【名师面对面】2015中考英语总复习 第18讲 九年级上册 Modules 3-4课件 外研版

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5.continue 【典例在线】 He continued his work without treating the wound.没有治 疗伤口,他继续他的工作。 They continued to have a party.他们继续开派对。 Mike continued reading the book.迈克继续看书。 【拓展精析】 continue是及物动词“(使)继续;(使)连续”,其后可接 名词,代词等作宾语。continue to do sth.=continue doing sth.表示“继续做某事”。continue还可用作不及物动词“ 继续,延续”,continue with sth.意为“继续某事”。
1.She's my hero because she's one of the best table tennis players in the world. 她是我心目中的英雄,因为她是世界上最好的乒乓球 运动员之一。 2.Whatever she does,she never gives up! 无论干什么,她都从不放弃。 3.I think she's a good student as well as a good player. 我觉得她不仅是一位出色的运动员,而且还是一个好 学生。 4....many people were dying because they did not get to hospital quickly enough. „„很多人是因为没有足够快地到医院而面临死亡。
2.treat 【典例在线】 Doctors could treat the wounded more quickly.医生能够更快 地治疗伤员。 My host family treated me well.我的寄宿家庭待我很好。 Mum always treats me as a child.妈妈总是把我看做小孩。 【拓展精析】 treat是及物动词“治疗”;也有“对待,看待,把„„看 作”的意思,常用短语有treat...as...(把„„看作„„);还有 “款待,请客”,此时treat既可以是及物动词也可用作不及 物动词,treat sb. to...意为“请某人吃„„”。treat的名词是 treatment(治疗)。
“动词+副词”构成的短语接代词作宾语时,只能放在中间; 接名词作宾语时,放在中间和后面都可以。常见的动副型短语 有:turn on/off/up/down,try on,give up,pick up,wake up, put away,hand in,look up,cut up,eat up等。
1.attend 【典例在线】 She began to study at Tsinghua University in Beijing and then attended university abroad.她开始在北京的清华大学学 习,然后上了国外的大学。 I attended an interview.我参加了面试。 【拓展精析】 attend是动词“参加;出席”,其宾语通常是meeting, party,show,wedding(婚礼),class,lecture(演讲), school,church等(以及类似具有“活动”意义的名词)。
英 语
第18讲 九年级上册 Modules 3~4
1.including (prep.)include(v.)包括 2.Canada (n.)Canadian(n.&adj.)加拿大人(的) 3.sick (adj.)ill(同义词)生病的 4.treat (v.)treatment(n.)治疗 5.wound (n.)wounded(adj.)受伤的 6.die (v.)dying(adj.)垂死的 dead(adj.)死的 7.invent (v.)invention(n.)发明;创造 8.use (n.)useful(adj.)有用的useless(adj.)无用的 9.he (pron.)himself(反身代词)他自己 10.manage (v.)manager(n.)经理
【活学活用】 (1)Her grandfather __B__ the basketball club when he was twenty years old. A.took part in B.joined C.joined in D.attended (2)Could you __D__ the parents' meeting tomorrow, Mum? A.attend to B.join C.join in D.attend
3.own 【典例在线】 He will solve the problem on his own.他会独自解决这个问题 的。 I own a personal car.我有部私家车。 This is my own idea.这是我自己的主意。 Do you know the owner of the house?你认识这房主吗? 【拓展精析】 own形容词,意为“自己的”;动词,意为“拥有”,相 当于have。 of one's own属于某人自己的; on one's own独自,自主地,与by oneself或alone意思相近。 owner n.物主,失主。
6.wake up 【典例在线】 Although physics is very difficult,I won't give it up.尽管物 理很难,但我不会放弃它。 The baby is sleeping.Turn off the TV,please.孩子在睡觉, 请把电视关上。 My mother wakes me up at 6:30 every morning.我的妈妈每 天6:30叫醒我。 【拓展精析】
8.My clock rings so loudly that it will certainly wake me up. 我的闹钟铃声那么大,当然会把我叫醒。 9.I'm_ sure I've forgotten something,but I don't know what it is! 我确信我忘了什么东西,但是我不知道是什么。 10.Your train is about to leave. 你们(所乘坐)的列车将要离开了。 11.There was so much food in the fridge that she certainly would not go hungry. 冰箱里有这么多的食物,她当然不会挨饿。
11.operate (v.)operation(n.)手术 12.shut (v.)shutting(-ing形式)shut(过去式) 13.simple (adj.)easy(同义词)simply(adv.)实在,明确 14.ring (v.)rang(过去式)rung(过去分词) 15.happy (adj.)unhappy(反义词)happily(adv.)幸福地 16.full (adj.)hungry(反义词)饿的 17.able (adj.)unable(反义词)不能的
【活学活用】 (3)Nancy __A__ one of the family.She feels at home. A.is treated as B.treats as C.is treated to D.treated to (4)“How poor!I have to try my best to __B__ the poor kid.” The doctor said to himself. A.teach B.treat C.keep D.take
【活学活用】 (9)Although he knows he can't succeed,he still __A__ to do it. A.tries B.manages C.hoped D.wishes (10)With the help of the police,they managed __B__ their lost child. A.finding B.to find C.found D.to finding
14.set off 动身;出发 15.wake (sb.)up 叫(某人)起床;醒来 16.a couple of 两个„„,一对„„ 17.turn off 关掉;关闭(设备) 18.be worried about 担心 19.on business 出差 20.have fun 玩得高兴 21.hurry to do sth. 赶紧做某事 22.hand in 提交;上交 23.unable to do 不能做某事 24.all day long 整天 25.tidy up 收拾,整理
5.There were few doctors,so he had to work very hard on his own. 因为缺少医生,所以他不得不独自非常辛苦地工作。 6.He wrote books so that they could learn about how he treated the sick. 他写了书,以便他们能够了解他是怎样治疗病人的。 7.I can look after myself,(al)though it won't be easy for me. 尽管对我来说不会容易,但我能照顾我自己。
4.manage 【典例在线】 He managed to save over a hundred lives.他设法救了100多 条命。 Actually,they managed every minute of my life.实际上, 他们掌管着我生命中的每分每秒。 【拓展精析】 manage是动词,意思是“管理,经营;控制;设法做到 ”等。manage to do sth.意思是“设法做某事并完成(经过努 力达到目的,强调结果)。要区别于try to do sth.尽力去做( 表示一种企图),不包含是否成功的意思。
1.once again 再一次 2.give up 放弃 3.die for 为„„而死 4.take care of 照顾;护理 5.at that time 在那时 6.on one's own Baidu Nhomakorabea自;单独 7.manage to do 设法完成 8.die of/from 死于„„ 9.save one's life 救某人的命 10.at one point 一度;在某一刻 11.take off 起飞 12.in space 太空中 13.in need of 需要„„
【活学活用】 (5)—Does Jack __B__ his ________ spaceship? —No,he doesn't. A.have;owner B.own;own C.owns;himself D.own;himself (6)I'll bring__C__dictionary with me. A.myself B.mine C.my own D.me (7)I don't __B__ a car.I am not the______of the car. A.own;own B.have;owner C.owning;owner D.have;own (8)Maybe the old man should live on his_ own.(独自地)
【活学活用】 (11)He continued to live with his parents after he married. (12)After getting home,they went_on watching the TV play.__A__ A.continued B.stopped C.kept D.forgot