雅思口语7分词组 180组

雅思7分288个词汇总结EDUCATION1传授知识impart(vt.)/inculcate(vt.) knowledge灌输高尚的道德观instill(vt.) high moral values (注意values复数表示价值观)给学生以动力give the students motivation to do sth.Motivate the students to do sth.给学生以灵感stim ulate the students’ thoughtgive the students inspiration培养(某种素质)cultivate/foster/nurture(vts.)促进学生身心的发展promote the student’s physcial/mental/ intellectual and emotional development心理健康psychological soundness/ well-being/welfare(adjs)塑造某人的性格mould(BrE,vt) one’s character责任感 a sense of obligation能力(先天获得) aptitude/talant能力(后天学习得到)ability/skill2学生接受的学校教育(n)schooling(n)儿童接受的家庭教育(n)upbringing(n) parenting(n)教学法methodology/pedagogical methodology用填鸭式教学来教育学生force-feed(vt.) the students学生不应该只是被动的接受简单知识的容器Students should not be treated as passive recepacles of predigested ideas死记硬背learn things by rote为了记忆而记忆memorise(BrE) for memorisation’s own sake以及方程式,公式,定理,定律memorise(vt.) equations,formulas,theorems and laws(nouns)应用apply盲从follow something blindly/indiscriminately(advs)限制创造力的发展extiguish(vt.)/stifle(vt.)/constrain(vt.) creativity(noun)打击学生的积极性dampen/sap(vts) the student s’ emthusiasm/frustrate the students产生不必要的压力beget/creat undue pressure3把学生分开教育(如根据课堂上的表现)segregate(vt.) students来自于其他同学的压力peer pressure适应(v)adapt to sth./adjust oneself to sth./become accustomed to sth.适应能力adaptability逆境adverse circumstances/adversity团队精神team spirit(n)独立思考thing independently(adv)在理解的基础上学习learn things through understanding鼓励学生用辩证的眼光看问题encourage students to think critically(adv)学生的反馈stud ents’ feedback/input学生评价老师的教学students appraise/evaluate(vts) their teachers’ performance学生对老师所教知识的掌握students’ grasp/command(n) of what has been taught4学生学习的各门功课加在一起称为curriculum(n)具体一门课叫syllabus课外活动叫extra-curricular activities学校是社会的缩影 a school is society in miniature不遵守纪律(n) indiscipline/misbehavior/mischief(n)不遵守纪律(daj)的学生disruptive/unruly students5理论知识theoretical knowledge就业技能employable/marketable skills通才generalist专才specialist全面发展的well-rounded/versatile(adj)为社会健康发展作贡献contribute to societal(adj) well-being(n)/welfare(n)6大学学科的分类可以分为人文学科(文学,历史语言学等)humanities 社会学科(政治经济学社会学的)social sciences艺术(音乐雕塑等)arts文科也可以总称为liberal arts/ liberal studies理科(物理化学生物学等)sciences工科(工程自动化等)engineering大学里任何一个学科都有可以叫discipline基础科学basic sciences应用科学applied sciences小学教育primary-level education中学教育secondary-level education大学教育tertiary-level education职业教育vocational education/training青少年(复数)youths/youngsters/adolescentsTechnology1生物技术biotechnology克隆cloning (n) clone(v)远程通讯telecommunications(n)尖端的技术cutting-edge(adj) technology信息爆炸information exposion/overload信息时代the information age/era互联网被广泛的应用the proliferation(n) of the Internet太空探索(n)space exploration一个人的基因构成one’s genetic makeup/ one’s DNA programming2科技创新与发展technological innovations/inventions/advances/progression(n)提高效率augment/enhance/boost(vts) efficiency提高生产效率augment/enhance/boots productivity减少人力的机器(计算机发明之前的技术)labor-saving machinery取代人力的机器(计算机发明之后的技术)labor-replacing machinery自动化automation(n)/ automated(adj)3彻底变革transform/revolutionise(vts)/ fundamentally change sth.以一种史无前例的速度向前发展advance/progress(vis) at an unprecedented(adj) rate如果要说以一种让人震惊的速度向前发展,只要把unprecedented改成astonishing如果要说正以一种很快的速度向前发展sth is advancing by leaps and bounds产生深远的影响create/produce/generate/breed/spawn(vts)/result in/lead to/profound(adj)/far-reaching(adj)/prevasive(adj)influence/impact/bearing/implications/repercussions(n)Media1侵犯隐私violate/intrude on/infringe on someone’s privacy破坏某人的名誉tarnish/sully/smear/besmirch(vts) one’s reputation狗仔队paparazzi(复数名词不再加s)新闻界the press印刷媒体(如报纸杂志)the print media报道新闻的机构news outlets电子媒体the electronic media名人 a celebrity/celebrities(plu)时事current affairs丑闻scandals无处不在prevalent/ubiquitous/pervasive(adj)2审查censor(vt)删除delete/elimminate/excise(vts)过多的暴力与色情内容excessive/gratuitous violent and pornographic(adjs) contents报道非常详尽的细节report sth. In graphic detail媒体炒作(n)media hype有误导性的misleading/misreprsented/distorted(adjs)诈骗性的fraudulent(adj)虚假的false/bogus(adjs)夸大事实exaggerate(vt) things/sensationalise(vt) things/blow things out of all proportions(最后一个比较口语用作文也可以)充斥着be awash with/be inundated with/be saturated with sth.掩盖(丑闻或罪行等)cover up/gloss over/whitewash不客观的,不公正的biased/skewed/unobjective(adjs)3 如实的报道factual accounts(n)可信的reliable/trustworthy/dependable客观公正的objective and balanced(adjs)及时的up-to-the-minute(adj)/up-to-date(adj) 前者比后者更加及时信息量大的informative娱乐性强的entertaining(adj)有新闻价值的newsworthy(adj)监督scrutiny(n)/scrutinize(vt)/monitor(vt)揭露expose/reveal(vts)道德准则(n)code of ethics/code of conductGovernment1当局authorities(n)老百姓citizens/the citizenry规范,管理regulate/administer/overse(vts)实施implement(vt)立法legislate(vi)/make laws民主与开放的政府 a democratic and progressive government严禁(v) strictly prohibit/ban altogether严格的法律stringent laws/legislation规章制度rules and regulations2为。

雅思口语必备实用词组!多智英语词汇!词汇!词汇!记住这200个高级词汇!物品1.词组:hygiene释义:卫生例句:Maxdoesn't care much about food hygiene.2.词组:cooking utensils释义:厨具例句:Thishardware store offers a wide range of cooking utensils.3.词组:be nutritious释义:有营养的例句:Rawvegetables are actually more nutritious than cooked vegetables.4.词组:good nutrition释义:让人保持健康的营养例句:Morepeople attain an advanced age as a result of developments in medical care andbetter nutrition.5.词组:fattening释义:让人发胖的例句:Take moreexercise and try to avoid fattening food.6.词组:be in season释义:水果蔬菜等当季的例句:Strawberriesare in season.7.词组:be out of season释义:水果蔬菜等非当季的例句:Thetechnological breakthrough will allow UK retailers to cut down on importingout-of-season pears from Spain.8.词组:food supplies释义:食品供应例句:Fish werea vital commodity in growing towns and cities, where food supplies were aconstant concern.9.词组:frozen food释义:冷冻食品例句:Manypeople feel that frozen food is inferior to fresh food.10.词组:canned food释义:罐装食品例句:Cannedvegetables usually contain a lot of salt.11.词组:TV dinner释义:方便食品例句:Somemanufacturers are trying to make TV dinners low in salt and additives-free.12.词组:refreshments释义:提神点心例句:What canbe bought to cut down on the waste produced by staff refreshements?13.词组:a wholesome diet释义:有益健康的饮食例句:Somepeople believe a salt-free diet is wholesome.14.词组:an unhealthy diet释义:不健康的饮食例句:Publicawareness of the dangers of an unhealthy diet should be raised.15.词组:greasy释义:油腻的例句:Evan canshed more pounds if he eats less greasy food.16.词组:cut down on sth.释义:减少例句:My doctortold me to cut down on carbohydrates.17.词组:intake释义:摄入量例句:Rubyshould reduce her intake of salt and sugar.18.词组:a fast food junkie释义:吃垃圾食品上瘾的人例句:Fast foodjunkies should be made aware of the psychological reasons for fast food addiction.19.词组:dietary habits释义:饮食习惯例句:Dietaryhabits can be very difficult to change.20.词组:eating disorder释义:饮食紊乱例句:The family have a history of eating disorder.21.词组:trace elements释义:微量元素例句:Iron andzinc are two important trace elements that the human body needs.22.词组:protein-rich释义:富含蛋白质的例句:Manydieticians believe that protein-rich diets are best at keeping weight off.23.词组:have a sweet tooth释义:喜欢吃甜食例句:I can’tresist cakes and candy bars because I have a sweet tooth.24.词组:be a gourmet释义:一个美食家例句:Molly isa gourmet, an excellent judge of food and drinks.25.词组:be mouth-watering释义:让人垂涎欲滴的例句:She gaveme a recipe for the mouth-watering chocolate cakes.26.词组:be disgusting释义:非常难吃的例句:Thefrozen food at that restaurant was disgusting.27.词组:hand-me-downs释义:亲人穿过的旧衣服例句:I had towear my brother's hand-me-downs.28.词组:tattered clothing释义:破旧的衣服例句:He was anold man in a tattered grey coat.29.词组:dress for success释义:穿着决定成功例句:Noah is afirm believer in dressing for success.30.词组:dress for comfort释义:穿衣要着重舒适例句:Don'tdress for style. Dress for comfort.31.词组:sb. has impeccable taste inclothing释义:衣着很有品味例句:Brandonis well-known for his impeccable taste in clothing.32.词组:tacky clothing释义:没品位的服装例句:Revealingclothing would be too tacky and impolite for such a formal occasion.33.词组:Clothes make the man.释义:人要衣装例句:Scarletbelieves that if clothes make the man, then it is shoes that define the woman.34.词组:casual clothes释义:休闲服装例句:Mariahlikes to wear casual clothes.35.词组:dressy clothes释义:正式的服装例句:Youngpeople who want to express themselves through clothing may find dressy clothesboring.36.词组:elegant clothes释义:优雅的服饰例句:Janelikes to wear elegant clothes and expensive accessories.37.词组:fashion-conscious释义:对时尚敏感的例句:Bailey isvery fashion-conscious.38.词组:a fashion victim释义:过度追求时尚的受害者例句:Blake isin danger of becoming a fashion victim.39.词组:breathable clothing释义:透气的衣服例句:I'mtrying to find more breathable clothing for the humid weather.40.词组:waterproof clothes释义:防水的衣服例句:Waterproof clothes are the best way to deal with rainy days.地点1.词组:tranquil and serene释义:宁静的例句:It's agorgeous hotel in a tranquil and serene rural setting.2.词组:hustle and bustle释义:熙熙攘攘例句:Jameswanted a little cottage far away from the hustle and bustle of city life.3.词组:relieve stress释义:减轻压力例句:These stressmanagement exercises can help you relax your muscles and relieve your stress.4.词组:be stressed out释义:压力太大几乎崩溃例句:Jaydenwas really stressed out before the test.5.词组:be dotted with释义:点缀着例句:Thecountryside is dotted with elegant buildings.6.词组:snow-capped mountains释义:顶部有雪的山例句:With itssnow-capped mountain ranges and gorgeous glens, Scotland is an exciting placeto visit.7.词组:winding paths释义:蜿蜒的小径例句:There wasa long and winding path leading up to the cottage.8.词组:gentle rolling hills释义:起伏的山丘例句:Englandhas an abundance of gentle rolling hills.9.词组:undulating释义:起伏的例句:This areais characterized by grassy undulating hills.10.词组:iridescent释义:色彩斑斓的例句:Leo's latest fashion collection features materials that have aniridescent quality.11.词组:shimmering释义:闪烁的例句:I couldsee my shimmering reflection from the water.12.词组:awe-inspiring释义:令人肃然起敬的例句:Theyexplored the awe-inspiring mountains and abundant wildlife there.13.词组:exhilarating释义:令人兴奋的例句:Thehustle and bustle of London is exhilarating.14.词组:deciduous trees释义:落叶树例句:Manydifferent kinds of deciduous trees can be found on our campus.15.词组:evergreen trees释义:常青树例句:Usingevergreen trees as Christmas trees has long been part of the culture of thecelebration of Christmas.16.词组:vegetation释义:植被例句:I'd liketo see something about the local wildlife andvegetation.17.词组:bouquet释义:花束例句:Brookewas presented with a big bouquet of roses.18.词组:flowerbed释义:花坛例句:Thisflowerbed gives the garden a neat and pleasing appearance.19.词组:foliage释义:树叶例句:This parkis renowned for the autumn foliage displays.20.词组:bush释义:灌木例句:This areawas covered with bushes and grass.21.词组:campground释义:野营地例句:It is apicturesque family campground.22.词组:picturesque释义:风景如画的例句:Holly'sgardening skills will turn this backyard into a picturesque landscape.23.词组:have green fingers释义:擅长种植花草的例句:Toby’sgot green fingers. Plants in his backyard are flourishing.24.词组:crop yield释义:农作物的产量例句:Thefarmers avidly took to pesticides as a sure measure to boost crop yield.25.词组:natural resources释义:自然资源例句:By becomingmore efficient, businesses not only increase profits but they also save naturalresources.26.词组:survival of the fittest释义:适者生存例句:Contraryto popular belief, the phrase “survival of the fittest” did not originate withCharles Darwin.27.词组:crystal-clear释义:透明清澈的例句:The airwas crystal-clear.28.词组:murky释义:晦涩难懂的例句:Thatmovie had a murky plot.29.词组:come into bloom释义:开花例句:The rosescome into bloom at this time of year.30.词组:bear fruit释义:结出果实例句:The agewhen trees are expected to bear fruit depends on the type of fruit you aregrowing.31.词组:under construction释义:正在建造中例句:The hotelis still under construction.32.词组:the building industry释义:建筑行业例句:Billyworks in the building industry.33.词组:be dilapidated释义:破旧不堪的例句:Theabandoned building looks dilapidated.34.词组:be a showcase for释义:展示的橱窗例句:Buildingsare showcases for the artistic achievement of citizens.35.词组:represent sth.释义:代表例句:Thisbuilding is significant because its exterior represents an excellent example ofthe post-modern style of architecture.36.词组:central location释义:位于中心例句:Whatabout the location? It'd be nice to be central.37.词组:imposing释义:壮观宏伟的例句:Buckinghampalace is an imposing building and is always surrounded by huge crowds ofpeople.38.词组:light and airy释义:阳光充足通风良好的例句:Our hotelroom was light and airy.39.词组:be a very significantlandmark释义:一个地标性建筑例句:Thisbuilding is a very significant landmark in the neighbourhood.40.词组:commercial building释义:商业建筑例句:The project aims to improve the energy efficiency of commercial buildings.长按指纹识别后关注我们口语、西安、沈阳师范大学、澳大利亚等、词根、听力词汇、发音、口语发音、听力机经使用、7分小作文教程、小作文视频、地图题、柱状图、饼图、线图、流程图、阅读选择题、4分口语、5分口语、6分口语、7分口语、8分口语、历史信息、雅思考点、G类、分数换算、OG、剑10、素材、写作素材、胡敏、刘创、刘梦、慎小嶷、租房场景、图书馆场景、旅游场景、银行场景、机经、预测历年机经:201309、20160213、201508等文章转载自 liuweiEnglish。

雅思口语最常用的“小词”stuffprettyspothang outkind of=sort oflike…coz=cuz=’cause…you know……is a piece of cakeduringway off base=totally wrongis no picnic=is a pain in the neck 很折磨人get on my nerves 让我很烦a couple ofa bunch of 一些loads of = tons ofmake senseand the list goes on and onby doing that, I kill two birds with one stone …would be the last thing I want to doThat’s the way the ball bounces. 命中注定What a shame更“痞”的雅思口试常用词(高分内容)fan=buff/nut/freak/maniaI am a movie buff. I go to the movies whenever I can find some free time.bookworm=nerdNerds are often laughed at.feel under the weatherWhen I feel under the weather, I just take a shower, which makes me feel less uncomfortable.pricy=expensivebeats…=is better than…Having the newspaper delivered to your place beats having to go out and buy one, right?can’t be beat=is the bestIn terms of nightlife, Hong Kong can not be beat.lousy=badThat director makes lousy movies.is a drag=is boringA nine-to-five job can really be a dragis totally gross 让人恶心The food in that ca cafeteria is totally grossis over my head=is hard to understandThe professor’s lecture was way over my head.drive me up the wall 让人抓狂The noise really drives me up the wall.outfit=clothesThe outfit looks gorgeous.flashy 很炫Some young girls are into flashy accessories.the daily grind=the boring things you have to do everydayI’m sick and tired of the daily grind and want to get away from it all.snazzy=beautiful and expensiveSuperstrars tend to wear snazzy clothes.let off steam=release pressureI often go to the gym to let off stream.freak out=be surprisedI totally freaked out when I heard the news.weird=strangeThe noise sounds so weird.corny 很俗的The lyrics are meaningful but corny as well.a gamer/vid-kid.I’m a vid-kid. I spend all my free time playing games.way这个词在口语里面很多时候作副词,表示“远远…”,口语考试时用效果很好。

雅思口语核心词汇 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】雅思口语核心词汇分echo ['ek?u]n. 回声,回音,回波v. 发回声,随声附和,摹仿affordable [?'f?:d?bl] a. 支付得起的,不太昂贵的attractive [?'tr?ktiv] a. 有吸引力的,引起注意的awfula. 可怕的,壮严的badminton ['b?dmint?n] n. 羽毛球balcony ['b?lk?ni]n. 阳台beneficial [,beni'fi??l] a. 有益的,有利的bungalow ['b??g?l?u]n. 平房chef [?ef]n. 厨师community [k?'mju:niti]n. 社区,团体群落(生)convenient [k?n'vi:nj?nt]a. 方便的consume [k?n'sju:m]v. 消耗,消费,饮食;毁灭;消磨;枯萎creature ['kri:t??]n. 生物,动物,人ceiling ['si:li?]n. 天花板crystal ['kristl]a. 清澈透明的,晶体的n. 水晶carpet ['kɑ:pit]n. 地毯,毛毯v. 铺以地毯,铺盖crown [kraun]n. 王冠,王权,顶点v. 使...成王,加冕,居...之顶crow [kr?u]n. 啼叫,乌鸦v. 啼叫,报晓crop [kr?p]n. 农作物,产量,平头v. 收割,修剪,种植curious ['kju?ri?s]a. 好奇的,古怪的cooperation [k?u,?p?'rei??n] n. 合作,协作decorate ['dek?reit]v. 装饰,装修discount ['diskaunt]n. 折扣,贴现率v. 打折扣,贴现distinction [dis'ti?k??n] n. 差别,不同,对比,区分,辨别desert [di'z?:t]n. 沙漠v. 放弃,遗弃dessert [di'z?:t]n. 甜食 diversity [dai'v?:siti] n. 差异,多样性vt. 使不同,使多样化domestic [d?'mestik]a. 国内的,家庭的,驯养的n. 家仆,佣人drumspl.鼓v. 击鼓dusty ['d?sti]a. 满是灰尘的escalator ['esk?leit?] n. 自动扶梯elementsn. 原理, 基础especially [is'pe??li] ad. 特别,尤其effectively [i'fektivli] ad. 有效地efficiently [i'fi??ntli] ad. 有效地explore [iks'pl?:]v. 探险,探测,探究[计算机] 探讨engage [in'geid?]v. 答应,预定,使忙碌,雇佣,订婚fiber ['faib?]n. 纤维gossip ['g?sip]n. 闲聊,随笔v. 说闲话ghost [g?ust]n. 鬼,幽灵hardship ['hɑ:d,?ip]n. 艰难,困苦herbal ['h?:b?l]a. 草药的heritage ['heritid?]n. 遗产,继承物horizon [h?'raizn]n. 地平线hospitable ['h?spit?bl]a. 好客的homesick ['h??msik]a. 想家的interrupt [,int?'r?pt]n. 中断v. 打断,妨碍,插嘴[计算机] 中断impressive [im'presiv]a. 给人深刻印象的literary ['lit?r?ri]a. 文学的intelligence [in'telid??ns] n. 理解力,智力jade [d?eid]n. 玉fantastic [f?n't?stik]a. 极好的,难以相信的,奇异的,幻想的luxurious [l?g'zju?ri?s]a. 奢侈的,豪华的liquid ['likwid]a. 液体的,液态的n. 液体loose [lu:s]n. 解放,放任,放纵a. 宽松的,不牢固的,不精确的v. 释放,放枪,开船lotus ['l?ut?s]n. 荷花(莲花,莲饰)maintain [men'tein]v. 维持,维修,保养,坚持mineral ['min?r?l]a. 矿物的n. 矿物,矿石miracle ['mir?kl]n. 奇迹memorable ['mem?r?bl]n. 值得纪念的事物a. 值得纪念的melodious [mi'l?udj?s]a. 旋律美妙的,调子优美的,音乐性的motivation [,m?uti'vei??n]n. 动机mutual ['mju:tju?l, 'mju:t?u?l]a. 共同的,相互的naughty ['n?:ti]a. 顽皮的,淘气的oxygen ['?ksid??n]n. 氧,氧气overcome [,?uv?'k?m]a. 充满了的,占据了的v. 战胜,克服obviously ['?bvi?sli]ad. 显然地participate [pɑ:'tisipeit] v. 参加,分享,参与personality [,p?:s?'n?liti] n. 个性paradise ['p?r?daiz]n. 天堂permanently ['p?:m?ntli] ad. 永久地peony ['pi?ni]n. 牡丹,芍药preserve [pri'z?:v]v. 保护,保持,维持,防腐,做蜜饯procedure [pr?'si:d??] n. 程序,手续,步骤private ['praivit]a. 私人的n. 士兵prevent [pri'vent]v. 预防,防止precious ['pre??s]a. 宝贵的,珍贵的qualified ['kw?lifaid] a. 有资格的vbl. 取得资格relieve [ri'li:v]v. 减轻,救济,解除resist [ri'zist]v. 抵抗,耐得住,压制rug [r?g]n. 毯子,地毯,旅行毯reaction [ri(:)'?k??n] n. 反应rhyme [raim]n. 韵,押韵,韵文v. 押韵shrimp [?rimp]n. 虾scale [skeil]n. 鳞,刻度,衡量,数值范围v. 依比例决定,攀登spinach ['spinid?; (US) 'spinit?]n. 菠菜shuttle ['??tl]n. 穿梭,往返移动之物v. 使...穿梭移动stomach ['st?m?k]n. 胃v. 忍受,容忍vt. 承受,忍受sensitive ['sensitiv]a. 敏感的,仪器灵敏的,易受伤害的,感光的starve [stɑ:v]v. 使饿死,饿得要死struggle ['str?gl]n. 竞争,努力,奋斗v. 努力,奋斗,挣扎stylish ['staili?]a. 现代风格的,流行的,潇洒的stretch [stret?]n. 伸展,张开a. 可伸缩的v. 伸展,张开,延伸status ['steit?s]n. 地位,身份,情形,状况shortcoming ['??:tk?mi?]n. 短处,缺点speedy ['spi:di]a. 快速的(高速的,迅速的,敏捷的,立即的)tame [teim]a. 驯服的,柔顺的,乏味的v. 驯养,使...驯服temperature ['temprit??(r)] n. 温度thriller ['θril?]n. 惊险小说turtle ['t?:tl]n. 海龟trunk [tr??k]n. 树干,躯干,(汽车后部)行李箱,象鼻troublesome ['tr?bls?m]a. 令人烦恼的,讨厌的unique [ju:'ni:k]a. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的wrist [rist]n. 腕,腕关节分abundant [?'b?nd?nt] a. 丰富的,充裕的adore [?'d?:]v. 崇拜,爱慕,喜爱allergyn. 敏感症,反感,厌恶amiable ['eimi?b?l] a. 和蔼的,亲切的animationn. 活泼,生气,卡通制作appreciatev. 欣赏,感激,赏识approachn. 途径,方法v. 靠近,接近,动手处理attendant [?'tend?nt] a. 伴随的n. 服务员awesomea. 引起敬畏的,可怕的banquet ['b??kwit] n. 宴会vi. 宴请vt. 宴会,设宴bloom [blu:m]n. 花v. 开花billiarda. 撞球的block [bl?k]n. 街区,木块,石块v. 阻塞blonda. 金发的carnation [kɑ:'nei??n] n. 康乃馨(一种花) congestion [k?n'd?est??n] n. 混杂,拥挤,过剩capsule ['k?psju:l]n. 胶囊,太空舱cherish ['t?eri?]v. 珍爱,抚育,珍藏cheetah ['t?i:t?]n. 猎豹corral [k?:'rɑ:l]n. 畜栏v. 占有,围住crunchy ['kr?nt?i]a. 发嘎吱嘎吱声的, 易碎的crispy ['krispi]a.脆的chaos [' kei?s]n. 混乱collaboration [k?,l?b?'rei??n] n. 合作,通敌conquer ['k??k?]v. 克服,征服,战胜confront [k?n'fr?nt]v. 面对,对抗,遭遇cucumber ['kju:k?mb?]n. 黄瓜damn [d?m]a. 该死的,可恶的v. 诅咒,下地狱decease [di'si:s]死,死亡distract [dis'tr?kt]v. 转移,分心digest [di'd?est; dai'd?est]消化disguise [dis'gaiz]n. 假面目,假装v. 假装delicate ['delikit]a. 细致优雅的,微妙的,美味的deserted [di'z?:tid]a. 废弃的v. 遗弃vbl. 遗弃fireplace ['fai?pleis]n. 壁炉eggplant ['egplɑ:nt]n. 茄子elegant ['elig?nt]a. 优雅的,精美的,俊美的extraordinary [iks'tr?:dnri, iks'tr?:din?ri]a. 非常的,特别的essentially [i'sen??li]ad. 本质上,本来famine ['f?min]n. 饥荒fake [feik]n. 假货,欺蹒a. 假的v. 假造,仿造fabulous ['f?bjul?s]a. 传说的,无根据的,难以置信的feast [fi:st]n. 宴会,酒席,节会v. 款宴,享乐,请客flatter ['fl?t?]v. 过份夸赞,奉承,阿谀fortnight ['f?:tnait]n. 两星期faraway ['fɑ:r?wei]a. (神情)恍惚的,遥远的frustrated[fr?'streitid,'fr?-]a. 失败的, 落空的fringe [frind?]n. 边缘,端v. 加饰边于fascinate ['f?sineit]v. 令人入神,使...~迷fragrance ['freigr?ns]n. 香味fundamental [,f?nd?'mentl]a. 基本的,根本的n. 基本原理hippo ['hip?u]n. 河马grocery ['gr?us?ri]n. 杂货店greenery ['gri:n?ri]n. 绿树,绿色植物gorgeous ['g?:d??s]a. 华丽的,灿烂的,好极了hawthorn ['h?:θ?:n]n. 山楂hibernate ['haib?neit]v. 过冬,冬眠,避寒hesitation [,hezi'tei??n] n. 犹豫humid ['hju:mid]a. 潮湿的independent [indi'pend?nt] a. 独立的,自主的n. 独立派人士,无党派者initially [i'ni??li]ad. 最初,开头indefinite [in'definit]a. 模糊的,不确定的,无限的injection [in'd?ek??n]n. 注射jaguar ['d??gwɑ:]n. 美洲虎lacerate ['l?s?reit]v. 撕裂,伤害fierce [fi?s]a. 猛烈的,残忍的,狂暴的,强烈的liberty ['lib?ti]n. 自由lounge [laund?]n. 闲逛,休闲室,长沙发v. 闲荡,懒洋洋地躺卧magnificent [m?g'nifisnt]a. 壮丽的,宏伟的marvelousa.令人惊异的,了不起的,不平常的metropolis [mi'tr?p?lis]n. 大都市,重要中心,首府mimic ['mimik]a. 模仿的,假的[计算机] 模拟的merit ['merit]n. 功绩,价值,真相multiplication[,m?ltipli'kei??n]n. 乘法,增加,乘法表[计算机] 乘法newsreel ['nju:zri:l]n. 新闻影片narcissus [nɑ:'sis?s]水仙optimistic [,?pti'mistik] a. 乐观的,乐观主义的overwhelming [,?uv?'welmi?] a. 势不可挡的,压倒的obstacle ['?bst?kl]n. 障碍pedestrian [pe'destri?n] a. 徒步的,缺乏想像的n. 行人prosperity [pr?s'periti]n. 繁荣,兴旺projector [pr?'d?ekt?]n. 放映机(探照灯,发射装置,设计者,制图投射线)poke [p?uk]n. 刺,戳,袋v. 拨开,刺,探索roar [r?:]n. 吼,咆哮,轰鸣v. 吼,大声说出,叫喊sergeant ['sɑ:d??nt]n. 警官scarlet ['skɑ:lit]n. 深红色,斐红色,红衣a. 肥斐色的,深红色的smog [sm?g]n. 烟雾snore [sn?:, sn??]n. 鼾声v. 打鼾subsequent ['s?bsikw?nt]a. 随后的,后来的scatter ['sk?t?]n. 散播之物,散布v. 散开,散布,散播significant [sig'nifik?nt] a. 有意义的,相当数量的,意味深长的,重要的,重大的splendid ['splendid]a. 极好的surrender [s?'rend?]v. 投降,让与,屈服sufficient [s?'fi??nt]a. 足够的,充分的stumblingadj. 障碍的spacious ['spei??s]a. 广阔的,宽敞的sprinkle ['spri?kl]v. 洒,散置,微雨transparent [tr?ns'p??r?nt] a. 透明的numerous ['nju:m?r?s] a. 为数众多的,许多vogue [v?ug]n. 时尚wag [w?g]v. 摇摆witness ['witnis]n. 目击者,证人v. (为...)作证,目击vt. 目击worship ['w?:?ip]n. 崇拜,礼拜v. 崇拜,敬仰vi. 做礼拜vt. 崇拜zoologist [z?u'?l?d?ist]n. 动物学家7分amateur ['?m?t?, ,?m?'t?:] a. 业余的appliance [?'plai?ns]n. 器具,器械,装置apricotn. 杏子,杏色a. 杏色的artificiala. 人造的,虚伪的,武断的astonishment [?'st?ni?m?nt] n. 惊讶authentic [?:'θentik]a. 可靠的,可信的,真的,真正的 bilinguala. 双语的beetle ['bi:tl]n. 甲虫vi. 忙碌地来回bladen. 刀锋,刀口briberyn. 贿络行为,行贿,受贿bustlinga. 熙熙攘攘的,忙乱的broomstick ['brumstik]n. 扫帚柄(传说中女巫乘之飞行于空中)cathedral [k?'θi:dr?l]n. 大教堂cauliflower ['k?:liflau?]n. 花椰菜celery ['sel?ri]n. 芹菜climax ['klaim?ks]n. 高潮,极点,层进法cicada [si'keid?, -'kɑ:d?]蝉centipede ['sentipi:d]n. 蜈蚣chandelier [,??ndi'li?]n. 枝形吊灯(烛台)corruption [k?'r?p??n]n. 腐败,堕落,贪污deforestation[di,f?ris'tei??n]n. 采伐森林,森林开伐drizzly ['drizli]a. 毛毛雨的(a drizzly day) dioxide [dai'?ksaid]n. 二氧化物dimple ['dimpl]n. 酒窝,涟漪dwarf [dw?:f]n. 矮子,侏儒fertilize ['f?:tilaiz] v. 施肥,使丰饶flock [fl?k]n. 群v. 成群而行,聚集fiddle ['fidl]n. 小提琴v. 虚度时光,拉小提琴hazard ['h?z?d]n. 冒险,危险,危害v. 冒...的危险,赌运气hassle ['h?sl]n. 困难,麻烦vi. 争论vt. 与...争辩hypermarket [,haip?'mɑ:kit] n. 特大百货商场,特大超级商场gleam [gli:m]n. 微弱的闪光,瞬息的一现v. 闪烁,隐约地闪现fig [fig]n. 无花果Husky ['h?ski]n. 哈士奇incentive [in'sentiv]a. 刺激的,鼓励的n. 刺激,鼓励,动机intimate ['intimit]a. 亲密的,私人的,秘密的v. 暗示,通知,告诉insomnia [in's?mni?]n. 失眠(症)impulsive [im'p?lsiv]a. 冲动的,受感情驱使的,任性的 impeccable [im'pek?bl]a. 无瑕疵的infusion [in'fju:??n]n. 灌输,激励lark [lɑ:k]n. 云雀,欢乐,百灵鸟leopard ['lep?d]n. 豹lettuce ['letis]n. 莴苣missionary ['mi??n?ri]n. 传教士,负有任务者,工作人员a. 传教的,负有使命的melancholy ['mel?nk?li]n. 忧沉,悲哀,愁思a. 忧沉的,使人悲伤的,愁思的mermaid ['m?:meid]n. 美人鱼nostalgic [n?'st?ld?ik, n?-] a. 乡愁的,怀旧的obedient [?'bi:dj?nt, -di?nt] a. 服从的,顺从的pavilion [p?'vilj?n]n. 大帐蓬,观众席,楼阁v. 搭帐蓬pessimistic [,pesi'mistik]a. 悲观的panther ['p?nθ?]n. 豹penetrate ['penitreit]v. 穿透,渗透,看穿protein ['pr?uti:n]a. 蛋白质的n. 蛋白质patriotism ['p?tri?tiz?m, 'pei-]n. 爱国心,爱国精神pedal ['pedl]n. 踏板a. 脚的,踏脚的v. 用脚踏动,踩踏板petal ['petl]n. 花瓣raccoon [r?'ku:n]n. 浣熊,其毛皮reptile ['reptail]a. 爬虫类的n. 爬行动物reluctant [ri'l?kt?nt]a. 不情愿的,勉强的radioactive ['reidi?u'?ktiv] a. 放射性的rhino ['rain?u]n. 犀牛roar [r?:]n. 吼,咆哮,轰鸣v. 吼,大声说出,叫喊sensational [sen'sei??n?l] a. 使人感动的,非常好的serendipity [,ser?n'dipiti] n. 善于发掘新奇事物的天赋shabby ['??bi]a. 破旧的(低劣的)sledge [sled?]n. 雪橇,大锤v. 用雪橇搬运,坐雪橇往substance ['s?bst?ns]n. 物质,实质,基本内容superstitious [,sju:p?'sti??s] a. 迷信的spectacular [spek't?kjul?]a. 公开展示的,惊人的sympathetic [,simp?'θetik] a. 同情的,共鸣的tadpole ['t?dp?ul]n. 蝌蚪tranquil ['tr??kwil]a. 安静的,宁静的trolley ['tr?li]n. 手推车trophy ['tr?ufi]n. 奖品,战利品tedious ['ti:di?s]a. 沉闷的unmistakablyad. 明白地ultraviolet ['?ltr?'vai?lit] a. 紫外线的wasp [w?sp]n. 黄蜂,胡蜂weasel ['wi:zl]n. 鼬鼠,狡猾的人旅游类喜好类。

雅思写作7分短语1. 随着经济的繁荣with the booming of the economy2. 随着人民生活水平的显著提高with the remarkable improvement of people's living standard3. 先进的科学技术advanced science and technology4. 为我们日常生活增添了情趣add much spice / flavor to our daily life5. 人们普遍认为It is commonly believed that…6. 我同意前者(后者)观点I give my vote to the former / latter opinion.7. 引起了广泛的公众关注Sth. has aroused wide public concern. / Sth has drawn great public attention.8. 不可否认It is undeniable that…9. 热烈的讨论/ 争论a heated discussion / debate10. 有争议性的问题a controversial issue11. 就我而言/ 就个人而言As far as I am concerned, / Personally,12. 有充分的理由支持be supported by sound reasons13. 双方的论点argument on both sides14. 发挥日益重要作用play an increasingly important role in…15. 对…必不可少be indispensable to …16. 正如谚语所说As the proverb goes:17. 对…产生有利/不利的影响exert positive / negative effects on…18. 利远远大于弊The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.19. 导致,引起lead to / give rise to / contribute to / result in20. 复杂的社会现象a complicated social phenomenon21. 责任感/ 成就感sense of responsibility / achievement22. 竞争与合作精神sense of competition and cooperation23. 开阔眼界widen one's horizon / broaden one's vision24. 学习知识和技能acquire knowledge and skills25. 经济/心理负担financial burden / psychological burden26. 考虑到诸多因素take many factors into consideration27. 从另一个角度from another perspective28. 做出共同努力make joint efforts29. 对…有益be beneficial to / be conducive to…30. 为社会做贡献make contributions to the society31. 打下坚实的基础lay a solid foundation for…32. 综合素质comprehensive quality33. 致力于/ 投身于be committed / devoted to…34. 应当承认Admittedly,35. 不可推卸的义务unshakable duty36. 满足需求satisfy / meet the needs of...37. 可靠的信息源a reliable source of information38. 宝贵的自然资源valuable natural resources39. 因特网the Internet (一定要由冠词,字母I 大写)40. 方便快捷convenient and efficient41. 在人类生活的方方面面in all aspects of human life42. 环保的材料environmentally friendly materials43. 社会进步的体现a symbol of society progress44. 大大方便了人们的生活Sth has greatly facilitated people's lives.45. 对这一问题持有不同态度hold different attitudes towards this issue46. 在一定程度上to some extent47. 理论和实践相结合integrate theory with practice48. …必然趋势an irresistible trend of…49. 日益激烈的社会竞争the increasingly keen social competition50. 眼前利益immediate interest/ short-term interest51. 长远利益long-tem interest52. …有其自身的优缺点…has its own merits and demerits / pros and cons53. 对…有害do harm to / be harmful to / be detrimental to54. 交流思想/ 情感/ 信息exchange ideas / emotions / information55. 跟上…的最新发展keep pace with / keep abreast with the latest development of…56. …的健康发展the healthy development of…57. 重视attach great importance to…58. 社会地位social status59. 把时间和精力放在…上focus one's time and energy on…60. 扩大知识面expand one's scope of knowledge61. 身心两方面both physically and mentally62. 有直接/间接关系be directly / indirectly related to…63. 导致很多问题give rise to / lead to / spell various problems64. 可以替代think的词believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion / belief / view that65. 缓解压力/ 减轻负担relieve stress / burden66. 优先考虑/发展…give (top) priority to sth.67. 与…比较compared with…/ in comparison with68. 可降解的/可分解的材料degradable / decomposable material69. 代替replace / substitute / take the place of70. 提供就业机会offer job opportunities71. 反映了社会进步的mirror the social progress/advance72. 增进相互了解enhance / promote mutual understanding73. 充分利用make full use of / take advantage of74. 承受更大的工作压力suffer from heavier work pressure75. 保障社会稳定和繁荣guarantee the stability and prosperity of our society76. 更多地强调put more emphasis on…77. 适应社会发展adapt oneself to the social development78. 实现梦想realize one's dream79. 主要理由列举如下The main / leading reasons are listed as follows:80. 我们还有很长的路要走We still have a long way to go.。

IELTS写作7分必背词汇absurd 荒唐的addictive 上瘾的affectionate 有感情的aggressive 有上进心的alert 敏锐的;警惕的arduous 费劲的artistic 艺术的authoritative 权威性的awkward 尴尬的balanced 平衡的cogent 使人信服的cold-blooded 冷血的cold-hearted 无情的compassionate 富有同情心的compatible 兼容的complicated 复杂的confident 自信的contemptible 可鄙的contributive 有贡献的corrupt 腐败的delicious 美味可口的demanding 要求高的describle 值得要的detrimental 有害的devious 偏离正道的dishonorable 不光彩的disturbed 受到干扰的eccentric 古怪的economical 经济的enlightened 开明的;文明的evil 邪恶的exotic 异国的fallacious 荒谬的fashionable 时髦的feaible 可行的fictitious 虚假的flexile 灵活多样的fruitful 有成效的glamorous 富有魅力的gorgeous 辉煌的humane 人道的ignorant(of) 无视的;无知的impressive 令人印象深刻的inborn 天生的incompatible 不调和的incompatible 不和适宜的inconceivable 不可思议的indecent 不妥的;不检点的indifferent 冷漠的indispensable 不可或缺的inexhaustible 取之不尽的infectious 传染性的inferior 低人一等的infirm (身体)弱的influential 有影响力的ingrain 根深蒂固的inhumane 不人道的initially 首先innocent 多管闲事的inquistitive 有害无益insalubrious 有教育意义的instructive 智力的intellectual 中间的;过渡的interim 人际关系的interpersonal 密切的intimate 不可侵犯的inviolable 内在的inward 不可挽回的irreparable 不可抵抗的irresistible 不可挽回的irritating 恼人的isolated(from) 隔绝的laudable 可赞誉的lavishly 大方的legitimate 合法的loyal 忠诚的luxurious 奢侈的magnanimous 宽宏大量的mature 成熟的misleading 误导的misrepresented 不如实叙述的money-oriented 向钱看的multilateral 对方面的nourishih 有营养的obscure 晦涩的old-fashioned/out of date 过时的palatable 美味的perilous 危险的permissive 宽容的;许可的pernicious 有害无益的pornographic 色情的potential 潜在的practial 实际的;务实的preferential 优惠的pressing 紧迫的prevailing 占主导地位的;流行的professional 专业的prosperous 繁荣昌盛的prudent 明智的psychological 心理上rational 理性的resentful 愤怒的reverse 相反的rewarding 值得的ridiculous 荒谬的rigid 严格的r ough 粗略的self-contemptuous 自卑的shabby 破旧不堪的shelrered 受保护的sociable 好交际的sole 唯一的stern/strict 严格的stressful 有压力的stringent 严厉的stylish 时髦的superficial 表面现象的tempting 吸引人的time-honored 久享盛名的traditional 传统的typical 典型的unadvised 轻率的uncompromising 不妥协的unconcerned 冷漠的uneasy 不自在的unethical 不道德的unfeeling 冷漠的unhealthy 不健康的unified 同一标准的unique 独特的unjust 不公平的unsrupulous 肆无忌惮的unsociable 不善于社交的untimely 不和适宜的unwholesome 不健康的utterly 完全;绝对地vexing 令人烦恼的vivid 形象的voluntary 自愿的vulnerable 易受伤害的well-grounded 有充足理由的wholesome 健康的abide by/obey/observe 遵守abolish 废除abuse 虐待;滥用accommodate 供给;调节acquire 获取adore 崇拜;爱慕allocate 分配alter 改变appral to/attract 吸引approach 对待;处理approve of 赞成arise 出现arouse 激发assume 承担(责任)attach 赋予;粘上attain/obtain/acquire 获取;得到attend 参加;就读ban 禁止blossom 兴旺发达boom 繁荣bring sb./sth.sintosfull play 充分调动……的积极性censor 审查characterize 以……为特色charge 收费cherish 珍视claim 宣称coexist 共存coincide with 与……相符collect 收集commute 来回往返于condemn 谴责consult 咨询contaminate 污染contribute to 贡献crack down on 打击cultivate 培养defy 不服从;藐视degenerate 退化degrade 使降级depreciate 贬值deprive(of) 剥夺desert 抛弃detect 侦查deter 阻止deteriorate 恶化determine 决定disclose 揭露discourage 使气馁diversify 使多样化divbert 使分心dominate 占优势drop out 退学;放弃eliminate 消除endanger 危害enlighten 启发enrich 丰富entertain 招待;娱乐evaluate 评价evolve 演变exaggerate 夸张exert 施加(压力)expel 排除;开除explore 探究expose 揭露give full play to 充分发挥guarantee 保证;担保hamper 妨碍;牵制hinder/impede/block/hamper 阻碍idealize 理想化identify 辨认ignore 无视;不理睬imitate 模仿impair 危害;伤害impose/confine/place restrictions on/restrict/limit 限制incur 招致;引发inflict 使……承受inherit 继承innovate 改革创新invent money in 投资install/set up/erect/fix/mount 安装lavish 浪费maltreat 虐待maximize 最大化minimize 使最小化mould/build 塑造neglect 忽视oblige 强迫observe/follow 遵从overcome 克服(困难)participate 参与perform 履行;表演please 取悦preserve 保留;保护prohibit 禁止publicize 宣传pursue 追求quit 放弃quote 引用refine 精炼reflect 反映reform 改革refresh 使恢复regulate 管制;调控rehabilitate 改造reject 剔除relax 修养release 释放render 给予represent 代表resort to 速诸于;采取restore 重建;恢复restrain 约束retain 保留roam 闲逛sacrifice 牺牲shirk 回避shun 回避signify 表示;意味spoil/ indulge 宠坏;溺爱spread 传播steer 驶向;掌舵stick to 坚持stimulate 刺激stipulate/set 规定subsitute 代替supervise 监督control 控制surpass 超过survive 生存threaten 威胁tolerate 忍受treasure 珍视trigger 引发underestimate 低估undermine 危害unload 摆脱负担vanish 消失wither 退化;萎缩wreck 摧毁abolishment 废除absurdity 荒唐;谬论abuse 滥用achievement 成绩acqaintance 熟人adaptation 改写;适应admiration 崇拜adventurer/explorer 探险者adversee impact 负面影响adversity 逆境affection 友情/感情alienation 疏远ambition 志向amusement 娱乐anecdote 轶事apathy 冷漠无情approach 鼓掌architecture 建筑art 艺术assault 攻击assessment 评估association 联想;联系athlete 运动员availability 可得到的东西barrier 妨碍behavior 行为beneficiacry 受益人budget 预算burden 负担campaign 运动candidate 候选人capacity 能力celebrity 名人character 性格charecteristic 特征charm 魅力clerk 职员cohesion 凝聚力colleague 同事collectivism 集体主义comfort 舒适commercial 商业广告commercialization 商业化commodity 商品companion/partner 同伴conformity 一致conssensus 同意consultation 咨询consumption 消费content 内容contentment 满意;满足contribution 贡献correlation 相关性costume 服装creativity 创造性criteria 条件cruelty 残忍customer 顾客cybercrime 网络犯罪depression 沮丧;低沉deprivation 剥夺descendant 后代deterioration 恶化detour 绕道developed countries 发达国家developing countries 发展中国家digestion 消化吸收dignity 尊严discipline 纪律discomfort 不舒服discontent 不满足discrimination 歧视;区别disgust 反感disorder 无序状态disorientation 迷失方向感disposition 性格distraction 干扰diversity 多样化;多样性domain 领域duplication 重复(建设)durationeconomy 耐用employee 雇员employer 雇主endeavor 努力做enjoyment 享受enthusiasm 热情;狂热equality 平等evaluation 评价expection 例外exhibition 展览exploration 探险export 出口favor 喜好feature 特点fidelity 忠实flexibility 灵活性forefather/ancestors 祖先freedom 自由frustration 挫折gallery 美术馆garment 服装goodwill 善意grace 雅致graduate 毕业生guardian 监护人halt 停止;终止hardship 艰难险阻heritage 遗产horizon 地平线hostility 敌对humanity 人性idol 偶像immunity 免疫力import 进口indication 迹象indictment 控告indifference 不关心individuality 个性化industry 工业;行业inequality 不平等infrastructure 基础设施ingenuity 独创性initiative 主动性instruction 教导instructor 教师integrity 诚实intellectual 知识分子intelligence 智能interaction 交际interference 干涉interpretation 解释intolerance 不宽容intrusiveness 干涉involvement 参与jealousy 妒忌jogging 慢跑joint effort 共同努力journalist/correspondent 记者joy/delight 欢乐lack 缺乏landmark 标志性建筑;里程碑license 执照life expectancy/life span 寿命literacy 读写能力manufacturer 制造商match 匹配measure 测量;评估millennium 千年minority 少数人miscondust 行为不端morality 道德motion 运动muscle 肌肉myoplia 近视nationality 民族;国籍norm 准则notoin 观念;想法obligation 义务obsacle 障碍物occupation 职业opponent 对手originality 独创性outcome 产物outlook 观点;景色participation 参与pastime 消遣peer 同龄人penalty 刑罚;处罚perseverance 坚定不移personality 性格perspective 看法popularity 普及;流行popularization 普及practice 做法precaution 防范prerogative 特权principle 原则profession/occupation 职业proficiency 精通promotion 提升prospect 前景prosperity 繁荣protocol 协议prudence 慎重public opinion 舆论punishment 惩罚purity 纯洁性rebellion 反叛recovery 恢复regression 衰退regulator 监控者reliability 可心度remedy/therapy 疗法remote education 远程教育revelation 揭示/表现revenue 总收入reward 奖赏;报酬rumor/gossip 谣言;传闻satisfaction 满足self-discipline 自律self-respect/self-esteem 自尊心shortcoming 缺点side-effect 副作用signal 信号skyscraper 摩天大楼sociologist 社会学家soul 灵魂specialty 专业spelling 拼写status 地位stereotype 成见straightforwardness 直率strain 压力;过度劳累strategy 策略strength 实力stress 压力substance 物质supplement 补充sympathy 同情symptom 症状talent 人才teenager 青少年temper 性情;烦躁tempatation 诱惑threshold 开端tip 提示;技巧tolerance 宽容tragedy 悲剧trait 特点trap 陷阱triviality 琐事troblemaker 捣乱者tutor 导师uniformity 一致vanity 虚荣心varety 多样性;种类verdict 判决vexation 烦恼victim 受害者vitality/vigor/energy/vim 活力;精力void 空虚warmth 温暖weakness 缺点withdrawal 退出;撤退zeal 热情。

以下是⽆忧考整理的雅思⼝语拿⾼分的常⽤词组,欢迎阅读!1.雅思⼝语拿⾼分的常⽤词组 1、Put my feet up 放松 Meaning:to relax, especially by sitting with your feet supported above the ground Example:After a hard day's work, it's nice to get home and put my feet up. 2、Wind down 放松 Meaning:to slow something down; to make something less hectic Example: A glass of milk can probably help you wind down. 3、Get into 喜欢,感兴趣 Meaning:to become involved in something; to develop an interest in something Example:If you get into a particular kind of work or activity, you manage to become involved in it. 4、Put off 使反感;使对…失去兴趣 Meaning:to feel intense dislike or distaste Example:She's very clever, but her manner does tend to put people off. 5、Catch up 发现 Meaning:to find out about things that have happened Example:We spent the evening catching up (on each other's news). 6、Chill out 冷静下来 Meaning:to spend time relaxing; to relax and stop feeling angry or nervous about something Example:You need to chill out. 7、Settle down 冷静 Meaning:to become calm or composed Example:When I am on the train, I'll settle down with a good book. 8、Pick up 学会 Meaning:to acquire knowledge or habits through practice or experience Example: I picked up a lot of knowledge about music from my brother. 9、Blow away 使…印象深刻 Meaning:to impress somebody a lot or to make them very happy2.雅思⼝语part1遇到数学怎么说 1、At what age did you start studying mathematics? I can't exactly remember, but it was probably in my first year at primaryschool when I was 5 years old. I probably learnt simple addition at thatage. 中⽂⼤意:记不清了,⼤致是从⼩学5岁时开始学习⼀些简单的加法。

=FAMILY 家庭types, elderly, family planning, marriage, divorce, housework, women Typesnuclear family 两代同堂的家庭extended family 三代、四代甚至五代同堂的家庭,大家庭three generations living under the same roof 三代同堂Elderly老年人filial duty 子女的义务dutiful/ filial 忠实的, 顺从的, 守本分的, 恭敬的, 孝敬的the elderly/senior citizens老年人the aging is a social problem. 人口老龄化是一个社会问题bed-ridden 卧床不起their health is declining. 他们的健康每况愈下be paralyzed 瘫痪,麻痹sit in a wheelchair/move around in a wheelchair坐轮椅照料生病的父母nursing one’s sick parentsnursing home 老人院老人院old people’s homesocial welfare 社会福利be financially independent 经济独立be retired 退休pensioner领养老金者,抚恤金领取者,领年金者, 跟班do not want to be regarded as a burden 不想被当作负担live an isolated life 与世隔绝live apart from children 不跟孩子一起住spend one’s remaining days happily 颐养天年fulfil the responsibility of bringing up the young and taking care of the old 尽养育孩子和赡养老人的义务the generation gap 代沟be widowed寡居,鳏居widow/widower 寡妇/鳏夫life expectancy 平均寿命(=expectation of life)Parenting(父母对子女的)养育拥有自己的家庭have a family of one’s ownbe pregnant 怀孕on maternity leave 休产假give birth to a baby 生孩子take a baby to the kindergarten 送孩子去幼儿园breadwinner养家活口的人, 负担家计的人make ends meet收支相抵,收支平衡provide financial and emotional support to the youngparental abuse 虐待父母ill-treat/maltreat vt. 虐待, 滥用Family Planning 计划生育birth control 计划生育population control 人口控制population explosion 人口爆炸overpopulation人口过剩population density 人口密度be thickly/sparsely populated 人口稠密/稀少the population is aging. 人口老龄化baby boom生育高峰average life span平均寿命birth rate 出生率death rate/mortality rate 死亡率census人口调查;户口调查one-child policy 一对夫妻只生一个孩Marriage 婚姻marital status 婚姻状况single/married/divorced 单身/结婚/离婚a partner/spouse夫;妻;配偶的一方matchmaker/go-between 媒人marriage on the basis of romantic love 自由恋爱结婚fall in love with sb. at first sight 一见钟情wedding 婚礼bride/bridegroom 新娘/新郎the best man 男傧相maid of honor女傧相be divorced 离婚separated 分居single parent family 单亲家庭a broken family 破碎的家庭get custody of a child 获得对孩子的监护权alimony (离婚或分居后在诉讼期间男方给女方的)赡养费, 生活费pay alimony to the wifeimpact on the child 影响孩子Housework 家务(household )chores家庭杂务;日常零星工作housework家务, 劳动, 家务事do the laundry 洗熨washing要洗的衣物;洗好的衣物cleaning清洁(处理),清洗vacuum用真空吸尘器打扫vacuum (cleaner)吸尘器tidy and neat 整洁in a mess混乱, 脏乱令人不安get on one’s nervesget desperate 不顾一切的, 拚死的, 令人绝望的,;铤而走险的;亡命的,孤注一掷的Women 女人sex discrimination 性别歧视be underpaid所得报酬过低overloaded超负荷inferior to men (地位)不如男人be treated equally 得到平等对待receive equal treatment 得到相同的待遇treat men and women alike 男女一视同仁take up a career 开始事业career woman 职业女性be prompted to a higher position 被提升到更高的职位be financially independent 经济独立the economic basis for equality 男女平等需要的经济基础enjoy equality/equal rights with 与……平等male dominated society 男性统制的社会man chauvinism 大男子主义feminist 男女平等主义者, 女权扩张论者women’s liberation movement 妇女解放运动have some say in the family 在家里有发言权People Description: personality and appearancepersonality 个性, 人格, 人物, 名人warm-hearted 热心的kind 善良的hospitable 好客的versatile 通用的, 万能的, 多才多艺的, 多面手的intelligent 聪明的, 伶俐的, 有才智的active 活动的;活跃的easy-going 容易相处的happy-go-lucky 无忧无虑的tolerant 容忍的, 宽恕的, 有耐药力的energetic 精力充沛的, 积极的humorous 富幽默感的, 滑稽的, 诙谐的optimistic 乐观的introvert 格性内向的(人)extrovert 性格外向的(人)caring 人的,人道的,有同情心的appearance 外表,出现, 露面, 外貌, 外观be of the same height/weight 一样的身高/体重hair:curly/wavy 弯曲的,波状的, 摇摆的, 起浪的, 波动的, 不稳的straight 直的, 诚实的, 正直的, 率直的, 整齐的have one’s hair dyed/colored 染发have a good figure 身材好heavy 胖的slender 苗条的;纤细的;修长的slim 苗条的, 纤细的bony 多骨的, 瘦骨嶙峋的well-built (男)身材健美的plump 圆胖的, 丰满的go through a lot of ups and downs 经历过很多起伏face the trouble with great courage and strong will 勇敢坚强地面对困难impress me with his/her perseverance 他的毅力给了我很深的印象Many children may be either similar to their father or their mother in appearance, but I’m the exception.也许很多孩子的外表和父母很相像,但我是个例外。

加上习盛雅思的3-6个月的面授雅思课程辅导,7分雅思口语轻松获得!目录1、姓名与个人介绍2、教育背景3、家庭4、天气5、职业6、环境污染7、语言8、科技9、地点与城市10、公园11、广告12、交通运输13、移民与留学14、音乐15、图书馆16、住宅17、体育与健身18、旅游19、业余时间20、食品与烹饪21、宠物22、婚礼庆典23、朋友24、年龄代沟25、电影电视26、购物27、社会问题姓名与个人介绍确认confirm市city全名full name直辖市municipality姓surname/last/family name 县county名first name住宅电话home phone身份证明identification/ID专区prefecture出生地birth place自治区autonomous region笔名pen name民族;国籍nationality别名alias目前住址current address姓名name国籍citizenship英寸inch (in.)籍贯native place英尺feet (ft.)邮政编码postal code厘米centimeter双重国籍duel citizenship街street健康状况health condition路road健康状况health区district(身体)极佳excellent门牌house number近视short-sighted胡同,巷lane远视far-sighted年龄age身份证ID card身高height会长president血型bloodtype副会长vice-president体重weight理事director地址address常务理事standing director生于(地点/时间)born in/at 学会society永久住址permanent address 协会association生日birthday秘书长secretary-general出生日期birthdate研究会research society省province坦率的frank温柔体贴的gentle and understanding好学的hardworking理性的rational守信的faithful谦虚的modest有独立性的independent勤劳的industrious友善的,慈祥的kind, nice个性personality聪明的smart正直的upright性格character教育背景义务教育compulsory schooling必修课程compulsory / required course / subject 幼儿园kindergarten学前的pre-school专业major小学primary / elementary school大一新生freshman中学secondary / high school大二学生sophomore初中junior high school大三学生junior高中senior high school大四学生senior专业学校technical school毕业生graduate商业学校business school教学日school day工艺学校polytechnic假期school holiday本科生undergraduate研讨班seminar研究生postgraduate课间休息break学位degree义务教育compulsory education学分credit普及教育to extend education文学学士BA ( Bachelor of Arts)发展教育to develop education理学学士BS(Bachelor of Science)初等教育primary/elementary education文学硕士MA(Master of Arts)理学硕士MSc (Master of Science)中等教育secondary education工商管理硕士MBA( Master of Business Administration) 公共管理硕士MPA (Master of Public Administration) 寄宿学校boarding school博士学位Doctoral degree公立学校state school导师supervisor男女同校的学校co-educational school 奖学金scholarship男女分校的学校single sex school学位论文thesis助学金educational grants博士论文dissertation奖学金scholarship基础课程basic course走读生day-student专业课程specialized course补习生make-up class数学mathematics体操,体育gymnastics历史,历史学history代数algebra几何学geometry地理学geography生物学biology化学chemistry物理学physics文学literature社会学sociology心理学psychology哲学philosophy工程(学)engineering机械工程学mechanical engineering电子工程学electronic engineering土木工程civil engineering医学,内科学medicine社会科学social science农业agriculture天文学astronomy经济学economics政治,政治学politics生物化学,生物化学biochemistry 人类学anthropology语言学linguistics会计学accounting法学law财政学finance大众传播学mass-communication 新闻业,新闻学journalism建筑,建筑学architecture商业管理business administration 学院institute委员会commission学生会student union设备facility学期semester评估assessment学期,专业术语,条款term成人教育adult education免试入学制open admission履历curriculum vitae预备的preparatory研究生院graduate school夜大、函大open university实地调查,现场工作fieldwork文理学院School of Arts and Sciences旁听生auditor/guest student住宿生boarder母校alma mater学位degree证书certificate资格qualification专家expert顾问consultant教职员工的总称faculty助教teaching assistant学校分院长,系主任dean校长principal / president协调人coordinator讲师lecturer副教授associate professor校辅导员school counselor职业指导官career advisor导师adviser / mentor名誉校长chancellor毕业评估graduation appraisal毕业典礼graduation ceremony / commencement 毕业证书diploma,graduation certificate附中attached middle school技校technical school理工学院/科技大学polytechnic推荐信letter of recommendation担保人,赞助人sponsor拨款,授予物grant贷款loan学费tuition研究生奖学金fellowship新生熟悉情况orientation注册,入学enrollment登记,报到register / enroll学生会办公室student union开学典礼opening ceremony娱乐中心recreation center申请表application form图书单book list确认give confirmation会议室conference room投影仪overhead projector出勤attendance免修exemption重考,补考resit报告report书目,索引,文献bibliography家庭核心家庭core family子女人数number of children三口之家a family of three四兄弟排行老二the second of four brother 监护人guardian人们folks小子boy,kid孝顺的孩子filial child婴儿infant包办婚姻arranged marriage青年,年轻人toddler/young man丁克家庭DINK (double income and no child)未成年人minor青少年adolescent直系亲属immediate family个性、性格personality关系密切的close-knit血统、家系lineage和谐的harmonious兄弟姐妹sibling/brother and sister退休retire父亲的,像父亲的paternal善于交际的sociable母亲的,像母亲的maternal姻亲in-laws兄弟般的,友爱的fraternal尚未出世的one-on-the-way后裔,子孙descendant继父step-father遗传,一串特征heredity养父foster father独生子女家庭family with only one child家庭状况family status已婚married少子女家庭small family未婚single多子女家庭large family/family with many children 离异divorced分居separated退休人员retired people配偶(指夫或妻)配偶spouse夫妇couple单一的,单身的single孙子,孙辈grandchildren孙子,外孙grandson孙女,外孙女granddaughter祖父grandfather祖母grandmother曾祖父great-grandfather曾祖母great-grandmother女婿son-in-law儿媳daughter-in-law岳父(公公)father-in-law岳母(婆婆)mother-in-law妯娌sister-in-law养父foster father养母foster mother养子adopted son养女adopted daughter伯父,叔父,姨丈uncle姑妈,伯母,舅妈aunt侄子,外甥nephew侄女,甥女niece堂兄弟姊妹cousin世系,血统descent(单复数同形)儿女,子孙,后代辈offspring 继承人,后嗣heir傲慢的,自大的arrogant宠坏,溺爱spoil不切实际的,不实在的unrealistic天真的,无知的innocent(~of)顽皮的,淘气的,不听话的naughty独立自主的,不受约束的independent无关紧要的,冷漠的indifferent养育,抚育,培养foster指导,领导guidance沟通,传达,沟通communicate负面榜样negative role model隔离的,孤立的isolated孤独的,孤僻的solitary好奇的,求知的curious激发兴趣stimulate interest温和的,文雅的,有礼貌的gentle机灵的,有独创性的ingenious爱动脑筋have an inquiring mind聪明的,伶俐的,有才智的intelligent 善于创造的,有发明才能的inventive 仁慈的;好心肠的kind-hearted有根据的,有学习动力的motivated 有秩序的,整齐的,整洁的orderly 性情和蔼的,性情温和的sweet-tempered 能适应的,适应性强的adaptable提防的,警惕的,机灵的alert和谐的,协调的,和睦的harmonious婚姻关系marital relationships晚婚late marriage不要子女的家庭DINK family (double income no kid) 同等的人,同龄人peer误入歧途go astray被动的,消极的passive厌学的be tired of learning归属感sense of belonging安全security担心,牵挂care about有价值count养育,教育nurture信任,信赖trust支撑,维持,赡养,忍受support影响,感化,有影响的人(或事)influence尊敬,敬重respect浸,泡,浸透soak价值,估价,评价value鼓励,怂恿encourage个性,个人的特性individuality教导,命令,指示instruct慢慢地灌输instill使内在化internalize肯定的,实际的,积极的,绝对的,确实的positive 环境,外界environment底部,基础,根据地base保证,担保,使安全ensure抱怨,悲叹,控诉complain传达,信息,交通,通讯communication亲密intimacy敌意,恶意,不友善hostility宽容,忍受,容忍tolerance鼓励,奖励encouragement赏识,鉴赏,感激appreciate接受,容忍,赞同acceptance信任,信念,宗教信仰faith赞誉,承认,重视recognition天气大气atmosphere雪snow气候climate雷thunder自然力量(风、雨)elements 阵风gustywind气温temperature风wind天气暖,热to be warm, to be hot 薄雾mist天气冷to be cold云cloud季节season阴霾haze霜frost雨rain冰雹hail暴雨downpour暴风雨,暴风雪storm台风typhoon暴风雨tempest阵雨shower闪电lightning大风gale陆风landwind微风breeze飓风hurricane浓雾fog旋风龙卷风cyclone露水dew降雪,降雪量snowfall梅雨intermittent drizzles in the rainy season 细雨drizzle微风breeze湿气,潮湿,湿度humidity(使)结冰,(使)冷冻,冻结freeze冰冻的,严寒的freezing干旱,缺乏drought温和的,温柔的mild湿气,潮湿的damp闷热的muggy寒冷的chilly热带的,热情的tropical有节制的,适度的,(气候)温和的temperate 舒适的comfortable大陆的,大陆性的continental季节的,季节性的,周期性的seasonal过敏的,反感的allergic魔力的,不可思议的magic职业事业career奖金bonus职业profession日常工作routine work人才talent国营企业state enterprise退休retire外商投资企业foreign-funded enterprise新手green-hand职业培训vocational training集体企业Collective enterprise加班work overtime兼职part-time job工作狂workaholic高薪工作highly-paid job平衡家庭和工作balance work and family合资企业joint-venture职业女性career woman股份制企业share-holding corporation公司corporation个体户self-employed性别歧视的gender-biased全职full-time job职位空缺vacant position低薪工作low-paid job求职job hunting前途prospects工作安排和待遇job arrangement and benefit工作压力working pressure顾客customer薪水salary升值promotion工资wage招待员,传达员receptionist打字员typist程序师,程序规划员programmer女记事员office girl公务员public servant飞行员,领航员,引水员pilot出版者,发行人publisher美术设计graphic designer秘书,书记secretary警察policeman新闻记者,从事新闻杂志业的人journalist 编辑,编者editor口译人员,翻译员,讲解员interpreter主任,主管,导演director摄影师photographer学者scholar翻译者translator(长篇)小说家novelist剧作家playwright语言学家linguist植物学家botanist经济学者,经济学家economist化学家,药剂师chemist科学家scientist哲学家,哲人philosopher政治家,政客politician物理学者physicist考古学家archaeologist地质学者geologist数学家mathematician生物学家biologist动物学家zoologist生理学者physiologist艺术家,画家artists画家painter音乐家musician作家,作曲家,设计者composer歌手singer设计家,制图师designer(制作女服或童装的)裁缝dressmaker 美容师beautician模特儿model职员,办事员clerk广告文编写人,撰稿人copywriter演出人,(电影)制片人producer新闻广播员,新闻评论广播员newscaster 建筑师architect城市设计师civil planner土木技师civil engineer配药者,药剂师pharmacist导游tour guide牙科医生dentist会计(员),会计师accountant职责duty自我实现self-fulfillment富有挑战的challenging骨干backbone苛求的demanding任命appoint白领white collar协调coordinate负责in charge of雇佣employ职责responsibility代表represent常规routine解雇fire解雇sack雇佣hire压力pressure刺激的stimulating训练,培养train老板boss(靠出卖作品为生的)自由艺术家,自由作家freelance 跳槽job-hopping夜班night work倒班shift work高级的senior低级的junior加班overtime招聘recruit工资salary请假on leave履历resume前景prospect赏识recognition令人满意的rewarding工作头衔title高级主管人员executive辞职,服从resignation辞职quit提拔,晋升为promote服从、顺从submit职业、生涯career位置position援助,帮助assist满意satisfaction野心,雄心ambitions表现,为人conduct人事部Personnel Department人力资源部Human Resource Department营销部Sales Department产品开发部Product Development Department 公关部Public Relations Department市场部Marketing财会部Finance采购部Purchasing(Procurement) Department 售后服务部After-sale Service Department 品管部Quality Control Department不满意的unsatisfied得不到认同receive no recognition放弃give up感到满意的satisfied工作满意度job satisfaction工作前景job prospects回报好的rewarding紧迫的pressing具有挑战性challenging苛求的demanding令人筋疲力尽的exhausted满意的工作satisfactory job满足be content with挖掘个人潜力tap one's potential无聊的boring有压力的stressed自我实现self-fulfillment, self-realization 满足be content with知足常乐A content mind,a content life环境污染造林afforestation适于居住的,可居住的inhabitable干涸,枯竭dry up忽视neglect淡水,湖水fresh water不足,缺乏shortage下水道,污水sewage污染物质pollutant经济制裁措施financial disincentive制定法律和法规lay down laws and regulations子孙,后代offspring(动植物的)生活环境habitat(生命等)有灭绝危险的,将要绝种的endangered [生】自然选择,物竞天择说natural selection 【植】植被vegetation肮脏的,凌乱的messy肮脏的squalid白色污染white pollution保存conserve报复take revenge on濒于on the brink of补救性措施remedial measure不负责任的irresponsible不洁的,污秽的filthy不可抵抗的irresistible不可缺少的indispensable采伐森林deforestation耻辱,丢脸的人(或事),玷污disgrace传染病infectious disease存在,生存exist存在,生活existence激励的incentive都市化urbanization肥沃的,富饶的fertile废物处理waste disposal耕地arable land工业化的industrialized归咎于put the blame on规则regulation过分开发over-exploit过滤filter洪水,水灾flood化学物质chemical substance环境保护论者,环境论者environmentalist 环境恶化environment deterioration环境控制environmental control荒地,未开垦地wasteland灰尘,尘埃dust恢复,修复,重建restore毁坏,破坏demolish毁坏devastate毁坏devastation开垦荒地land clearing砍倒cut down垃圾废物garbage垃圾vt.乱丢litter灭绝,逐渐消失die out能源短缺energy shortage破坏者destroyer燃料fuel人口密集的densely-populated沙暴sandstorm商业利益commercial interest社会进化social evolution生态平衡ecological balance生态学ecology生物圈biosphere生物所能分解的biodegradable胜利,成功triumph食物链food chain净化purify使受挫折的事物disincentive适应自然adjust to nature适于耕种的,可耕种的tillable受害人,牺牲品victim水土流失soil erosion酸雨acid rain损失惨重的disastrous天然资源natural resources威胁threaten温室效应greenhouse effect折磨,使苦恼plague污秽的,肮脏的,令人厌恶的nasty 污秽的,肮脏的grimy污秽的begrimed污染contaminate污水处理sewage treatment污水净化sewage purification无法忍受的,难耐的intolerable无知,不知ignorance吸收,吸引absorb牺牲sacrifice现代化modernization相互依赖的,互助的interdependent 消毒剂disinfectant消失,消灭extinction拥塞congestion用尽,耗尽exhaust有毒的,中毒的toxic有毒的poisonous有害的,使人苦恼的baneful战胜,克服overcome征服,战胜,克服(困难等) conquer致癌物cancer-causing agent致癌物质carcinogen致命的疾病fatal disease种类species重复利用recycle重建,改造reconstruct重新造林reforestation自然,自然界nature自然资源短缺shortage of natural resources不可再生的nonrenewable不卫生的unsanitary采取强有利的措施take stronger and harsher measures 城市垃圾urban garbage废物处理技术waste disposal technology废物管理法规waste management laws分解,腐烂decomposition分解break down分类classify环保材料environmentally-friendly materials环境恶化environmental degradation环境污染environmental contamination可以再度使用的reusable快餐店fast food outlets垃圾的收集和处理litter collection and disposal垃圾分类garbage classification垃圾焚烧发电厂a garbage burning power plant垃圾填埋场,垃圾掩埋法,垃圾landfill垃圾填埋场landfill sites浪费资源be wasteful of resources立法,法律的制定(或通过)legislation破坏环境ruin the environment一次性的包装和用品disposable packaging and items 一次性的餐具disposable dishware/cutlery一次性用品disposable items, disposable products语言普通话Mandarin交流communicate英语狂(非常喜欢学习英语的人)English-mania 学习的能力learning power交际活动communicative activities出版物publication社会压力social pressure语调tone赚钱的能力earning capacity语法grammar具有竞争能力的competitive课程curriculum中国加入世贸组织China joining the WTO具有双语能力的bilingual流传广泛的widespread找到好工作getting a good job外贸foreign trade科技工业革命industrial revolution耗尽枯竭exhaustion环境environment环境恶化environment deterioration 辉煌的glorious机器人,遥控设备robot机械化,机动化mechanization家庭电器household appliances家务管理housekeeping家务杂事chore见多识广的informed精神生活spiritual well-being久坐的,沉积的sedentary就近的,敏捷的handy科学发现scientific discovery科学知识scientific knowledge克隆cloning能源短缺energy shortage奇迹的,不可思议的miraculous 前进,进步,发展advancement前进advance前进go ahead全球变暖global warming全球的,全世界的global人工智能artificial intelligence人类mankind天然资源natural resources自动化的automatic自给自足的self-sufficient自动化系统automated systems自动控制,自动操作automation自动生产automation production生产自动化manufacturing automation 水电站wind power station太阳能solar energy以电脑为基础的computer-based永不枯竭的inexhaustible工业自动化industrial automation能源energy resources三维的3-dimensional生产自动化manufacturing automation 手工制品handmade products风力发电站water power station编程programming智能科技intelligence technology神经网络neural network神经细胞,神经元neuron生物学上biologically实际应用practical application自动包装auto packaging自动化生产线automated assembly line 机器,机械machinery机器控制系统machine control system机器人技术robotics机械装置mechanical device降低成本lower the cost降低风险lower the risks模拟世界analog world地点与城市地形地貌landscape花园城市garden city风土人情people and customs国际大都市international metropolis人口稠密with a large population风景名胜places of interest / tourist attractions文化,经济,科技,金融,中心the center of culture y /economy / technology / finance 历史history产业,产品businesses /industries /products商业中心commercial center寺庙temple大/小/中等城市big / small / medium-sized city电视塔TV tower城墙walls海滨城市coastal city市政厅city hall古老的城市ancient city使……坐落于,位于locate展现,展开,位于lie使位于,使处于situate位于sit海岸的,沿海的coastal多小山的,多坡的,陡的hilly内陆的,国内的inland平原,草原plain盆,盆地basin平坦的,扁平的flat远古的,旧的ancient混合blend紧凑的,紧密的,简洁的compact文化的cultural异国情调的,外来的,奇异的exotic 财政的,金融的financia杰出的industrious工业的,产业的industrial首都,主要都市,都会metropolis 流行的,时髦的fashionable赞扬,歌颂,称赞praise追踪,回溯,探索trace观光事业,游览tourism公园放松身心to relax one's body and minds 丰富知识enrich one's knowledge公园道路parkway户外活动outdoor activity家庭活动family activity educational教育性的educational散步take a brisk walk体育活动physical activity退休的retired玩得开心have fun消遣,娱乐pastime新鲜空气fresh air有氧运动aerobic exercise有益的,教育性的instructive娱乐的entertaining展览exhibition植物园botanical garden野炊picnic聚会get-together昂贵的financially costly保护conserve, protect必要性necessity不可弥补的损失irreparable damage不能挽回的irreparable丛林jungles大规模的土地开发large-scale land clearing繁荣,茂盛flourish环保政策environmentally friendly policies环境保护environmental protection毁林deforestation经济利益economic interests景点tourist attraction可持续性发展sustainable development可更新的,可恢复的renewable旅游胜地tourist resort灭绝die out铺张浪费浪费squander, be extravagant, be profuse in 栖息地habitats栖息地被毁habitat destruction商业化commercialization奢侈luxury生存survival生态平衡ecological balance生态系统ecosystem生物creature使和谐reconcile适者生存survival of the fittest维护,保护safeguard野生动植物保护wild life preservation野生生物资源保护wildlife conservation依赖,依靠depend upon娱乐公园amusement park植物plant主题公园theme park自然景观natural scenery自然选择,物竞天择说natural selection广告广告媒体advertisement media黑白广告black and white advertisement漂浮广告floating logo旗帜广告banner全屏广告full screen advertisement网上广告online advertisement文字链接广告text link(电视节目中间插播的)广告commercial 都市风景cityscape劝诱induce被动地passively被困于,被困扰be beset with被阻止的,不通的,中断的interrupted编造的fictitious不健康的生活方式unwholesome lifestyle不可缺少的,绝对必要的indispensable不能想象的,难以相信的inconceivable不正当的竞争unhealthy competition插入insert插入人们的正常生活to interfere in people's normal life 成为牺牲品fall victim to诚实,完整性integrity诚实的,说实话的truthful充斥着广告thick with commercials and advertisement 传达convey传递信息to deliver messages纯洁性purity促销sales promotion错误的,无信义的false错误的信息wrong message打断to interrupt打扰的,插入的intrusive单调的,无变化的monotonous抵御resist跟风follow suit购物狂shopaholics顾客的利益in customers' interests广告的海洋 a flood of advertisements广告牌billboard广告业,广告advertising广告业the advertising industry夸大,夸张exaggerate盲从follow like sheep没有远见的short-sighted媒体media名牌famous brand铺张浪费extravagance and waste铺张浪费的消费习惯wasteful consumerism 普及popularize欺骗deceive欺骗大众trick the public日用品commodity商品goods商品merchandise推销产品promote products违反事实flying in the face of truth无所不在的omnipresent误传的,不如实叙述的misrepresented误导的misleading吸引人的appealing洗脑brainwashing诱惑temptation支配,占主要地位dominate控制不住购买欲望的人compulsive consumer 制造业者,厂商manufacturer质量差low quality转嫁transfer转嫁到shift on to装饰ornament, decoration自夸boast交通运输交通工具,车辆vehicle空气污染air pollution汽车automobile交通堵塞traffic congestion人力车rickshaw交通堵塞traffic jam小巴minibus交通事故traffic accident渡船ferry交通警察traffic police飞行器aircraft交通信号灯traffic lights航天飞机space shuttle交通标志traffic sigh航空母舰aircraft carrier交通管制traffic control双层巴士double-decker bus交通法规highway code(美)地铁subway交通安全岛traffic island refuge(英)地铁underground交通部Ministry of Communications (法)地铁metro有毒气体poisonous fume机场airport高速公路freeway污染pollution高速交通工具rapid高速火车bullet train斑马线zebra stripes西二环路the west second circle road 交通干线artery traffic主干道trunk road车行道carriage-way超速over-speed, excessive speed辅助车道lane auxiliary超速行驶speeding双车道two-way traffic超车道overtaking road自行车通行cyclists only繁忙的交通heavy traffic单行道one way only收费运输charged traffic窄路narrow road空中交通air traffic潮湿路滑slippery when wet封锁交通barring traffic陡坡steep hill客运passenger traffic不平整路rough road繁忙的运输dense traffic弯路curve / bend road联运direct traffic连续弯路winding road国内运输domestic traffic之字路double bend road货运fright traffic道路交叉点road junction港口交通harbor traffic十字路cross road交通规则traffic regulation左/右转turn left / right路标guide post靠左/右keep left / right里程碑milestone慢驶slow停车标志mark car stop速度speed红绿灯traffic light速度限制speed limit自动红绿灯automatic traffic signal light 恢复速度resume speed红/绿/黄灯red / green / amber light禁止通行no through traffic交通岗traffic post此路不通blocked岗亭police box不准驶入no entry打手势pantomime不准超越keep in line; no overhead单行线single line不准掉头no turns双程线dual carriage-way让车道passing bay交通规则traffic regulation里程碑milestone自行车道bikeway超速excessive speed速度限制speed limit禁止通行no through traffic封锁的blocked不准驶入no entry回路loop安全岛safety island停车处parking place私人车停车处private car park不准停车restricted stop不准滞留restricted waiting临街停车parking on-street街外停车parking off-street交通堵塞traffic jam,congestion执照被记违章endorsed on driving license 危险驾驶dangerous driving追尾rear-end collision疲劳驾驶fatigue driving闯红灯run red light酒后驾驶drink driving强行超车dangerous lane change移民与留学移民immigrate挑战challenges稳定的政局stable politics长期目标overall goals短期计划short-term plans膳食accommodation继续生存survival满足的content自我发展self-development实现梦想fulfill one's dream独一无二的机会unique opportunity有冒险精神的adventurous体验生活experience life着迷的obsessed职业的前途career prospect权力大的high-powered有挑战的challenging交新朋友making new friends文化适应cultural adaptation改善生活条件improve living standards事业心重的career-minded语言障碍language barrier不满足的dissatisfied文化差异cultural differences爱好hobby本地语音local accent不同的教育研究体系different system of education and research 沉浸immerse调整adjustment, adjust to仿效emulate感情脆弱的sentimental感情交流emotional exchanges坚强的意志strong willpower兼职part-time job交朋友make friends with进行特殊的疗法undergo specialtherapies经济负担financial burden沮丧,消沉depression开放的open-minded乐观的optimistic歧视discrimination气馁的,沮丧的downcast请教,咨询consult势利的人snob适应,调节adjust to适应文化acculturate文化震惊cultural shock习惯get used to消遣pastime兴高采烈地in high spirits寻求专业的建议和治疗seek professional advice and treatment 压力strain疑惑confused优越,高傲superiority愉快的,高兴的cheerful在食堂吃饭eat in the university cafeteria遭遇to encounter住宿accommodation, boarding自卑inferiority音乐民间音乐folk music振奋人心的stimulating摇滚乐rock and roll说唱rap流行音乐popular music音乐人musician爵士乐jazz版权copyright说唱rap抓住grab轻音乐light music爵士乐jazz古典音乐classical music说唱音乐rap乡村与西部音乐country and western music 作曲家composer歌迷fan / groupy领唱lead a chorus演唱会concert合唱chorus旋律melody无伴奏合唱a cappella节奏rhythm a合奏ensemble怀旧的nostalgic伴奏accompaniment偶像idol/icon独奏solo给人以安慰的soothing合唱chorus具有表现力的expressive拍子beat音乐会concert歌词lyrics歌剧opera经纪人agent摇滚乐rock充满激情的passionate布鲁斯blues指挥conductor传统音乐traditional music舞曲dancing music校园歌曲campus song民族音乐national music民歌folk song艺术歌曲art song交响乐,交响曲symphony卡拉OK caraoke / karaoke忧郁的black, blue, dumpish, dusky 充满活力的energetic悦耳的pleasant作曲者,作曲家composer专辑album喇叭,号,管horn小号,小喇叭trumpet号角,军号bugle口琴mouth organa小提琴violin中提琴viola大提琴cello竖琴harp吉他guitar电吉他electric guitar萨克斯管saxophone一套现代鼓modern drum hit钢琴piano手风琴accordion图书馆目录catalogue (under titles/authors/subjects) 种类category把……借出来charge out登记并借出check out分类classification只读不借closed reserved期限date slip/deadline/date of expiry借书台delivery desk/circulation desk应付费due在书库里in circulation期刊、日报journal借出lend图书馆长librarian借书卡library card/admission card报纸newspaper不外借not for circulation在书架上on the shelf开架/闭架书库open/closed shelves过期并交罚款overdue and pay a fine定期刊物periodical(magazines and journals) 续借renew预借reserve/book及时归还return in time卡片目录card catalogues电脑终端computer terminals数字信息digital information数字媒体digital medium数字技术digital technology电子数据库electronic database电子版本electronic version图书馆服务library service可移动的图书馆movable library新发明new innovation在线图书online book在线目录online catalogues逐步淘汰phase out传统图书馆traditional libraries虚拟图书馆virtual library废寝忘食to forget about meals and sleep获取知识to obtain knowledge寻求知识to seek for knowledge安静的环境quiet environment积累知识accumulate knowledge书虫book worm脑力工作brain work思路清晰clearing thinking培养准确性develop accuracy培养阅读速度develop reading speed泛读extensive learning找到特定的信息find specific information个人学习individual study精读intensive learning扫读scanning跳读skimming跳读skim through自学study by oneself国家图书馆library national市图书馆library municipal大众图书馆public library学校图书馆school library儿童图书馆children's library借书证reader's card, admission card开架式open shelves闭架式closed shelves发达的图书馆系统well-developed library system通过阅读得到答案work out an answer for oneself by reading大学图书馆college library, university library, academic library 开放时间opening hours, hours of service, hours of loan service住宅居住区residential quarters衣柜wardrobe公寓flat双层床bunk bed单层公寓single-storey house 梳妆台dressing table多层建筑multi-storey building 茶几tea table别墅villa书架bookshelf房地产real estate鱼缸fish tank车库garage吊灯pendent lamp客厅living room盆栽potted plant餐厅dining room壁灯wall lamps浴室bathroom水槽sink书房study洗脸盆wash basin壁橱closet浴缸tub地下室cellar下水道sewer窗沿windowsill阁楼attic五斗柜chest of drawers走廊aisle陈列柜display cabinet管道pipeline打地基to lay the foundations摩天大楼skyscraper排房terraced house平房ranch house, single-story house城市规划town planning, city planning城市居民townsman,citizen城市生活city life城市生活的townie城镇特有的townish厨房kitchen建筑风格building style经典建筑classical architecture精心的布局ingenious layout欧洲风格European style欧洲古典式建筑European classical architecture 日式风格Japanese style西方文化影响influence of western culture园林建筑garden architecture体育与健身慢跑jogging体育馆stadium游泳swimming健身器械exercise equipment球类运动playing ball games运动场playground登山mountain climbing可望取胜者favourite滑冰skating无取胜希望者outsider滑雪skiing冠军赛,锦标赛championship打太极拳practise taiji quan冠军champion有氧运动aerobics纪录record自行车运动cycling纪录创造者record holder健康饮食keep a healthy diet运动场stadium劳逸结合keep balance of work and rest 跑道track圈ring健身俱乐部health club / fitness center 场地ground, field游泳池swimming pool(足球、橄榄球)场地pitch健身房gym网球场court队team, side领队guide业余运动员,爱好者amateur教练,技术指导instructor运动员contestant, competitor, player 健康良好be in good health迷,爱好者enthusiast, fan健康不佳be in poor health田径运动track-and-field乒乓球table tennis羽毛球badminton足球football象棋chess台球biliiards水球water polo跳水diving划皮艇canoeing骑自行车运动cycle racing曲棍球hockey橄榄球rugby篮球basketball网球tennis高尔夫球golf世界大学生运动会the Universidad 锦标赛(联赛)tournament冠军称号championship体育馆gymnasium篮球场basketball court排球场volleyball court平局a tie裁判referee拉拉队cheering section创新innovation刺激物stimulant减压relieve stress毅力perseverance疲劳fatigue。

雅思考试口语常用短语想要在雅思口语考试手做到对答如流,平时的练习和积累是必不可少的,为了帮助大家提高口语能力,准备了雅思考试口语常用短语,希望能帮到大家!1.I see what your mean.我了解你的意思.2.I can’t do this.我不能这么做.3.Let me e某plain why I was late.让我解释迟到的理由.4.Let’s have a beer or something.我们喝点啤酒什么的.5.Where is your office?你们的办公室在哪?6.What is your plan?你的计划是什么?7.When is the store closing?这家店什么时候结束营业?9.Am I allowed to stay out past 10?我可以十点过后再回家吗?10.The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is now over yet.会议原定了两个小时,不过现在还没有结束.11.Tom’s birthday is this week.汤姆的生日就在这个星期.12.Would you care to see it/sit down for a while?你要不要看/坐一会呢?13.How nice/pretty/cold/funny/stupid/boring/interesting.14.How about going out for dinner?出去吃晚餐怎样?15.I’m sorry that you didn’t get the job.很遗憾,你没有得到那份工作.16.I’m afraid that it’s not going to work out.我恐怕这事不会成的.18.Is it okay to smoke in the office?在办公室里抽烟可以吗?19.It was kind of e某citing.有点剌激.20.I know what you want.我知道你想要什么.21.Is that why you don’t want to go home?这就是你不想回家的原因吗?22.I’m sure we can get you a great/good deal.我很肯定我们可以帮你做成一笔好交易.23.Would you help me with the report?你愿意帮我写报告吗?24.I didn’t know he was the richest person in the world.我不知道他是世界上最有钱的人.26.I’m an office worker.我是上班族.27.I work for the government.我在府机关做事.28.I’m happy to meet you.很高兴见到你.29.I like your sense of humor.我喜欢你的幽默感.30.I’m glad to see you again.很高兴再次见到你.32.I feel like sleeping/taking a walk.我想睡/散步.33.I want something to eat.我想吃点东西.34.I need your help.我需要你的.帮助.35.I would like to talk to you for a minute.我想和你谈一下.36.I have a lot of problems.我有很多问题.38.I’m looking forward to seeing you.我期望见到你.39.I’m supposed to go on a diet/get a raise.我应该节食/涨工资.40.I heard that you’re getting married.Congratulations.听说你要结婚了,恭喜!41.I’ll have to ask my boss/wife first.我必须先问一下我的老板/老婆.42.I take it you don’t agree.这么说来,我认为你是不同意.43.I tried losing weight, but nothing worked.我曾试着减肥,但是毫无效果.44.It doesn’t make any sense to get up so early.那么早起来没有任何意义.45.It took years of hard work to speak good English.讲一口流利的英语需要多年的刻苦操练.46.It feels like spring/I’ve been here before.感觉好象春天到了/我以前来过这里.47.I wonder if they can make it.我在想他们是不是能办得到.48.It’s not as cold/hot as it was yesterday.今天不想昨天那么冷/热.49.It’s not his work that bothers me; it’s his attitude.困扰我的不是他的工作,而是他的态度.50.It sounds like you enjoyed it.听起来你好象蛮喜欢的.51.It seems to me that be would like to go back home.我觉得他好象想要回家.52.It looks very nice.看起来很漂亮.53.Is everything under control?一切都在掌握之中吗?54.I thought you could do a better job.我以为你的表现会更好.56.The show is supposed to be good.这场表演应当是相当好的.57.It really depends on who is in charge.那纯粹要看谁负责了.58.It involves a lot of hard work.那需要很多的辛勤工作.59.That might be in your favor.那可能对你有利.60.I didn’t realize how much this meant to you.我不知道这个对你的意义有这么大.61.I didn’t mean to offend you.我不是故意冒犯你.62.I was wondering if you were doing anything this weekend.我想知道这个周末你有什么要做.63.May I have your attention., please?请大家注意一下.64.This is great golfing/swimming/picnic weather.这是个打高尔夫球/游泳/野餐的好天气.65.Thanks for taking me the movie.谢谢你带我去看电影.66.I am too tired to speak.我累得说不出活来.68.Where did you learn to speak English?你从哪里学会说英语的呢?69.There is a TV show about AIDS on right now.电视正在播放一个关于艾滋病的节目.70.What do you think of his new job/this magazine?你对他的新工作/这本杂志看法怎样?71.Can you cover for me on Friday/help me/tell me how to get there?星期五能不能请你替我个班/你能帮我吗/你能告诉我到那里怎么走吗?72.Could you do me a big favor?能否请你帮我个忙?73.He is crazy about Crazy English.他对疯狂英语很着迷.74.Can you imagine how much he paid for that car?你能想象他买那车花了多少钱吗?75.Can you believe that I bought a TV for $25?76.Did you know he was having an affair/cheating on his wife?你知道他有外遇了吗?/欺骗他的妻子吗?77.Did you hear about the new project?你知道那个新项目吗?78.Do you realize that all of these shirts are half off?你知道这些衬衫都卖半价了吗?79.Are you mind if I take tomorrow off?你介意我明天请假吗?80.I enjoy working with you very much.我很喜欢和你一起工作.81.Did you know that Stone ended up marrying his secretary?你知道吗?斯通最终和他的秘书结婚了.82.Let’s get together for lunch.让我们一起吃顿午餐吧.83.How did you do on your test?你这次考试的结果怎样?85.How was your weekend ?你周末过得怎么样?86.Here is my card.这是我的名片.89.Have you ever driven a BMW?你有没有开过“宝马”?90.How about if we go tomorrow instead?我们改成明天去怎么样?91.How do you like Hong Kong?你喜欢香港吗?92.How do you want your steak?你的牛排要几分熟?93.How did the game turn out?球赛结果怎样?94.How did Mary make all of her money?玛丽所有的钱是怎么赚到的?95.How was your date?你的约会怎么样?96.How are you doing with your new boss?你跟你的新上司处得怎样?97.How should I tell him the bad news?我该怎样告诉他这个坏消息?98.How much money did you make?你赚了多少钱?99.How much does it cost to go abroad?出国要多少钱?100.How long will it take to get to your house?到你家要多久?1、a change of pace 改变步调;换口味You can't do these chemistry e某periments all day long.You certainly need achange of pace.2、a far cry from 相距甚远The published book is a far cry from the early manuscript.3、and how 的确A:She's a good dancer.B:And how.If you need my help, do let me know.Just remember I am a phone callaway.6、a while back 不久以前Well, I listened to that CD you lent me a while back.7、all along 一直I knew it all along.8、anything but 绝对不I was anything but happy about going.9、account for 解释How do you account for it?10、after all 毕竟;终究A:I've just seen the X-rays and your teeth look just fine.B:I see.Then there is nothing to worry about after all.11、allergic to 对……过敏Oh man! Something in this room is making my eyes itch.I must be allergicto something.12、at sb's service 愿人服务13、around the clock 24小时不停Martha studied around the clock for management e某am.14、as far as I know 就我所知But as far as I know, he once won the world champion at the OlympicGames.15、at home with 对……很熟悉She is at home with problems like this.16、back out 退出A:Wasn't Bert supposed to sing tonight?B:Yes, but he backed out at last minute.17、be cut out for 适合于,有做事物的天赋She is cut out for a dancer.18、be absorbed in 全神贯注于事物She has been absorbed in a horrorfiction.I can't tear her away.19、be addicted to 对事物上瘾She has been addicted to drugs for years.20、be attached to 对事物有感情A:I'm amazed that you are still driving that old car of yours.I thoughtyou would have gotten rid of it years ago.B:It runs well and I've actually been quite attached to it.1.abide by忠于;遵守.2.be absentfrom.缺席,不在3.absence or mind 心不在焉4.absorb吸引的注意力be absorbed in 全神贯注于近:be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on5.abundant in 富于,富有6.access 能接近,进入,了解7.by accident偶然地,意外.Without accident 安全地,8.of ones own accord自愿地 ,主动地9.in accord with 与一致.out of ones accord with 同.不一致10.with one accord 一致地11.in accordance with 依照,根据12.on ones own account1)为了人的`缘故,为了人自己的利益2)自行负责3)依靠自己 on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account不论什么原因也不;of account 有重要性.13.takeinto account把考虑进去14.give sb.an account of 说明, 解释15.account for 解释, 说明.1.I have part of the fault.我也有责任.2.distract her with a doll 拿娃娃哄她开心3.they are all well received 收到的反响都很好4.talk you up 说你的好话5.stand firm to 努力坚持6.I was just leering 我只是用余光看看anize my thoughts整理思绪8.get a little preoccupied 事先有事9.no way to recover 没有掩饰的.机会了10.bouncy 活泼11.Intern 实习生12.mug抢劫13.drug dealer 子14.admire your candor你还真胆大15.we are rolling摄像机正在拍摄16.hairnet发罩17.go through this stack 看看这一叠18.are you spying on me?你监视我?19.just messing with you!跟你开玩笑呢!20.enough is enough!闹够了Describe your favorite bookDescribe a book you want to write Describe a newspaper or magazine Describe a photoDescribe a giftDescribe something important to youDescribe a paintingDescribe a piece of cloth or jewelryDescribe something e某pensive that you want to buy Describe a handicraftDescribe a piece of art workDescribe a piece of traditional clothesDescribe a petDescribe a wild animalDescribe a letterDescribe a toyDescribe a dish that you likeDescribe awebsiteyou often go toDescribe a way of transportationDescribe a happy eventDescribe a family eventDescribe a piece of good family newsDescribe a success in your lifeDescribe an important decision in your lifeby accident偶然on account of 因为,由于in addition to 除之外on average 平均,一般来说on the basis of 根据,在的基础上at best充其量,至多on business因公,因事in any case无论如何,总之in case of 假使,万一in case假如,以防免得in no case决不by chance 偶然,碰巧in charge of 负责,主管in conclusion 最后,总之on condition that在条件下in connection with/to 关于in consequence 因此,结果in consequence of 由于的缘故on the contrary 反之,正相反in contrast with/to 与成对照under control被控制住at all costs不惜任何代价at the cost of 以为代价in the course of 在过程中,在期间in detail 详细地in difficulties 处境困难on earth 究竟,到底at all events 无论如何1.the contrary 相反2.contrary to与相反3.contribute to 有助于4.conceive of想象,设想5ply with遵守, 依从6.on business 出差办事st but one 倒数第二8.but for要不是.表示假设9.concentrate on集中,专心10.take the floor 起立发言11.be concerned with与有关12.be busy doing sth.忙于做事13.buy sth.formoney 用多少钱买14.concern oneself about with 关心15.to ones hearts content尽情地,痛痛快快16.be consistent with与一致.be consistent in一贯的`17.be content with满足于be content to do sth.愿意做事18.consult sb.on about sth.向征求方面的意见, 就向请教19.be capable of 能够,有能力be capable of being +过去分词是能够被的20.contrast to 和形成对比 by contrast 对比之下 contrastwith 把与相对(对照)1.allow for 考虑到, 估计到.2.amount to 总计,等于.3.answer for 对负责.4.answer to 适合,符合.1.be an某ious about 为焦急不安; 或an某ious for6.apologize to sb.for sth.为向道歉2337.appeal to sb.for sth.事向人呼吁.appeal to sb.对人有吸引力8.apply to sb.for sth.为向申请 ;apply for申请; apply to 适用.9.apply to 与有关;适用10.approve of 赞成, approve vt.批准11.arisefrom由引起.12.arrange for sb./sth.to do sth.安排做13.arrive on 到达; arrive at 到达地;得出,作出; arrive in 到达地;14.be ashamed of 以为羞耻15.assure sb.of sth.向保证, 使确信.1.abide by忠于;遵守.2.be absentfrom.缺席,不在3.absence or mind 心不在焉4.absorb吸引的.注意力:be absorbed in 全神贯注于近:be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on5.abundant in 富于,富有6.access 能接近,进入,了解7.by accident偶然地,意外.Without accident 安全地,8.of ones own accord自愿地 ,主动地9.in accord with 与一致.out of ones accord with 同.不一致10.with one accord 一致地11.in accordance with 依照,根据12.on ones own account 1) 为了人的缘故, 为了人自己的利益 2) 自行负责 3)依靠自己 on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account不论什么原因也不;of account 有..重要性.13.takeinto account把...考虑进去14.give sb.an account of 说明, 解释15.account for 解释, 说明.1.on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机2.boast of 吹嘘3.out of breath 喘不过气来4.in brief简言之5.in bulk 成批地,不散装的6.take the floor 起立发言7.on business 出差办事.8.be busy with sth.于事.be busy doing sth.忙于做事st but one 倒数第二.10.but for 要不是.表示假设11.buy sth.formoney 用多少钱买12.be capable of 能够, 有能力 be capable of being +过去分词:是能够被的13.in any case无论如何14.in case 万一;15.in case of 如果发生万一 in the case of 至于, 就而言。

雅思7分288个词汇总结-摘录自环球雅思总校慎小嶷老师10天雅思写作丛书EDUCATION1传授知识impart(vt.)/inculcate(vt.) knowledge灌输高尚的道德观instill(vt.) high moral values (注意values复数表示价值观)给学生以动力give the students motivation to do sth.Motivate the students to do sth.给学生以灵感stimulate the students’ thoughtgive the students inspiration培养(某种素质)cultivate/foster/nurture(vts.)促进学生身心的发展promote the student’s phys ical/mental/ intellectual and emotional development/ growth心理健康psychological soundness/ well-being/welfare(adjs)塑造某人的性格mould(BrE,vt) one’s character责任感 a sense of obligation能力(先天获得) aptitude/talant能力(后天学习得到)ability/skill2学生接受的学校教育(n)schooling(n)儿童接受的家庭教育(n)upbringing(n) parenting(n)教学法methodology/pedagogical methodology用填鸭式教学来教育学生force-feed(vt.) the students学生不应该只是被动的接受简单知识的容器Students should not be treated as passive receptacles of predigested ideas死记硬背learn things by rote为了记忆而记忆memorise(BrE) for memorisation’s own sake以及方程式,公式,定理,定律memorise(vt.) equations,formulas,theorems and laws(nouns)应用apply盲从follow something blindly/indiscriminately(advs)限制创造力的发展extinguish(vt.)/stifle(vt.)/constrain(vt.) creativity(noun)打击学生的积极性dampen/sap(vts) the students’ emthusiasm/frustrate the students产生不必要的压力beget/create undue pressure3把学生分开教育(如根据课堂上的表现)segregate(vt.) students来自于其他同学的压力peer pressure适应(v)adapt to sth./adjust oneself to sth./become accustomed to sth.适应能力adaptability逆境adverse circumstances/adversity团队精神team spirit(n)独立思考think independently(adv)在理解的基础上学习learn things through understanding鼓励学生用辩证的眼光看问题encourage students to think critically(adv)学生的反馈students’ feedback/input学生评价老师的教学students appraise/evaluate(vts) their teachers’ performanceappraisal=evaluation学生对老师所教知识的掌握students’ grasp/command(n) of what has been taught4学生学习的各门功课加在一起称为curriculum(n)具体一门课叫syllabus(课程大纲)课外活动叫extra-curricular activities学校是社会的缩影 a school is society in miniature不遵守纪律(n) indiscipline/misbehavior/mischief(n)/misbehavior不遵守纪律(daj)的学生disruptive/unruly students5理论知识theoretical knowledge就业技能employable/marketable skills通才generalist专才specialist全面发展的well-rounded/versatile(adj)为社会健康发展作贡献contribute to societal(adj) well-being(n)/welfare(n)6大学学科的分类可以分为人文学科(文学,历史语言学等)humanities社会学科(政治经济学社会学的)social sciences艺术(音乐雕塑等)arts文科也可以总称为liberal arts/ liberal studies理科(物理化学生物学等)sciences工科(工程自动化等)engineering大学里任何一个学科都有可以叫discipline交叉学科inter discipline基础科学basic sciences应用科学applied sciences小学教育primary-level education中学教育secondary-level education大学教育tertiary-level education职业教育vocational education/training青少年(复数)youths/youngsters/adolescentsTechnology1生物技术biotechnology克隆cloning (n) clone(v)远程通讯telecommunications(n)尖端的技术cutting-edge(adj) technology信息爆炸information exposion/overload信息时代the information age/era互联网被广泛的应用the proliferation(n) of the Internet太空探索(n)space exploration一个人的基因构成one’s genetic makeup/ one’s DNA prog ramming2科技创新与发展technological innovations/inventions/advances/progression(n)提高效率augment/enhance/boost(vts) efficiency提高生产效率augment/enhance/boost productivity减少人力的机器(计算机发明之前的技术)labor-saving machinery取代人力的机器(计算机发明之后的技术)labor-replacing machinery自动化automation(n)/ automated(adj)3彻底变革transform/revolutionise(vts)/ fundamentally change sth.以一种史无前例的速度向前发展advance/progress(vis) at an unprecedented(adj) rate如果要说以一种让人震惊的速度向前发展,只要把unprecedented改成astonishing staggering 如果要说正以一种很快的速度向前发展sth is advancing by leaps and bounds产生深远的影响create/produce/generate/breed/spawn(vts)/result in/lead to/profound(adj)/far-reaching(adj)/prevasive(adj)influence/impact/bearing/implications/repercussions(n)Media1侵犯隐私violate/intrude on/infringe on someone’s privacy破坏某人的名誉tarnish/sully/smear/besmirch(vts) one’s reputation狗仔队paparazzi(复数名词不再加s)新闻界the press印刷媒体(如报纸杂志)the print media报道新闻的机构news outlets电子媒体the electronic media名人 a celebrity/celebrities(plu)时事current affairs丑闻scandals无处不在prevalent/ubiquitous/pervasive(adj)2审查censor(vt)删除delete/elimminate/excise(vts)/obliterate过多的暴力与色情内容excessive/gratuitous violent and pornographic(adjs) contents报道非常详尽的细节report sth. In graphic detail媒体炒作(n)media hype有误导性的misleading/misreprsented/distorted(adjs)诈骗性的fraudulent(adj)虚假的false/bogus(adjs)夸大事实exaggerate(vt) things/sensationalise(vt) things/blow things out of all proportions(最后一个比较口语用作文也可以)充斥着be awash with/be inundated with/be saturated with sth.掩盖(丑闻或罪行等)cover up/gloss over/whitewash不客观的,不公正的biased/skewed/unobjective(adjs)3 如实的报道factual accounts(n)可信的reliable/trustworthy/dependable客观公正的objective and balanced(adjs)及时的up-to-the-minute(adj)/up-to-date(adj) 前者比后者更加及时信息量大的informative娱乐性强的entertaining(adj)有新闻价值的newsworthy(adj)监督scrutiny(n)/scrutinize(vt)/monitor(vt)揭露expose/reveal(vts)道德准则(n)code of ethics/code of conduct/moral codeGovernment1当局authorities(n)老百姓citizens/the citizenry规范,管理regulate/administer/overse(vts)实施implement(vt)立法legislate(vi)/make laws民主与开放的政府 a democratic and progressive government严禁(v) strictly prohibit/ban altogether严格的法律stringent laws/legislation规章制度rules and regulations2为。

雅思7分短语汇总1. a big headache 令人头痛的事情2. a fraction of 一部分3. a matter of concern 焦点4. a series of 一系列,一连串 above all 首先, 尤其是5. absent from 不在,缺席6. abundant in 富于7. account for 解释8. accuse sb. of sth. 控告9. add to 增加(add up to)10. after all 毕竟,究竟11. agree with 同意12. ahead of time / schedule 提前13. ahead of 在...之前 (ahead of time 提前)14. alien to 与...相反15. all at once 突然, 同时16. all but 几乎;除了...都17. all of a sudden 突然18. all over again 再一次,重新19. all over 遍及20. all right 令人满意的;可以21. all the same 仍然,照样的22. all the time 一直,始终23. angry with sb. at/about sth. 生气,愤怒24. anxious about/for 忧虑,担心25. anything but 根本不26. apart from 除...外(有/无)27. appeal to 吸引,申诉,请求28. applicable to 适用于29. apply to 适用30. appropriate for/to 适当,合适31. approximate to 近似,接近32. apt at 聪明,善于33. apt to 易于34. around the clock 夜以继日35. as a matter of fact 实际上36. as a result(of) 因此, 由于37. as a rule 通常,照例38. as far as ...be concerned 就...而言39. as far as 远至,到...程度40. as follows 如下 41. as for 至于,关于42. as good as 和...几乎一样43. as if 好像,防腐44. as regards 关于,至于45. as to 至于,关于46. as usual 像平常一样,照例47. as well as 除...外(也), 即...又48. as well 同样,也,还49. ashamed of 羞愧,害臊50. aside from 除...外(还有)51. ask for the moon 异想天开52. at a loss 茫然,不知所措53. at a time 一次,每次54. at all costs 不惜一切代价55. at all events 不管怎样,无论如何56. at all times 随时,总是57. at all 丝毫(不),一点也不58. at any rate 无论如何,至少59. at best 充其量,至多60. at first sight 乍一看,初看起来61. at first 最初,起先62. at hand 在手边,在附近63. at heart 内心里,本质上64. at home 在家,在国内65. at intervals 不时,每隔...66. at large 大多数,未被捕获的67. at last 终于68. at least 至少69. at length 最终,终于70. at most 至多,不超过71. at no time 从不,决不72. at one time 曾经,一度;同时73. at present 目前,现在74. at someone's disposal 任...处理75. at the cost of 以...为代价76. at the mercy of 任凭...摆布77. at the moment 此刻, 目前78. at this rate 照此速度79. at times 有时, 间或80. aware of 意识到81. back and forth 来回地,反复地82. back of 在...后面83. back up 后备,支援84. bare of 几乎没有,缺乏85. be able to do 能够86. be around 差不多87. be available to sb. 可用,可供88. be bound to 一定89. be capable of doing 能够90. be concerned with 关心…,涉足…91. be dying to 渴望92. be fed up with 受够了 be tired of93. be in hospital 住院94. be in season 上市的/in peak season 旺季95. be in the mood to do sth. 想做96. be pressed for time 时间不够97. be tied up with 忙于98. be under the weather 身体不好99. beat around the bush 拐弯没角100. beat the crowd 避开人群101. before long 不久以后102. behind schedule 误点103. bent on sth. 下定决心做…104. beside point 离题的,不相干的105. beyond one's ability 超越某人的能力106. beyond question 毫无疑问107. book on reserve 须留的图书108. booked up 订完了109. bound for 开往110. break down 抛锚111. break though 突破112. break up with 和某人分手 be through with / be finished with113. bring about 使…发生114. bring someone up to date 帮某人赶上help someone catch up115. by accident 偶然116. by air 通过航空途径117. by all means 尽一切办法,务必118. by and by 不久,迟早119. by chance 偶然,碰巧120. by far 最,...得多121. by hand 用手,用体力122. by itself 自动地,独自地123. by means of 用,依靠124. by mistake 错误地,无意地125. by no means 决不,并没有126. by oneself 单独地,独自地127. by reason of 由于128. by the way 顺便说说129. by virtue of 借助, 由于130. by way of 经由,通过...方法131. call off 取消132. call on 号召,邀请,点某人的名,拜访133. capable of 能够134. careful of/about/with 小心,注意135. certain of /about 确信,肯定136. chair a meeting 主持会议137. charge sb. with sth. 控告138. clear of 没有,不接触139. clever at 善于140. close to 接近,亲近141. come in contact with 与…取得联系142. come out of sth. alive 大难不死143. come up (with) 提出,拿出144. comparable to/with 比作/比较145. conscious of 察觉到,意识到146. consequent on 随之而来147. considerate towards 体谅,体贴148. contemporary with 与... 同时代149. content with 满足于150. contrary to 违反151. cost someone an arm and a leg 代价很大152. count down 倒计时153. count one's chickens before they are hatched 过于乐观154. count on 依靠155. count on 依靠156. count the day 期待157. count the day 期待158. counter to 与...相反159. crazy about 热衷,着迷160. critical of 挑剔,批评161. cry in one's beer 借酒消愁162. cry on one's shoulder 依靠163. curious about 好奇,想知道164. cut down on 减少165. cut down 削减166. cut in 插入167. cut off 切断168. cut out 切除169. cut someone short 打断170. cut through 抄近路171. cut up 切碎172. die out 灭绝173. distinct from 种类(风格)不同174. do the laundry 洗衣服175. doubtful of /about 怀疑176. drop by / in 顺路拜访177. due to 由于, 因为178. each other 互相179. easier said than done 说起来容易做起来难180. east of 在...东面181. equal to 相等,胜任182. equivalent to 等于,相当于183. essential to/for 必不可少184. even if/though 即使,虽然185. ever so 非常,极其186. every now and then 时而,偶尔187. every other 每隔一个的188. except for 除了...外189. expert at/in/on 善于190. face to face 面对面地191. faculty members 教职员工192. faithful to 忠实于193. fall flat 平躺在地上194. familiar to sb 为...所熟悉195. familiar with sth 熟悉,通晓196. far from 远非,远离197. fatal to 致命的198. favorable to 支持,赞成199. fearful of 惧怕200. feel at home 熟悉201. feel blue 心情不好202. feel free to 随便203. figure out sth. 解决204. fit for 适于205. flat tire 轮胎没气206. flat tire 轮胎没气207. fond of 喜欢208. for ever 永远209. for good 永久地210. for the better 好转211. for the moment 暂时, 目前212. for the present 暂时, 目前213. for the sake of 为了,为了... 的利益214. for the time being 暂时,眼下215. foreign to 非...所原有216. free of /from 未受...;免费217. free with 康慨,大方218. from time to time 有时,不时219. full up 客满220. get a bargain 买到便宜货221. get nowhere with 毫无进展222. get over 恢复223. get used to 习惯于224. give off 发出225. give someone a big hand 为某人鼓掌226. give someone a hand 帮忙227. go about sth. 开始做…228. go after 追求229. go ahead 同意做某事230. go by 遵守231. go down 下降,往下传232. go for 竭尽全力做233. go into 进入,开始从事234. go off 出发235. go out 熄灭,外出236. go over 复习237. go over 复习,从头到尾检查一遍238. go round/around 足够分配239. go sightseeing 去观光240. go steady with 和某人确定关系241. go through 从头到尾242. go without 单独243. guilty of 有...罪的244. had better 最好245. hand in hand 手拉手 ,密切关联246. hang up 挂断247. have one's hands full248. have the final say 有决定权249. head on 迎面地,正面的250. heart and soul 全心全意地251. hold out for sth. 坚持要求252. hold up 坚持253. hold water 站得住脚254. how about ... 怎么样255. how come 怎么会256. hungry for 渴望257. ignorant of 不知道258. impatient at sth. 不耐烦259. impatient for 急切,渴望260. impatient of 无法容忍261. in (the)light of 鉴于, 由于262. in a hurry 匆忙,急于263. in a moment 立刻,一会儿264. in a sense 从某种意义上说265. in a way 在某种程度上266. in a word 简言之,总之267. in accordance with 与...一致,按照268. in addition to 除...之外(还) 269. in addition 另外,加之270. in advance 预先,事先271. in all 总共,合计272. in any case 无论如何273. in any event 无论如何274. in brief 简单地说275. in case of 假如,防备276. in charge of 负责,总管277. in common 共用的,共有的278. in consequence(of) 因此;由于279. in debt 欠债,欠情280. in detail 详细地281. in difficulty 处境困难282. in effect 实际上,事实上283. in favor of 支持,赞成284. in front of 面对,在...前285. in general 一般来说,大体上286. in half 成两半287. in hand 在进行中,待办理288. in honor of 为庆祝,为纪念289. in itself 本质上,就其本身而言290. in line with 与...一致291. in memory of 纪念292. in no case 决不293. in no time 立即,马上294. in no way 决不295. in order 按顺序,按次序296. in other words 换句话说297. in part 部分地298. in particular 特别,尤其299. in person 亲自,本人300. in place of 代替,取代,交换301. in place 在合适的位置302. in practice 在实践中,实际上303. in proportion to 与...成比例304. in public 公开地,当众305. in quantity 大量306. in question 正在谈论的307. in regard to 关于,至于308. in relation to 关于,涉及309. in return for 作为对...报答310. in return 作为报答/回报/交换311. in short 简言之,总之312. in sight 被见到;在望313. in spite of 尽管314. in step with 与...一致/协调315. in tears 流着泪,在哭着316. in terms of317. in the company / wake of 随着318. in the course of 在...期间/过程中319. in the distance 在远处320. in the end 最后,终于321. in the event of 如果...发生,万一322. in the face of 即使;在...面前323. in the first place 首先324. in the future 在未来325. in the heat of the day 一天中最热的时候326. in the least 丝毫,一点327. in the long run 长期328. in the way 挡道329. in the world 究竟,到底330. in time 及时331. in touch 联系,接触332. in turn 依次,轮流;转而333. in vain 徒劳, 白费力334. indifferent to 无兴趣,不关心335. indignant with sb. 愤慨336. inferior to 级别低于,不如337. innocent of 无...罪,无辜338. instead of 代替,而不是339. intent on 专心于340. invisible to 不可见的341. jealous of 嫉妒342. just now 眼下;刚才343. keep one's eyes on 关注344. keep on 爱好,很喜欢345. keep track of 留心346. kind of / sort of 有点 somewhat 347. lay off 下岗348. leave alone 别说349. let the cat out of the bag 泄露秘密350. liable for 对...有责任351. liable to 易于352. little by little 逐渐地353. look for / hunt for 找工作354. lost the point 弄错355. lots of 许多356. loyal to 忠于357. mad about/on 狂热迷恋358. mad at/with sb. 生气,愤怒359. mad with 因...发狂360. make (both) ends meet 收支平衡361. make a living 谋生362. make it 成功363. make the best / most of 充分利用364. many a 许多365. mark the papers 批改考卷366. mayor / minor in367. meet one's needs 满足要求368. might as well 不妨369. mistake a for b 认错370. more or less 或多或少,有点371. my treat 我请客372. narrow escape 九死一生373. necessary to /for 必要的374. next door 隔壁的,在隔壁375. next to 下一个,其次376. no doubt 无疑地377. no less than 不少于...;不亚于378. no longer 不再379. no more than 至多, 同...一样不380. no more 不再381. none other than 不是别的,正是382. nothing but 只有,只不过383. now and then 时而,偶尔384. off and on 断断续续,间歇地385. off duty 下班386. on (the) one hand 一方面387. on a large/small scale 大/小规模地388. on account of 由于389. on behalf of 代表390. on board 在船(车/飞机)上391. on business 因公392. on condition that 如果393. on duty 上班,值班394. on earth 究竟,到底395. on fire 起火着火396. on foot 步行397. on guard 站岗,值班398. on hand 在场,在手边399. on loan to 借给400. on occasion(s) 有时, 间或401. on one's guard 警惕,提防402. on one's own 独立,独自403. on purpose 故意地404. on sale 出售,廉价出售441. parallel to 与...平等,类似442. particular about 挑剔,讲究443. patient with 有耐心444. peculiar to 独特的,独有的445. pick up 捡446. play by ear 见机行事447. popular with 受...喜爱,爱戴448. prior to 在...之前449. pull one's leg 拿某人开玩笑 put someone on450. put someone up 给某人提供住宿451. put up with 忍受452. quite a few 相当多,不少453. rain cats and dogs 瓢泼大雨454. rather than 不是...(而是)455. reach agreement 达成协议456. reach an agreement 达成一致457. regardless of 不顾,不惜458. relative to 与...有关459. remove from 从…除去460. representative of 代表... 的461. resign one's post 辞职462. responsible for 负责,是...原因463. result from 由于464. rich in 富于465. right away 立即,马上466. ring sb. up 打电话给…467. rule out 排除…的可能性468. run out of 用完469. rush hours 上下班高峰470. see: see to it that - make sure that 确保471. sensible of 觉查到472. sensitive to 对...敏感473. set another date 改期 make on saturday / lock it474. set one's mind on doing 决定 be determined to / have one's mind set on / bent on475. short of 缺少476. show off 卖弄477. sick of 厌恶,厌倦478. side by side 肩并肩,一起479. similar to 相似480. skilled at /in 善于481. slip one's mind 忘记482. so far 迄今为止483. somewhere around 大约484. sooner or later 迟早,早晚485. sore throat / foot 嗓子哑/腿酸486. stay up late 熬夜487. step by step 逐步地488. subject to 受制于,易于489. such as 例如,诸如490. sufficient for 足够的491. suitable for/to 适合于492. superior to 优于,级别高于493. sure of /about 对...有信心,确信494. suspicious of 怀疑495. take a leave 请假496. take a seat / be seated497. take one's place 取代498. take one's time 慢慢来499. take sth. seriously 认真对待500. take up 占据501. thanks to 由于,多亏502. that is (to say) 就是说,即503. the reverse is also true 反之亦然504. tired of 对...不在感兴趣505. to the point 切中要害,切题506. turn over 倾覆507. typical of 是典型的,特有的508. uncertain of /about 不确知509. under control 处于控制之下510. under the circumstances 这种情况下511. up in the air 没有确定512. up to date 在进行中513. up to 多达;直到;胜任;取决于514. vital to 对...关系重大515. void of 没有,缺乏516. what about 怎么样517. what if 切合目前情况的518. what's up / new? 发生了什么事?519. with regard to 关于,至于520. with respect to 如果...将怎么样521. with the exception of 除...之外522. without any trace 没有踪迹523. without fail 一向如此524. without question 毫无疑问525. wolf down 狼吞虎咽526. word for word 逐字的。

本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!24. anxious about/for 忧虑 ,担心1. a big headache 令人头痛的事情26. apart from 除 ...外(有/ 无)3. a matter of concern 焦点27. appeal to 吸引,申诉,请求9. add to 增加( add up to )34. around the clock 夜以继日16. all but 几乎 ;除了...都42. as good as 和. . .几乎一样17. all of a sudden 突然 18. all over again 再一次 ,重新 19. all over 遍及45. as to 至于 ,关于20. all right 令人满意的 ;可以 46. as usual 像平常一样 ,照例21. all the same 仍然 ,照样的47. as well as 除...外(也),即...又22. all the time 一直 ,始终48. as well 同样 ,也,还4. a series of 一系列 ,一连串 above all 首先 , 尤其是 28. applicable to 适用于29. apply to 适用5. absent from 不在 ,缺席 30. appropriate for/to 适当 ,合适6. abundant in 富于 31. approximate to 近似 ,接近7. account for 解释 32. apt at 聪明,善于8. accuse sb. of sth.控告33. apt to 易于 10. after all 毕竟 ,究竟 35. as a matter of fact 实际上11. agree with 同意 36. as a result (of ) 因此 ,由于12. ahead of time / schedule 提前37. as a rule 通常 ,照例13. ahead of 在…之前(ahead of time 提前) 38. as far as ...be concerned 就...而言14. alien to 与...相反 39. as far as 远至 ,到...程度15. all at once 突然 ,同时40. as follows 如下 41. as for 至于 ,关于 雅思 7 分短语汇总25. anything but 根本不2. a fraction of 一部分43. as if 好像 ,防腐 44. as regards 关于 ,至于本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!23.angry with sb. at/about sth. 生气 ,愤怒49. ashamed of 羞愧 ,害臊本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!50. aside from 除...外(还有)75.at the cost of 以 ...为代价51.ask for the moon 异想天开76.at the mercy of 任凭 ...摆布52.at a loss 茫然 ,不知所措77.at the moment 此刻 ,目前53.at a time 一次 ,每次78.at this rate 照此速度55. at all events 不管怎样 ,无论如何81. back andforth 来回地 ,反复地59.at best 充其量 , 至多84. bare of 几乎没有 ,缺乏60.at first sight 乍一看 ,初看起来61.at first 最初,起先86. be around 差不多62.at hand 在手边 ,在附近87. be available to sb. 可用 ,可供64. at home 在家 ,在国内89. be capable of doing能够90. be concerned with 关心…,涉足…54. at all costs 不惜一切代价79. at times 有时 ,间或57. at all 丝毫(不),一点也不82. back of 在 ...后面58. at any rate 无论如何 ,至少83. back up 后备 ,支援63. at heart 内心里 ,本质上88. be bound to 一定66. at large 大多数 ,未被捕获的91. be dying to 渴望67. at last 终于92. be fed up with 受够了 be tired of68. at least 至少93. be in hospital 住院69. at length 最终,终于94. be in season 上市的 /in peak season 旺季70. at most 至多 , 不超过95. be in the mood to do sth. 想做71. at no time 从不 ,决不96. be pressed for time 时间不够72. at one time 曾经 ,一度 ;同时97. be tied up with 忙于73. at present 目前 ,现在98. be under the weather 身体不好80. aware of 意识到56. at all times 随时 ,总是85. be able to do 能够65. at intervals 不时 ,每隔 ...本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!74. at someone's disposal任 ...处理99. beat around the bush 拐弯没角本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!100. beat the crowd 避开人群124. by mistake 错误地 ,无意地102. behind schedule 误点126. by oneself 单独地 ,独自地104.beside point 离题的 ,不相干的105.beyond one's ability 超越某人的能力106.beyond question 毫无疑问130. by way of 经由 ,通过. . .方法113. bring about 使…发生138. clear of 没有 ,不接触114. bring someone up to date 帮某人赶上help someone catch up115. by accident 偶然140. close to 接近 ,亲近141. come in contact with 与…取得联系117. byall means 尽一切办法 ,务必142. come out of sth. alive 大难不死121. by hand 用手 ,用体力146.consequent on 随之而来147.considerate towards 体谅 ,体贴148.contemporary with 与...同时代101. before long 不久以后125. by no means 决不 ,并没有103. be nt on sth.下定决心做…127. by reason of 由于107. book on reserve 须留的图书131. call off 取消108. booked up 订完了132. call on 号召 ,邀请 ,点某人的名 ,拜访109. bound for 开往133. capable of 能够110. break down 抛锚134. careful of/about/with 小心 ,注意111. break though 突破135. certain of /about 确信 ,肯定112. break up with 和某人分手 be throughwith / be finished with 136. chair a meeting 主持会议137. charge sb. with sth. 控告118. by and by 不久 ,迟早143. come up (with) 提出 ,拿出119. by chance 偶然 ,碰巧144. comparable to/with 比作 /比较120. by far 最,...得多145. conscious of 察觉到 ,意识到128. by the way 顺便说说129. by virtue of 借助 ,由于139. clever at 善于116. by air 通过航空途径122. by itself 自动地 ,独自地123. by means of 用 ,依靠本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!173. distinct from 种类(风格)不同174. do the laundry 洗衣服151. cost someone an arm and a leg 代价很大152. count down 倒计时176. drop by / in 顺路拜访156. count the day 期待180.east of 在 ...东面157. count the day 期待181.equal to 相等 ,胜任182.equivalent to 等于 ,相当于184.even if/though 即使 ,虽然161.cry in one's beer 借酒消愁162.cry on one's shoulder 依靠186.every now and then 时而 ,偶尔163.curious about 好奇 ,想知道187.every other 每隔一个的164.cut down on 减少188.except for 除了 ...外153. count one's chickens before they are 177. due to 由于 ,因为hatched 过于乐观178. each other 互相154. count on 依靠155. count on 依靠179. easier said than done 说起来容易做起来难165. cut down 削减189. expert at/in/on 善于166. cut in 插入190. face to face 面对面地167. cut off 切断191. faculty members 教职员工168. cut out 切除192. faithful to 忠实于169. cut someone short 打断193. fall flat 平躺在地上170. cut through 抄近路194. familiar to sb 为 ...所熟悉171. cut up 切碎195. familiar with sth 熟悉 ,通晓172. die out 灭绝196. far from 远非 ,远离149. content with 满足于150. contrary to 违反175. doubtful of /about 怀疑158. counter to 与 ...相反159. crazy about 热衷 ,着迷183.e ssential to/for 必不可少160. critical of 挑剔 ,批评185. ever so 非常 ,极其203. figure out sth. 解决229. go ahead 同意做某事209. for good 永久地210. for the better 好转235. go out 熄灭,外出211. for the moment 暂时 ,目前197. fatal to 致命的222. get over 恢复198. favorable to 支持 ,赞成 223. get used to 习惯于199. fearful of 惧怕 224. give off 发出200. feel at home 熟悉 225. give someone a big hand 为某人鼓掌201. feel blue 心情不好226. give someone a hand 帮忙202. feel free to 随便227. go about sth.开始做…205. flat tire 轮胎没气 230. go by 遵守206. flat tire 轮胎没气 231. go down 下降,往下传207. fond of 喜欢232. go for 竭尽全力做208. for ever 永远233. go into 进入,开始从事212. for the present 暂时 ,目前 237. go over 复习,从头到尾检查一遍213. for the sake of 为了,为了 ...的利益 238. go round/around 足够分配214. for the time being 暂时 ,眼下 239. go sightseeing 去观光215. foreign to 非 ...所原有 240. go steady with 和某人确定关系216. free of /from 未受 ...;免费 241. go through 从头到尾217. free with 康慨 ,大方 242. go without 单独218. from time to time 有时 ,不时 243. guilty of 有...罪的219. full up 客满 244. had better 最好220. get a bargain 买到便宜货 245. hand in hand 手拉手 ,密切关联221. get nowhere with 毫无进展246. hang up 挂断228. go after 追求204. fit for 适于234. go off 出发 236. go over 复习本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!247. have one's hands full 272. in any case 无论如何248. have the final say 有决定权250. heart and soul 全心全意地251. hold out for sth. 坚持要求276.in charge of 负责 ,总管277.in common 共用的 ,共有的278.in consequence(of) 因此 ;由于254. how about ... 怎么样279.in debt 欠债 ,欠情255. how come 怎么会280.in detail 详细地281.in difficulty 处境困难258. impatient at sth. 不耐烦283.in favor of 支持 ,赞成259. impatient for 急切 , 渴望284.in front of 面对 ,在...前285.in general 一般来说 ,大体上261. in (the)light of 鉴于,由于263.in a moment 立刻 ,一会儿288.in honor of 为庆祝 ,为纪念264.in a sense 从某种意义上说289.in itself 本质上 ,就其本身而言265.in a way 在某种程度上290.in line with 与 ...一致266.in a word 简言之 ,总之291.in memory of 纪念257. ignorant of 不知道282. in effect 实际上 ,事实上262. in a hurry 匆忙 ,急于287. in hand 在进行中 ,待办理273. in any event 无论如何249. head on 迎面地 , 正面的274. in brief 简单地说275. in case of 假如 ,防备252. hold up 坚持253. hold water 站得住脚256. hungry for 渴望260. impatient of 无法容忍286. in half 成两半本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!267.in accordance with 与...一致 ,按照268.in addition to 除...之外 (还)270. in advance 预先 , 事先295. in order 按顺序 ,按次序269. in addition 另外 , 加之294. in no way 决不271. in all 总共 ,合计296. in other words 换句话说292. in no case 决不293. in no time 立即 ,马上本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!322. in the face of 即使 ;在...面前298. in particular 特别 ,尤其323. in the first place 首先299. in person 亲自 ,本人324. in the future 在未来329. in the world 究竟,到底310. in return 作为报答 /回报 /交换334. indifferent to 无兴趣 ,不关心311. in short 简言之 ,总之335. indignant with sb. 愤慨336. inferior to 级别低于 ,不如337. innocent of 无 ...罪 ,无辜314. in step with 与...一致 / 协调338. instead of 代替 ,而不是340. invisible to 不可见的 316. in terms of317. in the company / wake of 随着318. in the course of 在 ...期间 / 过程中319. in the distance 在远处343. keep one's eyes on 关注320. in the end 最后 ,终于344. keep on 爱好 ,很喜欢321. in the event of 如果 ...发生 , 万一300. in place of 代替 ,取代 ,交换 325. in the heat of the day 一天中最热的时 候301. in place 在合适的位置 302. in practice 在实践中 ,实际上 326. in the least 丝毫 , 一点303. in proportion to 与 ...成比例327. in the long run 长期304. in public 公开地 ,当众328. in the way 挡道306. in question 正在谈论的 330. in time 及时307. in regard to 关于,至于331. in touch 联系 ,接触308. in relation to关于 ,涉及332. in turn 依次 ,轮流;转而309. in return for作为对 ...报答 333. in vain 徒劳 , 白费力315. in tears 流着泪 ,在哭着339. intent on 专心于297. in part 部分地305. in quantity 大量 312. in sight 被见到 ;在望313. in spite of 尽管 341. jealous of 嫉妒342. just now 眼下 ; 刚才345. keep track of 留心本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!349. let the cat out of the bag 泄露秘密350. liable for 对 ...有责任375. next to 下一个 ,其次376. no doubt 无疑地381. none other than 不是别的 ,正是357. mad about/on 狂热迷恋 382. nothing but 只有 ,只不过358. mad at/with sb. 生气 ,愤怒383. now and then 时而 ,偶尔365. mark the papers 批改考卷390. on board 在船 (车/ 飞机 )上366. mayor / minor in391. on business 因公367. meet one's needs 满足要求392. on condition that 如果368. might as well 不妨359. mad with 因 ...发狂 384. off and on 断断续续 ,间歇地360. make (both) ends meet 收支平衡 385. off duty 下班361. make a living 谋生 386. on (the) one hand 一方面362. make it 成功 387. on a large/small scale 大/ 小规模地363. make the best / most of 充分利用388. on account of 由于364. many a 许多389. on behalf of 代表346. kind of / sort of 有点 somewhat 371. my treat 我请客 347. lay off 下岗 372. narrow escape 九死一生 348. leave alone 别说373. necessary to /for 必要的 374. next door 隔壁的 ,在隔壁 351. liable to 易于352. little by little 逐渐地 377. no less than 不少于 ...;不亚于 353. look for / hunt for 找工作 378. no longer 不再354. lost the point 弄错 379. no more than 至多 ,同 ...一样不 355. lots of 许多380. no more 不再356. loyal to 忠于本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!393.on duty 上班 ,值班369.mistake a for b 认错394.on earth 究竟 , 到底370.more or less 或多或少 ,有点395. on fire 起火着火本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!456. reach an agreement 达成一致397. on guard 站岗 ,值班457. regardless of 不顾 ,不惜398. on hand 在场 ,在手边458. relative to 与 ...有关459. remove from 从…除去400. on occasion(s) 有时 ,间或460. representative of 代表...的401. on one's guard 警惕 ,提防461. resign one's post 辞职462. responsible for 负责 ,是...原因403. on purpose 故意地463. result from 由于441. parallel to 与...平等 ,类似465. right away 立即 ,马上442. particular about 挑剔 ,讲究466. ring sb. up 打电话给…448. prior to 在...之前472. sensitive to 对...敏感449. pull one's leg 拿 某 人 开 玩笑 someone on473. set another date 改期 make on saturday / lock it474. set one's mind on doing 决 定 be determined to / have one's mind set on /bent on453. rain cats and dogs 瓢泼大雨404. on sale 出售 ,廉价出售464. rich in 富于443. patient with 有耐心 467. rule out 排除…的可能性444. peculiar to 独特的 ,独有的 468. run out of 用完445. pick up 捡 469. rush hours 上下班高峰446. play by ear 见机行事 470. see: see to it that - make sure that 确保447. popular with 受...喜爱 ,爱戴471. sensible of 觉查到452. quite a few 相当多 ,不少475. short of 缺少396. on foot 步行399. on loan to 借给402. on one's own 独立 ,独自put450. put someone up 给某人提供住宿 451. put up with 忍受476. show off 卖弄本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!454. rather than 不是 ...(而是 )455. reach agreement 达成协议478. side by side 肩并肩 ,一起477. sick of 厌恶 ,厌倦本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!504. tired of 对 ...不在感兴趣 505. to the point 切中要害 ,切题507.typical of 是典型的 ,特有的483.somewhere around 大约508.uncertain of /about 不确知484.sooner or later 迟早 ,早晚509.under control 处于控制之下485.sore throat / foot 嗓子哑 / 腿酸510.under the circumstances 这种情况下511.up in the air 没有确定487. step by step 逐步地512.up to date 在进行中489.such as 例如 ,诸如514.vital to 对 ...关系重大490.sufficient for 足够的515.void of 没有 ,缺乏491.suitable for/to适合于516.what about 怎么样492.superior to 优于 ,级别高于517.what if 切合目前情况的493.sure of /about 对 ...有信心 ,确信518.what's up / new? 发生了什么事?498. take one's time 慢慢来523.without fail 一向如此499. take sth. seriously 认真对待524.without question 毫无疑问525.wolf down 狼吞虎咽481. slip one's mind 忘记506. turn over 倾覆488. subject to 受制于 ,易于513. up to 多达;直到;胜任 ;取决于494. suspicious of 怀疑519. with regard to 关于 ,至于495. take a leave 请假520. with respect to 如果 ...将怎么样496. take a seat / be seated 521. with the exception of 除 ...之外497. take one's place 取代522. without any trace 没有踪迹479. similar to 相似480. skilled at /in 善于482. so far 迄今为止486. stay up late 熬夜500. take up 占据本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持!501.thanks to 由于 ,多亏526.word for word 逐字的502.that is (to say) 就是说 ,即503.the reverse is also true 反之亦然。

exert a far-reaching impact on… 对……产生一种深远的影响pave the way for the future development 为未来的发展铺平道路give a great push to the economic growth 极大地推动了经济发展remove prejudice and misunderstanding 消除偏见和误解carry down from generation to generation 代代相传satiate people's psychological demand(s) 满足心理需求arouse one's curiosity about sth. 引发某人对某事的好奇心Time is fleeting and art is long. 时光飞逝,艺术永恒。
communicate with others directly and freely 与他人直接无碍的交流help child(ren) learn a foreign language in a more vivid and interactive way帮助孩子更生动、互动地学习一门外语enrich the teaching and learning method(s) 丰富了教学手段no case决不in contrast with/to… 与…成对照under control被控制住at all costs不惜任何代价at the cost of… 以…为代价in the course of… 在…过程中,在…期间in detail详细地in difficulties处境困难on earth究竟,到底at all events无论如何in any event无论如何in effect实际上with the exception of…除…之外in the face of… 面对…,不顾…perform experiment(s) on animal(s) 在动物身上做试验settle down effective law(s) 制定出积极的有效的法律promote the development of relative industry 促进相关产业发展learn to cooperate and compromise 学习合作和妥协a harmonious interpersonal relationship 和谐的人际关系keep skill(s) fresh and up-to-date 使技能可以不断更新shoulder∕undertake one's responsibility 承担起自己的责任cultivate one's independence and toughness 培养自己的独立性和坚韧性be a great comfort to sb. 对某人来说是一个巨大安慰。
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雅思口语6-7.5分考前一个月必练词组,句子等180组1名词词组:a few friends of minean essential partThere’s a great number of traffic accidents happened everyday.a good listener 一个很好的听众all-round person 全方面人才bright future 光明的未来comprehensive skills 综合技能cultural heritage 文化遗产fitness center 健身中心focus of attention 关注的焦点internet café网吧low salary/high salary 低薪水/高薪水many aspects of life 生活的很多方面modern society 现代社会movie censorship电影审查制度on-line shopping 网上购物people of all ages各年龄段的人们pleasant atmosphere 令人愉快的环境pop song 流行歌曲role model 偶像scenic spot 景点serious air pollution 严重的空气污染the Imperial Palace/the Palace Museum 故宫traffic jams in rush hours 高峰时期的塞车valuable experiences 有价值的经历well-rounded education 全面教育2动词词组:把我的思想从课业当中解脱出来:take my mind off my school workIt’s located in…确保某事:It can guarantee sth.to make sure this will not happen给某人提供某物:provide sb. with sth.acquire a lot of knowledge one can not find in textbooks 学到书本上学不到的知识add to the opportunity/the success 增加机会/增加成功性avoid health problems 避免亚健康/健康问题be helpful/beneficial to 对…有利be under too much pressure of school work 学校课业压力过重become more aware of the importance of…越来越认识…的重要性bring sb. up 把某人抚养长大broaden one’s horizon 开阔眼界do harm/good to children 对孩子有害/有利do one’s best/utmost 尽某人最大力量enforce laws 实施法律enrich one’s life 丰富生活阅历ensure efficiency 确保高效exchange ideas 交流思想exert influence on 对…施加影响feel a pity 感到遗憾get some fresh air 吸些新鲜空气has a negative influence on…对…有负面的影响have some fun 快乐一下chat with friends 同朋友聊天click on the mouse 点击鼠标impart knowledge 传授知识improve the ability of …提高某方面的能力invest a lot of money in 在…方面投资involve a lot of violence and sex 涉及到很多暴力和性is not fit/suitable for young people 不适合年轻人kill time 消磨时光make contributions to the progress of society 对社会进步做贡献make friends with sb. 同某人交朋友make the world smaller 使世界变小never give up easily 不要轻易放弃offer a way to take one’s mind away from the stress of everyday life 提供一条出路让人们把心思从每天的生活压力中转移开去refresh your body and mind 使身心得到放松regard her as my best friend 把她当成我最好的朋友release stress/pressure 释放压力stand a big chance to be successful 有成功的很大可能symbolize the ancient culture 代表古代文化take a course 学习一门课程take care of sb./sth. 照顾某人/打理某事take the place of sth./replace sth. 替代某物win popularity 受欢迎worry about the problem of parking 担心停车(难)问题3 句子:I still remember a saying in it that is…It’s become a part of my life.People are willing to do sth. 人们愿意做某事He has a sense of humor. 他有幽默感。
He’s a very caring person. 有爱心的人。
He’s average height. 他中等身材。
He’s neat and tidy. adj. 他整洁干净。
I go there for a change when I feel tired. 我感觉累的时候去那调节下生活节奏。
I was deeply touched/moved by…我被…深深打动了It’s very impressive. 它给我留下了深刻的印象。
It’s within walking distance of my house. 离我家没多远,走一会就到。
It’s worth a try. 值得一试Our life gets easier as technology advances. 随着(科)技的进步,我们的生活越来越容易了。
People use it for both work and pleasure 人们可以用它来工作和玩Senior citizens are not too much affected by modern technology.老年人并没有受到现代科技的太大影响。
Success comes to people who are well prepared. 成功青睐于有准备者。
The clothes look smart. 衣服看起来精神。
There are not too many distractions in a library. 在图书馆没有太多的打扰。
He’s a very understanding person. 他是一个非常善解人意的人。
We can keep important information in it. 我们可以在上面存储重要信息。
We have a lot in common. 我们有很多相似之处。
Weather changes drastically from summer to winter 从夏天到冬天天气变化很明显When I need his help, he is always there for me. 我需要帮助的时候,他总会帮助我。
Work hard, party hard. 努力学习,尽情玩乐。
4连接词:表示解释:I mean…What I meant is…as far as I’m concerned 就我所言表示转折:However/but…表示选择:I’d rather choose A instead of B.表示总结:So/Therefore…Generally speaking…In a word…表示原因/或者分点阐述等:Because for one thig,…(后边接句子)For another…(后边接句子)Besides…(后边接句子)What’s more…(后边接句子)I think first…Secong…Third…表示不同方面:on one hand…on the other hand…一方面…另一方面…as to young people 至于年轻人/对于年轻人来说开头词:The thing I most/least like is…The thing I would like to talk about is…Talking about…, the first that comes to my mind is…During the past few years…With years going by, I/people have…Apart from listening to music, I also like…What’s worse…表示肯定的回答:Definitely.Definitely yes.Sure.That’s for sure.I couldn’t like more about it.People can not live without computer.表示否定的回答:I’m afraid I don’t think so.Well, I would say it is a little negative in some way.表示停顿思考的词汇或句子:Well, this is a very complicated question. Let me think about it.I would say this is a little too much professional. But from my judgement…Uh…Well…在我看来的说法:In my opinion…I think…I would say…Personally I think/believe…I suppose…From my point of view…From my judgement…According to my memory 根据我的记忆表示否则/相反的说法:Otherwise…Or…It will be more convenient than otherwise.评价:It’s rather/quite good.It’s fantastic.对比词:Compared to/In comparison to riding a bus, taking a taxi is more convenient and fast, (a little too muchexpensive, though.)5 词汇替换:because=sincevery= so muchis=could be (仅限于用评价或判断的时候)very=rather/quite6 没听懂考官说话:全句没听懂:I beg your pardon. / Sorry?没太听清楚:Sorry, I didn’t hear it very clearly. Would you bother to speak it again? 个别词没听懂:Sorry, what do you mean by the word …?还是没听懂:Sorry, I really didn’t get the picture.7 其他:The course I will possibly take could be …course.competent adj. 有竞争力的convenient/inconvenient 方便的/不方便的fast and convenient 方便快捷be instructive adj. 有教益的/有教育意义的in my neighborhood 在我家附近be nutritious adj. 有营养的moving adj. 感人的so long as/as long as 只要superficial adj. 肤浅的time-consuming/money-consuming adj. 浪费时间的/浪费金钱的well-informed adj. 见识广博的。