



一Alone in the Arctic Cold 一个人在北极严寒一天打碎了非常寒冷和灰色,当那个人偏离主要育空试验和爬上斜坡,在那里的是一个朦胧而过去向东穿过了踪迹松林之间。



































★ performance n. 行为,表现
youngsters’ performances10. Positive reinforcement11 should be provided regardless of the outcome. Research
★ positive reinforcement n. 正强化
★ setting
n. 环境
worrying more about who will win instead of enjoying
themselves and the sport. Following a game, many parents
and coaches focus on the outcome and find fault with
★ cautious ★ participation
adj. 谨慎的,小心的 n. 参加,参与
process of learning the sport and other life lessons. In
today’s youth sport setting9, young athletes may be
brotherhood. Not only was there the tragic1 incident
★ tragic
adj. 悲剧的,不幸的
involving the murder of athletes, but the Games were also
ruined by lesser incidents caused principally2 by minor
B) Their purpose is to make them remember life’s lessons.

宜立特大学英语1 Unit5-4 Practice and Progress

宜立特大学英语1 Unit5-4 Practice and Progress
Unit Five Celebrities
Practice and Progress
Part I Communicative Practice II. Gap-filling
Chen Binqiang works as a teacher in Lengshui township, a good 30 kilometers away from where they live. The school has assigned him a dorm to reduce travel on workdays. Chen is always running between dormitory the teaching building and the______________. On this timetable, he _____________classes with caring for his mother alternates by helping her eat, bathe and use the bathroom. From 5 a.m. to 9 p.m., looking after her takes most of Chen Bingqiang’s time outside of the classroom. Chen admitted that it was hard at first, but now the nursing work has become a natural part of his life. (Chen Binqiang said:) “She may not recognize me or remember my name, but she must know that this person is good to her. That is enough for me.” For Chen Binqiang, his mother is now like a child who needs his love and care. And he is willing to give all he has.



Key to Elite IIIUnit 1Passage 11.C2.B3.D4.B5.A II1.Unreal2. ImaginaryPassage 21.F2.F3.F4.T5.T II1.demonstration2.succeededPassage 31.D2.C3.B4.D5.A II1. trapped2. dangerPassage 41.F2.T3.T4.F5.F II1. citizens2. spreadingPassage 51.T2.F3.F4.F5.F II1. doubts2. mysteryPassage 61.B2.D3.C4.A5.D II1.ordinary2.matterUnit 2Passage 11.D2.C3.D4.A5.B II1. brought3.increasedPassage 21.T2.T3.F4.T5.F II1.countries2. unablePassage 31.D2.A3.B4.C5.A II1. added2. releasedPassage 41.T2.T3.T4.T5.F II1. combine2. willPassage 51.D2.A3.A4.C5.B II1. refused2. excusePassage 61.F2.T3.T4.F5.F II1. feeling2. defaultingUnit 3Passage 11.B2.B3.B4.D5.C II1. supply2. form/phasePassage 21.F2.T3.T4.F5.T II1. differ2. influencedPassage 31.D2.C3.B4.A5.B II1. inappropriate2.disappearPassage 41.T2.T3.F4.T5.F II1. adhere2. improvementPassage 51.B2.B3.D4.A5.B II1. differed2. certainPassage 61.F2.T3.F4.F5.T II1. COLLIDE2. RESEARCHERS/ PHYSICISTS/ SCIENTISTSUnit 4Passage 11.B2.D3.C4.C5.A II1. got/obtained2. answerPassage 21.B2.C3.A4.D5.B II1. directly2. abandoned/stoppedPassage 31.F2.T3.F4.F5.F II1. salute2. wayPassage 41.F2.T3.F4.T5.T II1. identified2. revealedPassage 51.B2.C3.C4.D5.B II1. interfere2. benefitedPassage 61.F2.T3.T4.T5.F II1. took2. allowedUnit 5Passage 11.B2.A3.D4.D5.D II1. It means “every moment”, “at all times”.2. It means to give you enough time to prepare for the traveling. Passage 21.T2.T3.F4.F5.FII1. memorize2. moralPassage 31.B2.C3.B4.A5.AII1. classic/do-nothing2. distractPassage 41.F2.T3.F4.T5.FII1.The author uses “survive” to express it is really difficult for kids to travel with adults since they have to follow all the decisions adults make.2. “Nap” probably means “a break during travelling” or “ a short rest period to refresh and reenergize.”Passage 51.A2.C3.B4.C5.BII1.airline2.accessPassage 61.T2.F3.F4.T5.FII1. The author actually spent 201 euros on the umbrella.2. It rains a lot, usually accompanied with strong wind.Unit 6Passage 11.D2.B3.A4.D5.BII1. gays2. academicPassage 21.T2.F3.F4.T5.TII1.nutrition labels2.beansPassage 31.B2.C3.D4.B5.DII1. According to an Australia study, the quitters show lower degree of cognitive decline than the ongoing smokers.2. It is partly because doctors and researchers know very little about tabacco’s biological effects on older people, and partly because in tobacco research, as in clinical trials generally, older adultsare underrepresented.Passage 41.F2.T3.F4.T5.FII1. It is the Ironman race in Germany that first motivated him, and these active commutes have become a routine after the competition.2. Because he is a physical-training instructors with the Royal Air Force who ensures that soldiers are prepared for the field.Passage 51.A2.D3.C4.A5.BII1. Since countless moms-to-be are doing resistance training during pregnancy, he takes it for granted that there must have been many researches in this regard which have proven their benefits.2. The first meaning is that this issue is closely related with babies; and the other meaning is that we are still at the preliminary stage on the research of this subject.Passage 61.F2.T3.F4.T5.FII1. marriage2. SinglismUnit 7Passage 11.A2.C3.C4.B5.BII1. suspected2. tapedPassage 21.A2.C3.A4.C5.AII1. shared2. ignoredPassage 31.C2.D3.D4.C5.BII1.Alternation of power2.AbsentPassage 41.T2.F3.T4.T5.FIIitary and overseas voters2.has hopes ofPassage 51.T2.F3.F4.F5.TII1.unpopularity2. a working relationshipPassage 61.F2.F3.T4.T5.F II1.approval2.campaign financeUnit 8Passage 11.B2.D3.B4.B5.B II1.VIEW-CHANGING2.REFLECTIONPassage 21.D2.A3.b4.B5.B II1.The decline in the importance of natural representation in art.2.MasterpiecePassage 31.B2.A3.C4.A5.A II1.Illustration2.Glimpse patterns of beingPassage 41.T2.T3.F4.F5.F II1.Painter and engineer of the duke2.EnteredPassage 51.T2.F3.f4.F5.T II1.Fragments2.Depict many sidesPassage 61.T2.F3.T4.T5.F II1.between problem solving with material and artistic skill2.interests and enthusiasmUnit 9Passage 11.A2.A3.A4.C5.B II1.Huge changes and a clash2.Were representative ofPassage 21.A2.A3.C4.D5.A II1.Its greatest cultural significance2.LocationPassage 31.D2.D3.C4.B5.C II1.Studios, manufacturers and online stores2.ParticipationPassage 41.F2.T3.F4.F5.T II1.Under the influence2.Inspired by BollywoodPassage 51.F2.T3.T4.F5.T II1.160 TO 72. A SIDE BENEFITPassage 61.T2.F3.T4.F5.T II1.Emulating smoking2.BoostUnit 10Passage 11.B2.A3.D4.A5.B II1.BRAVE ROLE MODELS2.CAPABILITYPassage 21.C2.B3.C4.B5.B II1.UNDER2.VERY FARPassage 31.A2.C3.C4.A5.D II1.OBSERVE2.OFFENCES AGAINSTPassage 41F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.FII1.ASSOCIATION AND POLARIZATION2.RELIGION AND CONSERVATIVE POLITICSPassage 51.T2.T3.T4.F5. F II1.message maker, organizer2.ExpandPassage 61.F2.T3.F4.T5.F II1.determine2.The gay community。

全新版 大学英语 快速阅读第一册 Unit3 非英语专业(素文整理)

全新版 大学英语 快速阅读第一册 Unit3 非英语专业(素文整理)

Unit 31.Direction: read the following passages, and then select the best choice for each ofthe questions or inplete statements.Passage 1Traditional American summer camps offer young people a chance to play many sports. These camps may be in the mountains. Or they may be in the woods, or at a lake. Some camps teach activities like painting or music. Or they teach puter programming or foreign languages. Children at all kinds of camps meet new friends. They learn new skills and develop independence.Some children go to camp during the day and return home at night. Others stay at camp all day and all night. Children stay at an overnight camp for between one and eight weeks. Parents can pay less than one hundred dollars or more than seven-hundred dollars a week for an overnight camps.Children from poor families might not have a chance to attend summer camp. The Fresh Air Fund is a well-known organization. People around the country give money to support the Fresh Air Fund. Each summer it sends ten thousand poor children to stay with families in the country or to five camps in New York State.Summer camps have bee very important to millions of families. Many American women now work outside the home. Working parents need a place where their children can be cared for during the summer when they are not in school.Young people who like the arts can learn about painting, music, acting or writing. Camps that offer programs in science and environmental studies are popular, too. There are also camps for older children who like wilderness (野外) adventure. These campers take long trips by bicycle or canoe. Or they go rock climbing or ride horses. Other summer camps in American children learn about religion or help them lose weight.(words: 280)1. All traditional American Summer Camps teach children to be .A) braveB) lovelyC) patientD) independent2.In an overnight camp, children.A) return home at nightB) only stay there for the nightC) spend less than a week thereD) are there the whole day and night3. It can be learned from the passage that the Fresh Air Fund.A) helps children in generalB) receives money from around the countryC) has established five summer campsD) supports families in the country4. Summer camps have bee popular because .A) children can learn more there than in schoolB) they teach children new skillsC) children like living thereD) they are good places to send children to during summer vacation5. The writer wants to explain that summer camp is .A) something newB) only for those in povertyC) possible for children from either rich or poor familiesD) possible only for those from rich familiesPassage 2On a summer afternoon in 1795, a teenage boy named Daniel McGinnis was exploring a tiny island off the eastern coast of Canada. He was walking through a meadow 〔草地〕of tall grass when he noticed something strange. In the center of the meadow was a huge oak〔橡树〕tree. The ground beneath it was lower than the surrounding ground. Daniel knew that pirates (海盗)had once sailed in the waters around the island. The next day Daniel returned to the island with shovels〔铲子〕and two friends. The boys began digging and soon discovered a layer of stones. Under the stones was a hole about four meters wide. It was filled with loose dirt. The boys kept digging for several days. Three meters below the ground their shovels hit an oak floor. They kept digging.But when they discovered another oak floor nine meters below the ground, they decided that they couldn’t dig any deeper.Eight years later, Daniel McGinnis returned with a group of men to continue digging beneath the oak tree. One evening, 30 meters below the ground, their shovels hit a large wooden box. The box had to be a treasure chest (大箱子)!The men went home to rest until daylight. When they returned in the morning, there was an unpleasant surprise—the hole had fi lled with water. The men couldn’t remove the water.During the following 200 years, dozens of search groups have dug in the hole, but each group only made the hole bigger. The hole that was once four meter wide is now enormous. The oak tree is now gone. Where is the hole that Daniel McGinnis found? Today nobody knows for sure, and there is still the problem of water in the hole.(Words: 286)1. Daniel McGinnis .A) had ancestors who were piratesB) was curious about the valuable treasure of piratesC) was a pirate himselfD) recovered the valuable treasure of pirates2. When Daniel and his two friends dug for the treasure, they .A) discovered an oak thereB) gave up because they had dug too deepC) found an oak floorD) dug for about 12 meters deep3. When Daniel and his friends continued digging eight years later, the major problem wasA) removing the dirtB) making the hole biggerC) locating the large wooden boxD) getting water out of the hole4. Which of the following explains the disappearance of the hole found by Daniel McGinnis?A) The oak tree was planted elsewhere.B) The hole was made much bigger.C) Seawater drowned〔淹没〕the island.D) Other search groups gave up on finding the hole.5. The best title for the passage is .A) Legend(传奇)of Daniel McGinnisB) Mystery of the Hidden TreasureC) Discovery of the Hidden TreasureD) Explorer of the Mysterious IslandII. Directions: Read the following passages, and then fill in the blanks with the missing information.Passage 3The song “Happy Birthday to You〞is sung all over the world just before the birthday boy or girl blows out the candles on the cake. It is so simple that children as young as three can sing it. The song, with its original 〔最初的〕title “Good Morning to You〞, was written in 1893 by the two sisters, Mildred and Patty Smith Hill. They were the daughters of a progressive Kentucky couple, who believed in female education at a time—the mid-nineteenth century—when it was still a novel idea and who trained their two daughters to be schoolteachers. They were long involved in elementary education, and Patty, in particular. She achieved a lot as a pioneer in kindergarten education, and for several decades a major spokesman for preschool education. She taught at Columbia University’s Teachers College from 1905 to 1935, and at her retirement became one of the first women to be named an honorary (荣誉的)professor by Columbia.A birthday cake with burning candles is also an important part at one’s birthday party. It may derive, distantly from the ancient Greek practice of offering to Artemis, goddess of the hunt and of the moon, a round honey cake into which a candle was stuck. After German bakers invented the modern birthday cake in the Middle Ages, a similar custom was adopted fro the advocate 〔提倡〕of good spirits at birthdays. The cake, ready by morning, would be surrounded by burning candles, in a kind of protective fire circle, and they would be kept lit all day, until dessert time at the evening meal.(Words: 262)1. The passage is about .2. In the mid-nineteenth century was still a new idea.3. Patty made great achievement in .4. The cake today may e from.5. The candles on a birthday cake were kept burning from morning.Passage 4Most of us have formed an unrealistic picture of life on a desert island. We sometimes imagine a desert island to be a sort of paradise 〔天堂〕where the sun always shines. Life there is simple and good. Ripe fruits fall from the trees and you never have to work. The other side of the picture is quite the opposite. Life on a desert island is wretched. You either starve to death or live like Robinson Crusoe, waiting for a boatwhich never es. Perhaps there is an element of truth in both pictures, but few of us would ever have the opportunity to find out.Two men who recently spent five days on a coral island wished they had stayed there longer. They were taking a badly damaged boat from the Virgin Islands to Miami to have it repaired. During the journey, their boat began to sink. They quickly loaded a small rubber dinghy 〔船上附属的小船〕with food, matches, and cans of beer and rowed for a few miles across the Caribbean until they arrived at a tiny coral island. There were hardly any trees on the island and there was no water, but this did not prove to be a problem. The men collected rain-water in the rubber dinghy. As they had brought a spear gun with them, they had plenty to eat. They caught lobster and fish every day, and, as one of them put it “ate like kings〞. When a passing tanker rescued them five days later, both men were genuinely sorry that they had to leave.(Words 258 ) 1.The two pictures of life on a deserted island people tend to have are:.2. Neither of the two opposite pictures of life on a desert island .3. The two men made the journey to Miami to .4. Water was no problem for the two men on the island because.5. The two men were sorry to leave the island because. III. Directions: Read the following passages, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).Passage 5When someone who is in good health dies suddenly, there is usually an inquest.An inquest is a kind of court inquiry. The person in charge of an inquest is called a coroner. His job is to find out exactly how a person died.If there is nothing suspicious(可疑的)about the death, he would decide that the person died from natural causes or an accident. If, however, he is suspicious, he may decide that the person’s death was caused by a person or persons unknown.At one inquest, the coroner was trying to find out exactly what had caused the death of a local businessman, Henry Smith.The man’s widow was offering the evidence. She was very upset and had to stop from time to time.The coroner did not want to upset her more than necessary, but he had to find out the truth. There were questions he had to ask her.“Mrs. Smith, I know this is too much for you,〞he said, “but I want you to think very carefully and then answer my questions.〞“You and your husband were having dinner at home. Is that correct?〞“Yes.〞“Suddenly he fell to the floor.〞“Yes.〞“Did he say anything?〞The widow lowered her head.“Please, Mrs. Smith, you must answer the question. What were his last words?〞The widow took a deep breath and then spoke. “He said,〞he whisper ed, “I’m not surprised you were charged only 50 cents for that seafood we had for dinner.〞(Words: 249) ( ) 1. An inquest is done in one’s home.( ) 2. The coroner decides on the nature of a per son’s death.( ) 3. The coroner was very careful in asking Mrs. Smith questions so as not to upset her.( ) 4. Mrs. Smith was quick to tell the truth.( ) 5. The bad seafood was responsible for Mr. Smith’s death.Passage 6Joe Bloggs worked in a large and famous pany.The president of the pany believed in keeping his employees 〔雇员〕happy.One year, he offered them a pension (养老金)fund.The idea was that the workers would pay five percent of their wages into a pension fund. The pany would also pay a sum equal to five percent.When an employee retire 〔退休〕from the pany, he could take with him all the money that he and the pany had put into his pension fund.“I will open the pension fund〞, the president of th e pany said, “as soon as you all agree to join. Unless you all join, I won’t open the fund. You’ve got a week to make up your minds.〞The idea was very a good one and everyone except Joe Bloggs agreed to join.“I don’t understand it,〞Bloggs said.His co-workers tried to explain it to him, but he just kept saying, “I still don’t understand it.〞Time passed and there was only an hour left until the week was up.The president sent for Joe Bloggs to e to his office on the 20th floor.“Mr. Bloggs,〞he said, “a ll the employees agree with what I am going to say to you, so listen carefully.〞“It had better be good,〞Bloggs said.“Oh, it is,〞the president said. “If you don’t agree to join the pension fund before I finish counting to ten, the security guards will throw you out of the window.〞Joe Bloggs immediately signed the form which said he would agree to join the plan. “Now that you have explained it clearly,〞he said, “of course I’ll join.〞(Words: 274) ( ) 1. The pany would put more money into an employee’s pension fund.( ) 2. The employees could not take the money from his pension fund until their retirement.( ) 3. The president gave his employees one week to decide whether to join the pension fund or not.( ) 4. Joe Bloggs was called to the president’s office one day before the end of the week.( ) 5. Joe agreed to join the pension fund after realizing its importance.KeyUnit 3Passage 1D D B D CPassage 2B C D B BPassage 31.the birthday song and birthday cake2.female education3.kindergarten education4.ancient Greek practice of offering to the goddess of the hunt and the moon5.till dessert time in the eveningPassage 41.it is simple and good; or it is wretched2.is realistic3.have their boat repaired4.there was enough rain water5.they ate like king therePassage 5F T T F T Passage 6F T T F F。



Unit One EntertainmentIn-Class ReadingPassage 1Harry Potter Storms into Homes1.T2.T3. F4. F5.TPassage IIHappiness Isn't for Sale, but Some Planning1.retirement satisfaction2.physical well-being3.retirement date4.regain control of5.plan earlierAfter-class ReadingPassage 1Bite the Big Apple1. D2. B3. A4. D5. C Passage IIHow to Give Negative Feedback1. D2. A3. B4. B5. AUnit Two Issues on SportsIn-Class ReadingPassage 1Jones Is Said to Have Failed Drug Test in June1.T2. F3.NG4. F5.TPassage IIDeceived by a glimpse of greatness1.ultimate success2.shadow of greatness3.beat opponents4.cherished5.good againAfter-class ReadingPassage 1Coping with the Inevitability of Defeat Makes Victories all the More Sweet 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. DPassage IIMinimizing the Risks of Organized Youth Sports1. D2. B3. A4. C5. BUnit Three Social ProblemsIn-Class ReadingPassage 1Remember Me1.T2. F3. F4. F5.TPassage IIFaith, in Its Place1.diverse2.Moral inspirationposition4.social anxiety5.hostile toAfter-class ReadingWhen Mountains MovePassage 11. C2. A3. D4. B5. APassage IIReal TV?1. B2. D3. A4. C5. AUnit Four Issues on EducationIn-Class ReadingPassage 1Primary Pupils Showing Passion for Languages1. F2.NG3.T4.T5. FPassage IITrouble Within Those Test Scores1.have inched up2.accountabilitycational disparities4.correlated with5.eliminateAfter-class ReadingPassage 1The Move to a State School Was Too Much to Bear1. B2. D3. C4. C5. A Passage IIIn Elite N.Y. Schools, a Dip in Blacks and Hispanics1. D2. A3. C4. B5. BUnit Five AnimalsIn-Class ReadingPassage 1Professor Ant1.T2.T3. F4. F5.NGPassage IICultivate Obedience in Dogs.1.despise2.excess energy3.destructive chewing4.chewable toys5.cultivate obedienceAfter-class ReadingPassage 1A Sense of Danger1. A2. D3. C4. B5. C Passage IIIt's a Math World for Animals1. B2. D3. D4. C5. AUnit 6 Information TechnologyInternet and LifeKey: 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. NG 5. THow Women and Men Use the InternetKey: 1. e 2. g 3. a 4. b 5. f 6 .d 7. cThe Internet transforms modern lifeKey: 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. dMusic TelevisionKey:1. at bewildering speed/at confusing speed/at puzzling pace2. user-generated/on demand3. music4. popularize their works5. 1980sPeace and DevelopmentKey:1. tend toward relaxation2. safeguard world peace.3. high-tech weapons4. economic factors5. hegemonism and power politicsUnit 7:UN expresses shock at Israeli bombingKey: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. NGPeace and DevelopmentKey:1. tend toward relaxation2. safeguard world peace.3. high-tech weapons4. economic factors5. hegemonism and power politicsUncle Sam faces a world trade backlashKey: 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. DEXECUTIVE SUMMARY of PUBLIC VIEWS ON THE ANTI-TERRORISM ACT (Canada) Key:Receiving Royal Assent.2. The minority groups’.3. By random sampling.4. Non-terrorist groups’ being unjustly defined.5. Border-pulling-over and driving-out from USUnit 8:Leadership Brings ResponsibilityKey: 1. T 2. NG 3. T 4. F 5. FCruel and illegalKey: 1. d 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. cDo boys need fathers? This woman says noKey: 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. d 5. bColumbus's parrotKey:1. Book review.2. Explained them.3. Too many materials.4. By dichotomy.5. The author’s doubt.Unit 9:`Turn garages into houses'Key: 1. T 2. NG 3. F 4. T 5. TScientists Reveal Details Of Brain Cell Communication: Implications For Learning & MemoryKey: 1. d 2. e 3. a 4. g 5. b 6 .f 7.cThey keep our buildings hummingKey: 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. BNewsKey:1. desires to be one2. challenge to the press3. used to come one way4. a lack of accountability5. has a raw qualityUnit 10:Coffee chain brews plan to percolate into ChinaKey : 1. F 2. NG 3. F 4. T 5. TWhat to do about Asia's savings?Key:1. 75 percent of the world's reserves2. could endanger global market stability3. toward recession4. away from relying on exports5. has been key/vital/important to their growthIf minimum wage is raised, who benefits?Key: 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. BToo Much to Do in London!Key:1. in a tourist brochure/handbook/booklet2. for some totally bizarre reason3. very traditional and quiet4. its greenery and idyllic setting5. full of variety。



Unit 1Passage 1A A C D Passage 2F F T FPassage 3C B D APassage 4E L B IPassage 5J G I C unit 2Passage 1F T T F Passage 2B D C APassage 3F F T TPassage 4M F J CPassage 5C J H E Unit 3Passage 1B D C C Passage 2T F F FPassage 3T F T FPassage 4C H O KPassage 5J F I E Unit 4Passage 1C D A C Passage 2F F F FPassage 3D B C CPassage 4B A I DPassage 5I G A H Unit 5Passage 1A B A D Passage 2F F F TPassage 3D D A CPassage 4F M D KPassage 5B C E F Unit 6Passage 1T F F T Passage 2D C B APassage 3B D D CPassage 4J G F DPassage 5E H F J Unit 7Passage 1D B B A Passage 2F F T FPassage 3D D C CPassage 4A G B HPassage 5G H I J Unit 8Passage 1F F T T Passage 2C B D BPassage 3T F F TPassage 4F L D OPassage 5H J E I Unit 9Passage 1F F T T Passage 2F F T TPassage 3T F F TPassage 4F D G IPassage 5D G E A Unit 10passage 1F F F T passage 2B C B Cpassage 3F T F F passage 4K E M I passage 5G E A Fhe failed in examinationenvironmentHDit is gentle and low-impactwithout making proper preparationFedererOMonly 8% of the IPv4 numbers left in the worldto blameadequated evidenceIGimpracticala meaningful chance“interreligious university”HBunconscious thought processes and their ……natureagainstBGEconomics studentsbody test; weightconstructive; developmentalCGween rich and poor; shifting social value; the difficulti dosen't care about the relationship enoughcheer you upCCanimal rights; the environment; health concernsresist sudden heavy rains; compete with weedsSixtyBCHannover Exhibition Centre; 11 leading trade fairs concept cars; actual production carsthe Chinese National; Chinese ProvincesKCthe Greek gods, the abilities of the Greek peoplean official presenceC JJonathan Livingston Seagullfight against challengesA M K FA DB Hmind and body, as well as spiritmake the injury worse and lead to long-term problemsin the hope ofA L H DK D B L emerging and developing countriesanimal-based characterschicken-and-egg puzzleN E J GD H A Bshe's too senstive to horsesa behind-the-sceneswhat is God's purposeG F J MK C E Fhe was a Jewthe Apple stores are now retail leadersa (returning) heroL G I EG I J Menjoy jokesthe weight you want to lose; time span; feasibilitytheir share of the female gaming marketA I E BI C A Dmoney; rich peopleexperience different life eventshow you've changed for the betterIB D A Eresources, doing damageguages, the words for food and rice, or for rice and agriculture, are the same330,000N E A GD B A Ftransport goods and peopley use; the fact concept cars dominate the show; passenger cars and motorcycles; comm Chinese culturesM N B AI B F Ha gold medal, the enormous amouns of sponsorship benefits given upon top sportspeopl in the power of ideas; the need to communicate America's views abroadkeep the herd together; bad men and IndiansG O A FD I B CNAGGACNDJMHBFMGcommerical vehiclesCEpeopleD H。



2011级本科大学英语快速阅读教程第三册参考答案Unit OneText A I 1. D 2. B 3.B 4.D 5. A 6. C 7. CII 8.our views of women 9. political sentiments 10. stereotypesText B 1. NG 2. Y 3.Y 4.N 5. Y 6. N 7. NII 8.was numbed 9. reeled and withdrew 10. reward yourselfText C 1.N 2. N 3.Y 4. NG 5.Y 6.NG 7.NII 8. Airset allows him and his wife to use computers to coordinate elements on one website and send e-mail reminders of the day’s events to computer’s in-boxand cell phone.9. The helps the author organize his life.10. Airset has a program that allows PC users to synchronize their online materialwith their Outlook calendar or Palm desktop and offers a work-around.Unit TwoText A I 1. A 2. B 3.D 4.A 5. D 6. B 7. BII 8.take risks 9. have families 10. military servicesText B I 1. Y 2. N 3.NG 4.Y 5. N 6. NG 7. NGII 8.its origin or where in came from9. weasel words10. their actual denotative meanings.Text C 1. N 2. NG 3.Y 4.Y 5. N 6. Y 7. NII8.electronic “microwave” landing systems (MLS)9. customs and passport control10. a special signalUnit ThreeText A 1. N 2. NG 3.Y 4.Y 5. NG 6. N 7. YII8.SOHO stands for “Small Office/Home Office9. It means “when a man as young as you were appears”.10. The author is positive about SOHO.Text B I 1. N 2. Y 3.Y 4.YII 5. a trip to the Mir Space Station 6. space hotel 7. small gravitational pull.18. the fuel to take off ∕ launch 9.$50,000 10.space travelText C I 1. B 2. C 3.A 4.D 5. D 6. D 7. C 8.A 9. D 10.BUnit FourText A I 1. N 2. Y 3.NG 4.NII 5. those things that they love most 6. products7. more confidence 8. what do I really want to do?9. give up or risk 10.the lack of actionText B I 1. Y 2. NG 3.NG 4.NG 5. N 6. Y 7. YII 8. a church couples group 9. new, positive memories10. backwardText C I 1. N 2. N 3.NG 4.N 5. NG 6. N 7. YII 8. He works at the University of Illinois Chicago9. He is a psychologist of Tuffs University10. About a third of whitesUnit FiveText A I 1. C 2. A 3.B 4.D 5. C 6. D 7. BII 8.unclear 9. family size 10. partly geneticText B 1. Y 2. N 3.Y 4.Y 5. NG 6.N 7.没有答案(文章中没有提及)II 8. The story came from the Jewish tradition.9. To tell him how much his picture helped her10. 没有答案(文章中没有提及)Text C I 1. Y 2. N 3.N 4.Y 5. N 6. N 7. NII 8. make the final decisions9. clay, painting, chalk and water10. creativeUnit SixText A I 1. N 2. N 3.NG 4.Y 5. N 6. Y 7.NII 8. To cure illness.9. Tattoo10. Because celebrities began sporting tattoos.Text B I 1. D 2. B 3.A 4.C 5. C 6. C 7. DII 8.for robots 9. pollutions 10. religion2Text C 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. B 8.C 9. A 10.BUnit SevenText A I 1. N 2. Y 3.Y 4.N 5. NG 6. N 7.YII 8.Need for social acceptance and inability to truly understand the nature of risk.9. To undertake these lifestyle risks10. To persuade people to quit bad habits.T ext B I 1. D 2. C 3.D 4.A 5. A 6. B 7.CII 8. home life 9. productive 10. increase her own productivityText C I 1. To exercise regularly.2. Obesity3. They put together what Combs calls “the most comprehensive and influentialfood policy in the country”.4. Because he didn’t want to eat what w as being served in the cafeteria.5. His lack of nutrition.6. They go through the cycle of restriction, then eating more7. It oversimplifies.8. It refers to vegetables and fruits.9. Fish, chicken, beans and egg whites.10. To limit junk food but not to avoid it.Unit EightText A I 1. A 2. B 3.C 4.A 5. D 6. A 7. DII 8.annual utility-bill savings 9. self-denial 10. the market itselfText B 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. B 8.A 9. B 10.DText C I 1. Y 2.N 3.NG 4.NG 5. Y 6. Y 7. NII 8.Six 9. In the year 2003 10. New YorkUnit NineText A I 1. B 2. A 3.D 4.A 5. B 6. C 7.DII 8. unsafe situation 9. anxiety 10. every movements via the Internet. 附:第三题选项改为:B. official charges of child abuseC. approval from psychologists.D. somewhat mixed responsesText B I 1.B 2.D 3. C 4. B 5.C 6.B 7.DII 8. food 9. the new masters 10. each other’s every moment3Text C I 1. D 2. D 3.A 4.B 5. CII 6. O C D 7. D O CUnit TenText A 1. Y 2. N 3.Y 4.N 5. NG 6. NG 7. N 8. F 9. O 10. O Text B 1. C 2. A 3.B 4.B 5. B 6. O 7. O 8. FText C 1. D 2. A 3.C 4.D 5. D 6. C 7.C8. Richard I, Henry III, Queen Victoria9. there are few renowned British composers10. from a weekend to three or four weeks.4。

大学英语 快速阅读4 课文翻译

大学英语 快速阅读4 课文翻译

Unit 1Alone in the Arctic Cold浏览次数:1374次悬赏分:50|提问时间:2008-3-15 15:03|提问者:喷火娃hoho|问题为何被关闭Day had broken exceedingly cold and gray,when the man turned aside from the main Yukon trail and climbed the slope,where a dim and little-traveled trail led eastward through the pine forest.The slope was steep,and he paused for breath at the top.There was no sun nor hint of sun,though there was not a cloud in the sky.It was a clear day,and yet there seemed to be a mist over the face of things,that made the day dark.This fact did not worry the man.He was used to the lack of sun.The man looked back along the way he had come.The Yukon River lay a mile wide and hidden under three feet of ice.On top of this ice were as many feet of snow.It was unbroken white,save for a dark hairline that was the trail that led south five hundred miles to the Chilcoot Pass.But all this----the mysterious,far-reaching hairline trail,the absence of sun from the sky,the tremendous cold,and the strangeness and weirdness of it all----made no impression on the man.He was a newcomer in the land and this was his first winter.The tuouble with him was that he was without imagination.Fifty degrees below zero meant eighty-odd degrees of frost.Such fact impressed him as being cold and uncomfortable,and that was all.It did not lead him to think about man's weakness in general,able only to live within certain narrow limits of heat and cold.Fifty degrees below zero stood for abit of frost that hurt and that must be guarded against by the use of thick,warm clothing.Fifty degrees below zero was to him just precisely fifty degrees below zero.That there should be anything more to it than that was a thought that never entered his head.As he turned to go on,he spat speculatively.There was a sharp,explosive crackle that startled him.He spat again.And again,in the air,before it could fall to the snow,the spittle crackled.He knew that at fifty below spittle crackled on the snow,but this spittle had crackled in the air.Undoubtedly it was colder than fifty below----how much colder he did not know.But the temperature did not matter.He was bound for the old mine on the left fork of Henderson Creek wher the boys were already.They had come over the hill from the Indian Creek country,while he had come the roundabout way to take a look at the possibilities of getting out logs in the spring from the islands in the Yukon.He wouldbe in to camp by six o'clock;a bit after dark,it was ture,but the boys would be there,a fire would be going,and a hot supper would be ready.He plunged in among the big pine trees.The trail was faint.He was glad he was without a sled,traveling light.In fact,he carried nothing but the lunch wrapped in the handkerchief.He was surprised,however,at the cold.It certainly was cold,he concluded,as he rubbed his numb nose and cheekbones with his gloved hand.一天打破了极其寒冷和灰色的,当男子出现,除了主要为Yukon的线索,以及爬上坡,那里暗淡和鲜为人知走过的古道主导向东透过松树forest.the坡度陡,他暂停呼吸,在top.there 没有太阳,也没有暗示的太阳,虽然现在还没有云在sky.it是一个晴朗的天气,然而,似乎有一种薄雾超过面对的东西,这使得每天dark.this其实没有不要担心man.he被用来缺乏阳光。



U3 (基因工程)Text1. What are genetically modified (GM)food?什么是转基因食品人类从对食物到对狗一类的小动物的基因改良已经经历了好几个世纪。















M发展改良了一批豌豆和另一些谷类植物叫Roundup Ready (RR),让他们对Roundup 有抵抗功能,完全不受影响。






Text2 Feeding the world – Facts versus fiction (喂养世界-现实vs 理想)在很多国家大多饥荒的人类宁可食物过剩也不要食物亏损,不够吃。

-大学体验英语快速阅读教程3-Unit5-text A

-大学体验英语快速阅读教程3-Unit5-text A
she adds. Thank-you notes also give you the opportunity to point something out about yourself that you didn't make clear during the interview process.
For example, says Dalton, start with the two of the most important building blocks for a successful job search: the resume and cover letter. "The purpose of a resume is to tell an employer what a person has done in the past. The cover letter tells the prospective employer what skills and abilities the job seeker has that will allow them to be successful in the future with their company," she says. "Each cover letter should be made to be very specific to the job applied for."
In both your resumes and cover letters, please always use high quality paper.
All these experts agree, thank-you notes for an interview need to be sent within one day of an interview. Thank-you note "can be in your favor most times." says Kristin Wright. "When all other skill sets and experiences are equal, this can be the factor that gets you hired,"



Unit 4学习单元四中有关The Suburban Century郊外的世纪The United States is a nation of suburbs. The 1990 census makes it official. Nearly half the美国是一个年轻的国家的郊区。


近一半的country 's population now lives in suburbs, up from a quarter in 1950 and a third in 1960.国家的人口现在住在郊区的四分之一,而在1950年,三分之一在1960年创立的。

The third century of American history is shaping up as the suburban century. Until 1920 most第三世纪的美国历史是塑造成郊区的世纪。

直到1920年最Americans lived in rural areas. By 1960 the country was a third urban, a third rural, and a美国人都生活在乡下。

1960年第三个国家的城市,三分之一的农村,third suburban. That balance didn't last long, however. By 1990 the urban population had第三郊区。


到1990年城市人口slipped to 31 percent and the rural population was down to less than a quarter. We are now a滑落至31%和农村人口是到不到一刻钟。

目前我们为suburban nation with an urban fringe and a rural fringe.郊区市镇边缘的国家与乡村刘海。



Unit 1Why I Love the City我的许多朋友都离开了这座城市。













他们坐在一个繁忙的公路每天两个小时我的意见是非常不同的城市生活,从我朋友的我住在市区吗?和我爱它! ! !为什么?嗯,首先,我喜欢nature-flowers、绿草、树木和动物。









不久,过于拥挤和犯罪的问题,而不是城市郊区!testA-2People on the Move美国人的历史,在某种程度上,历史运动的美国人民。



Was Einstein a Space Alien? 爱因斯坦是外星人吗?Albert Einstein was exhausted. For the third night in a row, his baby son Hans, crying, kept the household awake until dawn. When Albert finally dozed off ... it was time to get up and go to work. He couldn't skip a day. He needed the job to support his young family.阿尔伯特爱因斯坦筋疲力尽。




Walking briskly to the Patent Office, where he was a "Technical Expert, Third Class," Albert worried about his mother. She was getting older and frail, and she didn't approve of his marriage to Mileva. Relations were strained. Albert glanced at a passing shop window. His hair was a mess; he had forgotten to comb it again.阿尔伯特是专利局三等技术专家。


























(新版)宜立特快速阅读第三册答案Unit 1 Supernatural PhenomenaPassage 1I. F F F T TII. 1. demonstration 2. SucceededIII.Passage 2I.DCBDAII. 1.trapped 2. DangerIII.Passage 3I.T F F F FII. 1. doubts 2. MysteryIII.IV.Passage 4I. E C N H A O I K FJII.Passage 51. E2. A3. F4. G5. K6. J7. D8.I9.B 10.H Unit 2 Finance and TradePassage 1II. 1. brought 2. Increased III.Passage 2I.TTTTFII. 1. combine 2. Will Passage 3I.DAACBII. 1. refused 2. excuse1. E2. G3. B4. L5. K6. M7. F8.C9.I 10.NPassage 51. A2. E3. H4. L5. D6. L7. J8.F9.B 10.GUnit 3 Science and Technology Passage 1II. 1. supply 2. form/ phasePassage 2I. DCBABII. 1.inappropriate 2. disappearPassage 3I. F T F F TII. 1. collide 2. researchers/ physicists/ scientists Passage 41. C2. M3. J4. G5. A6. F7. L8.H9.D 10.IPassage 51. B2. G3. I4. J5. A6. H7. C8.E9.D 10.FUnit 4 Funny Stories of DiplomacyPassage 1II. 1. got/ obtained 2. Answer I. F T F T TII. 1. identified 2. revealed Passage 3I. BCCDBII. 1. interfere 2. benefited Passage 41. H2. K3. N4. E5. A6. B7. F8.D9.M 10.IPassage 51. E2. K3. B4. F5. M6. C7. G8.L9.I 10.DUnit 5 TourismPassage 1I. T T F F FII. 1. memorize 2. moralPassage 2I. ACBCBII. 1. airline 2. accessPassage 3I. T F F T FII. 1. The author actually spent 201 euros on the umbrella.2. It rains a lot, usually accompanied with strong wind. Passage 41. C2. M3. N4. E5. A6. G7. K8.I9.B 10.J1. C2. E3. J4. K5. A6. D7. F8.H9.G 10.LUnit 6 Modern LifePassage 1I. BCDBDII. 1. According to an Australian study, the quitters show lower degree of cognitive decline than the ongoing smokers.2. It is partly because doctors and researchers know very little about tobacco’s biologicaleffects on older people, and partly because in tobacco research, as in clinical trials generally, older adults are underrepresented.Passage 2I. ADCABII. 1. Since countless moms-to-be are doing various kinds of resistance training during pregnancy, he takes it for granted that there must have been many researches in this regard which have proved their benefits.2. Here, “baby step” is a pun, which has two levels of meanings: the first is that this issue is closely related with babies; and the other is that we are still at the preliminary stage on the research of this subject.Passage 3I. F T F T FII. 1. marriage 2. SinglismPassage 41. I2. N3. A4. C5. K6. F7. E8.L9.H 10.D1. G2. B3. F4. H5. A6. I7. E8.C9.J 10.DUnit 7 ElectionPassage 1I. ACCBBII. 1. suspected 2. tapedPassage 2I. CDDCBII. 1.alternation of power 2. absent Passage 3I. T F F F TII. 1. unpopularity 2. a working relationship Passage 41. D2. N3. K4. B5. C6. I7. E8.L9.G 10.J1. F2. J3. E4. B5. I6. C7. G8.B9.D 10.HUnit 8 ArtPassage 1I. BDBBBII. 1. view-changing 2. reflectionPassage 2I. T T F F FII. 1. painter and engineer of the duke 2. entered Passage 3I. T F F F TII. 1. fragments 2. depict many sidesPassage 41. C2. D3. K4. A5. J6. B7. O8.I9.M 10.FUnit 9 MoviePassage 1I. AAACBII. 1. huge changes and a clash 2. were representative of Passage 2I. AACDAII. 1. its greatest cultural significance 2. locationPassage 3I. DDCBCII. 1.studios, manufacturers and online stores 2. participation Passage 41. H2. I3. C4. J5. E6. M7. G8.B9.F 10.NPassage 51. E2. G3. J4. F5. C6. H7. D8.C9.I 10.A Unit 10 PoliticsPassage 1I. BADABII. 1. brave role models 2. capability Passage 2I. CBCBBII. 1. under 2. very farPassage 3I. T T T F FII. 1. message maker, organizer 2. expand Passage 4Passage 51. D2. F3. G4. I5. B6. E7. A8.C9.D 10.H。

大学英语快速阅读第四册16篇翻译 (1)

大学英语快速阅读第四册16篇翻译 (1)

Unit 1Alone in the Arctic Cold一个人在北极严寒Day had broken exceedingly cold and gray, when the man turned aside from the main Yukon 一天打碎了非常寒冷和灰色,当那个人偏离主要育空trail and climbed the slope, where a dim and little-traveled trail led eastward through the试验和爬上斜坡,在那里的是一个朦胧而过去向东穿过了踪迹pine forest. The slope was steep, and he paused for breath at the top. There was no sun nor 松林之间。


没有太阳和hint of sun, though there was not a cloud in the sky. It was a clear day, and yet there缕阳光,尽管他天空无云。

这是一个晴朗的日子,但在那里seemed to be a mist over the face of things, that made the day dark. This fact did not worry 似乎是一个蒙上了一层水汽表面看来,把这天黑暗。

这个事实不担心the man. He was used to the lack of sun.那个人。


The man looked back along the way he had come. The Yukon River lay a mile wide and hidden那人回头而且他已经来了。

育空河打下英里宽藏起来了under three feet of ice. On top of this ice were as many feet of snow. It was unbroken以下3英尺的冰。

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