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1、Tissue——groups of cells (similar in morphology or related in function)+intercellular materials.(组织:细胞与细胞外基质组合在一起所构成的细胞群体。)

2、Endothelium——the simple squamous epi.which line the inner surface of cardiovascular and lymphatic system.(内皮:衬贴在心、血管和淋巴管腔面的单层扁平上皮。Pg10)

12、Mesothelium——the simple squamous epi. which line the inner surface of body cavities such as thoracic, pericardiac and abdominal cavities.(间皮:分布在胸膜、腹膜和心包膜表面的单层扁平上皮)。

3、Microvilli——delicate finger-liked projections of cell-membrane and cytoplasm, protruding from the free surface.(微绒毛:是上皮细胞游离面伸出的微细指状突起) 13、Cilium——elongated, mobile projections of cell membrane and cytoplasm protruding from free surface.想(纤毛:细胞游离面伸出的较长的突起)

4、Basement membran——a sheet of membrane-liked amorphous material interposed between epi.cells and underlying CT.(基膜:又称基底膜,是上皮基底面与深部结缔组织间的薄膜)

5、Haversian system (osteon)——/cylindric structure, 3-5mm/central canal: N, BV, CT/Haversian lamella: 4-20 layers.(哈佛氏系统:其中央有哈氏管,管内有血管、神经通过,以哈氏管为中心,骨板呈同心圆环绕,骨板间被骨陷窝间隔,从每一个骨陷窝发出的骨小管相互吻合,且与哈氏管相通。)

6、Sacromere——a segment of myfibril extending from one Z line to next Z line, which is composed of 1/2 I band, A band and 1/2 I band ,is the smallest structural and functional unit of myofibril.(肌节:是指相邻两个Z线之间的一段肌原纤维,在距离上,肌节=1/2 I带+A带+1/2 I带;肌节是肌纤维结构和机能的基本单位。)

7、Sarcoplasmic reticulum——A longitudinal distributed tubular system formed by smooth endoplasmic reticulum.(肌浆网:肌浆中的滑面内质网。)

8、Nissl body——LM: basophilic spot-liked or granule-liked structure


EM: parallelly-arranged RER and free ribosome. function: synthesis of proteins.


9. Mucous-HCO3- barrier——Mucus + tight junctions, which protects mucosa from being eroded by acid (pH = 0.9~1.5) and enzymes in the lumen of stomach.(黏液碳酸氢盐屏障:

10、Organs——organizations of various kinds of tissues in particular ways & perform a specific function.(器官:

11、Isogenous group——several cells locates in one lacuna, which are derived from a single(same) parent cell.(同源组织:

12、Transverse tubule (T tubule)——sarcolemma and basement membrane invaginate into sarcoplasm to form a transverse distributed tubular system.location: A-I junctional part.function: transfer the information into cytoplasm.(横小管:肌膜向肌浆内陷,形成环绕肌原纤维行走的互相吻合的小管。)

13、Neurofibril——LM:in silver stain, there are many thread-liked dark brown color

structure to form a network. EM: neurofilament、microtubule.function: supporting、involving in intracellular transportation。(神经原纤维:光镜下观察银染切片标本可见神经元中有一种很细的棕黑色细丝,在胞体内交织成网,在突起内平行成束;电镜下观察,神经原纤维由直径约10纳米的神经丝和直径约25纳米神经微管聚集成束构成。与神经元胞体内蛋白质、化学递质和离子的运输有关)

14、Synapes——Is the Junction between two neurons or between a neuron and an effector cell,specialized for transmission of impulses.(突触:神经元与神经元之间或神经元与非神经元之间的接触点。)

15. Small intestinal gland——is the invagination of epi. into lamina propria, which are derived from the epithelium invaginations and have similar cell compositions to that of epithelium.

16、Metachromasia——a dye stains tissue a different color from that of dye solution,

e.g.toluidine blue stains mast cells in purple color.(异染性:有些组织成分用甲苯胺蓝等碱性染料染色后不显蓝色而呈紫红色,这种现象称为异染性。)

17、Villi and Plicae——Villi is finger-like projections consisting of lamina propria covered by epithelium.Plicae folds including the mucosa and submucosa.

18、Apocrine secretion——(of exocrine glands) producing a secretion in which part of the secreting cell is released with the secretion;

19、Muscular sliding theory(Sliding filament hypothesis)——During the contraction,the A band remained contastant in length whilst the I band and H band both decreased in width which suggest that the actin filament slide along the myosin toward the M line.(肌肉滑行理论:当肌纤维收缩时,粗肌丝与细肌丝的长度并不改变,而是细肌丝在粗肌丝之间向M线滑动,这样使明带和H带都变窄,甚至消失,而暗带宽度不变,导致整个肌节变短,肌源纤维收缩,从而肌纤维收缩。)

20、Disse gap——Narrow space between the endothelium & hepatocyte,

Occupied by numerous microvilli of hepatocytes ,Filled with plasma

21、Mononuclear phagocyte system——A widely distributed collection of both free and fixed macrophages derived from bone marrow precursor cells by way of monocytes; their substantial phagocytic activity is mediated by immunoglobulin and the serum complement system. In both connective and lymphoid tissue, they may occur as free and fixed macrophages; in the sinusoids of the liver, as Kupffer cells; in the lung, as alveolar macrophages; and in the nervous system, as microglia.

22、Liver lobule(hepatic lobule)——(肝小叶:是肝的基本结构和功能单位,呈多角棱柱体,长约2mm,宽约1mm。)Basic structural and functional unit of liver.

2 mm long, 1 mm in across D,polygonal prism( irregular),structure: central vein,hepatic plate,hepatic sinusoid,Perisinusoidal space,Bile canaliculi。

23、Corpuscle of stannous——Development comes from mesonephros of fish.Pink, oval or spherical body, is located in the dorsal or ventral renal back-end, and sometimes buried within renal tissue.

