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some of the ork onfronting us ill not be pleted during m presiden. some, like the elimination of nulear eapons, ma not be pleted in m lifetime. but i kno these hallenges an be met so long as it's reognised that the ill not be met b one person or one nation alone. this XXrd is not simpl about the efforts of m administration it's about the ourageous efforts of people around the orld.

and that's h this XXrd must be shared ith everone ho strives for justie and dignit for the oung oman ho marhes silentl in the streets on behalf of her right to be heard even in the fae of beatings and bullets; for the leader imprisoned in her on home beause she refuses to abandon her mitment to demora; for the soldier ho sarified through tour after tour of dut on behalf of someone half a orld XX; and

for all those men and omen aross the orld ho sarifie their safet and their freedom and sometimes their lives for the ause of peae.

that has alas been the ause of ameria. that's h the orld has alas looked to ameria. and that's h i believe ameria ill ontinue to lead. thank ou ver muh.


peae 和平-英语演讲稿

peae – something e annot

afford to lose

hen e ere kids, e used to have a dream. in our dream, the sk is blue, the sun is bright, the field is green; in our dream, hildren from all over the orld are singing together;

in our dream, ou’ll feel there’s no hurt or sorro. it is peae that e herished so muh hen e ere oung, and i still believe it is peae that e annot afford to lose.

hoever, hen e gro up and look around the real orld ith our on ees arefull, e find that the dream as onl a dream. in afria, e sa onflits; in iraqi and liban, e notied the asualties; in a lot of other ountries, e found turbulene and turmoil. here are the doves and green branhes? here are the happ hildren and affluent people? and ho an e believe the

orld peae exatl exists under the same sk? e never ant to see the soldiers unillingl leaving their ife and mom, ring. e never ant to see the homeless hildren seeking a bit of dr ground to sleep on for the old night under a lo bridge. e never ant to see our ountr onsume a great deal of mone to make preparations for ars. there is no doubt that e need a peaeful orld, ithout ars, ithout death. not beause of the peae itself, but atuall for its intended purpose.

it is obviousl ever single human being is too small to stop the ars and advoate the peae even though he firml ants to. but human

beings are never alone. ith ou and me and everone else, e an ahieve this goal. i believe that everone feels like having a onderful breakfast ith famil instead of preparing for fighting against the enem. i believe everone feels like having a trip somehere else and enjo beautiful sener instead of faing blood bodies and damaged buildings. i believe everone feels like sitting in a bright lassroom or offie to stud or to ork instead of onstruting ne buildings on the ruined ones. so, in order to seure our dreams and make them e true, e must understand that peae is something e annot afford to lose.

i firml believe that:

e an reate a orld ith no fear;

e an see the nations turn their sords into ploshares;

e an heal the orld and make it a better plae, as long as e have peae!



a ord that hange the orld

at thebottom of our heart, r out freedom
