

真空技术基础(电阻规 电离规)

真空技术基础(电阻规 电离规)
压强(帕) 10 4 10 3 10 2 1 0 1 01 0.1 0.01
接 阀门 机 械 泵
2 1 1 0 5 0 图3-3 抽气曲线
2 5
热 偶 规
图 3-4
2. 定容法测量抽速实验 在真空系统中,对一定容积的被抽容器,随着气体逐渐被抽出,容器内压强包括抽气机进 口处的压强不断降低,因而每次抽出的气体在不断减少,抽速就不断变化。这样,抽气机 的抽速应是在某一瞬时压强下被抽气体体积对时间的导数。即:
根据(3-2)或(3-3)式,只要测出一系列压强、时 图 3-5 三级高真空油扩散泵 间值。可在半对数坐标纸上作出抽气曲线。求出抽 1. 进气口 6. 回油管 d ( gP) / dt 代入(3-3)式, 2. 冷凝阱 7. 扩散泵油 即可 气曲线某点的斜率 3. 冷却水套 8. 喷射喷口 求出该压强下的抽气速率。 4. 第一级喷口 9. 出气口 如只需粗略估计抽速,可求其平均抽速。 5. 第二级喷口
油蒸汽一起向下运动。油蒸汽被冷却水套冷却,结成油滴回到泵底循环使用,空气分子此 时向喷口下方集结。如此三级喷口逐级起作用,将进气口空气分子集结到出气口,再由机 械泵将积聚起来的气体抽走,可见扩散泵和机械泵必须串接使用才形成抽气过程获得高真 空。 一般三级油扩散泵的极限真空度为 10 帕。影响极限真空度的主要因素是油蒸汽压和 气体分子的反扩散。若加低温冷凝阱(放入干冰或液氮等),阻截油蒸汽分子进入系统, 或采用低蒸汽压扩散泵油,可使极限真空度提高 1-2 个数量级。 玻璃扩散泵的抽速一般为几十升/秒,金属扩散泵可达几百升/秒以上。 扩散泵使用注意事项: (1) 扩散泵不能单独工作,一定要用机械泵作前级泵,并使系统抽到 10 帕量级时才能 启动扩散泵; (2) 泵体要竖直,按规定量加油和选用加热电炉功率; (3) 牢记先通冷却水,后加热。结束时则应先停止加热,冷却一段时间后才能关闭。 4. 其它几种真空泵 (1) 分子泵 分子泵是靠高速转动的转子携带气体分子而获得高真空、超高真空的一种机械真空泵。 -8 工作压强范围为 1 ~ 10 帕。泵的转速为10000 转/分到 50000 转/分,这种泵的抽速范围很宽, 但不能直接对大气排气,需要配置前级泵。分子泵抽速与被抽气体的种类有关,如对氢的 抽速比对空气的抽速大 20% 。 分子泵适用于真空作业,如真空冶炼,半导体提纯,大型电子管排气、原子能工业、 空间模拟等。 (2) 吸附泵 许多化学性活泼的金属元素,如钛、钨、钼、锆、钡等都具有很强的吸气能力。其中 钛有强烈的吸气能力,在室温下性质稳定,易于加工,所以广泛用于真空技术,发展成为 一种超高真空泵¾¾钛泵。 钛泵的抽气机理是气体分子碰撞在新鲜的钛膜上,形成稳定的化合物,随后又被不断 蒸发而形成的新钛膜所复盖。新钛膜又继续吸附气体分子,如此形成稳定的抽气。钛泵对 被抽气体有明显的选择性,对活性气体抽速很大,对惰性气体抽速很小。因而往往需要扩 -6 -10 散泵等作为辅助泵。钛泵的极限真空度为 10 ~ 10 帕。 钛泵可应用于热核反应装置,加速器,空间模拟,半导体元件的镀膜技术和要求无油 污染的真空设备。 (3) 低温吸附泵 用低温介质将抽气面冷却到 20K 以下,抽气面就能大量冷凝沸点温度比该抽气面温度 高的气体,产生很大的抽气作用。这种用低温表面将气体冷凝而达到抽气目的的泵叫做低 温泵,或称冷凝泵。


P=10 0.778(U-C) P:实际压力; U :输出电压; C:常数 (mbar:6.143; Torr:6.304; Pa:3.572) 例如:某规管测量的输出信号为6.14 V 那么实际压力为P=10 0.778(6.14-6.143) =1.0 mbar
皮拉尼规 PSG ---维护 1. 清洗规管
220ຫໍສະໝຸດ BPG400: 测量2.4x10-2 mbar ~~1000 mbar 皮拉尼工作 5.5x10-3 mbar ~~2.4x10-2 mbar 熱电离规与皮拉尼规共
5.5x10-3 mbar 以下熱电离规工作,皮拉尼保护 3.2x10-2 mbar 熱电离灯丝因保护关闭
复合规BPG------维护 满量程调整处
BPG400: 维护
除气只能在压力低于 7.2E-6 mbar 以下进行 除气主要目的是清除灯丝污染 除气时收集极温度700度,除气功率4W,16mA 除气时显示值偏大 除气3分钟自动结束 除气可通过接口,或由连接的显示仪表激活
FCC68 接线: 针1 电源14~32 V 针2 电源地 针3 测量信号输出 针5 信号地 针6,8 触点输出
皮拉尼规 PSG ---信号输出
1 输出电压范围:0-10.0V; 2 测量信号范围:1.9-10.0V; 3 灯丝故障:<0.5V; 4 输出电压与压力的关系式:(对数输出 1.286V/量级)
清洗步骤: 1 移开灯丝部分的挡板 2 加入酒精,浸泡5 分钟 3 倒出酒精,放至干燥 4 安装挡板 5 连接开机调整零点

畜禽屠宰加工设备 通用要求-最新国标

畜禽屠宰加工设备 通用要求-最新国标






JJF 1050-1996 工作用热传导真空计校准规范

JJF 1050-1996 工作用热传导真空计校准规范
定规程 。

被校真空计是 根据气体分子 热传导性能 与压 力有关的原理制 成的真空测量仪器 ,常 用 的种类有 电阻真 空计 和热偶真 空计 ,均 由规管 和电路组成 。( 见图 1 )
A} A } I B p V } ` / G
J JF 1 0 50- 1 99 6
本校 准规范适用于工 作用热传导真空计 ( 以下简称被校真 空计) 的校准 。 考虑 到实际作用 ,施行本 规范时 ,同时废 止 J J G 5 8 7 -1 9 8 9和 J J G 7 3 7 -1 9 9 1 两检
图 3 相对法真 空标准装置
1 -高真 空获得装置 ;2 , 3 - 阀门;4 一 电离真空计 ; 5 一校准室 ;6 一被 校真空计 ;7 一标准真空计 ; 8 一微调 阀门 ;9 - 氮气源
9 . 2 . 1 标准真空 计的示值相 对误差不大 于 1 0 %,其 测量范 围应 能覆盖 被校计 的待校范 围 ( 可以是 1台或几 台组成 的标 准真空计组 ) 。 9. 2. 2 校 准室 的本底 压力不应 大于被校计 待校 压力下 限的 2 %a
1 4 校准前按产 品技术条件 的规定 对被校真空计 电路 的电参数进行 调试。 巧 将被校真 空计 接至真空标 准装 置上 ,按获得 真空 的操作程 序对 真空标 准装置进行抽 气 ,使它符合 9 . 1 , 9 . 2 . 2 , 9 . 2 . 3的要求。 1 6 压力示值校准 1 6 . 1 按产品说 明书的规定对被校真 空计进行零点 、满度或加热 电流校准 ,对热偶真空 计要记 录规管 的加热 电流示 值 。 1 6 . 2 压 力校准点应 在被校量程 内均 匀分 布选取 。线性刻度 的被校真 空计 ,每个数量级 至少有 3个校准点 。对 数刻 度的被校 真空计不 得少 于 1 0 个校 准点 ,在每个 数量级 至少 有2 个校 准点 。 1 6 . 3 压力 由低至高 的顺 序进行 校 准 ,在每 个 校准 点都必 须待 压力稳 定后 重 复读数 3 次 ,取其平 均值 ,分别得 到压力标准值和被 校值 。



AMS 2750E高温测定法5 年一次的更新,复查并重审了该规范以提高其使用量,技术革新导致了使用的变化。


目录1.范围 (3)2.引用文件 (3)2.1 ASTM 出版物 (3)2.2 定义 (3)3.技术要求 (8)3.1温度传感器 (8)3.2 仪表(见表3, 4, 和表5) (12)3.3 热处理设备: (16)3.4 系统精度测试(SA Ts) (18)3.5 炉温均匀性测试(TUS) (23)3.6 实验室炉子 (33)3.7 记录 (33)3.8 取舍 (33)4. 质量保证条款 (33)4.1 检验职责 (33)5. 交货准备 (42)6. 接收 (42)7. 拒收 (42)8. 注释 (43)图1 负载传感器的使用和重新校检 (13)图2 不同类型炉子的炉温均匀性范围 (16)图3 仪表类型要求 (17)图4 每个区域最少传感器支数 (18)图5固定的SAT传感器与在500℉ (260℃)以上温度测试的传感器的允许组合 (19)图6 系统精度测试(SA T)计算的实例 (21)表1 传感器和传感器校检 (34)表2 热电偶和补偿导线 (35)表3 使用仪器及校准 (36)表4 炉子记录图表的确定要求 (38)表5 记录器打印图表及速度 (38)表6 零件所用炉子分类、仪表类型以及SA T校验周期 (39)表7 原材料炉所用炉子分类、仪表类型以及SA T校验周期 (40)表8 零件所用炉子分类、仪表类型以及和TUS校验周期 (41)表9 原材料炉所用炉子分类、仪表类型和TUS校验周期 (41)表10 校验或试验间隔延长的容许值 (42)表11 TUS传感器数量要求 (42)附录A:E版与D版变更内容说明 (42)1.范围1.1 本规范涵盖了热处理过程中用到的热处理设备的高温测量要求,包括温度传感器,仪器仪表,热处理设备,系统精度测试和温度均匀性测量。


VGC403 中文手册

VGC403 中文手册

使用说明书VGC402双通道测量与控制仪器VGC403三通道测量与控制仪器目录1 前言1.1 有效性1.1.1 件号1.1.2 固件版号1.1.3 型号标签1.2 用途1.2.1 责任与保修1.3 产品型号1.4 安全1.4.1 人员要求1.4.2 使用符号1.4.3 一般安全规则2 技术参数2.1 一般参数2.1.1 机械参数2.1.2 环境条件2.1.3 操作2.1.4 标准2.2 电源连接2.3 通道2.3.1 规管连接件2.3.2 规管电源2.3.3 测量技术2.4 开关功能2.4.1 开关功能继电器2.4.2 误差讯号继电器2.5 输出2.5.1 模拟输出2.5.2 记录仪输出2.5.3 计算机接口2.6 供货范围3 安装3.1 开箱3.2 机械安装3.2.1 桌上式仪器3.2.2 安装在控制屏上3.2.3 机架安装3.3 连接3.3.1 设备后板3.3.2 电源连接3.3.3 接地3.3.4 SENSOR3.3.5 RELAY3.3.6 CONTROL 3.3.7 RS232C 4 运行4.1 面板4.1.1 显示器4.1.2 控制按钮4.2 电源on和iff4.2.1 电源on4.2.2 电源off4.2.3 延迟时间4.3 工作模式4.4 测量模式4.4.1 选择4.4.2 说明4.4.3 控制按钮功能4.5 参数模式4.5.1 选择4.5.2 参数组4.5.3 基本操作5 参数5.1 转换功能参数(PArA SP) 5.1.1 基本术语5.1.2 配置转换功能5.1.3 设定值范围5.2 规管参数(PArA SEn) 5.2.1 测量筛选器(FILt)5.2.2 气体类型(GAS)5.2.3 测量范围(FS)5.2.4 偏离(oFS)5.2.5 除气功能(dEGAS)5.2.6 规管启用(S-on)5.2.7 开关on阈值(t-on)5.2.8 规管停用(S-oFF)5.2.9 开关off阈值(t-off)5.3 一般参数(PArA GEn) 5.3.1 测量单位(unit)5.3.2 波特率(bAud)5.3.3 显示方式(diGIt)5.3.4 缺省参数(dEF)5.3.5 记录仪输出(Ao)5.3.6 误差讯号继电器(Err-r) 5.4 测试参数(PArA tESt) 5.4.1 选择5.4.2 固件版号(Pnr)5.4.3 监测器控制(dt-C)5.4.4 乇锁(tr-L)5.4.5 参数设置(LoC)5.4.6 RAM测试(rA-t)5.4.7 EPROM测试(EP-t) 5.4.8 EEPROM测试(EE-t) 5.4.9 显示器测试(dI-t)5.4.10 A/D变换器讯号(Ad-S) 5.4.11 A/D变换器ID(Ad-I) 5.4.12 I/O测试(Io-t)5.4.13 RS232C测试(rS-t)6 计算机接口6.1 基础6.1.1 连接件6.1.2 术语6.2 通讯6.2.1 协议6.2.2 发送(Host♑Unit)6.2.3 接收(Unit ♑Host)6.2.4 例6.2.5 数格式6.2.6 连续测量传送6.3 助记符6.3.1 一览表6.3.2 AOM6.3.3 BAU6.3.4 COM6.3.5 COR6.3.6 DCD6.3.7 DGS6.3.8 ERA6.3.9 ERR6.3.10 FIL6.3.11 FER6.3.12 GAS6.3.13 HVC6.3.14 ITR6.3.15 LOC6.3.16 OFC6.3.17 OFD6.3.18 PNR6.3.19 PRI6.3.20 PRX6.3.21 RES6.3.22 SAV6.3.23 SC16.3.24 SP16.3.25 SPS6.3.26 TAD6.3.27 TDI6.3.28 TEE6.3.29 TEP6.3.30 TID 6.3.31 TIO6.3.32 TKB6.3.33 TLC6.3.34 TRA6.3.35 TRS6.3.36 UNI6.3.37 WDT7 维护和服务7.1 维护7.1.1 清洗7.2 程序传送模式7.2.1 准备和选择7.2.2 程序传送7.2.3 重新启动7.3 故障查找7.3.1 故障指示7.3.2 误差信息7.3.3 技术支持7.3.4 检修7.4 校准7.4.1 基础7.4.2 CAO7.4.3 CAF7.4.4 校准单位8 贮存和废物处理8.1 包装8.2 贮存8.3 废物处理附录转换表重量压强线性测量温度转换缺省参数文献资料索引质量保证书1 前言1.1 有效性1.1.1 件号本文件用于下列产品:件号产品398-020 398-021 VGC402 VGC403在仪器一侧的型号标签上标有件号。

BPG400 真空规管中文手册

BPG400 真空规管中文手册

IR 090热阴极电离复合真空计使用说明书BG 804 171 BE目录产品标识有效范围使用范围工作原理注册商标1 安全1.1 使用符号1.2 人员素质1.3 一般安全规则1.4 赔偿责任与保修2 技术参数3 安装3.1 真空连接3.1.1 拆卸和安装电子学单元3.1.2 安装延伸件3.2 电源连接3.2.1 与COMBIV AC IT23一起使用3.2.2 与其它测量仪器一起使用4 运行4.1 测量原理,测量特性4.2 真空计工作原理4.3 除气4.4 显示器4.5 RS232C接口4.5.1 功能说明4.5.1.1 IR090输出4.5.1.2 IR090输入5 维护5.1 维护5.2 真空计调整5.3 真空计清洗5.4 安装障板5.5 更换障板5.6 更换规管5.7 故障查找6 拆卸7 产品返修8 附件9 备件10 废物处理附录A. 测量讯号与压强的关系B. 气体种类与压强的关系污染申报表参阅本说明书中的章节,采用符号(→XY)。


产品标识与Leybold Inficon联系时,请标明产品标牌上给出的信息。


有效范围本说明书适用于下列件号的产品不带显示器120 90 (法兰DN 25 ISO-KF)120 92 (法兰DN 40 CF-R)带显示器120 91 (法兰DN 25 ISO-KF)120 94 (法兰DN 40 CF-R)产品的件号在标牌上标明。


使用范围I R090用于在压强5×10-10…1000毫巴范围内非易燃性气体和气体混合物的真空测量。

真空计规管是SKY Smart真空计规管系列的一个组成部分。

可与COMBIV AC IT23或其它测量仪器一起工作。








真空感应熔炼炉技术要求1.技术要求1.1 主要技术参数 规格、尺寸、基本安装条件 立式炉体 一次出钢量 达到500Kg 额定功率 400kw 额定电压(感应端电压) 500V 最高温度 1700℃ 额定频率 700Hz ,1000Hz 。

极限真空度 6.7×10-2Pa 压升率 ≤1Pa/h 耗水量 40m 3/h 成套设备总重量约 40t ZL-800油增压泵功率 30kw ZJP-1200DV 罗茨泵功率 2×11Kw (真空感应熔炼炉配置两台罗茨泵) 2H-150DV 滑阀泵电机功率 2×11Kw (真空感应熔炼炉配置两台滑阀泵) 成套设备总功率 约500 Kw 电源 IGBT 双频电源1.2设备关键部件规格要求序号 名称 型号、材质要求 制造厂要求 1 炉体内壁304不锈钢,外壁碳钢 2 滑阀泵 型号2H-150DV 三门拓展真空设备有限公司生产或同级别产品3罗茨泵 型号Z J P-1200DV 三门拓展真空设备有限公司或同级别产品 4油增压喷射泵 型号Z-800 甘肃腾飞有限公司或同级别产品 5旋片泵 型号2X-70、2X-8 三门拓展真空设备有限公司或同级别产品 6真空气动蝶阀 型号GIQ-80 上海阀门二厂或 宁波仪表阀门厂 7隔膜阀 型号GM-10F 、GM-40F 上海阀门二厂或 宁波仪表阀门厂 8真空计 型号ZDF-Ⅲ复合真空计 成都睿宝或成都成华 9300气动插板阀 不锈钢产品 上海阀门二厂或同级别产品 10 电源400KW,IGBT 电源, 双频电源,700Hz 和1000Hz 。

配有漏钢自动保护和自动报警功能 张家港四通或同级别产品 11各电机 节能电机,达到标准IE2以上 12 钢锭摆放量最多可摆放6个钢锭模,步进式,浇注高度1.25米,浇注平台宽度1.5米 13密封胶圈 密封胶圈的设计要避免高温高辐射,接触高温高辐射部分健全要求使用硅橡胶或其它耐高温橡胶 14红外测温 700℃-1800℃,MR 系列 美国雷泰或同级别产品 15PLC 德国西门子或同级别产品1.3、设备结构说明成套设备由真空熔炼室(包括炉体、炉盖)、真空系统、液压系统、水冷系统、气动系统、主加料装置、合金加料箱及料斗翻转机构、观察窗、进电装置、测温装置、捣料装置、工作台、锭模车、IGBT中频电源柜及电气控制系统等部分组成,实现在真空状态下作业的工艺要求。



Issue GInstruction ManualWide Range GaugeDescription Item NumberWRG-S-NW25D147-01-000WRG-SL-NW25D147-11-000WRG-D-NW25D147-02-000WRG-S-DN40CF D147-03-000This product has been manufactured under a quality system registered to ISO9001Declaration of ConformityMr L. Marini, Technical ManagerDate and PlaceP 200-02-460 I s s u e D9 December 2009© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved.Page iEdwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.ContentsD147-01-880 Issue GContentsSectionPage1Introduction (1)1.1Scope and definitions ...................................................................................................11.2Description ................................................................................................................11.3Gas dependency (2)2Technical data (5)2.1Mechanical data ..........................................................................................................52.2Performance, operating and storage conditions ....................................................................52.3Electrical data ............................................................................................................52.4Materials exposed to vacuum (6)3Installation (11)3.1Unpack and inspect .....................................................................................................113.2Fit the WRG to the vacuum system ..................................................................................113.3Electrical connections ..................................................................................................113.3.1Connect to Edwards controllers or AGD display ....................................................................113.3.2Connect to your own supply and control equipment (11)4Operation (13)4.1Safety .....................................................................................................................134.2Pressure measurement .................................................................................................144.3Atmosphere adjustment ...............................................................................................144.4Vacuum adjustment ....................................................................................................154.5Set-point .................................................................................................................154.6Error monitoring (16)5Maintenance (17)5.1Introduction .............................................................................................................175.2Replace the body tube .................................................................................................175.3Replace the electrode and pirani assemblies ......................................................................185.4Replace the electronics and magnet housing ......................................................................195.5Clean the internal components (19)6Storage and disposal (21)6.1Storage ...................................................................................................................216.2Disposal (21)7Service, spares and accessories (23)7.1Introduction .............................................................................................................237.2Service ....................................................................................................................237.3Spares .....................................................................................................................237.4Accessories ...............................................................................................................24For return of equipment, complete the HS Forms at the end of this manual.g e a /0084/05/10D147-01-880 Issue GPage ii© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved.Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.ContentsIllustrationsFigurePage1General view of the WRG-S and -SL ...................................................................................22General view of the WRG-D ............................................................................................33Dimensions (mm) of the WRG-S-NW25 and WRG-SL-NW25 ........................................................74Dimensions (mm) of the WRG-D-NW25 ...............................................................................85Dimensions (mm) of the WRG-S-DN40CF .............................................................................96Schematic diagram of typical electrical connections for the WRG .............................................127Pressure-voltage characteristic of the WRG ........................................................................148Refitting the body tube assembly (189)Exploded view of the body tube assembly (20)TablesTablePage1Pin identification (12)Trademark creditsScotchbrite™ is a trademark of 3M Global Trading, Inc.© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved.Page 1Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.IntroductionD147-01-880 Issue G1Introduction1.1Scope and definitionsThis manual provides installation, operation and maintenance instructions for the Edwards WRG (Wide Range Gauge). You must use the WRG as specified in this manual.Read this manual before you install and operate the WRG. Important safety information is highlighted as WARNING and CAUTION instructions; you must obey these instructions. The use of WARNINGS and CAUTIONS is defined below.CAUTIONCautions are given where failure to observe the instruction could result in damage to the equipment, associated equipment or process.The units used throughout the manual conform to the SI international system of units of measurement.The following symbol is on the Wide Range Gauge:1.2DescriptionThe Wide Range Gauge, shown in Figure 1, is a combined inverted magnetron and pirani gauge in a single compact unit.The WRG incorporates a unique striking mechanism consisting of a small incandescent filament mounted inside the magnetron tube. This filament is automatically ignited providing enough emission electrons to initiate the discharge.The WRG incorporates an intelligent microprocessor based control system which is used to control the various features such as:●Automatic control of the magnetron HT voltage during the ignition of the gauge.●Reduction of the HT voltage after ignition to enhance the life time of the gauge.●Automatic adjustment of the pirani vacuum reading.●Provision of an error monitoring feature which will help identify the exact cause of failure.●Simple adjustment of the set-point trip level.Three versions of the Wide Range Gauge are available: the ‘S’, ‘SL’ and the ‘D’ gauges. The ‘S’ and ‘SL’ versions have an FCC68 connector socket while the ‘D’ version has a 9 way D-type socket. The ‘SL’ gauges have a very low external magnetic field and are suitable for use with sensitive analytical instruments. The ‘S’ version is available with either a NW25 or DN40CF flange.The WRG is compatible with the AGC range (Active Gauge Controllers) and with the appropriate versions of the AGD (Active Gauge Display). Alternatively, an independent power supply can be used for the WRG and the output signal can be read with a voltmeter or an analogue-to-digital converter.WARNINGWarnings are given where failure to observe the instruction could result in injury or death to people.From August 2005, Edwards will offer European customers a recycling service.D147-01-880 Issue GPage 2© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved.Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.IntroductionThe WRG has a set-point facility. The set-point signal is an open collector transistor output, which is on when the pressure measured by the gauge is below a preset pressure. You can adjust the pressure at which the set-point output is activated, refer to Section 4.5.Note:If you use an Active Gauge Controller or Active Gauge Display, the WRG set-point output signal is not used.1.3Gas dependencyIn the pirani measurement range the rate of heat transfer through a gas is dependent upon both the pressure and the RMM (Relative Molecular Mass) of the gas. Similarly, in the inverted magnetron measurement range the ionisation of the gas in the vacuum system is dependent on both the pressure and the physical properties of the gas. Therefore, the output signal of the WRG is gas dependent.The output signal voltage to pressure conversion in Section 4.2 applies for nitrogen and dry air. Calibration graphs for use with other commonly used gases are available on request.Figure 1 - General view of the WRG-S and -SL1.Set atmosphere2.Set trip3.Electronics housing4.Vacuum flange5.Magnet housing6.Cable strain relief7.Cable connector plug8.Connector socket© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved.Page 3Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.IntroductionD147-01-880 Issue GFigure 2 - General view of the WRG-D1.Set atmosphere2.Set trip3.Electronics housing4.Vacuum flange5.Magnet housing6.Cable strain relief7.Cable connector plug8.Connector socketD147-01-880 Issue GThis page has been intentionally left blank.Page 4© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved.Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved.Page 5Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.Technical dataD147-01-880 Issue G2Technical data2.1Mechanical data2.2Performance, operating and storage conditions2.3Electrical dataDimensions See Figure 3, 4 and 5MassWRG-S-NW25750 g WRG-D-NW25750 g WRG-SL-NW25800 g WRG-S-DN40CF 1000 g Volume of gauge tube 26 cm 3Enclosure ratingWRG-S-NW25IP40WRG-SL-NW25IP40WRG-S-DN40CF IP40WRG-D-NW25IP44 (provided that the gauge is mounted vertically withthe vacuum flange at the bottom)Ambient temperatureOperation 5 to 60 °C Storage0 to 70 °CAmbient humidity (operation)max 90% RH (non-condensing) up to 31 °C max 70% RH (non-condensing) above 31 °C Maximum internal pressure 6 bar absolute (5 bar gauge)Maximum operating altitude 2000 m (indoor use only)Pressure measurement range 100 to 10-9 mbar (indicates pressures up to 1000 mbar at reduced accuracy)Pollution degree2Electrical supplyVoltage+14.5 to +36 V d.c.Max voltage ripple 1 V peak to peak Max source resistance 50 ΩMaximum power consumption 2 WElectrical connectorWRG-S-NW25FCC68/RJ45 type, 8-way WRG-SL-NW25FCC68/RJ45 type, 8-way WRG-S-DN40CF FCC68/RJ45 type, 8-way WRG-D-NW259 way D-type maleD147-01-880 Issue GPage 6© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved.Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.Technical data2.4Materials exposed to vacuum●Stainless steel (AISI 304, 316, 321, 347)●Fluoroelastomer ●Soda lime glass ●T ungsten●Trace of Nickel and Nickel ironPressure output signalRange 2 - 10 V d.c.Error range < 1.5 V d.c. or > 10.15 V d.c.Impedance0.1 ΩMin load impedance 10 k ΩMax current source1 mASet-point output external load rating 40 V d.c., 100 mA max Set-point trip levelRange 1.8 to 10.2 V Hysteresis330 mV Back EMF suppression diode *Min. surge rating1 A Min. reverse voltage rating 100 V Atmosphere calibration inputControl sense Active low Active level < 1.5 VControl impedance 100 k Ω pull-up to positive supply Gauge identification resistance75 k Ω ± 2%*Required when you use an external d.c. relay connected to the set-point output.© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved. Page 7 Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.Technical dataFigure 3 - Dimensions (mm) of the WRG-S-NW25 and WRG-SL-NW25Page 8© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved.Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.Technical dataFigure 4 - Dimensions (mm) of the WRG-D-NW25© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved. Page 9 Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.Technical dataFigure 5 - Dimensions (mm) of the WRG-S-DN40CFThis page has been intentionally left blank.Page 10© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved.Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved.Page 11Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.Installation 3Installation 3.1Unpack and inspectRemove all packing materials and protective covers and check the WRG.If the WRG is damaged, notify your supplier and the carrier in writing within three days; state the Item Number of the WRG together with your order number and your supplier’s invoice number. Retain all packing materials for inspection. Do not use the WRG if it is damaged.If the WRG is not to be used immediately, replace the protective covers. Store the WRG in suitable conditions as described in Section 6.3.2Fit the WRG to the vacuum systemThe WRG can be mounted in any orientation. To avoid the build-up of debris or condensable material in the body tube of the WRG (which might cause pressure measurement errors), we recommend that you install the WRG vertically as shown in Figure 3, 4 and 5.Use an O-ring / centring ring or Co-Seal and clamp to connect the NW25 flange of the WRG to a similar flange on your vacuum system.Use a copper gasket and screws to connect the DN40CF flange of the WRG-S-DN40CF to a similar flange on your vacuum system.3.3Electrical connectionsWhen using a cable longer than 30 m, full compliance with the EN61326 requires an in-line surge suppressor (please refer to Section 7.4).3.3.1Connect to Edwards controllers or AGD displayConnect the WRG to the controller or display with a cable which is terminated in suitable connectors. Suitable cables are available upon request. (See Section 7.4).3.3.2Connect to your own supply and control equipment Note:You should not connect the electrical supply common (pin 2) to the signal common (pin 5). If you do, theWRG pressure output signal may be inaccurate.A schematic diagram of the recommended electrical connections to the WRG is shown in Figure 6.The pins of the FCC68 and D-type sockets on the WRG electrical connection are used as shown in Table 1.WARNINGThe WRG incorporates magnets. Keep away from heart pacemakers, computers, credit cards andany other magnetically sensitive devices.WARNINGIf the WRG malfunctions, the WRG pressure output may be incorrect. If such a failure could causeinjury to people or damage equipment, you must install a suitable control system to indicate thefailure and, if necessary, to close down your process system.Page 12© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved.Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.InstallationConnections to pins 4, 6 and 7 are optional. Make the connection to pin 6 if you want to connect the set-point output signal to a d.c. relay. You must connect a suppression diode between pin 1 and 6 to protect the WRG from transient voltage generated when the d.c. relay is switched off.Measure between pins 4 and 5 to determine the value of the ID resistor.Connect a switch between pins 2 and 7 to enable calibration of the gauge at atmosphere and vacuum. (Refer to Section 4.3 and 4.4).Figure 6 - Schematic diagram of typical electrical connections for the WRG Table 1 - Pin identification Pin Number Connection 1Supply positive 2Supply common 3Signal output 4ID resistor 5Signal common 6Set-point output 7Atmosphere calibration 8Not connected 9Not connected (D-type connector only)A.Electrical supply B.Voltmeter (pressure signal)C.Back EMF suppression diode (optional) D. D.C. relay (optional)E.Atmosphere calibration switch F .Pin 9 of D-type connector (optional) (not in use)© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved.Page 13Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.Operation 4Operation 4.1SafetyCAUTION The WRG has a magnet which may affect sensitive devices such as floppy disks. The effect is reduced on the -SL version.WARNINGDo not use the WRG to measure the pressure of explosive or flammable gases or mixtures.WARNINGNever operate the WRG when it is disconnected from the vacuum system or when there areexplosive or flammable gases in the surrounding atmosphere or the vacuum system. High voltages(up to 3 kV) are generated inside the body tube of the WRG; these could cause injury to people orcould be a source of ignition.WARNINGDo not disconnect the electronics and magnet housing from the body tube when the body tube isconnected to the vacuum system. If there is a plasma discharge in the vacuum system near thebody tube, the body tube can become electrically charged.WARNINGWhen the pressure of gases of high molecular weight are measured, the pressure indicated can bebelow the true pressure. Ensure that the WRG is not over-pressurised when you use heavy gases.WARNINGUse the gauge only for its intended purpose as described in this instruction manual.WARNINGThe WRG incorporates magnets. Keep away from heart pacemakers, computers, credit cards andany other magnetically sensitive devices.Page 14© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved.Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.Operation 4.2Pressure measurementIf you connect the WRG to an Edwards AGC controller or AGD display, the pressure measured by the WRG is shown on the display.If you connect the signal output of the WRG to a voltmeter, convert the measured voltage to the corresponding pressure value using the following equation:where V is the measured voltage. For example, if the measured voltage V = 4, then pressure P = 10-6 mbar. Refer also to Figure 7.4.3Atmosphere adjustmentUse the “ATM” switch (see Figure 1 and 2, item 3) or pin 7 and 2 to set the reading at atmosphere.Switch on the power supply to the WRG and allow it to operate at atmospheric pressure for at least 10 minutes.With the vacuum system at atmospheric pressure, press the “ATM” switch with an appropriate tool. The output of the gauge will be automatically adjusted to read atmosphere.Figure 7 - Pressure-voltage characteristic of the WRGP =10(1.5 V-12) mbar= 10(1.5 V-10) Pascal= 10(1.5 V-12.125)torr© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved. Page 15 Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.Operation4.4Vacuum adjustmentThe WRG will perform the pirani sensor vacuum setting automatically every time the WRG is pumped down to a pressure lower than 10-4 mbar. Therefore a manual setting of vacuum is not required unless the pirani tube is replaced.If the gauge fails to indicate pressure of < 10-3 mbar, then a manual vacuum setting is required. To perform this operation, follow the procedure below.Reduce the system pressure to 10-5 mbar or below and wait for 1 minute. Press and release the “ATM” switch and wait for approximately 30 seconds until the adjustment is completed. Manual adjustment of the vacuum reading is recommended when replacing the pirani tube or after a long period of storage.If an operator has tried to set the atmosphere or vacuum reading while the actual pressure is between10-2 and 102 mbar, an error voltage of 1 V will be displayed indicating a pirani failure. See Section4.6.4.5Set-pointNote:The set-point is not used if you connect the WRG to an Edwards Active Gauge Controller or Active Gauge Display.To read the voltage at which the set-point output signal is activated, press the set trip switch (see Figure1 and 2) with an appropriate tool. The output of the gauge will indicate the set trip level for 3 seconds after which the output will read the normal voltage output.To adjust the voltage at which the set-point output signal is activated, press the set trip switch and hold it down for more than 3 seconds. The set-point voltage will start scrolling upwards. Remove pressure from the switch as soon as you reach the required trip voltage. To make a finer adjustment, remove pressure from the set trip switch and immediately depress the switch as many times as required. Each depression will increase the set trip voltage by about 10 mV. Refer to Section4.2 to determine the operating voltage which corresponds to a given pressure.The WRG has an error monitoring facility, which ensures that the set-point output signal is off:●when the gauge is switched off●for 2 seconds immediately after the WRG is switched on●when the pressure output signal is out of range●when an error voltage is detected, see Section4.6If required, you can adjust the set-point operating voltage to < 1.9 V. This ensures that the set-point output is permanently off.If required, you can use the set-point output signal to indicate when the gauge is operating correctly. Adjust the set-point operating voltage to > 10.15 V. The set-point output will then be on if the gauge is operating normally, and off if an error condition is detected.Note:If you adjust the set-point operating voltage to > 9.7 V, the hysteresis voltage will be > 10 V and the set-point output signal may not switch off when the pressure rises. If so, the set-point output signal will switch off only when the gauge is switched off.Page 16© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved.Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.Operation 4.6Error monitoringThe gauge is able to perform some internal error monitoring functions, and respond in a defined manner, assummarised below. These operate in conjunction with the user controls to define the gauge operation. The responses are prioritised in the order shown.The error condition is reset (cleared) when the gauge is disabled or power is removed.The error condition ‘striker filament broken’ will occur only if the inverted magnetron fails to strike.The set-point will be disabled as soon as one of the above errors is detected.Error indications:Output Voltage Edwards Controllers Output Pirani failure 1 V ERR AInverted magnetron contaminated or short circuited 1.1 V ERR BStriker filament broken 1.2 V ERR CInverted magnetron not struck 1.3 VERR D© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved.Page 17Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.Maintenance5Maintenance5.1IntroductionThe internal components of the WRG are shown in Figure 8. The WRG is designed so that you can clean thesecomponents, or use the spares listed in Section 7.3 to replace these components. Refer to the following sections for details of maintenance procedures, which you should perform when necessary.5.2Replace the body tubeRefer to Figure 8 and use the following procedures to replace the body tube.To remove the body tube assembly:Switch off the WRG electrical supply and ensure that the vacuum system is at atmospheric pressure.Disconnect the cable connector plug (Figure 1 and 2, item 7) and remove the WRG from the vacuum system.Hold the magnet housing firmly and pull the body tube assembly to remove.To refit the body tube assembly:Insert the body tube assembly into the magnet housing and then rotate it while maintaining gentle pressure until the tube assembly locates. Push fully home until the locking spring snaps into position.Refit the gauge to the vacuum system as described in Section 3.2 and reconnect the electrical supply.WARNINGDo not disconnect the electronics and magnet housing from the body tube when the body tube is connected to the vacuum system. If there is a plasma discharge in the vacuum system near the body tube, the pins of the anode assembly can become electrically charged.WARNINGDisconnect the cable from the WRG before you remove the WRG from the vacuum system. Highvoltages are generated inside the WRG.Page 18© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved.Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.MaintenanceFigure 8 - Refitting the body tube assembly5.3Replace the electrode and pirani assembliesRefer to Figure 9 and the following procedure.Remove the WRG from the vacuum system and the body tube assembly from the WRG as described in Section e a suitable screwdriver to unscrew the four screws (1) on the top of the body tube and remove the pirani tube housing (2), pirani tube (4), viton gasket (5), anode assembly (6) and the viton ‘O’ ring (7) from the body tube (9).Use circlip pliers to remove the circlip (12) from the vacuum flange end of the body tube (9), then remove the cathode tube (11) and the cathode plate (10).Fit the new cathode plate (10) and cathode tube (11) into the body tube (9) and secure with the circlip (12).Fit the new O-ring (7) and anode assembly (6) onto the body tube (9). Ensure that the orientation of the anode assembly is correct. Take care not to damage the striker filament (13).Fit the pirani tube (4) inside the plastic pirani housing (2). Place the gasket (5) onto the pirani housing (2) and press with your thumb to locate it in the pirani housing (2).Place the combination of the pirani housing (2), pirani tube (4) and the gasket (5) onto the anode assembly. Ensure that the three pins are located correctly.Gently rotate the anode assembly together with the pirani assembly until the arrow (3) on the plastic pirani housing is aligned with the groove (8) in the body tube. Take care not to damage the striker filament (13).Refit the four M2 screws (1) with their washers into the four holes in the plastic pirani housing (2) and tighten evenly to a torque of 0.2 N.m.Refit the body tube to the magnet housing as described in Section 5.2.© Edwards Limited 2010. All rights reserved. Page 19 Edwards and the Edwards logo are trademarks of Edwards Limited.Maintenance5.4Replace the electronics and magnet housingThe magnet housing and end-cap contain the WRG control electronics. Replace the complete unit as described below. Remove the WRG from the vacuum system and the body tube assembly as described in Section5.2.Dispose of the old electronics and magnet housing (refer to Section6.2).Fit the body tube to the new electronics and magnet housing as described in Section5.2. Refit the WRG to the vacuum system as described in Section3.2.5.5Clean the internal componentsRefer to Figure9 in the following procedure.Remove the internal components from the magnet housing as described in Section5.3.Clean the pirani tube (4) in alcohol for about 5 minutes (using an ultrasonic tank if available). Place the pirani tube (4) with the opening end facing downward on a piece of clean tissue and leave it to dry.Use an abrasive material (e. g. Scotchbrite™) to clean the anode assembly (6). Extra care is required when cleaning the area around the striker filament (13).Clean the anode assembly (6) in alcohol for about 5 minutes (using an ultrasonic tank if available). Place the anode assembly (6) on a piece of clean tissue and leave it to dry.Degrease the cathode plate (10), cathode tube (11) and body tube (9) in a suitable degreasing agent. Thoroughly soak them in a suitable laboratory detergent. Rinse in clean water to remove the detergent and then in methanol to remove all of the water, then thoroughly dry the components.Refit the components in the electronics and magnet housing as described in Section5.2.。

精密型麦氏真空计使用方法 真空计操作规程

精密型麦氏真空计使用方法 真空计操作规程











1. 麦式真空规转动式安全操作规程1.1 运输前的准备在运输麦式真空规前,需要进行以下准备:1.仔细检查麦式真空规的外观,确认其无损坏和污染。



1.2 安装调试在安装麦式真空规时,需要注意以下事项:1.确保安装平稳,切勿折弯转动轴,否则会影响精度。





1.3 使用时的注意事项在使用麦式真空规时,需要注意以下问题:1.操作前需检查表面是否干净、转动是否灵活,以及各部件是否正常工作。





1.4 操作后的注意事项在使用完毕麦式真空规后,需要注意以下事项:1.清洗麦式真空规,并清理测量面和转动轴表面。



2. 麦式真空规转动式保养规程为了保养麦式真空规,延长其使用寿命,需要进行以下保养工作:2.1 清洗保养麦式真空规在使用一段时间后,需要进行清洗保养。




❖ 封闭系统,至少应能承受1.5倍的最大工作压力(系统安装 好后进行水压试验来测试)。
❖ 当管段的流量确定后,流速的大小将直接影响到管道系统技 术和经济性。流速过大易产生水锤,引起噪声,损坏管道或 附件,并将增加管道的水头损失,提高给水管道所需的压力; 流速过小,又将造成管材的浪费。 因此给水管道的流速应控制在正常范围内,如下表:
❖ 计算公式:
ULT: 平均热损系数 W/(㎡ ·℃ ) cpw: 水的比热容 J/(kg ·℃ ) M: 集热管内水的质量 kg AA: 吸热体外表面积 ㎡,
Ф 58,1.8m管,AA=0.26 ㎡ Δτ :水温t1到t3总的测试时间 s
集热管的平均热损系数应满足 ULT≤ 0.85 W/(㎡ ·℃ )
❖ 正常情况下,每年应进行一次型式检验。
❖ 样品:在出厂检验合格的产品中随机抽取, 不少于三支。
❖ 检验项目:包括以上介绍的所有项目。
❖ 判定准则:
空晒性能参数 闷晒太阳辐照量 平均热损系数 真空品质
一项不合格, 即为不合格产品
徐州众凯 设计三室 2010.7.10
❖ 一、真空管质检 ❖ 二、采光面积计算 ❖ 三、集热系统设计
❖ 我们买来的真空管是否合格?
❖ 对于真空管的检测项目有哪些,检测方 法和评价标准是什么?
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
名 称
表1 标准和规范
GB 191
1) 厂名,厂址;
2) 产品的名称,型号;
3) 制造日期;
4) 出厂编号;
5.1 交货后供方须指导用户进行实测,以验证仪器性能。
5.2 卖方应负责对买方进行培训,并提供相应的资料。
6 技术服务
3.1 测量范围:0.1Pa ~10KPa
(1)投标人应建立了完善的质量保证体系,并出具ISO 9000系列或等同质量体系的证书。