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1.about (大约)一approximately

2.get —obtain

3.finish 一complete

4.change 一transform

5.method 一technique 一purchase

7.ask 一inquire

8.begin、start 一commence 一inexpensive

10.obtainable 一avaible

e 一employ

12.have 一possess

13.get 一acquire

14.extra 一additional 一assistance

16.about (关于)一concerning

17.enlarge 一magnify

18.many 一numerous 19. best 一optimum 20. lively 一vigorous


1.并列递进:moreover, in addition, furthermore, besides, likewise, also, then, additionally

2.转折:not, yet, however, n evertheless, non etheless, mean while, on the other hand.

on the contrary, conversely, paradoxically, by contrast, in spite o,f rather than, instead of, unfortunately

3.解释:in other words, in fact, as a matter of fact, that is,

namely, in

simp ler


4.原因:because, because of, as, since, owing to, due to, thanks to,

for this



5.举例:for example, for instanee, as such, such as, take ...for example, to

illustrate, to n ame a


6.强调:surprisingly, interestingly,intriguingly, strikingly, unexpectedly, clearly,

obviously, apparen tly,i n fact, in deed, actually, as a matter of fact, un doubtedly

7.可能:presumably, probably, perhaps

8.让步:although, after all, in spite of..., despite, even if, even though,

though, admittedly, give n that

9.总结:overall, eventually, consequently, in summary, in a word, as a result,

together, collectively, thus, hen ce, con seque ntly, on the

whole, in

con clusi on, to sum up, in brief, to con clude, to summarize, in

short, briefly

10.结果:therefore, as a result, then, consequently, thus, hence, so, therefore,

accord in gly, con seque ntly, as con

seque nee

11.对比比较:likewise, similarly, in p arallel to, while,



1.说明选题的重要性:X is the ma in / leadi ng / p rimary / major cause

of ..Xs are a

com mon / useful / critical part of …Xs are among the most //ccimmoaeid

discussed / well-k nown / well-docume nted / wides pread/com monly inv estigated types

of …X is recognized abeing / believed to be / widely considered to be the


imp orta nt …It is well known / gen erally acce pted / com mon kno wledge

that X is

is in creas in gly beco ming / set to become a vital factor in …Xs are un dergo ing a

revolutio n / gen erat ing con siderablei nterest in terms of …Xs are attract ing

con siderable / in creas ing / wides pread in

terest due to

2.概述前人做过的研究:Last century X was con sidered to be / viewed as / see n as

the most …I nitial / P relimi nary / The first studies of X con

sidered it to
