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1. a ; i

2. i ; n

3. r ; v

4. u ; i

5. o ; i

6. r

7. o ; o

8. e

9.i 10. r

1. internet ;

2. job ;

3. success ;

4. hand ;

5. office ;

6. temper ;

7. exam ;

8. person ;

9. U盘;10. 有病的;11.在意、关心;12. 钉子;13. 生日;14. 最后;15. 缺点;16. 丢失;17. 赞同;18. 生气;19. 听;20. 发脾气

1. D

2. B

3. A

4. B

5. D

6. D

7. C

8. C

9. B 10. C 四

1. as ;as

2. lost

3. not ;at all

4. not ;until

5. gave up

6. failed

7. not ; but

8. either

9. find out 10. get on ; with

1.疑问句:Is Mary writing a letter ?

否定句:Mary isn’t writing a letter .

2. 疑问句:Is Mr Li a worker ?

否定句:Mr Li is n’t a worker .

3.疑问句:Do they clean their classroom once a week ?

否定句:They don’t clean their classroom once a week .

4.疑问句:Have you got a new pen ?

否定句:I haven’t got a new pen .

5.疑问句:Did you do your homework yesterday afternoon.


1. Life is full of challenges.

2. Do you agree with the idea that life is fair?

3. He often had fights with his friends.

4. He learned how to get on with others and he never lost his temper again.

5. When you say some words in anger , your bad temper will leave a scar just like the hole.

6. A man can fail many times , but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.

7. The boy discovered that it is easier to keep his temper than to drive the nails into the fence.

8. The fence will never be the same as it was before.

9. What’s the big deal?

10. Sorry , I have no idea.
