ds 3512 配置
海 康 设 备 参 数
支持音频异常侦测,具有音频陡升检测、音频陡降检测、音频输入异常检测。室外球机应具备较好防护性能,支持IP67,TVS 8000V防浪涌
需支持三码流技术,可同时输出三路码流,主码流最高2048x1536@30fps,第三码流最大2048x1536 @ 30fps,子码流704x576@30fps。
在2048x1536 @ 25fps下,码率设定为1.5Mbps,网口输出,清晰度不小于1400TVL。
支持H.264、H.265、MJPEG视频编码格式,且H.264和H.265都具有High Profile编码能力。
1. 选择合适的主机型号产品编号描述数量1746A2S IBM System Storage DS3512 单控制器机型,2U高,含1个控制器模块,1Gb数据缓存,12个3.5寸热插拔磁盘槽位,标配2个6Gbps SAS主机接口,4个分区许可,热插拔冗余电源及风扇1746A2D IBM System Storage DS3512 冗余双控制器机型,2U高,含2个控制器模块互为冗余,每控制器1Gb数据缓存,12个3.5寸热插拔磁盘槽位,标配4个6Gbps SAS主机接口,4个分区许可,热插拔冗余电源及风扇1746A4S IBM System Storage DS3524 单控制器机型,2U高,含1个控制器模块,1Gb数据缓存,24个2.5寸热插拔磁盘槽位,标配2个6Gbps SAS主机接口,4个分区许可,热插拔冗余电源及风扇1746A4D IBM System Storage DS3524 冗余双控制器机型,2U高,含2个控制器模块互为冗余,每控制器1Gb数据缓存,24个2.5寸热插拔磁盘槽位,标配4个6Gbps SAS主机接口,4个分区许可,热插拔冗余电源及风扇2. 如果磁盘数量超出主机能容纳的磁盘槽位数,需要选配磁盘扩展单元产品编号描述数量1746A2E IBM System Storage EXP3512 磁盘扩展单元,2U高,含1个ESM,12个3.5寸热插拔磁盘槽位,热插拔冗余电源及风扇1746A4E IBM System Storage EXP3524 磁盘扩展单元,2U高,含1个ESM,24个2.5寸热插拔磁盘槽位,热插拔冗余电源及风扇69Y0245Environ Svcs Module (ESM)注1:如果所需磁盘较多,大盘和小盘扩展柜可以混用,磁盘总数不能超过96块注2:如果主机是双控制器型号,每个扩展单元中需要增加一个ESM模块3. 根据所需主机接口选配相应子卡产品编号描述数量68Y84312 端口 6Gb SAS 扩展子卡68Y84324 端口 8Gb FC 扩展子卡,每个子卡标配含2个SFP模块68Y84334 端口 1Gb iSCSI 扩展子卡注3:标配主机每个控制器含2个6Gbps SAS主机接口,每控制器有一个扩展子卡槽位,可选上述三种子卡其中之一,注4:双控制器型号,子卡必须成对配置,2个控制器必须配置相同的子卡4. 控制器升级选件产品编号描述数量68Y8479第二个控制器 (适用于单控机型升级使用)69Y28768Gb FC SW SFP模块68Y84342GB 缓存升级模块,控制器标配1GB缓存,通过此选件扩展为2GB5. 选择线缆产品编号描述数量39R6529IBM 1m SAS Cable39R6531IBM 3m SAS Cable39M56961M LC-LC 光纤线缆39M56975m LC-LC 光纤线缆39M569825m LC-LC 光纤线缆68Y7501OM3 Fiber Cable LC-LC 10m(10米万兆光纤线)68Y75024-Pk OM3 Fiber Cbl LC-LC 10m(4根10米万兆光纤线)39Y7928Power Cord, China(电源线)注5:如果服务器通过SAS HBA卡和DS3500 SAS端口相连,需根据主机数量配置SAS线缆注6:如果服务器通过FC HBA卡和DS3500 FC端口相连,需根据主机数量和距离等因素选配光纤线缆注7:OM3光纤线俗称万兆光纤线,信号衰减较小,传输距离为其他光纤线的4倍,价格较贵注8:如果连接扩展柜,单控制器时每增加1个扩展柜需要1根SAS线缆,双控制器时每增加1个扩展柜需要2根SAS线缆6. 操作系统连接许可(标配已含Windows系统连接许可)产品编号描述数量68Y8458AIX Host Kit (IBM小型机的连接许可)68Y8459Linux on Power Host Kit(IBM小型机使用Linux的连接许可)68Y8461HP/UX Host Kit(HP小型机的连接许可)7. 3.5寸磁盘选件,适用于DS3512/EXP3512产品编号描述数量49Y1856300GB 15K 3.5" HDD49Y1861450GB 15K 3.5" HDD49Y1866600GB 15K 3.5" HDD49Y1947600GB 15K 3.5" FDE HDD49Y18761TB 7.2K 3.5" NL HDD49Y18712TB 7.2K 3.5" NL HDD注9:与DS3000老一代产品不同,DS3500的所有可用硬盘均为SSG产品组,而不再和System x选件通用,请配置时格8. 2.5寸磁盘选件,适用于DS3524/EXP3524产品编号描述数量49Y1841146GB 15K 2.5" HDD49Y1836300GB 10K 2.5" HDD49Y1952300GB 10K 2.5" FDE HDD49Y1851500GB 7.2K 2.5" NL HDD9. 分区许可(标配已含4个分区)产品编号描述数量68Y84364 to 8 Partition Upgrade68Y84374 to 16 Partition Upgrade68Y84384 to 32 Partition Upgrade68Y84394 to 64 Partition Upgrade68Y84418 to 16 Partition Upgrade68Y84428 to 32 Partition Upgrade68Y84438 to 64 Partition Upgrade68Y844516 to 32 Partition Upgrade68Y844616 to 64 Partition Upgrade68Y844832 to 64 Partition Upgrade10. 其他选件产品编号描述数量69Y2871Turbo Performance,将DS3500升级至Turbo版68Y8490Full Disk Encryption (FDE) 磁盘加密技术许可68Y8451FlashCopy Base (4个每卷,64个每系统)68Y8452FlashCopy 8/64 Upgrade(8个每卷,64个每系统)68Y8453Volume Base (最大128个每系统,其中8个可同时运行)68Y8454FlashCopy / Volume Copy (相当于68Y8451+68Y8453)68Y8455Remote Mirroring Base (最高8个镜像对)关于价格:1. 请进EMS查询Bid Ref价格2. 咨询三家总代:SRIT, Weida和EDIDS3512每控4个84个1G + 68Y8432+ 68Y8433DS3524每控制器4个6Gbps SAS主机端口每控制器4个8Gbps FC端口和2个6Gbps SAS主机端口+ 68Y8432每控制器4个1Gbps iSCSI端口和2个6Gbps SAS主机端口注:由于DS3500配置组合较多,下面仅以DS3512双控制器,配置FC子卡为例,参数仅供参考,请根据实际配项目RAID控制器缓存主机接口注:其他参考参数-标配单控型号注:其他参考参数-标配双控型号注:其他参考参数-配置SAS子卡注:其他参考参数-配置iSCSI子卡后端磁盘通道支持的硬盘类型支持的最大硬盘数量当前实配硬盘类型及数量(举例,请根据实际配置修改)注:DS3500可支持的磁盘类型包括RAID 支持存储分区支持的最大LUN数量随机I/O读写性能性能(IOPS)顺序读写带宽(MB/s)磁盘快照(FlashCopy)卷拷贝(VolumCopy)远程镜像(Remote Mirroring)大容量LUN支持硬件磁盘加密风扇和电源机架安装尺寸管理软件保修下面仅以1. 选择合适的主机型号产品编号181494H181498H2. 如果磁盘数超过16个,需要根据磁盘数量选配扩展柜产品编号181492H3. SATA磁盘选件产品编号43W971444X245859Y55364. 光纤通道磁盘选件产品编号40K682042D041044X245059Y54605. 磁盘数量超过32块时需要配置磁盘连接许可产品编号68Y750368Y75046. 连接服务器的许可(标配包含Windows系统连接许可)产品编号68Y751268Y751368Y751468Y751568Y751668Y75177. 分区许可(标配2分区)产品编号68Y751868Y751968Y752068Y752168Y752268Y752368Y752468Y752568Y752668Y752768Y752868Y75298. 线缆产品编号39M5696 39M5697 39M5698 68Y750168Y750239Y79289. 其他选件产品编号68Y750568Y750668Y750768Y750868Y750968Y751068Y7511描述数量DS3950 Express Model 94,3U 高度,冗余双控制器,每控制器含2GB 专用数据缓存,每控制器2个8Gb 光纤通道主机接口,总计提供4个8Gbps 光纤通道主机接口,提供16个3.5寸热插拔磁盘槽位,可支持光纤通道磁盘或SATA 磁盘混插使用,冗余热插拔电源及风扇DS3950 Express Model 98,3U 高度,冗余双控制器,每控制器含4GB 专用数据缓存,每控制器2个8Gb 光纤通道主机接口及2个1Gb iSCSI 主机接口,总计提供4个8Gbps 光纤通道主机接口及4个1Gb iSCSI 主机接口,提供16个3.5寸热插拔磁盘槽位,可支持光纤通道磁盘或SATA 磁盘混插使用,冗余热插拔电源及风扇描述数量EXP395 磁盘扩展单元,3U 高度,16个3.5寸热插拔磁盘槽位,冗余电源及风扇描述数量750 GB/7.2K SATA E-DDM 1000 GB/7.2K SATA E-DDM 2000 GB/7.2K SATA E-DDM描述数量4 Gbps FC, 146.8 GB/15K E-DDM 4 Gbps FC, 300 GB/15K E-DDM 4 Gbps FC, 450 GB/15K E-DDM 4 Gbps FC, 600 GB/15K E-DDM描述数量DS3950 Attach 33-64 Drives DS3950 Attach 65-112 Drives 描述数量DS3950 Linux/Intel Host Kit (Intel 架构服务器安装Linux 系统的连接许可)DS3950 VMware ESX Host Kit (VMware 连接许可)DS3950 AIX/VIOS Host Kit (IBM P 系列小型机AIX 操作系统连接许可)DS3950 SUN Host Kit (Oracle-SUN Solaris 系统连接许可)DS3950 HPUX Host Kit (HP-UX 系统连接许可)DS3950 Linux on Power Host (IBM P 系列小型机Linux 操作系统连接许可)描述数量DS3950 2-4 Stg. Part.- Fld DS3950 2-8 Stg. Part.- Fld DS3950 4-8 Stg. Part.- Fld DS3950 4-16 Stg. Part.- Fld DS3950 8-16 Stg. Part.- Fld DS3950 8-32 Stg. Part.- Fld DS3950 8-64 Stg. Part.- Fld DS3950 16-32 Stg. Part.- Fld DS3950 16-64 Stg. Part.- Fld DS3950 32-64 Stg. Part.- Fld DS3950 32-128 Stg. Par.- Fld DS3950 64-128 Stg. Par.- Fld描述数量选择合适的主机型号如果磁盘数超过16个,需要根据磁盘数量选配扩展柜SATA磁盘选件 光纤通道磁盘选件 磁盘数量超过32块时需要配置磁盘连接许可 连接服务器的许可(标配包含Windows系统连接许可)分区许可(标配2分区)1m LC-LC 光纤线缆5m LC-LC 光纤线缆25m LC-LC 光纤线缆OM3 Fiber Cable LC-LC 10m(10米万兆光纤线)4-Pk OM3 Fiber Cbl LC-LC 10m(4根10米万兆光纤线)Power Cord, China (PRC) 电源线描述数量DS3950 FlashCopyDS3950 FlashCpy 4-8 FC UpgdeDS3950 VolumeCopyDS3950 Flash/VolumeCopyDS3950 Enh. Remote MirrorDS3950 Enh.RemMr 32-64 UpgdeEXP810 to DS3950 Attach (允许DS3950连接EXP810扩展柜)注:以下参数仅供参考,请根据实际配置酌情修改。
System Storage DS3300iSCSI 磁盘系统
System Storage DS3400光纤磁盘系统
降低存储系统的总成本无需 SATA 转换器 与SATA 磁盘几乎同等的价格明显强于SATA磁盘的性能表现顺序读提高25% 顺序写提高140% 随机读提高15% 随机写提高20% 根据希捷的数据,近线SAS与SATA性比,每瓦特实现高达38%的IOPS增值
System x DS3000 存储产品介绍
DS3950 8Gbps光纤技术,成熟稳定,久经考验,最大可扩展至112块磁盘,中端存储的旗舰产品
DS3500 采用SAS 2.0技术,支持远端镜像等功能,提供多种主机接口,以入门级的价格提供中端存储的性能
DS3400 主机缆接 – 直接连接,通过光纤线
DS3400 主机缆接 – SAN连接,通过SAN交换机
400万像素广角筒型网络摄像机,支持H.265/smart265编码,支持最远红外10米,120dB宽动态,水平视场角180°,垂直视场角: 93°
400万像素广角海螺型网络摄像机,支持H.265/smart265编码,支持PoE,支持最远红外10米,120dB宽动态,水平视场角180°,垂直视场角: 93°
200万1/2.7”CMOS智能摄像机,0.002 Lux,支持H.265/smart265编码
400万1/2.7" CMOS全彩半球形网络摄像机,支持音频输入/输出接口、报警Smart265编码,支持120 dB宽动态,支持Smart265编码
400万1/2.7" CMOS全彩半球形网络摄像机,支持PoE供电,支持音频输入/输出接口、报警Smart265编码,支持120 dB宽动态,支持Smart265编码
200万星光级1/2.7”CMOS ICR日夜型筒型网络摄像机,最远红外30米,H.265/smart265编码,支持智能报警,支持PoE
200万星光级1/2.7”CMOS ICR日夜型筒型网络摄像机,最远红外50米,H.265/smart265编码,支持智能报警,支持PoE
D3020-10-I-P(2.8mm/3.6mm/6mm) D3020-00-I(2.8mm/3.6mm/6mm)
采用背照式CMOS,将感光层置于电路层之上,进光量比传统靶面CMOS提升近50%。 0.1lux场景2MP星光效果PK
HALT测试 抗振测试 高低温测试 雷击测试
极地 赤道 沙漠 珠峰 ……
高低温循测试 防尘测试
华为对产品品质与可靠性的追求从未停止。在防 尘、防水、防盐雾腐蚀、防雷、防电磁干扰、耐极 高低温、抗震动等等各方面都具备高标准要求,保 障摄像机在各种室外极端恶劣环境中长期稳定工作
华为品质 坚如磐石
环境实验室 材料实验室 工艺实验室 散热实验室
1200元 2000元
高端项目 AI全智能 行业机
中端产品 高性能,AI轻 智能,球机,
450元 210元
高性价比,星光,全彩, 无线
200 130元
超低端产品 经济型,百元机
5%/15% 40%/55% 55%/30%
ibm DS3512存储配置教程
IBM DS3512存储配置教程1、安装配置软件安装下图中的驱动和配置软件(图1)(图1)2、创建存储磁盘阵列打开配置软件后会停留在“summary”信息汇总界面(图2),点击“Stroage &Copy Services”(图3),进入磁盘整列配置界面(图2)(图3)右键点击“Total Unconfigured Capacity(未配置总容量)”,选择“Array”(图4)(图4)点击“next“(图5)(图5)给阵列组起个名称,不得超过30个字符,不要填写中文选择“Drive Selection Choices”下的”Manual”,并点击”next”继续。
(图6)(图6)选中”RAID level”下拉框中的”RAID 6”,然后把左侧”Unselected drives”中需要使用的硬盘,把需要组成磁盘整列组中的硬盘添加到右侧,然后点击”Calculate Capacity”,计算组成阵列后的容量,点击”finsh”完成(图7),最后点击”no”,一会再创建分区。
(图8)(图7)(图8)3、创建热备盘点击菜单栏中的”hardware”,选择”Hot Spare Coverage”(图9),创建热备盘(图9)点击“View/change current hot spare coverage”,并点击“next”即可查看热备盘。
(图12)(图12)4、创建逻辑驱动器右键点击”Free Capacity”,创建阵列的分区(图13),在”New logical driver capacity”中指定分区的容量,”Map to host”中选择”Map Later”,点击”finish”完成,可以继续分配其他分区。
(图14)(图13)(图14)5、创建主机组和主机在”Storage Subsystem DS_3512”上点击右键,选择”Define”->”Host Group”(图15)(图15)在红色框中填写组名,然后点击”ok”(图16)(图16)右键点击”Host Group vmware”,选择”define”->”Host..”(图17),在组中添加主机(图17)依次选择下图中的选项,”Choose a host interface type”为FC,方框中的第二项选择需要映射主机的wwn号,第三项写上别名,之后点击”add”添加。
EMB-3512 用户手册说明书
NORCO 是深圳华北工控有限公司的注册商标。
IBM DS3512更换控制器(电池)全流程步骤
IBM DS3512 存储控制器电池更换步骤●首先确认控制器电池故障,log中有Controller cache battery failed 控制器缓存电池故障●面板亮黄色叹号!控制器电池符号亮黄灯(在机器后面控制器面板上查看)一、控制器电池更换说明l 更换IBM DS3512 控制器电池,首先要确认所订购的控制器电池是否与现有的一致。
1、型号一致;2、PartNo 号一致(具体内容详见更换步骤)。
l 更换可能会造成业务停机,请停止业务数据访问,申请停机时间。
l 更换过程中,产品的微码版本会自动由正常的控制器向新控制器同步。
二、更换前的准备工作IBM管理软件版本名称ibm_sw_ds3-5k_10.86.x5.43_windows_x64 (网上可搜索下载)点击最左侧魔法棒图标,设置IP地址A控为192.168.128.101 B控为192.168.128.102如果是A控故障Storage Manager 已经无法ping 通故障控制器(A 控),只能连接B 控进行操作,B 控网口1 的默认IP 为192.168.128.102 ,在Storage Manager 里添加即可进入管理界面。
1. 收集存储的配置信息(有备无患)profile 信息1 ) . 菜单Storage Subsystem -> View ->profile 打开对话框;IBM DS3512 存储控制器更换步骤2 ) . 选择All ,收集所有的profile 信息;3 ) . 选择Save As… 指定存放路径和文件名;4 ) . 选择Save ,保存。
Collect All Support Data1 ) . 菜单Advanced -> Troubleshooting -> Collect All Support Data 打开对话框;2 ) . 选择Browse... 指定收集信息的保存路径和文件名;3 ) . 选择Start ,开始收集。
IBM DS3512存储调试文档Anonymouseor2012-03-15目录一、安装Storage Manager管理软件 (1)二、连接存储设备并配置阵列 (7)三、创建存储磁盘阵列 (11)四、创建存储全局热备 (15)五、创建存储逻辑卷 (18)六、创建Host主机与Group (23)七、查看修改主机Host映射关系 (29)一、安装Storage Manager管理软件管理软件下载地址:/support/fixcentral/Windows的SM软件分64bit和32bit两个版本打开压缩包,在目录\WS03WS08_10p77_X64\Windows中的SMIA-WSX64-读取安装包进度点击next继续更改路径点击next继续点击“Typical(Full Installation)”后点击next继续默认勾选“Automatically Start Monitor”后点击next继续点击“Install”即可开始安装安装时间比较长,一般在20分钟左右,视情况而定。
使用Win+R 弹出运行,并在运行中输入cmd启动命令提示符。
输入ping –t 直到有包返回即可停止。
待到安装完毕后,打开安装文件路径下,默认为“C:\Program Files(x86)\IBM_DS\client\”双击目录下“DS Storage Manager 10 Client.exe”或者“SMclient.bat”程序启动SM管理软件。
OverviewHikvision DS-2PT3122IZ-DE3 (4mm) Single-Directional PanoVu Mini Camera with PTZ, with the integration design, is able to capture 128.5° images with the panoramic camera as well as close-up images with the PTZ camera.System Functions•1-ch panoramic image and 1-ch close-up image •Support PTZ linkage•1-ch audio input and 1-ch audio output •Support H.265 video compression•Built-in memory card slot, support Micro SD/SDHC/SDXC, up to 256 GB•Open-ended API, support ONVIF, ISAPI, and CGI, support HIKVISION SDK and Third-PartyManagement Platform•Up to 10 m IR distance•Support Hik-Connect Panoramic Camera•1/2.8" progressive scan CMOS •Up to 1920 × 1080@30fps resolution •Min. illumination:Color: 0.05 Lux @(F2.0, AGC ON)B/W: 0.01 Lux @(F2.0, AGC ON)0 Lux with IR•Support H.265 video compression •Horizontal FOV: 128.5°PTZ Camera•1/2.8" progressive scan CMOS •Up to 1920 × 1080@30fps resolution •Min. illumination:Color: 0.05 Lux @(F2.0, AGC ON)B/W: 0.01 Lux @(F2.0, AGC ON)0 Lux with IR•Support H.265 video compressionDORIThe DORI (detect, observe, recognize, identify) distance gives the general idea of the camera ability to distinguish persons or objects within its field of view.DORI Detect Observe Recognize Identify Definition25 px/m63 px/m125 px/m250 px/m [Panoramic Camera] Distance (Tele)26.7 m (87.6 ft)10.6 m (34.8 ft) 5.3 m (17.4 ft) 2.7 m (8.9 ft) [PTZ Camera] Distance (Tele)53.4 m (175.2 ft)21.2 m (69.6 ft)10.6 m (34.8 ft) 5.4 m (17.7 ft)Panoramic CameraImage Sensor 1/2.8" progressive scan CMOSMin. Illumination Color: 0.05 Lux @(F2.0, AGC ON) B/W: 0.01 Lux @(F2.0, AGC ON) 0 Lux with IRShutter Time 50 Hz: 1/25 s to 1/30,000 s60 Hz: 1/30 s to 1/30,000 sDay & Night IR Cut FilterGain Auto/ManualWDR Digital WDRSmart Image Enhancement HLC/BLC/3D DNR/Regional ExposureWhite Balance Auto/Manual/ATW (Auto-Tracking White Balance)/Indoor/Outdoor/FluorescentLamp/Sodium LampPrivacy Mask 4 programmable privacy masksFocal Length 2 mmAperture Range F2.0FOV Horizontal field of view: 128.5°Vertical field of view: 75.7°Diagonal field of view: 144°PTZ CameraImage Sensor 1/2.8" progressive scan CMOSMin. Illumination Color: 0.05 Lux @(F2.0, AGC ON) B/W: 0.01 Lux @(F2.0, AGC ON) 0 Lux with IRShutter Time 50 Hz: 1/25 s to 1/30,000 s60 Hz: 1/30 s to 1/30,000 sDay & Night IR Cut FilterGain Auto/ManualWDR Digital WDRSmart Image Enhancement HLC/BLC/3D DNR/Regional Exposure/Regional FocusWhite Balance Auto/Manual/ATW (Auto-Tracking White Balance)/Indoor/Outdoor/FluorescentLamp/Sodium LampPrivacy Mask 8 programmable privacy masksFocus Mode Semi-automatic/ManualFocal Length 4 mmFOV Horizontal field of view: 89.7°Vertical field of view: 47.5°Diagonal field of view: 108°Aperture Range F2.0Pan and Tilt Range Pan: 0° to 350°; Tilt: 0° to 90°Pan and Tilt Speed Pan speed: 0.1°/s to 30°/s (configurable), preset speed: 30°/sTilt speed: 0.1°/s to 30°/s (configurable), preset speed: 30°/sPreset Number 300Power-off Memory SupportPTZ Status Display SupportPreset Freezing SupportScheduled Task Preset/Dome Reboot/Dome AdjustDual-VCA SupportSmart Event Detection Audio Exception Detection, Intrusion Detection, Line Crossing Detection SystemIR Up to 10 m IR distancePTZ Linkage SupportSVC SupportROI Main stream and sub-stream respectively supports eight fixed areas.Video Compression (Sub-stream enabled)Panoramic camera:Main stream: H.265/H.264Sub-stream: H.265/H.264H.264 with Main Profile/High Profile, H.265 with Main Profile PTZ camera:Main stream: H.265/H.264Sub-stream: H.265/H.264/MJPEGH.264 with Main Profile/High Profile, H.265 with Main ProfileVideo Compression (Sub-stream not enabled) Panoramic camera:Main stream: H.265/H.264H.264 with Main Profile/High Profile, H.265 with Main Profile PTZ camera:Main stream: H.265/H.264/MJPEGH.264 with Main Profile/High Profile, H.265 with Main ProfileVideo Bitrate32 Kbps to 8192 KbpsAudio Compression G.711alaw/G.711ulaw/G.722.1/G.726/MP2L2Audio Bitrate G.711alaw/G.711ulaw: 64 Kbps G.722.1/G.726: 16 KbpsMP212: 32 Kbps/64 Kbps/128 KbpsResolution(Sub-stream enabled)Panoramic camera:Main stream:50 Hz: 20 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) 60 Hz: 20 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) Sub-stream:50 Hz: 20 fps (704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288)60 Hz: 20 fps (704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240) PTZ camera:Main stream:50 Hz: 20 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) 60 Hz: 20 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) Sub-stream:50 Hz: 20 fps (704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288)60 Hz: 20 fps (704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240)Resolution(Sub- stream not enabled) Panoramic camera:Main stream:50 Hz: 25 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288) 60 Hz: 30 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240) PTZ camera:Main stream:50 Hz: 25 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 576, 640 × 480, 352 × 288) 60 Hz: 30 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 480, 640 × 480, 352 × 240)Basic Event Detection Motion Detection, Video Tampering Detection, Exception NetworkSmart Record ANR (Automatic Network Replenishment)Network Storage Built-in memory card slot, support Micro SD/SDHC/SDXC, up to 256 GBProtocols IPv4/IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, 802.1x, Qos, FTP, SMTP, UPnP, SNMP, DNS, DDNS, NTP, RTSP,RTCP, RTP, TCP/IP, DHCP, PPPoE, BonjourAPI Open-ended, support ONVIF, ISAPI, and CGI, support HIKVISION SDK and Third-PartyManagement PlatformSimultaneous Live View Up to 8 × 2 channelsUser/Host Up to 32 users3 levels: Administrator, Operator and UserSecurity Measures User authentication (ID and PW), Host authentication (MAC address); HTTPSencryption; IEEE 802.1x port-based network access control; IP address filteringClient iVMS-4200, iVMS-4500, iVMS-5200, Hik-ConnectWeb Browser IE 8 to 11, Chrome 31.0 to 44, Firefox 30.0 to 51InterfaceNetwork Interface 1 RJ45 10 M/100 M EthernetAudio Interface 1-ch audio input and 1-ch audio outputGeneralPower 12 VDC, 1.6 A and PoE (802.3at), 42.5 to 57 VDC, 0.6 A, Class4Max.19 W (Max. 2 W for IR)Working Temperature -10°C to 50°C (14°F to 122°F)Working Humidity ≤ 90%Protection Level TVS 2000V Lightning Protection, Surge Protection and Voltage Transient Protection Material PC + ABS & Aluminum alloyDimensions Φ 183 mm × 133.2 mm (Φ 7.20" × 5.24")Weight Approx. 0.9 kg (1.98 lb)Typical ApplicationHikvision products are classified into three levels according to their anti-corrosion performance. Refer to the following description to choose for your using environment.This model has NO SPECIFIC PROTECTION.Level DescriptionTop-level protection Hikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas where professional anti-corrosion protection is a must. Typical application scenarios include coastlines, docks, chemical plants, and more. Moderate protection Hikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas with moderate anti-corrosion demands.Typical application scenarios include coastal areas about 2 kilometers (1.24 miles) away from coastlines,as well as areas affected by acid rain.No specific protection Hikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas where no specific anti-corrosion protection is needed.05041220211208Order ModelDS-2PT3122IZ-DE3 (4mm), 12 VDC & PoE (802.3 at, class 4)DimensionsUnit: mmΦ18372.736.7133.2Φ 83.5AccessoriesDS-1294ZJ-TRLWall Mounting BracketDS-1271ZJ-PT10Pendant Mounting Bracket。
3512 CMOS ICSUPERVISORSDESCRIPTIONThe UTC 3512 is specially designed for switching power supplysystem. It provides over-voltage protection, over-current protection,under-voltage protection, on/off control and power good signalgenerating.OVP/UVP (Over/Under-Voltage Protection) monitors 3.3V, 5Vand double 12V to protect our power supply and PC, FPO goes tohigh when one of these supply voltages exceeds their normaloperation voltage range.OCP (Over Current Protection) monitors IS33, IS5, IS12 input*Pb-free plating product number: 3512L current. The voltage difference across external current shunt isused for OCP functions. An external resistor which is connectedbetween the RI pin and the GND pin can be used to adjustprotection threshold. To achieve better immunity for lighting surgeglitch and to prevent accidental power shut down during dynamicloading condition, the de-bounce time for UVP/OCP is 73usrespectively. The deglitch time for OVP is 73uS for better noiseimmunity.The power supply is turned on after 38mS de-bounce time whenPSON signal is set from high to low. To turn off power supply,PSON signal is set from low to high and the de-bounce time is115mS. When PGI input voltage level is lower than the internal1.15V reference voltage, after 73uS de-bounce time, the PGOsignal is pulled low.FEATURES* Over/Under-voltage protection for 3.3V, 5V, and two 12V* Over-current protection for 3.3V, 5V, and two 12V* PGO and FPO pins with open drain output stage* 300mS power good delay from PGI to PGO* 75mS delay for 3.3V, 5V and 12V power turn on* 2.8mS delay for PSON control to FPO turn off* 38mS / 115mS PSON on/off de-bounce time* 73uS width noise deglitches* 73uS de-bounce time for UVP and OCP* Wide supply voltage rangeORDERING INFORMATIONOrder NumberPackage PackingNormal Lead Free Plating3512-D14-T 3512L-D14-T DIP-14 Tube3512-S14-R 3512L-S14-R SOP-14ReelTapeTube 3512-S14-T 3512L-S14-T SOP-14ORDERING INFORMATION(Cont.)PIN CONFIGURATION1234567891011121314PGO V DD V S5V S33V S12I S33I S5PGI GND FPO PSON I S12RI V S12BPIN DESCRIPTIONPIN NO PIN NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION 1 PGI input Power good input. 3 FPO output Fault protection output, open drain output stage.4 PSON inputPower on/off control signal sends from CPU or main-board. The powersupply will be turned on/off after 38mS/115mS respectively.8 I S5 input 5V over current protection. 9 I S33 input 3.3V over current protection.5 I S12 input12V over current protection. Regarding typical application, this pin is connected to the positive end of a current shunt through one resistor. When the voltage on IS12 is higher than that of VS12 by 5mV, OCP will be enabled. One current sink, 8 x I REF , is used to determine the voltage drop between the positive end of the current shunt and VS12. Adjusting the value of the external resistor can adjust the threshold for OCP accordingly. The operation for IS5 or IS33 is the same.6 RI input Current sense setting. An external resistor Ri is connected between RIpin and GND pin will adjust a reference current, I REF = 1.15/Ri, for OCPfunction.12 V S5 input 5V over/under-voltage protection. 7 V S12B input Second 12V over/under-voltage protection. 10 V S12 input 12V over/under-voltage protection. 11 V S33 input 3.3V over/under-voltage protection. 13 V DD power Supply voltage. 4V ~ 15V.14 PGO outputPower good logic output, open drain output stage. The power gooddelay is 300mS from PGI to PGO.2 GND power Ground.BLOCK DIAGRAMABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGPARAMETER SYMBOL RATINGS UNITDC Supply Voltage V DD -0.3 ~ 16 V Input Voltage PSON, V S33, V S5, PGI V IN -0.3 ~ 8 VFPO -0.3 ~ 16Output Voltage PGO V OUT -0.3 ~ 8VPower Dissipation P D 400 mW Operating Temperature T OPR -40 ~ +85 Storage Temperature T STG -55 ~ +150Note 1. Absolute maximum ratings are those values beyond which the device could be permanently damaged.Absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only and functional device operation is not implied. 2. Stresses above those listed may cause permanent damage to the device.RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSPARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITDC Supply Voltage V DD 4 15 VInput VoltagePSON, V S33, V S5, I S33, I S5, PGI 7 Input Voltage V S12,V S12B , I S12 V IN 15VFPO 15Output Voltage PGO V OUT 7VFPO 20Output Sink Current PGO I O(SINK) 10mASupply Voltage Rising Time See Note t R 1 mS Output Current RI I RI 12.5 62.5 µA Note V DD rising and falling slew rate must be less than 14V/mS.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V DD =12V, T A =25 )PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITUNDER-VOLTAGE AND PGI, PGO Input Threshold Voltage PGI V PGI 1.1 1.15 1.2 V Under-voltage protect V S33 2.6 2.8 3.0Under-voltage protect V S5 4.0 4.2 4.4Under-voltage protect V S12, V S12B V UVp 9.4 9.9 10.4 V Low Level Output Voltage (PGO) V OL V DD = 12V I SINK =10mA 0.7 V Leakage Current (PGO) I LEAK PGO = 5V 5 µA Under-voltage Enable Delay Time 49 75 114 mSTiming PG Delay PGI to PGO t PG 200 300 450 mSNoise Deglitch Time PGI to PGO 150 250 350 µS Timing UVP to Protection (FPO) T UVP V S33,V S5, V S12,V S12B 73 µS OVER-VOLTAGE AND OVER-CURRENT PROTECTION Over-Voltage Protection V S33 3.7 3.9 4.1Over-Voltage Protection V S5 5.7 6.1 6.5Over-Voltage Protection V S12, V S12B V OVP 13.2 13.8 14.4V Ratio of Current Sense Sink Current to CurrentSense Setting Pin (RI) Source CurrentI REFRI = 30 ΚΩ, 0.1% Resistor 7.6 8 8.4 Current Source Reference Voltage V REF 1.1 1.15 1.2 V OCP Comparator Input Offset Voltage V I(OFF) -5 5 mV Low Level Output Voltage (FPO) V OL I SINK =20mA 0.7 V Leakage Current (FPO) I LEAK V (FPO) = 5V 5 µA Timing OVP to Protection T OVP 73 µS Timing OCP to Protection T OCP 73 µSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Cont.)PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITPSON CONTROLHigh-Level Input Voltage V IH 1.9 V Low-Level Input Voltage V IL 0.98 V Timing PGO Low to FPO High T PSOFF 1.6 2.8 4.0 mSON 24 38 57 mSTiming PSON to On/Off OFF T PSON24 38 57 mSInput Pull-up Current I PSON PSON = 0V 120 µA TOTAL DEVICE Supply Current I DD PSON = 5V, V DD = 5V 1.0 1.8 mA V DD Start Threshold Voltage V THD 4.0 V V DD Min. Operation Voltage After Start-up V MIN 3.65 VTYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT12V12VPower Supply Output Side12V12VTIMING DIAGRAMPSON On/Off and 3.3V, 5V,12V OVP FunctionV3.3V,5V,12V3.3V,5 V,12V OVP UVP and OCP FunctionVT OCP。
IBM DS3512存储调试文档
IBM DS3512存储调试文档Anonymouseor2012-03-15目录一、安装Storage Manager管理软件 (1)二、连接存储设备并配置阵列 (7)三、创建存储磁盘阵列 (11)四、创建存储全局热备 (15)五、创建存储逻辑卷 (18)六、创建Host主机与Group (23)七、查看修改主机Host映射关系 (29)一、安装Storage Manager管理软件管理软件下载地址:/support/fixcentral/Windows的SM软件分64bit和32bit两个版本打开压缩包,在目录\WS03WS08_10p77_X64\Windows中的SMIA-WSX64-读取安装包进度点击next继续更改路径点击next继续点击“Typical(Full Installation)”后点击next继续默认勾选“Automatically Start Monitor”后点击next继续点击“Install”即可开始安装安装时间比较长,一般在20分钟左右,视情况而定。
使用Win+R 弹出运行,并在运行中输入cmd启动命令提示符。
输入ping –t 直到有包返回即可停止。
待到安装完毕后,打开安装文件路径下,默认为“C:\Program Files(x86)\IBM_DS\client\”双击目录下“DS Storage Manager 10 Client.exe”或者“SMclient.bat”程序启动SM管理软件。
对作为信息提供源的存储系统而言,现有技术受到空前的挑战: 存储访问大量占用了局域网(LAN)的带宽,导致LAN已经成为整个系统的瓶颈。
相比之下,随着新的存储连接技术如光纤通道(Fiber Channel)等的成熟而逐渐发展起来的存储区域网(Storage Area Network,即SAN)技术,提供了比传统存储模式更好的适应性和可用性,更强的集成管理能力和更优的性能,而且其开放架构受到众多存储设备厂家和网络公司的支持,被认为是最佳的存储方案选择。
2.SAN架构对本系统的优势在我们为计算中心数据管理系统推荐的基于存储区域网的解决方案中,当整个系统有大量数据的存取需求时,数据完全可以通过SAN 网络在相关服务器和后台的存储设备之间高速传输,对于LAN的带宽占用几乎为零,并且极少占用主机的资源(光纤接口相对于传统SCSI 接口具有绝对的优势)。
Extron SMP 351 SMP 352 3G-SDI 编码器使用 RTMP 推流到第三方服务器
Page 1July 7, 2020Extron H.264 Media Processors and EncodersStreaming to third parties using RTMPThe following notes provide guidance on setting up the Extron Media Processors andEncoders for publishing live streams to third party services via RTMP. For more information, please call your Extron Application Engineer.Extron Products Affected:SPECIAL NOTESStreaming to 3rd party services requires a user to have an account with those services. Accounts with third party providers are the responsibility of those maintaining the stream and its content.TECH NOTEExtron encoders support RTMP push streaming for publishing live video to third party services like YouTube, Facebook Live, Wowza, Twitch, MS Stream, and others.Note: The examples in this document show the interface of the SMP 111. Theinterfaces of the SME 211 and SMP 300 series may look different, but thesame settings apply.Streaming to Microsoft StreamIf stream should be created as MS Teams live event go further in this document to “Streaming to Microsoft Teams Live event”Requirement: Microsoft Office 365 plan with included option Stream.1.Go to https:// and log in to your Microsoft account.2.From the dashboard select Create, Live eventPage 23.Under Event setup, enter a name for the live stream event, description, andthumbnail if desired.4.There are two options for live streaming: At a specific date and time, or As soon asencoder is connected (now).A.At a specific date and time now - for scheduled events in the future.B.As soon as encoder is connected - live events starting manuallyPage 35.Next press Save at the bottom of the right-hand panel.6.Then press Start Setup to initiate the stream on Microsoft’s Service.7.Once the Stream is setup, Select Configure manually. Optional but recommended toenable encrypted SSL connection (RTMPS). COPY the Server ingest URL:Page 4Streaming to Microsoft Teams Live eventThe setup is via MS Teams, still the stream will go via MS Stream.Requirement: Microsoft Office 365 plan with included option Stream. Full version of Microsoft Teams installed. That user is allowed to create live event via MS Stream.1.Open Microsoft Teams app and in Calendar schedule a new Live event.2.Fill in required fields for the live event, organiser must be “Producer”. Press Next.3.In “Live event permission” select “People or groups” or “Org-wide”.In “How will you produce your live event” select “An external app or device” withany needed options and press “Schedule”.Page 54.Live event it now scheduled. To find needed RTMP URL press “Join”.For server to be able to receive a RTMP stream p ress “Start Setup”.5.In “Source setting s” change “Secure connection (SSL)” to On - recommended. Copythe “Server ingest URL”.Page 6Setup up EncoderRequirement: Network IP settings on encoder is set with “Default Gateway” and “DNS Server”. That TCP port 1935 for RTMP and TCP/2935 for RTMPS is open, notblocked/filtered by a firewall.To configure the Encoder for RTMP Push streaming to a live streaming provider:1.Ensure you SMP unit is connected to the network and has access to the interneta.Open the web browser of the Encoder, Troubleshooting, Diagnostic Toolsb.Ping your live service, such as []i.If successful, a green checkmark is shown.ii.If results fail, verify network and DNS settings.Note: Azure CDN services don’t always respond to Ping.2.Open a web browser of the Encoder, Configuration, Encoding & Metadata, EncodingPresets:3.Confirm the Encoder is in Stop Mode. If needed, press stop on the front panel (SMPseries only).4.Select PUSH from the Streaming Method slider and select RTMP for the StreamingProtocol.Page 7Page 8SMP 351 exampleSMP 111 exampleSME211 examplePage 95. Paste the Server ingest URL from Microsoft into the Server URL data field. Truncate everything after “live” Note there should not be a / at the end. e.g.: rtmp://:1935/live6. Paste the same Server ingest URL from Microsoft into the Stream Name/Key field . Then delete everything before and including the “live/” Note: this should only contain letters and numbers, 32 characters long. e.g.: 241a5a9735ca49200gh12b7b14aefd327.Click Apply.***Troubleshooting Tip: If an error is reported, it means the encoder couldn’t resolve the URL name to the streaming service. This does happen if the service is not quiteready to receive the streams yet. Ensure that the Microsoft Stream is setup and is in the “Ready to connect” state.8.On the SMP Streaming, c lick “Start RTMP stream” button to activate the stream.9.After a few seconds, the button will change to red and indicate the RTMP stream is nowlive. Please note that with MS Stream and Azure, the live status is emulated not truefeedback.Start event in MS Stream and MS Teams1.Back on the dashboard page or the MS Teams app, you shouldnow see the display of the SMP streaming content. This process can take up to a minute to complete. The stream is now considered in a pre-live state. When ready, Press “Start Event” and audience / event participant can see the live stream.Page 10Find the URL to embed player for MS Stream1.Enable Audience view to see the stream as audiance.2.Pressing the ellipsis button (three dots) will allow you to copy the public facing URL thatcan be sent to guests or embedded into a web page for public events / streaming.3.The live stream will be available on Microsoft Stream until it is stopped from the MSStream control portal.4.If the Extron Encoder is stopped or the stream gets interrupted, the Microsoft Streamcontrol portal will give the notification and option to end the session:Page 11Recommended Encoder Settings:Video•Resolution: 1280 x 720 (720P)•Frame Rate: 30fps•GOP : 60 frames (2 seconds)•Bitrate: Up to 5Mbps (5000 kbps)•Rate Control: CBR•H.264 Profile: High•Profile Level: 4.0Audio•Bitrate: 192 kbps•Sample Rate: 48 kHz or 44.1 kHz (recommend 48 kHz)Page 12Troubleshooting:1.In the producer view, check the Health of the stream. You should see a preview of your livestream or scheduled event here prior to starting the event.2.Verify on the Extron encoder page that the stream is Live, and that the button shows “StopRMTP Stream”.3.Ensure that the Encoder’s Stream is not being blocked, and that the firewall is open forRTMP connection to server. This may be possible to test from the encoder.▪In Encoder WebGUI open “Troubleshooting” / “Diagnostic Tools”. Under “Nmap” fill in the Host and Port number, example:RTMP URL: rtmp://:1935/live/241a5a9efd32Host: Port: 1935Answer must include the port number is open for tcp:PORT STATE SERVICE1935/tcp open unknown4.Verify Server URL and Stream Name are entered correctly.▪Note: The Stream Name / Key changes after each event.▪Note: Make sure there is no extra / character in the stream name after “live”Page 13。
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+ 68Y8431
每控制器 4 SAS 主机端口
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寸磁盘选件,适用于DS3512/EXP3512 DS3512 7. 3.5寸磁盘选件,适用于DS3512/EXP3512 产品编号 描述 数量 单价 49Y1856 300GB 15K 3.5" HDD 49Y1861 450GB 15K 3.5" HDD 49Y1866 600GB 15K 3.5" HDD 49Y1947 600GB 15K 3.5" FDE HDD 49Y1876 1TB 7.2K 3.5" NL HDD 49Y1871 2TB 7.2K 3.5" NL HDD 注9:与DS3000老一代产品不同,DS3500的所有可用硬盘均为SSG产品组,而不再和System x选件通用, 寸磁盘选件,适用于DS3524/EXP3524 DS3524 8. 2.5寸磁盘选件,适用于DS3524/EXP3524 产品编号 描述 49Y1841 146GB 15K 2.5" HDD 49Y1836 300GB 10K 2.5" HDD 49Y1952 300GB 10K 2.5" FDE HDD 49Y1851 500GB 7.2K 2.5" NL HDD
DS3512存储更换控制器电池1.查看告警信息,确认控制器故障两条告警信息(见图1)●Write-back caching forcibly disabled强制禁用回写缓存●Controller cache battery failed控制器缓存电池故障图1:故障告警页面用Log日志代替处理方案:更换控制器电池。
2.更换控制器电池第一步:关闭逻辑卷缓存功能图2:逻辑卷上右键>>Change>>Cache Settings图3:逐一关闭Driver1、2、3,去掉所有的对钩。
第二步:查看并切换逻辑卷控制器图4:查看逻辑卷的主控制器为B图5:逻辑卷右键>>Changes>>Ownership/Preferred Path>>Controller in SlotA 第三步:关闭控制器SLOT B图6:关闭故障控制器SLOT B第四步:拔出故障控制器图7:SLOT B后方蓝色灯亮起,可以拔出图8:掰开控制器两侧的橙色卡扣,拔出控制器第五步:更换电池图9:同时按下两个蓝色按钮,抽出盖板。
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1.2 Pin Assignment for Sensor Rotate 0˚
Figure 1. Top View Pinout
Figure 2. Top View of Mouse
All rights strictly reserved any portion in this paper shall not be reproduced, copied or transformed to any other forms without permission. 專利公示:本產品業經本公司獲得台灣專利第 509867, 530489, 529309, 560179, 526662, 554497, I230890, I287732 號專利在案。
Supports three buttons (R, M, L) and three axes Acceleration (X, Y, Z) output Resolution Z-axis support mechanical input Internal RC oscillation without external resonator Frame Rate USB spec. Complete Universal Serial Bus specs V1.1 Operating Current compatibility Complete USB HID specs V1.11 compatibility Package Integrated USB transceiver and 1.5Mbps USB serial interface engine Flexibility function change(details as item 6) Interface: USB / PS2 CPI resolution: 400~1600 Sensor rotation: 0, +90, -90, 180 USB report format: 8bit / 16bit USB P_string: xxxxxxxxxx USB Optical Mouse
首先,双控模式需要改变:把ds3500设置为双控模式.1.返回企业管理界面2.右键点击相应的存储系统,选择executescript,执行以下脚本setstoragesubsystemredundancymode=duplex;下面为返回内容:setalllogicaldrivesCacheWithoutBatteryEnabled=FalseMrrorCacheEnabled=truemodificationpriority=highcacheflushm odifier=10writecacheenabled=true;3.点击tools,选择executeonly.命令执行完成。
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1.在管理机上安装DS Storage Manager 10 Client,管理机通过双绞线与控制器相连。
2.打开DS Storage Manager 10 Client管理软件,右击管理机的计算机名,选择Automatic Discovery自动查找。
弹出窗口点OK 确定。
3,发现storage subsystem 如下图:
4,双击storage subsystem 对其进行配置,弹出配置界面,要求输入密码,密码为1qazXSW@ 然后单击Ok
7,在Logical单元下,右击Total Unconfigured Capacity 可以配置阵列。
选择create Array
8,弹出create array 窗口点Next
9,弹出Array Name&Drive selection 窗口Array name中为默认。
Drive selection choices 中选择manual。
10,在Manual drive selection 中选择要做的阵列级别(RAID level)选择Raid 5
从左边的Unselected drives 中选中某个硬盘点击中间的Add按键把硬盘加到Selected drives 点击Calculate Capacity 计算容量
11,点击Finish 完成配置。
12,配置完成后可以在storage subsystem 下看到已经配置好的两个阵列
13,右击其中的一个阵列选择Create Logical Drive 创建逻辑磁盘。
15,在Specify capacity窗口中New logical drive capacity 为逻辑磁盘的大小。
16,点击Next 选择Map later using the Mappings view 点击Finish
17,在Mappings 单元下右击Default group 选择define->Host 在Specify Host Name窗口中填上主机名IBMX3650M3,点Next。
18,在Specify Host Port Identifiers窗口,在Known unassociated host port identifier 下拉框中选择HBA卡的号。
在Alias中填上主机的别名,点击Add 。
22,在Mappings 单元下可以看到添加好的Host IBMX3650M3
23,点开Undefined Mappings 前的加号右击LUN1 选择Define Additional Mapping
24,在Define Additional Mapping 窗口中选择要Mapping的主机。
25,在Mappings Host IBMX3650M3中可以看到两个逻辑磁盘都Mapping了。