GMT 是用具有高可移植度的 ANSI C 语言编写,与 POSIX 标准相适应。它经过 少许改动就可以在所有运行 UNIX 软件的硬件上运行。在 GMT 的编写中,我们 遵循了标准的 UNIX 的编写原则:把原始数据--分析处理--图像显示的流程分解 为一系列基本的步骤,每一个步骤都可以用一个 UNIX 或 GMT 工具来完成。这 个方法带来了如下的好处:(1)只需要少量的程序,(2)每一个程序简洁,并且 易于更新,(3)每一个步骤都是独立的,因此可以有多种应用(每一步骤都可以 任意组合),(4)程序可以用 shell 或其他的管道(pipes)连接到一起,这样就可 以根据需要建立自己想要的数据处理流程。因为每一个科研机构的数据库结构不 同,这样的话,数据获取和后续的处理,作图之间的解耦就很重要。如果我们想 用自定义(custom)的数据库,我们就可以自己编一个程序把这种数据库的格式 转化为 GMT 可读的格式。接下来就可以用标准的 GMT 函数了。
GMT 中文攻略 β 版
北京大学地球与空间科学学院 地球物理系 佟啸鹏
前言 ..................................................................................................................................................1 1 简介 ..............................................................................................................................................1 2 GMT 概览和快速索引.................................................................................................................3 3 GMT 的基本特征..........................................................................................................................5
pst码编码规则 -回复
它的全称是Postal Service Tracking (PST) Code,俗称“邮政编码”。
以中国为例,pst码编码规则如下:1. 国家码:中国的国家码是86,代表中国这个国家。
2. 省级行政区划码:中国的省级行政区划码是根据汉字的拼音首字母进行编码的。
例如,广东省的行政区划码是GD,山东省的行政区划码是SD 等。
3. 地级行政单位码:在每个省级行政区划内,还会有各个地级行政单位,例如市、自治州、地区等。
例如,广州市的行政单位码是A,深圳市的行政单位码是B 等。
4. 县级行政单位码:在每个地级行政单位内,还会有各个县级行政单位,例如县、区、镇等。
win32 api-第四章
caseWM_PAINt (hwnd, &ps) ;
EndPaint (hwnd, &ps) ;
return 0 ;
case WM_PAINT:
输出文字 壹佰软件开发小组 整理编输出文字译在前一章,您看到了一个简单的Windows 98程序,它在窗口中央,或者更准确地说,在显示区域中央显示一行文字。
1. -p: 输出显示pid和线程ID(tid)
3. -F: 强制pstack执行,即使进程采取了coredumps默认的呈现机制
5. -E: 反汇编版本的文件(只有在安装了addr2line和objdump工具时才可用)
6. -a: 可以检查指定进程的core文件,并显示其函数调用堆栈(需要core文件)
7. -c: 指定core文件的名称,并显示与core文件关联的函数调用堆栈
8. -e: 指定一个附加到程序的动态链接库,并显示堆栈信息(需要指定-so选项)
1. 使用pid查看进程的函数调用堆栈:
3. 查看core文件中的函数调用堆栈:
04 指令解说
指令解說:1. grdcontour–將網格檔(*.grd)繪出封閉曲線。
grdcontour grdfile - Ccont_int - Jparameters [ -Aanot_int[ffont_size][aangle][/r/g/b][o]] ] [ -Btickinfo ] [-Ddumpfile ] [ -Eazimuth/elevation ] [ -Fred/green/blue ] [- Ggap/width ] [ -K ] [ -Llow/high ] [ -M[flag] ] [ -N[unit]] [ -O ] [ -P ] [ -Qcut ] [ -Rwest/east/south/north[r] ] [ -Ssmoothfactor ] [ - T[+|-][gap/length][:LH] ] [ -U[/dx/dy/][label] ] [ -V ] [ -Wtype[pen] ] [ -Xx-shift ] [-Yy-shift ] [ -Zfactor[/shift] ] [ -ccopies ]‧grdfile:輸入的網格檔(*.grd)。
‧- Ccont_int:將網格檔套入等高線資訊;在此,我們使用色彩調色表(color palette table,以後簡稱*.cpt)來控制等高線的繪製。
ex:grdcontour e117-125n18-27.grd -Cfig02.cpt -JM16 -Ba1f0.5/a1/f0.5 -R118/121/22/25 -X3 -Y3 –P2.grdimage–由網格檔來繪製我們所需要的影像。
GMT R包用户手册说明书
Package‘gmt’October13,2022Version2.0.3Date2022-06-06Title Interface Between GMT Map-Making Software and RImports utilsSystemRequirements gmtLazyData yesDescription Interface between the GMT map-making software and R,enabling the user to manipulate geographic data within R and call GMT commands to draw andannotate maps in postscript format.The gmt package is about interactive dataanalysis,rapidly visualizing subsets and summaries of geographic data,whileperforming statistical analysis in the R console.License GPL-3URL https://NeedsCompilation noAuthor Arni Magnusson[aut,cre]Maintainer Arni Magnusson<********************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2022-06-0620:10:08UTCR topics documented:gmt-package (2)deg2num (3)geodist (4)gmt (5)gmt.demo (6)gmt.system (7)num2deg (8)psbar (9)psclose (11)pscoast (12)12gmt-package pstext (13)psxy (14)r2gmt (15)Index17 gmt-package Interface between the GMT Map-Making Software and RDescriptionInterface between the GMT map-making software and R,enabling the user to manipulate geo-graphic data within R and call GMT commands to draw and annotate maps in postscript format. DetailsInitialize GMT session:gmt set graphical parameters and postscriptfileCreate a map:pscoast drawpsxy annotatepstext annotatepsbar annotatepsclosefinalizeConvert and calculate:deg2num degrees to numericgeodist distance between coordinatesnum2deg numeric to degreesExamples:demo.par,demo.coast,demo.xy,demo.text, strings and data frames to create example map Internal:gmt.system,r2gmt helping functionsThis package provides functions to draw basic maps with GMT,along with helping functions that can be used to add more advanced features to a map.GMT users typically write shell scripts to draw maps.The gmt package is about interactive data analysis,rapidly visualizing subsets and summaries of geographic data,while performing statisticaldeg2num3 analysis in the R console.Author(s)Arni Magnusson.ReferencesWessel,P.,Smith,W.H.F.,Scharroo,R.,Luis,J.and Wobbe,F.The Generic Mapping Tools:GMT documentation.Available at https://.deg2num Convert Degrees to NumericDescriptionConvert deg:min:sec string to decimal number.Usagedeg2num(x)Argumentsx string or vector of strings.DetailsDegrees,minutes and seconds are separated by colons,and each can have a decimal point as well.First character must be a minus sign or number,and last character must be W,E,S,N,or number. ValueNumeric representation of the degree string(s).NoteThe string format is adopted from Appendix B.1.1in the GMT manual.See Alsoas.numeric converts strings to numbers when things are straightforward.deg2num is the opposite of num2deg.gmt-package gives an overview of the package.Examples#The opposite of num2deg()exampledeg2num(c("12:30:44.5W","17.5S","1:00:05","200:45E"))4geodistgeodist Distance Between Geographic CoordinatesDescriptionCalculate surface distance between geographic agegeodist(Nfrom,Efrom,Nto,Eto,units="km")ArgumentsNfrom latitude of origin.Efrom longitude of origin.Nto latitude of destination.Eto longitude of destination.units how distance is measured:"km"for kilometres,"nm"for nautical miles.DetailsLatitude and longitude are passed as decimal numbers,e.g.66.5for 66◦30 N.Vectors of coordinates are supported.ValueVector of distances.NoteThe surface distance between geographic coordinates is:D =cos −1 sin θ1sin θ2+cos θ1cos θ2cos(φ1−φ2)where distance and coordinates are expressed in radians.θ1and θ2is the latitude of origin and destination,and φ1and φ2is longitude.The calculations assume a perfect sphere and elevation differences are ignored.The SI definition of a nautical mile is exactly 1.852km.See Alsodiff ,Trig .gmt-package gives an overview of the package.Examplesgeodist(55.75,37.63,39.9,116.4)#Moscow -Beijing geodist(90,0,-90,0,"nm")#from pole to polegmt5 gmt Initialize GMT SessionDescriptionInitialize a GMT session by setting graphical parameters and current postscriptfile.Usagegmt(par=NULL,file="",style="s",quiet=TRUE)Argumentspar optional string of GMT parameters,"PARAMETER1=value1PARAMETER2=value2 ...",passed to GMT shell command gmtset.file postscriptfilename used in subsequent calls to GMT plot functions,passed to default units and values:"s"for SI(international)or"u"for United States, passed to GMT shell command gmtset.quiet whether current settings should be displayed.DetailsThe file argument can be supplied with(recommended)or without a full directory path.Withouta path,the R working directory is used(see getwd and setwd).See the GMT documentation for details on graphical parameters,gmtdefaults,gmtset and other GMT commands.ValueList containing the current options("gmt.file").If par is NULL,no GMT parameters are changed,but the current parameter values and postscript filename can be reviewed.If par is a string(empty""will do),a GMT configurationfile is created in the current map directory, dirname(file).See Alsooptions could be used to set gmt.file directly.gmt,pscoast,psxy,pstext,psbar,and psclose work together to draw maps.gmt-package gives an overview of the package.6gmt.demoExamples##Not run:#Draw map and save as""in R working directorygmt(demo.par)pscoast(demo.coast)psxy(demo.xy)pstext(demo.text,"-J-R-F+f+a+j-O-K")psbar(,ref=66)psclose()#See directory gmt/example for details##End(Not run)gmt.demo GMT Example DataDescriptionThesefive objects are provided to demonstrate the functionality of the gmt package.Usagedemo.pardemo.coastdemo.xydemo.textdemo.barFormatdemo.par and demo.coast are simple strings.demo.xy is a data frame containing:Lon LongitudeLat LatitudeSize Size of plot symboldemo.text is a data frame containing:Lon LongitudeLat LatitudeSize Size of plot symbolAngle Angle in degrees counter-clockwise from horizontalFont Font numberJustify Justification codeText Text is a data frame containing:Lon LongitudeLat LongitudeWidth Bar width in degreesHeight Bar height in degreesDetailsSee the GMT documentation for details on psxy,pstext and other GMT commands.See Alsogmt-package gives an overview of the package.Examples##Not run:#Draw map and save as""in R working directorygmt(demo.par)pscoast(demo.coast)psxy(demo.xy)pstext(demo.text,"-J-R-F+f+a+j-O-K")psbar(,ref=66)psclose()#See directory gmt/example for details##End(Not run)gmt.system Invoke shell commandDescriptionThis internal function invokes a shell command,possibly directing the output to afile.Usagegmt.system(cmd,file=NULL,append=FALSE)Argumentscmd system command to be invoked,as a string.filefilename to which output should be directed.append whether output should be appended to existingfile.8num2degValueCommand output as a vector of strings.Notegmt.system is a fast platform-independent wrapper for system,supporting redirection tofile.It is mainly called by other functions,but users mayfind it useful for running various GMT com-mands.See Alsosystem,writeLines.gmt-package gives an overview of the package.Examples##Not run:#Assuming is in R working directorygmt.system("gmt grdcontour",file="")##End(Not run)num2deg Convert Numeric to DegreesDescriptionConvert decimal number to deg:min:sec string.Usagenum2deg(x,lat=NA,dec=FALSE,digits=0,zero=FALSE)Argumentsx number or vector of whether x is latitude.dec whether to return decimal degrees instead of deg:min:sec.digits precision used when rounding decimal degrees or whether trailing:00zeros should be retained.DetailsElement-specific format is supported,using vectors for lat,digits,and precision.The resulting string ends with N or S when lat is TRUE,E or W when lat is FALSE,or a number when lat is NA.Valuedeg:min:sec string representation of the number(s).NoteThe string format is adopted from Appendix B.1.1in the GMT manual.See Alsoas.character converts plain numbers to strings.num2deg is the opposite of deg2num.gmt-package gives an overview of the package.Examples#The opposite of deg2num()examplenum2deg(c(-12.51236,-17.5,1.00139,200.75),lat=c(FALSE,TRUE,NA,FALSE),dec=c(FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE),digits=c(1,1,0,0))psbar Add Bars to GMT Mercator MapDescriptionCall GMT to add bars to a map and save in postscript format.Usagepsbar(x,cmd="-J-R-W1p-G180-O-K",file=getOption("gmt.file"), ref=0,digits=getOption("digits"))Argumentsx data frame,matrix,orfilename containing the data to be plotted.cmd string of arguments passed to GMT shell command psxy.filefilename where the map is saved.ref reference latitude where height1renders a bar1degree high.digits precision used when rounding the geographic coordinates.DetailsThe data are arranged in four columns:Lon,Lat,Width,and Height,in that order.If x is afilename,the data should be tabular with or without a header,separated by commas or whitespace.Thefirst line is interpreted as header if thefirst non-whitespace character is not minus, point,or number.This function provides an alternative to psxy-Sb and psxy-Sr for drawing bars on a Mercator map.See the GMT documentation for details on psxy and other GMT commands.ValueNull,but the map is annotated and saved in postscript format.The temporary GMT inputfile‘bar.gmt’is saved in directory dirname(tempdir()),for the user to view or edit.It is later removed by psclose().NoteThis function does the necessary calculations to draw bars in standard height given a Mercator-projected map.It is not intended for other projections.The derivative of the Mercator projection is used to standardize the bar height:f (θ)=12tanπ4+θ2cos2π4+θ2whereθis latitude in radians and f(θ)is the y-axis coordinate.The bar height at a given latitude is h×f (θref)/f (θ),where h is the height passed by the user andθref is a reference latitude where h=1renders a bar1degree high.See AlsoSimilar to barplot and postscript in native R graphics.gmt,pscoast,psxy,pstext,psbar,and psclose work together to draw maps.gmt-package gives an overview of the package.Examples##Not run:#Draw map and save as""in R working directorygmt(demo.par)pscoast(demo.coast)psxy(demo.xy)pstext(demo.text,"-J-R-F+f+a+j-O-K")psbar(,ref=66)psclose()#See directory gmt/example for details##End(Not run)psclose11 psclose Finalize GMT MapDescriptionCall GMT tofinalize a map and save in postscript format.Usagepsclose(file=getOption("gmt.file"),trailer=TRUE)Argumentsfilefilename where the map is saved.trailer whether a closing trailer should be appended to the postscriptfile.DetailsA closing trailer is required if the last plotting command included-K(default behaviour).ValueNULL,but the map isfinalized and saved in postscript format.NoteThis function performs two tasks:1.Appends a closing trailer to the postscriptfile(optional).2.Removes GMTfiles in temporary directory.See AlsoAnalogous to and postscript in native R graphics.gmt,pscoast,psxy,pstext,psbar,and psclose work together to draw maps.gmt-package gives an overview of the package.Examples##Not run:#Draw map and save as""in R working directorygmt(demo.par)pscoast(demo.coast)psxy(demo.xy)pstext(demo.text,"-J-R-F+f+a+j-O-K")psbar(,ref=66)psclose()#See directory gmt/example for details12pscoast ##End(Not run)pscoast Draw GMT MapDescriptionCall GMT to draw a map(coastlines,borders,rivers)and save in postscript format.Usagepscoast(cmd,file=getOption("gmt.file"))Argumentscmd string of arguments passed to GMT shell command pscoast.filefilename where the map will be saved.DetailsThe file argument can be supplied with(recommended)or without a full directory path.Withouta path,the current working directory is used(see getwd and setwd).See the GMT documentation for details on pscoast and other GMT commands.ValueNULL,but a map is drawn and saved in postscript format.See AlsoSimilar to plot and postscript in native R graphics.gmt,pscoast,psxy,pstext,psbar,and psclose work together to draw maps.gmt-package gives an overview of the package.Examples##Not run:#Draw map and save as""in current working directorygmt(demo.par)pscoast(demo.coast)psxy(demo.xy)pstext(demo.text,"-J-R-F+f+a+j-O-K")psbar(,ref=66)psclose()#See directory gmt/example for details#Map in one callpstext13 pscoast("-JM12c-R7E/38E/29N/48N-G100-B5","")##End(Not run)pstext Add Text/Symbols to GMT MapDescriptionCall GMT to add text/symbols to a map and save in postscript format.Usagepstext(x,cmd="-J-R-O-K",file=getOption("gmt.file"))Argumentsx data frame,matrix,orfilename containing the data to be plotted.cmd string of arguments passed to GMT shell command pstext.filefilename where the map is saved.DetailsThe cmd argument can be used to specify the data columns:Format(cmd)Data columns Notes-J-R-O-K Lon Lat Text(default)-J-R-F+f+a+j-O-K Lon Lat Font Angle Justify Text(see example) If x is afilename,the data should be tabular with or without a header,separated by commas or whitespace.Thefirst line is interpreted as header if thefirst non-whitespace character is not minus, point,or number.See the GMT documentation for details on pstext and other GMT commands.ValueNULL,but the map is annotated and saved in postscript format.The temporary GMT inputfile‘text.gmt’is saved in directory dirname(tempdir()),for the user to view or edit.It is later removed by psclose().See AlsoSimilar to text and postscript in native R graphics.gmt,pscoast,psxy,pstext,psbar,and psclose work together to draw maps.gmt-package gives an overview of the package.14psxy Examples##Not run:#Draw map and save as""in current working directorygmt(demo.par)pscoast(demo.coast)psxy(demo.xy)pstext(demo.text,"-J-R-F+f+a+j-O-K")psbar(,ref=66)psclose()#See directory gmt/example for details##End(Not run)psxy Add Lines/Symbols to GMT MapDescriptionCall GMT to add lines/symbols to a map and save in postscript format.Usagepsxy(x,cmd="-J-R-Scp-W2p-O-K",file=getOption("gmt.file"))Argumentsx data frame,matrix,orfilename containing the data to be plotted.cmd string of arguments passed to GMT shell command psxy.filefilename where the map is saved.DetailsThe data are arranged in two(Lon,Lat)or more columns,depending on the-S argument.If x is afilename,the data should be tabular with or without a header,separated by commas or whitespace.Thefirst line is interpreted as header if thefirst non-whitespace character is not minus, point,or number.See the GMT documentation for details on psxy and other GMT commands.ValueNULL,but the map is annotated and saved in postscript format.The temporary GMT inputfile‘xy.gmt’is saved in directory dirname(tempdir()),for the user to view or edit.It is later removed by psclose().See AlsoSimilar to points,lines,and postscript in native R graphics.gmt,pscoast,psxy,pstext,psbar,and psclose work together to draw maps.gmt-package gives an overview of the package.Examples##Not run:#Draw map and save as""in current working directorygmt(demo.par)pscoast(demo.coast)psxy(demo.xy)pstext(demo.text,"-J-R-F+f+a+j-O-K")psbar(,ref=66)psclose()#See directory gmt/example for details#Simple map and circlespscoast("-JM12c-R158/192/-42/-8-Di-Gdarkgreen-B10f5-A2000-K","")psxy(data.frame(lon=quakes$lon,lat=quakes$lat,mag=10^quakes$mag/1e6),"-J-R-Scp-W0.5p,red-O","")##End(Not run)r2gmt Prepare Data for GMTDescriptionThis internal function reads data,from afilename or R object,and writes them to a GMT inputfile. Usager2gmt(x,datafile,append=FALSE)Argumentsx data frame,matrix,orfilename containing the data to be written to a temporary file.datafilefilename where the data will be written in GMT format,tab-separated without header.append whether data should be appended to an existingfile,separating segments with ">"lines.DetailsIf x is afilename,the data should be tabular with or without a header,separated by commas or whitespace.Thefirst line is interpreted as header if thefirst non-whitespace character is not minus, point,or number.ValueThe data frame that was written to datafile.Noter2gmt is like write.table,except it allows x to be afilename,and appends tables with the GMT> separator.It is mainly called by other functions,but users mayfind it useful for writing input data for GMT commands.See Alsoscan,read.table,write,write.table.gmt-package gives an overview of the package.ExamplesLonLat1<-data.frame(Lon=1:3,Lat=4:6)LonLat2<-data.frame(Lon=7:8,Lat=9:10)##Not run:r2gmt(LonLat1,"temp.gmt")r2gmt(LonLat2,"temp.gmt",append=TRUE)##End(Not run)Indexas.character,9as.numeric,3barplot,10deg2num,2,3,,,6 demo.coast,2demo.coast(gmt.demo),6 demo.par,2demo.par(gmt.demo),6 demo.text,2demo.text(gmt.demo),6 demo.xy,2demo.xy(gmt.demo),,11diff,4geodist,2,4gmt,2,5,10–13,15gmt-package,2gmt.demo,6gmt.system,2,7lines,15num2deg,2,3,8options,5plot,12points,15postscript,10–13,15 psbar,2,5,9,11–13,15 psclose,2,5,10,11,12,13,15 pscoast,2,5,10,11,12,13,15 pstext,2,5,10–12,13,15 psxy,2,5,10–13,14r2gmt,2,15read.table,16scan,16system,8text,13Trig,4write,16write.table,16writeLines,8 17。
postinst 语法
postinst 语法postinst语法是Debian和Ubuntu等Linux操作系统中用于软件包安装脚本的一种格式。
它通常包含在Debian软件包的DEBIAN 目录中,并在软件包安装过程中自动执行。
二、postinst语法的基本结构postinst脚本的基本结构如下所示:#!/bin/shset -e# 配置变量和函数# 主要安装逻辑exit 0在上面的示例中,首先指定了脚本的解释器为/bin/sh,并通过set -e命令启用了错误检查。
最后,通过exit 0命令退出脚本。
下面列出了一些常用的命令和选项:1. dpkg-query命令:可以使用dpkg-query命令来查询已安装的软件包信息。
例如,dpkg-query -S <文件路径>将返回包含指定文件的软件包名称。
2. dpkg-divert命令:可以使用dpkg-divert命令来重定向文件。
例如,dpkg-divert --add --rename --divert <目标文件>.divert <目标文件>将重命名目标文件并创建一个新的文件,以便安装过程不会覆盖原始文件。
3. update-alternatives命令:可以使用update-alternatives命令来管理系统中的可替代项。
1.1.5.GMT中文支持设置(1)添加中文字体到GMT字体列表在GMT安装目录下(默认为C:\programs\GMT4),\share\pslib下PS_font_info.d文件中按一下格式添加中文字体:结果如下图:(2)查看中文字体的编号在cmd命令窗口运行pstext -L,查看中文字体的编号。
The –B option–Bxinfo[/yinfo][:."title string":][W|w][E|e][S|s][N|n]该选项用选定的标志间隔指定了待绘制地图的边界。
xinfo 和 yinfo 的格式为[atick[m|c]][ftick[m|c]][gtick[m|c]][l|p][:"axis label":][:,"unit label":]这里a, f, 和g 分别为刻度标记、刻度和网格的间隔。
m|c 选择分(m)或秒(c)。
缺省设置是 4 个边界全部绘制(表示为W, E, S, N)。
通过重写代码来改变缺省设置(如, WSn)。
大写字母(如, W)说明同时画轴和轴的刻度标记。
轴标记的格式受你的.gmtdefaults 文件中的DEGREE_FORMAT 控制。
长刻度线为标记刻度,短刻度线为刻度间隔,轴名用―:‖括起,刻度单位―%‖用―: ,% :‖表示。
我们使用–R0/12/0/1 –JX3/0.4 –Ba4 f2 g1:Frequency::,%:.The –c option–c 选项指定绘图拷贝数。
[缺省为1]The –H option–H 选项让GMT 知道输入数据文件具有一个(缺省)或多个头纪录。
如果多于1 个头纪录,一定要在–H选项后指定数字。
pscoast -R119/122/30.5/33 -Jm4c -B5The –J? options选择地图投影。
–J 后面的代码决定投影类型。
GMT 所允许的投影见图1.10墨卡托投影(Mercator: )–JM width.正形投影(Orthographic: )–JG lon0/lat0/width. lon0/lat0 指定投影中心Albers 圆锥投影(Albers conic: )–JB lon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/width. 给出投影中心和2 条标准平行线Eckert 投影(Eckert IV and VI: )–JK[f|s] lon0/width. 给出中央子午线线性投影(Linear: )–JX width/height. 给出绘图宽度[和高度]。
命令:backtracker Forward and Backward flowlines and hotspot tracksbinlegs维护GMT–SYSTEM 索引文件blockmean L2 (x,y,z)table data filter/decimatorblockmedian L1 (x,y,z)table data filter/decimatorblockmode Mode estimate (x,y,z)table data filter/decimatorcps把shell scripts 和数据文件插入到Complete PostScrip(t CPS)文件cpsdecode由Complete PostScript(CPS)文件提取shell scripts 和数据文件cpsencode把shell scripts 和数据文件插入到Complete PostScript(CPS)文件dat2gmt把一个ASCII 文件转换为二进位gmt 文件filter1d Filter 1 –D table data sets(time series)fitcircle得到一组数据点的最佳拟合大圆或小圆gmt GMT 数据处理和显示软件包gmt2bin由gmt 文件创建二进制索引文件gmt2dat二进制gmt文件转换为ASCII文件gmtconvert ASCII 和二进制1–D表文件之间转换gmtconvert数据表文件格式转换gmtdefaults当前缺省设置列表gmtinfo得到单独航次的信息gmtlegs查明一个给定地区的航次gmtlist由<legid>.gmt 文件提取数据gmtmath使用Polish Notation 语法对表格数据进行代数操作gmtpath获得gmt 文件的完全路径gmtselect选择基于多空间标准的数据子集gmtset改变当前的.gmtdefaults 文件所选择的参数gmttrack一个航迹绘图程序grd2cpt由一个网格文件创建色谱表grd2xyz 2 –D 网格文件转换为表格数据grdclip限定网格数据组的z值范围grdcontour绘制2–D 网格数据组等值线grdcut由一个网格文件抽取一个子区就是裁剪掉一部分只要感兴趣的部分grdcut ingrid-G outgrid -R ranggrdedit改变一个2–D 网格文件的标头信息grdfft Perform operations on gridded files in the frequency domaingrdfilter Filter 2 –D gridded data sets in the space domaingrdgradient由网格文件计算方向梯度,得到另一个网格文件grdhisteq网格文件柱状图均化(equalization)grdimage由一个2–D 网格数据组创建影像图grdinfo得到网格文件的信息grdlandmask Create masking gridded files from shoreline data basegrdmask Reset grid nodes in/outside a clip path to constantsgrdmath对网格文件进行代数操作grdpaste沿一条公共边界合并多个网格文件grdproject把网格数据组投影到一个新的坐标系grdraster Extract subregion from a binary raster and write a grd file grdreformat把网格文件转换为另一种格式grdsample对一个2-D 网格文件重新采样创建一个新的网格grdtrack沿1-D 轨迹对一个2-D 网格数据组重新采样grdtrend对网格文件进行多项式趋势拟合grdvector绘制2-D 网格矢量区grdview由一个2-D 网格数据组创建3–D透视影像图grdvolume计算给定等值线以下的体积hotspotter Create CVA image from seamount flowlinesimg2mercgrd Extract region of img, preserving Mercator, save as grd makecpt创建色谱表文件makepattern Make GMT color pattern from b/w pattern or icon mapproject Transformation of coordinate systems for table datamgd77togmt Convert an MGD –77 ascii file to a binary gmt file minmax报告数据表文件极大极小值nearneighbor Nearest –neighbor gridding schemeoriginator Associate seamounts with hotspot point sourcesproject Project table data onto lines or great circlespsbasemap创建底图psclip Use polygon files to define clipping pathspscoast在图上绘制(和充填)海岸线、国界线和河流pscontour Contour or image raw table data by triangulationpscoupe Plot cross –sections of focal mechanisms.pshistogram绘制柱状图psimage Plot Sun rasterfiles on a mappslib v3.2 A PostScript based plotting librarypsmask Create overlay to mask out regions on mapspsmeca Plot focal mechanisms on mapspsmegaplot To create poster –size PostScript plots from page–size plot pspolar Plot polarities on the inferior focal half –sphere on maps psrose绘制扇形或玫瑰花图psscale在图上绘制灰度图例或彩色图例pssegy Create imagemasked postscript from SEGY filepssegyz Create imagemasked postscript from SEGY filepstext在图上绘制字串psvelo Plot velocity vectors, crosses, and wedges on mapspswiggle沿地图上一条规机绘制根据时间序列数据绘制曲线psxy在图上绘制符号、多边形和线条psxyz在图上绘制3–D符号、多边形和线条sample1d表格数据组重新采样spectrum1d Compute various spectral estimates from time –series splitxyz把xyz 文件分为几段surface一种连续弯曲的网格算法trend1d Fits polynomial or Fourier trends to y = f (x)seriestrend2d Fits polynomial trends to z = f (x,y)seriestriangulate Perform optimal Delauney triangulation and gridding参数:-B设定图边界尺标的间隔-H选项让GMT 知道输入数据文件具有一个(缺省)或多个头纪录。
// This function maps a character string to a wide-character (Unicode) string
// lpcszStr: [in] Pointer to the character string to be converted
BOOL WCharToMByte(LPCWSTR lpcwszStr, LPSTR lpszStr, DWORD dwSize)
DWORD dwMinSize;
dwMinSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP,NULL,lpcwszStr,-1,NULL,0,NULL,FALSE);
// lpszStr: [out] Pointer to a buffer that receives the translated string.
// dwSize: [in] Size of the buffer
//Return Values:
// TRUE: Succeed
// FALSE: Failed
BOOL MByteToWChar(LPCSTR lpcszStr, LPWSTR lpwszStr, DWORD dwSize)
// Get the required size of the buffer that receives the Unicode
// string.
wchar_t *pwText;
pwText = new wchar_t[dwNum];
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命令:backtracker Forward and Backward flowlines and hotspot tracksbinlegs维护GMT–SYSTEM 索引文件blockmean L2 (x,y,z)table data filter/decimatorblockmedian L1 (x,y,z)table data filter/decimatorblockmode Mode estimate (x,y,z)table data filter/decimatorcps把shell scripts 和数据文件插入到Complete PostScrip(t CPS)文件cpsdecode由Complete PostScript(CPS)文件提取shell scripts 和数据文件cpsencode把shell scripts 和数据文件插入到Complete PostScript(CPS)文件dat2gmt把一个ASCII 文件转换为二进位gmt 文件filter1d Filter 1 –D table data sets(time series)fitcircle得到一组数据点的最佳拟合大圆或小圆gmt GMT 数据处理和显示软件包gmt2bin由gmt 文件创建二进制索引文件gmt2dat二进制gmt文件转换为ASCII文件gmtconvert ASCII 和二进制1–D表文件之间转换gmtconvert数据表文件格式转换gmtdefaults当前缺省设置列表gmtinfo得到单独航次的信息gmtlegs查明一个给定地区的航次gmtlist由<legid>.gmt 文件提取数据gmtmath使用Polish Notation 语法对表格数据进行代数操作gmtpath获得gmt 文件的完全路径gmtselect选择基于多空间标准的数据子集gmtset改变当前的.gmtdefaults 文件所选择的参数gmttrack一个航迹绘图程序grd2cpt由一个网格文件创建色谱表grd2xyz 2 –D 网格文件转换为表格数据grdclip限定网格数据组的z值范围grdcontour绘制2–D 网格数据组等值线grdcut由一个网格文件抽取一个子区就是裁剪掉一部分只要感兴趣的部分grdcut ingrid-G outgrid -R ranggrdedit改变一个2–D 网格文件的标头信息grdfft Perform operations on gridded files in the frequency domaingrdfilter Filter 2 –D gridded data sets in the space domaingrdgradient由网格文件计算方向梯度,得到另一个网格文件grdhisteq网格文件柱状图均化(equalization)grdimage由一个2–D 网格数据组创建影像图grdinfo得到网格文件的信息grdlandmask Create masking gridded files from shoreline data basegrdmask Reset grid nodes in/outside a clip path to constantsgrdmath对网格文件进行代数操作grdpaste沿一条公共边界合并多个网格文件grdproject把网格数据组投影到一个新的坐标系grdraster Extract subregion from a binary raster and write a grd file grdreformat把网格文件转换为另一种格式grdsample对一个2-D 网格文件重新采样创建一个新的网格grdtrack沿1-D 轨迹对一个2-D 网格数据组重新采样grdtrend对网格文件进行多项式趋势拟合grdvector绘制2-D 网格矢量区grdview由一个2-D 网格数据组创建3–D透视影像图grdvolume计算给定等值线以下的体积hotspotter Create CVA image from seamount flowlinesimg2mercgrd Extract region of img, preserving Mercator, save as grd makecpt创建色谱表文件makepattern Make GMT color pattern from b/w pattern or icon mapproject Transformation of coordinate systems for table datamgd77togmt Convert an MGD –77 ascii file to a binary gmt file minmax报告数据表文件极大极小值nearneighbor Nearest –neighbor gridding schemeoriginator Associate seamounts with hotspot point sourcesproject Project table data onto lines or great circlespsbasemap创建底图psclip Use polygon files to define clipping pathspscoast在图上绘制(和充填)海岸线、国界线和河流pscontour Contour or image raw table data by triangulationpscoupe Plot cross –sections of focal mechanisms.pshistogram绘制柱状图psimage Plot Sun rasterfiles on a mappslib v3.2 A PostScript based plotting librarypsmask Create overlay to mask out regions on mapspsmeca Plot focal mechanisms on mapspsmegaplot To create poster –size PostScript plots from page–size plot pspolar Plot polarities on the inferior focal half –sphere on maps psrose绘制扇形或玫瑰花图psscale在图上绘制灰度图例或彩色图例pssegy Create imagemasked postscript from SEGY filepssegyz Create imagemasked postscript from SEGY filepstext在图上绘制字串psvelo Plot velocity vectors, crosses, and wedges on mapspswiggle沿地图上一条规机绘制根据时间序列数据绘制曲线psxy在图上绘制符号、多边形和线条psxyz在图上绘制3–D符号、多边形和线条sample1d表格数据组重新采样spectrum1d Compute various spectral estimates from time –series splitxyz把xyz 文件分为几段surface一种连续弯曲的网格算法trend1d Fits polynomial or Fourier trends to y = f (x)seriestrend2d Fits polynomial trends to z = f (x,y)seriestriangulate Perform optimal Delauney triangulation and gridding参数:-B设定图边界尺标的间隔-H选项让GMT 知道输入数据文件具有一个(缺省)或多个头纪录。
命令:backtracker Forward and Backward flowlines and hotspot tracksbinlegs维护GMT–SYSTEM 索引文件blockmean L2 (x,y,z)table data filter/decimatorblockmedian L1 (x,y,z)table data filter/decimatorblockmode Mode estimate (x,y,z)table data filter/decimatorcps把shell scripts 和数据文件插入到Complete PostScrip(t CPS)文件cpsdecode由Complete PostScript(CPS)文件提取shell scripts 和数据文件cpsencode把shell scripts 和数据文件插入到Complete PostScript(CPS)文件dat2gmt把一个ASCII 文件转换为二进位gmt 文件filter1d Filter 1 –D table data sets(time series)fitcircle得到一组数据点的最佳拟合大圆或小圆gmt GMT 数据处理和显示软件包gmt2bin由gmt 文件创建二进制索引文件gmt2dat二进制gmt文件转换为ASCII文件gmtconvert ASCII 和二进制1–D表文件之间转换gmtconvert数据表文件格式转换gmtdefaults当前缺省设置列表gmtinfo得到单独航次的信息gmtlegs查明一个给定地区的航次gmtlist由<legid>.gmt 文件提取数据gmtmath使用Polish Notation 语法对表格数据进行代数操作gmtpath获得gmt 文件的完全路径gmtselect选择基于多空间标准的数据子集gmtset改变当前的 .gmtdefaults 文件所选择的参数gmttrack一个航迹绘图程序grd2cpt由一个网格文件创建色谱表grd2xyz 2 –D 网格文件转换为表格数据grdclip限定网格数据组的z值范围grdcontour绘制2–D 网格数据组等值线grdcut由一个网格文件抽取一个子区就是裁剪掉一部分只要感兴趣的部分grdcut ingrid-G outgrid -R ranggrdedit改变一个2–D 网格文件的标头信息grdfft Perform operations on gridded files in the frequency domain grdfilter Filter 2 –D gridded data sets in the space domaingrdgradient由网格文件计算方向梯度,得到另一个网格文件grdhisteq网格文件柱状图均化(equalization)grdimage由一个2–D 网格数据组创建影像图grdinfo得到网格文件的信息grdlandmask Create masking gridded files from shoreline data base grdmask Reset grid nodes in/outside a clip path to constants grdmath对网格文件进行代数操作grdpaste沿一条公共边界合并多个网格文件grdproject把网格数据组投影到一个新的坐标系grdraster Extract subregion from a binary raster and write a grd file grdreformat把网格文件转换为另一种格式grdsample对一个2-D 网格文件重新采样创建一个新的网格grdtrack沿1-D 轨迹对一个2-D 网格数据组重新采样grdtrend对网格文件进行多项式趋势拟合grdvector绘制2-D 网格矢量区grdview由一个2-D 网格数据组创建3–D透视影像图grdvolume计算给定等值线以下的体积hotspotter Create CVA image from seamount flowlinesimg2mercgrd Extract region of img, preserving Mercator, save as grd makecpt创建色谱表文件makepattern Make GMT color pattern from b/w pattern or icon mapproject Transformation of coordinate systems for table data mgd77togmt Convert an MGD –77 ascii file to a binary gmt file minmax报告数据表文件极大极小值nearneighbor Nearest –neighbor gridding schemeoriginator Associate seamounts with hotspot point sourcesproject Project table data onto lines or great circlespsbasemap创建底图psclip Use polygon files to define clipping pathspscoast在图上绘制(和充填)海岸线、国界线和河流pscontour Contour or image raw table data by triangulation pscoupe Plot cross –sections of focal mechanisms.pshistogram绘制柱状图psimage Plot Sun rasterfiles on a mappslib v3.2 A PostScript based plotting librarypsmask Create overlay to mask out regions on mapspsmeca Plot focal mechanisms on mapspsmegaplot To create poster –size PostScript plots from page–size plot pspolar Plot polarities on the inferior focal half –sphere on mapspsrose绘制扇形或玫瑰花图psscale在图上绘制灰度图例或彩色图例pssegy Create imagemasked postscript from SEGY filepssegyz Create imagemasked postscript from SEGY filepstext在图上绘制字串psvelo Plot velocity vectors, crosses, and wedges on mapspswiggle沿地图上一条规机绘制根据时间序列数据绘制曲线psxy在图上绘制符号、多边形和线条psxyz在图上绘制3–D符号、多边形和线条sample1d表格数据组重新采样spectrum1d Compute various spectral estimates from time –series splitxyz把xyz 文件分为几段surface一种连续弯曲的网格算法trend1d Fits polynomial or Fourier trends to y = f (x)seriestrend2d Fits polynomial trends to z = f (x,y)seriestriangulate Perform optimal Delauney triangulation and gridding参数:-B设定图边界尺标的间隔-H选项让GMT 知道输入数据文件具有一个(缺省)或多个头纪录。
1.1.5.GMT中文支持设置(1)添加中文字体到GMT字体列表在GMT安装目录下(默认为C:\programs\GMT4),\share\pslib下PS_font_info.d文件中按一下格式添加中文字体:结果如下图:(2)查看中文字体的编号在cmd命令窗口运行pstext -L,查看中文字体的编号。
MultiByteToWideChar和MultiByteToWideChar对各种字符编码间的转换函数原型:int WideCharToMultiByte(UINT CodePage,DWORD dwFlags,LPCWSTR lpWideCharStr,int cchWideChar,LPSTR lpMultiByteStr,int cbMultiByte,LPCSTR lpDefaultChar,LPBOOL lpUsedDefaultChar);此函数把宽字符串转换成指定的新的字符串,如ANSI,UTF8等,新字符串不必是多字节字符集。
参数说明:1、CodePage——指定要转换成的字符集代码页,它可以是任何已经安装的或系统自带的字符集,可选择以下代码页:CP_ACP //当前系统ANSI代码页CP_MACCP //当前系统Macintosh代码页CP_OEMCP //当前系统OEM代码页,一种原始设备制造商硬件扫描码CP_SYMBOL //Symbol代码页,用于Windows 2000及以后版本CP_THREAD_ACP //当前线程ANSI代码页,用于Windows 2000及以后版本CP_UTF7 //UTF-7,设置此值时lpDefaultChar和lpUsedDefaultChar都必须为NULLCP_UTF8 //UTF-8,设置此值时lpDefaultChar和lpUsedDefaultChar都必须为NULL用GetLocaleInfo 函数获取当前系统的代码页,936: 简体中文, 950: 繁体中文,949:韩文2、dwFlags——一般用0 就可以了指定是否转换成预制字符或合成的宽字符,对控制字符是否使用像形文字,以及怎样处理无效字符:MB_PRECOMPOSED //总是使用预制字符,即有单个预制字符时,就不会使用分解的基字符和不占空间字符。
➢ CONVERT OR EXTRACT SUBSETS OF DATA: grd2xyz Convert 2-D gridded data to ASCII
table grdcut Cut a sub-region from a grd file grdpaste Paste together grdfiles along common
1. 在数字后直接加上单位符号,如:-X4c 2. 通过设置MEASURE_UN IT参数来实现。
GMT有许多预设的设定,要看GMT预设参数,在Linux环境下 打 gmtdefaults -D。 若要看使用者現正使用的参数,打gmtdefaults -L。
預在job內改参数,gmtset + 要改的参数,例如: gmtset ANOT_FONT_SIZE 12 (字型大小改成12) gmtset PAPER_MEDIA A4 (纸张大小设成A4,若要画A0或A1 的大图,则改为A0或A1) gmtset BASEMAP_TYPE FANCY (画出的地形图边框为一黑一 白间隔,此为GMT预设值)
netcdf.tar.Z GMT_suppl.tar.gz GMT_pdf.tar.gz GMT_scripts.tar.gz GMT_man.tar.gz GMT_high.tar.gz GMT_progs.tar.gz
triangle.tar.gz install_gmt GMT_tut.tar.gz GMT_ps.tar.gz GMT_progs.tar.gz GMT_web.tar.gz GMT_full.tar.gz
pswiggle Draw anomalies along track psxy Plot symbols, polygons, and lines in 2-D (二 维折线图) psxyz Plot symbols, polygons, and lines in 3-D (三 维折线图)
命令:backtracker Forward and Backward flowlines and hotspot tracksbinlegs维护GMT–SYSTEM 索引文件blockmean L2 (x,y,z)table data filter/decimatorblockmedian L1 (x,y,z)table data filter/decimatorblockmode Mode estimate (x,y,z)table data filter/decimatorcps把shell scripts 和数据文件插入到Complete PostScrip(t CPS)文件cpsdecode由Complete PostScript(CPS)文件提取shell scripts 和数据文件cpsencode把shell scripts 和数据文件插入到Complete PostScript(CPS)文件dat2gmt把一个ASCII 文件转换为二进位gmt 文件filter1d Filter 1 –D table data sets(time series)fitcircle得到一组数据点的最佳拟合大圆或小圆gmt GMT 数据处理和显示软件包gmt2bin由gmt 文件创建二进制索引文件gmt2dat二进制gmt文件转换为ASCII文件gmtconvert ASCII 和二进制1–D表文件之间转换gmtconvert数据表文件格式转换gmtdefaults当前缺省设置列表gmtinfo得到单独航次的信息gmtlegs查明一个给定地区的航次gmtlist由<legid>.gmt 文件提取数据gmtmath使用Polish Notation 语法对表格数据进行代数操作gmtpath获得gmt 文件的完全路径gmtselect选择基于多空间标准的数据子集gmtset改变当前的.gmtdefaults 文件所选择的参数gmttrack一个航迹绘图程序grd2cpt由一个网格文件创建色谱表grd2xyz 2 –D 网格文件转换为表格数据grdclip限定网格数据组的z值范围grdcontour绘制2–D 网格数据组等值线grdcut由一个网格文件抽取一个子区就是裁剪掉一部分只要感兴趣的部分grdcut ingrid-G outgrid -R ranggrdedit改变一个2–D 网格文件的标头信息grdfft Perform operations on gridded files in the frequency domaingrdfilter Filter 2 –D gridded data sets in the space domaingrdgradient由网格文件计算方向梯度,得到另一个网格文件grdhisteq网格文件柱状图均化(equalization)grdimage由一个2–D 网格数据组创建影像图grdinfo得到网格文件的信息grdlandmask Create masking gridded files from shoreline data basegrdmask Reset grid nodes in/outside a clip path to constantsgrdmath对网格文件进行代数操作grdpaste沿一条公共边界合并多个网格文件grdproject把网格数据组投影到一个新的坐标系grdraster Extract subregion from a binary raster and write a grd file grdreformat把网格文件转换为另一种格式grdsample对一个2-D 网格文件重新采样创建一个新的网格grdtrack沿1-D 轨迹对一个2-D 网格数据组重新采样grdtrend对网格文件进行多项式趋势拟合grdvector绘制2-D 网格矢量区grdview由一个2-D 网格数据组创建3–D透视影像图grdvolume计算给定等值线以下的体积hotspotter Create CVA image from seamount flowlinesimg2mercgrd Extract region of img, preserving Mercator, save as grd makecpt创建色谱表文件makepattern Make GMT color pattern from b/w pattern or icon mapproject Transformation of coordinate systems for table datamgd77togmt Convert an MGD –77 ascii file to a binary gmt file minmax报告数据表文件极大极小值nearneighbor Nearest –neighbor gridding schemeoriginator Associate seamounts with hotspot point sourcesproject Project table data onto lines or great circlespsbasemap创建底图psclip Use polygon files to define clipping pathspscoast在图上绘制(和充填)海岸线、国界线和河流pscontour Contour or image raw table data by triangulationpscoupe Plot cross –sections of focal mechanisms.pshistogram绘制柱状图psimage Plot Sun rasterfiles on a mappslib v3.2 A PostScript based plotting librarypsmask Create overlay to mask out regions on mapspsmeca Plot focal mechanisms on mapspsmegaplot To create poster –size PostScript plots from page–size plot pspolar Plot polarities on the inferior focal half –sphere on maps psrose绘制扇形或玫瑰花图psscale在图上绘制灰度图例或彩色图例pssegy Create imagemasked postscript from SEGY filepssegyz Create imagemasked postscript from SEGY filepstext在图上绘制字串psvelo Plot velocity vectors, crosses, and wedges on mapspswiggle沿地图上一条规机绘制根据时间序列数据绘制曲线psxy在图上绘制符号、多边形和线条psxyz在图上绘制3–D符号、多边形和线条sample1d表格数据组重新采样spectrum1d Compute various spectral estimates from time –series splitxyz把xyz 文件分为几段surface一种连续弯曲的网格算法trend1d Fits polynomial or Fourier trends to y = f (x)seriestrend2d Fits polynomial trends to z = f (x,y)seriestriangulate Perform optimal Delauney triangulation and gridding参数:-B设定图边界尺标的间隔-H选项让GMT 知道输入数据文件具有一个(缺省)或多个头纪录。
在地图上绘制波形将 SAC 波形数据绘制在地图上也算是常见的需求之⼀。
此问题的难点在于,在画地图时,-R 指定的是区域范围,即横轴是经度,纵轴是纬度,⽽pssac 在绘制波形时,横轴是时间,纵轴是振幅。
⽣成⽰例⽤ SAC ⾃带的数据,⽣成⼏个⽰例数据,供接下来使⽤:1 2SAC> dg sub tele ntkl.z nykl.z onkl.z sdkl.z SAC> w ntkl.z nykl.z onkl.z sdkl.z⽤saclst查看⼀下这⼏个波形数据的相关信息:1 2 3 4 5$ saclst b e stlo stla f *.zntkl.z 199.965 1600.95 -114.592 62.4797 nykl.z 199.962 1600.97 -74.53 44.5483 onkl.z 199.618 1600.62 -93.7022 50.8589 sdkl.z 199.098 1600.11 -104.036 44.1204先绘制地图在考虑如何把波形画在地图上之前,先得有⼀个地图。
⽤如下代码绘制⼀个地图:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13#!/bin/bashJ=M15cR=-120/-60/30/65PS=map.pspsxy -J$J -R$R -T -K > $PS# 绘制海岸线pscoast -J$J -R$R -B10/10 -Ggray -K -O -A1000 >> $PS# 绘制台站位置saclst stlo stla f *.z | awk '{print $2, $3}' | psxy -J$J -R$R -Sa0.5c -Gblack -K -O >> $PS# 绘制台站名saclst stlo stla f *.z | awk '{print $2, $3,"15 0 0 TR", $1}' | pstext -J$J -R$R -D-0.1c/-0.1c -K -O >> $PS psxy -J$J -R$R -T -O >> $PS代码中使⽤了saclst和awk提取了每个波形所对应的台站经纬度,并通过管道传递给psxy和pstext命令。
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pstextpstext 4.1.3 - To plot text on mapsusage: pstext <txtfile> -J<params> -R<west>/<east>/<south>/<north>[/<zmin/zmax>][r][-A] [-B<params>] [-C<dx>/<dy>] [-D[j]<dx>/<dy>[v[<pen>]] [-Eaz/el] [-G<color>][-H[<nrec>]] [-K] [-L] [-M[<flag>]] [-N] [-O] [-P] [-S<pen>] [-U[/<dx>/<dy>][<label>]][-V] [-W[<fill>][o|O|c[<pen>]]] [-X[a|c|r]<x_shift>[u]] [-X[a|c|r]<x_shift>[u]][-Z<zlevel>] [-:[i|o]] [-c<ncopies>]Reads (x,y,size,angle,fontno,justify,text) from <txtfile> [or stdin]OR (with -M) one or more text paragraphs with formatting info in the segment header.justify is of the form [T|M|B][L|C|R] (top/middle/bottom/left/center/right)Built-in escape sequences:@~ toggles between current font and Symbol font@%<no>% switches to font number <no>; @%% resets font@+ toggles between normal and superscript mode@- toggles between normal and subscript mode@# toggles between normal and Small Caps mode@!<char1><char2> makes one composite character@@ prints the @ sign itself@e, @o, @a, @E, @O, @A give the accented Scandinavian charactersIn addition, paragraph text (-M) also understands these sequences:@:<size>: switches font size; @:: resets font size@;<r/g/b>; switches font color; @;; resets font color@_ toggles between normal and underlined text(See manual page for more information)-J Selects map proJection. (<scale> in cm/degree, <width> in cm) Append h for map height, + for max map dimension, and - for min map dimension.Azimuthal projections set -Rg unless polar aspect or -R<...>r is given.-Ja|A<lon0>/<lat0>/<scale (or radius/lat)|width> (Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area)-Jb|B<lon0>/<lat0>/<lat1>/<lat2>/<scale|width> (AlbersEqual-Area Conic)-Jc|C<lon0>/<lat0><scale|width> (Cassini)-Jd|D<lon0>/<lat0>/<lat1>/<lat2>/<scale|width> (Equidistant Conic)-Je|E<lon0>/<lat0>/<scale (or radius/lat)|width> (Azimuthal Equidistant)-Jf|F<lon0>/<lat0>/<horizon>/<scale (or radius/lat)|width> (Gnomonic)-Jg|G<lon0>/<lat0>/<scale (or radius/lat)|width> (Orthographic)-Jh|H<lon0>/<scale|width> (Hammer-Aitoff)-Ji|I<lon0>/<scale|width> (Sinusoidal)-Jj|J<lon0>/<scale|width> (Miller)-Jk|K[f|s]<lon0>/<scale/width> (Eckert IV (f) or VI (s)) -Jl|L<lon0>/<lat0>/<lat1>/<lat2>/<scale|width> (Lambert Conformal Conic)-Jm|M (Mercator). Specify one of two definitions:-Jm|M<scale|width>-Jm|M<lon0>/<lat0>/<scale|width>-Jn|N<lon0>/<scale|width> (Robinson projection)-Jo|O (Oblique Mercator). Specify one of three definitions: -Jo|Oa<orig_lon>/<orig_lat>/<azimuth>/<scale|width>-Jo|Ob<orig_lon>/<orig_lat>/<b_lon>/<b_lat>/<scale|widt h>-Jo|Oc<orig_lon>/<orig_lat>/<pole_lon>/<pole_lat>/<scal e|width>-Jq|Q<lon0>/<scale|width> (Equidistant Cylindrical)-Jr|R<lon0>/<scale|width> (Winkel Tripel)-Js|S<lon0>/<lat0>/[<slat>/]<scale (or radius/lat)|width> (Stereographic)-Jt|T (Transverse Mercator). Specify one of two definitions: -Jt|T<lon0>/<scale|width>-Jt|T<lon0>/<lat0>/<scale|width>-Ju|U<zone>/<scale|width> (GMT_UTM)-Jv|V<lon0>/<scale/width> (van der Grinten)-Jw|W<lon0>/<scale|width> (Mollweide)-Jy|Y<lon0>/<lats>/<scale|width> (Cylindrical Equal-area) -Jp|P[a]<scale|width>[/<origin>][r|z] (Polar [azimuth] (theta,radius))-Jx|X<x-scale|width>[d|l|p<power>|t|T][/<y-scale|height>[d |l|p<power>|t|T]] (Linear, log, and power projections)(See psbasemap for more details on projection syntax)-R specifies the min/max coordinates of data region in user units. Use dd:mm[:ss] format for regions given in degrees and minutes[and seconds].Use [yyy[-mm[-dd]]]T[hh[:mm[:ss[.xxx]]]] format for time axes.Append r if -R specifies the longitudes/latitudes of the lower leftand upper right corners of a rectangular area.-Rg -Rd are accepted shorthands for -R0/360/-90/90 -R-180/180/-90/90OPTIONS:-A Angles given as azimuths; convert to directions using current projection-B Boundary annotation, give -B[p|s]<xinfo>[/<yinfo>[/<zinfo>]][.:"title":][wesnzWESNZ+]<?info> is 1-3 substring(s) of form [<type>]<stride>[<unit>][l|p][:"label":][:,[-]"unit":]See psbasemap man pages for more details and examples of all settings.-C sets the clearance between characters and surrounding box. Only usedif -W has been set. Append units {c,i,m,p} or % of fontsize [15%]-D adds <add_x>,<add_y> to the text origin AFTER projecting with -J. [0/0]Use -Dj to move text origin away from point (direction determined by text's justification)Append v[<pen>] to draw line from text to original point -E set azimuth and elevation of viewpoint for 3-D perspective [180/90]-G set the color (red/green/blue (0-255)) for solid text [0/0/0] -H[i][n_rec] means input/output file has 1 Header record(s) [OFF] Optionally, append i for input only and/or number of header records-K means allow for more plot code to be appended later [OFF]. -M Input/output file(s) contain multiple segments separated by a recordwhose first character is <flag> [>]Use -Mi or -Mo to give different settings for input and output [Same]Expects (x y size angle fontno justify linespace parwidth parjust) in segment headerfollowed by lines with one or more paragraphs of text.parjust is one of (GMTMANSECTION)eft, (c)enter, (r)ight, or (j)ustified.-N Do Not clip text that exceeds the map boundaries [Default will clip]-O means Overlay plot mode [OFF].-P means Portrait page orientation [OFF].-S draw outline of characters. Append pen attributes-U to plot Unix System Time stamp [and optionally appended text]. You may also set the lower left corner position of stamp [-0.787402/-0.787402].Give -Uc to have the command line plotted [OFF].-V Run in verbose mode [OFF].-W paints and outlines a rectangle underneath the text. [Default is no rectangle]Append fill color [none]. To draw outline, append o, O, or c, and optionally a pen [No outline]Lower case o will draw rectangular outlineUpper case O will draw rectangle with rounded corners (-M only) Lower case c will draw concave rectangle (-M only)Upper case C will draw convex rectangle (-M only)-X -Y to shift origin of plot to (<xshift>, <yshift>) [a0.984252,a0.984252].Prepend a for absolute [Default r is relative](Note that for overlays (-O), the default is [r0,r0].)Give c to center plot on page in x and/or y.-Z For 3-D plots: Set the z-level of map [0]-c specifies the number of copies [1].-: Expect lat/lon input/output rather than lon/lat [OFF/OFF]. (See gmtdefaults man page for hidden GMT default parameters)。