
Golden Seed:
公司抬头 地址,联系方式
Quotation 报价单
Customer Name: 客户名称:
Quotation No. 报价单编号:
Curr./பைடு நூலகம்币:
Customer TEL No. 客户电话号码:
Customer Fax No. 客户传真号码:
Customer Adderss: 客户地址:
Unit Price/单价
Under More than More than
500pcs 500pcs
blank part below
Re mar
1. Payment: 30% TT Deposit for PO Confirmation, 70% TT within one days before Delivery. 付款方式:订单确认电汇定金30%,交货前一天电汇70%。
We are pleased to quote the below parts to you: 很高兴给您提供以下产品的报价:
Item 项目
Product 产品名称
Model 型号
Description 描述
Delivery: 交货方式:
2012/5/18 F.O.B HK
QTY. 数量 (pcs)
2. Included with one set of encryption tools and related key injection software. 配送一套加密工具和相关密钥注入的软件。

COMPANY NAMEADDRESSTEL: FAX:QUOTATIONTO:Date:Two Cooperation Method:1. The Buyer Charge Total Mold Fee.(1). Mold fee:**USD(do not including **), once the contract been signed, the buyer need to pay the seller **% of mold fee. After the buyer receive the sample , the buyer need to pay the balance of mold fee as it is qualified by the buyer.(2). The seller need send sample to buyer within 90 days for test since the seller receive the deposit of mold fee. as it is qualified, the buyer need to pay the balance of mold fee.(3). The product unit price:** USD, the buyer need buy at least** pieces every shipment.(4). The buyer can get the exclusive agency for whole country. The seller can not sell this product to other buyers.2. The Seller Charge Total Mold Fee.(1). The buyer need pay ** USD of deposit to seller, the seller need to ship the goods within 90 days since received the deposit.(2). The product unit price:** USD, the first shipment should be ** pieces at least, then should be ** pieces at least for rest every shipment.(3). When the shipments of the goods added up to ** pieces, the seller should refund ** USD of deposit to buyer.(4). The buyer can get the exclusive agency for whole country. The seller can not sell this product to other buyers.。

外贸常识:一份完整的报价单内容(z中英文对照)一、报价单的头部(Head)01,卖家基本资料(举例)工厂标志(Factory Logo)公司名称(Company)详细地址(Detailed Address)邮政编码(Post Code)联系人名(Contact)职位名称(Job title)电话号码(Telephone No.)传真号码(Fax No.)手机号码(Mobile No.)邮箱地址(E-mail Address)聊天方式(Messenger Online)公司网址(Website Address)02,买家基本资料(举例)工厂标志(Factory Logo)公司名称(Company)详细地址(Detailed Address)邮政编码(Post Code)联系人名(Contact)职位名称(Job title)电话号码(Telephone No.)传真号码(Fax No.)手机号码(Mobile No.)邮箱地址(E-mail Address)聊天方式(Messenger Online)公司网址(Website Address)03,报价单的抬头:报价单标题(Quotation/Quotation Form/Price List)参考编号(Reference No.)报价日期(Date)有效日期(Valid date)二、产品基本资料(Product’s Basic information)序号(No.)货号(Item No.)型号(Type)产品名称(Product’s Name)产品图片(Photo)产品描述(Description)原材料(Materials)规格(Specification)尺寸(Size)长度(Length)宽度(Width)高度(Height)厚度(Thickness)管径(Tube’s Diameter)口径(Caliber)形状(Shape)外观颜色(Colors)光源类型(Type of Lamp-house)光源数量(Nos. of lamp-house)光源颜色(Colors of lamp-house)三、产品技术参数(Product’s Technical Parameters)01,电力类产品技术参数:电流、电压、电阻、电弧、功率、频率、负载等。

一、报价单头1. 报价单号:Quotation No.2. 报价日期:Date3. 客户名称:Customer Name4. 客户地址:Customer Address5. 联系方式:Contact Information二、产品列表1. 产品名称:Product Name2. 产品描述:Product Description3. 单位:Unit4. 数量:Quantity5. 单价:Unit Price6. 总价:Total Price三、贸易条款1. 贸易方式:Trade Terms2. 付款方式:Payment Terms3. 交货期:Delivery Time4. 装运港:Port of Shipment5. 目的港:Port of Destination四、报价条件1. 汇率:Exchange Rate2. 货币:Currency3. 报价有效期:Quotation Valid 期4. 运输方式:Mode of Transportation5. 保险:Insurance五、报价说明1. 产品质量:Product Quality2. 包装规格:Packaging Specification3. 贸易条款:Trade Terms4. 付款方式:Payment Method5. 运输方式:Transportation Method6. 保险条款:Insurance Terms六、报价单尾1. 报价总计:Total Quotation2. 报价备注:Remarks3. 签名:Signature4. 日期:Date综上所述,外贸英文报价模板是一个有助于外贸业务高效、准确开展的工具。