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样烦人的喋喋不休,别着急,不是只有你这么倒霉。根据无线网络广告公司Cloud Nine Media对1,060名成年员工的最新调查,约70%的美国人说,同事中有人总是发牢骚。其中67%的人承认他人不停的抱怨会影响自己的工作






布莱克的新书《简单三步:事业和生活成功之路》(Three Simple Steps: A Map to Success in Business and Life)中提到了一些最新的研究成果,其中之一由斯坦福大学(Stanford University)医学院的神经学和神经内分泌学教授罗伯特•萨波尔斯基完成。他广泛研究了压力对海马体的影响,而海马体能够连接大脑的其它部位,也是为数不多能产生新的神经元的部位之一。

The boss doesn't understand how tough this project is going to be. These deadlines are totally unrealistic. This customer is getting on my last nerve. What, we're supposed to work late again? Those idiots in IT (or HR, or fill in the blank) have really screwed up this time. Why can't anybody around here follow through on a simple request? If the background buzz in your office sounds something like this, you've got plenty of company. About 70% of Americans say they work with someone who's always griping, according to a new poll of 1,060 employed adults by WiFi advertising network Cloud Nine Media. Of that group, 67% admit that being around nonstop complainers sometimes puts a damper on their own productivity.

And no wonder. Recent advances in neuroscience have turned up some intriguing insights into how a steady barrage of negative thoughts can affect the human brain. Researchers have long known that our gray matter is surprisingly plastic and is quick to begin forming new patterns. Strengthening synaptic connections through repetition, for instance, builds the capacity to recall and retain information.

Now, studies using MRIs and other tools have taken that one step further. "Negative words stimulate the areas of the brain associated



1. 保持清醒。抱怨具有传染性,如果你发现自己陷入和周围人相同的负面思维惯性,赶快停止吧。布莱克说:“每当负面想法从脑海中浮现,立刻作出改变。如果你想:‘那件衬衣不错,可是我没钱买。’这时不妨换个想法:‘等我有钱了就把它买下来,它和我的黑裤子简直是绝配。’”这样就能促进“神经发生的过程,在大脑中创造、加强导致积极行为的路径。”


2. 敬而远之。布莱克建议,只要可能,就应该远离负面对话。“找个借口离开,到某个安静的去处,最好是有新鲜空气的室外,”他建议说。“回去之前想想愉快的事情。你得把这个当回事,因为负面人物能够、而且一定会让你陷入消极思维之中。”

3. 和平共处。“如果你发现with perceptions and cognitive functioning," notes serial entrepreneur and career coach Trevor Blake. "It's clear that constant exposure to complaints will reinforce negative thinking, and your behavior is likely to change to fit those negative perceptions."

Consider one of the recent studies Blake cites in his new book, Three Simple Steps: A Map to Success in Business and Life. Robert Sapolsky, a professor of neurology and neuroendocrinology at Stanford University's School of Medicine, has done extensive research on the effect of stress on the hippocampus, which makes connections among other parts of the brain, and is also one of the few regions able to produce new neurons.

Unfortunately, the hippocampus is also highly sensitive to negative stimuli. Sapolsky found that exposure to a stressor -- such as listening to someone spread a nasty rumor at work -- for more than 30 minutes leads to elevated cortisol levels that hamper synaptic connections and speed up cell death. Over time, Blake writes, repeated bouts of negativity will cause the hippocampus to shrink, resulting in "declines in cognitive function, including the ability to retain information and adapt to new situations."

Who needs that? Luckily, the
