
西安科技大学MATLAB程序设计专业:信息与计算科学班级:1001班学号:1008060129姓名:刘仲能2012年6月27日实验一2.已知:⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-=76538773443412A ,⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡--=723302131B 求下列表达式的值:(1)A+6*B 和A-B+I (其中I 为单位矩阵) (2)A*B 和A.*B (3)A^3和A.^3 (4)A/B 及B\A (5)[A,B]和[A([1,3],:);B^2]3.设有矩阵A 和B ⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡=25242322212019181716151413121110987654321A ,⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡--=11134079423096171603B (1) 求它们的乘积C 。
(2) 将矩阵C 的右下角3×2子矩阵赋给D 。
(3) 查看MATLAB 工作空间的使用情况(1)(2)(3)4.完成下列操作(1)求[100,999]之间能被21整除的数的个数。
运行截图:A 矩阵的行列式值、迹、秩分别如下:范数如下:4.已知 ⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡--=5881252018629A求A 的特征值及特征向量,并分析其数学意义。
运行截图:5.下面是一个线性方程组:⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡=⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡ x x (1) 求方程的解;(2) 将方程右边向量元素改为0.53,在求解,并比较的变化和解的相对变化;(3) 计算系数矩阵A 的条件数并分析结论。
(3)由于A 矩阵的条件数很大,故当线性方程组中的b 变大时,x也将发生很大的变化,即数值稳定性较差。

001双峰曲线图:z=peaks(40);mesh(z);surf(z)002解方程:A=[3,4,-2;6,2,-3;45,5,4];>> B=[14;4;23];>> root=inv(A)*B003傅里叶变换load mtlb ;subplot(2,1,1);plot(mtlb);>> title('原始语音信息');>> y=fft(mtlb);>> subplot(2,1,2);>> yy=abs(y);>> plot(yy);>> title('傅里叶变换')004输入函数:a=input('How many apples\n','s')005输出函数a=[1 2 3 4 ;5 6 7 8;12 23 34 45;34 435 23 34]a =1 2 3 45 6 7 812 23 34 4534 435 23 34disp(a)a =1 2 3 45 6 7 812 23 34 4534 435 23 34b=input('how many people\n' ,'s')how many peopletwo peopleb =two people>> disp(b)two people>>006求一元二次方程的根a=1;b=2;c=3;d=sqrt(b^2-4*a*c);x1=(-b+d)/(2*a)x1 =-1.0000 + 1.4142i>> x2=(-b-d)/(2*a)x2 =-1.0000 - 1.4142i007求矩阵的相乘、转置、存盘、读入数据A=[1 3 5 ;2 4 6;-1 0 -2;-3 0 0];>> B=[-1 3;-2 2;2 1];>> C=A*BC =3 142 20-3 -53 -9>> C=C'C =3 2 -3 314 20 -5 -9>> save mydat C>> clear>> load mydat C008编写数学计算公式:A=2.1;B=-4.5;C=6;D=3.5;E=-5;K=atan(((2*pi*A)+E/(2*pi*B*C))/D) K =1.3121009A=[1 0 -1;2 4 1;-2 0 5];>> B=[0 -1 0;2 1 3;1 1 2];>> H=2*A+BH =2 -1 -26 9 5-3 1 12>> M=A^2-3*BM =3 3 -62 13 -2-15 -3 21>> Y=A*BY =-1 -2 -29 3 145 7 10>> R=B*AR =-2 -4 -1-2 4 14-1 4 10>> E=A.*BE =0 0 04 4 3-2 0 10>> W=A\BW =0.3333 -1.3333 0.66670.2500 1.0000 0.25000.3333 -0.3333 0.6667 >> P=A/BP =-2.0000 3.0000 -5.0000-5.0000 3.0000 -4.00007.0000 -9.0000 16.0000>> Z=A.\BWarning: Divide by zero.Z =0 -Inf 01.0000 0.2500 3.0000-0.5000 Inf 0.4000>> D=A./BWarning: Divide by zero.D =Inf 0 -Inf1.0000 4.0000 0.3333-2.0000 0 2.5000010a=4.96;b=8.11;>> M=exp(a+b)/log10(a+b)M =4.2507e+005011求三角形面积:a=9.6;b=13.7;c=19.4;>> s=(a+b+c)/2;>> area=sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))area =61.1739012逻辑运算A=[-1 0 -6 8;-9 4 0 12.3;0 0 -5.1 -2;0 -23 0 -7]; >> B=A(:,1:2)B =-1 0-9 40 00 -23>> C=A(1:2,:)C =-1.0000 0 -6.0000 8.0000 -9.0000 4.0000 0 12.3000>> D=B'D =-1 -9 0 00 4 0 -23>> A*Bans =1.0000 -184.0000-27.0000 -266.90000 46.0000 207.0000 69.0000>> C<Dans =0 0 1 01 0 0 0>> C&Dans =1 0 0 00 1 0 1>> C|Dans =1 1 1 11 1 0 1>> ~C|~Dans =0 1 1 11 0 1 0013矩阵运算练习:A=[8 9 5;36 -7 11;21 -8 5]A =8 9 536 -7 1121 -8 5>> BB =-1 3 -22 0 3-3 1 9>> RT=A*BRT =-5 29 56-83 119 6-52 68 -21>> QW=A.*BQW =-8 27 -1072 0 33-63 -8 45>> ER=A^3ER =6272 3342 294415714 -856 52608142 -1906 2390 >> BF=A.^3BF =512 729 12546656 -343 13319261 -512 125 >> A/Bans =3.13414.9634 -0.4024-1.2561 12.5244 -3.2317-1.9878 6.4512 -2.0366>> EKV=B\AEKV =10.7195 -1.2683 3.52449.4756 1.5854 3.71954.8537 -1.4878 1.3171>> KDK=[A,B]KDK =8 9 5 -1 3 -236 -7 11 2 0 321 -8 5 -3 1 9 >> ERI=[A;B]ERI =8 9 536 -7 1121 -8 5-1 3 -22 0 3-3 1 9014一般函数的调用:A=[2 34 88 390 848 939];>> S=sum(A)S =2301>> min(A)ans =2>> EE=mean(A)EE =383.5000>> QQ=std(A)QQ =419.3794>> AO=sort(A)AO =2 34 88 390 848 939 >> yr=norm(A)yr =1.3273e+003>> RT=prod(A)RT =1.8583e+012>> gradient(A)ans =32.0000 43.0000 178.0000 380.0000 274.5000 91.0000 >> max(A)ans =939>> median(A)ans =239>> diff(A)ans =32 54 302 458 91>> length(A)ans =6>> sum(A)ans =2301>> cov(A)ans =1.7588e+005>>015矩阵变换:A=[34 44 23;8 34 23;34 55 2]A =34 44 238 34 2334 55 2>> tril(A)ans =34 0 08 34 034 55 2>> triu(A)ans =34 44 230 34 230 0 2>> diag(A)ans =34342norm(A)ans =94.5106>> rank(A)ans =3>> det(A)ans =-23462>> trace(A)ans =70>> null(A)ans =Empty matrix: 3-by-0>> eig(A)ans =80.158712.7671-22.9257>> poly(A)ans =1.0e+004 *0.0001 -0.0070 -0.1107 2.3462>> logm(A)Warning: Principal matrix logarithm is not defined for A with nonpositive real eigenvalues. A non-principal matrixlogarithm is returned.> In funm at 153In logm at 27ans =3.1909 + 0.1314i 1.2707 + 0.1437i 0.5011 - 0.2538i0.4648 + 0.4974i 3.3955 + 0.5438i 0.1504 - 0.9608i0.2935 - 1.2769i 0.8069 - 1.3960i 3.4768 + 2.4663i>> fumn(A)Undefined command/function 'fumn'.>> inv(A)ans =0.0510 -0.0502 -0.0098-0.0326 0.0304 0.02550.0305 0.0159 -0.0343>> cond(A)ans =8.5072>> chol(A)Error using ==> cholMatrix must be positive definite.>> lu(A)ans =34.0000 44.0000 23.00000.2353 23.6471 17.58821.0000 0.4652 -29.1816>> pinv(A)ans =0.0510 -0.0502 -0.0098-0.0326 0.0304 0.02550.0305 0.0159 -0.0343>> svd(A)ans =94.510622.345611.1095>> expm(A)ans =1.0e+034 *2.1897 4.3968 1.93821.31542.6412 1.16431.8782 3.7712 1.6625>> sqrtm(A)ans =5.2379 + 0.2003i 3.4795 + 0.2190i 1.8946 - 0.3869i0.5241 + 0.7581i 5.1429 + 0.8288i 2.0575 - 1.4644i3.0084 - 1.9461i4.7123 - 2.1276i 2.1454 + 3.7589i >>016多项式的计算:A=[34 44 23;8 34 23;34 55 2]A =34 44 238 34 2334 55 2>> P=poly(A)P =1.0e+004 *0.0001 -0.0070 -0.1107 2.3462>> PPA=poly2str(P,'X')PPA =X^3 - 70 X^2 - 1107 X + 23462017多项式的运算:p=[2 6 8 3];w=[32 56 0 2];>> m=conv(p,w)m =64 304 592 548 180 16 6 >> [q,r]=deconv(w,p)q =16r =0 -40 -128 -46>> dp=polyder(w)dp =96 112 0>> [num,den]=polyder(w,p)num =80 512 724 312 -16den =4 24 68 108 100 48 9>> b=polyfit(p,w,4)Warning: Polynomial is not unique; degree >= number of data points. > In polyfit at 74b =-0.6704 9.2037 -32.2593 0 98.1333>> r=roots(p)r =-1.2119 + 1.0652i-1.2119 - 1.0652i-0.5761018求多项式的商和余p=conv([1 0 2],conv([1 4],[1 1]))p =1 5 6 10 8>> q=[1 0 1 1]q =1 0 1 1>> [w,m]=deconv(p,q)w =1 5m =0 0 5 4 3>> cq=w;cr=m;>> disp([cr,poly2str(m,'x')])5 x^2 + 4 x + 3>> disp([cq,poly2str(w,'x')])x + 5019将分式分解a=[1 5 6];b=[1];>> [r,p,k]=residue(b,a)r =-1.00001.0000p =-3.0000-2.0000k =[]020计算多项式:a=[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9];>> p=[3 0 2 3];>> q=[2 3];>> x=2;>> r=roots(p)r =0.3911 + 1.0609i0.3911 - 1.0609i-0.7822>> p1=conv(p,q)p1 =6 9 4 12 9>> p2=poly(a)p2 =1.0000 -15.0000 -18.0000 -0.0000 >> p3=polyder(p)p3 =9 0 2>> p4=polyval(p,x)p4 =31021求除式和余项:[q,r]=deconv(conv([1 0 2],[1 4]),[1 1 1])022字符串的书写格式:s='student's =student>> name='mary';>> s1=[name s]s1 =marystudent>> s3=[name blanks(3);s]s3 =marystudent>>023交换两个数:clearclca=[1 2 3 4 5];b=[6 7 8 9 10];c=a;a=b;b=c;ab24If语句n=input('enter a number,n=');if n<10nend025 if 双分支结构a=input('enter a number ,a=');b=input('enter a number ,b=');if a>bmax=a;elsemax=b;endmax026三个数按照由大到小的顺序排列:A=15;B=24;C=45;if A<BT=A;A=B;B=T;elseif A<CT=A;A=C;C=T;elseif B<CT=B;B=C;C=T;endABC027建立一个收费优惠系统:price=input('please jinput the price : price=') switch fix(price/100)case[0,1]rate =0;case[2,3,4]rate =3/100;case num2cell(5:9)rate=5/100;case num2cell(10:24)rate=8/100;case num2cell(25:49)rate=10/100;otherwiserate=14/100;endprice=price*(1-rate)028:while循环语句i=0;s=0;while i<=1212s=s+i;i=i+1;ends029,用for循环体语句:sum=0;for i=1:1.5:100;sum=sum+i;endsum030循环的嵌套s=0;for i=1:1:6;for j=1:1:8;s=s+i^j;end;end;s031continue 语句的使用:for i=100:120;if rem(i,7)~=0;continue;end;iend032x=input ('输入X的值x=')if x<1y=x^2;elseif x>1&x<2y=x^2-1;elsey=x^2-2*x+1;endy033求阶乘的累加和sum=0;temp=1;for n=1:10;temp=temp*n;sum=sum+temp;endsum034对角线元素之和sum=0;a=[1 2 3 4;5 6 7 8;9 10 11 12;13 14 15 16]; for i=1:4;sum=sum+a(i,i);endsum035用拟合点绘图A=[12 15.3 16 18 25];B=[50 80 118 125 150.8];plot(A,B)036绘制正玄曲线:x=0:0.05:4*pi;y=sin(x);plot(x,y)037绘制向量x=[1 2 3 4 5 6;7 8 9 10 11 12;13 14 15 16 17 18] plot(x)x=[0 0.2 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.7 1.2 1.5 1.6 1.9 2.3]plot(x)x=0:0.2:2*piy=sin(x)plot(x,y,'m:p')038在正弦函数上加标注:t=0:0.05:2*pi;plot(t,sin(t))set(gca,'xtick',[0 1.4 3.14 56.28])xlabel('t(deg)')ylabel('magnitude(v)')title('this is a example ()\rightarrow 2\pi')text(3.14,sin(3.14),'\leftarrow this zero for\pi')039添加线条标注x=0:0.2:12;plot(x,sin(x),'-',x,1.5*cos(x),':');legend('First','Second',1)040使用hold on 函数x=0:0.2:12;plot(x,sin(x),'-');hold onplot(x,1.5*cos(x),':');041一界面多幅图x=0:0.05:7;y1=sin(x);y2=1.5*cos(x);y3=sin(2*x);y4=5*cos(2*x);subplot(221);plot(x,y1);title('sin(x)')subplot(222);plot(x,y2);title('cos(x)')subplot(223);plot(x,y3);title('sin(2x)')subplot(224);plot(x,y4);title('cos(2x)')042染色效果图x=0:0.05:7;y1=sin(x);y2=1.5*cos(x);y3=sin(2*x);y4=5*cos(2*x);subplot(221);plot(x,y1);title('sin(x)');fill(x,y1,'r') subplot(222);plot(x,y2);title('cos(x)');fill(x,y2,'b') subplot(223);plot(x,y3);title('sin(2x)');fill(x,y3,'k') subplot(224);plot(x,y4);title('cos(2x)');fill(x,y4,'g')043特殊坐标图clcy=[0,0.55,2.5,6.1,8.5,12.1,14.6,17,20,22,22.1] subplot(221);plot(y);title('线性坐标图');subplot(222);semilogx(y);title('x轴对数坐标图');subplot(223);semilogx(y);title('y轴对数坐标图');subplot(224);loglog(y);title('双对数坐标图')t=0:0.01:2*pi;r=2*cos(2*(t-pi/8));polar(t,r)044特殊函数绘图:fplot('cos(tan(pi*x))',[-0.4,1.4])fplot('sin(exp(pi*x))',[-0.4,1.4])045饼形图与条形图:x=[8 20 36 24 12];subplot(221);pie(x,[1 0 0 0 1]);title('饼图');subplot(222);bar(x,'group');title('垂直条形图');subplot(223);bar(x,'stack');title('累加值为纵坐标的垂直条形图'); subplot(224);barh(x,'group');title('水平条形图');046梯形图与正弦函数x=0:0.1:10;y=sin(x);subplot(121);stairs(x);subplot(122);stairs(x,y);047概率图x=randn(1,1000);y=-2:0.1:2;hist(x,y)048向量图:x=[-2+3j,3+4j,1-7j];subplot(121);compass(x);rea=[-2 3 1];imag=[3 4 -7];subplot(122);feather(rea,imag);049绘制三维曲线图:z=0:pi/50:10*pi;x=sin(z);y=cos(z);plot3(x,y,z)x=-10:0.5:10;y=-8:0.5:8;[x,y]=meshgrid(x,y);z=sin(sqrt(x.^2+y.^2))./sqrt(x.^2+y.^2); subplot(221);mesh(x,y,z);title('普通一维网格曲面');subplot(222);meshc(x,y,z);title('带等高线的三维网格曲面'); subplot(223);meshz(x,y,z);title('带底座的三维网格曲面'); subplot(224);surf(x,y,z);title('充填颜色的三维网格面')050 带网格二维图x=0:pi/10:2*pi;y1=sin(x);y2=cos(x);plot(x,y1,'r+-',x,y2,'k*:')grid onxlabel('Independent Variable x') ylabel('Dependent Variable y1&y2') text(1.5,0.5,'cos(x)')051各种统计图y=[18 5 28 17;24 12 36 14;15 6 30 9]; subplot(221);bar(y)x=[4,6,8];subplot(222);bar3(x,y)subplot(223);bar(x,y,'grouped') subplot(224);bar(x,y,'stack')052曲面图x=-2:0.4:2;y=-1:0.2:1;[x,y]=meshgrid(x,y);z=sqrt(4-x.^2/9-y.^2/4); surf(x,y,z)grid on053创建符号矩阵e=[1 3 5;2 4 6;7 9 11];m=sym(e)符号表达式的计算问题因式分解:syms xf=factor(x^3-1)s=sym('sin(a+b)'); expand(s)syms x tf=x*(x*(x-8)+6)*t; collect(f)syms xf=sin(x)^2+cos(x)^2; simplify(f)syms xs=(4*x^2+8*x+3)/(2*x+1); simplify(s)通分syms x yf=x/y-y/x;[m,n]=numden(f)嵌套重写syms xf=x^4+3*x^3-7*x^2+12; horner(f)054求极限syms x a;limit(exp(-x),x,0,'left')求导数syms xdiff(x^9+x^6)diff(x^9+x^6,4)055求不定积分与定积分syms x ys=(4-3*x^2)^2;int(s)int(x/(x+y),x)int(x^2/(x+2),x,1,3) double(ans)056函数的变换:syms x ty=exp(-x^2);Ft=fourier(y,x,t)fx=ifourier(Ft,t,x)057求解方程syms a b c xs=a*x^2+b*x+c;solve(s)syms x y zs1=2*x^2+y^2-3*z-4;s2=y+z-3;s3=x-2*y-3*z;[x,y,z]=solve(s1,s2,s3)058求微分方程:y=dsolve('Dy-(t^2+y^2)/t^2/2','t')059求级数和syms x ksymsum(k)symsum(k^2-3,0,10)symsum(x^k/k,k,1,inf)060泰勒展开式syms xs=(1-x+x^2)/(1+x+x^2);taylor(s)taylor(s,9)taylor(s,x,12)taylor(s,x,12,5)061练习syms x a;s1=sin(2*x)/sin(5*x);limit(s1,x,0)s2=(1+1/x)^(2*x);limit(s2,x,inf)syms xs=x*cos(x);diff(s)diff(s,2)diff(s,12)syms xs1=x^4/(1+x^2);int(s1)s2=3*x^2-x+1int(s2,0,2)syms x y zs1=5*x+6*y+7*z-16;s2=4*x-5*y+z-7;s3=x+y+2*z-2;[x,y,z]=solve(s1,s2,s3)syms x yy=dsolve('Dy=exp(2*x-y)','x')y=dsolve('Dy=exp(2*x-y)','y(0)=0','x')n=sym('n');s=symsum(1/n^2,n,1,inf)x=sym('x');f=sqrt(1-2*x+x^3)-(1-3*x+x^2)^(1/3);taylor(f,6)062求于矩阵相关的值a=[2 2 -1 1;4 3 -1 2;8 5 -3 4;3 3 -2 2]adet=det(a)atrace=trace(a)anorm=norm(a)acond=cond(a)arank=rank(a)eiga=eig(a)063矩阵计算A=[0.1389 0.6038 0.0153 0.9318;0.2028 0.2772 0.7468 0.4660;0.1987 0.1988 0.4451 0.4186]B=var(A)C=std(A)D=range(A)E=cov(A)F=corrcoef(A)064求根及求代数式的值P=[4 -3 2 5];x=roots(P)x=[3 3.6];F=polyval(P,x)065多项式的和差积商运算:f=[1 2 -4 3 -1]g=[1 0 1]g1=[0 0 1 0 1]f+g1f-g1conv(f,g)[q,r]=deconv(f,g)polyder(f)066各种插值运算:X=0:0.1:pi/2;Y=sin(X);interp1(X,Y,pi/4)interp1(X,Y,pi/4,'nearest')interp1(X,Y,pi/4,'spline')interp1(X,Y,pi/4,'cubic')067曲线的拟合:X=0:0.1:2*pi;Y=cos(X);[p,s]=polyfit(X,Y,4)plot(X,Y,'K*',X,polyval(p,X),'r-')068求函数的最值与0点x=2:0.1:2;[x,y]=fminbnd('x.^3-2*x+1',-1,1) [x,y]=fzero('x.^3-2*x+1',1)069求多项式的表达式、值、及图像y=[1 3 5 7 19]t=poly(y)x=-4:0.5:8yx=polyval(t,x)plot(x,yx)070数据的拟合与绘图x=0:0.1:2*pi;y=sin(x);p=polyfit(x,y,5);y1=polyval(p,x)plot(x,y,'b',x,y1,'r')071求代数式的极限:syms xf=sym('log(1+2*x)/sin(3*x)');b=limit(f,x,0)072求导数与微分syms xf=sym('x/(cos(x))^2');y1=diff(f)y2=int(f,0,1)078划分网格函数[x,y]=meshgrid(-2:0.01:2,-3:0.01:5); t=x.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2);[px,py]=gradient(t,0.05,0.1);td=sqrt(px.^2+py.^2);subplot(221)imagesc(t)subplot(222)imagesc(td)colormap('gray')079求多次多项方程组的解:syms x1 x2 a ;eq1=sym('x1^2+x2=a')eq2=sym('x1-a*x2=0')[x1 x2]=solve(eq1,eq2,x1,x2)v=solve(eq1,eq2)v.x1v.x2an1=x1(1),an2=x1(2)an3=x2(1),an4=x2(2)080求解微分方程:[y]=dsolve('Dy=-y^2+6*y','y(0)=1','x')s=dsolve('Dy=-y^2+6*y','y(0)=1','x')[u]=dsolve('Du=-u^2+6*u','u(0)=1')w=dsolve('Du=-u^2+6*u','z')[u,w]=dsolve('Du=-w^2+6*w,Dw=sin(z)','u(0)=1,w(0)=0','z') v=dsolve('Du=-w^2+6*w,Dw=sin(z)','u(0)=1,w(0)=0','z')081各种显现隐含函数绘图:f=sym('x^2+1')subplot(221)ezplot(f,[-2,2])subplot(222)ezplot('y^2-x^6-1',[-2,2],[0,10])x=sym('cos(t)')y=sym('sin(t)')subplot(223)ezplot(x,y)z=sym('t^2')subplot(224)ezplot3(x,y,z,[0,8*pi])082极坐标图:r=sym('4*sin(3*x)')ezpolar(r,[0,6*pi])083多函数在一个坐标系内:x=0:0.1:8;y1=sin(x);subplot(221)plot(x,y1)subplot(222)plot(x,y1,x,y2)w=[2 3;3 1;4 6]subplot(223)plot(w)q=[4 6:3 5:1 2]subplot(224)plot(w,q)084调整刻度图像:x=0:0.1:10;y1=sin(x);y2=exp(x);y3=exp(x).*sin(x);subplot(221)plot(x,y2)subplot(222)loglog(x,y2)subplot(223)plotyy(x,y1,x,y2)085等高线等图形,三维图:t=0:pi/50:10*pi;subplot(2,3,1)plot3(t.*sin(t),t.*cos(t),t.^2) grid on[x,y]=meshgrid([-2:0.1:2])z=x.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2)subplot(2,3,2)plot3(x,y,z)box offsubplot(2,3,3)meshz(x,y,z)subplot(2,3,4)surf(x,y,z)contour(x,y,z)subplot(2,3,6)surf(x,y,z)subplot(2,3,5)contour(x,y,z)box offsubplot(2,3,6)contour3(x,y,z)axis off086统计图Y=[5 2 1;8 7 3;9 8 6;5 5 5;4 3 2]subplot(221)bar(Y)box offsubplot(222)bar3(Y)subplot(223)barh(Y)subplot(224)bar3h(Y)087面积图Y=[5 1 2;8 3 7;9 6 8;5 5 5;4 2 3];subplot(221)area(Y)grid onset(gca,'Layer','top','XTick',1:5)sales=[51.6 82.4 90.8 59.1 47.0];x=90:94;profits=[19.3 34.2 61.4 50.5 29.4];subplot(222)area(x,sales,'facecolor',[0.5 0.9 0.6], 'edgecolor','b','linewidth',2) hold onarea(x,profits,'facecolor',[0.9 0.85 0.7], 'edgecolor','y','linewidth',2) hold offset(gca,'Xtick',[90:94])set(gca,'layer','top')gtext('\leftarrow 销售量') gtext('利润')gtext('费用')xlabel('年','fontsize',14)088函数的插值:x=0:2*pi;y=sin(x);xi=0:0.1:8;yi1=interp1(x,y,xi,'linear')yi2=interp1(x,y,xi,'nearest') yi3=interp1(x,y,xi,'spline')yi4=interp1(x,y,xi,'cublic')p=polyfit(x,y,3)yy=polyval(p,xi)subplot(3,2,1)plot(x,y,'o')subplot(3,2,2)plot(x,y,'o',xi,yy)subplot(3,2,3)plot(x,y,'o',xi,yi1)subplot(3,2,4)plot(x,y,'o',xi,yi2)subplot(3,2,5)plot(x,y,'o',xi,yi3)subplot(3,2,6)plot(x,y,'o',xi,yi4)089二维插值计算:[x,y]=meshgrid(-3:0.5:3);z=peaks(x,y);[xi,yi]=meshgrid(-3:0.1:3); zi=interp2(x,y,z,xi,yi,'spline') plot3(x,y,z)hold onmesh(xi,yi,zi+15)hold offaxis tight090函数表达式;function f=exlin(x)if x<0f=-1;elseif x<1f=x;elseif x<2f=2-x;elsef=0;end091:硬循环语句:n=5;for i=1:nfor j=1:nif i==ja(i,j)=2;elsea(i,j)=0;endendendwhile 循环语句:n=1;while prod(1:n)<99^99;n=n+1endn:092 switch开关语句a=input('a=?')switch acase 1disp('It is raning') case 0disp('It do not know')case -1disp('It is not ranging')otherwisedisp('It is raning ?')end093画曲面函数:x1=linspace(-3,3,30)y1=linspace(-3,13,34)[x,y]=meshgrid(x1,y1);z=x.^4+3*x.^2-2*x+6-2*y.*x.^2+y.^2-2*y; surf(x,y,z)。

X =
1 1 1 0
2.11设a=[0 100],求~a的值?(非运算)
答:>> clear
>> a=[0 1 0 0]
a =
0 1 0 0
>> x=not(a)
x =
1 0 1 1
2.12设a=[0 120],b=[21 0 0],求axor b的值?
答:>> clear
答:>> clear
>> a=[0 2 1 0]
a =
0 2 1 0
>> b=[2 1 0 0]
b =
2 1 0 0
>> x=and(a,b)
x =
0 1 0 0
2.10设a=[0 120],b=[120 0],求a|b的值?(或运算)
>> clear
>> a=[0 1 2 0];b=[1 2 0 0];
答:要打开程序编辑窗口,我们可以在Command Window窗口中,单击工具栏中最左端显示为一张白纸的工具按钮。这样就打开了一个空白的程序编辑窗口,如图1-6所示。

n=rand(1,10) for j=1:10
for i=j+1:10 if n(j)<n(i) a=n(j); n(j)=n(i); n(i)=a; end
end end disp('重新排列后:') n
9.建立一个字符串向量,然后对该向量做如下处理: (1) 取第 1~5 个字符组成的子字符串。 (2) 将字符串倒过来重新排列。 (3) 统计字符串中小写字母的个数。
>> a='abcdef123456'; >> subch=a(1:5) subch = abcde >> revch=a(end:-1:1) revch = 654321fedcba>> k=find(a>='a'&a<='z'); >> a(k)=a(k)-('a'-'A'); >> char(a)
>> z=0:0.01:10;
>> x=z.*sin(3*z);
>> y=z.*cos(3*z);
>> plot3(x,y,z)
12.设 z x e2 (x2 y2 ) ,画出定义域 x=[-2,2],y=[-2,2]内的曲面图。
>> [x,y]=meshgrid([-2:0.1:2]); >> z=x.^2.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2); >> mesh(x,y,z) 13.设 z=0.05x-0.05y+0.1; 画出 z 的曲面(平面)图。 >> [X,Y]=meshgrid(1:10:200,1:10:200); >> Z=0.05*X-0.05*Y+0.1; >> surf(X,Y,Z)

Matlab编程与工程应用〔第二版习题解答第一章:MATLAB简介1.>> myage = 25;>> myage = myage - 1;>> myage = myage + 2;2.>> myage = 25;>> myage = myage - 1;>> myage = myage + 2;3.>> namelengthmaxans =634.>> format bank>> 1/3ans =0.335.>> format rat>> 5/6 + 2/7ans =47/426.25 19 4.3333 9 97.>> pounds = 100;>> kilos = 2.2 * poundskilos =220.00008.>> R1 = 20; R2 = 30; R3 = 40;>> RT = <R1\1 + R2\1 + R3\1>\1RT =9.23089.>> ftemp = 90;>> ctemp = <ftemp - 32> * 5 / 9ctemp =32.222210. 略11.>> sind<90>ans =112.>> sita = 2 * pi / 3;>> r = 2;>> x = r * cos<sita>x =-1.0000>> y = r * sin<sita>y =1.732113.>> t = 100;V = 50;>> wcf = 35.7 + 0.6 * t - 35.7 + 0.16 * V + 0.43 * t * 0.16 * Vwcf =41214.Fix<3.5> = 3; Floor<3.5> = 3;Fix<3.4> = 3; Fix<-3.4> = -3;Fix<3.2> = 3; Floor<3.2> = 3;Fix<-3.2> = -3; Floor<-3.2> = -4;Fix<-3.2> = -3; Ceil<-3.2> = -3;15.Sqrt<19>3 ^ 1.2Tan<pi>16.Intmin<‘int32’>; intmax<‘int32’>; intmin<‘int64’>;intmax<‘int64’>;17.Realmin<‘double’>; Realmax<‘double’>;18.>> DblNum = 33.8;>> int32Num = int32<DblNum>int32Num =3419.>> A1 = rand;A2 = 20*rand;A3 = 30 * rand + 20;A4 = round<rand * 10>;A5 = round<rand * 11>; /A6 = round<rand * 50> + 50;>> A4 = randi<10>;>> A5 = randi<11>;>> A6 = randi<50> + 50;20. 略21.Double〔‘A’ < Double<‘a’>; 所以大写在前,小写在后;22.>> CharNum = 'xyz';>> CharNum = char<CharNum - 2>CharNum =vwx23.>> vec = [3 : 1 : 6]vec =3 4 5 6>> vec2 = [1.0000:0.5000:3.0000]vec2 =1.0000 1.50002.0000 2.50003.0000>> vec3 = [5 : -1 :2]vec3 =5 4 3 224.>> vec1 = linspace<4,8,3>vec1 =4 6 8>> vec2 = linspace<-3,-15,5>vec2 =-3 -6 -9 -12 -15>> vec3 = linspace<9,5,3>vec3 =9 7 525.>> vec = [1 : 1 : 10]vec =1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >> vec = linspace<1,10,10>vec =1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >> vec2 = [2:5:12]vec2 =2 7 12>> vec = linspace<2,12,3>vec =2 7 12>> myend = randi<4> + 8;>> vec1 = [1 : 3 : myend]vec1 =1 4 7 1027.>> vec = [-1:0.2:1]'vec =-1.0000-0.8000-0.6000-0.4000-0.20000.20000.40000.60000.80001.000028.>> vec = [0 : 1 : 15];>> n = [1 : 2 : numel<vec> - 1];>> vec2 = vec<n>vec2 =0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 29.function [a b] = PI_CONT<x>%UNTITLED Summary of this function goes here% Detailed explanation goes heren =1 : 1 : fix<numel<x> / 2>;a = x<n>;n = 1+fix<numel<x>/2> : 1 : numel<x>;b = x<n>;endrem<numel<vec>,2>30.rand<2,3>10*rand<2,3>5 + round<15 * rand<2,3>>randint<2,3,[5 15]>31.rows = randi<5>;cols = randi<5>;y = zeros<rows,cols>;>> mat = [ 7 8 9 1012 10 8 6];>> A1 = mat<1,3>>> A2 = mat<2,:>>> A3 = mat<:,1:2>33.>> mymat = [2 3 4;5 6 7]>> mymat1 = fliplr<mymat>>> mymat2 = flipud<mymat>>> mymat3 = rot90<mymat>34.>> mymatzero = zeros<4,2>>> mymatzero<2,:> = [3,6]35.>> x = linspace<-pi,pi,20>;>> y = sin<x>;36.>> randmat = randint<3,5,[-5 5]> >> sign<randmat>37.>> randmat = randint<4,6,[-5 5]>;>> randmat2 = abs<randmat> 38.>> randmat = rand<3,5>>> randmat<3,:> = []39.>> vec = 1 : 1:1000;>> vec<end>>> vec<numel<vec>>>> [a b ] = size<vec>;>> vec<a * b>40.同上41.>> mat = zeros<3,5>;>> mat<:,:,1> = zeros<3,5>;>> mat<:,:,2> = zeros<3,5>; 42.>> myc = clock>> today = myc<1:3>>> now = myc<4:6>>> now = fix<now>第二章 MATLAB程序设计概述1.ri = 2; % Radius internalro = 4; % Radius outerV = 4 * pi / 3 * <ro ^ 3 - ri ^ 3> % calculate volume2.% Calculate Atomic Weight H2O2Weight_O = 15.9994;Weight_H = 1.0079;AtomicWeight = Weight_O * 2 + Weight_H * 2 % Calculate H2O2 Atomic Weight 3.fprintf<'Length of The character string is : %d\n',…length<input<'Please input character string :\n','s'>>>;4.NewNumber = input<'please input a Number :\n'>;fprintf<'Number with 2 decimal is :%0.2f\n',NewNumber>;5.>> vec = input<'Enter a matrix: '>Enter a matrix: [1:1:10;1:1:10]6.>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %f\n',12345.6789>OUTPUT : 12345.678900>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %10.4f\n',12345.6789>OUTPUT : 12345.6789>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %10.2f\n',12345.6789>OUTPUT : 12345.68>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %6.4f\n',12345.6789>OUTPUT : 12345.6789>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %2.4f\n',12345.6789>OUTPUT : 12345.67897.>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %d\n',12345>OUTPUT : 12345>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %5d\n',12345>OUTPUT : 12345>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %8d\n',12345>OUTPUT : 12345>> fprintf<'OUTPUT : %3d\n',12345>OUTPUT : 123458.>> x = 12.34;>> y = 4.56;>> fprintf<'x is %.3f\n',x>x is 12.340>> fprintf<'x is %0.0f\n',x>x is 12>> fprintf<'y is %0.1f\n',y>y is 4.6>> fprintf<'y is %0.1f !\n',y>y is 4.6 !9.% Calculate Area of the squarenessfprintf<'The Area of The Squareness is %.2f',…<input<'Please input the Length of the Squareness \n'>> …* <input<'Please input the Width of the Squareness \n'>>>;10.NewName = input<'What is your name? ','s'>;fprintf<'Wow,your name is %s!\n',NewName>;11.NewString = input<'Enter your string : ','s'>;fprintf<'Your String was : ''%s''\n',NewString>;12.WaterSpeed = input<'Enter the folw in m^3/s : '>;WaterSpeedft = 0.028 \ WaterSpeed;fprintf<'A flow rate of %.3f meters per sec \n',WaterSpeed>;fprintf<'is equivalent to %.3f feet per sec\n',WaterSpeedft>;13.IncomeY = input<'Input your income every year?'>;FoodCostY= [IncomeY * 8 / 100 IncomeY*10 / 100];FoodCostM = 12\FoodCostY;fprintf<'Food Cost in every year is %.2f - %.2f\n',FoodCostY<1>,FoodCostY<2>>; fprintf<'Food Cost in every Month is %.2f - %.2f\n',FoodCostM<1>,FoodCostM<2>>;14.Weight = input<'Please input the Weight of the plan \n'>Area = input<'Please input the area of the plan wing \n'>fprintf<'Charge of Plan Win is %.2f \n',Weight / Area>15.x = 10;y = 10;plot<x,y,'g+'>;16.clfx = -2 : 0.1 : 2;y = exp<x>;plot<x,y,'g'>;xlabel<'X'>;ylabel<'Y'>;legend<'Exp<x>'>;Title<'Exp Example'>;17.clfx = 1 : 5 : 100;y = sqrt<x>;plot<x,y,'go'>;hold on;bar<x,y>;18.clfy = randint<1,100,[0 100]>;x = 1 : 1 : length<y>;plot<x,y,'ro'>;hold onplot<x,y,'g+'>;figure<2>;plot<x,y,'k'>;figure<3>;bar<x,y>19.clfx = linspace<0,pi,10>;y = sin<x>;plot<x,y,'r'>;figure<2>;x = linspace<0,pi,100>;y = sin<x>;plot<x,y,'b'>;20.load TimeTemp.datx = TimeTemp<:,1>';y = TimeTemp<:,2>';plot<x,y>;Xlabel<'Height'>;Ylabel<'Temperature'>;Title<'Height - Temperature'>;legend<'TEMP'>21.>> randint<3,6,[50 100]>;>> save RandInt.bat ans -ascii;>> randint<2,6,[50 100]>>> save RandInt.bat randint -ascii –append >> load RandInt.bat>> RandInt22.>> load testtan.bat>> tan<testtan>23.>> load hightemp.dat>> hightemp<:,1> = hightemp<:,1> .+ 1900>> save y2ktemp.dat hightemp –ascii24.function [ fn ] = fn< x >%Calculate y as a function of xfn = x^3 - 4 * x^2 + sin<x>;end25.function [ mwh] = mwh_to_gj<x>%convers from MWh to GJmwh = 3.6 * x;end26.function [ output_args ] = miletometer< x >%Conver mile to meterMile = input<'mile per hours number :'>;meter = Mile * 5280 * 0.3048 / 3600;output_args = meter;fprintf<'Meter of the mile is : % .2f',meter>; end27.function [ Tn ] = Interest< p,i,n >%UNTITLED4 Summary of this function goes hereTn = p * <1 + i> * n;end28.略29.function [ V ] = SpeedConv<pi,ps>%UNTITLED4 Summary of this function goes hereV = 1.016 * sqrt<pi - ps>end30. function [ THR ] =Cal_rate<A>%UNTITLED4 Summary of this function goes hereTHR = <220 - A> * 0.6;end31.function [ nJ ] =STL_calc<n>%UNTITLED4 Summary of this function goes herenJ = sqrt<2 * pi * n> * <n / exp<1>>^n;end32.function [ output_args ] = costn< n >%UNTITLED5 Summary of this function goes hereoutput_args = 5 * n ^ 2 - 44 * n + 11;endn = input<'Enter the number of units :'>;Cn = costn<n>;fprintf<'The cost for 100 units will be $%.2f\n',Cn>;33.略〔仿造32题34.function [ V ] = oblong< length >%UNTITLED8 Summary of this function goes hereV = 1/12*sqrt<2>*length^3;endfprintf<'The volume of oblong is : %.2f\n ',oblong<input<'Enter the length of the oblong:\n'>>>35.function [ y ] = pickone< x >%pickone<x> returns a random element from vector xn = length<x>;y = x<randi<n>>;end36.function [ y ] = vecout< x >%UNTITLED11 Summary of this function goes herey = x : 1 : x+5;end37.b = input<'Enter the first side :'>;c = input<'Enter the second side :'>afa = input<'Enter the angle between them :'>y = sqrt<b^2 + c^2 - 2*b*c*cos<afa *<pi/180>>>;fprintf<'The third side is %.3f\n',y>;38.略39.load floatnums.datfloatnums = round<floatnums>;floatnums = floatnums';save intnums.datfloatnums-ascii;40.load costssales.datn = length<costssales<:,1>>;fprintf<'There were %d quarters in the file ',n>;n = 1 : 1 : n;costs = costssales<:,1>;sales = costssales<:,1>;plot<n,costs,'ko'>;hold onplot<n,sales,'b*'>;legend<'COSTS','SALES'>;xlabel<'COST'>;ylabel<'SALE'>;title<'COST-SALE'>;costssales = costssales'costssales = flipud<costssales>;save newfile.datcostssales-ascii;第三章选择语句2. if <input<'please Enter a x :\n','s'> ~= 'x'>disp<'sorry the char not x'>;end3. function y = Test3<x>if <x == 12>y = 1;elsey = x + 1;end;4. disp<'The program will calculate the volume of a pyramid'>;a = input<'Enter the length of the base :'>;c = input<'Is that i or c?','s'>;if< c == 'c'>a = a/2.54;end;b = input<'Enter the width of the base :','s'>;c = input<'Is that i or c?'>;if< c == 'c'>b = b/2.54;end;d = input<'Enter the length of the base :','s'>;c = input<'Is that i or c?'>;if< c == 'c'>d = d/2.54;end;fprintf<'The Volume of the Pyramid is %.3f cubic inches.',a * b * d / 3>;5.if<input<'Are you an engineer?<Y/N>','s'> == 'Y'>disp<'You are the best!'>;elsedisp<'oh~ soga'>;end;6.Fenzi = input<'Please input enter the FENZI: '>;Fenmu = input<'Please input enter the FENMU: '>;if<Fenmu == 0>disp<'Sorry The Fenmu can not be zero!'>;elsefprintf<'The result is %.2f.\n',Fenzi/Fenmu>;end;7.function Result = Test3_Func< a,b >%TEST3_FUNC Summary of this function goes here% Detailed explanation goes hereResult = sqrt<1 - b^2/a>;EndFunction:a = input<'Please Enter the a : '>;b = input<'Please Enter the b : '>;if <a == 0>disp<'Error 0001'>;elsefprintf<'The Result is %.2f \n',Test3_Func<a,b>>;end;8.a = input<'Please Enter the Shousuo : '>;b = input<'Please Enter the Shuzhang : '>;if <a<120 && b<80>disp<'you are the best choice !'>;elsedisp<'Sorry you can not do this!'>;end;9.A1 = input<'Enter the First Area: '>;A2 = input<'Enter the Second Area: '>;if<A1 > A2>disp<'UP!'>;elseif <A1 < A2>disp<'Down!'>;elsedisp<'Keep!'>;en10.a = input<'Enter the PH number : '>;if <a < 7>disp<'Suan'>;elseif <a > 7>disp<'Jian'>;elsedisp<'Zhong'>;end;11.function Result = Test3_Func< a,b >%TEST3_FUNC Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes hereif <a < b>Result = a : 1 : b;elseResult = a : -1 : b;end12.function Result = Test3_Func< x >%TEST3_FUNC Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here[a b] = size<x>;if <<a ~= 1 && b ~= 1> || <a == 1 && b == 1>> Result = x;elseif<a == 1>Result = fliplr<x>;elseResult = flipud<x>;end13.letter = input<'Enter your answer :','s'>;if <letter == 'Y' || letter == 'y'>disp<'OK,continuing'>;elseif<letter == 'N' || letter == 'n'>disp<'OK,halting'>;elsedisp<'Error'>;end14.switch lettercase {'Y''y'}disp<'OK,contining'>case {'N''n'}disp<'OK,halting'>otherwisedisp<'Error'>end15.Mahe = input<'Enter the Speed of Plan : '>/input<'Enter the Speed of Voice: '>; if<Mahe > 1>disp<'supersonic speed'>;elseif<Mahe < 1>disp<'subsonic speed'>;elsedisp<'transonic speed'>;end;16.X = input<'Enter the temp in degrees C : \n'>;switch <input<'Do you want F or K?','s'>>case'F'fprintf<'The temp in degrees F is %.1f',<9/5>*X + 32>;case'K'fprintf<'The temp in degrees K is %.1f',X + 273.15>;otherwisedisp<'Enter Error!'>;end;17.%function y = Test3<x>X = randi<100>;if rem<X,2> == 0fprintf<'%d ÊÇżÊý\n',X>;elsefprintf<'%d ÊÇÆæÊý\n',X>;end18.function y = Test3<x>switch rem<x,4>case 0y = true;otherwisey =false;end;19.function y = Test3<innum>if innum == int32<innum>y = true;elsey =false;end;20.function y = Test3<a,b,c>if a^2 == b^2 + c^2y = true;elsey =false;end;21.Re = input<'Enter the Re Value :\n'>;if Re <= 2300 disp<'Laminar region'>;elseif Re > 2300 && Re <= 4000 disp<'Transition region'>; else disp<'Turbulent region'>;end;22.d1 = input<'Enter d1 : \n'>;d2 = input<'Enter d2 : \n'>;if d1 <= 0 || d2 <= 0disp<'Error!'>;elsefprintf<'%.2f',Test3_Func<d1,d2>>;end;function y = Test3_Func<a,b>y = a * b / 2;23.V = input<'Enter the speed of the wing: '>;if V <= 38 disp<'tropical depression '>;elseif V >= 73 disp<'typhoon'>;else disp<'revolving storm'>;end;24.V = input<'Enter the speed of the wing :'>;if V >74 && V <= 95disp<'1 : 4-5'>;elseif V > 95 && V <= 110disp<'2 : 6-8'>;elseif V > 110 && V <= 130disp<'3 : 9-12'>;elseif V > 130 && V <= 155disp<'4 : 13-18'>;elseif V > 155disp<'5 : 18'>;elsedisp<'Error'>;end25.略26.H = input<'Enter the hight of the cloude :'>;if H < 6500 && H > 0disp<'Low'>;elseif H >= 6500 && H < 20000disp<'Middle'>;elsedisp<'High'>;27.if letter == 'x'disp<'Hello'>;elseif letter == 'y'||letter == 'Y'disp<'Yes'>;elseif letter == 'Q'disp<'Quit'>;elsedisp<'Error'>;end;28.switch numcase {0 1 2}f2<num>;case {-2 -1}f3<num>;case 3f4<num>;otherwisef1<num>;end;29.switch menu<'menu','1.Cylinder','2.Circle','3.Rectangle'>case 1R = input<'Please enter the radius of buttom circle:'>;H = input<'Enter the height of the Cylinder:'>;A = 2 * pi * R * H + 2 * pi * <R ^ 2>;fprintf<'The area is %.2f',A>;case 2R = input<'Please enter the radius of circle:'>;A = pi * <R ^ 2>;fprintf<'The area is %.2f',A>;case 3a = input<'Please enter the long of Rectangle:'>;b = input<'Please enter the with of Rectangle :'>;A = a * b;fprintf<'The area is %.2f',A>;end30.同2931.同2932.x = input<'Enter the Value X :'>;Y = menu<'Menue Choose','Sin','Cos','Tan'>;switch Ycase 1output = sin<x>;case 2output = cos<x>;case 3output = tan<x>;end;33.略34.function output = Test3_Func<x>Y = menu<'Menue Choose','ceil','round','sign'>;switch Ycase 1output = ceil<x>;case 2output = round<x>;case 3output = sign<x>;end;35.略36.略37.略第四章循环1.>> for i = 1.5:0.2:3.1i = iend2.function output = Test3_Func<x>x = x - <rem<x,2> == 0>;output = 0;for i = 1 : 2 : xoutput = output + i;end;3.function output = Test3_Func<x>x = x - <rem<x,2> == 0>;output = 1;for i = 1 : 2 : xoutput = output * i;end;4.5.>> for i = 32 : 1 : 255char<i>end;6.>> vec = [5.5 11 3.45];>> for i = 1 : length<vec>fprintf<'Element %d is %.2f .\n',i,vec<i>>;end;7.n = randi<4> + 1;sum = 0;for i = 1 : nsum = sum + input<'Enter the value'>;end;fprintf<'Sum = %.1f\n',sum>;8disp<'Please enter the threshold below which samples will be considered to be invalid :'>;Value1 = input<'Considered to be invalid :\n'>;Value2 = input<'Please enter the number of data samples to be entered :\n'>; Sum = 0;num = 0;for i = 1:Value2data = input<'Please enter a data sample :'>;if data > Value1Sum = Sum + data;num = num + 1;endendif num == 0disp<'Data Error !'>;elsefprintf<'The average of the %d valid data samples is %.2f volts.',num,Sum/num>; end9.load MaxTemp.mat[a b] = size<MaxTemp>;for i = 1 : a;Matix1 = zeros<size<MaxTemp>>;Matix1<i,:> = MaxTemp<i,:>end10.sum = 0;for i = 1 : length<pipe>sum = sum + <pipe<i,1> < 2.1 || pipe<i,1> > 2.3>;sum = sum + <pipe<i,2> < 10.3 || pipe<i,2> > 10.4>;endfprintf<'There were %d rejects.\n',sum>;11.略12.略13.x = randint<1,5,[-10,10]>;x2 = 0;for i = 1 : length<x>x1<1,i> = x<1,i> - 3;if x1<1,i> > 0x2 = x2 + 1;end;x3<1,i> = abs<x1<1,i>>;if i > 1x4 = max<x1<1,i>,x1<1,i-1>>;end;end16.17.略18.19.20.略22.略23.略24.10略略第五章向量化代码1.Mat.*2;2.Result = vec;3.cumprod<vec>;4.>> vec = randint<1,6,[0 20]>;>> maxvec = max<vec>;>> minvec = min<vec>;>> cumsumvec = cumsum<vec>5.Sum<vec>6.>> clear>> vec = randint<1,5,[-10 10]>;>> vec_3 = vec - 3;>> ZhengshuNum = length<find<vec > 0>>;>> vec_abs = abs<vec>;>> vec_max = max<vec>;7.max<vec,[],1>max<vec,[],2>max<max<vec>>;8.function output = Test3_Func<r,n>vec = [];for i = 0 : nvec = [vec r.^i];end;output = sum<vec>;>> vec1 = Vec<[1 3 5]>;>> vec2 = Vec<[2 4 6]>;>> CheckSum = vec1.*vec2;11.>> vec = 1 : 1 : 1000;>> Result = sum<1./<vec.^2>>;>> Check = pi.^2/6;>> diff = check – result13.略14.略15.clear;clf;vec_temp = 0 : 0.5 : 10;x1 = input<'Enter the number of level :'>;while<all<vec_temp - x1>>x1 = input<'Enter the number of level :'>;end;disp<x1>16.略17.ticif x==21disp<x>end;tocticswitch xcase 21disp <x>;end;toc18.Ones<3>19.If find<r > 0> == [] && fin<h > 0> == 0V = pi .*<r.^2>*hEnd;第六章 MATLAB 程序1~20 略21.function S = Test3_Func<n>P = 10000;i = 0.05;vec = 1 : 1 : n;S = P * <<1 + i>.^vec>;plot<vec,S>;n = input<'Enter the Year:'>;while ~<n >0 && int32<n> == n>n = input<'Enter the Year:'>;end;Test3_Func<n>;22.Function lenf = lenprompt<>;Lenf = input<‘Enter the length By inches: ’>; Function Leni = covert_f_to_i<lenf>Leni = …<英尺转英寸>Function printlens<lenf,leni>Disp<lenf>;Disp<leni>;23.略24.。

MATLAB程序:1、求解准则层对目标层的权重向量w以及最大特征值d>> A=[1 2 4;1/2 1 2;1/4 1/2 1];>> [v,d]=eig(A)v =-0.9631 0.8729 00.2408 0.4364 -0.89440.1204 0.2182 0.4472d =-0.0000 0 00 3.0000 00 0 0>> w=v(:,2)/sum(v(:,2))w =0.57140.28570.14292、求解第三层对第二层的权重向量w1,w2,w3及对应的最大特征值d1,d2,d3,并进行一致性检验>> B1=[1 3 2;1/3 1 1/2;1/2 2 1];>> [w1,d1]=eig(B1)w1 =-0.8468 0.8468 0.8468-0.2565 -0.1282 - 0.2221i -0.1282 + 0.2221i-0.4660 -0.2330 + 0.4036i -0.2330 - 0.4036id1 =3.0092 0 00 -0.0046 + 0.1663i 00 0 -0.0046 - 0.1663i>> w1=w1(:,1)/sum(w1(:,1))w1 =0.53960.16340.2970>> CI=(3.0092-3)/(3-1)CI =0.0046>> RI=0.58;>> CR=CI/RICR =0.0079>> B2=[1 3 9;1/3 1 3;1/9 1/3 1];>> [w2,d2]=eig(B2)w2 =-0.9435 0.4427 0.9392-0.3145 -0.8643 -0.3433-0.1048 0.2389 0.0101d2 =3.0000 0 00 0.0000 00 0 -0.0000>> w2=w2(:,1)/sum(w2(:,1))w2 =0.69230.23080.0769>> B3=[1 3 5;1/3 1 2;1/5 1/2 1];>> [w3,d3]=eig(B3)w3 =-0.9281 0.9281 0.9281 -0.3288 -0.1644 + 0.2847i -0.1644 - 0.2847i -0.1747 -0.0873 - 0.1513i -0.0873 + 0.1513id3 =3.0037 0 0 0 -0.0018 + 0.1053i 0 0 0 -0.0018 - 0.1053i >> CI=(3.0037-3)/(3-1)CI =0.0018>> RI=0.58;>> CR=CI/RICR =0.0032>> w3=w3(:,1)/sum(w3(:,1))w3 =0.64830.22970.1220>> w4=w1*w(1,:)Q1,Q2,Q3对O层的组合权重为w4 =0.30840.09340.1697Q4,Q5,Q6对O层的组合权重为>> w5=w2*w(2,:)w5 =MatLab考试题(必做题)姓名:学号:班级:1.请登陆美国 MathWorks 公司的网站 (),查看看现在大概有多少本 MATLAB-based books (以 MATLAB 为基本软件,来说明各个专业领域的教科书或工具书)。

一、基础习题1. 计算1到100之间所有奇数的和。
解答:```matlabsum = 0;for i = 1:2:100sum = sum + i;enddisp(sum);```2. 编写一个函数,计算任意两个数的最大公约数。
解答:```matlabfunction gcd = computeGCD(a, b)while b ~= 0temp = b;a = temp;endgcd = a;end```3. 编写一个程序,生成一个5×5的随机矩阵,并计算矩阵的行和列的平均值。
解答:```matlabmatrix = rand(5);row_average = mean(matrix, 2);col_average = mean(matrix);disp(row_average);disp(col_average);```二、进阶习题1. 编写一个程序,实现插入排序算法。
解答:```matlabfunction sorted_array = insertionSort(array)n = length(array);for i = 2:nj = i - 1;while j > 0 && array(j) > keyarray(j+1) = array(j);j = j - 1;endarray(j+1) = key;endsorted_array = array;end```2. 编写一个程序,实现矩阵的转置。
解答:```matlabfunction transposed_matrix = transposeMatrix(matrix) [m, n] = size(matrix);transposed_matrix = zeros(n, m);for i = 1:mfor j = 1:ntransposed_matrix(j, i) = matrix(i, j);endendend```3. 编写一个程序,实现二分查找算法。

matlab习题与解答MATLAB 习题与解答习题1:利用if 语句根据不同的输入a 值,获取响应的计算因子,()()()[]()0.01,560.03,80.05,0,40.00,a or a a Lfactor a else==??>?=?∈ MatLab 代码:a=input('请输入a :');if a==5||a==6Lfactor=0.01elseif a>8Lfactor=0.03elseif a>=0&&a<=4Lfactor=0.05elseLfactor=0end运行结果:习题2:了解max 函数,执行v=[12 3.4 32 12 43]; [a n]=max(v),其中a 返回v 的最大值,n 返回v 中最大值a 的位置。
独立编制一段程序,实现matlab 内部函数max 的功能。
MatLab 代码:v=[12 3.4 32 12 43]; [a n]=max(v)a=v(1);n=1;for i=2:length(v)if a<v(i)< bdsfid="88" p=""></v(i)<>a=v(i);n=i;endend[a n]输出结果:习题3:执行vpa(pi,20), 解释vpa函数的功能MatLab 代码:vpa(pi,20)运行结果:vpa函数功能:matlab控制运算精度用的是digits和vpa这两个函数,digits用于规定运算精度,凡是用需要控制精度的,我们都对运算表达式使用vpa函数。
习题4:求解如下方程组:4x+2y-z=23x-y+2z=1012x+3y=8MatLab 代码:A=[4 2 -1;3 -1 2;12 3 0];b=[2;10;8];A\b运行结果:习题5:创建矩阵[-1 6 15 –7 -2 -4 -6]并选出其中非正元素组成一个新的向量s1,并对s1进行升序排列行程矩阵s2 。

1. 习题一:编写一个Matlab程序,计算斐波那契数列的前20个数字,并将结果打印出来。
```matlaba = 0;b = 1;fib = zeros(1, 20);fib(1) = a;fib(2) = b;for i = 3:20fib(i) = fib(i-1) + fib(i-2);enddisp(fib);```2. 习题二:编写一个Matlab程序,求解一个二次方程ax^2 + bx + c = 0的根。
```matlaba = 1;b = -3;c = 2;delta = b^2 - 4*a*c;if delta > 0x1 = (-b + sqrt(delta))/(2*a);x2 = (-b - sqrt(delta))/(2*a);disp(['The roots are ', num2str(x1), ' and ', num2str(x2)]);elseif delta == 0x = -b/(2*a);disp(['The root is ', num2str(x)]);elsedisp('The equation has no real roots');end```通过以上两个习题及答案的示例,我们可以看到Matlab的强大功能和灵活性。

A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];
B = transpose(A);
A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];
B = inv(A);
例如,对于一个3x3的矩阵A,可以使用以下代码实现特征值和特征向量计算:A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];
[V, D] = eig(A);

第一题的matlab源程序:①考虑cos(x)为一个整体,然后乘以中括号里面的全部x=0:2*pi/100:2*pi; %x的步长以及范围从0到2*pi y=cos(x).*(0.5+3*sin(x)./(1+x.^2)); %y的表达式plot(x,y)%画出图形图如下:②考虑对整体求解cos,先求x乘以括号中的部分x=0:2*pi/100:2*pi; %x的步长以及范围从0到2*pi y=cos(x.*(0.5+3*sin(x)./(1+x.^2))); %y的表达式plot(x,y) %画出图形图如下:2、产生8×6阶的正态分布随机数矩阵R1, 求其各列的平均值和均方差。
第二题的matlab源程序如下:R1=randn(8,6) %产生正态分布随机矩阵R1 =1.0933 -0.7697 1.5442 -0.1924 1.4193 0.21571.1093 0.3714 0.0859 0.8886 0.2916 -1.1658-0.8637 -0.2256 -1.4916 -0.7648 0.1978 -1.14800.0774 1.1174 -0.7423 -1.4023 1.5877 0.1049-1.2141 -1.0891 -1.0616 -1.4224 -0.8045 0.7223-1.1135 0.0326 2.3505 0.4882 0.6966 2.5855-0.0068 0.5525 -0.6156 -0.1774 0.8351 -0.66691.5326 1.1006 0.7481 -0.1961 -0.2437 0.1873aver=(sum(R1(1:end,1:end)))./8 %产生各行的平均值aver =0.0768 0.1363 0.1022 -0.3473 0.4975 0.1044a=std(R1(1:end,1:end)) %产生各行的均方差也就是标准差a =1.0819 0.8093 1.3456 0.8233 0.8079 1.2150aver1=(sum(R1(:)))./48 %全体数的平均值aver1 =0.0950b=std(R1(:)) %全体数的均方差即标准差b =1.01033、设x=rcost+3t,y=rsint+3,分别令r=2,3,4,画出参数t=0~10区间生成的x~y 曲线。

西安科技大学MATLAB程序设计专业:信息与计算科学班级:1001班学号:1008060129姓名:刘仲能2012年6月27日实验一2.已知:⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-=76538773443412A ,⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡--=723302131B 求下列表达式的值:(1)A+6*B 和A-B+I (其中I 为单位矩阵) (2)A*B 和A.*B (3)A^3和A.^3 (4)A/B 及B\A(5)[A,B]和[A([1,3],:);B^2]3.设有矩阵A 和B ⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡=25242322212019181716151413121110987654321A ,⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡--=11134079423096171603B (1) 求它们的乘积C 。
(2) 将矩阵C 的右下角3×2子矩阵赋给D 。
(3) 查看MATLAB 工作空间的使用情况(1) (2)(3)4.完成下列操作(1)求[100,999]之间能被21整除的数的个数。
运行截图:A 矩阵的行列式值、迹、秩分别如下:范数如下:4.已知 ⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡--=5881252018629A 求A 的特征值及特征向量,并分析其数学意义。
运行截图:5.下面是一个线性方程组:⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡=⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡ x x (1) 求方程的解; (2) 将方程右边向量元素改为0.53,在求解,并比较的变化和解的相对变化;(3) 计算系数矩阵A 的条件数并分析结论。
(2) 变大,其解中,相对未变化前的的解:x1变大,x2变小,x3变大。
(3)由于A 矩阵的条件数很大,故当线性方程组中的b 变大时,x 也将发生很大的变化,即数值稳定性较差。

MatLab语言及应用--习题1.产生一个1x10的随机矩阵,大小位于(-5 5),并且按照从大到小的顺序排列好!1.A = [21 2 3; 4 35 6; 7 8 49];B = [3; 2; 1];设求AB、BTA、A-1与A-1B,求A2、A的2次数幂,并求矩阵A的秩、转置和行列式。
2.请产生一个100*5的矩阵,矩阵的每一行都是[1 2 3 4 5]4. 请修改下面的程序,让他们没有for循环语句!A=[1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];[r c]=size(A);for i=1:1:rfor j=1:1:cif (A(i,j)>8 | A(i,j)<2)A(i,j)=0;endendend5.a=[1 2 3 4 5],b=a(1)*a(5)+a(2)*a(4)+a(3)*a(3)+a(4)*a(2)+a(5)*a(1).试用MATLAB中最简单的方法计算b,注意最简单。
6. 求下列联立方程的解3x+4y-7z-12w=45x-7y+4z+ 2w=-3x +8z- 5w=9-6x+5y-2z+10w=-8求系数矩阵的秩;求出方程组的解。
7.设 y=cos[0.5+((3sinx)/(1+x^2))]把x=0~2π间分为101点,画出以x为横坐标,y为纵坐标的曲线;8. 设f(x)=x^5-4x^4+3x^2+2x+6取x=[-2,8]之间函数的值(取100个点),画出 曲线,看它有几个零点。
9. 在[-10,10;-10,10]范围内画出函数的三维图形。
10.编写一个函数,使其能够产生如下的分段函数:⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤≤<-≤=x x x x x x f 65.0620.251.525.0)(,,,,并调用此函数,绘制曲线2)()(范围的2],[0在+•+=x f x f x 。

(完整版)matlab经典习题及解答第1章 MATLAB 概论1.1 与其他计算机语⾔相⽐较,MATLAB 语⾔突出的特点是什么?MATLAB 具有功能强⼤、使⽤⽅便、输⼊简捷、库函数丰富、开放性强等特点。
1.2 MATLAB 系统由那些部分组成?MATLAB 系统主要由开发环境、MATLAB 数学函数库、MATLAB 语⾔、图形功能和应⽤程序接⼝五个部分组成。
1.4 MATLAB 操作桌⾯有⼏个窗⼝?如何使某个窗⼝脱离桌⾯成为独⽴窗⼝?⼜如何将脱离出去的窗⼝重新放置到桌⾯上?在MATLAB 操作桌⾯上有五个窗⼝,在每个窗⼝的右上⾓有两个⼩按钮,⼀个是关闭窗⼝的Close 按钮,⼀个是可以使窗⼝成为独⽴窗⼝的Undock 按钮,点击Undock 按钮就可以使该窗⼝脱离桌⾯成为独⽴窗⼝,在独⽴窗⼝的view 菜单中选择Dock ……菜单项就可以将独⽴的窗⼝重新防⽌的桌⾯上。
1.5 如何启动M ⽂件编辑/调试器?在操作桌⾯上选择“建⽴新⽂件”或“打开⽂件”操作时,M ⽂件编辑/调试器将被启动。
在命令窗⼝中键⼊edit 命令时也可以启动M ⽂件编辑/调试器。
1.6 存储在⼯作空间中的数组能编辑吗?如何操作?存储在⼯作空间的数组可以通过数组编辑器进⾏编辑:在⼯作空间浏览器中双击要编辑的数组名打开数组编辑器,再选中要修改的数据单元,输⼊修改内容即可。
1.7 命令历史窗⼝除了可以观察前⾯键⼊的命令外,还有什么⽤途?命令历史窗⼝除了⽤于查询以前键⼊的命令外,还可以直接执⾏命令历史窗⼝中选定的内容、将选定的内容拷贝到剪贴板中、将选定内容直接拷贝到M ⽂件中。
1.8 如何设置当前⽬录和搜索路径,在当前⽬录上的⽂件和在搜索路径上的⽂件有什么区别?当前⽬录可以在当前⽬录浏览器窗⼝左上⽅的输⼊栏中设置,搜索路径可以通过选择操作桌⾯的file 菜单中的Set Path 菜单项来完成。
在没有特别说明的情况下,只有当前⽬录和搜索路径上的函数和⽂件能够被MATLAB 运⾏和调⽤,如果在当前⽬录上有与搜索路径上相同⽂件名的⽂件时则优先执⾏当前⽬录上的⽂件,如果没有特别说明,数据⽂件将存储在当前⽬录上。

实验一 MATLAB 运算基础1. 先求下列表达式的值,然后显示MATLAB 工作空间的使用情况并保存全部变量。
(1) 0122sin851z e =+ (2) 221ln(1)2z x x =++,其中2120.455i x +⎡⎤=⎢⎥-⎣⎦ (3) 0.30.330.3sin(0.3)ln , 3.0, 2.9,,2.9,3.022a a e e a z a a --+=++=-- (4) 2242011122123t t z t t t t t ⎧≤<⎪=-≤<⎨⎪-+≤<⎩,其中t =0:0.5:2.5 解: M 文件:z1=2*sin(85*pi/180)/(1+exp(2))x=[2 1+2*i;-.45 5];z2=1/2*log(x+sqrt(1+x^2))a=-3.0:0.1:3.0;z3=(exp(0.3.*a)-exp(-0.3.*a))./2.*sin(a+0.3)+log((0.3+a)./2)t=0:0.5:2.5;z4=(t>=0&t<1).*(t.^2)+(t>=1&t<2).*(t.^2-1)+(t>=2&t<3) .*(t.^2-2*t+1) 运算结果:z1=2*sin(85*pi/180)/(1+exp(2))x=[2 1+2*i;-.45 5];z2=1/2*log(x+sqrt(1+x^2))a=-3.0:0.1:3.0;z3=(exp(0.3.*a)-exp(-0.3.*a))./2.*sin(a+0.3)+log((0.3+a)./2)t=0:0.5:2.5;z4=(t>=0&t<1).*(t.^2)+(t>=1&t<2).*(t.^2-1)+(t>=2&t<3) .*(t.^2-2*t+1) z1 =0.2375z2 =0.7114 - 0.0253i 0.8968 + 0.3658i0.2139 + 0.9343i 1.1541 - 0.0044iz3 =Columns 1 through 40.7388 + 3.1416i 0.7696 + 3.1416i 0.7871 + 3.1416i 0.7913 + 3.1416iColumns 5 through 80.7822 + 3.1416i 0.7602 + 3.1416i 0.7254 + 3.1416i 0.6784 + 3.1416iColumns 9 through 120.6196 + 3.1416i 0.5496 + 3.1416i 0.4688 + 3.1416i 0.3780 + 3.1416iColumns 13 through 160.2775 + 3.1416i 0.1680 + 3.1416i 0.0497 + 3.1416i -0.0771 + 3.1416iColumns 17 through 20-0.2124 + 3.1416i -0.3566 + 3.1416i -0.5104 + 3.1416i -0.6752 + 3.1416iColumns 21 through 24-0.8536 + 3.1416i -1.0497 + 3.1416i -1.2701 + 3.1416i -1.5271 + 3.1416iColumns 25 through 28-1.8436 + 3.1416i -2.2727 + 3.1416i -2.9837 + 3.1416i -37.0245Columns 29 through 32-3.0017 -2.3085 -1.8971 -1.5978Columns 33 through 36-1.3575 -1.1531 -0.9723 -0.8083Columns 37 through 40-0.6567 -0.5151 -0.3819 -0.2561Columns 41 through 44-0.1374 -0.0255 0.0792 0.1766Columns 45 through 480.2663 0.3478 0.4206 0.4841Columns 49 through 520.5379 0.5815 0.6145 0.6366Columns 53 through 560.6474 0.6470 0.6351 0.6119Columns 57 through 600.5777 0.5327 0.47740.4126Column 610.3388z4 =0 0.2500 0 1.2500 1.0000 2.25002. 已知:求下列表达式的值:(1) A+6*B和A-B+I(其中I为单位矩阵)(2) A*B和A.*B(3) A^3和A.^3(4) A/B及B\A(5) [A,B]和[A([1,3],:);B^2]解:M 文件:A=[12 34 -4;34 7 87;3 65 7];B=[1 3 -1;2 0 3;3 -2 7]; A+6.*BA-B+eye(3)A*BA.*BA^3A.^3A/BB\A[A,B][A([1,3],:);B^2]运算结果:A=[12 34 -4;34 7 87;3 65 7];B=[1 3 -1;2 0 3;3 -2 7]; A+6.*BA-B+eye(3)A*BA.*BA^3A.^3A/BB\A[A,B][A([1,3],:);B^2]ans =18 52 -1046 7 10521 53 49ans =12 31 -332 8 840 67 1ans =68 44 62309 -72 596154 -5 241ans =12 102 468 0 2619 -130 49ans =37226 233824 48604247370 149188 60076678688 454142 118820 ans =1728 39304 -6439304 343 65850327 274625 343 ans =16.4000 -13.6000 7.600035.8000 -76.2000 50.200067.0000 -134.0000 68.0000ans =109.4000 -131.2000 322.8000-53.0000 85.0000 -171.0000-61.6000 89.8000 -186.2000ans =12 34 -4 1 3 -134 7 87 2 0 33 65 7 3 -2 7ans =12 34 -43 65 74 5 111 0 1920 -5 403. 设有矩阵A和B(1) 求它们的乘积C。

第一章 MATLAB 入门4、求近似解解:>> x=-2:0.05:2;y=x.^4-2.^x两个近似解:y1=f(-0.85)= -0.0328; y2=f(1.250)= 0.0630第二章 MATLAB 编程与作图1、 设x 是数组,求均值和方差解:函数文件如下:function [xx,s]=func1(x)n=length(x);xx=sum(x)/n;s=sqrt((sum(x.^2)-n*xx^2)/(n-1));命令窗口:>> x=[1 2 3 4 5];[xx,s]=func1(x)2、求满足的最小m 值 100)1ln(0>+∑=m n n s=0;n=0;while(s<=100)s=s+log(1+n);n=n+1;endn,s3、用循环语句形成Fibonacci 数列,....4,3,,12121=+===−−k F F F F F k k k 。
并验证极限2511+→−k k F F (提示:计算至两边误差小于精度1e-8为止) 解: 求Fibonacci 数列的函数文件:function f=fun(n)if n<=2f=1;elsef=fun(n-1)+fun(n-2);end验证极限的函数文件:function [k,a]=funTest(e)a=abs(1-(1+sqrt(5))/2);k=2;while(a>e)k=k+1;a=abs(fun(k)/fun(k-1)-(1+sqrt(5))/2);end命令行:>> [k,a]=funTest(10^-8)k =21a =9.7719e-009或者M 文件如下:clear; F(1)=1;F(2)=1;k=2;x=0;e=1e-8; a=(1+sqrt(5))/2;while abs(x-a)>ek=k+1; F(k)=F(k-1)+F(k-2); x=F(k)/F(k-1);enda,x,k4、分别用for 和while 循环结构编写程序,求出∑==610123i i K ,并考虑一种避免循环语句的程序设计,比较各种算法的运行时间。

专业技术资料分享西安科技大学MATLAB程序设计专业:信息与计算科学班级: 1001班学号:1008060129姓名:刘仲能2012年6月27日实验一2.已知:⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-=76538773443412A ,⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡--=723302131B 求下列表达式的值:(1)A+6*B 和A-B+I (其中I 为单位矩阵) (2)A*B 和A.*B (3)A^3和A.^3 (4)A/B 及B\A(5)[A,B]和[A([1,3],:);B^2]3.设有矩阵A 和B ⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡=25242322212019181716151413121110987654321A ,⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡--=11134079423096171603B (1) 求它们的乘积C 。
(2) 将矩阵C 的右下角3×2子矩阵赋给D 。
(3) 查看MATLAB 工作空间的使用情况(1) (2)(3)4.完成下列操作(1)求[100,999]之间能被21整除的数的个数。
(1) (2)实验二3.建立一个5×5矩阵,求它的行列式值、迹、秩和范数。
运行截图:A 矩阵的行列式值、迹、秩分别如下:范数如下:4.已知 ⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡--=5881252018629A 求A 的特征值及特征向量,并分析其数学意义。
运行截图:5.下面是一个线性方程组:⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡=⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡ x x (1) 求方程的解; (2)将方程右边向量元素改为0.53,在求解,并比较的变化和解的相对变化;(3) 计算系数矩阵A 的条件数并分析结论。
(3)由于A 矩阵的条件数很大,故当线性方程组中的b 变大时,x 也将发生很大的变化,即数值稳定性较差。

Matlab 上机实验一、二1.安装Matlab 软件。
3.求下列联立方程的解⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧=+-+-=-+=++-=--+41025695842475412743w z y x w z x w z y x w z y x>> a=[3 4 -7 -12;5 -7 4 2;1 0 8 -5;-6 5 -2 10];>> b=[4;4;9;4];>> c=a\bc =5.22264.45701.47181.59944.设⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡------=81272956313841A ,⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-----=793183262345B ,求C1=A*B’;C2=A’*B;C3=A.*B,并求上述所有方阵的逆阵。
>> A=[1 4 8 13;-3 6 -5 -9;2 -7 -12 -8];>> B=[5 4 3 -2;6 -2 3 -8;-1 3 -9 7];>> C1=A*B'C1 =19 -82 3012 27 3-38 54 29>> C2=A'*BC2 =-15 16 -24 3663 -17 93 -10522 6 117 -6019 46 84 -10>> C3=A.*BC3 =5 16 24 -26-18 -12 -15 72-2 -21 108 -56>> inv(C1)ans =0.0062 0.0400 -0.0106-0.0046 0.0169 0.00300.0168 0.0209 0.0150>> inv(C2)Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled.Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = 8.997019e-019.ans =1.0e+015 *-0.9553 -0.2391 -0.1997 0.27000.9667 0.2420 0.2021 -0.2732-0.4473 -0.1120 -0.0935 0.1264-1.1259 -0.2818 -0.2353 0.3182>> inv(C3)Error using ==> invMatrix must be square.5.设 ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡++=)1(sin 35.0cos 2x x x y ,把x=0~2π间分为101点,画出以x 为横坐标,y 为纵坐标的曲线。
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Matlab 上机实验一、二3.求下列联立方程的解⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧=+-+-=-+=++-=--+41025695842475412743w z y x w z x w z y x w z y x >> a=[3 4 -7 -12;5 -7 4 2;1 0 8 -5;-6 5 -2 10];>> b=[4;4;9;4];>> c=a\b4.设⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡------=81272956313841A ,⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-----=793183262345B ,求C1=A*B’;C2=A’*B;C3=A.*B,并求上述所有方阵的逆阵。
>> A=[1 4 8 13;-3 6 -5 -9;2 -7 -12 -8];>> B=[5 4 3 -2;6 -2 3 -8;-1 3 -9 7];>> C1=A*B'>> C2=A'*B>> C3=A.*B>> inv(C1)>> inv(C2)>> inv(C3)5.设 ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡++=)1(sin 35.0cos 2x x x y ,把x=0~2π间分为101点,画出以x 为横坐标,y 为纵坐标的曲线。
>> x=linspace(0,2*pi,101);>> y=cos(x)*(0.5+(1+x.^2)\3*sin(x));>> plot(x,y,'r')6.产生8×6阶的正态分布随机数矩阵R1, 求其各列的平均值和均方差。
(mean var )a=randn(8,6)mean(a)var(a)k=mean(a)k1=mean(k)i=ones(8,6)i1=i*k1i2=a-i1i3=i2.*i2g=mean(i3)g2=mean(g)或者u=reshape(a,1,48);p1=mean(u)p2=var(u)7.设x=rcost+3t,y=rsint+3,分别令r=2,3,4,画出参数t=0~10区间生成的x~y曲线。
>> t=linspace(0,10);>> r1=2;>> x1=(r1*cos(t)+3*t);>> y1=r1*sin(t)+3;>> r2=3;>> x2=(r2*cos(t)+3*t);>> y2=r2*sin(t)+3;>> r3=4;>> x3=(r3*cos(t)+3*t);>> y3=r3*sin(t)+3;>> plot(x1,y1,'r',x2,y2,'b',x3,y3,'m')8.设f(x)=x5- 4x4 +3x2- 2x+ 6(1) 在x=[-2,8]之间取100个点,画出曲线,看它有几个过零点。
(提示:用polyval 函数)>> x=linspace(2,8,100);>> y=polyval([1 0 -4 3 -2 6],x);>> plot(x,y,'b',x,0,'y')(2) 用roots函数求此多项式的根。
t=[1 0 -4 3 -2 6]p=roots(t)9.建立一个字符串向量,然后对该向量做如下处理:(1) 取第1~5个字符组成的子字符串。
(2) 将字符串倒过来重新排列。
(3) 统计字符串中小写字母的个数。
>> a='abcdef123456';>> subch=a(1:5)subch =abcde>> revch=a(end:-1:1)revch =654321fedcba>> k=find(a>='a'&a<='z');>> a(k)=a(k)-('a'-'A');>> char(a)>> length(a)>> length(k)10.利用帮助查找limit函数的用法,并自己编写,验证几个函数极限的例子。
limit(sin(x)/x) returns 1limit((x-2)/(x^2-4),2) returns 1/4limit((1+2*t/x)^(3*x),x,inf) returns exp(6*t)limit(1/x,x,0,'right') returns inflimit(1/x,x,0,'left') returns -inflimit((sin(x+h)-sin(x))/h,h,0) returns cos(x)v = [(1 + a/x)^x, exp(-x)];Matlab上机实验二1.验证所授课程的课件。
2.设x=sint, y=sin(nt+a),(1) 若a=1,令n =1,2,3,4,在四个子图中分别画出其曲线。
(2) 若n=2,取a=0,π/3,π/2,及π,在四个子图中分别画出其曲线。
(1)a=1; x=sin(t);y1=sin(1*t+a);y2=sin(2*t+a);y3=sin(3*t+a);y4=sin(4*t+a); subplot(2,2,1);plot(x,y1);subplot(2,2,2);plot(x,y2);subplot(2,2,3);plot(x,y3);subplot(2,2,4);plot(x,y4)(2)n=2;x=sin(t);y1=sin(2*t+0);y2=sin(2*t+pi/3);y3=sin(2*t+pi/2);y4=sin(2*t+pi);su bplot(2,2,1);plot(x,y1);subplot(2,2,2);plot(x,y2);subplot(2,2,3);plot(x,y3);su bplot(2,2,4);plot(x,y4)3.绘制)(222y x e x z +-=在定义域x=[-2,2],y=[-2,2]内的曲面。
(利用meshgrid )x=-2:2;y=x;[X,Y]= meshgrid(x,y);Z=X^2*exp(-(X^2+Y^2));mesh(X,Y,Z)4.求代数方程3x 5+4x 4+7x 3+2x 2+9x+12=0的所有根。
(利用roots 函数)p=[3 4 7 2 9 12];roots(p)5.把1开五次方,并求其全部五个根。
(提示:解x 5-1=0)p=[1 0 0 0 0 -1];roots(p) 6,⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤≤-+-<≤-+--<≤----=312/)34(111132/)34(222x x x x x x x x y ,画出在[]3,3-上的曲线。
x1=-3:0.01:-1;y1=(-x1.^2-4.*x1-3)/2; x2=-1:0.01:1;y2=-x2.^2+1;x3=1:0.01:3;y3=(-x3.^2+4.*x3-3)/2;plot(x1,y1);hold on; plot(x2,y2);hold on; plot(x3,y3)Matlab 上机实验三1.设,求>> syms x>> y=x*exp(2*x);Diff(y,10)2.设,求syms x>> y=sin(x)^4+cos(x)^4;>> y^103.设,求>> syms x y>> z=y^4*sin(x)^4+x^4*cos(y)^4;>> diff(z,'x')>> syms x y>> y=1/((x^2+1)*(x^2+x));>> int(y)>> int((sqrt((9-x^2)^3)/x^6))>> syms x>> int(1/(x+x^3),1,2)>> simple(ans)7.求级数的和: ∑∞=+122n n n (利用帮助,查找symsum ) >> syms n>> symsum((n+2)/2^n,n-1,inf)>> simple(ans)8.利用函数int 计算二重不定积分 >> syms x y>> int(int((x+y)*exp(-x*y))) 9.设方程(1)0)cos(3=+a x ,(2)0)cos(3=+x x 及(3)0)cos(3=+ax x ,用符号运算工具箱函数solve 分别求x 的解。
用a=0.5代入,求 x 的数值解,并与用roots 函数所求的结果进行比较。
>> syms x1 x2 x3>> x1=solve('x1^3+cos(0.5)=0');>> x2=solve('x2^3+cos(x2)=0');>> x3=solve('x3^3+cos(0.5*x3)=0');>> x1,x2,x3>> p=[1 0 0 cos(0.5)]; >> roots(p)10.求微分方程的解: y'''-y''=x ,y''(2)=4,y'(1)=7,y(1)=8>> syms x y>> dsolve('D3y-D2y=x','D2y(2)=4','Dy(1)=7','y(1)=8')11.设 z z y z z x 3cos ,3sin ==, 要求在z=0~10区间内画出x,y,z 三维曲线。
>> z=0:0.01:10;>> x=z.*sin(3*z);>> y=z.*cos(3*z);>> plot3(x,y,z)12.设 )(222y x e x z +-=,画出定义域x=[-2,2],y=[-2,2]内的曲面图。
>> [x,y]=meshgrid([-2:0.1:2]);>> z=x.^2.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2);>> mesh(x,y,z)13.设z=0.05x-0.05y+0.1; 画出z 的曲面(平面)图。