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六年级Lesson 11 Famous People


1. 复习国家的单词和对应的语言的单词。

2. 掌握本文课文。

3. 可做练习题,认读故事。了解本课著名人物Thomas Edison。

4. 能做自我介绍。


1. 跟教师和学生可做常见的英文交流。

2. 做熟练的自我介绍。

3. 学会本节课需要掌握的单词和句型,完成习题。

4. 了解本课著名人物Thomas Edison。








1. 开场—教师组织学生开始上课。教师可以用英文开场,Hello, everyone!Hello ××!Are you happy today? 教师可以做微笑姿势,Yes, I’m happy. Firstly I want you to introduce yourself in the front. Who wants to try? Here are some stickers. 教师引导学生到台前来做自我介

绍,并向学生出示本节课的奖励。每个人都做完自我介绍,教师给予拍手或加印章鼓励。每个学生做完自我介绍之后教师可带学生做些肢体动作或唱首歌,目的是为了激发学生的兴奋度。自我介绍之后教师可让学生两个人一组分别打招呼交流,常用句型What’s your name? How old are you? What do you like?等。教师要把学生分成两组,每组选出一个队长,相对是比较活泼或接受程度更快的学生,队长的目的就是带领团队树立正确的竞争意识,也可以采用轮换制,下节课选其他的同学当队长,激励每一个同学。开场可以有自己特定的风格,开场的好坏直接决定了一节课的质量。所以教师一定要把握好开场。

2. 授课—教师可以先用英文询问学生,Who are famous do you know in China? 可以让学生说出一些著名的人物,从而引出本节课的著名人物Thomas Edison,教师要详细介绍Thomas Edison的课文,让学生了解他的伟大事迹。讲完主要的人物之后教师可以带领学生复习一下国家和语言的单词,可让学生背诵默写,并认识国旗。另外再强调一下Where are you from?的句型等。

3. 游戏—教师让学生在台前排成一排,教师拿出国旗卡片让每个学生回答出正确的国家,答对的教师把卡片给学生,并说Here you are. 引导学生说出Thank you. 教师说出You’re welcome. 回答完的同学在到后面排队,让每个同学都说到。并给予奖励,复习所学过的单词。教师让学生分组问答,Where are you from? 和What is (London) famous for?重点练习两个不同句型的用法, 复习著名国家或城市的出名建筑。

4. 教材—让学生拿出课本和笔,完成本课习题。

1. Listen and link.

China Canada Germany France

Chinese English German

French 详案:教师放出听力,让学生正确完成连线,教师予以批改。

2. Listen and answer.

1. I’m from . I speak .

2. Andy is from . He speaks .

3. She is a girl. She speaks .

4. There is a talking on the phone. He speaks .

5. Jerry speaks . He is an .


1. Look and say.

I’m from the United States.

What about you?

I’m from England.

I went to London last

year, it was famous for

the Big Ben.

There were many famous people in

my country, for example: Thomas

Edison, a very famous inventor.


2. Look and talk.


1. Look and write.

Where is Spain? It’s in Europe.

2.Think and write.


3.Read and answer.

Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison was one of the most famous inventors. Edison was born in 1847. He was born in the USA. There were seven children in his family. He was a clever boy. When he was at school, he always asked a lot of questions.

Edison liked reading books. When he was nine years old, his mother gave him a science book. Edison learnt to do many experiments at home. He always collected and bought many things for his experiments. When he was ten, he built a science lab in his house.

When he was 15 years old, he tried to jump on a train. A man pulled his ears and gave him a bad earache. He couldn’t hear very well, but he thought he could work harder to invent things.

As is known to all, Edison was most famous for the first light bulb. He worked on many other inventions, too. He tried to make telephones better. He invented a machine for showing movies. His favorite invention was the phonograph. He invented many things. Edison made his first invention when he was 22 years old. He died at the age of 84. He made 1093 inventions in his lifetime.
