
领事馆签证中英文收入证明第一篇:领事馆签证中英文收入证明Income Certificate收入证明Dear Sirs/Madams of US Consulate,美国领事馆先生、女士,你们好!This is to certify that Mr.XXX Zhao is the General Manager of Shanghai XX 兹有上海XXXXX公司销售分公司员工赵XX,是我们XXX公XXXXXX Company.His monthly income is RMB 13,000 because our 司总经理。
由于公司经济效益各项指标完成较好,赵XX 同志各项收入13000元人民company benefit is good.And his annually income is RMB 400,000 yuan including 币。
performance bonus.特此证明。
Sincerely此致Certifier:证明人:Vice-General Manager of Shanghai XXXXXX Company:XXX ZHU.上海XXXXXXXXX公司副总经理:朱XXX。
Shanghai XXXXXXX Company上海XXXXXXXXXXXXX公司Aug 18th, 2014 2014年8月18日第二篇:个体户签证-收入证明-中英文X X X X X X X X X X个人经营证明尊敬的执事先生/女士:本人XXX,19XX年XX月出生,身份证号为:XXXXXXXXXXXXXX。
我支持我的女儿/儿子XXX 赴澳大利亚留学,并愿意承担她在澳大利亚留学的所有费用。

美国留学签证--收入证明-中英文版本五篇范文第一篇:美国留学签证--收入证明-中英文版本Date:15/June/2014Employment and Income CertificateThis is to certify that Sun Dianliang, male, with Social ID: ***072, joined in ChangXing Production Safety Supervision and Management Bureau, since August 2005, now takes the position as the Principal Staff Member.In recent years, Mr Sun Dianliang’s average month income includes salary, bonus and welfare is approximately RMB 7,000.00, and his income tax is paid by our bureau on his behalf.Herewith certify.Institution Name: ChangXing Production Safety Supervision and Management Bureau Address: A, 6th floor, ChangXing Administration Comprehensive Center, ZhiCheng township, Changxing County, Huzhou City, ZheJiang Province, 313100, China第二篇:美国留学签证--收入证明-中英文版本打印在有公司抬头的信笺纸上打印在学校抬头的信笺纸上工作及年收入证明兹证明, 男/女年日出生。

美国签证在职证明中英文模板打印公司抬头Certificate of employmentDate:MM DD 2014 To:Embassy of the United States Dear Sir or Madam:This is to certify that Mr./MS. XXX is a staff(也可以写具体职务)servant in our company since the year of MM YYYY. His/Her monthly salary is RMB XXX.His/Her information is listed as below: NameSexDateof BirthPassport NoXXXMale/FemaleMM DD YYYYXXXHe/Shewill travel to the United State from MM DD YYYYto MM DD YYYY as his/her vacation leave, and allthe travelling expenses, including airplane ticketsand accommodation, will be covered by himself/herself. We also guarantee that we will retain his/herposition till the end of the holiday, and he/shewill be back to China and work at thecompany/bureau on schedule. Yours sincerelyXXX 这里加XXX签名(XXX 是领导的名字的拼音)YYY (YYY是领导的职务)ZZZ 这里加公章(ZZZ 是单位名字)Address: XXXX, 邮编,China Tel: 区号-电话号码打印公司抬头在职证明日期:2014年MM月DD日致:美国大使馆签证官兹证明XXX先生/女士是我公司/局一名员工(也可用具体职务)/公务员,自YYYY年MM月开始任职。
收入证明 签证 英文模板

收入证明签证英文模板Income Certificate for Visa Application.[Your Full Name][Your Home Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Date]To Whom It May Concern,。
I, [Your Full Name], hereby confirm the employment and income details of [Applicant's Full Name], who is applying for a visa to [Destination Country]. This letter serves as proof of income for the visa application process.Employment Details:[Applicant's Full Name] is currently employed with [Company Name] in the position of [Applicant's Position]. The company is located at [Company Address], [City, State, ZIP Code]. Since [Start Date of Employment], [Applicant's Full Name] has consistently demonstrated professional excellence and dedication to their duties.Income Details:The annual salary of [Applicant's Full Name] is [Amount in Numeric Format], which is paid in [Frequency of Payment, e.g., monthly, biweekly]. In addition to their basic salary, they also receive [Any Additional Allowances or Bonuses,e.g., performance bonus, commission, allowances for transportation, etc.]. This results in a total annual income of [Total Annual Income in Numeric Format].I further confirm that [Applicant's Full Name] is atax-compliant citizen and pays all applicable taxes ontheir income. They are also covered by [Company Name]'s comprehensive insurance plan, which includes medical, dental, and vision coverage.Visa Application Purpose:[Applicant's Full Name] is applying for a visa to [Destination Country] for the purpose of [Purpose of Visa, e.g., tourism, business, education, etc.]. They intend to visit [Destination Country] for a period of [Duration of Stay, e.g., three weeks, six months, etc.] and have madeall necessary arrangements for their stay, including accommodation, transportation, and funds for their expenses.Conclusion:I confirm that the information provided in this letteris accurate and true to the best of my knowledge. [Applicant's Full Name] is a responsible and reliable individual who has the financial means to support themselves during their stay in [Destination Country]. I strongly recommend their visa application for approval.Thank you for considering this request. If any further information is required, please do not hesitate to contactme.Sincerely,。

篇1:美国签证在职证明To: visa sectionDear Sir or Madam:Hereby we certify that Mr.chen fuxing (passport No. ) is the vice chairman of our company. He(She) joined our company from 05 May 2005.We certify that Mr.chen fuxing will spend his(her) holiday in XXX( 国家)from 17.Dec.2007 to 30.Dec.2007.We make sure that he(she) will obey the local rules and come back to China on time. We will keep his(her) position till his(her) coming back.His(her) salary in our company is RMB8000 per month. He(She) will cover all the expenses in Europe by himself(herself ) Best RegardsPerson in charge:Wang ShengPosition:HR ManagerTel:xx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxDate:Add:No.16,huangsheng Rd,shanghaiTel:xx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxFax:xx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-x篇2:美国签证在职证明To: visa sectionDear Sir or Madam:Hereby we certify that Mr.chen fuxing (passport No. )is thevice chairman of our company.He(She) joined our company from 05 May 2005.Mr. will represent our company to have a businetrip to UK to negotiate the purchase of the technology from 11th April to 30th April, 2015. We make sure that he(she) will obey the local rules and come back to China on time. We will also keep his(her) position till his(her) coming back.His(her) salary in our company is RMB8000 per month. Our company will afford all the expenses in UK for him!Best Regards注:需作相应修改,用公司抬头的信纸打印盖章,法人或总经理签字致:美国驻华大使馆北京签证处日期:年月日收入证明兹证明先生/女士(护照号:)出生日期:年月日,自年起在我单位工作,现任职务,月收入元人民币。

Certificate of employmentDate: April 18, 2019To: Embassy of the United StatesDear Sir or Madam:This is to certify that MS. XXX is a XXXX servant in our company since the year of XXXX. Her monthly salary is RMB XXXXX.00.(include shares and bonus).She will travel to the United State from XXXX to XXXX as her vacation leave, and all the travelling expenses, including airplane tickets and accommodation, will be covered by herself.We also guarantee that we will retain her position till the end of the holiday, and she will be back to China and work at the company on schedule.Yours sincerely.XXX:Department ManagerXXXX Co.Ltd.Address: XXXX,100193, P.R.ChinaTel:XXXX在职证明日期:2019年04月18日致:美国大使馆签证官兹证明XXXX女士是我公司一名XXXX,自XXXX开始任职。

特此证明!证明人:XXX电话:*******XX责任公司地址邮编 XX年X月X日Work & Income StatementXXX Co., Ltd.is an independently-operated enterprise, approved to set up in June, 1998.Mr.XXX, born on XXX, has been working as the General Manager of the company, in charge of the daily operation the company since June 1998.His income in recent three years is listed in the following form.His salary is granted by cash and the personal income tax is deducted and paid by our company.For further information on work or income, please be free to contact with our company.Hereby it is certified.XXXTel: ********* XXX Co., Ltd.ADD POSTCODEMay 10, 2009第二篇:美签工作证明美签工作证明模板To:visasectionDearSirorMadam:HerebywecertifythatMr.chenfuxing(passportNo.)isthevicech airmanofourcompany.He(She)joinedourcompanyfrom05May2005.WecertifythatMr.chenfuxingwillspendhis(her)holidayinXXX(国家)from17.Dec.2007to30.Dec.2007.Wemakesurethathe(she)willo beythelocalrulesandcomebacktoChinaontime.Wewillkeephis(her )positiontillhis(her)comingback.His(her)salaryinourcompanyisR MB8000permonth.He(She)willcoveralltheexpensesinEuropebyhi mself(herself)BestRegardspersonincharge:WangShengposition:HRManagerTel:xx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxxDate:Add:No.16,huangshengRd,shanghaiTel:xx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxFax:xx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx-x以下是商务签证在职证明样本:To:visasectionDearSirorMadam:HerebywecertifythatMr.chenfuxing(passportNo.)isthevicech airmanofourcompany.He(She)joinedourcompanyfrom05May200 5.Mr.willrepresentourcompanytohaveabusinetriptoUKtonegotiat ethepurchaseofthetechnologyfrom11thAprilto30thApril,2011.W emakesurethathe(she)willobeythelocalrulesandcomebacktoChin aontime.Wewillalsokeephis(her)positiontillhis(her)comingback.H is(her)salaryinourcompanyisRMB8000permonth.Ourcompanywil laffordalltheexpensesinUKforhim!BestRegards注:需作相应修改,用公司抬头的信纸打印盖章,法人或总经理签字。

美国签证收入证明模板Work and Income Statement工作及收入证明Established in 1997, XXXX Co., Ltd, with the registered capital of XXX million, focuses on the design of plastic product and design and production of injection mold. XXX is the juridical person of this company.Ms. XX, born on XX/XX/XXX, has been working for XXXXXX co., Ltd as the director of technology department since January 2001.Her income of the past three years is listed as followed:XXXXX有限公司成立于1997年,主要致力于承接塑料制品设计,注塑模具设计及注塑加工。
XXXXXX有限公司法人代表为XXX 注册资金为人民币XXXXX万元。
XXXX女士,出生于XXXX 年XXX月XXX日,于2001年1月起至今在本公司任职,担任技术部主管工作。
特此说明!联系人(Contact person):XXX有限公司人力资源部XXXXX Co., Ltd., Dept. of Human ResourcesXXX女士Ms. Xxxx联系电话(TEL):XXXX。

Certificate of employmentDate: April 18, 2019To: Embassy of the United StatesDear Sir or Madam:This is to certify that MS. XXX is a XXXX servant in our company since the year of XXXX. Her monthly salary is RMB XXXXX.00.(include shares and bonus).She will travel to the United State from XXXX to XXXX as her vacation leave, and all the travelling expenses, including airplane tickets and accommodation, will be covered by herself.We also guarantee that we will retain her position till the end of the holiday, and she will be back to China and work at the company on schedule.Yours sincerely.XXX:Department ManagerXXXX Co.Ltd.Address: XXXX,100193, P.R.ChinaTel:XXXX在职证明日期:2019年04月18日致:美国大使馆签证官兹证明XXXX女士是我公司一名XXXX,自XXXX开始任职。

美国签证在职证明样本中英文文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]此为样本,请按此格用带有贵公司抬头信纸打印(请注意空格处也需用打印的形式填写)CERTIFICATEDATE:(日期以阿拉伯数字根据日/月/年的格式填写)Mr/Ms(本人姓名的拼音)(护照号码)is the(现任职位的英文名称)of the(现任部门的英文名称)Department in our Company since(本人在该公司入职的年份), and her/his annual income is RMB(年收入数目用阿拉伯数字). We have approved her/his leave from(此次假期的出发时间,根据日/月/年的格式填写)to (此次假期的结束时间,根据日/月/年的格式填写)for her/his holiday to (申请签证国家英文名称).All the expenses during the travel will be borne by herself/himself. We hereby guarantee Mr/Ms (本人姓名的拼音)will obey the laws in outbound and we shall retain her/his position till the end of the holiday.Signature:(请公司负责人亲笔签名并加盖公司公章,请不要用拼音签名)Position:(签字人职务)Company:(请用英文填写公司名称)Add:(请用英文填写公司地址)Tel:(请填写公司可以联系到的电话)Fax:(请填写公司可以联系到的传真)蓝色字体请根据自身情况修改在职证明兹证明申请人姓名(护照号码)自入职时间年在我公司_现任部门名称_部门任_现任职位名称_职务,迄今已满具体时间_年。

美国留学签证收入证明中英文版本Visa Statement of Financial Support for Studying in the United StatesDear Visa Officer,英文版本 (English Version):1. Financial Resources:To demonstrate my ability to cover the expenses associated with my education in the United States, I have enclosed the following financial documents:- Bank Statements: I have attached bank statements from the past six months, which clearly show my account balance and transaction history.- Scholarship Letter: I have been awarded a scholarship from ABC University, which covers a significant portion of my tuition fees and living expenses. (Please find attached a copy of the scholarship award letter for your reference.)2. Sponsorship:- Sponsor's Bank Statements: My parents have also provided their bank statements for the past six months to demonstrate their ability to shoulder the additional financial burden.中文版本 (Chinese Version):1.财务资源:为了证明我有足够的财务实力来支付我在美国的学业费用,我附上了以下财务文件:-银行对账单:我一同附上了过去六个月的银行对账单,清晰显示了我的账户余额和交易历史。

Certificate of employmentDate: April 18, 2019To: Embassy of the United StatesDear Sir or Madam:This is to certify that MS. XXX is a XXXX servant in our company since the year of XXXX. Her monthly salary is RMB XXXXX.00.(include shares and bonus).She will travel to the United State from XXXX to XXXX as her vacation leave, and all the travelling expenses, including airplane tickets and accommodation, will be covered by herself.We also guarantee that we will retain her position till the end of the holiday, and she will be back to China and work at the company on schedule.Yours sincerely.XXX:Department ManagerXXXX Co.Ltd.Address: XXXX,100193, P.R.ChinaTel:XXXX在职证明日期:2019年04月18日致:美国大使馆签证官兹证明XXXX女士是我公司一名XXXX,自XXXX开始任职。

美国签证收入证明模板(通用3篇)美国签证收入证明模板篇1Established in 1997, Co., Ltd., with the registered capital of million, focuses on the design of plastic product and design and production of injection mold. is the juridical person of this company.Ms. , born on //, has been working for Co., Ltd as the director of technology department since January 20__.Her income of the past three years is listed as followed:X有限公司成立于1997年,主要致力于承接塑料制品设计,注塑模具设计及注塑加工。
其近三年的年薪收入(税后)情况如下(单位:RMB元)Year年度 Annual Pay年工资 Yearly Bonus年奖金 Other其他津贴 Total Annual Income年总收入20__20__20__其个人所得税由公司统一代扣代缴。
特此说明!Remark: Ms. ‘s individual income tax, cut off from he r income, is paid by our company.联系人(Contract Person):East Mold Zhuhai Co., Ltd. X有限公司Dept. of Human Resources 人力资源部Ms.美国签证收入证明模板篇2兹证明女士,生于1955年12月25日,自20__年起至今担任X有限公司常务副总。

其近三年收入情况如下:(单位:人民币)特此证明!xx-xxx-xx有限公司二零一零年x月x日美国签证--工资证明中英文模板2016-06-22 20:38 | #2楼兹证明xx-x先生(身份证号:xx-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx),出生于19xx 年xx月xx日,自xx-xx年起进入我公司,现担任xx-xx一职,其年收入约为xx-xxx元,其中包括基本工资及奖金,年终分红等。
xx-xxx-xx有限公司(盖章)证明人:日期:美国签证-在职证明及证明信2016-06-22 15:10 | #3楼兹有我公司(职务)---------xx-x(姓名)申请前往美国旅游。
联系人:联系人电话:(办公及手提)负责人电话:(办公及手提)公司负责人签名:公司盖章:美国签证中文收入证明(参考格式)2016-06-22 18:51 | #4楼兹证明先生/女士(护照号:)出生日期:年月日,自年起在我单位工作,现任职务,月收入元人民币。

其近三年收入情况如下:(单位:人民币)特此证明!******X有限公司二零一零年X月X日Certification of Employment and IncomeThis is to certify that Ms. ***, born on December 25th, 1955, has been the Deputy General Manager of ******X Co., Ltd since 2000.Her income in the past three years as follows: (RMB)Hereby to certify!*********X Co., Ltd******个人收入证明模板2:Established in 1997, ***X Co., Ltd., with the registered capital of *** million, focuses on the design of plastic product and design and production of injection mold. *** is the juridical person of this company.Ms. ***, born on XX/XX/***X, has been working for ***X Co., Ltd as the director of technology department since January 2001.Her income of the past three years is listed as followed:***X有限公司成立于1997年,主要致力于承接塑料制品设计,注塑模具设计及注塑加工。

特此证明!中国联通安徽分公司20xx-5-18Work and Income CertificateThis is to certify that Mr. XX, male, born on Dec. 11, 19xx, has been employed by China Unicom, Anhui since 1996. Now he is the General Manager of China Unicom Chizhou branch in Chizhou city, Anhui Province. He is in charge of the administration and management in the branch. His average annual income of recent 3 years is RMB 180,000 Yuan, including monthly salary, bonus and subsidy.The individual income tax will be deducted by the company together.China Telecom, AnhuiMay 18, 2010简介美国把B-1/B-2签证归为一类。

美国签证收入证明篇(一)Work and Income Statement工作及收入证明Established in 1997, XXXX Co., Ltd, with the registered capital of XXX million, focuses on the design of plastic product and design and production of injection mold. XXX is the juridical person of this company.Ms. XX, born on XX/XX/XXX, has been working for XXXXXX co., Ltd as the director of technology department since January 2001.Her income of the past three years is listed as followed:XXXXX有限公司成立于1997年,主要致力于承接塑料制品设计,注塑模具设计及注塑加工。
XXXXXX有限公司法人代表为XXX 注册资金为人民币XXXXX万元。
XXXX女士,出生于XXXX 年XXX月XXX日,于2001年1月起至今在本公司任职,担任技术部主管工作。
特此说明!联系人(Contact Person):XXX有限公司人力资源部XXXXX Co., Ltd., Dept. of Human ResourcesXXX女士Ms. Xxx-x联系电话(TEL):XXXX美国签证收入证明篇(二)Established in 1997, XXXX Co., Ltd, with the registered capital of XXX million, focuses on the design of plastic product and design and production of injection mold. XXX is the juridical person of this company.Ms. XX, born on XX/XX/XXX, has been working for XXXXXX co., Ltd as the director of technology department since January 2001.Her income of the past three years is listed as followed:XXXXX有限公司成立于1997年,主要致力于承接塑料制品设计,注塑模具设计及注塑加工。

2 L- }: d3 ^" }. a/ r+ {存单的翻译是以中国银行的存单为例的,户口本和存单的翻译模版是公证处的人给的,肯定没有问题。
% [/ l0 z) U# P" @ 刚发现个问题,以前的那个存单翻译没写name和name后的编号,第二个account应为amount,现已改正,不好意思。
户口本Household RegisterUnder Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P.R.C.Household Category FamilyHouseholdName ofHouseholderHouseholdNo.AddressSpecial Seal For Household of Public Security Department of ***Province (seal)Special Seal For Household of *** Police Station of ***City Public Security Bureau (seal)Undertake:Date of Issue:Registration Card of Permanent ResidentName Householder or Relation with HouseholderFormerNameSexPlace of N ationalityBirthPlace of Origin Date of BirthOther Address in This City (County) Religious Belief ID Card No. Height Blood TypeEducational Level Marital Status Military ServiceStatusWorking PlaceProfessionWhen and from Where Moving to this City (County)When and from Where Moving to this AddressUndertaker:Date of Issue:。
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兹证明, 男/女, 年月日出生。
Date: ______ Employment and Income Certificate
This is to certify that_____,male/female, born on_____. He/She joined in _________ since year_____, now takes the position as the _______ and mainly responsible for ________.
In recent years, Mr/Mrs/Miss’s average annual income includes salary, bonus and welfare is approximately RMB _____yuan, and his/her income tax is paid by our company/bureau on his/her behalf.
Herewith certify.
Financial Director/HR Director:
Tel. No.:
Company Name。