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断定,推断出 结束;终止


Book5 Unit1 Great Scientists 词汇导学案

1. paint (v. & n.)颜料 --- painter (n.) 画家

2. science(n.)科学--- scientific (adj.) 科学的

---scientifically(adv.)---scientist (n.) 科学家

3. conclude (v.) 推断出---conclusion (n.) 结论

---conclusive adj. 结论性的

4. analyse (v.) 分 析 --- analysis (n.)

5. physician (n.) 医生

--- physical (adj.) 身体的---physically (adv.)

6.attend(v.出席,照顾)---attendance (n )出席

人数---attendant (n.)服务员

7. announce(v.)通知 -- announcement (n.) 8. certain (adj.) --- u ncertain(adj.)不确定的 ---certainty (n.)确实

9. construct (v.) 建设 -- construction (n.)

10. contribute (v. )贡献 -- contribution (n.)

11. caution (n.) 谨慎 -- cautious (adj.)


12. responsible (adj.)负责的

---responsibly(adv.) ----respond(v.)反应---response(n.) --- responsibility(n.) 责任 13. instruct (v. )指导,命令--- instructive (adj. ) 提供知识的;有益的--- instruction (n.) 14. move(v.)---movement (n.)运动15.bright(adj.)---brightness(n.)---brighten(v) 16. private(adj.)私人的 ---privately ---privacy(n.)隐私17.enthusiastic(adj.)---enthusiasm(n.)热情


19.dead (adj.) 死的--- die (v.) ---death (n.) ---deadly (adj.) 致命的 20.challenge(v.) ---- c hallenging(adj.)挑战的 1. conclude vt .& vi . 断定,推断;使结束,终止 n. conclusion

conclude...by doing/with... 以……结束 conclude *He concluded his speech by wishing everyone a safe trip home.

conclude...from... 从…中推断

conclusion n. 结束,结尾(=end ) bring …to a conclusion

结论,推论 in conclusion(=to conclude=finally) 最后 make a conclusion 下结论

arrive at/come to/draw/reach a conclusion 得出结论

(1)Let me ___ _(用一句谚语结束我的演讲)where there is a will ,there is a way.

(2)After waiting for half an hour ,I ___ (得出结论,他不会来了). (3) (最后),I would like to thank you for your coming to meeting.

2. attend vt. &vi. 出席;参加;照料,护理,上学

attend a lecture /a party /a meeting / an interview attend school Dr. Smith attended her in hospital. attend to 照料(tend, take care of) Nurses are busy attending to the wounded.

处理 (deal with/handle) *I have something important to attend to .

接待 (serve) Excuse me, sir. Are you being attended to ?

1) *欢迎对这个话题感兴趣的任何人听这一讲座。__ _

2) I even ___ _the local fishing club and started ____ _the monthly meetings.(参加)

3) The number of foreign students ___ (attend) Chinese universities has been rising.

3. expose vt. 暴露,揭露,使曝光,使面临 exposed adj.无遮掩的 exposure n.暴露,揭发

*Being exposed to sunlight will do

harm to one’s skin .

I threatened to expose him to the police . Nurses are exposed to many dangers.

*We want to expose the kids to as much art and culture as possible.
