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三年级英语复习词组部分(要求会读、知道中文。不用默写) Module 1: 1. in England 在英国2. it’s …hard for 对……是难的3. it’s …easy for 对……是容易的4. a knife and fork 刀叉5. Chinese people 中国人 6. fast food 快餐7. English fast food 英式快餐(hamburger and chips) 8. Chinese fast food 中式快餐( noodles) Module 2: 1. make a cake 做蛋糕2. go to your room 去你的房间3. play the flute 吹笛子4. play the drums 敲鼓5. be quiet 保持安静6. make a plane 制作飞机7. watch TV 看电视8. listen to music 听音乐9. get up 起床10. eat the cake 吃蛋糕Module 3: 1. dragon boat 龙船2. feed the ducks 喂鸭子3. over there 那边4. get out 走开5. row on the lake 在湖上划船6. a pair of trousers 一条裤子Module 4: 1. run fast 跑得快2. jump far 跳得远3. jump high 跳得远4. swim in this puddle 在泥坑里游泳5. play football 踢足球6. play basketball 打篮球、Module 5: 1. have a drink 喝水2. an ice cream 一个冰激凌3. go to the shop 去商店4. have some sweets 吃糖5. play with computer game 玩电子游戏6. listen to my CDs 听CD 7. go to bed 去睡觉8. read books 看书9. have some biscuits 吃一些饼干Module 6: 1. play

4. a pet dog 一只宠物狗

5. play with the computer games 玩游戏机/玩

Fridays 在每周五3. have got 有Module 8: 1. stone animals 石雕动物2. how many 多少3. in my family 在我家4. visit the zoo 参观动

物园 5. the Ming Tombs 明十三陵 6. scary animals 可怕的动物7. lots of animals 许多动物8. sit on a mat 坐在垫子上9. sit on a tree 坐在树上10. a cute monkey 一只可爱的猴子11. play with me 和我一起玩Module 9: 1. Sports Day 运动日2. do long jump 跳远3. do high jump 跳高 4. run a race 赛跑 5. on Friday 在周五 6. play basketball 踢足球7. play football 打篮球8. train driver 火车司机9. taxi driver 出租车司机10. bus driver 公共汽车司机11. drive a train 开火车12. fly a plane 开飞机13. help the ill 看病14. give the pill 送药Module 10: 1. go to Hong Kong 去香港2. in the sea 在海里3. ride a bike 骑车4. go to the cinema 去电影院5. see Sun Wukong 看孙悟空6. go to Hainan 去海南7. visit grandfather 看望爷爷8. on Saturday 在周六9. swim in the sea 在大海里游泳10. listen to music 听音与11. read a book 看书12. go to the cinema 去电影院/ 去看电影13. get up 起床14. visit grandfather 拜访、看望爷爷15. visit grandmother 拜访、看望奶奶16. visit grandparents 拜访、看望祖父母
