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食品2009级食品科学试题A标准答案及评分标准Ⅰ. 单项选择题(请把正确答案前的字母填入题后的括号内,错选、漏选、多选均不得分,每题1分,共20分)



Ⅱ. Please fill in the following blanks (1 point each,

in total 30 points)

1. Beef and veal are from , pork from , and lamb from .

Cattle牛, hogs猪, sheep羊.

2. As meat is cooked, contractile become less tender, and becomes more tender.

Proteins蛋白, the major connective tissue protein (collagen) 主要的结缔组织蛋白


3. Fish is a good source of vitamins and , fat, and

high-quality .

维生素A, 维生素B, unsaturated不饱和, protein蛋白质.

4. Soy is made from roasted soybeans in a fine powder. Soy are

substitutes for cream cheese or sour cream. Soy is a dark brown liquid

made from soybeans that have been fermented. Soy comes from defatted soy



粕(protein concentrate)。

5. Fruits and vegetables get their characteristic color from .


6. Sugar-based sweeteners are developed from .


7. is the application of heat to the point that sugars dehydrate and break

down and polymerize.


8. The four main microorganisms are , which are the tiniest and simplest

forms of life; which need a host to survive; which need a host to survive; , which are molds or yeast; and which, when they multiply, can make food hazardous to eat.


9. A rule of thumb for the numbers of organisms required to produce toxins or to

produce desired or undesired flavors is per gram.

one million一百万。

10. A letter of is to obtain information about possible job vacancies. A letter of is to apply for a specific position that has

been publicly advertised.


11. Research and development in any area of the food industry requires a background.

science-biology, chemistry, or biotechnology生物学、化学、生物技术。

12. Hunger can be a , but more often it is a very limited .


13. The manufacture of ice cream is an example of a/an .

Swept surface heat exchanges刮片式表面热交换器

14. The growth of aerobes is slowed by removing the ; while providing limits the growth of anaerobes.

Oxygen氧气, Oxygen氧气

15. The most heat resistant pathogen in canned foods is .

Clostridium botulinum 梭状芽孢肉毒杆菌

16. In the thermal death curve, the D value relates to the to reduce the

number of microorganisms, and Z value relates to the required to decrease

the microorganisms.

Time时间, temperature温度

17. Dehydration results in decreased and and shipping costs.

Weight重量, volume体积

18. Radiation is broadly defined as moving through space in invisible



19. When is added to water, it changes the microwave heating characteristics
