外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit 1 Using language 课件(共18张PPT)

• I was embarrassed. • I saw a white-haired man. • He gives me a smile. • His words made me a lot more relaxed. • I breathed deeply. • I looked at them in panic. • I replied.
Jim is playing with (spinning) his basketball in the classroom.
Suddenly, the ball knocks on Lily’s desk without control, making her mp3 fall heavily onto the ground.
✓ What do you think? ✓ How about…? ✓ What’s your opinion? ✓ It would be a good idea to… ✓ I’ve got an idea.
You are going to climb Mount Tai this summer vacation with your British friend, Jack. Please send him an email to discuss the plan.
I not only heard it, but also saw it.
3. However, they can take up a lot of time, so students have to learn to organise their busy schedules. take up 占用时间 e.g.我知道你很忙,所以我不会占 用你太多的时间。 I know you’re busy, so I won’t take up too much of your time.

Listen, read and answer!
1 What’s the matter with the children? 2 Why do they thank their mother? 3 Are they all right in the end?
Children: Thanks, Mum.
外研版高中必修一 英 语
Part 1
Lesson 19
Tired and thirsty
三维目标: 知识与技能: ①掌握新单词的正确读音与写法 ②掌握句型:What’s the matter? There be 结构和它的否定句,疑问句,回答形式 ③学会用形容词来描述事物 方法与过程: 通过老师带着学生领读,进行对话,做练习达到上述目标 情感态度,价值观: 要学会正确表达自己的情绪,学会感激 教学重点: 掌握What’s the matter? There is / are…句型的用法 教学难点: 理解There is / are+名词(主语)+地点或时间状语相关的可数名词, 不可数名词,并能区分运用is / are
What’s the matter/wrong with…?
It doesn’t matter.
麻烦事, 困难
the matter? = Tell me what’s wrong? = What’s wrong? What’s the matter with + sb. What’s wrong with + sb. What’s the matter with you today? 你今天怎么回事? What's the matter with the children ? What's the matter with my watch ? What's the matter with your T-shirt?

in a moment
(3) The classroom is big enfoour tghhe m__om__en_t_____________,but we’ll
have to move if we have more students.
(4)Th_e_m_o_m_e_n_t _______ the talk show begins,he will switch over and watch it
【学法点拨】 the moment 可引导时间状语从句,相当于连词,意为“一……就……”。 He always plays the piano the moment he arrives home. 他总是一到家就弹钢琴。[词汇复现]
用 moment 短语完成句子
importance impressed
of hard work.
that she was
enthusiastic about the project.
(1) I can’t go to the new sports shop with you because I’m as busy
as a bee _______________.
at the moment
(2) Turn on the heater(加热器)and the room will be warm

My first day at Senior High
introduc- Place
Li Kang
My first day at Senior High
New school Good
of the new
Enthusiastic and friendly
Amazing with
computers and screens
Interesting, fun, not boring
The English class
Teacher Enthusiastic with new method
① We had lots of fun in the zoo today. 我 们今天在动物园玩地很开心。
② Why don’t you come with us? It’ll be great fun. 为何不和我们一起去呢?一定很好玩的。
③ It’s no fun to be working late at night. 晚 上工作到很晚可不是什么让人开心的事。
这座城市的居民对游客很友好。 3) amazing adj. 令人惊奇的; 令人吃惊的; 难
以相信的 ① He is an amazing player to watch.
② Something amazing happened last night.
My first day at Senior High
introduc- Place
Li Kang
My first day at Senior High
New school Good
of the new
Enthusiastic and friendly
Amazing with
computers and screens
Interesting, fun, not boring
The English class
Teacher Enthusiastic with new method
① We had lots of fun in the zoo today. 我 们今天在动物园玩地很开心。
② Why don’t you come with us? It’ll be great fun. 为何不和我们一起去呢?一定很好玩的。
③ It’s no fun to be working late at night. 晚 上工作到很晚可不是什么让人开心的事。
这座城市的居民对游客很友好。 3) amazing adj. 令人惊奇的; 令人吃惊的; 难
以相信的 ① He is an amazing player to watch.
② Something amazing happened last night.
高中英语 新外研版必修一Uni1 Words(共27张ppt)

14.作者__a_u_th_o_r_____;昆虫__i_n_s_e_ct_____;蝴蝶__b_u__tt_e_r_fl_y___ 戏剧__d_r_a_m__a_____;乐队___b_a_n_d______;健身房____g_y_m______
21. adj. 有智慧的,聪明的 22. v. 查明,调查 23. n. 话题 24. adj. 各种各样的 25. n. 志愿者 26. v. 申请 27. n. 计划表 28. n. 奖赏 29. n 机会,时机 30. v. 观看 31. v. 毕业 32. adj. 受惊的,害怕的
1. curious be curious about: 对…好奇
1).他对看到的每样东西都好奇。 He was curious about everything he saw.
be curious to do sth 好奇于想做某事 2).我们都好奇于想知道考试的结果。
10.聪慧的_i_n_te_l_li_g_e_n_t__(a.) _i_n_te_l_li_g_e_n_c_e___ (n.)
4.challenge__v_._/_n_.______(词性)_c_h_a_l_l_e_n_g_i_ng (a.)
5.graduate __毕__业______(v.);_g_r_a_d_u_a_t_i_o_n (n.)

• Workinpairs.Discussthequestions. • 1.Whatdoyouthinkthemaindifferencesbetwee
nJuniorHighschoolandSeniorHighschool? • 2.DoyouthinkthatatSeniorHighSchoolishardert
. Theselectedteachingmaterialisanarticletakenfromthe Students’Book1Module1ofNewStandardEnglish.Thea rticleisaboutaseniorstudentwhosefirstdayatseniorscho ol.Afteranalyzingitcarefully,Ifindthearticleisclosedtost udentsdailylife.soitisfamiⅠliartomoststudents.Throughl earningthisarticlestudentshaveadesireandabilitytodesc riptiontheirseniorhighlife.
• The1staim:Studentslearntheskillsandstrategies toreadaprolongedtext.
• The2ndaim:Studentsgetabetterunderstanding ofthemainideaofthetext.

10. _c_o_r_r_e_c_ti_o_n_ n.纠正, 改正→correct adj.正确的→ _co_r_r_e_c_t_ v.改正, │ 基础梳理
11. _e_n_c_o_u_r_a_g_e_ v. 鼓励, 激励→ e_n_c_o_u_r_a_g_in_g_ adj. 鼓舞人心 的→ _e_n_c_o_u_ra_g__e_d_ adj. 受到鼓舞的, 更有信心的 → encouragement n. 鼓励, 奖励
第1讲 │ 基础梳理
Ⅰ. 单词荟萃
1. _e_n_th_u_s_i_a_s_ti_c adj. 热心的, 热情的→enthusiasm n. 热心;
2. a_m__a_z_i_n_g_ adj. 令人惊异的→ __a_m__a_z_e v. 使吃惊→ a_m__a_z_e_d__ adj. 感到吃惊的→ amazement n. 惊愕, 惊异
I'm the mother of a fourteenyearold. I have a rule for my daughter: be among the top 5 students or get punished in one way or another. She has been doing very well in school,but some friends of mine keep telling me that I put too much pressure on her. Am I wrong?
So I suggest that you take your friends' advice. More importantly,let her live like a lovely girl;let her have more
11. _e_n_c_o_u_r_a_g_e_ v. 鼓励, 激励→ e_n_c_o_u_r_a_g_in_g_ adj. 鼓舞人心 的→ _e_n_c_o_u_ra_g__e_d_ adj. 受到鼓舞的, 更有信心的 → encouragement n. 鼓励, 奖励
第1讲 │ 基础梳理
Ⅰ. 单词荟萃
1. _e_n_th_u_s_i_a_s_ti_c adj. 热心的, 热情的→enthusiasm n. 热心;
2. a_m__a_z_i_n_g_ adj. 令人惊异的→ __a_m__a_z_e v. 使吃惊→ a_m__a_z_e_d__ adj. 感到吃惊的→ amazement n. 惊愕, 惊异
I'm the mother of a fourteenyearold. I have a rule for my daughter: be among the top 5 students or get punished in one way or another. She has been doing very well in school,but some friends of mine keep telling me that I put too much pressure on her. Am I wrong?
So I suggest that you take your friends' advice. More importantly,let her live like a lovely girl;let her have more
外研版高中英语必修一【教学课件】Module 1 (共47张PPT)

√a. I will find the class interesting!
b. I will find the class difficult!
3. Lines 31-32: Some students were embΒιβλιοθήκη rrassed at first …
a√. The students stopped being shy eventually.
interesting 有趣的;interested 感兴趣的 disappointing 令人失望的;disappointed 失望的 exciting 令人兴奋的;excited 激动的 surprising 令人惊奇的;surprised 惊奇的 astonishing 惊人的;astonished 感到惊奇的 discouraging 令人泄气的;discouraged 泄气的 puzzling 令人迷惑的;puzzled 迷惑的 tiring 令人厌倦的;tired 疲劳的
His new teacheidr eaandofEenagchlisphacrlta. ss
His new classmates
Read carefully and finish the following chart.
Name Li Kang
introduction Place Shijiazhuang
10. by ourselves = on one’s own 11. do sth. in a fun way 12. in other words 13. three times as many girls as 14. look forward to (doing) sth.
b. I will find the class difficult!
3. Lines 31-32: Some students were embΒιβλιοθήκη rrassed at first …
a√. The students stopped being shy eventually.
interesting 有趣的;interested 感兴趣的 disappointing 令人失望的;disappointed 失望的 exciting 令人兴奋的;excited 激动的 surprising 令人惊奇的;surprised 惊奇的 astonishing 惊人的;astonished 感到惊奇的 discouraging 令人泄气的;discouraged 泄气的 puzzling 令人迷惑的;puzzled 迷惑的 tiring 令人厌倦的;tired 疲劳的
His new teacheidr eaandofEenagchlisphacrlta. ss
His new classmates
Read carefully and finish the following chart.
Name Li Kang
introduction Place Shijiazhuang
10. by ourselves = on one’s own 11. do sth. in a fun way 12. in other words 13. three times as many girls as 14. look forward to (doing) sth.
高中英语新教材外研版必修第一册课件:UNIT 1 A New Start Section B U51

高中英语新教材外研版必修第 一册课件:UNIT 1 A New Start Sec的 好斗的 本能, 但它同 时还满 足了人 对掠夺 ,破坏 以及残 酷的纪 律和专 制力的 欲望。 ——查·埃利奥 特 12、不应把纪律仅仅看成教育的手段 。纪律 是教育 过程的 结果, 首先是 学生集 体表现 在一切 生活领 域—— 生产、 日常生 活、学 校、文 化等领 域中努 力的结 果。— —马卡 连柯(名 言网)
13、遵守纪律的风气的培养,只有领 导者本 身在这 方面以 身作则 才能收 到成效 。—— 马卡连 柯 14、劳动者的组织性、纪律性、坚毅 精神以 及同全 世界劳 动者的 团结一 致,是 取得最 后胜利 的保证 。—— 列宁 摘自名言网
41、学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸 收都不可耻。——阿卜·日·法拉兹
42、只有在人群中间,才能认识自 己。——德国
43、重复别人所说的话,只需要教育; 而要挑战别人所说的话,则需要头脑。—— 玛丽·佩蒂博恩·普尔
44、卓越的人一大优点是:在不利与艰 难的遭遇里百折不饶。——贝多芬
13、遵守纪律的风气的培养,只有领 导者本 身在这 方面以 身作则 才能收 到成效 。—— 马卡连 柯 14、劳动者的组织性、纪律性、坚毅 精神以 及同全 世界劳 动者的 团结一 致,是 取得最 后胜利 的保证 。—— 列宁 摘自名言网
41、学问是异常珍贵的东西,从任何源泉吸 收都不可耻。——阿卜·日·法拉兹
42、只有在人群中间,才能认识自 己。——德国
43、重复别人所说的话,只需要教育; 而要挑战别人所说的话,则需要头脑。—— 玛丽·佩蒂博恩·普尔
44、卓越的人一大优点是:在不利与艰 难的遭遇里百折不饶。——贝多芬

Module 2 Words
1. 使某人高兴
amused amusing
to one’s amusement 令人愉快的是
2. full of eetic adj.
3. intelligent adj.
fruit is sweet.
6. be strict with sb.
6. 对某人严格
be strict in/about sth. 对某事要求严格
strictly speaking
7. impress impression 8. avoid +doing sth. 9.appreciate doing sth.
13. relaxed relaxing 13. 放松的,令人…
14. similar similarly 14. 同样的,类似的
15. science scientist 15. 科学;科学家
5. delighting delighted 5. 令人高兴的;高兴的
6. encouraging encouraged 6.令人鼓舞的;___
7. disappointing disappointed 7. 8. moving moved 8. 动人的;感动的 9. surprising surprised 9. 令人吃惊的;吃惊的 10. amazing amazed 10. 令人惊异的;吃惊的 11.embarrassing embarrassed 11. 令人尴尬的
7. 对…友好
• with a special screen 8. 带特殊屏幕
外研版高一英语必修1Module1 PPT课件 图文

3. In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. 也就是说,女同学的数量是男同学的3倍。 女同学数量比男同学大2倍。 Girls are three times as many as boys. Girls are three times more than boys. 倍数的表达方式归纳:
--- ____S_o__d_o__I____. (我也是) 2) --- I have tried this perfume Six God.
--- __S_o__h_a_s__J_i_m___ . (Jim也是) --- _S__o_y__o_u__h_a_v_e__. (你的确是) 3) --- This boy is so kind. --- __S_o__i_s_L__u_c_y____. (Lucy也是) --- __S_o__h_e__i_s______. (他的确是) 4) After that we never saw her again, _n_o_r_d__idwe hear
4. in other words – that is (to say) 换言之;也就是说
(1) We need to follow teachers’ instructions in class. In other words, we should do things as teachers tell us.
be similar to
1. 与……相似
have a positive/negative attitude to度
be enthusiastic about
3. 对…….充满热情 in a ….manner

My Favourite Teacher
• Miss Li, my favourite English teacher, is a young and beautiful lady with big eyes and long hair. She is not very tall but slim. I like her because she is enthusiastic and hardworking. She uses different methods of teaching to make her lessons interesting and lively. For example, she likes beginning her lessons with a storyor an English song. She plans her lessons carefully and explains English grammar clearly. Everybody says her lessons are well organized and clear. Besides, she demands discipline in her class, so we think she is more than our teacher; she is our good friend. (15 adjs.+3 advs).
Global understanding
I. Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.
Teacher Subject Age Character Why students like him / her
Mrs Li English
秋外研版高中英语必修一课件:M1 Introduction(共26张PPT)

5P.EWahnidchITof them are not academic
physics IT
(学术的) subjects? 6o.pWenhich are your favorite subjects?
Complete the sentences with the help of P1 2 the words in the box.
hope that one day we will be
amply rewarded. 就像一个专心致志进行探索的科 学家那样,我们必须抱有这样的 希望,终有一天,我们的努力会 取得丰硕的成果。
Read the passage and preview the new words and expressions on Page 2&3.
You may do like this: answers with your 1. I like _______ because _c_l_a_s_s_m_a_t_e_s_..
2. I think __W__h_a_t_’s__y_oiusrimoppoinritoannt because _a_b_o_u_t__t_h_e__s_u.bjects?
4 Maths Chinese
Aftern oon
5 Maths 6 Geography 7 Music
Maths PE
Art Chinese English English
English Chemistry
PE English
Chinese History
Discuss your
•9、要学生做的事,教职员躬亲共做;要学生学的知识,教职员躬亲共学;要学生守的规则,教职员躬亲共守。2021/9/82021/9/8Wednesday, September 08, 2021 •10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2021/9/82021/9/82021/9/89/8/2021 8:20:58 PM •11、只有让学生不把全部时间都用在学习上,而留下许多自由支配的时间,他才能顺利地学习……(这)是教育过程的逻辑。2021/9/82021/9/82021/9/8Sep-218-Sep-21 •12、要记住,你不仅是教课的教师,也是学生的教育者,生活的导师和道德的引路人。2021/9/82021/9/82021/9/8Wednesday, September 08, 2021
外研社高中英语必修一Unit1Understanding ideas PPT

everyone laughed. It turned out that he stomach; breathed
and his teacher shared 6. t_h_e_s_a_m__e_n_a_m__e_. deeply
Mr. Meng said that challenges at senior high might put them 7. _u_n_d_e_r_p_r_e_s_s_u_r_e. He
curious: decided to explore a bit
Meng Hao’s experiences
Meng Hao’s feelings
During the English class
nervous: tried to
Meng Hao was nervous about introducing turn on my brain;
Read the passage and find out what the author wrote in his diary about his first day at senior high.
The author wrote about the school campus, his new English teacher, the first class, an embarrassing moment and his feelings in the diary.
After we finished introducing 9. _o_u_r_s_e_lv_e_s__ (we), Mr Meng showed great understanding of our pressure. He advised us to meet our challenges bravely and be 10. _p_r_e_p_a_r_e_d__ (prepare) for the new life.
外研版(2019)必修第一册 (Unit 1 A New 课件(共19张PPT).ppt

decided to his stomach the same name
under pressure
be prepared
keep calm
had a good beginning
nervous: tried to turn on my brain; the engine just wouldn't start; butterflies in my stomach; breathed deeply; frightened: looked at them in panic embarrassed relaxed
Your first day at senior high!
Your experiences
Before going to school
Arriving at school During the English class
After the English class
Your feelings
School subjects
A new timetable
An embarrassing moment
Part 3:While-reading
Activity 1: Choose the best description of Meng Hao’s first day at senior high.
Look at the title of the passage and the pictures. Tick what
you think is mentioned in the passage.
The school campus A new teacher
外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit 1 Understanding ideas reading 课件(共20张PPT)

1. He found the English class difficult and was not sure what to do. 2. With the English teacher’s support, he thought senior high was easy and felt confident about his future. 3. He was not sure about life at senior high, but after the English class, he felt more confident.
After the English class Meng Hao thought he had 10 _h_a_d__a_g_o_o_d__b_e_g_in_n__in_g_ to his new school life.
confident: a good beginning to my new school life
The author wrote about the school campus, his new English teacher, the first class, an embarrassing moment and his feelings in the diary.
Activity 3 Choose the best description of Meng Hao’s first day at senior high.
2. Turning around, I saw a white-haired man. Turning在这为现在分词作状语,和主句主语I 之间是主动
关系,用doing 沿着街走,我被这个城市的建筑迷住了。 Walking down the street, I was fascinated by the architecture of the city.
After the English class Meng Hao thought he had 10 _h_a_d__a_g_o_o_d__b_e_g_in_n__in_g_ to his new school life.
confident: a good beginning to my new school life
The author wrote about the school campus, his new English teacher, the first class, an embarrassing moment and his feelings in the diary.
Activity 3 Choose the best description of Meng Hao’s first day at senior high.
2. Turning around, I saw a white-haired man. Turning在这为现在分词作状语,和主句主语I 之间是主动
关系,用doing 沿着街走,我被这个城市的建筑迷住了。 Walking down the street, I was fascinated by the architecture of the city.

laughter is contagious( 传 染 的 ) 。 If one person starts giggling, it is
unavoidable 9 t_ h_ a_ t_ _ everyone else will be drawn in . So next time you feel ill, stressed out or depressed, try watching a funny
nervousnessandmake them 7
1 How can the author turn into a clown doctor?
Doctor Larry Laugh –Out –Loud
2 What is the atmosphere like in the waiting area of a hospital?
Mostly “c” You` re probably really happy to spend time by yourself, but try sharing your time and interests with others. Finding people you can laugh with and have adventures with is what lifelong friendships are all about.
2 Have you ever been to a comedy show? Share your experience with the class.
Complete the questionnaire and find out if you are fun to be with.
Results of the questionnaire. Mostly “a” You` re fun to be with, which means most people like you. However, make sure you` re not the type of person who does things to please other people. It` s also important to make time for the things that you enjoy, otherwise you might end up feeling miserable.
unavoidable 9 t_ h_ a_ t_ _ everyone else will be drawn in . So next time you feel ill, stressed out or depressed, try watching a funny
nervousnessandmake them 7
1 How can the author turn into a clown doctor?
Doctor Larry Laugh –Out –Loud
2 What is the atmosphere like in the waiting area of a hospital?
Mostly “c” You` re probably really happy to spend time by yourself, but try sharing your time and interests with others. Finding people you can laugh with and have adventures with is what lifelong friendships are all about.
2 Have you ever been to a comedy show? Share your experience with the class.
Complete the questionnaire and find out if you are fun to be with.
Results of the questionnaire. Mostly “a” You` re fun to be with, which means most people like you. However, make sure you` re not the type of person who does things to please other people. It` s also important to make time for the things that you enjoy, otherwise you might end up feeling miserable.
外研社新教材高一英语必修一 Unit 1 Unit 1 A new start Understanding ideas 课件(共18张)

• 1. questionnaire ____________ • 2. 高中______________ • 3. 感受(词组) ______________ • 4. complete______________ • 5. form teacher___________ • 6. 好奇的 adj. _______________ • 7. 紧张的 adj_______________ • 8. 印象,感触n.______________ • 9. 校园 ____________ • 10. 传统 n._____________ • 11. 设施_____________ • 12. impressive___________
while-reading Scanning the passage
1. With what kind of mood the author arrived at school?
He rushed out of the door in hid eagerness to get to know his new school
Unit 1 A new start
• questionnaire /ˌkwɛstʃəˈnɛr/ n. 问题单;调查 表;问卷
• senior /ˈsiːniə/ adj. (地位、水平或级别)高的 ,高级的
• senior high 高中 • feel about 感觉到 • complete /kəmˈpliːt/ v. 完成 • curious /ˈkjʊəriəs/ adj. 好奇的
nervous /ˈnɜːvəs/ adj.紧张的 ,焦虑的 impress /ɪmˈpres/ v.给…留下深刻的好 印象; impression /ɪmˈpreʃ(ə)n/ n. 印象,感想 impressive adj. /ɪmˈpresɪv/ 令人赞叹的 campus /ˈkæmpəs/ n. 校园 tradition /trəˈdɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 传统 facility /fəˈsɪləti/ n. 设施
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My teacher is ...
Smart Humorous Intelligent
young energetic amusing
young beautiful
young good-looking energetic
serious strict
Mrs Li
Mrs Chen
Reading and Vocabulary B1M2
学习目标和内容: 1. 学习掌握用来描述人的形容词, 可以用
这些形容词简单的描述一个人。 2. 掌握阅读文章的主旨, 每段的大意, 以
及文章当中的细节部分。 3. 学习掌握文章当中需要掌握的语言点。
amusing 有趣的, 可笑的
energetic 精力充沛的 funny 滑稽的
Readthe text fast and check your
Mrs. Li
Mrs. Chen _s_t_r_ic_t_a_n_d__seti_c_a_n_d__a_m_u_s_i_n_g_
1. Which teachers do students like a lot? Mrs Li, Mr Wu.
2. Who is a very good teacher but is serious and strict? Mrs Chen.
1. What’s that girl’s first impression of Mrs Li? Her first impression of Mrs Li was that she was nervous and shy.
Listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks.
1. I do think that teachers need to be _s_tr_i_c_t__, but they don’t need to be very __s_t_ri_c_t_.
2. I like teachers who are _a_m__a_z_in_g__.
Answer the following questions. 1. How old is Mr. Wu and how is he?
He is about 28 and rather good-looking. 2. Is Mr. Wu liked by his students? Why?
Yes. Because he really enjoys teaching Chinese literature.
3. She makes me feel stupid when I make mistakes. F
4. With her help, I begin to do better in English. T
Fill in the blanks. Mrs Chen is very _st_r_i_ct_ and also very _se_r_i_o_u_s and doesn’t s_m__il_e much. Those who are often late for class are always o_n__t_im__e for her lessons. But most of us really _a_p_p_r_ec_i_a_t_e her because her teaching is well _o_r_g_a_n_iz_e_d_ and clear. During some _sc_i_e_n_t_if_ic_ experiments, she gives exact explanations. Although physics is not my _fa_v_o_r_i_te_ lesson, I think I will make progress.
Mr Wu
Subject? Character?
Listen to Alex, an English student, and tick the statements that he agrees with. Compare your statements and Alex’s.
Statements that Alex agrees: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
3. And I agree with the statement that most _p_o_p_u_la_r__ teachers are very _k_i_n_d___.
4. How can a student learn if the teacher isn’t o_r_g_a_n_i_z_ed__?
5. What subject does Mr Wu teach? Chinese.
1. Mrs Li wasn’t nervous at her first lesson. F
2. Mrs Li explains grammar clearly and I can follow her. T
intelligent 聪明的 kind 善良的
lively 活泼的
nervous 焦虑的
organised 有组织的 patient 耐心的
popular 流行的
serious 严肃的
shy 害羞的
strict 严格的
stupid 愚蠢的
Work in pairs. Use the words to talk about your teachers.
2. What subject do you think Mrs Li is teaching? English.
3. What subject does Mrs Chen teach? Physics.
4. What do students think of Mrs Chen? She’s very strict and serious and doesn’t smile much.