11.实际容量(actual capacity):蓄电池实际拥有按一定小时率放电的容量,表示为Ah.
12.涓流式连续补充电(trickle charge):为弥补蓄电池的自放电,在脱离负载的状态下,不停地以微小电流充电.
7.最大放电电流(maximum discharge current):在不引起变形,外观异常,极柱熔断等情况下蓄电池可以放出的最大电流.
8.自放电(self discharge):不向外部提供电流,电流容量内部流失减少的现象.
9.额定容量(nominal capacity):在标准规定的温度,放电电流和终止电压条件下,蓄电池完全充电后能提供的由制造厂标明的安时电量.
19.容量保存性能(capacity conservation performance):蓄电池完全充电后,在一定条件下以开路状态放置一段时间仍然保有的容量.
20.内短路(internal short-circuit):在单个电池内部的极群里,正负极板之间短路的现象.
4.完全放电(full discharge):把蓄电池按规定的放电电流放电至规定的终止电压.
5.额定电压(nominal voltage):表示电池电压时使用的标准电压.一般情况下比初始电压稍低一些的理论值.
6.循环服务方式(cycles service system):以充电后放电作为一个循环来使用的方式.
13.浮充充电(floating charge):蓄电池和负载并联接到整流充电器上,由充电器不断的向蓄电池以一定的电压保持充电状态的充电方式,在停电或负载发生变动时,电池能够直接不间断向负载提供电力.
电池专业术语英语汇总(87页)1. Active Material(活性物质):指电池正极或负极中参与电化学反应的物质。
2. Anode(阳极):在放电过程中,发生氧化反应的电极,通常为电池的负极。
3. Cathode(阴极):在放电过程中,发生还原反应的电极,通常为电池的正极。
4. Battery Pack(电池包):由多个单体电池组成的电池组,用于提供更高的电压和容量。
5. Capacity(容量):电池在一定条件下所能释放的电量,通常以安时(Ah)或毫安时(mAh)表示。
6. Crate(充放电速率):表示电池在规定时间内充放电的能力,如1C表示电池在1小时内充满或放空。
7. Charge(充电):将外部电源连接到电池,使电池内部发生化学反应,储存能量的过程。
8. Discharge(放电):电池内部化学反应释放能量,对外输出电流的过程。
9. Energy Density(能量密度):单位体积或单位质量电池所储存的能量,通常以瓦时/升(Wh/L)或瓦时/千克(Wh/kg)表示。
10. Internal Resistance(内阻):电池内部对电流流动的阻碍,影响电池的充放电性能。
11. Cycle Life(循环寿命):电池在充放电过程中能够重复使用的次数,直到其容量降至初始容量的某个百分比。
12. Deep Cycle(深度循环):指电池在放电过程中,容量被用到很低水平,通常低于20%的剩余容量。
13. Depth of Discharge(放电深度):电池在一次放电过程中,放出的电量与其额定容量的百分比。
14. LithiumIon Battery(锂离子电池):一种充电电池,其工作原理基于锂离子在正负极之间移动。
15. NickelMetal Hydride Battery(镍氢电池):一种环保型充电电池,具有较高的能量密度和较长的循环寿命。
16. LeadAcid Battery(铅酸电池):一种传统的充电电池,广泛应用于汽车启动、备用电源等领域。
二、电池的正负极1. 正极(Positive Electrode):电池中的正电极,通常由金属氧化物、过渡金属或其他化合物构成。
2. 负极(Negative Electrode):电池中的负电极,通常由金属或碳材料构成。
三、电池的电解质1. 液态电解质(Liquid Electrolyte):电池中的电解质以液体形式存在,通常是溶于溶剂中的盐类或酸碱溶液。
2. 聚合物电解质(Polymer Electrolyte):电池中的电解质以聚合物固体形式存在,通常是聚合物基质中溶解的盐类。
四、电池的类型1. 干电池(Dry Cell):电池内部的电解质是固态或胶状,通过湿润的电解质纸或电解质浸渍材料来传递离子。
2. 碱性电池(Alkaline Battery):使用碱性电解液的干电池,具有较高的能量密度和长寿命。
3. 镍镉电池(Nickel-Cadmium Battery):使用镍和镉作为正负极材料的可充电电池,具有较高的充放电效率。
4. 镍氢电池(Nickel-Metal Hydride Battery):使用镍和金属氢化物作为正负极材料的可充电电池,具有较高的能量密度和较长的寿命。
5. 锂离子电池(Lithium-ion Battery):使用锂化合物作为正极材料的可充电电池,具有较高的能量密度和较长的寿命。
6. 铅酸电池(Lead-Acid Battery):使用铅和硫酸作为正负极材料的蓄电池,主要用于汽车起动和储能系统。
五、电池的容量和能量1. 容量(Capacity):电池储存和释放电能的能力,通常以安时(Ah)为单位表示。
2. 开路电压(Open Circuit Voltage):电池在未连接负载时的电压。
3. 能量密度(Energy Density):电池单位质量或单位体积的储能能力,通常以瓦时/kg或瓦时/升为单位表示。
常用电池术语1.锌——锰干电池:Zinc-manganese dry battery, Extra Heavy Duty, Super Heavy Duty, Heavy Duty 2.碱性锌锰干电池:Alkaline Zinc-manganese dry battery, Super Alkaline, Alkaline3.不含汞与镉:Mercury&Cadmium Free, 0% Mercury&Cadmium, 0% Hg & Cd)4..彩塑商标:PVC-Jacket5.铝膜商标(仿金属不干胶商标):Metallic-Jacket, Aluminum foil (注:有些国家把商标叫做Envelop)6.铁壳商标:Metal-Jacket7.热收缩简装:Shrink-Pack8.吸塑吊卡:Blister-Pack9.热收缩插卡:Shrink-Card10.7号碳性电池:R03-UM4-AAA (AAA SIZE)11.5号碳性电池:R6-UM3-AA (AA SIZE)12.2号碳性电池:R14-UM2-C (C SIZE)13.1号碳性电池(大号)R20-UM1-D (D SIZE)14.9V碳性电池:9V-6F2215.3R12碳性电池:4.5V-3R1216.4R25碳性电池:6V-4R2517.7号碱性电池:LR03-AM4-AAA (AAA SIZE)18.5号碱性电池:LR6-AM3-AA (AA SIZE)19.2号碱性电池:LR14-AM2-C (C SIZE)20.1号碱性电池:LR20-AM1-D (D SIZE)21.照相专用锂电池Photo Batteries (Lithium) (如:CR123,CR2)22.碱性扣式电池:(如Button Cell Alkaline AG1,AG2,AG3)23.镍镉充电电池:Ni-Cd Rechargeable Batteries(号号:有AA, AAA等。
电池专业术语大全1. 充电(Charge):将电流输入电池,使其蓄积电能。
2. 放电(Discharge):将电流从电池中取出,释放电能。
3. 电压(Voltage):衡量电池正负极之间的电势差。
4. 电流(Current):单位时间内电荷通过电池的速度。
5. 电容(Capacity):电池能够存储的电能量。
6. 充电效率(Charge efficiency):充电时实际储存的电能量与输入电能量之间的比率。
7. 电化学反应(Electrochemical reaction):在电池中发生的化学反应,通过电子流动形成电能。
8. 电解液(Electrolyte):电池中的导电介质,分离正负极,使电荷得以在电池中流动。
9. 正极(Anode):电池中接受电子的极,一般带有正电荷。
10. 负极(Cathode):电池中提供电子的极,一般带有负电荷。
11. 电化学容量(Electrochemical capacity):电池在充放电过程中储存或释放的电能量。
12. 等效电路模型(Equivalent circuit model):用电荷传输、电解液阻抗等元件模拟电池内部结构与特性的电路模型。
13. 循环寿命(Cycle life):电池经过一定次数的充放电循环后的使用寿命。
14. 开路电压(Open circuit voltage):电池在没有外部负载时的电压。
15. 内阻(Internal resistance):电池内部产生的电流阻力,会导致电压损失和能量损耗。
16. 寿命(Life):电池的使用时间或循环次数。
17. 稳定性(Stability):电池在充放电和存储过程中的性能表现,包括容量衰减、内阻增加等。
18. 安全性(Safety):电池在正常使用和异常情况下不会发生爆炸、燃烧等危险情况。
19. 密封性(Sealing property):电池外壳的密合性能,防止电解液泄漏或外部物质进入。
20. 高温衰减(High temperature degradation):电池在高温环境下容量衰减、内阻增加等性能降低的现象。
2. 负极材料:负极材料是锂离子电池中的一个主要组成部分,其作用是提供负极反应的活性位点。
3. 电解液:电解液是锂离子电池中的一个主要组成部分,其作用是提供锂离子的传递通道。
4. 分隔膜:分隔膜是锂离子电池中的一个重要组成部分,其作用是防止正负电极之间的短路,同时也能够传递锂离子。
5. 电解质添加剂:电解质添加剂是锂离子电池中的一个辅助材料,可以改善电池的性能,提高电池的循环寿命。
6. 成型工艺:成型工艺是锂离子电池中的一个关键工艺,直接影响电池的性能和寿命。
7. 电池容量:电池容量是指电池储存电荷的能力,通常用安时(Ah)表示。
8. 循环寿命:循环寿命是指电池可以循环充放电的次数,通常用循环次数表示。
9. 电池能量密度:电池能量密度是指电池单位体积或单位重量中储存的能量,通常用瓦时/千克(Wh/kg)或瓦时/升(Wh/L)表示。
电池术语1.化学电源(又称电池): 一种直接把化学能转变成电能的装置。
2.一次电池(又称原电池): 一种只能用来放电,且在放电以后不能用充电的方法获得复原并能再次使用的电池。
3.二次电池(又称充电电池): 一种在放电以后可以用充电的方法获得复原并能再次使用的电池。
4.开路电压: 外部电路断开时,电池正负极之间的电位差。
5.负荷电压: 电池输出电流时,电池两个极端的电位差。
6.标称电压(又称额定电压): 规定的电池开路电压的最低值。
7.终止电压: 电池放电试验中,规定结束放电的负荷电压。
8.贮存寿命: 电池在规定条件下的贮存期限,贮存结束时,电池仍能保持规定的性能。
9.标称容量: 在一定条件下,规定电池应该给出的最低限度的电量。
10.内阻: 电池内部两极之间的电阻。
11.循环寿命: 充电电池在失效前所能达到的充放电循环次数。
12.自放电: 电池在荷电或贮存状态下,由于各种原因而引起的容量损失的现象。
13.放电率: 电池在规定时间内放出额定容量时所需的电流值;或按一定输出电流放完额定容量时所需的时间。
14.充电率: 蓄电池在规定时间内充到额定容量所需的电流值;或在一定电流下充到额定容量所需的时间。
15.恒压充电: 充电时,保持充电器两端电压始终不变的一种充电方法。
16.恒流充电: 充电时,充电电流保持不变的一种充电方法。
17.涓流充电: 以低充电率(C/100C/20)对蓄电池进行恒流充电,使电池保持全充电态的一种充电方法。
18.记忆效应: 电池长时间经受特定的工作循环后,自动保持这一特定的电性能。
19.爬碱(漏)液: 电池内的电解液从正常情况下不与电解液接触的电池外表面或电池部件上流出来。
电池常用术语集锦电池常用术语(一)Battery GlossaryA~C D~L M~Q R~ZA—CAmpere hours (Ah) - The unit of measure used for comparing the capacity or energy content of batteries with the same output voltage. For automotive (Lead Acid) batteries the SAE defines the Amphour capacity as the current delivered for a period of 20 hours until the cell voltage drops to 1.75 V.Strictly - One Ampere hour is the charge transferred by one amp flowing for one hour. 1Ah = 3600 Coulombs.Battery Management System (BMS) - Electronic circuits designed to monitor the battery and keep it within its specified operating conditions and to protect it from abuse during both charging and discharging.Battery Monitoring - Sometimes confused with BMS (above) of which it is an essential part, these circuits monitor the key operating parameters (current, voltage, temperature, SOC, etc.) of the battery and provide information to the user.Bobbin - A cylindrical cell design utilizing an internal cylindrical electrode and an external electrode arranged as a sleeve inside the cell container.C Rate - C is a value which expresses the rated current capacity of a cell or battery. A celldischarging at the C rate will deliver its nominal rated capacity for 1 hour. Charging and discharging currents are generally expressed as multiples of C. The time to discharge a battery is inversely proportional to the discharge rate.∙NC is a charge or discharge rate which is N times the rated current capacity of the battery where N is a number (fraction or multiple)∙CN is the battery capacity in AmpHours which corresponds to complete discharge of the battery in N hours (N is usually a subscript). Also written as the N-Hour rate.Capacity - The electric energy content of a battery expressed in "Watt hours". Batteries with the same output voltage also use "Ampere hours" for comparing capacities.Cathode - The electrode in an electrochemical cell where reduction takes place, gaining electrons. During discharge the positive electrode of the cell is the cathode. During charge the situation reverses and the negative electrode of the cell is the cathode.Cell balancing - The process used during charging to ensure that every cell is charged to the same state of charge. Also called "Equalisation".Charge - The process of replenishing or replacing the electrical charge in a rechargeable cell or battery.Charge efficiency - The ratio (expressed as a percentage) between the energy removed from a battery during discharge compared with the energy used during charging to restore the original capacity. Also called the Coulombic Efficiency or Charge Acceptance. See alternative definition above.Closed-Circuit Voltage (CCV闭路电压) - The potential or voltage of a battery when it is discharging or charging.Constant current charge CC - A charging scheme which maintains the current through the cell at a constant value.Constant voltage charge CV - A charging scheme which maintains the voltage across the battery terminals at a constant value.Current limit - The maximum current drain under which the particular battery will perform adequately under a continuous drain.Cut-off voltage - The specified voltage at which the discharge of a cell is considered complete.Cycle life - The number of cycles a battery can perform before its nominal capacity falls below 80% of its initial rated capacity.D—LDeep cycle battery - A battery designed to be discharged to below 80% Depth of Discharge. Used in marine, traction and EV applications.End-point voltage - (End voltage, Cutoff voltage, Final voltage)截止电压Specified closed circuit voltage at which a service output test is terminated.Depth of discharge DOD - The ratio of the quantity of electricity or charge removed from a cell on discharge to its rated capacity.Discharge capacity - The amount of energy taken from the battery when discharged at the rated current and ambient temperature until the discharge end voltage is reached. Generally expressed in units of Watt hours (or Ampere hours for batteries with the same voltage).Discharge rate - The current delivered by the cell during discharging. Expressed in Amperes or multiples of the C rate.Discharge voltage - The voltage between the terminals of a cell or battery under load, during discharge.Electrolyte - A substance which dissociates into ions (charged particles) when in aqueous solution or molten form and is thus able to conduct electricity. It is the medium which transports the ions carrying the charge between the electrodes during the electrochemical reaction in a battery.End-of-discharge voltage - The battery voltage when discharge is terminated.End-of-charge voltage - The battery voltage when charge is terminated.Energy density - The amount of energy stored in a battery. It is expressed as the amount of energy stored per unit volume or per unit weight (Wh/L or Wh/kg).Fast charge - Charging in less than one hour at about 1.0C rate. Needs special charger.Float charge - An arrangement in which the battery and the load are permanently connected in parallel across the DC charging source, so that the battery will supply power to the load if the charger fails. Compensates for the self-discharge of the battery.High rate discharge - Discharge at a current of 2C or more.IEC - The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes international standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies.Initial voltage(起始电压)-A battery's initial voltage is the working voltage when discharging begins.Intelligent battery - Battery containing circuitry enabling some communication between the battery and the application or with the charger.Internal impedance - Resistance to the flow of AC current within a cell. It takes into account the capacitive effect of the plates forming the electrodes.Internal resistance - Resistance to the flow of DC electric current within a cell, causing a voltage drop across the cell in closed circuit proportional to the current drain from the cell.A very low internal impedance is usually required for a high rate (high power) cell.Lithium Ion Cell - A secondary lithium cell in which both the negative and positive electrodes are lithium insertion (intercalation) compounds. Also known as rocking chair, shuttlecock or swing cell.Lithium Polymer Cell - A lithium ion cell with a solid polymer electrolyte.M—QMemory effect - Reversible, progressive capacity loss in nickel based batteries found in NiCad and to a lesser extent in Ni-MH batteries. It is caused by a change in crystalline formation from the desirable small size to a large size which occurs when the cell is recharged before it is fully discharged.MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet. Information provided by battery or cell manufacturers about any hazardous materials used in their products.Nominal capacity - Used to indicate the average capacity of a battery. It is the average capacity when batteries are discharged at 0.2C within one hour of being charged for 16 hours at 0.1C and 20± 5°C. (or discharge at 0.05C for automotive batteries - SAE) Definition depends on the conditions. See Ampere Hours Ah aboveNominal voltage - Used to indicate the voltage of a battery. Since most discharge curves are neither linear nor flat, a typical value is generally taken which is close to the voltage during actual use.NTC - A thermistor with a negative temperature coefficient, whose resistance decreases with increasing temperature.Open circuit voltage OCV - The voltage of a cell or battery with no load attached measured with a voltmeter at room temperature.Operating voltage - Voltage between the two terminals of the battery with a load connected.Over-charge - Continuous charging of the battery after it reaches full charge. Generally overcharging will have a harmful influence on the performance of the battery which could lead to unsafe conditions. It should therefore be avoided.Open circuit voltage (OCV开路电压) - The voltage of a battery when there is no current flowing.Over-current - Exceeding the manufacturer's recommended maximum discharge current for a cell or battery.Over-discharge - Discharging a battery below the end voltage or cut-off voltage specified for the battery.Parallel connection - The connection together of, two or more, similar cells to form a battery of higher capacity by connecting together all the cell terminals of the same polarity.Passivation layer - A resistive layer that forms on the electrodes in some cells after prolonged storage impeding the chemical reaction. This barrier must be removed to enable proper operation of the cell. Applying charge/discharge cycles often helps in preparing the battery for use. In other applications, passivation is used as a method of shielding a metal surface from attack.Photovoltaic cell - A device that directly converts the energy in light into electrical energy. Also called a photocell, a solar cell or a PV cell.Positive electrode - The electrode which has a positive potential. The cathode. Electric current from this electrode flows into the external circuit.PTC - A thermistor with a positive temperature coefficient, whose resistance increases with temperature.Quick charge - Charging in three to six hours at about 0.3C rate. Needs special charger.R—ZSecondary battery - A battery which can be recharged and used repeatedly.Self-discharge - Capacity loss during storage due to the internal current leakage between the positive and negative plates.Series connection - The connection of, two or more, similar cells in a chain to form a battery of higher voltage by connecting the positive terminal of each cell to the to negative terminal of the next cell.Smart Battery - An intelligent battery which contains information about its specification, its status and its usage profile which can be read by its charger or the application in which it is used.Solar cell - A photovoltaic cell. Solar cells convert sunlight energy into electric current. They do not store energy.Spiral Wound - Battery construction in which the electrodes with the electrolyte and separator between them are rolled into a spiral like a jelly roll (Swiss roll).State of Charge- SOC - The available capacity of a battery expressed as a percentage of its rated capacity.State of Health- SOH - A measurement that reflects the general condition of a battery and its ability to deliver the specified performance compared with a fresh battery. It takes into account such factors as charge acceptance, internal resistance, voltage andself-discharge. It is not as precise as the SOC determination.Storage life - The length of time a cell or battery can be stored on open circuit without permanent deterioration of its performance.Traction battery - A high power deep cycle secondary battery designed to power electric vehicles or heavy mobile equipment.Trickle charge - A continuous charge at low rate, balancing losses through local action and/or periodic discharge, to maintain a cell or battery in a fully charged condition. Normally at a C/20 to C/30 rate.UL - Underwriters Laboratories Inc - (UL) is an independent, not-for-profit product safety testing and certification organization based in the USA. UL marking indicates that the product conforms with the safety standards laid down by Underwriters Laboratories.UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply.Voltage - Units of measuring electrical current, all batteries are rated in volts DC. (Direct Current). This determines how much energy is needed to power your equipment.Voltage plateau(电压平台)- A slow decrease in voltage over a long period of time. As a rule, the plateau extends from the first voltage drop at the start of the discharge to the bend of the curve after which the voltage drops rapidly at the end.Volumetric Energy Density (Wh/L) - The energy output per unit volume of a battery.Volumetric Power Density (W/L) -The power output per unit volume of a battery.Watt - A unit of power, the rate of doing work. Watts = Amps X Volts = One Joule per second.WattHours Wh - A measure of the energy capacity of a battery. The amount of work done in one hour.1 Wh = 3.6 kJ.Working voltage(工作电压)- The working voltage of a cell or battery begins at its electrical connections as soon as an electrical consumer is connected to it.Capacity(容量)- The capacity of a cell is defined as how many milli-amp-hours (mAh) of current the cell canstore and subsequently deliver. One milli-amp (mA) is 1/1000th of an Amp. Somelarger cell capacities are expressed in Amp-hours (Ah).“Rated capacity” is varies with discharge rate, temperature, and cutoff voltage.Rated capacity is different from power or energyExample:If a cell is rated at 1000 mAh, then it can deliver the following:1000 mA of current for 1 hour500 mA of current for 2 hours200 mA of current for 5 hours2000 mA of current for 1/2 hourEnergy Density (能量密度,包括体积比能量和质量比能量)-The energy density of a cell is a measure of how much energy can be stored in the cell per unit volume or per unit weight.E (watt-hours) = cell voltage x capacity rating Energy density per unit volume is called the “volumetric ener gy density” and is expressed in terms of watt-hours/liter (wh/l).Energy density per unit weight is called the “gravimetric energy density” and is expressed in terms of watt-hours/kilogram (wh/kg).These measurements are useful when you are trying to determine which cell has the most capacity per unit volume or weight.Ageing(老化)- Permanent loss of capacity with frequent use or the passage of time due to unwanted irreversible chemical reactions in the cell.Anode(阳极)- The electrode in an electrochemical cell where oxidation takes place, releasing electrons.During discharge the negative electrode of the cell is the anode.During charge the situation reverses and the positive electrode of the cell is the anode. Cathode(阴极)- The electrode in an electrochemical cell where reduction takes place, gaining electrons.During discharge the positive electrode of the cell is the cathode. During charge the situation reverses and the negative electrode of the cell is the cathode.Cycle (循环)- A single charge and discharge of a battery.Depth of discharge DOD (放电深度)- The ratio of the quantity of electricity or charge removed from a cell on discharge to its rated capacity.Internal impedance(交流内阻)- Resistance to the flow of AC current within a cell. It takes into account the capacitive effect of the plates forming the electrodes.Internal resistance (直流内阻)- Resistance to the flow of DC electric current within a cell, causing a voltage drop across the cell in closed circuit proportional to the current drain from the cell.A low internal impedance is usually required for a high rate cell.电池常用术语(二)序号首字母英文中文1. A aging 老化2. B battery charger 充电器3. black-fleck 黑斑4. burst vent 防爆阀5. C cap 盖板6. capacity density 能量密度7. capacity grading 分容8. cathode tab welding 极耳超焊9. cell 电芯10. charge(capacity) retention 荷电(容量)保持11. checking code 检码12. concave spot 凹点13. constant current charge 恒流充电14. constant current discharge 恒流放电15. constant voltage charge 恒压充电16. corrective measures 纠正措施17. crack 裂纹18. cut-off voltage 终止电压19. cycle life 循环寿命20. dark trace 暗痕21. degrade 降级22. dent 凹痕23. discharge depth 放电深度24. distortion 变形25. drape 打折26. Electrical and Mechanical Services Department 机电部27. electrolyte 电解,电解液28. empaistic 压纹29. end-off voltage 放电截止电压30. environmental friendly 对环境友好31. equipment first inspection 设备首检32. erode 腐蚀33. explosion-proof line 防爆线34. filling port 注液孔35. first inspection 首检36. foil 箔37. formation 化成38. fracture 断裂39. inspection 检验40. insulate 绝缘41. internal resistance 内阻42. jellyroll 卷芯43. joint 接缝,结合点44. laser deflecting 偏光45. laser reticle 激光刻线46. laser welding-flatwise weld 激光焊接-平焊47. laser welding-standing weld 激光焊接-立焊48. leakage 漏液49. leak-checking 测漏50. leaving out of welding 漏焊51. limited charge voltage 充电限制电压52. local action 自放电53. margin turnly 翘边54. measuring the dimension of cells 电芯卡尺寸55. meet requirement 达到要求56. memory effects 记忆效应57. nick 划痕58. nominal voltage 标称电压59. notice-board confirmation 看板确认60. nugget 硬块61. obverse 正面62. open circuit voltage 开路电压63. over charge 过充64. over discharge 过放65. over the thickness 超厚66. particle 颗粒67. parallel-plate prismatic design 方形叠片式设计68. PE membrane PE膜69. pit 坑点70. placing cells into the box 电芯装盒71. point inspection 点检72. preventive measures 预防措施73. pricking the tapes 扎孔74. process inspection 制程检验75. put the battery piled up 将电芯叠放在一起76. qualified products 合格品77. quality assurance 质量保证78. quality control 质量控制79. quality improvement 质量改进80. quality match 品质配对81. quality planning 质量策划82. rated capacity 额定容量83. recharge 再充电84. refitting the can of cell 电芯壳口整形85. requirment 要求86. reverse 背面,反面87. rework 返工88. ringing cells into pyrocondensation films 套热缩膜89. safety vent 安全阀90. sand aperture 砂眼91. scar 疤痕92. secondary battery 二次电池93. self discharge 自放电94. select appearance 选外观95. sharp-set 批锋96. short circuit checking 测短路97. smudginess 污物98. spirally/cylindrical wound type 圆柱形99. spot welding by laser 激光点焊100. s pot welding place 点焊位置101. s praying the code 喷码102. s pur 毛刺103. s teel strap 钢带104. s ticking the PVC cover boards 贴面垫105. s toring 陈化106. s toring with high voltage 高压储存107. t abs deflection 极耳歪斜108. t abs excursion 极耳错位109. t echnics requiment 工艺要求110. u ltrasonic welding 超声波焊接111. u ltrasonic welding strength 超焊强度112. u niformity of the Li-ion Batteries 锂离子电池的一致性113. u nqualified products 不合格品114. w ave 波浪115. w orking procedure 工序电池常用术语(三)Alkaline batteries 碱性电池Capacitor batteries电容电池Carbon zinc batteries 碳锌电池Lead acid batteries铅酸电池Lead calcium batteries铅钙电池charge voltage 充电电压charge current 充电电流charged watt-hour 充电瓦时charge characteristic 充电特性charge ampere-hour 充电安时deep cycle endurance 重负荷循环寿命/重复合寿命weight engergy density 重量能量密度rubber pad 橡胶垫lower level line 下液面线side terminal 侧端子collective exhaust unit 公共的排放单元sintered plaque 烧结极板sintered separator 烧结隔板sintered plate 烧结极板catalyst plug 催化塞spine 芯骨strap 带spacer 隔离物insulating tube 绝缘管intercell connector 连接线/连接条connector cover 连接管盖float mounted plug 浮动安装的栓pasted plate(1) grid type plate(2) 涂膏式极板braid tube 编织管flame-arrester vent plug (1) flame-retardant vent plug(2) 安全塞explosion and splash proof construction 防爆防溅结构baffle 保护板pocket type plate 袋式极板bottom hole-down 底孔向下(固定)bolt fastening terminal 螺栓连接端子male blade 阳片monoblock container 整体槽positive electrode 正极positive plate 正极板leading wire terminal 引线端子retainer mat 止动垫片ribbed separator 肋隔板jumping wire(1) inter low wire(2) 跳线end plate 端板filling plug 注液塞plante plate 形成式极板/普朗特极板tubular plate 管式极板low electric resistance separator 低电阻隔板tapered terminal post 锥形接线柱electrolyte 电解液container 蓄电池槽/蓄电池壳set of container 成套蓄电池槽level-scope mounted plug 透视塞/透视栓handle 手柄jug 取液管connector(1); plug concent(2)连接器(1);插座式连接器(2)connector wire 连接线connecting bar 连杆connecting bar cover 连杆帽lead 引线/连接线edge insulator 绝缘卡side frame 侧框架battery cubicle 蓄电池箱perforated separator 多孔隔板burning rod (铅)焊条terminal 端子terminal connector 端子连接条terminal cover 端子盖terminal base 端子座tab 接线片lead bushing 铅套corrugated separator 波形隔板lead dioxide(1); lead peroxide(2)二氧化铅(1);过氧化铅(2)woven separator(1); nonwoven separator(2) (1)织物隔板;(2)非织物隔板vent hole 通气孔exhaust tube 排气管antipolar mass 反极性物质output cable 输出电缆microporous rubber separator 微孔像胶隔板specific gravity indicator 比重计leaf separator 叶片式隔板lid sealing compound 密封剂/封口剂sealing gasket 密封衬垫/垫圈lid 蓄电池盖set of lid 系列的盖cover board方通盖板solepiece底板steel ball钢珠press steel ball压钢珠valve preventing explosion防爆阀discharge in high rate current大电流(倍率)放电normal voltage标称电压normal capacity标称容量discharge capacity放电容量limited voltage in charge充电上限电压terminating voltage in discharge放电下限电压constant current charge 恒流充电constant voltage charge恒压充电constant current discharge恒流放电discharge curve放电曲线discharge voltage plateau放电平台charge curve 充电曲线capacity attenuation容量衰减initial discharge capacity起始容量pipelining流水线carrying tape传送带welding the current collector焊极耳wind卷绕layer叠片stick tape贴胶带spot welding点焊ultrasonic welding超声焊discharge terminating voltage: discharge of the battery is 3.0 volt. charge limited voltage: in charge of the battery is 4.2 volt.three elements materials Nickle-Cobalt-Manganese Lithium Oxide,三元素Cobalt Lithium Oxide钴酸锂Manganese Lithium Oxide锰酸锂graphite石墨oven烘箱vacuum oven真空烘箱mixing device, vacuum mixing device搅拌机coating equipment涂布机paper knife ,,,,,,cutting knife裁纸刀equipment for cutting big piece to much pieces分条机roll press equipment辊压机spot welding machine电阻点焊机ultrasonic spot welding machine超声点焊机winder卷绕机auto laminating machine自动叠片机laser welding machine激光焊机infusing machine注液机vacuum infusion machine真空注液机Environmental Protection batteries 环保电池grid 板栅caution label 警告标签synthetic resin separator 合成树脂隔板plastics container 塑料蓄电池槽synthetic fiber separator 合成纤维隔板connector sunken type 沉没型连接器connetor exposed type 露出型连接器safety valve test 安全阀测试ampere-hour efficency 安时效率one charge distance range 一次充电行程gas recombination on negative electrode type 阴极气体再化合型/阴极气体复合型cut-off discharge 终止放电/截止放电specific characteristic比特性energy density能量密度recovering charge 恢复充电open circuit voltage(1) off-load voltage (2) 开路电压/空载电压overcharge 过充电gassing 析气overcharge life test 过充电寿命试验accelerated life test 加速寿命试验active material utilization 活性物质利用率theoretical capacity of active material 活性物质的理论容量over discharge 过放电intermittent discharge 间歇放电full charge 完全充电full discharge 完全放电reverse charge 反充电/反向充电quick charge 快速放电allowable minimum voltage 允许最小电压equalizing charge 均衡充电creeping 蠕变group voltage 组电压shallow cycle endurance 轻负荷寿命/轻负荷循环寿命characteristic of electrolyte decrease 电解液减少特性nominal voltage 标称电压high rate discharge 高率放电high rate discharge characteristic 高率放电特性5 second voltage at discharge 放电5秒电压cold cranking ampere冷启动电流cold cranking performance冷启动性能cycle life test 循环寿命测试maximum voltage at discharge 最大放电电压30 second voltage at discharge 放电30秒电压residual capacity 残存容量hour rate小时率discharge rate放电率self discharge自放电local action局部自放电self discharge rate自放电率local action rate局部自放电率actual capacity 实际容量starting capability, cranking ability 启动能力cranking current 启动电流battery clamp test 电池夹钳测试power density 功率密度momentary discharge 瞬间放电modified constant voltage charge 修正恒定电压充电initial capacity 初始容量gas recombination by catalyser type 触媒气体复合式initial charge 初始充电viberation test 振动试验predetermined voltage 预定电压total voltage 总电压activation test for dry charged battery 干式荷电蓄电池活化试验salting 盐析earthquake-proof characteristics 防震性能dielectric voltage withstand test 电介质耐压试验short time discharge 短时间放电escaped acid mist test 酸雾逸出测试terminal voltage 端子电压cell voltage 单电池电压Lithium batteries 锂电池Lithium ion batteries 锂离子电池Lithium polymer batteries 锂聚合物电池Nickel cadmium batteries 镍镉电池Nickel metal hydride batteries镍氢电池Nickel iron batteries 镍铁电池Nickel zinc batteries镍锌电池pre-charge equipment预充柜formation systems化成柜grading systems分容柜testing systems测试柜battery inner resistance tester内阻仪multimeter万用表turntable type vacuum sealing machine转盘式真空封口机automatic aluminum membrane shaper自动冲膜机Primary batteries 原电池Rechargeable batteries 充电电池Sealed lead acid batteries密封铅酸电池Silver cadmium batteries 银钙电池Silver oxide batteries 银氧化物电池Silver zinc batteries银锌电池Zinc chloride batteries银氯化物电池Zinc air batteries锌空电池step charge 阶段充电short-circuit current 短路电流storage test 保存测试high rate discharge at low temperature 低温高率放电rated voltage 额定电压rated capacity 额定容量fixed resistance discharge 定阻抗放电constant voltage charge 恒压充电constant voltage life test 恒压寿命测试constant current charge 恒流充电constant voltage constant current charge 恒流恒压充电constant current discharge 恒流放电constant watt discharge 恒功率放电low rate discharge characteristics 低率放电特征trickle charge 涓流充电trickle charge current 涓流充电电流trickle charge life test 涓流充电寿命测试thermal runaway 热失控driving pattern test 运行测试capacity in driving pattern test 运行测试boost charge 急充电floating charge 浮充电floating charge voltage 浮充电电压floating charge current 浮充电电流mean, average voltage 平均电压on-load voltage 负载电压discharge duration time 放电持续时间final voltage, cut-off voltage, end voltage 终止电压/截止电压depth of discharge 放电深度discharge voltage 放电电压discharge current 放电电流discharge current density 放电电流密度discharge watt-hour 放电瓦时discharge characteristics 放电特性discharged ampere-hour 放电安时explosion proof test 防爆测试auxiliary charge 补充电maintenance factor 维护率storage characteristics 保存特性gas recombinating efficiency 气体复合效率/气体再化合效率charge 充电charge acceptance test 充电可接受性试验start-of-charge current 充电开始电流charge efficiency 充电效率end-of-charge voltage 充电结束电压specific gravity of electrolyte at the end of charge 充电结束时电解液比重vent valve 排气阀filling device for pleral cells 电池组填充装置negative electrode 负电极negative plate 负极板addition reagent for negative plate 负极板添加剂indicator 指示器top cover 上盖vent plug 液孔塞expanded grid 扩展式板栅specific gravity indicator 比重指示器electrolyte level control pipe 电解液液面控制管electrolyte level indicator 电解液液面指示器electrolyte level sensor 电解液液面传感器hard rubber container 硬橡胶槽envelope separator 包状隔板woven cloth tube 纺布管spongy lead 海绵状铅partition 隔壁over the partition type 越过隔壁型through the partition type 贯通隔壁贯通型separator 隔板battery rack(1) battery stand(2) battery stillage(3) 蓄电池架/蓄电池底垫active material 活性物质glass fiber separator 玻璃纤维隔板glass mat 玻璃纤维绵glass mat tube 玻璃纤维绵管spacing washer 间隔垫圈reinforced fiber separator 强化纤维隔板polarity mark plate 极性标记板pole 极柱pole insulator 极柱绝缘子pole nut 极柱螺母plate 极板plate foot 极板足plate supporter 极板支撑件element 极板群/极群组pole bolt 极柱螺栓plate lug 极板耳dilute sulfuric acid 稀硫酸steel can 金属罐steel container 金属蓄电池槽madribs 鞍子element rest极群组座tubular plate 管状极板gelled electrolyte 胶体电解液铅酸蓄电池Lead-acid battery起动铅酸电池Lead-acid starter batteries摩托车用铅酸电池Lead-acid batteries for motorcycles内燃机车用铅酸电池Lead-acid batteries for disel locomotive电动道路车辆用铅酸电池Lead-acid batteries for electric road vehicles小型阀控密封式铅酸电池small-sized valve-regulated lead-acid batteries航空用铅酸电池Aircraft lead-acid batteries固定型阀控密封式铅酸蓄电池Lead-acid batteries for stationary valve-regulated铅酸电池用极板plate for lead-acid battery铅锭lead ingots牵引用铅酸电池Lead-acid traction batteies电解液激活蓄电池electrolyte activated battery电池常用术语(四)蓄电池名词术语Terminology of (secondary) cell or batteryGB 2900.11-88本标准等效采用IEC第21技术委员会,国家电工词汇486.21(中央办公室)289号文件《蓄电池名词术语》。
电池的放电电流也是用户选配电池所关心的数据, 有些样本直接给出允许持续电流及脉冲电流,但 有些样本或文章则以“nC”来表述放电电流。其中 “C”是额定容量,n是有单位的系数,其单位是 “1/小时”,“nC”即是放电率。(n=1也不能省 略)。例如:额定容量为“1000mAh”的电池,以 “0.1C”放电,就是0.1 /h×1000mAh=100mA。放电 电流是100mA。
“锌锰”/“碱锰” 1.5V “镍镉”/“镍氢” 1.2V “铅酸”2.0V “锂锰”3.0V “锂硫”2.7V “钴锂” 3.6V “锂锰” 3.7V “ 铁锂” 3.2V
电池在存放期间,其正、负极反应物质会有一定 的消耗,结果是使电池的实际容量有所下降。这 种现象称为自放电,自放电率即是对这种现象的 描述,以单位时段额定容量减少的百分数来表示。 如3% /年。或是3% /月
到目前为止,只是“镍镉”电池有此现象。当蓄 电池在放电(使用时的状态)时如果没有将容量 用完即行充电,那么电池以后的充放电容量只能 达到那次放电的水平,任何方法也不可能恢复其 额定容量了。如1000mAh的电池,如果有一次只 放电100mAh就进行了充电,那么这只电池今后只 能作为100mAh电池来使用。这就是所谓的“记忆 效应”。“记忆效应”给用户带来很大的困难, 所以后来研发的二次电池往往特意加注“无记忆 效应”。铅酸电池就不注,因为铅酸流行的时候 人们还不知道有“记忆效应”这会事儿。
指电池放充电时,电压充电到电池不宜再继续充 电的最高工作电压值。 根据不同的电池类型及不同的容量条件,对电池 的容量和寿命的要求也不同,因此规定的电池充 电的终止电压也不相同。
电池常用专业术语英语1. Amperehour (Ah):安时,表示电池在一定时间内能够提供的电流总量。
2. Battery Pack:电池组,由多个单体电池组成的电池系统,用于提供更高的电压和容量。
3. Capacity:容量,指电池在完全充电状态下能储存的电能量,通常以安时(Ah)或毫安时(mAh)为单位。
4. Charge Cycle:充电周期,指电池从满电状态放电至电量耗尽,再充电至满电状态的过程。
5. Charging Rate:充电速率,表示电池在单位时间内充电的速度,通常以C率(电流倍率)表示。
6. Discharge Rate:放电速率,表示电池在单位时间内放电的速度,同样以C率表示。
7. Energy Density:能量密度,指单位体积或单位质量电池所储存的电能量,通常以瓦时/升(Wh/L)或瓦时/千克(Wh/kg)表示。
8. Internal Resistance:内阻,指电池在放电过程中产生的热量和电压降,影响电池的输出性能。
9. Lithiumion Battery:锂离子电池,一种充电电池,具有高能量密度、长寿命和低自放电率等特点。
10. Nominal Voltage:标称电压,指电池在正常工作状态下的电压值。
11. Open Circuit Voltage (OCV):开路电压,指电池在未连接外部电路时的电压。
12. State of Charge (SOC):充电状态,表示电池当前剩余电量与满电状态电量的比值。
13. State of Health (SOH):健康状态,反映电池性能衰减的程度,通常以百分比表示。
14. Terminal Voltage:端电压,指电池正负极之间的电压,受电池内阻和放电电流的影响。
15. Voltage Drop:电压降,指电池在放电过程中,由于内阻导致的端电压降低现象。
16. Cycle Life:循环寿命,指电池在达到一定容量衰减程度之前,可以经历的完整充放电周期的次数。
动力电池专业术语1. 咱先来说说“能量密度”这个词儿。
就像手机电池,能量密度高的,手机就能用得更久,不用老是充电,多省心呐!2. “充放电倍率”也很关键。
就拿电动车来说,如果它的电池充放电倍率高,那充电就像火箭发射似的,“嗖”的一下就充不少电,开起来也更带劲!3. “循环寿命”可不能小瞧。
比如说你的笔记本电脑电池,要是循环寿命长,那用个几年都没问题,多棒啊!可要是循环寿命短,没几次就不行了,那不是很闹心吗?4. 再讲讲“自放电率”。
5. “荷电状态”,这词听起来有点玄乎。
6. “内阻”这个概念得知道。
7. “放电深度”也是个重要的术语。
8. “过充过放保护”,这可太重要了!这就像给电池请了个保镖。
按照学者们的命名“电池”即是“化学电源”, 它是一个由化学能直接转换成电能的装置。称 “化学电源”显得更科学一些,称“电池”则更 贴近百姓一些。
一次电池”也被称为“原电池”,它是不可以充 电的,当设计的容量用完后要更换新电池,它的 优点是使用方便,它的缺点是大量的废弃电池对 环境造成一定影响。“二次电池”也称“蓄电 池”,是可充电电池,当电池的电量用到一定程 度时可以用规定的充电器充电以恢复电量。还有 一种介于二者之间的“可充电一次电池”,它是 一次电池的原理,经改良后也可充电,但充放电 深度和循环寿命都不能和“二次电池”同日而语。
是指电池在工作时,电流流过电池内部所受到的 阻力。有欧姆内阻与极化内阻两部分组成。电池 内阻大,会导致电池放电工作电压降低,放电时 间缩短。内阻大小主要受电池的材料、制造工艺、 电池结构等因素的影响。是衡量电池性能的一个 重要参数。注:一般以充电态内阻为标准。测量 电池的内阻需用专用内阻仪测量,而不能用万用 表欧姆档测量。
“锌锰”/“碱锰” 1.5V “镍镉”/“镍氢” 1.2V “铅酸”2.0V “锂锰”3.0V “锂硫”2.7V “钴锂” 3.6V
“锂锰” 3.何为“自放电率”?
动力电池基本名词1. 电池容量(Battery Capacity):动力电池所能储存的能量量度,通常以安时(Ah)表示。
2. 电压(Voltage):动力电池的电势差,也就是电池的输出电压。
3. 充电速率(Charging Rate):动力电池的充电速度,通常以C值表示,表示充电电流与电池容量的比值。
4. 放电速率(Discharge Rate):动力电池的放电速度,也以C值表示,表示放电电流与电池容量的比值。
5. 循环寿命(Cycle Life):指动力电池经过一次完整的充放电循环后仍能保持一定容量的次数。
6. 能量密度(Energy Density):动力电池单位体积或单位质量所储存的能量。
7. 功率密度(Power Density):动力电池单位体积或单位质量所能提供的功率。
8. 自放电(Self-discharge):动力电池在未使用时自行放电的现象。
9. 充电效率(Charging Efficiency):动力电池接受充电时的能量转化效率。
10. 电池管理系统(Battery Management System,简称BMS):用于管理和监控动力电池的系统,负责电池状态的监测、平衡充放电、温度控制等功能。
11. 极性(Polarity):动力电池的正(+)和负(-)极之间的电势差。
12. 电下储能(Regenerative Energy Storage):动力电池能够通过车辆制动时回收的能量储存的能力。
13. 锂离子电池(Lithium-ion Battery):一种常用于动力电池的电池技术,具有较高的能量密度和较长的循环寿命。
14. 镍氢电池(Nickel Metal Hydride Battery):一种常用的次级动力电池技术,具有较高的循环寿命和较低的成本。
15. 铅酸电池(Lead-acid Battery):一种传统的动力电池技术,通常用于汽车起动电池,成本较低但能量密度较低。
Lipo 一般2个月做一次自放电,保持电压在3.9V左右。
电池生产术语1. 嘿,你知道电池生产里的“正极材料”不?这就像是电池的发动机,推动着电能的产生呢。
2. 电池生产中的“负极材料”呀,那可相当于电池的仓库,专门用来储存电子的。
像石墨这种负极材料就很常见,要是没有这个仓库,电子就像没家的孩子,到处乱窜,电池也就没法正常工作啦,你说是不是这个理儿?3. “电解液”在电池生产里可是个神奇的东西,就如同血液在人体里一样重要。
拿铅酸蓄电池来说,电解液就是硫酸溶液,它让电池内部的离子能够自由穿梭,要是没有电解液,电池就像个干涸的河床,啥都动不了,多可怕呀!4. 说到电池生产的“隔膜”,这就像是一道防火墙,把电池的正负极隔开。
没有这隔膜,就好比房子没了墙,正负极一接触,那电池可就报废喽,真要命!5. 在电池生产中,“化成”这个步骤就像是给电池做一场洗礼。
例如镍氢电池,通过化成,能激活电池内部的化学物质,让它从一个“懒家伙”变成充满活力的电能提供者,是不是很神奇呢?6. “电池容量”这个术语得知道呀。
7. 电池生产里的“充放电倍率”可有点意思呢。
8. “自放电率”这个概念也很关键。
像一些老的干电池,放久了就没电了,就是自放电率高的缘故,真气人!9. “电池内阻”是啥呢?这就像水管里的堵塞物,会阻碍电流的流动。
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电池常用术语集锦电池常用术语(一)Battery GlossaryA~C D~L M~Q R~ZA—CAmpere hours (Ah) - The unit of measure used for comparing the capacity or energy content of batteries with the same output voltage. For automotive (Lead Acid) batteries the SAE defines the Amphour capacity as the current delivered for a period of 20 hours until the cell voltage drops to 1.75 V.Strictly - One Ampere hour is the charge transferred by one amp flowing for one hour. 1Ah = 3600 Coulombs.Battery Management System (BMS) - Electronic circuits designed to monitor the battery and keep it within its specified operating conditions and to protect it from abuse during both charging and discharging.Battery Monitoring - Sometimes confused with BMS (above) of which it is an essential part, these circuits monitor the key operating parameters (current, voltage, temperature, SOC, etc.) of the battery and provide information to the user.Bobbin - A cylindrical cell design utilizing an internal cylindrical electrode and an external electrode arranged as a sleeve inside the cell container.C Rate - C is a value which expresses the rated current capacity of a cell or battery. A celldischarging at the C rate will deliver its nominal rated capacity for 1 hour. Charging and discharging currents are generally expressed as multiples of C. The time to discharge a battery is inversely proportional to the discharge rate.∙NC is a charge or discharge rate which is N times the rated current capacity of the battery where N is a number (fraction or multiple)∙CN is the battery capacity in AmpHours which corresponds to complete discharge of the battery in N hours (N is usually a subscript). Also written as the N-Hour rate.Capacity - The electric energy content of a battery expressed in "Watt hours". Batteries with the same output voltage also use "Ampere hours" for comparing capacities.Cathode - The electrode in an electrochemical cell where reduction takes place, gaining electrons. During discharge the positive electrode of the cell is the cathode. During charge the situation reverses and the negative electrode of the cell is the cathode.Cell balancing - The process used during charging to ensure that every cell is charged to the same state of charge. Also called "Equalisation".Charge - The process of replenishing or replacing the electrical charge in a rechargeable cell or battery.Charge efficiency - The ratio (expressed as a percentage) between the energy removed from a battery during discharge compared with the energy used during charging to restore the original capacity. Also called the Coulombic Efficiency or Charge Acceptance. See alternative definition above.Closed-Circuit Voltage (CCV闭路电压) - The potential or voltage of a battery when it is discharging or charging.Constant current charge CC - A charging scheme which maintains the current through the cell at a constant value.Constant voltage charge CV - A charging scheme which maintains the voltage across the battery terminals at a constant value.Current limit - The maximum current drain under which the particular battery will perform adequately under a continuous drain.Cut-off voltage - The specified voltage at which the discharge of a cell is considered complete.Cycle life - The number of cycles a battery can perform before its nominal capacity falls below 80% of its initial rated capacity.D—LDeep cycle battery - A battery designed to be discharged to below 80% Depth of Discharge. Used in marine, traction and EV applications.End-point voltage - (End voltage, Cutoff voltage, Final voltage)截止电压Specified closed circuit voltage at which a service output test is terminated.Depth of discharge DOD - The ratio of the quantity of electricity or charge removed from a cell on discharge to its rated capacity.Discharge capacity - The amount of energy taken from the battery when discharged at the rated current and ambient temperature until the discharge end voltage is reached. Generally expressed in units of Watt hours (or Ampere hours for batteries with the same voltage).Discharge rate - The current delivered by the cell during discharging. Expressed in Amperes or multiples of the C rate.Discharge voltage - The voltage between the terminals of a cell or battery under load, during discharge.Electrolyte - A substance which dissociates into ions (charged particles) when in aqueous solution or molten form and is thus able to conduct electricity. It is the medium which transports the ions carrying the charge between the electrodes during the electrochemical reaction in a battery.End-of-discharge voltage - The battery voltage when discharge is terminated.End-of-charge voltage - The battery voltage when charge is terminated.Energy density - The amount of energy stored in a battery. It is expressed as the amount of energy stored per unit volume or per unit weight (Wh/L or Wh/kg).Fast charge - Charging in less than one hour at about 1.0C rate. Needs special charger.Float charge - An arrangement in which the battery and the load are permanently connected in parallel across the DC charging source, so that the battery will supply power to the load if the charger fails. Compensates for the self-discharge of the battery.High rate discharge - Discharge at a current of 2C or more.IEC - The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes international standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies.Initial voltage(起始电压)-A battery's initial voltage is the working voltage when discharging begins.Intelligent battery - Battery containing circuitry enabling some communication between the battery and the application or with the charger.Internal impedance - Resistance to the flow of AC current within a cell. It takes into account the capacitive effect of the plates forming the electrodes.Internal resistance - Resistance to the flow of DC electric current within a cell, causing a voltage drop across the cell in closed circuit proportional to the current drain from the cell.A very low internal impedance is usually required for a high rate (high power) cell.Lithium Ion Cell - A secondary lithium cell in which both the negative and positive electrodes are lithium insertion (intercalation) compounds. Also known as rocking chair, shuttlecock or swing cell.Lithium Polymer Cell - A lithium ion cell with a solid polymer electrolyte.M—QMemory effect - Reversible, progressive capacity loss in nickel based batteries found in NiCad and to a lesser extent in Ni-MH batteries. It is caused by a change in crystalline formation from the desirable small size to a large size which occurs when the cell is recharged before it is fully discharged.MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet. Information provided by battery or cell manufacturers about any hazardous materials used in their products.Nominal capacity - Used to indicate the average capacity of a battery. It is the average capacity when batteries are discharged at 0.2C within one hour of being charged for 16 hours at 0.1C and 20± 5°C. (or discharge at 0.05C for automotive batteries - SAE) Definition depends on the conditions. See Ampere Hours Ah aboveNominal voltage - Used to indicate the voltage of a battery. Since most discharge curves are neither linear nor flat, a typical value is generally taken which is close to the voltage during actual use.NTC - A thermistor with a negative temperature coefficient, whose resistance decreases with increasing temperature.Open circuit voltage OCV - The voltage of a cell or battery with no load attached measured with a voltmeter at room temperature.Operating voltage - Voltage between the two terminals of the battery with a load connected.Over-charge - Continuous charging of the battery after it reaches full charge. Generally overcharging will have a harmful influence on the performance of the battery which could lead to unsafe conditions. It should therefore be avoided.Open circuit voltage (OCV开路电压) - The voltage of a battery when there is no current flowing.Over-current - Exceeding the manufacturer's recommended maximum discharge current for a cell or battery.Over-discharge - Discharging a battery below the end voltage or cut-off voltage specified for the battery.Parallel connection - The connection together of, two or more, similar cells to form a battery of higher capacity by connecting together all the cell terminals of the same polarity.Passivation layer - A resistive layer that forms on the electrodes in some cells after prolonged storage impeding the chemical reaction. This barrier must be removed to enable proper operation of the cell. Applying charge/discharge cycles often helps in preparing the battery for use. In other applications, passivation is used as a method of shielding a metal surface from attack.Photovoltaic cell - A device that directly converts the energy in light into electrical energy. Also called a photocell, a solar cell or a PV cell.Positive electrode - The electrode which has a positive potential. The cathode. Electric current from this electrode flows into the external circuit.PTC - A thermistor with a positive temperature coefficient, whose resistance increases with temperature.Quick charge - Charging in three to six hours at about 0.3C rate. Needs special charger.R—ZSecondary battery - A battery which can be recharged and used repeatedly.Self-discharge - Capacity loss during storage due to the internal current leakage between the positive and negative plates.Series connection - The connection of, two or more, similar cells in a chain to form a battery of higher voltage by connecting the positive terminal of each cell to the to negative terminal of the next cell.Smart Battery - An intelligent battery which contains information about its specification, its status and its usage profile which can be read by its charger or the application in which it is used.Solar cell - A photovoltaic cell. Solar cells convert sunlight energy into electric current. They do not store energy.Spiral Wound - Battery construction in which the electrodes with the electrolyte and separator between them are rolled into a spiral like a jelly roll (Swiss roll).State of Charge- SOC - The available capacity of a battery expressed as a percentage of its rated capacity.State of Health- SOH - A measurement that reflects the general condition of a battery and its ability to deliver the specified performance compared with a fresh battery. It takes into account such factors as charge acceptance, internal resistance, voltage andself-discharge. It is not as precise as the SOC determination.Storage life - The length of time a cell or battery can be stored on open circuit without permanent deterioration of its performance.Traction battery - A high power deep cycle secondary battery designed to power electric vehicles or heavy mobile equipment.Trickle charge - A continuous charge at low rate, balancing losses through local action and/or periodic discharge, to maintain a cell or battery in a fully charged condition. Normally at a C/20 to C/30 rate.UL - Underwriters Laboratories Inc - (UL) is an independent, not-for-profit product safety testing and certification organization based in the USA. UL marking indicates that the product conforms with the safety standards laid down by Underwriters Laboratories.UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply.Voltage - Units of measuring electrical current, all batteries are rated in volts DC. (Direct Current). This determines how much energy is needed to power your equipment.Voltage plateau(电压平台)- A slow decrease in voltage over a long period of time. As a rule, the plateau extends from the first voltage drop at the start of the discharge to the bend of the curve after which the voltage drops rapidly at the end.Volumetric Energy Density (Wh/L) - The energy output per unit volume of a battery.Volumetric Power Density (W/L) -The power output per unit volume of a battery.Watt - A unit of power, the rate of doing work. Watts = Amps X Volts = One Joule per second.WattHours Wh - A measure of the energy capacity of a battery. The amount of work done in one hour.1 Wh = 3.6 kJ.Working voltage(工作电压)- The working voltage of a cell or battery begins at its electrical connections as soon as an electrical consumer is connected to it.Capacity(容量)- The capacity of a cell is defined as how many milli-amp-hours (mAh) of current the cell canstore and subsequently deliver. One milli-amp (mA) is 1/1000th of an Amp. Somelarger cell capacities are expressed in Amp-hours (Ah).“Rated capacity” is varies with discharge rate, temperature, and cutoff voltage.Rated capacity is different from power or energyExample:If a cell is rated at 1000 mAh, then it can deliver the following:1000 mA of current for 1 hour500 mA of current for 2 hours200 mA of current for 5 hours2000 mA of current for 1/2 hourEnergy Density (能量密度,包括体积比能量和质量比能量)-The energy density of a cell is a measure of how much energy can be stored in the cell per unit volume or per unit weight.E (watt-hours) = cell voltage x capacity rating Energy density per unit volume is called the “volumetric ener gy density” and is expressed in terms of watt-hours/liter (wh/l).Energy density per unit weight is called the “gravimetric energy density” and is expressed in terms of watt-hours/kilogram (wh/kg).These measurements are useful when you are trying to determine which cell has the most capacity per unit volume or weight.Ageing(老化)- Permanent loss of capacity with frequent use or the passage of time due to unwanted irreversible chemical reactions in the cell.Anode(阳极)- The electrode in an electrochemical cell where oxidation takes place, releasing electrons.During discharge the negative electrode of the cell is the anode.During charge the situation reverses and the positive electrode of the cell is the anode. Cathode(阴极)- The electrode in an electrochemical cell where reduction takes place, gaining electrons.During discharge the positive electrode of the cell is the cathode. During charge the situation reverses and the negative electrode of the cell is the cathode.Cycle (循环)- A single charge and discharge of a battery.Depth of discharge DOD (放电深度)- The ratio of the quantity of electricity or charge removed from a cell on discharge to its rated capacity.Internal impedance(交流内阻)- Resistance to the flow of AC current within a cell. It takes into account the capacitive effect of the plates forming the electrodes.Internal resistance (直流内阻)- Resistance to the flow of DC electric current within a cell, causing a voltage drop across the cell in closed circuit proportional to the current drain from the cell.A low internal impedance is usually required for a high rate cell.电池常用术语(二)序号首字母英文中文1. A aging 老化2. B battery charger 充电器3. black-fleck 黑斑4. burst vent 防爆阀5. C cap 盖板6. capacity density 能量密度7. capacity grading 分容8. cathode tab welding 极耳超焊9. cell 电芯10. charge(capacity) retention 荷电(容量)保持11. checking code 检码12. concave spot 凹点13. constant current charge 恒流充电14. constant current discharge 恒流放电15. constant voltage charge 恒压充电16. corrective measures 纠正措施17. crack 裂纹18. cut-off voltage 终止电压19. cycle life 循环寿命20. dark trace 暗痕21. degrade 降级22. dent 凹痕23. discharge depth 放电深度24. distortion 变形25. drape 打折26. Electrical and Mechanical Services Department 机电部27. electrolyte 电解,电解液28. empaistic 压纹29. end-off voltage 放电截止电压30. environmental friendly 对环境友好31. equipment first inspection 设备首检32. erode 腐蚀33. explosion-proof line 防爆线34. filling port 注液孔35. first inspection 首检36. foil 箔37. formation 化成38. fracture 断裂39. inspection 检验40. insulate 绝缘41. internal resistance 内阻42. jellyroll 卷芯43. joint 接缝,结合点44. laser deflecting 偏光45. laser reticle 激光刻线46. laser welding-flatwise weld 激光焊接-平焊47. laser welding-standing weld 激光焊接-立焊48. leakage 漏液49. leak-checking 测漏50. leaving out of welding 漏焊51. limited charge voltage 充电限制电压52. local action 自放电53. margin turnly 翘边54. measuring the dimension of cells 电芯卡尺寸55. meet requirement 达到要求56. memory effects 记忆效应57. nick 划痕58. nominal voltage 标称电压59. notice-board confirmation 看板确认60. nugget 硬块61. obverse 正面62. open circuit voltage 开路电压63. over charge 过充64. over discharge 过放65. over the thickness 超厚66. particle 颗粒67. parallel-plate prismatic design 方形叠片式设计68. PE membrane PE膜69. pit 坑点70. placing cells into the box 电芯装盒71. point inspection 点检72. preventive measures 预防措施73. pricking the tapes 扎孔74. process inspection 制程检验75. put the battery piled up 将电芯叠放在一起76. qualified products 合格品77. quality assurance 质量保证78. quality control 质量控制79. quality improvement 质量改进80. quality match 品质配对81. quality planning 质量策划82. rated capacity 额定容量83. recharge 再充电84. refitting the can of cell 电芯壳口整形85. requirment 要求86. reverse 背面,反面87. rework 返工88. ringing cells into pyrocondensation films 套热缩膜89. safety vent 安全阀90. sand aperture 砂眼91. scar 疤痕92. secondary battery 二次电池93. self discharge 自放电94. select appearance 选外观95. sharp-set 批锋96. short circuit checking 测短路97. smudginess 污物98. spirally/cylindrical wound type 圆柱形99. spot welding by laser 激光点焊100. s pot welding place 点焊位置101. s praying the code 喷码102. s pur 毛刺103. s teel strap 钢带104. s ticking the PVC cover boards 贴面垫105. s toring 陈化106. s toring with high voltage 高压储存107. t abs deflection 极耳歪斜108. t abs excursion 极耳错位109. t echnics requiment 工艺要求110. u ltrasonic welding 超声波焊接111. u ltrasonic welding strength 超焊强度112. u niformity of the Li-ion Batteries 锂离子电池的一致性113. u nqualified products 不合格品114. w ave 波浪115. w orking procedure 工序电池常用术语(三)Alkaline batteries 碱性电池Capacitor batteries电容电池Carbon zinc batteries 碳锌电池Lead acid batteries铅酸电池Lead calcium batteries铅钙电池charge voltage 充电电压charge current 充电电流charged watt-hour 充电瓦时charge characteristic 充电特性charge ampere-hour 充电安时deep cycle endurance 重负荷循环寿命/重复合寿命weight engergy density 重量能量密度rubber pad 橡胶垫lower level line 下液面线side terminal 侧端子collective exhaust unit 公共的排放单元sintered plaque 烧结极板sintered separator 烧结隔板sintered plate 烧结极板catalyst plug 催化塞spine 芯骨strap 带spacer 隔离物insulating tube 绝缘管intercell connector 连接线/连接条connector cover 连接管盖float mounted plug 浮动安装的栓pasted plate(1) grid type plate(2) 涂膏式极板braid tube 编织管flame-arrester vent plug (1) flame-retardant vent plug(2) 安全塞explosion and splash proof construction 防爆防溅结构baffle 保护板pocket type plate 袋式极板bottom hole-down 底孔向下(固定)bolt fastening terminal 螺栓连接端子male blade 阳片monoblock container 整体槽positive electrode 正极positive plate 正极板leading wire terminal 引线端子retainer mat 止动垫片ribbed separator 肋隔板jumping wire(1) inter low wire(2) 跳线end plate 端板filling plug 注液塞plante plate 形成式极板/普朗特极板tubular plate 管式极板low electric resistance separator 低电阻隔板tapered terminal post 锥形接线柱electrolyte 电解液container 蓄电池槽/蓄电池壳set of container 成套蓄电池槽level-scope mounted plug 透视塞/透视栓handle 手柄jug 取液管connector(1); plug concent(2)连接器(1);插座式连接器(2)connector wire 连接线connecting bar 连杆connecting bar cover 连杆帽lead 引线/连接线edge insulator 绝缘卡side frame 侧框架battery cubicle 蓄电池箱perforated separator 多孔隔板burning rod (铅)焊条terminal 端子terminal connector 端子连接条terminal cover 端子盖terminal base 端子座tab 接线片lead bushing 铅套corrugated separator 波形隔板lead dioxide(1); lead peroxide(2)二氧化铅(1);过氧化铅(2)woven separator(1); nonwoven separator(2) (1)织物隔板;(2)非织物隔板vent hole 通气孔exhaust tube 排气管antipolar mass 反极性物质output cable 输出电缆microporous rubber separator 微孔像胶隔板specific gravity indicator 比重计leaf separator 叶片式隔板lid sealing compound 密封剂/封口剂sealing gasket 密封衬垫/垫圈lid 蓄电池盖set of lid 系列的盖cover board方通盖板solepiece底板steel ball钢珠press steel ball压钢珠valve preventing explosion防爆阀discharge in high rate current大电流(倍率)放电normal voltage标称电压normal capacity标称容量discharge capacity放电容量limited voltage in charge充电上限电压terminating voltage in discharge放电下限电压constant current charge 恒流充电constant voltage charge恒压充电constant current discharge恒流放电discharge curve放电曲线discharge voltage plateau放电平台charge curve 充电曲线capacity attenuation容量衰减initial discharge capacity起始容量pipelining流水线carrying tape传送带welding the current collector焊极耳wind卷绕layer叠片stick tape贴胶带spot welding点焊ultrasonic welding超声焊discharge terminating voltage: discharge of the battery is 3.0 volt. charge limited voltage: in charge of the battery is 4.2 volt.three elements materials Nickle-Cobalt-Manganese Lithium Oxide,三元素Cobalt Lithium Oxide钴酸锂Manganese Lithium Oxide锰酸锂graphite石墨oven烘箱vacuum oven真空烘箱mixing device, vacuum mixing device搅拌机coating equipment涂布机paper knife ,,,,,,cutting knife裁纸刀equipment for cutting big piece to much pieces分条机roll press equipment辊压机spot welding machine电阻点焊机ultrasonic spot welding machine超声点焊机winder卷绕机auto laminating machine自动叠片机laser welding machine激光焊机infusing machine注液机vacuum infusion machine真空注液机Environmental Protection batteries 环保电池grid 板栅caution label 警告标签synthetic resin separator 合成树脂隔板plastics container 塑料蓄电池槽synthetic fiber separator 合成纤维隔板connector sunken type 沉没型连接器connetor exposed type 露出型连接器safety valve test 安全阀测试ampere-hour efficency 安时效率one charge distance range 一次充电行程gas recombination on negative electrode type 阴极气体再化合型/阴极气体复合型cut-off discharge 终止放电/截止放电specific characteristic比特性energy density能量密度recovering charge 恢复充电open circuit voltage(1) off-load voltage (2) 开路电压/空载电压overcharge 过充电gassing 析气overcharge life test 过充电寿命试验accelerated life test 加速寿命试验active material utilization 活性物质利用率theoretical capacity of active material 活性物质的理论容量over discharge 过放电intermittent discharge 间歇放电full charge 完全充电full discharge 完全放电reverse charge 反充电/反向充电quick charge 快速放电allowable minimum voltage 允许最小电压equalizing charge 均衡充电creeping 蠕变group voltage 组电压shallow cycle endurance 轻负荷寿命/轻负荷循环寿命characteristic of electrolyte decrease 电解液减少特性nominal voltage 标称电压high rate discharge 高率放电high rate discharge characteristic 高率放电特性5 second voltage at discharge 放电5秒电压cold cranking ampere冷启动电流cold cranking performance冷启动性能cycle life test 循环寿命测试maximum voltage at discharge 最大放电电压30 second voltage at discharge 放电30秒电压residual capacity 残存容量hour rate小时率discharge rate放电率self discharge自放电local action局部自放电self discharge rate自放电率local action rate局部自放电率actual capacity 实际容量starting capability, cranking ability 启动能力cranking current 启动电流battery clamp test 电池夹钳测试power density 功率密度momentary discharge 瞬间放电modified constant voltage charge 修正恒定电压充电initial capacity 初始容量gas recombination by catalyser type 触媒气体复合式initial charge 初始充电viberation test 振动试验predetermined voltage 预定电压total voltage 总电压activation test for dry charged battery 干式荷电蓄电池活化试验salting 盐析earthquake-proof characteristics 防震性能dielectric voltage withstand test 电介质耐压试验short time discharge 短时间放电escaped acid mist test 酸雾逸出测试terminal voltage 端子电压cell voltage 单电池电压Lithium batteries 锂电池Lithium ion batteries 锂离子电池Lithium polymer batteries 锂聚合物电池Nickel cadmium batteries 镍镉电池Nickel metal hydride batteries镍氢电池Nickel iron batteries 镍铁电池Nickel zinc batteries镍锌电池pre-charge equipment预充柜formation systems化成柜grading systems分容柜testing systems测试柜battery inner resistance tester内阻仪multimeter万用表turntable type vacuum sealing machine转盘式真空封口机automatic aluminum membrane shaper自动冲膜机Primary batteries 原电池Rechargeable batteries 充电电池Sealed lead acid batteries密封铅酸电池Silver cadmium batteries 银钙电池Silver oxide batteries 银氧化物电池Silver zinc batteries银锌电池Zinc chloride batteries银氯化物电池Zinc air batteries锌空电池step charge 阶段充电short-circuit current 短路电流storage test 保存测试high rate discharge at low temperature 低温高率放电rated voltage 额定电压rated capacity 额定容量fixed resistance discharge 定阻抗放电constant voltage charge 恒压充电constant voltage life test 恒压寿命测试constant current charge 恒流充电constant voltage constant current charge 恒流恒压充电constant current discharge 恒流放电constant watt discharge 恒功率放电low rate discharge characteristics 低率放电特征trickle charge 涓流充电trickle charge current 涓流充电电流trickle charge life test 涓流充电寿命测试thermal runaway 热失控driving pattern test 运行测试capacity in driving pattern test 运行测试boost charge 急充电floating charge 浮充电floating charge voltage 浮充电电压floating charge current 浮充电电流mean, average voltage 平均电压on-load voltage 负载电压discharge duration time 放电持续时间final voltage, cut-off voltage, end voltage 终止电压/截止电压depth of discharge 放电深度discharge voltage 放电电压discharge current 放电电流discharge current density 放电电流密度discharge watt-hour 放电瓦时discharge characteristics 放电特性discharged ampere-hour 放电安时explosion proof test 防爆测试auxiliary charge 补充电maintenance factor 维护率storage characteristics 保存特性gas recombinating efficiency 气体复合效率/气体再化合效率charge 充电charge acceptance test 充电可接受性试验start-of-charge current 充电开始电流charge efficiency 充电效率end-of-charge voltage 充电结束电压specific gravity of electrolyte at the end of charge 充电结束时电解液比重vent valve 排气阀filling device for pleral cells 电池组填充装置negative electrode 负电极negative plate 负极板addition reagent for negative plate 负极板添加剂indicator 指示器top cover 上盖vent plug 液孔塞expanded grid 扩展式板栅specific gravity indicator 比重指示器electrolyte level control pipe 电解液液面控制管electrolyte level indicator 电解液液面指示器electrolyte level sensor 电解液液面传感器hard rubber container 硬橡胶槽envelope separator 包状隔板woven cloth tube 纺布管spongy lead 海绵状铅partition 隔壁over the partition type 越过隔壁型through the partition type 贯通隔壁贯通型separator 隔板battery rack(1) battery stand(2) battery stillage(3) 蓄电池架/蓄电池底垫active material 活性物质glass fiber separator 玻璃纤维隔板glass mat 玻璃纤维绵glass mat tube 玻璃纤维绵管spacing washer 间隔垫圈reinforced fiber separator 强化纤维隔板polarity mark plate 极性标记板pole 极柱pole insulator 极柱绝缘子pole nut 极柱螺母plate 极板plate foot 极板足plate supporter 极板支撑件element 极板群/极群组pole bolt 极柱螺栓plate lug 极板耳dilute sulfuric acid 稀硫酸steel can 金属罐steel container 金属蓄电池槽madribs 鞍子element rest极群组座tubular plate 管状极板gelled electrolyte 胶体电解液铅酸蓄电池Lead-acid battery起动铅酸电池Lead-acid starter batteries摩托车用铅酸电池Lead-acid batteries for motorcycles内燃机车用铅酸电池Lead-acid batteries for disel locomotive电动道路车辆用铅酸电池Lead-acid batteries for electric road vehicles小型阀控密封式铅酸电池small-sized valve-regulated lead-acid batteries航空用铅酸电池Aircraft lead-acid batteries固定型阀控密封式铅酸蓄电池Lead-acid batteries for stationary valve-regulated铅酸电池用极板plate for lead-acid battery铅锭lead ingots牵引用铅酸电池Lead-acid traction batteies电解液激活蓄电池electrolyte activated battery电池常用术语(四)蓄电池名词术语Terminology of (secondary) cell or batteryGB 2900.11-88本标准等效采用IEC第21技术委员会,国家电工词汇486.21(中央办公室)289号文件《蓄电池名词术语》。