DOWN button more than 5 seconds. Display shows the message dFE (defrost End)MODIFYING THE PARAMETERSAfter having displayed the first operating parameter, either type C or type F, it is necessary to procedes as follows:1. PressUP/DOWN button until reaching the parameter to bemodified. When scrolling the list, an icon appears on the displaythat indicates the category the parameter belongs to2. Press SET button to display the parameter’s value3. Increase or decrease its value using UP/DOWN button4. Press again SET button to temporarily save the new value, closing the parameter adjustment and return to the display of theparameter codeRepeat the operations from point 1 to 4STORING THENEW ASSIGNED VALUESTo definitively store the new values of the modified parameters, procede as follows: 1. Press the Prg/mute button more than 5 seconds 2. Display shows the label ProThe controller step out the parameter setting procedure and the displayshows current temperature value.RESET ANYMODIFICATIONS All modifications made to the parameters, temporarily stored into the internally memory of the controller, can be cancelled and normal operation resumed by not pressing any button for 60 second, thus allowing theparameter setting session to expire due to timeoutHOW TO CHECKCAVITY PROBE TEMPERATURETo check current temperature measured by a single installed probe, proceeds as follow: 1. refers to the previous step how to get in the configuration parameter session - type C parameter2. scroll the configuration parameter list, by using UP/DOWNbuttons, until display shows the parameter /C1 (calibration or offset for cavity probe) 3. press SET button4. display shows the probe calibration value, used to correct thetemperature measured by the probe by means of an offset5. Press again SET button6. display shows the current temperature value measured by theprobe7. press SET button to return to display of the parameter code /C1HOW TO CHECK EVAPORATOR TEMPERATURECurrent evaporator probe temperature is available by means of theparameter /C2 (calibration or offset for evaporator probe) To check temperature value proceeds as previously indicated from step 1 to step 2, considering the configuration parameter /C2HOW TO CHECKCONDENSER TEMPERATUREIf the condenser probe is installed it is possible to check condenser temperature by means of the parameter /C3 (calibration or offset for condenser probe) To check temperature value proceeds as previously indicated from step 1to step 2, considering the configuration parameter /C3BE CAREFUL ⇒ DO NOT ADJUST THE CALIBRATION VALUETABLE OF OPERATING PARAMETERS N° Code Range U.M. Description TEMPERATURE PROBE MANAGEMENT PARAMETERS 1/2 0...15 -- Measurement stability 2/3 0...15 -- Probe display response 3/4 0…100 -- Virtual probe 4/5 0/1 Flag Selection °C or °F 5/6 0/1 Flag Decimal point 6/tl 1…6 -- Display on terminal 7/tE 0...6 -- Display on external terminal 8/P 0…2 -- Type of probe 9/A2 0…3 -- Configuration probe 2 10/A3 0…3 -- Configuration probe 3 11/c1 -20…20 °C/°F (/10) Calibration probe 1 12/c2 -20…20 °C/°F (/10) Calibration probe 2 13 /c3-20…20 °C/°F (/10) Calibration probe 3 TEMPERATURE CONTROL PARAMETERS 14 Str1…r2 °C/°F set point temperature 15 rd0.1…20 °C/°F Control delta 16 rn0…60 °C/°F Dead band 17 rr0.1…20 °C/°F Reverse differential for control with dead band 18 r1-50...r2 °C/°F Minimum set point allowed 19 r2r1…200 °C/°F Maximum set point allowed 20 r30...2 Flag Operating mode 21 r4-20...20 °C/°F Automatic night-time set point variation 22 r50...1 °C/°F Enable temperature monitoring 23 rt0...999 °C/°F Temperature monitoring interval 24 rH- °C/°F Maximum temperature read 25 rL- °C/°F Minimum temperature read COMPRESSOR SAFETY TIME AND ACTIVATION PARAMETERS 26 c00...15 Minutes Compressor and fan delay on start-up 27 c10…15 Minutes Minimum time between two sequent compressor starts 28 c20...15 Minutes Minimum compressor OFF time 29 c30...15 Minutes Minimum compressor ON time 30 c40…100 Minutes Duty setting 31 cc0…15 Hours Continuous cycle duration 32 c60…15 Hours Alarm bypass after continuous cycle 33 c70...900 Seconds Maximum pump down time 34c8 0...60 Seconds Compressor start delay after open PD valve35 c9 0...1 Flag Enable autostart function in PD36 c10 0...1 Flag Select Pump down by time or pressure37 c11 0...250 Seconds Second compressor delayDEFROST MANAGEMENT PARAMETERS38 d0 0...4 Flag Type of defrost40 dI 0…250 Hours Interval between defrosts41 dt1 -50…200 °C/°F End defrost temperature, evaporator42 dt2 -50…200 °C/°F End defrost temperature, aux evap.43 dtP 0...200 °C/°F Defrost end temperature when defrost has done with compressor OFF and fans ON44 dP1 1…250 Minutes Maximum defrost duration, evaporator45 dP2 1…250 Minutes Maximum defrost duration, aux evap.46 d3 0...250 Minutes Defrost start delay47 d4 0/1 Flag Enable defrost on start-up48 d5 0…250 Minutes Defrost delay on start-up49 d6 0...2 -- Display on hold during defrost50 dd 0…15 Minutes Dripping time after defrost51 d8 0…15 Hours Alarm bypass after defrost52 d8d 0…250 Hours Alarm bypass after door open53 d9 0/1 Flag Defrost priority over compressor protectors54 d/1 - °C/°F Defrost probe 1 read55 d/2 - °C/°F Defrost probe 1 read56 dC 0/1 Flag Time base (0=h/m;1=m/s)57 d10 0...250 Hours Compressor running time for defrost58 d11 -20...20 °C/°F Running time temperature for defrost59 d12 0...3 -- Advanced defrost60 dn 1...100 % Nominal defrost duration61 dH 0...100 -- Proportional factor, variation in dI ALARM MANAGEMENT PARAMETERS62 A0 0.1…20.0 °C/°F Alarm (fan) differential63 A1 0/1 Flag Relative or Absolute Alarm64 AL -50…200 °C/°F Low temperature alarm threshold65 AH -50…200 °C/°F High temperature alarm threshold66 Ad 0…250 Minutes Low and high temperature signal delay67 A4 0…15 Flag Digital input 1 configuration68 A5 0…15 Flag Digital input 1 configuration69 A6 0…100 Minutes Stop compressor from external alarm70 A7 0…250 Minutes External alarm detection delay71 A8 0/1 Flag Enable alarms ‘Ed1’ and ‘Ed2’72 Ac 0...200 °C/°F High condenser temperature alarm73 AE 0.1...20 °C/°F High condenser temperature alarm differential74 Acd 0…250 Minutes High condenser temperature alarm delay75 AF 0…250 Seconds Light sensor OFF time76 ALF -50...200 °C/°F Antifreeze alarm threshold77 AdF 0…15 Minutes Antifreeze alarm delay78 ACS -50...200 °C/°F Alarm Clean Setpoint79 ACd 0.1...50 Minutes Alarm Clean differentialEVAPORATOR FAN MANAGEMENT PARAMETERS81 F0 0...2 Flag Fan management82 F1 -50...200 °C/°F Fan stop temperature83 F2 0/1 Flag Fan OFF with compressor OFF84 F3 0/1 Flag Fans in defrost85 Fd 0…15 Minutes Fan OFF after dripping86 F4 -50...200 °C/°F Condenser fan stop temperature87 F5 0.1...20 °C/°F Condenser fan start differentialGENERAL CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS88 H0 0…207 -- Serial address89 H1 0...10 Flag Function of relay 490 H2 0...6 Flag Disable keypad/IR91 H4 0/1 Flag Disable buzzer92 H6 0...255 -- Lock keypad93 H8 0/1 Flag Select activation of output with time band94 H9 0/1 Flag Enable set point variation with time band95 Hdh -50...200 °C/°F Anti-sweat heater offset96 CCd 0...999 -- Clean Counter Days97 Cd 0...999 -- Clean days98 SAn 0...255 -- Service Alarms number99 SAr 0...1 Flag Service Alarms counter reset San100 CAn 0...255 -- Clean Alarm counter101 CAr 0...1 Flag Clean Alarm counter resetNOTE 1:Above operating parameters are available for all range of CAREL thermoregulators. Particularly all green highlighted parameters are available on new CAREL controller ir33 IRELF0HN245, currently installed on HD cabinets and countersNOTE 2:Blu highlighted operating parameters listed above are not influential for the functioning of the appliance.SERVICE ALLARMS AND SIGNALSSERVICE ALARMSSERVICE ALARMS DUE TO MALFUNCTIONING OR FAILURE PRODUCE A WARNING SIGNALS ON THE DISPLAY BY MEAN OF THE SERVICE ICONCAVITY PROBE FAULTIn case of cavity probe faulty or malfunctioning display shows the error signal rE and E0 (cavity probe S1 fault) alternately The appliance works however and compressor starts are controlled by time (15 mins is ON and 15 mins is OFF) until the fault is resolved.This alarm signal is automatically restored when the faulty erased and the probe replacedDuring this time interval the service alarm icon flashes on display and an acoustic signal is ENABLEDEVAPORATOR PROBE FAULTYIn case of evaporator probe faulty or malfunctioning display shows an error signal E1 (evaporator probe S2 fault).This alarm signal is automatically restored when the faulty erased and the probe replaced During this time interval the service alarm icon flashes on display. Acoustic signal is DISABLED CONDENSER PROBE FAULTY (WHEN INSTALLEDON BOARD)In case of condenser probe faulty or malfunctioning display shows the error signal SEr and E2 (condenser probe S3 fault) alternately This alarm signal is automatically restored when the faulty erased and the probe replaced During this time interval the service alarm icon flashes on display. Acoustic signal is DISABLEDCLEAN ALARMIf a probe is set as the condenser probe, the condenser temperature can be monitored to signal the high temperature alarm, due to obstruction orfoulingIn this case a warning signal is visualized and display shows the errorsignal CLn and the temperature measured by the condenser probe alternatelyService alarm icon is flashing and the acoustic signal DISABLED The clean alarm is reset to zero by pressing the Prg/mute button and the service alarm icon cancelled on displayTEMPERATURE ALARMS AND SIGNALSTEMPERATUREALARMS HIGH OR LOW TEMPERATURE ALARMS DUE TO MALFUNCTIONING OR COMPONENTS FAILURE PRODUCE A WARNING SIGNALS ON THE DISPLAY BY MEAN OF THE ALARM ICON .LOWTEMPERATURE ALARMIn case of low cavity temperature, referred to the cavity probe, the display shows a flashing error code LO . Temperature alarm icon is flashing and the acoustic signal ACTIVE. This alarm is automatically reset when cavity temperature increase over the minimum temperature threshold, depending from the parameter ALHIGHTEMPERATURE ALARMIn case of high cavity temperature, referred to the cavity probe, the display shows a flashing error code HI . Temperature alarm icon is flashing and the acoustic signal ACTIVE. This alarm is automatically reset when cavity temperature decrease under the maximum temperature threshold, depending from the parameter AHCONDENSER FAN ALARMIn case of condenser fan faulty or malfunctioning display shows a flashing error code SErTemperature alarm icon is flashing and the acoustic signal ACTIVEPressing Prg/mute button the buzzer is DISABLED but the alarm signal is still active and shown on the displayCONNECTIONSFollows all electrical connections available on ir33 CAREL controller , currently used in productionIRELC0HN215 (646R05100) Æ installed on STD BEN and CL freezer counter and STD BEN cabinet provided with internal lightIRELF0EN215 (646R04700) Æ installed on all STD BEN refrigerated counters, 400Lt refrigerated cabinets and all STD BEN cabinets without lightIRELF0HN245 (646R09300) Æ installed on HD counters and cabinetsIRELF0EN225 Æ installed on digital ROLL–INIRELF0EHD15 Æ installed on 400Lt FREEZER cabinet。
carel 温控器说明书
I R33F0E000控制器使用说明I R33F控制器是集压缩机控制、冷风机控制、温度控制、融霜控制于一体的多功能控制器。
温度设定显示或设定温度,参照以下流程:1)按“S e t”超过一秒,显示设定温度2)按“或“减小或增大设定值。
3)按“S e t”确认。
手动融霜按”5秒以上,进入自动融霜关键点分析和临界点控制(下简称H A C C P)本控制器具有关键点分析和临界点控制功能,它能够监视食品温度,“H A”报警:超高温报警;”H F”报警:断电超时一分钟报警。
显示报警参数:按“S e t”和“或“可进行查看。
H A C C P报警删除:按“和“S e t”超5秒,屏幕出现”r e s”表明已删除。
取消已存报警:按“S e t”和“、“超5秒,即可。
设置默认参数当H d n=0时:1.关闭设备2.打开设备3.持续按“”,直到出现”s t d”注:只可为可视值(C或F类)参数设置默认值。
当H d n〈〉0时:1.关闭设备2.打开设备3.持续按“”,直到出现”0”4.利用“、“,在0和”H d n”间选择默认参数。
5.持续按“”,直到出现”s t d”访问C类参数1.同时按“”“S e t” 5秒钟以上,显示屏出现00。
3.按“S e t”进行确认。
修改参数步骤参照以下修改参数一节访问F类参数1.按“” 5秒钟以上(如果报警被激活,先关掉蜂鸣器),显示屏将显示第一个可修改的F型参数代码。
示设备已于2005年8月13日后投放市场,必须单独处理。 5.非法处理电气和电子废弃物的行为将按当地废弃物处理法规进行处
认证: CAREL已通过 ISO 9001设计和生产系统认证,产品的质量和安全 都有保障,带有 标记。
7. 设置参数
7.1 进入和设置参数................................. 19 7.2 基本参数....................................... 19 7.3 高级参数....................................... 19 7.5 只读参数....................................... 19
1、电击危险 加湿器包含了带电的电子部件。在打开内部结构或维护和安装前请先 断开电源。 2、漏水危险 加湿器自动地和持续的灌入/排出一定数量的水。连接的故障或加湿器 故障都可能导致漏水。 3、燃烧危险 加湿器包含了高温部件,并且传送100°C/212°F的蒸汽。
其是否由于疏忽引起的),或对于由于安装、使用或无法使用产品引 起的任何其他责任,CAREL及其雇员或其子公司概不承担责任,即使 CAREL或其子公司已被告知存在此等损害之可能。
11. 总体特点和型号
11.1 humiSteam型号和电气规格 ....................... 31 11.2 技术规格...................................... 32 11.3 蒸汽软管类型.................................. 32 11.4 集中喷气式蒸汽分配器型号...................... 33 11.5 线性分配器型号和典型安装...................... 33 11.6 参数表b1........................................................................................................35 11.7 通过网络控制主板..........................................................................39 11.8 用变量I62和I63控制蒸汽生产...................... 40 11.9 通过网络读取报警纪录.......................... 40 11.10 网络通讯失败.................................. 40 11.11 UEY控制板上的Modbus®协议..................... 40 11.12 例外管理...................................... 40
1. 按“ ” 超 过 5s,从 而 退 出 参 数 设 定 程 序 。先 前 修 改 的 参 数 均 保 存 在“ RAM 随 机 存 储 器 ”中 ,60S 内 不 按 任 何 键 所 做 的 修 改 因 超 时 将 被 取 消 ,并 恢 复 正 常 运 行 。注 :如 果 修 改参数过程中断电,所做修改将不会被保存。
同时按“ 警。
”和 “ ” 超 过 5 秒 , 可 以 重 新 设 定 手 动 复 位 报
手动融霜 按 ” ” 5 秒以上,进入自动融霜
关 键 点 分 析 和 临 界 点 控 制 ( 下 简 称 HACCP) 本控制器具有关键点分析和临界点控制功能,它能够监视食 品 温 度 ,“ H A ” 报 警 : 超 高 温 报 警 ; ” H F ” 报 警 : 断 电 超 时 一 分 钟报警。
了一个融 间设置
序按 号键 1
1.按 5s,可 访 问 F 型 参 数 2.让 蜂 鸣 器 停 止 , 取 消报警继电器动作 3.启 动 时 , 设 备 上 电 按 5s,可 启 动 设 置 默 认程序段。 按 1s 取 消 辅 助 输 出 动或取消动作
1.同 时 按 Set 5s, 可 访 问 C 型 参 数。 2 . 同 时 按 5s, 复位已动作的手动复位
c1 两 次 启 动 的 最 小 间 隔
c2 压 缩 机 最 小 停 机 时 间
c3 压 缩 机 最 小 运 行 时 间
c4 值 日 设 定
CAREL 温度和湿度传感器 说明书
它们应用于加热器和空调系统。它们的外形美观适合室内安装。这些型号提供墙上安装。 温度探头:户外型(ASE*),浸入式(ASI*)
一般情况下,为了普通应用而设计的外部探头的电缆长度从2m到4m。若选择电流输出,探头可以被远程安 装在200m远的地方。
代码 1413306AXX 1413309AXX
连接 以下是与终端连接的电路接线图和把电压输出变成电流输出的跳线的配置电路图。
端子: outT=温度输出(0~20mA或-0.5V~1Vdc) outH=湿度输出(0~1Vdc或4~20mA) M =电源和输出的地线 +(G)=电源(12~24Vac或9~30Vdc) ntc =NTC阻性输出 注意:输出为0-1Vdc,负载必须>1kΩ;输出为4-20mA,负载必须≤100Ω。 警告:
范围 -10~70℃
0~50℃ 10~90%rH;
0~50℃ 10~90%rH
需要感应元件直接和被控的液体接触时,浸入式探头安装在冷冻或者加热回路中。这种情况下,传感器可 以是PT1000,B级。 通用型探头(ASP*)
可以用于特殊的环境中(冷冻室,游泳池等等),在这种环境中箱体(IP55)和传感器(IP54)需要高的 防护等级。它与温度传感器(PT1000或NTC)和湿度传感器配合使用。墙上安装。
CAREL 传感器 说明书
Carel reserves the right to modify the features of its products without prior notice.rel.1.1 del 21.07.99电气说明:电源 : 24Vac ±15% 50/60Hz承载电流: 200mA 保险丝 : 800m A T (慢速保丝)模拟量输入:3个CAREL NTC 温度传感器(10KΩ在25°C ) 1个0-1Vdc / 4-20mA 的湿度传感器或温度传感器 (+V= 14 Vdc, 30mA max.)开关量输入:10路非光电隔离输入(与G0,24Vac 相比) 每1路的承载电流: 5mA模拟量输出:1路0~10 Vdc 输出,非光电隔离, (与电源24Vac 参考点G0间无光电隔离)最大负载: 10mA (1KΩ)(Y1)1路PWM 输出用于CAREL 控制器,代码MCHRTF****无负载电压: 4.8V ±10%,最小负载: 10mA (1KΩ)(Y2)开关量输出:5路可控硅开关量输出, 24Vac 1A 光电隔离(输出1-5)2路继电器型, 250Vac 2A,根据VDE 0631,在85°C 下能开关100000次(阻抗和感抗)继电器类型和三端双相可控硅开关动作类型(微型开关)继电器与低压间的隔离: 增强型继电器与前面板间的隔离: 加强型2个继电器之间: 基本型界面:裸露在外的针脚用于光电隔离的RS485 串行板 MAC2SER000 (可选择的).串行输出与低压间的隔离:可操作的(<50V).连接器用于MAC2CLK000 时钟卡和可编程钥匙.触点代码(适用于特殊的Molex™ 压线工具, 69008-0724)触点Molex™代码 线缆横截面积39-00-0077AWG 16 (1,25 mm 2)39-00-0038AWG 18-24 (0,9-0,35 mm 2)一般说明:工作范围: 温度传感器 -30-70°C – 湿度传感器 0-100 % rH测量精度: ±0.5°C (温度探传感器), ±0.5%rH (湿度传感器)分辨率: 0.1°C运行环境: -10-54 (-10-54°C), 20-80% rH 无凝露储存条件: -10-70 (-10-70°C), 0-80% rH 无凝露绝缘材料的PTI: 250V隔热和阻燃类别:D 类 (自消耗)前面板-防护规格: IP55环境污染: 一般绝缘部件的电压作用时间:长软件结构和类型:A防浪涌电压:II 类因电源和RS485串行输出之间的隔离是可运行的,电源的变压器必须是安全模式,由MAC2000A00, MAC2SER000, MAC2CLK000 and MCHRTF***0构成的系统代表着这样一种控制设备,它是被集成到I 或II 类应用中去的。
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默最最 单 位
认小大 等值值 级
变默 可 量认 见
监视器 变量
变量 类型
1 3 - 24(R/W) 常数
D - - ℃/℉ D - - ℃/℉
D - - ℃/℉
D - - ℃/℉
D - - ℃/℉
D - - ℃/℉
D - - ℃/℉
D - - ℃/℉
- - 70(R) - - 71(R) - - 72(R) - - 73(R) - X 74(R) - X 75(R) - X 76(R) - X 77(R)
设定和显示用户参数 同时按住 PRG 和 SEL 键 5 秒钟以上,就进入了用户参数菜单,而所谓用户参 数即是机组的运行参数。为防止未经授权的人访问这些数据,给此类操作设立了 口令。显示屏上出现"0",用▲和▼键选择口令的数值,当显示正确的口令"22"时, 按 SEL 键即可进入用户参数的操作。调整口令数值时,如无按键被触动,数秒钟 后显示屏自动开始闪烁。用户参数的选择过程是:显示屏示出可以修改的参数的 代码,用▲和▼键可以卷动所有用户参数的代码的列表。出现所需参数的代码后 再次按下 SEL 键,显示屏出现该参数的值。用▲和▼键即可修改这个值。按一下 PRG 键可存储修改后的参数并退出用户参数修改程序,而按 SEL 键则重新返回用 户参数菜单。设定参数时,如果没有任何键被按动,几秒钟后,显示值就会自动 开始闪烁。如果在进入参数设定程序后,60 秒钟未有任何按键操作,机组将返回正常运行,修改过的参数亦不 被存储。
3.1. 1 显示屏的符号:
3.1.2 按键对应的功能
4.下表把参数进行分类。• 参数表的关键词 U =用户 S =高级用户 D=直接用户 可见性: 有一些参数组根据控制器的类型和参数值可以看到 D =除霜如果D01=1 N =NTC 传感器如果/04-/08=2 P =压力如果/04-/08=3 V =驱动器如果H08=1-3 X =扩展板(如果H08=2-3) - =总是不存在
开启/关闭制热运行模式 按下▼键 5 秒钟以上,即可开启/关闭制热运行模式(如有必要,参看参数 Hd)。不 能从制冷运行模式直接转换到制热运行模式,如果机组运行在制冷模式下,按此键不能 切换当前模式。必须先关闭制冷模式。
待命 关停机组前,先要结束当前运行模式(无论制冷或制热模式)。
定时器复位 当显示屏出现压缩机或水泵的累计工作时间时,同时按下▲和▼键即可清除 定时器的计数.
标志 1
1 D 8(R/W) 开关量
d03 除霜开始温度
U -40.0 d04 /℉ 0.1 -5.0 DN 19(R/W) 模拟量
/11 d04 0.1ba 1
35 DP 18(R/W) 模拟量
d04 除霜结束温度
U d03 176.0 /℉ 0.1
1. 总体说明
μC² 是卡乐一种紧凑型的电子控制器,可以管理冷水机组和热泵机组。
2:显示:显示屏上有3 个数码,自动带有十进制的小数点范围为-99.9 至99.9, 超过测量范
围的值会自动显示,但不带有小数点,即使内部功能总认为是分数。正常运行时显示的值是对应 于传感器ST1 所测量的温度值,也就是蒸发器进水温度冷水机组或环境温度直接蒸发膨胀式机 组。 展示出现在显示屏上的符号和面板的按键及它们的意思:
报警的复位 任何报警发生时,同时按下▲和▼键 5 秒钟以上,可使之复位(手动复位)。
强制除霜循环 如果室外换热器的温度/压力值低于预设的除霜终止温度,同时按下 SEL 和▲键 5 秒钟以上,即可启动一次除霜循环。
开启/关闭制冷运行模式 按下▲键 5 秒钟以上,即可开启/关闭制冷运行模式(如有必要,参看参数 Hd)。不能 从制热运行模式直接转换到制冷运行模式,如果机组运行在制热模式下,按此键不能切换 当前模式。
3.1 一般参数
• 高级用户参数 通过输入所谓的高级用户参数,允许高级用户和直接参数配置。 • 用户参数 输入22 口令,允许进行典型参数配置,这些参数都是由用户设定的。 • 直接参数 无须口令,就能访问这些参数。
级别代码 D U S
参数级别 直接参数 用户参数 超级用户参数
口令 无 22 11
设定和显示设点及其它主要参数(直接参数) 按住 SEL 键 5 秒钟以上,可以显示制冷和加热的设定点及其它主要控制参数,我们称 之为直接参数。首先显示的是直接参数的代码(制冷设定点是各参数中第一个被显示的)。 按▲和▼键可以卷动所有直接参数的代码的列表。出现所需参数的代码后再次按下 SEL 键,显示屏出现该参数的值。用▲和▼键即可修改这个值(见第三章)。按一下 PRG 键可存 储修改后的参数并退出直接参数修改程序,而按 SEL 键则重新返回直接参数菜单。设定参
停机 组
停 停
动 作
36 R
传感器报 警
传感器 ST2 报 警
停机 组
停 停
动 作
36 R
传感器报 警
传感器 ST3 报 警
停机 组
停 停
动 作
36 R
传感器报 警
传感器 ST4 报 警
停机 组
动 作
36 R
传感器报 警
传感器 ST5 报 警
模拟量 模拟量 模拟量 模拟量 模拟量 模拟量 模拟量 模拟量
4.4 压缩机设置参数
4.5 除霜设置参数d*
可 监视器 变量
示 说明
值 见 变量
d01 除霜循环/冷凝器防冻 U 0
标志 1
- 7(R/W) 开关量
d02 根据时间/温度除霜
监视器变量: R/W =监视器读写参数 R =监视器只读参数
4.1 传感器设置参数(/*)
4.2 防冻/辅助加热器设置参数 4.3 传感器读取参数
显 参数
示 说明
B00 显示屏上被显示的传
B01 传感器 ST1 读取值 B02 传感器 ST2 读取值 B03 传感器 ST3 读取值 B04 传感器 ST4 读取值 B05 传感器 ST5 读取值 B06 传感器 ST6 读取值 B07 传感器 ST7 读取值 B08 传感器 ST8 读取值
停机 组
停 停
动 作
36 R
传感器报 警
传感器 ST6 报 警
停机 组
停 停
动 作
36 R
传感器报 警
传感器 ST7 报 警
停机 组
停 停
动 作
36 R
传感器报 警
变 量 类 型 开关量 开关量 开关量 开关量 开关量 开关量 开关量
传感器 ST8 报 警
停机 组
停 停
动 作
36 R
传感器报 警
15 DN 21(R/W) 模拟量
4.6 风机设置参数F*
4.7 机组设置参数
4.8 报警设置参数
4.9 控制设置参数r*
4.10 软件参数F-r*
4.11 监视器变量
5 报警列表:
显 示
复位 压缩
水机 加阀警
警 告
变量 量说明
传感器 ST1 报 警